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Wizzley 101: Wizzle Your Way to Fortune (Part 2)

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Profit from your passion for writing informative articles by getting them published on Wizzley! Learn how to create a Wizzley page in minutes. Table of Contents IV. Managing Your Dashboard: Profile, Statistics, Settings... A. How to access your dashboard B. My Pages C. Messages D. Comments E. Statistics F. Module Clicks G. Referrals H. Settings I. My Profile
Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com Wizzley 101: Wizzle Your Way to Fortune! (Part 2 of 2) A Free Tutorial on Creating Wizzles, from signing up to getting your articles published online! Brought to you by: Jeremy Kim http://www.WritetoEarnOnline.com http://www.PinoyAffiliate.com

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

Wizzley 101:

Wizzle Your Way to Fortune!

(Part 2 of 2)

A Free Tutorial on Creating Wizzles,

from signing up

to getting your articles published online!

Brought to you by:

Jeremy Kim



Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

Table of Contents

Copyright Notice & Disclaimer

IV. Managing Your Dashboard: Profile, Statistics, Settings... A. How to access your dashboard

B. My Pages

C. Messages

D. Comments

E. Statistics

F. Module Clicks

G. Referrals

H. Settings

I. My Profile

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

Copyright Notice & Disclaimer

1. You may NOT sell, trade, give out, or edit this free guide in any way. You may NOT

copy and reproduce this guide and claim it as your own.

2. This free guide is NOT endorsed or created by the brilliant folks at Wizzley. I was

not commissioned or paid by anyone to do this guide. I am just a plain writer at

Wizzley who wants other aspiring writers and affiliate marketers to learn how to use

the site to further their objectives.

3. This guide does NOT make any promises or guarantees as regards how much money

one can make from Wizzley by using this guide. This applies even if the guide uses

some words that seem to make guarantees in the eyes or understanding of the reader.

4. I do NOT have control of Wizzley. That means that the site can change anytime the

administrators feel and think it’s necessary. I will update this guide as often as I can,

but there is no 100% promise that everything included here is exactly what you can

see in the site. As mentioned, changes in the Wizzley layout, modules, and features

are beyond my control.

5. This guide is NOT for sale. It’s absolutely free, and you’re free to use it anytime.

6. This guide consists of 2 parts. This is the second part.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

IV. Managing Your Dashboard: Profile, Statistics,


Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

A. How to access your Dashboard

Your Dashboard can be likened to a Control Panel. It contains important functions that allow

you to track the number of visitors, to edit your profile, to keep track of your referrals, and

many more.

You can access your dashboard by directing your attention to the top right hand corner of the

website where you can see your username. Take a look at the screenshot below.

Simply click on the arrow next to your username, and it should give you a drop down menu

that looks like this.

As you can see, your dashboard consists of 8 features, which include the following:

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

- My Pages

- Messages

- Comments

- Statistics

- Module Clicks

- Referrals

- Settings

- My Profile

In the next sections, we shall take a look at these features one by one, and how you can use

them to your advantage.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

B. My Pages

My Pages displays all your articles, whether they are in draft, published, or locked status. You

can also view how many visitors have visited each of your pages over the past 7, 30,and 90


Here are the parts, buttons, and other features that you expect to see in your My Pages


1. All Pages Menu

Use this menu to classify your pages according to their status. If you want to view articles in

Draft status, click on the arrow and choose “Drafts.” If you want a list of the articles in

published state, choose “Published.”

Here’s a closer look at the drop-down menu.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

2. Search

This feature comes in handy if you have more than 50 articles. All you have to do is to type in

your keywords to retrieve the pages that have these words.

3. Topic Menu

Use this feature to show pages that are in the same criteria. For instance, all pages classified

under “Travel & Places” will show up if you choose this criterion.

Here’s a closer look at the drop-down menu.

4. Order By Menu

Aside from the category and the status of the articles, you can group and view your articles

according to the following: rank, visitors per day, visitors over the last 7 days, visitors over

the last 90 days, votes, comments, date created, date published, date of last edit, and

status. The Order By menu takes care of this.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

5. Per Page Option

You can adjust the number of pages that appears per page through this feature. You can

choose from 10 to 500. Here’s a closer look.

6. Actions

Each of your articles / pages is equipped with an Actions feature, which you can click on to

pull up options to edit, publish, delete, or check the statistics of these pages.

Here is a closer look at the options; namely, Edit, Publish, Trash, Statistics, Module Clicks,

and Export as text.

If you click on “Edit,” you will be directed to your chosen page on edit mode.

If you click on “Publish,” your unpublished page will go online if it meets the requirements

and quality standards of Wizzley.

If you click on “Trash,” your page will be deleted.

If you click “Statistics,” you will be given a page that shows your page’s number of visits, a

chart that shows the trend of these visits, a pie graph that shows the distribution of your

traffic, where your traffic comes from, and the search keywords that your readers used to

find your article. Have a look.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

If you click on “Module Clicks,” it will give you the number of clicks to the links you dropped

in your article. This includes your affiliate links in Amazon, eBay, Zazzle, and AllPosters.

If you click on “Export as text,” a box that contains the text content of your article will

appear, like this.

7. Title

Your articles, whether in their published or draft state, will be displayed under "Title." Each

of the titles can be clicked on, and if you do, you will be directed to either the published

page or edit page.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

8. Visitors

You'll see a summary of your visits over the past 7, 30, and 90 days. It will also show you the

average number of visitors for each of your articles.

9. Like

This shows you the number of likes an article has received since it was published.


This shows you the number of comments an article has received since it was published. Your

comment or reply to another comment is also counted.

11. Rank

Wizzley ranks articles according to percentage, with 100% being the highest. Each of your

articles will be ranked accordingly, and the ranking will be shown under “Rank.”

12. Created

This shows you the date you created an article, and NOT the date of publication.

13. Edited

This shows you the date when you last updated a given article.

14. Status

This shows you the status of an article, whether published or draft.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

C. Messages

“Messages” give you the messages that your fellow Wizzlers have sent you since you joined

the site. If you want to get in touch with a Wizzler privately, you can use this feature to

achieve your purpose.

Here are the parts of “Messages” and what they can do.

1. Inbox

This button shows the messages you received from fellow Wizzlers.

2. Outbox

This button displays your responses to messages received. It also gives you a list of messages

you sent.

3. Search

This allows you to quickly look through your inbox or outbox for important messages. Just

type in your keywords and the messages containing them should appear.

4. Per Page Menu

You can configure the number of messages that appear per post using this menu. Just type in

the desired number, from 5 to 500.

5. Tick All

Ticking this box gives you the chance to apply bulk action, usually delete, to your messages.

6. By Date

You can view when your messages were received or sent by referring to this column.

7. Subject

This shows the subject of your mails. Click on a subject to retrieve the message.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

8. Message

Click on this button to retrieve the mail / message form. Fill in the required fields to

complete the process. It should look like this.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

D. Comments

Comments are an important factor in the Wizzley ranking system, at least according to more

established wizzlers. So make sure that you engage your readers to participate by dropping

their feedback, comments, or questions. Now to manage your comments effectively, frequent

the “Comments” panel. It should look like this.

1. Search

This allows you to easily retrieve a comment. Just type in a keyword and a comment bearing

the keyword should appear.

2. Per Page Menu

This allows you to control the number of comments that appear per page. Choose from 5 to


3. New Comments on Wizzley

This gives you a quick look at the latest comments that your fellow wizzlers have given

elsewhere (which can be in one of your pages).

4. Delete

Click on this button if you are absolutely sure that the comment given does not contribute

much to your page or article.

5. By / Date

This gives you information about who made the comment and when she / he made it.

6. Comment

This section shows the comment and which of your pages holds the comment.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

E. Statistics

This is probably one of the most important panels in your dashboard. As you can already tell,

this gives you an idea of your visitors -- where they came from, what they searched to

eventually land on your articles, and what they use to get to your pages.

Remember: This Statistics page is for ALL YOUR PAGES. If you want to check out the Statistics

of your individual articles, go to “My Pages” and check out the Actions button.

Here is a screenshot of a typical Statistics page on Wizzley.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

Let’s examine the parts.

1. Summary of Visitors

With this, you can have an idea of how many visitors have dropped by your articles in a span

of 7, 30, and 90 days. You can also view the impressions and how many unique visitors have

read or landed on your pages.

2. Visitor Chart

This shows you the trend of your visitors / traffic over a specific period of time.

3. Visitor Pie Chart

This gives you the distribution of your visitors according to where they come from -- from

Wizzley to organic searches from Google.

4. Traffic Sources

This gives you a list of where your traffic comes from, arranged from the highest number

down to the least.

5. Keywords

This gives you the keywords that your visitors used to reach your articles / pages. It shows you

whether your targeted keywords are utilized.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

F. Module Clicks

Your modules may contain links, Amazon images, Zazzle offers, and AllPosters clickable

pictures. So when your readers click on these links, the clicks are automatically recorded and

stored in the “Module Clicks” panel.

This is how the panel looks like.

Now, let’s examine the parts and what they can give you. Be guided by the numbers included

in the image above.

1. Categories Menu

Use this drop down menu if you want to display your clicks according to categories, from your

Amazon clicks to Polls.

2. Search

Use this function to display only those with your specified keywords.

3. Per Page

This allows you to show specific number of items per page. Choose from 5 to 200.

4. Page / Module

This gives you the title of your articles and the module being clicked on. Also included are

“Edit” and “Statistics” functions, which allow you to make changes to your chosen article and

to view its statistics.

5. Clicks / Impressions (CTR)

This shows the number of clicks a certain module received. This is divided into three based on

duration or number of days: 7, 30, or 90 days. It also shows you the number of visits / page

view and the click’s commensurate percentage relative to the number of visits.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

6. Order by

Use this to classify your clicks according to the trend of your clicks, whether decreasing or

increasing. Choose from page titles, date created, and duration (90 days).

7. Legend

This shows you the meaning of the green texts you see in Clicks / Impressions (CTR).

8. Created

This shows you the date a specific page was created.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

G. Referrals

Aside from affiliate marketing and PPC programs, another way to earn at Wizzley is through

referrals. The “Referrals” panel shows you a list of your referrals and a link to where you can

get your referral link and other promotional tools.

1. Referrals

This shows the referrals under you.

2. Marketing Tools

This gives you some marketing tools such as banners that you can post on your website. It also

includes your unique affiliate link (yellow arrow) and a widget builder (red arrow) to

customize a widget that promotes your Wizzley articles.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

H. Settings

Aside from the “Statistics” panel, “Settings” is also one of the most important panels in your

dashboard. You can customize your Profile through this, and this is where you go to to store

or edit your Amazon ID, Google Adsense ID, Chitika username, and other affiliate IDs. Also,

you go this panel if you want to create a new password.

Copyright 2013 Jeremy Kim, WritetoEarnOnline.com and PinoyAffiliate.com

I. My Profile

This page will give you a glimpse of how others actually see your profile. It includes your

username, your bio, followers, your social network links, and the pages that you’ve created.

Also, if your fellow wizzlers want to get in touch with you, the “Message” button is located on

your profile page.
