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  • 7/31/2019 Words, Meaning, Vocabualry Vypisky


    1 What is lexicology

    Lexicology may be defined as the study of lexis understood as the stock of the words in a given

    language. The notion of words is central in the study of lexicology. Lexicology deals not only with

    simple words in all their aspects but also with complex and compound words.


    - Is the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming words. Morphemes are the

    smallest meaningful unit which may constitute words or parts of words. They cannot be

    broken down further on the basis of meaning. For ex. Cat cannot be analysed further into

    meaningful units but sleeping can sleep ing. Cat and ing are morphemes but cat is a simple

    word while ing is only part of the word.

    - Morphemes that can occur as individual words are free morphemes and those who cannot are

    called bound morphemes. Any concrete realization in a given utterance is called a morph.

    There is difference between morphs and syllables. Morphs are manifestations of morphemes

    and represent a specific meaning; syllables are parts of words which are isolated only on thebasis of pronunciation.

    Complex words are formed are formed from the simpler words by adding affixes or some

    other kind of morphological modification: spoonful

    Compound words are form are formed by combining two or more words: cheeseburger


    - Study of meaning

    According to Jackson we should identify these kinds of semantics:

    Pragmatic s. Studies the meaning of utterances in context

    Sentence s. Handles the meaning of sentences and meaning relations between sentences

    Lexical s. Deals with the meaning of words

    - Sem. Is considered as part of the lexicology but also phonology, syntax, pragmatics.

    There is a difference between acceptability and meaningfulness for example. That woman is a man.

    Can be considered meaningless but with a bit of imagination in some context it can be acceptable for

    example in a play.


    - Study of the whole history of words not just their origin

    - Some words are not etymologically related to ancient words so it is difficult to establish their


    - It is difficult to say what was the original meaning of the words since human language

    stretches too far back in history


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    - Special technique, the writing and compilation dictionaries

    Lexicology and phonology

    - In many cases the difference between otherwise identical items can be reduced to a difference

    at the level of phonology: sheep vs. Ship differ only on one sound unit, sometimes only the

    stress cause the phonological difference

    - Also compounds words can show good example for example blackboard and black board

    Lexicology and syntax

    We use term syntax to refer to the particular knowledge which enables us to assemble words when weconstruct sentences, we can know all the words in the dictionary and still be not able to speak English

    we have to acquire a set of rules how to form sentences. Sentences can be built according to the rules

    of syntax but be unacceptable on lexical grounds: Colourless green ideas sleep furiously.

    - The essential difference between syntax and lexicology is that the former deals with the

    general facts of the language and the latter with special aspects

    The word and its associative field

    - According to this approach every word is involved in a network of associations which connect

    it with other terms in the language. Some of these association are based on similarity of

    meaning others are formal while others involve both form and meaning

    Lecturer lectured, lecturing connects it based on common stem lecture

    Lecturer teacher, tutor etc semantic similarity

    Lecturer clever, quicker etc accidental similarity in their ending

    Lecturer- gardener, labourer etc suffix - er

    Any word chosen form a given context will suggest other words to us

    Paradigmatic and synatagmatic rel

    Syntagmatic ( sequence ) rovn

    p The first question was difficult.


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    a Third problem easy

    radigmatic Last word funny

    dol Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Lexical fields

    - Defines a semantic or lexical field as a named area of meaning in which lexemes interrelate

    and define each other in specific ways. For example KINSHIP comprises lexemes father,

    mother, son, daughter, cousin etc.

    - According to lexical field theory the vocabulary of a language is a dynamic and well-

    integrated system of lexemes structured by relationship of meaning. The system is changing

    continuously by the interaction of various forces such as the disappearance of previously

    existing items, narrowing or broadening of some lexemes. Some words may be signed to

    more fields for example orange can be assigned to that of colour or to that of fruit.

    Word families

    Words are group into families on the basis of their morphology both their inflections and

    derivations. A family consists of a base form , its possible inflectional forms and words derived

    from it by prefixation and suffixation skill, skills infl, skilful, skilfully derivations

    Word classes

    - The notion of word class may also be used to account for the structure of the vocabulary as a

    whole. Quirk distinguish the following:

    Closed classes: preposition, pronoun, determiner, conjunction, auxiliary verb

    Open classes: noun, adjective, verb, adverb

    Lesser cat. : numeral, interjection

    A small number of words of unique function: the particle not and the infinitive marker to.

    - All words that function in the same way are deemed to belong to the same word class for

    example: The book was on/in/under the cupboard. The words on, in and under have the same

    function and express some kind of locational relationship.

    2. Where do English words come from?

    5000 languages = 300 language families: one of them, Indo-European has branches :


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    - Italic (Latin)

    - Germanic = North G. + East G. + West G.

    (modern (modern German,

    Scandianvian l.) Dutch, English)

    1st inhabitants - Celts (5,000 BC)

    Romans (43 410 AD) Latin words castra (Gloucester, Lancaster), strata (street

    Picts and Scots from the north

    Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons, Jutes, frisians = Anglo-saxon society

    the end of 6th century influence of Latin, the country was called Angli/Anglia, in Old English

    Engle, the language was called Englisc (sc spelling forsh sound)

    Old English period (450 1066)

    1st OE manuscripts were written in the runic alphabet brought by Anglo-Saxons (5, 6 th cent.)

    the literary age began after arrival of Roamn missionaries (597)

    OE manuscripts from 7thcent. Are glossaries of Latin words translated into OE

    Beowulf the most important literary work (around 1000)

    King Alfred (9th cent.) had many latin works translated

    Features of OE

    OE alphabet was similar to the modern one

    no capital letters

    some letters had differetn shapes

    some letters were missing (j, v, f, q, x, z)

    numbers were written in Roman symbols

    some letters were used in combination for a single sound (th truth, ea meat)

    the same word could be spelled differently on the same page lots of variations

    difference between words in prose and poetry (prose words are similar to modern E, poetic words

    are different)

    frequent use of coinages (kennings) = referring to vivid figurative descripitons often involving

    compounds (hronrad = whale-road = sea, banhus = bone-house = persons body). Kennings are


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    sometimes hard to interpret because of the use of synonyms = in Beowulf there 20 words for a


    Kennings were used to achieve alliteration in a line

    Differences between OE and modern E.

    OE uses more synonyms

    use of word-formation processes in OE based on native elements

    loan translations (calques) = lexical items translated part-by-part into another language

    use of inflectional endings to express grammatical relationships (rather than word order as it is

    today, the change came in 11 and 12th cent.)

    OE corpus had 24,000 lexical items, 85% are not in use today. 3% of the OE words are loanwordscomapred to 70% in ME

    Middle-English period (1066 1500)

    increase in the number of private and public documents, mainly in Latin and French

    material in English - 13th cent.

    14th cent. - a lot of translating from Latin and French into English

    poetry influenced by French,

    Geoffrey Cahucer, John Wycliff

    Features of Middle English

    great diversity in spelling (naure, noeure, ner, neure = neuer, never.

    As the period progressed, the spelling changed and was more similar to ME

    intensive borrowing from other languages (French)

    in early stages of Middle E. over 90% of lexicon was of native English (Anglo-Saxon) origin

    by the end of Middle E. Period it was 75%

    loanwords were the only way in which the vocabulary of Middle E. Increased

    word-formation, such as compounding was used as it was in OE

    Early Modern English (1500 1800)

    1476 William caxton set up his press in Westminster = the beginnig point of Early ME


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    printing played a major role in fostering the norms of spelling and pronunciation, provided more

    opportunities for people to write, and enabled published works to circulate. This meant that more

    books were published.

    In 16th cent. Scholars began to talk seriously about their language, making observations on

    grammar, vocabulary, the writing systm and style.

    This period covers Renaissance = interest in the clasical languages and literature, scientific

    discoveries, exploration of America, Africa and Asia = imapct on English language, especially


    borrowing from Latin and Greek, especially in medicine and theology

    Example of the development in the language is Shakespeares work (King Jmaes Bible)

    fast lexical growth

    also semantic changes, old words got new meanings

    1755 Samuel Johnson publishedDictionary of English Language the aim was to register the

    language, not to form it

    Modern English period (1800 present)

    3 main fetaures of ME:

    growth of scientific vocabulary, in terms of pronunciation and grammar, but more at the lexical

    level (consequence of Industrial revolution, rise in education)

    assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language (leading economic power).

    Nowadays the differences are getting smaller because of mass media, openness to American

    culture ...

    emergence of other varieties known as New Englishes (Indian E., Philippine E. African Es)

    associated with a geographical area


    Anglo-Saxon words

    words which are still used in ME (grammatical words: be, that, in, while, lexical words: father,

    love, name) they are now common words of the language

    the words are generally short and concrete (parts of the body: arm, bone, chest, thenatural

    landscape: field, hedge, hill, the calendar: day, month,moon, animals: cow, dog, fish, common

    adjectives: black, good, wide, common verbs: kiss, live, think)

    Influence of Celtic on English


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    not very big, only few words can be found in ME (ususally in regional dialect use: crag = deep

    valley, carr = rock, luh = loch, lough)

    some Celtic words derive from Latin (place names:Avon, Thames, York, Kent)

    Irish Gaelic in 17th cent. (shamrock)

    Scottish Gaelic ( loch, whisky)


    the term for a process by which a word from one language is takne over into another

    language, usually to fill a lexical gap, e. g. faux pas, or to name a new phenomenon or concept, e.

    g. karaoke. The borrowed word is called a loanword orborrowing.

    Althought other languages try to protect from accepting foreign words, English is fromed fromabout 120 languages.

    Latin words in English

    the major influence on English

    early words were connected with military, agriculture

    Germanic people acquired words relating to clothing (belt, cemes = shirt),buildings and

    settlements (weal = wall),

    words from branches in which Romans excelled (ancor = anchor, piper = pepper)

    in the Middle English period it was professional and technical terms, law, literature.

    At the same time words from French were borrowed, together with Latin expressions, = highly

    distinctive feature of modern E. Vocabulary

    Scandinavian loanwords in English

    as a result of Viking raids on Britain (8-10 th cent.)

    settlements - in Yorkshire, ending -by, Sc. word for farm or town: Derby, Rugby)

    personal names in thenorth and east, ending -son: Jackson, Henderson.

    general words: they, them, their. Personal singular ending in present tense: -s.

    sc-, sk-: score, skill, skirt, sky.

    Greek loanwords

    technical terms in all branches of human knowledge


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    some greek words wre borrowed from Latin (allegory, drama, metaphor )and French (centre,

    character, harmony) , some were derived from Greek and Latin elements (lexis, lexeme, lexical),

    while others were taken directly from Greek (acronym, autocracy, telegram).

    The influence was most noticeable in 15th cent.

    French loanwords

    After William the Conqueror became the King of England in 1066, Norman French became the

    language of government, the courts and the new upper social classes.

    Afixes (con- , trans- , pre- , -ance, -tion, - ment)

    some French words: government, prince, duke, beef, mutton, clergyarmy....

    even Modern Englishborrowed words from French:gentle, champion, carriage, village, prestige

    later borrowings from French also reflect french dominance in the spheres of fashion, arts,

    sciences (gown, luxury, tragedy)

    German and Dutch loans

    due to commercial relationships from Middle Ages on (dollar, guilder)

    seafaring activities (deck, cruise, skipper)

    many loanwords came into English through contact between Americans and Dutch settlers,especially in NY area (cookie, cranberry, waffle, Santa Claus)

    German impact on English was low, only in speacialists fields (geology: cobalt)

    Romance loans other than from French

    Spanish, Portuguese, from the 16th cent. (alligator, canoe, chocolate, potato) = words from the

    New World

    Italian music (violin, opera, piano), food: (pasta, lasagne)

    Loans from the East

    Arabic words (admiral, saffron, zenith, assassin)

    Hebrew words (amen, hallelujah, rabbi)

    Indian words (avatar, karma, jungle)

    Loanwords from other sources

    west African languages (banana, safari, gorilla)


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    Slavic languages (polka from Czech,glasnost, vodka from Russian,goulash from Hungarian)

    native American languages (moccassin, tomahawk, skunk)

    English still borrows words from other languages, but considerably less. French is the largest supplierof words to English nowadays in UK, in the USA it is from Spanish.


    Root creation

    refers to the building of a word that has no relationship whatsoever with any previous

    existing word.

    e. g.Kodak purely arbitrary combination of letters, not derived from any existing word (1888)

    vasseline (wasser+oil), kleenex (clean+curtx)

    Echoic words

    echoic / onomatopoeic words find their origin in the specific sound that they are meant to

    represent, e. g. bang, cuckoo, splash, tinkle

    two types: imitative and symbolic

    imitative intends to imitate the sound that it represents (meow, moo, vroom)

    symbolic has a less direct association with the sound (bump, flick)

    - often come in sets which either rhyme (bump, lump, hump)

    or alliterate (flick, flash, flip, flop)

    both imitative and symbolic words may be the subject to doubling, sometimes with a little

    variation (bow-wow, choo-choo, peewee)


    words that attempt to imiate instinctive vocal responses to emotional situations (ha-ha,


    Word formation

    uses existing language material words and morphesmes to create new lexical items

    major process are compounding and affixation


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    compounding: birthday, craftsman, newborn, banana-flavoured, download, afterwards)

    affixation (use of prefixes, suffixes):celebration, forgetful, napkin, pre-figure


    The size

    750,000 entries in Oxford English Dictionary and Websters Third International together,

    each of them concentrating eithet on British or American dialect terms

    no New Englishes areincluded in these dictionaries

    Crystal concludes it is about 1,000,000 lexemes.

    Frequency of occurence an use of Anglo-Saxon words

    words from Anglo-Saxon are the most frequent in the language

    the most frequent 200 words consist of one syllable

    native English words tend to be preferred in everyday speech, they are considered more human

    and emotional (when choosing between nourishment, nutrition, food, the last is chosen)

    English vocabulary

    out of 617,000 words in Oxford English dictionary, there most foerign words

    on the other hand, in writing and speech, the most common are native English words

    many foreign words have assimilated, have English pronunciation and spelling and are no longer

    foreign words

    grammatical structures have remained almost the same throughout the centuries

    3 The Word

    Difficulties in the definition of the word


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    The term word is used to designate an intermediate structure smaller than a whole phrase and larger

    than a single sound segment. Word may be defined differently depending on whether we focus on

    thought which it expresses or purely formal criteria or on its representation.

    The word as represented in writing represents a thought unit or psychological unit; this is the most

    common case. Names of the objects: table, house. Abstractions: faith, intelligence. Adjectives: tall,

    short. Verbs: eat, sleep

    The word forms one block but includes two units of thought: farmer, spoonful.

    The psychological unit spreads over several words, the word is only element of the real unity: all of

    the sudden.

    According to Bloomfield a minimal form is morpheme, its meaning a semen. A form which occur

    alone is free and which may not is bound. Lexis which consists of an infinite number of elements

    excludes relational words or grammatical morphemes.

    A further difficulty in the use of formal criteria is that word may be defined from the phonological,lexical, grammatical points.

    The word defined

    Word is uninterruptible unit of structure consisting of one or more morphemes and typically occurs in

    the structure or phrases. Words speak, speaks, spoke etc. Are separate grammatically .

    Lexical words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs can be meaningful even in isolation while for

    example with, a, the are not.

    Characteristic of words

    1)word is an uninterruptible unit

    2) word may consists of more than one morpheme, when it consists of one morpheme only it cannot

    be broken down into smaller units

    3) word occurs typically in the structure or phrases

    4) each word should belong to a specific word classr part of speech. The same form appears in more

    than one class for example smoke verb or noun

    Ambiguity in the notion of word

    Word can be regarded as generic when it has abstract reference i.e. is more schematic, poorere than

    particular word in its ability to distinguish specific features. Generic terms apply to a wide range of

    items but tell us a little about them. The word mammal is more generic and more abstract than cow in

    the same way animal is more abstract than mammal. The words usually denote not single items but

    classes of things or events bound together by some common element.

    The words we use never completely homogenous in their meaning all of them have number of aspects

    depending on the context and situation in which they are used. Word table: table in a restaurant, table

    of contents in a book.


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    Word meaning

    Denotation and reference

    We need the concept of lexeme to clarify the distinction between denotation and reference this concept

    which was coined by Lyons is considered an abstract linguistic unit. Thus the relation of denotation

    holds between a lexeme and a whole class of extra linguistic objects.

    As opposed to denotation, the relationship of reference holds between an expression and what the

    expression stands for on particular occasions of its utterance. Lyons further points out that reference

    depends on concrete utterances, not on abstract sentences.

    Denotation and sense

    Lyons defined the sense of a word as its place in a system of relationship which it contracts with other

    words in the vocabulary.

    A comparison between denotation and sense shows that the two relations are dependent on each other.

    According to Lyons some words may have no specific denotation and still have sense.

    There is no such animal as a unicorn. vs There is no such book as a unicorn. While the first is perfectly

    acceptable the second is semantically odd.

    Words are not normally used in isolation, but combined with other words to form larger units

    expressing various relationships.


    - Refers to the situation where the same word has two or more different meanings. In most cases

    only one of the meanings of a polysemous word will fit into a given context, but occasionallyambiguity may also arise: Look at that bat under the tree.

    It is not easy to say whether two meanings are the same or different. Consequently, we cannot

    determine exactly how many meanings polysemous word has.


    - Refers to a situation where we have two or more words with the same shape but they yare

    considered distinct lexemes, mainly because they have unrelated meanings and different


    Homograph has the same spelling: lead

    Homophone has the same sound: right, write

    Because of the sameness of shape there is a danger of homonymous conflict in the sense that two

    homonyms with totally different meanings may both make sense in the same utterance: The route was

    very long. Or The root was very long


    By word formation processes we mean the different devices which are used in English to built new

    words from existing ones. Each word formation process will result in the production of a specific type

    of word.


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    Inflection and derivation

    Inflection is a general grammatical process which combines words and affixes to produce alternative

    grammatical forms of words. For example the plural morpheme is an inflectional morpheme.

    Derivation is a lexical process which actually forms a new word out of an existing one by adding a

    derivational affix for example ation---resign----resignation

    Distinction between inflection and derivation is mainly morphological.

    Inflectional affixes may be described as a relational markers, once the inflection is added to a stem

    that stem does not change classes but its distribution is then limited in the syntactic structure. When

    the plural inflection is added to dog----dogs both are nouns and plural inflection does not change the

    class of the word.

    Inflectional suffixes tend to lend themselves to paradigms which apply to the language as a whole.

    The paradigm of a major word class consists of a single stem of that class with the inflectional suffixes

    which the stem may take. However to belong to a class a word need not take every inflectional suffixin the paradigm.

    Nouns and inflectional contrast: boy- boys-boys boys

    Adjectives: cold colder coldest

    Verbs: eat eats ate eaten eating , etc.

    Derivational affixes

    English has over sixty common derivational affixes. Derivations tend not to be paradigms which apply

    to set of words as a whole. Distinction between two types of affixes is not always clear for examplepast participle suffix ed is used to form adjectives of the red-haired type. Der. af. Can change the word

    class of the item. If derivation and inflection co occur then derivations are inner, closer to the stem and

    inflections are outer. Frightened fright ---en is derivation and ed is inflection.

    Der. af. Do not always change the word class: reconsider consider both are verbs. Sometimes a shift

    in class is not always signalled by overt marker: star or to star. Sometimes words with two or more

    syllables may undergo a change of class by a change in stress pattern: noun - contract, verb con


    Derivational affixes are class changing and class maintaining. Class changing change the word class

    resign---resignation. Class maintaining change the meaning of the derivative: child hood giveschildhood still noun but rather abstract than a concrete noun.

    Noun derivational af. Called nominalizers: leak leakage, argue argument

    Verb der.af. called verbalizers: fright e- frighten, glory-fy-gloryfy

    Adjectives der.af. adjectivizers: season al- seasonal

    Adverbs der.aff adverbializers: slow-ly-slowly

    Class changing derivations are mainly suffiexes but class maintaining derivations are mainly prefixes.

    Noun patterns: malaria-antimalaria, priest expriest

    Verb patterns: join-adjoin


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    Adjectives patterns: social-antisocial

    Compounds - may be defined as stems consisting of more than one root: bedside, car-wash etc. Some

    are written as one word while others are written as two or more words.

    In English compounds may be distinguished from phrases on phonological, syntactic, and semantic

    grounds. Compounds are often recognised by stress pattern and lack of juncture. In English words arecharacterized by single primary stress. For example black board vs. black-board. All compounds are

    non-interruptible. For example the compound dare-devil cannot be used as dare the devil which is a

    phrase. Compounds may be modified by other words for example air-sick John was seriously air sick.

    Seriously modifies the whole compound.

    Classification of compounds

    Noun compounds: any root plus noun, the second root must be a noun while the first root may be

    noun, verb, adj,adv.

    Verb compounds: any root plus verb, second root verb, first root is noun, adj, verb, adv.Adjectives compounds: first root may be adj., adverb, noun

    Adverb compounds: adverb plus adverb

    Special noun compounds: verb plus adverb is noun compound.

    Endocentric: one or both roots is the head of the compound

    Exocentric: neither root is the head

    Conversion process of changing grammatical class of a word without changing its form; common in

    English, each noun can be verbed;

    o to Google, to Skype, to butter, to paper the walls, to dirty, a printout

    Blending putting the beginning of one word and ending of another together

    - netiquette, brunch, motel, smog, guesstimate

    Clipping cutting off the ending or beginning of a word

    o back-clipping = bra (brassiere), gym (gymnasium)

    o front-clipping = copter (helicopter)

    Backformation removing affix to create a new, more obvious word which, however, does not existyet

    o editor => edit; babysitter => babysit; donation =>donate, swindler => swindle,

    barbecue => Barbie

    5 Mening relations

    Discussion often begins by drawing a distinction between the reference of a word and the sense of a

    word. Reference is an external meaning relation; it is the relationship between a word and the entitythat it refers to.


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    Sense relations

    It is an internal meaning relation, hold between words within the vocabulary. The two most obvious

    sense rel. are those of oppositeness and sameness called synonymy and antonymy. Other sense rel.

    show ( hyponym, meronymy) how words with general meaning includes the meaning of other words

    with more specific meanings.


    Sense rel are pragmatic. They are about the choice between words, the substitution of one word for

    another in a particular contextual slot in a sentence.

    Semantic field

    The vocabulary is organised into a number of partially overlapping semantic fields. A semantic filed

    contains words that belong to a defined area of meaning.


    Synonymy is the relation of sameness of meaning. One or more words may share one or more

    features of meanings.

    Strict synonyms two words have to be interchangeable in all their possible context of their

    use. Strict synonyms create unnecessary redundancy in language.

    Loose synonymy in some context they cannot substitute for each other. For example find and

    discover both can be in sentence Linda discovered/find the ball behind the garden shed but not

    in Marie Curie discovered radium in 1898.

    Some synonym pairs differ in that they belong to different dialects of English: pavement

    sidewalk. A second general way in which synonyms may be distinguished relates to the style of

    formality. One of a pair of synonyms may be used in a more formal context than the other, or

    one of the pair may belong to slang or colloquial English, while other is in more general use:

    die decease.

    English language is rich in pairs of synonyms the primary reason is the borrowing from other

    languages. Words from Old English are generally shorter than French or Latin synonyms.


    is based on oppositeness of meaning. Only words belonging to one and the same wordclass/grammatical category can be antonyms. Antonyms occur together either within the same

    sentence or in the adjacent sentence.


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    There are different types of incompatibility relations: a) the meanings of the words are

    opposites and within the relevant domain of meaning it has to be either one or the other, e.g. up

    and down (complementary antonyms); b) the meanings of the words are opposites and within

    the relevant domain of meaning there is an indefinitely large number of gradations between one

    pole and the other, e.g. hotand cold(gradable antonyms); c) the meanings of the words are in

    converse relationship with one another and the relation is symmetrical, e.g. buy andsell(relational antonyms), or the words form a mutually exclusive set like red, blue, green

    Hyponymy and meronymy

    Sense relations that relate words hierarchically. Some words have a more generally meaning while

    others have a more specific meaning while referring to the same entity. Tree and oak may be used to

    refer the same object but oak is more specific.

    Hyponymy the kind of relations

    is the paradigmatic relation in the system of vocabulary based on inclusion of a specificmeaning in a more general meaning. The lexical unit which due to its general meaning is on a

    higher level than some other lexical units is called hyperonym. The lexical units which share the

    same level of generality and have the same superordinate unit are called co-hyponyms.

    The term plant can be at the top of hierarchy and it is superordinate those immediately below it:

    lichen, shrub etc are hyponyms. Tree is hyponym to plant but it is in turn superordinate to its

    hyponyms conifer.

    animal (hyperonym)

    mammal bird fish insect (co-hyponyms)

    cat dog robin eagle cod trout ant butterfly

    All the members of a hyponym tree should belong to the same word-class. Thus some

    hyponyms do not have a hyperonym for instance: colours (colouredexcludes black and

    white), professions: craftsman includes carpenter, shoemaker, but excludes doctor, flute

    player, clergymanel Dalmatian Alsatian

    Meronymy the part of relation

    is the paradigmatic relation in the system of vocabulary based on the relation part whole. For


    HOUSE : bedroom; kitchen; bathroom; dining room

    Analysing meaning


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    Some lexicologists suggested that that meaning of words can be analysed into a finite number

    of features or components which are universal to all languages, and from which are universal to

    all languages, and from which meanings of all wods can be composed by new unique

    combinations. Such as approach is called componential analyses.

    Componential analysis of the meaning of vixen +mammal, +animate, +animal, -male

    The meanings of many lexemes, even in English, cannot be exhaustively described by means of

    semantic components. And it is unlikely that very many components will turn out to be

    universal. Perhaps componential analysis has limited but powerful application to certain area of

    semantic description

    Semantic fields

    In semantic fields analysis the words are grouped together into fields on the basis of an element

    of shared meaning. Such as field might comprise words referring to verbs of communication

    (speak, order, warn, promise)

    6. Words in use

    Core and specialist vocabulary

    The vocabulary of English according to the OED (Oxford English Dictionary): the centre is occupied

    by the common words in which literary and colloquial usage meet. Scientific and foreign words enter

    the common language mainly through literature, slang words ascend through colloquial use thetechnical terms and the dialect words blend with the common language.

    Dimension of variation


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    - The ways in which language varies according to context and how this leads to development of

    specialist vocabulary

    One dimension is historical one charting the birth and death of words.

    Geographical dimension encompasses regional dialects of a single country and the varieties of English

    as spoken and written in the USA, Canada and so on.

    Dimension of occupation which develops its own specialized vocabulary such as legal, scientific etc.

    Dimension of social and cultural groups vocabulary peculiar to youth culture or the criminal


    Dimension related to the formality of the context

    National and regional vocabularies

    British and American E

    The British and American varieties of Engish account for around 70 percent of mother-tongue English

    speakers, with Americans outnumbering British by four to one. Some words are specific to either the

    American or the British variety and not used in World English.

    Crossover potential of equivalent words between the AmE and BrE varieties

    No crossover potential from either side

    Candy sweets

    Freeway motorway

    Zip code post code

    Crossover potential from AmE to BrE but not from BrE to AmE so the AmE word is in World English

    Can tin

    Crepe pancake

    French fries chips

    Crossover potential from BrE to AmE but not from AmE to BrE sdo the BrE word is in World English

    Ash can dustbin


    Fall autumn

    Crossover potential both from AmE to BrE and form BrE to AmE so both words are in World English

    Mail post

    Sweater jumper


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    The vocabulary of Canadian English is not the same as that of American English because Canada has

    experienced a continuous flow of immigration from Britain and bilingual influence of French in

    Quebec and contact with the Native American languages.

    Antipodean English

    Australian English ahs some ten thousand distinctive words, drawn from a variety of sources.

    In New Zealand words are borrowed from native Maori dialects and other comes from the adaptation

    of BrE words.

    African English

    South African English is a distinct regional variety with a distinctive vocabulary drawn in part form

    African vocabulary and BrE vocabulary.

    Indian English

    A sizeable number of words has been borrowed into Indian English from local languages as well as

    from Portuguese. Some compounds are composed of English origin and one element from a local

    language policewella policeman.


    is terminology, much like slang, that relates to a specific activity, profession, or group. It

    develops as a kind of shorthand, to express ideas that are frequently discussed between members

    of a group, and also to distinguish those belonging to a group from those who are not.

    Occupational jargons

    Medicine and allied professions have created a jargon that is based on Latin and Greek.

    Sports jargon, Religious language, Green jargon ecology,

    Sub cultures

    Within a society or culture, people who regularly associated with each other because they have some

    characteristic or interest in common may form a sub-culture that gives rise to its own vocabulary. Such

    a subculture may be found among young people.

    Underworld slang special vocabulary used by the criminal sub-culture

    Rastafarian culture are group among the African Caribbean community


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    CB talk CB is an abbreviation for Citizen Band Radio used initially by truckers to communicate with

    each other to inform each other of potential difficulties on the road

    Formal words

    A large number of words that we associate with legal texts are marked in dictionaries as formal. A

    formal word may be a means of speaking appropriately about bodily functions and other matters that

    are not normally mentioned in public.

    Taboo words

    Words that would be extremely offensive if spoken in most contexts.

    Political correctness

    This term reflects the sensitiveness that has developed in the use of words that refer to women, people

    from minority ethnic communities, disabled people and so on.

    Restricted languages

    Texts which require some knowledge in order to understand them can be found in recipes, knitting etc.

    7 Investigating vocabulary

    Lexicologists are interested in chat the extent of current vocabulary is or what constituted the

    vocabulary of the language at the same point in the past. They may be interested in the new words and

    or at the expression that are being coined.

    Three sources of linguistic data: introspection, elicitation and corpora.


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    Introspection when lexicologists use their own knowledge of a language as the data for describing


    Elicitation when linguists have quite specific data to collect about some aspect of language

    Corpora is a body of material from which linguists can extract the data they require. It consists of

    dictionary or more likely the collection of dictionaries

    Electronic resources

    Electronic dictionaries and computer corpora

    Electronic dictionaries

    A number of monolingual or bilingual dictionaries are available in the CD ROOM format. One of the

    advantages is that it allows more sophisticated searching.

    Text corpora

    Source of data for the lexicologists. The first corpus was recognised in 1960s at Brown University in

    the USA

    Corpora contains one million words of text.

    COBUILD project, an advanced learners dictionary based entirely on evidence from text corpus

    Tools analysis

    Concordance is the essential tool for the lexicological investigation in the form of computer program.

    Lexicologists type the word and see them with the sentences using this word and it helps them to

    understand how the word is used.

    MRDs, LDBs, LKBs

    The electronic medium opens up a number of possibilities not only for exploring vocabulary, but also

    for arranging the descriptions of vocabulary.

    MRD machine readable dictionaries, problem is that some information about words are missing

    completely or not entered in a structured and consistent manner.

    LBD lexical database, since for computational purposes, the lexical description needs to be more

    explicit, systematic and structured with appropriate links marked between words the construction ofLBDs has been proposed.

    LKB term lexical knowledge base has been used to refer to the computational capture of the

    knowledge about the meaning of lexical items, their interrelationship, and their interpretation in


    8 Words in dictionaries

    No dictionary is totally comprehensive, in the sense that it contains all the words in the language. Each

    new edition of a dictionary has to make a selection from the words of current English and decide

    which to include and which to leave out.

    The number of words in the dictionaries will depend on its size and purpose. Three major categories of

    English dictionaries according to purpose:


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    1 general purpose dictionaries

    2 childrens dictionaries

    3 learners dictionaries

    General purpose dictionaries

    1 desk size

    2 concise size

    3 pocket size

    Difference in size is reflected partly in difference of format and page size, but more importantly from a

    lexical perspective, difference of vocabulary selection and information about words.

    The headwords may include the following in modern dictionaries: abbreviations (MP), prefixes,

    suffixes, and combining forms, open compounds, and encyclopaedic entries i.e. names of places and

    people. Dictionaries differ in their policy on multiple entries where a word belongs to more than one

    word class for example middle may be used as an adjective, a noun , a verb and some dictionaries

    e.g LDEL have three headwords, whereas others e.g. New Oxford Dictionary of English include all

    three word classes under a single headword.

    We associate dictionaries with an alphabetical arrangement of words. Dictionaries vary in nesting

    policies. Most dictionaries will nest words derived from a headword by suffixation, where the derivedword does not need separate definition. Most dictionaries will nest fixed phrases and idioms usually

    under the headword of the first main word in the phrase.

    The alternative to an alphabetical dictionary is one arranged thematically or by lexical field

    Kinds of information that dictionaries provide about words:

    Phonology a general purpose dictionaries give a transcription of the pronunciation of words, as

    spoken in isolation, and including an accentual pattern of polysyllabic items.

    Morphology inflectional and derivational, inflections of words are mostly regular and thus derivable

    from general rules of grammar, they need not to be stated in the dictionary. Dictionary has to state

    inflections which are irregular.

    Derivational relates to the morphemic composition whether the word is a simple root or derived or a


    Syntax general rules of sentence structure, the most basic item od syntactic information is the word

    class or part of speech to which a lexeme belongs.

    Semantics this is what we think dictionaries are primarily about: giving us the meaning of words, by

    providing definitions. First of all lexicographers have to decide how many word has, which they

    usually do on the evidence of examples of the word in use. The most common type of definition is theanalytical definition, based on classical schema of genus and differentiae. The genus word in the


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    definition assigns the word to a class of items, and the differentiae distinguish the meaning of this

    particular word from those of others in the class.


    Some words are restricted as to the types of text or discourse in which they may occur or as to the

    appropriate social context and occasions in which they may be used. Contextual information issystematically recorded in dictionaries. Such information includes both the level of formality for

    words that are marked as either formal or informal, colloquial or slang and specialist subject domains

    that words may be restricted to.


    A dictionary is inevitably based on spelling, so that information about spelling is a given. Adding a

    suffix to a root may change spelling and number of words in English has alternative spelling.


    - history and origin of the words. Dictionaries vary in the amount of detail that provide for

    etymologies. All give the immediate origin of each word some trace the origin of the word

    further back.

    Selection of vocabulary

    Dictionaries are selective but dictionaries are also comprehensive in the sense that they aim to include

    words from across the range of different types of vocabulary.


    Dictionary could decide to base its arrangement on a single-entry for each different orthographic wordi.e. one entry per spelling. More usual is the decision to have an entry for each spelling that can be

    shown to have a unique etymology.


    Some dictionaries have a tendency to overdifferentiate senses. Dictionaries order senses either on the

    basis of supposed frequency or commonness of use, or historically from the earliest to the latest.


    A definition usually consists of a single phrase, which is substitutable for the word being defined in a

    given context. This mean that if the word to be defined is a noun the definition will be a noun phrase

    with the as the head central element. Some definitions especially of natural phenomena e.g. flora and

    fauna, go beyond a simple explanation and tend towards the encyclopaedic. Definitions are an attempt

    to characterize the meaning of a lexeme or sense of a lexeme and to distinguish the meaning of the

    lexeme concerned from the meanings of other lexemes in the same semantic field.
