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Words for Production 1. predict [ prI`dIkt ] vt. to say that something will happen before it happens...

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Words for Production

1. predict [] vt.to say that something will happen before it happens 預測

Scientists still cannot predict when earthquakes will happen.

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prediction [] n. [C][U] 預言

The prediction she made about the accident has come true.

predictable [] adj. 可預測的

It is predictable that the cost of living in Taiwan will continue to rise.

Words for Production

2. dominant [] adj.the most important 最重要的,主要的

English is the dominant language in world trade.Would you like to know more...

dominate [] vt.; vi. 處於最重要的地位;支配

Sports seem to dominate learning in that school.

His desire to dominate has caused

trouble in his office.

Words for Production

3. replace [] vt.to take the place of 取代

Robots are replacing human workers in some dangerous jobs.

Words for Production

4. remain [] vi.to continue to be in an unchanged state 保持,仍是

After the storm, the old tree in front of our house remained standing.

Words for Production

5. steadily [] adv.in a continuous and gradual way 持續地,穩定地

The doctor asked his patient to relax as much as possible and keep breathing steadily.

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steady [] adj. 持續的,穩定的

With the teacher’s help, there has been steady improvement in Judy’s schoolwork.

Words for Production

6. worldwide [] adv.in or over all the world 全世界地

Interest in learning Mandarin has spread worldwide.

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worldwide [] adj. 世界性的

Environmental pollution is a worldwide problem.

Words for Production

7. elsewhere [] adv.in or to another place; somewhere else 在別處,向別處

Our favorite restaurant was full, so we had to go elsewhere.

Words for Production

8. thrive [] vi.to develop well or be healthy; to be successful 興盛;茁壯

Her business thrived mainly because she had good connections.

Words for Production

9. regional [] adj.of a particular area of a country or the world 地區的

The man spoke with a regional accent; that’s why I knew he was not a native.

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region [] n. 地區

Different regions of the country have their own customs and characteristics.

Words for Production

10. factor [] n.one of several things that influence or cause a situation 因素

His good attitude is an important factor in his rapid success.

Words for Production

11. trade [] n.the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods 貿易

Taiwan has a lot of trade with countries all over the world.

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trade [] vi.; vt. 做買賣;交換

We never trade with that company because they are not honest.

The little boy traded his toy for candy with his classmate.

Words for Production

12. international [] adj.relating to more than one nation 國際的

English is an international language, and it will play a key role in the world in the future.

Words for Production

13. isolate [] vt.to keep apart or separate from others 孤立,隔絕

Some villages in the mountains were isolated by the snowstorm.

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isolated [] adj. 孤立的,隔絕的

The man had led an isolated life for thirty years.

isolation [] n. 孤立,隔絕

After many years’ isolation from the outside world, the man completely forgot how to communicate with others.

Words for Production

14. prosper [] vi.to become successful, especially financially ( 指經濟上的 ) 繁榮,成功

The fishing village began to prosper when people came to watch the whales nearby.

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prosperity [] n. [U] 繁榮,成功

The new university has brought prosperity to this small town.

prosperous [] adj. 繁榮的,成功的

It’s hard to believe that hunger is still a serious problem in this prosperous country.

Words for Production

15. essential [] adj.necessary and important 必要且極為重要的,不可或缺的

Water is essential to the growth of crops.

Words for Production

16. failure [] n. [U]lack of success 失敗

All his plans ended in failure, but he was never disappointed. Instead, he tried again.

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fail [] vi. 失敗

He had failed several times, but he

never gave up.

Words for Production

17. simply [] adv.really; completely 簡直,完全地 (用以強調否定 )

Don’t believe him. What he said simply isn’t true.

Words for Production

18. media [] n. pl.the means of mass communication such as television, radio, and newspapers 傳播媒體

The media provide information, amuse people, and teach them.

Words for Production

19. benefit [] n. [C][U](an) advantage  利益,好處

For the benefit of those people who arrived late, I’ll just go over the plan again.

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benefit [] vi.; vt. 受益於 ... ;嘉惠

School children will benefit from the educational reform. The new hospital will benefit the whole community.

Words for Production

20. struggle [] vi.to try to overcome difficulty; to make great effort  奮鬥,努力

The doctor struggled to keep his patient alive.

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struggle [] n. [C] 奮鬥,努力

The people of this island will continue their struggle for independence.

Words for Production

21. foundation [] n. [C][U] that on which a belief, custom, or way of life, etc., is based; the act of starting some kind of organization, or starting the building or planning something large  基礎;建立,創辦

PS. The example sentences are on the next page.

Words for Production

21. foundation

A good education gives a person a good foundation for life.

Since its foundation in 1860, the library has served the community.

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found [] vt. 以 ... 基礎;建立,創辦

The story of the movie is founded upon fact. It’s quite realistic.

The Republic of China was founded on the 10th of October in 1911.

Words for Production

22. trust [] n. [U]firm belief that one can rely on someone else 信任

It took the teacher a long time to gain the children’s trust.

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trust [] vt. 信任

Trust me, and I’ll take care of everything.

Words for Production

23. faraway [] adj.distant 遙遠的

These travelers have just returned from faraway places with wonderful stories to tell.

Words for Production

24. option [] n. [C]something chosen or offered for choice ( 供 ) 選擇的事物

The students have two options: give an oral report or take a written test.

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optional [] adj. 可選擇的,非強制性的

Learning to use a computer is hard for young kids, and therefore it should remain optional.

Words for Production

25. enrich [] vt.to improve the quality of something by adding something else to it 使豐富

Traveling around the world can enrich one’s life.

Words for Production

26. aboriginal [] adj.relating to the people of a group, tribe, etc., that have lived in a place from the earliest times 原住民的

We should cherish the aboriginal cultures of Taiwan, or someday they may die out.

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aborigine [] n. [C] 原住民

Many aborigines in Taiwan are talented singers and dancers.

Words for Production

27. disease [] n. [U][C](an) illness 疾病

My grandpa died of heart disease at the age of 80.

Words for Production

28. valuable [] adj.very useful and helpful 珍貴的,有用的

The experience of elders is usually valuable to the young.

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value [] vt.; n. [U] 重視;價值

The father valued his children’s ideas. That’s why they all respected him.

His research was of great value to doctors working with this disease.

Words for Production

29. wisdom [] n. [U]knowledge gained through learning or experience 智慧

The old man showed wisdom in his decision.

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wise [] adj. 聰明的,明智的

It seems that it is going to rain. I think it would be wise of you to take an umbrella when you go out.

1. Mandarin[] n. [U] the official standard spoken language of China 標準中國話

Words for Recognition

2. Swahili[] n. [U] the language spoken in eastern and central Africa, and used as a lingua franca 史瓦希里語 ( 東部、中部非洲的共同語言 )

Words for Recognition

3. South America[] n. [U] the fourth-largest of the continents, linked to North America, lying between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 南美洲

Words for Recognition

4. Hindi[] n. [U] one of the official languages of India, spoken especially in north India 印地語 ( 印度北部的語言,為印度共和國官方語言之一 )

Words for Recognition

1. express oneselfto speak or write what one thinks or feels 表達自己的思想或心情

My English is still not good enough to express myself clearly.

Idioms and Phrases

2. right nowat this moment; at the present time; exactly now 現在

We will be late for school; we must leave right now.

Idioms and Phrases

3. be to blameto be responsible for something bad 是 ... 的原因,該受責備的

The police are trying to find out which driver is to blame for the accident.

Idioms and Phrases

4. such aslike 諸如 ... ,像…

Young kids love fast food such as hamburgers and French fries.

Idioms and Phrases

5. when it comes to (doing) somethingwhen talking about 談起…

When it comes to (writing) humorous stories, I think Mark Twain was an expert.

Idioms and Phrases

6. common groundthe same idea 共識,共同看法

We couldn’t find any common ground in our discussion.

Idioms and Phrases
