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8/10/2019 Workplan -HRM.rtf http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/workplan-hrmrtf 1/42 WORK PLAN (Work Plan includes Cases,Excercises & Glossary ) H!AN RE"ORCE !ANAGE!EN# $$ "E!E"#ER %ACL# %AC$L$#A#OR "'ALARA!AN, Ass' Pro*essor (HR!) +iay $nsiue O* !ana-e.en "udies Near Gand/i-ra. ni0ersiy 1indi-ul(1)' Co.2iler 3 "'alara.an, Ass'Pro*essor (Hu.an Resource !ana-e.en) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Syllabus)
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(Work Plan includes Cases,Excercises & Glossary )


$$ "E!E"#ER



Ass' Pro*essor (HR!)

+iay $nsiue O* !ana-e.en "udies

Near Gand/i-ra. ni0ersiy


Co.2iler 3 "'alara.an, Ass'Pro*essor (Hu.an Resource !ana-e.en)


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To provide knowledge about management issues related to staffing, training, performance,compensation, human factors consideration and compliance with human resourcerequirements.COURSE OUTCOME:

Students will gain knowledge and skills needed for success as a human resources professional


Evolution of human resource management – The importance of the human factor – Challenges – Inclusive growth and affirmative action !ole of human resource manager – "uman resourcepolicies – Computer applications in human resource management – "uman resourceaccounting and audit.


Importance of "uman !esource #lanning – $orecasting human resource requirement –matching suppl% and demand Internal and E&ternal sources. !ecruitment Selection –induction – Sociali'ation benefits.

UNIT III TRAINING AND EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 10T%pes of training methods –purpose benefits resistance. E&ecutive development programmes

 – Common practices (enefits – Self development – )nowledge management.


Compensation plan – !eward – *otivation – +pplication of theories of motivation – Career management – evelopment of mentor – #rot-g- relationships.


*ethod of performance evaluation – $eedback – Industr% practices. #romotion, emotion,Transfer and Separation – Implication of ob change. The control process – Importance –*ethods – !equirement of effective control s%stems grievances – Causes – Implications –

!edressal methods.



/. essler "uman !esource *anagement, #earson Education 0imited, 12231. ecen'o and !obbins, "uman !esource *anagement, 4ile%, 5 th Edition, 1223.


/. 0uis !.6ome'*eia, avid (.(alkin, !obert 0 Card%. *anaging "uman !esource. #"I

0earning. 12/11. (ernadin , "uman !esource *anagement ,Tata *cgraw "ill ,5 th edition 12/1.7. 4a%ne Cascio, *anaging "uman !esource, *c6raw "ill, 1223.8. Ivancevich, "uman !esource *anagement, *c6raw "ill 12/1.9. :da% )umar "aldar, ;uthika Sarkar. "uman !esource management. <&ford. 1

=>ote ? Students are advised to purchase an% of the book that is mentioned above@

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Assi-n.en 1eails 4 56 !arks

General $nsrucions *or 7riin- assi-n.ens'

• Assi-n.en s/ould consis o* a .ini.u. o* 8 2a-es

• Assi-n.ens s/ould 9e su9.ied in 2rin ou *or.a only'#i.es Ne7 Ro.an 4

%on si:e 5;<Line s2acin- 4 5'8

• Assi-n.ens s/ould 9e inno0ai0e

• A0oid a9solue co2yin- *ro. ex9ooks and do7nloads *ro. inerne'

• i9lio-ra2/y is a .us a /e end o* eac/ assi-n.en'

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• Lae su9.ission 7ill no 9e acce2ed'

Assi-n.en No'5 4 Las dae *or su9.ission 3

Assi-n.en No'; 4 Las dae *or "u9.ission 3

$N"#RC#$ON" %OR PRE"EN#A#$ON" (CA"E="E!$NAR) 4 56 !arks

• All /e ea.s s/ould circulae a one 2a-e (syno2sis) 7rie u2 a9ou /eir

2resenaion o all in /e class 4 Circulae a*er /e 2resenaion'

• All /e ea. .e.9ers s/ould aci0ely 2arici2ae in /e 2resenaion'

• !arks are a7arded on /e 9asis o* /e *ollo7in-3

a)  #ea. 7ork

b) Conen

c) Co..unicaion

d) Con0icion

e) Handlin- >ueries

• y and lar-e /e 2resenaion s/ould cral 7i/ .ini.u. PP# slides su22or'

• Procrasinaion leads o ?@ero .ark o /e enire ea.'

$N#ERNAL !ARK (;6 !arks) 4 REAK P 1E#A$L"

 #7o es A0era-e < 56 !arks

 #7o Assi-n.ens A0era-e < 8 !arks

"e.inar and Class Parici2aion < 8 !arks

(Noe 3 ?Class 2arici2aion .eans 4 Presenaions,ineracion in /e

class,classroo. 9e/a0iour and 2/ysical and .enal aendance)

Human Resource Management Case Studies

HRM Case Study 1

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Harsha and Franklin both of them are post graduates in management under different

streams from same B-School. Both of them are close to each other from the college days itself

and the same friendship is continuing in the organisation too as they are placed in the samecompany, Hy-tech technology solutions. Harsha placed in HR department as employee counselor 


Franklin in finance department as key finance executive. s per the grade is concerned bothare at same level but !hen responsibility is concerned Franklin is holding more responsibility

 being in core finance.

By nature Harsha is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. Franklin is silent in nature

ready to help if approached personally and al!ays a bit egoistic in nature. "hey

have successfully completed # years in the organi$ation. nd management is very much satisfied

!ith both of them as they are e%ually talented and constant performers.

Harsha felt that no! a day&s Franklin is not like as he use to be in past. She noticed

some behavioral changes !ith him. 'uring general conversations she feels that Franklin istaunting her that she is famous among the employees in the organisation in the other hand he is

not even recognised by fello! employees.(ne morning )r. )ehta *eneral )anager Hy-tech technology solutions shocked !hilego through the mail received from Franklin about his resignation. )r. )ehta called

Harsha immediately and discussed about the same as she is close to Franklin. By hearing the

ne!s Harsha got stunned and said that she do not kno! this before she also revealed herecurrent experience !ith him. )r. )ehta !ho do not !ant to loose both of them promised her that

he !ill handle this and he !on&t allo! Franklin to resign.

+n the afternoon )r. )etha took Franklin to anteen to make him comfortable after somegeneral discussion he starts on the issue. Franklin, after some hesitations opened his thinking in

front of )r. )ehta. "he problem of Franklin is !hen he comes alone to canteen the people

from other don&t even recogni$e him but if he accompanied by Harsha he get !ell treated by

others. / one day Both of them entered the company together the security in the gate !ishedthem but the next day !hen he came alone the same security did not do so. 0 1ven in meetings

held in the office the points raised by Harsha !ill get more value so many a times he keeps silent

in the meeting.

+t happens to Franklin that he has to face such degradation in each day of !ork !hich

totally disturbs him. Franklin also %uestioned that 2 Harsha and myself have same

%ualification, from same institute, passed out in the same year both !ith first class. 3e havesame number of experience in this organisation. )ore over the responsibilities !ith me are more

valuable than that of Harsha. fter all this things if + am been ignored or unrecogni$ed by the

fello! employees my ego does not allo! me to continue here2.

By listening this statement )r.)etha felt that it is not going to be very difficult to stophis resignation. )r. )ehta explained Franklin the reasons for such partial behavior of the


fter listening to )r. )ehta Franklin said sorry for his reaction and ready to take back

his resignation. nd he called Harsha and spoke !ith like before.


Find the reason that )r. )ehta !ould have given to Franklin.

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HRM Case Study 2

3atson 4ublic 5td ompany is !ell kno!n for its !elfare activities and employee

oriented schemes in manufacturing industry from more than ten decade. "he company employs

more than 677 !orkers and 87 administrative staff and 67 management level employees. "he"op level management vie!s all the employees at same level. "his can be clearly understood by

seeing the uniform of the company !hich is Same for all starting from )' to floor level

!orkers. "he company have / different cafeterias at different places one near the plant for!orkers and other near the dministration building. "hough the place is different the amenities,

infrastructure and the food provided are of same %uality. +n short the company stands by the rule

1mployee 1%uality.

"he company has one registered trade union and the relationship bet!een the union and

the management is very cordial. "he company has not lost a single man day due to strike.

"he company is not a pay master in that industry. "he compensation policy of thatcompany, !hen compared to other similar companies, is very less still the employees don&t have

many grievances due to the other benefits provided by the company. But the company is

facing countable number of problems in supplying the materials in recent past days. 4roblems

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like %uality issues, mismatch in packing materials 9placing material in box of material B

incorrect labeling of material, not dispatching the material on time etc:

"he management vie!s the case as there are loop holes in the system of various departments and

hand over the responsibility to HR department to solve the issue. 3hen the HR manager goes

through the issues he reali$ed that the issues are not relating to system but it relates to

the employees. 3hen investigated he come to kno! that the reason behind the casual approach by employees in !ork is

; "he company hired ne! employees for higher level post !ithout considering the potential internal candidates.

; "he ne!ly hired employees are placed !ith higher packages than that of existing employees in

the same cadre.

Questions :

. <arrate the case !ith suitable "itle for the case. =ustify your title.


1mployee 1%uality is not the need for every hour. +n the above said case 3atson 5td had provided all facilities to employees at each grade in e%ual manner. But still the employees startedcreating certain issues like materials are meeting the %uality supply schedule is not met etc.. and

the HR manager said that the policy of hiring ne! employees for higher post !ithout considering

old potential employees is the ma?or problem.

@1mployee recognition AS 1mployee e%uality2. s the HR manager states that employees are

not been recogni$ed for the potential rather company has gone for ne! recruitment. Because of

!hich the company faces problems.

/. "he points rose by the HR manger as reason for the latest issues in the organi$ation

is ?ustifiable or not. Support your ans!er !ith Human resource related concepts.

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ou )r. of lfa community, are a ne!ly appointed manager of a !orkshop, !hich has been

categori$ed as an essential service. "his means that the !orkshop must function on all the days.

Rules lay do!n that, at least, t!o individuals must be on duty irrespective of their seniority orspeciali$ation. "he !orkshop is manned by an e%ual number of individuals of the t!o

communities, lfa and Beta. good tradition has been built, i.e. !hen one community has a

festival, the !orkers from the other community man the !orkshop and vice versa.

Recently, there !ere labour union election and )r. Beta community has been elected as the

leader. "he ne! leader is reported to be very 3himsical 9unusual, though very good at heart.

our day of trial da!ned !hen it came to light that on Friday next, both the communities claim

to be their religious day. Both the communities !ant the other community to perform the duty onthat day. 3hile lfa community is banking on youC the others are e%ually sure of their union

leader from beta community !inning the day for them. ou realise that there have been a lot ofdiscussions and more negotiations and discussions are making the situation !orse. "he attitudes

of both the parties are hardening and the last discussions had ended as a !ar of !ords. ou do

not !ant to damage the good relations bet!een the t!o communities built over the years but still

have to solve the problem. 3hat !ill you doD

So!e t"is case using #oo$ing met"od:

*ive all the possible solutions available for the case along !ith advantage and disadvantage foreach solution.

ompare the solutions and ?ustify the best solution.*ive suitable "itle for this case.

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)r. Bhat, Human Resource )anager of +AS *roup of companies approached the 1( on 07thmarch, /77E and apprised him of the absence of )r.?ay Aaidhya, ssistant ccountant in the

orporate Finance 'epartment, for the past one month and re%uested him to approve the sho!-

cause notice to be saved to )r.?ay as per the 5abour 5a!s in force.

"he 1( told )r.Bhat> @3hen )r.?ay has been absent for the last one month , your duty is to

go to )r.?ay,s house, find out the reason and solve the problem of )r.?ay, and not ?ust toreport the absence to me. *o immediately to )r.?ay,s house find the reason and report it to me before 8.oo 4.). today.2

)r. Bhat immediately left for )r.?ay&s house and learnt from )r.?ay s 3ife that )r.?ay has been in distress as he has been trying to mobilise Rs.,77,777 for the surgery of his sick !ife in a

reputed hospital in hennai. )r.Bhat could meet )r.?ay around 0.4) and both of them then

met the 1(. Both of them apprised the 1( the reason for the absence and distress of )r.?ay.

"he 1( immediately contacted the hospital and informed them that the company !ill pay

Rs.,77,777 tomorro! i.e., 0st )arch /77E and re%uested the doctor to conduct the surgery for

?ay&s !ife tomorro! itself.

"he 1( ordered )r.Bhat to arrange to issue a che%ue for Rs.,77,777 in favour of the hospitaland also pay Rs.7,777 in cash to )r.?ay to meet incidental expenses as a grant. )r.?ay as

!ell as )r.Bhat !ere surprised at the decision of the 1( )r.?ay became emotional andtouched the feet of the 1(.

"he 1( told )r.Bhat>24roblems of our employees are the company&s problems. 3e treat the

employees as human being and members of the company&s family.2

"his piece of ne!s spread in the entire company !ithin no time and the employees felt highly

secured. "he productivity level increased by 77G in the next %uarter itself and sustained over

the years to come.


. 3hy did )r.Bhat prefer to follo! a legal approach to the problemD

/. 3hy did the 1( provide Rs.,7,777 as ?ust a grant to )r.?ay D

0. 3hat !ould be the morale of employee&s family members after this incidentD

#. Suggest a suitable title for the above said case and ?ustify that title.

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Pra/a.es/ "eel (P0') Ld' *ounded 58 years 9e*ore 9y !r' A'!' a2a 7as /a0in-

9oo.in- i.e' A /a i.e, !r' a2a, 7orked 9o/ in /e oBce and in /e *acory

and kne7 /is .en and /ey kne7 /i.' Producion sandard 7ere al7ays .ainained

and la9our urno0er 7as 2racically non<exisin-' As /e 9usiness .us/roo.ed, /e

nu.9er o* e.2loyees /as 2ro-ressi0ely increased' #/us, !r' a2as -reein-s and

con0ersaion 7i/ /is 7orkers 9eca.e less *reDuen' $n *ac, /e /ad so .any /in-s

o do, /a /e could no lon-er su2er0ise /e *acory' #/us, /e /ired ano/er .an, !r'

Godse as a 2lan su2er0isor' As /is i.e /ou-/ /e nu.9er o* 7orkers increased o

a9ou 866, la9our urno0er and a9seneeis. increased alon- 7i/ /e la9our cases'

 #/e only /in- /a decreased 7as 2roduci0iy' $n order o .ee /e siuaions, !r'

a2a -raned su9sanial increase in 7a-es 7/ic/ 7ere already /i-/ and .ade

so.e arran-e.ens *or incre.en earnin-s 9ased on .eri rain- on senioriy' e

la9our urno0er and a9seneeis. coninue a a /i-/ rae' On in0esi-aion, i 7as

*ound /a /e ne7 2lan su2er0isor lacked /e 2aience and undersandin- 7/ic/ is

necessary *or dealin- 7i/ /e e.2loyees' W/en so.e/in- 7as *ound 7ron-, /e

7as scoldin- /e e.2loyees 9u no ae.2 7as .ade o nd /e case o* *auly

7ork' !ean7/ile, la9our unres de0elo2ed' #/e ,Worker 9e-an o co.2lain a9ou7orkin- on "aurdays and no /a0in- ei/er i.e or *aciliies c/an-e *ro. 7ork

clo/es o ori-inal dresses a*er 7ork, a9ou oile *aciliies ec' "o.e o* /e clai.s

7ere no *ound suBcienly usied or easy o .ee' !r' a2a oFered o 7orkers as

co.2ensaion, a ne7 rise in 7a-es 7i/ .ore li9ery in allo7in- 0acaion i.e all o* 

7/ic/ /e co.2any could 7ell aFord'


5' Were /e se2s aken 9y !r' a2a ri-/

;' W/a do you /ink /e s/ould /a0e done in order o i.2ro0e /e siuaion

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One o* /e 7orkers, "unil Pa7ar is a 7orker in /e Producion 1e2ar.en and 7orks

as a driller' He is in /e co.2any *or 2as 0e years and all /e 7/ile /e /as 9een

7orkin- as a driller only' He record o* ser0ice /as 9een -enerally -ood, exce2 *or

one 7arnin- *or re.ainin- a9sen *or 7o days 7i/ou 2er.ission' $n /e earlyyears o* ser0ice, /e used o 9e rude o /is su2eriors and Duarrelso.e 7i/ /is co<

7orkers' u /ere is no/in- a9ou /is on /e record, 9ecause no serious 0ie7 7as

aken a9ou /is 9y /e su2eriors' $n /e 2as ei-/ .on/s, since /e ne7

.ana-e.en ook o0er /e conrol o* Ne2une En-ineerin- Co.2any, /ere is a

c/an-e in /e 2olicy' #/e ne7 .ana-e.en /as aken a sricer a22roac/ in

en*orcin- disci2line'

One day, a '66 2'.', a /e i.e o* sarin- o* /e s/i* "unil 7en o /is su2er0isor

sayin- /a so.e -uess /as arri0ed unex2ecedly a /is /ouse in /e .ornin- and/e 7aned lea0e *or /a day' #/e su2er0isor old /i. /a since *e7 .ore 7orkers

7ere already a9sen in /e 1e2ar.en /e could no -ran /i., lea0e' $nsead /e

asked "unil o 7ork on /e 2ress .ac/ine' On /a day 9ecause /e re-ular 2ress

o2eraor /ad no co.e and /ere 7as a lar-e 9acklo- 7/ic/ .us 9e cleared oday'

"unil declined o o9ey /e insrucion' He said, I$ 7ill 7ork on .y .ac/ine only and

no on any o/er .ac/ineI, and /e 7en o /is usual drillin- .ac/ine' A*er so.e

i.e /e le* a lea0e a22licaion on /e su2er0isor a9le' He 7as no seen on /e

s/o2 Joor /rou-/ou /e day'

 #/e su2er0isor /ad re2ored /e case o /is .ana-er and /e .ana-er 7ans your

o2inion as /e "enior Consulan o /e co.2any'


5' Co..en on /e e0ens /a /a0e aken 2lace'

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;' "u--es /e course o* acion'



 #/e "ona and Ru2a Co.2any .anu*acured 7ooden oys o* 0arious kinds 7ooden

ani.als, 2ull oys, and /e like' One 2ar o* /e .anu*acurin- 2rocess in0ol0ed

s2rayin- 2ain on /e 2arially asse.9led oys' #/is o2eraion 7as saFed enirely

9y 7o.en' #/e oys 7ere cu, sanded and 2arially asse.9led in /e 7ood roo.'

 #/en /ey 7ere di22ed ino s/ellac, *ollo7in- 7/ic/ /ey 7ere 2ained' #/e oys

7ere 2redo.inanly 7o coloured a *e7 7ere .ade in .ore /an 7o colours' Eac/

colour reDuired an addiional ri2 /rou-/ /e 2ain roo.'

%or a nu.9er o* years, 2roducion o* /ese oys /ad 9een enirely and 7ork'Ho7e0er, o .ee /e re.endously increase in de.and, /e 2ainin- o2eraion /ad

recenly 9een re<en-ineered so /a /e ei-/ o2eraors (all 7o.en) 7/o did /e

2ainin- sa in a line 9y an endless c/ain o* /ooks' #/ose /ooks 7ere in coninuous

.oion, 2as /e line o* o2eraors and ino a lon- /ori:onal o0en' Eac/ 7o.an sa

a /er o7n 2ainin- 9oo/ so desi-ned as o carry a7ay *u.es and o 9ackso2

excess 2ain' #/e o2eraor 7ould ake a oy *ro. /e ray 9eside /er, 2osiion i in a

 i- inside /e 2ainin- cu9icle, s2ray on /e colour accordin- o a 2aern, /en

release /e oy and /and i o /e /ook 2assin- 9y' #/e rae a 7/ic/ /e /ooks

.o0ed /as 9een calculaed 9y /e en-ineers so /a eac/ /ook 9e*ore i 2assed

9eyond /er reac/'

 #/e o2eraors 7orkin- in /e 2ain roo. 7ere on a -rou2 9onus 2lan' "ince /e

o2eraion 7as ne7 o /e., /ey 7ere, recei0in- a learnin- 9onus, 7/ic/ decreased

9y re-ular a.ouns eac/ .on/' #/e learnin- 9onus 7as sc/eduled o 0anis/ in six

.on/s, 9y 7/ic/ i.e i 7as ex2eced /a /ey 7ould 9e on /eir o7n, /a is,

a9le o .ee /e sandard and o earn a -rou2 9onus 7/en /ey exceeded i'

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y /e second .on/ o* /e rainin- 2eriod' #rou9le /ad de0elo2ed' #/e e.2loyees

learned .ore slo7ly /an /ad 9een anici2aed, and i 9e-an o look as /ou-/ /eir

2roducion 7ould sa9ili:e *ar 9elo7 7/a 7as 2lanned *or' !any o* /e /ooks 7ere

-oin- 9y e.2y' #/e 7o.en co.2lained /a /ey 7ere -oin- 9y oo *as, and /a

/e i.e sudy .an /ad se /e raes 7ron-' A *e7 7o.en Dui and /ad o 9e

re2laced 7i/ ne7 o2eraors, 7/ic/ *ur/er a--ra0aed /e learnin- 2ro9le.' #/eea. s2iri /a /e .ana-e.en /ad ex2eced o de0elo2 auo.aically /rou-/

/e -rou2 9onus 7as no in e0idence exce2 as an ex2ression o* 7/a /e en-ineers

called ?resisanceI' One 7o.an 7/o. /e -rou2 re-arded as is <leader (and /e

.ana-e.en re-arded as /e rin-<leader) 7as ous2oken 9y 0oicin- /e 0arious

co.2lains o* /e -rou2 9e*ore /e *ore.an /e o9 7as .essy one, /e /ooks

.o0ed oo *as, /e inceni0e 2ay 7as no 9ein- correcly calculaed, and i 7as oo

/o 7orkin- so close o /e dryin- o0en'

A consulan 7/o 7as 9rou-/ ino /is 2icure 7orked enirely 7i/ and /rou-/ /e*ore.an' A*er .any con0ersaions 7i/ /i., /e *ore.an *el /a /e rs se2

s/ould 9e o -e /e e.2loyees o-e/er *or a -eneral discussion o* /e 7orkin-

condiions' He ook /is se2 7i/ so.e /esiaion, 9u /e ook on /is o7n 0oliion'

 #/e rs .eein-, /eld i..ediaely a*er /e s/i* 7as o0er a *our oclock in /e

a*ernoon 7as aended 9y all /e ei-/ o2eraors' #/ey 0oiced /e sa.e co.2lains

a-ain3 /e /ook sen 9y oo *as, /e o9 7as oo diry, /e roo. 7as /o and 2oorly

0enilaed' %or so.e reason, i 7as /is las ie. /a /ey co.2lained o* .os' #/e

*ore.an 2ro.ised o discuss /e 2ro9le. o* 0enilaion and e.2eraure 7i/ /e

en-ineers, and /e sc/eduled a second .eein- o re2or 9ack o /e e.2loyees' $n

/e nex *e7 days /e *ore.an /ad se0eral alks 7i/ /e en-ineers' #/ey and /esu2erinenden *el /a /is 7as really a ru.2ed<u2 co.2lain, and /a ex2ense

o* any eFeci0e correci0e .easure 7ould 9e 2ro/i9ii0ely /i-/'

 #/e *ore.an ca.e o /e second .eein- 7i/ so.e a22re/ensions' #/e o2eraors,

/o7e0er, did no see. o 9e .uc/ 2u ou, 2er/a2s 9ecause /ey /ad a 2ro2osal o* 

/eir o7n o .ake' #/ey *el /a i* se0eral lar-e *ans 7ere se u2 so as o circulae

/e air around /eir *ee, /ey 7ould 9e .uc/ .ore co.*ora9le' A*er so.e

discussion, /e *ore.an a-reed /a /e idea .i-/ 9e ried ou' #/e *ore.an and

/e consulan discussed /e Duesion o* /e *ans 7i/ /e su2erinenden, and/ree lar-e 2ro2eller<y2e *ans 7ere 2urc/ased'

 #/e *ans 7ere 9rou-/ in' #/e 7o.en 7ere u9ilan' %or se0eral days /e *ans 7ere

.o0ed a9ou in 0arious 2osiions unil /ey 7ere 2laced o /e sais*acion o* /e

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-rou2' #/e o2eraors see.ed co.2leely saised 7i/ /e resuls, and /e relaions

9e7een /e. and /e *ore.an i.2ro0ed 0isi9ly'

 #/e *ore.an, a*er /is encoura-in- e2isode decided /a *ur/er .eein-s .i-/

also 9e 2roa9le' He asked /e o2eraors i* /ey 7ould like o .ee and discuss

o/er as2ec o* /e 7ork siuaion' #/ey 7ere ea-er o do /is' #/e .eein- 7as

/eld, and /e discussion Duickly cenered on /e s2eed o* /e /ooks'

 #/e o2eraors .ainained /a /e i.e sudy .an /ad /e. a an unreasona9ly

*as s2eed and /a /ey 7ould ne0er 9e a9le o reac/ /e -oal o* llin- enou-/ o* 

/e. o .ake a 9onus' #/e urnin- 2oin o* /e discussion ca.e 7/en /e -rou2s

leader *rankly ex2lained /a /e 2oin 7asn /a /ey couldn 7ork *as enou-/ o

kee2 u2 7i/ /e /ooks, 9u /ey couldn 7ork a /a 2ace all /e day lon-'

 #/e *ore.an ex2lored /e 2oin' #/e e.2loyees 7ere unani.ous in /eir o2inion

/a /ey could kee2 u2 7i/ /e 9el *or s/or 2eriods i* /ey 7aned o' u /ey

didn 7an 9ecause i* /ey s/o7ed /ey could do /is *or s/or 2eriods /ey 7ould

9e ex2eced o do i all day lon-' #/e .eein- ended 7i/ an un2recedened

reDues3 ILe us adus /e s2eed o* /e 9el *aser or slo7er de2endin- on /o7 7e

*eelI' #/e *ore.an a-reed o discuss /is 7i/ /e su2erinenden and /e


 #/e reacion o* /e en-ineers o /e su--esion 7as ne-ai0e' Ho7e0er, a*er

se0eral .eein-s i 7as -raned /a /ere 7as so.e laiude 7i/in 7/ic/

0ariaions in /e s2eed o* /e /ooks 7ould no aFec /e nis/ed 2roduc' A*er

considera9le ar-u.en 7i/ /e en-ineers, i 7as a-reed o ryou /e o2eraors

idea' Wi/ .is-i0in-, /e *ore.an /ad a conrol 7i/ a dial .arked lo7, .ediu.,

*as insalled a /e 9oo/ o* /e -rou2 leader s/e could no7 adus /e s2eed o* 

/e 9el any7/ere 9e7een /e lo7er and u22er li.is /a /e en-ineers /ad se'

 #/e o2eraors 7ere deli-/ed and s2en .any lunc/ /ours decidin- /o7 /e s2eed

o* /e 9el s/ould 9e 0aried *ro. /our o /our /rou-/ou /e day' Wi/in a 7eek /e

2aern /ad sele do7n o one 7/ic/ /e rs /al*</our o* /e s/i* 7as run on 7/a

/e o2eraors called a .ediu. s2eed (a dial sein- sli-/ly a9o0e /e 2oin

.arked .ediu.)' #/e nex 7o<and<a</al* /ours 7ere run a /i-/ s2eed /e /al*<

/our 9e*ore lunc/ and /al* /our a*er lunc/ 7ere run a lo7 s2eed' #/e res o* /e

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a*ernoon 7as run a /i-/ s2eed 7i/ /e exce2ion o* /e las M8 .inues o* /e

s/i*, 7/ic/ 7as run a .ediu.'

$n 0ie7 o* /e o2eraors re2ors o* sais*acion and ease in 7ork, i is ineresin- o

noe /a /e consan s2eed a 7/ic/ ,/e en-ineers /as ori-inally se /e 9el 7as

sli-/ly 9elo7 .ediu. on /e dial o* /e conro /a /ad 9een -i0en o /e 7o.en'

 #/e a0era-e s2eed a 7/ic/ /ey 7ere runnin- /e 9el 7as on /e /i-/ side o* /e

dial' %e7, i* any e.2y /ooks enered /e o0en, and ins2ecion s/o7ed no increase

o* reecs *ro. /e 2ain roo.'

Producion increased, and 7i/in ; 7eeks (so.e ; .on/s 9e*ore /e sc/eduled

endin- o* /e learnin- 9onus) /e o2eraors 7ere o2erain- a 6 o 86 2er cen

a9o0e /e le0el /a /ad 9een ex2eced under /e ori-inal arran-e.en' Naurally

/eir earnin-s 7ere corres2ondin-ly /i-/er /an anici2aed' #/ey 7ere collecin-

/eir 9ase 2ay, a considera9le 2iece<rae 9onus, and /e learnin- 9onus 7/ic/, i

7ill 9e re.e.9ered, /ad 9een se o decrease 7i/ i.e and no as a *uncion o* 

curren 2roduci0iy' #/e o2eraors 7ere earnin- .ore /an .any skilled 7orkers in

o/er 2ars o* /e 2lan'


5' %ro. /e an-le o* o9 Enric/.en, 7/ic/ core o9 di.ension or o9 c/aracerisic

7as .os inJuenced 9y ne7 syse. o* -rou2 re-ulaed s2eed E0aluae /ere2ored success o* /e case a-ains /e 2rinci2les o* o9 Enric/.en'

;' Co..en on /e .e/od o* 2ay.en o /e o2eraors' Ho7 -ood do you /ink

suc/ a syse. is

' Would you consider /e iniial disconen o* /e o2eraors as a -rie0ance=W/y

or 7/y no

M' Ho7 7ould you c/araceri:e /e in0ol0e.en o* /e o2eraors a*er /e

inroducion o* -rou2<re-ulaed s2eed

8' Re0ie7 your undersandin- o* /e c/aracerisics o* eFeci0e 7orkers

2arici2aion a-ains /e 9ackdro2 o* /e case'

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!odern $ndusries Li.ied (!$L) in an-alore is an auo.o9ile ancillary indusry' #/e

co.2any sared .anu*acurin- auo.oi0e co.2onens o0er 7o decades a-o in a

s.all 7ay and /as -ro7n seadily o0er /e years, e.2loyin- o0er M,666 2ersons a

2resen 7i/ /e urno0er exceedin- Rs'566 crores' $s 2roducs are sellin- 7ell and

earnin- a si:ea9le a.oun o* 2ros'

 #/e co.2any is conrolled and .ana-ed 9y an indusrialis *a.ily' kno7n *or /eir

s/re7dness and 9usiness acu.en' #/ey are a.on- /e rs -eneraion

indusrialiss 7/o sared /eir indusrial 0enures in a .odes 7ay, durin- /e early

2/ase o* indusrialisaion in /e counry and alon- 7i/ /e -ro7/ o* auo.oi0e

indusry, !$L also -re7 u2'

 #/e 2resen C/air.an, !r' "ures/ "/a/ /ad 9een 7i/ /e co.2any ri-/ *ro. is

ince2ion He sared /is career as an en-ineer rainee, rose o /e 2osiion o* /e

!ana-in- 1irecor and in 5 9eca.e /e co.2anys C/air.an' As a resul, /e is

acDuained 7i/ e0ery .inue deail and also 7i/ e0ery e.2loyee 7/o /as 9een in

/e co.2any *or lon-' He coninues o kee2 in close ouc/ 7i/ /e. and is easily

accessi9le o all o* /e., o0errulin- /ierarc/y' A /i-/ 2re.iu. is 2laced on /eir

loyaly and /eir lon- ser0ices are 0alued' #/e C/air.an o* /e co.2any r.ly

9elie0es /a eac/ one o* /e. /as conri9ued si-nicanly o7ards /e -ro7/ o* 

/e co.2any' $n /e li-/ o* /e *ac /a /e co.2any .ainained a Isron-

uiliarian culureI all alon-, /e conri9uion o* eac/ and e0ery e.2loyee /ad o 9e

su9sanial and /ey 7ere re7arded accordin-ly' A /e sa.e i.e, /ere 7ere .any

insances, 7/ere /e ser0ices 7ere er.inaed due o inadeDuae 2er*or.ance'

!r' anard/an #/akur oined !$L as a rainin- insrucor, o0er 7o decades a-o' Prior

o /a, /e ser0ed as an insrucor a an $ndusrial #rainin- $nsiue' He /ad /i.sel* 

o9ained /e cra* insrucors cericae *ro. $#$' He 7as 8 years old and /is .ain

ask 7as o recrui youn- 2ersons as rainees, ei/er under /e A22renices Ac or

as co.2any rainees and /en rain /e. as cra*s.en' !os o* /ese rainees 7ere

a9sor9ed o .ee /e -ro7in- needs o* /e co.2any, and !r' "/a/ used o

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2ersonally in0ol0e /i.sel* in /e 2rocess o* recrui.en and rainin- o* cra*s.en'

!r' #/akur 7as direcly re2orin- o !r' "/a/, des2ie /e 0as -a2 in /e /ierarc/y'

!r' #/akur 7as 2ro.oed o /e rank o* rainin- "u2erinenden in 56, /ou-/

/ere 7as no .uc/ c/an-e in /is o9 conen' #/e -ro7in- 2/ase o* /e co.2any

7as 2racically o0er 9y /a i.e, and /e A22renice rainin- 9eca.e a .ere

sauory aci0iy' #/e co.2any did no /a0e /e 0acancies o a9sor9 /e raineda22renices, and /ere*ore, !e' "/a/s in0ol0e.en in a22renices/i2 rainin- also

receded' #/e rainin- aci0iy 9eca.e a su9sidiary aci0iy and 7as no -i0en .uc/


 #/e 7inds o* c/an-e 7ere 9lo7in- /rou-/ !$L also' !r' Anil "/a/, /e son o* /e

*ounder indusrialis ook o0er as /e !ana-in- 1irecor o* !$L in 5, 7/ereas !r'

Ra.es/ "/a/ coninued o 9e /e C/air.an o* /e co.2any'

 #/e youn- !1 7as *ull o* ne7 ideas' He 7aned o re0ialise /e co.2any *ro. all

as2ecs and di0ersi*y ino /i-/ ec/nolo-y areas' He 7aned o .odernise /e

2resen 2lan and c/an-e /e .ana-e.en syle *ro. /e radiional direc conrol

a22roac/ o a syse.s conrolled a22roac/' A .odern co.2uer 7as 9ou-/ and

co.2uerisaion 7as inroduced'

 #/e co.2any /ad o *ace .any 2ro9le.s 7/ile inroducin- /ese c/an-es' One o* 

/e .aor /urdles 7as /e 2ro9le. o* a nu.9er o* senior e.2loyees, 7/o 7ere no

adeDuaely Dualied or de0elo2ed, 9u /ad -ro7n ino senior 2osiions' Earlier /e

ouc/sone 7as loyaly and /ard 7ork ra/er /an co.2eence' $n /e li-/ o* /is

siuaion, ne7 co.2een 2ro*essionals /ad o 9e /ired o inroduce /e c/an-es'

!$L 7as 7ell<kno7n *or is a--ressi0e 2ersonnel 2olicies' Anyone 7/o oined /e

co.2any /ad o sru--le /ard *or /is sur0i0al as /e co.2any 7as ru/less in

sackin- /ose 7/o 7ere no .eein- /e reDuire.ens' $ 7as 2aricularly so in case

o* /e ne7 a22oinees, 7/ic/ in urn necessiaed /e. o 9e ru/less in /eir 7ork

 #/e older e.2loyees *el /reaened and resened /e c/an-es and /e conseDuen

2ressures' #/ere*ore, /ey colleci0ely a22roac/ed /e C/air.an and reDuesed /i.

o iner0ene and sa*e-uard /eir ineress' #/e C/air.an, 7/o 7as no /i.sel* 

/a22y 7i/ all /e c/an-es, issued insrucions o /e !1, o /e eFec /a no old

e.2loyee 9e dislocaed' #/e ne7 !1 /ad no o/er o2ion 9u o co.2ly 7i/ /e


 #/e !1 7as ineresed in ryin- ou /e HR1 a22roac/es o rain all /e e.2loyees,

2aricularly e.2loyees 7/o 7ere urnin- ou o 9e dead7oods' He /ired !r' Ku.ar

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in 5M as a #rainin- !ana-er' !r' Ku.ar 7as 9asically an en-ineer 9u /ad

considera9le ex2erience 7i/ a .ulinaional co.2any in /e eld o* HR1,

2aricularly in #rainin- and !ana-e.en 1e0elo2.en' He reor-anised /e rainin-

se u2 9y inducin- 7o Assisan !ana-ers' !r' #/akur 7as nex o /e Assisan

!ana-ers in /e /ierarc/y and re2ored o !r' Ku.ar direcly and coninued o

.ana-e /e aFairs relaed o a22renices/i2 rainin-'

nil !r' Ku.ar ca.e alon-, !r' #/akur /ad enoyed /e 2osiion o* /e /ead o* /e

rainin- di0ision, /ou-/ /ere 7as no o/er rainin- aci0iy a2ar *ro.

a22renices/i2 rainin-' He 7as o2erain- inde2endenly and 7as re2orin- direcly

o /e !1' He coninued o do so e0en a*er /e or-anisaion /ad -ro7n in

2ro2orion' !r' #/akur *el de.oed in /e ne7 se u2' %ie los /is 2osiion and

indi0idualiy in /e or-anisaion, and /is 2ride 7as seriously /ur' He 7as no

2re2ared o acce2 !r'Ku.ar as /is 9oss 'and /e sared 9e/a0in- in an irraional

.anner' He resened /e 0as -a2 creaed 9e7een /i. and /e o2 .an in /e ne7


!r' Ku.ar oleraed /i. 7i/ /e /o2e /a !r' #/akur 7ould reconcile /i.sel* o

/e c/an-es, in i.e' n*orunaely, /e coninued o 9e/a0e in /e sa.e 7ay and

/ere 7as no i.2ro0e.en e0en a*er one year' W/en !r' Ku.ar ried o counsel

/i., !r' #/akur de.anded o 9e 2ro.oed o /e le0el o* Assisan !ana-er, as /e

/a22ened o 9e /e senior .os 2erson in /e de2ar.en'

Ku.ar 2ro.ised o look ino /is de.and' On a care*ul analysis o* /e 2ersonal

docke o* !r' #/akur and all /e 2re0ious docu.ens, /e *ound ou /a !r' #/akur

7as o0er 2ro.oed and also o0er 2aid *or /e o9 /a /e 7as doin-' Lea0e alone

9ein- eniled *or *ur/er 2ro.oion, !r' #/akur 7as no e0en *or /is 2resen


 #/e co.2any did no /a0e a *or.al 2er*or.ance a22raisal syse.' $s 2roducs

7ere sellin- 7ell, /e 2roa9iliy 7as -ood and accordin-ly all /e e.2loyees 7ere

re7arded 7ell' Pro.oions and exra incre.ens 7ere -i0en ar9irarily 9ased on /e

2ersonal likes and dislikes o* /e o2 .an, ra/er /an on any o9eci0e analysis o* 

2er*or.ance or 2oenial o* an indi0idual' No *or.al .an2o7er 2lannin- or

or-anisaional 2lannin- exised' No eFors 7ere .ade o *orecas i.2licaions o* 

suc/ a syse. in *uure' On /e 7/ole, /e co.2any did no /a0e any *or.al

2roecion *or /e *uure'

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 #/e co.2any *ollo7ed /e 2racice o* -i0in- lon- ser0ice 'cericaes and a7ards o

all /ose 7/o /ad co.2leed ;6 years o* ser0ice in /e co.2any' !r' #/akur /ad -o

/is cericae only recenly' #/ere 7ere se0eral e.2loyees 9elon-in- o !r' #/akurs

cae-ory' All o* /e. unied and .e 9o/ *or.ally and in*or.ally o discuss /eir

srae-ies and de.ands' #/ey used o 2u u2 /eir -rie0ances o /e .ana-e.en

colleci0ely' #/ey /ad esa9lis/ed a 0ery sron- ra22or 7i/ /e C/air.an, !r'"/a/' !r' Ku.ar 2resened all /e *acs o !r' #/akur o con0ince /i. /a /is

2ro.oion 7as no 2ossi9le' As /e laer 7as no used o /e kind o* lo-ic

2resened 9y !r' Ku.ar, /e dis.issed all /is ar-u.ens as so2/isicaed ar-on,

irrele0an o /e conex o* /is co.2any' He 7as 2aricularly 9ier a9ou /e *ac

/a /is 2ro.oion 7as urned do7n 7/ereas /ere 7ere se0eral 2eo2le 7i/ si.ilar

9ack-round 7/o /a0e -o /eir 2ro.oions' #/ere*ore, /ere 7as *ur/er

deerioraion in /is 9e/a0iour' He sared i-norin- /e direcions o* !r' Ku.ar and

7orked as 2er /is o7n 7/i.s and *ancies, 9e/a0in- arro-anly' He e0en 7en o /e

exen o* c/allen-in- !r' Ku.ar /a /e could nei/er 2ro.oe /i. nor de.oe /i.

in /e 2re0ailin- siuaion' "o lon- as /e 7as 2roeced 9y /e C/air.an o* /e

co.2any, /ere 7as no/in- *or /i. o 7orry a9ou and /is o9 7as 2racically


!r' Ku.ar o2i.isically /o2ed /a !r' #/akur could o0erco.e /is *rusraion and

an-er o0er a 2eriod o* i.e' n*orunaely, e0en a*er ano/er six .on/s /ere 7as

no si-n o* any 2ro-ress' $n *ac, /e siuaion deerioraed *ur/er 7i/ !r' #/akur

9eco.in- .ore conden in /is 9elie* /a !r' Ku.ar 7as 2o7erless o deal 7i/

/i.' He urned ou o 9e a dra- in /e de2ar.en, 2ur2osely creain- 2ro9le.s *or

!r' Ku.ar'

$n !$L /e annual incre.ens and -eneral raises 7ere -i0en as a 2olicy o e0ery

e.2loyee 7/ic/ is er.ed as' /e Ianaa raiseI !r' #/akur 7as Duie sure /a /e

7ould -e /is anaa raise and reconciled /i.sel* o /a' !r' Ku.ar ried o so2 /is

raise 9u could no do so' #/ere 7ere se0eral 9ullies 9elon-in- o !r' #/akurs

cae-ory in /e or-anisaion and one o* /e asks o* /e #rainin- !ana-er 7as o

/andle suc/ 2eo2le' #/ou-/ /e /ad or-anised a *e7 rainin- 7orks/o2s in /e

9e/a0ioural areas, i /ad no 9rou-/ a9ou /e reDuired aiudinal c/an-es' Ri-/

under /is nose /e /ad a 2erson 7/ose 9e/a0iour /e 7as no a9le o a.end' !r'

Ku.ar realised /a /e desired c/an-es 7ere no 2ossi9le, so lon- as /e IJa

securiyI 7as /ere'

1ue o a c/an-e in /e -o0ern.enal 2olicy, /ere 7ere se0eral ne7 co.2eiors o

!$L and /e !1 *el /ere 7as a sron- need and ur-ency o 9rin- in c/an-es in /e

or-anisaion, o .ake i .ore dyna.ic and co.2eii0e' $ 7as no lon-er 2ossi9le o

carry on /e or-anisaional dead 7oods' !r' Ku.ar 7as under -rea 2ressure o look

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ino all suc/ cases in /e or-anisaion, on a 2rioriy 9asis' W/en /e ex2lained /is

diBculies, /e !1 su--esed /a /e s/ould a22roac/ /e C/air.an o a22rise /i.

o* /e *acs'

!r' Ku.ar .e /e C/air.an and a22rised /i. o* /e siuaion 2aricularly ciin- /e

exa.2le o* !r' #/akur' #/e C/air.an, in urn ari9ued /e 9la.e o !r' Ku.ar

/i.sel*, Duesionin- /i. as o 7/y a *ai/*ul and nor.al e.2loyee /ad urned ino

a 2ro9le.aic case under !r' Ku.ar 7i/in one year'

!r' Ku.ar is no7 le* 7i/ no alernai0e 9u o i-nore !r' #/akur and coninue in /is

eFors o c/an-e /e o/er diBcul e.2loyees' Ho7e0er, /e 7ill no /a0e /e .oral

ri-/ o iner0ene in suc/ cases'

Alernai0ely /e could si.2ly 2ro.oe !e' #/akur and 9uy 2eace irres2eci0e o* 

7/e/er /e deser0es i or no'


5' $s i ri-/ on /e 2ar o* /e C/air.an o 2roec /e senior e.2loyees, /ere9y

causin- 2ro9le. o /e ne7 !1

;' $s /e C/air.an no o0er<re7ardin- lon- ser0ice

' Are /e senior e.2loyees oo sensii0e and o0er reacin- o /e c/an-es

M' 1id /e !1 adeDuaely 2re2are /e -round *or inroducin- /e c/an-es Was /e

oo /asy

8' Would i no /a0e 9een 7ise *or !r' Ku.ar o 2ro.oe !r' #/akur 7i/ou

9o/erin- a9ou /e lo-ic 7/ic/ is no a22lica9le in !$L

Q' $s /e assu.2ion o* /e #rainin- !ana-er /a O0er 2roecion is /e roo cause

o* rou9le ri-/



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Ra. Lal 7as recruied direcly 9y /e Kan2ur #exile !ills as a e.2orary s2innin-

su2er0isor in uly 5QQ' A /e i.e o* /is a22oin.en, /e 7as -i0en a salary o* Rs'

66 7/ic/ included 9asic 2ay and o/er allo7ances' He 7as /en ; years old, a

9ac/elor 7i/ no de2endans' He /ad a s.ar and 2leasan 2ersonaliy' He /ad2assed /is .ariculaion exa.inaion *ro. a local Hi-/ "c/ool and /ad a9ou one

years ex2erience as a s2innin- su2er0isor in a si.ilar exile .ill in /e sa.e ciy'

$n /e 2resen o9, /e /ad o 7ork under /e Assisan "2innin- !aser and o

su2er0ise a9ou 566 7orkers in /e .ills' #/e .ills o2eraed /ree s/i*s a day

c/an-in- once a 7eek in ani<clock7ise direcion' Ra. Lals 2er*or.ance in /e

9e-innin- as a s2innin- su2er0isor as *ound o 9e uni*or.ly eBcien' His aiude

o7ards /e .ills, su2eriors and co<su2er0isors 7as re2ored o 9e *a0oura9le' He

7as /eld in /i-/ esee. 9y /is su2eriors, *ello7<su2er0isors and 7orkers'

"o.ei.es /e used o iniiae in*or.al 2aries and -e<o-e/ers in /e caneen o* 

/e .ills' On /e reco..endaion o* /is su2eriors /e .ana-e.en conr.ed /i.

in /e o9 on 5s Oco9er, 5Q'

$n anuary, 5Q /ere 7as a 0acancy in /e s2innin- de2ar.en 9ecause o* /e

resi-naion o* ano/er su2er0isor' Gird/ari 7/o 7as 7orkin- in a nei-/9ourin- .ill

a a salary o* Rs' 6, a22lied *or /is 2osiion' #/e Assisan "2innin- !aser 7/o

kne7 /i. 2ersonally reco..ended o /e %acory !ana-er /a Gird/ari 7as a

/i-/ly skilled su2er0isor and /a /e .i-/ 9e considered *or /e o9' On /is

reco..endaion /e %acory !ana-er /ired /i. a a salary o* Rs' 86' Accordin- o

/e %acory !ana-er, Ra. Lal 7as un/a22y o0er /e a22oin.en o* Gird/ari'

ConseDuenly, /e sared o iner*ere in /e s.oo/ *uncionin- o* Gird/ari sde2ar.en'

$ 7as noed in 1ece.9er 5Q /a /e ou2u o* Ra. Lals s/i* 7as .arkedly

9elo7 /e sandard o* /e .ills' He 7as *reDuenly *ound o 9e lae in aendin- /e

.ills' "o.ei.es, /e a22lied *or lea0e 7/ile sayin- a /o.e 7i/ou any 2rior

2er.ission' His aiude 7as descri9ed 9y /e .ana-e.en as 2ro<la9our'

Once Gird/ari 0isied /e Assisan "2innin- !aser (A'"'!') and /e *ollo7in-

con0ersaion ook 2lace3

Gird/ari 3 Good .ornin-, "ir'

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A'"'!' 3 Good .ornin-, !r' Gird/ari' Ho7 are you

Gird/ari 3 #/ank you "ir, $ a. Duie 7ell'

A'"'!' 3 our ou2u is excellen in /e .ills' $ don kno7 7/a /as /a22ened o Ra.

Lal' $ re.ain consanly 7orried a9ou /e ou2u *ro. /is de2ar.en' 1o you kno7

7/y /a ou2u is so .uc/ 9elo7 /e sandard

Gird/ari3 W/y no, "irS #/a is kno7n o e0eryone in /e .ills' %or exa.2le, Kalu,

 a-dis/ and Kiri 7/o are su22osed o 9e 7orkin- under /i., do no acually do any

7ork *or /e .ills /ou-/ /ey recei0e /eir *ull salary *ro. /e .ills'

A'"'!'3 Ho7 is /a 2ossi9le

Gird/ari 3 "ir,Ra. Lal sends /ese .en o /eir /o.es and /eir i.e cards are

al7ays urned o indicae a *ull days 7ork' $n ano/er case, !ano/ar 7as consanly

a9sen in Ra. Lals de2ar.en *or a lon- 2eriod o* i.e' Ra. Lal 2unc/ed /is i.e

card a iner0als so as o reain /is e.2loy.en in /e .ills' #/ere is .ore o i /an

/is, "ir' He leaks ou cerain condenial in*or.aion o /e 7orkers' He is 0ery

cle0er' He 7ans o 7in /eir condence and creae a -ood i.2ression o* /i.sel* on/e.'

A'"'!'3 W/a sor o* condenial in*or.aion /as 9een leaked ou

Gird/ari 3 He /as old eac/ o* /is .en /a an7ari, one o* .y .en, is -oin- o 7in

a cas/ re7ard o* Rs' 566 as /e .os eBcien 7orker o* /e .ills /is year' #/is is a

.isc/ie0ous .o0e' He clai.s /a /e .ana-e.en is s/o7in- *a0ouriis., as

an7ari really sands no7/ere'

A'"'!' 3 O'K', $ s/all ake care o* /i.'

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 #/e Assisan "2innin- !aser 0isied Ra. Lals de2ar.en on /e sa.e day in /e

a*ernoon 9u /e could nd no/in- 7ron- in /is de2ar.en 7i/ /e exce2ion /a

Ra. Lal 7as c/ain- 7i/ a *e7 7orkers' #/e Assisan "2innin- !aser in*or.ed

/e %acory !ana-er on /e sa.e day /a Ra. Lal 7as en-a-ed in -ossi2in- 7i/ a

-rou2 o* 7orkers a .any i.es durin- a day' On /e 9asis o* se0eral in*or.al

re2ors o* /e Assisan "2innin- !aser, /e .ana-e.en *or.ed /e o2inion /aRa. Lal did no coo2erae 7i/ /is su2eriors and co<su2er0isors in /e .ills'

Accordin- o /e .ana-e.en, Ra. Lal 9eca.e an Iuncon0incin-, le/ar-ic and

arro-anI .an'

 #/e Assisan "2innin- !aser in*or.ed /e %acory !ana-er on ;6/ Au-us, 56

/a in s2ie o* /is re2eaed 0er9al 7arnin-s, Ra. Lal did no care o i.2ro0e /is

9e/a0iour' A*er one 7eek Ra. Lal recei0ed /e *ollo7in- leer *ro. /e %acory


1aed3 ;/ Au-us, 56



"/ri Ra. Lal,

"2innin- "u2er0isor

5' ou 7ere -i0en 2er*ec doF<conrol sein- as seen 9y /e Assisan "2innin-

!aser and /e %acory !ana-er 7/ic/ /as no 9een .ainained'

;' Reasons *or 9reaka-es s/ould /a0e 9een in0esi-aed as /e sa.e *ra.es

nu.9ers , and 7ere in 2er*ec runnin- condiion in /e earlier and /e nex


' ou /a0e le* 566 s2indles idle *or no ex2lica9le reason, as re2ored 9y /e

su2er0isor 7/o /as aken c/ar-e *ro. you'

M' E0idenly /e 7ork 7as no conrolled 9y you'

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8' ou s/ould 9e a9le o deec, i* a all, /ere is any delinDuence on /e 2ar o* 

/ose 7/o are res2onsi9le *or s2oilin- /e 7ork' #/e res2onsi9iliy o* /e 2ro2er

runnin- o* /e de2ar.en is solely yours'

Q' $ /as 9een *ound /a you are no re-ular in your aendance and are in /e /a9i

o* a22lyin- *or lea0e 7/ile siin- a /o.e 7i/ou any 2rior ini.aion and=or2er.ission'

' $ /as 9een 9rou-/ o .y noice /a you are allo7in- so.e o* ,your .en o

enoy lea0e unau/orisedly'

' $ /as 9een re2ored /a you are in /e /a9i o* di0ul-in- secre and condenial

in*or.aion o* /e .ana-e.en o 0arious unau/orised 2ersons'

$n *uure, you are ex2eced o .ainain sais*acory 2er*or.ance and 2ro2er

disci2line in /e de2ar.en'

"'P' Wad/a7a

%acory !ana-er

n*orunaely, Ra. Lal did no res2ond 2osii0ely o /e a9o0e 7arnin-s' On /eo/er /and, /e .ana-e.en 7as *ed u2 7i/ /is arro-an 9e/a0ioral 2aerns 9u

did no kno7 /o7 o sack /i.'

E0idenly, /e 9eca.e a 2ro9le.<e.2loyee' His 9e/a0iour did no i.2ro0e des2ie

re2eaed counsellin- 9y /is su2eriors' #/e .ana-e.en nally decided o ser0e /i.

7i/ a c/ar-e<s/ee as *ollo7s3

Oco9er 5Q, 56

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!r, Ra. Lal,

"2innin- "u2er0isor

%ollo7in- are /e c/ar-es a-ains you and you are asked o su9.i your ex2lanaion

7i/in M /ours o* /e recei2 o* /e c/ar-e<s/ee *ailin- 7/ic/ disci2linary acion

7ill 9e aken a-ains you'

5' Producion in your s/i* on 8/, /, 5;/ and 58/ insan /as 9een 0ery lo7 ins2ie o* re2eaed 0er9al and 7rien 7arnin-s

;' $n s2ie o* re2eaed 7arnin-s you coninue o 9e un2uncual in your aendance

and also coninue o /andle /e o2eraions o* /e de2ar.en in a Casual and

indiFeren 7ay, 1eail as *ollo7s 3

(a) On 56/ insan /e reelin- de2ar.en 7as /anded o0er 7i/ou 9els *or six

reels and /in 9o99ins accu.ulaed near /e condiionin- ank'<

(9) On l5/ insan, /e s2innin- de2ar.en 7as /anded o0er in a 0ery 9ad

condiion 7i/ o0erla22in- and .any rin- *ra.es 7ere no -aied 2ro2erly'

(c) On 58/ insan 7/ile you 7ere /andin- o0er /e c/ar-e o* /e s2innin-

de2ar.en, i 7as also *ound /a 7o rin- *ra.es 7ere so22ed 7i/ou -aiin-

and se0en rin- *ra.es 7ere no -aied 2ro2erly and also /ere 7as /ea0y


(d) ou aended o your s/i* duies on 5;/, 58/ and 5Q/ insan 0ery lae /ere9y

causin- dislocaion in /e arran-e.en o* /e s/i*'

(e) $n s2ie o* re2eaed 7arnin-s and ad0ice you *ailed o .ainain 2ro2er disci2line

in /e de2ar.en'

$n 0ie7 o* /e a9o0e i is clear /a as a res2onsi9le e.2loyee o* /e .ills you /a0e

nei/er i.2ro0ed your 2uncualiy nor 7ork eBciency' !oreo0er, you /a0e also

*ailed o .ainain disci2line in /e de2ar.en' ou are /ere*ore reDuired o su9.i

your ex2lanaion 7i/in /e a*oresaid i.e li.i as o 7/y disci2linary acion s/ould

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no 9e aken a-ains you 7/ic/ .ay e0en include er.inaion o* your ser0ices *ro.

/e .ills'

"'P' Wad/a7a

%acory !ana-er

Ra. Lal re2lied o /e a9o0e c/ar-e<s/ee as *ollo7s3

1aed3 Oco9er 5' 56


 #/e %acory !ana-er

Re*' 3 our leer daed Oco9er 5Q' 56'

Res2eced "ir,

On Oco9er 58, 56 $ a-ree /a $ could no /and o0er /e c/ar-e o* s2innin-

de2ar.en in a 2ro2er .anner 9ecause $ could no .ana-e /e 7ork o* /ede2ar.en due o 0arious do.esic reasons' $ assure you "ir /a $ 7ill /and o0er

/e c/ar-e o* /e de2ar.en in a 2ro2er .anner in *uure' $ also assure you /a $

s/all .ainain .y 2roducion /i-/ in *uure' Ho7e0er, $ a. sur2rised o kno7 *ro.

your leer /a $ do no .ainain disci2line in /e de2ar.en and leak<ou

condenial in*or.aion o 7orkers' $ a. sure you 7ill a-ree 7i/ .e /a 7/ene0er

$ do any -ood 7ork, o/er su2er0isors *eel ealous and re2or o you seal/ily

a-ains .e' Please do no 2ay /eed o /ese ru.ours' "ince $ a. /e senior

su2er0isor in /e .ills, $ reDues you o kindly -i0e .e an o22oruniy o 2ro0e .y

ca2a9iliy in /e *uure' $ also assure you, "ir, /a $ s/all .ainain disci2line in /e

de2ar.en' #/ankin- you and assurin- you o* .y sincere ser0ices al7ays'

 ours *ai/*ully,

(Ra. Lal)

"2innin- "u2er0isor

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 #/e .ana-e.en o9ser0ed /a in s2ie o* /is a9o0e assurance, /e nei/er

.ainained /e 2roducion sandard nor en*orced disci2line in /e de2ar.en' He

could no also i.2ro0e /is 9e/a0ioural 2aerns in /e .ills'


5' W/a is /e cenral 2ro9le. in /is case

;' W/a correci0e .easures do you 2ro2ose o sol0e /is 2ro9le.

' Pre2are a syse.aic re2or *or /e .ana-e.en as a consulan 2syc/olo-is

analysin- /e 2ros and cons in deail'



"undar "eel Li.ied 7as a .ediu.<si:ed seel co.2any .anu*acurin- s2ecial

seels o* 0arious y2es and -rades' $ e.2loyed 8,666 7orkers and M86 execui0es'

nder /e General !ana-er (Producion), /ere 7ere o2eraion, .ainenance, and

ser0ices -rou2s, eac/ /eaded 9y a c/ie*' #/e C/ie* o* !ainenance 7as "/ukla and

under /i. !uk/eree 7as 7orkin- as /e !ainenance En-ineer' #/e oal sren-/

o* !ainenance 7as 866 7orkers, ;8 execui0es, and 86 su2er0isors'

C/aeree 7as 7orkin- in !ainenance as a 7orker *or /ree years' He 7as

eBcien' He /ad iniiai0e and dri0e' He 2er*or.ed /is duies in a near 2er*ec

.anner' He 7as a .an o* 2ro0en ec/nical a9iliy 7i/ u.os dri0e and das/' He

7as 2ro.oed as "u2er0isor'

C/aeree, no7 a "u2er0isor, 7as one day 2assin- /rou-/ /e !ainenance "/o2

on /is rouine ins2ecion' He *ound a cerain 7orker siin- idle' He 2ulled /i. u2 *or

/is' #/e 7orker realiaed 9y a9usin- /i. 7i/ l/y 7ords' Wi/ a -ri. *ace and

uer *rusraion, C/aeree re2ored /e .aer o !uk/eree' #/e 7orker 7/o

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insuled C/aeree 7as a Inoorious c/aracerI, and no su2er0isor dared o con*ron

/i.' !uk/eree ook a serious 0ie7 o* /e inciden and ser0ed a sron- 7arnin-

leer o /e 7orker'

No/in- 0ery 2aricular a9ou C/aeree or *ro. /i. ca.e o /e kno7led-e o* 

!uk/eree' #/in-s 7ere .o0in- s.oo/ly' C/aeree 7as -ein- alon- 7ell 7i/


u a*er a9ou /ree years, ano/er serious inciden ook 2lace' A 7orker ca.e

drunk o duy, 9e-an 2layin- cards, and usin- 0ery l/y lan-ua-e' W/en

C/aeree sron-ly o9eced o /is, /e 7orker -o u2 and sla22ed C/aeree'

Laer, /e 7orker 7en o /is union and re2ored /a C/aeree /ad assauled /i.

7/ile /e 7as 2er*or.in- /is duies'

C/aeree /ad no idea /a /e siuaion 7ould ake suc/ a urn' He, /ere*ore,

ne0er 9o/ered o re2or /e .aer o /is 9oss or collec e0idence in su22or o* /is


 #/e union ook /e case o "/ukla and 2re0ailed o0er /i. o ake sern acion

a-ains C/aeree' "/ukla insruced !uk/eree o de.oe C/aeree o /e rank o* 

a 7orker' !uk/eree ex2ressed /is a22re/ension /a in suc/ a case C/aeree 7ill

9e o* no use o /e de2ar.en, and /e de.oion 7ould aFec ad0ersely /e

.orale o* all sincere and eBcien su2er0isors' u C/aeree 7as de.oed'

C/aeree coninued 7orkin- in /e or-anisaion 7i/ all /is eBciency, co.2eence,

and a9iliy *or 7o .on/s' #/en /e resi-ned sain- /a /e /ad secured 9eer

e.2loy.en else 7/ere' !uk/eree 7as 2erur9ed a /is urn o* e0ens' W/ile

2lacin- C/aerees resi-naion leer 9e*ore "/ukla, /e ex2ressed dee2 concern a

/is de0elo2.en'

"/ukla called C/ie* o* Personnel *or ad0ice on /is delicae issue' #/e C/ie* o* 

Personnel said, I$ /ink /e inciden s/ould /el2 us o a22reciae /e essenial

Dualicaion reDuired *or a success*ul su2er0isor' An /ones and /ard7orkin- .an

need no necessarily 2ro0e o 9e an eFeci0e su2er0isor' "o.e/in- .ore is

reDuired *or /is as /e /as o -e /in-s done ra/er /an do /i.sel*'I

!uk/eree said,I $ /a0e a /i-/ o2inion o* C/aeree' He 2ro0ed /is ec/nical

co.2eence and 7as sincere a /is 7ork' Gi0en so.e -uidance on /o7 o deal 7i/

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/e y2e o* 2ersons /e /ad o 7ork 7i/, /e sad siuaion could /a0e 9een


"/ukla said, I$ a. really sorry o lose C/aeree' He 7as 0ery T/ones and 2ain<

sakin- in /is 7ork' u $ do no kno7 /o7 $ could /a0e /el2ed /i.' $ 7onder /o7 /e

al7ays .ana-ed o -e ino rou9le 7i/ 7orkers' We kno7 /ey are illieraes andso.e o* /e. are ou-/' u a su2er0isor .us /a0e /e a9iliy and 2resence o* 

.ind o deal 7i/ suc/ .en' $ /a0e nu.erous su2er0isors, 9u $ ne0er /ad o eac/

any9ody /o7 o su2er0ise /is .en'I



5' W/a is /e .ain 2ro9le. in /e case

;' 1o you /ink /e decision aken 9y "/ukla is in kee2in- 7i/ /e *ai/, rus and

creain- de0elo2.enal cli.ae in /e or-anisaion, criically e0aluae

' W/a 7ould you /a0e done, i* you 7ere in 2lace o* "/ukla

M' 1o you a-ree 7i/ 7/a C/ie* o* Personnel /as said W/a is /e 2oinin- o7ards

sayin- /a so.e/in- .ore is reDuired o 9e an eFeci0e su2er0isor, ex2lain

8' !uk/eree is 2oinin- o7ards I-uidanceI $s /e indicain- o7ards en/ancin-

co.2eencies o* /e e.2loyees o 2er*or. /eir o9 .ore eFeci0ely' 1o you a-ree

Q' 1o you /ink counsellin-=.enorin- .ay /el2 i.2ro0in- rou-/ and $ ou-/


' $s /e 2resen siuaion likely o aFec /e 7ork .oi0aion HR1 syse.s /a0e

-rea rele0ance o e.2loyee .oi0aion' As G'!' 7/a de0elo2.enal iner0enions

7ould you reco..end o i.2ro0e 7ork .oi0aion and dyadic relaions/i2'



/ara "eel "rucures Li.ied 7as a lar-e 2u9lic secor underakin- /a0in- M6,666

e.2loyees' $Us %a9ricaion "/o2 *a9ricaed srucures and 2aired 0arious

eDui2.ens' #/e s/o2 7as /eaded 9y /e 1e2uy Works .ana-er (!ec/anical),

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7/o re2ored o /e Works !ana-er (!ec/anical), 7/o in urn re2ored o /e

General !ana-er (Works)'

"/ar.a oined /e co.2any in 56 as a %a9ricaor Grade $$, 7/ic/ 7as a skilled

 o9' His o9 7as o *a9ricae and re2air diFeren eDui2.ens under /is su2er0isors


$niially "/ar.a 7as sincere, 7ell 9e/a0ed, and dedicaed' "oon /e 9eca.e one o* 

/e 9es 7orkers in /e s/o2' A*er so.e i.e, /o7e0er, "/ar.a sared losin-

ineres in /is o9 and -radually 9eca.e indiFeren'

%reDuenly /e 2icked u2 Duarrels 7i/ /is *ello7 7orkers on ri0ial issues' !a/o,

"u2er0isor o* "/ar.as s/i*, re2ored a-ains /i. o /e $ 1e2uy Works !ana-er'

!a/o co.2lained /a .os o* /e i.e "/ar.a 7as no a0aila9le a /is 7ork

2lace, and e0en 7/en /e 7as a0aila9le /e 7as *ound -ossi2in- 7i/ o/er 7orkers'

 #/e 1e2uy Works !ana-er orally 7arned "/ar.a and old /i. o i.2ro0e /is

2er*or.ance o/er7ise suia9le acion 7ould 9e aken a-ains /i.'

On une 5, "/ar.a and !a/o 7ere in /e .ornin- s/i* (Q a'.' o ; 2'.')' A 5;'6

2'.' !a/o le* /e s/o2 and 7en o /e Ad.inisraion uildin-, 7/ic/ 7as ouside

/e 2lan 2re.ises o enDuire a9ou a le' !a/o in*or.ed /e 1e2uy Works

!ana-er 9e*ore lea0in- /e s/o2' A 5;'M6 2'.' !a/o 7as assauled and

.an/andled on /e road us ouside /e .ain -ae' !a/o 7as aken o /e

/os2ial 9y so.e 7orkers' !a/o lod-ed a co.2lain /a "/ar.a /ad assauled


"/ar.a 7as su9seDuenly c/ar-e<s/eeed 9y /e 1e2uy Works !ana-er *or

.isconduc and 7as asked o re2ly 7i/in se0en days' #/e c/ar-e<s/ee said3

5' IOn une 5 a 5;'M8 2'.' you assauled !a/o on /e road ouside /e .ain -ae

7/ile /e 7as -oin- ou o* /e 2lan' 1urin- /e 2re0ious 7eek /e /ad re2ored

a9ou your lack o* ineres in 7ork and *reDuen a9sence *ro. 7ork 2lace 7i/ou

2er.ission' $nsead o* i.2ro0in- your 2er*or.ance, you assauled /i., a22arenly

9ecause /e /ad co.2lained a-ains you'I

;' Iou 7ere a9sen *ro. your duy 7i/ou 2er.ission 9e7een 5;'6 2'.' and

5'M6 2'.' on une 5'I

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$n /is re2ly o* une ; (7i/in se0en days as reDuired) "/ar.a alle-ed /a /e

1e2uy Works !ana-er /ad cerain .alice a-ains /i. as /e /ad no o9li-ed /i. 9y

.anu*acurin- and su22lyin- a cu29oard *or /is /ouse/old use' #/e .ana-er /ad

concoced /e case o 0ici.i:e /i.' !oreo0er, /e clai.ed /a /e and !a/o 7ere

2resen on /eir duy u2 o 5'M8 2'.' Hence, /e Duesion o* /is assaulin- !a/o

did no arise' He *ur/er saed /a /e 7as on -ood er.s 7i/ !a/o' #/e Works!ana-er did no nd /e re2ly o 9e sais*acory and consiued an enDuiry

co..iee consisin- o* /e "enior !ana-er (#rainin-) and /e "enior Personnel

OBcer' "/ar.a *ully 2arici2aed in /e enDuiry and 7as assised 9y a co7orker'

 #/e co..iee /eld "/ar.a -uily o* /e .isconducs .enioned in /e c/ar-e<


 #/e Works !ana-er 7as /inkin- a9ou /e acion o 9e aken a-ains "/ar.a and

/o7 o a0oid suc/ siuaions in *uure'


5' $deni*y /e 2ro9le. in /e case'

;' Ho7 do you see /e ac o* "/ar.a Criically e0aluae 7i/ re*erence o /is re2ly

o /e enDuiry co..iee'

' Ho7 7ould you ackle /e 2ro9le. o a0oid recurrence o* suc/ incidens, i* you

7ere /e Works !ana-er

M' 1o you see any role o* or-ani:aional cli.ae as a *acor Co..en'



Naional !anu*acurin- Co.2any is a 2u9lic li.ied concern /a0in- is *acory a

 a.unana-ar 7i/ is re-isered oBce in 1el/i' $ e.2loys 5,;66 7ork.en, 7/o are

or-anised ino a union called /e INaional

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!anu*acurin- Co.2any !a:door nionI' Ra.as, a er in /e en-ineerin-

de2ar.en, is /e 2residen o* /e union, and /e co..ands considera9le 'res2ec

a.on- /e 7ork.en'

On 6/ A2ril 5, a9ou ;6 e.2loyees o* /e co.2any led 9y Ra.as .e /e

7orks .ana-er and asked /i. /a !ay $ 9e declared a /oliday' #/e 7orks .ana-er

ex2ressed /is ina9iliy o o9li-e /e union' #/en /e siuaion ook an u-ly urn'

 #/ere 7as exc/an-e o* /o 7ords' Ra.as accused /e 7orks .ana-er o* 9ein-

ani<7orkin- class and a callous des2o'

 #/e sa.e e0enin-, Ra.as addressed a -ae .eein-' He asked /e 7orkers o

o9ser0e !ay 1ay in a in- .anner' A resoluion conde.nin- /e aiude o* /e

7orks .ana-er 7as also ado2ed a /e .eein-'

A /e sar o* /e s/i* a 366 a'.' /e nex day, i'e' !ay 1ay, Ra.as 7en o /e

*acory, colleced a nu.9er o* 7ork.en, includin- se0eral oBce<9earers o* /e

'union, and 7en *ro. de2ar.en o de2ar.en ur-in- /e 7ork.en o so2 7ork'

Wi/in a s/or i.e a lar-e nu.9er o* 7ork.en le* /eirI 7ork 2lace and srea.ed

ou' A Ja- /oisin- cere.ony 7as /eld ouside /e *acory -ae' Ra.as ex/ored

/e 7orkers o oin /e !ay 1ay rally laer in /e e0enin-' #/e *acory did no 7ork

*or /e res o* /e day'

 #/e .ana-e.en issued a c/ar-e<s/ee o Ra.as on rd !ay 5 -i0in- deails

o* /e c/ar-es and saed /a /ose acs a.ouned o -ross .isconduc, under

"andin- Orders ;M(a), (c), (-), (k), (2)' (%or ex o* 

/e "andin- Orders see Annexure 5)' Ra.as 7as reDuired o su9.i /is

ex2lanaion in /e *ollo7in- lan-ua-e3

 ou are /ere9y reDuired o su9.i your ex2lanaion o /e a9o0e said acs o* 

.isconduc 7i/in ;M /ours o* /e recei2 /ereo* as o 7/y you s/ould no 9e

dis.issed *ro. /e ser0ice o* /e co.2any' (%or c/ar-e<s/ee see Annexure $$)

$ 7as saed in /e c/ar-e<s/ee /a "/ri P'C' Gu2a, /e le-al ad0isor o* /e

co.2any, 7ould /old /e enDuiry on /e c/ar-e<s/ee a 55'66 a'.' on 56/ !ay,

5 in /e Con*erence Roo. o* /e *acory'

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Ra.as re*used o acce2 /e c/ar-e<s/ee' #/ere*ore, i 7as sen o /i. 9y

re-isered 2os on /e sa.e day and a co2y /ereo* 7as dis2layed on /e noice<

9oard o* /e co.2any' #/e re-isered co0er 7as recei0ed 9ack 7i/ /e re.arks

Ire*used o acce2I'

Ra.as, /o7e0er, a22eared *or /e enDuiry and asked in 7riin- /a /e 9e2er.ied o 9e de*ended 9y a la7yer or alernai0ely 9y Pria. "in-/, /e General

"ecreary o* /e union, 7/o 7as no an e.2loyee o* /e co.2any' #/e reDues o* 

"/ri Ra.as 7as urned do7n 9y /e enDuiry oBcer' Ra.as 7alked ou *ro. /e

enDuiry roo. sain- /a /e could no ex2ec usice *ro. /e le-al ad0iser o* /e

co.2any 7/o 7as 9iased in *a0our o* /e .ana-e.en and /a /e 7as no 9ein-

-i0en 2ro2er o22oruniy o de*end /i.sel*'

 #/e enDuiry oBcer recorded /e sae.ens o* /e .ana-e.en 7inesses and

concluded /e enDuiry 2roceedin-s' He *ound Ra.as -uily o* all /e c/ar-es

le0elled a-ains /i.' He su9.ied /is ndin-s o /e 7orks .ana-er' #/e 7orks

.ana-er re*erred /e sa.e o /e secreary o* /e co.2any a /e /ead oBce *orad0ice' #/e secreary 7roe 9ack /a Ra.as s/ould 9e dis.issed' Accordin-ly, /e

7orks .ana-er issued a leer o Ra.as er.inain- /is ser0ices 7i/ i..ediae

eFec sain- /a all /e c/ar-es le0elled a-ains /i. 7ere *ound 2ro0ed and /a

/e 7as -uily o* .isconduc *or 7/ic/ dis.issal 7as /e 2ro2er 2unis/.en'

 #/e 2unis/.en inJiced u2on Ra.as 7as assailed 9y /e union on /e *ollo7in-


5' #/e c/ar-e o* insu9ordinaion and su90ersi0e o* disci2line in 2assin- resoluion

conde.nin- /e 7orks .ana-er 7as no a .isconduc and, as suc/, no enDuiry

could 9e /eld a-ains /i.'

;' #/e c/ar-e<s/ee 7as in0alid inas.uc/ as /e .ana-e.en 9ein- 9iased a-ains

/i. /ad already .ade u2 is .ind o dis.iss /i. and /a /oldin- o* /e enDuiry

7as us a le-al *or.aliy'

' No o22oruniy 7as -i0en o /i. o de*end i.sel*'

M' #/e 2roceedin-s o* /e enDuiry recorded in /is a9sence 7ere no 9indin- on /i.

and no 2unis/.en could 9e a7arded on /e 9asis o* /e sa.e'

8' #/e a22oin.en o* /e le-al ad0iser o* /e co.2any as /e enDuiry oBcer 7as

ille-al and a-ains /e 2rinci2les o* naural usice'

Q' #/e 7orks .ana-er, 9ein- /i.sel* in0ol0ed in /e inciden, 7as ineresed in /e

ouco.e o* /e enDuiry and could no ac as /e 2unis/in- au/oriy'

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' #/e 7orks .ana-er in /e circu.sances could no and did no a22ly /is .ind

inde2endenly in decidin- /e Duanu. o* 2unis/.en'

' He 7as 0ici.i:ed *or /is rade union aci0iies and *or 9ein- /e 2residen o* /e



;M' (a) Wil*ul insu9ordinaion or diso9edience alone or in co.9inaion 7i/ ano/er

or o/ers o* any la7*ul and reasona9le order o* a su2erior'

(c) "rikin- 7ork or inciin- o/ers o srike in conra0enion o* /e 2ro0isions o* any

saue or /e sandin- orders'

(-) Enerin- or lea0in- or ae.2in- o ener or lea0e /e *acory exce2 in

accordance 7i/ /ese sandin- orders'

(k) #/reaenin- or ini.idain- any oBcer or e.2loyee on /e *acory 2re.ises'

(2) 1eli9eraely .akin- *alse, 0icious, or .alicious sae.ens, 2u9lic or o/er7ise,

a-ains any oBcer or e.2loyee o* /e co.2any'



"/ri Ra.as,

%ier, En-ineerin- 1e2ar.en,

 #oken No' 5Q6

W/ereas on 6/ A2ril 5 you alon- 7i/ o/er ;6 o* your collea-ues 7en o /e

oBce o* /e 7orks .ana-er "/ri Rand/ir "in-/ and on /is declinin- your reDues o

declare 5s !ay 5 as a -eneral /oliday, you enered ino /eaed ar-u.ens and

used undesira9le lan-ua-e a-ains /i.,

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and 7/ereas on /e e0enin- o* /e sa.e day, i'e', 6/ A2ril, 5, you or-anised

and s2oke a a .eein- ouside /e *acory 2re.ises 7/ere a resoluion

conde.nin- /e 7orks .ana-er 7as 2assed'

' W/ereas on /e .ornin- o* 5s !ay, 5 you alon- 7i/ o/er 7ork.en o* /e

*acory .o0ed *ro. de2ar.en o de2ar.en and incied /e 7orkers o so27ork' #/is resuled in 7ork.en 7alkin- ou o* /e *acory 2re.ises *or /e day' #/e

a9o0e acs o* o.ission and co..ission on your 2ar a.oun o .isconduc under

"ecion ;M(a), (c), (-), (k), and (2) o* /e "andin- Orders'

 ou are /ere9y reDuired o su9.i your ex2lanaion o /e a9o0e said acs o* 

.isconduc 7i/in ;M /ours o* /e recei2 /ereo* as o 7/y you s/ould no 9e

dis.issed *ro. /e ser0ice o* /e co.2any'

Please ake noe /a an enDuiry under /e 2ro0isions o* /e "andin- Orders in /e

.aers o* /e a9o0e c/ar-e<s/ee 7ill 9e /eld 9y "/ri P'C' Gu2a, Le-al Ad0iser o* 

/e Co.2any, a 55366 a'.' on 56/ !ay 5 in /e Con*erence Roo. o* /e


 ou are /ere9y reDuired o 2resen yoursel* *or /e enDuiry on /e a*oresaid dae,

i.e, and 2lace'

$n 0ie7 o* /e -ra0iy o* /e .isconduc .enioned a9o0e, you are also /ere9y

2laced under sus2ension 7i/ i..ediae eFec'


5' Was Ra.as usied in raisin- /e de.and *or !ay<1ay /oliday on /e 6/ A2ril,

and -ein- /e 7ork so22ed on 5s !ay

;' Was .ana-e.en usied in akin- disci2linary acion a-ains Ra.as' $* so, 7as

/e c/ar-es/ee dra*ed and ser0ed on /i. 2ro2erly

' Was /e enDuiry conduced in con*or.iy 7i/ 2rinci2les o* Naural usice $* no,

on 7/a -rounds i can 9e declared 0iiaed'

M' $s /e 2unis/.en o* dis.issal in 2ro2orion o /e oFence co..ied W/a is/e 2ossi9iliy o* is 9ein- se aside or reduced 9y /e La9our Cour, or /e /i-/er


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!r' V a-ed ;8, 7/o /ad 9een 7orkin- in a lar-e scale exile uni in !adurai 7as

re*erred o /e "ocial Worker 9y /e La9our Relaions 1e2ar.en *or a social

in0esi-aion o* /e dean 9e/a0iour ex/i9ied 9y /i. in /e 7ork 2lace' He /ad

a9sened *ro. 7ork .any a i.e due o cerain disur9in- /a9is'

!r' V /ad co..ied serious acs o* .isconduc, rioous and disorderly 9e/a0iour

durin- 7orkin- /ours on 56<5<5; as (5) /e ca.e o /e !ill in a drunken sae and

Duarrelled 7i/ /is co<7orkers and

(;) A9used /e su2er0isor usin- *oul lan-ua-e'

On a cursory 2erusal o* /e 2as records o* /e de0ian 7orker, /e social 7orker

ca.e o kno7 /a !r' V /ad a9sened /i.sel* coninually *or 5Q days durin-

55' $n addiion, /e /ad a0ailed /i.sel* o* ;5 days .edical lea0e and ;; days

casual lea0e' As a resul o* /is indisci2lined 9e/a0iour, /e co.2any /ad aken /e

*ollo7in- disci2linary acion a-ains /i.3

(5) He 7as sus2ended /ree i.es *or 6 days 9y /e La9our Relaions 1e2ar.en

*or a9senin- /i.sel* *ro. 7ork *or .ore /an six consecui0e days on 7o

occasions and once *or co..iin- a serious ac o* .isconduc'

(;) He 7as sus2ended as .any as 8 i.es *or 9ein- a9sen *ro. /e 7orks2o'

() Once /e 7as ned /al* o* /is salary .axi.u. *or carelessly allo7in- /e coon

o 7ra2 on /e cylinder roll'

(M) He 7as -i0en a nal 7arnin- on ;<<5; re-ardin- /is /a9iual a9sence'

1urin- /e 2reli.inary iner0ie7 /e "ocial Worker /ad 7i/ !r' V, /e ca.e o kno7

/a !r' V 7as .arried and /ad sudied u2o Q/ sandard' He /ad 9een dra7in- a

salary o* Rs' 66 and /ad 2u in six years o* ser0ice as a Worker in /e lo7

"ecion' As o /e *a.ily 9ack-round, !r' V is /e youn-es son o* /is 2arens' He

los /is *a/er and .o/er 7/en /e 7as years old' "ince /en /is eldes 9ro/er

/ad 9een lookin- a*er /i.' $n order o kno7 .ore a9ou /e socio<culural

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9ack-round o* !r' V, /e *acors 7/ic/ /ad dri0en /i. o indul-e in alco/olis. and

/e causes *or /is indisci2lined 9e/a0iour in /e 7ork 2lace, /e "ocial Worker 2aid

0isis o /is /ouse .any a i.e and con*erred 7i/ /is *a.ily .e.9ers' $n /e

course o* an iner0ie7 /e /ad 7i/ /e eldes 9ro/er o* !r' V, /e "ocial Worker

-a/ered in*or.aion a9ou !r' Vs li*e /isory ri-/ *ro. /e sc/oolin-' #/is

re0ealed /a !r' V, 7as ne0er ineresed in sc/oolin- and *reDuenly a9sened *ro./e class' He 7as associaed 7i/ a -an- o* *riends 7/o used o ake /i. o l.s

re-ularly 7/en !r' V 7as in /e */ sandard'

1urin- /is you/, !r' V see.ed o ake aci0e ineres in 2oliics and uli.aely *ell

under /e inJuence o* -an-sers, /rou-/ 7/o. /e /ad de0elo2ed cerain 0ices

suc/ as consu.in- alco/ol, -ana and -a.9lin-'

"eein- /e deeriorain- .oral and social li*e o* !r' V /is 9ro/er 2rocured a o9 *or

/i. in /e local exile uni so /a !r' V could sele do7n and assu.e cerain

res2onsi9iliies in li*e' As years rolled 9y, !r' V -o .arried 9u in course o* i.e /e

sared de0elo2in- a *eelin- o* /ared o7ards /is 7i*e in as .uc/ as /e did no like

/er 2/ysical a22earance' His .arial li*e lased only *or /ree .on/s a*er 7/ic/

/e nu2ial 9onda-e /ad 9roken, once and *or all' 1issaised 7i/ /e kind o* li*e /e

7as leadin-, !r' V 9e-an o consu.e alco/ol re-ularly only o 9eco.e an addic' He

sared 2layin- ducks and drakes 7i/ all /is sa0in-s and /e inco.e deri0ed *ro.

/is land oo' His 9ro/er 9e-an o reec /i. *or /e 7as 9eyond rede.2ion and

nally dro0e /i. ou o* /e /ouse'

!r' Vs su2er0isor, 7/ile iner0ie7ed 9y /e "ocial Worker, saed /a !r' Vs

relaions/i2 7i/ /i. and co<7orkers /ad 9een unsais*acory' He 7as no eBcien

in /is 7ork' O*en i.es, /e Duarrelled 7i/ /e "u2er0isor and o/er 7orkers 7/en

/e ca.e o /e 7orks2o under /e inJuence o* alco/ol' #/e "u2er0isor 7as o* /e

0ie7 /a /ou-/ !r' V /as 9een counselled and 2unis/ed on .any occasions, /e

/as no re2ened *or /e acs o* .isconduc /e /ad co..ied'

ndersanda9ly, /e *acors conri9uin- o /e de0ian 9e/a0iour /a !r' V .i-/9e /e lack o* 2arenal care durin- /is c/ild/ood, /is associaion 7i/ -an-sers,

.arial disa-ree.en due o dissais*acion in /is sexual relaions, *ailure on /e

2ar o* /e .ana-e.en o disco0er /e 2ro9le. a an early sa-e and conrol /e

sa.e, ec', and /is .i-/ lead us o assu.e /a !r' V /ad de0elo2ed disur9in-

/a9is suc/ as alco/olic addicion and c/ronic a9seneeis. o7in- o 0ery *acors

indicaed a9o0e' W/en /e "ocial Worker 2leaded 7i/ /e La9our OBcer o -ran

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2ardon o !r' V *or /e re2eaed de0ian acs ex/i9ied 9y /i., /e OBcer ex2lained

/a /ou-/ !r' V 7as -i0en /e a9solue nal 7arnin-, /e laer /ad a9sened

/i.sel* *or a9ou M8 days e0en a*er recei0in- /e sa.e and /ere*ore, /e assered,

/a /e /ad no o/er o2ion 9u o dis.iss !r' V *ro. ser0ice'


5' $s i no /e .oral and e/ical res2onsi9iliy o* /e e.2loyer o 9e concerned

a9ou /e Dualiy o* li*e o* /e de0ian 7orker

;' Ho7 could /e .is9e/a0iour o* /e 7orker 9e consruci0ely correced 7i/ou


' "u22ose /e de0ian 7orker /ad 9een counselled 9y /e "u2er0isor= !ana-er

ra/er /an 2ro-ressi0ely 2enali:ed, 7ould /e /a0e 9een dis.issed *ro. ser0ice

M' $s /e 2rocedure ado2ed 9y /e or-anisaion *or disci2linin- /e erran 9e/a0iour

o* /e 7orker usia9le

8' Could /e er.inaion o* /e dean 7orkers ser0ices /a0e 9een a0oided

Q' W/a re/a9iliai0e .easures could 9e ado2ed *or 2re0enin- and correcin- /e

de0ian 9e/a0iour o* 7orkers 7/u /ad ex/i9ied /a9i disur9ances in /e 7ork




"ar0odaya "rucurals Li.ied 7as en-a-ed in /e *a9ricaion o* /ea0y srucurals' #/e co.2any /ad six s/o2s 9esides en-ineerin-, accouns, 2ersonnel, sales, and

ad.inisrai0e de2ar.ens' $ e.2loyed ,666 .en' #/e c/ie* execui0e o* /e

co.2any 7as /e General !ana-er'

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$n one o* /e s/o2s e.2loyin- 5,666 .en, 66 ons o* srucurals 7ere *a9ricaed

e0ery .on/' #/e day<o<day .ana-e.en o* /e s/o2 7as enrused o /e

!ana-er, 7/o 7as assised 9y /e "enior %ore.an' #/e /ree .ain secions o* /e

s/o2 7ere Pre2araion, !arkin-, and %inis/in-'

$n /e !arkin- and %inis/in- "ecions, /e 7ork 7as su2er0ised 9y 7o *ore.en

eac/' #/e Pre2araion "ecion 7as under /e direc su2er0ision o* /e "enior

%ore.an, 7/o, in addiion, 2lanned and coordinaed /e 7ork o* all /e /ree

secions' #/e Pre2araion "ecion 7as res2onsi9le *or /e collecion and'

classicaion o* 7orks orders, *or readin- inricae .ac/ine and srucural dra7in-s,

deer.inaion o* 2rioriies *or execuion o* orders, c/eckin- 9ills o* .aerials, and

2rocessin- ra7 .aerials *or *a9ricaion' #/is secion /ad ;66 .en on /e rolls'

$n 5Q5 /e s/o2 sared recei0in- /ea0y orders, and as /e 7orkload increased

considera9ly, /e "enior %ore.an 7as una9le o co2e 7i/ i' On /e !ana-ers

reco..endaion, /e General !ana-er sancioned 7o ne7 2oss o* *ore.en *or /e

Pre2araion "ecion' #7o Pro-ress $nc/ar-es aac/ed o /e "enior %ore.an 7ere

/us rendered sur2lus and /eir 2rinci2al 7ork, na.ely, re2orin- 2ro-ress o* 7ork

in /e s/o2, 7as rans*erred o /e Producion Plannin- 1e2ar.en' #/is acion o* 

/e General !ana-er /ad /e concurrence o* /e !ana-er' #/e $n<c/ar-es

/e.sel0es 7ere no rans*erred o /e Producion Plannin- 1e2ar.en, as /is /ad

is o7n de2ar.enal .en o ake care o* /is 7ork' #/ey coninued on /e rolls o* 

/e s/o2, a7aiin- orders *or rans*er o 0acancies o* eDui0alen -rade in o/er


 #/e .ini.u. Dualicaions *or /e recenly creaed 2oss o* *ore.en, 2rescri9ed 9y

a oin Co..iee, 7ere a di2lo.a in en-ineerin- and 0e years ex2erience in a

srucural s/o2' #/e 2oss 7ere ad0erised *or in /e or-ani:aion 9u none o* /e

a22licans 7as *ound suia9le *or a22oin.en' #/e $n<c/ar-es concerned, 7/o 7ere

non<.ariculaes, did no a22ly, as /ey did no 2ossess /e 2rescri9ed

Dualicaions' #/e 2oss 7ere, /ere*ore, ad0erised in /e 2ress' #/ree ouside

candidaes a22lied' Only one a22eared *or /e iner0ie7 and /e 7as no considered

suia9le *or a22oin.en'

 #/e case o* /e 7o sur2lus $n<c/ar-es did no co.e 7i/in /e 2ur0ie7 o* /e

-rie0ance 2rocedure in o2eraion in /e co.2any, as i in0ol0ed a c/an-e in /e

.ini.u. Dualicaions 2rescri9ed *or /e 2os o* %ore.an' As, /o7e0er, /ey 7ere

2o7er*ul .e.9ers o* /e nion execui0e, /e "ecreary o* /e reco-ni:ed rade

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union ook u2 /eir case *or a22oin.en as *ore.en 7i/ /e General !ana-er' #/e

nion "ecreary ar-ued /a /ey /ad 9een doin- 2ar o* /e *ore.ens o9 9e*ore

/e 2oss 7ere creaed and, in /e a9sence o* suia9le candidaes /ey s/ould 9e

2re*erred *or 2ro.oion'

 #/e General !ana-er .ainained /a /e .en concerned 7ere no Dualied *or /e2oss and did no 2osses /e ec/nical 9ack-round reDuired o 2er*or. /e

%ore.ans duies' #/e 7rien o9<descri2ions o* /e 2oss o* Pro-ress $n<c/ar-e

and %ore.an 2re2ared 9y /e oin Co..iee indicaed /a /e o9 conen o* /e

*or.er 7as only a9ou ;8 2er cen o* /a o* a *ore.an, and only, on /e

ad.inisrai0e side' #/ey did no su2er0ise /e 7ork o* /e Pre2araion "ecion in

any 7ay, 7/ere /ere 7ere .isries in line *or 2ro.oion' #/e laer, /ou-/ -ood in

/eir o7n area, could no 9e 2ro.oed as /ey 7ere no ec/nically Dualied o /old

/e /i-/er 2osiion'

A*er 2rolon-ed discussion, /e General !ana-er conceded /a in /e

circu.sances, /e $n<c/ar-es 7ould 9e -i0en an o22oruniy o 2ro0e /eir ness

*or /e o9' $ 7as also a-reed /a in /e rs 2lace, es s2ecicaions *or /e 2oss

o* %ore.an 7ould 9e 7orked ou 9y a oin Co..iee and -i0en o /e .en

concerned' $* /ey 7is/ed, /ey 7ould also 9e -i0en -uidance *or a 2eriod o* /ree

.on/s, o learn /e o9' #/ey 7ould /en 9e su9eced o a es 9y /e #rainin-

OBcer, and i* '/ey 2assed /e es, /ey 7ould 9e 2ro.oed o *ore.en'

 #/e !ana-er co..unicaed /is decision o /e "enior %ore.an in /e 2resence o* 

/e 7o .en' He readily a-reed o -i0e /e. /e necessary -uidance 7/ene0er

/ey reDuesed i' Ho7e0er, /ey .ainained /a I/e decision 7as no only o -i0e

/e. -uidance 7/en asked *or, 9u *ull<i.e rainin- and -uidance in order o

ena9le /e. o 2ass /e esI' On /earin- /is, /e "enior %ore.an re.arked3 I$

/a0e no one o s2are 2ri.arily *or /e 2ur2ose o* rainin- /e. o 2ass /e es' I


5' W/a is /e .ain 2ro9le. in /e case

;' $deni*y and discuss /e sa-e and acion reDuired o ackle /e 2ro9le. 9e*ore i

9eca.e a -rie0ance' Co..en on /e role o* /e .ana-e.en'

' Criically e0aluae /e -rie0ance and /e *ollo7<u2 acion' E0aluae /e union<

.ana-e.en co.2ro.ise and is 2ossi9le conseDuences 7i/ your o7n 2oin o* 

0ie7, in deail'

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M' $* you 7ere /e .ana-er o* /e Is/o2I, /o7 7ould you /andle /e 2ro9le., a*er

/e senior *ore.ans re.ark a9ou s2arin- /e Iin<c/ar-esI *or /ree .on/s
