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Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh...

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Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014
Page 1: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Workcamp Information Meeting

January 15, 2014

Page 2: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

where: Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh

when: June 22 - 28, 2014

cost: $150 non-refundable depositAppeal Letter & help with other


total cost: $60,000 ($600 per person)

group: 100 teens and adults

Workcamp 2014

Page 3: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Unlike most U.S. cities where you can see the sprawl coming for miles, the greater Pittsburgh area pops out almost out of nowhere from the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania. That’s there you’ll find Imperial, where the old days of steel, coal, and oil are still present in the town, even if not very active anymore.

You won’t have to look farther than the West Allegheny Food Pantry to see the genuine need of the elderly residents in the Imperial and surrounding communities. Many younger residents, faced with bleak job prospects after the steel and coal industries left town headed south, leaving the seniors with no help for basic home maintenance.

You’ll serve people who have a generous heart and positive attitude, but just need the encouragement and spirit of Jesus that you’ll bring.

Page 4: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

FundraisingAppeal Letters start early: write letters now emphasis: everyone participates

Golf Tournament end of MayBingoYouth Labor Auction tbdRent-a-Teen tbdCook BooksOthers...

Page 5: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

need adults:1 adult per 5 teens17 adults minimum

other adults: site coaches, kitchen, office

help needed: bingo nightsyouth labor auction coordinatorfundraising

meetings: monthly (now) almost weekly in Juneteens must attend

Page 6: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Contact Info:

Chris Treado [email protected] Jane Treado 703-475-0873 [email protected]

Facebook GroupsSt Francis Workcamp 2012St Francis Workcamp 2011St Francis de Sales Teen Faith

Parish Web Sitesaintfrancisparish.org/teen-faith/


Page 7: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Program Theme:

Repair: Be A Story Of Transformation

Daily:The story of a rich young manThe story of LegionThe story of LazarusThe story of ZacchaeusThe story of Ananias and Saul

Page 8: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

You have to be able to imagine lives that are not yours. Wendell Berry

Compassion isn’t just about feeling the pain of others; it’s about bringing them in toward yourself. If we love what God loves, then, in compassion, margins get erased. ‘Be compassionate as God is compassionate’ means the dismantling of barriers that exclude.

Fr. Greg Boyle

Recognizing that we are wholly acceptable is God’s own truth for us - waiting to be discovered.

Fr. Greg Boyle

Page 9: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

• Who did you SERVE today?

• How did you SERVE them?

Page 10: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

• Who did you SERVE last week?

• How did you SERVE them?

• What SERVICE opportunities did you miss last week?– Who?– How?

Page 11: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

For On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?" He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live." But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise.".

Luke 10:25-37

Page 12: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Top 10 States with Highest Poverty Rate, 2007-2008

State, % People Below Poverty Level 1. Mississippi 21.9% 2. Arkansas 18.8% 3. Kentucky 18.6% 4. District of Columbia 18.4% <<<5. New Mexico 18.0% 6. West Virginia 17.7% <<<7. Alabama 17.5% 8. Louisiana 17.3% 9. Texas 17.2% 10. Tenn & South Carolina 17.1%

U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008

Page 13: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Poor in America

• "You are voiceless and somewhat powerless to change your situation because you are too busy trying to survive to make the changes you need to improve your situation." - Female, 40, Washington, household of one, income less than $8,860

• "I'm a senior, disabled, all alone, no money, sit in front of T.V. all day - why? Too poor to socialize. Poverty is like being in prison. Why even try to stay alive? For what?" - Female, 62, Oregon, household of one, income less than $8,860

• "Struggling to pay bills, constant disconnection notices, not having money to wash and purchase clothing to work in because bills and household needs have to come first. Listening to your children say they are hungry, but not knowing what you are going to be able to give them before your food stamps come." - Female, 32, Missouri, household of five, income of less than $8,860 

Page 14: Workcamp Information Meeting January 15, 2014. where:Imperial, PA - 10 miles from Pittsburgh when:June 22 - 28, 2014 cost:$150 non-refundable deposit.

Poor in America

• "People look down on you, thinking that you're nothing, like not one poor person tried in their life." - Female, Kansas, 16, household of three, income of less than $8,860

• "Not having enough money to have a nice Christmas. Not being able to have nice things for birthdays." - Female, 23, Michigan, household of one, income of less than $8,860

• "Feeling like you always owe everyone either an apology or an explanation or both." - Female, 52, Kansas, household of four, income of less than $8,860

 ©2006 Catholic Campaign for Human Development

