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With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services...

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' ;' " . . . ' . ' ' . ' . I ' t ' . . i With The-Men: ' ' "' ,, eek-end Visitors . '' •• ·" .. , ·Funeral Services for Paul Mayer I ' . . -. ' NUMBER 46 Plagarism?? · DOUBLE FEATURE -1.11- .. MILODY TB.BIL" -PLUS- "THE l.AS'I' RIDE'' -Aiao- · "She Slek Sol•fera'' :ron1!l! and Branda" ' ' \ ·'- . ( . ·., I j J I l J I J l I I I ! I I
Page 1: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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··~~· With The-Men:

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eek-end Visitors

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·Funeral Services for Paul Mayer

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Plagarism?? ·





-Aiao- · "She Slek Sol•fera''

:ron1!l! and Branda"


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Page 2: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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A SURVEY OF A REPRESENTA.­'l'lVE cross oocUon of thoao in the armed torcee deftnJtely Indicates that a large proportion of those fight-

the batUos do not want

war dayo. That not be our· prlalng to thooo of un on tho home front .

A very larae proportion of those fighting men left uo all boys Just breaking acrooo the threohold of young manhood. The jobs they held, if any, were the jobs aoolgncd to lm· mature youth. They represented the otorttns placco In lnduotry and busl­neoo. TheY wore tho apprentices nnd junior clcrko. They did not call for mature ablllty, vlolon or reepon­olbiUty. From ouch jobs they would advance 110 maturity and ablllty de­veloped.

Thone who left ua ao boya will re­turn, if at all, oo mature men. Their years of abcence have been filled wlth eoul-atlrrlng adventure. They have hod thruot upon them, and have accepted, reoponnlblllty far sr<Hl~r thon anything thoy would have hod In tho jobo they held In their prewar dayo. They have dom­onntrnled their ability to perform 01 the mature men they arc today.

It lo not to be wondered at, and ahould not be l'ltpoctcd, that boyo vthone maturity hac been attofncd In the trying crhoolo of the bottle frunlo, ohould wloh, and onpcct, to fill a mon'o Job when he rcturno. U woo not acqulrlnn o lmowlcdgo ot the> minor dctollo of o buolneo!l that would hove aooured them advance· rnent hod they rcwtllncd Q\ homo. It woo proven obiUty to accept and manter rooponolblllty; to dom· 011lltrato lcndcrohlp; to thlnh quick­ly and lntelllaently of problema that faced them, that would havo meant advancement to better than a hoy's job. They have lcomod ond mDO· tcred all of thooo tl.Jnao In tho hard ochool of tho ba\tloflcld. They bring bodt from that ochool, not merely lllfl'c to flvo moro yearn of acre, but holt a llfetlmo or more of dovclop­lnn experience. They left uo ao boyo, they return no tully matured men, and oro cnlltlcd to ouch placo In tho po:~twor world aa maturity and a oenoo or rcoponolblllty would provldo.

Employen are morally oblt. rated to provtdo jOb!l for those omployer.a who went to .war. It Ia not the boya• ptacea tbey loU, bnt tho Weber places, those de­mandfn.r maturity, C~Xperlenu, ability to aeec~t responslblllty, they should be rJven. Those " wllo have mccecdell aJ ftJbUnr tnm can be eoanted upon to capably 011 t.bo:~o bolter jobs of civilian llfe to the pcstwu world.


TilE 1\MI!RICAN ,.,.,.+ oppoaoco Gonorol Do OnuUo anti tho French eovcmmcnt at tho cxpcru:o of tho Amorlcan coldlor corvlng In Vranco and Germany. Tho Amor­teon coldlor lo paid In French franca. For OJ Joo'o $!10 monthly pay ho f'tlrolvoo ti.Ono French trnncn, bu\ lhl' l"ommor<'lal oxchanao rota, on ~hlch tho prlco of French morehnn· dlco 1n bacod. would nlvo Jo:.l :m,noo franco for hln $50--flvo tlmeo what be rocclveo. For tho Clelitloua value wo ploeo on tho franc It\ oo far no peylna om· coldlors Ill can· eomcd, molntolM "foco" for tho French \\ mo:mo tho 1\mcrlcon co!­dlor rccolvoo only tho equivalent of $10 lrutoad of ~ a month. Natural. ly tho 01. J~a do nnt lUte tho prac­tko. no would prof or recolvlna hl!l puy In American dollaro which ho oould oncbnnao at any Froncll bank tar m.non frant'll. It lo tho Froncb, rn~t tho Amerlcnn, aovemmont that prc!lt!:l at Joo'a c:rpcru:c. ,

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. ' Leathernecks, toordtnltlnr wltb arm:r troop1, 'are. showu Ia action In tb" bl .taJe• of the fterce batues

that raged In ever)' •ecUon of Okinawa blancJ. btuuJ spOtted with craves ua fallen heroes •lttstf to the bJcb price paid.


Carrier and .Jts Heroic Cre\v That Never Quit

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A ghastly but unforreUable memorial to tho heroism of thos& who t4An the Jttvy'a ahl1ts .tnd the skiD of those wbo bn11i1lliem, was aaatn ahawn when the carrier tJSS FranJdln arrlvd In DrookJ.yn Navy yard under ber own power. llit b)' Jap dive bombers, aflrt) and her own bomb3 explodlnr azul one·lhlrll of her erew kliltd, from lap waters to DrooJi.I)'D abe returned unatdt4. Lowet ldt1 omcers of carder. Lower rl11.lt, Chaplain Josl.'pb O'CaUaban, one o! berets dntlnc battle, a.ad trip home. ktcht 8hOW3 how abe Umped Into port. ---....... ·--~ EO>-·-

Youth Has Their Day at Zoos Farming War Fields

No Time for ·Cele;J>rating I Radio for Firemen

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takc.Jl over U. S. of war, criminals.

JuStice Jackson wrote his opinion to U. ·s. Reparations Cblcf Ed Pauley, stating that in hia opinion compulsory German labor should not be used to rebuUd . .France a.nd Russia unless they have been con­victed of wnr crimes. · f

"It IB not my business what Is to be done with reparaUons," Jackson wrote, "but this would largely de­stroy the moro.l poslt!oo of Amort. co In this war. • . • Compulsory labor," he continued, "ohoull;i be required only for convicted wnr crfmlnala."

Jaclmon went on to point. out that Germnn labor "drifting out of Run, elan concentration camp3 In tbc fu­turo would tell trues of horror'' which, even lf exaggerated, would "arouse shorp condomnoUon in tho United Staten." He urged, there­fore, tlult Gcrmpn labor not be uood for rcparatlono until they hod been convlet.cd of war crlmco. He Indicated that mcmbero or the Gca­tapo and tho SS Elite uuord undoubt­edly were war crimlnalo ao a clao!l, btrt the every member of the Notf porty mlcht not bo clotl!ll.fled .an o wnr criminal

FoUowlnr lmtlce .Jackson's bombshelJ, a hurried meellnr was caUell in Secretary 1\!orceu· than's office, attendeil by Ed Paaley, &slsta.Dt SecrelllTJ of State Wlll Clayton, the army, navy, FEA, and oilier Inter­ested r;overnment artnclell. Sec­retary l\1.orr;enthau vtcorou.sly protested thl!J new dtWclopment. It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J ttl at Yalta by PresldeDt BooseveU hlmseU antl, therdorc, eould not be ela~ed. "U wo hove to t";olt for tho c:on-

v!cUon of o1J tbcoo war crlmlnalil bcloro v;o cnn not Garman labor," flUtracotcd RopnroUono Chief Pauley, ..wo ma1 hovo to walt a year. Mcnn­whUc, thoro mo)' nut ho enough Gorman.a to repair tho drunogo In Fronee ond 'RU!lllla."

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LIVES'l'OC~K:-_ __

ANGUS Bolli. Bervtcca111e A&e. RAM& L'IJCOUD, AlltliDA, COLOilA.bO, --- ··-·-.. -- -· ····----


Pauley oleo mndo tho ptllnt tbtlt bo bod been c:hat[lcd by tho Prcnl· dent witb tho rumdllng of rcparo­UM!} arui, thorcloro, '>70uid hove to mnho tho fulOl dccl!l!on hlmcclf alter hiD arrival In, Europe. After REM. ES'l'ATE-M!§p_. further ~!linn, ho"W-..wcr, Pauley UNITED ST AT£S GOVERN· agreed to Dc;cept JU!lttco Jockam'a MENT REAL AND PERSON· opinion In prlru:lplo, namely, tlmt AL PltOPERTY S,ALE nn1st CQnvictcl wnr crlmlnnl!J collid nt. ~ c~~lt AC:r~aC..":lt• oC> 00 UDcd OJ! pr~ Johllr. 'I'hl!l ~ ~~ £:ltllln C:ll,, DaU:Jt 0!':'1 MC!>t-lcavco the who!o qucntlan pretty ~ <j\.::lt:~~o:9E;:'id~wEi ~m much llP. in tho air. _ .. . _ ~ ... ~~ 10 1'-7'-~ .~ 9

Rowcvcr, It baa been lililtcd ffil'lfl ~~~'a~ ~~o~,~~tJ toc JuoUco Jocru:tm will cntleavor tom· cr~t.. ~~~~~~ ~llft!~;S die\ group:} of Getmnw oo a cloC!l. ct trt::::0 =·~!Wet:::.:>. "='".:tl.'l ~::;::: Y..<. o•"ct - ... ~ .. 0 moy ,_ •'-a "'-"- odt!l Jdtd:.'lol Satml!all tm;l {;~toil(.:;% wo~t:t u. w "" u ~.., ..,. ""'"" ~ c:cctrl~~. Tt:o c'~ ~~a C!l Clol tnsro ao o up, n:Jt tn:llvlduoily, tar.::s!oea.a 11tc~ =:111 a: bm'"'..e (~.z!:ruoo ~ .... "cAidc u·~t -c .... ·mem""r of ccn.. AJ:;:tClll1®~1.')'~0oaucttl!:>lt1CP-....... u "' ..., u v • # ,._ ct'b' cc::o'S:':-$1 ct 10 troeta ct ~ Vt:JrP &t.- ,. --~ &A tl 11h 1- ..., t=:li t:J l:tiJ f1iCl t;l t:1 1tJ llenG \!!!:!Cb, :fa .,...., uc ...... po ou .... mn eo...., L:J a -~or r.:zn cau• tm~l!lca 11:u1 ca t.~=. ctJ.cb:l criminal. Thb probably ~m he dono t=s., t:~t'll>. t=P. ct.m ~l!>. 1:::z r-~~-.

Cf llt:'"'..ll ~lr.:>tlc:1 ct tl'.a o!o:irio' ~ with Hitler' a GS Elito cOfli:J. Wboth- tn.i• U;<zn:co. J!Jc;~l a: tho l!l~ l!ltn a well cr o bll1nlret indictment ~ill obl bo I!D~~Inll!ot«l to.=="''~ t:~ lodged oaonot •no tioti p~ ro. :'~:..'"~t:~c~ ~~' 'Ein ~~ mnl~~ ·- .. _ re-. ~. t2t::;::=. t;!T;<> 1lC<l l!'l~l~:

--""" ....., "" u "~ • Do b:::l fll l:l 11 flca:l lltnta C1 c-.;Jelvot::lrl


• • • c::.:1 £utl!llll', ll!~ c1 U:o c::~~ ll'I'O fc~ cr ~ tc:::a<l. ~ ~m ¥>lll ~ c!> ~t"1~c:l~~d1· ~ 1!21'1 ""D t;a C::ana o.::;l r.:::::a r::::J.lf to r-.J> P,~t::d ~ Clll t:::trchlltll ct CJ=:!t trocb ot ·t;=~ ~cffdt g;g~:sron'''Gifll~ c~ 12rc::<>ft2 b ~ c!!<tK<l t:!::l t;"..;:::t t=:l?, 1'>11 ..::::::::;::c;l !-"1' tlrY Ull...~ Cf t:l::;d; t:.:k"::::.g, ct CrrJ ttnettl Ctlru:<l Cl' CVC::::3 ct ~ihl:.~ec~ g~it~~~"t:3l Ej"~ r.~:s t:~t· - 't7 t:-TC,..-cU-c;o. ~ ~!rfsJ will t.l c::..;.t::~~rd i1"C;, !1:;~ =-'-' ~ C:m4 lltdi!'C<!OIV<:d !::7 tl-.<1 \'1:;7orr.;. c:=~:::'r t:>2:00P~ ~·· J= J!]k,lJJV. T<l at=-ot!Jt~m::Jc;:ar~~cf .~

Jl'a: M•sa Cottnt:l' MI. f:~d C. Pbt::lts tFSI\ lls,n1'~1') I'Hl omn r.t~.Cf.!tlr, Gta.:a ~~ecu, c-.

.Fet lltu>Ut:aa Cem~~, .... War& w. Tll~s.l' «i'BA. tist>tnths~

&«l!U Jllllr,._41S Nat#!'!!., 2U::u_, C.Stl. .-cr Df!!to CaueH"

l(r. ~dasS. ~M-U'llll 8at~~fi&.d ale. l!s.;Jr li TrliS1 Ill•!•

. (!11, • llam s~tnl. vet~ (lc.!t. . , t>~w =."' t:a tn.>:;:ce"';l o.t cny tt­ot!O t' a ¥£:" tQ ~cSI! 111 cdta~t:~ u:a ~ ......,,,!;::~ B::l ~~.$ .ru:.d tJD. tails Cir>:llo r-:& lltr:::t b<l c~c!!t;l tif ~ Uctk:ff I!U. li'l$J'!l 1', DIC .. fl (&el!-1 DJ. •••tet)FIIA,r..O llfO&clwa1",Dh'fU lJ.·{.)Hit.

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Page 3: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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Lettau for Juno 10

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8794 12-41


Flattertnr D!lyUme F!()ck. SU:lPLICITY 1.!! tho l!;pynoto of

th1a cbonnlns doyt!mo fl'oc!I. 'l'ho popular cop olccvoe ar~ cool and CQJnfortoblo-tho sorcd okirt iB very flottcrlng. Novelty button!l ond o bow make a n1<:o llnbh.

• • • Pattcro tlo. ll'lot r. l!e!!~ br il!:ct

U. lt, tD, 1&. ~; 4:l and 4:.\. C1:o Ji roo qul:ta 3 :van:. cl :n.~::b matc':W; ~~~ :vanl ta: ctt:ll bow.

SmCLrt Rouscfracl& A SMART button • t.rc.nt houc~

frocli \'/Jth a crbp clean-cut Qlr. Eocy to wco~oey to take care of. SUp It on In a JUly with-

The Quution.a

Tlut A.ruwua

1. Preyer. A!J 1\ cllO'.lld be. a. 'They do rw~ boor fmit. 3. Gi7Dorchy. 4. All tho ~oklril o1 a o~te. n. CoFlml. 0. Strcnafu. "1. It to dno to on lnercoco d ot­

ma:~pllcrfc momturc. Thcrdoro tho lcnf stolli cl:!:::orl:io moro moloturo, an!l "worp:J," turning ~o lonf over.

fl. Our notfcnnl dobt rcoched Ito 1&c-cot l'cNcl durlnrr Prcn!t1enl An­drew Jocht;on'o term, ~;hen it omcnntcd to $37,Glfi.CJ In lm;;J.

!>. n wno ornoniud in S'l.. !,{lui! l!Ioy 0 to 10, 1010, · 10. Khyber poro.

Costly :Miniature Train Serves 1\faharaja'a Table

Tuo :MobaroJa of Gwollor, Iru11a, ownn one of tho cootllent yet most ~cful ml.niotuto rnUrootl trains in cldntcneo. ooya CotlJor't:l. Modo c;f on.-or nnd oparotc!l by e!ectrJclty, It \tllVCl!i fllMvly IU'Oum:l tho sroat dining table lin tho royal pnlaco during man Is with its dn:zeo truclw loa!lca with fruits, uu~. crondl­mcnb! and wines.

n automaUenU.v atop~ otUI stom CYtftY tow feet lSO its disht!s asid dtcdnlcre may f;~ removed or r~ ptaa«. o #


out dln\ur,Pbtu Q !linglQ ha!Jil tt will be pretty 1n UllY checked fll~ rico, strJpeo or dotD.

• • • Pattern tlo. 01UO Ill dcDtancd for lli::cs It,

10, 1!l, ::Jl; tl>, 4:1, U nnd 4G. Ollto 16, alwt\ ll!c<lVC3, rcqukcl ll~i yar~ ct l:::).IJ::ob material.

Duo to an tmwrulllly lllreo demand IUlll current WM condiUOIID, aUUh\ly moro \\rn• 111 mJU.Ized In nuwa oro~ tor a row cJ tho mo:~t poiJUlM p,Qtk:m numbaro.

Cc:nd ilr..ll erda to:

*EWIHO CUtCUl PATl'EnN DnP'l'. lS!9 Cct:tll Wclb OL Cb!ca10

Ec.tlt:::o ~ ccnlll 1!1 cains fc:;, each t;:~tk:m r.lc=lred.

J?nt~ ti~ ••••••••••••••.• Glce •••••

rJan:o .•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ea ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•

Bug War /Jon~ .AnJ JGcp :JJ,cm

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Page 4: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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nEAsoN's .. v~n soARol~~


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Teen·Asers Sew -. For !t1ore Bonds

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TflE OLD 3UDG'E SAY$ II •• .

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. ~ow that the w~r is e>ver !~r. the full weight o£:fhe nntipn•15 ' ~. ' : ·,Gerni~!l~, roa,t;~y i~ this c<>untcy · fighting effort. · • . t • ' •

· .m~Y. ~~e~ that it il3 also overfo1' l ·We sDY this 'becausc-118-faJ;' ns : ~. · · . ~ ••• Utat. we can now let down, the weatern raUronds lire cqn.· · ~ nn.d l'Ol«X, . cerned..,..many" ~vilians may ex-"· .. '

coJlld. pleaso JnPn!L. .net~t "Victory in Europe,,to mein;l )'

Actually, it may mean less rooM · for civili11ns op. the trains. " . · Whcnthc{ulltideo£wartratnc · ... " oomes, we shall ca.ll on every,·~~

·source to hnndlo it. We shall xun ·· the war ~ai.na through. • " · FirsttbipgscometirstWitUthle

war ia ovoX"'t-ll;ild it ian't ovOl' yet. ill, • •


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'SEE US }t'or Ycur JQb W<Jrk \

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To Dr. L: E. Po1bedlUIJ, HiJ PJll\e& or lhattb~ · " "

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lt )lou· a.re 1lck lad autl'erhlt ~d • m -uthtn~ to: ~tll!f )i~t!i. WlTIJOUT MEDIO.INES.Qi OP"' . . tRATlO.Ns. Mit:ly han ~m•

• ' • • lf ~.

trotn roUt d4ttJct; perb.PI. m&DY · • 5

of yourJritnc'ts, Uk COllD '· lJEFORE l'l"S "'nn

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.;pn .. e llddws alhetrutultrce to Vt. L.E. Folh(tnu., J

10& lf&ft.hwt.Y. Santt. t'e; N$YI Utp~o" •

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West's Sanitary Dairy · 4

• • . "*·"'

·· · · ·~vyeet Milk. & Table Cream .. . " ... . ' •

~eli\tered D4llt • ... ~ ~

• JOE W&rrf l'i\UP~. · . .. -~ .

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B'e Well D~es~~~-, .:· • •

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Page 5: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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t~DI,..LPioDV!IY·tit 19f5,

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Elena M.~ale, ~UClllrf%. • 1'. 0. '"ataltoio New lbxleo.

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~:Tho~. Dean of ltrl .. ttttltiermg ot. th!; 1'~11$ · c<;uege ,, ot

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THE PRESENT. 1laft l~ A ·Ye~Jt · • •• • f

~ sUBSauPTJON TO .lb. ~ N.ws_papcr

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~ W.AITING· LIST .... -- '. J


'Wow tlu# l1m .~,. m .Etlrl>pa -4 ott4!1", WMn . • wut I 1ct a tcl~phtrnc?:• That 1t lbc .qucaUon

hlltng a;lccd by mlinf people wlu1se ap{ilica• tions for telephone ccrtice arc delayed.

In thd ~fouotatn Statu territory .th~ aro ntorc th•n SQ-,®11 ordcra lot ~rv-lee rtow held on wabm~ :Uau. _

' • ' '


• •


We•te'a Electric .now lt~ ·been ·a.utitothed t<t t_Uumc unlimited )tttinu(acttite or tcle.< 'P,hope initrumertta* but ~~~~ doc, not ·mean t1Jat tclllphdhca wll1- hogiri 1o roll 't.lfr the

· aisembly Iit1ca llt once in prc•War qitantltttt. .. . V Pra~uttlon ;i ,mt.limltad. by •lwnt~g_u of : • manp.,wer end matcrklh ancl. bt (tae_ rtHtll ..

' . . . · .But. the. ~ltor,dgo ol tcleph9h<' insfutriicnta· · ·

·is noJ ili~ fm1'! rc~n. £qJ: :tlin · 'telc,~?lio,.~ wailting ,li;t. Unut· . wlr~· ·hetwe~k t1ioc

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Page 6: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

--~-- -

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G~rmans Objective: Toltyo

,\ n .··

Ruling Clas§es of J~~~ ~-'-· Ho!~. S,iPJlort ofHi;roh!to ,. . .. :


Air Power·-and Emperor Worship To _Play Big Role in lap Defeat

By Walter A. Shead JfNU Su.D Corrupondmc.

· 1£~141''' H•141• Tllt; bo u.. an ... •• ~W•• · anJ•l••· c .. lbtl wiU. U.e alkal war •l•rt ., .... , ,., ... ••• er·u., ~.~~ ... ,,.,.,_ U•l .. aa«n •••• ta.a,

' How long Jo.pnn will hold out against the power of Am'eflcan

tn the

the emperor be eliminated, or shall we continue to hold him sacrooanct

1• undisturbed fn Kyojo castle with lts broad acres

and moated waus close to the center of Tokyo? ~------~------------Incendiary hombl ttom our B­

Z9s hove burned out thousand! of the home~ of his humble !Jilb,ects withln rdght of hln easUe . . • a few bombs even atruck the stables In the emperor' a groundll. But the policy ol our Btote deportment nnd the mill· taq up to thlo point, 11t leoot, hoa been to I!J)nre Ulrohltdl Our propa­ganda hoopa no vlllolnOUB nomca upon Hirohlto ouch Oil we did upon HIUer and MuoooUnJ.

Which They lla.v,.aed ~~~ «;;igantie 't~Jr..

SUPREME . HEMJQUAR.'I'ERS AEF.-Lesa thtUl one...foutlb pf the 2,250,0Ql) Genmm prisoners tbJ(en on tho western front have been put to work, b¢ the Allies ore consldeting a plan to make them work and keep Them working, fqr years perhops,' In . rebuUding the Europe wlUcb tbe)' \'avaged. ·

It be that thls plan of en.

not be to announced plnn by th~ make the Germans re•

store all the:v haye destroyed how· ever long it may take, according to the. A8soclatccl, Press. •

Already from the Uberated land$ f1l weatem Europe, France foremost among them, have cqme requests ror prisoner lol1or to Wl fl~ldB, re­build roodo and mme cool-lnbl)r by the tens of thQUfltUtdo.

Theoe are thQ eaacntJals now, but the reb4fldlng of towns and all the rem of the gargantuan ~Elk will :orne next om~ probobl:V coon.

Dehydrating Q\litlity Surplua Vegetables . . · Dried Prc.'ti~ts ldcml· Winter Food -Addition


L ACK ot jars need not prevent the . gardener from laying v.side "

~~t~':mQunt. ()f this year's garden Pl w!ntet use.

be ln st.enm or boillng wn· ter. Stenm coolt!ng \~ ftirnlsh a wpetior product to those cpoked Jn water. Ttley should be removed as soon as tender and placed in the lb'ler, ·

II. satif?factory drier la ruuotrated here. Or it may be advtsable to dry In the oven, or In the sun, behind glass. Jt is advisable to furnish alr clrculntion by menno of electric fan, lt possible. This proces.s involves brJnging currents of relatively dey air Into intimate contact with the material to be dried.

And yet the Jopanc!UI milltorlo~ rru1ltcr no move without the snnctlon of their emperor. Indeed, llirohlto In iepic~ll aa a tool in tho hondo of the mUJtorlr:JtD, but every officio! eked of the Jop covernmcnt mUDt

.hove the oanctlon of the emperor. J op eiU:tNUJ are taught thnt the moot noble oct of their Uvco Ill to fight and dlc for their emperor.

factorleo crowded together 1n Tokyo •lon0. The tiro hazud Is much ereater In Japan tor few of tbelr Industries ar, housed In mod· ern buildings and ftames cause vast­ly more deotl'Uction than In Gcr­m(lby; (l3) It took us more than three yearn of bombing over Ger­many to develop our latest scale of bombing operations at~d our nc· curate technique, and, during that time, Germany was able to go underground apd dJapernc her war lndUDtrllll operations; It has only been about five or olx months since we dropped our firot Iondo on Japan and the very ouddenncos of our big ecole oUacko and the terrible de· otructlon boo given the Jop:~ no Ume either to prepare adequate do­fenneo or to dloperoe their induo­try.

The plan hao been criticlzE:d Ill! olove labor, but hero where there io oo much to do and eo few men ond UtUc mechonlcol meonD \"11th whlch to do It, tt to vital labor. It lo widely regarded here that only by owcat :an Germany repay and rcoto.rc. fi'oJ' ll lo doubtful thnt ohe can be ollo\vcd to rehobllltoto her economic 1tructuro and otlU be throtUcd In her power to prepnre for or woae an· other war.

The temperature In the drier should not be hot enough to cook the food, yet il ohoUld ):lc of a f!Uit· able temperature to cnuoe evapf»"U• tloo ol moipture. Tho drying mum be 'n continuo\13 procc!l!l In order to prevent the growth of orgonlsmo.

For bcot rcoulto !qodll ahould be cut Into uniform alzca and spread evenly in thln lnycrv to dl'y. aur­rlna frequently. After the product boo oocn dried, it obould bo ccndJ•

To the Jopont>oc people their em· peror ID dJvlnc, olthouah hio divinity hoo vnly been In exlotcnce durlna the loot '10 ycoro, o ready-modo dtvlnlly r:uld to the p!'oplo by propo· gando of tho rullna cloocco. Thlo atoto worohlp, Wh!ch Ill o rcU(tlov, In J opon lo a mbtturc of Sblntolllm, nature worahlp, r.omc Confuclonlnm and remnantD of onceatral worohlp from China. Jt wao hom of a

'• .. ' I

. L ~· ~· . "·~· '

-·~-it ·~



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Jopcf Stann.

Ue dctermlm:d nunrsln'11 poUe:~.

polJUC'ol n<>c-d fnllnwtna ltlo N?volu· lJan of JG!:O whf>n tho Jcod!'ro of tho rovoluUon rt>olorod the ompcrora to pt>'t?t>T ami flt>!'dN1 como blndlnr, ln­Guenec to brmc tot.tl'ther tho fiaht· tna <>lontt and trllwu rlf thu cuan. try So thl'y lnvcmtod U1!' rollalnn In whlt>h tho omfmror l'm<>rced ao 11v\ne, a ouprome bolna

Ruling Cia., Heat Hitler in State Wor•hlp

An o motl(lr of lol'l tho rulln« eloor.t>n of J npnn '1'1ho nro compotlible to the> junlwro In Ot>rmony boot AlliN to thl' vunl'h by a haft ('e>n­tury on thin queotlll!l of at~tc> wor· chip

And co It han bot'n th111 pulley of cur ao~o-'t'mment to co lfc!m em tho motwr o1 tho emperor . . . ~7hether prupoaan:!lo cr mlllta" ottacltn an him mmld tohe an tho noturo of a f<lllahm:l war tlf'Ji lncroaco tl:o fonatodnm and rcsbtonee of tho Jopanece p~ov!<> . . . to ju:Jt "wolt an ::I coo."

Dut ot any rat<>, thlo worohlp of the emperor an GllJ by the .Tnpo· n~co tv.!Oil~O pla;o an Important rolo to haw coon the atruaalo In tht> !?or Eoot will end . . . with tho wo«l cf Hlrohlto oa tho f'dlol authority, tho Jo~ will fll!ht on w tha toe\ man rmUl that t:.'Ord for um::ondlUonnl mrrcnder comoo fmm hill II~.

It io bcllevcd here that at leoot on the Japoneoc homeland, deotruo­Uon of Jop war lnduatrteo con be virtually complete with olr power alone. We underrated the Japo how· over, ot tho orort of thitl war OJl many counto, and there lo no actual and factual knowledge on how largo a ecole J op ..-;or lndur;trlco are belna o~ro~d In Mnnchuku.o or In Chino proper heM by the Jap:~ fot the !oct coven OT eight years .

Ra .. ian Participation OOer• Problem•

The qucotlon of Rw:::Jlan p:lrtlclpn· Uon ln tho wnr aaolnnt .T a pan cl c~uroo lo up(Wrmoc:t ao thW b written. Informed ooureco here agree tlult o dcdaroUon of war ogolnnt Japan b tho cnly woy In whleh Ruc::~lo may particlp:lte tn pt!occ termo ond N?ollul her Ccndcot drcamo of oponlna up ber aotowa:v to the PocUJc, and tho devclopmcnl of bar rlchcot territory . . . Slberlo . . . by cllmlnoUna the threat cl Japan on her eoatcm coant trom Vlndlvc,ptoli north alonfl lbo whole coo:~t llho of tho ceo ot Olthot!lk. .

An o matter of foct ll lo no c~crol that thounondo of Sovlc>\ troop::~ are concentrated alona the USSR-Moo­churlan bordor onrl that Japan han pinned down lh=ondo of her own troop:l In thln otolen puppet ototc by tear of ui'., co~rentroUon of Soviet forct>a nearby. Ruooio could ottoclt Japan dbor;trnu.oly from her b:l!:co ot Vladlvc:Jtolt, which ore clc::er to Japan than London lo to Berlln. At th0 name time J npan I'Ould novcr r"ach the henrt of Soviet lnductey, tor uWll.y tn Ute Urolo and t7cotorn Siberia, even '1-'J'Ith lona·ronae bl)mb­crro, for they arc about oa for from Jop.:~n w 110 Jopon Is (rom New Guinea.

At the cmmo Umc RUD!linn r.rotm!J torcon opt>ro.tlna oaoln!lt the Jr:iJ!O In 1'.-Tonchurlo, and RUC!llan oomhero opt>rattnn from tho many now olr baocn which ohc tmo built ln root­em Sib~rlo durmcr tho Jl:lllt tow yearn. rould riddle JoJl:ln'o t'.<"'O' fn.

Prlnoners probably at thin mo­ment prcocn\ the Alllco with thcit moat trouhleoome over oopply.

Flood of frfG<mel'll. In round numbern thcro arc nO\Y

romethlng lllio 2,2li0,000 of them­nrul of that number over l,OOO,Ot!O tu.1vo been ccooped up th.ID month alone, footer than they could be put to t".-orl1 and olmoot looter than they :no bo proccnoed Into huge compn.

Lang ago the Allteo oda,ptcd the pollcy of olmply Welting Olrt tho vollw!Jtunn priconero. They were almply diDarmcd, told what woo t'iho\ on!! cent bach homo. I\ would !love ooen folly even to teed them, whnt with Europe'o preoent foeti flctltb, much !eM payfna them the duuchboy rote-~£0 or oo o month whUo they were bclna bc1d-beltcr money than \hey probably corned bclorc their ohort-llvcd venture an civilian coldJero.

Prloonera have como 1n oo foot it Ill difficult to account Cor where they aU oro--but o areat majority of them ore olmply oltUna It out In prloon campn over here. _ Some 109,000 to Zllll,()OO hovo been cent to the United Stateo. Moat of Ull' rcol would Ulto to join thl'm. Even thl' douahboyo have ccrotchcd tht•ir hcado a bit over pubUDl1ed DC· countn of tho nt''\.'1 hard hulled poUcy of Cccdlna priconero ln Amcrt. co which otlll prov!den monun with orongea and oalod a&d drcejm(!. Douchboyo collna food canccntro.te out of cnrdboord eortmw would Uho come of that.. too.

!'IUlllom~ Wen'& Go Dome. '.'lhat tho German prlconcro oro

lmtinQ' 6Vof m llicoo lnnilo of liungey people l!l nothina tho\ wculd Cilu::o the ovcrnce dauahboy any envy.

Scverol hlltldrcli thowond pricon­cra, mo:;tly tha:;o tcltcn by tho 21ct ormy group but inclmllng lOO,Wll turned over b:; tho Amcrlcnro, o.ro in En(tlond ona Conodo. l?ivo thou­tmnd havo been turned over to tho Frcnl!h. Tifo rc..-1 oro olllier In ha:;:.­plmb, tn tronnit ot jtt:Jt wnitlng. A croon mtnr;:ity ozc ~tuna In he:>­¢miD oro.!! tn tho couJp:l.

dtl!;trlco a tn tlonctulnw. Abn~ But thl!l nitunfuln iJJ r:ot uoma to dllily, and port!rulorly clm...~ nu=-.Jo 1ont ln:ng. The '!?rtmeb hove aohc:d aa'~<-e r.r.tiee of encccfultflm of f'~r . fov tcr._:, o1 um~ m clear mino dliPlomaUc·pct t:llth Jor;on CJ.J A:;rU Cc!±l tHat oWl arc a tcrrffle ha:mrd 2!! ond t7blch eltfl«?n ~ yenr frcm tt.:rcu(lhcut Frar:co onl:! rehull1 that dote, Hu!l!lJOD mM·ioJ oram-..!!1 . ta::JM tllat ora cna hoU!cncclt in oro h:J<mmlna qmuy mcra II~1fl ll?ror.eo'o certCll!l \Ton,apnrt probtcm. to Japan and rN:ent c;rcr.r;m:f(?me~m Out m~Uy t!:;cy arc ccroc<l to help cf Premier Stalin alva r~ to ilie~ an llic tormo for the vw1 jc!> cJ b21lef that Rum1lo lntcrvctnticn !f'OY I fcc:illna U:e r.nUnn. hove ht>cn dmrux:ed ot Ute "''lo!tn ._ ~lch.am'o r.cctb ore tto rome. c<tnfcrc-nce. · Uollnmd, ttc wom vicUm of Uto wo.:

With the Allied ~wern aarcc-d c:a · en tho wt.o!o t-<c~nl f.rc:r.!, ooo o U:o dbmembormcnt of Germany to need that com:® yet ba emimattd. prevent her aver boeomlna "o:;:llb!o ~ AUien tmvo not l7d nv· of mol:ln(.l ~r aaa!n, tho Qm!Dthm Mt.'ll~cd what thaiv f.nol dccbiiin win orit:eo. onw tho JO;l3 Gre tidtcd. to, tut there oro g<3iog w to Q few t:tlml hind of a novcrnment wlll ha mllUnn Germon.!l wi1n will r..:nt £:0 e$Qbli!lhcd In thfg nmbltlow troub!o. b:lck t';eme on tho do~ tho war enlb molter In the> !?or Eo&t. -cot a year later, nnr prohoblV · ·

tru:ofor no Jopon Ill concerned, tho otter tho\. • quemlon of tho emperor Mn1n -,--~--orloea. Unlike Chlnn, Japan hnn hod Major in Yank Army UtUo or no proetlco ot calt•aovorn• G-'· $l2,"'2"' naek n._.1 ment. Only a small qflOto of tho en- ..,,.. u u P I' •

~~ ~ . ~ Type of Dancing DrJcr.

Cioncd for about 10 dayo, but otJrrins from Umc to Umc, to prevent molt'l. After thin pcrlod 1\ may oo ploccd In aca!cd air ttaht bago, auch o.o eel· !oph=c or ~ancd paper, or In cealed jaro, or placed In o otono craclt, il deoirro.

Properly dried vcaetablco, an well tu). fruito, provo o. wclc:omo oddltfon In the '1-'J'Inter mcnw, anrl lo:::o Uttlo of their value ~;hen prop<?rly bono dlcd.

Ei[;bt • Point Dairy Program Is Efficien1

'- 1. Grow pltrJtJ af bfr:ft.~utitr

~ tJft'/, rovthatt ~............,_. ____ _

. ·"· ~fA 2. -BflUCt (}. ~\ roar l!arf

· or ./i)l Will JOif ~ feed SIPPIJ

r~ 3. t\up prdiC• nll1;::i..•~ tio11 recarts

-);;41 "'----...,. --t6 nell Uif Ia rur brt

' ' c4• Practice lluau cotttrol meUod.s

5. Pr4diCt Milk aaf cream of t'• bi&btst ,ualitJ

6.u.,t litlf•UV(If ••th~s

., I. Tab urt ,, , .. , ....


MlUlnry loodora hare b'-'llovo that air powor will play oven o more tmpnrtont role In the Joponeco wnr them lt did In Gcrrnany for two roru:lllla: (1) bocour:o joponor:o wur tnduotrlco are largely centered In three moln dl!ltrletB around Tokyo, Ko~ nnll O:nilio onll en \hl) southern t!\lon<l of ttyuchu. Japan bos mt had Ume to dcccntraU::o her lmfuntrfcs and to tum from one- lntiu:;trlol orca to 1Ul1lth&r oe Oormney dtd. Much of tho .tap war \rniutJtey 1:1 !lllbwn· ttacted by \houonnds of small plants cocll omptoyln&r onl,V a few worlulra and one tnurco declares thoro aro 45,001> o1 Ulcso tiny heme

tire population boo over totten FRAMlUGUAM, MASS. - A ~rt in ~ llbcrol movumont &\lCh W{)teentor onnv mt'l!or who wen~ to c.a tho formation ot a Jop fc:dcro· the Pllilipplnca oa an lr.!ltrucklll' t() Uon ot lal!Dr, e tcnnnt formcro' tho Filipino nrtnY oild rmnait.cil t¢ union ol' in pnUUeol P:lrtlco. lt moy O<ihl with a sucrrllla hand boo w bt:l \hot the nuclotB of thono move- ccivcd $12,0W.4') in b-ack pay. th\1 mcnts ln Jop::m ~(lutd be \l!;ed to ere- poy won duo Mo!. Ustor J. Cllo.!e ato tha eondillonn of tl damocrooy nnd l\ woo llifl lorgeot p!lf o;;oucli• m Joilan. bi' kcoplun In mind the or irmucd Mro, l'i1ojor CI1M:o an. fa to of tho Wctmor rcDubUe ln Gcr- nounccd "Ws all sMng inb war· maey aftei' tho lest w!lr. ltllnd!l."

· ••weftJ a ..... •rediat trtar••

Division of Territory Otrere Problem

. ' . •

-· - z ,.,


' ,, ' Nazi Salutt'l Ot'Ciered •

Out for C.ptiTtt Hexe \VASlliNGTOt~. -'fh{1 WCI\! de>.

p:ntmcut nafd orders bad tone . cut torbltMin!l ptlsnr.cr$ of wt\'l' tn.. this ~euntrl' ta us:tl tho nsu~igllt nrtn" N atl t;Ol~tb< · 'll1o ntilcr-~ ~a.\led tn't e~ il~U\il}fi tl •n Nan t!.a~t•. t~le­turcs •nd tmbltms (if au~ JdildJ except unitoxm lnJJftlia. to wbkh . the pri!cnen~ at11 tnlilltd •

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: '. j '

Stitclied Bluebirds •

In Color on Linens


BLUEBIRDS - the oymbol oi happineos-wbnt more appro­

priate mout for o pronpccUve bride'o linens? Do them In not­ural color.

• • • I!lrdll and flowcrn ore' In ~:aclc~t pc~albl4 !!UtchClry. PaU.Cro 14~1 hoa o ltnll!lfcr paltam ol :tl motltl!, ll by a to t\ll b)' 10 lnc:bcQ. '

Duo to an unuGUolly lArGo dclrulnd nnll curn!nt \1t:tr condWom~. nUshtcy moro Umo Ill required In ruum: ordcrn for a t<~W~ cf lllo moot JlOJIUillr Jlllltc:m numbt:nl.

e .. wlnll f;'lrclo N'ecdlecrllh Devt­ll::t W. nl:llldolpb tiL Cblcnao 10, DJ. •

Endn:>p 1!) cCJill for l'nUarn


Do not uao ohccts or vtuow cases for laundey boca oo they ore not woven to o~d tho otrain, --'Jlle wattr lo whtch nee b toilet1 to junt rlcht tor Dtnrchincr or(!Oil,dy blouccn and whito ohlrta. -·-J\n elcctr!o rrlddlo for p:mrottcn ~;orlW moro efficirnU:v lf o;:;i~cd wllh ollvo oil. u

Cover tbo bottom of your coour­lna pm-;dor cnn ~~th olllicnlvo tope. Then wh~n can olruu!!l in your ~bUo enameled oin!t. It will loavo no runt otoirul.

-·--=-Fancy llo®ebotJ Utlws, Jl)Ut

awoy w covo timo orul diort, ahGuld ho wachc:d and alrcd ot:c.o· clrmol)y to !Iccp them fror:b anti wWtc. lrnnlna l!l nllt ncect.::::~ey.

.. •u••••

,. I

Undamagad tU. plonb In hlgiUIII end f~ tflat have follnl11lo Ill• hand• of 11ut A!U.. or. to b_..put to . work ntrtodln; lrv(lc tlrq for Army v.hW.. wft!ch W\'lllld Olflerwllelsave ~­to b• dlecard•d.



'"BIIlW a 1w1 Fll!b'" - w_., !<Clot(a Cc:o J'lz'knl be& yv;:l e:.c:Y .:1 ~ ~'W'O £00<:1 ~·--!:1~ ~ ~ ~~.tj cCJ ~ tttc~Z.1 eo t:=or:::~l~



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Page 7: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

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SPARKY Wftl. •


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REG'LAR FELLERS-Boney Ballyhoo

v I R G I L


'The M I o~. D L E s



to Come


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Q.lJol\ . *~ -,

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NoteJ of~ Nf~W fc,·~er: ' l>e)ll. ol ~e,.u'a'e ReporJinc: A

¢crlaln newsmili rt:porta Molotov acted as host at a dinner for Stet. Unlr.ta and Eden - durlnc which Molly gave some of the details~ ccrning the pinch of the 16 Polet. • • • The · sister (a picture · on the same dllto reo-

ln his mentt Cum, cum. dihtT

lames Gordon Bennett, wP fOWldeQ Ute N. Y. Herald, made li the most polKllar llewapaper of ttl time. • • • "l make It a nde," lui declared, 1'never to be mQTe tban a daJ ahead of tbe people aud never an hour· behlndl"

Franco. was cUscllllslllr the break­Inc otf of relations with Genntm7 wlth one of hls henchmen. • • . ' 11 believe," stated tho latter, "thllt we ahould take , turthcr atcps to show that wo arc now in tho United Na­Uo!l!l camp.''

"What do you suggeot?" queried lho aco buD-thrower of Spaln.

"I think," continued tho hencb- · mun, "wo ohould out our flngo at. llalf m11ot for Roooevclt nnd pay tribute to blm ln tho precs and on tho radJo. Wo ohould alno play Al­lied munlc on tho alr, lncludlng oven tome of lho Ruwlan compo!lora."

"That'o noins a \ltUo too far," 1varncd Frunco. "U we r.ot too :lemocrotlc wo may nut be lllvltcd to tho San Froncicco conference." .

OtUove lt or don't, so wot? . . . li'o.t, paunchy Hermann Oocrlng, na:iohtunh No. 2, who Wotl cooo brave and foarleoo when hb lutt­waflo woo blaotlnn Coventry to blt!l, ohowod hl!l true colora when eaunht. To tho American Doldiora ell!ligncd to wutch him, bo tromu­touol,y pleaded: "Guard mo woU."

"Oll, 1:'/0 will," rooporulcd one ot lhc G.l.o. "I como from a form, tmd a long Umo ago my father lougbt mo how to taho care of plga, ..

A pcup ~~ atlnatorlt wer<l dlccu.as­ln!J tho worlt ct tho occurlty confer­once. fbld an untl.SOviot politico: "I'm dloappolnted ln tho work ot :ur delegation. They ohUbld hove coon to l\ tho\ iho Ruaoltl.M were put tn thclr pluco."

"I agree," thundered B occond Savvy-bogeyman, "und U tho Rcib :!on't lmotv their plllcc, tvo'vo gol to ohow 'em-by torco of ClrmD, U ncccroaryl"

"Walt a moment," interrupted o liberal ccnotor. "All you tel­lowe tnlk about in hcmmlna tho Sovlo\!1 ln and fiahUng them. I thou¢1tt It wao U10 lut1o wo were Bshtlna."

"Fight the rutin, flaht tho ruuol" pnappcd tho hotc·R~ gent. "Thnt'o on you over think oft"

Wbeo NonverlllD poUcc throw t-i rud·puppct Qu!Dltna into tho )ug, ho rniocd vlgoroU!l ob)ccllons. The ropo roUovcd him ot a ootcbel con­to1nlng chocolllte and CD[JWlc.

"Givo mo bach my ooteboll" Quiollnr. ranted. "I hove dono nofu.. lng but aood for Norwo.y, and a ~taloomcn Ulte mo ohould not be placed ln on ordlnory cclll"

"Don't worry," coothod ano ot h!a (lUOI'd!J, "You wUl cotm bo ploocd In nn undcrarourul vault."

A wealthy cooplc bad takc:u lD a utUo boy of Bwhs par· c:ntaro nt the abrt cf tht! war. IIh famlly scot tho Jotmrstet on here becausr~ of fear of bom biDifa, acd bo wall oared for by W. f011ter·pannu.

Th& otbt~r !lay the sountster was plaJlnr with Ute o!!11prJnt ol. the famDy c<Wk. Tbr~ cook•• kilt a~ed t11c o11ler: "\Vn11 your dad a eoldler. 1100 rua be have tc fl1bt in tho war?"

"No," !Ul!IWei'ed the WUe fel­ler. "My f11ther didn't llrbt be­caase we nre Swl.5s, an£1 we are lletltraJ."

•y n, 1 know,'' repUed the first. ,.1.\ty mother's fanillJ are Swedl.sb, and they are neutral, too, but wblcb side ft!l your tlonntq neutn.l for'l.,

By Way of Report: Recent photct allowing a coJdlrar on bls lcn!lM with hie eyes blindfolded and a Jap nam­urnl oword·)ugglor ready to be­bead him o.ro 2~i sroars old •••• 'l'htt AJUsilnoUllat wM not an AMei'tcan. He was Auotrolian. A.ntl the King o~ England awarded \b() Victofl• Croa!l poothumouaty to bls fo.mlly.

The other day the Will O&J!I of. nco announced tht\t lt • could not permit national relooso . of a full length dGcumontary 11m recording mnny of tho N'atl attocltloo •

au;, wonn4tll nsarlne mark­tlrno 1n a hospital U ho wouldn't to bear thnt congtte!" took oft ataffi of i!Oml;illl5ory apotog

tM<m tho ttcotd ot the late Mnfor-­Smcdlct llutl~r, tWI'.l"tbne

of tho tongte$$ionut thedat, . m ll!ll denuncf•Uon at

. lCir l'dlllnl • t!hUd with hJ,I aut<~ Jilt(! failin1 to, ball

•td. 'lhe l!ltattr depa«men~ #lade Butler ~b • •li~ t~lo&l.te tor t•ylilg _· whlt

~U:.\U,;.: tou lt'd fO'tl have 1111d ft..,


. . .

I j J




j I I J


Page 8: With The-Men: eek-end ·Funeral Services Plagarism??archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · It was poln~d out by some that the nse of German prison labor had been apoeei'J

.. ~ ~- . •' . i


' ' i '

' -· "'



i, ! I

'J ' ' ' <




'. ··-

- -. ' - .

••• or refreshment helps in huusework When It's dmo to Ilnw a 0,1, during home cbore1, or to olfer lc

to gueuts,lt'a a comfort to koow chat you have a supply oo hand, lee-cold lo your rcCrigcr.uor. Tho /JaiiiD thai rf!/reshu with ice-cold

Coc:a-Cola hna woo Jrn ~.X Into homos everywhere u a rcfresb!JJB

1ymbol of Amerlcnn living.

aomm llm>PI AUTHORITY OP flle COtA-<OU. COMrAt« IY •

j iAC/IC.IIA COCA-COLA BOTTL/IVO COMI'AIVY Oflca.(Ata Bulldtn, Van dell lltvd. at lllrrb El Plli!O. Te ...

,,. a ,... -- ... . ' ' ' ---·-··.,.· ... ~--- ••< ---~-

War's Mo'-t Famous Picture , .... \

' ' •

' 't't '., ' ·. ~~-.-; ' t' ;J- ......

1' i.f,. .• •

,. J

• •


• j I


~ ·-~ ' •

"""' , ot Albuqt1erque; M.r. and Mrs. G. A.. 'J'ftawor~b,. Capitan; Mr. nnd ·

· Mrs. 0. M. L.uckey, N'ogaJ; Mr. andMrs. R. A. Crenshaw and Mr. Ptat Mgrphy, White Oaks. Mr. and Mts. A. F. Batter and so.u-, EJ Pa.e~o; Miss Helen Rice and Irene Wtber, Tularosa,; Mrs.

• I

G. C. Brown and Owen . .Qrown of lC~oro,oa,were all attendants at· the

Paul Mayerfuneral here Monday

PJeaee don't fail to read our ads every One itt lfl interesting' neW~I ·fttm, and an entertaining state. ment of raets.

H(>pe Snow under~eot a tonsil , ectomy in a Roaw~ll hospital last btl..\ We.tk end. Hllr mott•t.-r, Mrs. ilf!il. Albert t:lnuw, brought her homt.- ) ~ from Roswell last l'ue>aday. I~

Mrs Ruth Morrill, r>f 0-1llno 1 ~

:...-• >;!; ;, 't

• •

• • •

·J ' .

,• ·.

. .,

' '

We have in stock.

Alfalfa Seed

Drugs and Me<!.letn•~s


Bo~s and R1kes

Ploe Fittings D '

·Pump Leather•

Am~:~ate Qf L,.ead • •


Ea~•~ 'l.'tO'UJII

Oils, Gre~•

Stock Salt

Sash Oollrs

Bo.ots and Shoes -Ladies' Ready .. to-Wear~

Garments Tfxa• 111 !!!pendirg a ft>w d a y 11 ~ PW-------------------~i:~rybi':d!~t~~t.o Mr. ond Mrll, I~ Our Prices Are Reasonable -

OPEN JUNE lri•A\t1G.22 )>;:-."\ OA!IP llJARY WIIITE 1 -'fl'

Camp Mary White, the qwdern, Min Margaret H,olguln wus an'~ ~-------------------completely equipped crunp tor glrl!l, El Paao visitor 1"6t Sundo7 and lf.t.L!. The Titsworth Company, ·Inc.

Monday w• • located In the cool Sacramento moun· ~ _ tniM, 16 mUen from Cloudcroft, will ifl'/. Capitan, N. M. • 1m opcrnt;d n.rrnin thlo nummcr M ieara Doria and Lo•nine '>v-I-1

June 27 to Aur;ll!lt 22 by tho El Pwo, Aguayo who nrE> vloir ing Lho hbrJll' I ~p(!Zj"~l Fort Blllln Girl Scout CouncU. Glrb: folk• at N••gallrf:turned fr·•m E• -:-. =0-=::-:::::==-================== from the enUre Southwest wlll bQ I Pasu 'I'UL>edoy nillbt, tvbPre they · accepted and regl!ltrotlons aro now vio•tcd rt.>lativ€'8 over tho wuk. open to non-Scouto ond out. of town t'nd Mfos Doris will leavo tor glrlo. Lo e Argrlu tho 14th.

Around 52.000 In bclna- opont In lm· provcmcntD on· tho crunp which w11l Ca .. lta ro, F••rt Stanton, Alto, Include cleaning out and rop:llrtng Ancho and Corona werE~ 1 roprP tho lclte, IMtLilllncr of Uahto In "Groot I •·ted • t Oatl('y Rrc.p rirf'US at Hall" and tho ldtchen rccondiUonlnu borh pqrf .. rmllnl'l'o Wt>Iineorhy ot dWh·WO!lhlna unltD and remodeling j , or ldtchcn, rc~lrtng or room on tho .

WE now have· for SALE

~~i~~lif~~~~~ ;\dlrond!lclt huto whcro tho glrlo Uvo · ~.~r.:e;m~~~~~b~7~~~~:~i~~~~ffi l'reEt and con!ltrucUon or nc1.'1 cha;ver . on lwo lima u DPDIII · ~()~~~i_e! \I&Jidorrrtrt, CtrPI Oommaadant, looi hou::cn. I

•a. 'l1IJt plctur• ll lbc TU. War lnalpe. ActlvlllcD lor the 10.~5 camp will b<l !




,. - "

Carrizozo Auto Company

Sales. Servi(e EX£,1WT MECHANICAL WOnK



• '

COODY£,\ R TIRES Phone 80

CARRIZOZO HARDWARf Co. Floor Lamps, Table Lamps fancy dishes and novelties suit­

able for gifta Headquarters for Fine Furnitme.~uas. StoYes, Paint, Varnish, Kemtc r e tnd Ranch SuppJie~. Such as Wire Fencing and Tools.

Phone 96 • • •. Canizozo, N. M.

cn!nmcd and ~~. cmcordlng to · S '""'\:a JfJlS It ' Mlc!:l Faytena Zumwalt, crunp dfroetor 1 .r

and ExecuUco Sccrotnry of tho loc:ll 1 ConcJI. Ml!:D r.lllry LoukQ PhiUJPJ, l

• field c~tnr)-'Uf tba CouncJl wiD be I ~lnumt director.

C!o.mp Mary Whlk>, wh!cll l!l In tho heart ot Lincoln NaUonnl Forcot tJ divldcd Into omnll unltD accordlilu to the oac lovel of the gtriD. In tho pro­arom oflerod clrb who o\tcnd tho cnmp will ho~e on opportunity to ac· qulro the c:::::enUnb ot wotcrn ho:n::o· m!lll!lhlp. Rtna trip and troll riding wUJ be taunht by a qtmllfled IMtruc· tor.

The Arto and CroftD progmm dfm!. tcd by a oWiloo coun=dor will ortc.z len!!Oru:J In wcovlng, blocl: printing, ottotchlng, drawing, booltblndlnl:, I wnoti-eorvlna and crunp croll

A:! ~::.~;:0::-.J:j a!:::q ru~~,tri:t e:::t: !lOt C:!l ~ ta:::::t~ ct:::=:~ t::::!:. Cc~::, Ct~l£:!3 t::!!l JD1 C:rwJ t.:t~J. As a:!: ~:.tp, l!:l}'·t:;~ &:::tru cr.:.">a 1:1 ~ r.::::::.r. C!:~n::~ cl aJ ••t~ ~::a C::J ~:~.et "tc!r.',e," co!. nnr fU~. Cs~ ~ Cl c::a, c~at, 11 ~ ~~~ c:::a~ ________ .C:::._t!l::::$_...,.

Utatn aU~IU CO. D;;pt. !J.O s,...., r;r;a •-· 1:0. Yo.-11 co. "· '· I ,....,. - ... .. , ... ='0-- a:tlr ~-

~ - b!:o . . lAl " tnt ._<;), I ......,., o Od o "'='~ Cztn ~""' 1 rtAI£! . ...,.._ ~~ ~--. -=-~~--"'"'=-.... I ~Itt).., .,, ~- -·-- .. -..-c._,. - .. .,... ... - -- ~- ... I CJIY - ' .. - MATr . .. - I -------------

Swimmlfll!, whleh will bo a no>"J ad· · d!Uon to cnmpms l'uctl1Jk3 at Ca.'ll:p II Mary White tlilil year, w11l tY.! oUorro undor tho oupcrvf!llon of a. lltcr~:A


. Red ~ fr.!ltructor oruJ Ufo e.:tv£;r. Sevorol M:ltr:l olw h:lvo b.:cn tn'-ov!i!cd rar tho waterfront aetlvltks. GII'~ wm oo oo!o to wcl-:t en uu:~r suruol'. ,.----Botzd'-----. Ufe cavl".g ccrtlflrnta. I 0 A

Included tn llio dt'M'..atle ruul ~- ver t1lerlca lng p~L3 nro ctnntJfiro p~: "-------::~---......j tho planntnz nruJ C1';C~Utmg of "&smits awn. •• a sunday ccl'Vtto, aqlli'U'O an!! follt d:melng lc::.:nr.s, puilP(lt a.'w'wa anll cp0t!!al rb.v progmms.

A npc-dru unit for Senftlr Gb-1$ wm1 ccU'flltl~ acare4 to tn¢ro a1~'an&d oltllli In aU forrrt3 of C!W1p1ng and outdoor Uvlng wm be o!tercd during tho summor. Tho lost tour wccb of camp wlU oftcll· t\ opeclal pw.coun•

--- ,..







Cliff Zumw •It Motors


Phillips Products Phone 55 •

• e---~---~k-~--~-•_ '!"'. -----.....,-:"!"~~~--~~'-!!!-~~~.,.. · eourtll tar Ulsh Juniors anlt Winter ia Coming Aeain



IN cboos'Pt our mcditinea wt have beeb careful to stlect tboee cnmpo1nded b) the greate~t

ch~rnfsta in the ttorld. They have built up tbtlt tfput•tit n bteauu;

'· ,. · they are teliablt. ' ...

Scnlora who aro Jntettstod Jn dolna 1 fu1turo comp ea\Hi!clul' wol'k. ....

Tl1o staff will lndl!do ~r!enocd l!MlP lJC'l)ple, a dloU~l!n and three .. c(;ob, 4 tr41ncd nurso on duty at aU uru~cs And a nearby doctor on e.U.

'l'J16 camp fs ®en to aU girls trmn, ~~ ...... ~"':T-ii~!'! ifi )!t~ ~ ato tbl'()Uih l!J&ft School. l . . . . ·~

otters the.co~rtuntty to spend two, . KANS'AS WOl\tEN . I toWly dlttcrcnt and tlll'UU!'II wecb .. t~l!05V.irut tho l'Jgnl."JSt of thO ttent}t I . .. ... 't"u .- . . -u .... , ......... nt Willi tlte lletuwaro and Sh!lt".mee

. "~.·~ >v• 1.4' UlOC... o ~nvuv ..... e . Indians !4 te34, :;ctt!€ll\'lfll<,tire!l Jnto-. ·.Whets they·arc at\'en tM teclil'lg (It· Ka~u., , Women and chlldrer: ac• ~

•n·· .. ft.,. .... .&o..... ~.... t ... •- h•alth. 4.... coto,p•ru~ba the f!!cn en atm~mboats, • u:o.:..,.•NCm..'lJ jl"~ ueu· - . Jl"-4 on .. one -aek, .m 1)1'1lk1o Scllaoncts nret~ anr mllmtel.Y aul!e~btd. . attt w.gc~.: '.rho;? w~n~ to ma'ke 1t

. . . . · . . . · . . . . . . . . ; • •101m• ten,toey and Jcurag~uu!!l.Y • Tho· at~l(}M are Jtmb 2't..J'UlY 1'1; at&S'~tl tQ llllkO' Pt'l11illllttcinl tome~t,

•• t 1'4""• "* .'M.-. "* · .... * ... .··. t!UP.lftt tht b!cddst ~at~ of bofif!lr J. ..... t .t: .... "V ...,. >~ ~ .,..A~ <fl,UI• watt•r• ave&- the el::wet:Y b!uc. 'Ti!e1 S.Aur. ft. tl'M· t~ pel.' ~ a •er• llrOftB. J:!ll'pn:st·M women who­·-00 fot' •lrt. OU~ ot !:1 t~ tonsaw tM Ol}!'Ol.'tunity tol' Pl'03l)et--. """""· • . · · · · . · . tt)<llld xowl h:~mn tilt tufur& gen. ltfll!trlltl~ whttb ~nust be< a~~ er•dlort!t. Ka~:l! hqs a monunt()lll t*rtted'bf a"'-® dtpWt •~bthc ~8~~ ~~e~65~:Ea~~nf\?~~~:

· l~pted at 1~ ~ty C!oott lro\$ U Uh!PQl!td futuro t~r lll\ tlte Nation .... _ """'""" , ~ and War B\lhd truu1~1cQwp thtmJ.

. m; >1:4 .,. . ....,. .· l J!J. ~i. r;;:;,Q;J!l!tlftllltW

• ,.

The ptines at thi~ time adviSe the early atormg . of. coal again for the- eoming winter. We are fottU· nate" in ha•ing mine connection• whic\ were •bJe .

. 1as.t season-- by nur storing coal thru the summer ..... to take care of our demands. But the tnirtes ctn ntt offer any better ~etrice this cominJ seasoa. So if ;w are depending upon ~oat 88 a fueJ. the llllnec dtiM to

· store as much as you tan tbtu the summer monthl. "'

'l'hills tlae only assurance of tlot bem1 C)~t of cQII thia winter~ ~he mines can not !Upply us it we wait

· until the winter i! •pon. n•. · •


Burton Fuel Yard ' . . ' .


• '


' ' '
