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World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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3rd wortd Congreu on Ovulotion Induction & Ovarian Stimulotion Protocols 3rd·(»h .... ber. '201.5 Savo'llte.ort & Spa, S.ycheltel Topics to be covered Include: CNarian stimulation stralegel. The Fir51 200 Regi . ""n" .,.;1 go! c fREE SUISCItIPTlON fa 0..... Y<Klr oI .... joomal cI Minimal Stimulation IVf {IVf Lite} • Primary 5e<XIrld.ary aoo tertiary prevenoon of OHSS. • development of protocols ror patents WIth o,rrunlShed ovansn reserve • ovarian rllMIWI IeSlrng and ita pr3CtlC81 mplicalIOIlS mrId SlrmulatlOn and linanoall!llplicalrons • segmentatIOn of IVF treatrn&nl • Impact of ovanan llImulatlOn on the endometl'lJm. and emergency atJmulatlOn ror onco-fertrbtY patients The Story of Seychelles & The Indian Connection Some SCIloiars _!oWme lila! Austronesran sea/araB and la!er MaIdr .. an and Arab trad ... , were the nrst to .. 51! lila unrnhabo!ad Seychelles The recorded by EUJ0j)8ans took place In 1502 by ,h. Portuguese Admrral Vaeco dB Glma. who passed through ltre AmrrantH and named (ham aIler h,mseIf (,&lands of ltre Admrrai) Th. recorded landrng was In Jililuary 1609. by lila aw. 0I1IIe 'Ascen5roo' under CapU,.1I Sharrpergh duMg the lourth VOYIIQI 01 the Engirsh East Indlol Company A trao .. l poonl lor 1"- ..... n AIrIc8 and Asia. lIl. ,oIands ..affI oo::asoonafy used by prra1eI unld \he F'.llm began 10 lllke control StIr1ng II 17.56 when a S10rM 01 POHlSllOfl was lard by C8ptIIIn NodIoIaI Moip/"oey The ,slands were na",.d aft. Jean Moreau tie SkheIes, tDUIS XV. Mllrsteo' 01 FIIIa"C» The BnIuih cor! ' . t ':I control !MIf !he "innis betweu, Il'9oI and 1810 Jean Rap I Outau de O...qr FISlCtr IIIknlnUihlOf 01 S..,d s'a Wmg Ihe years oIwa-vooIh the UnIIIed Krrp ... _red \0.- _ ."red -*TI'f .. ",ed Inflead. he ....... dI.fy negollitIed the SlaluS 01 rap .... n:on 10 Bntarn whod1 gave !he senlenla pri ..... gad poIItlrOl'l 01 IVf Lite Foondation & Rotunda·The Center For Human Reproduclion are I/' tl, III '<'9" IOZahOrll 10 hoat a MedocaI ".. "" ey' d and WI '11"8 aeatelg h lfY 2015 Bnra", (tIIIIltually assumed 'uft control upon !he '" MauriUus "' 18 to. torma,sed in at'heTreatyo' POO!; . Seydl .. 1es Deeame a aown Mpafille ' rom Milurttius", 1903. EledJons were hold in 1966 and 1970. Indepeodence was g",nled ,n 1976 as a "'IlUbIic wrthin the CommonweaI1Il In !he 19705 Ihe Sey<::tte4e!: was "the pIooR 10 be seen, a film stars and lI1e lI,emallonaIl"t set" In lI1e 1960s ther. WlIS a !IeOI!5 01 coup attempts agaonSI Pnt5ldent F",""","Albert Rene _ '" which _re 5I.Ipponed by Sooth Atnca In \98\, Mrke Hoare !lid a team of 43 South AIncaon as hoidaying Ruglly play .... II a coup att ..... ,1 '" _ IS known 115 Th. Seyclm'p Aflar The-re was a gun batIIo! 101 ltre aorpor1 and mosI 01 the later HClped '" a hijacked N _ plane In 1986. an - .... ,ced coup !lid by Ihe 5, lei "'I MInISter 01 Dt!Iense. QgoIvy Be,,,,,,, •. rauMd p, ndml Rent! 10 rev • 3 SS idanc:e InIm I""" In Oi:&alD' Floo.a. ara IIIool11ll'lg. !he Indo.r ........ end INS Vrn<I1'fB9II'l an .. eel II Port '-"<:Iona 10 hq> evert Ihe <XlUp CO." .Spo<t ..... Scan ..... ,' ...... ORC_'" .. "P' ........ -- ... L , ... lite " zrMTC, ............ 1o ........ O<ta ........ SI'IOt>' I. 0<It Poi "" .... __ 0U00t "'''4 .. e...,. a.- WoE T .. _11111218111011 En>O<I i 'c a. >0 .. 10 .... .... .... .,... ..... Of. Sanwc . _.. -_ ....
Page 1: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

3rd wortd Congreu on Ovulotion Induction & Ovarian Stimulotion Protocols

3rd·(»h ~ .... ber. '201.5 Savo'llte.ort & Spa, S.ycheltel

Topics to be covered Include:

• CNarian stimulation stralegel.

The Fir51 200 Regi .""n" .,.;1 go! c

fREE SUISCItIPTlON fa 0..... Y<Klr oI .... joomal cI

Minimal Stimulation IVf {IVf Lite}

• Primary 5e<XIrld.ary aoo tertiary prevenoon of OHSS.

• development of protocols ror patents WIth o,rrunlShed ovansn reserve

• ovarian rllMIWI IeSlrng and ita pr3CtlC81 mplicalIOIlS

• mrId SlrmulatlOn and linanoall!llplicalrons

• segmentatIOn of IVF treatrn&nl

• Impact of ovanan llImulatlOn on the endometl'lJm. and

• emergency atJmulatlOn ror onco-fertrbtY patients

The Story of Seychelles & The Indian Connection

Some SCIloiars _!oWme lila! Austronesran sea/araB and la!er MaIdr .. an and Arab trad ... , were the nrst to .. 51! lila unrnhabo!ad Seychelles The aa~ieS! recorded I~h!,n\l by EUJ0j)8ans took place In 1502 by ,h. Portuguese Admrral Vaeco dB Glma. who passed through ltre AmrrantH and named (ham aIler h,mseIf (,&lands of ltre Admrrai) Th. ea~H!SI recorded landrng was In Jililuary 1609. by lila aw. 0I1IIe 'Ascen5roo' under CapU,.1I Sharrpergh duMg the lourth VOYIIQI 01 the Engirsh East Indlol Company

A trao .. l poonl lor 1"- ''''~ ..... n AIrIc8 and Asia. lIl. ,oIands ..affI oo::asoonafy used by prra1eI unld \he F'.llm began 10 lllke control StIr1ng II 17.56 when a S10rM 01 POHlSllOfl

was lard by C8ptIIIn NodIoIaI Moip/"oey The ,slands were na",.d aft. Jean Moreau tie SkheIes, tDUIS XV. Mllrsteo' 01 FIIIa"C»

The BnIuih cor! ' . t ':I control !MIf !he "innis betweu, Il'9oI and 1810 Jean Rap I Outau de O...qr FISlCtr IIIknlnUihlOf 01 S..,d s'a Wmg Ihe years oIwa-vooIh the UnIIIed Krrp ... _red \0.- _ ."red -*TI'f ~ .. ",ed Inflead. he ....... dI.fy negollitIed the SlaluS 01 rap .... n:on 10 Bntarn whod1 gave !he senlenla pri ..... gad poIItlrOl'l 01 neuII1Iirt~

IVf Lite Foondation & Rotunda·The Center For Human Reproduclion are I/' tl, III '<'9" IOZahOrll 10 hoat a MedocaI ".. ""

ey' d and WI '11"8 aeatelg h lfY 2015

Bnra", (tIIIIltually assumed 'uft control upon !he 51.1~ '" MauriUus "' 18 to. torma,sed in 181~ at'heTreatyo' POO!; . Seydl .. 1es Deeame a aown coIOn~ Mpafille ' rom Milurttius", 1903. EledJons were hold in 1966 and 1970. Indepeodence was g",nled ,n 1976 as a "'IlUbIic wrthin the CommonweaI1Il In !he 19705 Ihe Sey<::tte4e!: was "the pIooR 10 be seen, a pIa~ !or film stars and lI1e lI,emallonaIl"t set"

In lI1e 1960s ther. WlIS a !IeOI!5 01 coup attempts agaonSI Pnt5ldent F",""","Albert Rene _ '" which _re 5I.Ipponed by Sooth Atnca In \98\, Mrke Hoare !lid a team of 43 South AIncaon ~5 ~ng as hoidaying Ruglly play .... II a coup att.....,1 '" _ IS known 115 Th. Seyclm'p Aflar The-re was a gun batIIo! 101 ltre aorpor1 and mosI 01 the ~ later HClped '" a hijacked N _ plane

In 1986. an -....,ced coup !lid by Ihe 5, lei "'I MInISter 01 Dt!Iense. QgoIvy Be,,,,,,, •. rauMd p, ndml Rent! 10 rev • 3SSidanc:e InIm I""" In Oi:&alD' Floo.a. ara IIIool11ll'lg. !he Indo.r ........ end INS Vrn<I1'fB9II'l an .. eel II Port '-"<:Iona 10 hq> evert Ihe <XlUp

CO." .Spo<t ..... Scan ..... ,' ...... ORC_'"

.. "P' ........ ~ --... ~

L , ... ~'"

lite" ~OUND"'1I0N

zrMTC, ............ 1o ........ O<ta ........ SI'IOt>' I. ~ 0<It Poi "" .... __ 0U00t _~R"" "'''4 .. e...,. a.- WoE T .. _11111218111011

En>O<I i 'ca. >0 .. 10 ;.~ .... ~ .... ~~.~;;;;;;;...~.

.... .,... ..... Of.

~_. Sanwc. _.. -_ ....

Page 2: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

3rd World Congress on Ovulotion Induction & Ovorion Stimulafion Protocols

3rd· 6th s.p .. mber, 201 S Savoy Reo.ort & Spo, Seychelle.

L I, LId 10" MIllo f<><W><lollon .so.:~ 01 C.o .. L,,«1or Rop«>dodl .. Cao. World A,_laIiotIoI Ropoe<M1i .. Modoc,.,. fWAiMJ ~ "" Ie· "'" C_ "" _ R.pd ,r ... ,

Page 3: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

EmIli "", • ..po),!"" «><m:tIyl Cirl H ... III ....... -0 VOfKlo VIow II,., ..... U\I. In your_


S A V o y


Learning Objectives

w •

S A V o V ----


Upon complellon oflh15 program, Ihe parllapanl will be able 10:

1. Describe Ihe phystDlo!lic pro<:e5S ollhe human menstrual cycle.

2. Describe Ihe pro<:ess 01 ovulation, ovulation Indudlon, and aUlJmentition Iherapy wilh clomiphene citrate, rnen<>ropins, urotllli1ropin, re<:orrbinant FSH, biosimitars and adjunct medications.

3. Review Ihe impad of age on lenility wilh appropriate tests available 10 assess ovanan re""lVe .

4. klenafy Individuals Wlih ovulatory allnormalities and dete"",ne n Ihey will respond 10 ovuialKln induction.

5. Discusslhe basic mechanism of action 01 agen'" used 10 Induce ovulation

6. Understlnd Ihe risks associated wiIh Ihe use 01 ovulalon induction

1. Discusslhe basic wor!< up and lrea!ment of lIle anovulatory lemale

8. klenafy Ihe pabents al risI< for hyper-response or poor respon"" 10 rontrolled ovarian sllmulalon.

9. Seled Ihe protocol most likety 10 op~""e Ihe ovan.an response a"""'ll pa~en'" witt! comprorntsed ovarian resenre.

10. SU""""rize currenl evidence-ba""d recommendations 10 achieve Ihe best outcomes wilh GnRH anak>\i "'IIimens.

11 klenbly e""dlve and sale ovarian sllmulation prolocols for pa~ents undergoing lenility prerervation.

Highlights .. can 200 U ofhCG replace recoo:rbInant FSHIn Ihe I .... bfliculor ph"",, in a GnRH-<KlClgonistcyde?

.. Mvance5 In moombin.anl DNA IechrlOlogy" corifollitiopin ana, a hybOO mok!w~ wiIh sustlined bll~t>ng actvi1y and mduood mjection Rqooney.

ttl ~CG prtming' e""d in controlled ova""n stimulation IhfOU\jh a long probool .

.. Mode of Action of GnRH AQoois1 versus hCG for "" flWe< .

.. Advanla.\les and <lisa<ll'anla.\les of"mik!" ovarilm slimulalion for human m vi1m fe.r1ilizalion

.. o...;u;.,.n slimulalion and """"I/,mey In vi1m ferlilll.alion for fertility preserYallon m cancer paliefll •

.. MvanlOlo\jeS and dOsad'lanlOlo\jeS of'mik!" ovarian slimulatioo for human in via<> fer1i lizal>oo .

.. o..."';"n stmulal>oo. Io<!a.y and bmorrow

.. Coovenbonal ovarian mirrulalion "" klfl\jer exists: _Irome 10 !he _ of OndividuallzOO ova""n smool.1ion

Some schotars assume lIlat ""slronesian sealarers and later ",",Idivian and Arab l aders _re lIle I rs! 10 visit lIle uninhabited Sey<:h~tes. The ea~iest rerorded silIhtng by Europeans i0oi< ptace in 1502 by 1IIe Portuguese Admiral vasco da Gotma, who passed 1IIfOUIJh 1IIe Anirantes and named 1IIem alter himsetf Qstands of1lle Admiral). The eatliest recorded landing was in January 1609, by 1IIe crew of1lle ' Ascension' under Captlin SIIarpeigh during 1IIe tlurlh voyage of1lle Engli5h East i'ldia CO<r(>any.

Ar.lIlSi1.poonttlr.-- between Atica and Asia, lhe islands were oce ..... 1Iy t.osed by pirales UIlW Ihe French be9an D _ cootroI 5Iartng in 1156 when a Slone of Possession ""'s laid by Gaplain Nicholas Morp/le}'.1he __ rtamed _ """"

Moreau de sechelles, Laus XVsMinislerof fflanre.

The !!<it5h contested con1rot over 1IIe islands between 119-4 and 1810. Jean !l.aplisie e""'au de ClJincy, French administrator of Seychelles during 1IIe yearn ofwar wi1ll 1IIe Uni\ed Kingdom, dedine<llo resist when armed enemy warships anive<!. I1stead , he successlllly net;joliated1lle stltu5 of capitulation 10 !!<itlin which gave 1IIe setllers a privile<;jed posilion of neutrality.

!!<itlin eventually assumed tull control upon 1IIe surrender of Maurilius in 1810, tlrrnalised in 181.

Secr ... rtoo

at 1IIe Treaty of Paris. Seydlelles became a crown colony separate tom Mauriliu. in 1903. ElecIons _re h~d In 1966 and 1910. I1dependencewas granted in 1916 as a republic wi1llin 1IIe Cotrrnorlweal1h. 11 1IIe 19105 1IIe Seychelles was "!he ptace 10 be seen, a ptaY\lmund tlr 11m stirs and toe international jet ser.

11 1IIe 19805 1IIere was a series of roup a!templ!! ag,ainst Pfesiden! France-Albert Rernl, SOITO! of which were su~ by8oo1ll Mica. 11 1981, Mike Hoare led a team of 43 800111 Atican mercenaries masquerading as holidaying Rugby ptayers in a roup atlen1>! in what isi<nown as The Seychelles Allair. There w~s a gun !>,;ttlle at 1IIe ~irport, and most 011lle mercen.aries later escaped in a hijacl<ed llir I1dia ptane.

11 1986, an alten1>ted roup led by toe Seych~les Minister of Defense, O\Iiivy Bertoois, caused President Rene II request assistlnce tom i'ldia . 11 Operation Rowers are Blooming, 1IIe I1dian naval vessel tiS Vindhyagirl anived in Port Victoria 10 h~p avert 1IIe roup

IVF U te Foundalion & Rotunda-The Cenler For Human Reproduclion are 1IIe irs! I1dian OflIanizalions II host a Medical meeling at Seych~tes and weare crealing history in 2015!

ConG .... Spon.".. Se ... I .. loIo«Ing OR CodHlo ~ .. O!r s;>o<tOOfS

ZlMT C""r-noo. I SomlNfS Orllln"'"" SOOp.~. l .... Ono JWId..- __ Dobol ShaoId1 ~ R<>oO. BIJ ...... Bay DOOoo. u.o..E Tel .91 1IS216181001 EmaoI i ll Gaoo",." __ ."oosp ln lite' II yoo no "'''II'' '""'" to rHO_ ... i ~OO\ .............. ~

FOUND"TlON """uh .Il10 froom ...... I yP'.'U""O"'\ . I I ",_0",," -_ ...

Page 4: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

www WOO S P

S A V o y

Topics to be covered Upon completion of this proQram, the participant";l1 be able to: 1. OVarian stimulation strategies; 2. Primary, seconda..,. and tertiary pre",n!;on of OHSS; 3. Development of protocols for patients v.ith diminished O\Iarian resetve, 4. OVarian reserve testin~ and ITS practical Implications; 5. Mild stimulation and financial Implications; o. Segmentation of rvF treatment; 7 Impact of oYarian stimulation on the endometrium; ,e' 8. Emergency stimulation for onw-fertility patients.

Program Highlights • Can 200 IU ofhCG replace recombinant FSH in th e late follicular phase in a GnRH-antaQonist cycle? • Advances in recombinant DNA technolollY oorifoilitropin alfa," hybrid molecule I'oilh sustained follicle-stimulating actMlj' and reduced injection frequency. " "hCG primin (/" en'ect in controlled oYarian stimulation throuQh a long protocol " Mode of Action of GnRH AQonist yersus hCG for the -G\larian stimulation and emerQenc¥ in \oilra fertilization for fertility preservation in cancer patients. " AdvantaQes and disadvantages of "mild" oyarian stimulation for human in \oitro fertilization " G\larian stimulation: toda¥ and tomorrow "Co""entional oYarian stimulation no longer exists . welcome to the aQe of indr.idualized oYarian stimulation.

R .... compiot! w:>06P 2Dl~ PrOjj!1lm on <10, " ..,...

c "~_" ...... ~; "0

"--ROIII_ lot _ E_, More , boa tho Evon!

Z1m1 aono .. 1 Tmlng LLC

Jrd World Congress on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols

3rd-6th September, lO IS Scovoy Resort & Sper , Seyche lles

E"""'...d by: M tilo F"..,dotion 5<.:",,>, 01 C,,,,>ho.dor R~i ... Cor. y.,r",ld A""" """'" 01 ~.pr<><lv<:t i"" MoJo,; ioo (\'INlMj Rotu...la _ Tho C..- b fi '-""""' Ropod"""'"

learning Objectives

S A V o y =

Upon completion of this program, the participant.oll be able to: " Describe the ph¥siologic process of the human menstrual c¥cle. " Describe the process of o,"lation, o,"lation induction, and aUQmentation therap¥.oth clomiphene cilrate, menolropins, urofollilropin, recombinant FSH, biosimilars and adjunct medications. " Re\oiew the impact of aQe on fertility .oth appropriate tests available to assess oYarian reserve " Identify indr.iduals.o!h o,"latory abnormalities and determine ifthe¥.oll respond ta ovulation induction. " Discuss the basic mechanism of action of agents used to Induce o,"latian. "Understand the risks associated .oth the use of o,"lation induction. "Discuss the basic work up and treatment of the ano,"latory female . " Identify the patients at risk for hyper-response or poor response to controlled oYarian stimulation . " Select the protocol most likety to optimize the O\Iarian response amonQ patients .oth compromised O\Iarian reserve " Summarize current e\oidence-based recommendations to achieye the best outcomes .oth GnRH analoQ regimens. "Identify en'ect",e and safe O\Iarian stimulation protocols for patients underQoinQ fertility preservation .

Target Audience This actr.ity is designed to meet the educ.tional needs of physicians and other healthcare professionals Whose practices include ART

lite" ~OUND"'IION

SI>o!> _ g, uol'Ol Or>o .HI 101....- Marquor [}uboo, sr.""", Zoy.o R .... _,..., Ba'y. Dubaj UAE

T. 1. *111 1II!2161!10II ErowII. i!lIoCt!-r" I ........ !??!p,n

Page 5: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

www WOO S P

General Info rmation ~ ~ Abstract Submission

3rd World Congress on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols

&ldO"lod by: M' l .. f<>Ulldar"" Soc;.,y d c"".oo.doo ~."...,dud .... Cot. w.,.\d ~ ...... " of ~~oo..:- Modo< .... f'NAAMJ R<>I'oo"do Tho eo.- "" Hum.,n ~

mber, 20 15 wrt & Spa, Seychelles

" . M ,~ " •• ""e.A<O"'," "". Ii"" Gl UC DobaI, lW

Controlled oYarian stimulation (COS) 'nitl1 Qonadotropins to produce multiple foliicular development and hiQh-quallt,' oocytes is the cornerstone of assisted reproductive technololl)l. Today, recombinant human follicle-stimulatinQ hormone (r-hFSH) as well as Biosimil.r, are v.ideli used for COS. A lon(l-actinQ r-hFSH and a combination of r-hFSH and recombinant human luteiniIinQ hormone have r"cenW become available . Formulations of purified urinary FSH I'oi!h or 'ni!hout luteinlllnQ hormone actr.ity (pro\oided by human chorionic Qonadotropin) are also available. COS protocols ,a" now be indMdualized to optimize eflicacy and safety- defined as sinQleton preQnancies v.ith a low incidence of oYarian hyperstimulation syndrome. This is facilitated tr,' an estimation of oYarian response usinQ the antral follicle count andlor serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels; anti-Mullerian hormone is \oiewed as the most reliable sinQle marker. Howeyer, an eflicient manaoement strateQ)l for poor responders to COS is still required. Developments in biomarkers and other techniques for accurate identification of\oiable oocytes and embryos and optimal uterine receptr.ity are expected.



Organizing Committee

Indian Faculty

International Faculty

Scientific Program

Inter-indr.idual Yariation in oYarian response represents . siQnificant clinical and economical challenge. Undoubtedty, there is a need to reliabty predict oYarian response to stimulation, to tailor stimulation protocols optimizinQ the probability of preQnanc¥ and keep at the same time the risks of complications and costs at a minimum

Social Program

About Seychelles

Special emphasis needs to be Q",en on howto avoid excess"",, response and predict the occurrence of oYarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), as well as an maximizing tolerability of treatment from" patient's perspect",e

Payment Options

Contact Us

Topics to be covered include:

- OVarian stimulation strateQies; - Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of OHSS; - deyelopment of protocols for patients v.ith diminished oyarian reserye, - oyarian rese"", testing and its practical Implications; - mild stimulation and financial implications; - seQmentation of rvF treatment; - impact ofoyarian stimulation on the endometrium; and - emerQencv stimulation for onco-fertility patients.

c "~_" ...... ~I "0

"--ROII'_ lot _ E_, More , boU.lhe Evo ..

Z1m1 Conf • ....us & 8oml .. ", o.; • ..w",

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this proQram, the participant.oll be able to:

1. Describe the physiologic process of the human menstrual cvcle.

2. Describe the process of ovulation, ovulation induction, and aUQmentatian theraP'!' .oth clomiphene citrate, menotroplns, urofollitropin, recombinant FSH, biosimilars and adjunct medications

3. Re\oiew the Impact of aoe on fertility with appropriate tests available to assess oyarian reserye.

4. Identify indMduals v.ith ovulatory abnormalities and determine ifthev v.ill respond to ovulation indu cUon.

5. Discuss the basic mechanism of action of aoents used to induce ovulation.

6. Understand the risks associated v.ith the use of ovulation Induction.

7. Discuss the basic work up and treatment of the anovulatory female .

S. Identify the patients at risk for hyper-response or poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation.

9 Select the protocol most liketyta optimize the oyarian response among patients v.ith compromised oyarian reserye.

10. Summarize current e\oidence-based recommendations to achieye the best outcomes v.ith GnRH analoQ reQimens.

11. Identify errect",e and safe oYarian stimulation protocols for patients underQoinQ fertility preseryation

lite" ~OUND"'IION

SI>o!> _ g, uol'Ol 0..0 .HI 101....- MarquoI [luboo, sr.""", zoy.o R ... _,..., Ba'y. Dubai UAE

T.1. * 111 a!2161!10II ErowII. i!lIoCt!-r" I ........ !??!p,n

Page 6: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

EmIli "", • ..po),!"" «><m:tIyl Cirl H ... III ... .... -0 VOfKlo VIow 1',., ..... U\I. In your_

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Some sdIoI~fS assume Il~t Austrooesian "",,"'rem and late< Maldivi~n and ArlIb Ir.Idern were 11. JfSI k> visit Ile uninh~bited Seyd1elles The e~~iest re<:o<lled si~h1iflll by Eu""",~ns k>oI< ~ace in 1502 by Ile PortJ~u.,,;e Adm",1 Va5CO d~ Garna. who 1"1_ Ilrou~h Ile _",nles ~nd named Ilem aller hl"""'lf Qslands of1he Adm",I). The e~~iest recorded I~ndin~ was In January 1609. by Ile crew oflle "Ascension" under Captain Sh~rpe;~h dulin~ Ile tlurth voya~e oflle EfIlIlish E~st i'ldia CDfI1"Iny.

Ar.."silpointbtlKle between Alica anti Asia . .... isla""" WOO! reo _ .... Dy used by pir.;!!es 00111 .... French beQ;ln k> _ Wlillol stmng in 115#; when a stine ofj>o<' ?'Tn was laid by c..pa;n Nicholas MoIphey_lhe island!; were owned _ Jean Mllmau de S6chelles.lOlis XV'!; _ 0/ Fnance.

1lIe Bri'sh contested conrot over lie i5l~nds between 1194 and lBl0. Je~n BapUsle o.u'au de OJlncy. French admnislrlllor of Seychelles dU(in~ Ile yearn ofwar will Ile United Kifllldom. dedined k> resist when armed enemy warships anived . I'lstead. he .... ccesskJlly n"lJ01i~ted Ile status of capltul~tion k> Britain which 9ave Ile selllers a privill>\led position of neulr.llily

Britain eventually ~ssumed kill conrot upon lie su"""der of M<luri1iusln lBIC. bIIlali""" in lBI4

Secr ... rtoo

o o 5 p n


Learning Objectives

Upon WI' ..... "'" oIIlis PfOII",m. Ile l"I"dpoonl will be ~ble k>:

Desaibe "" phj'!liologic process of"" hUfn;m "",_cycle

Descri!>e "" process ofOYlllatioo. OYIllatioo Ondul:lioo. and a"llmentotioo ""'apy will clornipI>ene ctr.o ... ....,...,lropi"". "",foIlilropin. ,ecombin;ml FSH. _~ and adjunct mediC3lioos_

Rev>ew I>e ~ct of_OIl leflilily wiltl appropf\;olll Ies1!; ani!;ot»e k> _55? ss ova"",,, ,.,,;eM>

• klenMy indivi<!u.aIs wilt owIak>ry ~ and 00""""'" ~l>ey wiU respood k> ovulalioo indul:lioo_

• Disws!I I>e _ mechanism of acton of aqenl5 used k> >nduoo oVll1a1ioo

• UnOOomand I>e olsks ~ wiltt I>e """ of oYlllaIioo induc\ioo

• Discuss "" _ worI< UjI and Ire_menl oflt!e aoovulak>ry IIlmale

• idef11i1yl>e p,a1Hm15 al risI< k>r hyper-resj)OOse or poof

""""""'" k> con1rOl~ ovarian slimuOitioo • Selectl>e prok>col mosIlikely k> OjItimize I>e oyafla.rl

"""""'"" a"""'9 pat;enl5 with comprOllli!;ed ovarian ~

• SUnvlIaIW! currenl_flW--I>ase<l mCOfl"Ol"ll!l1<!IioM k> achieve "" bI!Sl ooilXllneS wilfl GflRH an.aIo\I f1!9ime""_ kIootify ellecti'ffl and sail! Oy;ori;tr) slimu1<o1k>n prnbtoIs br p,a1ienl5 ~~ Ier1ilily Pfese<W1ioo

al 11. Tre~1y of Paris. Sey<:helles beca"", a crown colony ""ll"rale tom Maun1iusln 1903. Eledioos were held In 1966 and 1970. I'ldependence w~s ~ranled in 197fj as a republic willin Ile Coomoowealll. I'l Ile 1910s Ile Seychelles was "Ile ~ace ., be seen. ~ ptaY\lround b Jim slarn and 11. Intemational jel ser I'l Ile 1!18Os Ilere was a series of coop ai!en1lls against Presidenl France-Albert Ren;;. some of which were .... pported by 80011 AJjca . I'l 19111. M;~e Hoare led ~ team 01.3 80011 Atican rooroonalies "",sq,"",,din~ as lIoIid~"'fIlI Rugby ~ayefS In a coop atlefl"(ll in whal is known as The Seyd1elles Allai .. There was ~ ~un !>;Ollie al Ile airport, and roost oflle merCMari~ later escaped in a hijad<.ed Air I'ldia ~ane

I'l 1986. an at!err(lted coop led by 11. Seychelles Min,ster of Oelllnse. O\tilvy BeriOUi5. cau""" Presidenl Ren<'i k> request assOslance tom i'ldia. I'l 0per;I"'" Flowers are Bloorring. lie I'ldian nawl vessel tiS Vlndh.",.~ili ~nived in Port Victoria k> help avert Ile coop.

M' U te Foonda1k>n & Ro1und~'The Cente< For Hu,,",n Reprodudioo am Ile Jrst I'ldian OflIanizil1ioos k> host a Medical """"fIlI al Seychelles and we~fe cm~tiflll history in 2tl151

ConG ..... Spon.".. Se ... 1"!oIo«Ing OR CodHl0 ~ .. O!r s;>o<tOOfS

ZlMT C",,_noo. I Soml""fS OrlllnlZi"ll SOOp'~.l ... Ono JWM..- __ Dobol ShaoId1 ~ R<>oO. BIJ ...... Bay DOOoo. u.o..E Tel .9! 1IS216181001 EmaoI i ,' Gaoo",." __ ."oospln lite' I! yoo no 10"11" '""'" to fH<i!YO ... i ~00I1ha ......... ~

FOUND"TlON """uh .0lI0 Jro.m oR .. I yP',.. ......... \ . ' I ",_ooc:eo -_ ...

Page 7: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

fin' UO Rosi.tn;lnto ,on """" c S.-ial Rotum ,e Alrfaret

www WOO S P

3rd World Congress on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols

3rd·6th September, 2015 Savoy Resort & Spa, Seychelles

F , .... by. IY/ ... p;" ,.

Joo<;ofy .. C .... lodoo "1 ' w.e... _ •. -. 0/' ' _ ..... u, , , ". 'u_'. "'odo_IIooC-Ioo"-'L ':I ,


, "

. ,,- -

OSP 15

Seyc/"eIes is a MJl!III"OIS<lOOI of ~ history ...... ~ SOIoc1\lary!or some "'!he roreSi spedes of """''' Iaur\;I on....trJ With almost 50% of lIS limiled Iard/n;Iss set _ as naliollal parks ard re...-ves. SeycheIes PliOO. _ on it!; reaIf<! lor far.que<! CU&!NlIOOn .....-W !hat have resUIed in an .......- dIgee of prn\ection lor !he oovironment """ the varied erosys/eImI tt supporI!;. Howtlem else on earth wiI yoo lind Ulllque erJ<Ierroic spectnens ouch as !he fabulous CoaHIe-mer, !he a.rgest seed in Ito! 'MIIId, the jeIIyIiMl 1mtI, with 001)' .... 1 SUf\Iiving ~. !he SeycOOIIes' paradise IIycaU:her and SeydIeIIes......-bler From !he smaIes1 I"'!I to the he ... ieSlIa .... IDrtase and !he ontv IIigh!Iess bI'tI of Ito! Indian Dee ..... Seydlelles nurIIresar\ amazi'l\lllna)' of ,"""',Iie species wittm 5UfOIR!s of ex""' .... ..., ~ beaJIy

Seycheles, one of !he 'MrtI's veI'J' last Jron!iers, PI"" c, adVenture arol brealhlXnQ n;m,ra! beautv in prislne SlJfIOInII:s ....... tooched b'J' ""'"

.... "" .. mttation I Or\Jllnizing Commtnee I HI",n Faculty I ~ffilltiooal F~culty S<:ientiflC I'fogram I Socillll'rogram I About Seychelles I 1'8ymeniOptions

Congr ... '; 'n

c.. ., .....

-Z1MT C",.·''''''_.ne<oo I S.mI ... ,. OrgulD"II

lite" ~OUND ... IION

It j'<MJ no ~ ,.,.., '" ,.".... .,.1 ~om ....... nt, "", ':t."iIio t<>m ........ I UPO'" I<JIIOU, ' n I proM'""""

Page 8: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

'''''- -

3rd World Congress on Ovulation Induc:tion & Ovarian Stimulation protocols

3rd-bth September, 2015 SOyoy Resort & Spa, Seychelles

Tho.! Fir;T 200 Regj,ronn w~ got 0

F ... SubKription .,' .... .." Ml .. f_ " _, ~" • L . , ~_"

.....-, '" ' .... " .. " Ii ,J , """" _,,..,,, ",0/',; . N._fWAAM! for On. yO<>" o/!he JO\IIool of Minimal Stimulation IVF

(IVF Lite) .... :du_lhoc-"'~"'; f ' ...,

" , ,, ...... . . '",'

lOooCoo 100. ow ~s ' "'~' cw.;. i,w:

COnlrolled ovarian stimulatloo (COS) WIth gonadOlmJlins to produoe muttJpje loIlirular devetopment and hOgh-<'lual~y oocy!es is the cornerstone or aSSIsted rnproductlve tedmOlogy TOday, recombinant human loIlicle .... tiroolating hormone (r.hFSHj as well as bioSimliarsare WIdely USed tor COS. A loog-admg r-hFSH and a combination 01 r-hFSH and recombinant hum"" klte,mzing hormone have recently tIeCOmf! avai~ble. FonnuiallonS 01 puril.oo urinary FSH with or without luteimzmg honnone acbvity ("",:;;ded by human chonOOIC gonadotropin) arn also available COS prOlocois can IlOW be indi",duai;zed to optim",e ellicacy and salely­defined as SIlg"'too prnynancies w,lh a k>w uu:ideooe 01 ovanan hypershroo~tion syndrome Th,s is lacilaated by all est,mation 01 ovarian response usmg the antrall08ide count aodlor serum anti·Mullerian horrnooe Ie~S; anti_Mullerian hormone Is viewed as the most reiable Single marker However, an efficient mallagemenl strategy tor poor respoode<s to COS is st,. requ,red Developments in biomarkers and other techmques lor accurate tdentificatKIIl of viable oocytes and embryos and optimal uterioe recepti"'ty are expeded.

Inler~ndtvidual variation in ovarian response represents a s;gmflCant clinical and economtCaj challenge. Undoubled~, there IS a need to rettably predid ovarian response to stJrnolatKm, 10

latlor stimulaboo "",tOOO15 optimizlIlg the pmbab'hty 01 pregnancy and keep at the same bme the IlSI<!; 01 complications and roslS al a minimum,

Special emphasis oee<'ls 10 be g'veo 00 how to a~oid excess,ve response and predict the occurreoce 01 ovariall hypersbmulation syndmme (OHSS) , as wed as on maximiz,ng loierab,hty or treatment !rom a palienfs perspective

Scientific Highlights o Can 200 IV 01 hCG replace recomb,,,,,nl FSH In the lale roUicular phase In a

GnRH·anlagontst cycle?

o Advances In recombonanl DNA ledrnology: confollnropoo aHa, a hybrid molecule wtlh sustained rollicle-stimulatiog ac1JVIty and reduced Iljllcboo rrequeocy.

o 'hCG priming' affect in coouolled O'<an"" stIJnulatlon through a Ioog pmlocoi .

o Mode of Ac1Jon of GnRH AgollIsl ~ersus hCG for the tngger

o Advantages ""d disadvalllages oI"mild" ovan"" sbmulation for humall11l VllfO fertihzation.

o Ovarian stlmulalioo and emergency in vitro fertilizalioo for lertility preservalloo;" c""cer pallerrts

o Advanlages am:! disadvaotages of "mild" ovan"" stimulation for humall III "rtm rertiltzallon,

o Ovarian stlmulalioo: Io<!ay and iomot1'ow.

o Conventional ovari"" stimulation no longer exists: welcome to the agll of individualized ovarian sbmulalloo

~I()( Commmeel~l~


lite" ~OUNDAl tON

-ZlMT ConI_noo. I S.mInvo Oalllolzl"ll SI>!Jp . 9. t..1OIl Ono . ./oN M..,.,. __ llobao _ lIIe<J Roo<l B1J ...... s.y DWa, u.o.E T • • 51 ge2161S1011 EmaO In?G'*OO''P '' _ .1I'OO1f? i1

If)'O" no Ioa'Qer """ to ,OU<'>'O ,.,.1 ~om ..... _nt, ..,...._!n>m .... iii! I upd ... ",boa· I' ' l p<!Io!_

Page 9: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

www WOO S P

The f; .. 1200 Regi.lranh w;1 g~o F,,, S""","pIIOn

10< n"" v..or 01'" ...... '" Minimal Stimulation IVF

(IVf Lile)

3rd World Congress on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols

" ,. ,' . '-. 2 "'*=';2h,.

'''''- -

3rd· 6th September, 2015 Savoy Resort & Spa, Seychelles

Zimt Car.law r & Semi""", ~"izing. Duboi, UAE

OVUlation induction remains the cornerstone of therapeutic procedures used for the treatment of infertility, such as assisted reproduction and the m"n"oem"n! of anovulation. Due to Innovat"," druQs and reQlm"n, Introduced in the last few ¥ears, ovulation Induction IS becomlnQ increaslnQIj' more erne"c;ous, cost erreet",", and safe.

The l"d World ConQress on OVUlation l.-.:l uellon & OVarian Stimulal on ProiJ eals wl i be an outstan ct nQ opportunity IJ learn ,.,d discl13s these new developments v.ith jnEm"!ion,. k"Y oilnion leooers in this fie kl.

The 3rd in the series of World ConQress on OVUlaUon Induction & Cr.'arian Stimulation Protocols (V'j'OOSP) , a part of the MUte Foundation CMEs, 'ni ll be held in Seychelles. The Republic of Seychelles comprises 11 5 islands representinQ an archipelaQo of leQendary beauty that extends from between 4 and 10 deQrees south of the equator an d which lies between (SOkm and 1 ,600km from the east coast of Nrica. Of these 115 islands, 41 constitute th e oldest mid-oceanic Qranite islands on earth while a further 74 form the 10w-t,inQ coral atolls and reef islands of the Outer Islands .

The Qranitic islands of the Seychelles archipelaQo cluster around the main Island ofMahe, home to the international airport and the capital, Victoria, and its neiQhbourinQ islands of Praslin and La DiQue. TOQether, thes e Inner Islands form the cultural and economi c hub of th e nation and contain the majority of Seychelle s ' tourism facilities as well as its most stunninQ beaches.

Seychelles is hom e to no less than two UNESCO Worl d HeritaQe Sites : the le~endaryVallee de Mai on Praslin where the wo ndrously shape d Coco-de-mer nut Qrows hiQh on ancient palms and the fabled Aldabra, the world's larQest raised coral atoll, first seen by early Arab seafarers of the 9th centu ry AD.

We look forward to wel c omin~ ytl U to Seychelles in the late summer of 201 5.

Congr ... '; 'n

lite" c.. • ...... ~OUND ... IION

-Z1MT C",.·'''''' __ nC4' I S.mI ... ,. Org.onID"II

II j'<MJ no ~ ,.,.., '" ,.".... ,.,.1 ~om .... _ .. , .... ,,"."iIoo tom 1hII ... I upo'" I<Jtoou. ' n proM'""""

Page 10: World congress on ovulation induction & ovarian stimulation protocols

www WOO S P

WOOSP 2015

3rd World Congress on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols

Eo ' dby. IVF lao foo" .;ulioo Soc...,. ofC~ ~op<Oducr,. c-

3rd· 6 th Se pte mber, 2015 SClvoy Resort & SPCI, Seychelles

World "'.11".0"";0,, 01 RoprndUCli¥o 1Ioodic!no twARMI ~- Thec._ "" Humo" ~

.. . r P-­. 2 ,,44";: "1' ZimlC"J. ...... & S.minor> ~;zing , o..boi, UAE

Topics to be covered include : - OVarian stimulation strateQies;


- Primary, seconda..,. and tertiary prevention of OHSS, - development of protocols for patients I'oith diminished ovarian resetve; - ovarian resetve testinQ and its practical impli,ations; - mild stimulation and financial implications; - "eQmentation of rvF treatment; - impact of ovarian stimulation on the endometrium; and - emerQency stimulation for onco-fertillty patients.

Learning Objectives Upon completion "fthis proQram, the participant.oll be able to 1 Describe the physioloQic process of the human menstrual cycle.


2. Describe the process of o,"lation, o,"lation induction, and aUQmentation therapy with clomiphene Citrate, menotropins, urofollitropin, recombinant FSH, biosimilars and adjunct medications. 3. Re\o1ew the impact of aQe on fertility .oth appropriate tests available to assess ovanan reserve. 4 Identify indMduals .oth ovulatory abnormalities and determine if they .oil respond to o,"lation induction. 5. Discuss the basic mechanism of action of agents used to induce o,"lation.

6. Understand the risks associated .oth the use of ovulation induction. 7 Discuss the basic work up and treatment of the ano,"latory female. S. Identify the patients at risk for h)'ller-response or poor response to controlled ovarian stimulation .

9 Select the protocol most likely to optimize the ovarian response amonQ patients .oth compromised ovarian reserve 10 Summarize current e";dence-based recommendations to achieve the best outcomes .oth GnRH analoQ regimens . 11 . Identify effective and safe ovarian stimulation protocols for patients underQoinQ fertility preservation

Quick Links

lnIIitatlOll I OrgamzlII!J Committee I indIan Faculty I internatIOnal Faculty SCIentifIC Program I SocIal Program I About Seychelles I Payment OptlOllS

Congr .... '; 'n

c.. • ......

-ZlMT C",.·'''''' __ nC4' I S.mI ... ,. Org.onID"II

lite" ~OUND ... 1I0N

Ilj'<MJ no ~,.,." "',.".... ,.,.j~om ....... "' . .... .... "iIoo t""' ........ I .po ... I<J.....,. ' n proM' ......
