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Witness session - Drs Seaman and Elliott

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Dr Claire Seamen - Social Media and Communities: Multi-Rational Approaches to Linking Public Services, Businesses and Families pp. 1- 18.Dr Ian Elliot - Social media & #PublicServices pp. 19 - 30.
Scottish Forum for Family Business Research Social Media and Communities Multi-Rational Approaches to Linking Public Services, Businesses and Families Dr Claire Seaman
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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Social Media and Communities

Multi-Rational Approaches to LinkingPublic Services, Businesses and Families

Dr Claire Seaman

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Social Media and NetworksNew technology and a very old


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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

What Are Networks

• Made up of nodes and ties

• Ties may be strong or weak– Strong ties (define)– Weak ties (define)– Are family ties different?

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Network Images

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Before Facebook ………….

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Before Facebook ………….

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Scottish Forum for Family Business ResearchMono-Rational and

Multi-Rational Approaches to Networking

• Began as an approach to family business research– Networking research as a mono-rational approach– Considering family, friendship and business

networks– The development of multi-rational approaches

• Does this work have wider applicability?

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

How Does the Process Work?The Family Network

Family Network[Family Rational]



Adult Child 1

Private Client Banking

Adult Child 2


Adult Child 3


NB. The ties indicated here represent reported ties drawn from interview data. The strength of the ties is not indicated, but the existence of a tie important enough to be recorded is.

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

How Does the Process Work?The Business Network

Business Network [Business Rational]

Wife/Mother Husband/Father

Business 1

Business 2

Business 3

Contact in Major Accountancy firm

Entrepreneurial Exchange

Local Economic Development UnitScottish


Previous Business Partner 1

Previous Business Partner 2

Local Traders Association

Venture Capitalists

Federation of Small Businesses

NB. The ties indicated here represent reported ties drawn from interview data. The strength of the ties is not indicated, but the existence of a tie important enough to be recorded is.

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

How Does the Process Work?The Friendship Network

Friendship Network[Friendship Rational]

Wife/Mother Husband/Father

Charity 2

Charity 1

Charity 3

Charity 4

Friendship with Local Business Family

USA Contact 1

USA Contact 2

USA Contact 3

USA Contact 4

Local Business Community

Friend 1

Friend 2

Friend 3

Friend 4

NB. The ties indicated here represent reported ties drawn from interview data. The strength of the ties is not indicated, but the existence of a tie important enough to be recorded is.

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research


Business Network [Business Rational]

Friendship Network[Friendship Rational]

Family Network [Family Rational]

Adult Child 1

Private Client Banking

Adult Child 2

ArchaeologistAdult Child 3Tourism

USA Contact 1

USA Contact 2

USA Contact 3

USA Contact 4

Friend 1

Friend 2

Friend 3

Friend 4

Local Business Community

Local Business Family Friends

Scottish Enterprise

Former Business Partner 1

Former Business Partner 2

Local Traders Association

Local Economic Development Unit

Entrepreneurial Exchange

Contact in Major Accountancy Firm

Business 1

Business 2

Business 3

Charity 1

Charity 2

Charity 3

Charity 4Federation of Small Businesses

Venture Capitalists

KeyAs in earlier diagrams, the lines ______ indicate reported ties drawn from interview data.The dotted line in green indicate reported ties between third partiesThe dotted lines in black indicate the boundaries between network rationals

Multi-Rational Approaches

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Longitudinal Network Development- Event List


Friendship Network Business Network

On-going Development of Networks – Often by Chance

Family Network– Marry


Business 1

Business 2, 3, 4, 5

Key: Husband in redWife in greenChild 1 in light blueChild 2 in medium blueChild 3 in dark blueCombination in brown

Longitudinal Network Development

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

What Does All This Mean?

• Networks interact• Networks are

dynamic• Networks are not


• Research into Practice: Three Examples– Tailored networking

events– Public Services as on-

line network creators– The virtual high street

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Tailored Networking Events

• Designed for family businesses and their advisors

• Sponsored by professional bodies

• Offering scope for the family, business and social network to intertwine

• Triggering networks

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Public Services as Network Creators

• Facebook: Biz East Lothian

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

The Virtual High Street

• Facebook: Stockbridge

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

Where Does All of This Take Us?• Social media are an electronic

manifestation of a much older phenomena• If we understand the phenomena, we can

examine the new networks• New approaches to network research

allow us to consider the ways in which social media can be developed

• By understanding, we can develop with new technology

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Scottish Forum for Family Business Research

The Future?

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Social media & #PublicServicesDr Ian Elliott

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Approaches to Public Service delivery

Public Administration

Public Management

Public Governance

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The role of the…




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So how does this change the relationship?Ladder of participation

Citizen Control

Delegated Power



Two-Way Consulting

One-way Informing



(Arnstein, 1969)Source: Robert Couse-Baker www.flickr.com/photos/29233640@N07/2829173159

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Citizen control

Source: Odd_dog www.flickr.com/photos/mysight/5422502028


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The end of command-and-control

Source: ssoosay www.flickr.com/photos/ssoosay/5742651464

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Change is inevitable...

‘Social media revolution’

Social media & ‘revolutions’

A revolution in public service delivery?

Source: dougcurran http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougcurran/3640245161

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...but not easy

Need for culture change

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Steps for change

1. Act with urgency; 2. Develop a guiding coalition; 3. Develop a change vision; 4. Communicate the vision & buy-in;5. Empower broad-based action;6. Generate short-term wins;7. Don’t give up;8. Make change stick

John P. Kotter

Building the case

Making it happen

Making it stick

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‘Not only do we share information about new developments and listen to discussions online, we can answer questions about services and take part in these discussions.This isn't just about social media it's about innovation. We need to find new and smarter ways to forge closer relationships with residents so we can improve services to our communities. This means actively involving people in the design and delivery of services, and social media is a important way to cultivate a new relationship’

@johnbarradell, chief executive at Brighton and Hove City Council

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How can we help?

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Some useful sourcesAnon (2011) “Be the status update you want to see”, We Love Local Government, weblog post, 16 May, accessed 17 May 2011, http://welovelocalgovernment.wordpress.com/2011/05/16/be-the-status-update-you-want-to-see/

Anon (2011) “Anti Social Behaviour”, We Love Local Government, weblog post, 21 March, accessed 22 March 2011, http://welovelocalgovernment.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/anti-social-behaviour/

Barradell, J. (2011) “Why it's sweet to tweet”, LocalGov.uk, 1 March, accessed 23 May 2011, http://www.localgov.co.uk/index.cfm?id=96078&method=news.detail

Gibson, A. (2010) Local by Social. NESTA: London

LGiU (2009) Local Government 3.0: How councils can respond to the new web agenda, LGiU: London. Available at: http://www.lgcplus.com/Journals/3/Files/2009/6/30/LGiU-SocialNetworking.pdf

Saxton, J. (2011) “Who dares wins: the charity sector and social media”, The Guardian. Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/voluntary-sector-network/2011/apr/21/charity-sector-and-social-media?&
