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Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter

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  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter





    291 W. MAPLEHURSTthrough the years

    New Ofcers &Block Directors

    November 2011






    The newsletter o Ferndale, Michigans Woodland Park Improvement Association

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    Happy November! As your newPresident o the Woodland ParkImprovement Association I wouldlike to introduce mysel and thenon to the business o our wonderulorganization.

    You may see me walking our yellowLabrador retriever (Mac) very early

    every morning along Livernois. I ama lielong Ferndale School Districtresident, growing up on the east side oPleasant Ridge as Darcey Finwall andnow living with my husband Paul andtwo sons, Justin and Brian at 241 W.Drayton (the green house with the vewhite pillars).

    We have lived here since 1990 andhad barely unpacked when there wasa knock at the door. Our wonderul

    neighbor (the recently deceased) KurtKusch inormed us with enthusiasmthat every single person who everlived in our home had been the blockcaptain, and said, Congratulations!Im still laughing about it still and havehad a blast with those responsibilitiesas well as holding the secretaryposition on the WPIA Board or manyyears as well.

    Our other adorable neighbor, DianeMato, proclaimed me the block headinstead o the block director, as sheand others believed that was muchmore tting. Tats what I love aboutthis neighborhood! Te great olkswho live, work and play here.

    Te Snow Plowing Committee and

    the Board are currently determiningwho will provide our sidewalk snowplowing this winter. Admitting thatthe plowing has not been perector a couple o years, including notproviding it or a year at all due to abudget shortall, please remember howimportantit is to our neighborhoodschool children, the elderly and others.

    We have been providing snow plowingservice since 1954; that is quite a

    tradition. Realtors have mentionedthat it is an interesting selling point topotential buyers. So please pay yourmembership dues promptly when yourblock head director begins collections.

    Speaking o block directors, a hugeshout-out to all o them or theireorts over the years. Tey arentthanked enough and perorm andcreatively expand their duties every

    single year. We owe them a debt ogratitude!

    Extra special kudos to Diane Dengate,Chris Milosovich and Katrina Collins,all the volunteers, the bands thatperormed (Woodman and Songsrom the Moon), Woodward AvenueBrewers, who donated kegs o beer,

    and Western Market, who donatedowers and tshirts or prizes. You didan awesome job o bringing back ourend-o-school-year-neighborhoodblock party on Livernois last June witha vengeance. I hope that everyone islooking orward to next years as well.

    Goals or this year include increasingmembership participation continuingto provide snow plowing services a smaller, more requent electronic

    newsletter and an active Facebookpage. Our annual meeting and guestspeaker will be communicated to yousoon through your block director andmore inormation on our semi-annualneighborhood block sale as well. Soplease, lets all keep in touch. You canalways reach me at [email protected] or 248-542-4682. Hope to see yousoon!

    Presidents PageBy Darcey McLaughlin

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    http://www.flickr.com/photos/kbreenbo/189344285/in/set-72157601040598436/http://www.flickr.com/photos/kbreenbo/189344285/in/set-72157601040598436/mailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAmailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAmailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAmailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/kbreenbo/189344285/in/set-72157601040598436/http://www.flickr.com/photos/kbreenbo/189344285/in/set-72157601040598436/
  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    WPIAVolunteer Opportunity:Advertising CoordinatorAs our three-issue agreements with current advertiserscomes to a close, we are seeking an individual who isinterested in coordinating the advertising opportunities

    o this newsletter. Tis position provides a chance to workwith Ferndale businesses and a terric revenue generatingopportunity or the WPIA.

    Advertising rates and sizes are pre-determined. ContactKaren Breen-Bondie (248-399-2607 |[email protected]) or details.

    As o November 2nd, our account balance is $4,485.34. We have collected rom 72%o the association. Tis is the highest participation in several years. With money inthe bank we have been able to reinstate the beautication award and the annual blockparty.

    Tank you neighbors or making the Woodland Park the best neighborhood in town.

    TreasurersReportBy Katrina Collins

    EmergencyPreparednessTe Labor Day weekend stormocially described as excessive straight-linewindstook us all by surprise, especially since many in the neighborhood wereout-o-town.

    Perhaps most o you have already given a neighbor your emergency contactinormation but it bears reminding that it is a good idea to do so i you havent.

    | 3


    Aer requesting bids or sidewalk snow plowing this year, itwas determined at our last board meeting to contract withBelbot Services or our winter season (December 15 through

    March 15).

    Please make sure that any ornamentation, sprinkler heads,etc. that is near the sidewalk is either moved or well-markedas we cannot guarantee they will be undamaged.

    Please viewBelbot Services Facebook page.

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAmailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAhttp://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Belbot-Services-Inc/225999930778397http://www.michiganfootandankle.com/http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Belbot-Services-Inc/225999930778397mailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIAmailto:[email protected]?subject=WPIA
  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    Ferndale 1908 rom the George A. Ogle & Co. Standard Atlas o Oakland County

    The More The MerrierBy Stacy Schaffer-Helmer

    4 |

    A Family-Owned BusinessSince 1928

    23459 Woodward Avenue

    Ferndale, Michigan 48220



    Coupons available online


    Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.Wetmores 1938

    Photo courtesy o the Ferndale Historical Museum

    Wetmores Inc.

    Te WPIA Board voted this past summer totemporarily annex the south side o Lower Lewistonto the association. Tat annexation included 26 moreriendly households to the WPIA. It was unusual thatLower Lewiston is the only WPIA block that was splitin its inclusion o the WPIA due to the way the original1914 neighborhood plat map was drawn. Tis movemakes sense and ensures consistency in the WPIAootprint. We will vote whether to permanently annexthe south side of Lower Lewiston at our annual meetingthis spring.

    Over the years, residents on both sides o LowerLewiston have questioned the reasoning and historyo the WPIA map and its impact on Lewiston. Nowappears to be the right time to make the change asmaking the change should contribute substantially tounding or our snow removal service with little added

    cost. Adding Lower South Lewiston could possiblygenerate an extra $400 dollars annually or the WPIA.

    My husband Scott has been block director o LowerNorth Lewiston or the last six years and one o ouravorite activities has been setting up the luminaries onChristmas Eve. As beautiul as they are, our block hashistorically decorated only one side. Strange! We lookorward to sharing the un with the Kern amily thisyear, as we endeavor to ully light the block this year.

    Please welcome Peter Kern, 215 W. Lewison, whowill be acting as the block director or Lower SouthLewiston. Peter and his amily have lived at thataddress or 12 years and are excited to be part o theWPIA. Welcome Kern amily and all Lower SouthLewiston residents!

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter

    5/12| 5

    tips from a

    burglarO course I lookamiliar. I was here justlast week cleaning yourcarpets, painting your

    shutters or deliveringyour new rerigerator.

    Thanks or letting me use the bathroom when I wasworking in your yard last week. While I was in there, Iunlatched the back window to make my return a littleeasier.Any time you let someone in the house, do awalk-through and check all doors and windows ater theyleave.

    Yes, I really do look or newspaperspiled up on the driveway. And I mightleave a pizza fyer in your ront doorto see how long it takes you to removeit.I you are away, have a neighborremove the newspapers and any othernotices ASAP. Hold your mail at thepost oce.

    Avoid announcingyour vacation onyour Facebook page.Its easier than youthink to look up youraddress. This appliesto any social networksite. Do not tell peoplewhere you are at times.Some people do hack

    others identities andwill pretend to be yourriend.

    The threethings I hatemost are louddogs, nosyneighborsand well-litexteriors.

    Ill break a window to get in even i it makes a little noise. Iyour neighbor hears a loud sound, hell stop what hes doingand wait to hear it again. I he doesnt hear it again, hell justgo back to what he was doing. Its human nature.Neighborsaety is priority one! I you hear a loud noise rom nextdoor, go over and check on your neighbors to make surethey are all right.

    Sometimes I carry a

    clipboard. Sometimes I dress

    like a lawn guy and carry a

    rake. I do my best to never

    ever look like a crook.Askor ID, copy it down, call thecompany, then call the police.

    I love looking in your windows. Im

    looking or signs that youre home

    and or fat screen TVs or gaming

    systems Id like. Ill drive or walk

    through your neighborhood at

    night, beore you close the blinds,

    just to pick my targets.I you ndsomeone peeking into someoneshome, call the police. Better to besae than sorry. Your neighbors willbe glad you did that.

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    281W.MaplehursttakenonAugust1, 1950,justafewyearsaftermyparentspurchasedit

    Mymother, GertrudeSchneiderCiam

    belli, in thekitchensometimeinthe


    April6,1952MysisterMary andmydad,RedCiambelli,inourliving room

    Meskatingwithmy babysisterMaryinthebackyardcirca195


    Te original owners o the residence, Harold and IzettaSimpson, bought the parcel in 1935 and had the home builtto their specications in 1940. In 1942, the home was sold

    to Grace Worden, who sold it to Rollon and Leonide Parkerin 1945, who sold it to William and Helen Voisine in 1946.My parents, Gertrude & Albert Red Ciambelli, rented thehome in late 1946 and then purchased it in the all o 1947.My husband, Mike, and I are its sixth owners.

    Tanks to Mom, we have the original abstract which tracesthis piece o property rom December 5, 1833 when theU.S. Government conveyed it to Mary A. Chappell. Teabstract search was completed by the Fred Burton AbstractCo. (ormerly located on Woodward in Pleasant Ridge)on October 2, 1947. We also have the blueprints rom

    November 1939 and many o the original receipts romvarious projects and special items. Clickhere to view online

    When Mom passed away in 1997, she deeded the hometo my siblings, ony, Cathy, Mary, and me. Moms brotherony, Unc, lived with our amily and we all agreed that heshould remain living here as long as possible. Aer Uncpassed away, the house went on the market and in February2003, Mike and I purchased it. We moved here romBerkley, Michigan, where we had lived or thirty years. Oursons, Matt, Dan and im all came with us, but have sincemoved out on their own.

    Te house is a three bedroom, one and one-hal bath brickcolonial with a ull basement. Te ront o the house has not

    291 W. Maplehurstthrough the yearsBy Pat Omans


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  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    changed much. However, there was a screened-in porch othe back o the dining room which my parents had enclosedin 1948, at a cost o approximately $2,500, which included

    the lumber, hardware, bricks, plaster, tile oor, windows androo. We call it the sunroom because there are windows onthree sides which make it a bright and inviting area. Terewas a dust porch above the sunroom o the south bedroom,which was enclosed at that time andbecame a walk-in closet.

    When the Simpsons helped designthis home, they made sure that everyinch was put to good use. One o thehomes special eatures is that there isa working replace with a mantel inthe living room and one in the masterbedroom too. Te large walk-in closetat the head o the stairs, we dubbedMcGees Closet, and was designedwith built-in drawers and cupboards.Te name comes rom the radio show, Fibber McGeeand Molly. McGees closet is memorable in that it is thebest-known running sound gag in American radios classicperiod.

    Tis property originally had ve large oak trees on it; now

    only two remain. All that shade made it impossible to growgrass in the back yard. Dad decided to have the back yardcovered in concrete in 1952. Badminton and shufeboard

    court lines were painted on. We roller skated, made chalkdrawings, and, in the winter, Dad would ood it and wecould ice skate out there. We think we may have one o thebiggest patios in captivity!

    Vinyl windows were installed in the1990s and the kitchen had someupdates over the years, but whenwe moved in we had more kitchencupboards made just like the originalones rather than replacing them withmodern ones. Tat just seemed right.

    Mike and I are truly thankul wemade the decision to move here. It isa lovely neighborhood and we havegreat neighbors. Our relatives are also

    happy that we were able to keep 291 in the amily. Momand Dads kids, grandkids and great-grandkids are stillable to share the Memorial Day tradition o gathering towatch the parade come right down our street, make chalkdrawings, share a potluck, enjoy each others company andshare lots o memories, all the while creating new ones.

    Thanks to Mom, we havethe original abstractwhich traces thispiece of property fromDecember 5, 1833 when

    the U.S. Governmentconveyed it to Mary A.Chappell.

    Pat and Mike Omans enjoying their living room.

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  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    Spaulding & CurtinFuneral Directors LLC500 W. Nine Mile Rd.

    Ferndale, Michigan 48220


    Patrick J. Curtin

    A Family Commitment of Funeral Service to theCommunity Since 1927

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  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    Garry and Je were drawn to our neighborhood andthe interior o this home. It was built by Henry Fordsexecutive contractors and none o the homes interior

    woodwork had been painted. The sills were marbleand the hardwood oors were never carpeted and insuperb shape. In the basement they ound the originalmahogany doors or the enlarged archways throughoutthe home. A two-season sun porch has become a our-season room.

    The home has its original bathroom but the kitchen

    has been updated with cherry cabinetry, granitecountertops, stainless steel appliances and slate

    oors. The basement includes an oce and library. Inkeeping with the homes traditional style, it is urnishedthroughout with Colonial, Federal and Victorian pieces.

    Power washing brightened up the aade and thenshudders and landscaping were added. The lawn wasleveled and the two men set out to design a ront

    garden knowing that growing grass would be dicultbeneath a maple tree. The ower beds are borderedwith agstone and include shade-loving perennials andannuals.

    In addition to winning the WPIA Beautifcation Award,Garry and Je were also bestowed with the September2011 Ferndale Community Beautifcation Award and

    were acknowledged by Mayor Coulter and the CityCouncil. They are honored that their home is beingadmired and enjoyed by both the neighborhood andthe community-at-large as well.

    Congratulations Garry and Je!

    2011 BeautifcationAward Winner446 W. Drayton

    Owners:Garry Andrews and Je Taylor

    Style:Federal-style colonialSquare Footage:2,000Bedrooms:3Baths:1.5

    Year Built:1935

    Price Paid in 2007:$290,000

    Years at this Residence:5

    Stacey Schaer-Helmer, Beautifcation Committee co-chair, presentsGarry Andrews with this years plaque.

    WPIA Beautifcation Award Update

    The WPIA Beautication Committee is pleased to report that this

    great tradition will continue since funding has been restored.Thanks to those who have paid their dues which allows fundingfor this special project. The award will be voted and presented inodd-numbered years. Thanks, also, to the residents who voted whenballots were distributed by your block director earlier this year.

    The Board decided that it would be worth knowing who receivedvotes, so what follows is a tally:

    W. Oakridge - No ballots returnedW. Drayton - 437 (1), 445 (1), 446 (10), 447 (1), 615 (1), 668 (1),

    671 (4)W. Woodland- 352 (2), 416 (2), 518 (1), 519 (1), 528 (1), 565 (1)W. Maplehurst- 169 (1), 174 (1), 184 (1), 202 (2), 261 (3), 281 (2),

    290 (1), 323 (1), 350 (1), 375 (1), 419 (1), 575 (1)W. Lewiston - No ballots returned

    Additionally, in order to win, the home with the most votes must beup-to-date in dues payments.

    To view these homes, followthis link.| 9

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter

    10/1210 |

    Finding Resources for Historic ColorsWhen deciding on exterior colors or your historichome, many resources are available to help you withyour selection. Diferent house styles have diferentcolor schemes. Below are a ew suggestions, or do your

    own research online by searching or historic paintcolors.


    Sherwin-Williams ofers several historically accuratecolor plaettes based on house style and time period.Some o the collections available include: Arts andCrats, Victorian and The Jazz Age. Visit a localSherwin-Williams location or color swatches or exploreonline.

    National Trust or Historic Preservation

    The National Trust or Historic Preservation partneredwith Valspar Corporation (available at Lowes) todevelop a selection o colors appropriate or historic

    homes. It eatures 250 colors certied by the NationalTrust. For a list o colors visit their webpage.

    Old House Colors

    Articles and suggestions including a 1917 house colorchart. Visit theirwebpage.

    Other ways to determine appropriate colors are to lookin books and magazines:This Old House, The Old HouseJournal,American Bungalow andArts & Crats Homesand the Revival.

    Valuable CouponValuable Coupon

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter



    This photo




    o how


    have taken


    numbers and

    turned them

    into unique



    traditional or


    they are an


    way to create

    visual interest. | 11

  • 8/3/2019 Woodland Park Improvement Association, Ferndale, Michigan - November 2011 Newsletter


    Formed in 1924 Incorporated in 1946 Providing sidewalk snowplowing since 1954


    Karen Breen-Bondie

    Stacy Schaffer-Helmer

    Snow PlowingDecember 15 - March 15

    Scott Helmer

    Kerry Keener

    Block SaleThird Weekend in May 2012

    Garry Andrews

    Tiffani Gagn

    Beautification AwardAugust of odd numbered years

    Garry Andrews

    Stacy Schaffer-Helmer


    If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the WPIA president

    Block PartyJune 14, 2012

    Katrina Collins

    Diane DengateChris Milosovich







    Officers & Block Directors












    Kerry KeenerUpper Woodland Block Director540 W. Woodland | [email protected]


    Diane DengateUpper Maplehurst Block Director436 W. Maplehurst | [email protected]

    Sharon KingUpper Maplehurst Block Director630 W. Maplehurst | [email protected]

    Pat and Mike OmansLower Maplehurst Block Director

    291 W. Maplehurst | [email protected]

    Garry AndrewsUpper Drayton Block Director446 W. Drayton | [email protected]

    Debbie Sobolewski

    Upper Oakridge Block Director641 W. Oakridge | [email protected]

    Tiffani GagnLower Woodland Block Director

    360 W. Woodland | [email protected]

    Jessica Gustke

    Lower Oakridge Block Director371 W. Oakridge | [email protected]

    Scott HelmerLower Lewiston (north side only)224 W. Lewiston | 541.5257

    [email protected]

    Stacy Schaffer-HelmerVice President

    224 W. Lewiston | [email protected]

    Darcey McLaughlinPresident and Lower Drayton Block Director241 W. Drayton | [email protected]

    Karen Breen-BondieSecretary

    657 W. Drayton | [email protected]

    Katrina CollinsTreasurer

    550 W. Oakridge| [email protected]










    Designed and Published by

    Karen Breen-Bondie, Secretary657 W. Drayton Avenue, Ferndale, MI 48220-2749

    248.399.2607 | [email protected]

    www.wpiaferndale.orgJoin us on Facebook!

    The newsletter of the Woodland Park Improvement Associationis produced with the intent to keep residents informed. Pleasereport news to the association president.
