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Working with Multiple Workbooks

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Working with Multiple Workbooks. Lesson 4 – Microsoft Excel 2010. Learning Goals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Working with Multiple WorkbooksLesson 4 Microsoft Excel 20101Learning GoalsThe goal of this lesson is for students to successfully work with an entire workbook in Microsoft Excel 2010. The student will learn to move between workbooks and worksheets, copy, move, freeze areas of a worksheet, insert and delete worksheets in a workbook as well as apply filters to data within the worksheet.Learning ObjectivesOn completion of this lesson, students will be able to do the following:Freeze and unfreeze rows and columnsMove between worksheets in a workbookCopy and move worksheets in a workbookInsert and delete worksheets in a workbookSort dataApply filters to data

3Lesson IntroductionMicrosoft Excel enables users to create multiple worksheets within a workbook. This feature allows for similar data to be grouped together. What is an example of data that would be appropriately grouped together in a workbook?

Remember: You must use the ribbon method of data manipulation for the certification test. Do NOT depend on right clicks and short cuts at this time. LEARN YOUR RIBBONS IN DETAIL! 4Freeze and Unfreeze Rows and ColumnsFreezing rows and columns allows the user easily view information while seeing row or column headers.Freeze (or unfreeze) a row and a column using Freeze Panes command on the View Ribbon.What is the benefit of being able to freeze areas of a worksheet to enhance data readability?

5How to FreezeA Column: Select the column to the RIGHT of the one to keep still; View; Freeze Panes; choose

A Row: Select the row BELOW the one to keep still; View; Freeze Panes; choose

BOTH a Row AND a Column: CTRL + Row number below the one to be still AND Column to the right of the one to be still (blue cross effect); click on the intersecting cell; look at the cell address in the name box; click out of the data; click the specific cell that was in the intersection; View; Freeze Panes; Freeze PanesHow to UnfreezeView; Freeze Panes; Unfreeze

Note: Headers and Footers can NOT be used when the freeze pane feature is used.Managing Worksheets in a WorkbookStoring related worksheets in a single workbook increases organization and productivity.

Worksheets are inserted at the right of all sheets.

Worksheets can be moved or copied within the workbook, rather than rebuilding the worksheet from scratch.

Ribbon Method: Home, Cells, Format, (Insert, Move or Copy, Rename, etc)8Managing Worksheets in a Workbook, cont.Its easy to copy a worksheet!Right click on the sheet tab and click Move or CopyUse the tab scrolling buttons located at the bottom left side of the workbook.

To replace the contents of one worksheet with those of another:Use the Select All button to select an entire sheet, copy it, and paste it over a existing data or on a blank worksheet.Use the Home, Format, Move or Copy, select the location to overwrite data.

9Inserting and Deleting WorksheetsWorksheets may be inserted into a workbook rather than creating a new workbook. Just right click on a tab and choose Insert or click on the Insert Worksheet tab.

Right click on a worksheet tab and choose Delete to easily delete it.

Sorting DataSorting data allows the user to control the order in which the data is presented in the worksheet.Ascending : A-Z, 1-3Descending: Z-A, 3-1

Home, Editing, Sort & Filter, choose method.11To sort when data has calculations in the bottom rowA sort key is the item (column) that is being sorted. (last name, age, etc.)

Begin by highlighting the ENTIRE sheet of data excluding the Sum/Average row, then Sort & Filter, Sort OR Custom Sort when solving multiple sorts.

Undo a sort using the Undo command on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Use the Editing group on the Home tab or the Sort shortcut when you right click a range.

Sorting Data, Expanded Option

How is this data sorted now?What is the sort key?Lets practice!How else might you want to sort the data?Lets try an example with the sort option in the editing group.Whats this about expanding the selection? Why would we want to do that?13Filtering DataFiltering data allows the user to display only data that meets specific criteria that is set in the filter.

Filter data (one column or multiple columns) using the Sort & Filter Command located in the Editing Group on the Home Ribbon.

Remember: Filtering data temporarily hides records that do not meet specific criterion!

14Filtering Data, cont.

Any ideas how the above data was filtered?Lets try it!15Worksheet NamesWorksheet names are different from file namesthey can contain up to 31 characters!

There is NO need to put the word Sheet at the end of a worksheet name.

Remember: File names can contain up to 255 characters!Answer Key:FALSE There are three methods to copy a worksheet. TRUEFALSE Any sheet may be moved.TRUETRUETrue/FalseThe only way to copy a worksheet in a workbook it to use the copy command on the shortcut menu. The quickest way to insert a new worksheet into a workbook is to use the insert worksheet tab located to the right of the sheet tabs. Once a new sheet is inserted into a workbook, it must remain in the location that it was inserted. Freezing areas in a worksheet is only used to enhance the readability of the worksheet data. Worksheet names may not exceed 31 characters. Test Your KnowledgeTest Your KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceWhich of the following is NOT an appropriate worksheet tab name? a. Employees b. Staff Information c. Employee and Staff Information Sheet d. Employee Information When the insert worksheet command is selected, where is the new sheet inserted? a. To the left of all sheets b. To the right of all sheets c. In the middle of all sheets d. This command is not available Which of the following is NOT a freeze panes option? a. Freeze panes b. Freeze current areac. Freeze top rowd. Freeze first column When sorting numerical data in ascending order, how will the data be sorted? a. Smallest number to largest number b. Largest number to smallest number c. Numbers cannot be sorted ascendingd. Only numerical order is an option _____ temporarily hides records that do not meet a specific criterion. a. Sorting b. Custom sort c. Conditional formatting d. Filtering data Answer Key:

C (Employee and Staff Information Sheet) B (to the right of all sheets) B (Freeze current area) A (smallest number to largest number) D (filtering data ) FreezingFreeze PaneSortingSort KeyFiltering

Vocabulary WordsPlease add the following vocabulary terms to your list of terms and definitions. Quizlet is a great source for hosting vocabulary.19Complete the following assignments.When complete, save and submit.

AssignmentsExcel Lesson 4 Exercise 1Excel Lesson 4 Project 1Practice What You Have Learned
