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WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups...

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Page 1: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges


Page 2: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges


You carry yourself a little differently when you train. You earned your body, you respect your body, and that kind of confidence sends a strong message on the value of self-worth and self-love. This program is about building your own brand of strong, growing your confidence both in and out of the gym, and taking personal responsibility for your body, mindset, and lifestyle.

I’m so pumped for you to jump right in, but first we need to go over a few key points of the workout portion of this challenge: Take the Time To Warm Up! Don’t head into your workout cold. Start with 2-3 minutes on a cardio machine of your choice at light to moderate intensity. It’ll get your heart pumping, loosen up your muscles, and get your body warm and ready to work.

Don’t Skip The Stretch Every single workout includes a stretch portion at the end. It’s a programmed part of the workout so DON’T SKIP IT! Stretching post-workout helps you avoid the excessive buildup of lactic acid which can reduce and help relieve soreness. A good post-workout stretch session also helps facilitate the muscle repair process, which allows you to come back better and stronger for your next workout.

The Schedule

This program features three different two week cycles, meaning you will do the same 5 workouts (Monday-Saturday) on their assigned days for weeks 1 and 2 and then move on to a different cycle for weeks 3 and 4, and so on through weeks 5 and 6.

Day 6 is an active rest day for all 6 weeks, I recommend yoga on this day, but feel free to switch things up with a hike, walk, swim, bike, whatever you choose. The point is to keep moving!

Day 7 you are OFF, rest, relax, and prepare for the week ahead.

These workouts will build in intensity and are designed to increase in difficulty. You will be challenged as you progress from week to week, and I hope you take that as personal motivation. Attack each workout, it’s a privilege to be able to train! Take pride in the work and the effort it takes to get stronger. I can’t wait to see your confidence and your mus-cles grow over the course of the next 6 weeks!

Page 3: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

Each day’s workout is made up of three different components:


This is where we build that beautiful lean muscle—the strength training portion! Each day focuses on a different muscle group and uses a combination of weights and machines to really get those muscle fibers firing.


This is where we sweat! Usually this part of the workout features a High Intensity Inter-val Training (HIIT) circuit. Nothing blasts fat faster than a good sweaty HIIT session, it’s a gut buster and you know how I love a good #sweatyselfie so be sure to tag me in yours! Some days call for steady state cardio in place of HIIT. This is simply to give your central nervous system a break and a chance to re-set. Both types of cardio have their place and are effective in different ways. Follow the workouts as outlined and the results will follow.


Stretch and rest, this part is pretty self-explanatory. Don’t just run out of the gym when you finish your SCULPT and SHRED portions, take the time to stretch out those muscles you just worked and finish off any IdealLean BCAAs you might have left. A good, deep stretch session will help facilitate muscle repair and begin that rebuilding process before you even step foot outside the door on your way back home. DON’T SKIP IT! A basic in-structive stretching video is included, but please, listen to your body and don’t feel limit-ed to those stretches alone, add in any additional stretches you might need.

If you’re running short on time and for some reason can’t complete all three portions of your daily workout, I recommend completing the SCULPT portion of your workout at the gym and finishing your SHRED and STRETCH session later in the day. If you really can’t get back to the gym, you can complete an at-home HIIT workout included at the end of this ebook instead as your SHRED portion and STRETCH when you’re done. Take care to drink your BCAA’s during your SCULPT portion, or immediately after, especially if you don’t have the time to complete all portions together.

Page 4: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

You Gotta Get To The Gym! To make the most of this program, you have to get your booty to the gym! This is a GYM BASED PROGRAM, meaning you will be using machines, equipment and set-ups that are exclusive to a gym. One of the goals of this program is to help you get comfortable in a gym setting by using these various tools. No more gymtimidation for you! So yes, you will need a gym pass and you will need to actually go at least 5 days a week for this program to be effective. Make it a routine and a part of your every day. Make Sure You Push It!I talked about the concept of progressive overload in the overview ebook, but just to go over it again: you’ve got to make sure you’re constantly challenging yourself to get the most out of this program. If you’re lifting and you feel like you could have easily done 2-3 more reps after your set, go up in weight next time! Always be willing to challenge your-self and increase your weights when you’re ready. Go as hard as you can on your HIIT sessions, don’t let up when it gets tough or you’re tired and don’t feel like being there.

It’s time to step OUTSIDE of that comfort zone!

Can I just rest on my rest day? Why do you recommend yoga or doing somethingactive on this day? Active rest days are just as important as workout days. I’ve designed an active rest day regimen to give your body a break from weights and cardio so you can get your yoga on and stretch those sore muscles, or to do something else active if you choose. I person-ally love doing yoga and encourage you to include this as part of your active rest day, it’s so beneficial for your body and mind. Not only does yoga improve your flexibility, it also helps reduce soreness, and will speed up your muscle recovery time as well. Yoga is a great way to build strength, and it’s a relaxing way to unwind and really concentrate on your mind and your body at the same time. I’ve included a basic stretching and yoga vid-eo in the downloads for you to use as a guideline. Your body will thank you!

As you get started, remember that each workout has three different components:

SCULPT - strength (focus on weight training/muscle)SHRED - sweat (focus on HIIT/fat loss)STRETCH - stretch and rest

Here We Go!

Page 5: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

WEEK 1-2

MONDAYLeg Day, is the best day. Sexy legs here you come!

TUESDAYBack & Chest: having a posh posture is so important!

WEDNESDAYActive Rest Day: Yoga, Walking, Stretching, Hiking. The point is to keep moving.

THURSDAYBiceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves: the best accessories you will ever have

FRIDAYGlutes: time to build that beautiful bubble booty!

SATURDAYCardio- feel free to choose your fragrance here, so to speak…

SUNDAYtake a break and bask in your glory, prepare for the week ahead

Page 6: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED(HIIT on Exercise Bike)


Leg Extension, superset with Box Step Raise (3x12) 5 min warm up

Lying (or Seated) Hamstring Curl (3x12) 1 min sprint

Smith Machine Squat with Band, superset with Band

Kickbacks (3x12)1 min recovery

Dumbbell Deadlift (3x12)Repeat 5x

Dumbbell Walking Lunges (3x20) 5 min Steady Pace

Total: 20 min

SCULPT SHRED (Plyometrics) STRETCHWide Grip Lat Pull Downs

(3x15)10 Burpees

(modify- step burpee)

Close Grip Underhand Pull Downs (3x15)

20 Jump Lunges(modify- step lunges)

Seated Cable Rows (3x15) 60 counts High Knees(modify-butt kicks)

Lower Back Extensions (3x15) 20 Jump Squats (modify-simple up/down squat)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3x15)


MONDAY: Sexy Legs

TUESDAY: Back & Chest

Page 7: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED (Sprints) STRETCHSmith Machine Squat with

Band (3x15), SUPERSET with Band Kickbacks- (3x15 each


2 min warm up walk

Barbell Glute Bridge with Band (3x15), SUPERSET with

Band Side Step Walking Squats (3x15) *barbell is op-tional, these are plenty diffi-

cult without

1 min full intensity

Band Leg Press- (3x15) 1 min off recovery walk

Abductor- 20 reps onmoderate weight without rest

drop weight (3x15)

20 Jump Squats (modify-simple up/down squat)

Curtsy Lunges(3x10 each leg) Repeat 5x

Calf Raises- (3x20)Total: 12 minutes

(modification-use any cardio equipment and repeat

same sprint scheme)

SCULPT SHRED(Cardio Circuit, Cardio Circuit,

Repeat 3-5x)


Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3x12) 100 Jump Ropes

Lateral Raise (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges(modify- step lunges)

Tricep CablePushdown (3x12)

20 In Out Jump Squats on Stepper (modify-squat)

Bench Dips (3x12) 10 Burpees

Machine Bicep Curl (3x12)

Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls (3x12)

WEDNESDAY: Active Recovery

THURSDAY: Glutes + Calves

FRIDAY: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders

Page 8: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SATURDAY: Cardio(25 minutes steady-state of your choice)


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MONDAYLeg Day, is the best day. Sexy legs here you come!

TUESDAYBack & Chest: having a posh posture is so important!

WEDNESDAYGlutes: time to build that beautiful bubble booty!

THURSDAYBiceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves: the best accessories you will ever have

FRIDAYGlutes: time to build that beautiful bubble booty!

SATURDAYCardio- feel free to choose your fragrance here, so to speak…

SUNDAYActive Rest Day: Yoga ‘n Chill

*Remember to increase your weights, you should be lifting heavier than you were in weeks 1 and 2!

Page 10: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED(HIIT Training on machine of

choice, please choose one of the following:)


Squat (1 warm up set with bar, then 3x12 progressively

adding weight)

Treadmill Sprints*2 min warm up

1 min high intensity1 min recovery

Repeat 5xTotal 12 minutes

Deadlift (3x12) Exercise Bike Sprints*5 min warm up

1 min high intensity1 min recovery

Repeat 10x5 minute steady

Total 20 mins

Leg Extension (3x12 pro-gressively adding weight)

SUPERSET with 20 Walking Lunges

Stair Stepper Sprints*2 min warm up

60 counts of highintensity

Stop for RecoveryRepeat 5x

Usually less than 10 minutes

Lying Leg Curl superset with banded pulse squats (3x12)

Calf Raises (3x20)

MONDAY: Sexy Legs

Page 11: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED(Plyometrics, complete this

cycle 5-6 times)


Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee)

UnderhandBarbell Row (3x12)

20 Jump Lunges(mod- step lunges)

Reverse Fly Machine (3x12) 60 counts High Knees(mod- butt kicks)

Incline BenchDumbbell Press (3x12)

20 Jump Squats(mod- squats)

Smith Machine Incline Pushups: First use Wide grip for 6 reps, then Close grip for 6 reps, then Underhand grip

for 6 reps, rest and repeat circuit two more times for a total of three circuits. Do not

rest in between grip changes.(3x12)



Abductor Machine- Complete 20 reps on moderate weight with no rest, then drop the

weight slightly and complete 15 more reps. SUPERSET with banded squats. Repeat circuit

3 times.

5 minute moderatewarm up

Curtsy Lunges- superset with Kickbacks, (3x20)

30 seconds very low as fast as possible to target glutes

Leg Press w/Bands (3x20) Recover 30 seconds

Barbell Band Glute Bridges superset with banded duck

walks (3x20)Repeat 10x

Cool down 2 minutes

TUESDAY: Back & Chest

WEDNESDAY: superset with Banded Kickbacks

Page 12: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED(HIIT training on machine of

choice, please choose one of the following:)


Machine Shoulder Press (3x12)

Treadmill Sprints*2 min warm up

1 min high intensity1 min recovery

Repeat 5xTotal 12 minutes

Lateral Raises (3x12) Exercise Bike Sprints*5 min warm up

1 min high intensity1 min recovery

Repeat 10x5 minute steady

Total 20 mins

Barbell Bicep 21’s (3x12) Stair Stepper Sprints*2 min warm up

60 counts of high intensityStop for Recovery

Repeat 5xUsually less than 10 minutes

Cable Pushdowns-(3x12)

Dumbbell Kickbacks - 3x12

SCULPT SHRED(Plyometrics)


Smith Machine Band Squats (3x20)

20 in-outs on stepper

Hip Thrusts (3x20) 10 burpees

Abductor (3x20) 20 jump lunges

Curtsy Lunges (3x20) 10 banded squats

Cable Kickbacks(3x15 each leg)

Repeat 3-5x

THURSDAY: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves

FRIDAY: Glutes

SATURDAY: Cardio(25 minutes steady-state of your choice)

SUNDAY: Active Rest Day

Page 13: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges


MONDAYLeg Day, is the best day. Sexy legs here you come!

TUESDAYBack & Chest: having a posh posture is so important!

WEDNESDAYGlutes: time to build that beautiful bubble booty!

THURSDAYBiceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Calves: the best accessories you will ever have

FRIDAYGlutes: time to build that beautiful bubble booty!

SATURDAYDelts, Calves, Cardio: Work on those best accessories, then choose your fragrance here, so to speak…

SUNDAYActive Rest Day: Yoga ‘n Chill

*Remember to increase your weights, you should be lifting heavier than you were in weeks 1 and 2!

Page 14: WORKOUTS - s1.thcdn.coms1.thcdn.com/design-assets/ideal/KarinaElleWorkouts.pdf · Assisted Pull-Ups (3x12) 10 Burpees (modify- step burpee) Underhand Barbell Row (3x12) 20 Jump Lunges

SCULPT SHRED(HIIT Training on machine of

choice, please choose one of the following:)


Squat (4x12) Steady state incline ontreadmill, walk 25 minutes

Deadlifts (4x12)

Bulgarian Split Squat (4x12)

Leg Press (4x12)

Lunges (4x20)

MONDAY: Sexy Legs

SCULPT SHRED(Plyometrics)


Seated Cable Row (4x12) 100 jump ropes

Lat Pull-Down, superset with Close Grip Pull-Down (4x12)

10 burpees

Hyperextensions (weight opt.) (4x12)

20 high knees

Smith Machine Incline Push-ups: First use Wide grip for 6 reps, then Close grip for 6

reps, then Underhand grip for 6 reps, rest and repeat circuit two more times for a total of three circuits. Do not rest in

between grip changes.

10 in-outs on stepper

Smith Machine Push-Ups, wide grip (3x12) Repeat 4x

TUESDAY: Back & Chest

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Cable Kickbacks 4x15 per leg, SUPERSET with banded

kickbacks 25 per leg

Warm up 2 minutes walking

Hip thrusts (3x20) superset with banded kickbacks

25 per leg

Add an incline and sprint 30-60 seconds high intensity

Band squat pulses (4x20) Recover 60 seconds

Smith machine lunges(2x20 per leg)

Repeat 5x

Abductor machine, 20 reps on moderate weight, without rest. Drop the weight to one or two plates for 15 reps-re-peat three times. Don’t rest

between sets



Machine Bicep Curl 4x12 Warm up 5 minutes

Bicep Curl with Neutral Grip4x12

60 seconds high intensity

Cable Rope Curl 4x12 60 seconds recovery

Tricep Pushdowns 4x12 Repeat 10x

Tricep Dips 4x12

Tricep Kickbacks 4x12


THURSDAY: Biceps & Triceps

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Cable kick backs 3x20 per leg, SUPERSET with banded

jump squats

20 side to side crossovers on stepper

Abductor machine, 20 reps on moderate weight, don’t rest and drop the weight

slightly for 15 reps. Repeat sequence 3x without rest be-

tween sets

10 bandedsquat jumps

Smith Machine thrusts (3x15), drop the weight when done for single leg thrusts (3x15)

per leg. GO HEAVY!

100 jump rope

Cable Kickbacks (4x15) per leg, SUPERSET with banded

kickbacks 25 per legRepeat 5x

Sumo deadlifts (3x12),SUPERSET with bodyweight


Tricep Kickbacks 4x12



Shoulder Press (4x15) 25 min steady state cardioof choice

Lateral Raise (4x15)

Front Raise (4x15)

Rear Delt Machine Flys (4x15)

Calf Raises (3x20)

FRIDAY: Glutes

SATURDAY: Delts, Calves, Cardio

SUNDAY- Active Recovery: Yoga ‘n Chill/Stretch

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If for some reason you can’t make it into the gym, choose between any of these at-home HIIT alternatives for your daily workout instead, and get back to the programmed work-outs the next day.

Option 120 bodyweight squats30 high knees30 sec plank20 push ups30 high knees30 sec plank20 jumping lunges30 high knees30 sec plank20 squat and dumbbell overhead press30 high knees30 sec plank20 ab crunches OR 20 walking lunges30 high knees30 sec plank

Repeat in order for as many rounds as you can do in 20 min

Option 2 Tabatas = 20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 minutes, then rest one minute for a five minute interval.*suggestion: download a free Tabata timer app to use with these tabatas! 5 minutes: Push ups (can drop to knees if needed)5 minutes: Alternating Reverse lunges or jump lunges5 minutes: Dumbbell Overhead press5 minutes: 2 arm dumbbell row or renegade row

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Option 3 Plyometrics (3-5 rounds) 20 Jump Lunges 15 Jump Squats 10 Burpees60 High Knees

Option 4 Sprints100 Meters Repeat 10 times
