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World Rescue Organisation

Host Pack

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World Rescue Organisation – Host Pack


WRO Documentation


9th October 2014 (WRO AGM)


18th September 2014

Product Title:

Host Pack



WRO Committee


WRO Executive


Document Ref:


Version No:


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WRO Host Pack History

WRO – First draft September 2014

WRO – Second draft 18th September 2014

Document Location The source of the document will be found at – WRO Web site members Document Depository – Temporarily with WRO Secretariat until web site is finalised.

Revision History

Date of this revision: May - Aug 2014 Final revision date

Previous revision date

Summary of Changes Changes marked

18/09/14 N/A See Previous Version 1 N/A

Date of next revision: November 2015 Date of next approval: January 2016

Revision date

Previous revision date

Summary of Changes Changes marked

Nov 2015 Oct 2014 TBC TBC

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Distribution This document has been distributed to the WRO Executive and WRO Committee as per the current mailing list. In addition each WRO member organisation has been provided with a copy as indicated below:

Organisation Title Date of Circulation Version

APRAT WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

ARRO WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

NAVRA WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

ROI WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

UKRO WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

VFDU WRO Member Level 1 25/08/14 2

ANSD WRO Member Level 2 25/08/14 2

Ghana WRO Member Level 2 25/08/14 2

Romania WRO Member Level 2 25/08/14 2

SAMRO WRO Member Level 2 25/08/14 2

TERC WRO Member Level 2 25/08/14 2

ABRES WRO Member Level 3 25/08/14 2

LRO WRO Member Level 3 25/08/14 2

Sakhalin WRO Member Level 3 25/08/14 2

AVEA WRO Member Level 4 25/08/14 2

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1. Introduction.

The World Rescue Organisation (WRO) in association with a member organisation

holds an annual World Rescue Challenge (WRC). Historically, member organisation

hold their regional and National challenges between February and September each

year and the WRC is the final challenge in the rescue calendar, held towards the end

of the year in October.

The information contained in this document is intended to assist rescue

organisations who are interested in hosting a WRC and is a guide only. The

information contained is a culmination of over 10 years of challenge experience and

the WRO executive have various specialist roles within the WRO, who can help

advise and bridge any gaps that exist within the host organisation to ensure the

challenge runs smoothly.

The WRO will agree a local lead organisation from its membership to work closely

with the host to provide day to day support and guidance in relation to all aspects of

the challenge. The lead WRO member, which will normally be based within the

country where the challenge is to be held, will along with the host provide regular

updates to the WRO committee including during the monthly WRO conference calls.

2. Timelines: Introduction.

The WRC is a huge investment and takes many months to plan. For that reason, the

WRO executive advise at least 12 month planning process to ensure all elements of

the challenge are achievable. Historically, challenges have been planned and

operated in less than 7 months, however the work involved in attempting this is huge

and the decision to attempt this should not be undertaken lightly.

An expression of interest in hosting a WRC should be made in writing to the WRO

Secretary, which will be passed to the WRO Committee for consideration. The WRO

will consider such applications based upon a basic plan/idea of what the member

organisation wish to achieve and due cognisance should be taken of a suitable

venue, transport links and the availability of hotel accommodation and location of

international airports. A more comprehensive list of considerations is given in

appendices at the back of this document.

2.1 Planning Process.

The WRC attracts teams from all the member organisations and depending upon

their individual membership level, each organisation may be awarded up to 3 places

with unallocated places being reallocated to other organisations. The capacity or the

challenge currently is 32 teams, this is based on the practicalities of being able to

process all teams through the various rescue challenges within the time available.

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The WRC has always held a Road Traffic Collision challenge (RTC) and in recent

years member organisations have developed the concept of the challenge to

encompass all disciplines of specialist rescue and trauma. In recent years the WRC

has held the following rescue disciplines within a single WRC:

RTC Challenge. (Compulsory)

Trauma Challenge. (Compulsory)

Line / Rope rescue challenge. (Optional)

Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) challenge. (Optional)

Water rescue challenge. (Optional)

The above list is in no way a prerequisite framework for a WRC, nor is it limited to

the list given as the WRO understand that there may be a unique demand for a

particular discipline from member organisations and any desire to add to the list

above will be carefully considered by the WRO executive. The optional disciplines

are dependent on there being a suitable location and resources available. Local

member organisation are encouraged to use the WRC as a development platform to

introduce the concept of the other disciplines and promote the future growth of their

organisation and their national Fire & Rescue Services / EMS.

2.1.1 RTC Challenge.

The challenge area will need to be of hard standing/ surface capable of withstanding

the weight of a fully loaded Fire appliance / truck. (15 Tonnes) and should not

include areas of decorative paving or soft tarmac.

The RTC area will need to have 4 individual pit areas each one measuring 10 x 10

metres and be fenced off from spectator with an additional safety area of 3 metres

between the pits and spectator viewing areas. 3 pits are in use at any one time with

the 4th pit being a transitional pit used to construct scenarios to ensure a constant

flow of teams through the pit areas. (See section 5.1.1)

An area large enough to store a minimum of 100 crash damaged cars will also be

required to the rear of the pit area so forklift trucks / tele-porters can move vehicles in

and out of the pit area. For safety reasons, no spectators should have access to the

pits and vehicle storage areas. Further areas are required for appliance equipping,

assessor debrief and welfare & isolation for teams.

A spectator area and trade stand / sponsor area can then be constructed towards

the front of the pits or sited where appropriately. As there will be a large number of

spectators & the local Fire & Rescue / EMS service are encouraged to use the event

to raise the awareness of public safety and showcase their services to the public.

Further information regarding the logistics required is detailed in the logistics section.

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The WRO has specialists who can provide advice on the structure and logistical

requirements of the discipline

2.1.2 Trauma Challenge.

In recent years the trauma challenge has grown in popularity and has become an

intrinsic part of every WRC. An individual area of 10 x 10 metres is ideal and the

number of teams has grown each year so depending on the final number of teams

entering, several pits may be required. Historically due to the nature of the

challenge, this discipline has been held in doors or under cover, a marquee,

appliance room or lecture theatre are all areas for consideration. The event can be

held outside if the host country traditionally has fine weather in October. Additional

areas are also required for team isolation, assessor debrief and welfare.

The trauma also requires additional props to make the scenarios realistic, these can

be ladders, electrical tool, motorcycles etc. The WRO has specialists who can

provide advice on the structure and logistical requirements of the discipline. A list of

logistical considerations is given later in the document.

2.1.3 Line / Rope rescue.

This optional element of the WRC is dependent upon the availability of a suitable

structure where a rope rescue team could be expected to traverse and rescue a

casualty safely to the ground. A free standing scaffolding type structure has been

used in the past, however this adds great expense for the hosts and the advice

would always be to make use of the surrounding structures if these are suitable. The

WRO can provide advice on suitability of a structure if required. As with all the

previous disciplines; additional areas/rooms will be required for the isolation of teams

& assessor debrief and welfare. Teams historically use their own equipment,

however the host organisation must ensure that additional equipment including ropes

are available. All equipment supplied by the host must be tested in accordance with

manufacturer’s recommendations and be inspected before each use for wear and

tear and damage. WRO can supply suitable qualified staff to advise organisations if


2.1.4 U.S.A.R.

In recent years, organisations have developed the use of the urban search and

rescue capability of Fire & Rescue Organisations to develop this into a challenge

format. Historically, the area used has been 40 m2 and the scenario has involved

teams having to shore and stabilise an unstable structure and cut through various re-

enforced construction material (Usually 2m blocks of concrete and then traverse a

complex maze of building rubble to locate and rescue casualties).

A descriptor for water is required in line with the list in 2.1 above

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2.1.5 General challenge requirements.

All disciplines are timed and a team running order will be required for each discipline

making sure that teams attend an isolation area at least 30 minutes before their

scenario run time. Time must be factored in to the schedule to allow 10 minutes kit

retrieval and make up time then a 15 minute de-brief from WRO assessors. An

example of an event timetable is given in the appendices.

Team welfare/changing areas will be required close to the venue for all disciplines in

addition to requirements for assessors and pit crews who will require welfare

facilities, team debrief rooms and separate rooms for marking and relaxing during

the event.

The head assessor will require a secure location with I.T facilities so that the score

sheets can be collated and stored securely throughout the challenge. The provision

of a member of staff from the local WRO member or a member of the WRO will be

located within this room to collate scores.

Catering & refreshment facilities should be available for teams, this can be either a

mobile cafe facility or access to a nearby cafe or restaurant. Catering for assessors

and event staff must be provided by the organisation hosting the challenge.

Hotel accommodation should be provided for assessors and WRO staff close to the

venue or transport will need to be provided throughout the day (see WRO MOU).

Where possible the event hotel should not feature within the recommended lists for


3 Challenge format.

3.1 Introduction.

The WRC challenge has historically be held from a Thursday through to Sunday

inclusive; however the format of the challenge can be agreed with the WRO

executive once approval has been given to host the challenge. An example of the

challenge programme is as follows:

2 – 3 days before the start.

WRO officials and Assessors will start to arrive. Some teams will start to arrive

depending on flight times etc and their transport from airports will need to be

coordinated by the hosts. The WRO Secretary will assist and liaise with the host

organisers regularly throughout this period, however it is the responsibility of the

teams and the hosts to ensure all arrival and departure information is managed.

Event day 1.

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The hosts will organise an opening ceremony which includes the opening address

from the chair or the WRO and the host organisers. This will also be where teams

will be given their information packs and event timetables. The team briefings

usually end the opening ceremony, where teams can ask any questions regarding

the challenge format; this is facilitated by the WRO assessor team. The day before

the challenge the WRO hold their AGM which will require a meeting room with a

minimum capacity of 30 to also include I.T infrastructure and web access, (see


The WRO appointed head assessor and WRO liaison officer will also hold an

assessors workshop which is compulsory for all assessors to attend. A room

capable of holding a minimum of 30 people will be required and I.T facilities will also

be required.

Event day 2 / challenge days 1-3.

Three full days of the rescue challenge. The teams are usually expected to start in

the challenge pits at 07:30 and the challenge may run in to the early evening

(17:00/18:00), depending upon local conditions within the host country, consideration

will have to be made for lighting the pit areas if the challenge is held outside. Each

team will proceed through each pit on each challenge day, therefore depending on

the final number of teams competing each pit should have a team timetable for each


One evening (Usually on evening of the first challenge day), a social event is usually

organised by the hosts (Swaps night) where the teams can relax and swap items of

uniform or memorabilia. The host organisation is responsible for securing the venue,

usually at the event hotel or other suitable venue and may include entertainment.

Evening of challenge day 3.

The closing ceremony usually takes place from 19:00 onwards (depending on

timetables) and involves local entertainment and awards ceremony. The host

organisation is responsible for providing the awards, advise can be sought from the

WRO secretary with the WRO logo, challenge name and year featuring prominently

on the awards. The host organisation is encouraged to make the awards individual

in design to include a notable feature of the host country/city/fire department etc.

(see MOU)

Day 4

Teams and WRO officials depart. The host organisation is responsible for arranging

a transport timetable for team and officials to be taken to the airport. Full flight

information of WRO officials and assessors will be coordinated by the WRO

secretary and passed to the host organisers before the event; teams will be

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encouraged to contact the hosts directly for their travel requirements to and from


3.1.1 RTC Challenge.

The RTC challenge is a compulsory event and although the format of the challenge

may change to include disciplines that member organisations feel is appropriate; the

general format is that all teams complete 3 scenarios which are set up in advance in

the pits. To ensure a consistent assessing methodology, each discipline will stay

within a designated pit area and have its own assessors allocated. The scenarios

run from a 10 minute rapid evolution through to a 30 minute complex RTC scenario

involving several vehicles and casualties. The WRO in conjunction with the host will

agree which three of the following evolutions will form part of the RTC challenge.

10 minute rapid extrication.

20 minute limited extrication (No hydraulic power tools)

20 minute standard extrication.

30 minute complex extrication (multiple vehicles and casualties.

The host organisation will need to supply up to 4 fire appliances / trucks with a

compliment of RTC associated equipment. A full list is available in the appendices of

this document. The WRO also recommend that the various hydraulic tool

manufacturers are invited to supply equipment as part of the sponsorship package

and a tool area and appliance loading area is established close to the team isolation

area so that the team can select what equipment they wish to use for the scenario.

Teams will have to disclose what tool manufacturers they wish to use and this should

be considered when designing the team timetable for each pit. It is advisable that

each fire appliance / truck is assigned to one pit area and that it stays with that

designation throughout the event. This will ensure equipment changeover time is

reduced to the absolute minimum.

3.1.2 Team processing.

Teams will report to a registration area as outlined within the challenge timetable

which will take into account time for teams to change in to their protective clothing

before entering a controlled area. The team will select what equipment they require

although the fire appliance may not be available at that time. The team working

within the equipment area will ensure all the equipment and personal team

equipment is placed within the appropriate stowage lockers on appliances (with the

team if the appliance is available). The team will then enter isolation which is a

secured area away from the direct line of sight of the challenge / pit areas. This is to

ensure the team does not have any prior knowledge of the scenario. 10 minutes

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before the start of their run off time, the team are moved out of isolation and are

allowed to check the contents of their assigned appliances for equipment stowage

before going in to the pit area. It is IMPORTANT that team timetables and

timings be kept to as a few minutes delay at the start of the day can throw the

days timetable out by several hours at the end of the day.

The team will be assessed the moment the crew disembark from the appliance and

when the scenario reaches it maximum time allocated, the lead assessor will blow a

whistle to signal to the team that the assessment process is over and all rescue

operations should now cease. The team is allocated 10 minutes to gather their

personal equipment and report to the team debrief area which is separate from the

challenge area and away from the challenge spectators. The pit crew will load the

appliance and equipment for return to the equipment area and the scrap cars will be

removed to the storage area to be disposed of. The assessing team will use the 10

minutes allocated to the team to complete the score sheets and finalise their

thoughts in preparation for the debrief process.

The debrief will last no longer than 15 minutes, during which time all assessors will

have summarised the teams performance and the pit crews will be setting up the

next scenario ready for the process to run again. The debriefed team will then be

allowed to depart and may move on to another event such as the trauma or line

rescue discipline, team timetables for all events should be mindful of potential

conflicts between timings.

3.1.3 RTC Scenarios

The RTC challenge runs 3 distinct scenarios for each team. Historically these do

change slightly depending upon the needs of the member organisations; however

the broad format follows:

10 Minute Rapid.

This is usually a lightly damaged car or an additional prop car to add a degree of

complexity to the scenario. The objective is to achieve a controlled release of the

casualty within the 10 minute allocation. This pit is usually the easiest to manage as

the scenarios are shorted and the complexity in staging the scenario is less time


20 Minute Limited.

Teams are given 20 minutes to achieve a controlled release of the casualty without

using powered hydraulic tools. Battery powered tools (including battery powered

hydraulic tools are permitted) and this is to simulate the teams ability to extricate a

casualty without an over reliance on hydraulic tools.

20 Minute Standard.

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Teams are given 20 minutes to achieve a controlled release of the casualty using a

range of standard hand and powered hydraulic tools.

30 Minute Complex.

A team is given 30 minutes to achieve the controlled release of 2 casualties, one of

which is critically injured and requires a 10 minute release and the other will suffer

from a physical entrapment (simulated). In the past, some hosts have used training

dummies to actually crush into cars, however a vital element of the WRC is that team

deal with live casualties so vital feedback can be given to the teams on how they

managed the casualty from the start of treatment to final release. More information

on the casualties is included in the resources sections later in the document.

The challenge scenario information pack is available to help guide the member

organisation in arranging suitable scenarios.

3.1.4 Trauma challenge

The team management process for all the challenge scenarios are very similar in

that equipment selection and checks are done and the teams move in to isolation

prior to starting the scenario.

Each scenario is designed to test emergency personnel on their knowledge and

understanding of trauma management. Each team will register in line with the event

timetable before their run off time and then be moved in to an isolation area while the

scenario is being constructed. During isolation the team will have the opportunity to

check their equipment prior to the start.

All casualties will be real and have professionally applied make up so visual

representation of the injuries can be seen by the team, this limits the amount of

interaction with the assessors. Teams can request the help and assistance of

members of the audience when attempting processes that require more than the two

team members eg Movement on to a long board / spinal management.

Recent developments in the trauma challenge have seen the introduction of a

complex scenario with extended times and multiple casualties and teams. An

example of a trauma timetable is given in the appendices of this document.

3.1.5 Line Rescue / USAR/ Water Rescue Challenge.

The rules governing these challenges are complex due to the lack of an international

standard in operating and equipment. The WRO executive can supply suitably

qualified advisors to gauge the benefits of operating such challenges as the

equipment requirements and facilities are complex and difficult to source within one


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4. General challenge advice.

4.1 Introduction.

The challenge concept can be a complex process and for that matter the WRO

would advise that a series or challenge working groups are established to manage

each discipline (RTC Group / Trauma Group etc). In managing the smaller elements

of the challenge within one area or venue will make the workload manageable for all


4.1.1 Team Registrations

Team eligibility to apply is controlled by the WRO secretary in conjunction with each

member organisation who will have a number of team slots available to them. The

host organisation will be responsible for coordinating the final team numbers and

names with the WRO secretary and teams will then need to register directly with the

host organisation. This is usually done through a website which can be established

specifically for the challenge or it can be done as a page to an existing members

site. Following registration the WRO secretary will confirm eligibility for each team to

participate with the host, only after this is done will teams receive conformation

of their participation from the host. This process is necessary in order to ensure

that the approved teams from each WRO member organisation compete.

4.1.2 Payments.

The hosts are encouraged to establish an electronic process of payment which is

easier for teams to manage as the hosts will be responsible for collecting the entry

fees. Some teams will like to pay directly with cash on their arrival, this should be

avoided, however if this is the only way for teams to pay, some guarantee that the

payment will be received is required as the team will have a place reserved which

would have been available to another team should they not attend.

There is a financial levy applied by the WRO to the hosts for hosting the challenge

and this is negotiated and agreed between the WRO and Host and confirmed

through the signing on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This is paid

directly to the WRO after the event and is managed in consultation with the WRO


The challenge title will be: World Rescue Challenge (Year) (Place or location or host

organisation name). All documentation regarding the challenge should include the

corporate image (WRO logo) prominently on all literature and the host organisation

may accompany this with their own logo. Attendance certificates for teams as

recognition of their contribution and official awards should also include the WRO

logo, challenge year prominently. See Branding Guidelines for use of WRO logo.

Due to the large financial investment from teams and sponsors, suitable insurance

will be required to indemnify the hosts and the WRO against 3rd party claims and

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cancellation of the event. Host organisers should refer to the MOU for further

guidance and liaise directly with the WRO secretary.

4.1.3 Team management

A comprehensive information pack should be provided to each team. This should

include a team challenge timetable outlining registration, isolation and runoff times.

The information pack should also include general information regarding the

availability of public transport systems, local visitor attractions, key telephone

numbers in case of emergency and an itinerary of the event in full.

An information point should be established at the venue to support teams and

consideration should also be given to providing a 24 hour emergency telephone

number in cases of emergencies. The information point should be staffed in excess

of the hours assigned to the challenge (07:00 – 18:00).

As the number of people that will be attending, a selection of information on locally

approved restaurants should also be provided and the WRC is a useful element in

boosting the local economy over the challenge period, with upwards of 1,000 fire

service and EMS personnel attending the event.

Teams will be encouraged to contact the event team directly with their travel

arrangements to and from the airport. It is therefore recommended that any potential

venue should be selected for the good transport links and close proximity to an

international airport. A selection of local hotels varying in price ranges should be

selected and included within the challenge information website allowing teams to

select a hotel within their budget. If the hotels are some distance from the challenge

venue, consideration should be given to running a circular transport route that visits

each hotel throughout the day. Details of public transport infrastructure should be

included within the team information pack.

4.1.4 Sponsors

The WRC will attract a large number of emergency personnel from all over the world

and therefore the challenge is a good opportunity to attract sponsors. The WRO

would recommend that a trade area is established within a prominent position at the

venue for sponsors and this is a revenue generation stream for the hosts to explore.

At some WRC, the hosts have a selection of challenge memorabilia such as T-shirts,

badges/patches and cap/hats etc available for purchase by the teams. All such

items must carry the WRO logo which will be a licenced product from the WRO ( see

section 4.1.2 above on corporate logos); and it is for the hosts to manage this


5 Logistics

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5.1 Introduction.

The WRC is a large undertaking with up wards of a 1,000 fire and EMS staff

attending, an opportunity is also present for a community information event to be

held alongside the challenge which makes the event a public demonstration of the

skills of the emergency services. Logistically, managing 32 teams and many

hundreds of public visitors can be challenging so a large venue with easy transport

links would be required.

5.1.1 Resource requirements.

a) Storage for 100 crash damaged vehicles and a selection of other road

vehicles such motorcycles, large goods vehicles etc.

b) A selection of props such as street furniture (streetlights, road signage etc)

c) A storage area for the cut cars and vehicles prior to removal from the site.

d) Forklift or Tele Handler vehicles and a provision to damage scrap vehicles

will be required.

e) Additional areas for other challenges, Trauma, Line/Rope, water etc (see

specific sections within the document)

f) Refreshment areas.

g) Community and public information areas and displays.

h) Sponsor and trade area.

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The following aerial photograph is an example of the logistical considerations for a


5.1.2 Other planned events

The following are examples of the events featured at the 2013 WRC:

1. Awareness safety classes for the public.

2. Hands on training (H.O.T.) for emergency personnel.

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3. Vehicle Rescue Challenge (simulated auto accidents).

4. Trauma Rescue Challenge (simulated injury incidents).

5. World Rescue Challenge Leadership Seminar.

6. Safety Education Day.

a. Extrication team finals.

b. Trauma team finals.

c. Multi-National rope rescue demonstration off of Clearwater Memorial


d. Fireboat demonstration (simulated boat fire extinguishment).

e. United States Coast Guard demonstration (simulated open water

air/sea rescue).

f. Car seat checks and installations.

g. Multiple specialty team demonstrations.

h. Multiple static displays.

i. Multi agency apparatus display (fire, police, EMS and military).

The above list is by no way a pre-requisite requirement for hosting a WRC, it is an

example of how the event can be used to promote the work done by the host


5.1.3 Equipment List for Fire Appliance/ Trucks.

The following equipment will be standard stowage on each of the three appliances

provided for the WRO Challenge.

All teams must use this equipment.

Fire fighting

DP Extinguisher [1]

Small Gear

Hooligan Tool [1]

Ratchet Strap [2]

Glass punch [1]

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Hand axe [1]

General Purpose Line [1]

Socket set + torque drivers [1]

Duck tape [2]

Seat belt cutter [1]

Bolt Croppers [1]

Airbags with regulator + cylinder [1]

Tool Kit

Rubber mallet [1]

Screw driver slotted [3]

Screw driver posidrive (star) [3]

Hacksaw & blades [1]

Set of spanners [1]

Adjustable spanner [1]

Pliers [1]

Locking Knife [1]

Stability Equipment

Step blocks wood [10]

Step blocks plastic [5]

Crib blocks [8]

Wedges, wood [10 (small & large)]

Wedges, plastic [5 (small & large)]

Short extension ladder (two section) [1]

Stab-fast stability system (or similar)

Battery Power Saw

Windscreen saw [1]

Spare batteries [12]

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Hydraulic Rescue Tools

[1 set chosen by teams]

Protection Equipment

Tear drop - hard protection [2]

Soft protection sheet [1 set]

Salvage sheet [1]

Screen sheet [1]

Sharps covers [1 set]

Medical Equipment

Long spine board [1]

Medical collars [1]

Resuscitator/ O2 therapy unit + O2 cylinder [1]

Trauma bag [1]

Blanket [1]

Please note that all of the above equipment will be stored on the appliance in several

lockers. One locker will be kept clear for teams’ to stow personnel small gear.

Team provided equipment must be capable of fitting into the locker provided (or

elsewhere on the appliance) and must be capable of being stowed securely and

meet all relevant local safety requirements. Team provided equipment is also

subject to scrutiny by the Head Assessor’s nominee prior to being used in the


Teams will provide their own dust mask, latex gloves, goggles and ear, Defender’s

as appropriate. however a provision by the host must be made as a contingency.

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5.1.4 Example resource list and providers


Corporate and Trade Show

Team Entries/Registration

Advise WRO of per head cost to attend each function and the overall team entry fee Host

Set team entry incorporating function costs and fee payable to WRO

WRO & Host

Seek registrations to enter challenges WRO & host

Form/on line registration - Team Nominations Host

Form/on line - Accommodation information Host

Confirm WRO delegates attending WRO

Advise WRO of VIPS attending Host

Confirmation team registrations WRO

Arrange system to register and record all attendees Host

Trade Show

Identify an area for Equipment Displays Host

Source Equipment Displays Host

Arrange catering near trade show Host


Establish a web site with challenge specific information Host

Media Releases x 3 (Crushing cars, opening, main day) Host

Media release - Invite local media to attend Host

Public Relations Bulletin - Internal host promotion Host

Media release - Announce winners WRO & Host

Opening Function

Determine nature of function Host

Select appropriate venue Host

Prepare Opening Ceremony running sheet WRO & Host

Arrange - Event Photographer Host

Arrange catering if required Host

Other Social Function (Swap Night)

Determine nature of function Host

Select appropriate venue Host

Arrange catering if required Host

Challenge Awards

Order Trophies for Challenge Host

Order Thank you gifts for Challenge Management Team Host

Certificates for each participating team Host

Arrange delivery of trophies Host

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Closing Function

Determine nature of function Host

Book venue Host

Determine cost and arrange ticketing if required Host

Confirm numbers attending Host

Arrange - Entertainment Host

Arrange catering if required Host

Award presentation section of function WRO & Host

Arrange - Event Photographer Host


Identify & negotiate special rates Host

Recommend single venue for all WRO requirements Host

Book WRO accommodation on advice from Host WRO

Pay for WRO Executive accommodation (MOU) Host

Provide accommodation information to WRO to advise teams


Manage VIPs

Meet and escort during event WRO & host

Hospitality arrangements Host

WRO Meetings

Arrange venue for WRO AGM meeting Host

Event Management


Develop Host budget Host

Establish Account Structure Host

Determine team entry fee in conjunction with WRO WRO & Host

Event Program

Develop Event Program WRO & Host

Publish challenge timetable WRO & Host

Develop Team Briefing WRO

Develop Team Draw and Event Timetable WRO

WRO Challenge Management Team

Appoint WRO CMT WRO & Lead WRO member

Develop Challenge Management Team Info Package (Pre-Event)

WRO & Lead WRO member

Advise times they will be required WRO

Develop Assessors Workshop & CMT Briefing Program WRO

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Conduct Assessors workshop WRO

Conduct CMT Briefing WRO

Develop Event Documentation

Update rules and assessment guidelines WRO

Distribute rules and assessment guidelines WRO

Distribute General Information Package to Teams Host

Provide host with master documentation to copy WRO

Photocopy Score Sheets for Assessors Host

Copy rules, timetables, etc for welcome kit Host

Develop welcome kit for teams and all CMT members Host

Prepare WRO material for welcome kit WRO

Update Event Scoring Program to suit number of teams WRO

Rescue Seminar

Identify and book venue Host

Develop Program WRO & host

Arrange Speakers / Facilitators Host

Confirm Numbers Host

Arrange - Tickets Host

Arrange - Seating requirements Host

Arrange Resources appropriate to presentations Host

Event Transport

Determine if transport will be provided for teams Host

Arrange airport pick ups and drop offs for all WRO and assessors


Infrastructure and Resource Management

Venue Operations

Select and book venue Host

Ensure site meets all requirements as advised by WRO Lead WRO Member & Host

Site Inspection Lead WRO Member & Host

Source a Map of Facility Host

Arrange secure location for storage of equipment on site Host

CMT & Support Crew Catering

Arrange Morning / Afternoon Teas Host

Arrange Lunches (Challenge Days) Host

Arrange Lunches (Rescue Seminar) Host

Arrange Lunch for Workshop (Assessors) Host

Advise Caterer of numbers & finalise meal requirements Host

Arrange Meal System for CMT and support crew - vouchers or other


Provide loan helmets for all WRO assessors on advice from WRO


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Cleaning Services

Select and Book Cleaning Services Host

Arrange Mini Skips (3x3mtr x 4) Host

Arrange Wheelie Bins for spectator areas and pits Host

Arrange Cleaning Daily - Toilets, Empty Bins Host

Arrange Cleaning Post Event Host

Arrange Cleaning of outside area Host

Administration & Communication Resources

Radios & Headsets Host

Arrange radio channel allocation Host

PA System Host

PC and Printer for scoring, admin and registrations Host

Data Projector for assessor workshop Host

AV Equipment for Rescue Seminar Host

Filming of teams during challenge scenarios Host

AV Equipment for Dinner Host

Develop 'key contacts' list Host

Event Signage

Arrange Signage Host

External Host

Pits - Limited, Unlimited, Rapid Host

Teams Report Here Host

Equipment dump Host

No Entry, Event Staff Only Host

Directional Signage (Toilets, Team Reg, Café) Host

Team Isolation 1,2,3 (A3) Host

Confirm Event Signage Host

Installation of Event Signage Host

Event and WRO sponsor recognition Host

Infrastructure and Equipment

Arrange enclosed facilities for isolation & casualties (4 required)


Arrange traffic management system to separate forklifts from pedestrians


Arrange raked seating (bleachers) in challenge area Host

Arrange - Tables and Chairs for pit crew rest area Host

Arrange - tables and chairs x 10 for each isolation area (3 of)


Arrange - 1 Table and 10 Chairs (Casualty prep area for moulage)


Arrange - VIP hospitality facilities Host

Arrange - Event Parking Host

Arrange / Source use of medical first responder for real events


Arrange barriers (pit boundary) - 110m Host

Arrange - 2T Forklift, side shift, long arms x 2 Host

Arrange - 6T Forklift, side shift, long arms x 2 Host

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Arrange - Plant Equipment for damaging wrecks (25 t excavator or similar)


Scenario Props

Arrange - Props Host

3 x Concrete Barriers Host

1 x Power Pole Base Host

1 x Power Pole and Cross Arm + 3m cable Host

1 x Power Pole Street Light Arm and head Host

1 x Motorbike Host

1 x Motorbike Helmet Host

1 x Concrete Storm Water Pipe Host

Manikins - lots! Host

1 x 600 x 450 U shaped Concrete Block Host

1 x Traffic Light Pole Host

1 x Section of road side railing (2-3M) Host

Arrange storage of props Host

Arrange transportation of props Host

Challenge Pit Equipment

Source hydraulic tools from suppliers Host

Source rescue equipment for each pit as per WRO list Host

Confirm rescue equipment for each pit as per WRO list Host

Confirm arrival and collection of hydraulic rescue tools from each tool supplier


Arrange Medical Equipment Host

Arrange Face Masks and Hoses Host

Arrange Oxygen Equipment Host

Arrange Oxygen Cylinders Host

Arrange Air Cylinders for air tools Host

Check compatibility of cylinders with Air Equipment Host

Arrange Absorbent materials for oil/fuel spills Host

Source 6 Stop Watches Host

Arrange - 3 x Industrial Vacuum Cleaners for glass removal Host

Assemble Pit Tools Host

Equipment Maintenance

Arrange stand by repair services Host

Challenge Vehicles

Source / Arrange wrecks (no of teams x 3 plus spares) Host

Arrange Security for vehicle wrecks Host

Prepare wrecks - drain fluids Host

Arrange - Fluid Drums for removal off-site Host

Prepare wrecks - construct scenarios to WRO standard Host

Arrange Crushing and Removal of vehicles Host

Prepare Challenge Venue (Bump In)

Scenario Preparation area Host

Design Pit Layout Host

Approve pit layout WRO

Arrange Isolation and Debrief Areas Host

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Arrange spectator areas Host

Design scenarios WRO

Provide list of props required WRO

Construct pits Host

Prepare Bump Out

Plan Bump Out Host

Carry Out Bump Out and clean up Host

Arrange Consumables

Barricade Tape Host

Safety Glasses / Gloves Host

Dust Masks Host

Ear Plugs Host

Bottled Water for teams and CMT Host

Spray Paint for vehicle markings Host

Sun Screen Host

Fuel and oils for rescue tools Host

Duct Tape Host

Blades for Reciprocating Saws Host

Containers for collecting oil/fuel from cars Host

Bag of rags Host

Resupply of consumables from first aid kits Host

Support Crew Personnel

WRO Challenge Management Team

Advise number of people in WRO CMT WRO

Identify Event Support personnel to support WRO CMT

Arrange personnel to fill all roles as per list in guide Host

Brief Support Personnel

Develop Personnel briefing notes Host

Manage Meal Voucher allocations Host

Arrange - Event Duty Officer Roster Host

Interior Assessors

Arrange Interior Assessors on advice from WRO Host

Arrange Moulage provider Host

Arrange Indemnity Host

Ensure IA's meet WRO requirements Host

Ensure IA's complete WRO checklist WRO

Arrange Casualty Clothing Host

Brief IA's WRO

Provide Scenarios to IA Manager if using moulage WRO

WRO CMT Transport

Airport Pick-ups for WRO CMT if necessary Host

Shuttle Bus for Challenge Management Team if necessary Host

'For real' First Aid Requirements

Arrange on site first aid Host

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Arrange personnel Host

First Aid Supplies Host

The above table is by no way a pre-requisite list of resources, it provides a guide in

which host organisation’s can work to.

The WRO have advisors that can help and assist the host organisation in the

development of WRC at the planning stages and also during the challenge. The

challenge is designed to help develop the host organisation’s understanding of

hosting WRO approved challenges within an agreed format and assist host

organisation’s in obtaining level one membership status (WRO Constitution).

Other supporting Documents

1. WRO Constitution.

2. WRO / Host Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

3. WRC Challenge scenarios (RTC).

4. WRO Assessor policy.

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5.1.5 Example of a complex scenario (30 minute) team timetable


1 07:40 08:00 08:10 08:15 08:45 08:50 09:05 ? 2 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:10 09:40 09:45 10:00 ? 3 09:20 09:40 10:00 10:05 10:35 10:40 10:55 ? 4 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:00 11:30 11:35 11:50 ? 5 11:10 11:30 11:50 11:55 12:25 12:30 12:45 ? LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 6 12:40 13:00 13:10 13:15 13:45 13:50 14:05 ? 7 13:25 13:45 14:05 14:10 14:40 14:45 15:00 ? 8 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:05 15:35 15:40 15:55 ? 9 15:15 15:35 15:55 16:00 16:30 16:35 16:50 ? 10 16:10 16:30 16:50 16:55 17:25 17:30 17:45 ?

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5.1.6 Example of trauma timetable



Isolation Time In Team Name Time Out Debrief End Team #

08.30-09.00 09.00 Ungarn 1 09.10 09.25 1

09.00-09.30 09.30

Emergency Medical Team Kaltenkirchen 1 09.40 09.55 2

09.30-10.00 10.00 West Midlands 10.10 10.25 3

10.00-10.30 10.30 Falkirk (Central Scotland) 10.40 10.55 4

10.30-11.00 11.00 Hampshire 11.10 11.25 5

11.00-11.30 11.30 Leicestershire 11.40 11.55 6

11.30-12.00 12.00 LFB Extrication&Trauma Team 12.10 12.25 7

12.00-12.30 12.30

Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service 12.40 12.55 8

12.30-13.00 13.00 Team NAVRA 13.10 13.25 9

13.00-13.30 13.30 Traum-H (Malteser Hilfsdienst) 13.40 13.55 10

13.30-14.00 14.00 Cheshire Fire Service 14.10 14.25 11

14.00-14.30 14.30 Ungarn 2 14.40 14.55 12

14.30-15.00 15.00 West Area Derbyshire 15.10 15.25 13

15.00-15.30 15.30

Emergency Medical Team Kaltenkirchen 2 15.40 15.55 14

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6 Further advice and guidance

The WRC is a very large undertaking and this document is intended to provide a

structure to follow and assist hosts organisations in planning and hosting the WRC.

It is important that any venue that is being considered should have good transport

links to a number of hotels, airports and restaurants and be large enough to hold the

challenge as storage areas for the logistics can be as large as the actual challenge


The cars that are used for the RTC must be crash damaged (see the WRC Scenario

document) and be drained of all fluids from the engine as some vehicles will be

inverted. Batteries should be removed and the host is encouraged to source a

selection of different vehicles to make the challenge realistic.

The RTC logistics team will need to be on site at least one week before the

challenge to crash prepare all vehicles (see WRO scenario document) and ensure all

fluids and batteries are removed.

The challenge is a good vehicle for advancing rescue knowledge and the hosts are

encouraged to speak to vehicle manufacturers that may also be interested in

demonstrating their new technologies and vehicles during the challenge.
