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Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through...

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Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News There is light at the center of your soul. The fall equinox has come and gone. Here in the northern hemisphere we begin to notice lengthening shadows, evenings of shortened light, and mornings rising in the dark. During October, we also look out on the brightening colors as the trees begin to wrap up their season of growth. They shed the accomplishments of spring and summer. Soon we will see the bare bones of trunk and limbs that form the structure upholding their leafy progress. Almost imperceptibly tree trunks have widened, limbs lengthened, the entire structure of the tree made larger and stronger. This will be more evident as leaves drop to cover our lawns and pathways with the leftovers of nature. From these leftovers, we will mulch our gardens and enrich our compost bins. Yet the opposite occurs during October in the southern hemisphere of our globe. There days lengthen. The signs of spring brighten the landscape with freshening flowers. Crops are planted, fields tended. Light begins its march toward the full, long days that will mark summer weather in December and January. Some of us will seek out the benefit of these longer days by traveling south for the winter or taking cruises that feature warmer, sunnier climes. Growing darkness in the northern hemisphere and growing light in the southern prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can see changes wrought by life experience as limiting. Or we can see life’s progress revealing the strong spiritual structure that supports us. We can bemoan our troubles or use negative experiences to enrich our human experience, to fertilize our soul’s growth. We always stand at choice. We can focus on the diminished light of negative thinking, “I am not enough, I just never seem to get it right.” Or we can see the brighter light of positive thinking, “I am a confident child of God. I live in joy.” We can see ourselves as stuck in the mud of self-condemnation or we can see ourselves growing up from the earth with increasing strength to the heaven of an aware mind. You already know that you stand in the eternal light of God’s beautiful presence, a light that never diminishes. But you may from time to time lose sight of that bright light. For like the sun that always shines on the earth, it is not the cessation of light that brings darkness to the globe. No it is the inclination, the turning of the planet that brings the dark. So, too, in our spiritual journey, the light of God’s holy presence always shines. It is our turning away from it that brings a sense of separation, a perceived darkness to our souls. As nature reminds you of the many changes you face in life, let it also inspire you to turn toward the light that lives at the center of your soul. This light is your Christ consciousness, your Buddha mind, your inner flame of perfection. Like an eternal sun, it never dims. This light is your true connection to the eternal light and love of God. Here you will find compassion and love enough to brighten every day of your life. Peace and Blessings Always, Rev. Maur October 2013 - Volume XIV, No. 10 First Church of Religious Science Rev. Maur Horton, Executive Officer Woodland Chapel Celebrates Joy! In One Spirit, One Life, One World! Woodland Chapel The Church of Joy!
Page 1: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

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Woodland Chapel’s

J o y f u l N e w s

There is light at the center of your soul.

The fall equinox has come and gone. Here in the northern hemisphere we begin to notice lengthening shadows, evenings of shortened light, and mornings rising in the dark.

During October, we also look out on the brightening colors as the trees begin to wrap up their season of growth. They shed the accomplishments of spring and summer. Soon we will see the bare bones of trunk and limbs that form the structure upholding their leafy progress. Almost imperceptibly tree trunks have widened, limbs lengthened, the entire structure of the tree made larger and stronger. This will be more evident as leaves drop to cover our lawns and pathways with the leftovers of nature. From these leftovers, we will mulch our gardens and enrich our compost bins.

Yet the opposite occurs during October in the southern hemisphere of our globe. There days lengthen. The signs of spring brighten the landscape with freshening flowers. Crops are planted, fields tended. Light begins its march toward the full, long days that will mark summer weather in December and January. Some of us will seek out the benefit of these longer days by traveling south for the winter or taking cruises that feature warmer, sunnier climes.

Growing darkness in the northern hemisphere and growing light in the southern prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys.

Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can see changes wrought by life experience as

limiting. Or we can see life’s progress revealing the strong spiritual structure that supports us. We can bemoan our troubles or use negative experiences to enrich our human experience, to fertilize our soul’s growth.

We always stand at choice. We can focus on the diminished light of negative thinking, “I am not enough, I just never seem to get it right.” Or we can see the brighter light of positive thinking, “I am a confident child of God. I live in joy.”

We can see ourselves as stuck in the mud of self-condemnation or we can see ourselves growing up from the earth with increasing strength to the heaven of an aware mind.

You already know that you stand in the eternal light of God’s beautiful presence, a light that never diminishes. But you may from time to time lose sight of that bright light. For like the sun that always shines on the earth, it is not the cessation of light that brings darkness to the globe. No it is the inclination, the turning of the planet that brings the dark. So, too, in our spiritual journey, the light of God’s holy presence always shines. It is our turning away from it that brings a sense of separation, a perceived darkness to our souls.

As nature reminds you of the many changes you face in life, let it also inspire you to turn toward the light that lives at the center of your soul. This light is your Christ consciousness, your Buddha mind, your inner flame of perfection. Like an eternal sun, it never dims. This light is your true connection to the eternal light and love of God. Here you will find compassion and love enough to brighten every day of your life.

Peace and Blessings Always, Rev. Maur

October 2013 - Volume XIV, No. 10 First Church of Religious Science Rev. Maur Horton, Executive Officer

Woodland Chapel Celebrates

Joy! In One Spirit, One Life, One World!

Woodland Chapel

The Church of Joy!

Page 2: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

2 October 2013

Applause There are many people who did

good deeds this past month at

Woodland Chapel. Thank you ...

Michelle Giammatteo for taking photos for the bulletin board.

Andy Byers for spraying the roof for moss and sweeping leaves off the roof at no cost.

Members of the Joyful Singers for their musical contributions.

Members of the Affiliation Committee for gathering information about Centers for Spiritual Living.

Rev. Don for leading the graveside remembrance for Bob Mundt.

The “Prep Team” volunteers for their “before church” activities.

The loyal “Fellowship Kitchen Crew”: Connie, Candy, Donna, Carmen, Michelle, and Phyllis. Ruth TenEyck for work

on our test banner.

Ministry of Prayer

To contact any of the following

people, leave a message at

Woodland Chapel

(503) 362-4139

Reverend Don Kerr

Rev. George Powell, Emeritus

Reverend Maur Horton

Practitioner Connie Walker

Practitioner Kathy Prather


Carmen Bacho .. October 6

Sharen Bridges .. October 23

Jillian Carson .. October 24

Delores Rocha .. October 28

Vivian Wiser .. October 28

Woodland Chapel sends

birthday cards to our

community members. If you

would like to be remembered in

this way, fill out the form on the

Community Matters table.

MUSIC October 6

Matt Sazima and

Kathleen Walter

October 13 Doc Fleetwood and

Kathleen Walter

October 20

Christine and Rob Elder,

and Kathleen Walter

October 27

Kathleen Walter, Karen

Hansson, and The Joyful


Sunday Meditation


Every Sunday morning at

10:30, Woodland Chapel

presents a Meditation

Service. Each facilitator will

guide you into stillness of

spiritual connection with

their own unique method.

We look forward to you

joining us.

October 6

Special Guest

October 13

Connie Walker, RScP

October 20

Kathy Prather, RScP

October 27

Rev. Don Kerr


October 6

Rev. Madge Hart Peinkofer

Freedom to Believe

October 13

Rev. Barbara Wuest

Go for It

October 20

Rev. Don Kerr

Mistaken Identity

October 27

Rev. Maur Horton

Windows of the Soul, Part 2:

What You Always Wanted

to Hear

Volunteers Needed! Volunteer positions open on the

Sunday Prep Team (1 hour a

month) and on the Kitchen Crew

(before and after church a few

times a month). Contact Phyllis

Kerr or Connie Walker.

We also need someone to help

water the indoor plants. Talk to

Kathy Prather (503 363-3805).

Page 3: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

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by Ernest Holmes

We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-

existent Cause. This One manifests itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed

by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary

outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.

We believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in everyone and that all people are

incarnations of the One Spirit.

We believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul,

forever and ever expanding.

We believe that Heaven is within us and that we experience it to the degree that we

become conscious of it.

We believe that ultimate goal of life to be a complete emancipation from all discord

of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.

We believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is

one God.

We believe that God is personal to all who feel this Indwelling Presence.

We believe in the direct revelation of Truth through the intuitive and spiritual nature of

the individual, and that any person may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close

contact with the indwelling God.

We believe that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind,

which is the Law of God; and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind which

receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it.

We believe in the control of conditions through the power of this mind.

We believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness, and the eternal

Givingness of Life to all.

We believe in our own soul, our own spirit, and our own destiny; for we understand that

the life of all is God.

*Published 1927

Women of Woodland Chapel

October 10, 2013

The time is fast approaching that the " Women of Woodland Chapel” are

scheduled to start their monthly Brown Bag Luncheon meetings again. The

second Thursday of the month, that is October 10th, we will meet. The discussion

will be about changing the altar drapery. Bring your lunch and we will provide

the dessert. Hope to see you all. ~~ Josephina

Page 4: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

4 October 2013

Speaking of Speakers

October 2013

October 6: Rev. Madge Hart Peinkofer last spoke at the Chapel on May 12. Her

topic is Freedom to Believe. She is a New Thought speaker, instructor, and leader in the

community and at the “H.O.M.E. Center Spiritual Living Church and Alternative Healing

Center”. She leads a multi-cultural drumming circle once a month at Woodland

Chapel. She is also a Therapeutic Touch practitioner and energy healer. She has

studied with Dr. Joe Dispenza.

October 13: Rev. Barbara Wuest spoke at our Chapel for the first time on June 16.

She is returning this Sunday to speak on the topic: “Go for it!” Rev. Barbara is currently

the assistant minister at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living in Lake Oswego. She

says: “Joy” is the way it is! “I love to have fun, laugh, and share the many things I have

learned from my life experience and I enjoy hearing about how others have come to

their own spiritual awareness in their lives.”

October 20: Rev. Don Kerr first got into metaphysical thinking as a Theosophist. He

completed his training to become a Religious Science Minister with Rev Mary Midkiff at

Woodland Chapel in 2004. He continues to serve as an Assistant Minister at the Chapel.

He will speak on “Mistaken Identity.”

October 27: Rev. Maur Horton started in metaphysics in 1976 and completed his

training to become a Religious Science Minister with Rev Tony Bonaccorso at

Woodland Chapel. He has served as an Assistant Minister since 1991. He will speak on

“Windows of the Soul, Part 2: What you always wanted to hear.”

November 2, 2013

Save the Date

Our Annual Craft Day is the first Saturday in November. So mark

Saturday, November 2, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on your calendar

and prepare for a day of fun!

Woodland Chapel Website

Have you been on Woodland Chapel’s website recently? Have some fun and explore.

You can listen to sermons you’ve missed or would just like to hear again. Sunday

Meditations given by our gifted staff are also available to enjoy again and again. Our

monthly Newsletters can be seen in color! ENJOY !

Page 5: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

Woodland Chapel October 2013

The Woodland Chapel Marketplace

A Circle of Support and Supply

To participate in Woodland Chapel’s Marketplace, provide us with your business

card and payment made payable to Woodland Chapel. The address is P.O. Box

2103, Salem, OR 97301. Rates are $48.00 for six months and $80.00 for one year.

For more information, call Woodland Chapel at (503) 362-4139.

Melodie Balmer, Massage Therapist with Well Life Healing Arts at (503) 315-9826

Taryn Stevens, Broker with Remax Equity Group at (503) 371-5255

What’s Happening

As you may remember one of our congregants suggested Woodland Chapel could benefit from being part of the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). The Board of Trustees then commissioned a committee to report on the possibility of affiliating with CSL.

At the September 15 board meeting, eleven congregants, and four board members listened to the committee’s recommendations and reports. There was a general question and answer session. The board accepted the recommendations.

The Affiliation Committee recommended that:

1. The Board conduct an informational meeting on affiliating with the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL) in an open forum for the congregation at its next regularly scheduled board meeting on October 13.

2. The Board provide this report to the congregation and give those who request it internet access to all CSL documents available at www.csl.org; username “member” and password “holmes”.

3. The Board disseminate this report ahead of the scheduled meeting, say by October 1.

4. The Board let this information settle with the congregation until all open issues are resolved to the Board’s satisfaction before calling a congregation meeting to vote on affiliation.

The Committee met on four occasions to plan, discuss, and review the process required to affiliate with the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). Committee members reviewed relevant documents. The entire committee spoke with the minster in charge of affiliation at CSL by speakerphone at one of its meetings.

Copies of the full report are available on the Community Matters table and electronically by clicking on the Happenings tab on the Chapel's website, www.woodlandchapelsalem.com.

Please plan to attend the October 13 open forum board meeting which will start at about 12:30pm in the chapel library to gain additional insights into the possibility of affiliating with the Centers for Spiritual Living. This is an informational meeting which will feature an update to the committee’s report.

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WOODLAND CHAPEL Where People, Life, and God Meet in Wholeness

October 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

7:00 am Meditation in the Sanctuary

9:00 am Yoga in Library

5:00-630 pm Buddha 101

7:00 pm AA/OA


6:00 am Yoga

10:00-2:00 Office Hours

2:30-4:00 Book Study/Discussion Group

7:00 pm River Sanga


10:00-2:00 Office Hours

8:00 pm Under 30 AA


6:00 am Yoga


8:00-9:00 am AA


10:30 am Meditation Service

11:00 am Church Service

7:00 pm AA


6:00 am Yoga

4:00-6:00 pm Under-standing the Bible

7:00 pm Mushroom Society


7:00 am Meditation in the Sanctuary

9:00 am Yoga in Library

5:00-630 pm Buddha 101

7:00 pm AA/OA


6:00 am Yoga

10:00-2:00 Office Hours

2:30-4:00 Book Study/Discussion Group

7:00 pm River Sanga


10:00-2:00 Office Hours

12:00 pm Women of Woodland Chapel

8:00 pm Under 30 AA


6:00 am Yoga


8:00-9:00 am AA


10:30 am Meditation Service

11:00 am Church Service

12:30 pm Open Forum Board Meeting

2:00 pm Drumming Circle


6:00 am Yoga

4:00-6:00 pm Under-standing the Bible


7:00 am Meditation in the Sanctuary

9:00 am Yoga in Library

5:00-630 pm Buddha 101

7:00 pm AA/OA


6:00 am Yoga

10:00-2:00 Office Hours

2:30-4:00 Book Study/Discussion Group

7:00 pm River Sanga


10:00-2:00 Office Hours

8:00 pm Under 30 AA


6:00 am Yoga


8:00-9:00 am AA

10:00 to 12:00 Mother Nature’s Helpers


10:30 am Meditation Service

11:00 am Church Service

Newsletter Deadline

7:00 pm AA


6:00 am Yoga

4:00-6:00 pm Under-standing the Bible


7:00 am Meditation in the Sanctuary

9:00 am Yoga in Library

5:00-630 pm Buddha 101

7:00 pm AA/OA


6:00 am Yoga

10:00-2:00 Office Hours

2:30-4:00 Book Study/Discussion Group

7:00 pm River Sanga


10:00-2:00 Office Hours

8:00 pm Under 30 AA


6:00 am Yoga


8:00-9:00 am AA


10:30 am Meditation Service

11:00 am Church Service


7:00 pm AA


6:00 am Yoga

4:00-6:00 pm Under-standing the Bible


7:00 am Meditation in the Sanctuary

9:00 am Yoga in Library

5:00-630 pm Buddha 101

7:00 pm AA/OA


6:00 am Yoga

10:00-2:00 Office Hours

2:30-4:00 Book Study/Discussion Group

7:00 pm River Sanga


10:00-2:00 Office Hours

8:00 pm Under 30 AA

Page 7: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

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From Here To Infinity

By Robert TenEyck

Music … Ethnographic studies of rituals among primitive societies has provided plenty

of evidence to show that music making is a basic and universal instinct. And just what is

music, in the 16th. Century Robert Burton said “Musick is a tonick to the saddened Soul.”

We would say music is a succession of sound waves. I think I like the ‘old guy’s’

explanation better. Every conceivable emotion can be expressed in music, from the

deafening one note beat emanating from the trunk of a teenager driver to the

emotional and intricate weaving of a piano, violin, and cello trio performance in a

chamber music setting. The latter can conjure up emotions of spiritual awareness, Love,

harmony, peace, calmness then suddenly a pulse quickening excitement, and finally

ending in a calmness of harmonic blending where one can ‘touch the Soul’ of the master

composer. And as for the prior, well, it’s nice that loudspeaker manufacturers provide

work for the masses.

Now a contemporary composer’s definition, Ralph Vaughan Williams says “Music is

the reaching out towards the utmost realities by means of ordered sound.” This ordered

sound consists of but 12 notes, and you say there are 88 keys on a piano- what gives?

Middle ‘C’ on a piano when struck will cause a string to vibrate 261.5 times creating a

pitch (or frequency) of 261.5 cycles per second. (also called 261.5 Hz. pronounced Hertz.)

Moving up 12 keys will create exactly double the frequency (523) cycles per second. This

is called a one octave jump. A piano has 7 octaves of 12 notes… C D E F G A B (7 white

keys) and associated sharps and flats (5 black keys). Note: the 88th key is the 7th. Octave

‘C’ and vibrates at a frequency of 4186 cycles. Keyboard composers before the 18th

century did not understand how to divide the octave into 12 equal semitones and so

were limited to playing in major keys. Historically the Greek mathematician Pythagoras

(500 BC) carried out the earliest known acoustical experiments noting when a string

length is halved an octave is formed and certain specified lengths will always give a

‘pleasant sound.’ In actuality the length, diameter, tension and density of the string

determines the pitch (frequency) of a string as discovered by Galileo in about 1590. I’m

sure everyone wants to know how to divide the octave into 12 equal semitones, so I

won’t keep you in suspense any longer. You multiply the preceding note by the 12th root

of 2 (1.05946) and presto – the next note.

Now it is the year 1700 and all keyboard instruments are the Organ, the Harpsichord

and the Clavichord. The stringed instruments use a system of ‘plucking’ the strings, limiting

the dynamics (variation in loudness). Along comes Bartolomeo Cristofori who invents

what was known as a Pianoforte (later called piano) which used an Escapement

mechanism that enabled the hammer to fall away from the string instantly after striking it ,

so as not to dampen the string, and allowing the string to be struck harder or softer giving

us a full dynamic range. Three original Cristofori pianos still exist (one in the Metropolitan

Museum of Art in New York City.) It is interesting to note that Johann Sebastian Back

didn’t like the Cristofori early pianos (too heavy a touch and too weak a treble). Then

along came Silbermann in 1730, building a superior piano, so much so that Bach became

their salesman. Enjoy our lovely church piano giving us what we look forward to every


Page 8: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

6 October 2013


Reverend Maur Horton is teaching, Understanding the Bible, starting on Monday,

September 30, at 4:00 pm. If you want to get as close as possible to understanding

what the original texts meant and you would like to glimpse the infinite meaning

hidden in the words, you will want to take this new class. This is a ten week class with a

suggested donation of $100. Each session is for two hours, from 4 to 6 pm. There is still

time to register and you will find the registration sheet on the "Community Matters"

table in the Chapel's library.

Required Texts:

The Bible, in a modern translation such as the NIV (New International Version)

Reading the Bible for the First Time Again by Marcus J Borg

The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Unity School (as a reference)

Additional Resources:

The Hidden Meaning of the Bible by Dr Ernest Holmes

Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning by Judge Thomas Troward

Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism by Bishop John Shelby Shelby

Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled by Emmet Fox

The following books are on reserve at Woodland Chapel Library: Metaphysical Bible

Dictionary (2 copies), Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, Diagrams for Living, Rescuing

the Bible from Fundamentalism. They are in the reference section and are available for

use in the Library.

Mother Nature's Helpers

~ Gardening ~

The Woodland Gardeners will meet for the last time this year on

Saturday Oct. 19 from 10am -12.pm. Come and help us get the

Chapel grounds ready for winter.

Book Study/Discussion Group

Wednesdays 2:30 to 4:00 pm

Our Wednesday Book Club continues to read and discuss Michael Beckwith's book,

"Spiritual Liberation". The group says they are really enjoying this book and have decided

not to put heavy time constraints on their reading so they can have more time to absorb

the material. Their next book will be "150 Years of Healing" by Ruth L. Miller. It's not too

late to join the group, they have fun and are learning a lot!

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Woodland Chapel 7

Ministerial Staff

Rev. Maur Horton Executive Officer

Rev. Don Kerr Assistant Minister

Board of Trustees

Rev. Maur Horton President

Robbie Porter Vice-President

Pat Spece Treasurer

Dick Walker Secretary

Robert TenEyck

Chapel Staff Vicki Tournay Office Manager

Kathy Prather Library

Pat Spece Treasurer

Dick Walker Maintenance

Newsletter Editor

Lisa Guillén Associate Editor [email protected]

Wills and Bequests

Deciding where you want your property to go after your transition is

simply a prudent course of action. Among the choices you can make is

the choice to help the church by making sure that some portion of your

property goes to Woodland Chapel.

Through their wills and estate plans, friends and members of

Woodland Chapel have given the church bequests of money, land,

and other property. Some of the gifts have been small, some large, and

all were appreciated and helpful to the church It is relatively easy to

help Woodland Chapel in this way. The simplest way is to name

Woodland Chapel as a beneficiary in a will. If you prefer, you can

make a gift right now as part of your estate planning. You will want to

consult an attorney to plan these gifts.

OFFICE HOURS Wednesdays – 10:00-2:00

Thursdays – 10:00-2:00

Closed Monday, Tuesday,

Friday, and Saturday

All article and event submissions for

next month’s issue are due the third

Sunday of this month. Articles should

be typed and double spaced.

Leave your article in the Newsletter

Editor’s mail slot to the right of the

church office door or email your

article to:

[email protected]

Our Vision

Woodland Chapel Celebrates

Joy! In One Spirit, One Life, One World!

Our Mission

Woodland Chapel promotes Spirit-centered living by

teaching principles that heal the mind and body, expand

prosperity, and nurture relationships in an inclusive, joyous


Schedule of Services Sunday

10:30am Meditation – led by a Practitioner – Sanctuary

11:00am Worship Service – Sanctuary

11:00am Junior Church – Classrooms

Junior Church

All children are always welcome in our

Junior Church! For the month of

October, the theme will continue to be

"Peace Around the World" with a

number of fun games and projects to

do around that topic that will introduce

elements of geography, world religions,

and cultures in a fun way. Robbie Porter

and Heather Terhune, welcome you!


CHAPEL 582 High Street, SE

Salem, OR 97301

(503) 362-4139

[email protected]


Page 10: Woodland Chapel’s Joyful News...prompt us to consider our individual spiritual journeys. Through the power of choice we are always poised to express either light or dark. We can

8 October 2013


Office Hours

(Minister in Office)

Wednesdays: 10:00-2:00 pm

Thursdays: 10:00-2:00 pm

We don’t want to be your

junk mail.

If you wish to be removed from

the mailing list, please check

the box below and put just the

half sheet in an envelope and

mail it back to us.

Thank you.

Woodland Chapel P.O. Box 2103 Salem, OR 97308

Spiritual Mind Treatment


October 2013

One Life

There is one life, that life is God, that life is perfect, that life is my life now. I claim the

perfection that is my life. I experience my relationships as sound, founded in love. I

know my finances are robust, founded in abundance. I feel my health is perfect,

founded in wholeness. In this realization, my soul sings its song of gratitude. I

release this, my word, into the infinite Law of the Universe, knowing perfect Divine

Action in everyone, everywhere.

Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
