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Woodsmith - 048

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Woodsmith Magazine - 048

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    IIyou ""va a 1n0!ldwho would Ilk. 10see a COf1f 01Wood.mHh. jto,." j" nuw doiJ1!(,e.,well. Tltl>nthb I'''''t Call.another oJlI)(II~uni.IS aro....,.T:..I Laird oWIII.,1a !!T0al little ,t"re for

    wI)(",work~n; called R"",wood Thol Suppb.in lktkde)'. CA. In talking \\ithTad. h. hadthe same goal, we did. In It;. wo,.tls. he\\:mtecl. "a :-tore that's a tomplfle rE::o'Ollrt'efo,.woodworke..,; - tool$. suPpU"". wood.inforrru\tion. e\'e1,1hil1jt."To lIllikca lon~.lOry $hol't. we decided til

    join fOrt't!S. So. now Tad i. nmninj{ tht'11'l)(ld.,milll SII))'t! in llerkelp\:Ifyou're in th. San FranciScoare. stop in

    and,:ee ow'-""\\'" store. Tad \\ill 00 happy til::ho\\' )'ou al"Ouo


    Hy,xid like 10Shal. a woodwooong liPWIth otherreaders of Woodsmlth. send yo-ur idea to.Woodsmlth, lIPS & TecIlniques. 2200 GrandAve.. Des MOIl18S.Iowa 50312.We pay. m4nlmumof $10 for bps. and S15 Of

    more fo, spedal techniques (that ale accop4edfo< publication). !'jesse g've.completeexplana-tion 01 your idea II a skelch is needed. send ilalong; we'll draw a new one.


    JOIilionil for lh(CUI.When it',not need"d. the ann can he !iflroout of the \\'a~,:

    ~lf(rrli" ,l

    Second, ii's handy when cutting mullilliepieces to the same length. To \I$(' it. Istartb~'llO>itiQningthe block so the arm is alth.correct distance from the blade. Then flipthe arm up out of the way and square-up oneend of'thefirs; workpiece, Next. llip the armdown and turn the workpiece end (or end sothe squared-up cnd is against the arm, I:\vwcut the piece to length.

    '!b get the next piece to the exact sameIcnJl\h, llip up the ann and .Iart the ,e-que" .. again. B~'following this procedureI'm 1e$S likely 10 get confused, I'm onlsworking with one piece al a lime. bUI all thepicxes end up the exact same lenj(th. 1----------------1

    To build the Stop blotk. begin b)' gluingupthree I,ieces of Stock to fonn an upside down I---------------~-V-th.1 straddles the au..,iliaI'Yfence. Nextdrill and hI a thre.tlecl in!'ert all the w.~th",ul(h the back leg of the 'U" block 10accept a thumb screw.To lighten lhe bl""k onto th. auxiliarY







    - \ ,~IIIJ,/0 $11l.






    "ide by 12V, long, See Fig. 2.CUT CHOO\'S. After the stiles

    are cut to si7.Pf rout a v."\\'idegroove centered on the insideedge of th, .Ii(~~. To do this. 1used. 'I.slot eutter on the routertable. (For the slot cutting tech-nique, see page Ill.)Kote: Aft e r culting tho

    I(rtJOvesin the stiles, leave therouter table set U) so identicalWOO""" can be cut in the top andbottom rails later.

    !..A)OUTAIOS. Befor going to"urk on the top rail, I made two1".Iuutaids: a block with a 10'."KI,cut on one end for scttingul'the miter j!1lUj!(;;and a cardboard1"IIlI'IlI11' with an are with" 10"r...hus. i~ page 16 fOI' more onIh('~;u,)s.)

    I "YO\'TTOP RAIl. Now the top,""I IIlI"an Ixo laid out. 'fo estab ..li'h th. ,,,,r.lllcngth. begin by*1':lrkiI1~tl Jo.l1nul(ier--to..shoulder

    ,11,1"",,' "f ~ .' 'HI the bottcm edge of the\,c"'kr11"t'4', fI("t 1'lg. :1.Th"n "".. lh,' an~l(odblock to extend a

    hnt">~tl't (rUJn th.!'ot'marks across the faceI,rthl' t01111lll.('rhWit> urerheshoulderlinesur Ih.. Unl>n.,,) To ,,tabli,h the length ofthe lei Ion. draw a ~~"("t)ntl~("t('If lines V:"Cromthe,houlrl.r lines.

    DRAW"ROnLE, ;0.;011the curved profiles





    e'CNetall O'memion" t8V," h It 12"'IN It 'l~." dA Stiles(4) 'V,.x III,. 12'1.a TopRoi1s(2) 1)1/, 31' 11 roug.hC 8ot1omRoils (2) IY..x I 'II _6V.. rougho E;nd Po~s (2) ,,.,,.x 9'" ..11roughe Skit! ROlk (4J I~t. x I 'J,.1~.f Hondkt(t) 'Y,.x3' ..,171/ .. roughG Oivid.r (1) t,.xlV,. 16YeH BotfomPon.tl(l)- '''j',.x7-164 edge 91~ vnolJ.f p~ttS10form endpanelsoMbottom.


    ....~\o '''*tADNS




    The ulternativ to lht" ~Jlitl 1.)~tJlll... ~ u k.tmore fun. The ,.Il(j,. of the ruek can Ixo nUII("with Irame and pancl construction, (R.r.rlothe articles on IlOIj!l'S 16W 21 fur dc"lil- (Inthis t)11e of eonstruet lon.,STII,.ES.Begin work on the frame by

    cutting tlw stiles IA) from.1 4 stock to 1'/."""H'


    'V.....3'~ 36"(,ao.uOS)L. ," ,""." I.:' ~, ,,'!all

    The best part of building this mag-uzme raek is the chance to make aI"ratne with an arched-top raisedpanel. AlI_t. that "'lIS one of'themain reasons I wanted 10 build Ihisproject.HO\\'~I~r.it you don' want 10

    use frame and panel eonstructio,there is an easier way. You couldmake the end panels by Itluing upsolid stock,

    And tbe"", .1"" an option "iththe spindles on the sides of themagazine rack. Ifyou don' have alathe. no problem, Youcan buy th~spindle....see Sources. paj,'l,' ~l.


    If you wanl to make "'lid endpanels. glut> up enough 4!~\' \',.actual thickness) stock to formblanks 13" wide by Ii) "mlt.:;eeFig. 1.When the glue is dl'). trimthe end. square. and mark a een..terline on the bottom WI!" of theblank. Then mark a point 4' I" eaeh 'itlp "flhe centerline. and trim the $itlp,;ofinIIO":1Ithese marks.

    CUTTOSUA!'t-:.To complete the solid endpanels, transfer the curved pattern shownin the .,."grid in Fig. 3. and cut the top toshape. Then rout. profile on the edges (seeFig. 10) and drill tbe hoies to auach theside rails, see Fi~.t.1.

    ___ M_agazine RackA PLACE FOR YOUR PERIODICALS-------------------------

  • Ieol1OM


    F iru,ide edge of thp frame,refer to rig . rather than litting in a fullmortiseason theeradleshewn in this i......sue.)When cutling lhe stub tenons. I cut both

    ends of the top l'ail but ollly cne end of thebottom rail. To cut the tenon on the otherend of the bottom rail. clamp the rest of theframe together. >IoCTHE PANEL




    Aftelthe frame and panel ends are a.ssem-bled. the sides of the magazine rack can bemade, Each side consists of six 9"-longturned spindles mounted between a top andbouom nul. Begin by ripping the top andbottom siderails (EHI'om 4'4 stock to I y". byIIWr, see Fig. 11.SPINDLHOW;S.Aftel' the rails arc cut

    to size. y,'holes forth e spindles ar e drilled' .. deep on the inside edges of the rail . Topo_ition the spindles. begin b)' drillingholes 2~ from each end, Then drill the""mnining holes 2V," apart. see tlR, 11,RAII.~IO\l~TL'IGHOLES,The next step is

    clrillinj( pilot holes for the screws tha;f,..t.n the side rails to the end Immes.11~~~111' marking the centerpoint on the~",If "r ea.h rail, see Fig. 12. Then drill a'1'.. ",,11,,1hole I deep.~hc'JI~nt(a:10 make sure the rail ends

    "r, cll1&\\n ~ll.!htagainst the end frames,th,~ 1.11111hqle$ have to be absolutely1".,.,.IIIul.r. I secured the rail in a bench\'I!I~l_ I'I~.12), and used a Portalign tortrin th, h.h~.Tnr II\11 PROFII.E. The last step en the

    !tolcl('ontll ." fl.)I'm,ng a bullnose profil onIh.- url",r .,I~,'"I' the lop rails, J did this byu In~'. ro lIl.l over bit set only'll hiJdlIn til.' "''''1\( r tJ,l.l,. o,t,~ f~i".1.3.IHIIU."01 '"NO flOI.F~

  • 7OMDR,@ ..........-.

    \- .l"00\

    \ ' Ir@


    PANelI / f

    ~..v "I~,.. . -,:c. ~. ,"K ~,~


    ~A -. / II~vtA

    ft~~ ~ ~




    ,.I'~R ; f

    llNGTM Of: 'SlOERAIlS PlUS 'n~~

    101--------~-...-l7h----------o1lr-"'__' ''f" - ..-~,..., + _jl __V.-:t,...---"--'.~/.r' ~>-r'~:""'r..,-~--(..,....._ ~..._______;'rL..'i--1IT.

    stEAG.101'OII1lf1....... .n"".


    Fanning these shoulders calls for someprectse cuts. Begin by markinp; the in.-idedimension bet ween the top rail' of theassembled basket Oil the workpiece(16%"). Then to make sure the shoulder littight against the panels, add ~~.(two tim..-v,") to this measurement for a final lengthof 11V. and CUt the handle to tinaJ length,see fig. 16.

    Now,measure down 3'

  • NOTE: IJ.ANIt OUIU U"ROM (l)C)(.GUJtD4'4 ('VI.-) STOC1C


    (For-an "n making a frame anda:n:Jltci..t'.JII);.II~J.1"('t' ragt."tJ 16--21.)


    Each end rlllI1'4,." ""OI~i.'41iof two identicalstile.. (c,'rhcull" ... ,.. l liCit ,......j12)C foci aottOfTt aail, {2lo EMf POMI. (2)E SideRoU. (.t)F Sk&e>Stil"(4,G Sp;ndl .. 122}H 8os:ket 8ouom (l)-I 110.. ..., 0 ..... (2)J FHI(2)"K Uprigh.. (2)L SI........ r(I)''" St


    JfIGU.. s SCREWHO~ DJA!L, ~" .-J ..,..OIA_LI . '1...--- cou",UOO 'n" 1. T





    -f'I.-wr.DfOlOOvt lhour

    _,,_..-- ISCENtUm ONSlOCJ{1"""'" ,01'ASSfMIU'"F,/

    -- \-_-~~:......

    ~I- sn~-C:r',' 1"'I~---'(IIOUGH) ---~''''II I1

    ..-\-- -----. c, F'l1' ,L..l:\.d1:=:80:":eM:::AAJ:,:l :-!'.):::;={"-f:::-l_; L~~I


  • .>


    ,. ; / SIDE FRAMESp, l ~AA ;1 After the end frames were complete. I be-l

    _gan work on the two side frames. Elich sideNOTE,AIlMOItTl~Y.

    t Fl WID( IY }' ,..OI:lP MOnS' "p frame ool15ist. of sules joined to rails withI ClHTtUO ON liNCN PETAIL mortise and tenon join!.' and eleven spindle,_51 /

    (STOCK / heldbetween the miJ$.IAIl 'h:- C1.iTTO SIZE. Start by tutting the twoI";" rail (E) and two stiles IF) needed for each_t_ I' " frame from 4_14stock La a width of 1".', 'e(>to STIlf!!) , S11tE .'~w/ '.--t ,'.;~. f'ilt. 9. Then trim tho rails to a length ofa'l' _"lind the stil.s toa length of 12v"j.~ nul r "ORTISE AND TE:NONS. Aile.' Ihl! mib,.nd ,tiles are ufmmed 10 length. cutmer-" I- , .._. u-os on the inside edge of each rai], see

    --""".r+- ill Mort~..,!TenonDetail. Fig. 9. Then cut Ik,"~ t"noIL~on the end" of the Miles toI AAll ~ I In.trlr th" mortises.Sote: After tuu;ng the tenon. there14 32'h - ooul.1 be 10' ,,' between the shoulders at" .d, "KI. ;l't' Fig. 9. Thi. 10",." di.tante

    liGUlE 10 Sfll:illlli I:IQlf~ I!ETAlI " .... d, tonmn,'" by the length of the spin-..Lr .. 'sa ~~ 06 ;0 t T 9 0 I lIlt Ila I u",,,,1(""" Sources, page 21).The-r - 11 JflJ1KfipJoolc::'>have ~"-lo)lg tenons ont..... ~R9$S5fCTIsm ItO\ f,Jrofi1euhe same as"" fOI' en t)l\.' end (n'IU,'1') on th .. top edges of the,... - OCJTSlDt! mG 0NtY .-,,

    II -t. t~'JJnllt..:. but '.I,I~lht- (JUlifid(; ed~ of the- tltltttn nul". ~.\. t I)!" 11. I t..ol\t.er a bottom--:f'1c rf/ ': ~ ""r ('l(21,l i~aclcftO(lon tlu in:--id,,edge.)~ J. AN-t:&IIIU':Tllf: fIIAMF;S. After routing'~ 13,",)." Ih., "rom.,. glUt' up the frame s, The....~u.,.t \\ ;1> to ru;",l'mbIL'a frame is to startRGUItE- 1'2 ENI!VlEW AG_ .. ..._ -?,'" ff by )!IU;IIKth.,.liI," It> the bottom rail. Theni"""1 Ih. .pllldiohIn the bouom rail. (It(SlDfflAMf.

    1 'ClEWlOt' __,~.J the .,.mdl." an' too thick to fit in the holes,~ RAIl [NlO F\ACt \ h IN'~hol)~llt':1. J~lfI!'e-IS.), '

    (_:: :2 ser II01TOM \ \ X"'t. 1 ,..... ru;sembled the" can be &'rewed ...._s SflU to Ih., .nd frnmes. (Note: I didn', glue them....... .r t,.-, ..'"_ .. I '0 th~ wh..l~ cntdlc could be "knockedDO""'" ~ , do"'n" nat.)f'S\,OTHOlES ..._"),.


    ('-I$tort by drilling a pilDthole in Ihe end of

    llIitOOGH END.....,"'- : the top ;;ide rail, see fig. l2. :-lowhold the_SAND L '5..:_ , ~,_ 1., end frame up to lhe side frnme and ~rl'ew In'NlOSICES ./ "" ",.r" - II>WOOOSCItl I'WG Then ""inC' the side frame around Unlil..."....,_... ~ the bottom of the frame is the SRnle di~-

  • I I

    ~.-Dl,A.-- SHA.N1(MOll


    NOn;:fOI FOOl"''''''''',SEEJW;t-14







    ON WATS (00 NOTGWl:)



    r-"- 'J..(l) '"




    FEET\Vilh the baske; complete, work can beginon the stand. The !'tann consists of upright>that are joined to feet (J) with mortise andtenon joints.

    Each foot ismade from two pit",es of -1.14steek laminated together, $C..., Fig. ll:i.Togetthe two reet needed, cut four pieees to I'ollghdimensions o( 3V....wide b)' 21" long and Inyout a centerline on each piece.cur DADOES. Mer cutting the stockto

    rough size, cut twu -l"\\"ide (Jarl~$ CCI1-tered 011 the length of all four pieces, seeFig. 18. These dadoes form the mortiseswtien the two halves are glued together,Shop NOl.: To eut dadoes that are een-

    tered on the length of the stock. lay themout and cut one end of the dado using therip fence as a StOp. Then tum the work-pieee end forend and cut the other end, seeStep 1in Fig. 19. Finally clean out the restof the dado by making repeated pass ..~over the dado blade, Step 2.Cl.~ UP.Next glue the foot pieces to-

    gelh~using a temporary alillTlmentkey tokeep the dadoes tined up, see Fig. Ill. Oncethe glue dries. trim the blank to 3"";de.

    U\' Ot.'T PATrR.N. No\\' u~inJ.!the pat-tern, lay out the foot profile with thecenterline on the blank asa guide. !;Cetlg.20. Then drill ceunterbcred shank hole. ineach foot for screws that hold the uprightto the foot, see 1"11;.21. finally, cut annsand th~ feet to shape.

    lance !'romtho edge as the lop, see fig, 13.Clamp lhe frame!< together and drill Iwopilot holes through the end (mme. and intothe side frame. see fig. 1'l'('W, WIth"mushroom.erew hole plugs .s ee tk. 10.)


    When the end and ",de fraltl(>!.al'\' sssem-bled. the basket bottom pani'IIH) lI\\ bind. 10 15(tomatch the angle. oHhe side frames) and riptwo "'''wide elests, see Fig. 16. Then trimeach 10 length 10 match the side frames,Now serew and glue each cleat UI thebottom inside edgt' of the side frame, seeDetail in tig. 17.cor BOTl'OM TO SIZE. To comilletl: th ..

    bottcrn panel, keep the saw blade aIlS (tomatch the side frames) and rip the bottompanel ~. less in width than the opening,see fig. 17.Then trim the panel t(l lengthto fil between the end frames. To allow forwood movement (expansion'eontractionj,the bottom panel isn't glued down but [ustrests on the cleats.

  • .)I




    Aftrthe (''''1 AI'I' "'>ml~' 1. "ark pbre, the tol' of the urn"ht "",1$ be..... the top of the l... ~"' ...... hj(. :!:l.l1tt('''''G HOLf., '1'0 l'l('k the ~k"1

    "hen you don't" ant II to swing, t hn dr1ll a hole the n"'l of Ih, "aythnllli:h """ St, p:!illtllIlI~1: \ Iter the hole, aI'\' drill"cI. I"y

    out aId nit lh~ I -wide mortise ((,r llu,lOir.ld.,'r II. rtnl"nod on the hlank II ilhtht hc,ltl til ...Igt ., up rrom the bouom,

    '( "1M. ~ItNt'" t\. xl,1 t"tll\'nt)n~ en lh.bottom

    of 'h,- hlunks If. "I.tt('h th( MOrtl~(''' in th('f. t t 'Il' ("ul tln- l( '11111& tu ('flm"Ct It.ns,rthIt llht nl' (,h '(;!' ."")' Irnm th( (Jutsi(/f(Ill t ,t~(11Jl:uI, ,Jl.I"t J'IK '25.(......tl h""'" U'l' eut 1Ih, eom't to a for.t no Ill",) and drill ,,,"'Iho ( ....... ~lOn In ."'!r. _'9 n,~nIIO't"A u,., (00\ to the upri!rhl.


    n... uprlj:hla are 4,,1 tOl:Nh{'r II Ilh a"""Idler L) I( IDIJI'1L"-'Ifndle""n JOUlUand "edge pIllS. , """k the .1",1""", lik('the (..,t

  • 13


    HOID~.ON 1'.- UHf'''--'__''IOt,AYOUTWlDGfPlN




    ~ ' ...t'L


    RGUU-34 AGUR'3SCONN EO lAYOUT....... WlIK ~,__....::;:.>::........,.~.A!YS1'WA.IGtCT tIN1__..., .....





    CUT .... :r



    l_r, ..... "1IT1----1)=,-m-'.' -------------;


    Before cutting the stretcher pieces tofinal le"!Ith omething should hi' saidabout the dadoes that form the mortise. Tohold the angled wedge pins, the dadoes ineach half of the stretcher are rut at a :1'angle. $CC fig. 30.Orienting tho dad.. angles in both pieces

    can get confusing. so J cut matching 3'anglC$ on the ."d" of the stretcher first.Then the /,,11 end of the stretcher will runagainst the rip feM of these tenons arenot angled at :3".They're 90 to the edges ofthe streteher.) Now round over the en"~ofthe tenons to a V.radius, see Fig. 32.

    BOTIOM PROFILt;. Next, using the paltern, layout and cut the prnlil~ on thebottom edge of the stretcher. see f'ig. 33,

    stllF.1'CIIER CAP.After the profile is eut,a deeorauve stretcher cal> 1M) i. added.Cut the cap tram .JJ4 stock 10 len~h tomatch the shoulder-to-shoulder len~h ofthe stretcher (34~,,), see Fig, 33.

    Now rout 8 I(,"-de



    i,. I


    po.- t'. _ SII1fYlew


    1IGUtl.,FiGun: Lhe b;",kN From rub-

    blnll on II", upri.rht>. [ marl. ring-shaped.pon rs fn.m -,thick ~[lISOnite. '1'0 makethr. "~I;I~~.first 12)' out 1",,0 I v;:"~dia.


    If the tenon is too thick. move the jig"tightl~ to th. left.. reclamp it. and try31,'3in.It',just a matter of slowly sneakingup on the finished thickness, Once thcjig ispositioned eorrectlv, you call make thesame size tenons all day. (It', almost a'milch fun lISsharpening peneils.)


    Sometime s round tenonsor dowels are ju.o;t little too thick to 6t int...a hole. I found thi.when tr)ing to fit the 'f,"thick tenollSon theenrls Qfthe eraelle spindles into the 111" holes Ihad drilled.To sol\'e the problem I used an idea from

    'linke,' Toys. Cut a centered kerf a littleways into the end of the tenon with band",\\, or back ~'" 'Vith slit in tht' end.the tenon should h,~veenoll!-throu~the \v~uodl,,ninsert.

    To make it 3 mlJlt.i-aJlglc insert, lowerthe blade below the table. lip the blndo 1015',and raise it through the wooden insert.


    When I ""IS building the stoll pins for thet",tlle ($CO ,)age U). I needed to eut cleantenon centered 011 the end of n dowel. Tedcame UI)with a I~in.)omethod u.:;inJtu simplejig and the router table that remindsme of.harpo;niog pencils en my new electric pencilSMl'JII'ner.

    )tAKtNG TItEJIG, To make the jig. startwith a (t Iongpiece of2:1'10\\ stick the metal insert and thE'newwooden one tOj!ether with double-sidedcarpet tape. 'Then meunt n flu.h trim rout-er bit in the router and, with the bearingriding along the metal insert. trim thewooden insert to exact shape, (I'ote: \\'ithout a fiu.h trim bit you could file or-sand theinsert until it just fil$the opening.)

    AJ\cl. the majority Qf the waste ;" re-moved, use a l"kf'" actinn to stiee off the lastbit. Run the ehisel ailing Lh


    IBOTTOMRAil~\lAYO\I>~ Of "-'OllISOH .$1ltt' OFWOOD fJtOM1'fV'011'OlNl TO tfOtE

    _ PENCII.l'OII'llrt' fOIIMAOAZlI

  • 17

    lAY0U11Of' TODfSJUO f'ttOfU



    WffM roGfOf RAIl



    _ ..MD011Sf



    , II&AD!'OM lit



    _.SI~P I.f',~7. Th, n borv overlapping belebetween lhl' end boles. see Sll'P2.CLAS~P"0 KTISES.Aller the morti.ses

    are rou~hed ou' on the drillP~







    1""\ '.r-,s ll.(J

    \ I....,.,.

    oowafIT BOTTOMRAil\\'hen the tenons for the LOprails arc fin-ished. the tenons 011 the bottom rails can becut. This is a cut-to-fit operation. The keything here it< not the overall length of thebottom rail. bUL the distance br'"wl tileshoulders of the tenons. This is determinedby the distance between the angled stiles.So, temporariJy clamp the stiles to the LOprail. see Filt. 24.Shop Note: To ccncemrate clamping pres-

    sure. I used two 15' wedges. see Fig. 24.Then tokeep the wedges from slipping whenthe clamps are tightened. I ",ounted dowelsat the top ends. see Detail in Fi~. 2-1.

    MAKE ONI! TSNON. The trick to makingthe rail lit i. cutting the tenon on one end tofinal thickness fil'$\. see Fig. 21). (Usc theangle-seuing block LOset the miter gaUj(l!and cut both faces of the tenon.)

    MARK OPPOSITESHOULDER. Now. theinside measurement between the totiles canbe transferred directly to the otber end oftbe bottom rail.To do this, lay the rail down so the tenon

    is on tOP of the stile with th. shoulderbutted tighlly again.t the inside edge ofthe stile. _ Fig. 2.';. Then mark thv in.idCledge of the opposite stile on the rail,~IAKE THE TENON. Now the tenon on

    this end can be cut w length. Note: Beginby cutting outside the line. The objt'Ct is toshave a little off the shoulde rs until they fitbet ween the stiles with no gaps. see J'-ig.26. Finally. cut the tenon length LOthedepth of the mortise. see Fig-.27.


    The Iasl step L< cutting the groo,('l, for thepanel on the inside edge of all frame pieces,To do this. I mounted a slot cutler ill therouter table, see Fig. 28.

    Shop Note: 'l'hI! slot cutter tends to tearthe edges of the groove. To lessen the tear-ing, make a light pass (h'" deep) fet.odingtheworkpiece backward. (That is. feed theworkpiece from lea to lighL)'l'hen make thefull-depth cut, feeding from light to left.ROUT~'TU.F.s.To get the feel of roulinJ{

    ,\lith the slot cutler, 1routed the grooves mthe eules firs t. The groove starts at onemortise and ends at another, r clampedstop blocks LOan extension on the fenee toprevent cvershooting the cut. see fig. 2.~.

    ROUTBOTTOM RAIL. Routing the 00\-tom rail is the same as the stiles, except thegroove is straight through from end to end.

    ROUTTOP RAIL To rout the groove onthe arched inner edge of the top rail, theworkpiece is fed freehand against the bit'$pilot. see Fill. 29. Note: A freehand passnear a slot cutter i:o: scary, ~"orsafety, 1putthe guard in place and used a grout trowel(see ll00d0mitl! No. ~7)to glip the rail.CIiECKP1'll As one last check, I clamped

    the frame together, see Fig. 30. Then I wasready to make the arched-top panel.



    I I



    M,ku'g l"iO(~1p.:;..:.:i:b:-:on:-;.:-;:tab;';IC-;:-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::====:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;~to;;:-0 the CUrVeIs flu.h.

  • r : l """">




    r" be-en nit Ild\ near \\"oodf I ~r >....... hut never have.. n "" "hat'. in It. Is it a lar(IUC'f "1IMW'h. fl't'ol.nl(l'thingelw?

    10 fl 1 Ih, II,,.Wer I railed DanIlrnanl, T"chnil'81 Directul' for(kn In(' II. nnsw ......,lthHl qucs-titanwwt l'I't,\,.nl'lJ a lot mon.in(orITllItlonul.JUI lien

    1I'ood~mith: lin" WK.' lkftCtear Wootlf lIu,h d""clop' Onemard: \c. :oiitnlCeliulo.-;ela"lu~rby 11~lf ". nul" I(UI.Ifilm fOl1ner, \\'h~n ittin,,,, 11'. '\~e thin thelitillirl ,10""11unul it ma~' contain"nly half the solids.Then t h. IJrIlI,,'lIaJll. in the

    '"","" lacq""ro 'I'''' 'IUlCkdT),nl!. hanl I '1'r:1} eo,"" baHt .. "', ...'ml>:ltible with thesurfa"" but .... n' "'" 0.-, ,,~, an ""'knotl vr il ('flUid cause it 10 solidifv,,,.,mpl". ,llaftlUf'r III ~rancewhcn you look al lheand ~1i11ha\'t' "':('~ICIn:~lt>l.ante propertj(>~. IiflUlcl I'h{ ~l(>;_.'1-ttCt' al::_.ocreate 3 fineII'oodsmirh: Why d,w> De.ft 8meM while tlU,1 Uk,' '''nrlinit ""aler d_ "'hen

    ..tl"t,J\I!I'r thurl lIt hI r 11rul'ohin~lacql1en;'! it....~n~I(,'(I.BernRrd: 1'1 ,.f the rr ..~ an(1 (Jr keton\-:,>. :-.~,m(' bll..,.hlnJ,!('haracteri~lic~.It__Ih, k"ton," Ihal have" strung odor. Woodsmith: \I'hal'. the best kind ofAnd D,n hu, . 'I"-,,,ial blend of ketones. hru,h 10u.. with Deft?It.'uud.",irh: One of Ihe Ihings I've a"mOI'd: [ Ilk,t'I(O()(I1;,,;.tJebru.

  • 13\\'OOUSMITH

    USING DEF' s()rrle ti/)s fr()nl our shoplht'l"'\ j"-Il't thl. brul'h tlltinn di:>turbing the~tain .o\n.'r it (Irit~ l~nll11etcly. it'~safe tobnll">h 01) tht., I'\'mnilling coatt'> of [)eft.

    RUBUII'IC:, I'\'e 1I0liCl!dlbat whell 1'IIb-bing 11111th., (tnld ''''til or n('fl wilh pumit~an() rntl"n~t()rl(", it'" ,ttrJI eas)' to cut11I''OlIl(htilt' I)"" and VXll. ild"""n\ h8'.the v. "'> (l'elinl( and il b cry~t.aI clear, Iran a 1",\ by 'rrending bolh t)'J)e!' on apiet" of 1(1."., Thl' ~mi-glo .. len a whil;';hcloud but lh~ glo>. was completely tran.,pal'('nl,

    t-Iunt' a resm th;'t.ttI' 11(.t a....~n)acceptMb.' Ih brush "ill ~W)'.Sincel h-f], ,II 'IliJ1,~ IU4 IC. I tihn'l "ot"l' an)' t\?"a~JII"h) this h..u1(I :-.Ill'rlt'han ",,,,,I ml(' I Ikn"" I'UI on fur


    THE PLOT'THICKEN$. Next we turned toDII\'id DI"'''~. Merchandi~e Manager for\YoodCl'llfiSuppl)' Corporation, He agreedto take a IoTIll> WOODWORKERS' STQR.:. 21801 In-
