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Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also...

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Workshop on the Technical Evolu4on of the Whois Service ICANN Mee(ng, Cartagena, Colombia Elise Gerich 11:00 – 12:00 pm 9 December 2010, Barahona 3 Room
Page 1: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in





Page 2: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in


•  Introduc4on(KurtPritz)•  Background(EliseGerich)•  TechnicaldeficienciesofWHOIS(HaraldAlvestrand)

•  Staffanalysis(FranciscoArias&SteveSheng)

•  CommunityDiscussion


Page 3: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in





Page 4: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in




Page 5: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in




TheWHOISprotocol‐RFC3912 WHOISprotocol






Page 6: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

WHOIS protocol •  Alsoknownasport‐43Whois•  SpecifiedinRFC3912•  Clientsendsarequestinoneline

(newlineendstherequest)•  Serversendstheresponse

(mul4line)andclosesconnec4on•  Forhistoricreasons,WHOISlacks



Page 7: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Web-based Whois Service

•  Offeredbyregistries,registrarsandRIRs

•  Usuallyinsimilar‐lookingoutputtoWHOISbutinHTML;moreuser‐friendly

•  SomeR*sofferaricherfunc4onality,takingadvantageofWebcapabili4es


Page 8: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Domain registration Data

•  gTLDRegistryAgreements,RAAspecifywhatshouldbeincludedandpublished

•  EachccTLDandRIRhasitsownsetofdatatopublish

•  Typicallycovers:thecontactsassociatedwiththeresource(domain,IPblock,etc.)andDNSservers,ifapplicable


Page 9: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in




Page 10: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Whois Service requirements

•  InMay2009theGNSOcouncilrequestedaninventoryofWhoisServiceRequirements

•  FinalreportincludesinputfromALAC,GNSO,SSAC,andcommunityinput


Page 11: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Problems with WHOIS protocol •  Lackofstandardiza4onin


•  Lackofsupportforinterna4onalizedregistra4ondata(IRD)anddomains(IDN)

•  Lackofauthen4ca4onandaccesscontrolmechanismstoDomainRegistra4onData

Page 12: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Lack of Standardization •  TheWHOISprotocol(RFC3912)does


•  Suchdecisionsareleftotheregistrars,registriesandRIRs.Thisresultsindifferentquerysyntaxes,outputformats,characterencodings,anderrormessages

•  Nega4veimpactonuserexperienceandlegi4mateuseofautoma4on

•  Nodefenseagainstillegi4mateharves4ng

Page 13: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Lack of Support for IRD and IDN




Page 14: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Lack of Authentication and Access Control

•  WHOIShasnoplacetoputanusername,andnoauthen4ca4onmechanism

•  Thelackofauthen4ca4onmechanismsmakesadop4onofaccesscontrols,audi4ng,orprivacymeasuresimpossible

Page 15: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in



Page 16: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in


•  PossibleSolu4ons•  ComparisonofOp4ons

•  Nextsteps


Page 17: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Possible Solutions

A.  ExtendtheWHOISprotocolC.  MigratetoInternetRegistry


D.  MigratetoRESTfulWHOISService(RWS)

E.  Other?

Page 18: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Extending WHOIS •  ArevisedandextendedWHOIS

specifica4oncouldbedeveloped.•  Specifica4onwouldincludeversion


•  Authen4ca4onandaccesscontrolmechanismscanalsobeaddedasextensionstoWHOIS,butprobablywithconsiderableeffort.

Page 19: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

IRIS protocol

•  Atthe4me,developedasasuccessortoWHOIS

•  Requiresspecializedclientandserver

•  UsesXMLencodingforqueriesandresults


Page 20: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Migrating to IRIS


•  UsingXMLencodingforbothqueryandresponsetosupportmul4plelanguages;

•  Specifyingawell‐definedstructureforqueryandresultsets;

•  Suppor4ngauthen4ca4onandaccesscontrolinitsapplica4on‐transportlayerprotocol

Page 21: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

RESTful Whois (RWS)

•  Web‐basedWhois(usesHTTP)andconformstotheRESTarchitecturalapproach

•  CanbequeriedusingWebbrowsersorcommand‐linetools

•  QueriesexpressedasanURI/URL,e.g.,hYp://whois.tld/dom/icann.tld

•  ResponsesinXMLandHTML


Page 22: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Migrating to RWS


•  UsingXML/HTMLforresponsessupportsmul4plelanguages(characterencodings)

•  Specifyingawell‐definedstructureforresultsets

•  HTTP,thetransportforRWSalreadysupportsauthen4ca4onandaccesscontrol

Page 23: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Summary of Analysis •  ExtendingWHOIScanaddressthetechnical


•  IRIShasthemostfeaturesandiseasilyextensible,butitiscostlytoimplementandtherearenoreadilyavailableresources.

•  RWShasanumberoffeaturesthataddressesthedeficienciesofWHOIS,isextensibletoaccommodatefutureimprovements,andcanbeachievedatareasonablylowcost.ItwouldintegratecurrentWHOISwithweb‐basedWhois.• Produc4onRWSfromARIN• Pilotimplementa4onsfromRIPEandICANN

Page 24: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Next steps

Staffisseekingfeedbackfrom:•  Whoisusers,

•  Registries(gTLDsandccTLDs),•  Registrars,•  RIRs,and

•  Otherinterestedpar4es

Page 25: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Questions i.  Havewecorrectlysummarizedthe





Page 26: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Please submit your feedback to

•  [email protected]

•  [email protected]


Page 27: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Thank You and Questions

Page 28: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in


Page 29: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Extending WHOIS considerations •  Uncertain4esinStandardiza4on:•  TheproposedWHOISreplacement


•  BackwardCompa4bility:•  Extendingtheprotocolrequiresa


•  Obsoleteclientbase:•  Upda4ngtheprotocolwouldrequire


Page 30: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Migrating to IRIS considerations •  Complexprotocol:•  Threelayers:registry‐specific(domain


•  Requiresnotwell‐knowntransportprotocol

•  Lackofadop4on:•  Noavailableclientimplementa4onsof

thefullIRISprotocol•  NofullIRISserverimplementa4ons


Page 31: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Migrating to RWS considerations

•  RWSisnotstandardizedyetandvariousimplementa4onsmayhavedifferingspecifica4ons

•  Unclearwhetherthereissufficientstakeholderinteresttopursuedevelopmentofatechnicalstandard

Page 32: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Comparison of Options

•  AvailableFeatures•  Cost•  Extensibility•  ReadilyAvailableResources

Page 33: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Available Features

•  ExtendingWHOIScanaddressthedeficienciesiden4fied,butwouldrequiresignificantprotocolchange

•  IRISoffersmostfeaturesavailable

•  RWScanaddressallthedeficienciesinWHOISoncestandardized,andoffersagoodnumberofaddi4onalfeatures

Page 34: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Costs •  ThecostofextendingWHOISincludes


•  Duetothelackofavailableclientandserverimplementa4onsforIRISandthecomplexityoftheprotocol,implemen4ngIRISislikelytobecostlyforregistrarsandregistries

•  RWSislikelytobelesscostlythanIRISorextendingWHOIS,duetothewideavailabilityofclients,wellknownandwidelyadoptedarchitecturalstandard(web‐basedWhoisisalreadyoffered)

Page 35: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in


•  ExtendingWHOISisdifficult•  IRISisalayeredprotocoland


•  BothIRISandRWSarebasedonXMLschemaandsupportversioning,sothedatamodelcanbeeasilyextended

Page 36: Workshop on the Technical Evoluon of the Whois Service · 2016. 12. 6. · WHOIS protocol • Also known as port‐43 Whois • Specified in RFC 3912 • Client sends a request in

Readily Available Resources •  Theexis4ngWHOISclientislikelyto


•  TherearenoIRISclientsavailable,IRISusesnotwell‐knownprotocolsfortransport;thereforefewpeoplewouldknowhowtowriteaclient.

•  RWScanusethewebbrowserandcommand‐linetools,suchascurlandwgetasclients,itcanalsobenefitfromexis4ngtechnologytoimplementload‐balanceservers,cacheanswerstominimizenetworktraffic,etc.
