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WOOSTER'S BIG STORE-TEN STORES INfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Canaseraga NY Times...PREPARED...

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The Canaseraga Times. t. S. MILLER Editor and Proprietor. T<»f rrsc / <>•• Doll*r Pw Yamr hi Ad vase*. 1 C r i T i S { { i N | paid A ft«. six Months. Friday, Fab. 16,1906. Whitney CroaaingB. C. J. Phillips in rtpairing his home. Lena Swarta has been a visitor at T. F, Curry's. M. Wilcox of Arkport was a caller in town Sunday. Mtss EdDa Sutton has gonetoWood- ville to work. L. Lee and son John spent Sunday at L. J. Sutton's. Miss Millie Carry was home from Hornellsville Sunday. Dwight and Evert Yentzer are on the sick list (mumps) Mrs. 8. F. Farr was a pleasant caller upon her parents recently. Wm. Young of Angelica was a busi- ness caller in town thefirstof the week Mr. and Mrs. Burn Youngs will soon leave for their new home at Mt. Mor- ris. Valentine day was very well cele- brated by -'Young America" at this place. Arthur Gray and E. A. JDand vis- ited at Q. P. Gates the first of the week. We are glad to learn that Wm. Kar- cher and family are coming back here to reside. Mr. Jas. Garwood has returned to work in the carpenter division of the Shawmut. Chas. Graves of Castile visited at J. B. Hadley's last Saturday and Sunday. George Fridd and E. Passage are still on the sick list. Miss Lydia Karcher of Canaseraga, Claude White of Grove, Mary Lytle of Angelica and John Goyne of Grove attended the dance at Geo. Yencer's Friday evening. The friends of Henry Sutton, for- merly of this placet were shocked to learn of his sudden death by the cars about a week ago. Mr. Sutton was traveling for a knife company and was killed in New Jersey. His paaents and relatives here have the sympathy of the entire community. •E 1 w' m "V ' • -*• •^ TST Hammer blows, steadily ap- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. The best kind of a testimonial— ••Sold lor o-rer sixty year*.'* by J. C, Ayer Co., Low«U, I Alto manuiketursra of -*- SAMAPAMIXA. PILLS. mm vwo*. We h*ve so secrete ! We publish the formula* of all our medicine*. An iters Biliousness, constipation retard re- covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills. The Yellow Fever Germ has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from disease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 26c. at O. E. Shay's Pharmacy. Ararport. J. F. Deeter is in very poor health. Mrs. E. D. Snow has returned from New York. Mrs. Sarah Major has been a guest of her niece, Mrs. Snow. Charles Bitenburg spent a few days in Canaseraga this week. Clair Hlggins and Will Hunt are in Hornellsyille where both have been operated upon for appendicitis. The entertainment given by W. J. House and his excellent company will be repeated in the near future. An excellent program was given by the Christian Endeavor's Sunday evening it being the 25th anniversary of the society. There was a valentine social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Biten- burg Wednesday evening. The net proceeds amounted to $16. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Botting who are about to leave this place for Goshen were given a complete surprise in Odeon Hall last Saturday night by about sixty of their friends. Mr. Hun- gerford in behalf of those present pre- sented them with a handsome session eight-day clock as a slight token of their esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Botting left on Wednesday and the heartiest good wishes of our citizens go with them. HENS' PINE OYERCOATS We are now offering the choice of the entire balance of our stock of $15 OVERCOATS at the extreme low price of $$. 50 These coats are made from plain and fancy mixed material s cut with the popular broad shoulders, loose back, long an 3 medium lengths, with or without belts and tailored in the same high grade fashion as all of our clothing. We don't carry them over. It certainly isn't good business to do OPENING DAY \ t so. Now is the time to buy an Overcoat. ' Saturday, Feb. 17 -" .*±?\ -. #5<j «£' -• ft i.'* .k QB, the above date we show the SPRING STYLES of the celebrated DDNLAP HAT - . The recognized leading hat of the fash ion and the best hat mtde. 5 None genuine without the label. . j .:•% We are now showing a very superior line of popular price Hats in the latest SPRING SHAPES, everyone of which we personally guarantee. Should any hat we sell prove unsatisfactory, we make it right without requiring the filling out or signing of any papers GREAT SUIT SALE The close of a very busy season finds us with many broken lines of MEN'S SUITS in all grades- These suits are the handsomest and most popular suits we have had this season THAT'S THE REASON THEY ARE SOLD In order to close out these broken lots we have taken all the short lines of $13 50, $15, 116 50 and 118 SUITS and offer them for JUST EVEN TEN DOLLARS Now men, here's a golden opportun- ity The sooner you come the better chance you'll have, for these bargains will be snapped up very quickly STAR CLOTHING HOUSE Leading Clothiers and Furnishers, 109-111 Main Street, - 4 4-6 Church Street, Hornellsville, New York. / j>ied in BowUtvW* Mrs. Joseph Thomas died at her home at 80 South Division street, Hor- nellville. Feb: 3d, 1906, a«ed » years after suOeriug several mouths trow Kright's diseaee. She leaves to mouru her death a husband and two .mall aoos, a father and mother, Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Earns, aUo two^ brother., Johu and Hert»ert Karn*, aud three Waters Miss Uaisy Karus and Mrs. Mr-. Leon Karns of this place. The funeral was held from her late borne Monday at 2 P. M Rev. Mr Kinnie of the Houth Side Baptist Jhuroh officiating. The esteem in whieh Mrs. Thomas was held was Bbown by the large concourse of friends who gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. Interment in Hope cemetery. Auction. The undersigned having sold his farm, will sell at public auction at his residence one mile east of Canaseraga village, Monday, February 26th, 1906, at orre o'clock, sharp, the following property : Four horsee, one bay horse eight years old and weighing about 1.100 pounds, one horse twelve years old weighing about 1,200 pounds, one colt three years old, one yearling colt, two good cows due to calf about April 1st, one jearling belter, one plat- form wagou nearly new, one top buggy, one farmers' Favorite drill, one steel land roller, one Osborn Binder nearly uew, one Walter A. Wood bind- er, one Walter A. Wood mower, one wheel steel rake, one Wiard plow, one fanning mill, one potato bottom, a quantity of seed potatoes, about ten bushels of carrot*, light driving har- ness, single harness, one seed sower, forks and shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. TEKMS OF SALE—All sums of $5 00 and under, cash ; all sums over $5 00 a credit of nine mouths will be given on good, approved, endorsed notes tearing interest payable at the office of the Canaseraga Banking Company. J. N. HEJMANN. Card of Thanks, We wish to express to our neighbor and friends our heartfelt thanks fo their expressions of love aud *ywpath! during our recent sad bereavem eot Especially do we thank tht ladies of bean house for the beautiful flowers. Ma AND MKS. HENKY VAXSCOIER, • — Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to our neighbors and fiiendg for lh*-ir sympathy and kindly assist. atice during our late affliction, in the sickness and burial of our dear wife and daughter. MEKTON SPENCER, CHADNCEY OOLBUKH, LYDIA COLBURN. A Washington's Birthday Enter- tainment. On the evening of February 22d theie will bean art exhibition, music and supper, all for the small sum of 15c, at the home of Mrs. Geo. A. Haw- ley on Pratt street, under the auspices of the ladies' aid of the M. E. church, Everybody come. The Best Physic. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and sure to act, always use Chamberlain's Stora- ach and Liver Tablets. For sale at 0. E. Shay'u Pharmacy. Doctor Cady's condition powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med- icine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price, twenty-five cents per package. For sale at 0, E, Shay's pharmacy. W. H. BARNUM Shingl A cure for corns, only 10 cents, at P. W. Byer's, Dansville, N. Y. "I suffered habitually from constipa- tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since."—A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex. Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people suffer for years from rh eumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Cham- berlain's Pain Balm and without tak- ing any medicine internally. For sale at O. E. Shay's Pharmacy. Shingles, Shingles i ^K^W^^*"W^^^^^^r*W*^W^Wr"^r»^^*ljr^r*^R'"^r» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^* ^K^Wr^^^W*^ ^i^^^Kr^^*^**%^^^m ^^^W^^r^* ^•T^^^fT^^ a li a it a a it BOYDELL'S »u5 PAINTS I have increased facilities this year for supplying the trade with Cedar Shingles of all grades, from LOW T>*RieEt) TO THE, BEST QUALITg Have reached the standard of perfec- ft tion. One trial will mak you a perm nent customer. Every can guaranteed t Costa lo Mora U Apply 0 0 0 0 MATE- HAL Than It Deaa POOR MATERIAL. ASK FOR THE B0YDELL BROTHERS' I HION ORADE PREPARED PAINTS. Sucrene Dairy Feed ie made of Corn, Oats, Barley, Cotton Seed Meal, Hominy Feed and 20 per cent. Molasses and Will Produce More Milk at less cost than any other feed on the market. Copts you $1.25 per hun- dred delivered. SUCRENE HORSE FEED Is made of Corn, Oals, Barley, 15 per cent. Linceed Meal and 20 ptr cent, Molasses. Sells for £1.30 per hun- dred, delivered. Bran and Middlings at reasonable prices, ingston Rural or write your wants to C. A. BAKER, Dalton, N. Y. 'Phone Liv, SHELLAC FLOOR PAIRTA. READY-MIXED CARRIAOE MINTS ARO EN- AMELS ARD A FULL LIRE OF SPECIALTIES FOR HOME DECORATIOR Builders and all others are requested to call for prices. D I S C O U N T OAI e** LOTS i I P» Near to Railroad station. w. H. BARNUM.jf For Sale at 0. E. SHAY'S PHARMACY. m»#*m*wm*Mt*m*w&m*mmmmmm*m*mmm I. W. HARPER RYE. "ON EVERY TONGUE. M Handed down from sire to son. Famous for three generations as Kentucky's best. Famous now as the best in the world. Sold by FRANKS. KINGSTON WOOSTER'S BIG STORE-TEN STORES IN ONE Our floor space consists of 4,000 square feet and is filled with the Choicest selections of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mat- tings, Cocoa Matte, etc. Every yard of goods on this floor will be reduced to a price below cost, so read carefully, come early and note our low prices. Large quantity of goods, plenty of sales- people and quick service. Sensational Values in Great ^SENSATIONAL CARPET and RUG SALE Lot 1—Soc a yard NOTE THIS SENSATIONAL ITEM Consisting of Velvets aud Tapestry Brussels in yards from one to 20. The best Ingrains, 50c. Lot 2-79c a yard NOTE THIS SENSATIONAL ITEM Consists of Wiltons and Body Brussels from one to 20 yards. NOTE THIS SENSATIONAL ITEM SMITH'S GENUINE AXMINSTER CARPETS—to close. Odd lot of Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard Odd lot of Oil Cloths at Odd lot of Smyrna Rugs Rugs, Mattings, Oilcloths and Linoleums 35c 19c- 100 Axminster Rugs, regular $2.50 Rugs at Rugs from 6x9 to 13x6 square from $4.98 to 9 by 10x6 Rugs for $9.98 $ 1.60 19.50 $1.00 quality at 1.75 quality at 3.00 quality at NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS - 79 $1.25 quality at $1.39 2.25*juality at - 2.69 98 ^1.98 $4.50 quality at 6.50 quality at - 7.50 quality at BRUSSEIiS NET J3.98 £5.00 quality at 5.69 7.50 quality at 6.79 9.00 quality at $4.69 5.69 7.98 IRISH POINT 05.00 quality at - - $4.39 $6.50 quality at 7 98 quality at - - - 6.79 10.00 quality at • Special prices on all Portiere and Rope Draperies #5.93 8.79 LINENS A bleached .or unbleached Table Linen 54 inches wide at 19<\ Heavy Silver Bleached Damask 66 inches wide, regular 60c goods at 38c. A half Bleached Linen 66 inches wide, all linen, regular 75c goods at •ioC. NAPKINS * An a)l Linen NapkiD, dinner size, regular $1.50 goods at £1.19. 25 doz. Napkins warranted all Linen, regular $2.25 goods, at $1.79. Five doz. Fringed Napkins, while they last, at 31c. All of our Best Linens at an equal discount. UMBRELLAS LADIES $1.25 quality at 98c $1.50 quality at $1.19 2.00 quality at 1.79 3.00 quality at 2.69 4.00 quality at 3.69 GENTS %' $1.52 quality at 98c $1.50 quality at 119 2.00 " at 1.7 9 3.25 « a t 2.8 9 Silkoline 1 1,000 yards fancy Silkoline, regular 10 and 12ie goods, at 6Jc. Outing Flannels 26 pieces Extra Heavy Outing Flannel, regular 10 and 12Jc goods, at 50 pieces Extra Heavy Outing, regular 10 and 12*c goods, at 8c. Comfortables I 100 Comfortabieg covered with Silkoli fiUed ^ h regular $1.25 quality, at 89c. , *' The reduction will be 10 per cent, off on all Comfortables. Men's Shirts UNDERWEAR, ETC. ' 5 doz. Men's Shirts, regular #1.00 value, for 50c. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, regular 50c quality, at 43c Gent s Scarlet Underwear, "all wool" regular $1.00 value, at 79c. Hosiery Men's Cotton Hose, regular 10c quality, at 7c; four pairsfor25c. TURKISH BATH TOWELS 25 doz. Turkish Towels, good size, regular 12 Jc qual- ity at 8c. . r 10 doz. formerly sold at 12ic and |5c,at |0c. OTHER GRADES AS FOLLOWS: 15c grade at I2ic 22c grade at |8c 25c grade at 21c 35c grade at 29c 15 doz. Huck Towels, just the thing for barber shop or hotel use, at 4c I eajih. 10 doz. Huck Towels, good size, regular 12ic value,for8c. 10 doz. Towels, regular 15c value, at 10c. We have a few doz. good sized Cotton Towels that we will close at 3c each One case of Light Calicos, best quality, 31c per yard, quantity limited to each customer. Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and Hill Muslin. 10 yards to a customer, at 7Jc per yard. Those Prices are for CASH Only Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: WOOSTER'S BIG STORE-TEN STORES INfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Canaseraga NY Times...PREPARED PAINTS. Sucrene Dairy Feed ie made of Corn, Oats, Barley, Cotton Seed Meal, Hominy Feed

The Canaseraga Times. t. S. MILLER Editor and Proprietor. T < » f rrsc / <>•• Doll*r Pw Yamr hi Ad vase*. 1 C r i T i S { { i N | paid A f t« . six Months.

Friday, Fab. 16,1906.

Whitney CroaaingB. C. J. Phillips in rtpairing his home. Lena Swarta has been a visitor at T.

F, Curry's. M. Wilcox of Arkport was a caller in

town Sunday. Mtss EdDa Sutton has gone to Wood-

ville to work. L. Lee and son John spent Sunday

at L. J. Sutton's. Miss Millie Carry was home from

Hornellsville Sunday. Dwight and Evert Yentzer are on

the sick list (mumps) Mrs. 8. F. Farr was a pleasant caller

upon her parents recently. Wm. Young of Angelica was a busi­

ness caller in town the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. Burn Youngs will soon

leave for their new home at Mt. Mor­ris.

Valentine day was very well cele­brated by -'Young America" at this place.

Arthur Gray and E. A. JDand vis­ited at Q. P. Gates the first of the week.

We are glad to learn that Wm. Kar-cher and family are coming back here to reside.

Mr. Jas. Garwood has returned to work in the carpenter division of the Shawmut.

Chas. Graves of Castile visited at J. B. Hadley's last Saturday and Sunday.

George Fridd and E. Passage are still on the sick list.

Miss Lydia Karcher of Canaseraga, Claude White of Grove, Mary Lytle of Angelica and John Goyne of Grove attended the dance at Geo. Yencer's Friday evening.

The friends of Henry Sutton, for­merly of this placet were shocked to learn of his sudden death by the cars about a week ago. Mr. Sutton was traveling for a knife company and was killed in New Jersey. His paaents and relatives here have the sympathy of the entire community.

• E 1 w ' m " V ' • -*• •^ TST

Hammer blows, steadily ap­plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes.

The best kind of a testimonial— ••Sold lor o-rer s ixty year*.'*

by J. C, Ayer Co., Low«U, I Alto manuiketursra of

- * - SAMAPAMIXA. PILLS. mm vwo*.

We h*ve so secrete ! We publish the formula* of all our medicine*.

An iters Biliousness, constipation retard re­covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills.

The Yellow Fever Germ has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from disease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 26c. at O. E. Shay's Pharmacy.

Ararport. J. F. Deeter is in very poor health. Mrs. E. D. Snow has returned from

New York. Mrs. Sarah Major has been a guest

of her niece, Mrs. Snow. Charles Bitenburg spent a few days

in Canaseraga this week. Clair Hlggins and Will Hunt are in

Hornellsyille where both have been operated upon for appendicitis.

The entertainment given by W. J. House and his excellent company will be repeated in the near future.

An excellent program was given by the Christian Endeavor's Sunday evening it being the 25th anniversary of the society.

There was a valentine social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Biten­burg Wednesday evening. The net proceeds amounted to $16.

Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Botting who are about to leave this place for Goshen were given a complete surprise in Odeon Hall last Saturday night by about sixty of their friends. Mr. Hun-gerford in behalf of those present pre­sented them with a handsome session eight-day clock as a slight token of their esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Botting left on Wednesday and the heartiest good wishes of our citizens go with them.


We are now offering the choice of the entire balance of our stock of $15 OVERCOATS at the extreme low price of $$. 50

These coats are made from plain and fancy mixed material s cut with the popular broad shoulders, loose back, long an 3 medium lengths, with or without belts and tailored in the same high grade fashion as all of our clothing.

We don't carry them over.

I t certainly isn't good business to do


\ t

so. Now is the time to buy an

Overcoat. '

Saturday, Feb. 17 - " .*±?\ •

-. #5<j «£' -• ft i.'* .k

Q B , the above date we show the SPRING STYLES of the celebrated


The recognized leading hat of the fash

ion and the best hat mtde.

5None genuine without the label. . j .:•% •

We are now showing a very superior

line of popular price Hats in the latest

SPRING SHAPES, everyone of which

we personally guarantee. Should any

hat we sell prove unsatisfactory, we

make it right without requiring the

filling out or signing of any papers



The close of a very busy season finds us with many broken lines of MEN'S SUITS in all grades- These suits are the handsomest and most popular suits we have had this season


In order to close out these broken lots we have taken all the short lines of $13 50, $15, 116 50 and 118 SUITS and offer them for


Now men, here's a golden opportun­ity The sooner you come the better chance you'll have, for these bargains will be snapped up very quickly

STAR CLOTHING HOUSE Leading Clothiers and Furnishers,

109-111 Main Street, - 4 4-6 Church Street, Hornellsville, New York.


j>ied in B o w U t v W * Mrs. Joseph Thomas died at her

home at 80 South Division street, Hor-nellville. Feb: 3d, 1906, a«ed » years after suOeriug several mouths trow Kright's diseaee. She leaves to mouru her death a husband and two .mall aoos, a father and mother, Mr. aud Mrs. T. J . Earns, aUo two^ brother., Johu and Hert»ert Karn*, aud three Waters Miss Uaisy Karus and Mrs.

Mr-. Leon Karns of this place. The funeral was held from her late borne Monday at 2 P. M Rev. Mr Kinnie of the Houth Side Baptist Jhuroh officiating. The esteem in whieh Mrs. Thomas was held was Bbown by the large concourse of friends who gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. Interment in Hope cemetery.

Auction. The undersigned having sold his

farm, will sell at public auction at his residence one mile east of Canaseraga village, Monday, February 26th, 1906, at orre o'clock, sharp, the following property : Four horsee, one bay horse eight years old and weighing about 1.100 pounds, one horse twelve years old weighing about 1,200 pounds, one colt three years old, one yearling colt, two good cows due to calf about April 1st, one jearling belter, one plat­form wagou nearly new, one top buggy, one farmers' Favorite drill, one steel land roller, one Osborn Binder nearly uew, one Walter A. Wood bind­er, one Walter A. Wood mower, one wheel steel rake, one Wiard plow, one fanning mill, one potato bottom, a quantity of seed potatoes, about ten bushels of carrot*, light driving har­ness, single harness, one seed sower, forks and shovels and other articles too numerous to mention.

TEKMS OF SALE—All sums of $5 00 and under, cash ; all sums over $5 00 a credit of nine mouths will be given on good, approved, endorsed notes tearing interest payable at the office of the Canaseraga Banking Company.


Card of Thanks, We wish to express to our neighbor

and friends our heartfelt thanks fo their expressions of love aud *ywpath! during our recent sad bereavemeot

Especially do we thank tht ladies of bean house for the beautiful flowers. M a AND MKS. HENKY VAXSCOIER,

— • —

Card of Thanks . We wish to express our heartfelt

gratitude to our neighbors and fiiendg for lh*-ir sympathy and kindly assist. atice during our late affliction, in the sickness and burial of our dear wife and daughter.




A Wash ing ton ' s Birthday Enter-ta inment .

On the evening of February 22d theie will bean art exhibition, music and supper, all for the small sum of 15c, at the home of Mrs. Geo. A. Haw-ley on Pratt street, under the auspices of the ladies' aid of the M. E. church, Everybody come.

T h e Best Physic. When you want a physic that is

mild and gentle, easy to take and sure to act, always use Chamberlain's Stora-ach and Liver Tablets. For sale at 0. E. Shay'u Pharmacy.

Doctor Cady's condition powders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med­icine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price, twenty-five cents per package. For sale at 0, E, Shay's pharmacy.

W. H. BARNUM Shingl

A cure for corns, only 10 cents, at P. W. Byer's, Dansville, N. Y.

" I suffered habitually from constipa­tion. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever since."—A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex.

Afraid of Strong Medicines. Many people suffer for years from

rh eumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually given for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Cham­berlain's Pain Balm and without tak­ing any medicine internally. For sale at O. E. Shay's Pharmacy.

Shingles, Shingles

™ i ^K^W^^*"W^^^^^^r*W*^W^Wr"^r»^^*ljr^r*^R'"^r» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ̂ K^Wr^^^W*^ ^i^^^Kr^^*^**%^^^m ^ ^ ^ W ^ ^ r ^ * ^•T^^^fT^^ a li a it a a it


I have increased facilities this year for supplying the trade with Cedar Shingles of all grades, from


Have reached the standard of perfec- ft tion. One trial will mak you a perm nent customer. Every can guaranteed

t Costa l o Mora U Apply 0 0 0 0 MATE-HAL Than I t Deaa POOR MATERIAL.




Sucrene Dairy Feed ie made of Corn, Oats, Barley, Cotton Seed Meal, Hominy Feed and 20

per cent. Molasses and

Will Produce More Milk at less cost than any other feed on the market. Copts you $1.25 per hun­dred delivered.

SUCRENE HORSE FEED Is made of Corn, Oals, Barley, 15 per cent. Linceed Meal and 20 p t r cent, Molasses. Sells for £1.30 per hun­

dred, delivered. Bran and Middlings at reasonable prices, ingston Rural or write your wants to

C. A. BAKER, Dalton, N. Y.

'Phone Liv,


D I S C O U N T OAI e * * L O T S i I P»

Near to Railroad station. w. H. BARNUM.jf For Sale at 0. E. SHAY'S PHARMACY. m»#*m*wm*Mt*m*w&m*mmmmmm*m*mmm


Handed down from sire to son. Famous for three generations as Kentucky's best. Famous now as the best in the world.


WOOSTER'S BIG STORE-TEN STORES IN ONE Our floor space consists of 4,000 square feet and is filled with the

Choicest selections of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mat­

tings, Cocoa Matte, etc. Every yard of goods on this floor will be

reduced to a price below cost, so read carefully, come early and

note our low prices. Large quantity of goods, plenty of sales­

people and quick service.

Sensat ional Values in




Consisting of Velvets aud Tapestry Brussels in yards from one to 20. The best Ingrains, 50c.


Consists of Wiltons and Body Brussels from one to 20 yards.


Odd lot of Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard Odd lot of Oil Cloths at Odd lot of Smyrna Rugs

Rugs, Matt ings , Oilcloths and Linoleums 35c 19c-

100 Axminster Rugs, regular $2.50 Rugs at Rugs from 6x9 to 13x6 square from $4.98 to 9 by 10x6 Rugs for $9.98

$ 1.60 19.50

$1.00 quality at 1.75 quality at 3.00 quality at

NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS - 79 $1.25 quality at

$1.39 2.25*juality at - 2.69

98 ^1 .98

$4.50 quality at 6.50 quality at -7.50 quality at

BRUSSEIiS NET J3.98 £5.00 quality at

5.69 7.50 quality at 6.79 9.00 quality at

$4.69 5.69 7.98

IRISH POINT 05.00 quality at - - $4.39 $6.50 quality at

7 98 quality at - - - 6.79 10.00 quality at • Special prices on all Portiere and Rope Draperies

#5.93 8.79

LINENS A bleached .or unbleached Table Linen 54 inches wide at 19<\ Heavy Silver Bleached Damask 66 inches wide, regular 60c goods at


A half Bleached Linen 66 inches wide, all linen, regular 75c goods at • i o C . •



An a)l Linen NapkiD, dinner size, regular $1.50 goods at £1.19. 25 doz. Napkins warranted all Linen, regular $2.25 goods, at $1.79. Five doz. Fringed Napkins, while they last, at 31c. All of our Best Linens at an equal discount.


$1.25 quality at 98c $1.50 quality at $1.19 2.00 quality at 1.79 3.00 quality at 2.69 4.00 quality at 3.69

GENTS %' $1.52 quality at 98c $1.50 quality at 119 2.00 " at 1.79 3.25 « a t 2.89

Silkoline 1 1,000 yards fancy Silkoline, regular 10 and 12ie goods, at 6Jc.

Outing Flannels 26 pieces Extra Heavy Outing Flannel, regular 10 and 12Jc goods, at

50 pieces Extra Heavy Outing, regular 10 and 12*c goods, at 8c.

Comfortables I 100 Comfortabieg c o v e r e d w i t h S i l k o l i fiUed ^ h

regular $1.25 quality, at 89c. , *' The reduction will be 10 per cent, off on all Comfortables.

Men's Shirts UNDERWEAR, ETC. '

5 doz. Men's Shirts, regular #1.00 value, for 50c. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, regular 50c quality, at 43c Gent s Scarlet Underwear, "all wool" regular $1.00 value, at 79c.

Hosiery Men's Cotton Hose, regular 10c quality, at 7c; four pairs for 25c.

TURKISH BATH TOWELS 25 doz. Turkish Towels, good size, regular 12 Jc qual­

ity at 8c. . r 10 doz. formerly sold at 12ic and |5c,at |0c.

OTHER GRADES AS FOLLOWS: 15c grade at I2ic 22c grade at |8c 25c grade at 21c 35c grade at 29c

15 doz. Huck Towels, just the thing for barber shop or hotel use, at 4c I eajih.

10 doz. Huck Towels, good size, regular 12ic value, for 8c. 10 doz. Towels, regular 15c value, at 10c.

We have a few doz. good sized Cotton Towels that we will close at 3c each

One case of Light Calicos, best quality, 31c per yard, quantity limited to each customer.

Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and Hill Muslin. 10 yards to a customer, at

7Jc per yard.

Those Prices are for CASH Only

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

