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WordPress + NGINX Best Practices with EasyEngine

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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WordPress-NGINX Best Practices (With EasyEngine) by Rahul Bansal (rtCamp)
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WordPress-NGINX Best Practices

(With EasyEngine)

by Rahul Bansal (rtCamp)

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WordPress-NGINX - Best practices

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“If you can do it in NGINX, just do it in


The Rule!

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#1. nginx fastcgi-cache

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● Best solution for serving content to non-

logged in users

● Should be used instead full-page-cache from

WordPress plugin

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Global Code Fragment

fastcgi_cache_path /var/run/nginx-cache levels=1:2

keys_zone=WORDPRESS:100m inactive=60m;



fastcgi_cache_use_stale error updating timeout

invalid_header http_500;

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server {

location ~ \.php$ {

try_files $uri =404;

include fastcgi_params;


fastcgi_cache WORDPRESS;

fastcgi_cache_valid 60m;

fastcgi_cache_bypass $skip_cache;

fastcgi_no_cache $skip_cache;}}

Site config

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Cache conditions

set $skip_cache 0;

if ($request_method = POST) { set $skip_cache 1; }

if ($query_string != "") { set $skip_cache 1; }

if ($request_uri ~* "/wp-admin/|/xmlrpc.php|wp-

.*.php|index.php") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author|wordpress_[a-f0-

9]+|wordpress_logged_in") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

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Cache conditions

if ($request_uri ~* "/store/|/random/|/wp-admin/|...") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author||yummy_cookie|...") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

if ($remote_addr ~* "") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

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if ($query_string != "") {

set $skip_cache 1; }

# for http://example.com/?s=hello

if ($arg_s != "") {

set $skip_cache 0; }

Caching search result pages

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Caching multiple versions of a page

# Cookie Example

fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$cookie_country";

# User-Agent Example

set $mobile no;

if ($http_user_agent ~* "iphone|android|blackberry|netfront") {

set $mobile yes;}

fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri$mobile";

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#2. NGINX substitution module

CDN & SSL Warning fix

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Original URL => example.com/wp-content/uploads/hello.jpg

CDN URL => cdn.example.com/wp-


sub_filter "example.com/wp-content/uploads/"


sub_filter_last_modified on;

sub_filter_once off;

CDN (Origin Pull)

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sub_filter "http://example.com/wp-content/"


sub_filter_last_modified on;

sub_filter_once off;

SSL - mixed content warning fix

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#3. pagespeed module

Reduce load time

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● css/js minify & combine.

● search-replace URL for CDN

● on the fly image (lossless) compression

● lazy loading for images

pagespeed module

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pagespeed EnableFilters combine_css,rewrite_css;

# JS

pagespeed EnableFilters combine_javascript,rewrite_javascript;

# Images

pagespeed EnableFilters lazyload_images;

pagespeed EnableFilters rewrite_images;

pagespeed EnableFilters convert_jpeg_to_progressive

site specific filters

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# Turning the module on and off

pagespeed on;

# Configuring PageSpeed Filters

pagespeed RewriteLevel PassThrough;

# Needs to exist and be writable by nginx. Use tmpfs for best performance.

pagespeed FileCachePath /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache;

pagespeed global config

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#4. Upstream Module

Load Balancer/Failover

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upstream backend {






load balance mode

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failover mode

upstream backend {

server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;

server backup;


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Front-end site config

location / {

proxy_pass http://backend;

proxy_set_header Host $host;

proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;



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Backend NGINX Config

#gloabal config


real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;

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What if load balancer fails?

● Configure backend server with NGINX in a

way that it can run as standalone server

● Use DNS-based failover to switch traffic from

load balancer to a backend server

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#5. Upstream mod with HHVM

Speed for logged in users

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HHVM with PHP-FPM fallback

upstream php {

server; #hhvm

server backup; #php-fpm


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More Tricks

The list is endless!

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#enable SSL cache

ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:20m;

ssl_session_timeout 10m;

#enable spdy

server {

listen 443 ssl spdy;


SSL and spdy

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URL Redirection#For Single URL

location = /old/path {

return 301 http://foo.com/new/url;


#For Complete Section

location ~ /old/(.*) {

return 301 http://foo.com/new/$1;


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Security with Limit Request Module


limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s;


location = /wp-login.php {

limit_req zone=one burst=1 nodelay;

include fastcgi_params;



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Memcache/Redis - Distributed Cache

● For wordpress site is spread across multiple servers

● Only extra work is, WordPress/PHP side codes are

needed to “fill” cache

● For Memcache, NGINX has a core and few third party


● For redis, NGINX has third party modules

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Using EasyEngine

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● A script to setup and manage multiple

wordpress sites with NGINX web server

● Always up to date with best practices,

including most of the stuff we discussed so


What is EasyEngine?

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Getting Started

#install easy-engine

wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee

#install nginx, php, mysql, postfix

ee stack install

#install WordPress on example.com

ee site create example.com --wpfc

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WordPress Multisite Handling

#multisite with subdirectory

ee site create example.com --wpfc --wpsubdir

#multisite with subdomain

ee site create example.com --wpfc --wpsubdom

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EasyEngine Demo

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EasyEngine Resources

Home : http://rtcamp.com/easyengine

Github : http://github.com/rtCamp/easyengine

Forum : http://community.rtcamp.com/category/easyengine/

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