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Work, Energy and Efficiency

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7/23/2019 Work, Energy and Efficiency http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/work-energy-and-efficiency 1/30 UNDERSTANDING WORK, ENERGY, POWER AND EFFICIENCY 
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• Work is done, when a force that acts on anobject through a distance in the directionof the force.

• Work is the product of a force and thedistance traveled in the direction of theforce.


W = F x s

W( Joule/J)F(force in Newton/N)

S(displacement in meter / m)

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  !orce, !


W " !s

#f, ! " $% & and s " 'm(ence, W " $% x '

  " )% *

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Example '

Example +

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• Energy is the potential to do wor• Energy cannot !e created nor !e

destroy• Exist in "arious forms such as

potential energy# electrical energy#

sound energy# nuclear energy# heatand chemical energy$

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• Example of energy transformation%

 when we are running up a staircase thewor done consists of energy change from&hemical Energy  'inetic Energy otential Energy$ he energy *uantity isconsumed is e*ual to the wor done$

•  Example% if +,, J of wor is done# itmeans +,, - of energy is consumed$

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WORK O&E /& 0(E 1(/&E

  !orce, !


. Kinetic energ2 is energ2 of an object dueto its motion.

'. Refer to the 3gure above, Work " !s  ! " ma

  W " mas 44456

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• Through, v 2 = u2 +2as

u = 0• and, s = v 2  /


7ubstitute 5'6 in56W"ma5v 2  / 2a)

W" 8 mv 2Ek " 8 mv 2

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/ small car of mass %% kg is moving alonga 9at road. 0he resultant force on the caris '%% &.

• a6 What is its kinetic energ2 of the carafter moving through % m:

• b6 What is its velocit2 after movingthrough % m:Solution : Given : m = 100 g , ! = 200 "a. #ineti$ energ%, & = !s= 200 ' 10= 2000 . *elo$it%, v mv 2 = 2000

v = .-2 m s1

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Work done and gravitational otential energ!


. ravitational potential energ2 is energ2 of anobject due to its position.

'. Refer to the 3gure above, W"!s"mgh where,!"mg

  so, gravitational energ2,Ep " mgh

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• #f m " % kg h".;m g"%ms<'

  = 10 (10) 1.

  = 10 Thereore or done = 10

 nd, &3 = 10

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Prin"ile o# "on$ervation o# energ!

 0o show the principle of conservationof energ2.

. Energ2 cannot be created ordestro2ed but can be changed fromone to another form.

'. example=

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/ coconut falls from a tree from aheight of '% m. What is the velocit2of coconut just before hitting the


• Given : h = 20 m, u = 0 , g = 4.5 ms2 , v = 6

• &3 = & 

• mgh = mv 2

• m(4.5)(20) = mv 2

• v 2 = -42 v = 14.5 m s1

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• >ower is the rate of doing work

  therefore, power, >" work done so>" W

  time takent

  where > = power in watt?W

  W= work in joule?*

  t = time to do work inseconds?s

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• / weightlifter lifts )% kg of weightsfrom the 9oor to a height of ' mabove his head in a time of %.) s.

What is the power generated b2 theweightlifter during this time: g " @.)ms<'6

• 7olution= Given : m = 150 g, h = 2m, t = 0.5 s and g = 4.5 ms2. 7 = 6

7 = = mgh  t t = 150 ' 4.5 ' 2 = 8 810    0.5

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• e3ne as the percentage of the energ2 inputthat is transformed into useful energ2.

• !ormula of eAcienc2=

  EAcienc2" useful energ2 output x %% B  Energ2 #nput

•  analog2 of eAcienc2=

  unwanted energ2

 energ2 input, Einput useful energ2, Eoutput

  Energ2 transformation


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An electric motor in a toy crane can lift a 0.12kg weight through a height of 0.4

m in 5 s. During this time, the batteries supply 0.8 of energy to the motor.!alculate

  "a# $he useful of output of the motor.

  "b# $he efficiency of the motor 

Solution : Given : m = 0.12 kg, s= 0.4 m, t = 5 s, Einput  = 0.8 J  (a) Eoutput  =

  Eoutput  = ! " s = (0.12 " 10) " 0.4= 0.48 J

  (#) E$%ien%& =

  E$%ien%&= &$e#&l energ! o&t&t ' ()) *

  Energ! In&t

  = 0.48 " 100'


  = 0'

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EFFICIENCY OF DE.ICES• uring the process of transformationthe input energ2 to the useful outputenerg2, some of the energ2

transformed into unwanted forms ofenerg2.

•  0he eAcienc2 of energ2 converters is

alwa2s less than %%B.•  0he unwanted energ2 produced in the

device goes to waste.

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E/D>FE O! W/70#& 0(E E&ER-

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W/-7 O! #&1RE/7#& 0(E E!!#1#E&1-O! EC#1E7

• /#R<1O&#0#O&ER7 =<choose a model with high eAcienc2

<accommodate the power of air<conditioner and siGe of

the room<ensure that the room totall2 close so that thetemperature in the room can be maintained

• RE!R#ERE0OR7<choose the capacit2 according to the siGe of the famil2

<installed awa2 from source of heat and direct sunlight

<the door must alwa2s be shut tight

<more economical use a large capacit2 refrigerator

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'.' InderstandingElasticit2

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• Elasticit2 is the abilit2 of a material toreturn to its original shape and siGe whenthe external force acting on it is removed.

• #t is due to the strong intermolecularforces between the molecules of thesolid.

&o external force /tractive intermolecularforce

Repulsive intermolecular


( k J F 7t t th t th t i f i

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• (ookeJs Faw 7tates that the extension of a springis directl2 proportional to the applied forceprovided that the elastic limit is not exceeded.

= ! 5 &m<  " $m1 or " mm1 )



El ti li it f i i th i f

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• Elastic limit of a spring is the maximum forcethat can be applied to a spring such that thespring will be able to be restored to its original

length when the force is removed.

• #f the elastic limit is exceeded, the length ofthe spring is longer than the original lengtheven though the force no longer acts on it. #t

is said to have permanent extension

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+ooke/$ la0 Gra1

k " force constant of the spring 5eual of the gradientof the graph6

x " extension

!orce CsExtension

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!orce constant is the force that is reuired to produce one unit ofextension of the spring. #t is the measure of the stiLness of the


! = ' S3ringoe%ing9ooes;a<

S3ring not oe%ing9ooes la<

(e'$eeded the elasti$limit)

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• / spring has an original length of ;cm. With a load of mass '%% gattached, the length of the spring is

extend to '% cm.

  a. 1alculate the spring constant.

  b. What is the length of the spring

when the load is in increased b2 ;%g:

Massume that g = 10 " g1 

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Elastic >otential Energ2, I

• Elastic potential energ2 is the energ2transferred to the spring when workis done on the spring.

k " force constant

x " spring extension

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!actors in9uencing the elasticit2 of

a spring=

a. 02pe of spring material

b. diameter of the coil of springc. diameter of the wire of springd. length of the spring.
