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Workout cc

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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Track Your Wellbeing What you focus on life is what you get
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Track Your Wellbeing What you focus on life is what you get

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Lazaro Cuban Cardio Philosophy

From a cardiovascular perspective, we use the most efficient styles of training to best achieve the physiological adaptions required. Our ability to use the science behind the training in a fun and dynamic format means sessions are always authentic, enjoyable. Every aspect of the experience has been thought about, no matter how big or small are the goals, is designed to support you, and the busy life. All you need to do is fallow us. we do not judge or critique but work with each person to find a solution that is realistic, unique, safe, effective, achievable and fun for you. Get fit with latin spirit!

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Motivation & Goals Think about what changes are necessary for you to achieve your goals. take action, to make then happen to improve and see yourself inside your new Body Transformation, follow the programme to improve health. and fitness benefits, performance and achievements fit body, strong spirit, inspiring people, colleges, friends and loved ones to take better actions to improving their health. and start a new lifestyle.

Be realistic to your goal, resist the temptation to eat junk food or be inactive. Excess alcohol consumption suppresses the body’s ability to burn body fat. The body has no storage capacity for alcohol, the consumption of alcohol will almost completely limit the body use the fat for fuel. When alcohol is in the system, the body will simply convert more of the food you normally eat into body fat. and for those who loves to drink the challenge is to limit alcohol consumption to minimum 0-2 drinks per week.

Your destiny relies on your determination each day, and motivation is the key, a challenge in this period, to be persistent in times when you give up and don’t feel like exercising, feeling consume to this regimen plan. you will make a profound breakthrough in your total Body Transformation, that is necessary if you want to achieve your realistic dreams goals. Recognise that these times of confusion and laziness are easily reversible and offer the best opportunities to improve and increase your health and fitness and completed the task, write down any negative reality fact that has been confusing you. Review why on your training days you feel any sugar cravings, you don’t feel like exercising, or have any stress, confusions. change the view and attitude by asking your self:

I will reach my goals, I’m getting closer to my goals? I will achieve my goals? or Do I want to look fat right now? 

Success is not a destination that you ever reach success is the quality of your journey, body transformation is a challenge we all know we have to work hard, we may fall some times, but that is just an evidence that we have to push our bodies boundaries to become better. If we failed during a training session, good, ok, one day, but we have to keep challenge and pushing ourself to the limits and soon we will become better,  fitter, healthier, leaner, faster and stronger. With each effort, pain and failure, we will are learning, by given the opportunity understanding to what it takes to reach our goals and success in the future. Never quit, don’t give up, never allow the temporary failures and setback discourage you. Keeping focus with determination, dedication and motivation, we will find ourself closer to reach the dream goals.

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D-Tox Cuban Cardio D-Tox kidney

• sip teaspoon of fresh honey dissolved in cup of hot water

• drink medium sized glass of fresh squeezed cranberry juice

• a half a medium sized melon

D-Tox Liver

• two cups of fennel or dandelion tea • a medium sized bunch go grapes • a fresh clove of garlic • a medium sized glass of pure carrot or

beetroot juice

D-Tox Stomach

• a cup of hot water lemon or lime juice in the morning


• Vitamin C helps with the proper metabolism of fat, foods rich in it make great choices for burning fat. Eating half a grapefruit for breakfast or about thirty minutes before eating meals will help you feel more full and prevent overeating.

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D-Tox Cuban CardioWild Salmon

• Artery Clearer

Protein is quite important in helping you rid toxins from your body but the source of protein also matters. Fish is a great alternative to maintain and increase heart healthy function better than meat options the fat and cholesterol in fish are beneficial to the body, especially the heart and brain. most fish contains mercury (which is very toxic for human bodies) but certain fish like Wild Salmon, Summer Flounder, and Wild Tilapia contain less amounts of mercury and yield with excellent benefits when taken moderately. is been recommended to consume no more than 342 g of fish per week to utilise the whole benefits keeping the accumulation of toxic mercury in level and still secure receiving the benefits from the nutrients.

These natural tips will help everyone to achieve a great healthy lifestyle in the coming days. It should be kept in mind that these tips work the best when you combine them with a balance clean diet, proper exercise regime, and the recovery, and right amount of sleep. Keep away from toxic preservative filled foods and drink the right amount of water is very important.

www.cubancardio.com Get fit with latin Spirit!

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Cardio Workout The best ways to get great results from your cardio workout programme any time anywhere is to make changes that challenge and start seeing fabulous results.

This mean increasing intensity, variations and processing the pace, shortening the rest periods, doing more sets or a combination of all these, lets begin:

The Killer Mountain Climbers: is the move to add to your programme for great results any time anywhere.

• Simply 20 sec work / 10 sec rest / 4-8 set.

Pyramid Cardio

Increase the reps, or decrease the reps, build up and then build back down, and do as few or as many different exercises as you like.

1. Jumping jacks 20 sec2. High knees 10 sec 3. Mountain climbers 20 sec 4. Push-ups 10-20 reps 5. Crunches 10-20 reps

Rest 10 sec and repeat 4-8 set.


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Cardio Workout Weight Loss

Cardio Circuits

Simply 4 exercises, do them one right after the other without a rest period. do them fast enough.

1. Push-ups2. Squats or lunges3. Crunches or planks4. High knees or jumping jacks

Do as many as you can of each and then rest for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 3-4 sets.

Intervals Cardio

Interval workout you can use this ways just increase the intensity accelerating up the faster pace and shortening the easier interval.

5. Walk 5 minutes6. Jog/run incline 1 minute7. Walk 3 minutes8. Jog/run incline 2 minutes9. Walk 1 minute10.Jog/run 2 minutes11.Walk 2 minutes12.jog/run incline 1-1/2 minute13.Walk 1 minute14.Jog/run incline 1 minutes

Repeat the workout 2-3 time or finish the workout with a 3-5 minute steady walk and cool down.


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Weights lifting Exercises

Day 1 Arms Day 2 kettleblast

Day 3 Muscle Makers Day 4 Legs Day 5 Gluteus Balance exercise

Day 6 Get Ready combo

Day 7 Buttocks Day 8 Rest

Punch- up Double swing kettlebell

Biceps single arms dumbbells curls

Toe out squats Raised leg curls Shoulders dumbbell lateral raise

Feet together half up squat

Barbell over head press

Globe squat kettlebell

Fore arms seated palms up barbell wrist curls

One leg squats on the bench

Alternate standing kickbacks

Chest pec crosses dumbbell flyer

Rotations legs

scoop- outs front deltoids biceps curls

One are swing kettlebell

Pyramid ascending back bent over barbell rows

Hamstring lie down bench dumbbell curls (dumbbell grip by ankles)

Single legs pelvis lifts

back dumbbell bent over rows

Leg Four part curl

Dumbbell biceps hammer

Step back lunges kettlebells

Power pausing thighs barbell squats

Squat extensions Standing abductions & abductions

Thighs dumbbell front lunges

Rear legs lits

Dumbbell flat bench press

Halos kettlebells Shoulders dumbbell military press

Adductors & abductors inner thigh squeeze legs

Prone straight legs raises (lie face down)

Biceps barbell curls seated

Circuit: Butt tusks (hips extension weighted) Butt builder deep Lunges dumbbell (close legs and legs cross behind)

Dumbbell Vertical extensions triceps

Clean & jerk kettlebells

Flexing triceps seated-Dumbbell kickbacks trisecting- Chest barbell bench press

Stiff legs Kneeling bent leg raises

Triceps EZ bar seat french curls

Scissor lunges mountain claimer Russian twist abs.

V-UP crunchesSide plank

wind mills kettlebells

Circuit: Shrug dumbbells combo Single arms-Dumbbell up right rows.Barbell up right rows-barbell shrug

Dead lift Reverse Crunch abs Pank

Rumanian dumbbell deadlift

Swiss ball Pike Swiss ball weighted crunch Swiss ball jackknife

4 Week Women Exercises programme https://youtu.be/gdtShdHEAkI

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Diet Plan

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Fitness AssessmentWeight: 57kg

Height: 169cm

Body Fat: 20.1%

Lean Body Fat (Target): 15%

Waist: 64cm

Hips: 93cm

Fat Body Weight: 11.4kg

Lean Body Weight: 45.6kg

Ideal Body Weight: 53.65kg

Need to Loose: 3.35kg

Calories to burn: 25817.65

Time to burn: 52 days (2 months)

Body shape: 0.6882 —> Pear

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This is an example of simple macronutrients calculations.

Body Fat - 20.1%

Water - 58.4%

Muscle - 75.6%

BMI - 19.9

BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) - 1755 calorie

TDE (Total Daily Expenditure) = BMR x Activity Factor = 1755 x 1.55 = 2720 calorie

Daily Protein intake —> 0.68kg

Daily Fat intake —> 0.30kg

Daily Carbs intake —> 0.14kg

Protein — 215g - 860 calorie

Fat — 95g - 855 calorie

Carbs — 377g - 1510 calorie

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