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WOL TNIVSBORO- S. C.,WEDN'lgAoY 1NG, 3, [NQ. · 2017-12-16 · WOL 1] TNIVSBORO-S. C.,WEDN'lgAoY...

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-.- .-... WOL 1] TNIVSBORO- S. C., WEDN'lgAoY 1NG, OCTOBER 3, 1866. [NQ. 1 FAIRFIELD HERALD 15 PUnILiSICD wEIKiY nY OAILLARD, DESPORTES & 00. Terma.-TniiHERALn to published Week- iy In the Town of Winnabors, at 93.00 in- C ,areably in advance. Arti All transient advertfsements to-be taid in advance. * Obituary Notices And Tributes $1.00 per Square.- Interview with the President. eo Editor of the Petersburg Index: To return to my theme, and to begin t, tih beginning, Mr. Davis wisdressed. n a plin, twat, somewhat worn suit of black, w hich itmag ratier loosiy upor his jersoi. 1lit dress, frock coat espe. tiallv, seemiied too large for him As lie leaned upon my arm I could mons- nre by my own muscular sense, with toleratblo accuracy, the great decline in his physijne. All his serwes seemed to Me to be preternaturally acute, especial. )y his hearing., lie has-idst the use of one eye; the otl r i; quite. acute. His whole being-t ly, soul, and spirt- seeined to ine to bu like an jdeal sensi- tive plant. Not only outward things affect him deeply, but the .very aroma of tought, as yet unspoken, perhaps vcarcely well formed, is felt lj him in sothe apparently mysterious manner. His linen was white as the driven show, his neck cloth neatly adjusted, his hands -faultjessly neat, and his upper beard closely shaved; but with all this neatiess khere.was an air of Pubdued dignity, of saintly, serene humility that affected you too deep for tears. Tere was still a leavenl of the old imperial. hess in his voice, a chance of a tone that, indicated occasioral high temper W:11, perhaps, angry word. To a sulggestion that perhaps the ill will matietesLed towards him by some public men might be caused by an un- forgiving spirIt oil thenr part, in ieyW of Some11 olence givei by him - "That is qttite proballe. Though generally shouglit ful .aid cautious --even tender to the lailings of others-yet, when ih-ey crossed my padi in the shape of pre. tence, falsehood, craft, or cant-thon these fialts arouse bitter anger for the moment, somietimes utter alienation. Thiawas all wrong. Oh I how public Pie 'luits our pere'eptins to the higher dellicacis--tenderness, forbeAr aice- paitting the best construction on things; words and persons they are capable of. I have erred in this par. ticular ;. bit, I had often. great provoca - tion-never, however,- have I uttered an angry, undervaluing or denunciatory sentiment without believing that I h-ad good cause for so doing; and in most 4 cases my -ountry has already, or will hereafter, find that I was right. I now feel and acknowledge that I was some- times wrong as to the tone or coloring of a phrase while uirder the excitement of debate, as for instance: when' Mr. Johnson, after the Mexican war, nrade rome remarks derogatory of the West Point officers, I thought it strange that any man oi sense should think that the trainiing of officers for duty by a thor. ough militairy education would rather disqualify them for that duty, or, what wasiho same thing, that untreined ofl-- cers did better thah the vest Pointers. In the course of reply I made use of this remark: Who would select a tail. or to shoe a horse, or a blacksmith to, make a coat?' This gave poisonal offence to Mr, Johnson, who regardbd it as a sheer personality. Nothing in h'e wvorld was further from my thoughts." To the quiery whethier he had any-. thn ocomplain oinhspresent treat ynen., he replied that he had not. The present commandant of the fort was a soldier and~a gentleman, who, while' diligent and faithful in the discharge of his duty to the Government, was also forbeairing and' considerate as to all the nninutire of his prison lhfe;- and allowed! him all the indujlgence- he requmred, which was siply not to be insulted in Atia intolerable way. and manners he had been by the creature who used every means to tor'?ent him before tifo arrival of General Blurton. One of us Etold him that all the officers of rank in tBe ofid ariny with whom' we' had in any wayecome in contact had expressed she opinion that he ought -to have .been released a year ago; that some of them though4 thiat he, as commander-ip-chief of the Oonfederacy, was virtually iniclug- ed ini thbe parole of these armies on their surrender, and otight i~o have been ad- mitted to parole at once but for the assinssination charge, which no one that Ycnow him believed. Mr. Davis said ; "That gratifies us much.1Iwas bro~ught Scan wvar andi as Secretary of war tunder Phesident Fierce with many officers, and did then, and do now, entertain a* high sense of the chivalrio- honor of. many of them." "Thme Govern ment~may have been de. ceived by, the testimony, which has since u~rned out to be shieer~perjury, tendin'f to implicate me in the assassina. M.on of President Lincoln; or it may have been subject to OneO of those manias which occasionally, like plagues, seize governments and communities ; or what is most likely, a few unprincipled men, seeing an opport~unity in thle excited condition of the nation for obtaining, wealth and position through the'instra- anentality of villians stnbornedt for the purpose, realif did imose upon the Government, and led themi to belier. to oee about the case of a young idiotic Irishman, well known here, ho was to be shot the next day. 'Vstor told me a plausible story. I 'cqrrie4 that story to the authorities and begged for a respite. . It was granted; an'd it was not util I .ntirely failed in finding any good cause for a further resete that he was executed. Other cases I will men. lion hereafter. JouN D. KEEIEY.. An Aot.- TO'PROVIDE FOR TUIC ESTABLISUI3fMT OF A PENITENTIAnY. 1. JVe ii.e'nacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of theState'of South Carolina, now met andsitting in General Assembly, and by thp authori. ty of the same, That for the purposq. of coinmencing the'establishment of a peni- tentiary in this State the sum of twin' ty thousand dollars be,and is hereby ap- propriated, to be paid but of any nonby in the Treasury,-and drawn and oxpen ed by certain Commissioners horiidaftpr named. II. That a Commission, consiqting of .three persons, to be styled Oornmmisson-: era.Pf-to Penitentiary, shall be appoint e '-by his Excellenog the Governor, ioso ditty it shall be to select and'pro cure a: proper site, at sumb + point, if praoticable, where water-power may Toe made available for manufacturing purpo' sea, within the enclosure, on which to erect suitable penetentiary buildings, with sufficient space to enlarge and im- prove the same from time to time, as may be necessary. b th - 1I. That it Mall be the duty of said Commissioners to erect as soon as.. prac- ticable, a suitable temporary enclosure and temporary cellsfor the safe keeping of not less than one hundred convicts ; and, upon completion of said enclosure and cells, or any part of them, to receive and detain, tinder regulatioi to be here. after prescribed by the G nor, such convicts as may be commi.t : to them b smtenee of any of the Judg4is of this . IV. That upon notice4at-in en'clos. nre and cells are proptared [or the recop- tion-of convicts, it shall be the duty of His lxce-llency the Governor to appoint a keeper, assistant keeper, and'such oth. er officers, guards and overseers as shall, from time to to Limo, be necessary, to- subsist,,goveta4urd and direct rh'. bor of said convicts, and to rnte~ all such regulationsas sh.all be requisite for their safe-keeping and subsistence, and for directing their labor, either within or without'the enclosure, to getting .out maiorial and constructing. ,'as for as is practicable, the necesary permnnent buildings and enclosurqa,' and to such other available branches of industry as will best contribute to to the support of the institution.' I V. That it shall be the duty of the said Commissioners, unier advice and with the assistance of His t xcellenc the Governor, to procure plans, specifi- Cations and estimatied for such per:Wanent Uu1lowrro a-nd builkfiYgs as shall be-doem. ed necessary for early use, and report the same, together with a full account of their transactions under 'the anthority hereby conferred upon thom, to the Gen- eral Assembly, at its ensuingr egular session. in the Senate House. the twenty-flrst day of September,-. in the year of our' Lord one thousand eight hul.. dred and sixty sii. W. D. Jouia President of the lSeriahe. ~j~ei~y Eoi H. SMxowro,' Approved: JAMEs' Ii. OuR.' Dissolation ofthKngbnf-uo', On the ficst of September,'a deputa- tion frohn ihe Kin'gdotin-of Hanoer ak. ed upon theKing of' Prussi'a'in' Boerd, and pretnted him an efddress, appbaling td him dt to ezx.ngui'shi th.e'royal hoqse' of Hanover. The address conc es' as follows:' It cannot be agreeable to youir M'ajes' ty to dethronb a Prince whote dy'nabty hs leen copneted with' the~ conhtrf. for nearly a. thiousarid years,- af'd who eqpal. ly wveare his crown by thd'Grace of God --to dethrone him simply bekcause - alk. Ing a dia'erent viewr of thw federa1 law,' up to that time valid, tdthe vie'w enter- tained by your Maje y' adv'iers, he considered 'himself Leally prgvented from 'unhesitatingly adoptig yoTr Maj- 'esty's German. polhcy and.'thusk byv An unfortunate concatenation of cif'curtdatan ces was ultimately.forced tQ employ hie army against -your Majesty's troops,. whom they had previousely'-never oppos- ed, but by'whoso side they 'had often victoriously fought'in joyful lbrotherhood. oft arms. .Your M'ajesty, the fate of this Prince, nearly related to your' illustrous house, has, by the inscrutable will of Ood, been- placed in'your Miajesty ' hands. A~t the' biet di King Ernest Augustps; your Ma- jesty's langented royal. brother, .pnco promied 't be in him a faithht support. We trust your Majesty will' redeem this promise of yone r'oyal. predecessor, 'and the irrevocablb conquest of. many thons-. 'ands of 'triecatid -thankful heaffe will then Qffor to your Majesty far more 'Im. perishable laurels thman the subjection of a' weak enemy'ean ntofd. With delp. et respect, &c. 'King William's. reply is lnterestin''as a reume of the reasons which cont oled b is actions ;un making *ar, an'd .4eh implsli to 4ethrone tipo Kiog of Ian. byeru'. Itt asfollows a.: S am glad- to seyou here btltrion~; for a moment, in the whirl of excite. ment, the statements put fourth in the proclamation for my capture. But gen- tlemen,'my heart ii stranger to that plot. These hands are unstained by innocent blood. No unrighteous gold has ever, during the Con ederacy, rdhered to these palms." He uttered the last sen. tonco in a most solemn manner, holding up Iris Oands and raising his face to Heaven, and with such a holy, childlike simplicity that it is impossible for any words, however weird, to convey .a half idea-not an adequate one-of that touchmg.scene. I could relate to you- eas* of great sufferig and trial to whieh they were subjected, and in no caso did any- of them ever flinch. I will relate one case of an exCaordNaray Kind. (I must sup. press this story for tlb present; it shall be published hereafter with some accom. paninments, if I live.) Besides,- Bishop, Pio Non6 was the only Prince in the world that really- wished well to our cause, and sent us his blessings. I can- not help liking the Catholics.. The happiest -hours of my life .were once spent in a Catholi monastery. Py the wHy, Bishop. I see our church in the North is establislihing siserhoods in imi. nation of the Catholics How do they work?" 'So well," said the Bishop, "that I indend introducing them into my diocese as soon as possible. Indeed, there are many good things and good people among the Catholics; but I think Mr. Davis, that our church is good enough for us." Ourself: "Gentlemen,, it is to me incredible how to reconcile it to reason, in a mad-house world like this, where not only physical disease afflicts note' or less nine-tenths of the whole population, but where moral and mental depravity affects the whole race, and wion the Heaventeewt healers,. seal. ced and aniointe-d for thti' missiourl are so few. Oh I it is terrible that they should waste their strength by imposing one on anothder, and, worst o all, stir up strife- fvd bloodshed in carrying out their great comnmission. Let us all love- ove aniother,, dear, Bishop. and boar each other's infirmities,. and.particularly and esfpcially at this great juncture of our country's history, lorour moderation be known to all mei." The coming of the little child into the inner ensement, and climbing io his father's-arms. ,wio hadjust lernedupn the sofa, gave occastie to hr. Davis to snake some remarks abdut her other children, particlarly those in Canada. Bishop Green then remarked that lie; would not have ventured to introduce the subject, but as Mrs. Davis had done so herself, lie felt bound to say, as a bishop 6f her own chosen church, lie did not think she acted entirely wise in send. ing her children to a convent to be taught. Mrs Davis replied .. "I was in Georgia and had no money. No insti. tution of my own church offered to teach my poor children. One day, the Sisters of Charity caie to see me. and brought op five gol'd dollars-; alh flii'money they had in the world ; they alm'ost fored4 me to take the money but I did not.; they then offered to take my children to their school, in the neighborhood of Savannah, where the air was cool, and they Could be comfortably cared for'tu. ring the summer months. Then came o&r from a convent school in Canada, which-er, when' got permiqsion from the Governatat, which was not with. out great. trouble and diffioulty, I took Uhuir. It is true I do not wish them, to b~e Roman Catholics, b~ut, then, pbnone as good as they can possibly be and become, are and have been and doubt- lose will- be,- Roman Oiatholiob. 'heo good people were the first to offer me their help. I whI never cease to be grateful to theny' for it." Mr. Davie. then added, "Be~hopy, there never wass nyore unaninmity in any nation of the wVorld than there was in the Southern 4''onfederacy. It would be invidr'ous to single out any class of our people for s}%nCid praise. The chrches and min-I istry wore all, o' nearly all, entirely d0 voted-to our causte; but as I said befoie, if it would not, be regarded as invidte'qs, I- would say thait the Catholics of the South were conspicuously devoted tQ our cause. 'In writing th~ese letters I do not pro. tend to give words-or .ideas just as they were uttered. I only give their sub stance, with such ddditions of my own as will serve to make them.intelligible, and especially to give such an 'idea of Mr. Davis's. character as may serve to remove some hateful prejudices enter tained against him ina the North. In the South I believe we are nearly unen imous in our estimation of '-his moral worth and high, standard of intellectual excellence. We also know the meroi- (tulness' and benevolence of his diaposi-. tion.- Many of you, good people of Pe- tersburg, know what a gireat numabes of' Confederale soldiers liable to be shot (pr desertion', bat having some miltigating circumstances in your cases, ise a red. Some of you lknow,. the cape .pf~e flqiph young bfileet wrho vnado a propositionto' assassinate 'Presictene Llhcoln, which, altos reading, was marhied on the back in lfeitbruonDavis's handwriting, "priu oro:1si"'and' reib'rr'd to the Seoretary of War, 'who had the ofloer court-martialed and dismisedi the sorvice for the "urn.vo- crods" propositions -This poor boy,-to explate his folly, fell as an unrecognised ,volunteer at thse head 6f a lrave baud at the first Wilderness fight. Youall remember .tb, see of Web. iter the spy. I foun6 the potfellow .'for I can but respect an8 honor tli feel- ing. with which German men fai fully adtiide to the dynasty whose con ,etion *ith thorn'has lasted for centure and -has ripened' the fruits'of mutual ch- mont and devotion. I should este the Honoveriuns less if they had tak no step.evi lencing their -ware adl# nce to their native rulig hodse, to '4ch I ,am nearly related I am induced ,eru by to explaY to you at length. the tons., ds, weich hae caiised me, grytly against my original intention, and, 4fer repeated strong contests witb my 4etre, to permit the -independence of my for- mer allies in the Germanic Confedera- tion to have rec6urse to: the annexation already in. pracesl of exooution, and tierufore,-not to be recalled. -At tlie time Ijust, entered upbW my present position, I stated that the inten. -tans i entertained for the benellt of Prussaia and o.f Germany. wetu bsod upon effecting. none other -Jhan 019ral conquests. Thiis expression has been latighed at and derided, even sebfied at in many quarters, and yet I giv4you now tho firm assuraqce that my Plane have never gone beyond this objecti and that when as a man seventy yets of age I pass to conquests effected by force, I do this only consrainod by the force ofcircunistaniices, by the incessant, at. tacks of my pretendeo Federal n ies, and by duty Eowards that Prussia which has been entrusted to my charge. . B. Forrest. A writer in the August number o the Land we Love, in an article on the tar- teter of Lieutenant Qeneral B. Forrest, gi-ves the following estima . of him: I-ls character as a whole was a ion of that of Lannes and Suchet. ith the impetuosity of the first he imite tile c-atious calculation of the second. wefll wehted the probabilities and edimt. ed cost o? evory plan. When Chei Vnme bor action came lie was as terrible ia thunderbolt. With the qualities ofi marshalls in the respects named, h i- ted.t, the fixedness of purpose, Lhe .- nacity of Massena. His doggedne . f resohitiot was proverbial. It' W, the ghoep of death. An um40ria was never-abndoned iuiless f(rci orders-a battli never over The doubts a~the p nid purpose j bi. falling tac iupon , iron self-reliance, his was every f nan in the darkest, hour of the stoh. It was then, in the midnight darknebs of trial,, that his genius, like stars in .. the night, shone most brightly. He was accustomed to look upon nothing as impossible. Bad roads and the wastd of waters could be overcome by "It shall be sos" Sniall ' numbers, wdith rapid marches and concentrated ef. forts, could destroy indolent superiority. He was Passionately fond of artillery, and would stand behind a workir.g bat, tery, enjoying its exercise with all the glee df a deligh'ed child. No; unfre. quently ha1 he been known to Airect a section or a.bat'ery in person. superin. tending the minutest details. Personal daring in a leadrr,the army Ner doubt- ing the fortuti and gate 'ofit posses- for, lie felt, Was the strongest |binit 'hi had to-gain..' Wit) it'he appeared to wear % magio girdle. Not like'Atridvis - "Beyomd ehe missile javelins' sounding $li l tWdtatid; an~l flrom the tumult far Iaspiilr~thW. xanks, and rule the distant war." $$:cei:tirk~ssfthe Is without a peer.,ttho unals of the- revolution. Leading. a-charge -in persdn was ,his fa. 19heaetene. 'The'.glory of single comb~t 'ite 1oo often- iourtd-oftener: than< isdomn ,jbistbd-r-iding like a fotfn Medatiin,. ap excellent~ pistol shot ands)tillfdWwordsmaan, with a frame a gf'mfuscttij-ower,lhe has, with U.s pbfliright hlti, won more success than anf othbr-offlcer of the war. i4 $d oe olt-His Defense' ' ud e Adat6 General Holt isso aLti ki 1 as (the: pres', conse* fluentip~ty , esureoo his infamous transactions wh Vonotes and -hii tribe Aha& he has dme 6otit i- an elaborate defense, whikji. ##egrs qs editoria. ist Forney's "t~6. ~aperb,: both dail ." H-is *bold vindicatiol against tlie charge 'of eulyornatient of perjury, with a view to the saoriflbe of an imprisoned man, consist .in an assaidW' on the.veracity o~f the witnesses whom lhe hinwelf introdu' ebd' to povetfr., Davis' guilt I .Accord ing to the reiestof cqurt, a party is "not allowed to gliscredit his ogvn witnesses- ,yet in order 'to escape the most ooitvinc- img proofs of his atrocious guilt, Mr; Holt is compelled to turn against -his confe.d Orates in crime,'and clain' that they ae imworthy of.belief I 'Uhat such-l ths~tir character, ist undoubtedlyr true, tor 'tIt have confessed it seeue?. 'hy hae confessed thait w.hen they g as Mr. Holt wanted themito' awdgt ~e, awore to tinmitigated lies arid,*oi' paid forhi.~ Butoybn a pejar$ tell th* truth ; and'*ll1 tbeo#1 Afnnot be heard agin testimony is donmpetentt agai~~ M4'4h The whole theory~ofi'iftate&' evi o" Imp~les thant a criminal nmay tetiffr gai his acknmglco; Mr.'Holt %nnt thb fore, shkes olf his accessories ia this ipanner. Their tstnieny against him willhcod-sdtnething iaoh-better- than 'hi. denial to refuteit..'fotlI o*a.6lt acter 'urider bM&.aa .ltha*ts INe.R willjptle of bh moral probabilities of its truth - diad these are ab strong and irresidtable; that the name o 'f Holt -will heniceforth rank amlong worn out and disgraced tMings. *A Bill to Souro Advanoei for Agridult+. ral Purposes. -Scc. 1.- Be it enacted by the &nate and House'qf ipresentatives, not met ant sitting in General Assembly, ahd by the authorig *AL- saine, That it any persop or persons, shall imake anyd. vand~ o.r advapces, either in qone or suppies, to arjy person. or persons.who are engaged or are about' to engage in the cultivation of the soil,- tie person or p-erson so making such advance .or ad. vanceWshall be-entitled to a lion on the crop' yhisqjmay be made- during the year to the ox nt of suoh advance or advances. Provided, An agreement in writing shall- be eutere4 into efore ay' such adypnoe ls mrda to this effect, in which shall be speelt the emouil lo- be adVanecdt of is1if a Amit shall be had 1forid wiich the advances. if made from ,im otnie, dpringthe'year, shal not go, which agrditr'nt shall b recorded in the' ofIk-. cf- i he Register of Mesne.Conveyancesi a-i Datriet id. which the perop 'to i ' Im ynn. n'tVncee are made resides. WXit f,11a -Sixty days from its date. Sac 2. That if the person mnking such edvances shall inoke an allidavit before aniy arson competent, to admis- ister an oat , that the person to whon such advances have been/naAr is about to sell or dispose of his .crops, or in any other way is about to de eat tihe lion hereinbefore provided for, accompanied with a statement of the amount '.,then due,. it shall be. lawfid for him to issue his warrant directed to any of the Sher- iff's of this State, requiring themi to seizo the said crop, and, after due notice, sell tie same for cash, and pay over the nett proceeds thereof, or so much thereof as may be nocessary in ''extingui.shment,of tie amount, then due:-Providod, how. ever, That if .the person to -whom auch advances have been mado shall within thirty days aftug sulch sal- has been made, give notice in writing to. the Sheriff, accompanied with affidavit to' Ois effect, .that the amount claimed is k juitly due, that then it shall be the I 'f the.said Sheriff to 14old the pro- e.'oih sale.subjevt tqjeg'eci. 'a tptand "set a for trial it'the heit .succeeding term 9f the Cqurt., of Common Pleas from tle Distric in which the person to whom such udvances have been made resides, in . which the person maing such advances -shall be the actor. The Oonstitutional Amendment. THIC OUARANTIES DEMANDED' BY CON- GnESS PIKOR TO THE RICSTORATION OF TI[E LATE 0ONFEDEnATE.TATK Resoled, By the Senate and House of Representatives of %the ITjnited States of America in Congress assetnbled,. two. thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following . Erticle to be proposed to the Legislotires of khe severat States as ap amendment to the Constitution of the -fJnited States, w'hioh, 'whin ratified by: three-fourths of said Logisla ttres, shall be valid as' phi'vof thiConistitutItni namely ATidL.E.-SECT[ON 1. All personh' 4orn or naturalized in the United Satesl and subject to tli jurisdictin thereof, are citizens of Wlhe United States' and of the State 'wherein' '.p rcsiai. lo $st'~i4'', halr M'als'e ol'. enforcc4 .'any law' w~iich shall.'abtidge,;.tby privilqee or iminunities 'of leitikens. gf the Uduited States, 'her suhl'asy :Sate- deprivean pei'son~of,lifo, libet p pperty,wih out &ues process o1v, fio eny to-ainy jkreen Witdin Wi tiis idtiga ath~oegi 859. .R t 9~ tVa ,sbhfl bumt pointed&,agon te'-sevr 8tatoe accord- ing to their 'r. Botv 'rurnbers, bourtte ing the. whole ntitbV of prsons In: ~h Brat'e,sclitIrg Thdans iob'tax4 ist whbha VeWt~rtight .to vote' at. Wpy' eled tion for lhectors of' Presidentam9 'Vie. Preidert 1; Upited States~Repro- 'abnfative Oonp Executive or- Judicialb o k~eo th memlbers of the Laglsliltter o lid denied'"o'u, o thig niale ,hi Itants f enclh State, leung twerfty One0 eat@ of sig' and citizens of the UL.riitedt tee, orIt iu~ a way abhridg. (M, except for' particleu i re tbullio or other crimes,: the ' ,- proportion- which nutam embeuir oj kemh male citizens shall be. mo the whole numb'er .of. male. citizens' twenity--gno years'of age mn.gi~ch State.. -. Szo. 3. .No person shall b4 a Sona- tor'or Representative 'in Congress, or. elector of President or Vies-Pre'sident, 'or hold any offiee, civil'of' ililitary, un- der the United States, or, urnier any Seite,'who, havintg reviouly~ taken an oMUitkas amember of Congress,'or as a diember of any :State Lels1atore or as an Exhecutive or Judicial offier of any State,.to support the' onstttitiQs 'of the United Statee, shall ha've engage.d'iii' insuirreotion "ok' reliellion against the samie', Os' given aid or comfort. to $4 enemies thereof-; .but £ongress-mayy by a two-thirds vote ofeoathHouse, renlove such disAbility- 'Sac @@9Ihe validi ty of- the public debt of the United States auth6ried-by .law inolnding- debts .hterirred 'tordhe pifrmente of penblons, and bounties~ for services in'suppreiaing the ilisdrrectlignor asebblton sall vot-ha enestiondil; .i u adihest j-~h jeIetshngy tion incurred in aid '9f insurrection or rebellion against tho Unitedt States, o1 any claim for the loss of emancipatioin of any slave; but all' suc debts, obliga- tions and ciaiis shail behld illegal at, void. Sico. 5. That chng'ress shall have power to enforce by appropriawo legisla. tion the provisions of this article. Paris CorrspIndence or the N. Y pI The Emeperoi Continues Very Ill gjs- terious Whisperings an4 Surmising- Popular Superstitions --Apprehonsious 6f some Pending Cawtropho. PARIS, August- 17, 1806. The Pruspians and the n'eedlc gun are now thrown in the shade, the Fronch having other things to think of. Thei Emperor is seriously ill, The papers say nothing-buf can' such things be kept secret? It is stated -by those who belong t6 the entourage of tho. Emperor, that the nalody under which he is liboring leaves us but littlQ 'hopo that science will be able to ge.t thb -bettor of it. Ever since the Moniteur ipformed the ptkblio that His maijesty had been obliged. to give up takimg the* waters at VicI, his health., had -beeri gradually declining, and a proof that there is n.ie than neta s-the e've is that .the Camp of Cal ois, whitas t fiavo betm. vii'1ed by the Emperor, Jim been suddenly raised. Iis Majesty is sulf'oring fron) diabetes, accompanied by at-tacks of fainting fits, which sometres last fr a cousiderable time. We are informed that such is the cer tainty with which a catastrophe is ex- pected at St. Cloud, that the officers on guard at the palace, on, being suddenly ordered out to present arms to the Em- press of Mexico, exclaimed- "He is dead ! Ile is dead I" fancying hat His- Mnjdsty was no more. There is now a general anxiety in the public mind. Both friends and enemies of the present dynasty look with awe at tlt probability of a general upset. Napoleon the Third's Government has been one of such at personal character, that it would seem iht he,- on-ce aWay, the whole machinery must come to a Eudlen stop. Sperstitious people, whose number legn,In -the c' of free thinkers, ittabh tnneh- impV ico to a dreadful catactrophe, whiotY Cook pl a- on the feto day of the Emperor. -\ iilst the flreworlis Were being let of on tfls.banks of the Seine, tile crowd was so great on the Place do Ia Concorde, that several acc'dents took place. The pirblic .iour nals inform us that sovera personn have since died of their contusions, and many others lie in a ver'y precarious stato in the different hospitals of Paris. Those superstitious people of whom I speak, bring to onur recollections the dreadful catas',roplio which took. place on the Place de Ia Concord- dhring. the festivities on the occasion of the wedding of Louis XVI.,' with the unfortunate Maria Antoinette of -Austria, and that which took place the year berore the death of the Duke of Orleans, the eldest son of Louis Phillippe, who met with his duath from having sprung out of his carriage,.. when driving oit the road tq Legislature .Items. ThState acceptW,- by Joint Rcso.u tion,- the abniationm of puic~ lmndsa bt ihe UJ, S. Govetrnmnent, for A.rIien'iI 'i- purposes and tht M,.ch:nic .\. authiohzed tle Qbvfrhtrs t o a p,.i agent.o receive scrip, an~d to sell Bie same, paying the proceeds into thue Treasury.. ..- Dbe. Governois'tiuthorized to pledgeI t'hb faith and credit of the Stato forI Bons, inoni~ngto $200,000O, provid- ed $300,000*bushxels of~ corni may be deliversid iin he 69ate-for that sum. The Governor~ ih also authorized to apboint ani agent to mako'the patchahiae,- hus salary to be $1000- and traveling W., P..Price, 'member from Green ville District, resigned his seat ')n the last day of the -Session, and writs of ol3661'h6 will be issued to filte(aa no: Act authorizt the establish-- grint of .a Penitbntary authorizes the Qver'nor to appoint,. three Oommission-. it'o locate the same, and' to' eredt cer'- ti u buildigs. No cormpensation was provided for* the, Conmissioners. The Presiddlht arnd Directors' of the 'Blue Ridge .Railroad are authoritod to reduce the Stock held' by -th'e State in- that, comhpdy in- .thb' sanio proportion that,.the Sto-ek- of' .other Stodkholdera maiy be reduced, in order to procure adtlltional subscriptions to finish tihe Road to Knoxvill. We trust this may enablQ the COmnpany to complete this great enterprise.. 'phe State has every thing to gala, and 'nothitg to lojQ by this arrangement, The .Aitoineey-General and' Slieltors Were instrateted' to investigate'o- hecause of complaint of James Brown, relating to theo Railroad bridges over thle. Conga- re pnWateros Riyers, and to repot the resuulf their 'investigations to tile next General Assembly. .The' Governor was request'eds to issue a otroular-to the several Tax Collectors of.thlaState;-'requiring~ them. to'roport the n mbee of persons who' have lost. lnbi (whetheli iegsor 'arms, or both,) ia the 'ai&var'to'bo submitted through hluwlto the next Legislature.- I 'The. State bills' .art redeemable in greenbacks. Lee & Spencer, North A tlantic Wharf, Charleston, have offered :eir ervicess free of commission, for reet ing and forwarding corn designed o. 1hu. poor in any part of ouir State. The Treasurer is atithorized to sll the coin received for *- and cm- I Iredi, t It Ut years. Tax Collectovs ar .... Fourth of November inexntu tumake u'w returns, provided thi-y pay into the Treasury the amount which has been received or may be received by the 1t of October. , Contrary to the usual method of ap., pointing'public officers (in the report of tlhe Commit'.ee on Offices and Ollicers,)' many Magistrates have .been'appointed' for various Districts 'ay jhint .resolution of the General Ass'ibly; Nfanagers of Elections, and Commissioners of Freo Schools for several Districts wrereap- pointed in the same way, The State Printer was chosen only for the extra session. At the regulai' session, a State Printer w e chosen;- to do work uil thb tog, ir session;- 1~8'.---Carolinian., An Act To DEc.Ane 'rns RIoH-TS OF PERSONS. LATELY KNOWN AS SLAVES AND AS FniP Eso iof COLoR. T. Be it enacted by thb- Senate and [louse of Representatives, now me aid itLing in General Assembly, and by the tthority of the same, That all persons itheft known in law in this State as laves, or as free persons of color, shall iave the right to make and enforce con'. racts, to sue, be sued, to ho qfalnts, and ivo evidence:4 to inherit, ta Iurchase, ease, sell, hold, convey and assign r il md personal property, inake wills and etamlent, and to have full and equal )enefit of the rights' of- personal securi- ,y, personal liberty and private proper- y, and of all remedies and procedtig's ur the enlorcement and, protection' of,- ho same, as white persons- nomi havo' md shall not be subjegted to any okiher ir different punislimcht., palu-or' penalty or the commission of any act' or offence han such as are prescribed for whiter >ersons committing like acts or offenbe.- 1I. That all Acts and parts bf Acts' pecially relating to persons lately slaves mnd free persons of color contrary to the - )t-ovisions of' this Act, or inconsistent vitl 'amy of its provisirig, be, and'the' ame are hdreby, repenled Provided rhat nothing herein contained shall &e tonstrued to repeal so much of thecighth' ection of an Act entitled "Ani Act to' ,stablislW and regulate. the donestte rela. ions-of persomr of color and to amend he law in rilhti'on to paupers and va., r.ancy," rat iled 'tho twenty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord one' thousafid eight hundred and sixty five, is enacts that "marriage between a ,vlite person andI ersonof color shall )e illegal aid r void. In tho Senate lHou'se, (he twonty-first day (if 8eptember, in the year of 9rir Lord one' thousand eight hun- dree and sixty-six. W. D. Ponum'rn President ofll the nate. u.- Hf. SIMuoN 'ON, HlArs OFF' !--We j--it. now o., risit fromi live glorious mta imod'- veo- inns, p. 0. Songle, Rt. Gilbert, .Joh'ms. Smith, A. Sain and .John: usthe, all fnom Lincoln county,-on their way to Raleigh, to avail theinselves of the, State's libermlity, and Goev. Worth's considerateness, to pro'cuge a leg apiece. They wore in GenenaP .Rob- berh D. Johngon& Brigade, and under'. the load of tiitb brave anid dashing of.. leer fad 'dangergin every' battle in',- Virginia, until. compelled by loss of inb. to retire. It was sad to see, but' glorious to hoar, these mnaimed and!a battlo scarred heroes recount their' marches, and roncounters with the' fee' -and liow painful it is to knoW that - such blood was spiled,'and such sacri- fiees mftdep and suchk hardsbips endur-' ed with stich a result 1 Oh! how bit-' ter to feel th'ati an- outraged and op-' pressed land is the' home for suoh- he- roos- "in heart and lyjmd," With the proud consibshOhs oag duty nobly perfornilbd,'those menae now' quietly pursuing the even teh'ow' of their way, as beeomes good citins'- -and biaying taken the oath of. ale' glance to the Governnient, who caul d-oubt their fidelity to ist' This aim--. plo-acqkuiesconce of thessi b'ao' and true .men will weigh- more, with .the honoVhftthan thet combined. oaths of' all the Radicals in the Lind.. Chard lotte 'lImWes. GRANT'S POLrIICAL I'Ews.9-Thd' New York -Herald--rather sniabby ans thority-sayn in' r.egard to the politi-. cal position~of &!hteral Grant: "Hoe has h rivate views about polities' and # ileand and keeps thoem to bim-' self. Webeilive, however, thiat he has no such besiteney in oendolwng tlhe- ednetitutiohe5l a nedmeu$'no* before- ~tho~tatesand In' advising thie" Soutly Ito adopt it and'aettleithe wholeo'busl-' nomA.'




OAILLARD, DESPORTES & 00.Terma.-TniiHERALn to published Week-iy In the Town of Winnabors, at 93.00 in-

C,areably in advance.Arti All transient advertfsements to-be

taid in advance. *

Obituary Notices And Tributes $1.00 perSquare.-

Interview with the President.eo Editor of the Petersburg Index:

To return to my theme, and to begint, tih beginning, Mr. Davis wisdressed.n a plin, twat, somewhat worn suit ofblack, w hich itmag ratier loosiy uporhis jersoi. 1lit dress, frock coat espe.tiallv, seemiied too large for him Aslie leaned upon my arm I could mons-nre by my own muscular sense, withtoleratblo accuracy, the great decline inhis physijne. All his serwes seemed toMe to be preternaturally acute, especial.)y his hearing., lie has-idst the use ofone eye; the otl r i; quite. acute. Hiswhole being-t ly, soul, and spirt-seeined to ine to bu like an jdeal sensi-tive plant. Not only outward thingsaffect him deeply, but the .very aromaof tought, as yet unspoken, perhapsvcarcely well formed, is felt lj him insothe apparently mysterious manner.

His linen was white as the drivenshow, his neck cloth neatly adjusted, hishands -faultjessly neat, and his upperbeard closely shaved; but with all thisneatiess khere.was an air of Pubdueddignity, of saintly, serene humility thataffected you too deep for tears. Terewas still a leavenl of the old imperial.hess in his voice, a chance of a tonethat, indicated occasioral high temperW:11, perhaps, angry word.To a sulggestion that perhaps the ill

will matietesLed towards him by somepublic men might be caused by an un-forgiving spirIt oil thenr part, in ieyW ofSome11 olence givei by him - "Thatis qttite proballe. Though generallyshouglit ful .aid cautious --even tenderto the lailings of others-yet, when ih-eycrossed my padi in the shape of pre.tence, falsehood, craft, or cant-thonthese fialts arouse bitter anger for themoment, somietimes utter alienation.Thiawas all wrong. Oh I how publicPie 'luits our pere'eptins to thehigher dellicacis--tenderness, forbeAraice- paitting the best construction onthings; words and persons they arecapable of. I have erred in this par.ticular ;. bit, I had often. great provoca -

tion-never, however,- have I utteredan angry, undervaluing or denunciatorysentiment without believing that I h-adgood cause for so doing; and in most

4 cases my -ountry has already, or willhereafter, find that I was right. I nowfeel and acknowledge that I was some-times wrong as to the tone or coloringof a phrase while uirder the excitementof debate, as for instance: when' Mr.Johnson, after the Mexican war, nraderome remarks derogatory of the WestPoint officers, I thought it strange thatany man oi sense should think that thetrainiing of officers for duty by a thor.ough militairy education would ratherdisqualify them for that duty, or, whatwasiho same thing, that untreined ofl--cers did better thah the vest Pointers.In the course of reply I made use ofthis remark: Who would select a tail.or to shoe a horse, or a blacksmith to,make a coat?' This gave poisonaloffence to Mr, Johnson, who regardbdit as a sheer personality. Nothing inh'e wvorld was further from my thoughts."To the quiery whethier he had any-.thnocomplain oinhspresent treat

ynen., he replied that he had not. Thepresent commandant of the fort was asoldier and~a gentleman, who, while'diligent and faithful in the discharge ofhis duty to the Government, was alsoforbeairing and' considerate as to all thenninutire of his prison lhfe;- and allowed!him all the indujlgence- he requmred,which was siply not to be insulted in

Atia intolerable way. and manners hehad been by the creature who usedevery means to tor'?ent him before tifoarrival of General Blurton. One of usEtold him that all the officers of rank intBe ofid ariny with whom' we' had inany wayecome in contact had expressedshe opinion that he ought -to have .beenreleased a year ago; that some of themthough4 thiat he, as commander-ip-chiefof the Oonfederacy, was virtually iniclug-ed ini thbe parole of these armies on theirsurrender, and otight i~o have been ad-mitted to parole at once but for theassinssination charge, which no one thatYcnow him believed. Mr. Davis said ;"That gratifies us much.1Iwas bro~ught

Scan wvar andi as Secretary of war tunderPhesident Fierce with many officers, anddid then, and do now, entertain a*high sense of the chivalrio- honor of.many of them."

"Thme Govern ment~may have been de.ceived by, the testimony, which hassince u~rned out to be shieer~perjury,tendin'f to implicate me in the assassina.M.on of President Lincoln; or it mayhave been subject to OneO of those maniaswhich occasionally, like plagues, seizegovernments and communities ; or whatis most likely, a few unprincipled men,seeing an opport~unity in thle excitedcondition of the nation for obtaining,wealth and position through the'instra-anentality of villians stnbornedt for thepurpose, realif did imose upon theGovernment, and led themi to belier.

to oee about the case of a young idioticIrishman, well known here, ho was tobe shot the next day. 'Vstor toldme a plausible story. I 'cqrrie4 thatstory to the authorities and begged fora respite. . It was granted; an'd it wasnot util I .ntirely failed in finding anygood cause for a further resete that hewas executed. Other cases I will men.lion hereafter.

JouN D. KEEIEY..An Aot.-


House of Representatives of theState'ofSouth Carolina, now met andsitting inGeneral Assembly, and by thp authori.ty of the same, That for the purposq. ofcoinmencing the'establishment of a peni-tentiary in this State the sum of twin'ty thousand dollars be,and is hereby ap-propriated, to be paid but of any nonbyin the Treasury,-and drawn and oxpened by certain Commissioners horiidaftprnamed.

II. That a Commission, consiqting of.three persons, to be styled Oornmmisson-:era.Pf-to Penitentiary, shall be appointe '-by his Excellenog the Governor,ioso ditty it shall be to select and'pro

cure a: proper site, at sumb + point, ifpraoticable, where water-power may Toemade available for manufacturing purpo'sea, within the enclosure, on which toerect suitable penetentiary buildings,with sufficient space to enlarge and im-prove the same from time to time, asmay be necessary. b th- 1I. That it Mall be the duty of saidCommissioners to erect as soon as.. prac-ticable, a suitable temporary enclosureand temporary cellsfor the safe keepingof not less than one hundred convicts ;and, upon completion of said enclosureand cells, or any part of them, to receiveand detain, tinder regulatioi to be here.after prescribed by the G nor, suchconvicts as may be commi.t : to themb smtenee of any of the Judg4is of this

. IV. That upon notice4at-in en'clos.nre and cells are proptared [or the recop-tion-of convicts, it shall be the duty ofHis lxce-llency the Governor to appointa keeper, assistant keeper, and'such oth.er officers, guards and overseers as shall,from time to to Limo, be necessary, to-subsist,,goveta4urd and direct rh'.bor of said convicts, and to rnte~ allsuch regulationsas sh.all be requisite fortheir safe-keeping and subsistence, andfor directing their labor, either within orwithout'the enclosure, to getting .outmaiorial and constructing. ,'as for as ispracticable, the necesary permnnentbuildings and enclosurqa,' and to suchother available branches of industry aswill best contribute to to the support ofthe institution.' I

V. That it shall be the duty of thesaid Commissioners, unier advice andwith the assistance of His txcellencthe Governor, to procure plans, specifi-Cations and estimatied for such per:WanentUu1lowrro a-nd builkfiYgs as shall be-doem.ed necessary for early use, and reportthe same, together with a full account oftheir transactions under 'the anthorityhereby conferred upon thom, to the Gen-eral Assembly, at its ensuingr egularsession.

in the Senate House. the twenty-flrstday of September,-. in the year ofour' Lord one thousand eight hul..dred and sixty sii.

W. D. JouiaPresident of the lSeriahe.

~j~ei~y Eoi H. SMxowro,'Approved: JAMEs' Ii. OuR.'

Dissolation ofthKngbnf-uo',On the ficst of September,'a deputa-

tion frohn ihe Kin'gdotin-of Hanoer ak.ed upon theKing of' Prussi'a'in' Boerd,and pretnted him an efddress, appbalingtd him dt to ezx.ngui'shi th.e'royal hoqse'of Hanover. The address conc es' asfollows:'

It cannot be agreeable to youir M'ajes'ty to dethronb a Prince whote dy'nabtyhs leen copneted with' the~conhtrf. fornearly a. thiousarid years,- af'd who eqpal.ly wveare his crown by thd'Grace of God--to dethrone him simply bekcause - alk.Inga dia'erent viewr of thw federa1 law,'up to that time valid, tdthe vie'w enter-tained by your Maje y' adv'iers, heconsidered 'himself Leally prgventedfrom 'unhesitatingly adoptig yoTr Maj-'esty's German. polhcy and.'thusk byv Anunfortunate concatenation of cif'curtdatances was ultimately.forced tQ employ hiearmy against -your Majesty's troops,.whom they had previousely'-never oppos-ed, but by'whoso side they 'had oftenvictoriously fought'in joyful lbrotherhood.oft arms..Your M'ajesty, the fate of this Prince,

nearly related to your' illustrous house,has, by the inscrutable will ofOod, been-placed in'your Miajesty ' hands. A~t the'biet di King Ernest Augustps; your Ma-jesty's langented royal. brother, .pncopromied 't be in him a faithht support.We trust your Majesty will' redeem thispromise of yone r'oyal. predecessor, 'andthe irrevocablb conquest of. many thons-.'ands of 'triecatid -thankfulheaffe willthen Qffor to your Majesty far more 'Im.perishable laurels thman the subjection ofa' weak enemy'ean ntofd. With delp.et respect, &c.'King William's. reply is lnterestin''asa reume of the reasons which cont oledbis actions ;unmaking *ar, an'd .4ehimplsli to 4ethrone tipo Kiog of Ian.byeru'. Itt asfollowsa.:

S am glad- to seyou here btltrion~;

for a moment, in the whirl of excite.ment, the statements put fourth in theproclamation for my capture. But gen-tlemen,'my heart ii stranger to that plot.These hands are unstained by innocentblood. No unrighteous gold has ever,during the Con ederacy, rdhered tothese palms." He uttered the last sen.tonco in a most solemn manner, holdingup Iris Oands and raising his face toHeaven, and with such a holy, childlikesimplicity that it is impossible for anywords, however weird, to convey .a halfidea-not an adequate one-of thattouchmg.scene.

I could relate to you- eas* of greatsufferig and trial to whieh they were

subjected, and in no caso did any- ofthem ever flinch. I will relate one caseof an exCaordNaray Kind. (I must sup.press this story for tlb present; it shallbe published hereafter with some accom.paninments, if I live.) Besides,- Bishop,Pio Non6 was the only Prince in theworld that really- wished well to ourcause, and sent us his blessings. I can-not help liking the Catholics.. Thehappiest -hours of my life .were oncespent in a Catholi monastery. Py thewHy, Bishop. I see our church in theNorth is establislihing siserhoods in imi.nation of the Catholics How do theywork?" 'So well," said the Bishop,"that I indend introducing them intomy diocese as soon as possible. Indeed,there are many good things and goodpeople among the Catholics; but I thinkMr. Davis, that our church is goodenough for us." Ourself: "Gentlemen,,it is to me incredible how to reconcileit to reason, in a mad-house world likethis, where not only physical diseaseafflicts note' or less nine-tenths of thewhole population, but where moral andmental depravity affects the whole race,and wion the Heaventeewt healers,. seal.ced and aniointe-d for thti' missiourl areso few. Oh I it is terrible that theyshould waste their strength by imposingone on anothder, and, worst o all, stir upstrife- fvd bloodshed in carrying out theirgreat comnmission. Let us all love- oveaniother,, dear, Bishop. and boar eachother's infirmities,. and.particularly andesfpcially at this great juncture of our

country's history, lorour moderation beknown to all mei."The coming of the little child into the

inner ensement, and climbing io hisfather's-arms. ,wio hadjust lernedupnthe sofa, gave occastie to hr. Davis tosnake some remarks abdut her otherchildren, particlarly those in Canada.Bishop Green then remarked that lie;would not have ventured to introducethe subject, but as Mrs. Davis had doneso herself, lie felt bound to say, as a

bishop 6f her own chosen church, lie didnot think she acted entirely wise in send.ing her children to a convent to betaught. Mrs Davis replied .. "I was inGeorgia and had no money. No insti.tution of my own church offered to teachmy poor children. One day, the Sistersof Charity caie to see me. and broughtop five gol'd dollars-; alhflii'money theyhad in the world ; they alm'ost fored4me to take the money but I did not.;they then offered to take my children totheir school, in the neighborhood ofSavannah, where the air was cool, andthey Could be comfortably cared for'tu.ring the summer months. Then cameo&r from a convent school in Canada,which-er, when' got permiqsion fromthe Governatat, which was not with.out great. trouble and diffioulty, I tookUhuir. It is true I do not wish them, tob~e Roman Catholics, b~ut, then, pbnoneas good as they can possibly be andbecome, are and have been and doubt-lose will- be,- Roman Oiatholiob. 'heogood people were the first to offer metheir help. I whI never cease to begrateful to theny' for it." Mr. Davie.then added, "Be~hopy, there never wassnyore unaninmity in any nation of thewVorld than there was in the Southern4''onfederacy. It would be invidr'ous tosingle out any class of our people fors}%nCid praise. The chrches and min-Iistry wore all, o' nearly all, entirely d0voted-to our causte; but as I said befoie,if it would not, be regarded as invidte'qs,I- would say thait the Catholics of theSouth were conspicuously devoted tQ ourcause.'In writing th~ese letters I do not pro.

tend to give words-or .ideas just as theywere uttered. I only give their substance, with such ddditions ofmy ownas will serve to make them.intelligible,and especially to give such an 'idea ofMr. Davis's. character as may serve toremove some hateful prejudices entertained against him ina the North. Inthe South I believe we are nearly unenimous in our estimation of '-his moralworth and high, standard of intellectualexcellence. We also know the meroi-(tulness' and benevolence of his diaposi-.tion.- Many of you, good people of Pe-tersburg, know what a gireat numabes of'Confederale soldiers liable to be shot (prdesertion', bat having some miltigatingcircumstances in your cases, ise a red.Some of you lknow,. the cape .pf~e flqiphyoung bfileet wrho vnado a propositionto'assassinate 'Presictene Llhcoln, which,altos reading, was marhied on the backin lfeitbruonDavis's handwriting, "priuoro:1si"'and' reib'rr'd to the Seoretary ofWar, 'who had the ofloer court-martialedand dismisedi the sorvice for the "urn.vo-crods" propositions -This poor boy,-toexplate his folly, fell as an unrecognised,volunteer at thse head 6f a lrave baudat the first Wilderness fight.Youall remember .tb, see ofWeb.

iter the spy. I foun6 the potfellow

.'for I can but respect an8 honor tli feel-ing. with which German men fai fullyadtiide to the dynasty whose con ,etion*ith thorn'has lasted for centure and

-has ripened' the fruits'of mutual ch-mont and devotion. I should este theHonoveriuns less if they had tak nostep.evi lencing their -ware adl# nceto their native rulig hodse, to '4ch I,am nearly related I am induced ,eruby to explaY to you at length. the tons.,ds, weich hae caiised me, grytlyagainst my original intention, and,4ferrepeated strong contests witb my 4etre,to permit the -independence of my for-mer allies in the Germanic Confedera-tion to have rec6urse to: the annexationalready in. pracesl of exooution, andtierufore,-not to be recalled.-At tlie time Ijust, entered upbW mypresent position, I stated that the inten.

-tans i entertained for the benellt ofPrussaiaand o.f Germany. wetu bsodupon effecting. none other -Jhan 019ralconquests. Thiis expression has beenlatighed at and derided, even sebfied atin many quarters, and yet I giv4younow tho firm assuraqce that my Planehave never gone beyond this objecti andthat when as a man seventy yets ofage I pass to conquests effected by force,I do this only consrainod by the forceofcircunistaniices, by the incessant, at.tacks of my pretendeo Federal n ies,and by duty Eowards that Prussia whichhas been entrusted to my charge.

. B. Forrest.A writer in the August number o the

Land we Love, in an article on the tar-teter of Lieutenant Qeneral B.Forrest, gi-ves the following estima . ofhim:

I-ls character as a whole was a ionof that of Lannes and Suchet. iththe impetuosity of the first he imite tilec-atious calculation of the second.wefll wehted the probabilities and edimt.ed cost o? evory plan. When Chei Vnmebor action came lie was as terrible iathunderbolt. With the qualities ofimarshalls in the respects named, h i-ted.t, the fixedness of purpose, Lhe .-

nacity of Massena. His doggedne . fresohitiot was proverbial. It' W,the ghoep of death. An um40riawas never-abndoned iuiless f(rciorders-a battli never overThe doubts a~the p nid

purpose j bi. falling tac iupon ,iron self-reliance, his was every fnan in the darkest, hour of the stoh.It was then, in the midnight darknebs oftrial,, that his genius, like stars in .. thenight, shone most brightly.He was accustomed to look uponnothing as impossible. Bad roads andthe wastd of waters could be overcomeby "It shall be sos" Sniall ' numbers,wdith rapid marches and concentrated ef.forts, could destroy indolent superiority.He was Passionately fond of artillery,and would stand behind a workir.g bat,tery, enjoying its exercise with all theglee df a deligh'ed child. No; unfre.quently ha1 he been known to Airect asection or a.bat'ery in person. superin.tending the minutest details. Personaldaring ina leadrr,thearmyNer doubt-ing the fortuti and gate 'ofit posses-for, lie felt, Was the strongest |binit 'hihad to-gain..' Wit) it'he appeared towear % magio girdle. Not like'Atridvis-"Beyomd ehe missile javelins' sounding$li l tWdtatid; an~l flrom the tumult farIaspiilr~thW. xanks, and rule the distant

war."$$:cei:tirk~ssfthe Is without

a peer.,ttho unals of the- revolution.Leading. a-charge -in persdn was ,his fa.

19heaetene. 'The'.glory of singlecomb~t 'ite 1oo often- iourtd-oftener:than< isdomn ,jbistbd-r-iding like afotfn Medatiin,. ap excellent~pistol shotands)tillfdWwordsmaan, with a frame agf'mfuscttij-ower,lhe has, with U.spbfliright hlti, won more success thananf othbr-offlcer of the war.

i4 $d oe olt-His Defense'' ud e Adat6 General Holt isso

aLti ki 1 as (the: pres', conse*fluentip~ty , esureoo his infamoustransactions wh Vonotes and -hii tribeAha& he has dme 6otit i- an elaboratedefense, whikji. ##egrs qs editoria. istForney's "t~6. ~aperb,: both dail ."H-is *bold vindicatiol against tlie charge'of eulyornatient of perjury, with a viewto the saoriflbe of an imprisoned man,consist .in an assaidW' on the.veracity o~fthe witnesses whom lhe hinwelf introdu'ebd' to povetfr., Davis' guilt I .According to the reiestofcqurt, a party is "notallowed to gliscredit his ogvn witnesses-,yet in order 'to escape the most ooitvinc-img proofs of his atrocious guilt, Mr; Holtis compelled to turn against -his confe.dOrates in crime,'and clain' that they aeimworthy of.belief I 'Uhat such-l ths~tircharacter, ist undoubtedlyr true, tor 'tIthave confessed it seeue?. 'hyhae confessed thait w.hen theyg asMr. Holt wanted themito' awdgt~e,awore to tinmitigated lies arid,*oi'paid forhi.~ Butoybn a pejar$tell th* truth ; and'*ll1tbeo#1Afnnot be heard agintestimony is donmpetentt agai~~M4'4hThe whole theory~ofi'iftate&' evi o"Imp~les thant a criminal nmay tetiffr gaihis acknmglco; Mr.'Holt%nnt thbfore, shkes olf his accessories ia thisipanner. Their tstnieny against himwillhcod-sdtnething iaoh-better- than'hi. denial to refuteit..'fotlI o*a.6ltacter 'urider bM&.aa .ltha*tsINe.R willjptle of bh

moral probabilities of its truth - diadthese are ab strong and irresidtable; thatthe name o'f Holt -will heniceforth rankamlong worn outand disgraced tMings.*A Bill to Souro Advanoei for Agridult+.ral Purposes.

-Scc. 1.- Be it enacted by the &nateand House'qf ipresentatives, not metant sitting in General Assembly, ahd bythe authorig *AL- saine, That it anypersop or persons, shall imake anyd.vand~ o.r advapces, either in qone orsuppies, to arjy person. or persons.whoare engaged or are about' to engage inthe cultivation of the soil,- tie person orp-erson so making such advance .or ad.vanceWshall be-entitled to a lion on thecrop' yhisqjmay be made- during theyear to the ox nt of suoh advance oradvances. Provided, An agreement inwriting shall- be eutere4 into efore ay'such adypnoe ls mrda to this effect, inwhich shall be speelt the emouil lo-be adVanecdt of is1if a Amit shallbe had 1forid wiich the advances. ifmade from ,im otnie, dpringthe'year,shal not go, which agrditr'nt shall brecorded in the' ofIk-. cf- i he Register ofMesne.Conveyancesi a-i Datriet id.which the perop 'to i' Im ynn.n'tVnceeare made resides. WXit f,11a -Sixty days fromits date.Sac 2. That if the person mnking

such edvances shall inoke an allidavitbefore aniy arson competent, to admis-ister an oat , that the person to whonsuch advances have been/naAr is aboutto sell or dispose of his .crops, or in anyother way is about to de eat tihe lionhereinbefore provided for, accompaniedwith a statement of the amount '.,thendue,. it shall be. lawfid for him to issuehis warrant directed to any of the Sher-iff's of this State, requiring themi to seizothe said crop, and, after due notice, selltie same for cash, and pay over the nettproceeds thereof, or so much thereof asmay be nocessary in ''extingui.shment,oftie amount, then due:-Providod, how.ever, That if .the person to -whom auchadvances have been mado shall withinthirty days aftug sulch sal- has beenmade, give notice in writing to. theSheriff, accompanied with affidavit to'Ois effect, .that the amount claimed is

k juitly due, that then it shall be theI 'f the.said Sheriff to 14old the pro-e.'oih sale.subjevt tqjeg'eci.

'atptand "set a for trialit'the heit .succeeding term 9f the Cqurt.,of Common Pleas from tle Distric inwhich the person to whom such udvanceshave been made resides, in . which theperson maing such advances -shall bethe actor.

The Oonstitutional Amendment.THIC OUARANTIES DEMANDED' BY CON-


Resoled, By the Senate and House ofRepresentatives of %the ITjnited States ofAmerica in Congress assetnbled,. two.thirds of both Houses concurring, thatthe following . Erticle to be proposed tothe Legislotires of khe severat States asap amendment to the Constitution ofthe -fJnited States, w'hioh, 'whin ratifiedby: three-fourths of said Logisla ttres,shall be valid as' phi'vof thiConistitutItninamelyATidL.E.-SECT[ON 1. All personh'

4orn or naturalized in the United Satesland subject to tli jurisdictin thereof,are citizens of Wlhe United States' and ofthe State 'wherein''.p rcsiai. lo$st'~i4'', halr M'als'e ol'. enforcc4 .'any law'w~iich shall.'abtidge,;.tby privilqee oriminunities 'of leitikens. gf the UduitedStates, 'her suhl'asy :Sate- depriveanpei'son~of,lifo, libet ppperty,wihout &ues process o1v, fio eny to-ainyjkreen Witdin Wi tiis idtiga ath~oegi

859. .R t9~ tVa ,sbhfl bumtpointed&,agon te'-sevr 8tatoe accord-ing to their 'r. Botv 'rurnbers, bourtteing the. whole ntitbV of prsons In:~hBrat'e,sclitIrgThdans iob'tax4 istwhbhaVeWt~rtight .to vote' at. Wpy' eledtion for lhectors of' Presidentam9 'Vie.Preidert 1; Upited States~Repro-'abnfative Oonp Executive or-Judicialbo k~eo th memlbers of theLaglsliltter o lid denied'"o'u, o

thig niale ,hi Itants f enclh State, leungtwerfty One0 eat@ of sig' and citizens ofthe UL.riitedt tee, orItiu~a way abhridg.(M, except for' particleu i re tbullioor other crimes,: the ' ,-

proportion- which nutamembeuir oj kemhmale citizens shall be. mo the wholenumb'er .of. male. citizens' twenity--gnoyears'of age mn.gi~ch State.. -.

Szo. 3. .No person shall b4 a Sona-tor'or Representative 'in Congress, or.elector of President or Vies-Pre'sident,'or hold any offiee, civil'of' ililitary, un-der the United States, or, urnier anySeite,'who, havintg reviouly~taken anoMUitkasamemberof Congress,'or as adiember of any :State Lels1atore or asan Exhecutive or Judicial offier of anyState,.to support the' onstttitiQs 'of theUnited Statee, shall ha've engage.d'iii'insuirreotion "ok' reliellion against thesamie', Os' given aid or comfort. to $4enemies thereof-; .but £ongress-mayy bya two-thirds vote ofeoathHouse, renlovesuch disAbility-

'Sac @@9Ihe validi ty of- the publicdebt of the United States auth6ried-by.law inolnding- debts .hterirred 'tordhepifrmente of penblons, and bounties~ forservices in'suppreiaing the ilisdrrectlignorasebblton sall vot-ha enestiondil; .i u

adihest j-~hjeIetshngy

tion incurred in aid '9f insurrection orrebellion against tho Unitedt States, o1any claim for the loss of emancipatioin ofany slave; but all' suc debts, obliga-tions and ciaiis shail behld illegal at,void.

Sico. 5. That chng'ress shall havepower to enforce by appropriawo legisla.tion the provisions of this article.

Paris CorrspIndence or the N. Y pIThe Emeperoi Continues Very Illgjs-terious Whisperings an4 Surmising-Popular Superstitions--Apprehonsious6f some Pending Cawtropho.

PARIS, August- 17, 1806.The Pruspians and the n'eedlc gun are

now thrown in the shade, the Fronchhaving other things to think of. TheiEmperor is seriously ill, The paperssay nothing-buf can' such things bekept secret?

It is stated -by those who belong t6the entourage of tho. Emperor, that thenalody under which he is liboring leavesus but littlQ 'hopo that science will beable to ge.t thb -bettor of it. Ever sincethe Moniteur ipformed the ptkblio thatHis maijesty had been obliged. to giveup takimg the* waters at VicI, hishealth., had -beeri gradually declining,and a proof that there is n.ie thannetas-the e've is that .the Camp of Calois, whitas t fiavo betm. vii'1ed bythe Emperor, Jim been suddenly raised.Iis Majesty is sulf'oring fron) diabetes,accompanied by at-tacks of fainting fits,which sometres last fr a cousiderabletime.We are informed that such is the cer

tainty with which a catastrophe is ex-pected at St. Cloud, that the officers onguard at the palace, on, being suddenlyordered out to present arms to the Em-press of Mexico, exclaimed-"He is dead! Ile is dead I" fancyinghat His- Mnjdsty was no more.There is now a general anxiety in the

public mind. Both friends and enemiesof the present dynasty look with aweattlt probability of a general upset.Napoleon the Third's Government hasbeen one of such at personal character,that it would seem iht he,- on-ce aWay,the whole machinery must come to aEudlen stop.

Sperstitious people, whose numberlegn,In-the c' of free thinkers,ittabh tnneh- impV ico to a dreadful

catactrophe, whiotY Cook pla- on thefeto day of the Emperor. -\ iilst theflreworlis Were being let ofon tfls.banksof the Seine, tile crowd was so great onthe Place do Ia Concorde, that severalacc'dents took place. The pirblic .iournals inform us that sovera personn havesince died of their contusions, and manyothers lie in a ver'y precarious stato inthe different hospitals of Paris.

Those superstitious people of whom Ispeak, bring to onur recollections thedreadful catas',roplio which took. placeon the Place de Ia Concord- dhring. thefestivities on the occasion of the weddingof Louis XVI.,' with the unfortunateMaria Antoinette of -Austria, and thatwhich took place the year berore thedeath of the Duke of Orleans, the eldestson of Louis Phillippe, who met withhis duath from having sprung out of hiscarriage,.. when driving oit the road tq

Legislature .Items.ThState acceptW,- by Joint Rcso.u

tion,- the abniationm of puic~lmndsa bt iheUJ, S. Govetrnmnent, for A.rIien'iI 'i-purposes and tht M,.ch:nic .\.authiohzed tle Qbvfrhtrs to a p,.iagent.o receive scrip, an~d to sell Biesame, paying the proceeds into thueTreasury.. ..-

Dbe. Governois'tiuthorized to pledgeIt'hb faith and credit of the Stato forI

Bons, inoni~ngto $200,000O, provid-ed $300,000*bushxels of~ corni may bedeliversid iinhe 69ate-for that sum.The Governor~ ih also authorized to

apboint ani agent to mako'the patchahiae,-hus salary to be $1000- and traveling

W., P..Price, 'member from Greenville District, resigned his seat ')n thelast day of the -Session, and writs ofol3661'h6 will be issued to filte(aa

no: Act authorizt the establish--grint of .a Penitbntary authorizes theQver'nor to appoint,. three Oommission-.it'o locate the same, and' to' eredt cer'-

ti u buildigs. No cormpensation wasprovided for* the, Conmissioners.The Presiddlht arnd Directors' of the

'Blue Ridge .Railroad are authoritod toreduce the Stock held' by -th'e State in-that, comhpdy in- .thb' sanio proportionthat,.the Sto-ek- of' .other Stodkholderamaiy be reduced, in order to procureadtlltional subscriptions to finish tiheRoad to Knoxvill. We trust this mayenablQ the COmnpany to complete thisgreat enterprise.. 'phe State has everything to gala, and 'nothitg to lojQ bythis arrangement,The .Aitoineey-General and' Slieltors

Were instrateted' to investigate'o-hecauseof complaint of James Brown, relatingto theo Railroad bridges over thle. Conga-re pnWateros Riyers, and to repotthe resuulf their 'investigations to tilenext General Assembly.

.The' Governor was request'eds to issuea otroular-to the several Tax Collectorsof.thlaState;-'requiring~them. to'roportthe n mbee of persons who' have lost.lnbi (whetheli iegsor 'arms, or both,)ia the 'ai&var'to'bo submitted throughhluwlto the next Legislature.-I 'The. State bills' .art redeemable in

greenbacks.Lee & Spencer, North A tlantic

Wharf, Charleston, have offered :eirervicess free of commission, for reet

ing and forwarding corn designed o.1hu. poor in any part of ouir State.The Treasurer is atithorized to sll

the coin received for *- and cm-

I Iredi, t It Ut

years.Tax Collectovs ar ....

Fourth of November inexntutumake u'wreturns, provided thi-y pay into theTreasury the amount which has beenreceived or may be received by the 1tof October.,Contrary to the usual method of ap.,

pointing'public officers (in the report oftlhe Commit'.ee on Offices and Ollicers,)'many Magistrates have .been'appointed'for various Districts 'ay jhint .resolutionof the General Ass'ibly; Nfanagers ofElections, and Commissioners of FreoSchools for several Districts wrereap-pointed in the same way,The State Printer was chosen only

for the extra session. At the regulai'session, a State Printer w e chosen;-to do work uil thb tog, ir session;-1~8'.---Carolinian.,

An ActTo DEc.Ane 'rns RIoH-TS OF PERSONS.LATELY KNOWN AS SLAVES AND ASFniPEso iof COLoR.T. Be it enacted by thb- Senate and

[louse of Representatives, now me aiditLing in General Assembly, and by thetthority of the same, That all personsitheft known in law in this State aslaves, or as free persons of color, shalliave the right to make and enforce con'.racts, to sue, be sued, to ho qfalnts, andivo evidence:4 to inherit, ta Iurchase,ease, sell, hold, convey and assign r ilmd personal property, inake wills andetamlent, and to have full and equal)enefit of the rights' of- personal securi-,y, personal liberty and private proper-y, and of all remedies and procedtig'sur the enlorcement and, protection' of,-ho same, as white persons- nomi havo'md shall not be subjegted to any okiherir different punislimcht., palu-or' penaltyor the commission of any act' or offencehan such as are prescribed for whiter>ersons committing like acts or offenbe.-

1I. That all Acts and parts bf Acts'pecially relating to persons lately slavesmnd free persons of color contrary to the -

)t-ovisions of' this Act, or inconsistentvitl 'amy of its provisirig, be, and'the'ame are hdreby, repenled Providedrhat nothing herein contained shall &etonstrued to repeal so much of thecighth'ection of an Act entitled "Ani Act to',stablislW and regulate. the donestte rela.ions-of persomr of color and to amendhe law in rilhti'on to paupers and va.,

r.ancy," rat iled 'tho twenty-first day ofDecember, in the year of our Lord one'thousafid eight hundred and sixty five,is enacts that "marriage between a

,vlite person andI ersonof color shall)e illegal aid rvoid.In tho Senate lHou'se, (he twonty-first

day (if 8eptember, in the year of9rir Lord one' thousand eight hun-dree and sixty-six.

W. D. Ponum'rnPresident ofllthe nate.

u.- Hf. SIMuoN 'ON,

HlArs OFF' !--We j--it. now o.,risit fromi live glorious mtaimod'- veo-inns, p. 0. Songle, Rt. Gilbert, .Joh'ms.Smith, A. Sain and .John: usthe, allfnom Lincoln county,-on their way toRaleigh, to avail theinselves of the,State's libermlity, and Goev. Worth'sconsiderateness, to pro'cuge a legapiece. They wore in GenenaP .Rob-berh D. Johngon& Brigade, and under'.the load of tiitbbrave anid dashing of..leer fad 'dangergin every' battle in',-

Virginia, until. compelled by loss ofinb. to retire. It was sad to see, but'

glorious to hoar, these mnaimed and!abattlo scarred heroes recount their'marches, and roncounters with the' fee'-and liow painful it is to knoW that -

such blood was spiled,'and such sacri-fiees mftdep and suchk hardsbips endur-'ed with stich a result 1 Oh! how bit-'ter to feel th'ati an- outraged and op-'pressed land is the' home for suoh- he-roos- "in heart and lyjmd,"With the proud consibshOhs oagduty nobly perfornilbd,'those menaenow' quietly pursuing the even teh'ow'of their way, as beeomes good citins'--and biaying taken the oath of. ale'glance to the Governnient, who cauld-oubt their fidelity to ist' This aim--.plo-acqkuiesconce of thessi b'ao' andtrue .men will weigh- more, with .thehonoVhftthan thet combined. oaths of'all the Radicals in the Lind.. Chardlotte 'lImWes.

GRANT'S POLrIICAL I'Ews.9-Thd'New York -Herald--rather sniabby ansthority-sayn in' r.egard to the politi-.cal position~of &!hteral Grant: "Hoehas h rivate views about polities'and # ileand and keeps thoem to bim-'self. Webeilive, however, thiat hehas no such besiteney in oendolwng tlhe-ednetitutiohe5l a nedmeu$'no* before-~tho~tatesand In' advising thie" SoutlyIto adopt it and'aettleithe wholeo'busl-'nomA.'
