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W*wM rn ITT"-I» Vol. Y\rYI\TV«'12.144. NEW-YORK, SATl ItDAY, WAUUJAKY 14, 1H80. PRICE FOUR CENTS. GENERAL POLITICAL NEWS. I 1**»- PREPARING FOR THE CAMPAIGN. rt'RTHKB MNnaOi op nra murara ot can¬ dida T KS . OR ANT BKPOIiTKD TO Hr. LoMNC ANI) BL*INK GAINING.NKW-YOKX AM) M00*_-> LYN KKHBLICANS. General Giant is reported to be toling itrength in Michigan and in other parts ol' Hie West; "Senator Blaine is said to be pain¬ ing: in all parts of the country. A gpedal r_ea_ury agent, who travels much about the country, believes that Grant will not pet nearly the whole .Southern vote at Chicago, and will not have, support cnoutrh from other quarters to niuke his nomination sure. Re¬ publicans in Brooklyn are settling their differ- pnees. In this city several district meetings were held last evening. A ".STRONG MAN" NOT WANTED. OBJECIIONS TO THK AlHU'MLMS (r-KD IN KAVOIt OF (JKNKKAI. GRANT-** NOMINATION .SRNATOR BLAINE'S STI1KNGTH OROWIMi IN ALI. SUCTIONS. Washington, Feb. 13..The fact that a majority of tlie la'i'publicans of Wahlgu favor tho iioiirina- tioti *.f Senator Blaine at Chicago rather than that of (Jencral Grant, disclosed hythe recent newspaper canvass of that State, is no surprise to some of th** Republican Representatives of Michigan in Con. gres«. " When I left home," said ono ol them to-day, *' the Grant boora was a verv strong ono, anal Stemed to be carrying everything before it j but now I judpe, from my tAWnoaanmnWnb and from what Repub¬ licans from Mu'linran who have recently been in this city saw tbat the fl rant sentiment has sub¬ sided, ami tbnt .Mr. Blaine is by far the most popu¬ lar of the priituiriout Republican candidates among our people." " Wbo is your choice, if that is a fair question T" naked the torrespondent of The Tribink. "Ob, I can support Grant, or Blame, or Sherman, or Conkling, or a*oy other good Republican wbo may be nominated. I can't sa> that 1 really have any candidate. I desire to be so far uncommitted to the fortunes nf any ono man that I can give the heartiest ami must effective support possible to tin- nominee, whoevt 1 lie may be. The strongest argu¬ ment that is put forward in favor of a third term for General Grant, that we riced a ' strong man ' at the head of affairs, seems to nie rather a dangerous one. I am baldly ready to admit that I have so far lost confidence in the stability of our republican institutions -ititi in the cood sense and patriotism of our people that wa need a 'strong man,' in the tense in wi,nb tli,at phWS is n-i*d when General Grant is spoken ot, to Have us from thc effects of our own folly, Besides, if that is a good rea-on now why we should make General Grant President In preference to either of tho others who have been named, it will be just as good k reason why bo should bo elected ;uraiii four years from now. and at every neeeoding (lec¬ tion. These are the principal objections I ha\e to Qenerai (Hani's ieno)i;niatn.:i now." Advices from other Western {.tates received in Wai-hiiiKtou within the la-t few days all bama Blaine tinge. In Illinois the Blaine sentiment is daily gaining strength, and, unless the Stale Coo- ventioii is calleal for an unusually eaily date, Sena¬ tor Blame's friends expect that it vi ill strongly favor bis nomination. There is no tonger any doubt that (he Pucitic States and the Territories will bend solid Blaine delegations to Chicago. In the East Senator Blaine's friends think that they are giiining strength. The delegation from Maine Trill be one of the ablest that has ever repre¬ sented that Btate in a National Convention, uml Ita iiilluetice iu favor of Blaine's nomination will bea very strong one. The _.ew-Hamp-hire delegation may not be instructed, but the Blaine men expeel to get it, as they probably will that ot \n- mont after it bas complimented Senator Edmunda, iniles-* Edraundn'a movemeut abonld develop strength in other paits of the country. The Blaine sentiment is alee strong ni Ma-sat liu-ii-, but seem- to lack organ¬ isation. Tin- (ir.nit.ii are rory diligently al worik in that Stat!1, and, strang-, to sa v, seem to be nuk¬ ing smile headway. In New-York Slate than* seems lia be a sort of tacit understanding between tbe friends of Beens tait Bbennan and those of Senator Blaine thal they Will not interfere with each other, but will unite their ii, lliieiiee iii tin- State Convention to pre vell I thc passage nf a 'Irani resolution, anal iaa tbia tl .y expect t" sm cee<J ; although it must be admitted th at. tai an uutoider tolerably fatui lal with the poli¬ tics of the State ami frequently In eoutacl with li- public::))- li*.un ali parts of it.it seems mun* like ly that Benator Conkling will control Ihe Convention and mould tts action in accordance with bia own lodgment. i he news trom ihe Souih ii that Secretary Sher* ¦Ma ie still making material progress, and will ai la:.-i divide tlie delegations beyond the Potomac with Qenerai Grant. A Blaine chili will be funned by Republicans in thia city to-morrow evening. Prominent Republi¬ can-Cougreaamea from dinerenl States ba\ seiitcd lo sci as vice-pt sklents. GRANT'S STRENGTH AT CHICAGO. OBSKltVAIlUNs OF A .I'L'.I Al. TIHAMKY AHliNI. III* THINKS GILWI Will. NHL HAT! INDI 1,11 Noll | TO MAKE THg ROMUUTKMI SI i:l A Spca iai A ¦..cit of the Treasury, wh** inconstantly on the wini'ami Dav. I-a o\cr a lal ye portion ot Hie .conntry, ai.tl who takea a lively inter* st hi politics, as most special agents *!*., was aaked ye.-i. nlav by a Tkibi nk repel tot sumo qtteatlona as to Ins re* cent observations. M la Giant going to gel (he whola Southern vote in tim Chicago Coaiveiition f' " By no m. ans. Tba Southern Ra-publicans are naturally tor him, but many ol them are under per- sonal obligations to Sherman, nnd Will wink for dian lain-stlv. Bimi miii will have votes from Virginia, ISoith Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Los and Texas. He may not have au entire State dele¬ gation, but he will pick up a good many votes here and there throughout the South." " Will Blaine iel any Boothera voles T" "A tnt, but ti-it him! ly so many a- Sherman.'' " Hew will the Raw-England State- go T" " I am not certain of Massachusetts. Vermont is hr edmunds on tho tirst ballot. All the nsf will be Ior Blaine." " Have you sampled New-Jersay ."' " Oh, yes ; 1 know all about New-Jersey, lt is a Giant state, tl.roiK.li ami tbrougb." " What about Indi aaa f" "There will bea divided delegation. Since Mor¬ ton dii'd there is no RepuHiiean in the State strong emuigh to solialify the party and manage it. I think rather more Gian bli the delegation will be for Blaine, and the re-t tor (.rant." " Do you count Illinois as solid for Grant f " No; I don't believe he can get the whole dele¬ gation. Blaine will divide it with bim. As to alicliigitu. Wiseonr-in, iowa, and the States further West, (Mani can't touch them. Tbey arc uli for Blaine." " Wnat. then, is your estimate of Grant's probable strength iai th*! Convention T" " Four-lift li-, of Na-w-Yoik and Pennsylvania, all of Neiv-J.r.-ev, part of Indiana and Illinois, ami tbe greater pait of tim Boutin rn vote." " That would not be enough to nominate him." "Well, one tiling you can depend on. By thc 15th ot May Grant will know exactly bow many votes be bas in tho Convention, ami it he luis not enough lo wm be will withdraw. He is not going iulo a scrub race to take his tuarn es.'' RECONCILING THEIH DIFFERENCES. ¦AKMONY A Mt iNli TIIE KKI-flll.H ANS OK KIMOM cor vi v. The meeting wliicli the Kings County Be* faiiiiiican Deneen! Committee held -Thursday ttealng, and ut,.eli lamed until l ;«. m. yeaterday, was regarded u* important, liinnintiifi as tbe virtual rei'iiiitilaitniii of the two (mn. nu tit the Bepublloaa party m.,* bronchi alMtuL One ul the factions lias heen oatroll. tl by Oca- era: Jourdan ami ,x sherill Doggett, ami with tin- other Ci'y Works Couimisctuaer Worth, Police t oasalaatoaer L- i.*i Aii'iiloi Aiiiintiiu.iii nii.i others have been proui- Itically Identified. Couiannslutier Worth lives In the glxteenth Ward, whicii he controls politically, and thr delegates to the General Committee recently elected from that ward were friendly to him. A contenting del¬ egation, however, laid Its claiian* before the General ('un.mutee, nml a committee was appointed to make an Hiv, Miration. It was known that this committee's report wus to be made Thursday evening, and thal tte mia (only of tba committee would recommend tba un¬ seating of the Worih delegates. The. minority r; port fn vm cd the rejection of the claims of the eonipstants. There whh nneh lively anal Hcriinonious debate, amt al li nulli Mr. Worth wan iriven the privilege of the Boor. He sugacsted that the matter in* sent back to tbe v, aral Alsoeiation, uuti tbat a cninniitiee ol tlir General ommlttee be appointed to rapemse the revision 'af the roll book. Thin was adopted, and it was ordered tl at ,t mw primary election should bo held under tire supervision of the committee. 'I kat action was favorably commented apoa yeaterday, ainl it was said that lt would Insure eon piete harmony aniline the Republicans of Kings (tunny. Mr. Worm aaid tbat (laaviiiior Cornell bad recently Instated upou (he reoonoiHatton ol tlie opnoslng factions in tue county h a neoeaeary step before Kings County wonld receive such recognition os lt was entitled to. it bo* Heved thal Mr. w..nh will be fleeted a delegate na tba t-tate Convention. He ls in favor of Grant's nomination. -¦?- LINCOLNS BIRTHDAY IN JERSEY CITY. The Lincoln Association of Jersey City had a duiner Thursday al Taylor*-t Hotel In honor of Lin¬ coln's birthday. About ISO perrons were present, among them several New-Yorkers of prominence. The toast taa "The Memory of Abraham Lincoln" was re¬ sponded to by B. W. Throekmorton, who, in the course of his remark.-, said: Mr. Lincoln'-* ti election to the office of Chief Incen¬ tive o! the Motton, by a malfrlty luger than baa ever be n gtvi'ti for unr President, sln'iwed Ibo estimation in which Hie people then held bim,and sealed tin-ai.iwnfaii of tlie Kebellfon. Scarcely had lie entered U|mu Ill¬ s' i*a.ii.i tnm of unuf tn* Lee surrendered to tho srealesl military genii si.r thc ag.*, ami tho al ivs or armed trea¬ son were numbered. The Motion was beside itself dar very fiiiiiiKss. We nil remember how. iik« it..y. lal oat of soliool. Hie whole loyal people leaped BOd slii.titeil la the ii-rv OTCOSS ol tlicir exuberant emotion ; and, alas I we all remember, too, how from tbe ten mountain height ol exultation anti Joy, without roe non. of warn¬ ing, the Nanon was cast iloivn Into thc lowest abyss nf bitter sorrow-. An aitaitln's bulla t had robbed Iba Nanon of the lifo of Abraham Lincoln. It was on thc evening ol Hu-Hth of April, tbs anni¬ versary of the surrender of Sumter. Mr. Lincoln ls sealed a the private-*©* of a theatre ha- reluctantly attended (uiiv because tho people expected blas. lbs assassin inlets Die box, plato] in one hand, dagger In Ibe «>tin-r. He raises tbe pistol aimva- tbe a*i.air ol Fae Presi deni ami shoots him in ihe head, shouting st tito .ama* tuna Virginia'sandeni motto,"Ste temper tyrnnnii." He leaps from the box to tbe stone beiowj falls, bat re¬ nou his feet, fanes tho iiolritlcil nu.Hence, qui) bniidlshniK his dagger, t xclaims : "The South la avenged ".ami rusbea lo tbe nar (,f Tin- Mane and makes bat escape. Bal for one Incident, powerful la it saggestlveneM, be might have escaped (.election ami oitjitnn-. The fall froetored his iee: ead tbe fall is oe- oasloned hy his a-1mr eotehtng, ns he lamps fruin toe ia.a\. In Hie fold- of Ilia' American Hag fa -touua in ni." the front. May tbal flag erei cooee, us ll always has eaused, tbe downfall of traitors. REPUBLICAN DI8TRICT MEETINGS. Tho XVlIIth Asstnilaly District Republican Association met la-t evening in (ila**** Hall. Twenty.* iwa, namea wen proposed ior membership. Tin- xxth District Republican Aseoclatlou met at Mo. IM Baal Fifty-fourth al., aod received a letter from the xvuth Disii.at Amoclalloo witb a roqooot ta Join ina request to tbe Central Committee to submit to tbe associations an amendment te the Constitution, tining tbe boot for opening polis at :i t>. m. instead? p. m. Al tho meeting ol (he XXI-t Di-ii tat Ki publican As¬ sociation, Dr. Whitman V. Wlnto oecupied thc i hair lu the ab-aeme of the President^ Jiieoia Hens, Abonl lo"> names wore put on tho roll of membership. On ina.ti.'ii 'af Malm1 Willard Milliard u resolution was paaaed Instruct- ingjlie del-Bastes of tbe dlstrlel h. the Republican -1!!.!.* Convention i<> reeenl tbs name <-f .1 icob lieu for dele¬ gate to thc Republican national Convention. THE MOVEMENT FOR A 8HERMAM CLUB, Tho, mooting of the friends of Secretory Shot milli at Helm, .nii o's tills evening promises IO be ii Inrger gathering Li..n tli.<t if Wednesday evenlaglaet. Pammi a. Baines saul yeaterday that he hail rees number of letters from business man and others ex¬ pel s--!ng their-*}'tn pa thy with tl,'* movement, and prom- I.iui,' to be at the amt ting to-night. DMAMIMOUS POM ORAMT. Troy, \. Y., Fob. 13..Tbo Republican dele gates from Hus mtf, the It Matriel ol Rep County, ore Junia*- L. Thompson, James r. Aabla John B. ciniu.tull -a solid Omni delecotlon. They have been lastmeted t*. vote for the Hon. Joint M. francis as dei. g.nc to the National Convention. THK WI*-! ON.-IN ( ONVJ NTHiN" CALLED. Milwaukee, Wi-., Feb. 12..The Republican State Central Ci).n.nit! ce ha- . ia--l a all l"l ll..* Mala* Convention h> meet al Madison am Mar i to choose twenty delegates to lue National Convention and ten I'lesideuti.il electors. -m>- IBM -.'COM) ALBAMY PRIMARIES, Albamt, Fell. 13..Ai iii*' second Republican primaries held in tins etty to-doy. by order of tba- Al* bony County Committee, tin- m.calle.i Smyth del polled over bjOOb votes without tapp talma. TOR MATOM OF BTMACU8E, Si kali -i. N. Y., Fob. li'..Th*- Republicans have noBstnnted Francis Hi ndricki lor Mayor. GREAT R UN IN lill. OHIO \ ALLEY. Cincinnati, Fob, 18..Il lm* rained nlmosl im*.*- taut-j since 5 o'eloeh yeaterday erening, end \-.ui at the Hine ipiin- in* av.ii. Tba Ohio River is rising rap¬ idly along tba whole I'.ae from Ptttaburg to Cairo. Tba rainfall hero from tba tune n commenced reeterday until 10:30 oV-loch n.-nlgbt ls reported by Ibe bignal -.-i i.,. nu-, rvei n" fJOim Inches, | Lm i.-\tlll, Ky., Fob. 13..At &20 this afternoon t:-'* wind's average reloclty wns forty-two Hulas ptr h.iiir, lal awing 'ram ibe touthwest. Within Ibo last six boors tbe temperature baa fallen 21 , read- lue ni :i o'ciaici. ..ai an i iii :i o'eloeh t ,-i.ic.at.:;.', i he tola! rum fal) or tba ilay l-l- '*,.,, _DO_ I, lor forty-right ia in .. >ioo ¦.*' At Franki 'it, Ky., ti o river ls rising at tbe rata of a foot an l.i.m. .¦'i'll'* io«er p.irt of thal etty ta flooded. ana', before morning ih** winer will be In thc Btate-Honae h ii-a: lu the river was never known lots -.. sudden. ENTHUSIASM AT TBE 8 Y\'!> LOT. San Fmamcisco, Fob. LS..The Assembly to d av passed a bili to enforce tbe elanas of Um tatton Li regard lo tbe employment efCblnamea by a vole of 73 to 8, and tbe Governor promptly signed lt, Tbe Band Lol m- reJag greeted the news witb prolonged cheers. Tl.e Wm kingincii's eiammittee Wen lolil by Tren;.lent Stanford, of tue Central l'.iclllc 1! .ilrnud «-..iii- puny, that thc company would respei t tba ians us eeo- struetl by the (a.in ts. 'it,a* ptealdonl of Ibe Selby Smelt¬ ing Worka bluntly aaid that be eoiihblered the lim un- eoii-ntiitiiiiiai, and would not obey tl until tbe United States maila* lum Mibiiilt. 'A COMPLIMENT 10 Miss NEILSON. TOBOMTOi Pob. Kl..An address signed bj many leii'img iii/,a*ii- wm presented today te Miss Neilson, asking ber to revisit Toronto before leaving foi Km ope. ______________________ . TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. A L1I1KI. KL'IT ENDKI). Cincinnati, Feb. 13..A \cnliet for $890 was i*. nili-it.i lo tl ay :ii tba il! >.! snit aaf Christian Bcbempp aganiM The I'liictituuti Cvii.mereiul. ihi: .NI Na ID SALL. Bt. JOMM, N. H.. Feb. 13..Tbe ship Nuncio, from Hew-York. eoneentiDgwboea saf.iv (rave lean were eater tallied, an iv. j Min yaasta-niay. Atlv«i»_ « inti*, tii-tanied bar. WKI.rnMISal A BISHOP. IfOMT-UCAt-, l'al). 13..Tho i. nun of Bisbop Fnlire froiD lianna* wns celebrated today by a pro ..".nan io the Ci. ure ii ol Notre bams irhsra a elrle was nra sled to him I.IL Ml.ltl'A.N ILK Ai,KM V CASK. Nr.w-lnti ian--, Feb, LS..H. G. Hun & Co.. of (he Meicantds Aaency, bars taken iteps lo appeal sralnstthe ti.iui a.f 11.000 reosaUr roomdod against loom tor aa al¬ leged milla ta.'! t. A CANA III AN BLBCTION. MoNTitr.Ai, Feb. 13. lia- ll n. J. ,f. C.Abbott was yc-i.'iiiav elected la Argenteall < .univ (<> ii ...nt v lil Hu* Hiiiiiiiiiuii I'ai liam, -ni. eui .1 bj Ina nnsoaileg et ill. I III l-tle. ST. LAW.'iKNi) RIV Bn na: ROADS, Miiniioal. Feb. 13. Owing t" Ibe mild weather t-,. ... j,,.,, ii wilie _>t. Lawrence River an beeaJBlag lo Tin tl.lf!if a.!) Hie liSll ll St Ml OSS lilt ICC ll»S brfll wspsadod foi- un present KM ill MASTIC TI-MPKKANCK (uNVLNili.s Auocsta, Mc Fob. 12..At the session ol ths sinre i. .iivtntii.ii lt. lay (L.ti-roor Lavin ile.li- tr_d an address. Tbeaessloa lins been ont n ti.a* bom aa- tinisi.i-.nr arm knit ky the Maine Temperance Oeovaattao. a iii \\ *. RZPMMM MIlj in in ishim iiki:-i jiiam liKiinii i* .in. Conn., Feb. 13..Tbe new trial ol William llni'li'.lr. the iiiur.1i*. i. Mill toke pince OO Tueadaj Mit. lill, lld /. »«a l-iu.l I. (eil ,,t lum.!. ill Hu lirra! - bul tba \ art .tia-1 wan Ml andt on a.*, mint nf un lu.1t-.ai Hoi ol ajuror. STOMM I!AVA' I.t .m; Hit a n* ii, I", ii 13..The amount of damage Sooo to toe hotel ami Mtujrc property troni Ulghlanda to i'.iiil Pl..i-..ul Iv lin* i.ifni sl.arm ls in.-.y i<st!iniit«,| at Win.'nv. II ondrea* ol ear pen lori bars ia.*, u l.i*..ui(Ut hi-ie lids weik lo ieealt ibt 'luiiac uiatit! by the late storm. AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. THE LNDlANS-tOMMrni'K WORK. munni gras serons ran saaATO committee. INVI -KliAII-i.N OF TDK INDIAN llCKKAL'.THK RK1T .NIHNH HILL. Illicit Eyes and Standing Bona vere before tlie Semite Committee yesterday! snd explained tbo whit*- mini's methods ol dealing with the In¬ dians. Tho eaaininitfa-p of thc Board ol' Indian ('t)iiHiii--ii'in i- is making piograss in tlie inves ligation of Ilia- Hun-jut. Secretary Bhonnan does not approve fully of tli*- new refnnding bill. THE way THE WHIM: MEM DO. nronr naas and sTAi«i>i-ra si ts asroMissra-B*. lilli TaiNa AS Ll MOVr.H A*iAINsr nUttS WILL. T1IL ll! IHAL ISVISIICAI ION. [bt tki.ii',i:ai*ii to Tin: .unit;. K.l Washington, Feb. 13..Wbon Bright Ryes was being-examined by tbe Senate Committee to-d*y ;i pd, i, -iu'inai i.y ii11>--'-vrii Pones Chiefs iimi benda of families, addraaaed t.> tii.- Qranl Pathes and ask¬ ing is a fnniKil manne! to bc moored to lbs Indian Ten limy, w.ts shown m lier. Tin- Bnt signature was thal of While Kialla " Why." saul she, " this is remarkable Whits Eagle has told ms ai doses times that he never signed ony poper of the kind. Never in anv woy signified bia wish ot willingness io lie remoTed," Btsading Bear was questioned m regnrd tn the paper. A smile nf surprised Incredulity stole over his fae,-a-fhe document was leaal to him. mi'l si.ine vi'iy brief 'mt empbatic splniona Min- cn- pu--ail hy hun in his <iyvn dlslattt When it .. ns caiiiclinliii his words tren translated " I hut'.- the WSjT the white men alwavs du. They say nne thing iimi writs another." Ile was askcil tn explain his understanding nf tbe document be did olen. 11«- saul IboAceot re¬ turned fruin Washington anal prOpOOOd t-a them <a> ra*tuii\c tn tin* Indian Territory, liny saul: " Sn -. if wi- inane at nil wc will un tn lin1 ' hnahii l.'c-ci va- tion.'' Thc Agent lura' urging and at laat tbey hail a council ami tulka tl tlia- wbolc matter over. '1 hey ah.ul..I that they Wanilil tu>! iinayc al all Snd they tniiltheAireni so, The Agent therenpon modes paper containing, as they supposed, theil refnani to romero, ar.'l tbey signed it. Mr. j ihi,ii*, was examined. Bowns ssked wbal in bia opinion ana the real motive fan* the mooral. "Toge! thc apiiropriation of (40,000,1 think," said Mi, I il.lilas. "I r.iti ,sec no nillir motive, lin* Poncaa mpplled their own transportation snd rat mus fnr the Journey," be continued, " and 1 can*! see bow il inst tbe QoTernmenI s cant.'' Aeting-Commiceloner drooka then aaked taa have a h-tlcr from Agaul Kimliiill pul in evidence in which the writer aaya tbal $5,-000 wss paid oul fbrtmnsportstion, snd W260 Un teni and (brags wliih* ..ii tbe lourney, ail accounted for on certified v-aiii hes. Bright Eyes thereupon naked (Handing Bear bow often wood wns issued during the trip. " Onlv ilinc," wa-, tin* reply, "The reel ol tbe tune we picked np sticks on tha- roodaidc " " How often dal tbey bane foraget" "Not ouse," snsweied tbe chief, promptly. lt io expected that Kimball, the agent wbo cured tbe remoTslof tho tribe, will be examined tu-!!!.Hil.IV. The Cotutnitt-ee appointed by the Board of Indian Commissioners to examine Into ibo administration of tbe Indian Bureau, are bal in tb* r- f'.inialia*.*..(that duty, Itisundei tood thal tbey baye already found nome tanita, and there ls nu la ni In thal flu * will be promptly corrected, Ii ap¬ ia* .,1- thai t!i.* coniinitta I thal tho prejudices of Ibe late Comm so strong thal inn nv persons er bo hail boniness with tho office wen- tn ni ai \ ith great b tineas and injustice. Rueb persona could nol wt their bills ai pron ai or I li.ir uta..ii ii l- in! li-I. .1. \\ it Inn Iii last day 'a; two several claims, rnich have been pigeonholed for u r-ear or two. for no apparent ri pl that Mr. Hayt did not like tho claimants, hove been taken up and adjusted. Mr. Trowbridge, of Michigan, is being urged by ne merni) r .af ibe Bonni a.l Indi 'ii Commissioners for the recant Comm saionership. I be a.i h.-r mem- bora ol ibe Board and othei who are lutniliar with t lie subjeet, think no harm w ill be thane by delaying the appointment for aome time. A TOWN I\ DANGER A_ AI'I'K.U. 'lu lill I* IHI M POB III) I-1: Ila.Ni) ni IHV, COLOBADO, I l!"M IlillMali1- Hil I l-I.I f.lr Alli lu lilli I lilli! vr WasBIXOTOM, Fib. lil..(i.ava rnair I'itUm, ol (.M.i.a. aooomponied by tha- delegation kn Congress from his Btate, bud an extended interview with tbe President this morning in relation in thc unprotected condition ol the while settlers In tbe town of Ouray. Governor Pitkin preaeuted petitions from the people of ibe exposed section for troops, and alon presented bis i.mii written opinion in regnrd tu the question. I be Hiiiijiat was brought befon thc Cabinet to-day, nuii was folly discuaoed. 'Ihe situation nt ait,irs was doserihed to bo aa follows* Tbe towool Ouray is in tbal iaa>rtiaan of Colorado known us tbe ITncompabgrePark, lt is surrounded npon all sides except tbs ninth bj mountains whit h are impaaaalde f**! in.a.n- ur mp- pliea at thia san .un nf iln- year, On tba ninth, a few mila > distant, i-i bm. ,-i ..I tbe I la* I,'. lil.n; ami tbrongfa the reservation rana th.ly rand by whieh these people tau in- reached. Loa Pinoa, tbe headquartered Ouray's Ind an- ami the present camping ground of o large number ol the White Biver I'd*-, in- exactly upon tbe rood which tia .! at a- and supplies must take toreaeb tbe settlers in the Park. The Cte outbreak laal Palina rvetl to pn-yi nt them fruin getting in supplies Lia tbe U in¬ tel, .nu! tbey are now repn tented aa being threat¬ ened not only witb a war ul extermination with I h.* outnumbering Ins, but also with starvation. Iii,. Ti*, ¦.i.lciii ami aeveral members ol tbe Cabinet apnean il anxious to afford n lief, bul Beere- tin*, gchureaaked ihst nothing be done nntil h.* ct.nhl hen* ti..m (..h. iai Alain-, m I n li be hoped lo .Lila;, Monday. The whole sulijecl was referred to tbe General of Ihe Army, to report upon the prac¬ ticability o! sending troopa aod supplies to these people. Ii i-lean .1 I.-, tl,.* President tnai anv movement ..I troops I).-, way "i Los Pinoa will result in anotha allan- like thal ra White River, and Ihal the ineas- iin*s taken Ui protect the Miller- will ht* tbe pusan* aat iiu ii destructiou. REFUNDING lill. DEBT. i.V-'t ATKIN Willi lill. -|aj;Mtl:Y al- lill. Till *M I.V. [l!T 11.1. Iii, It Al ll H) Till. Illina RI ; Washington, Feb. 13..A sub-committee of th. Ways ainl Ileana Committee waited oo the Secre¬ tary of tin* Treasury this sveuing to receive ins Hi)*__estit)ns as tn lin- form in Wbieh tin- mw re¬ funding bill Should beesst lt appears thal Beere¬ tary Sherman thus not Indorse that part nith.* committee's bill which relates to the issue of 1200,000,000 io Treaapry notes, it will bs remembered thai tbs propoottlon, as agreed to by thc oommlttae, was thal 1800,000,000 nf ihi- fi anal ii pet cents abould bs refunded iu Tiea-urv notes bearing I sec cent interest, and payable in one, t WO, thur*, lour and liw j .-ar-.. in equal instalments <»i forty millions each. The Beare tory ia ol tbs opinion tbat these Treasury notes should .til be redeemable nt tba pleasure ol tbs Oovornmeol si theexpiial.ii twoyonrafrom tin- date aaf their issin-, and payable len years from their date i but that not more than forty millions of tbem abould be poid in nny one rear after thei an red rumble, tbe particular bonds to be pani lo he ascertained by lot. THE DTTEBOCEANIC CANAL. .,' .-: PAL 1)1 lill! IT AND HIN! KAI. III.V. lHT-lil I iii. -Il ! al lim -I \|MH | , i , |a;i.M.i:u lin -- ni-iAla ll.] WA.-inNi.niN, 1'cii. _L3_.Genera] W. H. BuT- reta, alt Ni-tl-Ymk, linnie li Ij lirKUI'.-l.t (ai al it l,ei,.|.- Iin¬ ji,,u-e r-.*|ae! ( ul.llllllla i,n mi Hil. lie. .lille I* ni H. in fiin.r of tin- Mieoragna route above ni' others, apoa lbs graunis Ibui Itwsuld so tbs ame! praetteal ead eoou« .uni.*.ti tn niii-iiiii t. id- signed tbat tbs Pulled States ShOUld take lin mutative Ul tn*' work. QeUSrel rile, a icentlctiian fiiinlli.il with Ninth Atnii- icau countries, staled briefly, un luvn ''i-miof thc coui- inline, in-. rlawawtH MapaSSM thecomtnerelal bear¬ ings nf such an enterprise. He OfOSd the Importance of Savins tlie ininti lintier the control of an American company and under tho protection of tho United Slate*; believing If tbe control were allowed to rest in tin* bands ol foreigns!Si Ibal a valuable trade would be tin. ted h. foreign ooautrtaa. i.* hit, ti PUo also Stated tbat tbe enterprlas ls of vast imp-art nu*.- te ihe commercial world, and tbat tba Untrod Sletes Dhabi not to assume tne poettton et tbs surly dog wbieb weald neither eat boy nor allow tin banar] oz to eat lt H. .ml tbat tbe effect raffle1 aicltH- Uon "f Un* question before tbe American I kmgreei would pr.ibablr be to defeatthe De Lessepe scheme. If prac¬ tical and fflclenl direction wna not (tren to the snqjeet we woald in- placed in ibe attitude ol doing withing our¬ selves, and at thc saBM dins preventing lathers from sn- H.lim. no.m mnl prosecuting to completion Min great uml. uni; iil-. Bach an attitude would suh|crt us to the lust liiii.iiie mnl cnn, ism ,,f the entire commercial world. General Pike not be-tag concluded biersmarbs tilien tin-1*.unit c adjourned, bs was requested to ap¬ ia' ai agata m-xt wonk. WA8HINGTON No H.s. .VA-iiiNiiToN-, Friday, Pleb, 13, Issn. The Tre-t'ient hus approved the bili authorising Hie cuni cition of National QoM Bouka kt lo rtaj's montlea of the Senate Oammltteo ea T.r- rMedes, .Mr. Pest, from tba rab oommllteo. enbmltted a droll of the bill providing for the organlaaMon Of a form ol goTermeni rn ibe Imiiaii Territory, which was ordered to iaa* pi Inted, Wm. I'. Piero, AselStaol United States Attorney at New Yolk, appeared before lin- llnii-e Cominlttce on Public liu'iiiintfs ami Grounds to-day and advocated tba peonage ol lbs iain now pending bUore Oongnos pro¬ viding for the erection a.f ¦ National prison fa.r crim¬ inals convicted ol any offences against tba Dnited Statea, snd under the present laws Imprisoned In Jails mnl pciiitciiinun - ol tin* Stales sod Tri rltertes ni:\seae runi;iun news. NKW GERMAN MEA8URES. Lownon, Friday. Feb. IS, 1800. Prussia hus presented, in tin* Bnndearntb, _> MU prohibiting foreign reoeels from engaging ta the Da trade of . ;. un.my ezoepl where tho right ls na.|liii.al by treal. ¦'' hy special permtaatoo. Tbeilriifi of Our lull lor tin* prolongation Of the iinti- Hoci.iiiFt i, nv aili, ni i iii-it it in proponed to extend its operation l. Um Slat a.f Marah. 1880. KeferritiK to the ppoolna ol the (ii 111,1111 BlltobStag Ibe. Timei p 111: " \. long aa Battons are unable tc devise .my Improrcment In Ihe malotenanee ot tbelr mntua) relations it li lia t.implaln of tbe continuous Increase of Armament., anal nnpini to renard the measure! iiit.i-itcii with .:< ..'j ,; ii- necessarily Inoonsisteul M il.l |'a ll," .'111 Hid nlliilira." ¦PAID DECLINES TO BULK THE MOORE. M .1.1:11.. I bia] v ib. Li, 188ft In tin- Ch,itnln 1 01 1). until s to-diiy, Premier Caaevas del Castillo, replying lo an mterpellatton, ¦tated 1i1.1t tbe Ooverament wi-uhi not receive tba petition brongbt by u.e Kabyle Cblefi from several h. -i; iand Moors, saning to oe plaoed nndei al eglanca to Spain, Be added tbat lt bad aeen armored that reprasento- n tc of tin I'i 1.mis.non 1.1 holli econferenes on the sffalra ol Man., 11 Imii would probably take piacc lu Madrid, and would be ii gbly bene ii lol to Spoin. THE REICHSTAG'S NEW OFFICERS. Bi rn iv. Pt day, Peb 13, lVJo. In thc Reichstag to-day, Conni von Arnitn- B^ytsenburg was la <--..i Prsstdsal aaf tba Chamber, receiving 154oul ol -ii mild vote* iL-rr you Ben- a received eighty-nine roten Herr Frankenstein, ol tbe Centra pra sida t ky WA M.!.---eight] two blanks bavins boen cost in addition, ¦nd 11-1 r Hoelder, National Lilieral, iras elected - al bj ll*) iai,-, nith etabty-two blanks, io ii 11.1. :¦:¦ 1 .- noi *..¦! srrlvi tl in Berlin, aud 11 nol koowa wnether h< bas icea-pted tue office, THE WISH VOLU.N 11.1.1. BILL. L.iM.a.s. Thursday, feb. 13, 1 --". Tn n motion foi s second reading of tbo ¦. in ll, Mr. Li. si (Home Muter, * evan, i,.- inn. 1,alu., ni Tbat, in yi.iy ol th*- luci mat '. ni. nf pr.. inion » ... .11,d'iii'1 lil-hniaii 1 r advocating In a temperoto ruan¬ ui r-Tm iuitiesoftheieadlaws.lt in noi .1 -i!.ai..e io pul -neil power Into lbs bonds ol ibe l. »cd by sueh bill, oad timi lt ba Kail a m couti tune lins day six mott Hi-. CONCEDING AMERICAN PROGRESS. I ..-!¦.as. I .! ..*, tell. Ll, !--¦! Iii tin* Honse oi Commons to-day Mr. Wheel- hull- ll ..ll-'! I at Ile. I.eei|-|. Illili. "I Hie appoint lill'IH of a s. i. el I'liimiia ¦¦ to c.ii,-1.1 r il.nuaaiei dal r. lotions !.. tv.>¦- n Lm.-i.imi inui forelsu nations, especially urn niiiiiiii to ihe Importation .( n inui im-.l goods ...a,.,1,1 and H.. .il.*.*! ,,t free trade He said America bud ha itt>n England in cotton cloth, ami iii ii irkiug here, were now only to be lound In Ama lea. Aftei .. Himit ilebote the moi mia « IKYIM. rO SETTLE I III: GREEK CLAIM. Cowl ivnsori I .1. 1 h. l.'i, 1880, ncc hus ssked Englnnd to bring forward the 11. V pl.. in. -al m. lit of Hie lire.. tierqa .¦. lal com uli 1 in ii.', ed in diplomatic circles here thal sftei Ibe eommlstlan hus ihors on Ibe -i'-' ihe results alli be sub e.* "I ! '|. 1 'lill --nil..1 . .*.!... will c.in ni dilate lieiween rursej and i.n Hi imi: ring tbelr a tim proposed a!a'..mil.il. 11. DEI TING l-l.11 MI Kl NTIMEST. 1.1,M.a.-.. li I.I V '.. Iii. 188ft lUli'lJ Ship - .tn -: "Wc lllllll'l .-i ,111.! ll.,lt lanie) hos Informed tbe memorialists wbo pro- r.1 »t .i_-;iin.i tlie erection of a mon um en I 1 tbe late ii .1 Abney te it the lian la a-h lt lc 1 oe am i .1. tel lull..* 'li on, Hough ll 1- nol likely la be ai li oul laaima lt.itch," (.1 SERAL GRANT BAILS FOB MEXICO. Uwana, Fob, 13..General Grant and party sailed at ft o'clock tbls after.a foi Veto Cms on the steamet a Ity aaf a ie antborttla received the Uenerot nu bli arri ral here accompanied him to the steamer un. look cordial leave, General 1. ian! iii!' -1 - ii gk - ni* I .' icu Witb th.* aa Hut mina he f| alB Mn* lilli!'*! Mia*.. The party speul one .i.n i"i tia- plantation of Las Can 1-. 11.ai lefi tba a.- las) mijii, starting from La Union station at lo o'i 0 k, on a epeeml trolu. Hall an boot 1,11. ii.,- .«. mi'! tbe ir lia h. in it t, iek, lm lult v. Ubi . in a*. 1, 1 ii,- Bre¬ men oas wounded. Tbe train waa runnlnc mi un em- ha uk men I tep 1«-. -1 birb al tbe lime a.r tin* accident, lim 1 ,--.*!a-er- iimi tn nail uniii :i o'eloek for ,ui'.:ii.-r train, and arrived at Havana ut S o'clock ia tbe 1110111111*:, ai: well THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT. on au \, Ont., Feb. 12..The second session tin* ..11 ,1 |* ul;. nt ni the la<ii 11 mn of lan.ula ul. ed .ii :i..'. lock to-daj, with Ibe usual ceri*:,ionics. I OKI.K.N NOTES. LuM.a.s. Pnday, Pi h. 13, 1880 Tbe Brltlah bork Storm] Petrel, Captain Dwyer, from Leith January 20 mi \ *.*, York, hos pat lalo Plymouth wits ha pomps ilia* American ship Coi-n-;a. Captala Henry, from it - per; .Luina! 1 :ti im* H u Virk, bai pnl into Falmouth 11 ah tue in-,- ,>r bei .1 h.hloni ai J cutwater,inn un: keen lu .! ,1 lon. .insidera ul j da uet d. in the iiaaii-e of Lords to-day Bari Granville whether Loni Beaconsfield, bj his recent statements, iii.itin.il etalon had been arrived si regarding ll it. I.., ,1 I;,*.11 ,1,-11 Ul replied thal ll would-Muli lind io in "c.; .-.-,.non if in- w, nt iiii-iii tbe absolute .Ulement thst Her Majesty's Uoverumenl had ao! re¬ tell ed Persia from her engagement sol to ocoupy Herat.___ (RIMES AND casi U.I ns H) TELEGRAPH. I Ul Ri - 1 UH ILA IIMI. Qt.tune. Feb. lit. -A number ni counterfeit$10 bUfi un ih.* Dominion Bank are lo clroalallea kora KU.I...I' Ih ll B IA Ls. I'ri'iiKiiHis, \, .1.. Fob, 13..Willard Freeman, of Newtown, while ntl iiiptlmj lo board a train this momli« ,.r iiiii-n m.. teii ii.nr.i'i ii,.* i.u- ami iras in -1 i*ni iv killed A TB \ I M 1-A 1.1..- ill Kt il <. li A Kin D-Yinv, Ohio, Feb. 13..A nain nu the Dayton || ,-; le Hi!-,,'ll'!. Hi.1 Bml lal .all .* ** .< Ut 1 Ililli, il:.,* thia 111 .1 ioma, in«l_nillt kl i.n-' ISliiUUil cm.* I ra. iii.* ei gu* t. m.: .o.i. K .ic. h. H.* Bri iii.au. wa- ni: M c i:in.ki i> WlIJlixotox. Del. Feb. 1.1. -Tlie body, of Michael I-...ni-11. mi... in., been mlsstaa *1"1 '¦* lirlsimaa. was lound ihl 1.,. 1.ir; ic i*. ..] .1. .1,., c... lia waa probably mm Sered, bal oe amarna irs rel i" « ¦ id* |.|i,ll n\ \ D Uti, Illili!) India v\ nr 1-. I da. r_. Mrs. drown, the n tbs noan tainui .lerel bel l-l I 1 *,I.i 1. !¦! 1I.1 v ni ids n ooo- n .1.' i,< *,.,'_ ,K.iii, , «iiuiiii.*.i tba nu.I ililli lie na,ul.; *. ,. "I -iiiil .ieaicH tii.it iini.* ia ..i\ ti alb \ BALI WOR1 Kai. 11 mi .(; 1. Pcb. li*. Several lorged notes uiii.aiiu!!ii-' t" *-...1 -. 11 ibis prominent Ililli.I. I- Cf t ll- .C.* I" ll ail" **. I* Cl IDHI.I H.. iii ii. He had III till) lill.I li.l-.U. -a- lill.I 111 a.: ..1 Iii. rthwa M. lu neciluii nt Hu A HM LIU 'A D lal*. III. I Oin I.iiNU IliiAM 11, V .!¦, Feb. Cl. -A train un thc Kew-Vork nod Linn,' Breach Una rsa sally ain.. i. ¦ na which .All. ll IIIK '"a Ha- ll ' H So a. \\,:p I.,jnr.- I. I Ile lilli).,il.l |xi. -ihlv Hie ll- 1.11 till linn Lil Ie I. In.iii .. cn Min mi ti.illa !*.. .'¦ Satins il.ciil_!il. li.f ,.,, ,. c;i inn- im cc ot the med u st work andee iiihsg tu »ol.' Hie iu. »t. ty. TIIK VOICE OF PENNSYLVANIA A FAIR AND Fl LL EXPRESSION. TIIK OMOKTS OF Till'. (AMEKOV COMMITTKKMKN THF.M.SKI.VKR.THK TRIBt NK.'s CINVLSS OK TIIE narsioas stat*.fbabi avowals ok kk- ri HLICAN COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP COMMIITKE- Ml .v. Below will bc found thc result, so far .tr it hth yet boon aalatnineal, of a canvass ot all tho Republican Committeemen, county mid town* dallip, ot Pennsylvania, as to their tirst and second choice for President. These iii -t replies to a circular sent out lay THI Tribune show an ovcrwliclniine: ptof- erence Cor Senator Blaine, who is the. lirst choice of "21<» out, of _*M»7 coinmittco- nieii whose responses haag thus far been re¬ ceived. Over _.*,000, however, are yet to bb heard from. BENATOR MLAIM'.'S LONG LEAD. THE KIRS] CIIOICK OK 210 OCT OK 'JV,7 ACTIVE wonanra ssrusuosaa Immediately aftei the alispti teal nod IndenialTS re¬ sult bf tho Harriaburg Convention, Tan nuncan ileterinineil to ascertain what the real choice nt Penna] Kania for tin1 Presidency wus. The (mable with ordinary canvasses is that there is no certainty that. the men whose opinions aiat aaked arc really representative men. To avoial this it yyu.s resolved ti) get an cioreacion direct fruin tina bob when the Republicans in each locality had put npon their local Committees. Undet the Cameron domination it was presumed that these wniihl naturally be mainly COSMMO men. Nevertheless they aro necessarily the active, representative Republicans of their SSOPOOt* Ive localities; rand it was clear thal their choice would bc tbat ol tbe working parly orgnnisstioni while their nambo! (embracingcom* mn f> in ». ii in every township in every county hi the State!, made it reasonably cer¬ tain that the respttn.se would give a ("air key to thc Kcneral spontaneous sentiment of tbe State an.l preclude thc possibility of a mere clique ntteranee. Then bis abonl 2,61)0 of these committeemen throughout tbs Mate. An official list nf them W.is secured, alni tO each OM tin* follow¬ ing circular -waa sent OfFICR Ol' THK Nl-'W-YailtK 1:1)11 NF, ) NSW-YORg, Iel). IO. IHHO. $ Dr*i! Sn;: Will you piesse vivs ns for 1 RR TRIO- i.\! on Ibe loora poets! esra vour drat and iee* omi coolee tor President of the United states f Ymir nnme will not bs need if you maka areqoeet to that effect on tbo caul. Your answer by return mail will much nilli -i- Youls inly, Thr TsinC-TR. N'aw-York. Thc men td whom thia circular was sent are. of ooaree, the aetive srorkiog Repoblicnna of Penn- sj iv.atna, anil ca.ib one of them must kaowacea> ruffly tin- political .-eiitinient of the conni.ni.liv in which be lives. Up to jreeteiday sfteraooa'fMl ii plies bsd been received, of which tbs following 11 y: Lan r.liiiiie.210 Fair (irani. 40 Fair Sharman.... A For Wssbbnrne. 'A I'm Conkling. - For Cameron. l Foi Edmunds. 1 For <-Mt ii- l-l. 1 Iiehiw trill be fonnd tbe replies thomsalvos, with whatever tens obeervations each eoiTeapondent chooa to nutke. Io theae foaponaee.two points sis tilv noteworthy: tirst. tho expression of pref¬ erences is remarkably frank; second, the piomiso to withhold any name if the writer de- -ireal has heen scrupulously kept. but it any aaf the responses appear nnsignod. The publication of replies to Tan TnnnM.'s circular m iii h.* continued on successive days, as tho replies ina* rea eived. «..- FOR BLAINE. N'o-tliiiniliat la'il: First, R!,tine; I ala) not wish to i. ii a bi tin- thi ; ..ni aol for Oran* il i'd .un :a Republican nnd noihlua else, bul i.i i ,' can afford to stop luil maw ; I don'l like to see Inui pull tbi beal reooru ever mad*; bj nan. Miram Youur. Buckingham: First. Blaine; and I alu not eora wbo kim-vs ii; second, Wasbburue j Blicks sui Montgomery . isl -nini im Blaine .Luau*- a'. li e. Bethlehem: First, Blaine; second, anj nun. tnoujrb in defeat Ihe opposition, wbeU-CrWasbburuo, ^berman or (irani Jase. v. Wearer. ion Kn-!, Blaine, Sol al ?, e..11.1, no third lino if we have uoi - a; tli. teni mat* i lol :* r i Frosida ul In i... part]. let's ..-ai oul jina. .*.. Marpbi. Conababecken Hr-*, Blsine; second, Wasbburac; bal I in ni. L.ii i.c uni t oi, cn ..I. .i io. and should nne im- liomin H.an. \; the Ksputilienn I work¬ men I kate ie 'i'i expn ¦. an optnlon irita t* o ¦.-areli.! I; un*, lin,-e two exceptions are J i II .-'ililli ce. Hollldaysburg: lirst, Blaine t ascend, Orow. i; J. Mai i ern. Mi till: Fist. B! iii'11 ; -.ld, Windon] or Viol, linnie ; ant] Isfoi Blab e .1" rpbO, Cul i.i nm ml: Pint, Blaine; second, Washburne. Mart i First, B nne; second, Bberman. OSorgs n. Webb. Snsqnebanna: First, Li..in. seoond, Edmund H Wright. n.n. rollie First, Li. nm*; second, Blaine; snd with ii,.. :,!.* uiin ly-iitue-.m. -hundredths ol tbe Rcpublli ons ol Wayne County. Wm. li. Lee. it, Bloloe; second, Wasbburue. J. C. K- ll), MiflUnbnrgi First,Blaine; second, Sherman, kobt .1. .Mil. bi li. Mlfllinbnrg i First, * Blaine i second, Waabburno. W. .*-. ion*:. ..ilia*.. of ike Telegraph, ll.,, .*.;,.-i First, ninian*; eecoud. Vu*-* I'n-i.i, i.t Wheeler. J. O. Glover. Wetl Cbeeter: tii.-t. Blaine; second,Oort ld John Al.. II. Cowan: First,Blaine through timk and thin n ¦¦ i nu n (ust arnuad us all for Blaine); second, Sharman M. li. Mussina. w. «i iiiove: First, illume; ki and, Waehborne. a--1. K. Ciiambera. Aiiiiiitiittiaivn: First, Blaine; second, (nant. Wm. Ml -el- Muiit Alto: First,Blainei ascond, Uraut. w i:. -.- nott I-- siniinii!: Flint, Blaine; second, Blaine, ami ail the ll. ( ,i. Fainter. Patterson: First, Bloloe; second. Blaine's thenini-ir- Itj weal no third-term man. J ian Foemans. Upland: rust. Hr.- Maine gladiator,Blaine,a -tim meat echoed bi tverj Itrpuoliean eilisen in town j ioe- , nd, Bb Inc; In tact, the Maine Benator si] the titus. Pino (irii**: First. Blain.*; no - eoild eli.n.e. No (ir- lit mell litre. Tlli illls.SCS W.tUt Blaine, Bell aa* ll Barta Boston: First, iiiuim*; second, Coukiiuir. Jacob li. Booth Baalon: lirst, Blaine: second. Wsashburne, ot nni-*.aa...i u -m. ii in a.i tbal is regularly nominated; out no i*iiiiil.i-.iu.-,. William H. sen* t. South Beaton I Flr.t, Blain.1; second, Uashlaiirne. John H. H.n. L.ne..In University: First, Blaine ; second, li rani. ' l|ae. Pm- OroVC! PUSt» Blsine J seconal. Blaine; we are all I::,lina- men in r bin>¦ nc (irani mon. v. v.. Stroan Baaloo: First, Blain.-; second, Wishburne. F. L. Tl,.Kell. uibtaltar: Firs:, Blaisei second, Waahbono. uk -Cl 'el. White Havan: -First, bi.ino*; se. omi, SueiinSa. w: v. -in aler, A Hi-lo n n l'u st. Blaine Moona I. inuit or Sherman. ,1 K..M.r. \,i. mown First,Blamei second,Shennsa. BpSralm I,I Ul. Allentown I First, Blaine ; set-olid, Sherman. Moirls ,*-. k.Hillman. Allentown: First, Blaloci second, Bdnrsn-ds. Wm p. Snyder, Bhenandaah First. Biuiue asoona limns.de. c. W. Deagler. BonthBethlehemi F.r-t, Blmnoi second, Bhcrsaaa. L. i'.i) in*. -nulli li ¦ttilelu-ni First, Illume ; second, Sherman. .1 k. McIntyre. Wyalsatngl First, Blame; secoaid, Blaine. N. J. a, ii loni. ('.iLiMiinpia: First. Blaine| second, Wiishbiu-ue. (ii.:n: never. James ff, \V Ult. WnMontowni hteaeoeMna of BejmbHmna ttm rel* loll III, *.... lin- -ill! a-f til Vote tl I. ell Knut, Ulallie. .ni; (irani. 1 second, Sherman, Sd; untu(, 5. I. .m. loLiner, ell.ni iii,iii. BoUtdaysbargl First, Blaine; -nomi, _*hern>un. No tlair tenn. P. w. Snyder. WatSOBtOwa: First, Blaine ; sceoud, Sherman. l.M. Lolliiicr. shallssan, Lewisburg: First, Blaine; nine-tenths ot the county are for bini, notwithstanding thc Harrisburg tuachtne ; second, Wa«!inii'*iio; county ulvldeal on second. Thoa. ( thornton, M. I). Pottsville; First, Blaine; iceni. Sncrmati. John M. Pott. Sliippensburs:: First. Blaine; sec.ni,I, Qnrbeld. I will support thc Republican Lom'iice. Juc. H. Mi-Mul- len. Plainfield: First, Blaine; second, Shernian. Abner Bc tr. MarySTlUoi Fimt, Blslti- : second, Sherman : (irant cannot pet thc party volo hero by one thbd. la. W. Ll'lala-.-. V M. . Chester: First, Blaine ; s-cnn.l, Wa-'iimrne I nine- temii-a or our people an- for Blaine, aud mir dele-rat. tn CSteago ts so uatmctod, as also to .liswjcard thc unit role. o. c. Md lure, Secretary Oe. Ossa. Piiti-nixvllle: F:r.**t, Blaine; BSOOnd, Ws«hbiirne. P. O. < urey. White I Ia veu : First, Blaine; seconal, I.ni_;tii. Wm. D.-Seott. , Ntaqoehontag: First. Blaine; second, Washboanoi i.nilli limier io t ircumratani c-; oul of eighty IL |nib!l- ni lot -r-a lier.- there are .ionit lt u wini favor (iran:. Alonzo F. (oi br. I'ltsvlllc: F.rst, Blaine ; second, (Lu Held, lieorge W. Kennedy. 'ii-ii iipi-a : First. Blaine, of Maire: sreOBd, Sherman, oi aa.i.a.; Blaia i- tin- ch.-ic ot Uie ii* publicans iii thia se. lion of on; canty. Walline Q B nuii Lciii.ei b! Lii-t, B'.-.ine i eoead. Waahbosaei no lnil-1 terni. J. BVaUO. Caiiisainpia: F rsi, Blaine; ono term onlay. I). A. Taali.ialir.Jr. Huntingdon : Flrat, Blaine ; second,-. J. (>. laeabecg, Oettjrabargi i'n t 'and Hals i* the choice nf nine-tenths of Kepubilcans rn tim countv i. Blaine,... -I Washiniriie, of (Umolu. D. C. Bu blen, L.ntur star and Sentinel. Yai-ilb-vvlilcI First, B'ame MCOOd, WatahbOrSO. Jos. B. < nully. W>sal (luster : FL -t, Blaine; ne. 'mal. (ir HM, ii. I. B. Beading I I'u-t, Blaluc ; second, W.is.iburue. funnel Wothtna Bethlehem! nial. Blaine j second, WaM_hnnm. Bea Aiieivalt. ('..iici.r.lvillc First. Blain;1; second, Washt'iirne. B. .). IL via,ina. Kennett Sanaes I First, B alni-; sa con-', sherman. Willlaiii Of. Polk. Maa linnie : First, Blaine ; second, Sherman. A. Hlng- meeter. Lint-aster : First. Billin-; meoud, ('.inkling or Wa»b- liiin.c. Ii n nol .ir crag int lo s av tli it I, un .itt ll City sod County, lt permitted to sp.-ak, w.aa.d declare iii favor ol Blame by a vofc nf al 1. a-t font tai ono aaainal tlc* Held. And lils sentiment lias ltet-u tiiii-n-ifleti lay borocrul aet_.n of nor County a'.imu.'.t ter. Its chairman was aa accidental delegate tout *,').as alternate to Colonel tdebey who il eal . where be basely betr«ve*tliUconaititteuu. An a monal to tbe betray ni. f l -ru. be n norna t" c ill tl.- eeMOUtn tocetber to order a primary election under the mle* gt our party In the county, nntU lt waa loo ima- io hold ia-ii election lu m.ie loi oar late stan* L'onvcstlain. And on tbe pretext of wont of time the committee- .irked tor soon purposes.pro.d. .1 io elect eight deb mi - lo tue convention, -ix nf whom Toled ilareen*, again* t v, lint ti,ey inii.-t Save iiann waars the sentiments of their eon- ititltentS. ( an i. |a art1.- a'oiitli oe to in aa*: I bits -ludl- oualy IgOOtS lbs well-known whI of the peon:. I J. W. .1 i. iui. Alleiilown : On' of I.'lil-.'!! Coii'i'.. :. SOO BORU* ruters Oeneral Qroat cannot mn-i-r :_00 favoring his n iiiiii .t.aa*i, and not mora than 3,000 woe wamid voss for mm oren ll ha* were nominated. With prooaofj the exception ol s ' n hundred, tb Beuubiicnnsol this county ure entbatiu-tieoily a noll for the type nd hera of the day, James ti. Bi un a-, iii.* ir -a coud caoiee varies .t between Bdmnods, Washbarne aud (marmoo, ia portion ol aboul one-bait, n third sad ....-¦.uli respectively. Any of Hum* vvouiri receive the Itill party tote, WI limn P. .-mder. Beaver Falls: this town iiu- been thorr.nchly esn> -rossed, sn i ls stroiag rm- Blsine. rin*., .mi cin.it bas ootb bul th Indications are Hist I,* ,l I ls (lia* Iv- a (Il-T with me in bu for Blulnu Ant, inst aad al- W. May. Rew-Hopei Ina BopaMleaa von* bera lo Ihle bceoORb ol .ii 130 there la bal one third term man to our knowleda nnd lt the action of tbe RepaWlerini naven* Hon st Hsrnaburg h not somewOnI aradttted ll al if l.ill..! -.'l-.lL I tl 'IV till) ii ainiiiaiii'ii. it will be very bard work io set Ki-pubfl cana to vote for bim here tu Eastern Pt nosyh Bach i- my opinion io-:lay. Ol * ctaey valli follow. J.8.B. mona i ur augb snSrjr Blaine ls tne fnrarite by IS i*i l tor a;ra*.,r. I Jodi nomination of Li.nne it equal to un ellon, lilia I ,i, uni ¦-¦ ul would i.e elected if nomli There ar* many tnflnentlol l; .I-..,,, psst iivi-lv int support or v..ac lor Uraot. while th*] wiU support any oiber BepohUcoa candidate. Jin- P. Wuit. Bus ri Fll -t. T: ali i !- or -ah. 'ni in or (j.ow. Would vole fer ti ran If nominated; bat think it would bc very InJudleioui to noa.ii ate i lm. J. F. .sill.*.*. I>;*.*.canna.li Fii-t,B:.i.m.in. C. II Hoeblanda r. . Bedford our iii st ,-u .-. lo*; mir second. Blaine. I. quin i*." i.: First, ,¦', ( mw nan. M. Middleburg: lii-t.Bi.ie sec* nd. Blaine | io third t- i ia 111! air o.i J.H. I'. '.1.. r . (ii Iti-lon-: Farst, li ...in*; SOM .!. (ealing Kalw'd i.. Pahucstock. BeHefoute . rsf, Bts no; st eoi al. si jr got tl B -pilbil- c ill ey-i*i<; t...il.I. 1 I'.i-. If. ila1,. .'. 1). First, B's I.Hbcnu in. Mus- i, utusol all :!.- Kepuiiiieana ..i lori .. .¦- un. s. M. :> Lacy i llb ii i Mt, I I rant I. B, L-l- v auls. (oi ry Fir t. Bl due : - ¦-.*¦¦.¦,.. i: mln_ Peutn : int. Clolne; second, W.Vrue men 1 iee* t .ii Bim: First, Blsine; secoi Omat Harris Rp :ii it .m. Sunville: l-' i--'. Blaine -- oond, Qranl We m Ul a*nr ('.unt.v ar- cu pu.ii ic ally for ll,ame, leal it vic . ,niia.| fl ic wi will Indorse (.: .nt di nos nth r trmnt wil e un the States ot Mew-York ead Indiana /.. -.»; air,itu.:;: First, Bia.ii.- sc..m.1, Shaman. Dr. R. Myers. .borg! First. Blame ; .st toad, W.n.lil.iti n. A. ,i. wi lams. H..n.iv. i: First, Blaine: second, .:her;i aaa. lt. Jt Win. Daovtlle: First. Blaise; seeoad Waehburua. Hain't Y. liiomi "ii, M. H. York: First,Blain secood,Blaine. ll. F. < Tr)o__vtlle: First, Llama*: sac.n.l, Sherman, i>_tW Mi.n.. lr, ('..nii.. Milt : I :r !. Bi iln-*: -,t out. iiliocvci norn- lg .lillie I. 1 --H. Lo k Msven I Firer, Blaine; ......il. .. J hu Mo Lswtatmrg: First, Blaine evett tiuic; eec nd, Blaine, m Maine. Abraham Mowi .l.ii;;.li Fll st. Bl one *M* uud, Bbei man Bi.lilla- U) ths clou . ol (.iiin « linly. I). \i AItoona: Fmi, Blaine i S ibbocae. iia\id& i nltou. aew-Brtghtoo: Fir-t, Blaine; locoed. Orana, ii M Hart. Btdgwaj : First, Blaine ; p rand, BlaSse, D. ii w. nsel Cannot sbnrgi First.Bloloe 1 « eood, Wasbbai ie. M. 1). Melita.ll.¦- Driftwood I First, Blaine; -.a*aam!. --hi inuit.. F. A. Bia. kwell. Benora: i'ii st, Blaine: second CeoMlne K.atieri W. 9 wm Healer I-,':-: lir-t, Iiliiuc; SSCSSd, (i.ufield. aCharlea W. Mn*. Bearer Falls: First, Blaine j seeoad, OssBsM. James v.. Edgar. I.umli's Linc: First, Blame; sectiinl, Washburn*. Thomas Osborn, jr. Conneantvillai Pint, Blaine; second, QarBsM Joho C. -tlllicl.illt. Moiiiour-yille: First, Blaine : secnnal. Shannan Thia town is almost aoaulRHHM torBtalao, Wm. Meadeshea, .Iialimtii'iva: Kir-', Blame nr, omi, (;,!(!.¦ .1. J. Jf. ll-le I*. buk Bnveni First, Blainei sScsad»Oiaai o.t. Ml ibaela. Lu rii'iaa': First, Ulallie; second, Washburric. M. F. Biiomaker. Lm¦ri'.iol : 1'iiot, Blaine IO-_____. Wiii-liiiiiiui*. S. M. Sliulcr. |CCSV_lleI First, Boinia SCCORd, Gratit. P. W. Flan % Maj fWS Pint, Blame. Jilin F. John-ton. AhbolelaWOI Firnt, Bl. aim-; ¦atc,nial, tii.u.t. Henry Kohler. York First, Blaine; icoond, Edmonds or (i.n ti.-ut. m m.., ;n.ni an ba it Orana lt. B. Ueohcnn, i i iwood: First, Blaloei t.rht. laat aiurtn the Hine; s, ar. ai. th, BepobMeaaa In Fteeswsedi t'. a. Me* Witta. .1 (iii Cheater to tull Cf HalRS men; ..nrflrsl choice ls B'.u'nc all thc lime. Nathaa Feaueil, K. Ber y.i. |r., L. I* Liili.-ina. K. L. l.ukeiis, J. P Lin., BS, W. C Lenin ll, L. L. Ilk. ll. 4 Co. a'liri.ii-i illa Flrar, Blinni ; l mn nure the -r i.llmenl n; !'.< mai rlt) of tb foi ¦.! .nt iti this lo- .alni -ccon.l. ILilicocli. H. Wilwi MoManl. BhoemakersTflle: First, Bi.ti-i*; seeoad. WaehhosMi l'. S. Omul anal Binnie, of M nm, '..ini.l »a»eeii the c. n.n Irv iroui OiCk't'i) Ha M itue. M ia- «¦'. Hiirkharl. louth Bethlehem i runt, Binnie; seeoad. Coasting | ami so tho majority will «a( iii thi- a*.-iintv lu this town til tn.. Republicans ure for Blaine. Janies J, Edmonds. Allentown: FlMt, Blaine: second. I Om aaf *_!)t:i vote-cant at at a ward uouiiuolion in tiim city, Blaim ic*, it c. l_(i, Cant--' Wa '.r I.. J Kliireinaiistoivu I First, Ulalu**; stcnad. Nacrinan. .--amurl Mio|ii.j.*. Mi cli;iiile.s!»ir<: Fir-it. Blaine; «ec,.n.l, W.i-M.uroe; l'iiiulia-i liati.l * .11*1' v Stroan Hu- Binnie. K. C. i. ,nla ar Lina/li'Stown: Fu_t, Blaine, m.I the yours lu -,-rua-ia lu lln.s Vicinity are for hlui. A. li. Coble. M. ll. BeaverFaliai PRrst, Blplsai issoed, natue, d.o.o Patterson, QcimrahRRgl Firm, Blaluc; second, Fdmuudi, al
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-02-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · W*wM rn ITT"-I» Vol. Y\rYI\TV«'12.144. NEW-YORK, SATl ItDAY, WAUUJAKY 14, 1H80.

W*wM rnITT"-I»



PREPARING FOR THE CAMPAIGN.rt'RTHKB MNnaOi op nra murara ot can¬



General Giant is reported to be tolingitrength in Michigan and in other parts ol'

Hie West; "Senator Blaine is said to be pain¬ing: in all parts of the country. A gpedalr_ea_ury agent, who travels much aboutthe country, believes that Grant will not petnearly the whole .Southern vote at Chicago,and will not have, support cnoutrh from otherquarters to niuke his nomination sure. Re¬

publicans in Brooklyn are settling their differ-pnees. In this city several district meetingswere held last evening.




Washington, Feb. 13..The fact that a majorityof tlie la'i'publicans of Wahlgu favor tho iioiirina-tioti *.f Senator Blaine at Chicago rather than thatof (Jencral Grant, disclosed hythe recent newspapercanvass of that State, is no surprise to some of th**

Republican Representatives of Michigan in Con.gres«.

" When I left home," said ono ol them to-day,*' the Grant boora was a verv strong ono, anal Stemedto be carrying everything before it j but now I judpe,from my tAWnoaanmnWnb and from what Repub¬licans from Mu'linran who have recently been in

this city saw tbat the fl rant sentiment has sub¬sided, ami tbnt .Mr. Blaine is by far the most popu¬lar of the priituiriout Republican candidates among

our people."" Wbo is your choice, if that is a fair question T"

naked the torrespondent of The Tribink."Ob, I can support Grant, or Blame, or Sherman,

or Conkling, or a*oy other good Republican wbomay be nominated. I can't sa> that 1 really have

any candidate. I desire to be so far uncommittedto the fortunes nf any ono man that I can give theheartiest ami must effective support possible to tin-

nominee, whoevt 1 lie may be. The strongest argu¬ment that is put forward in favor of a third term

for General Grant, that we riced a ' strong man ' at

the head of affairs, seems to nie rather a dangerousone. I am baldly ready to admit that I have so farlost confidence in the stability of our republicaninstitutions -ititi in the cood sense and patriotism ofour people that wa need a 'strong man,' in thetense in wi,nb tli,at phWS is n-i*d when GeneralGrant is spoken ot, to Have us from thc effects ofour own folly, Besides, if that is a good rea-on

now why we should make General Grant PresidentIn preference to either of tho others whohave been named, it will be just as goodk reason why bo should bo elected ;uraiiifour years from now. and at every neeeoding (lec¬tion. These are the principal objections I ha\e to

Qenerai (Hani's ieno)i;niatn.:i now."Advices from other Western {.tates received in

Wai-hiiiKtou within the la-t few days all bamaBlaine tinge. In Illinois the Blaine sentiment is

daily gaining strength, and, unless the Stale Coo-ventioii is calleal for an unusually eaily date, Sena¬tor Blame's friends expect that it vi ill stronglyfavor bis nomination. There is no tonger any doubtthat (he Pucitic States and the Territories will bendsolid Blaine delegations to Chicago.In the East Senator Blaine's friends think that

they are giiining strength. The delegation fromMaine Trill be one of the ablest that has ever repre¬sented that Btate in a National Convention, uml Itaiiilluetice iu favor of Blaine's nomination will beavery strong one. The _.ew-Hamp-hire delegationmay not be instructed, but the Blaine men expeelto get it, as they probably will that ot \n-mont after it bas complimented SenatorEdmunda, iniles-* Edraundn'a movemeut abonlddevelop strength in other paits of thecountry. The Blaine sentiment is aleestrong ni Ma-sat liu-ii-, but seem- to lack organ¬isation. Tin- (ir.nit.ii are rory diligently al worikin that Stat!1, and, strang-, to sa v, seem to be nuk¬ing smile headway.In New-York Slate than* seems lia be a sort of

tacit understanding between tbe friends of Beenstait Bbennan and those of Senator Blaine thal theyWill not interfere with each other, but will unitetheir ii, lliieiiee iii tin- State Convention to prevell Ithc passage nf a 'Irani resolution, anal iaa tbia tl .yexpect t" sm cee<J ; although it must be admittedth at. tai an uutoider tolerably fatui lal with the poli¬tics of the State ami frequently In eoutacl with li-public::))- li*.un ali parts of it.it seems mun* like lythat Benator Conkling will control Ihe Conventionand mould tts action in accordance with bia own

lodgment.i he news trom ihe Souih ii that Secretary Sher*

¦Ma ie still making material progress, and will aila:.-i divide tlie delegations beyond the Potomacwith Qenerai Grant.A Blaine chili will be funned by Republicans in

thia city to-morrow evening. Prominent Republi¬can-Cougreaamea from dinerenl States ba\seiitcd lo sci as vice-pt sklents.



A Spca iai A ¦..cit of the Treasury, wh** inconstantlyon the wini'ami Dav. I-a o\cr a lal ye portion ot Hie.conntry, ai.tl who takea a lively inter* st hi politics,as most special agents *!*., was aaked ye.-i. nlavby a Tkibi nk repel tot sumo qtteatlona as to Ins re*cent observations.M la Giant going to gel (he whola Southern vote

in tim Chicago Coaiveiition f'" By no m. ans. Tba Southern Ra-publicans are

naturally tor him, but many ol them are under per-sonal obligations to Sherman, nnd Will wink for dianlain-stlv. Bimi miii will have votes from Virginia,ISoith Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Losand Texas. He may not have au entire State dele¬gation, but he will pick up a good many votes hereand there throughout the South."

" Will Blaine iel any Boothera voles T""A tnt, but ti-it him! ly so many a- Sherman.''" Hew will the Raw-England State- go T"" I am not certain of Massachusetts. Vermont is

hr edmunds on tho tirst ballot. All the nsf willbe Ior Blaine."" Have you sampled New-Jersay ."'" Oh, yes ; 1 know all about New-Jersey, lt is a

Giant state, tl.roiK.li ami tbrougb."" What about Indiaaa f""There will bea divided delegation. Since Mor¬

ton dii'd there is no RepuHiiean in the State strongemuigh to solialify the party and manage it. I thinkrather more Gian bli the delegation will be forBlaine, and the re-t tor (.rant."" Do you count Illinois as solid for Grant f" No; I don't believe he can get the whole dele¬

gation. Blaine will divide it with bim. As toalicliigitu. Wiseonr-in, iowa, and the States furtherWest, (Mani can't touch them. Tbey arc uli forBlaine."

" Wnat. then, is your estimate of Grant's probablestrength iai th*! Convention T"

" Four-lift li-, of Na-w-Yoik and Pennsylvania, allof Neiv-J.r.-ev, part of Indiana and Illinois, amitbe greater pait of tim Boutin rn vote."" That would not be enough to nominate him.""Well, one tiling you can depend on. By thc

15th ot May Grant will know exactly bow manyvotes be bas in tho Convention, ami it he luis notenough lo wm be will withdraw. He is not goingiulo a scrub race to take his tuarn es.''


corvi v.

The meeting wliicli the Kings County Be*faiiiiiican Deneen! Committee held -Thursday ttealng,and ut,.eli lamed until l ;«. m. yeaterday, was regardedu* important, liinnintiifi as tbe virtual rei'iiiitilaitniii ofthe two (mn. nu tit the Bepublloaa party m.,* bronchialMtuL One ul the factions lias heen oatroll. tl by Oca-era: Jourdan ami ,x sherill Doggett, ami with tin- otherCi'y Works Couimisctuaer Worth, Police t oasalaatoaerL- i.*i Aii'iiloi Aiiiintiiu.iii nii.i others have been proui-Itically Identified. Couiannslutier Worth lives In theglxteenth Ward, whicii he controls politically, and thrdelegates to the General Committee recently elected

from that ward were friendly to him. A contenting del¬egation, however, laid Its claiian* before the General('un.mutee, nml a committee was appointed to make an

Hiv, Miration. It was known that this committee'sreport wus to be made Thursday evening, and thal ttemia (only of tba committee would recommend tba un¬

seating of the Worih delegates. The. minority r; portfnvm cd the rejection of the claims of the eonipstants.There whh nneh lively anal Hcriinonious debate, amt alli nulli Mr. Worth wan iriven the privilege of the Boor.He sugacsted that the matter in* sent back to tbe v, aralAlsoeiation, uuti tbat a cninniitiee ol tlir Generalommlttee be appointed to rapemse the revision 'af

the roll book. Thin was adopted, and it was orderedtl at ,t mw primary election should bo held under tiresupervision of the committee.

'I kat action was favorably commented apoa yeaterday,ainl it was said that lt would Insure eonpiete harmonyaniline the Republicans of Kings (tunny. Mr. Wormaaid tbat (laaviiiior Cornell bad recently Instated upou(he reoonoiHatton ol tlie opnoslng factions in tue

county h a neoeaeary step before Kings County wonldreceive such recognition os lt was entitled to. it i« bo*Heved thal Mr. w..nh will be fleeted a delegate na tbat-tate Convention. He ls in favor of Grant's nomination.


LINCOLNS BIRTHDAY IN JERSEY CITY.The Lincoln Association of Jersey City had

a duiner Thursday al Taylor*-t Hotel In honor of Lin¬coln's birthday. About ISO perrons were present,among them several New-Yorkers of prominence. Thetoast taa "The Memory of Abraham Lincoln" was re¬

sponded to by B. W. Throekmorton, who, in the course

of his remark.-, said:Mr. Lincoln'-* ti election to the office of Chief Incen¬

tive o! the Motton, by a malfrlty luger than baa everbe n gtvi'ti for unr President, sln'iwed Ibo estimation inwhich Hie people then held bim,and sealed tin-ai.iwnfaiiof tlie Kebellfon. Scarcely had lie entered U|mu Ill¬s' i*a.ii.i tnm of unuf tn* Lee surrendered to tho srealeslmilitary genii si.r thc ag.*, ami tho al ivs or armed trea¬son were numbered. The Motion was beside itself darvery fiiiiiiKss. We nil remember how. iik« it..y. lal oatof soliool. Hie whole loyal people leaped BOd slii.titeil lathe ii-rv OTCOSS ol tlicir exuberant emotion ; and, alas Iwe all remember, too, how from tbe ten mountainheight ol exultation anti Joy, without roe non. of warn¬ing, the Nanon was cast iloivn Into thc lowest abyss nfbitter sorrow-. An aitaitln's bulla t had robbed IbaNanon of the lifo of Abraham Lincoln.

It was on thc evening ol Hu-Hth of April, tbs anni¬versary of the surrender of Sumter. Mr. Lincoln lssealed a the private-*©* of a theatre ha- reluctantlyattended (uiiv because tho people expected blas. lbsassassin inlets Die box, plato] in one hand, dagger In Ibe«>tin-r. He raises tbe pistol aimva- tbe a*i.air ol Fae Presideni ami shoots him in ihe head, shouting st tito .ama*

tuna Virginia'sandeni motto,"Ste temper tyrnnnii."He leaps from the box to tbe stone beiowj falls, bat re¬nou his feet, fanes tho iiolritlcil nu.Hence, qui)bniidlshniK his dagger, t xclaims : "The South laavenged ".ami rusbea lo tbe nar (,f Tin- Mane andmakes bat escape. Bal for one Incident, powerful lait saggestlveneM, be might have escaped (.election amioitjitnn-. The fall froetored his iee: ead tbe fall is oe-oasloned hy his a-1mr eotehtng, ns he lamps fruin toe ia.a\.In Hie fold- of Ilia' American Hag fa -touua in ni." thefront. May tbal flag erei cooee, us ll always haseaused, tbe downfall of traitors.

REPUBLICAN DI8TRICT MEETINGS.Tho XVlIIth Asstnilaly District Republican

Association met la-t evening in (ila**** Hall. Twenty.*iwa, namea wen proposed ior membership.Tin- xxth District Republican Aseoclatlou met at

Mo. IM Baal Fifty-fourth al., aod received a letter fromthe xvuth Disii.at Amoclalloo witb a roqooot ta Joinina request to tbe Central Committee to submit to tbeassociations an amendment te the Constitution, tiningtbe boot for opening polis at :i t>. m. instead? p. m.

Al tho meeting ol (he XXI-t Di-ii tat Ki publican As¬

sociation, Dr. Whitman V. Wlnto oecupied thc i hair lu

the ab-aeme of the President^ Jiieoia Hens, Abonl lo">names wore put on tho roll of membership. On ina.ti.'ii 'af

Malm1 Willard Milliard u resolution was paaaed Instruct-ingjlie del-Bastes of tbe dlstrlel h. the Republican -1!!.!.*Convention i<> reeenl tbs name <-f .1 icob lieu for dele¬gate to thc Republican national Convention.

THE MOVEMENT FOR A 8HERMAM CLUB,Tho, mooting of the friends of Secretory

Shot milli at Helm, .nii o's tills evening promises IO be ii

Inrger gathering Li..n tli.<t if Wednesday evenlaglaet.Pammi a. Baines saul yeaterday that he hail reesnumber of letters from business man and others ex¬

pel s--!ng their-*}'tn pa thy with tl,'* movement, and prom-I.iui,' to be at the amt ting to-night.

DMAMIMOUS POM ORAMT.Troy, \. Y., Fob. 13..Tbo Republican dele

gates from Hus mtf, the It Matriel ol RepCounty, ore Junia*- L. Thompson, James r. AablaJohn B. ciniu.tull -a solid Omni delecotlon. They havebeen lastmeted t*. vote for the Hon. Joint M. francis as

dei. g.nc to the National Convention.

THK WI*-! ON.-IN ( ONVJ NTHiN" CALLED.Milwaukee, Wi-., Feb. 12..The Republican

State Central Ci).n.nit! ce ha- . ia--l a all l"l ll..* Mala*

Convention h> meet al Madison am Mar i to choosetwenty delegates to lue National Convention and tenI'lesideuti.il electors.


IBM -.'COM) ALBAMY PRIMARIES,Albamt, Fell. 13..Ai iii*' second Republican

primaries held in tins etty to-doy. by order of tba- Al*bony County Committee, tin- m.calle.i Smyth delpolled over bjOOb votes without tapp talma.

TOR MATOM OF BTMACU8E,Si kali -i. N. Y., Fob. li'..Th*- Republicans

have noBstnnted Francis Hi ndricki lor Mayor.


Cincinnati, Fob, 18..Il lm* rained nlmoslim*.*- taut-j since 5 o'eloeh yeaterday erening, end \-.uiat the Hine ipiin- in* av.ii. Tba Ohio River is rising rap¬idly along tba whole I'.ae from Ptttaburg to Cairo. Tbarainfall hero from tba tune n commenced reeterdayuntil 10:30 oV-loch n.-nlgbt ls reported by Ibe bignal-.-i i.,. nu-, rvei n" fJOim Inches,| Lm i.-\tlll, Ky., Fob. 13..At &20 thisafternoon t:-'* wind's average reloclty wns forty-twoHulas ptr h.iiir, lal awing 'ram ibe touthwest. WithinIbo last six boors tbe temperature baa fallen 21 , read-lue ni :i o'ciaici. ..ai an i iii :i o'eloeh t ,-i.ic.at.:;.', i hetola! rum fal) or tba ilay l-l- '*,.,, _DO_ I, lor forty-rightia in .. >ioo ¦.*'

At Franki 'it, Ky., ti o river ls rising at tbe rata of a

foot an l.i.m. .¦'i'll'* io«er p.irt of thal etty ta flooded.ana', before morning ih** winer will be In thc Btate-Honae

h ii-a: lu the river was never known lots -..



San Fmamcisco, Fob. LS..The Assemblyto d av passed a bili to enforce tbe elanas of Umtatton Li regard lo tbe employment efCblnamea by a

vole of 73 to 8, and tbe Governor promptly signed lt,TbeBand Lol m- reJag greeted the news witb prolongedcheers. Tl.e Wm kingincii's eiammittee Wen lolil byTren;.lent Stanford, of tue Central l'.iclllc 1! .ilrnud «-..iii-

puny, that thc company would respei t tba ians us eeo-struetl by the (a.in ts. 'it,a* ptealdonl of Ibe Selby Smelt¬ing Worka bluntly aaid that be eoiihblered the lim un-

eoii-ntiitiiiiiai, and would not obey tl until tbe UnitedStates maila* lum Mibiiilt.


TOBOMTOi Pob. Kl..An address signed bjmany leii'img iii/,a*ii- wm presented today te MissNeilson, asking ber to revisit Toronto before leavingfoi Km ope. ______________________



A L1I1KI. KL'IT ENDKI).Cincinnati, Feb. 13..A \cnliet for $890 was

i*. nili-it.i lo tlay :ii tba il! >.! snit aaf Christian Bcbempp aganiMThe I'liictituuti Cvii.mereiul.

ihi: .NI Na ID SALL.Bt. JOMM, N. H.. Feb. 13..Tbe ship Nuncio, from

Hew-York. eoneentiDgwboea saf.iv (rave lean were eatertallied, an iv. j Min yaasta-niay. Atlv«i»_ « inti*, tii-tanied bar.

WKI.rnMISal A BISHOP.IfOMT-UCAt-, l'al). 13..Tho i. nun of Bisbop Fnlire

froiD lianna* wns celebrated today by a pro ..".nan io theCi. ure ii ol Notre bams irhsra a elrle was nra sled to him

I.IL Ml.ltl'A.N ILK Ai,KM V CASK.Nr.w-lnti ian--, Feb, LS..H. G. Hun & Co.. of (he

Meicantds Aaency, bars taken iteps lo appeal sralnsttheti.iui a.f 11.000 reosaUr roomdod against loom tor aa al¬leged milla ta.'! t.

A CANA III AN BLBCTION.MoNTitr.Ai, Feb. 13. lia- ll n. J. ,f. C.Abbott

was yc-i.'iiiav elected la Argenteall < .univ (<> ii...nt v lil Hu* Hiiiiiiiiiuii I'ai liam, -ni. eui .1 bj Ina nnsoaileg etill. I III l-tle.

ST. LAW.'iKNi) RIVBn na: ROADS,Miiniioal. Feb. 13. Owing t" Ibe mild weather

t-,. ... j,,.,, ii wilie _>t. Lawrence River an beeaJBlag loTin tl.lf!if a.!) Hie liSll ll St Ml OSS lilt ICC ll»S brfll

wspsadod foi- un presentKM ill MASTIC TI-MPKKANCK (uNVLNili.sAuocsta, Mc Fob. 12..At the session ol ths

sinre i. .iivtntii.ii lt. lay (L.ti-roor Lavin ile.li-tr_d an address. Tbeaessloa lins been ont n ti.a* bom aa-tinisi.i-.nr arm knit ky the Maine Temperance Oeovaattao.a iii \\ *. RZPMMM MIlj in in ishim iiki:-i jiiam

liKiinii i* .in. Conn., Feb. 13..Tbe new trial olWilliam llni'li'.lr. the iiiur.1i*. i. Mill toke pince OO TueadajMit. lill, lld /. »«a l-iu.l I. (eil ,,t lum.!. ill Hu lirra! -

bul tba \ art .tia-1 wan Ml andt on a.*, mint nf un lu.1t-.ai Hoi olajuror. STOMM I!AVA'

I.t .m; Hit a n* ii, I", ii 13..The amount of damageSooo to toe hotel ami Mtujrc property troni Ulghlanda toi'.iiil Pl..i-..ul Iv lin* i.ifni sl.arm ls in.-.y i<st!iniit«,| at

Win.'nv. II ondrea* ol earpenlori bars ia.*, u l.i*..ui(Ut hi-ielids weik lo ieealt ibt 'luiiac uiatit! by the late storm.


munni gras serons ran saaATO committee.INVI -KliAII-i.N OF TDK INDIAN llCKKAL'.THKRK1T .NIHNH HILL.

Illicit Eyes and Standing Bona vere beforetlie Semite Committee yesterday! snd explainedtbo whit*- mini's methods ol dealing with the In¬dians. Tho eaaininitfa-p of thc Board ol' Indian('t)iiHiii--ii'in i- is making piograss in tlie invesligation of Ilia- Hun-jut. Secretary Bhonnan doesnot approve fully of tli*- new refnnding bill.

THE way THE WHIM: MEM DO.nronr naas and sTAi«i>i-ra si ts asroMissra-B*.

lilli TaiNa AS Ll MOVr.H A*iAINsr nUttS WILL.


[bt tki.ii',i:ai*ii to Tin: .unit;. K.l

Washington, Feb. 13..Wbon Bright Ryes was

being-examined by tbe Senate Committee to-d*y ;i

pd, i, -iu'inai i.y ii11>--'-vrii Pones Chiefs iimi bendaof families, addraaaed t.> tii.- Qranl Pathes and ask¬ing is a fnniKil manne! to bc moored to lbs IndianTen limy, w.ts shown m lier. Tin- Bnt signaturewas thal of While Kialla" Why." saul she, " this is remarkable Whits

Eagle has told ms ai doses times that he never

signed ony poper of the kind. Never in anv woy

signified bia wish ot willingness io lie remoTed,"Btsading Bear was questioned m regnrd tn the

paper. A smile nf surprised Incredulity stole over

his fae,-a-fhe document was leaal to him. mi'lsi.ine vi'iy brief 'mt empbatic splniona Min- cn-

pu--ail hy hun in his <iyvn dlslattt When it .. ns

caiiiclinliii his words tren translated " I hut'.- theWSjT the white men alwavs du. They say nne thingiimi writs another."

Ile was askcil tn explain his understanding nf

tbe document be did olen. 11«- saul IboAceot re¬

turned fruin Washington anal prOpOOOd t-a them <a>

ra*tuii\c tn tin* Indian Territory, liny saul: " Sn -.

if wi- inane at nil wc will un tn lin1 ' hnahii l.'c-ci va-

tion.'' Thc Agent lura' urgingand at laat tbey haila council ami tulka tl tlia- wbolc matter over. '1 heyah.ul..I that they Wanilil tu>! iinayc al all Snd theytniiltheAireni so, The Agent therenpon modespaper containing, as they supposed, theil refnani toromero, ar.'l tbey signed it.Mr. j ihi,ii*, was examined. Bowns ssked wbal

in bia opinion ana the real motive fan* the mooral."Toge! thc apiiropriation of (40,000,1 think,"said Mi, I il.lilas. "I r.iti ,sec no nillir motive,lin* Poncaa mpplled their own transportation sndrat mus fnr the Journey," be continued, " and 1 can*!see bow il inst tbe QoTernmenI s cant.''Aeting-Commiceloner drooka then aaked taa have

a h-tlcr from Agaul Kimliiill pul in evidence in

which the writer aaya tbal $5,-000 wss paid oulfbrtmnsportstion, snd W260 Un teni and (bragswliih* ..ii tbe lourney, ail accounted for on certifiedv-aiii hes. Bright Eyes thereupon naked (HandingBearbow often wood wns issued during the trip." Onlv ilinc," wa-, tin* reply, "The reel ol tbe tune

we picked np sticks on tha- roodaidc " " How oftendal tbey bane foraget" "Not ouse," snsweiedtbe chief, promptly.

lt io expected that Kimball, the agent wbocured tbe remoTslof tho tribe, will be examinedtu-!!!.Hil.IV.The Cotutnitt-ee appointed by the Board of Indian

Commissioners to examine Into ibo administrationof tbe Indian Bureau, are bal in tb* r-

f'.inialia*.*..(that duty, Itisundei tood thal tbeybaye already found nome tanita, and there ls nu

la ni In thal flu * will be promptly corrected, Ii ap¬ia* .,1- thai t!i.* coniinitta I thal thoprejudices of Ibe late Comm so strongthal inn nv persons erbo hail boniness with tho officewen- tn ni ai \ ith great b tineas and injustice.Rueb persona could nol wt their bills ai pron ai orI li.ir uta..ii ii l- in! li-I. .1. \\ it Inn Iii last day 'a; twoseveral claims, rnich have been pigeonholed for u

r-ear or two. for no apparent ri pl that Mr.Hayt did not like tho claimants, hove been takenup and adjusted.Mr. Trowbridge, of Michigan, is being urged byne merni) r .af ibe Bonni a.l Indi 'ii Commissioners

for the recant Comm saionership. I be a.i h.-r mem-bora ol ibe Board and othei who are lutniliar witht lie subjeet, think no harm w ill be thane by delayingthe appointment for aome time.

A TOWN I\ DANGERA_ AI'I'K.U. 'lu lill I* IHI M POB III) I-1: a»

Ila.Ni) ni IHV, COLOBADO, I l!"M IlillMali1-

Hil I l-I.I f.lr Alli lu lilli I lilli! vr

WasBIXOTOM, Fib. lil..(i.ava rnair I'itUm, ol(.M.i.a. aooomponied by tha- delegation knCongress from his Btate, bud an extendedinterview with tbe President this morningin relation in thc unprotected condition ol thewhile settlers In tbe town of Ouray. GovernorPitkin preaeuted petitions from the people of ibeexposed section for troops, and alon presented bisi.mii written opinion in regnrd tu the question. I beHiiiijiat was brought befon thc Cabinet to-day,nuii was folly discuaoed.'Ihe situation nt ait,irs was doserihed to bo aa

follows* Tbe towool Ouray is in tbal iaa>rtiaan ofColorado known us tbe ITncompabgrePark, lt is

surrounded npon all sides except tbs ninth bjmountains whit h are impaaaalde f**! in.a.n- ur mp-pliea at thia san .un nf iln- year, On tba ninth, a

few mila > distant, i-i bm. ,-i ..I tbe I la* I,'.lil.n; ami tbrongfa the reservation rana th.lyrand by whieh these people tau in- reached. LoaPinoa, tbe headquartered Ouray's Ind an- ami thepresent camping ground of o large number ol theWhite Biver I'd*-, in- exactly upon tbe rood whichtia .! at a- and supplies must take toreaeb tbe settlersin the Park. The Cte outbreak laal Palina rvetl topn-yi nt them fruin getting in supplies Lia tbe U in¬tel, .nu! tbey are now repn tented aa being threat¬ened not only witb a war ul extermination withI h.* outnumbering Ins, but also with starvation.

Iii,. Ti*, ¦.i.lciii ami aeveral members ol tbeCabinet apnean il anxious to afford n lief, bul Beere-tin*, gchureaaked ihst nothing be done nntil h.*ct.nhl hen* ti..m (..h. iai Alain-, m I n li be hoped lo.Lila;, Monday. The whole sulijecl was referred totbe General of Ihe Army, to report upon the prac¬ticability o! sending troopa aod supplies to thesepeople.

Ii i-lean .1 I.-, tl,.* President tnai anv movement..I troops I).-, way "i Los Pinoa will result in anothaallan- like thal ra White River, and Ihal the ineas-iin*s taken Ui protect the Miller- will ht* tbe pusan*aat iiu ii destructiou.

REFUNDING lill. DEBT.i.V-'t ATKIN Willi lill. -|aj;Mtl:Y al- lill.

Till *M I.V.

[l!T 11.1. Iii, It Al ll H) Till. Illina RI ;

Washington, Feb. 13..A sub-committee of th.Ways ainl Ileana Committee waited oo the Secre¬tary of tin* Treasury this sveuing to receive insHi)*__estit)ns as tn lin- form in Wbieh tin- mw re¬funding bill Should beesst lt appears thal Beere¬tary Sherman thus not Indorse that part nith.*

committee's bill which relates to the issue of1200,000,000 io Treaapry notes, it will bsremembered thai tbs propoottlon, as agreedto by thc oommlttae, was thal 1800,000,000nf ihi- fi anal ii pet cents abould bs refundediu Tiea-urv notes bearing I sec cent interest,and payable in one, t WO, thur*, lour and liw j .-ar-..

in equal instalments <»i forty millions each. TheBearetory ia ol tbs opinion tbat these Treasurynotes should .til be redeemable nt tba pleasure oltbs Oovornmeol si theexpiial.ii twoyonrafromtin- date aaf their issin-, and payable len years fromtheir date i but that not more than forty millionsof tbem abould be poid in nny one rear after theian red rumble, tbe particular bonds to be pani lohe ascertained by lot.


I iii. -Il ! al lim -I \|MH | , i ,

|a;i.M.i:u lin -- ni-iAla ll.]

WA.-inNi.niN, 1'cii. _L3_.Genera] W. H. BuT-reta, alt Ni-tl-Ymk, linnie li Ij lirKUI'.-l.t (ai al it l,ei,.|.- Iin¬

ji,,u-e r-.*|ae! ( ul.llllllla i,n mi Hil. lie. .lille I* ni H. in

fiin.r of tin- Mieoragna route above ni' others, apoa lbsgraunis Ibui Itwsuld so tbs ame! praetteal ead eoou«.uni. *.ti tn niii-iiiii t. id- signed tbat tbs Pulled StatesShOUld take lin mutative Ul tn*' work.QeUSrel rile, a icentlctiian fiiinlli.il with Ninth Atnii-

icau countries, staled briefly, un luvn ''i-miof thc coui-

inline, in-. rlawawtH MapaSSM thecomtnerelal bear¬ings nf such an enterprise. He OfOSd the Importanceof Savins tlie ininti lintier the control of an Americancompany and under tho protection of tho UnitedSlate*; believing If tbe control were allowed to rest intin* bands ol foreigns!Si Ibal a valuable trade would betin. ted h. foreign ooautrtaa.

i.* hit, ti PUo also Stated tbat tbe enterprlas ls of vastimp-art nu*.- te ihe commercial world, and tbat tbaUntrod Sletes Dhabi not to assume tne poettton et tbssurly dog wbieb weald neither eat boy nor allow tinbanar] oz to eat lt H. .ml tbat tbe effect raffle1 aicltH-Uon "f Un* question before tbe American I kmgreei wouldpr.ibablr be to defeatthe De Lessepe scheme. If prac¬tical and fflclenl direction wna not (tren to the snqjeetwe woald in- placed in ibe attitude ol doing withing our¬selves, and at thc saBM dins preventing lathers from sn-H.lim. no.m mnl prosecuting to completion Min greatuml. uni; iil-. Bach an attitude would suh|crt us to thelust liiii.iiie mnl cnn, ism ,,f the entire commercialworld. General Pike not be-tag concluded biersmarbstilien tin-1*.unit c adjourned, bs was requested to ap¬ia' ai agata m-xt wonk.

WA8HINGTON No H.s..VA-iiiNiiToN-, Friday, Pleb, 13, Issn.

The Tre-t'ient hus approved the bili authorising Hiecuni cition of National QoM Boukakt lo rtaj's montlea of the Senate Oammltteoea T.r-

rMedes, .Mr. Pest, from tba rab oommllteo. enbmltted adroll of the bill providing for the organlaaMon Of a formol goTermeni rn ibe Imiiaii Territory, which wasordered to iaa* pi Inted,Wm. I'. Piero, AselStaol United States Attorney at

New Yolk, appeared before lin- llnii-e Cominlttce on

Public liu'iiiintfs ami Grounds to-day and advocated tbapeonage ol lbs iain now pending bUore Oongnos pro¬viding for the erection a.f ¦ National prison fa.r crim¬inals convicted ol any offences against tba DnitedStatea, snd under the present laws Imprisoned In Jailsmnl pciiitciiinun - ol tin* Stales sod Tri rltertes

ni:\seae runi;iun news.

NKW GERMAN MEA8URES.Lownon, Friday. Feb. IS, 1800.

Prussia hus presented, in tin* Bnndearntb, _>

MU prohibiting foreign reoeels from engaging ta theDa trade of . ;. un.my ezoepl where tho right ls

na.|liii.al by treal. ¦'' hy special permtaatoo.Tbeilriifi of Our lull lor tin* prolongation Of the iinti-

Hoci.iiiFt i,nv aili, ni i iii-it it in proponed to extend itsoperation l. Um Slat a.f Marah. 1880.KeferritiK to the ppoolna ol the (ii 111,1111 BlltobStag Ibe.

Timei p 111: " \. long aa Battons are unable tc devise.my Improrcment In Ihe malotenanee ot tbelr mntua)relations it li lia t.implaln of tbe continuous Increaseof Armament., anal nnpini to renard the measure!iiit.i-itcii with .:< ..'j ,; ii- necessarily InoonsisteulM il.l |'a ll," .'111 Hid nlliilira."

¦PAID DECLINES TO BULK THE MOORE.M .1.1:11.. I bia] v ib. Li, 188ft

In tin- Ch,itnln 1 01 1). until s to-diiy, PremierCaaevas del Castillo, replying lo an mterpellatton,¦tated 1i1.1t tbe Ooverament wi-uhi not receive tba

petition brongbt by u.e Kabyle Cblefi from severalh. -i; iand Moors, saning to oe plaoed nndei al eglanca toSpain,Be added tbat lt bad aeen armored that reprasento-

n tc of tin I'i 1.mis.non 1.1 holli econferenes on the sffalraol Man., 11 Imii would probably take piacc luMadrid, and would be ii gbly bene ii lol to Spoin.

THE REICHSTAG'S NEW OFFICERS.Bi rn iv. Pt day, Peb 13, lVJo.

In thc Reichstag to-day, Conni von Arnitn-B^ytsenburg was la <--..i Prsstdsal aaf tba Chamber,receiving 154oul ol -ii mild vote* iL-rr you Ben-

a received eighty-nine roten Herr Frankenstein,ol tbe Centra pra sida t ky WAM.!.---eight] two blanks bavins boen cost in addition,¦nd 11-1 r Hoelder, National Lilieral, iras elected -

al bj ll*) iai,-, nith etabty-two blanks,io ii 11.1. :¦:¦ 1 .- noi *..¦! srrlvi tl in Berlin, aud 11 nolkoowa wnether h< bas icea-pted tue office,

THE WISH VOLU.N 11.1.1. BILL.L.iM.a.s. Thursday, feb. 13, 1 --".

Tn n motion foi s second reading of tbo¦. in ll, Mr. Li. si (Home Muter, * evan,

i,.-inn. 1,alu., ni Tbat, in yi.iy ol th*- luci mat '.

ni. nf pr.. inion »...

.11,d'iii'1 lil-hniaii 1 r advocating In a temperoto ruan¬ui r-Tm iuitiesoftheieadlaws.ltin noi .1 -i!.ai..e io pul -neil power Into lbs bonds ol

ibe l. »cd by sueh bill, oad timi lt baKail a m couti tune lins day six mott Hi-.

CONCEDING AMERICAN PROGRESS.I ..-!¦.as. I .! ..*, tell. Ll, !--¦!

Iii tin* Honse oi Commons to-day Mr. Wheel-hull- ll ..ll-'! I at Ile. I.eei|-|. Illili. "I Hie appoint lill'IH ofa s. i. el I'liimiia ¦¦ to c.ii,-1.1 r il.nuaaiei dal r. lotions!.. tv.>¦- n Lm.-i.imi inui forelsu nations, especially urn

niiiiiiii to ihe Importation .( n inui im-.l goods...a,.,1,1 and H.. .il.*.*! ,,t free trade He said

America bud ha itt>n England in cotton cloth, ami iii iiirkiug

here, were now only to be lound In Ama lea. Aftei ..

Himit ilebote the moi mia «

IKYIM. rO SETTLE I III: GREEK CLAIM.Cowl ivnsori I !¦ .1. 1 h. l.'i, 1880,

ncc hus ssked Englnnd to bring forwardthe 11. V pl.. in. -al '¦ m. lit of Hie lire..

tierqa.¦. lal com uli 1 in ii.', ed in

diplomatic circles here thal sftei Ibe eommlstlan husihors on Ibe -i'-' ihe results alli be sub

e.* "I ! '|. 1 'lill --nil..1 .

.*.!... will c.in ni dilate lieiween rursej andi.n Hi imi: ring tbelr a

tim proposed a!a'..mil.il. 11.

DEI TING l-l.11 MI Kl NTIMEST.1.1,M.a.-.. li I.I V '.. Iii. 188ft

lUli'lJ Ship - .tn -: "Wc lllllll'l .-i ,111.! ll.,ltlanie) hos Informed tbe memorialists wbo pro-

r.1 »t .i_-;iin.i tlie erection of a monumen I 1 .« tbe lateii .1 Abney te it the

lian la a-h lt lc 1 oe am i .1. tel lull..* 'li on, Hough ll1- nol likely la be ai li oul laaima lt.itch,"

(.1 SERAL GRANT BAILS FOB MEXICO.Uwana, Fob, 13..General Grant and party

sailed at ft o'clock tbls after.a foi Veto Cms on thesteamet a Ity aaf a ie antborttlareceived the Uenerot nu bli arriral here accompaniedhim to the steamer un. look cordial leave, General1. ian! iii!' -1 - ii gk - ni* I .' icu Witb th.* aa Hut mina he

f| alB Mn* lilli!'*! Mia*..The party speul one .i.n i"i tia- plantation of Las

Can 1-. 11.ai lefi tba a.- las) mijii, starting from La Unionstation at lo o'i 0 k, on a epeeml trolu. Hall an boot1,11. ii.,- .«. mi'! tbe ir lia h. in it

t, iek, lm lult v. Ubi . in a*. 1, 1 ii,- Bre¬men oas wounded. Tbe train waa runnlnc mi un em-haukmen I tep 1«-. -1 birb al tbe lime a.r tin* accident, lim1 ,--.*!a-er- iimi tn nail uniii :i o'eloek for ,ui'.:ii.-r train,and arrived at Havana ut S o'clock ia tbe 1110111111*:, ai:well

THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT.on au \, Ont., Feb. 12..The second sessiontin* ..11 ,1 |* ul;. nt ni the la<ii 11 mn of lan.ula

ul. ed .ii :i..'. lock to-daj, with Ibe usual ceri*:,ionics.

I OKI.K.N NOTES.LuM.a.s. Pnday, Pi h. 13, 1880

Tbe Brltlah bork Storm] Petrel, Captain Dwyer, fromLeith January 20 mi \ *.*, York, hos pat lalo Plymouthwits ha pomps

ilia* American ship Coi-n-;a. Captala Henry, from it -

per; .Luina! 1 :ti im* H u Virk, bai pnl into Falmouth11 ah tue in-,- ,>r bei .1 h.hloni ai J cutwater,inn un: keen lu

.! ,1 lon. .insideraulj da uet d.in the iiaaii-e of Lords to-day Bari Granville

whether Loni Beaconsfield, bj his recent statements,iii.itin.il etalon had been arrived si regarding

ll it. I.., ,1 I;,*.11 ,1,-11 Ul replied thal ll would-Mulilind io in "c.; .-.-,.non if in- w, nt iiii-iii tbe absolute.Ulement thst Her Majesty's Uoverumenl had ao! re¬tell ed Persia from her engagement sol to ocoupyHerat.___(RIMES AND casi U.I ns H) TELEGRAPH.

I Ul Ri - 1 UH ILA IIMI.

Qt.tune. Feb. lit. -A number ni counterfeit$10bUfi un ih.* Dominion Bank are lo clroalallea kora

KU.I...I' Ih ll B IA Ls.

I'ri'iiKiiHis, \, .1.. Fob, 13..Willard Freeman,of Newtown, while ntl iiiptlmj lo board a train this momli«,.r iiiii-n m.. teii ii.nr.i'i ii,.* i.u- ami iras in -1 i*ni iv killed

A TB \ I M 1-A 1.1..- ill Kt il <. li A KinD-Yinv, Ohio, Feb. 13..A nain nu the Dayton

|| ,-; le Hi!-,,'ll'!. Hi.1 Bml lal .all .* ** .<Ut 1 Ililli, il:.,* thia 111 .1 ioma, in«l_nillt kl i.n-' ISliiUUil cm.* I ra.

iii.* ei gu* t. m.: .o.i. K .ic. h. H.* Bri iii.au.

wa- ni: M c i:in.ki i>

WlIJlixotox. Del. Feb. 1.1. -Tlie body, of MichaelI-...ni-11. mi... in., been mlsstaa *1"1 '¦* lirlsimaa. was loundihl 1.,. 1.ir; ic i*. ..] .1. .1,., c... lia waa probably mmSered, bal oe amarna irs rel i" « ¦ id*

|.|i,ll n\ \ D Uti, Illili!)India v\ nr 1-. I da. r_. Mrs. drown, the n

tbs noan tainui .lerel bel l-l I 1 *,I.i 1. !¦! 1I.1 v ni ids n ooo-n .1.' i,< *,.,'_ ,K.iii, , «iiuiiii.*.i tba

nu.I ililli liena,ul.; *. ,.

"I -iiiil .ieaicHtii.it iini.* ia ..i\ ti alb

\ BALI WOR1Kai. 11 mi .(; 1. Pcb. li*. Several lorged notes

uiii.aiiu!!ii-' t" *-...1 -. 11 ibis prominentIlilli.I. I- Cf t ll- .C.* I" ll ail" **. I* Cl IDHI.I H..

iii ii. He hadIII till) lill.I li.l-.U. -a- lill.I 111 a.:

..1 Iii. rthwa M. lu neciluii

nt HuA HM LIU 'A D lal*. III. I Oin

I.iiNU IliiAM 11, V .!¦, Feb. Cl. -A train un thcKew-Vork nod Linn,' Breach Una rsa sally ain.. i. ¦ na which.All. ll IIIK '"a Ha- ll ' H So a. \\,:p I.,jnr.- I. I Ile lilli).,il.l

|xi. -ihlv Hie ll- 1.11 till linn Lil Ie I. In.iii .. cn

Min mi ti.illa !*.. .'¦ Satins il.ciil_!il. li.f

,.,, ,. c;i inn- im cc ot the med u st work andee iiihsg tu

»ol.' Hie iu. »t. ty.



narsioas stat*.fbabi avowals ok kk-


Below will bc found thc result, so far .tr ithth yet boon aalatnineal, of a canvass ot all thoRepublican Committeemen, county mid town*dallip, ot Pennsylvania, as to their tirst andsecond choice for President. These iii -t

replies to a circular sent out layTHI Tribune show an ovcrwliclniine: ptof-erence Cor Senator Blaine, who is the.lirst choice of "21<» out, of _*M»7 coinmittco-nieii whose responses haag thus far been re¬

ceived. Over _.*,000, however, are yet to bbheard from.


wonanra ssrusuosaaImmediately aftei the alispti teal nod IndenialTS re¬

sult bf tho Harriaburg Convention, Tan nuncanileterinineil to ascertain what the real choicent Penna] Kania for tin1 Presidency wus. The (mablewith ordinary canvasses is that there is no

certainty that. the men whose opinionsaiat aaked arc really representative men.

To avoial this it yyu.s resolved ti) get an

cioreacion direct fruin tina bob when theRepublicans in each locality had put npontheir local Committees. Undet the Camerondomination it was presumed that thesewniihl naturally be mainly COSMMO men.

Nevertheless they aro necessarily the active,

representative Republicans of their SSOPOOt*Ive localities; rand it was clear thal theirchoice would bc tbat ol tbe working parlyorgnnisstioni while their nambo! (embracingcom*mn f> in ». ii in every township in every countyhi the State!, made it reasonably cer¬

tain that the respttn.se would givea ("air key to thc Kcneral spontaneous sentiment of

tbe State an.l preclude thc possibility of a mere

clique ntteranee. Then bis abonl 2,61)0 of thesecommitteemen throughout tbs Mate. An officiallist nf them W.is secured, alni tOeachOM tin* follow¬ing circular -waa sent

OfFICR Ol' THK Nl-'W-YailtK 1:1)11 NF, )NSW-YORg, Iel). IO. IHHO. $

Dr*i! Sn;: Will you piesse vivs ns for 1 RR TRIO-i.\! on Ibe loora poets! esra vour drat and iee*omi coolee tor President of the United states fYmir nnme will not bs need if you maka areqoeet tothat effect on tbo caul. Your answer by returnmail will much nilli -i- Youls inly,

Thr TsinC-TR. N'aw-York.Thc men td whom thia circular was sent are. of

ooaree, the aetive srorkiog Repoblicnna of Penn-sj iv.atna, anil ca.ib one of them must kaowacea>ruffly tin- political .-eiitinient of the conni.ni.liv in

which be lives. Up to jreeteiday sfteraooa'fMlii plies bsd been received, of which tbs following

11 y:Lan r.liiiiie.210Fair (irani. 40

Fair Sharman.... A

For Wssbbnrne. 'A

I'm Conkling. -

For Cameron. l

Foi Edmunds. 1

For <-Mt ii- l-l. 1Iiehiw trill be fonnd tbe replies thomsalvos, with

whatever tens obeervations each eoiTeapondentchooa to nutke. Io theae foaponaee.two points sis

tilv noteworthy: tirst. tho expression of pref¬erences is remarkably frank; second, the piomisoto withhold any name if the writer de--ireal has heen scrupulously kept. but

it any aaf the responses appear nnsignod. Thepublication of replies to Tan TnnnM.'s circularm iii h.* continued on successive days, as tho repliesina* rea eived.


FOR BLAINE.N'o-tliiiniliat la'il: First, R!,tine; I ala) not

wish to i. ii a bi tin- thi ; ..ni aol for Oran* ili'd .un :a Republican nnd noihlua else, bul

i.i i ,' can afford to stop luil maw ; I don'l like to seeInui pull tbi beal reooru ever mad*; bj nan. MiramYouur.Buckingham: First. Blaine; and I alu not eora wbo

kim-vs ii; second, Wasbburue j Blicks sui Montgomery. isl -nini im Blaine .Luau*- a'. li e.

Bethlehem: First, Blaine; second, anj nun.

tnoujrb in defeat Ihe opposition, wbeU-CrWasbburuo,^berman or (irani Jase. v. Wearer.

ion Kn-!, Blaine, Sol al ?, e..11.1, no third lino

if we have uoi - a; tli. teni mat* i lol :* r i Frosida ul In i...

part]. let's ..-ai oul jina. .*.. Marpbi.Conababecken Hr-*, Blsine; second, Wasbburac; bal

I in ni. L.ii i.c uni t oi, cn ..I. .i io. and should nne

im- liomin H.an. \; the Ksputilienn I work¬men I kate ie 'i'i expn ¦. an optnlon irita t* o¦.-areli.! I; un*, lin,-e two exceptions are J i

II .-'ililli ce.

Hollldaysburg: lirst, Blaine t ascend, Orow. i; J.Mai i ern.Mi till: Fist. B! iii'11 ; -.ld, Windon] or Viol, linnie ;

ant] Isfoi Blab e .1" rpbO, Culi.i nm ml: Pint, Blaine; second, Washburne. Mart

i First, B nne; second, Bberman. OSorgs n.Webb.Snsqnebanna: First, Li..in. seoond, Edmund

H Wright.n.n. rollie First, Li.nm*; second, Blaine; snd with

ii,.. :,!.* uiin ly-iitue-.m. -hundredths ol tbe Rcpublli onsol Wayne County. Wm. li. Lee.

it, Bloloe; second, Wasbburue. J.C. K- ll),MiflUnbnrgi First,Blaine; second, Sherman, kobt

.1. .Mil. bi li.Mlfllinbnrg i First, * Blaine i second, Waabburno.

W. .*-. ion*:. ..ilia*.. of ike Telegraph,ll.,, .*.;,.-i First, ninian*; eecoud. Vu*-* I'n-i.i, i.t

Wheeler. J. O. Glover.Wetl Cbeeter: tii.-t. Blaine; second,Oort ld John

Al.. II.

Cowan: First,Blaine through timk and thin n ¦¦ i

nu n (ust arnuad us all for Blaine); second, SharmanM. li. Mussina.w. «i iiiove: First, illume; ki and, Waehborne. a--1. K.

Ciiambera.Aiiiiiitiittiaivn: First, Blaine; second, (nant. Wm.

Ml -el-Muiit Alto: First,Blainei ascond, Uraut. w i:. -.-

nott I--

siniinii!: Flint, Blaine; second, Blaine, ami ail thell. ( ,i. Fainter.Patterson: First, Bloloe; second. Blaine's thenini-ir-

Itj weal no third-term man. J ian Foemans.Upland: rust. Hr.- Maine gladiator,Blaine,a -tim

meat echoed bi tverj Itrpuoliean eilisen in town j ioe-, nd, Bb Inc; In tact, the Maine Benator si] the titus.

Pino (irii**: First. Blain.*; no - eoild eli.n.e. No(ir- lit mell litre. Tlli illls.SCS W.tUt Blaine, Bell aa* ll

BartaBoston: First, iiiuim*; second, Coukiiuir. Jacob li.

Booth Baalon: lirst, Blaine: second. Wsashburne, otnni-*.aa...i u -m. iiin a.i tbal is regularly nominated; outno i*iiiiil.i-.iu.-,. William H. sen* t.South Beaton I Flr.t, Blain.1; second, Uashlaiirne.

John H. H.n.L.ne..In University: First, Blaine ; second, li rani.

' l|ae.

Pm- OroVC! PUSt» Blsine J seconal. Blaine; we are allI::,lina- men in r bin>¦ nc (irani mon. v. v.. StroanBaaloo: First, Blain.-; second, Wishburne. F. L.

Tl,.Kell.uibtaltar: Firs:, Blaisei second, Waahbono. uk

-Cl 'el.White Havan: -First, bi.ino*; se. omi, SueiinSa. w:

v. -in aler,A Hi-lo n n l'u st. Blaine Moona I. inuit or Sherman.

,1 K..M.r.\,i. mown First,Blamei second,Shennsa. BpSralm

I,I Ul.

Allentown I First, Blaine ; set-olid, Sherman. Moirls,*-. k.Hillman.Allentown: First, Blaloci second, Bdnrsn-ds. Wm

p. Snyder,Bhenandaah First. Biuiue asoona limns.de. c.

W. Deagler.BonthBethlehemi F.r-t, Blmnoi second, Bhcrsaaa.

L. i'.i) in*.

-nulli li ¦ttilelu-ni First, Illume ; second, Sherman..1 k. McIntyre.Wyalsatngl First, Blame; secoaid, Blaine. N. J.

a, ii loni.('.iLiMiinpia: First. Blaine| second, Wiishbiu-ue.

(ii.:n: never. James ff, \V Ult.

WnMontowni hteaeoeMna of BejmbHmna ttm rel*loll III, *.... lin- -ill! a-f til Vote tl I. ell Knut, Ulallie..ni; (irani. 1 second, Sherman, Sd; untu(, 5. I. .m.loLiner, ell.ni iii,iii.

BoUtdaysbargl First, Blaine; -nomi, _*hern>un. Notlair tenn. P. w. Snyder.WatSOBtOwa: First, Blaine ; sceoud, Sherman. l.M.

Lolliiicr. shallssan,Lewisburg: First, Blaine; nine-tenths ot the county

are for bini, notwithstanding thc Harrisburg tuachtne ;second, Wa«!inii'*iio; county ulvldeal on second. Thoa.( thornton, M. I).

Pottsville; First, Blaine; iceni. Sncrmati. JohnM. Pott.Sliippensburs:: First. Blaine; sec.ni,I, Qnrbeld. I

will support thc Republican Lom'iice. Juc. H. Mi-Mul-len.Plainfield: First, Blaine; second, Shernian. Abner

Bc tr.

MarySTlUoi Fimt, Blslti- : second, Sherman : (irantcannot pet thc party volo hero by one thbd. la. W.Ll'lala-.-. V M..

Chester: First, Blaine ; s-cnn.l, Wa-'iimrne I nine-temii-a or our people an- for Blaine, aud mir dele-rat. tnCSteago ts so uatmctod, as also to .liswjcard thc unitrole. o. c. Md lure, Secretary Oe. Ossa.

Piiti-nixvllle: F:r.**t, Blaine; BSOOnd, Ws«hbiirne.P. O. < urey.White I Ia veu : First, Blaine; seconal, I.ni_;tii. Wm.

D.-Seott. ,Ntaqoehontag: First. Blaine; second, Washboanoi

i.nilli limier io t ircumratani c-; oul of eighty IL |nib!l-ni lot -r-a lier.- there are .ionit lt u wini favor (iran:.

Alonzo F. (oi br.I'ltsvlllc: F.rst, Blaine ; second, (Lu Held, lieorge

W. Kennedy.'ii-ii iipi-a : First. Blaine, of Maire: sreOBd, Sherman,

oi aa.i.a.; Blaia i- tin- ch.-ic ot Uie ii* publicans iii thiase. lion of on; canty. Walline QB nuii Lciii.ei b! Lii-t, B'.-.ine i eoead. Waahbosaei

no lnil-1 terni. J. BVaUO.Caiiisainpia: F rsi, Blaine; ono term onlay. I). A.

Taali.ialir.Jr.Huntingdon : Flrat, Blaine ; second,-. J. (>.

laeabecg,Oettjrabargi i'n t 'and Hals i* the choice nf nine-tenths

of Kepubilcans rn tim countv i. Blaine,... -IWashiniriie, of (Umolu. D. C. Bu blen, L.ntur star andSentinel.

Yai-ilb-vvlilcI First, B'ame MCOOd, WatahbOrSO. Jos.B. < nully.W>sal (luster : FL -t, Blaine; ne. 'mal. (ir HM, ii. I. B.Beading I I'u-t, Blaluc ; second, W.is.iburue. funnel

WothtnaBethlehem! nial. Blaine j second, WaM_hnnm. Bea

Aiieivalt.('..iici.r.lvillc First. Blain;1; second, Washt'iirne. B.

.). IL via,ina.Kennett Sanaes I First, B alni-; sa con-', sherman.

Willlaiii Of. Polk.Maa linnie : First, Blaine ; second, Sherman. A. Hlng-

meeter.Lint-aster : First. Billin-; meoud, ('.inkling or Wa»b-

liiin.c. Ii n nol .ir crag int lo s av tli it I, un .itt ll Citysod County, lt permitted to sp.-ak, w.aa.d declare iiifavor ol Blame by a vofc nf al 1. a-t font tai ono

aaainal tlc* Held. And lils sentiment lias ltet-utiiii-n-ifleti lay borocrul aet_.n of nor County a'.imu.'.tter. Its chairman was aa accidental delegate tout

*,').as alternate to Colonel tdebey who il eal.where be basely betr«ve*tliUconaititteuu. An a monalto tbe betray ni. f l -ru. be n norna t" c ill tl.- eeMOUtntocetber to order a primary election under the mle* gtour party In the county, nntU lt waa loo ima- io hold

ia-ii election lu m.ie loi oar late stan* L'onvcstlain. Andon tbe pretext of wont of time the committee- .irkedtor soon purposes.pro.d. .1 io elect eight deb mi - lotue convention, -ix nf whom Toled ilareen*, again* t v, lintti,ey inii.-t Save iiann waars the sentiments of their eon-ititltentS. ( an i. |a art1.- a'oiitli oe to in aa*: I bits -ludl-oualy IgOOtS lbs well-known whI of the peon:. I J. W..1 i. iui.

Alleiilown : On' of I.'lil-.'!! Coii'i'.. :. SOO BORU*ruters Oeneral Qroat cannot mn-i-r :_00 favoring hisn iiiiii .t.aa*i, and not mora than 3,000 woe wamid vossfor mm oren ll ha* were nominated. With prooaofj theexception ol s ' n hundred, tb Beuubiicnnsol thiscounty ure entbatiu-tieoily a noll for the type nd heraof the day, James ti. Bi un a-, iii.* ir -a coud caoiee varies.t between Bdmnods, Washbarne aud (marmoo, iaportion ol aboul one-bait, n third sad ....-¦.ulirespectively. Any of Hum* vvouiri receive the Itill partytote, WI limn P. .-mder.Beaver Falls: this town iiu- been thorr.nchly esn>

-rossed, sn i ls stroiag rm- Blsine. rin*.,.mi cin.it bas ootb bul th Indications areHist I,* ,l I ls (lia* Iv- a (Il-Twith me in bu for Blulnu Ant, inst aad al-

W. May.Rew-Hopei Ina BopaMleaa von* bera lo Ihle bceoORb

ol .ii 130 there la bal one third term man to ourknowleda nnd lt the action of tbe RepaWlerini naven*Hon st Hsrnaburg h not somewOnI aradttted

ll al if l.ill..! -.'l-.lL I tl 'IV till)ii ainiiiaiii'ii. it will be very bard work io set Ki-pubflcana to vote for bim here tu Eastern Pt nosyh Bachi- my opinion io-:lay. Ol * ctaey vallifollow. J.8.B.

mona i ur augb snSrjrBlaine ls tne fnrarite by IS i*i l tor a;ra*.,r. I Jodinomination of Li.nne it equal to un ellon, .¦ lilia I,i, uni ¦-¦ ul would i.e elected if nomliThere ar* many tnflnentlol l; .I-..,,, psstiivi-lv int support or v..ac lor Uraot. while th*] wiUsupport any oiber BepohUcoa candidate. Jin- P.Wuit.Bus ri Fll -t. T: ali i !- or -ah. 'ni in or

(j.ow. Would vole fer tiran If nominated; bat think itwould bc very InJudleioui to noa.ii ate i lm. J. F..sill.*.*.

I>;*.*.canna.li Fii-t,B:.i.m.in. C. IIHoeblanda r. .

Bedford our iii st ,-u .-. lo*; mir second. Blaine.I. quin i*."

i.: First, ,¦', ( mw nan. M.

Middleburg: lii-t.Bi.ie sec* nd. Blaine | io thirdt- i ia 111! air o.i J.H. I'. '.1.. r .

(ii Iti-lon-: Farst, li ...in*; SOM .!. (ealing Kalw'di.. Pahucstock.BeHefoute . rsf, Bts no; st eoi al. si jr got tl B -pilbil-

c ill ey-i*i<; t...il.I. 1 I'.i-. If. ila1,. .'. 1).First, B's I.Hbcnu in. Mus-

i, utusol all :!.- Kepuiiiieana ..i lori.. .¦-

un. s. M. :>

Lacy i llb ii i Mt, I I rant I. B, L-l-v auls.(oi ry Fir t. Bl due : - ¦-.*¦¦.¦,..

i: mln_ Peutn : int. Clolne; second, W.Vruemen 1 iee*t .ii .¦ Bim: First, Blsine; secoi Omat Harris

Rp :ii it .m.

Sunville: l-' i--'. Blaine -- oond, Qranl We m Ul a*nr('.unt.v ar- cu pu.ii ic ally for ll,ame, leal it vic . ,niia.|

fl ic wi will Indorse (.: .nt di nos nth r trmntwil e un the States ot Mew-York ead Indiana

/.. -.»;air,itu.:;: First, Bia.ii.- sc..m.1, Shaman. Dr. R.

Myers..borg! First. Blame ; .st toad, W.n.lil.iti n. A.

,i. wi lams.H..n.iv. i: First, Blaine: second, .:her;i aaa. lt. Jt

Win.Daovtlle: First. Blaise; seeoad Waehburua. Hain't

Y. liiomi "ii, M. H.York: First,Blain secood,Blaine. ll. F. <

Tr)o__vtlle: First, Llama*: sac.n.l, Sherman, i>_tWMi.n.. lr,

('..nii.. Milt : I :r !. Bi iln-*: -,t out. iiliocvci t« norn-lg .lillie I. 1 --H.

Lo k Msven I Firer, Blaine; ......il. .. J hu Mo

Lswtatmrg: First, Blaine evett tiuic; eec nd,Blaine, m Maine. Abraham Mowi

.l.ii;;.li Fll st. Bl one *M* uud, Bbei man Bi.lilla- U) thsclou . ol (.iiin « linly. I). \i

AItoona: Fmi, Blaine i S ibbocae. iia\id&i nltou.aew-Brtghtoo: Fir-t, Blaine; locoed. Orana, ii M

Hart.Btdgwaj : First, Blaine ; p rand, BlaSse, D. ii w. nselCannot sbnrgi First.Bloloe 1 « eood, Wasbbai ie. M.

1). Melita.ll.¦-Driftwood I First, Blaine; -.a*aam!. --hi inuit.. F. A.

Bia. kwell.Benora: i'ii st, Blaine: second CeoMlne K.atieri

W. 9 wmHealer I-,':-: lir-t, Iiliiuc; SSCSSd, (i.ufield.

aCharlea W. Mn*.Bearer Falls: First, Blaine j seeoad, OssBsM. James

v.. Edgar.I.umli's Linc: First, Blame; sectiinl, Washburn*.

Thomas Osborn, jr.Conneantvillai Pint, Blaine; second, QarBsM Joho

C. -tlllicl.illt.Moiiiour-yille: First, Blaine : secnnal. Shannan Thia

town is almost aoaulRHHM torBtalao, Wm. Meadeshea,.Iialimtii'iva: Kir-', Blame nr, omi, (;,!(!.¦ .1. J. Jf.

ll-le I*.

buk Bnveni First, Blainei sScsad»Oiaai o.t.Ml ibaela.Lu rii'iaa': First, Ulallie; second, Washburric. M.

F. Biiomaker.Lm¦ri'.iol : 1'iiot, Blaine IO-_____. Wiii-liiiiiiui*. S. M.

Sliulcr.|CCSV_lleI First, Boinia SCCORd, Gratit. P. W.

Flan %MajfWS Pint, Blame. Jilin F. John-ton.AhbolelaWOI Firnt, Bl. aim-; ¦atc,nial, tii.u.t. Henry

Kohler.York First, Blaine; icoond, Edmonds or (i.n ti.-ut. m

m.., ;n.ni an ba it Orana lt. B. Ueohcnn,i i iwood: First, Blaloei t.rht. laat aiurtn the Hine;

s, ar. ai. th, BepobMeaaa In Fteeswsedi t'. a. Me*Witta.

.1 (iii Cheater to tull Cf HalRS men; ..nrflrslchoice ls B'.u'nc all thc lime. Nathaa Feaueil, K. Bery.i. |r., L. I* Liili.-ina. K. L. l.ukeiis, J. P Lin., BS, W. CLenin ll, L. L. Ilk. ll. 4 Co.a'liri.ii-i illa Flrar, Blinni ; l mn nure the -r i.llmenl

n; !'.< mai rlt) of tb foi ¦.! .nt iti this lo-.alni -ccon.l. ILilicocli. H. Wilwi MoManl.BhoemakersTflle: First, Bi.ti-i*; seeoad. WaehhosMi

l'. S. Omul anal Binnie, of M nm, '..ini.l »a»eeii the c. n.n

Irv iroui OiCk't'i) Ha M itue. M ia- «¦'. Hiirkharl.

louth Bethlehem i runt, Binnie; seeoad. Coasting |ami so tho majority will «a( iii thi- a*.-iintv lu this town

til tn.. Republicans ure for Blaine. Janies J,Edmonds.Allentown: FlMt, Blaine: second. I Om

aaf *_!)t:i vote-cant at at a ward uouiiuolion in tiim city,Blaim ic*, it c. l_(i, Cant--' Wa '.r I.. JKliireinaiistoivu I First, Ulalu**; stcnad. Nacrinan.

.--amurl Mio|ii.j.*.Mi cli;iiile.s!»ir<: Fir-it. Blaine; «ec,.n.l, W.i-M.uroe;

l'iiiulia-i liati.l * .11*1' v Stroan Hu- Binnie. K. C. i. ,nla ar

Lina/li'Stown: Fu_t, Blaine, m.I the yours lu -,-rua-ialu lln.s Vicinity are for hlui. A. li. Coble. M. ll.

BeaverFaliai PRrst, Blplsai issoed, natue, d.o.oPatterson,QcimrahRRgl Firm, Blaluc; second, Fdmuudi, al
