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Women in Politics: 2014

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Sudan c Chad Nigeria Democratic Republic of the Congo Namibia Botswana Zimbabwe South Africa Zambia Kenya Somalia Niger Mali Mauritania Algeria Libya Egypt Morocco Benin Cameroon Côte d’Ivoire Sao Tome and Principe Equatorial Guinea Gabon Congo Angola Burkina Faso Central African Rep. Saudi Arabia Yemen Iraq Iran (Islamic Rep. of) Syrian Arab Rep. Afghanistan Pakistan India France Germany Poland Finland Iceland Spain Russian Federation Australia China Mongolia Kazakhstan United States of America Canada Colombia Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Mexico Argentina Peru Brazil Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Greenland (Denmark) Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Nepal Bangladesh Sri Lanka Maldives Singapore Indonesia Lao People’s Dem. Republic Viet Nam Thailand Cambodia Philippines Japan Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea Republic of Korea Brunei Darussalam Bhutan Latvia Lithuania Liechtenstein Austria Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine Hungary Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Rep. of Moldova Norway Sweden Estonia Belarus Romania United Kingdom Netherlands Ireland Belgium Luxembourg Switzerland Italy Monaco San Marino Portugal Malta Tunisia Senegal Gambia Guinea-Bissau Guinea Sierra Leone Liberia Ghana Togo Cabo Verde Western Sahara Andorra Falkland Islands b (Malvinas) Kuwait Bahrain Qatar United Arab Emirates Oman Jordan Eritrea Djibouti Uganda Seychelles Rwanda Burundi Comoros Mauritius Malawi Mozambique Madagascar Swaziland Lesotho Bahamas Cuba Jamaica Haiti Dominican Republic Saint Kitts and Nevis Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Saint Lucia Guyana Suriname Grenada Belize Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Ecuador Paraguay Chile Uruguay Albania Greece T.F.Y.R. of Macedonia Serbia Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Jammu and Kashmir* Bulgaria a a Lebanon Israel Cyprus Malaysia Timor-Leste Palau Marshall Islands Micronesia (Fed. States of) Tuvalu Samoa Vanuatu Fiji Tonga New Zealand Papua New Guinea Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Kiribati Montenegro Nauru Solomon Islands Myanmar Denmark Ethiopia South Sudan c United Rep. of Tanzania Barbados Turkey Czech Rep. Trinidad and Tobago Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Women in Politics: 2014 Situation on 1 January 2014 Women in parliament The countries are ranked and colour-coded according to the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or the lower house of parliament, reflecting elections/appointments up to 1 January 2014. ‡ The total includes deputy prime ministers and ministers. Prime ministers/heads of government were also included when they held ministerial portfolios. Vice-presidents and heads of governmental or public agencies have not been included. Source: IPU. Data obtained from national governments, permanent missions to the United Nations and * publicly available information. Printed in France by Imprimerie Courand et associés. Published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and UN Women. February 2014. World and regional averages of women in parliament Single house or lower house Upper house or Senate Both houses combined World average 22.2% 19.5% 21.8% Regional averages Regions are presented in descending order of the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or the lower house of parliament. The regional groupings used are those of IPU. Nordic countries 42.1% Americas 25.2% 25.3% 25.2% Europe (Nordic countries included) 25.1% 22.8% 24.6% Europe (Nordic countries not included) 23.5% 22.8% 23.3% Sub-Saharan Africa 22.9% 18.9% 22.5% Asia 18.9% 13.9% 18.4% Arab States 17.8% 7.7% 16.0% Pacific 13.4% 38.6% 16.2% About this map The colour coding of the countries reflects the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or in the lower house of parliament, and corresponds to the data found in the world ranking of women in parliament on the right-hand side of the map. A world ranking of women in ministerial positions is on the left-hand side of the map. All data reflects the situation on 1 January 2014. As the source of the data presented here, IPU is responsible for the criteria applied in displaying the information. The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UN Women or of the Inter-Parliamentary Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. * Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. a State of Palestine (women in ministerial positions: 2/24 = 8.3%; women in parliament: 16/108 = 14.8%) b A dispute exists between the governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). c The final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. © Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2014 Women in ministerial positions The countries are ranked according to the percentage of women in ministerial positions, reflecting appointments up to 1 January 2014. Rank Country % Women Women Total ministers ‡ 50 to 59.9% 1 Nicaragua 57.1 8 14 2 Sweden 56.5 13 23 3 Finland 50.0 9 18 40 to 49.9% 4 France 48.6 18 37 5 Cabo Verde 47.1 8 17 Norway 47.1 8 17 6 Netherlands 46.7 7 15 7 Denmark 45.5 10 22 8 Peru 44.4 8 18 9 Switzerland 42.9 3 7 10 Belgium 41.7 5 12 11 Bulgaria 41.2 7 17 12 Liechtenstein 40.0 2 5 35 to 39.9% 13 Rwanda 39.3 11 28 14 Chile 39.1 9 23 15 Iceland 37.5 3 8 16 South Africa 37.1 13 35 17 United Republic of Tanzania* 36.7 11 30 18 Burundi 36.4 8 22 19 Haiti 35.0 7 20 30 to 34.9% 20 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)* 33.3 7 21 Germany 33.3 5 15 Kenya 33.3 6 18 21 Uganda* 32.1 9 28 22 Canada 32.0 8 25 Malawi* 32.0 8 25 23 United States of America 31.8 7 22 24 Panama 31.6 6 19 25 Colombia 31.3 5 16 Madagascar* 31.3 10 32 26 Austria 30.8 4 13 Grenada* 30.8 4 14 Latvia* 30.8 4 13 Spain 30.8 4 13 27 Albania 30.0 6 20 Italy 30.0 6 20 25 to 29.9% 28 New Zealand 29.6 8 27 29 Mozambique 28.6 8 28 30 Gambia* 27.8 5 18 Guyana 27.8 5 18 Republic of Moldova* 27.8 5 18 31 Guatemala 26.7 4 15 Luxembourg 26.7 4 15 32 Swaziland* 26.3 5 19 33 Brazil 25.6 10 39 34 Costa Rica 25.0 6 24 Eritrea* 25.0 4 16 Micronesia (Fed. States of)* 25.0 2 8 Nigeria* 25.0 7 28 Paraguay 25.0 3 12 20 to 24.9% 35 Kiribati 23.1 3 13 Seychelles 23.1 3 13 36 South Sudan* 22.7 5 22 37 Cuba 22.6 7 31 38 Ghana 22.5 9 40 39 Andorra 22.2 2 9 Benin* 22.2 6 27 Ecuador 22.2 8 36 Romania 22.2 6 27 40 Lesotho 21.7 5 23 Namibia 21.7 5 23 41 Portugal 21.4 3 14 Togo 21.4 6 28 42 Georgia 21.1 4 19 Liberia* 21.1 4 19 43 Comoros 20.0 2 10 Croatia 20.0 4 20 Jamaica 20.0 4 20 Kazakhstan 20.0 4 20 Monaco 20.0 1 5 15 to 19.9% 44 Angola* 19.4 7 36 45 Bahamas 19.0 4 21 46 Gabon* 18.8 3 16 47 Israel 18.2 4 22 Slovenia 18.2 2 11 48 Argentina 17.6 3 17 Honduras 17.6 3 17 Maldives 17.6 3 17 Mexico 17.6 3 17 49 Australia 17.2 5 29 50 Estonia 16.7 2 12 Mongolia 16.7 3 18 Montenegro 16.7 3 18 Nauru* 16.7 1 6 Poland 16.7 3 18 51 Senegal 16.1 5 31 Sudan* 16.1 5 31 Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of)* 16.1 5 31 52 Dominican Republic* 16.0 4 25 Philippines 16.0 4 25 53 Morocco 15.8 6 38 54 Côte d'Ivoire 15.6 5 32 United Kingdom 15.6 5 32 55 Dominica 15.4 2 13 Saint Lucia* 15.4 2 13 Sao Tome and Principe* 15.4 2 13 United Arab Emirates* 15.4 4 26 Chad 15.2 5 33 56 Zambia* 15.0 3 20 10 to 14.9% 57 Cameroon* 14.9 7 47 58 Bahrain* 14.8 4 27 59 Guinea 14.7 5 34 60 Ireland 14.3 2 14 Kyrgyzstan 14.3 3 21 Malta 14.3 2 14 Ukraine* 14.3 3 21 Uruguay 14.3 2 14 61 Burkina Faso 13.8 4 29 62 Belize* 13.3 2 15 63 Ethiopia 13.0 3 23 Mauritania 13.0 3 23 64 Niger 12.9 4 31 65 Botswana 12.5 2 16 Palau 12.5 1 8 Saint Kitts and Nevis 12.5 1 8 Tuvalu* 12.5 1 8 66 Algeria 12.1 4 33 Mali 12.1 4 33 67 Barbados 11.8 2 17 Indonesia 11.8 4 34 Republic of Korea 11.8 2 17 Timor-Leste* 11.8 2 17 68 Lao People's Dem. Republic 11.5 3 26 69 Afghanistan* 11.1 3 27 Antigua and Barbuda 11.1 1 9 Armenia 11.1 2 18 Hungary 11.1 1 9 Japan 11.1 2 18 Jordan 11.1 3 27 Tajikistan* 11.1 2 18 Zimbabwe 11.1 3 27 70 Congo* 10.5 4 38 Uzbekistan* 10.5 2 19 71 Dem. Republic of the Congo* 10.3 3 29 Egypt 10.3 3 29 Sierra Leone 10.3 3 29 72 Bhutan 10.0 1 10 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 10.0 3 30 Marshall Islands* 10.0 1 10 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10.0 1 10 5 to 9.9% 73 India 9.3 4 43 74 Cyprus 9.1 1 11 Fiji* 9.1 1 11 Serbia 9.1 2 22 Tonga* 9.1 1 11 Viet Nam* 9.1 2 22 75 Syrian Arab Republic 8.8 3 34 Turkmenistan 8.8 3 34 Yemen 8.8 3 34 76 Equatorial Guinea 8.7 4 46 The F.Y.R. of Macedonia 8.7 2 23 77 China* 8.3 2 24 Mauritius 8.3 2 24 Thailand 8.3 2 24 78 Somalia* 8.0 2 25 79 Samoa* 7.7 1 13 80 Czech Republic 7.1 1 14 El Salvador 7.1 1 14 Lithuania 7.1 1 14 Slovakia 7.1 1 14 81 Bangladesh* 6.7 2 30 Kuwait 6.7 1 15 Oman 6.7 2 30 Russian Federation 6.7 2 30 82 Trinidad and Tobago* 6.5 2 31 83 Malaysia 6.3 2 32 84 Singapore 5.9 1 17 85 Suriname 5.6 1 18 86 Djibouti 5.3 1 19 Greece 5.3 1 19 87 Qatar* 5.0 1 20 2 to 4.9% 88 Cambodia 4.7 2 43 89 Turkey 4.0 1 25 90 Iraq* 3.7 1 27 Tunisia 3.7 1 27 91 Libya* 3.6 1 28 92 Belarus 3.4 1 29 93 Papua New Guinea* 3.1 1 32 94 Sri Lanka 2.9 2 68 95 Azerbaijan* 2.8 1 36 96 Myanmar 2.6 1 38 0% 97 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.0 0 10 Brunei Darussalam* 0.0 0 14 Lebanon 0.0 0 29 Pakistan 0.0 0 17 San Marino 0.0 0 9 Saudi Arabia 0.0 0 32 Solomon Islands* 0.0 0 23 Vanuatu* 0.0 0 11 Information not available Central African Republic, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Guinea-Bissau and Nepal ISBN 978-92-9142-595-2 (IPU). Based on United Nations Map No. 4170 Rev. 13, April 2012. Rank Country Lower or single house % Women Women/Seats Upper house or Senate % Women Women/Seats 50 to 65% 1 Rwanda 63.8 51 / 80 38.5 10 / 26 2 Andorra 50.0 14 / 28 — / — 40 to 49.9% 3 Cuba 48.9 299 / 612 — / — 4 Sweden 45.0 157 / 349 — / — 5 South Africa (1) 44.8 179 / 400 34.0 18 / 53 6 Seychelles 43.8 14 / 32 — / — 7 Senegal 43.3 65 / 150 — / — 8 Finland 42.5 85 / 200 — / — 9 Ecuador 41.6 57 / 137 — / — 10 Belgium 41.3 62 / 150 39.4 28 / 71 11 Nicaragua 40.2 37 / 92 — / — 35 to 39.9% 12 Iceland 39.7 25 / 63 — / — Spain 39.7 139 / 350 33.5 89 / 266 13 Norway 39.6 67 / 169 — / — 14 Mozambique 39.2 98 / 250 — / — 15 Denmark 39.1 70 / 179 — / — 16 Netherlands 38.7 58 / 150 36.0 27 / 75 17 Costa Rica 38.6 22 / 57 — / — 18 Timor-Leste 38.5 25 / 65 — / — 19 Mexico 37.4 187 / 500 34.4 44 / 128 20 Angola 36.8 81 / 220 — / — 21 Argentina 36.6 94 / 257 38.9 28 / 72 22 Germany 36.5 230 / 631 27.5 19 / 69 23 United Republic of Tanzania 36.0 126 / 350 — / — 24 Uganda 35.0 135 / 386 — / — 30 to 34.9% 25 The F.Y.R. of Macedonia 34.1 42 / 123 — / — 26 New Zealand 33.9 41 / 121 — / — 27 Serbia 33.6 84 / 250 — / — 28 Austria 33.3 61 / 183 29.0 18 / 62 Grenada 33.3 5 / 15 15.4 2 / 13 Slovenia 33.3 30 / 90 7.5 3 / 40 29 Algeria 31.6 146 / 462 6.9 10 / 144 30 Zimbabwe 31.5 85 / 270 47.5 38 / 80 31 Italy 31.4 198 / 630 29.0 92 / 317 32 Guyana 31.3 21 / 67 — / — Portugal 31.3 72 / 230 — / — 33 Cameroon 31.1 56 / 180 20.0 20 / 100 34 Switzerland 31.0 62 / 200 19.6 9 / 46 35 Burundi 30.5 32 / 105 46.3 19 / 41 25 to 29.9% 36 Nepal 29.9 172 / 575 — / — 37 Trinidad and Tobago 28.6 12 / 42 19.4 6 / 31 38 Luxembourg 28.3 17 / 60 — / — 39 Tunisia 28.1 61 / 217 — / — 40 Ethiopia 27.8 152 / 547 16.3 22 / 135 41 Afghanistan 27.7 69 / 249 27.5 28 / 102 42 Philippines 27.3 79 / 289 25.0 6 / 24 43 Lesotho 26.7 32 / 120 27.3 9 / 33 44 Belarus 26.6 29 / 109 35.1 20 / 57 45 South Sudan 26.5 88 / 332 10.0 5 / 50 46 Turkmenistan 26.4 33 / 125 — / — 47 El Salvador 26.2 22 / 84 — / — France 26.2 151 / 577 22.5 78 / 347 48 Australia 26.0 39 / 150 41.3 31 / 75 49 Honduras 25.8 33 / 128 — / — 50 Namibia 25.6 20 / 78 26.9 7 / 26 51 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 25.4 33 / 130 47.2 17 / 36 52 Singapore 25.3 25 / 99 — / — 53 Iraq 25.2 82 / 325 — / — Kazakhstan 25.2 29 / 115 6.4 3 / 47 Mauritania 25.2 37 / 147 14.3 8 / 56 54 Canada 25.1 77 / 307 39.6 38 / 96 55 Lao People’s Dem. Republic 25.0 33 / 132 — / — Latvia 25.0 25 / 100 — / — 20 to 24.9% 56 Bulgaria 24.6 59 / 240 — / — 57 Poland 24.3 112 / 460 13.0 13 / 100 Sudan 24.3 86 / 354 17.2 5 / 29 Viet Nam 24.3 121 / 498 — / — 58 Lithuania 24.1 34 / 141 — / — 59 Equatorial Guinea 24.0 24 / 100 10.7 8 / 75 60 Croatia 23.8 36 / 151 — / — 61 China 23.4 699 / 2987 — / — 62 Kyrgyzstan 23.3 28 / 120 — / — 63 Madagascar 23.1 34 / 147 — / — 64 United Kingdom 22.6 147 / 650 23.4 182 / 778 65 Israel 22.5 27 / 120 — / — 66 Malawi 22.3 43 / 193 — / — Peru 22.3 29 / 130 — / — 67 Eritrea 22.0 33 / 150 — / — Uzbekistan 22.0 33 / 150 15.0 15 / 100 68 Guinea 21.9 25 / 114 — / — 69 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21.4 9 / 42 13.3 2 / 15 70 Greece 21.0 63 / 300 — / — 71 Cabo Verde 20.8 15 / 72 — / — Dominican Republic 20.8 38 / 183 9.4 3 / 32 Monaco 20.8 5 / 24 — / — 72 Pakistan 20.7 67 / 323 16.3 17 / 104 73 Cambodia 20.3 25 / 123 14.8 9 / 61 74 Albania 20.0 28 / 140 — / — Bangladesh 20.0 70 / 350 — / — Liechtenstein 20.0 5 / 25 — / — 15 to 19.9% 75 Saudi Arabia 19.9 30 / 151 — / — 76 Czech Republic 19.5 39 / 200 17.3 14 / 81 77 Kenya 19.1 67 / 350 26.5 18 / 68 78 Estonia 19.0 19 / 100 — / — 79 Burkina Faso 18.9 24 / 127 — / — 80 Mauritius 18.8 13 / 69 — / — Republic of Moldova 18.8 19 / 101 — / — 81 Slovakia 18.7 28 / 150 — / — 82 Indonesia 18.6 104 / 560 — / — 83 San Marino 18.3 11 / 60 — / — United States of America (2) 18.3 79 / 432 20.0 20 / 100 84 Sao Tome and Principe 18.2 10 / 55 — / — 85 United Arab Emirates 17.5 7 / 40 — / — 86 Morocco 17.0 67 / 395 2.2 6 / 270 Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) 17.0 28 / 165 — / — 87 Barbados 16.7 5 / 30 28.6 6 / 21 Saint Lucia 16.7 3 / 18 18.2 2 / 11 88 Libya 16.5 33 / 200 — / — Togo 16.5 15 / 91 — / — 89 Tajikistan 15.9 10 / 63 11.8 4 / 34 90 Chile 15.8 19 / 120 18.4 7 / 38 Thailand 15.8 79 / 500 15.4 23 / 149 91 Ireland 15.7 26 / 166 31.7 19 / 60 Republic of Korea 15.7 47 / 300 — / — 92 Azerbaijan 15.6 19 / 122 — / — Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea 15.6 107 / 687 — / — 93 Gabon 15.0 18 / 120 16.7 17 / 102 Paraguay 15.0 12 / 80 20.0 9 / 45 10 to 14.9% 94 Chad 14.9 28 / 188 — / — Mongolia 14.9 11 / 74 — / — 95 Montenegro 14.8 12 / 81 — / — 96 Turkey 14.4 79 / 548 — / — 97 Malta 14.3 10 / 70 — / — 98 Somalia 13.8 38 / 275 — / — 99 Russian Federation 13.6 61 / 450 8.0 13 / 163 100 Romania 13.5 55 / 407 7.4 13 / 176 101 Guatemala 13.3 21 / 158 — / — Niger 13.3 15 / 113 — / — 102 Bahamas 13.2 5 / 38 25.0 4 / 16 103 Uruguay 13.1 13 / 99 6.5 2 / 31 104 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13.0 3 / 23 — / — 105 Dominica 12.9 4 / 31 — / — 106 Djibouti 12.7 7 / 55 — / — Jamaica 12.7 8 / 63 28.6 6 / 21 107 Cyprus 12.5 7 / 56 — / — 108 Colombia 12.1 20 / 165 16.0 16 / 100 Sierra Leone 12.1 15 / 124 — / — 109 Georgia 12.0 18 / 150 Jordan 12.0 18 / 150 12.0 9 / 75 Syrian Arab Republic 12.0 30 / 250 — / — 110 Suriname 11.8 6/51 — / — 111 India 11.4 62 / 545 11.4 28 / 245 112 Guinea-Bissau 11.0 11 / 100 — / — Liberia 11.0 8 / 73 13.3 4 / 30 113 Ghana 10.9 30 / 275 — / — 114 Zambia 10.8 17 / 158 — / — 115 Armenia 10.7 14 / 131 — / — 116 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 10.6 53 / 498 5.6 6 / 108 117 Antigua and Barbuda 10.5 2 / 19 29.4 5 / 17 118 Malaysia 10.4 23 / 222 27.1 16 / 59 119 Bahrain 10.0 4 / 40 27.5 11 / 40 5 to 9.9% 120 Ukraine 9.7 43 / 442 — / — 121 Botswana 9.5 6 / 63 — / — Mali 9.5 14 / 147 — / — 122 Côte d’Ivoire 9.4 24 / 254 — / — Gambia 9.4 5 / 53 — / — Hungary 9.3 36 / 384 — / — 123 Kiribati 8.7 4 / 46 — / — 124 Brazil 8.6 44 / 513 16.0 13 / 81 125 Bhutan 8.5 4 / 47 8.0 2 / 25 Panama 8.5 6 / 71 — / — 126 Benin 8.4 7 / 83 — / — 127 Japan 8.1 39 / 480 16.1 39 / 242 128 Congo 7.4 10 / 136 13.9 10 / 72 129 Maldives 6.8 5 / 74 — / — 130 Nigéria 6.7 24 / 360 6.4 7 / 109 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6.7 1 / 15 — / — Tuvalu 6.7 1 / 15 — / — 131 Swaziland 6.2 4 / 65 33.3 10 / 30 132 Sri Lanka 5.8 13 / 225 — / — 133 Myanmar 5.6 24 / 429 1.8 4 / 224 134 Nauru 5.3 1 / 19 0.1 to 4.9% 135 Kuwait 4.6 3 / 65 — / — 136 Haiti 4.2 4 / 95 0.0 0 / 20 137 Samoa 4.1 2 / 49 — / — 138 Tonga 3.6 1 / 28 — / — 139 Belize 3.1 1 / 32 38.5 5 / 13 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 3.1 9 / 290 — / — Lebanon 3.1 4 / 128 — / — 140 Comoros 3.0 1 / 33 — / — Marshall Islands 3.0 1 / 33 — / — 141 Papua New Guinea 2.7 3 / 111 — / — 142 Solomon Islands 2.0 1 / 50 — / — 143 Oman 1.2 1 / 84 18.1 15 / 83 144 Yemen 0.3 1 / 301 1.8 2 / 111 0% 145 Micronesia (Federated States) 0.0 0 / 14 — / — Palau 0.0 0 / 16 23.1 3 / 13 Qatar 0.0 0 / 35 — / — Vanuatu 0.0 0 / 52 — / — No parliament on 1 January 2014 Brunei Darussalam, Central African Republic, Egypt, Fiji (1) South Africa: The figures on the distribution of seats in the Upper House do not include the 36 special rotating delegates appointed on an ad hoc basis, and all percentages given are therefore calculated on the basis of the 54 permanent seats. (2) United States of America: Total refers to all voting members of the House. Source: IPU. Data provided by national parliaments. Women in the highest positions of State Women heads of state 1 (9/152 = 5.9%) and women heads of government (15/193 = 7.8%) Argentina (HS/HG), Bangladesh (HG), Brazil (HS/HG), Chile (HS/HG) 2 , Costa Rica (HS/HG), Denmark (HG), Germany (HG), Jamaica (HG), Liberia (HS/HG), Lithuania (HS), Malawi (HS/HG), Norway (HG), Republic of Korea (HS), San Marino (HS), Senegal (HG), Slovenia (HG), Thailand (HG) and Trinidad and Tobago (HG) Women speakers of parliament 3 (40/271 = 14.8%) Antigua and Barbuda (2 chambers), Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia (2 chambers), Botswana, Dominica, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Gabon, India, Italy, Honduras, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mozambique, Netherlands (2 chambers), Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, San Marino, Singapore, Suriname, Swaziland, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe Women deputy speakers of parliament (159/601 = 26.5%) 88 parliaments out of 188 have women deputy speakers. Note: (HS/HG) = The head of state is also the head of government. 1 Only elected heads of state have been taken into account. 2 President-elect. 3 Of the total 189 parliaments, 76 are bicameral. As at 1 January 2014, one bicameral parliament has no speakers and is not included in the percentage. Portfolios held by women ministers (1096 portfolios in 189 countries) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0 6 6 9 13 15 17 17 21 22 22 23 24 24 28 29 31 34 34 35 45 56 56 60 64 69 71 78 82 105 Social Affairs Family / Children / Youth / Elderly / Disabled Environment / Natural Resources / Energy Women’s Affairs / Gender Equality Education Trade / Industry Employment / Labour / Vocational Training Culture Health Foreign Affairs (including Development Assistance) Public Works / Territorial Planning Home Affairs / Immigration (including Integration and Refugees) Justice Agriculture / Food / Forestry / Fishing Research and Development / Science and Technology Communications / Telecommunications / Postal Affairs Finance / Budget Housing / Urban Affairs Tourism Economy / Development Transport Sports Local Government Public Administration / Public Service Defence and Veteran Affairs Human Rights Population Information / Media Parliamentary Affairs Contacts: Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) E-mail: [email protected] www.ipu.org United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) E-mail: [email protected] www.unwomen.org
Page 1: Women in Politics: 2014




DemocraticRepublic of the Congo









Algeria LibyaEgypt



Côte d’IvoireSao Tome and Principe

Equatorial Guinea




CentralAfrican Rep.




(Islamic Rep. of)

Syrian Arab Rep.Afghanistan








Russian Federation





United States of America




State of)






Republic of)






Sri Lanka




Lao People’s Dem. RepublicViet NamThailandCambodiaPhilippines

JapanDem. People’s Rep. of KoreaRepublic of Korea



LatviaLithuaniaLiechtensteinAustriaSlovakiaSloveniaUkraineHungaryCroatiaBosnia and HerzegovinaRep. of Moldova



United KingdomNetherlandsIrelandBelgiumLuxembourg

SwitzerlandItalyMonacoSan Marino


SenegalGambiaGuinea-BissauGuineaSierra LeoneLiberiaGhanaTogo

Cabo Verde

Western Sahara


Falkland Islandsb


KuwaitBahrainQatarUnited ArabEmiratesOmanJordanEritreaDjibouti




BahamasCubaJamaicaHaitiDominican Republic

Saint Kitts and NevisAntigua and BarbudaDominicaSaint Lucia



BelizeGuatemalaHondurasEl SalvadorNicaraguaCosta RicaPanama






T.F.Y.R. of Macedonia

Serbia GeorgiaArmeniaAzerbaijan

KyrgyzstanTajikistanJammu and Kashmir*


a a





PalauMarshall Islands

Micronesia(Fed. States of)






New Zealand

Papua New Guinea

Pacific Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Indian Ocean




Solomon Islands





United Rep.of Tanzania



Czech Rep.

Trinidad and Tobago

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Women in Politics: 2014Situation on 1 January 2014

Women in parliamentThe countries are ranked and colour-coded according to the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or the lower house of parliament,

reflecting elections/appointments up to 1 January 2014.

‡ The total includes deputy prime ministers and ministers. Prime ministers/heads of government were also included when they held ministerial portfolios. Vice-presidents and heads of governmental or public agencies have not been included.

Source: IPU. Data obtained from national governments, permanent missions to the United Nations and * publicly available information. Pr


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.World and regional averages of women in parliament

Single house or lower house

Upper house or Senate

Both houses combined

World average 22.2% 19.5% 21.8%

Regional averages

Regions are presented in descending order of the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or the lower house of parliament. The regional groupings used are those of IPU.

Nordic countries 42.1% — —

Americas 25.2% 25.3% 25.2%

Europe (Nordic countries included) 25.1% 22.8% 24.6%

Europe (Nordic countries not included) 23.5% 22.8% 23.3%

Sub-Saharan Africa 22.9% 18.9% 22.5%

Asia 18.9% 13.9% 18.4%

Arab States 17.8% 7.7% 16.0%

Pacific 13.4% 38.6% 16.2%

About this mapThe colour coding of the countries reflects the percentage of women in unicameral parliaments or in the lower house of parliament, and corresponds to the data found in the world ranking of women in parliament on the right-hand side of the map. A world ranking of women in ministerial positions is on the left-hand side of the map.

All data reflects the situation on 1 January 2014. As the source of the data presented here, IPU is responsible for the criteria applied in displaying the information.

The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UN Women or of the Inter-Parliamentary Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

* Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties.

a State of Palestine (women in ministerial positions: 2/24 = 8.3%; women in parliament: 16/108 = 14.8%)

b A dispute exists between the governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

c The final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined.

© Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2014

Women in ministerial positions

The countries are ranked according to the percentage of women in ministerial positions, reflecting appointments up to 1 January 2014.

Rank Country % Women Women Total ministers ‡50 to 59.9%

1 Nicaragua 57.1 8 142 Sweden 56.5 13 233 Finland 50.0 9 18

40 to 49.9%4 France 48.6 18 375 Cabo Verde 47.1 8 17“ Norway 47.1 8 176 Netherlands 46.7 7 157 Denmark 45.5 10 228 Peru 44.4 8 189 Switzerland 42.9 3 7

10 Belgium 41.7 5 1211 Bulgaria 41.2 7 1712 Liechtenstein 40.0 2 5

35 to 39.9%13 Rwanda 39.3 11 2814 Chile 39.1 9 2315 Iceland 37.5 3 816 South Africa 37.1 13 3517 United Republic of Tanzania* 36.7 11 3018 Burundi 36.4 8 2219 Haiti 35.0 7 20

30 to 34.9%20 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)* 33.3 7 21“ Germany 33.3 5 15“ Kenya 33.3 6 18

21 Uganda* 32.1 9 2822 Canada 32.0 8 25“ Malawi* 32.0 8 25

23 United States of America 31.8 7 2224 Panama 31.6 6 1925 Colombia 31.3 5 16“ Madagascar* 31.3 10 32

26 Austria 30.8 4 13“ Grenada* 30.8 4 14“ Latvia* 30.8 4 13“ Spain 30.8 4 13

27 Albania 30.0 6 20“ Italy 30.0 6 20

25 to 29.9%28 New Zealand 29.6 8 2729 Mozambique 28.6 8 2830 Gambia* 27.8 5 18“ Guyana 27.8 5 18“ Republic of Moldova* 27.8 5 18

31 Guatemala 26.7 4 15“ Luxembourg 26.7 4 15

32 Swaziland* 26.3 5 1933 Brazil 25.6 10 3934 Costa Rica 25.0 6 24“ Eritrea* 25.0 4 16“ Micronesia (Fed. States of)* 25.0 2 8“ Nigeria* 25.0 7 28“ Paraguay 25.0 3 12

20 to 24.9%35 Kiribati 23.1 3 13“ Seychelles 23.1 3 13

36 South Sudan* 22.7 5 2237 Cuba 22.6 7 3138 Ghana 22.5 9 4039 Andorra 22.2 2 9“ Benin* 22.2 6 27“ Ecuador 22.2 8 36“ Romania 22.2 6 27

40 Lesotho 21.7 5 23“ Namibia 21.7 5 23

41 Portugal 21.4 3 14“ Togo 21.4 6 28

42 Georgia 21.1 4 19“ Liberia* 21.1 4 19

43 Comoros 20.0 2 10“ Croatia 20.0 4 20“ Jamaica 20.0 4 20“ Kazakhstan 20.0 4 20“ Monaco 20.0 1 5

15 to 19.9%44 Angola* 19.4 7 3645 Bahamas 19.0 4 2146 Gabon* 18.8 3 1647 Israel 18.2 4 22“ Slovenia 18.2 2 11

48 Argentina 17.6 3 17“ Honduras 17.6 3 17“ Maldives 17.6 3 17“ Mexico 17.6 3 17

49 Australia 17.2 5 2950 Estonia 16.7 2 12“ Mongolia 16.7 3 18“ Montenegro 16.7 3 18“ Nauru* 16.7 1 6“ Poland 16.7 3 18

51 Senegal 16.1 5 31“ Sudan* 16.1 5 31“ Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of)* 16.1 5 31

52 Dominican Republic* 16.0 4 25“ Philippines 16.0 4 25

53 Morocco 15.8 6 3854 Côte d'Ivoire 15.6 5 32“ United Kingdom 15.6 5 32

55 Dominica 15.4 2 13“ Saint Lucia* 15.4 2 13“ Sao Tome and Principe* 15.4 2 13“ United Arab Emirates* 15.4 4 26“ Chad 15.2 5 33

56 Zambia* 15.0 3 2010 to 14.9%

57 Cameroon* 14.9 7 4758 Bahrain* 14.8 4 2759 Guinea 14.7 5 3460 Ireland 14.3 2 14“ Kyrgyzstan 14.3 3 21“ Malta 14.3 2 14“ Ukraine* 14.3 3 21“ Uruguay 14.3 2 14

61 Burkina Faso 13.8 4 2962 Belize* 13.3 2 1563 Ethiopia 13.0 3 23“ Mauritania 13.0 3 23

64 Niger 12.9 4 3165 Botswana 12.5 2 16“ Palau 12.5 1 8“ Saint Kitts and Nevis 12.5 1 8“ Tuvalu* 12.5 1 8

66 Algeria 12.1 4 33“ Mali 12.1 4 33

67 Barbados 11.8 2 17“ Indonesia 11.8 4 34“ Republic of Korea 11.8 2 17“ Timor-Leste* 11.8 2 17

68 Lao People's Dem. Republic 11.5 3 2669 Afghanistan* 11.1 3 27“ Antigua and Barbuda 11.1 1 9“ Armenia 11.1 2 18“ Hungary 11.1 1 9“ Japan 11.1 2 18“ Jordan 11.1 3 27“ Tajikistan* 11.1 2 18“ Zimbabwe 11.1 3 27

70 Congo* 10.5 4 38“ Uzbekistan* 10.5 2 19

71 Dem. Republic of the Congo* 10.3 3 29“ Egypt 10.3 3 29“ Sierra Leone 10.3 3 29

72 Bhutan 10.0 1 10“ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 10.0 3 30“ Marshall Islands* 10.0 1 10“ Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10.0 1 10

5 to 9.9%73 India 9.3 4 4374 Cyprus 9.1 1 11“ Fiji* 9.1 1 11“ Serbia 9.1 2 22“ Tonga* 9.1 1 11“ Viet Nam* 9.1 2 22

75 Syrian Arab Republic 8.8 3 34“ Turkmenistan 8.8 3 34“ Yemen 8.8 3 34

76 Equatorial Guinea 8.7 4 46“ The F.Y.R. of Macedonia 8.7 2 23

77 China* 8.3 2 24“ Mauritius 8.3 2 24“ Thailand 8.3 2 24

78 Somalia* 8.0 2 2579 Samoa* 7.7 1 1380 Czech Republic 7.1 1 14“ El Salvador 7.1 1 14“ Lithuania 7.1 1 14“ Slovakia 7.1 1 14

81 Bangladesh* 6.7 2 30“ Kuwait 6.7 1 15“ Oman 6.7 2 30“ Russian Federation 6.7 2 30

82 Trinidad and Tobago* 6.5 2 3183 Malaysia 6.3 2 3284 Singapore 5.9 1 1785 Suriname 5.6 1 1886 Djibouti 5.3 1 19“ Greece 5.3 1 19

87 Qatar* 5.0 1 202 to 4.9%

88 Cambodia 4.7 2 4389 Turkey 4.0 1 2590 Iraq* 3.7 1 27“ Tunisia 3.7 1 27

91 Libya* 3.6 1 2892 Belarus 3.4 1 2993 Papua New Guinea* 3.1 1 3294 Sri Lanka 2.9 2 6895 Azerbaijan* 2.8 1 3696 Myanmar 2.6 1 38

0%97 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.0 0 10“ Brunei Darussalam* 0.0 0 14“ Lebanon 0.0 0 29“ Pakistan 0.0 0 17“ San Marino 0.0 0 9“ Saudi Arabia 0.0 0 32“ Solomon Islands* 0.0 0 23“ Vanuatu* 0.0 0 11

Information not availableCentral African Republic, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Guinea-Bissau and Nepal






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Rank Country Lower or single house % Women Women/Seats

Upper house or Senate % Women Women/Seats

50 to 65%1 Rwanda 63.8 51 / 80 38.5 10 / 262 Andorra 50.0 14 / 28 — — / —

40 to 49.9%3 Cuba 48.9 299 / 612 — — / —4 Sweden 45.0 157 / 349 — — / —5 South Africa (1) 44.8 179 / 400 34.0 18 / 536 Seychelles 43.8 14 / 32 — — / —7 Senegal 43.3 65 / 150 — — / —8 Finland 42.5 85 / 200 — — / —9 Ecuador 41.6 57 / 137 — — / —10 Belgium 41.3 62 / 150 39.4 28 / 7111 Nicaragua 40.2 37 / 92 — — / —

35 to 39.9%12 Iceland 39.7 25 / 63 — — / —“ Spain 39.7 139 / 350 33.5 89 / 266

13 Norway 39.6 67 / 169 — — / —14 Mozambique 39.2 98 / 250 — — / —15 Denmark 39.1 70 / 179 — — / —16 Netherlands 38.7 58 / 150 36.0 27 / 7517 Costa Rica 38.6 22 / 57 — — / —18 Timor-Leste 38.5 25 / 65 — — / —19 Mexico 37.4 187 / 500 34.4 44 / 12820 Angola 36.8 81 / 220 — — / —21 Argentina 36.6 94 / 257 38.9 28 / 7222 Germany 36.5 230 / 631 27.5 19 / 6923 United Republic of Tanzania 36.0 126 / 350 — — / —24 Uganda 35.0 135 / 386 — — / —

30 to 34.9%25 The F.Y.R. of Macedonia 34.1 42 / 123 — — / —26 New Zealand 33.9 41 / 121 — — / —27 Serbia 33.6 84 / 250 — — / —28 Austria 33.3 61 / 183 29.0 18 / 62“ Grenada 33.3 5 / 15 15.4 2 / 13“ Slovenia 33.3 30 / 90 7.5 3 / 40

29 Algeria 31.6 146 / 462 6.9 10 / 14430 Zimbabwe 31.5 85 / 270 47.5 38 / 8031 Italy 31.4 198 / 630 29.0 92 / 31732 Guyana 31.3 21 / 67 — — / —“ Portugal 31.3 72 / 230 — — / —

33 Cameroon 31.1 56 / 180 20.0 20 / 10034 Switzerland 31.0 62 / 200 19.6 9 / 4635 Burundi 30.5 32 / 105 46.3 19 / 41

25 to 29.9%36 Nepal 29.9 172 / 575 — — / —37 Trinidad and Tobago 28.6 12 / 42 19.4 6 / 3138 Luxembourg 28.3 17 / 60 — — / —39 Tunisia 28.1 61 / 217 — — / —40 Ethiopia 27.8 152 / 547 16.3 22 / 13541 Afghanistan 27.7 69 / 249 27.5 28 / 10242 Philippines 27.3 79 / 289 25.0 6 / 2443 Lesotho 26.7 32 / 120 27.3 9 / 3344 Belarus 26.6 29 / 109 35.1 20 / 5745 South Sudan 26.5 88 / 332 10.0 5 / 5046 Turkmenistan 26.4 33 / 125 — — / —47 El Salvador 26.2 22 / 84 — — / —“ France 26.2 151 / 577 22.5 78 / 347

48 Australia 26.0 39 / 150 41.3 31 / 7549 Honduras 25.8 33 / 128 — — / —50 Namibia 25.6 20 / 78 26.9 7 / 2651 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 25.4 33 / 130 47.2 17 / 3652 Singapore 25.3 25 / 99 — — / —53 Iraq 25.2 82 / 325 — — / —“ Kazakhstan 25.2 29 / 115 6.4 3 / 47“ Mauritania 25.2 37 / 147 14.3 8 / 56

54 Canada 25.1 77 / 307 39.6 38 / 9655 Lao People’s Dem. Republic 25.0 33 / 132 — — / —“ Latvia 25.0 25 / 100 — — / —

20 to 24.9%56 Bulgaria 24.6 59 / 240 — — / —57 Poland 24.3 112 / 460 13.0 13 / 100“ Sudan 24.3 86 / 354 17.2 5 / 29“ Viet Nam 24.3 121 / 498 — — / —

58 Lithuania 24.1 34 / 141 — — / —59 Equatorial Guinea 24.0 24 / 100 10.7 8 / 7560 Croatia 23.8 36 / 151 — — / —61 China 23.4 699 / 2987 — — / —62 Kyrgyzstan 23.3 28 / 120 — — / —63 Madagascar 23.1 34 / 147 — — / —64 United Kingdom 22.6 147 / 650 23.4 182 / 77865 Israel 22.5 27 / 120 — — / —66 Malawi 22.3 43 / 193 — — / —“ Peru 22.3 29 / 130 — — / —

67 Eritrea 22.0 33 / 150 — — / —“ Uzbekistan 22.0 33 / 150 15.0 15 / 100

68 Guinea 21.9 25 / 114 — — / —69 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21.4 9 / 42 13.3 2 / 1570 Greece 21.0 63 / 300 — — / —71 Cabo Verde 20.8 15 / 72 — — / —“ Dominican Republic 20.8 38 / 183 9.4 3 / 32“ Monaco 20.8 5 / 24 — — / —

72 Pakistan 20.7 67 / 323 16.3 17 / 10473 Cambodia 20.3 25 / 123 14.8 9 / 6174 Albania 20.0 28 / 140 — — / —“ Bangladesh 20.0 70 / 350 — — / —“ Liechtenstein 20.0 5 / 25 — — / —

15 to 19.9%75 Saudi Arabia 19.9 30 / 151 — — / —76 Czech Republic 19.5 39 / 200 17.3 14 / 8177 Kenya 19.1 67 / 350 26.5 18 / 6878 Estonia 19.0 19 / 100 — — / —79 Burkina Faso 18.9 24 / 127 — — / —80 Mauritius 18.8 13 / 69 — — / —“ Republic of Moldova 18.8 19 / 101 — — / —

81 Slovakia 18.7 28 / 150 — — / —82 Indonesia 18.6 104 / 560 — — / —83 San Marino 18.3 11 / 60 — — / —“ United States of America (2) 18.3 79 / 432 20.0 20 / 100

84 Sao Tome and Principe 18.2 10 / 55 — — / —85 United Arab Emirates 17.5 7 / 40 — — / —86 Morocco 17.0 67 / 395 2.2 6 / 270“ Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of) 17.0 28 / 165 — — / —

87 Barbados 16.7 5 / 30 28.6 6 / 21“ Saint Lucia 16.7 3 / 18 18.2 2 / 11

88 Libya 16.5 33 / 200 — — / —“ Togo 16.5 15 / 91 — — / —

89 Tajikistan 15.9 10 / 63 11.8 4 / 3490 Chile 15.8 19 / 120 18.4 7 / 38“ Thailand 15.8 79 / 500 15.4 23 / 149

91 Ireland 15.7 26 / 166 31.7 19 / 60“ Republic of Korea 15.7 47 / 300 — — / —

92 Azerbaijan 15.6 19 / 122 — — / —“ Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea 15.6 107 / 687 — — / —

93 Gabon 15.0 18 / 120 16.7 17 / 102“ Paraguay 15.0 12 / 80 20.0 9 / 45

10 to 14.9%94 Chad 14.9 28 / 188 — — / —“ Mongolia 14.9 11 / 74 — — / —

95 Montenegro 14.8 12 / 81 — — / —96 Turkey 14.4 79 / 548 — — / —97 Malta 14.3 10 / 70 — — / —98 Somalia 13.8 38 / 275 — — / —99 Russian Federation 13.6 61 / 450 8.0 13 / 163100 Romania 13.5 55 / 407 7.4 13 / 176101 Guatemala 13.3 21 / 158 — — / —

“ Niger 13.3 15 / 113 — — / —102 Bahamas 13.2 5 / 38 25.0 4 / 16103 Uruguay 13.1 13 / 99 6.5 2 / 31104 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13.0 3 / 23 — — / —105 Dominica 12.9 4 / 31 — — / —106 Djibouti 12.7 7 / 55 — — / —

“ Jamaica 12.7 8 / 63 28.6 6 / 21107 Cyprus 12.5 7 / 56 — — / —108 Colombia 12.1 20 / 165 16.0 16 / 100

“ Sierra Leone 12.1 15 / 124 — — / —109 Georgia 12.0 18 / 150

“ Jordan 12.0 18 / 150 12.0 9 / 75“ Syrian Arab Republic 12.0 30 / 250 — — / —

110 Suriname 11.8 6/51 — — / —111 India 11.4 62 / 545 11.4 28 / 245112 Guinea-Bissau 11.0 11 / 100 — — / —“ Liberia 11.0 8 / 73 13.3 4 / 30

113 Ghana 10.9 30 / 275 — — / —114 Zambia 10.8 17 / 158 — — / —115 Armenia 10.7 14 / 131 — — / —116 Dem. Rep. of the Congo 10.6 53 / 498 5.6 6 / 108117 Antigua and Barbuda 10.5 2 / 19 29.4 5 / 17118 Malaysia 10.4 23 / 222 27.1 16 / 59119 Bahrain 10.0 4 / 40 27.5 11 / 40

5 to 9.9%120 Ukraine 9.7 43 / 442 — — / —121 Botswana 9.5 6 / 63 — — / —

“ Mali 9.5 14 / 147 — — / —122 Côte d’Ivoire 9.4 24 / 254 — — / —

“ Gambia 9.4 5 / 53 — — / —“ Hungary 9.3 36 / 384 — — / —

123 Kiribati 8.7 4 / 46 — — / —124 Brazil 8.6 44 / 513 16.0 13 / 81125 Bhutan 8.5 4 / 47 8.0 2 / 25

“ Panama 8.5 6 / 71 — — / —126 Benin 8.4 7 / 83 — — / —127 Japan 8.1 39 / 480 16.1 39 / 242128 Congo 7.4 10 / 136 13.9 10 / 72129 Maldives 6.8 5 / 74 — — / —130 Nigéria 6.7 24 / 360 6.4 7 / 109

“ Saint Kitts and Nevis 6.7 1 / 15 — — / —“ Tuvalu 6.7 1 / 15 — — / —

131 Swaziland 6.2 4 / 65 33.3 10 / 30132 Sri Lanka 5.8 13 / 225 — — / —133 Myanmar 5.6 24 / 429 1.8 4 / 224134 Nauru 5.3 1 / 19

0.1 to 4.9%135 Kuwait 4.6 3 / 65 — — / —136 Haiti 4.2 4 / 95 0.0 0 / 20137 Samoa 4.1 2 / 49 — — / —138 Tonga 3.6 1 / 28 — — / —139 Belize 3.1 1 / 32 38.5 5 / 13

“ Iran (Islamic Republic of) 3.1 9 / 290 — — / —“ Lebanon 3.1 4 / 128 — — / —

140 Comoros 3.0 1 / 33 — — / —“ Marshall Islands 3.0 1 / 33 — — / —

141 Papua New Guinea 2.7 3 / 111 — — / —142 Solomon Islands 2.0 1 / 50 — — / —143 Oman 1.2 1 / 84 18.1 15 / 83144 Yemen 0.3 1 / 301 1.8 2 / 111

0%145 Micronesia (Federated States) 0.0 0 / 14 — — / —

” Palau 0.0 0 / 16 23.1 3 / 13“ Qatar 0.0 0 / 35 — — / —“ Vanuatu 0.0 0 / 52 — — / —

No parliament on 1 January 2014Brunei Darussalam, Central African Republic, Egypt, Fiji

(1) South Africa: The figures on the distribution of seats in the Upper House do not include the 36 special rotating delegates appointed on an ad hoc basis, and all percentages given are therefore calculated on the basis of the 54 permanent seats.

(2) United States of America: Total refers to all voting members of the House.

Source: IPU. Data provided by national parliaments.

Women in the highest positions of State

Women heads of state1 (9/152 = 5.9%) and women heads of government (15/193 = 7.8%)

Argentina (HS/HG), Bangladesh (HG), Brazil (HS/HG), Chile (HS/HG)2, Costa Rica (HS/HG), Denmark (HG), Germany (HG), Jamaica (HG), Liberia (HS/HG), Lithuania (HS), Malawi (HS/HG), Norway (HG), Republic of Korea (HS), San Marino (HS), Senegal (HG), Slovenia (HG), Thailand (HG) and Trinidad and Tobago (HG)

Women speakers of parliament3 (40/271 = 14.8%)Antigua and Barbuda (2 chambers), Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia (2 chambers), Botswana, Dominica, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Gabon, India, Italy, Honduras, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mozambique, Netherlands (2 chambers), Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, San Marino, Singapore, Suriname, Swaziland, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe

Women deputy speakers of parliament (159/601 = 26.5%) 88 parliaments out of 188 have women deputy speakers.

Note: (HS/HG) = The head of state is also the head of government.1 Only elected heads of state have been taken into account.2 President-elect.3 Of the total 189 parliaments, 76 are bicameral. As at 1 January 2014, one bicameral parliament has no speakers and is not included in the percentage.

Portfolios held by women ministers(1096 portfolios in 189 countries)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1100












105 Social AffairsFamily / Children / Youth / Elderly / DisabledEnvironment / Natural Resources / EnergyWomen’s Affairs / Gender EqualityEducationTrade / IndustryEmployment / Labour / Vocational TrainingCultureHealthForeign Affairs (including Development Assistance)Public Works / Territorial PlanningHome Affairs / Immigration (including Integration and Refugees)JusticeAgriculture / Food / Forestry / FishingResearch and Development / Science and TechnologyCommunications / Telecommunications / Postal AffairsFinance / BudgetHousing / Urban AffairsTourismEconomy / DevelopmentTransportSportsLocal GovernmentPublic Administration / Public ServiceDefence and Veteran AffairsHuman RightsPopulationInformation / MediaParliamentary Affairs


Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)E-mail: [email protected]

United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)E-mail: [email protected]
