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Workshop kona ba resolusaun konflitu no prevensaun violencia Conflict management and violence...

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Workshop kona ba resolusaun konflitu no prevensaun violencia Conflict management and violence prevention workshop November 2014 apresenta husi ho Interese Grupu Psycholojia Timor-Leste Southern Cross Psychology

Workshop kona ba resolusaun konflitu no prevensaun violencia

Conflict management and violence prevention workshopNovember 2014

apresenta husi

ho Interese Grupu Psycholojia Timor-Leste

Southern Cross


Southern Cross


Interese Grupu Psycholojia Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste Psychology Interest Group

Manyhands International

Southern Cross Psychology

Deakin University Australia

Southern Cross


Interese Grupu Psycholojia Timor-Leste

Historia grupu nian iha tinan kotuk Bemvindu husi Presidenti interese Gropu Psycholojia Timor-Leste

History of group from last yearWelcome from the President of the Timor-Leste Psychology Interest Group

PROGRAMA9.30: Bemvindo no Introdusaun Welcome and introductions 11: Snek11.30: Teoria kona ba stress. Revision Theories of stress 11.45: Prevensaun Violencia no Jestaun Konfliktu. Violence prevention and conflict management (Prof John Toumbourou)12.45: Hahaan meudia 1.30: Kapacidade pratika ba resolusaun konfliktu (Ruth and John Rudge, Southern Cross Psychology). Practical skills for conflict resolution 2.45 : Resposta Isin nian ba konfliktu. Dealing with body responses to conflict (Kim Dunphy, Many Hands International)4.00: Snek4.15: Atu ba neebe husi ne’e: oinsa ita promove Psykolojia? Aktividade futuru. Where to from here: How do we promote psychology? Future activities . Evaluasaun. evaluation

Southern Cross


Etika PsycolojiaLoron ohin oportunidade

ba ita hodi fahe informasaun pesoalAseita regulamentu balun iha fatin nee

Psychology ethics

There will be opportunities today to share your personal information Agreeing on some “house rules”

Southern Cross


Saida deit mak ita kualia sai iha grupu nee sei sai segredu grupu nian no sei la sai ba ema seluk. Uja ita nia tempu servisu pesoal nian maibe sei ho seguru

Whatever someone decides to share is confidential to the group Safety. Use your time to do some personal work but stay safe.

Southern Cross


Ami sei konvida ita atu bele fahe ita nia informasaun pesoal. Labele hatete sai saida mak seidauk klaru. imi bele dehan- prefere hodi kompleta actividade nee hanoin mos ba ema seluk nebe hau kuinese.

We will invite people to share personal informationDon’t share personal information if you are not sure.You can say – preferred to complete that activity thinking about another person I know

Southern Cross


IntrodusaunIta nia naran no organizasaunSaida mak ita hakarak aprende iha loron ida nee?Ita ka ita nia organizasaun iha rekursu ka asistensia nebe sufisiente?

IntroductionsYour name and organisationWhat would you like to learn today? Do you or your organisation have resources or assistance available?

Southern Cross


Nuudar psycholojia ita koko hodi aumenta ita nia konsiensia ba oinsa hodi hanoin no sinti rasik no oinsa ita hetan influensia husi ita nia relasaun sosial. Aktividade tuir mai, ami sei husu ita hakarek ita nia resposta rasik iha livru servisu nee nia laran no fahe saida mak ita hakarak ho kolega seluk iha grupu ne nia laran.As psychologists we try to increase our awareness of how we think and feel privately and how we are influenced socially. In the exercises we will ask you to write your answers privately in your workbook and then share what you would like to with the wider group.

Southern Cross


Favor hakerek ita nia resposta ba perguntas premeiro iha livru servisu nee. Depois ami sei husu ita atu fahe ba ema seluk (durante sente seguru ba atu fahe ema seluk)

1. Buat tolu nebe mak halo ema gosta halo problema?2. Buat tolu nebe ajuda ema hodi resolve konfliktu?

Please write your answers to the first question in the workbook. Later we will ask you to share (as much as you feel safe to with others)

1. Three things that cause people to become violent? 2. Three things that help people resolve conflict?

Southern Cross


Favor diskuite nia resposta iha ita nia grupu ki’ik

Please discuss your answers in small groups

Southern Cross


Favor diskuite nia resposta ho grupo hotu.Hakerek nia resposta

Please discuss your answers with the whole group.

Record answers

CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Revisaun: Teoria stress no resposta husi dalan psikolojia

Revision: Theories of stress and coping from psychology

Professor John W Toumbourou, PhD

Chair in Health Psychology,Deakin University Australia

Southern Cross


Prestasaun Performance



P3. Sinal no sintoma saida mak sei mosu banihira iha stress makaas liu?Q3. What are the signs and symptoms when there is too much stress?

Prestasaun Performance


P4. Sinal no sintoma saida mak sei mosu bainhira iha stress uituan deit?Q4. What are the signs and symptoms when there is too little stress?

Prestasaun Performance

Estudu Psycholojia “diferente Individual”

Psychology studies “individual differences”

“personalidade” ema ida-idak nian la hanesanWe each have a different “personality”


Kurva stress la hanesan ba ema ida-idakThe stress curve is different for different individuals

Prestasaun Performance

ita persija atu komprende ita nia forsa hodi haksolok no suksesu

We need to understand our strengths to be happy and successful

P5. Saida mak kauza stress akontese?

Q5. What causes stress?

Stress eventual

Stressful events

stress eventualstressful events

stress emosaunstressful emotions

stress eventualstressful events

stress emosaunstressful emotions



P6. Estratejia saida mak bele hetan hodi hatun eventu stress.

Q6. What are some coping strategies to reduce STRESSFUL EVENTS?

Evidensia saida mak sei hatudu hodi hatun eventu stress ho efetivu?

What does the evidence show to be effective in reducing stressful events?

September 2000Objetivu Dezemvolvimentu Milleniu Nasoens Unidus

United Nations Millennium Development Goals

Hatun numeru kiak estrimu US$ 1 loron ida

reduce extreme poverty $US1 a day

$US 1.25 per day


$US 1.25 per day


Dezempenu Objetivu Nasoens Unidus nian hatudu efetivu

The United Nation goals are being effectively performed


Ita ida-idak persija servisu ho efetivu hodi hatun STRESS EVENTUALWe each need to work effectively to reduce STRESSFUL EVENTS

Prestasaun Performance

Saida mak ita halo hodi servisu efektivu liu tan iha nia moris?

What can we do in our own lives to work more effectively?

Atu halo servisu efektivu liu tan ita bele:- Hadiak plano no jestaun tempu

To work more effectively we can:

- Improve planning and time management

Atu halo servisu efektivu liu, ita bele:- Hadiak hahalok saudavel (hahan, ejersisiu,toba, alcohol, no uja tabaco)

To work more effectively we can:

- Improve our health behaviours (food, exercise, sleep, alcohol. Tobacco use)

Atu halo servisu efektivu liu tan ita bele:- Hadiak ita nia abilidade sosial (dezemvolve relasaun positivu, aprende kona ba familia efektivu, sai lideransa diak)

To work more effectively we can: - Improve our social skills (develop positive relationships, learn about effective parenting, be a wise leader)

CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Prevensaun Violencia no Rejolusan Konfliktu

Violence prevention and conflict resolution

Professor John W Toumbourou, PhD

Chair in Health Psychology,Deakin University Australia

11-45-12.45 pm: Prevensaun Violencia no Rejolusaun Konfliktu / Violence prevention and conflict resolution

Definisaun Violencia tuir Mundu Saude nia hare mak ”iha intensaun uja forsa fisiku, iha ameasa ka atual, kontra ema ida, ema seluk ka grupo ida ka komunidade ne’ebe hetan kanek maka’as, mate, psycolojiakamente estraga, maldezemvolvementu ka dificienteThe World Health definition of violence “The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation”

Krug, Dahlberg, Mercy, Zwi, & Lozano, 2002, p. 4

P7. Estrategia xave saida tuir evidensia ne’ebe iha ona hodi prevene violensia efektivu liu?

Q7. What are the main strategies the evidence shows to be effective in preventing violence?

P8. Estrategia edukasaun familia ne’ebe mak sei efektivu ba prevene violensia?

Q8. Which parent education strategies are effective in preventing violence?

Programa Familia Positivu: Estrategia xave

Positive Parenting Program: Main strategies

(1) Regulamentu klaro ba sira nia hahalok(2) Rekuinesementu/incentivu ba ema ne’ebe hahalok diak(3) Uja tempo deskansa hanesan penalidades

(1) Clear rule for behaviour(2) Recognise /reward good behaviour(3) Use time out as a penalty

Mane ida basa feto ida. Pratika(1) Regulamentu klaro ba sira nia hahalok(2) Rekuinesementu/incentivu ba ema ne’ebe hahalok diak(3) Uja tempo deskansa hanesan penalidades

A boy hit a girl. PRACTICE (1) Clear rule for behaviour(2) Recognise /reward good behaviour(3) Use time out as a penalty

Star chart

P9. Abilidade moris ne’ebe mak afektivu ba prevensaun violensia?

Q9. Which life skills are effective in preventing violence?

Kuinesementu-an: ita nia forsaGestaun-an: e.x. Gestaun stressKuinesemento social: e.x. KonfliktuResponsabilidade foti dejisaun:

Self-awareness: Your strengths Self-management: e.g. stress managementSocial awareness: e.g. active listeningRelationship Skill: e.g., ConflictResponsible decision-making:

Relasaun abilidade: negociasaun, gestaun konfliktu, reziste hasoru presaun, rede servisu, motivasaun

Relationship Skills: negotiation, conflict management, resisting peer pressure, networking, motivation,

P10. Abilidade ne’ebe efektivu ba negocisaun konfliktu?

Q10. Which skills are effective in negotiating conflict?

Abilidade efektivu ba negociasaun konfliktu: WINK

Effective skills for negotiating conflict: WINK

WINK HeinAfirmasaunNegosiasaunHein ho kalma

WINK WaitI – statementsNegotiationKeeping calm

PRATIKAAfirmasaunUainhira O sente ida ne’e

PRACTICEI – statementsWhen you do that I feel

NegosiasaunDescreve ProblemaHamosu SolusaunAvalua solusaun

NegotiationDescribe the problemGenerate solutionsEvaluate solutions

Mane fila uma ho lanuPRATIKA: Negosiasaun

Descreve ProblemaHamosu SolusaunAvalua solusaun

Man came home drunkPRACTICE: Negotiation

Describe the problemGenerate solutionsEvaluate solutions

4.15 – 5.00 pm: Ba ne’ebe husi ne’e: oinsa ita promove psikolojia iha Timor-Leste? Oportunidade ba eskola psikolojia. Universidade Deakin Many Hands Healht Promotion Partnership, Aktividades futuru ba gropu interese Psikolojia Timor-Leste

Where to from here: How do we promote psychology in Timor-Leste ? Opportunities for studying psychology. Deakin University and Many Hands health promotion partnership , Future activities for the Timor-Leste Psychology Interest Group:
