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Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

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THE END OF THE JOURNEY Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall
Page 1: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.


Workshop images:Community Activities:

Production Photographs:Reviews:

Photographs by Ronni Hall

Page 2: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

‘Drama workshops’

‘During the workshop I learnt how to think on my feet which I would need to do if I am ever bombarded with shell fire. The way to win the War would be to work as a team, and communicate with others.’

‘In the workshop I learnt that this WAR was a terrible one and lots of young men like my brother lost their lives, and they shouldn't t ’have. Lots of the adults on all the sides made terrible mistakes and lots of boys and horses died. Lots of the boys were from Selsey and lots of the horses from Bognor. No one won. ‘

Students and comments from the Academy Selsey

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Results of a painting workshop based on WW1

Page 4: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

The Selsey 57 Exhibition included information about the men in Selsey who died in WW1 and included art work stimulated by art workshops on The End of the Journey.

Page 5: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

Very realistic rats and members of the community sandbagging!

Page 6: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

The cast with Gillian Plowman, Chris Butler and Pamela Howard

Page 7: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

Dear Team

‘WOW! Absolutely fantastic use of space, incredible design and wardrobe, enormous immediacy from a script of the highest quality, heart wrenching and an evening which I shall not forget. Thank you so much for letting us join the preview, which was tighter than mist that I have attended - all in all a reason for all those concerned to feel satisfied and justified with all the accolades that should come their way. As I said, I shall hope that we can have a meeting when you have a few moments - I think the potential for the Pavilion is enormous and would be happy to make a contribution to the future of the building in whatever way you think best. Thanks again for giving me an evening to remember - and think about! ‘ All good wishesMike Sell The Theatre’s Trust

"Absolutely fantastic production in all aspects. Huge Thank you ,Bravo and congratulations to the whole team for transporting me literally back to 1914 and to really feel what it must have been like . I can honestly say nothing I have read, no film I have ever seen about WW1 has moved me as much as this afternoon did ".Jill Hoskins

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‘What a treat to see your production. A treat even though it was hugely sad and devastating and of course that was the “treat” because it was so authentic. If one had read a lot on the WW1 AND taken your 2 older grandchildren to the Imperial War Museum, nonetheless your production was the one that brought it home in reality. I thought your production was the one that was so much more authentic than Journey’s End itself. What a pity it cannot come to a London Theatre at some time - albeit I can see that the roving audience was a terrific experience that added a lot of authenticity in different spaces.’


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Dear Pamela, Gillian and Chris

I just wanted to say after all your hard work and creativity that we thought the drama was an absolute triumph and incredibly moving. It was well acted and the sound and light added to the atmosphere you had created. The space worked wonderfully well and I cannot imagine anything putting Selsey on the map better than your productionWell done to you and all your team.

Thank you for an experience quite unforgettableCONGRATULATIONS

Alex Palmer. Selsey Writers circle

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‘Congratulations to all of you on TEOTJ!It was beautifully done. What an extraordinary amount of work!Quite moving really… Very finely judged performances from your cast of professionals (and amateurs?) Chris did a super job producing (and choreography too!) With best wishes and much thanks’

Rupert Rowbothham CfT

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‘Absolutely great! What a lot of talent there is in Selsey! I was staggered at the stage set up, so imaginative! David was very moved by the whole thing.’

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Page 13: Workshop images: Community Activities: Production Photographs: Reviews: Photographs by Ronni Hall.

Dear Pamela

I really loved The End of the Journey - I thought it was a complete triumph.To begin with, the transformation of the space was wonderful and theattention to detail quite astonishing. Of course I'm not surprised with youat the helm but it was still really impressive. I felt that the play reallyworked and propelled us very quickly into the heart of matters, making itboth a compelling experience to watch and also an intimate one. I have noidea where you got the actors but would guess that they were a mix ofamateur and semi-pro; the brilliant thing was that, although some wereclearly not technically that strong, they all performed with commitment,focus and dignity. There was a simplicity and directness about the playwhich couldn't fail to move - especially when the young men were encouragingeach other to write letters.

The final dance scene was inspired and actually the most moving part of thewhole. I loved watching those girls stand so still and concentrated and thenmove into a touching waltz when the audience had settled. Many, manycongratulations to all concerned. One of the best things I've seen for along time.

Love Hilary strong from Strong Ideas

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Dear PamelaThe play was great. I think the actors were brilliant because they were all local as you said and they transported me back in time. I liked the part about Osbourne and the pipe because it was really moving to think that sometimes they knew they were going to die.

I really liked the staging as it was made out of old garage stuff and it looked as if nothing was brand new. It was clever because I did feel I was really in the trenches. The lighting and sound coming from above topped it off. I was surprised how you fitted everything in the space, it felt like difference places when we moved around. I liked walking through Sleepy Hollow, it felt like I was walking through someone's house kept since the war. I wasn’t really sure about the dance in the kitchen though.I liked it being in Selsey, it made me feel like I was actually there when R.C Sherriff wrote it. I imagine him writing it in his livening room with a dim light in front of the sea looking out. I like his Rolls Royce. It took me back in time when he lived in Selsey and there was a photo of it next to his house

Love from Frank ( age 12 )
