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Women Leadership in Islam

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    y Leadership is Islam is a trust (amanah).y It represents a psychological contract between a

    leader and his followers.y A leader tries her best to guide them, to protect them,

    and to treat them justly

    (from Leadership : an Islamic Perspective )

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    Look from Withiny N ot criticizing from the outside but offering self-

    criticism with the objective of identifying

    shortcomings to improve our situation.

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    y It was decided after these exhaustive studies, that after 13 years of Islamic training of our youth, elders, women andchildren, we would make an exhaustive survey of the state.If this survey revealed that at least 75% of the followers of da wah believed that Islam is a complete way of life and areconvinced about establishing an Islamic state, then we would call for the establishment of such a state. If the

    percentage is less, then we would extend the period of Islamic training for another 13 years and so on, until theUmmah is ripe to accept Islam s rule

    - Zainab Al-Ghazali

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    R eform, Improvement and Perfection

  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    y H aving attained iman, one reaches for ihsan.y Ihsan to continue improving performance without

    giving up.y A continuous process that involves islah, the opposite

    of ifsad (undermining).

    R eform(Islah)



  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    W hat Muslim leaders should cultivate.

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    1. Know where your time goes.y 6 P Formula : Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor

    Performance.y Time management taking control of the sequence of

    events.2 . Focus on concrete results . 3 . Build on strengths.4 . Concentrate on a few major areas where consistent

    hard work will produce outstanding results.y Pareto Principle : 20% of your activities will account

    for 80% of your results.

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    What about culture?y W hat is condemned is not normal cultural exchange

    accomplished in an open, confident, critical and

    independent mind, but blind, indiscriminate, sterileimitation which results in cultural desolation, socialand moral anarchy, defeatism, inferiority complexes anabject slavery of the souls .

    -Maryam Jameelah.

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    The Etiquette of Differing

  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    y Differences : not blessings but source of disunity andfragmentation?

    y Different ijtihad (making decision by independentinterpretation) but with the same maqasid (higherobjectives).

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    y W e have defeated you for as long as we are rich by Allah, strong by H im, struggling for H is sake. Only one

    thing will prove that we are defeated, and that is if weabandon our belief in the necessity of Jihad toestablish Tawhid and elevate the word of Islam.

    - Zainab Al-Ghazali

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  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    C ould we have done better?y Success only come from Allah.y There are always room for improvement

    Firstly, it s Allah s favor on us that we believe in H im. Islambestows us with a strength which helps us to surmount problemsand difficulties .

    Do you think that what we have attained is due to us and ourefforts? It is rather because of the grace of Allah, so don t busy yourself with them (the despots) .

    -Zainab Al-Ghazali

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    y O Allah, If you are not angry with me I don t care, but Your grace is more befitting to me. I seek refuge in the

    light of Your Face, that which has enlighteneddarkness and on W hom the matters of this life and theH ereafter have settled, that Your anger does not cometo me and Your Curse does not befall me. To You is ourobedience until You are pleased and there is no mightor strength except with You.

    -Zainab Al-Ghazali

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    y Failures do what is tensionrelieving while winners do

    what is goal achieving.

    - Dennis W aitley, motivationalspeaker.

  • 8/9/2019 Women Leadership in Islam


    B ibliographyy T raining Guide for Islamic Workers by H isham Altalib

    (IIIT, 2001)y R eturn of the Pharoah : Memoir in Nasir s Prison by Zainab Al-Ghazali (The Islamic Foundation, 1994)y Makers of Contemporary Islam by John L. Esposito,

    John O. Voll (Oxford Univ Press, 2001)y

    Leadership : An Islamic Perspective by R afik I. Beekun, Jamal Badawi (AMA N A Publications, 2004)y E at T hat Frog by Brian Tracy (BK Publishers, 2001)
