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Working@Duke - March, 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011


    3 7FRESH PRODUCEON CAMPUSSign up for the DukeMobile Market bypurchasing shares ofa farmers harvest, thengrab it at the gardensand go.2

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    2009, 2008, 2007 Gold Medal, Internal Periodical Staff Writing2009, 2007 Bronze Medal, Print Internal Audience Tabloids/Newsletters

    CUSTOMIZE YOUREVENTS CALEvents@Duke, theonline calendar Dukelaunched in 2008, hasnew features and wasviewed nearly 1 milliontimes last year.

    As Juanita Sharper and her mother turned pages in a photo album,vacation scenes flashed before their eyes. They laughed and toldstories about visits to Bermuda, Florida and Italy, but Sharper feltsomething was missing.

    I realized I hadnt been taking much time for myself lately, and that Ineeded to get back to basics, said Sharper, a financial analyst for theSchool of Medicine.

    To better balance her life, she made a small, yet powerful change:turning her BlackBerry off at 6 p.m.

    Now, instead of interrupting dinner or TV to answer e-mail fromcolleagues in Singapore who are 13 hours ahead, Sharper focuses more onrelaxing after her work day. But, she said, I still check the BlackBerry just before I go to bed.

    Sharpers experience is not unusual. As technology allows people towork anytime, anywhere, switching off the office is growing more difficult.That, coupled with the economic downturn, creates an atmosphere wherehealthy boundaries between work and personal lives can crumble.

    According to a survey in 2010 conducted by the Society for HumanResource Management, 89 percent of Americans say work-life balance is aproblem. A third of the 1,043 workers polled in the survey say the recessionupended that balance and that family and personal time have beensacrificed.

    Faculty and staff have access to a range of Duke benefits and resources

    intended to helpbalance work and family responsibilities,while helpingthem achievepersonal andprofessional goals.Some of thesebenefits, suchas paid parentalleave, tuitionreimbursementand guidelines for

    flexible work arrangements, wereinstituted after the DukeWomens Initiative report in2003 highlighted work-lifebalance as an issue, regardless of gender. Other benefits, such aswellness programs and generousvacation time, have been in placefor decades.

    Balanced lives help us all beas productive as possible, both on the job and off, said Kyle Cavanaugh,vice president for Human Resources. Yet each employee has differentneeds and options that vary as personal and professional lives change. Thatswhy we offer a host of policies to try and recognize the many aspects of leading a balanced life.

    Institutional policies and programs alone do not guarantee balancebetween work and personal life.

    Dr. Jeff Brantley, founder and director of the Mindfulness-Based StressReduction Program at Duke Integrative Medicine, said individuals mustchoose their priorities. He believes that self-awareness alleviates tensioninherent in balancing professional and personal priorities and suggestedasking every day what is in balance in ones life, what is nourishing andwhat one can and cannot change.

    Most people dont stop to ask themselves, am I out of balance? Brantley said. They just wait until they get a migraine.

    Carol Retsch-Bogart, a counselor in Dukes Personal Assistance Service,has found another special ingredient that helps people discover andrediscover balance: enjoyment. It is like a reset button, she said.Enjoyment brings everything back to neutral and re-fills the reservoirof resiliency. It doesnt much matter where it comes from. The importantthing is making time for it.

    N E W S Y O U C A N U S E : : V o l u m e 6 , I s s u e 2 : : M a r c h 2 0 1 1

    BalancingWorkand Life

    Most peopledont stop

    to ask themselves,am I out of balance?They just wait untilthey get a migraine.

    Dr. Jeff BrantleyDirector, Mindfulness-Based

    Stress Reduction Program at Duke Integrative Medicine

    I realized I hadntbeen taking much

    time for myself lately, and thatI needed to get back to basics.

    Juanita SharperFinancial analyst, Dukes School of Medicine


    SUSTAINABLE DUKETap or bottled water?About 40 percent ofbottled water ismunicipal water froma tap but packagedand sold.

    Want to know how President Richard H. Brodheadand Duke faculty and staff find balance between

    their work and personal lives?Turn to Page 4 and 5 for their stories

    Cover image: Juanita Sharper, a financial analyst for t he School of Medicine, and hermother, Stephania Giddens, turn pages in a photo album of vacation scenes.


  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011


    Customiz e, promo te your ev entswith Duk es onlin e events c alendar

    If you look up events on a department website or from afeed to a smartphone, you may be using one of Dukesmost successful recent innovations and noteven realize it.Events@Duke, the online calendarDuke launched in Fall 2008, has grownto include events from almost every corner of the community, from clinicalmedical departments to student clubs.It was viewed nearly 1 million times in2010, with 152,974 unique visitorslooking at an average of 2.6 pages pervisit. Yet, even those statistics do notinclude the calendars increasingly critical role as a repository of eventsthat individuals and Duke units arelisting selectively.

    Duke Law is pulling talks by visiting judges and other legalevents from the central calendaronto its own calendar. TheFreeman Center for Jewish Life

    is importing listings of Shabbat dinners and theMary Lou Williams Center is featuring jazz performances.Other Duke units are producing customized listings aswell, as are students and others, and all rely on the samedatabase.

    Dukes calendar team recently launched a tool tomake the process even easier. In just a minute or two,users can now add events from Events@Duke or thestudent calendar buzz to a website or personal iGoogle

    page. The results appear along with popular Duke linksand Duke Today headlines.

    Its now much easier for people to learn whats going

    on at Duke and to see listings that interest them, on a sitetheyre already using instead of clicking over to the centralcalendar, said Deb Johnson, the assistant vice provostwho oversees the calendar team. Its good for the schoolsand units as well because they only have to enter dataonce and can then share their events with everyone orkeep them private. Theyre getting lots more functionality than they had before, and the university doesnt have topay to support different systems.

    As part of the calendar upgrade, Duke webcasts suchas Office Hours are now more accessible because of afunction that allows a direct link from an Events@Dukecalendar page to Ustream.com, where Duke broadcasts itsweekly interview show.

    Having this new webcast link in bold mixed inwith all the essential information gives one more placethat people can click to get to the Ustream channel andthereby offers us more potential viewers, said JamesTodd, a senior news writer and producer, who managesthe Office Hours series for the Office of News andCommunications.

    In addition to highlighting events being webcast live,calendar administrators who enter event information fortheir unit can now connect events into series and enterevents for multiple groups in a single session.

    By David Jarmul Associate Vice President of News and Communications

    Run/Walk Club starts March 14Chris Mullins never considered himself a runner, but when his step-daughter urged him to join the Duke Run/Walk Club last fall, heagreed it would be a rewarding way to move toward better health.

    Ive lost 50 pounds since then, and my doctor has cut mymedications in half, said Mullins, a senior accounting clerk in theAuxiliaries Finance Office. Ive been running in the gym this winter,but Im looking forward to running with a group again this spring.

    LIVE FOR LIFE, Dukes employee wellness program, will kick offthe 12-week session of the free Run/Walk Club on March 14. Theprogram caters to people at all fitness levels. Beginning runners andwalkers meet at 5:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays at the EastCampus wall across from Whole Foods Market on Broad Street.Advanced runners meet at the same time at Wallace Wade Stadiumon West Campus. Run/Walk clubs also meet at Durham Regional andDuke Raleigh hospitals.

    Register and take advantage of a Fitness Fundamentalsworkshop on March 14. For more information, visithr.duke.edu/runwalk or call (919) 684-3136, option 1.

    Be a Blue Devil student this summerThis summer, Duke faculty and staff and their children can enrollin on-campus arts and sciences undergraduate summer coursesfor academic credit and get a tuition grant that reduces the cost

    by up to 50 percent.Last year, 25 dependents of Duke employees took advantage

    of the discounted classes to study chemistry, physics, culturalanthropology and readings in Chinese, among other topics.

    Summer is a great time to take advantage of Dukes classofferings because the atmosphere is more relaxed, said PaulaGilbert, associate dean and director of Duke Continuing Studiesand Summer Session.

    Applicants must be enrolled in or accepted at a college oruniversity, have graduated from college, or be an academicallygifted rising high school senior. The deadline for the tuition grantapplication is May 18 for coursework taken in Summer Session 1(May 19 to June 28), and July 5 for coursework taken in SummerSession 2 (July 6 to Aug. 12).

    This discount is independent from the Employee TuitionAssistance and Childrens Tuition Grant Programs administered byDuke Human Resources. More information and all application formsare at summersession.duke.edu/employeediscount.html .

    DukeWELL seminars address common questionsDo you want to manage weight,start exercising or practice healthyeating habits? Duke experts willaddress these common questions ata series of free seminars sponsoredby DukeWELL, Dukes healthimprovement program, previouslyknown as Duke Prospective Health.

    The seminars are 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 17, March 31 andMay 12 at the Center for Living Campus in Durham. Details andregistration information are at dukewell.org

    Free movies to ponderDo you like movies that make you think after you leave the bigscreen? Dont miss the Ethics Film Series, sponsored by DukesKenan Institute for Ethics in conjunction with the Center forDocumentary Studies and the Arts of the Moving Image Program.

    This years films focus on community and include post-movie

    discussions. The community members and staff who come getreally engaged in the discussions, said Rebecca Dunning, theresearch analyst who chooses the movies. We strive to find filmsthat youll keep thinking about the next day or the next week.

    Monica & David, a film about the marriage of two adults withDown syndrome, shows March 15. Lars and the Real Girl, a filmabout a socially inept man who develops a relationship with a lifelikedoll, shows April 5.

    The films screen at 7 p.m. in the Griffith Film Theater, BryanCenter. Screenings and post-film discussions are open at no charge.Free refreshments and free parking vouchers are included.

    For details, visit kenan.ethics.duke.edu/events/ethics-film-series .

    News briefs


    Letters to the Editor must include name and contact information. E-mail letters to [email protected] or mail them to Working@Duke Editor,Box 90496, Durham, NC 27708. Fax letters to (919) 681-7926. Please keep length to no more than 200 words.

    Check out all the events at Duke atcalendar.duke.edu

    Approximately 5,000 eventswere published on thecalendars during 2010.Events@Duke can be addedto your iGoogle page orembedded on a website.

    LEANORA [email protected]

    How do you maintain a healthybalance between work and life?Dont miss the cover story inthis issue of Working@Duke. We talkedwith a range of faculty and staff

    members, including President RichardH. Brodhead, to learn how they strikea better balance.

    Sue Wasiolek, assistant vicepresident for student affairs and deanof students, runs. Brodhead finds timefor a long walk, and a good read. MaureenOakes, a staff assistant, dances the waltz.

    For me, achieving harmonybetween my work and personal lifeinvolves conscious choices about howI spend my time. Im doing well in someareas but want to improve in others.

    The good: I run four days a week,eat healthy meals and try to getsufficient sleep. As keeper of the familysocial calendar, I schedule enough timeon weekends for chores, hobbies and

    time with friends.The bad: I dont take renewalbreaks at work; I eat lunch at my desk.

    Tony Schwartz, CEO of The EnergyProject and author of New York Timesbestseller, The Way Were Working IsntWorking, encourages people to refuelfor high performance. Among his tips,take back your lunch.

    Relaxing after intense effortnot only provides an opportunity torejuvenate, but also to metabolize andembed learning, Schwartz wrote in ablog post for Harvard Business Reviewin August 2010. Its also during restthat the right hemisphere becomesmore dominant, which can lead tocreative breakthroughs.

    Lets experiment. Take someenergy breaks, and let me know if younotice a difference. Ill report on ourdiscoveries in an upcoming issue.


  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011



    Learn more about other exercise options at hr.duke.edu/benefits/wellness/exercise

    Since he and his wife are vegans, DanielGauthier often works a bit harder to findways to include a variety of fruits and

    vegetables in their diet. With Dukes MobileFarmers Market, theres no trouble at all.

    Whether its lettuce, squash, collards orwhole wheat flour, Gauthier can pick up allthese and more each week by simply swingingby the mobile market at Sarah P. Duke Gardenson his way home after work on Tuesdays.

    I was never a real big fan of beets, but I gota bunch of them in the late fall and made beetsoup that I really liked, said Gauthier, aprofessor in the Department of Physics. Wealso got a lot of nice squashes for Thanksgivingand Christmas that were great.

    Gauthier said he decided to buy shares andpick-up weekly packages of fresh producebecause he likes the idea of supporting localfarmers. It also helps that he gets to try newrecipes, depending on what kind of produce hegets from vendors each week.

    Some of the squashes I received I had neverheard of, like the delicata squash, which is sortof like an acorn squash, said Gauthier, who willparticipate again this spring. You may be ableto find them once in a while in stores, but this isa perfect way to keep trying new things.

    Employees can sign up for the spring seasonof the market by registering directly with farmersand vendors and pre-purchasing shares of theharvest. Contact information for each farmer is onthe markets website,hr.duke.edu/mobilemarket .Costs for fresh produce start at $10 per week.Goods are picked up from 4 to 6 p.m. eachTuesday at the gardens.

    In 2010, about 210 faculty and staff participated in the mobile market, organizedby LIVE FOR LIFE, Dukes employee wellnessprogram. The mobile market increases Dukeand Durham community access to healthy,local food. Last season, Duke mobile marketparticipants contributed more than $40,000to local, sustainable farming.

    In addition to produce, faculty and staff can also sign up to receive local, pasture-raisedmeat, seafood from Beaufort, flowers or gluten-free food.

    The best part of our mobile market is theretruly is something for everyone, said DianaMonroe, health education specialist for LIVEFOR LIFE. This is the perfect way for faculty and staff to increase the amount of fruits andvegetables they eat and find farm-freshalternatives to packaged foods.

    By Bryan RothWriter, Office of Communication Services

    When she climbed the stairs to her office in DukeClinic, Gloria Rocha winced at the pain in her

    knees. She knew losing weight would help alleviatethe problem, but her attempts at regular gym workoutspetered out time and again.

    Last fall, she saw a poster advertising Dukes LIVEFOR LIFE services, and found hope. I thought maybetalking to someone would help motivate me, said Rocha,administrative coordinator for the Breast Oncology Research Program.

    LIVE FOR LIFE, Dukes employee wellness program,offers two free fitness consults per year to benefits-eligiblefaculty and staff at Duke University and Duke University Health System. Fitness specialists help participantsunderstand how to exercise safely and help create astructured plan to reach goals, based on current fitness level.

    During Rochas first fitness consultation in October,she performed push-ups, curls, stretches and walked tomeasure her strength, flexibility and endurance. Shewanted to drop her weight to 150 pounds to reduce herknee pain. Her fitness specialist, Michelle Weavil,suggested a fitness regimen that included exercises tostrengthen her hips and legs and minimize stress on herknees while burning calories.

    Rocha was skeptical of some exercises at first,particularly a routine with resistance bands.

    I thought to myself, its just a rubber band for Petessake! she said. But Michelle showed me how to use themto do sidesteps, and I can feel my legs getting stronger. My knees arent as painful, and that is kind of amazing.

    Three months later, in January of this year, Rocha metWeavil for a second consult at Wilson Recreation Center,where Rocha has a Duke Fitness Club membership. I wasreally pleased with my results, Rocha said. I lost 5 poundsover the holidays, I increased my push-ups from three to10, I did more than 30 curls and I surprised myself by running an entire lap. Best of all, I could tell Michelle thatI am taking the steps more often now.

    Weavil encouraged Rocha to increase the intensity of her workout to increase weight loss and further strengthenher muscles. Amongother exercises, she hadRocha do pushups on anexercise ball against thewall and on the floor.Weavil also demonstrated

    how to use free weightsto make certain movesmore challenging. Shejust needed examples of how to take her exerciseup a notch, Weavil said.

    Im committed toexercising now. I know Ineed to do it for myself,said Rocha, who is planning another consult this year..But its been great to have Michelles support and to havesomeone to be accountable to.

    By Marsha A. GreenSenior Writer, Office of Communication Services

    Free fitness consultations motivateemployees to reach goals

    Learn more about the market at hr.duke.edu/mobilemarket

    Putting More Mobile in the MarketHave fruits and vegetables delivereddirectly to your home or office throughBella Bean Organics, a service that allowsusers to buy farm-fresh goods through thecompanys website. Bella Bean delivers tohomes or offices in the Triangle area. Forinformation, visit bellabeanorganics.com .


    Schedule a free fitnessconsultation by callingLIVE FOR LIFE at

    (919) 684-3136 ,option 1.

    Gloria Rocha, administrativecoordinator for the Breast OncologyResearch Program, works out withLIVE FOR LIFE fitness specialistMichelle Weavil.

    Daniel Gauthier,a professor in theDepartment of

    Physics, picks uphis harvest fromthe Duke MobileMarket.

    Register for mobile market,then grab harvest and go

  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011





    At 2 a.m., Sue Wasioleks cell phone rang, awakening her from alight sleep.A student monitoring tenting at K-Ville wanted her advice on whether

    to suspend tenting temporarily because of cold weather.He just needed someone to support him as he made a decision, said

    Wasiolek, assistant vice president for student affairs and dean of students.A few minutes after we hung up, he texted me to say K-Ville would stay open and all was well. Then I could fall back asleep.

    As one of several administratorson call around theclock, Wasiolek hasoften been rousedfrom her bed foreverything from

    flooded dorms tostudent safety andhealth concerns.You cant plan whenevents like this willhappen, she said.Like my colleagues,I am often on campusat strange hours.Wasiolek, who

    graduated from Duke in1976 and joined Student Affairs in 1979, said she probably spends asmuch time at Duke as she does at home. I view whatI do at Duke as a way of life, not a job, she said.

    Even when she relaxes, Duke tends to demand her attention. Whileattending basketball games in Cameron Indoor Stadium or lifting weightsin the Wilson Gym, she is often approached by students for informalconversations or academic advice. I like it that way, she said. There is asort of blended efficiency that comes with putting work and play together.

    There are times, however, when she doesnt think about work.I belong to a group called the Wheezers and Geezers that runs every

    Saturday morning and talks politics and sports over breakfast at Elmos,she said. I cant always make it because of Duke commitments, but whenI do, it takes me far away mentally from my Duke responsibilities.

    DANCING CARES AWAYAt 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday, Maureen Oakes clocks off

    her job as a staff assistant for an orthopaedic surgeon and dashes home tochange clothes. By 6:30 p.m.,shes learning new steps for thetango, waltz and rumba at theFred Astaire Dance Studio.

    Ballroom dancing is herantidote to the stress of completing and organizingphysician transcriptions,insurance forms and otherpaperwork for patients in atimely manner. I hate toleave unfinished work on my

    desk, but sometimes it ishard to get it all done in theeight hours I have at work,she said. But when I walk into that studio, I cantemporarily forget about it.It is as though the rest of

    the world doesnt exist.She began taking ballroom dance lessons 16 years ago

    to improve her spirits and lose weight and has neverlooked back, she said.

    I just love to dance, she added. When I do thewaltz, I feel beautiful and any issues I have just drop away.


    Jimmy Roberts is accustomed to looking at competing demands:as an economist, he studies how to design auctions to best balance thecompeting needs of buyer and seller.

    In his personal life, he figures out how to balance the competingdemands of being the father of 20-month old twins, Henry and Bea, whileworking toward tenure at Duke.

    I used to stay at the office doing my research well past dinner, saidRoberts, who joined Duke as an assistant professor of economics in 2009a few months before the twins were born. Now I want to get home andhelp out.

    Junior faculty at Duke are usually given seven years before beingevaluated for promotion and tenure. But since 2003, based onrecommendations from the Womens Initiative, Duke has allowed juniorfaculty to request a sixth month extension to the tenure clock to better

    balance research, teaching and family priorities in the case of birth,adoption, death or serious illness in the family.

    Knowing that I have an extra six months added to the seven yeartenure clock means that for right now, I can leave work a bit earlier tobe home for that witching hour before dinner and not feel guilty aboutshort-changing my research, he said.

    ASKING FOR FEEDBACKIn more than 35 years with Duke, Ginny Cake has learned that work-

    life balance is a moving target.In IT, theres always a sense of urgency and a certain level of stress,

    said Cake, who was promoted to assistant chief information officer atDuke in 2008. Thats one of the things I love about my job I performbetter with a certain level of stress. But Ive learned to listen to my husbandand my friends when they tell me I need to take time for myself.

    For her, that means taking time to exercise and garden she has fourraised beds of vegetables and flowers or play golf with her husband.

    Every career goes through phases when either work or family requiresmore time and attention. In recent months, for example, Cake has workedunpredictable hours helping to plan Dukes new campus in Kunshan, China.

    Theres a 13-hour time difference, which means early morning andlate evening calls that sometimes create immediate priorities, she said.

    But she also appreciates Dukes flexibility at times when family mustcome first like when she lost her mother and father to cancer. The great

    thing about this environment is I dont feel pressured to work 24/7, Cakesaid. Thats one of the reasons Ive stayed at Duke as long as I have.

    Sue Wasiolek, assistant vice presidentfor student affairs and dean of students, finds fun andbalance at a recent Duke basketball game.

    Jimmy Roberts twins, Henry, left, and Bea, right play at theirfathers desk at Duke.

    Maureen Oakes, staffassistant for anorthopaedic surgeon,dances the waltzduring a nationalballroom dancecompetition in 2010. Ginny


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    ork and LifeA RECIPE

    FOR BALANCENancy Andrewsrecipe for a balanced lifeincludes cooking. Herhusband and teenage sonoften hang out with herin the kitchen while shewhips up dishes like beef carbonnade or spaghettiwith olive oil, garlic andhot peppers.

    Cooking relaxes me,said Andrews, the dean of the School of Medicine. Itsa good way to transitionfrom work to home.

    Andrews, who overseesnearly 2,000 faculty, said shedoesnt cook as often as shewould like but makes apractice of cooking for thefamily every evening she is home.

    I have a lot of evening dinners andmeetings with faculty and other deans, shesaid. But I try to limit them to no morethan three evenings a week.

    FINDING TIME TO FEED YOUR SOULOne glance at Richard H. Brodheads calendar is enough to learn

    that being a university president could easily take over ones life.His job includes many events dinners, receptions, sports events,

    travel, encounters with faculty,students andalumni andmore, he said.All these areenergizing andfun, but they make for acalendar where

    nearly every minute of my week isscheduled,he said.

    To createa bit of balance,Brodhead turnsto his first-linedefenses: a longwalk, a good book,and spending timewith family and close

    friends, he said. He recalled with

    pleasure a day last October that included all of these loves. Some closefriends invited my wife Cindy and me over to see their collection of American literature. Thats my old subject, so they knew how much itwould mean to me, he said. Then we took a long walk and sat outsideeating as the evening fell. That was pretty restorative.

    He believes firmly that experiences like these are the stuff from whichbalance is created. The challenge of work-life balance for me as for every Duke employee is to give your job your best effort, he said, but also toprotect precious time for family and the other things that feed your soul.


    Bobby Carter began a recent evening on stage with Charlie, thesix-member Motown and beach band he has been lead vocalist with for19 years. As the night wore on, he worked the crowd, mingling withwedding guests, crooning songs like Teddy Pendergrass The Love I Lostand Al Greens Love and Happiness.

    Ive been singing all my life, said Carter, 60, who works 7 a.m. to3 p.m. driving patients between Duke Clinic and Duke Hospital in a largeelectric golf cart. Ive worked with great musicians like Curtis Mayfieldand Betty Wright. Singing feels like my real job. Ive done it longer thanany nine-to-five job.

    Although working full-time and travelling for performances nearly every weekend can be exhausting,Carter says music isinvigorating. Five

    years ago, he took abreak from the bandand quickly realizedit was a mistake. Igot bored, irritableand pretty hard tolive with, he said.I was real happy when they askedme to come back.

    Hes content withhis schedule, workingas a patient transporterby day, rehearsingmusic Thursday nightsand performingwhenever he can.

    I dream of singingfull-time, but maybethats in the future,he said. For now, I livefor the weekends.

    5 By Marsha A. Green

    Senior writer, Office of Communication Services

    Cake with her husband, Johnny

    and their grandsons Miles andhristopher at Disney World.

    Nancy Andrews, dean of DukesSchool of Medicine, whips up beefcarbonnade at home.

    Bobby Carter sings in theMotown and beach band, Charlie.

    President Ric

    hard H. Brodhead visitsBald Head Island in North Carolina in 2009.

    Work-Life Resources at DukeDuke Human Resources . Duke offers a wide range ofprofessional development and family-friendly, health, fitnessand cultural benefits to support faculty and staff.www.hr.duke.edu/benefits

    Duke Integrative Medicine . Multi-day health immersions,annual membership and a broad array of clinical services,classes, workshops and trainings focused on healing andproviding personalized, comprehensive support.www.dukeintegrativemedicine.org

    Employee Discounts . Want to get away? Duke works withbusinesses to offer discounts on a range of services, products,travel and entertainment.www.hr.duke.edu/discounts

    Events at Duke . Look no further than Dukes online eventscalendar for activities that stimulate your mind and senses,everything from athletics and recreation to lectures and thearts, many of which are free.http://calendar.duke.edu

    Duke Personal Assistance Service . Up to eight counselingsessions per concern provided at no charge to eligible Dukefaculty and staff and their immediate family members.www.hr.duke.edu/pas

  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011



    Faculty and staff now can usea variety of audio and videoconferencing technologies

    including Cisco TelePresence and newvirtual video conference rooms toconnect and collaborate regardless of geographic location.

    In the past year, Duke has set up seven CiscoTelePresence-enabled conference rooms on campus, rangingfrom a 140-seat classroom at the Fuqua School of Businessto smaller units at locations such as the Marine Lab.

    TelePresence combines high-definition, life-size videoimages and 3-D spatial audio to create an in-personexperience, so users from multiple locations appear as if theyre in the same space. A unique camera system switchesautomatically to the active speaker.

    Traditional video conferencing is a greatcommunication tool, said Steve Toback, senior IT managerin Dukes Office of Information Technology (OIT). Butthe immersive experience of TelePresence enhances thatcommunication to the point that you feel as if all theparticipants are in the same room.

    Departments interested in finding out more aboutTelePresence should contact their school or units IT staff or call the OIT Service Desk at (919) 684-2200.

    The Nicholas School of the Environment isexperimenting with TelePresence as part of a new outreacheffort to connect faculty, researchers and students on theDurham campus and the Marine Lab in Beaufort with

    promising high school scientists.

    Last semester, Dean Bill Chameides, located in Durham,welcomed high school students in Phoenix, Ariz., to aninitial TelePresence session by saying, You look really right.Live! That just shows you how incredible sustainabletechnology can be.

    The students, who attend the Center for Research inEngineering, Science and Technology (CREST), a smallspecialty school within Paradise Valley High School,askedhim questions about his Green Grok blog. Many of ourstudents are interested in marine biology and oceanography,and since we live in a desert, resources are hard to come by,wrote Linda Coyle, a CREST coordinator.

    Nicholas faculty and staff are brainstorming future usesof TelePresence to connect Duke experts with these students,said Susan Gerbeth-Jones, the schools assistant dean of IT.

    In the meantime, Gerbeth-Jones said shes increasingly using video conferencing in her day-to-day work includingmeetings to plan the installation of two new TelePresenceunits at the Marine Lab in Beaufort and theTelecommunications Building on West Campus.

    When you think about TelePresence, you think aboutconnecting people in different cities, she said. But you cangain efficiency in your everyday work using videoconferencing. Its easy to use, and it can save in travel timeand costs even for meetings between different Dukelocations.

    By Cara Bonnett Managing Editor, News & Information

    Office of Information Technology

    New A/V conferencing optionsenable face-to-face meetings

    Learn more about audio/video conferencing atoit.duke.edu (select the Voice, Video & Web tab).

    A/V ConferencingOptions

    TelePresence is among a rangeof options for audio and videoconferencing at Duke. A new

    interoperability service allowsDukes TelePresence systemsto connect with a variety oftraditional video conferencingsystems. Faculty and staff alsocan connect to those systemsfrom any Macintosh orWindows-based personalcomputer or laptop using anew software-based system,Tandberg Movi. In addition,meetings can be scheduledin three new virtual videoconference rooms to includeparticipants from as many

    as four separate sites.

    Learn more about Institutional Ethics and Compliance Program atduke.edu/services/ethicscompliance .Have ideas for other Duke department spotlights? Send e-mail [email protected]

    Department: Institutional Ethics and Compliance Program.Years at Duke: 4 years.Who they are:The Institutional Ethics and Compliance Program (IECP) leadsDukes efforts to maintain a high standard of ethics and compliance with all laws,regulations and policies that apply to what students, faculty and staff do at Duke.Members of the IECP function as consultants and coordinators to make surestudents and employees follow federal and state laws and regulations, policiesand Dukes own standards.

    What theyre known for:Before the Institutional Ethics and ComplianceProgram was created in 2006, Duke didnt have a way to analyze, resolve andcoordinate compliance efforts across the university. For example, IECP staff typically work with a departments compliance staff and coordinate efforts withother departments and senior officials.

    What they can do for you:Employees can call on the Institutional Ethics andCompliance Program when they have questions or issues relating to any of thelaws and regulations which relate to the university or their job. IECP can alsorefer employees to resources outside their department. For example, IECP works

    with staff to assess compliance obligations.Number of employees:Three.Hidden department/unit fact: Employees of the Institutional Ethics andCompliance Program typically interact with compliance liaisons, but theyreavailable to talk about ethics and compliance with any Duke employee.

    Significant achievement: IECP launched its website in 2010 as an onlineresource with contact information for a variety of commonly referencedcompliance areas.

    Big goal:There are more than 400 various laws, regulations and policies faculty and administrators must follow at Duke. We want to make sure following thoserules arent more of a burden than it has to be, Joan Podleski, director of theInstitutional Ethics and Compliance Program. The list of laws faculty andadministrators must follow is always going to be incredibly big, so were here to

    deal with those regulations to make sure everyones work isnt hindered.How they make a difference:As Duke changes, compliance changes andwere here to help employees understand and manage compliance and ethicalrisks, said Brian Lowinger, a compliance analyst with IECP. For example, asDuke becomes more global, we need to educate employees about the ethical andcompliance obligations related to travel, the exchange of ideas and tangible goodsbecause those compliance obligations are now relevant to Duke.

    Faculty and staff can contact the IECP at (919) 613-7691 or call the anonymouscompliance and fraud hotline at (800) 849-9793.

    Interview by Bryan Roth,Writer, Office of Communication Services

    Joan Podleski, left, director of the Institutional Ethics and Compliance Program, discusses clientinformation with compliance analyst Brian Lowinger, center, and assistant Sandra Reade, right.

    Departmental IT staff ask questionsabout TelePresence at a demonstrationof the Fuqua School of Business' HCAclassroom last fall.

    Helping to maintainstandards, ethics

  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011


    Y O U R S O U R C E F O R G R E E N N E W S A T D U K E

    Sustainable uke



    The average American drinks 21gallons of bottled water every year. Only beer and sodasurpass it in sales. But bottled wateris less sustainable because mostbottles end up in the trash.

    Bill Chameides, dean of theNicholas School of the Environment,said about 40 percent of bottledwater, a $100 billion industry, ismunicipal water that comes out of atap and just packaged and sold. Hesaid bottled water is regulated by theFood and Drug Administration,which has less thorough testing forwater than the Environmental Protection Agency,which tests tap water.

    So many people make the choice to buy bottled waterwhen it makes no sense whatsoever, he said. Not only arepeople spending dollars on something they can get for freeor only spend cents on, but bottled water is just plainwasteful.

    For the most part, that may not be the case on Dukescampus. In a blind water taste test held last year on West

    Campus Quad, the undergraduate student groupEnvironmental Alliance found that slightly more than70 percent of about 100 students surveyed preferred thetaste of tap water over bottled.

    And they werent the only ones. In November, tapwater from the Durhams Wade G. Brown Water TreatmentFacility placed third in a statewide Best Tasting Tap Watercompetition held as part of the North Carolina AmericanWater Works Association and Water EnvironmentAssociation annual conference.

    Durham has finished in the top three seven times sincethe event was initiated in 1985. All previous winningentries came from the citys Williams Water TreatmentPlant, which supplies Duke with its water.

    Duke Sophomore Ben Finkel, treasurer for theEnvironmental Alliance student group and coordinator

    of last years campus taste test, saidwater taste tests generally reveal thatpeople prefer tap water.

    Most people couldnt tell thedifference between the two andmany people even assumed the tapwater was actually bottled becausethey thought it tasted better, Finkelsaid of the campus test. Our goalwas to try and demonstrate thatchoosing bottled water is moreabout the conception of what weretold tastes better and not whatpeople actually like.

    Thats exactly what Dukebehavioral economist Dan Ariely believes has made the saleof bottled water successful. Whether its through names likesmartwater or vitaminwater or using an aesthetically pleasing bottle, companies have sold consumers on the ideathat bottled water is better for them because of packagingor something added to the water, Ariely said.

    With bottled water, you dont see it coming fromanywhere bad and with tap water, you see it coming from ametal object that some people may see as a stinky hose,

    Ariely said. Even though bottled water is coming from thesame process, we dont see it in the same way so it looks likebottled waters origin is pure.

    Ariely likened the marketing success of bottledwater to voodoo. Through slogans and imagery, he said,consumers have constantly been told that bottled wateris better and often believe it as fact.

    Like many decisions, buying bottled water is likea habit, he said. Once you start behaving differently maybe get a reusable bottle and fill it all the time you getused to that and you can start changing your behavior.

    By Bryan RothWriter, Office of

    Communication Services

    Nearly half of bottled water comes stright from the tap

    Take back the tap

    Did youknow?

    Several entities atDuke have stoppedpurchasing bottled

    water for sustainablepurposes. Last year,the Provost Office

    and Beaufort MarineLab made the change

    for a variety ofreasons: plastic

    bottles made frompetroleum get thrown

    into the trash andshipping bottledwater puts fossil

    fuels into the air.

    Not only are peoplespending dollars on

    something they can get for freeor only spend cents on, butbottled water is just plainwasteful.

    Bill ChameidesDean, Dukes Nicholas School

    of the Environment

  • 8/7/2019 Working@Duke - March, 2011



    When Melissa Deans son sawthe wolves in the trailers forthe Twilight Saga series, he

    was hooked.

    He has a thing about wolves, saidDean, a staff assistant at the DukeLemur Center.

    Within days, the Dean family was in thetheater, bracing themselves forvampires and werewolves. We likegoing to the movies as a family, Deansaid. We have different tastes, but wetake turns deciding what to see.

    Whenever possible, Dean, her husbandand two sons, Benjamin and Nicholas,see movies at the Beaver CreekStadium 12 Theater near their homenear Cary. Its one of the theaterswhere they can use discount ticketspurchased through PERQS, Dukesemployee discount program.

    I save about $10 each time we use thetickets, Dean said. That helps pay forthe fact that we usually complete theevening by going out to eat.

    The PERQS program offers Dukeemployees the chance to see moviesin the evening at prices similar to

    matinee discounts. Employees save upto $3 off the cost of a regular adultticket for two different theater groups.

    u Regal Entertainment Group,which has theater complexes inRaleigh, Apex, Garner andChapel Hill, offers tickets for$6.50 or $7.50. The $6.50tickets are not accepted duringthe first 12 days of new releases.

    u Stadium 10 at Northgate Mall inDurham offers tickets for $6 and$7. The $6 ticket is not validduring the first 14 days of newreleases.

    Faculty and staff can purchase up to10 tickets at a time on Thursdays atthe Staff and Family Programs officeon the second floor of 705 Broad St.from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or on Fridaysfrom the Medical Center HumanResources office in room 1527 of theBlue Zone of Duke South, from 8 a.m.to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Onlycash is accepted.

    PERQS has been offering discount movietickets since 2003, and they remain a

    best seller. We sold over 1,000 tickets

    here last year, said Rasheedah Clay,staff assistant at the Medical CenterHuman Resources Office.

    Dean expects to stop by the MedicalCenter office soon to pick up 10 moretickets. The tickets dont haveexpiration dates, so I know we will usethem, she said.

    By Marsha A. GreenSenior Writer,

    Office of Communication Services

    View the full list ofPERQS discounts at


    Save on movies all day long

    D U K E T O D AY For daily news and information, visit

    I love spending time with my boys my husband, Andy, and son, Drew who happen tobe big Duke sports fans. We enjoy cheering on the football and basketball teams, unlesstheyre not playing well and at that point Andy gets cranky. Meal time is also important. Every night, unless Im traveling, we sit down to a relaxed family dinner and talk about funny orinteresting things that happened that day.Malinda WhitsonRegional development director, University Development 3 years at Duke

    What do you do to maintain work-life balance?

    I like to go hunt around Warrenton. Ill do thatbetween November and January every Saturday during

    hunting season. I also like to fish. Ill do some mechanic work at a buddys shop where we fix just about anything. I also liketo DJ at weddings or house parties. I love music. Ive beendoing that for over 10 years.Herbert Leon JohnsonSenior sanitation equipment operator, Facilities Management 23 years at Duke

    I try to get in at least 30 minutes to one hour of exercise aday and spend time with my family at night. After some

    days, I also like to put on a pot of tea, read a book and just mellowout. Sometimes, Ill meditate. I also tend to be a social person andsince my job is dealing with people, it helps to balance everythingfor me.Terrence PattersonCustomer service representative, Parking and Transportation Services9 years at Duke

    dialogue @DukeHOW TO REACH USEditor: Leanora Minai(919) [email protected]

    Assistant Vice President:Paul S. Grantham(919) 681-4534

    [email protected]

    Graphic Design & Layout:Paul Figuerado

    Photography: Bryan Roth andMarsha Green of the Office ofCommunication Services and Duke

    University Photography.

    Working@Duke is published monthlyby Dukes Office of CommunicationServices. We invite your

    feedback and suggestions for

    future story topics.

    Please write us at

    [email protected] or

    Working@Duke , Box 90496,

    705 Broad St., Durham, NC 27708Call us at (919) 684-4345.Send faxes to (919) 681-7926.


    By Bryan RothWriter, Office of Communication Services

    Got astoryidea?Write

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    page for Working@Duke atfacebook.com/workingatduke

    TheatersAccepting PERQS

    Timberlyne 6 (Chapel Hill),Brier Creek Stadium 14 andNorth Hills Stadium 14(Raleigh), Beaver Creek

    Stadium 12 (Apex),Crossroads Stadium 20(Cary), White Oak Stadium14 (Garner) and Stadium 10at Northgate (Durham)

    Rasheedah Clay, left, staff assistant in the MedicalCenter Human Resources Office, hands movie ticketsto Melissa Dean.
