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[WotG] Arvanizs Saint Seiya Conversion.pdf

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SERIES SUMMARY The Sanctuary Saga: 1 - The Legends of a New Era. Seiya wins the Pegasus Armor. 2 - The Galactic Tournament. Friends and Enemies. 3 - Revelation. Attack of the Gold Knights. 4 - Ultimate Cosmos. Mu of Aries. 5 - Battle in the House of Taurus. 6 - Gemini: Labyrinth of Light and Shadow. Another Dimension. 7 - Sleep Peacefully, Hyoga. 8 - Deathmask and the Land of the Dead. 9 - Arles' Demon Emperor Fist. The Death of Cassios. 10 - The Eyes of Shaka. Ikki Dies for his Friends. 11 - The Arms of Libra. Hyoga Comes Back to Life. 12 - Milo's Scarlet Needle. Hyoga, the Brave Warrior. 13 - The Gold Armors Reunited. Aioros' Last Will. 14 - The Sacred Sword. Dragon Flies to the Stars. 15 - Farewell, my Master, my Friends. 16 - The Most Beautiful Man in the Sanctuary. Shun's Ultimate Power. 17 - Flashback and Interlude. 18 - The Patriarch Unmasked. Athena's Shield. 19 - The Last Flame Goes Out. 20 - Friends, Reunite With Athena. The Asgard Saga: 21 - Enemies From the North. 22 - Return of the Heroes. The New Bronze Armors. 23 - The Journey to Valhalla. 24 - Thor, the Mighty Warrior. Odin's Sapphires. 25 - The Lone Wolf. 26 - Fire and Ice. Freya's Battle. 27 - A Sad Warrior. The Stringer Requiem. 28 - Brain Over Brawn. The Amethyst Prisons. 29 - The Viking Tiger. Andromeda's Storm. 30 - The Shadow God Warrior. The Bond of Brotherhood. 31 - The Legendary Hero. Duel of the Dragons. 32 - Revelation of a God. Sacrifice of the Hero. 33 - The Armor of Odin. The End of the Nibelung. The Poseidon Saga: 34 - The Great Flood. 35 - Saori's Choice. The Seven Pillars. 36 - The First Mariner General. The Golden Pegasus Armor. 37 - The Six Beasts of Scylla. The Golden Chain.
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The Sanctuary Saga:

1 - The Legends of a New Era. Seiya wins the Pegasus Armor.

2 - The Galactic Tournament. Friends and Enemies.

3 - Revelation. Attack of the Gold Knights.

4 - Ultimate Cosmos. Mu of Aries.

5 - Battle in the House of Taurus.

6 - Gemini: Labyrinth of Light and Shadow. Another Dimension.

7 - Sleep Peacefully, Hyoga.

8 - Deathmask and the Land of the Dead.

9 - Arles' Demon Emperor Fist. The Death of Cassios.

10 - The Eyes of Shaka. Ikki Dies for his Friends.

11 - The Arms of Libra. Hyoga Comes Back to Life.

12 - Milo's Scarlet Needle. Hyoga, the Brave Warrior.

13 - The Gold Armors Reunited. Aioros' Last Will.

14 - The Sacred Sword. Dragon Flies to the Stars.

15 - Farewell, my Master, my Friends.

16 - The Most Beautiful Man in the Sanctuary. Shun's Ultimate Power.

17 - Flashback and Interlude.

18 - The Patriarch Unmasked. Athena's Shield.

19 - The Last Flame Goes Out.

20 - Friends, Reunite With Athena.

The Asgard Saga:

21 - Enemies From the North.

22 - Return of the Heroes. The New Bronze Armors.

23 - The Journey to Valhalla.

24 - Thor, the Mighty Warrior. Odin's Sapphires.

25 - The Lone Wolf.

26 - Fire and Ice. Freya's Battle.

27 - A Sad Warrior. The Stringer Requiem.

28 - Brain Over Brawn. The Amethyst Prisons.

29 - The Viking Tiger. Andromeda's Storm.

30 - The Shadow God Warrior. The Bond of Brotherhood.

31 - The Legendary Hero. Duel of the Dragons.

32 - Revelation of a God. Sacrifice of the Hero.

33 - The Armor of Odin. The End of the Nibelung.

The Poseidon Saga:

34 - The Great Flood.

35 - Saori's Choice. The Seven Pillars.

36 - The First Mariner General. The Golden Pegasus Armor.

37 - The Six Beasts of Scylla. The Golden Chain.

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38 - The Sacred Spear and Excalibur.

39 - The Heartless One.

40 - True Friendship. Unforeseen Returns.

41 - The Hidden Villain.

42 - Reunion of the Gold Knights. Athena's Song.

43 - Friends, When We Die, We Die Together.

44 - The Awakening of Poseidon.

45 - Friends Forever. Long Live the Legend of the Knights.

The Hades Saga - Chapter Sanctuary:

46 - The Final Holy War.

47 - The Three Grieving Souls.

48 - The Return of the Patriarch. Old Friends.

49 - Hades' Spectres. Rhadamanthys and Pandora.

50 - Aldebaran's Final Attack.

51 - Redemption. The Gold Knight of Gemini.

52 - Transitory Reunion.

53 - Clash of the Ancient Warriors.

54 - Revelation of the Spectres.

55 - The Moment of Doubt.

56 - Exorcism of Evil Spirits.

57 - Shaka's Battle.

58 - Athena's Exclamation. The Death of Shaka.

59 - Gold Coalition.

60 - Collapse of the Sanctuary.

61 - A Golden Dagger. The Death of Saori.

62 - The Armor of Athena.

63 - Hades' Castle.

64 - Farewell, Gold Brothers.

65 - The Final Decision.

The Hades Saga - Chapter Inferno:

66 - Entrance to Hell. The Eighth Sense.

67 - Cross the River Acheron.

68 - The Tribunal of Silence.

69 - The Man Who Deceived a God, The Ally of Athena.

70 - Into the Second Prison. Cerberus and Sphinx.

71 - The Legendary Knight. Orpheus and Eurydice.

72 - Orpheus. A Sad Requiem.

73 - Giudecca. The Palace of Hades.

74 - Rest Peacefully, Orpheus. Awake, Hades.

75 - Hades. An Incredible Possession.

76 - The Three Judges of Hell.

77 - The Phoenix in Hell.

78 - Aiacos Falls. The Summoning of Phoenix.

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79 - Divine Punishment. The Greatest Eclipse.

80 - Ikki's Sorrowful Strike.

81 - Cocytos. Graveyard of Knights.

82 - Athena Risks Her Life. Pegasus and Harpy, A Dire Battle.

83 - Shun's Release. Disappearance of the Gods.

84 - The Wailing Wall.

85 - Sunlight in Hell. The Ecliptic, Power of the Gold Knights.

86 - The Darkest Hour.

87 - Kanon's Sacrifice, The Death of Rhadamanthys. Reunion of the Gold Armors!

88 - Last Farewell of the Gold Knights. The End of Hell.

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The Sanctuary Saga

The Legends of a New Era. Seiya wins the Pegasus Armor.

Since mythic times, every couple of centuries, a new incarnation of the goddess Athena is

born. Her duty is to protect mankind and the world, as she is Earth's guardian. For this purpose

she has her warriors, the 88 Knights (Saints) of Athena. These are divided in three orders, the

Bronze, Silver and Gold Knights, each one having a constellation as his patron.

The power of these Knights comes from the mastery they achieve over their Cosmos. As the

universe was born from a big explosion, inside each being is a microcosm that's part of that

explosion. They see each atom as a tiny solar system, each particle as a cluster, each cell even

more, and their whole body as a Cosmos unto itself, the life force born from the stars and the

will of the individual, from which they extract energy for incredible feats. Only with arduous

training and knowledge of themselves can they master their Cosmos.

As a righteous goddess, Athena forbids her Knights from using any kind of weapons, and they

must fight bare-handed, using techniques so powerful they can blast holes on a cliff or destroy

whole buildings. Each Knight has a set of exclusive techniques related to his parent


In the year 1974 is born the latest incarnation of Athena, in the Sanctuary, near Athens. This is

made a secret for most of the Knights, and in the darkness of the night, Arles, the mysterious

Patriarch of the Sanctuary (and supposed representative of Athena) tries to murder the

sleeping baby girl with a dagger. He is stopped mid-act by the loyal Knight Aioros, who

counterattacks and strips the Patriarch’s mask that hides his face, discovering his secret


The Patriarch, who is obeyed unquestioningly by everyone in the Sanctuary, orders the guards

to kill Aioros, who must escape with his Golden Armor and the baby Athena on his arms. He is

later mortally injured by Shura, a Knight who thinks Aioros tried to kill Athena (that’s the lie

Arles told everyone), who also almost kills the baby, not recognizing her as the goddess


The dying Aioros is found in the Parthenon by a Japanese tourist, Mitsumasa Kido, who is given

the baby Athena and the Golden Armor for safekeeping. The elder Mitsumasa names the baby

girl Saori Kido, as if she were his granddaughter. Knowing the destiny of the girl, he travels

back to Japan, and adopts many orphan children which, in the future, will be trained in the

secret martial arts of the Knights.

Life is hard for these children, as they must endure constant abuse from Saori, that has

become a capricious and immature girl. After some years they are distributed among many

different training places around the world, where they will compete to win the Bronze Armors,

becoming true Knights of Athena.

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Seiya, a small Japanese boy, is selected as a candidate for the Pegasus Armor, and is trained in

the very same Sanctuary near Athens, where he is ridiculed by his peers and superiors for

being an oriental. Only a powerful Knight named Aioria, the younger brother of the “traitor”

Aioros, respects him and becomes an elderly brother figure. Seiya’s teacher is none other than

a female Knight named Marin.

After several years of training he fights Cassios, a giant of a man that is his main contender for

the right to wear the Pegasus Armor. Even though Seiya is just 5 feet 6 inches tall, and Cassios

stands almost 8 feet, the latter never mastered his Cosmos (nor understood the concept, being

a little thick-headed) and relies purely on physical strength. Seiya quickly beats him, cutting his

ear with a hand-strike, and then unleashing his powerful Pegasus Meteors to bring him down.

He becomes the new Pegasus Knight, and as he celebrates he is advised by the solemn but

kind figure of the Patriarch to always fight for justice.

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The Galactic Tournament. Friends and Enemies.

In 1987, some of the young orphans, now Bronze Knights, return to the Kido Foundation in

Japan. Mitsumasa has died (of old age) and left the Foundation to Saori, with one last

request… to hold a tournament between the Knights for the right to wear the Gold Armor. This

Galactic Tournament will be held in the Foundation's coliseum, and televised to the whole

world, as a mere sports event. The detached heiress herself will watch from a vantage point,

seated on a throne-like chair.

Seiya himself returns only to search for his lost sister Seika, but is forced by Saori to participate

in the Tournament. If he wins, the Foundation will help him find his sibling. Also, as the whole

world is watching, his sister will surely recognize him.

During the duels, the unwitting Knights (for they know nothing of the larger order they belong

to, or the nature of their mission) show their Bronze Armors and special techniques learned

from years of hard training. Of the one hundred boys sent off to the far corners of the world,

only nine have returned with Armors in their possession. Three of these are Seiya's childhood

best friends...

Hyoga, a serious Russian boy, with the Cygnus (Swan) Armor he obtained after his training in

Siberia under the Crystal Knight. With his incredible power over ice, he broke free the Armor

from within the glacier that had held it frozen for ten thousand years.

The calm and wise Shiryu, who earned the Dragon Armor in the Five Old Peaks of Rozan in

China, under the tutelage of an ancient master simply called Roshi. He recovered the Armor

from beneath the Rozan Waterfall, by reversing the flow with his mighty Rising Dragon attack.

Shun, a kind and delicate boy bearing the Andromeda Armor he won in the island of the same

name, being trained by the upright Albiore of Cepheus, a Silver Knight. He was destined to

train on Death Queen island, but his rebellious and aggressive older brother Ikki changed the

papers where each boy’s destination was written, to spare the delicate Shun. This Knight is a

paradox, for he is a pacifist, never wanting to hurt anyone, but always forced to do so.

In the beginning of the tournament, Ikki, the older of the orphan boys, doesn’t appear. Later,

he shows up as a hate-filled figure bent on vengeance. When he changed papers with his

brother Shun, he doomed himself to train on Death Queen island (nicknamed "Hell on Earth"),

where he endured the harshest training, near-death, and the murder of the girl he loved. He

survived, killing his master, and became the strongest of the Bronze Knights, wearing the

Phoenix Armor, that has the capacity to reform itself, even if it’s been reduced to ashes.

Ikki attacks every single Bronze Knight present (even his own brother Shun) and steals the Gold

Armor, aided by the so-called Black Knights, warriors who have sold their souls and wear black

versions of the Bronze Armors (Black Pegasus, Black Dragon, etc.). These corrupt Knights are

defeated one by one (each of them guarding one of the Gold Armor's pieces), until only Ikki

remains. Finally, a stalemate is reached between the vengeful boy and Seiya, as the last one is

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helped by his friends' Cosmos and the will of the Gold Armor. At that moment, an envoy from

the Patriarch arrives, called Docrates, and steals all the pieces save the helmet. Ikki, convinced

of the strength of friendship the other boys share, joins them and attacks the giant warrior. He

is buried by his own attack, and dies...

Docrates survives and returns to the Sanctuary with most of the Gold Armor, and the field is

set for future battles, as the Bronze Knights try to recover Aioros' Armor.

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Revelation. Attack of the Gold Knights.

Arles has watched the Bronze Knights fight in a ridiculous tournament, showing their secret

techniques to all the world. After the defeat of Docrates and other warriors, these impudent

boys still hold the Gold Helm, so the Patriarch is forced to send the Silver Knights to crush

them and recover it.

The boys sustain difficult fights. Phoenix Ikki returns from the dead to fight by their side, and

Dragon Shiryu is forced to blind himself to prevent being turned to stone by Algol of Perseus'

Medusa Shield. In the end, the young Bronze Knights defeat every single Silver Knight sent

against them, but the Gold Armor mysteriously disappears…

So, the Patriarch finally calls for the highest order, and now it's revealed that there isn’t just

one Gold Armor, but twelve! Each armor belongs to one of the Gold Knights, representing each

of the signs of the Zodiac. Aioros was the Knight of Sagittarius, and his armor must be

recovered. Not every Gold Knight answers Arles’ summons, and two remain rebellious, Libra

(the ancient master of the Five Peaks, Shiryu’s master) and Aries (called Mu, who previously

had helped repair the Bronze Armors, being the only one with that ability). The cynical

Patriarch sends Aioria, Gold Knight of Leo and younger brother of Aioros, to kill the Bronze

Knights and recover the Armor of Sagittarius. He thinks Aioria will try his best to “redeem”

himself for being the brother of a traitor.

Seiya, who is recovering from previous wounds, is caught up by Aioria in a forest. When Aioria

decides to let him be, for the moment, three of the last Silver Knights appear and attack the

boy. Unarmored and against three enemies, Seiya is almost done for, but suddenly the missing

Armor of Sagittarius appears out of nowhere (guided by the spirit of Aioros) and covers the

young Knight! With the power of the Gold Armor, he defeats them in a second, and turns to

fight Aioria…

The Knight of Leo teaches Seiya that, even wearing a Golden Armor, a Bronze Knight is no

match for a Gold one. Bronze Knights move at the speed of sound, Gold Knights move at the

speed of light. So it is that Aioria launches his terrible attack, the Lightning Bolt, at such great

speed that his young opponent is unable to dodge or even see it. Dozens of trees are brought

down, along with the boy.

When he is about to kill Seiya, Aioria is confronted by Saori Kido, who tells him she’s the

incarnation of Athena. Unbelieving, the Knight of Leo asks for proof, and decides to attack her

(if she really is a goddess, then she shouldn’t be harmed by his attack). His energy bolt is

stopped by a weakening Seiya, that hurls it back at him. In that moment, the ghostly figure of

Aioros, Aioria’s elder (and deceased) brother appears in the sky, calling him a fool for striking

against Athena. Aioria is convinced that she is the real goddess, that Arles tried to kill her (and

was stopped by his brother, who was no traitor), and that the real wickedness resides in the

Sanctuary in Greece. He swears fealty to Athena Saori, and vows to return to the Sanctuary

and face the Patriarch himself.

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The Armor of Sagittarius, reformed as a centaur-like archer, points its golden arrow in the

direction of the Sanctuary, and Saori and the Bronze Knights realize the time for the final battle

is at hand...

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Ultimate Cosmos. Mu of Aries.

Saori and the four Bronze Knights (Ikki the Phoenix, as usual, is not with them, as he’s healing

himself and his Armor by the fires of the volcano on Death Queen Island) arrive at the

Sanctuary in Greece, where a hooded figure welcomes them, extending Arles’ invitation. He

explains that to enter the Patriarch’s main chambers, one must first cross the Twelve Houses

of the Zodiac, that there’s no other way around, and that each temple is protected by one

Gold Knight, who won’t let anyone pass, and must be defeated. Before anything more is said,

he unveils and reveals himself as Ptolemy of Sagitta, a Silver Knight, that promptly fires

hundreds of ghostly arrows. The Bronze Knights easily dodge these and kill him in an instant…

to find that Saori has been deadly wounded by a golden arrow on her chest.

The dying Ptolemy points at an enormous tower clock, where twelve ghostly lights mark the

constellations of the Zodiac, and tells them that for each hour that passes one of those lights is

extinguished, and Saori nears her death. The Bronze Knights have only twelve hours to cross

the Houses of the Zodiac and fetch the Patriarch, the only one who can remove the golden

arrow from Athena Saori’s breast, and save her. Twelve hours to defeat twelve Gold Knights…

Meanwhile, Saori lies between life and death, and remembers her past life and relationship

with the young Bronze Knights. How she abused them, and only Seiya would stand against her.

She also recalls her grandfather's figure, as he reproached her behavior, telling her that those

boys were less fortunate than her, for they had no families and were poor. "Now", Saori thinks,

"is my time to suffer for the good of others, and trust my life to these boys..."

As they approach the First House, Seiya and his friends are confronted by Mu, the Gold Knight

of Aries. They have already met him, who helped them repair their Armors, and think he’ll let

them pass without a fight. When Shiryu is about to go on, Mu attacks him with just his index

finger, shattering the Dragon Shield, supposedly the hardest shield in existence. The young

Knights can’t believe he attacked them, but Mu says he was just trying to make a point… that

their armors are extremely damaged from previous fights, and will never hold on against the

Gold Knights. He asks them for one hour to repair their armors. After the time has passed, Mu

presents them with the Armors, now fully restored and even more powerful than before.

Before they proceed, the young Knights are warned by Mu to not underestimate the Gold

Knights. He also tells them not to fear them overmuch, that the real power of a Knight comes

from his Cosmos, not his rank or Armor. And that the ultimate Cosmos can be achieved by the

awakening of the Seventh Sense, the one that lies beyond the normal five senses and the sixth

sense, intuition. When they achieve the Seventh Sense, the Bronze Knights will be the equals

to the Gold Knights…

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Battle in the House of Taurus.

As they reach the Second House, Seiya and his friends can’t sense anyone’s Cosmos, but out of

the shadows comes the largest and (physically) strongest of the Gold Knights, Aldebaran of

Taurus. He is so confident on his own strength, that he doesn’t even “light up” his Cosmos.

With just one attack, his charging Great Horn, he knocks all of the Bronze Knights, only Pegasus

remaining on his feet. A great battle ensues, laying waste to most of the temple, but Seiya just

can’t penetrate Aldebaran’s defenses. Lying hurt at the bottom of a crater (made by the

terrible attacks of the Gold Knight), Seiya remembers his training with Marin, and the

technique of iaido, attacking while drawing the sword. He sees a resemblance between iaido

and Aldebaran’s Great Horn, when charging his defensive stance is broken. An unsheathed

sword is a dead sword.

Now, Seiya only needs to see past the Gold Knight’s lightspeed, and to do that he must

approach the Seventh Sense. He announces all of these discoveries to Aldebaran, and also tells

him that he will “break his Horn”. The Knight of Taurus remains confident and launches his

Great Horn. Pegasus is able to see his opponent’s movements at the speed of light, but can’t

move rapidly enough to dodge the attack. He dares Aldebaran to do it again, and on the

second try the Gold Knight just loses sight of him. Seiya dives from the sky, covered by his aura

in the form of a Pegasus, and with a hand-strike cuts the golden horn from Taurus’ helmet.

Aldebaran, who was never convinced that these Bronze Knights were disloyal and tried to

wage war against the Sanctuary, lets Seiya pass to the next House. When the other Knights

wake up and also try to pass, he stops them. Pegasus had beaten him, but they didn’t. In a

joint effort, the three remaining boys attack Aldebaran simultaneously, and manage to freeze

his hands. He lets them go, warning them that that trick will not work against further Gold

Knights, and that they must reach the Seventh Sense, as Seiya did, to survive and cross the

Twelve Houses.

After the Bronze Knights are gone, Mu of Aries arrives to talk to Aldebaran, with whom he is

close friends. He reasons that his partner could have crushed the boys with little effort, but in

turn Aldebaran answers that he was fairly beaten, and that he has great hope for the young

Knights, particularly Seiya. They stop to think about the next Gold Knight, how no one has ever

seen him, and that the House of Gemini seems deserted, except for a powerful, supernatural,

presence, which could be the most powerful of the Twelve Gold Knights…

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Gemini: Labyrinth of Light and Shadow. Another Dimension.

Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun, having left the House of Taurus, reach the Third House, Gemini, just in

time to see Seiya (who arrived earlier) walk out of it, confused. As he tells them, he just

entered the temple, and was proceeding towards the exit unopposed, when a mysterious play

of lights and shadows filled the building. Instead of going out the other way, he finds himself

again at the entrance (as if he took the wrong turn), where they found him. Now they enter all

together and after crossing most of the House, they see again the play of lights and shadows

surrounding them. They end up at the entrance, except, this time, a second House of Gemini

appears! Recognizing it as an illusion, they still can’t decide which is the real one, so they

decide to split up, Seiya and Shiryu entering one building, Hyoga and Shun the other.

As the first two are walking inside, they hear a grave voice telling them “You cannot escape the

Labyrinth of the House of Gemini!” Seiya demands his opponent to show himself, and in that

moment, the Gold Knight of Gemini appears. Statue-like, face hidden in shadows, two golden

masks at the sides of his crown-like helmet (one smiling, the other frowning), he just stands

there and does nothing. Pegasus strikes with his meteor-like blasts, which are absorbed by

Gemini’s armor, and then returned. Shiryu, who is blind since his battle with Algol of Perseus,

and uses his other senses (including the capacity of every Knight to sense auras) to move

around, can’t understand who is Seiya fighting with. He can’t sense anyone besides the two of

them. Plus, he clearly feels the exit in front of them, past the “Gold Knight” Seiya sees, where

there is only a wall. Grabbing his friend by the arm, he tugs him and starts running toward

Gemini… whom they go through as if he were a phantom. They finally find themselves on the

other end of the temple. With little time to spare, they decide to go on to the Fourth House,

instead of waiting for their companions.

On the other side, Hyoga and Shun are confronted by their own Knight of Gemini, who finally

makes a move, attacking them with his special technique, Another Dimension, hurling them

worlds away. Shun uses the chains of Andromeda to hold on to the columns of the temple, and

remains in between the House of Gemini and another dimension. Barely holding against the

onslaught of Gemini, knowing that the Golden Armor in front of him is hollow, being controlled

from a distance by an unknown agent, he uses his offensive chain to strike the unseen enemy,

wherever he may be. The chain shoots and its triangular point traverses across dimensions and

the Sanctuary, finally arriving at the Patriarch’s chambers and striking him on the face,

removing his mask.

Arles’ concentration broken, the empty Armor of Gemini falls to the ground in pieces, and

Shun returns to the temple, which he exits on his way to the House of Cancer. Meanwhile,

Hyoga, who was lost in another dimension, wakes up in an unknown House, faced by a new

Gold Knight…

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Sleep Peacefully, Hyoga.

The Gold Knight facing Hyoga introduces himself as Camus of Aquarius, former master of the

Crystal Knight. Being Camus the master of his own master, Hyoga considers him as his mentor,

also. He believes he returned from another dimension to the House of Aquarius, but Camus

points out that they are on the vacant Seventh House, Libra. The Gold Knight has traveled all

the way from his own temple to meet the young Ice Knight (Cygnus Hyoga, the Crystal Knight,

and Camus of Aquarius, using similar techniques that involve freezing air and ice, are called the

Ice Knights).

Camus doesn’t believe Hyoga has what it takes to fight the Gold Knights, and so a battle

begins. Cygnus’ frozen air can’t harm Aquarius, his Cosmos not being strong enough, and not

really wanting to hurt his teacher. The young Knight’s thoughts aren’t on the battle, and never

were. He always kept thinking of his dead mother, who died on a shipwreck on the North

Pacific, when he was little. Her body was forever frozen under the icy waters, and during his

training in Siberia he always kept visiting his mother's underwater resting place. In the middle

of the battle, Camus pauses and uses his formidable powers to destroy the ship (thousands of

miles away), finally freeing Hyoga from his attachment.

Instead of being angered and fighting back, the Bronze Knight gives up, weeping. Camus, on a

final act of compassion (and not wanting Hyoga to be killed by any other Gold Knight) uses his

Freezing Coffin technique, eternally trapping the boy in a block of ice, at Absolute Zero

temperature. It is said that not even the combined force of the Twelve Gold Knights can break

the coffin, and so the Swan will forever sleep peacefully in the House of Libra…

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Deathmask and the Land of the Dead.

As they feel Cygnus’ Cosmos fade away, Seiya and Shiryu enter the Fourth House, Cancer.

Wreathed in mists and darkness, they can’t see the ground they are stepping on, until Seiya

trips and falls. He finds himself face to face with a stony grimace of pain… the floor is covered

with the faces of dead people. Also the walls and ceiling, not only with the faces of men, but

women and children, eternally in anguish. “Those are the faces of my victims” boasts proudly

the man they recognize as the Knight of Cancer, called Deathmask.

Shiryu has already met him, when Deathmask was sent to the Five Ancient Peaks in China, to

murder his master Roshi, the “renegade” Knight of Libra. They had a brief fight, Shiryu and

Deathmask, the boy barely surviving, until Mu of Aries made his appearance. Faced with two

Gold Knights, Deathmask decided to withdraw, and told the young Dragon that he would be

waiting for him in the Sanctuary. As a personal matter, Shiryu decides to fight this man alone,

urging Seiya to go along to the next House, who does it (not without complaining first).

The young Bronze Knight strikes with his Rising Dragon technique for no effect, and then

Deathmask answers with his terrible power, Seki Shi Ki Mei Kai Ha, the Infernal Waves (or

Corpse Underworld Waves), sending Shiryu directly to the Underworld. There the boy finds out

that he can see again, as he’s in spirit form (but not dead yet). He sees unending rows of spirits

walking towards an infinitely deep crater, the entrance to Hell. One of those spirits is that of

his friend Hyoga.

As the Dragon still refuses to let go, Deathmask himself enters the Underworld, bent on

destroying even the spirit of the young Knight. He explains that if he uses his Infernal Waves in

the Underworld, Shiryu’s soul will be torn apart. Just when he’s about to do it, Deathmask is

distracted by a distant prayer, that of Shunrei, a girl dear to Shiryu’s heart. Knowing of the

difficult battles the Bronze Knights are facing, the girl prays in front of the Rozan waterfall in

the Five Peaks. Cancer, bothered by such kindness, uses his power to push her down the


Shiryu explodes with righteous fury, repeatedly striking Deathmask, who remains confident in

the protection his Golden Armor bestows. But the unthinkable happens, the Armor of Cancer

rejects the twisted man, and abandons him, falling to the ground. Shiryu, wanting a fair fight,

gives up his own armor, the only advantage he has over the powerful Gold Knight. Still burning

with anger, the Dragon lights up his Cosmos and briefly reaches the Seventh Sense, and with a

mighty blow sends Deathmask down the entrance to Hell.

He wakes up again in the House of Cancer, where the mists and darkness are gone, as well the

stony faces of the suffering dead. Shun finds him and notices that Shiryu has regained his

eyesight. At the same time, they receive a mental communication from the ancient master

Roshi, the Knight of Libra, in Rozan, who tells them he saved the lovely Shunrei from her fall.

They proceed out of the temple, trying to catch up with Seiya, who approaches the next

House, that of Leo…

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Arles' Demon Emperor Fist. The Death of Cassius.

Leo Aioria had vowed to confront the Patriarch in the Sanctuary. Upon entering Arles’

chambers, the Gold Knight announces his discoveries (the attempted assassination of the

infant Athena, who was saved by the late Aioros, and that Saori Kido was the real goddess).

The masked Patriarch doesn’t deny the accusations, and before Aioria makes a move, another

Gold Knight enters the room… Shaka of Virgo. It’s really easy for Arles to convince Shaka to

fight the Knight of Leo. The brother of a traitor, also a traitor.

What could become a terrible and unending battle ensues, for Shaka is called the man closest

to (becoming) a God, and believed to be the latest incarnation of the Buddha. Fist to fist, both

their Cosmos flare up. An extremely balanced struggle that could last 1.000 days... until Arles

intervenes. He uses his secret technique, the Demon Emperor Fist, that lets him control other

people’s mind. Aioria will obey every order from the Patriarch, until such time when he sees a

man die by his own hands. That way, the Knight returns to his House of Leo, and waits for the

Bronze Knights.

On a town outside the Sanctuary, Cassius (the man Seiya fought for Pegasus Armor) diligently

tends to a wounded Sheena, his beloved teacher, a fierce female Knight that’s in love with

Seiya (but never admits it). The rumors spread that the Bronze Knights are approaching the

House of Leo, and it comes to Cassius attention the fact that Aioria has been dominated by the

Patriarch. When Sheena wakes up and immediately asks about Seiya’s welfare, he punches her

and, crying, leaves her unconscious body on the bed. He departs for the Sanctuary, intent on

killing Seiya himself. On his way, between the Houses of Cancer and Leo, he crosses paths with

Shiryu and Shun, and knocks them out.

Meanwhile, Pegasus finds an unpleasant surprise in the Fifth House. Expecting for Aioria to let

him pass, he is confronted by the fierce Gold Knight. With his Lightning Plasma, the “Lion”

Aioria blasts Seiya (and many columns inside the building). Pegasus just can’t see the

movements at the speed of light. His leg is broken and his armor damaged and cracked. In a

supreme effort, he raises his Cosmos to the utmost, barely dodges the hundreds of attacks per

second Aioria makes, and is able to strike the Gold Knight on the face. Now the Lion is enraged

and, under the effect of the Demon Emperor Fist, becomes a bloodthirsty warrior. He blasts

Seiya, who, again, simply can’t see his opponent’s movements. Just then Cassius arrives.

Aioria tells the giant not to interfere, and Cassius insists he wants to kill Seiya himself. The

young Bronze Knight, with no energy left, can only watch… as Cassius holds and immobilizes

the Gold Knight! He tells Seiya to run away and cross to the next House. Cassius always loved

Sheena, and doesn’t want her to suffer Seiya’s death, whom she loves. Even with all his brute

strength, the giant cannot hold Aioria, who frees himself and blasts him. When the disturbed

Knight is about to finish Pegasus, Cassius blocks the Lightning Plasma with his torso, and dies

with the face of Sheena on his mind. Seiya, angered and grief-stricken, uses his remaining

strength to attack Aioria, who doesn’t defend himself. Having murdered a man, the effect of

the Patriarch’s technique has ended, and all that is left is sadness and guilt.

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Before letting the three Bronze Knights advance further, Aioria tells them of Shaka, the Knight

of Virgo, the man closest to a God, and warns them “Do not let him open his eyes.”

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The Eyes of Shaka. Ikki Dies for his Friends.

Upon entering the Sixth House, Virgo, the three Bronze Knights are surprised by a beautiful

aura full of peace, the illusion of a flowery garden and birds singing. There they find the Gold

Knight Shaka meditating, floating above a golden lotus, abstracted and with his eyes closed.

Shun’s offensive chain, which can always detect the enemy, doesn’t react to his presence. An

anxious Seiya, seeing no response, attacks him, but Shaka knocks him without moving a finger.

The Gold Knight stands up and calls the intruders “hungry dogs”, for attacking without


Shun strikes out with his Andromeda Chain, which stops just shy of touching Shaka, and is

turned against the aggressor, hitting him instead. Then Shiryu uses his Rising Dragon, but his

attack is stopped by the Gold Knight with one hand, almost breaking the boy’s. Shaka decides

to finish the Knights quickly, and with a flash of gold light knocks them out. He wonders how

such feeble warriors could reach the House of Virgo, and considers the possibility of treachery

from previous Gold Knights.

Not giving up, Shun stands up, wavering, and attacks. He again loses control of his chain, which

wraps around his neck and starts constricting it. Shaka prepares to behead the boy, when a

series of small red metallic feathers streams through the air, one of them inflicting a cut on his

hand. He recognizes them, the feathers of the Phoenix, and at long last Ikki makes his

appearance to save his friends. Droplets fall from Shaka’s hand to the floor, and they become a

lake of blood surrounding the young Bronze Knight. Virgo tells Ikki to kneel and bow before

him, but the impetuous boy remains defiant, and with his burning Cosmos boils away the


The Gold Knight now resorts to his Riku Dou Rin Ne technique, the Six Worlds of Reincarnation,

where the souls of the dead go (including four hells, the world of men, and heaven). Ikki is

paralyzed, and Shaka approaches, sure that he sent him to the hell of famine, or maybe the

hell of beasts. Just when he is close enough, Phoenix reacts and uses his Phantom Fist against

Virgo, surprising the Gold Knight, since he is still alive. The fierce Bronze Knight proclaims: “I’ve

seen hell already, and I’ve been kicked out of it.” But the fatal illusion that is supposed to

shatter Shaka's mind with fear is turned against Phoenix instead. The immensely powerful

Knight now unleashes the Tenma Kofuku (Celestial Demon Capitulation) to destroy Phoenix’

Armor in an instant. Ikki tries to fly away into distant worlds to avoid a second Capitulation, but

is blown away by Virgo’s attack. Just when Shaka thinks the battle is over, Phoenix reappears,

with his armor reborn, even more powerful than before, in an impressive display of Cosmos

with the figure of his constellation.

The Bronze Knights were warned to not let Shaka open his eyes. If that were to happen, a

calamity would befall. For his part, the Gold Knight understands that simple violence will not

work against Ikki, that he will only keep coming. Slowly he opens his eyes, and the Phoenix

Armor simply disappears. The Knight of Virgo uses his ultimate technique, Ten Bu Hou Rin, the

Heavenly Treasure, that combines perfect defense with perfect attack, allowing no retaliation

from the enemy, to strip Ikki from his five senses, one by one, making him a living corpse. Just

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before he loses his speech, the boy asks Shaka why he is helping the evil Patriarch, being so

close to a god. The Gold Knight reasons that justice can be made from evil, and so the Master

of the Sanctuary can embody justice.

Upon losing his last sense, Phoenix vanishes. The other three Bronze Knights wake up in time

to see it, and prepare for battle. A moment later Ikki reappears behind Shaka, deprived of his

senses, and grabs the Gold Knight. He understood that having his eyes closed let Shaka

concentrate his Cosmos and become more powerful, and that to use his ultimate technique he

had to open them. Also, he intentionally allowed for his senses to be taken from him, for that

would permit him to reach the Seventh Sense, and acquire enough power to beat the Gold

Knight. Announcing that, he holds Shaka and, in a mighty explosion of blazing red Cosmos, they

both disappear, leaving behind the Gold Armor of Virgo, a winged virgin praying.

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The Arms of Libra. Hyoga Comes Back to Life.

Arriving at the Seventh House, that of Libra, Seiya, Shiryu and Shun find their friend Hyoga

trapped in an ice coffin. At first, they believe him to be dead, but in their silence they can hear,

barely, the Knight’s heartbeats. Seiya uses his Pegasus Meteors to try and shatter the ice, and

fails miserably. Dragon remembers the lessons with his master, who told him there was one

Knight that could create an ice block so strong not even the twelve Gold Knights put together

could break it. They know him to be Camus, the Knight of Aquarius, master of the Crystal

Knight, who in turn is Hyoga's master. Therefore, in some way, Camus is Hyoga's master, and

responsible for imprisoning him.

In that moment, a golden light appears on the floor, and out of it emerges the Gold Armor of

Libra, that of Shiryu’s master. From afar, the venerable Knight is offering his Armor to free

Hyoga. Since ancient times, the Knights have defended Athena fighting unarmed, just with

their bare hands. But in times of extreme need, the Knight of Libra holds a unique position

among the Knights of Athena, as the keeper of balance, he is the bearer of six pairs of

weapons, one weapon for each Gold Knight. Only the goddess can authorize the use of

weapons for her Knights.

The Armor of Libra includes the Spear, the Twin Rod, the Triple Rod, the Tongfar, the Sword,

and the Shield, each weapon coming in identical pairs. Twelve golden arms. As the weapons

are spread before Shiryu, he must choose carefully which one to use to break the ice coffin. A

wrong choice could kill Hyoga upon striking. He decides in favor of the sword.

Dragon strikes with the golden sword, and for an instant nothing seems to happen. A moment

later, a thin and perfectly straight crack appears in the ice, splitting the coffin in half, freeing a

comatose Hyoga. Pressed for time, the young Knights must continue to the next House, but

can’t leave their friend in that state, so Shun volunteers to stay behind and take care of him.

Then Seiya and Shiryu leave them and proceed to the House of Scorpio.

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Milo's Scarlet Needle. Hyoga, the Brave Warrior.

When the Patriarch called for the Gold Knights to suppress the “rebellious” Bronze Knights, his

first choice was Milo of Scorpio, who was immediately replaced by Aioria of Leo, when the

latter insisted on doing the deed himself (trying to prove he wasn’t a traitor as his brother, or

so he thought at the time). Milo was later sent to the Andromeda Island, to quell the

(supposed) uprising of the Silver Knight Albiore of Cepheus and his students (including several

Bronze Knights). By himself, the Knight of Scorpio defeated all his opponents together.

Upon arriving at the Eighth House, Seiya and Shiryu are greeted by Milo, and promptly

immobilized by his Restriction technique (akin to the paralyzing fear generated by a scorpion).

While paralyzed, he attacks them with the Scarlet Needle, a thin red ray fired from his index

long red nail. The young Bronze Knights are writhing on the floor when Hyoga enters, carrying

Shun on his arms.

When Cygnus was rescued from the ice coffin, he was still comatose and left on the care of

Shun. The Andromeda Knight knew the human body to be an ample source of heat, and lit up

his kind Cosmos while hugging his unconscious friend, thus providing the necessary

temperature to revive him. Hyoga finally awakened, and in turn found Shun debilitated and

almost dead. The gentle boy had given all his being for Hyoga. That provided the resolve that

the Cygnus Knight had lacked on the battle against Camus of Aquarius. Now was his time to


He delivers the unconscious, but still living, Shun to Seiya and Shiryu, and bids them to

continue to the next House, while he fights the Knight of Scorpio. Milo opens the duel using his

Scarlet Needle, at the same time that Cygnus fires his Diamond Dust. The last one seems

totally ineffective, and the Gold Knight proceeds to his second Scarlet Needle, while Hyoga

continues his seemingly futile use of the Diamond Dust. The Gold Knight explains that each

Scarlet Needle that pierces the body corresponds to one of the fifteen stars of the Scorpio

constellation, distributed on different points of the victim’s body, the last one being Antares.

Each Needle received by the victim debilitates him, removes his senses, and bleeds him to

death. No one ever received the final strike, Antares, for they died much sooner than that. Not

even the Cygnus Armor can withstand the hits, and is pierced and damaged every time.

Milo tells Hyoga that Camus of Aquarius tried to prevent him from being killed by the Gold

Knights, that the ice coffin was to preserve him for one hundred years, when he would wake

up. In honor of his fellow Gold Knight, Milo offers the young boy to let him live and restore his

senses after one hundred years, but Hyoga refuses and tells him to fight with all his strength.

Surprisingly, Hyoga remains alive after receiving fourteen of the fifteen stars. The Knight of

Scorpio prepares to deliver the final strike, Antares, that will strike the heart of the unrelenting

Bronze Knight, and kill him. The last one maneuvers for another use of the Diamond Dust

technique. Milo receives Cygnus’ attack at the same time he fires his last Scarlet Needle. Hyoga

plummets. The fight seems over, but the Gold Knight realizes his armor is frozen! The young

boy returned each stellar point on Milo’s body, using his meager Diamond Dust, and briefly

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reaching the Seventh Sense, penetrated his defense, while Milo remained oblivious. No one

had ever frozen a Golden Armor.

Hyoga still crawls on the floor, bleeding to death, in an attempt to follow Seiya’s path to the

next House. Milo doesn’t understand his perseverance, thinking the Bronze Knights to be

nothing more than cowardly traitors. He finally understands that they are doing it for Athena,

and recognizes them as loyal Knights (and Saori as the goddess). Hitting Hyoga’s blood center

with his red fingernail, he stops the bleeding, and lets him pass.

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The Gold Armors Reunited. Aioros' Last Will.

At the entrance of the Sanctuary, Saori still lies between life and death, while the golden arrow

thrusts itself deeper each passing minute. The other Bronze Knights, those defeated by Seiya

and his friends during the Galactic Tournament, are there to protect her. These are Jabu of

Unicorn, Ban of Lionet (Leo Minor), Geki of Bear (Ursa Major), Ichi of Hydra, and Nachi of Wolf

(Lupus). When it’s starting to rain, Tatsumi, Saori’s butler, arrives with her staff, crowned by a

winged golden figure. All of them see a golden light blaze from the House of Sagittarius, and

suddenly sense that the Armor of Sagittarius has finally returned to the Sanctuary. With the

twelve Armors reunited, they all shine brightly, and the Gold Knights recognize the signal.

Seiya, Shiryu and Shun (the last one being carried by Seiya) arrive at the Ninth House, the one

that used to be guarded by Aioros. Hyoga quickly catches up with them. No Gold Knight

confronts them, but suddenly the Armor of Sagittarius appears, the centaur-like figure with a

golden bow and arrow. There’s no visible exit to this temple, and things start to get strange…

the Armor starts moving, and points its arrow to Seiya. When he steps aside, the arrow follows

him. And then it fires.

The arrow that seemed aimed at Seiya pierces the wall behind him instead, making a hole big

enough for a person to crawl through. The young Knights see a tunnel that leads down. They

descend, and through a series of bifurcations, mazes and traps, they all become lost and

wounded. Only Seiya has enough will and strength to go all the way, and in doing so, they

suddenly disappear and find themselves back at the beginning, in the main hall of the House of


All the obstacles they just went through were part of a test, placed there, long ago, by the late

Aioros, to measure the worth of the Bronze Knights. Now, the Armor of Sagittarius, guided by

his spirit, points its golden arrow to another wall, and fires. It opens a hole that reveals a

second wall behind it, where these greek words are written: “Friends, I trust you with Athena’s

life.” Like a dying father giving up his child, Aioros places Athena Saori in the hands of Seiya

and his friends, the young Bronze Knights. Moved by Aioros’ last will, and with renewed hope,

the boys continue to the House of Capricorn.

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The Sacred Sword. Dragon Flies to the Stars.

Seiya and his friends enter the Tenth House, Capricorn, and in the center of the main hall they

see a large statue of Athena, placing a sword upon a kneeling Knight’s hands. Shiryu

remembers that, in antiquity, the Knight most loyal to Athena was given the sacred sword

Excalibur. He reasons that should be the Knight of Capricorn. As he doesn’t make his

appearance, they continue towards the exit, and get out of the temple. Just when they are

about to proceed to the House of Aquarius, Shiryu notices something and shoves his friends. In

that instant, a huge crack opens on the stone floor, separating him from the other Bronze

Knights. Shiryu is stuck in the House of Capricorn.

Suddenly, Shura, the Gold Knight, appears. He asks Dragon why he didn’t jump over the chasm

along with his friends. The boy answers that he knew a second attack from Shura would have

killed them all. In turn, Shiryu asks why they weren’t attacked inside the temple, and the Gold

Knight states that he didn’t want the floor where Athena’s statue was placed to be stained

with blood. With a lightning quick move of his right arm, Shura attacks and makes cuts in

Shiryu’s arms and legs. His power comes from the sword-like qualities of his right arm. Dragon

attacks, but his strike is reversed and returned by the Gold Knight.

Shura explains that he is the most faithful Knight of Athena, for it was he that punished the

rebel Aioros for trying to kill her (most Knights think that Athena is still alive in the Sanctuary,

inside a closed and forbidden temple, to which only the Patriarch has access). He tells Shiryu

that he chased Aioros and threw him off a cliff. When he saw the baby the rebel Knight was

carrying, he tried to kill her, but doubted and left her alone. Shiryu completes the story by

telling that Aioros actually lived a while longer, long enough to carry away the baby and the

Golden Armor. The elder Knight disbelieves, and attacks the boy. Shiryu places his Dragon

Shield in between, one of the strongest shields in existence, but it’s simply cut in two! Shura

then proceeds to cut all the Dragon Armor into pieces, leaving the Bronze Knight completely


Shiryu prepares and uses again his Rising Dragon technique, while Shura tells him he knows

about the weak spot, the exposed heart. The boy, nonetheless, proceeds and uses his power.

The Gold Knight attacks with his Excalibur technique and wounds Shiryu in the heart, but in

turn has his right arm broken by Dragon’s strike. Still, Capricorn has his other arm and legs

remaining, all sharp as swords. The boy asks forgiveness to his master, for he is about to use

the forbidden technique, the Ultimate Dragon. He moves to strike, and Shura quickly stabs

with his hand into Shiryu’s chest, but to his surprise, finds that he can’t pull it off!

The Ultimate Dragon has the power to destroy any enemy, but at the expense of the user’s

own life. The Bronze Knight takes hold of Shura, and both take flight towards the sky, and the

space beyond. The Knight of Capricorn can’t understand why an unrighteous man like Shiryu is

willing to give his life to defeat him, and he is told that the baby he almost killed 13 years ago

was Athena herself. Shura didn’t spare the baby girl out of compassion, but because he was

paralyzed by her huge Cosmos. At last he understands, and asks forgiveness to the goddess

and to Aioros, the loyal Knight he killed.

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The other Bronze Knights, as well as Shunrei and master Roshi in the Five Ancient Peaks, see

the huge image of a dragon flying to the stars. They know Shiryu has sacrificed himself, and

mourn him. In the sky, the boy has passed out, and Shura realizes they are about to exit the

atmosphere. He concentrates and transfers his Gold Armor to Shiryu, and kicks him away,

while he himself continues his flight and turns to stardust. His last words are: “Take care of


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Farewell, my Master, my Friends.

Climbing the endless stairs that connect each of the Twelve Houses, Seiya, Hyoga and Shun

approach the temple of Aquarius. There, at the entrance, looking down upon them, is a serious

looking Camus. Everyone knows that this is going to be a personal battle, so when Hyoga tells

his friends to go on to the last House and leave him to fight, no one objects. Seiya and Shun

walk past the Gold Knight, that doesn’t divert his eyes off Hyoga.

Both Camus and Hyoga enter the House, like a deadly procession. Once there, the master uses

his ultimate technique, the Aurora Execution, leaving Cygnus almost dead. Then he creates a

new Ice Coffin to trap Hyoga. The battle seems to have ended, but an extremely powerful

Cosmos surprises Camus. The young Bronze Knight is still alive within the coffin, and waking his

Seventh Sense. The ice block that twelve Gold Knights couldn’t break is suddenly shattered

from the inside by Cygnus!

Hyoga crawls out of the frozen debris, eyes closed. The Gold Knight fires his Diamond Dust,

and the Bronze Knight answers in kind. Camus knows the disciple of his disciple has achieved

the Seventh Sense, but that isn’t enough. He explains that, in a battle between Ice Knights, the

one that comes closer to the Absolute Zero temperature will be the one who wins (at that

temperature, even Gold Armors can be frozen and damaged). Not even he, a Gold Knight, can

reach the Absolute Zero, but he is closer to it than anyone else. Only at that temperature can

an Ice Knight’s techniques penetrate the defense of a Golden Armor (like the one he is


The young boy doesn’t reply nor react, so Camus decides to use again his most powerful

technique, the Aurora Execution. As he starts the necessary movements, he notices that Hyoga

is copying them! He tells the Bronze Knight that it’s impossible to copy (and learn) a power just

by seeing it once or twice… but Hyoga continues the maneuver. They both raise their clasped

hands over their heads, and lower them expelling frozen air and ice at each other, and even

covering the entire House of Aquarius with frost!

Before collapsing, Hyoga thanks his master for forcing him to reach the Seventh Sense (and

teaching him the ultimate frozen air technique). Proud of the Bronze Knight, Camus also falls

to the ground. Both die as teacher and student. On their way to the last House, Seiya and Shun

see a snowflake falling, and know their friend is saying goodbye.

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The Most Beautiful Man in the Sanctuary. Shun's Ultimate Power.

In the deepness of the night, the tower clock is down to its last light, that of Pisces. The last

two remaining Bronze Knights, Seiya and Shun, have less than an hour to reach the Patriarch,

but first they must cross the last House. Upon entering, they are stopped by Aphrodite of

Pisces, called the most beautiful man in the Sanctuary. This is not a misguided Gold Knight as

many of the previous opponents, for Aphrodite knows about Arles’ evil intentions, and still

follows him, out of pure ambition.

Shun distracts the Knight of Pisces long enough to let Seiya exit the temple, leaving Athena’s

fate in his hands. Andromeda is to fight Aphrodite. The last one considers this ironic. When the

Patriarch sent Milo of Scorpio to quell the “rebellion” in the Andromeda Island, Aphrodite was

secretly sent along with him (unbeknown to Milo), for Arles knew that Albiore of Cepheus

(Shun’s master) was one of the strongest Silver Knights, almost on par with the Gold Knights,

and would be a tough opponent even for Milo. When the Knight of Scorpio and Albiore were

fighting, Aphrodite covertly attacked with one of his Roses, enough to distract the Silver Knight

so that Milo could deliver the killing blow.

But that is not all, Aphrodite explains that’s irrelevant that Seiya has crossed the House of

Pisces, for there’s a trap laid out on the stairs that lead to the Patriarch’s chambers. A bed of

poisonous roses, placed by the Gold Knight himself, covers the steps. First, they will slow down

Seiya. Then, they will put him to sleep. And finally, they will kill him.

Seeing the wickedness of his opponent, Shun’s normally timid approach to fighting vanishes,

and decides to finish his enemy quickly, so he can reach Seiya and warn him. Then Pisces uses

his first technique, the Royal Demon Rose, firing (creating) hundreds of poisonous red roses

that slowly and sweetly kill his adversaries. Shun is wounded, but does not desist, attacking

with his offensive chain. Aphrodite disappears, hiding among a cloud of red roses.

With a great effort, Andromeda uses the power of his Nebular Chain to find and strike his

unseen enemy, and succeeds. Aphrodite is slightly wounded, but just then he pulls a Black

Rose. That’s the Piranha Rose, his second technique, that can kill instantly. With this power the

Gold Knight pulverizes the Andromeda Armor in one second, leaving Shun completely

vulnerable. The boy is left with no choice but to use his ultimate power, a secret technique

that astounded even his master Albiore, the Nebular Storm. This terrible technique has no

limit, its power can be increased indefinitely. So, he creates a pink-red mist filling the entire

House of Pisces, and like a tornado strikes at Aphrodite, wounding him again. But the most

beautiful Gold Knight has one last trick left to him, the White Rose, the Bloody Rose.

Aphrodite explains that, once fired, the lone Bloody Rose will pierce Shun’s heart and slowly,

but inevitably, will drain all his blood, turning from white to red. No one can survive the Bloody

Rose. Andromeda is not intimidated, and starts increasing the speed/power of the Nebular

Storm. Before it’s too late, the Knight of Pisces fires his white rose, piercing Shun’s heart, but in

turn the boy (reaching the Seventh Sense) unleashes all the power of his storm, killing

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Aphrodite. Having fulfilled his duty to Athena and his promise to his brother Ikki (to fight with

all his strength), Andromeda Shun falls dead with a rose piercing his heart, turning red…

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Flashback and Interlude.

All this time, Marin, a female Knight loyal to Athena Saori and Seiya’s teacher, was researching

the nature of the Patriarch. She went to Star Hill, the sacred place where the Patriarchs made

their astrological predictions (and forbidden to anyone else), and there found the perfectly

preserved body of the supposed current leader of the Sanctuary, dead and emanating an

extremely powerful, but peaceful Cosmos. She understood that someone had secretly killed

and replaced him. But who could be so powerful to replace the Patriarch, who is above the 88

Knights of Athena?

When Marin reaches the Sanctuary, Seiya has already crossed the House of Pisces, but has

fallen unconscious to the poison of Aphrodite’s red roses. Knowing that it’s his destiny to save

Athena, Marin removes her mask and places it over the boy’s face, allowing him to breathe

without getting intoxicated. After that, she collapses and Seiya wakes up, finding her almost

dead. Understanding the nature of the roses, he uses his mighty Pegasus Meteor to cleanse

the path. He returns Marin’s mask, and proceeds to Arles’ chambers.

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The Patriarch Unmasked. Athena's Shield.

Finally, after almost twelve hours, Seiya arrives at Arles’ chambers, and finds him sitting on his

throne. The Bronze Knight asks him if he really is the Patriarch, and the latter answers that yes,

he’s the one, while taking off his helmet and mask. Seiya tells him that he must come along

and remove the golden arrow from Saori’s chest, to which the Patriarch answers no. The boy

becomes angry and strikes the tall man, who doesn’t defend himself, and just starts crying. The

Patriarch tells him that it’s beyond his capacity to remove the arrow, but there is still hope.

Behind his chambers can be found Athena’s sanctum, where a huge statue of the goddess

stands. A large golden shield is held by her hand, a shield that can block any attack. If Seiya

points it in the direction of Athena, she will surely be saved.

To accomplish her mission on Earth, Athena has a little statue of the goddess of victory, Niké,

on her right hand, and a golden shield on her left hand. The statue gives Athena the power to

vanquish any enemy, and the golden shield the power to stop any attack. The shield has

remained in the Sanctuary for all these years, but the goddess of victory was taken away by

Aioros, along with Athena, during his escape. Seiya tells the master of the Sanctuary that he

never saw that statue, to which Arles answers that it was always in Saori’s hands, the golden

staff with the winged figure (Niké had changed shape). The man tells him to hurry up and get

the shield, that there’s no time…

Seiya can’t believe this figure to be the same evil schemer that tried to kill Saori and

manipulated the rest of the Knights. But at the same time he sees true regret in this man. Not

wanting to waste time, he starts walking towards the end of the chambers. The Patriarch is left

behind, when he starts talking to himself, reproaching himself, manifesting two distinct voices,

one kind and sad, the other coarse and aggressive. Seiya suddenly hears “Stop!” spoken by the

second tone of voice. He turns around, and sees the Patriarch’s expression change, as well as

his hair color, from blue to gray. Arles says he won’t let him reach Athena’s sanctum, and

attacks him. Seiya finally understands that the Patriarch has two faces, one good, another evil.

He strikes, ripping the robes from the tall man. Then, the naked figure extends his arm and

points upwards. A light emanates from his finger, and out of nowhere appears the Gold Armor

of Gemini!

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The Last Flame Goes Out.

Meanwhile, in the First House, Mu of Aries hears a distant voice speak to him. It’s Shaka, Gold

Knight of Virgo, telling his fellow Knight to help him escape a senseless and chaotic place (one

of the hells, probably, or even beyond). Mu replies that it shouldn’t be too much trouble for a

Knight as powerful as Shaka to do it himself. Virgo answers that that is true, but he needs the

help to free someone else that’s with him. Mu, with his control of space and matter, helps

them out.

In the House of Virgo, Shaka reappears, donning again his Golden Armor. Along comes Ikki,

Knight of Phoenix, who wakes up and feels disoriented at being again at the temple. Shaka tells

him that both were saved, and that he now had to go help his friend Seiya. Grabbing the

sparkling ashes of the Phoenix Armor, understanding its properties, he blows them and tells

the Bronze Knight to light up his Cosmos and regenerate it. The Armor reappears, shining and

powerful. Ikki asks why was he saved, and Shaka answers that he was made to doubt his

fidelity towards the Patriarch.

Back in the Patriarch’s chambers, the treachery is revealed, as the Gold Armor of Gemini

settles over the naked body of the grand master of the Sanctuary. It was the Gold Knight of

Gemini who killed and usurped the place of the former Patriarch. He starts beating Seiya badly.

At that moment, the “good” mask of the Gemini helmet starts crying. Arles can’t understand,

what’s wrong about someone trying to rule the world? If he doesn’t do it, the Earth could be

attacked by Zeus in Heaven, Poseidon in the Sea, or Hades in the Land of the Dead. A terribly

hurt Seiya continues walking, staggering, towards Athena’s sanctum. The Knight of Gemini

uses his incredible power to strip the five senses from the boy, leaving him a walking corpse.

He prepares to kill Seiya, when Phoenix appears and attacks him.

Ikki distracts him while Seiya goes for the golden shield. Arles uses his Another Dimension

technique against Ikki, making him vanish. When he’s about to follow the remaining Bronze

Knight, the Phoenix appears once more! Gemini, tired of wasting time, attacks with all his

power at the speed of light, destroying the whole room, crumbling dozens of stone columns,

and burying Ikki.

Seiya finally reaches the statue of Athena and picks up the huge shield, but when he’s trying to

aim its light, Arles catches up and strikes him, making him loose his grip. Just when the light of

Pisces is fading, for a fraction of a second, the light of the golden shield touches Saori, and the

arrow on her breast disintegrates.

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Friends, Reunite With Athena.

Just when Arles was about to achieve his final victory, Saori, the incarnation of Athena, starts

to rise to her feet, safe and sound. In that moment, all the remaining Gold Knights receive a

telepathic message from the old master Roshi, the Knight of Libra, telling them the truth.

The one who killed and took the place of the Patriarch was the Gold Knight of Gemini, named

Saga. After that, he intended to kill the new incarnation of Athena, but was foiled by Aioros of

Sagittarius, who discovered his true identity. During all these years, Saga lied to the Knights of

the Sanctuary, telling them that Athena was still alive and in her private sanctum, but the

reality is that Saori Kido is the true goddess, and it’s their duty as Gold Knights to protect her.

Disillusioned, Saga vents his anger on Seiya, beating him mercilessly, until Ikki reappears, who

in turn is also crippled by the immensely powerful Knight of Gemini.

Athena starts a procession through the Houses of the Zodiac, humbly received by each

surviving Gold Knight, who escorts her forward as her bodyguard. When she reaches the

Houses of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, she uses her golden staff to heal (practically

resurrect) the fallen Bronze Knights, Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun, the bravest and most loyal to her.

When she arrives at the base of the giant statue, Saori is accompanied by the Gold Knights of

Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio, and the Bronze Knights of Dragon, Cygnus and

Andromeda, besides the comatose Seiya and Ikki. She confronts Saga and tells him to stop, but

the insane Knight only wants revenge for having his plans thwarted. The Gold Knights are

ready to fight him, but it’s the Bronze Knights who once again, despite their terrible injuries

(Seiya still deprived of his five senses), defend Athena. All the young Knights pour their Cosmos

into Seiya, who increases his power tenfold, shattering the remains of his own Armor (by the

extreme Cosmos expelled), surrounded by multiple auras simultaneously, and strikes Saga,

sending him towards the sky. Ten seconds later, the Knight of Gemini drops safely, unharmed,

with a twisted smile filled with confidence, while the Bronze Knights collapse, with no strength


But Saga’s triumph is short-lived, for he is now directly opposed to Athena, and his Armor

rejects him, leaving his body. In a last and desperate move, he attempts to strike Athena

herself, but a voice in his head tells him “You can’t attack Athena! You are a Knight, you are

supposed to protect her!” At the last second, his own hand, with a mind of its own, grabs

Saori’s staff and interposes it between them, hitting and wounding him fatally. Saga falls, and

while his hair changes from gray to blue, he asks for forgiveness. And then he dies.

Seiya and the other Bronze Knights are badly wounded, but Athena believes they will soon

recover. Meanwhile, a northern star blazes, as a sign that a new threat looms over the world…

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The Asgard Saga

Enemies From the North.

In the extreme north, beyond Europe, lies the land of Asgard, the realm of Odin. This is a

frozen wasteland that never sees the light of the sun, and whose hardy inhabitants must

endure endless toil for the sake of all the world. For it is their duty, as well as that of their

leader, the noble priestess Hilda of Polaris (Odin’s representative on Earth), to pray to their

god to prevent the icecaps from melting, and drowning the whole world. Until one day…

Hilda hears a deep voice coming from the frozen seas, among splitting icebergs, that calls to

her. Lights emanate from the water, and this voice claims to come from a power higher than

her lord Odin. The voice tells her of the changes occurring in the Sanctuary in Greece, and how

Athena now rules over the world. It prompts her to lead her people out of the eternal cold and

darkness and defeat Athena and her Knights, but Hilda refuses, as Asgard and the Sanctuary

have been allies before. A wave washes over her, knocking her out. Upon waking, she finds a

mysterious golden ring on her finger, and suddenly she is changed.

That is the Nibelung Ring, that lets the wearer be dominated by the one who placed it on her.

It cannot be taken away, although legend tells that Odin’s sword, Balmung, has the power to

destroy it. Hilda is now corrupted and under the control of this mysterious force.

With the Ring on her hand, and the power of her guardian star Polaris, Hilda summons forth

the God Warriors of norse myth, and their Armors. Siegfried, the invincible warrior, and his

guardian star Dubhe Alpha. Hagen, the eight-legged horse, of Merak Beta. Thor, the giant

warrior, of Phecda Gamma. Alberich, the cunning warrior, of Megrez Delta. Fenrir, the lone

wolf, of Alioth Epsilon. Syd, the viking tiger, of Mizar Zeta. And finally, Mime, the warrior of the

harp, of Benetnasch Eta. They all gather and bow before Hilda, it is time to leave the frozen

lands of Asgard and fight Athena and her Knights.

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Return of the Heroes. The New Bronze Armors.

In the Sanctuary, Aldebaran of Taurus feels an ominous presence and a chill wind, and is

surprised and knocked out by a single attack from one of the God Warriors. His golden helmet

falls and breaks apart.

Meanwhile, at the Kido mansion in Japan, Saori and Kiki (Mu of Aries’ apprentice) are spending

leisure time in the garden, the child dancing and laughing among flying butterflies. At that

moment some of the minor Bronze Knights (Jabu of Unicorn and his companions) arrive with

the news that Aldebaran of Taurus has been attacked and defeated by an unknown enemy,

with but one strike. Just then the air gets freezing cold, and Syd of Mizar appears before

Athena. He claims to come from the land of Asgard with the mission of killing her, and taking

her head back to Hilda of Polaris. The five Bronze Knights combined attack him… and are

defeated in an instant by his icy tiger claw.

When Syd makes his move to behead Athena, he is stopped by a chain that wraps around his

arm. Turning, he faces Shun, the Knight of Andromeda, as well as Seiya of Pegasus, both with

their new Armors. Seiya attacks with his Pegasus Meteors, but Syd promptly eludes them, and

strikes back with his Viking Tiger Claw, hurting him. Seiya can't believe it when he is told that

this man, Syd, defeated Aldebaran with just one blow.

Shun casts his chain, but Syd dodges it and prepares for a counterattack, when Phoenix Ikki

appears. The last one prepares to fight, but is stopped by Seiya, who wants to battle the God

Warrior by himself. Seiya and the asgardian exchange blows, but are halted by Athena, Hyoga

and Shiryu. The five heroes from the Battle of the Twelve Houses are here, and all wear new

Armors, resurrected from the old ones by the surviving Gold Knights, who offered their blood.

Facing this, Syd knows he has to defeat them all if he wants to kill Athena, and so decides to

return to Asgard.

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The Journey to Valhalla.

After the first encounter, the Bronze Knights split up. Hyoga goes directly to Asgard to find out

what is really happening. Shiryu travels to the Five Ancient Peaks in China, to consult his own

master. Ikki, as usual, goes his own way and disappears. Saori, Seiya and Shun wait a while

longer, and then decide to go to Asgard themselves.

There, Hyoga lets himself be captured (without revealing his true identity as a Knight of

Athena), and encounters Freya, Hilda’s younger sister. He escapes with her, who begs him to

help her sister, for her heart has turned to evil. After fighting with some of the local guards, he

travels with Freya to where Saori, Seiya, Shun and Kiki have recently arrived. Freya tells them

of the danger the world is facing, for without Hilda’s prayers, the icecaps are melting, and the

entire world will be flooded. The priestess has been possessed by the power of the Nibelung

Ring, which must be removed from her finger.

At that moment Hilda appears, with the seven God Warriors. A battle is about to begin, but

she retreats to the palace of Valhalla, and scatters her Warriors all over Asgard. Saori has

decided to use her kind Cosmos to delay the melting of the icecaps, but she cannot hold it for

much time. She can only sustain this effort for twelve hours, after that, all will be lost. Hilda

knows it’s a matter of time, Athena will hold until sunset, and then will die, so she decides to

wait in her palace (which is next to Odin’s giant statue). Freya stays with Saori, along with Kiki,

while the Bronze Knights start their perilous journey towards Valhalla.

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Thor, the Mighty Warrior. Odin's Sapphires.

On their way, the three Bronze Knights (Seiya, Shun and Hyoga) see that the snow-covered

stairs end, and in that instant their first opponent appears. The tallest man they have ever

seen, Thor of the guardian star of Phecda Gamma. His armor resembles the sea serpent of

norse mythology, Jormungandr, and he wields two huge axes. Seiya wants to fight him while

his friends go on, but Thor throws his mighty axes and knocks them cold. Pegasus launches his

Meteors, but they have no effect against the giant, who counterattacks with his Titanic

Hercules punch. Seiya is left unconscious, but in his mind hears the voice of his teacher Marin,

and remembers his great battles with the Gold Knights. He stands up, and when Thor launches

again his Titanic Hercules attack, the Bronze Knight grabs him by the arm and soars sky-high,

later crashing his opponent into the snow-covered ground. The mighty God Warrior recovers

easily, and strikes Seiya so hard that he sends him down a cliff.

Thor descends and is ready to give the coup de grace, when Shiryu appears out of nowhere

and rescues his friend. Dragon explains that his master Roshi revealed to him the only way to

end the magic spell of the Nibelung Ring. They have to defeat the seven God Warriors, for they

carry on their Armors each of the seven Odin’s Sapphires, their guardian stones. Then, with the

seven Sapphires, they will be able to retrieve Odin’s own Armor, that carries the sword

Balmung, the only thing capable of destroying the Nibelung Ring. Seiya understands, and with

renewed vigor, decides to face Thor alone, while Shiryu tries to reach Hyoga and Shun.

Pegasus is struck and falls down for the second time. He hears the voice of Athena in his mind,

that encourages him forward. Thor comes after the other three Bronze Knights, but when he

reaches them is caught up again by Seiya. He launches his Titanic Hercules at the same time as

he receives the Pegasus Meteors, and his Armor is shattered. He just stands there, doing

nothing. Seiya is about to strike again, but his friends halt him. Thor is beaten.

As he is standing there, fatally wounded, Thor remembers the first time he met Hilda. He was a

simple hunter that dared enter the forbidden woods that surrounded Valhalla. The palace

guards chased him, and finally wounded him with an arrow shot. When he was lying there,

waiting to be captured, Hilda appeared, majestically mounted on a white horse. He told her he

was trying to feed the poor villagers, and was surprised by her pure, warm and gentle Cosmos,

as she healed his wound. Since then, he swore to protect her. But he had sensed her recent

change of attitude. During this last fight, Seiya told him of her possession by the Nibelung Ring,

and now, at the last moment, he was starting to believe him. Before drawing his last breath, he

asks Seiya to help Hilda. And then he collapses.

Seiya retrieves the Sapphire that fell from the God Warrior’s armor, and the Bronze Knights

decide to split up, so as to find their enemies faster. As they leave, Thor’s body is slowly

covered by snow.

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The Lone Wolf.

Shiryu advances through the thick snow, remembering the sacrifice of Shura, to save him. He

arrives at a frozen waterfall, where suddenly he is attacked by a pack of wolves, lead by a grey

one with a crescent shaped scar on its forehead. The wolves overwhelm him, but with his

Rising Dragon he quickly disperses them. He senses the presence of a God Warrior nearby, and

demands him to show himself. In that moment, Fenrir of Alioth appears, and orders his wolves

to retreat.

The God Warrior makes his first attack, the Wolf Cruelty Claw, and Shiryu tries to parry with his

Dragon Shield, but misses by an inch. He is wounded on his face, that starts bleeding. His eyes

are also hurt, and his vision blurs. Fenrir continues the onslaught until Shiryu drops to the

ground, covered with cuts. The grey wolf, Jin, is about to attack him, but the Bronze Knight

gets up in time, only to receive a new strike from Fenrir. Shiryu tries to reason with him, telling

him that Hilda has been possessed by evil, and that only gathering the seven Odin’s Sapphires

can they save her. The God Warrior won’t listen, and launches another attack.

Fenrir tells Shiryu that he doesn’t trust him. In fact, he doesn’t trust any human being. He

narrates his childhood story. When he was about six years old, he was riding through the

woods with his parents, and his parents' friends. A bear crossed their paths, and viciously

attacked his mother, killing her with one stroke. His father pulled a huge branch from a tree,

and used it to pummel the bear, for little effect. Meanwhile, the supposed friends of his

parents rode away in panic, while he cried for help. His father eventually fell to the bear’s

paws, and he was left alone to face the beast. Suddenly, a pack of wolves emerged from the

woods and attacked the huge animal. Almost everyone was killed, until a grey wolf jumped

and bit the bear in the neck, forcing it to run away, not before being wounded in its forehead.

With his parents dead, the kid only managed to approach the grey wolf and tend to its wound,

and in that moment, he adopted the pack as his family.

The boy continued living as a wolf, hunting, eating and sleeping with the pack. He returned to

his family’s abandoned manor, which had fallen to decay. His family had been one of the

richest and most prestigious of Asgard (its coat of arms a shield with two wolves’ heads), but

after the death of his parents, it had fallen to disrepute. He further resented the other human

beings. When Hilda made the call for the God Warriors and summoned the legendary Armors,

one of the walls of Fenrir’s manor collapsed, and among a powerful brilliance, he found the

suit of the mythical wolf. At first, he didn’t want to obey Hilda’s orders, but he later

understood that this was his opportunity to get his revenge against the rest of the world.

Fenrir’s wolves attack Shiryu again, but are suddenly subjugated by Athena’s Cosmos. The

Bronze Knight has already tried his Rising Dragon, and his opponent has seen it in action. It

won’t work directly again, so Shiryu aims it towards the frozen waterfall, tearing it apart. Fenrir

is buried by the avalanche of ice, and dies. His wolf family starts digging to recover his body,

and Shiryu finds the Sapphire lying nearby. The boy wishes for Fenrir’s next life (incarnation) to

be kinder to him, and for him to find friends. The grey wolf, Jin, watches him with anger, and

suddenly jumps over him, sending them both down a cliff.

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Fire and Ice. Freya's Battle.

On his way, Hyoga crosses paths with a God Warrior sporting a red and grey Armor resembling

the mythical eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. This is Hagen of Merak Beta, who immediately

attacks the Bronze Knight with a freezing air technique, called Universe Freezing, trapping him

inside an ice pillar. Hyoga easily breaks it from the inside, and counterattacks with his Diamond

Dust, to no avail. Hagen runs away to a nearby cave, and Cygnus follows him, thinking his

opponent is retreating.

Meanwhile, Kiki, who is with Freya and Saori, feels with his extrasensory powers that Hyoga is

fighting with Hagen, and says so to Hilda’s sister. That is the last thing Freya wants, as she is in

love with the God Warrior and also fond of the Bronze Knight. In an attempt to stop them, she

starts running towards the cave, for she knows that that has been Hagen’s training place for

many years.

Inside the cave, Hagen waits for Hyoga. The last one is surprised by the extreme heat that

emanates from it, and suddenly finds out that it’s a volcanic cave, the only hot place in Asgard

where there’s no snow. The God Warrior is waiting, standing on a rock, in the middle of a lava

pool. For years he trained here, until he could freeze the lava itself with his technique. It was

also here that he found his Armor of Merak Beta, emerging out of the molten rock, summoned

by Hilda’s power. It is this very same Armor that protects him from the intense heat.

On the other hand, Hyoga is asphyxiated by the extreme temperature, and has trouble moving.

It is in this moment that he receives a new attack from Hagen, the Great Ardent Pressure, a

great ray of fire! The God Warrior has mastered not only freezing air, but also fire!

The Bronze Knight tries to convince his opponent that he is acting wrongly, that Hilda is

dominated by an evil force, the Nibelung Ring. He tells Hagen that even Freya said so, as she

asked for help in liberating Hilda. This only enrages the God Warrior, for he always had a close

relationship with the girl, whom he loves.

Since he was a child, Hagen always had the ambition of being the strongest warrior, so he

could protect Freya, Hilda and Asgard (in that particular order). Freya admired him, and always

asked if his Cosmos was the most powerful. She made flower necklaces for him, and they

always played together, riding on the same sled. When Hilda made the call for the God

Warriors, he followed her, for he wanted to leave Asgard for a sunlit land. He respects Hyoga,

for they were both raised and trained in cold and inhospitable places.

But his jealousy knows no bounds when Freya appears and prevents him from throwing Hyoga

into the lava pool. The girl begs him to stop, and tells him how Hilda is not herself, as she has

been corrupted by the Nibelung Ring. She places herself between the two warriors. Hagen

hesitates, but then understands that if he is to kill Hyoga, he must first kill Freya, for his duty as

a God Warrior is more important than his love. So, filled with grief, he aims and strikes with his

fire ray, but it’s blocked by the body of Cygnus, who is knocked against the hard stone wall,

along with the girl. Freya falls unconscious.

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Hyoga gets up, furious, and prepares for his last attack. Hagen has already seen the Diamond

Dust and the Aurora Thunder Attack, so there’s nothing left to use but the Aurora Execution.

The God Warrior of Merak also raises his Cosmos and prepares his last fire ray. Both launch

their attacks at the same time, and for an instant fire and ice clash between the warriors,

struggling to advance, but eventually the frozen air of the Aurora Execution overcomes the

resistance, and reaches Hagen, killing him.

Freya crawls next to Hagen, takes his hand, and speaks his name between sobs. In that instant

Kiki arrives via teleportation, and takes care of her, while Hyoga buries Hagen in the snow, and

continues his journey.

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A Sad Warrior. The Stringer Requiem.

Climbing broken stairs, Shun approaches the ruins of an old mansion. He perceives the

sweetest music he’s ever heard. The God Warrior Mime of Benetnasch Eta is waiting for him,

lying on a broken stone wall, gently playing his lyre. Andromeda can’t sense any danger, but

still attacks with his Nebular Chain, which stops just shy of touching the red-armored

opponent. When Shun tries a second attack, Mime’s figure multiplies. The chain passes

through dozens of after-images and shatters stone columns, but can’t find his enemy. The God

Warrior speaks for the first time, asking the young Knight why he is fighting, as he clearly

doesn’t want to. A battle only brings more battles. Shun remembers his combats against the

Gold Knights, and doubts. Just then he hears his brother’s Cosmos speaking to him, telling him

to never give up, as his battle has a meaning, to save Athena and the world from disaster.

Shun believes Ikki’s words, although he is still not entirely sure. The God Warrior again creates

his illusion, but just when the sun is shining, Andromeda distinguishes the shadow from the

real Mime, and strikes with his chain. It wraps around his opponent’s arm, but Mime gets rid of

it with a simple movement. The Bronze Knight understands that his chain won’t work on this

particular enemy, as his heart is not filled with anger or evil intentions. So he takes his armor

off and raises his Cosmos to use the Nebular Storm. Mime seems to be impervious to it, but

Shun unleashes all his power and blows his opponent away, or so it seems. The God Warrior is

saved by a single string of his lyre, that shoots out and holds on to a stone pillar.

Mime lands safely and starts playing his Stringer Requiem, his song of despair. All the strings

shoot out and entangle Andromeda, constricting him. When fully played, the Requiem means

certain death, and there’s no escape. Shun tries to free himself, but it seems hopeless. The last

chord is played, but before the vibration reaches the boy, the strings are cut by blue metallic

feathers. These are the feathers of the Phoenix, who arrives to fight in stead of Shun.

The God Warrior makes an attack against Ikki, at the speed of light, that looks like hundreds of

radiant strings fired from his hand. The Bronze Knight barely dodges it, helped by the fact that

this attack is similar to the one he suffered from Saga, during the Battle of the Twelve Houses.

Then Mime combines his lightspeed attack with his mirror images, to fool the Phoenix, but is

thwarted again by the boy’s extreme prowess. Ikki tells him that a warrior without anger or

malice is no match for the Phoenix Knight. The God Warrior of Eta answers “You’re wrong, I’ve

killed my own father”.

Mime recalls his own childhood. He loved playing the lyre, and he did it so sweetly that birds

and other animals came to listen to him. But he was the son of Folker, the strongest warrior in

Asgard. Folker was greatly respected, and wanted to teach his son to fight, not to play the lyre,

so he broke it, and forced him to train. Upon mastering the attack at lightspeed, Mime went to

tell his father, but instead found a photograph of his mother with an unknown man. Folker

arrived and explained to him that the people in the picture were both his real parents, and

that he was forced to kill them. So, the boy, furious, struck out with his attack at the speed of

light and killed him.

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Upon hearing all of this, Ikki tells Mime that they were once very similar, both lying to

themselves and hating the world. So he launches his Phantom Fist, striking at Mime’s brain.

The God Warrior starts to remember again, but this time his memories are different. The man

in the picture was merely his biological father, but the one that really took care of him was

Folker. The first one belonged to a neighboring region that was at war with Asgard, and tried

to attack Folker from behind. The hero of Asgard counterattacked, but a woman blocked his

strike, and died along with his opponent. That left the baby Mime alone and helpless, so Folker

took it with him. He had to march alone through the harshest blizzards, almost sacrificing his

own life to protect the baby. When he died by Mime’s hands, his last words were to apologize

for having killed (accidentally) his parents. Mime believes all this memories to be false, an

illusion, but Ikki tells him that this time it’s not an illusion, that he has used the Phantom Fist to

free his repressed memories (that allowed him a clean conscience).

Finally facing the truth, Mime is enraged, and awakens his full power with a chilling white aura.

Filled with hate, he unleashes his Stringer Requiem against Phoenix, binding him and starting

his deadly melody. Shun straps back his chain (that now senses his aggressive opponent) and

tries to help his brother, but Ikki stops him. This battle is his now, and he is going to break the

Requiem by himself. The Bronze Knight raises his Cosmos like blazing red flames, until he

shatters his own armor, and with its exploding shards cuts the strings holding him. Phoenix

flies and strikes at Mime with all of his strength, knocking him down and breaking his lyre.

The wounded Mime gets up and takes his armor off, ready to deliver his most powerful blow.

They both strike at the same time, but the God Warrior falls first. Before dying, he tells Ikki

that if he was to be born again, he would like to be his friend, instead of his enemy. Phoenix

orders his brother to take the Odin Sapphire and move on, which he does. Now left alone, the

Bronze Knight finally collapses.

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Brain Over Brawn. The Amethyst Prisons.

In the palace of Valhalla, Siegfried, the leader of the God Warriors, is worried, as another one

of his comrades, Mime, has fallen to the Bronze Knights. Both he and Syd of Mizar are

prepared for battle, but they are stopped by Alberich, God Warrior of Megrez Delta. This last

one tells them that “strength and faith” are not enough to beat their enemies, and that he

alone will collect Odin’s Sapphires from Athena’s Knights. He is the latest descendant of a wise

family that has served Asgard for generations, and is known to be the smartest man of that

country. Always disliked by his peers, he was also reprimanded by Hilda for using his powerful

intellect only for selfish purposes. But the priestess has had a change of heart, and now

decides to favor him, sending him to confront their enemies. What’s worse, Alberich is not

clueless as to Hilda’s corruption, as he is the only one to have witnessed her possession by the

Nibelung Ring, and keeps this information to himself. His ambition is simple, to collect the

seven Odin’s Sapphires and claim the sword Balmung for himself, thus acquiring the power to

rule the world. Upon hearing that the Bronze Knights are defeating his comrades and capturing

their guardian stones, he is overjoyed, as they are doing his work for him.

Traveling to the nearby forest, he senses a shadowy figure scurrying through the trees and

canopies. Alberich intercepts it, and upon hearing its voice identifies her as a woman. Marin,

the female Knight, has arrived with news of a hidden danger for her companions. They start

fighting, and Alberich recognizes her prowess, as he suffers her technique, the Eagle Lightning

Flash Fist, twice. When he is down and she approaches, he throws acid out of his gauntlet,

against her mask. He then uses his secret technique, the Amethyst Shield, encasing her within

a crystal with the capacity to sap a human’s energy, eventually turning him into a skeleton.

Seiya hears Marin’s mental pleas, and hurries. Stepping into the hidden section of the forest,

he sees multiple amethyst crystals, wherein Alberich’s victims are trapped, most of them

skeletons. He also sees Marin’s body trapped, and enraged attacks the God Warrior, who is

standing in the middle of his gruesome collection. Alberich can’t stand against the Pegasus

Meteors, and falls. Seiya considers him a weak opponent, and this battle already won. When

he approaches, the God Warrior tries a surprise punch, but Pegasus easily eludes it and grabs

him, flying sky-high with his Rolling Crush technique, and hurling him against the ground. The

treacherous warrior stands up, wounded, and is about to be finished by Seiya, when he tells

the boy that if he is killed, Marin will inevitably die inside the amethyst crystal. The Bronze

Knight is momentarily distracted, and Alberich takes advantage of this, using his power to trap

him within another crystal. He also seizes Thor’s Odin Sapphire that fell from Seiya’s grasp.

Right then Hyoga arrives, to witness both Seiya and Marin caught inside the amethyst crystals.

Upon seeing him, Alberich summons his Flaming Sword, a pale crystal sword wreathed in

flames. Cygnus attempts to use his Diamond Dust, but it is easily blocked by the God Warrior’s

weapon, which also cuts his Bronze Armor. Hyoga is still wounded by his battle against Hagen,

so is no match for Alberich, who again invokes the Amethyst Shield. The boy counters with the

Aurora Execution, and both fail in their attempts. The Warrior of Megrez runs farther into the

forest, being chased by Cygnus, and uses his Nature Unity technique to command the trees to

do his bidding, attacking his enemy. Hyoga collapses, with no strength left in him, and Hagen’s

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Sapphire is taken by Alberich, who now possesses two of the gems, besides his own.

In that instant Shiryu appears to save his friend from being trapped in a new crystal prison. He

is attacked by the animated trees, but remembers a lesson from his ancient master, who many

years before had fought against a God Warrior. He had eluded this very same power by

becoming one with nature. If he stays still and calm, the trees won’t attack him. Alberich

distracts him saying that Seiya is dying, and so breaks the boy’s concentration. He also tries to

use his Amethyst Shield technique to encase him, but it’s useless against Dragon’s Shield.

Shiryu understands that if the battle goes on, he will certainly die, so he risks everything on

one last attack. He knows that with his armor on, his opponent will use the Nature Unity

power, but if he takes it off he will try the Amethyst Shield. So he gets rid of his armor, in an

attempt to lure Alberich into using his Amethyst Shield technique, which he has seen in action

more than once. The God Warrior falls for it, and Shiryu strikes with the Rising Dragon, killing

him, and ending his ambitions to rule the world.

Hyoga recovers and stands up, takes the four Sapphires they have captured (Shun has Mime's

stone), and goes for Seiya, whose amethyst prison has been shattered, the same as Marin’s.

Seiya tries to help her, but she slaps him on the face, telling him that it’s more important to

save Athena. He and Hyoga move on to Valhalla, while Sheena arrives to help Marin, along

with Shiryu.

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The Viking Tiger. Andromeda's Storm.

Shun is the first one to arrive at the palace of Valhalla. Within one of its many halls, he is

confronted by Syd, the God Warrior of Mizar Zeta, who comes out of the shadows, enveloped

by a chilling white aura. He remembers their fight in Japan, in Saori’s mansion. Seiya and Hyoga

catch up, and want to help their friend in the battle, but Shun refuses. As he’s in better shape,

he prompts them to go on. Nonetheless, Syd strikes and collapses part of the ceiling on top of

the two Bronze Knights. The duel starts as Andromeda casts his chains, for no effect, as they

are halted by Syd’s freezing air. The God Warrior then launches his Viking Tiger Claw, which

Shun intercepts with his chain.

Meanwhile, in the nearby forest, Marin tells Sheena that Aldebaran had felt the presence of

another warrior when he was struck down by Syd. And more recently, she found Kiki and Freya

on a cabin. The last one told her that Syd had a “Shadow” (what that meant, she didn’t know).

So, Marin tells her comrade to move on and alert the young Bronze Knights about the hidden


Back in Valhalla, Shun strikes out with his chain again, but it is halted and shattered by Syd’s

freezing air. The God Warrior now launches the Blue Impulse, an attack with the strength of

the raging Arctic seas, and knocks the boy down, cracking his Armor. He tries to freeze the

fallen Knight with his air, but Shun hears the voice of his brother prompting him to continue

fighting, and gets up. Taking off his Armor, he regrets having to use once again his most

powerful technique, as the battle against Aphrodite of Pisces should have been the last time.

And so, he unleashes his terrible Nebular Storm, hurling his opponent against the ceiling. The

Storm still rages when Syd tries to use his Blue Impulse, which is overwhelmed and turned

back by Andromeda’s hurricane. The God Warrior is blown away and falls. With his last breath

he praises the glory of Asgard and Hilda.

In that instant, a fleeting shadow tries to strike at Shun, but it is stopped by another figure,

while the boy remains oblivious. As the battle against Syd has ended, he picks up the God

Warrior's Sapphire, and turns to see a wounded Sheena leaning against one of the columns.

She aggressively insists for him to hurry on, leave the building as soon as possible. He doesn’t

understand, until he sees a new and unforeseen enemy approach…

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The Shadow God Warrior. The Bond of Brotherhood.

“I will not let you go on!” says the mysterious figure, clad in white armor and completely

enveloped by his white cloak. He strikes down Shun, who is caught by Sheena. She explains

that Zeta is a twin star, so there should be two God Warriors of Zeta. Their opponent

introduces himself as Bud of Alcor. It was he that struck Aldebaran, at the same time as Syd,

thinking that the Gold Knight might be too much for the other God Warrior to handle by


In Hilda’s chambers, Siegfried shows his surprise before the priestess, as none of his comrades,

nor himself, knew of the existence of this Bud of Alcor, the Shadow God Warrior. With a

menacing grin, Hilda tells him “If you want to mislead your enemies, you must first mislead

your friends.” She further claims that it doesn’t matter to her if the one to destroy the Bronze

Knights is Syd or Bud, as long as it is done. Siegfried can’t stand this deception, but has no say

before the priestess’ orders.

Meanwhile, the female Knight presents herself for battle, Sheena of the constellation of

Ophiuchus, and savagely strikes at Bud. The last one laughs unimpressed, calling her the

“Queen of the Cobras”, and counterattacks, defeating her with just one blow. When he is

about to finish her, Shun interposes his body between them, and Bud’s attack hits both

Knights, leaving them unconscious. With his claws he collapses a column over their fallen

bodies, but at the last second it is blown to pieces by an unknown attack. A metallic feather

streams through the air and thrusts into the God Warrior’s arm. The Phoenix returns.

Ikki explains that he was about to give up and die, when his battle against Mime ended. But to

do so would mean to abandon his brother and friends. The God Warrior can only feel disdain

for that kind of love, and so launches his technique, the Shadow Viking Tiger Claw. Ikki uses his

Flight of the Phoenix to no avail. Bud explains that he was watching, hidden, while they were

fighting with Mime, and knows all of his techniques. The Shadow God Warrior and Ikki jump

into the air and strike simultaneously at each other. The Bronze Knight is wounded again, and

plummets, but at the same time Bud is struck, and his helmet falls to the ground. Phoenix can’t

believe his eyes when he sees his face, the same as Syd’s. They are twin brothers.

The boy is enraged with this revelation, for it means that Bud could have prevented his

brother’s fall, but just stood there and watched as he was killed. The latter answers that the

relationship between brothers can, sometimes, just foster hatred…

One night, one of the most prestigious and wealthy couples of Asgard had two sons. A local

superstition told that twins can destroy a family, so one of them must be given up. They

abandoned Bud in the middle of a blizzard, with a jeweled dagger (with his name written on it)

as a token. He was found and adopted by a poor villager. His first years were relatively happy,

as he led a simple life. One day, while he was hunting a rabbit, he crossed paths with another

boy. The other boy dismounted from his horse and told Bud to not harm the rabbit, and gave

him a jeweled dagger as a reward, while gently petting the little animal. Bud was astonished to

see that the dagger was identical to his, except for the different inscription, the name of Syd.

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He saw the boy climb up to his horse and go away with two adults, while smiling back at him.

His gut instinct told him that these were his real brother and parents, and he couldn’t feel

anything but rage. For being abandoned, denied, and forgotten.

From that day on he trained to surpass Syd in every way. He hunted with his bare hands, and

split tree trunks unarmed. Until the day came when Hilda made the call for the God Warriors.

Cruel fate intervened to make his hated brother the true God Warrior of Mizar Zeta and, as his

entire life, he was again Syd’s shadow, for he was destined to be the Shadow God Warrior of

Alcor Zeta. He secretly met with Hilda, who ordered him to remain always hidden. No one was

to know he existed. But the corrupted priestess gave him one last hope, for if Syd died, Bud

would become the true God Warrior of Zeta.

The fight continues, as Ikki tries desperately to penetrate his enemy’s defense. He’s beaten

every time, and falls exhausted. Shun stands up, ready to continue the fight alongside his

brother, until the end. Phoenix gets up, and both brothers face their enemy. They launch their

combined attacks, the Nebular Storm and the Flight of the Phoenix, but Bud eludes them.

Andromeda collapses, with no strength left. Ikki continues the battle, and while in midair,

launches his Phantom Fist against the God Warrior. Bud just accepts the illusion, considering it

harmless. He sees himself battling Syd, and defeating him. But at the last moment, when he is

about to kill his own brother, he just can’t do it.

Ikki tells him that deep down he still loves his brother. That’s why he helped him defeat

Aldebaran, and also attacked Shun when the latter unleashed his Nebular Storm against Syd. It

wasn’t Syd’s fault that he was abandoned. Calling up his love for his own brother, Ikki

dramatically increases his Cosmos and strikes out with the Flight of the Phoenix, and finally

breaches the God Warrior’s defense. The Armor of Alcor is shattered, and he suffers a terrible

wound. He’s about to surrender before the Bronze Knight’s great power, and let himself be

killed, when a still living Syd gets up and grabs Ikki from behind.

Syd tells his brother to strike down the Knight of Athena. Bud stands dumbfounded. If he

attacks, he will kill both Ikki and Syd. The latter tells him that he always knew about his

existence, and that Bud was never forgotten by himself or their parents. Syd prompts his

brother to attack, but Bud just can’t do it. He loves his brother and can’t kill him. Even Ikki tells

the God Warrior that he will not pose any resistance, and will let himself be killed. Shun and

Sheena just stare, waiting for the outcome. Bud gives up the fight and, finally, his brother

collapses from his grievous wounds. He picks Syd’s body up and tells Ikki to take care of his

brother, for that kind of friendship and brotherhood are precious things. Bud walks out of

Valhalla with his brother on his arms, bound for the place of their birth. After a while, he falls

from his own injuries, and they are both swallowed by the unrelenting snowstorm.

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The Legendary Hero. Duel of the Dragons.

In one of Valhalla’s corridors, Seiya and Hyoga lie unconscious, covered by debris from the

collapsed ceiling. The last one briefly wakes up, and with his last bit of strength uses his

freezing air to shatter the rocks blocking the way. When Seiya awakens, he is given the Odin

Sapphires, and told to move on.

Meanwhile, Freya has recovered, and decides to go where Saori prays for Asgard, along with

Kiki. She remembers the legend of Siegfried, the warrior that killed a ferocious dragon and

bathed in its blood, gaining invulnerability. The last God Warrior is said to be that hero reborn,

and supposedly invincible.

Seiya arrives at the courtyard behind Valhalla, just before the statue of Odin (both separated

by a chasm). There he is confronted by Siegfried, of the guardian star of Dubhe Alpha, leader of

the God Warriors, wearing an Armor resembling the two-headed dragon Fafnir. The Bronze

Knight opens the fight, launching his Pegasus Meteors, for no effect. Then Siegfried uses his

technique, Odin Sword, cutting and tearing the floor under the boy’s feet, hurling the stone

shards upwards. Seiya is thrown into the air, suffering tremendous cuts, and comes down

crashing. The Sapphires fall from his grasp and are scattered all over the floor.

Ikki reaches the courtyard, and a spectacular battle begins. Both he and Siegfried launch

hundreds of attacks, and fly high into the air, but in the end the Bronze Knight cannot pierce

his opponent’s defenses. Phoenix is defeated.

Then Shun arrives, carrying a severely wounded Hyoga. When the God Warrior of Dubhe Alpha

is about to strike, Andromeda raises his Rolling Defense, with his circular chain spiraling

around Hyoga and himself, to protect them both. The defense seems effective against the first

attacks, but then Siegfried uses the Odin Sword technique, shattering the ground under their

feet, and blowing them high into the air. Both fall, as Seiya and Ikki did before them.

Shiryu crosses paths with Sheena on his way to the courtyard. There, Seiya stands up again,

and launches another attack against the most powerful God Warrior. It has no effect. He tries

to reason with him, explaining that Hilda has been corrupted by the Nibelung Ring. Siegfried

remembers the same words coming from Freya, but remains steadfast. He has sworn loyalty to

the priestess, and even proclaimed that he would follow her to Hell, if need be. He unleashes a

new attack against Seiya, but at the last moment Sheena appears and interposes her body,

fully receiving the devastating strike.

Siegfried looks about, and now sees his only standing opponent. Dragon Shiryu has arrived.

The God Warrior cannot believe it, his enemy isn’t only a meager Bronze Knight, but an

unarmored one! The boy awakens his Seventh Sense while the tattoo on his back appears. His

Cosmos is at its maximum. He unleashes the Rising Dragon… but Siegfried isn’t even touched

by it! Shiryu starts to believe this may be the mythical hero reborn, and as that one, he truly

might be invulnerable. The God Warrior shows him the power of a real dragon. The image of a

two-headed dragon appears behind him, as he launches his most powerful technique, the

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Dragon Blizzard. The Bronze Knight is knocked down, severely injured.

Lying down, he remembers the lessons with his master about how the most perfect weapon

always has a weakness. He also thinks about the legend of Siegfried, the warrior that killed a

dragon and bathed in its blood, becoming invulnerable. A leaf had stuck on his back,

preventing one spot from being covered with the blood, and thus providing a vulnerability,

that his enemies later exploited to stab him from behind. He also remembers his own fight,

long ago, in the Galactic Tournament, against Seiya, who discovered his own vulnerable spot

while using the Rising Dragon. Pegasus saw how he lowered his defense and exposed his heart

for a fraction of a second.

Standing up, Shiryu is determined to find the God Warrior’s weakness. The latter tells him that

a second Dragon Blizzard will kill him, but the boy does not desist. When Siegfried starts his

maneuver, for a thousandth of a second, he lowers his guard, exposing his heart. Just the

opposite site from where the mythical Siegfried had his own weak spot. Shiryu unleashes his

Rising Dragon at the same time as he receives his opponent’s attack. The boy falls, and the God

Warrior seems unharmed, but a moment later, his armor cracks over his weak spot. He tells

Shiryu that it doesn’t matter, for the boy is in no condition to continue the fight. The Dragon

Knight answers that it wasn’t his purpose to defeat him, since the God Warrior is clearly more

powerful. He just revealed Siegfried’s weakness for another, more powerful Knight, to exploit.

The boy collapses, exhausted, just as Seiya stands up one more time, while elevating his


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Revelation of a God. Sacrifice of the Hero.

While Saori is almost fainting from the exertion of maintaining the icecaps, and Freya prays by

her side, Hilda hears sweet music being played with a flute. A mysterious figure, claiming to be

a messenger from the one who placed the Nibelung Ring on her finger, visits her in her


In the courtyard, Seiya faces the enemy one more time. Siegfried can’t believe it when he sees

the boy’s Cosmos rise and rise. The fallen Knights place all their trust and hopes on Seiya, and

lend their remaining strength to him. Pegasus’ aura flares up, uncontrollable, and is joined by

the auras of Dragon, Cygnus, Andromeda, the Phoenix, and Athena herself!

Just then Hilda arrives at the scene, and strikes out, from a distance, with a thin ray from her

magical spear, against Seiya. Siegfried halts it with his hand, which is burned. This is his fight.

He attacks with his Dragon Blizzard at the same time that the boy launches his Pegasus

Meteors. The two powers collide between them, and struggle with each other. The Meteors

finally overwhelm Siegfried and strike him on the heart. He falls, defeated.

At that moment an astonishing figure appears. A man clad in an armor resembling those of the

Gold Knights. He introduces himself as Sorrento of Siren, one of the Mariner Generals of

Poseidon, god of the Sea. He explains that controlling Hilda with the Nibelung Ring was part of

the plot of his lord Poseidon to cleanse and rule the Earth, defeating Athena. His lord used

Hilda and her God Warriors as pawns, and the Mariner calls the latter fools for being

vanquished by mere Bronze Knights. Asgard had always been a vassal state to the lord of the


In the middle of this, Siegfried stands again. He now understands that he was never really

serving Hilda, but Poseidon. He is told by Hilda to stand down, and leave the fight to Sorrento,

who starts playing his Dead End Symphony against Seiya. The last God Warrior faces the boy,

and so Sorrento thinks Siegfried will continue the battle by himself, saving his honor. But

instead, Siegfried plunges his hand into his stomach, piercing his own armor, and removes the

Odin Sapphire. With bloodied fingers he offers it to Pegasus, and asks him to save Hilda. He

turns around, ready to fight the Mariner, who now starts playing his flute against the asgardian

hero. Siegfried deafens himself by destroying his eardrums, but the deadly melody still affects

him, directly piercing his brain. With a mighty jump he crosses the chasm separating the

courtyard and the base of Odin’s statue (where Sorrento was standing), and takes hold of him,

at the same time that he’s stabbed in the heart by the Mariner’s hand. The God Warrior flies to

the stars, joining his fallen comrades, carrying his enemy with him, and leaving the fate of

Hilda and Asgard in Seiya’s hands.

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The Armor of Odin. The End of the Nibelung.

Seiya starts walking towards the edge of the chasm, in front of Odin’s Statue, when he is

attacked by Hilda, throwing lightning from her magical spear. The boy is struck and falls down

the precipice, barely taking hold of a ledge. Extremely tired by the incessant fighting, he has

trouble just holding on, until he hears a voice in his mind. Much to his surprise, he is

encouraged by the spirit of Saga of Gemini! The fallen Gold Knight reminds him of the terrible

battle they fought, and how Seiya prevailed, even though the senior Knight was stronger. With

renewed vigor, the boy starts to climb up.

Seiya now stands before the statue of Odin, when Hilda attacks from behind. Hyoga places

himself in the way, and fully receives the strike. When the priestess aims for a second assault,

it is Shiryu who stands in the way. And then Shun interposes himself. The young Bronze

Knights are shielding Seiya with their bodies, giving everything for their last hope. Hilda now

hurls the spear, but it plunges deep into Ikki’s stomach, who throws it away, disdainfully. She

then resorts to the full power of the Nibelung Ring, blowing Phoenix away.

With all of his friends down, Seiya stands alone, begging Odin for help. But there’s no

forthcoming answer. Hilda laughs, and reminds the boy that Asgard has been in the service of

Poseidon, and not even Odin would oppose the sea god. Pegasus despairs, and is struck one

last time by the power of the Nibelung. He plummets down the chasm, and the Sapphires fly

into the air.

Just then the priestess hears a deep rumble, as the Sapphires start to shine and embed

themselves into Odin’s belt. The giant statue begins to crumble. Out of it emerges the mighty

Armor of Odin, as Seiya is elevated through the air by an unseen force. The Armor starts to

harmonize with the boy, with sparks flying between them. It breaks into pieces and settles

over his body, with the sword Balmung falling in his grasp.

Hilda can’t believe it. Lord Odin is lending his own Armor to a Knight of Athena! Disappointed,

she now swears loyalty to Poseidon, and unleashes once more the power of the Nibelung upon

Seiya, who successfully blocks it with Balmung. As he lands, the ground cracks beneath his


Seiya is ready, but when he’s about to strike the priestess, he stops. He can’t kill her, for that is

unjust, and would mean destroying the whole of Asgard. As he hesitates, he is struck again by

a blast from the Nibelung worn by Hilda, and falls. Despairing again, he suddenly hears a new

voice, ancient and grave, coming from within the Armor. Odin himself is now speaking to the

young Knight. He has been awakened by the spilt blood of his God Warriors. Seiya is

encouraged to stand up and raise the sword, to save Hilda. Aiming carefully, he strikes out and

cuts the ring in half, while the priestess collapses.

A pool of blood forms under Hilda’s body, and Seiya is worried that he may have killed her.

Asgard starts to fall apart and be swallowed by the ocean. Odin’s Armor removes itself from

Seiya’s body. The boy despairs, believing his mission to be a failure, but the priestess wakes up

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and slowly walks toward the reformed Armor of Odin. Holding up the sword from the blade,

she cuts herself and starts asking forgiveness for all her sins, while praying to her lord, Odin.

Her realm begins to steady itself, and the waves crushing over it are frozen. The weary Bronze

Knights return to Saori, who has already fallen unconscious.

At the edge of the sea, the five Bronze Knights, along with Marin, Sheena, Kiki and Freya, look

distressed at Saori’s body. There are no signs of life. They call for her, yelling. When they are

loosing hope, she starts to rise, and her Cosmos flares up with a vivid gold. They all cry with

joy, but then a whirlpool forms in the nearby sea, and a huge wave washes over all of them.

Upon coming back to their senses, they see that Athena is gone…

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The Poseidon Saga

The Great Flood.

An endless rain is pouring all over the world, and the rising water level threatens to cover

everything in a matter of weeks. Coastal metropolises are already flooded in every continent.

Everyone feels that this, more than a natural phenomenon, is the work of an angry god.

Saori Kido awakens in a strange room, were she had been comfortably resting on a luxurious

bed. As she stands up, an impressive figure, a tall young man dressed in robes, approaches her.

Suddenly she recognizes him, both of his identities, actually. This is Julian Solo, but he is also

Poseidon, god of the Sea, just as she is Saori Kido and Athena, at the same time. They had

already met, when neither of them knew about their fate. He was the last heir of an incredibly

wealthy greek family, that controlled the commerce in every sea. Their encounter was during

his birthday party (just before the Galactic Tournament), surrounded by the most powerful

people in the world. He took Saori away to the balcony of the mansion, to speak privately with

her. He spoke of the tradition of his family, how they had always, since ancient times,

dominated the seas. His father had a business relationship with the late Mitsumasa Kido,

Saori’s (adoptive) grandfather. And he proposed to continue this, bonding both families. At

that moment he professed his love for the young girl, and asked her to marry him. Saori

refused, sensing more ambition than love in him, and simply left the party, never to see him


Now they meet again. With their destinies revealed, nonetheless the scene repeats itself.

Julian, the incarnation of Poseidon, asks Saori to join him in the purging and conquering of the

world. He is going to flood the entire world, killing everyone except those few who swear

allegiance to him, and then found a new world, free of corruption, where he reigns supreme.

The girl calls him a murderer, and as she had refused him as a man, she now refuses him as a

god. Her radiant Cosmos manifests in all its strength, as she opposes her counterpart. Julian

had remained calm until now, but this, her second rejection, infuriates him. She will die along

with the rest of humanity. But Athena Saori remains confident that her loyal Knights will beat

him, as they have always overcome every obstacle placed before them.

Meanwhile, in Asgard, Seiya and Shun are looking for some trace of Saori. Hilda has found an

ancient text that tells of a secret entrance to Poseidon’s underwater Temple. This entrance lies

in Asgard itself, and takes the form of a whirlpool under a thick layer of ice. The Bronze Knights

find this whirlpool, and they both jump into it, while asking Hilda to tell their companions

about it. They sink deeper and deeper into the icy waters, until they loose their consciousness.

Upon waking, the young Knights find themselves before an incredible sight. They are actually

at the bottom of the ocean, an area with breathable air and with the seas over it, like some

kind of watery sky. This is the realm of Poseidon. They are greeted by a haunting song. Their

eyes are caught by what seems to be a red metallic mermaid. They soon recognize it as some

kind of armor, and a female voice explains to them that these are the Scales of one of

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Poseidon’s Mariners, the analog of a Knight’s Armor. Immediately the Scales disassemble and

fly into the air, finally settling over a girl’s body, that introduces herself as Thetis, Mariner of

Mermaid. Seiya asks her to take them before Saori, but in turn she entrances them with her

technique, the Death Coral Trap. A beautiful multicolored coral starts to grow and envelope

both Knights. Shun is dazzled, but Seiya shatters it with his blazing Cosmos, and then launches

his Pegasus Meteors against the Mermaid. She is almost done for, when another figure

approaches. A tall man clad in an armor similar to those of the Gold Knights, with his face

hidden beneath the shadow of his finned helmet. Thetis calls him Sea Dragon, and presents

him as one of the seven Mariner Generals, the most powerful Mariners in Poseidon’s realm.

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Saori's Choice. The Seven Pillars.

Julian Solo stares at Saori and, since her refusal, has decided she will share the fate of the rest

of mankind. He gives her one opportunity to delay this new Great Flood that will wipe out

humanity. She accepts, trusting that her Knights will use well any time she can buy. Saori is

escorted by Poseidon to the Main Support, the heart of his Temple, a stone pillar of titanic

proportions. He opens a door to a dark chamber within it, and the girl enters alone and

willingly. There she is to receive the rain pouring all over the world, flooding this huge chamber

instead, and killing her in a matter of hours. Athena Saori just stands in the center and starts

praying, lighting her gentle Cosmos, when the water begins to fall over her.

On the outskirts of Poseidon’s realm, Sea Dragon, one of the Mariner Generals, asks Seiya and

Shun why they were sent in stead of the Gold Knights. He considers them pitiful, and so orders

his soldiers to kill them, while he calmly walks away. A moment later, an astonished Thetis calls

him back, as the two Bronze Knights have easily defeated the dozen Mariners. Another guard

arrives and whispers something to Sea Dragon, who laughs mockingly. The Mariner General

tells the Knights of Athena that their goddess has just entered the Main Support, and leaves.

Seiya and Shun are about to follow him, but they are stopped by Thetis, who explains to them

what that means. The only way to free Athena is to destroy the Main Support, but this one is,

in turn, unbreakable as long as the Seven Pillars that sustain the seas are not destroyed. And

that each Pillar is guarded by one Mariner General. She lets them go, as she feels confident

that they will never defeat the seven Mariner Generals of Poseidon. The young Knights split

up, Seiya going for the Pillar of the North Pacific, and Shun for the South Pacific.

In the Five Old Peaks of Rozan, Kiki appears out of nowhere, and tells Shiryu that they have

found the entrance to Poseidon’s realm. The Dragon Knight asks the child to use his

teleportation powers to transport them both to Asgard. Simultaneously, in Asgard, Hyoga

enters the whirlpool and descends into the depths of the seas, as he says goodbye to Hilda and

Freya. All the Bronze Knights are preparing for the ultimate confrontation.

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The First Mariner General. The Golden Pegasus Armor.

Seiya arrives at the Pillar of the North Pacific, a column that reaches one mile to the waters

overhead. Pressed for time, he just unleashes his Pegasus Comet against it… but it’s caught by

the hand of a lone opponent! This one introduces himself as Baian the Sea Horse, Mariner

General of the North Pacific. Seiya quickly attacks him with his Pegasus Meteors, but they are

stopped by an invisible barrier, with bluish ripples appearing where each strike hits. Baian uses

his mighty God Breath, striking the boy so hard as to send him towards the surface of the


Pegasus wakes up in the surface, thinking that his opponent may be as strong as the Gold

Knights. His own armor starts to shine with a strange light, as he starts his descent towards

Poseidon’s realm.

Baian considers the battle over, but just then comes crashing down what looks like a comet.

Amidst the broken debris stands Seiya, still alive and stronger than before, when his Armor

starts to shine a bright golden. He explains that the blood of the Gold Knights has made his suit

almost as strong as the gold ones. And also that Baian isn’t nearly as powerful as the Gold

Knights, so his defeat is assured. He launches his Pegasus Meteors. The General remains

confident in his defense, as the invisible barrier stops Seiya’s punches. But the boy starts to

increase his speed, while telling his opponent that he has already seen such a defense, in a

Silver Knight he defeated long ago, Misty of Lizard. He knows Baian is just blocking so fast with

his hands so as to look like an invisible barrier stops the attacks. In that instant the defense

shatters and the Mariner is struck down.

Sea Horse is slightly wounded, but he stands up, confident in the protection his Scales bestow.

Comparing them to the Gold Armors, he tells Pegasus that he can’t be defeated… but then the

Scales crack! Again Seiya explains that the Mariner is inferior to the Gold Knights, and also that

his armor isn’t as strong as theirs. Right then the boy’s Cosmos flares up and his suit shines

again with a golden light, while unleashing his Pegasus Comet and completely shattering his

opponent’s Scales. Baian falls, mortally wounded.

At that moment Hyoga and Shiryu arrive to see Seiya defeat the Mariner General. He explains

to them the situation, and tells them to go on to different Pillars, for they are short of time.

Now the young Bronze Knight stands before the Pillar of the North Pacific, and attacks with the

Pegasus Comet. Not a single crack appears in the imposing structure. He then follows up with

the Pegasus Meteors, putting all his energy behind them, to no avail. With his last breath,

Baian tells him that the Pillar cannot be destroyed, even by the combined force of the twelve

Gold Knights.

Nearby, the child Kiki is confronted by Thetis. Despite his mastery of the telekinetic powers, he

is no match for the female Mariner, and is about to be killed when Sheena arrives, carrying a

golden box with her. She gives it to Mu’s apprentice, while she remains behind to fight Thetis.

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When Seiya is about to use his own body as a projectile to demolish the Pillar, Kiki appears out

of thin air and stops him. He hands him the golden case, which they recognize as the Box of

Libra, containing the ancient master’s Gold Armor, with its six pairs of weapons. Shiryu’s

master is helping them from afar. When the box opens, one of the mighty shields flies into

Seiya’s hands. This heavy golden shield has a chain on the inside, so it can be thrown to long

distances. The boy believes it to be so powerful as to destroy stars, and so hurls it against the

Pillar. After striking, the shield returns and Pegasus has to catch it with all his strength, being

pushed back ten feet. An incredible rumble is heard all over the place, as the Pillar starts to

crumble and the overhead waters descend.

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The Six Beasts of Scylla. The Golden Chain.

Upon reaching the Pillar of the South Pacific, Shun feels an ominous presence. He sees the

translucent image of a kneeling woman, but when he approaches, it turns into a monster!

From the waist up it remains a beautiful girl, but below her waistline her body is composed of

six ravening beasts. The mirage vanishes, and from behind the Pillar emerges Io of Scylla,

Mariner General of the South Pacific, enveloped by a red, blue and black aura. This new enemy

immediately launches in succession all of his techniques, the Six Beasts of Scylla, first the

Queen Bee’s Stinger, and then the Eagle Clutch, the Serpent Strangler, the Wolf’s Fang, the

Vampire Inhale, and finally the Grizzly Slap. Shun utilizes his Rolling Defense, with his defensive

chain spiraling around his body, but it has no effect. He’s struck every time, and falls.

The mythological Scylla was a beautiful sea nymph, cursed to become a monster and lure

unsuspecting sailors into their doom. So it is that Io can harness the power of the six beasts

that form her lower body, and his asymmetrical armor displays traits from all of them.

Andromeda stands once again, unwilling to yield. Io unleashes once more his Queen Bee. The

Mariner is confident that Shun’s defensive chain will fail again but, to his surprise, the Chain of

Andromeda takes the form of a gigantic web! His power is caught by the boy’s magnificent

defense, who in turn launches his offensive chain, damaging the Scales of Scylla, exactly in the

spot that represents the bee. Io follows up with the other five beasts, but each time

Andromeda’s Chain forms a new pattern, capturing the attack, while the offensive chain

counterattacks, shattering another piece of the Mariner’s Scales. The Six Beasts are defeated,

and now Shun entangles Io with the chain, holding but not harming him. The boy doesn’t want

to spill more blood, and instead focuses on the Pillar, while the General watches.

Increasing his Cosmos, Shun shoots out with the Nebular Chain, but it simply rebounds off the

Pillar’s surface. Io laughs, and explains to him that not even a hundred Gold Knights together

can damage one of the Pillars. He continues by saying that he hasn’t been defeated yet, while

breaking free of the chain. His eyes turn to white and his aura flares as he uses his ultimate

technique, the Big Tornado, blowing Shun up to the watery sky. The boy comes crashing down.

The Knight of Athena picks himself up one more time. Io launches the Big Tornado, but Shun

parts it with his mighty aura, as he reaches the Seventh Sense. He then unleashes his Nebular

Chain, and catches Io again. The Mariner tries to free himself, but to his surprise the chain

does not cede… it has turned to gold! Not only the chain, but the whole armor of Andromeda

is shining a bright gold!

Once more, Shun strikes at the Pillar. The Bronze Knight is willing to put all his energy (and life)

behind the attack, even just to nick the column, for then Seiya will be able to finish the job.

Just when he is about to strike again, Kiki appears out of nowhere and hands him the golden

box of Libra. The Armor emerges, and the Twin Rod flies into the boy’s hands. Tiny star-like

sparks shower out of it when he practices a couple of lightning-fast moves. With a mighty jump

he flies towards the Pillar. Io, still chained, follows him with great speed, and interposes his

body at the last moment, but can’t stop the powerful strike. The Mariner falls, deadly

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wounded, as the Pillar collapses. Before dying, he explains that he was also determined to

surrender his life for his goal.

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The Sacred Spear and Excalibur.

Shiryu arrives running at the Pillar of the Indian Ocean, but must stop abruptly when a golden

spear flies and thrusts itself into the stone floor. The boy feels a cut open on his cheek, even

though the spear never touched him. It surely is a mighty weapon. More impressive is the

warrior that pulls it out of the ground, a tall and dark-skinned man who presents himself as

Krishna of Chrysaor, Mariner General of the Indian Ocean. He explains that what Shiryu has

witnessed is the power of the Sacred Spear of Chrysaor. The last one, he tells, was in

mythology the revered son of Poseidon, and his name means the “chieftain of the golden


The Mariner makes an onslaught of lightning-fast attacks with his spear, cutting numerous

times the body of Shiryu, who can’t keep up. The boy realizes he has to break the spear to

have a minimum chance of winning this fight. So he interposes his Dragon Shield, the strongest

shield in existence. But the spear pierces it, and goes through his left forearm, as well as his

torso! Shiryu uses his power to prevent Krishna from removing the weapon from his body, and

tries to cut it in half with his right hand, to no avail.

His opponent pulls out the Sacred Spear and continues attacking, and it’s caught again in the

Dragon Shield. But this time is doesn’t go through it, as the shield turns to gold! The rest of the

Dragon Armor also begins to shine with a gold light, and Shiryu’s Cosmos increases. He

remembers Shura, and suddenly the spirit of the fallen Gold Knight speaks to him, reminding

him that a part of his spirit rests in him, and the power of Excalibur resides in his right arm…

So Shiryu tries one more time to break the spear with his cutting hand, but is unsuccessful. He

recognizes that he is not putting all of his effort into the battle, as he’s relying too much on his

Armor. He must put himself in a vulnerable position, where only one strike of the spear will kill

him, to achieve his full potential. Announcing this to Krishna, he takes his Armor off, and waits

for the next attack.

Chrysaor unleashes and incredible barrage of strikes, almost at the speed of light. The tip of his

spear cuts through everything, even several stone columns at once, while Shiryu flies with all

his speed, evading the attacks. In an instant, the boy lands face to face with Krishna, and takes

hold of the spear’s shaft. He summons the power of Excalibur, and with a mighty hand-strike

splits the weapon. The Mariner takes a step backwards, and watches astounded as his Scales

are also cut in two!

Shiryu considers his opponent beaten, as he has no weapon, nor armor. Krishna just sits, cross-

legged, in a meditating position. He suddenly starts to rise and levitates in front of the Pillar.

The boy launches his Rising Dragon, but it is stopped by an invisible barrier in front of the

Mariner. Krishna explains that by concentrating on his seven chakras, he can increase

dramatically his power, and produce an indestructible barrier. Only by locating and striking all

the chakras can Shiryu beat him. At that moment he unleashes another terrible technique, the

Maha Roshini, blowing away the boy.

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The Bronze Knight still lives, but his sight is starting to fail him. He sees double, and the

Mariner General explains that the Maha Roshini has damaged his eyesight, and that he will

loose it in any moment. Shiryu despairs, as he needs to locate his enemy’s chakras to defeat

him. Nonetheless, his Dragon Tattoo awakens (as well as his Seventh Sense), and with his inner

sight detects Krishna’s weak spots. He jumps high into the air and with a cut from Excalibur,

traces a perfect vertical line through his opponent’s seven chakras. The Mariner falls to the

ground and, before dying, praises Shiryu’s technique.

Now the boy stands in front of the Pillar of the Indian Ocean, but facing the wrong way, as he

has completely lost his sight. Kiki arrives promptly, and sees the plight of his friend. He places

the box of Libra in front of him, and Shiryu chooses the golden sword, while asking the child to

point him in the right direction. With a mighty cut he splits the Pillar, and the water level

continues its descent…

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The Heartless One.

Searching for another Pillar to destroy, Seiya sees in the distance a familiar figure, a silent

Marin that prompts him forward. Barely keeping up, he follows. He catches up with her at the

Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean. There, she seems strange, as she asks Seiya to abandon the fight

and return home, for they are no match against Poseidon. She offers her hand, but the boy

slaps her. Pegasus doesn’t believe this to be his teacher, for Marin would never ask him to

surrender, even against impossible odds. Seeing this, the girl tells him about her secret

identity, saying that she is really Seika, Seiya’s long lost sister. He remains incredulous, but she

takes her mask off, revealing the face of his sister. Pegasus’ hopes rise, and he starts to cry, so

the girls approaches him and puts her arms around him.

Hyoga arrives at an unidentified Pillar, where he is shocked by an impossible sight. Camus of

Aquarius, his deceased mentor, is there! The boy disbelieves, and tells the supposed Gold

Knight that he is an impostor, but Camus sternly reproaches him. As Cygnus maintains his

incredulity, the Gold Knight proves his identity by attacking with his Aurora Execution. Hyoga

falls, but finally believes his master has returned. Camus approaches and takes care of the boy.

Finally, Shun arrives at the Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean, to find the unconscious and wounded

bodies of his friends, Seiya and Hyoga, on the floor. He doesn’t understand what has

transpired, but suddenly the Chain of Andromeda becomes tense, detecting the presence of a

powerful enemy, right behind him. Shun turns around, just in time to block an attack from Ikki,

his own brother!

Andromeda doesn’t believe this to be his real brother, and he is proven right when the image

of Ikki fades and in his place stands an inhuman-looking warrior, that calls himself Kassa of

Lymnades, Mariner General of the Antarctic Ocean. He explains that he took the shape of Seika

and Camus, respectively, to fool and defeat both Bronze Knights. Shun is enraged for such

deception, and for playing with people’s emotions. A duel starts, with Kassa barely dodging

Andromeda’s attacks. At last, the boy chains his opponent, but the Mariner assumes once

more the semblance of Ikki. There’s something more at work than a simple visual illusion, so

Shun can’t really harm him. As it is, Kassa unleashes his Salamander Shock technique, and

strikes down his opponent.

Right then the monstrous Mariner feels an incredibly powerful cosmos. A barely conscious

Shun calls for his brother, and suddenly, out of nowhere and among red flames appears the

Phoenix! Kassa is intimidated by his power, but Ikki limits himself to point with a finger and

pierce the Mariner’s brain with a thin red ray. Kassa is unimpressed, is that all the power of the

Phoenix? The boy explains he has just received the Phantom Fist. In that moment Ikki’s image

changes to assume Kassa’s semblance. The heartless monster can’t battle himself!

Phoenix unleashes all his fury, striking repeatedly, avenging his friends and brother. Lymnades’

Scales are irrevocably shattered, and he is about to be finished, when he takes the form of

Shun. Ikki understands that this illusion also affects the mind, that’s why his friends were easily

defeated. When Kassa attempts one last attack, his heart is struck by Ikki’s fist, and is mortally

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injured. He can’t believe the boy would strike at his own brother, and believes the Phoenix to

be heartless. Before dying, he has the perverse wish of discovering Ikki’s vulnerability, and

probes his mind. There he finds the image of a beautiful blonde girl, and finds her name to be

Esmeralda. If he had known before, he would have used her image to defeat the Phoenix. As it

is, he can only die with the slight satisfaction of knowing that Ikki is human, after all.

Kiki comes running with the box of Libra, and Phoenix chooses the golden trident. He jumps

towards the Pillar and thrusts the weapon with all his strength, driving it deeper and deeper,

until the whole column fractures and falls apart. Four of the seven Pillars are destroyed, but

the impetuous boy is not satisfied, so he decides to take the fight directly to Poseidon, instead

of destroying the Pillars one by one. He strikes the vital points of each of his companions, to try

and stop their bleeding, and then leaves them there. Kiki is surprised to hear Phoenix say that

if his friends are strong enough, they will pick themselves up. If not, they are weak and deserve

to die.

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True Friendship. Unforeseen Returns.

Hyoga hears Ikki’s words, and thanks him. Phoenix understands the true meaning of

friendship, and trusts that the other Bronze Knights will get up by themselves and fight till the

end. He will not show condescension by helping them. Without answering, Ikki turns his back

to them and goes on. Hyoga stands up and does the same. Moments later, Shun also awakens

and tells Kiki to deliver the box of Libra to the next Pillar, and leave Seiya alone, who still

remains unconscious.

The Cygnus Knight finally reaches the Pillar of the Arctic Ocean, where he feels a terrible

freezing air. He demands the guardian to show up, and then a familiar figure appears. Isaac,

the long lost training partner, and friend, of Hyoga, reveals himself as the Mariner General of

the Arctic Ocean. A tough young man with a blinded left eye, he now goes by the name of

Isaac of Kraken.

Isaac was a good-natured boy that began his training under the Crystal Knight a year earlier

than Hyoga, and received the latter with open arms. They both trained arduously under the

Siberian weather, and Isaac proved to be the stronger, with a greater chance of becoming the

next Cygnus Knight. They became the best of friends, until the day when the elder boy

discovered the reason for Hyoga’s training. The Russian boy thought of rescuing his mother’s

body from the frozen sea with his newfound strength. For Isaac, whose ideal was justice, this

was a selfish goal. Just a couple of days later, Hyoga finally broke through the thick icecaps and

delved into the icy waters, only to be swept away by a strong current. He would have died, if it

weren’t for Isaac, who followed and saved him, at the expense of his own life. Or so Hyoga


His eye had been pierced by an icicle, and he was left unconscious, almost dead. When he

finally awoke, he was in Poseidon’s deep realm, where he met his destiny. He became the

Mariner of Kraken, a mythical creature he had always revered for its ruthlessness when

attacking pirates and other corrupt sailors. During his stay at the underwater temple, he heard

of the murderous rampage of the Knights of Athena. How they were continually killing each

other, and even his former friend Hyoga had killed his own masters, the Crystal Knight and

Camus of Aquarius. That was the last straw. For Isaac, the Knights of Athena were corrupt, and

the whole world was beyond salvation. It had to be cleansed and recreated. Poseidon had that

power, so he pledged himself to the sea god.

Hyoga feels in debt with his former partner, and asks for his left eye to be taken, to be even.

Isaac pokes him with his finger, but just injures his eyelid. Cygnus pleads with him, asking him

to reconsider, but the Mariner opens the duel with his mighty freezing air technique, the

Aurora Borealis, and blows Hyoga away. The Bronze Knight increases his Cosmos and strikes

with the Diamond Dust, slightly injuring his opponent. Isaac rises and unleashes once more his

Aurora Borealis, leaving Hyoga unconscious.

Just then, at the wrong moment, Kiki arrives with the box of Libra. Isaac sees and threatens

him. The child tries to use his telekinetic powers with loose rocks, but these are frozen by the

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Mariner’s power. Isaac starts to beat the child mercilessly, as the latter just won’t give up.

Recognizing the hardships the Knights are enduring, Kiki is prepared to do no less. Someday he

will be a Knight of Athena. Amid this terrible scene, Hyoga stands once again and demands

Isaac to stop. He picks up the child and gently lays him down on the floor.

Hyoga will finally fight with all his strength, and as his Cosmos expands his armor turns to gold,

and the images of both his masters, the Crystal Knight and Camus, appear behind him. Isaac

calls both of them weak for being defeated by their student. When he prepares for another

Aurora Borealis, Hyoga clasps his hands together and raises them over his head, in the

preparatory movements of the Aurora Execution. Isaac can’t believe the Bronze Knight will use

Camus’ ultimate technique, but he is nonetheless struck fully by it, and his Scales crack. He

falls, fatally wounded.

Picking the golden tongfar from the Libra Armor, Hyoga strikes at the Pillar, demolishing it. He

hears a moan coming from Isaac, and with his dying breath the latter tells him “Poseidon isn’t

your most terrible foe. He hasn’t awakened. There’s someone else behind everything,

manipulating…” The boy can’t believe the name that is whispered in his ear. It can’t be!

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The Hidden Villain.

Sea Dragon, the leading Mariner General, intercepts Ikki just before he enters Poseidon’s

Temple and throne room. The last one senses a strangely familiar Cosmos, and doesn’t

understand why his opponent isn’t guarding one of the Pillars. Suddenly, Sea Dragon’s aura

flares up and unleashes a powerful technique, the Galaxian Explosion, blowing Phoenix away.

The boy is filled with foreboding, and asks his enemy to show his face. As the Mariner removes

his helmet, the indomitable Ikki is struck by fear… it’s Saga of Gemini!

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the House of Aries, in the Sanctuary, Mu must refrain Aioria, for

the last one is desperate to go on to Poseidon’s realm and help the beleaguered Bronze

Knights. Mu has received very specific orders from the ancient master of Libra, to wait in the

Sanctuary, with the rest of the Gold Knights. No one understands.

Ikki stands corrected, as the man in front of him introduces himself as Kanon of Gemini, twin

brother of Saga. The tall man explains that, while his brother had both a good and an evil side,

he himself is nothing but evil. Thirteen years ago, he had tempted Saga with the idea of

murdering the Patriarch, as that one had chosen Aioros of Sagittarius to be his successor,

instead of him. As Kanon’s existence was unknown to everyone in the Sanctuary, he could act

as a secret assassin, and even murder the baby Athena herself. That way, both brothers would

be able to rule the Earth. The righteous Saga struck him down for such blasphemy and

wickedness. Kanon only laughed, for he knew his brother was lying to himself. Deep down,

they were the same. Saga was superficially a saint, but he was rotten inside. That angered the

Gold Knight, who imprisoned Kanon in a coastal cave in Cape Sunion, a jail that is flooded with

the rising of the tide. There the traitors against Athena are trapped, in a place where once

stood an ancient temple to Poseidon, when that god emerged to the surface. Only the will of a

god can save such a prisoner from drowning. And that was exactly what happened, as a

powerful Cosmos saved Kanon every time he was about to die.

Without further explanation, Kanon traces a triangle with his hands, unleashing his

counterpart to Saga’s Another Dimension, the Golden Triangle. His technique relates to the

triangle in the North Atlantic where everyone that vanishes never reappears. And so it is that

Phoenix is sent to another dimension, beyond time and space.

As Kanon leaves, he crosses paths with the other remaining Mariner General, the one that

supposedly died in Asgard, Sorrento of Siren. The gentle Sorrento is worried, as he thinks

Poseidon may not be the one who called for this holy war. He starts to suspect Sea Dragon,

and asks him to reveal his true identity. Kanon threatens Sorrento, but suddenly they both feel

a powerful Cosmos entering the Temple of Poseidon. Everything is starting to fall apart, and

Kanon orders his subordinate to return to his Pillar, while he does the same.

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Reunion of the Gold Knights. Athena's Song.

After defeating Thetis, Sheena is the first one to reach Poseidon’s throne room. There, the

incarnate god just sits calmly, waiting the demise of Athena. The female Knight reasons that

Julian Solo has never had any training, so he shouldn’t be much trouble. The regal young man

asks the impudent girl to show herself, and without moving a finger splits her mask, revealing

her face. Sheena doesn’t feel the Cosmos of any of her comrades, now that Ikki has vanished,

and thinks she’s the last Knight of Athena standing. She’s determined to fight until death, and

so moves to strike Poseidon, running at lightning speed. Again, the god not even stirs, but

unleashes a tremendous explosion that hurls the girl towards the ceiling, cracking it. She then

falls to the ground, unconscious.

Having finally awakened, Seiya also arrives at the throne room, and sees Sheena’s unmoving

body. He raises his Cosmos to battle Poseidon. The last one tells him that it’s futile, a god

cannot be harmed. Any attack against a god returns upon the aggressor. So it is that when

Seiya launches his Pegasus Meteors, they are reflected back at him!

Back in the Sanctuary, all the remaining Gold Knights are assembled, now that Milo, Shaka and

Aldebaran have joined Mu and Aioria. The Knight of Aries halts them all, saying that master

Roshi gave explicit orders for them to remain in the Sanctuary. Not even he knows the reason,

but he’s not going to disobey the ancient Knight, that is now the provisional leader, as there’s

no Patriarch. Nonetheless, Aioria is about to disobey his orders and follow the Bronze Knights.

The normally placid Mu stops him, and threatens to kill him, for disobeying orders would make

him a traitor. He’s not happy with making that kind of threats, but doesn’t relent. Aioria gives

up. In that moment they all feel a powerful Cosmos as the House of Sagittarius lightens, and a

thin golden ray points to the direction of Poseidon’s realm. Aioria’s pride swells as he senses

his brother’s spirit. Aioros is sending help to the young Knights.

Shun reaches the Pillar of the South Atlantic where, much to his surprise, he encounters

Sorrento of Siren, whom he thought had been killed by Siegfried. The Mariner had managed to

free himself from the God Warrior’s deadly embrace, and head down to earth. Pressed for

time, Shun rapidly strikes with his chain, but the attack is foiled when Sorrento traces a circle

with his flute, forming an impenetrable shield. The Siren commences his Dead End Symphony,

for which Andromeda’s defensive chain has no effect. The boy is racked by pain as the sweet

music pierces his brain, and even his armor is almost completely shattered by the high-pitched

notes. Before too long, Sorrento stops as he hears a soothing melody come from afar. Athena’s

Cosmos has turned to song, countering the Mariner's deadly music! Saori prays while floating

within the Main Support. With renewed vigor, Shun picks himself up and creates the Nebulous

Vapor, the effect prior to unleashing the Nebular Storm. Sorrento is apparently paralyzed, and

can’t play his flute. The peaceful boy pleads with the Mariner, trying to make him surrender.

He tells Sorrento that someone who plays such beautiful music can’t be evil. The latter is

moved by such comments, but nonetheless has to fulfill his duty, and so decides to finish the

battle quickly. When he starts to press the keys of his flute, Andromeda’s Cosmos expands and

unleashes the greatest storm ever, hurling him hundreds of feet into the watery sky. The way

is now clear for the Pillar to be destroyed.

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Seiya feels the tremor caused by the collapse of the South Atlantic Pillar. He stills faces

Poseidon, and won’t give up, as everyone’s hopes are placed in him. And also, the strength and

blood of the Gold Knights imbue his Armor. Julian Solo decides to rid Seiya of such a burden,

and blows his armor to pieces in just a second. The boy can’t believe it, an armor almost as

powerful as those of the Gold Knights, destroyed… When a new attack is about to blast Seiya,

someone gets between them. It’s Shiryu! With the mighty Dragon Shield he is barely holding

on against the god’s onslaught. Hyoga also arrives to help them, but in an instant they are all

blown away, and the armors of Dragon and Cygnus are also destroyed!

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Friends, When We Die, We Die Together.

At the Pillar of the North Atlantic, Kanon of Gemini is worried. Until now, Poseidon has

remained dormant, and so can be manipulated by him. But if the Knights of Athena continue

attacking him, they might awaken the god, and then all will be lost. He suddenly feels a

powerful presence, and the Phoenix reappears! Ikki explains that the Golden Triangle is

nothing compared to Saga’s Another Dimension. Kanon is less powerful than his brother. The

boy fires a thin red ray from his finger, piercing the Mariner’s brain. That is the Phantom Fist,

he explains. Now Kanon starts to remember, and reveal everything to Ikki.

Thirteen years ago, when he was in the coastal jail, he was saved many times by a powerful

but gentle Cosmos (it was Athena’s, Ikki will later tell him). Until the day he saw a strange

luminescence coming from one of the rock walls. He made a hole with his fist, and discovered

a secret chamber with Poseidon’s Trident, warded with Athena’s seal. Understanding the

power that comes with the possession of such a weapon, he released it, while destroying the

sigil. Immediately the ground gave way below him, and he fell into darkness. Upon regaining

consciousness, he found himself below the seas, in a ruined temple, that he quickly realized

belonged to Poseidon. In the inner chambers he found all of the Mariners’ Scales, waiting to be

taken. There was also an Urn with Athena’s seal, which he opened. In that moment Poseidon’s

spirit was released, and his own suit of Scales took a semblance of life. Kanon told the ancient

god that Athena had recently been reincarnated. As the two gods had been enemies since

mythical times, Poseidon would also possess the body from a member of the Solo family

(which had been dedicated to him for generations). Julian Solo was just three years old at that

time, so Kanon was instructed to awaken the god when the boy reached the age of sixteen,

not before. And then, Poseidon returned to his slumber. Kanon laughed maniacally, of course

he would not disturb his sleep. In fact, he would never awaken the god! In the name of

Poseidon, he would control the Mariners, and even manipulate the unwitting Julian Solo.

Just when everything seems lost, an extremely powerful Cosmos finally reaches the throne

room. Amid a blinding gold light, the Armor of Sagittarius appears, delivered by Aioros’ will. It

breaks into pieces, and settles over Seiya’s body. With renewed strength the boy launches his

Pegasus Meteors against Poseidon… but they are once more turned against him! There’s only

one last resource left to him, and so he pulls out the golden bow of Sagittarius. He aims and

increases his Cosmos, and fires the golden arrow. But the powerful projectile also stops midair,

and flies back to Seiya, piercing his chest plate, almost reaching his heart! It seems that no

attack will ever work against a god! Almost without hope, nonetheless the boy doesn’t give up,

and tries once more. This time the arrow will pass through the crack on his armor, and kill him,

but he’s prepared to give his life. He fires again, and the arrow returns once more, but

suddenly Sheena covers him with her body, with the arrow plunging into her back. Seiya

doesn’t understand, this girl that in times past had tried to kill him, now saves his life. She

declares her love, pulls the arrow from her back, and places it on his hand. Her body will be his


Seiya draws the bow once more, and fires the arrow. Predictably, the missile stops millimeters

from Julian’s body, and goes back the way it came. Pegasus can’t let Sheena die for him, so he

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pushes her out of the way. He’s half a second from dying, but it’s Shiryu’s chest that receives

the powerful blow. They are all going to serve as shields for Seiya. Now also Shun arrives, and

together with Hyoga and Shiryu, they place the golden arrow on his hand. All the young

Knights lend their Cosmos to Seiya, who aims once more. Knowing that the rebounded arrow

will kill one of his companions if he fails, he’s determined to make this shot count, putting all

his being into it. Flying through the air, the golden arrow flares with a golden fire, surrounded

by all the auras together… Pegasus, Dragon, Cygnus and Andromeda! It finally strikes Poseidon

on the forehead, removing his diadem. He just stands there, unmoving, stunned… and his

Cosmos dissipates. It seems the god has become once again just a man.

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The Awakening of Poseidon.

While the Bronze Knights go on to the Main Support, Poseidon opens his eyes once more. The

blood dripping from his forehead shows him he is human, but something has awakened in him.

No… he’s actually Poseidon. At last, he picks his trident, as his blue-green Cosmos expands

without limit, until it covers the whole temple. He is a god! Before the insolent boys reach the

Main Support, he brings them down with a mighty blast from his trident.

Poseidon has finally awakened. All is lost, Kanon reflects. As he is about to continue the battle,

the still-living Sorrento arrives at the Pillar of the North Atlantic, along with Kiki. The Mariner

has heard about Kanon’s plot, and is now willing to help the Knights of Athena. He instructs

Ikki to destroy the Pillar while he holds off Kanon. Phoenix delivers a powerful blow with the

golden shield, and the last of the Pillars is demolished. Sorrento now starts to play his Dead

End Symphony against Sea Dragon, but Ikki halts him. He has one last question for the plotter.

He needs to know where Athena’s Urn is located. Kanon explains that it is useless, since the

Urn is located along with Saori within the Main Support. Having all the information he needs,

now Ikki turns his back on Kanon, and leaves. No fight ensues.

The young Bronze Knights despair. Julian Solo was incredibly powerful, but the awakened

Poseidon is a hundred times more. When he unleashes another blast from his trident, a

miracle happens… the Armor of Aquarius appears out of nowhere and intercepts it! The spirit

of Camus is also helping them! The Golden Armor quickly breaks to pieces and envelopes

Hyoga’s body. Now Cygnus fires his Aurora Execution to counter a new attack from Poseidon’s

trident. The freezing air clashes with the blue-green energy from the god’s weapon, and it

seems to hold on for a second… but the divine blast overcomes it. When Hyoga is about to be

struck, Shiryu stops the blast with the shield of Libra, another of the Gold Armors is here to

help them! It settles over his body, and now the three boys are clad with the Armors of

Sagittarius, Aquarius and Libra. Their Cosmos increase dramatically, and they use

simultaneously the Pegasus Meteors, Rising Dragon and Aurora Execution against the god.

Poseidon is overwhelmed, and falls.

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Friends Forever. Long Live the Legend of the Knights.

With Poseidon down, the Knights now need to destroy the Main Support. Shiryu takes the

handle of the golden shield, and throws it against the titanic pillar. So far away, he can’t see

what happens, but the shield rebounds back and strikes him, toppling him. The mighty shield

of Libra is cracked and damaged, but the Main Support isn’t even nicked. They follow up with

the rest of the arms of Libra, but none of them works, and they are all damaged by the

attempts. Seiya can only think of one solution, to turn his body into a projectile. He asks his

friends to use all of their strength to launch him against the Main Support.

As Hyoga and Shiryu have doubts, for Seiya will probably be killed, Poseidon stands once again,

and is about to finish them, when Ikki grabs him from behind, holding him, and prompting his

friends to do as they are told. Hyoga and Shiryu use the power of the Aurora Execution and the

Rising Dragon to propel Seiya, who flies away like a bright comet. Poseidon frees himself from

Phoenix grasp, and blows him away. He is about to use his power to stop the flight of Pegasus,

but all the Bronze Knights together stand in the way. Ikki and Shun, with their armors turning

to gold, join Hyoga and Shiryu, and their auras intertwine and block the Cosmos of the god!

Poseidon remains powerless as Seiya pierces with his body the Main Support, which cracks and

starts to crumble!

The oceans come crushing down on Poseidon’s realm, as a grim Seiya walks out of the base of

the Main Support carrying Saori on his arms. The sea god has been defeated, and his rage

knows no bounds. The girl recovers and stands on her own, confronting Poseidon. She raises

the Urn that had held his spirit captive, and commands him to return to it. He doesn’t heed

her, and instead hurls his trident, but before it plunges into Athena’s body, Seiya places

himself in the way, and fully receives the thrust. He gives thanks to Aioros’ spirit, for his armor

has once again protected the goddess.

Athena faces Poseidon, and the last one tells her she can’t win, as she has no fighting skills. But

she has her Knights, and now, at the last moment, THEY lend their Cosmos to her, and give her

the strength to counter Poseidon. She commands him, and pulls his spirit out of Julian’s body,

trapping the god once more in the Urn. The oceans finally cover the whole realm, and the

Knights are left floating in the deep waters. Seiya, Hyoga, Shiryu, Shun, Ikki, Sheena and Kiki

are brought together by Saori’s warm Cosmos, while she brings them to the surface.

The clouds part and the rain stops, as the sun shines once more. Seiya and his friends can now

rest and rejoice. Peace has been restored to the world. And there is hope, for, whenever evil

shall arise, Athena and her Knights will be there to protect mankind.

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The Hades Saga - Chapter Sanctuary

The Final Holy War.

A tear falls from Athena’s Statue, and Saori is beheaded by a shadowy figure with a scythe.

On the Rozan waterfall in China, ancient master Roshi realizes he has just had a vision, a

portent. He knows the time has come, maybe too soon. A nearby dilapidated structure, looking

like a mountain peak from afar, crumbles. At last, the seal that was placed 243 years ago has

lost its power, and the 108 spirits guided by Hades, King of the Underworld, will resurrect from

the deepest darkness. A new Holy War begins.

Night covers the Sanctuary as a shroud, and on the Knights' graveyard, Sheena, along with Ichi

of Hydra and Nachi of Wolf, discovers several defiled tombs. They have not been dug, but

seem to have burst from within, like the corpses crawled out of their own graves. The dead

can’t return by themselves, unless…

Many falling stars are seen across the night sky, and at the entrance to the First House, Mu of

Aries feels uneasy. A shrouded figure appears out of nowhere, and the soft-spoken Knight

halts it. Anyone who dares enter the Temple of Aries will forfeit his life. The ominous figure

approaches, and Mu distinguishes its face from within the shadow of the cowl, recognizing the

man in front of him, who demands respect. The Gold Knight calls him “Master”, and kneels!

This Master orders him to bring Athena’s head before twelve hours have passed. Even though

Mu seems to bow to this mysterious man, he refuses. At that moment, red rose petals fall in

front of him, and two new shrouded figures appear… Aphrodite of Pisces and Deathmask of


Mu mistakes them with restless spirits, but he is quickly corrected as they present themselves

as loyal servants of Hades, King of the Underworld, who has given them new life. Mu feels

shame for them, but Deathmask counters telling he doesn’t understand the horror of the Land

of the Dead. At that moment both renegade Knights tear apart their black robes, revealing the

armors of Pisces and Cancer… but no, these are not the gold suits. Instead, they are dark as the

night, with a cold glimmer like moonlight. The armors of the Underworld, the Surplices of

Hades’ Spectres!

Deathmask threatens Mu, who in turn opens his arms in a halting gesture. He doesn’t want to

disobey this “Master”, but at the same time can’t let anyone through the House of Aries. With

a gliding leap he evades the traitor Knights, and upon landing creates a seemingly fragile wall

of yellow glass in front of him. Cancer unleashes his terrible Infernal Waves, which are turned

upon him! Immediately, Pisces fires his Piranha Roses that can pierce any defense. A swarm of

black roses spins around him and flies against Mu’s barrier… but they all rebound and strike

Aphrodite instead, cracking his Surplice!

As both opponents lie on the floor, the first guardian of the Sanctuary explains to them that

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any attack made against this Crystal Wall will return to the aggressor, like striking one’s image

on a mirror. The “Master” expresses his irritation, and demands Mu to lower his defense… and

suddenly shatters it by himself, with little effort! He orders the other two to go forth and bring

Athena’s head. As former guardians, they have intimate knowledge of the Sanctuary, and

know all the secret passages, it should be no problem for them. Mu is about to strike, but the

Master warns him that attacking them is like attacking him, as they are his subordinates. With

a mighty jump Deathmask lands in front of the Gold Knight, and punches him, knocking him

back several feet. Mu does not cede, and the former Knight of Cancer strikes him many times

at incredible speed. His aura shines a dark purple. When he’s about to unleash a new attack,

he’s pushed back by dozens of streaking meteors, Seiya is here!

The Bronze Knight of Pegasus can’t believe his eyes when he sees the two supposedly dead

Gold Knights standing there, with their mocking smiles. Mu explains to him that these are not

ghosts, but warriors of Hades, Spectres. Seiya doesn’t know who this Hades is, and is told that

he’s the true enemy of Athena, the god that rules through fear and darkness. His Spectres have

been freed now that Athena’s seal, placed when the last Holy War ended, is broken. To stop

him from conquering the world, Athena has brought together her (remaining) Gold Knights to

the Sanctuary. Now Seiya finally understands why they didn’t join the fight against Poseidon

on the undersea Temple. As the boy realizes this, Mu orders him to leave, as this is no place for

a Bronze Knight. Those are Athena’s orders, and death awaits the ones who disobey. Saori is

expelling the young Knights.

As the boy doubts, Mu strikes him with a golden light. Seiya still disbelieves, and now an

irritated Deathmask attacks him, telling that they (the Bronze Knights) have already done their

work, they are no longer needed. Seiya bare-handedly stops Cancer’s kick, and finally

summons forth the Pegasus Armor! Deathmask mocks the remains of the Bronze Armor,

cracked and damaged from the previous war against Poseidon. The boy launches his Pegasus

Meteors and sends him flying for hundreds of feet! When he is about to unleash again his

technique, Mu strikes him with a thin golden ray through the chest, bringing him down. The

Gold Knight once more orders Seiya to stand back, and the boy despairs, thinking that Saori

really doesn’t need the Bronze Knights anymore.

When Deathmask is about to reveal the name of this “Master” and kill Seiya, he is stopped by

Mu, who again sends him spinning through the air. The gentle Gold Knight lights his Cosmos

and tells the boy to “Rest in peace”. Unleashing his Starlight Extinction, he disintegrates Seiya,

whose last scream is a call to Saori.

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The Three Grieving Souls.

Deathmask and Aphrodite are astounded at Seiya’s sudden disappearance, but the “Master” is

not impressed by the Starlight Extinction, and simply asks Mu where he sent the boy, believing

he was teleported away. Mu sighs in relief when the hooded man drops the subject,

uninterested in a mere Bronze Knight. The Master orders his two subordinates to go on and

take Athena’s head, but these are stopped by another attack from the Gold Knight. Finally the

peaceful Mu is ready to show his true might, as he raises his flaming gold Cosmos to the

maximum. The Master tells Deathmask and Aphrodite to run away before it’s too late, but the

two renegade Knights decide to launch their most powerful attacks, the Infernal Waves and

the Bloody Rose… and instead they get obliterated by the Starlight Extinction!

On the Rozan waterfall, Roshi is visited by the girl Shunrei, who suspects he is about to leave.

She asks when he is going to return, and receives a simple answer: “Never”. The tiny old man

does not want to make her worry about what’s coming, and advices her to hold on to her

beloved Shiryu. Roshi thinks about the young Bronze Knights, Seiya, Shiryu, and their friends,

and regrets the incessant fights they had to endure. He now wishes, as does Saori, for them to

lead peaceful lives, like normal boys. And as he says farewell to Shunrei, he jumps off the

waterfall, never to return. As the girl stands there, her gaze following the ancient master’s fall,

three shrouded figures approach her.

Back in the Sanctuary, the so-called Master tells Mu that it’s foolish to believe that killing

Deathmask and Aphrodite will end the battle. The Gold Knight stands fast, ready to fight the

108 Spectres of Hades, but it’s not the Spectres he has to worry about, as three new robed

figures appear, one of them within a whirlwind, another amidst frost and chilling air, and the

last one covered by the image of galaxies.

At the graveyard, Sheena and her subordinate Bronze Knights discover even more desecrated

graves. The fierce female Knight understands that the attack on the Sanctuary is coming from

within, but despairs when she finds the graves of three of the most powerful Gold Knights


Shunrei is interrogated by the three mysterious men, who ask about Roshi and Shiryu. When

they threaten to kill her, a deep voice halts them. The blind Shiryu has arrived. The three

figures remove their robes and reveal themselves as Algol of Perseus, Capella of Auriga and

Dante of Cerberus, former Silver Knights, now returned to life by Hades’ power. None of them

know where Roshi has gone, but are there to kill the young Dragon nonetheless. They launch

their attacks in succession against the unarmored Shiryu, who falls. The boy picks himself up,

and as his aura flares, he unleashes the mighty Rising Dragon against all three opponents,

defeating them in an instant, as they come crashing down after being hurled skywards for

dozens of feet.

The stone floor cracks under the feet of the three new enemies facing Mu. They rip their

robes, and show themselves. Shura of Capricorn, Camus of Aquarius… and Saga of Gemini! The

Gold Knights reborn! Immediately, Shura strikes with Excalibur, but Mu promptly vanishes and

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reappears several feet behind his position. He is saved by the teleportation, and only one hair

has been cut by the sharp hand of Capricorn. Now Camus unleashes his Diamond Dust, hurling

Mu against a stone column. The Knight of Aries does not surrender, even though he’s hurt, and

thus Saga is now determined to end his valiant efforts.

Mu accuses the three traitorous Gold Knights of selling their souls, but Saga corrects him by

saying they just saw an opportunity they could not refuse. The tranquil muvian is enraged

upon hearing that, and hurls a potent stream of light against Gemini… which is caught bare-

handed and dissipated like an afterthought! Saga strikes back, and Mu swiftly teleports high

over his position, barely avoiding harm, but is caught midair by a leaping Camus! Aries is struck

and lands sliding on the floor, when suddenly a lightning-fast Shura makes another successful

attack, sending him flying.

Mu crashes heavily, and as he raises his head, he has a strange feeling. He can see the grieving

souls of his former comrades, and their crying hearts, as the image of blood tears appears on

their faces. Saga is about to finish him, but is halted by the Master, who in turn paralyzes Mu

with his terrible power. The latter orders them to get Athena’s head before sunrise, and they

dutifully obey, starting their journey through the Twelve Houses.

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The Return of the Patriarch. Old Friends.

The mysterious “Master” proclaims his fondness of Mu, and tells him his death will be swift

and painless, as such a worthy Knight deserves. When he’s about to kill him, an ominous thing

happens… the twelve ghostly flames of the Tower Clock ignite. A small figure approaches him,

advancing slowly with a walking stick. The purple-skinned and bearded Roshi has finally arrived

at the Sanctuary after 243 years of absence. His first words are to the so-called Master, who he

hails as a long-lost friend. They haven’t seen each other since his last visit to the Sanctuary,

and Roshi didn’t expect to see his counterpart in this situation. “Show your face, my friend, the

one who died because of Saga’s madness, one of the Gold Knights… Shion of Aries”. At that

moment Shion unveils himself, the former Gold Knight of Aries, Mu’s teacher… and Patriarch

of the Sanctuary.

Despite Shunrei’s best efforts and affection, Shiryu leaves Rozan. He has a duty to fulfill, and

won’t remain idle after his master’s disappearance, who never left the waterfall in centuries,

be it raining or snowing.

Shion should be 261 years of age like his friend Dohko, who the Bronze Knights know as Roshi.

But the leader of the resurrected Knights still has the body of an 18-year old, a man in his

prime, as he was during the last Holy War against Hades. After joining the god he was granted

a vigorous new life, in contrast to Dohko’s shriveled form. The last one tells him that that’s an

illusion, that this supposed “life” will only last for twelve hours, and that’s why he lighted

himself the blue flames of the Tower Clock. They only have that time to reach Athena, and kill


Dohko easily frees Mu from the paralysis, and commands him to pursue Saga and the others,

and help the remaining Gold Knights defeat all of Hades’ Spectres. The defenders must last for

twelve hours. Shion is about to stop his former disciple, but in turn is challenged by the tiny old

man. It has been 243 years since their last duel, so there’s no need to hurry. Between these

warriors, it could turn into the 1.000 Days Battle…

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Hades' Spectres. Rhadamanthys and Pandora.

In a dark neo-gothic castle in Germany, an entrancing and peaceful melody can be heard. It is

played on a harp by the black fingernails of a beautiful girl. The room’s ceiling is decorated

with the paintings of cherubs in a paradisiacal landscape. A mighty warrior slowly opens the

heavy double-doors, wearing a baroque and winged armor. Removing his horned helmet, he

kneels before the girl, who stops her performance. The lady Pandora, without opening her

eyes, recognizes him as Rhadamanthys of Wyvern, of the Celestial Fierce Star. He is here asking

for permission to travel to the Sanctuary and battle Athena’s Knights by himself, but his

request is denied by the lady. The proud man doesn’t trust the resurrected Gold Knights to do

the job. Pandora tells him that Hades, with his kind heart, will not risk his own Spectres in this

fight, and that’s why he sent the renegade Knights to kill Athena. Rhadamanthys still has

doubts, but he is put in his place by his lady’s soft menacing voice.

At the Kido Mansion in Japan, Shun has dreams about his childhood, while clutching his

brother’s picture and a pendant with the legend “Yours Ever”, that his late mother gave him

when he was just a baby. His dream turns to a nightmare, as the figure of his brother becomes

that of a dark-haired little girl, watching him in his crib. As he wakes up, he thinks about the

fate of Ikki. He hasn’t seen him since the last battle against Poseidon, but he’s confident that

his elder brother is okay, being so strong and all. Suddenly, he has a strange premonition, a

bad feeling about Saori. Again he sees the image of the ominous little girl, and realizes

something wrong is happening in the Sanctuary. He decides to leave immediately, bound for


Outside the mansion, on the courtyard, he is stopped by Tatsumi, Saori’s butler, who wears his

kendo uniform and wooden sword. He is told to remain far from the Sanctuary, like the other

Bronze Knights. Shun can’t believe Saori made that order, and does not desist. When Tatsumi

tries to hit him again, he easily knocks him unconscious with a hand strike.

Mu arrives at the House of Taurus, loudly calling for Aldebaran. He is overly glad when he finds

his friend standing… but something’s wrong. The giant still remains in his defensive posture,

with arms outstretched, head lowered, and without making any sound. Mu finally understands

that his dear friend is gone. As a true warrior, he died standing, never surrendering his

guardianship of the temple. A single mote of light, the remains of Aldebaran’s Cosmos, circles

the grieving Knight of Aries, who holds it between his hands. Strangely, the Armor of Taurus

remains intact, without a scratch. Suddenly, a voice comes from the shadows of the temple,

and the man who paralyzed and killed Aldebaran appears… Niobe, Spectre of the Deep, of the

Terrestrial Darkness Star.

The frustrated Rhadamanthys is approached by a tiny and deformed figure, Zeros of Frog, of

the Terrestrial Strange Star, who informs him that his orders have been completed. Contrary to

Pandora’s will, a dozen Spectres have been sent to the Sanctuary. Rhadamanthys might incur

his lady’s wrath, but he is more worried about the resurrected Gold Knights, who he thinks

might turn against Hades.

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Two powerful warriors approach the gates of the castle. Many of the guards are killed in a

matter of seconds. A single rose pierces the heart of one of the lesser Spectres, turning from

white to red. Aphrodite and Deathmask, still alive and with their damaged Surplices, demand

an audience with King Hades himself. The heavy wooden doors creak as they open, and the

mighty shape of Rhadamanthys emerges out of the darkness. Aphrodite unleashes his Piranha

Roses, and immediately Deathmask does the same with the Infernal Waves... but they are all

dissipated like a minor nuisance! The Spectre introduces himself as one of the Three Judges of

Hell, and sends them flying with a terrible explosion!

Aphrodite and Deathmask come crashing down on a dreadful place, filled with silent spirits

walking towards an infinite crater. The former Knight of Cancer recognizes this as Yomotsu, the

entrance to Hell. As Rhadamanthys materializes right in front of them, they beg forgiveness,

not wanting to return to the Underworld. But the ruthless Spectre knocks them, picks them up

from their throats, and hurls them himself into the endless pit…

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Aldebaran's Final Attack.

Clad in a grotesque armor, Niobe laughs maniacally. He explains that the real mission of the

resurrected Knights was to guide the true Spectres through the Twelve Houses. Unleashing his

technique, the Deep Fragrance, he immobilizes and weakens Mu with a putrid smell and dark

Cosmos that affects the nervous system. The Gold Knight seems to vanish into darkness, but

when Niobe approaches, he is confronted by his reflection on a crystal wall… and then Mu’s

face appears! As the wall shatters, the Spectre is thrown back, heavily crashing against a stone

pillar. The gentle Knight calmly walks towards the exit of the temple, leaving Niobe behind. The

Spectre calls him back, shouting with his rasping voice, claiming that the fight isn’t over, but

Mu asks him “Why would I fight with someone who is already dead?” He explains to Niobe

Aldebaran’s last moments. The kind guardian of Taurus felt the Spectre’s presence before he

even showed himself, when the delicate violet he was admiring (a gift from a small Greek girl

to the cheerful Aldebaran) was withered by the stinking fragrance. The thought of this girl

being harmed gave the powerful Knight strength to break his paralysis for a second, enough to

launch his roaring Great Horn, before he died. Niobe believes he escaped that attack, as he

didn’t see any harm come upon him, but now, as Mu exits the temple and mourns his friend,

the body of the Spectre implodes from Aldebaran’s final attack…

As Shun arrives at the port near the Kido Mansion, he is intercepted by three men that attack

him… Dio of Musca, Algethi of Hercules, and Sirius of Canis Major. The Silver Knights have been

resurrected by Hades! The boy dodges their punches and kicks, but now they unleash their

deadly techniques, Cornephoros and the Great Mountain Smasher! Shun doesn’t give up,

believing that his friends are already on their way to the Sanctuary, and so calls forth the

Andromeda Armor, that emerges with a blinding light from the Bronze Box. Immediately his

three opponents charge against him, but he launches his Nebular Chain so fast, that it seems

to turn into a hundred chains striking all of them at once! With just one strike he has defeated

three Silver Knights.

Mu approaches the House of Gemini, and suddenly senses an immense Cosmos coming out of

it, but he feels it belongs to an ally that is trying to stop the advance of the enemy. Who’s

protecting the temple? Inside the building, Saga, Shura and Camus are confronted by a Golden

Armor. The man inside of it remains deadly silent, and with his face hidden by the shadows of

the crown-like helm, that has two masks at its sides, one frowning, the other smiling. Saga

faces an unknown warrior, and the Armor of Gemini…

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Redemption. The Gold Knight of Gemini.

In the back of the Patriarch’s Chambers, Saori receives the visit of Milo, who is checking on her

well-being. He has felt a powerful Cosmos nearby. The Spectres are coming nearer, and he’s

worried. The girl tells him not to worry, that the one that has come is no enemy. He has

returned as a powerful ally, and is now protecting the House of Gemini. Milo can’t believe it, is

that man still alive?

Saga, Shura and Camus face the Armor of Gemini, that stands in their way. The first one is also

surprised by the presence of this new guardian. This is the second time this man has stood in

his way, and in the past was responsible for Saga’s downfall and corruption. He prompts Shura

and Camus to go on and continue to the next House, and they comply, running past the golden

figure. Saga tells the mysterious man in front of him, that he should be dead since his

imprisonment in Cape Sunion, thirteen years back. He should have been punished by the gods.

But in turn, the man clad in the Armor of Gemini responds that Saga was the one punished,

and now has become Hades’ puppet.

In eastern Siberia, Hyoga stands over the eternal icecaps covering the ocean where his

mother’s body rests. He leaves a bouquet of flowers on the ice. With the power he has

achieved, he could easily reach the dark depths, but he has sworn to visit her no more. As he

gazes at the northern lights, he sheds a single tear from his right eye, for his left one is

bandaged, still hurt from his battle with Isaac. A falling star crosses the night sky, and he

senses powerful Cosmos approaching the Sanctuary. When he is about to depart, three

shrouded figures with dark purple auras confront him.

Within the House of Gemini, Saga asks his opponent with whose authority he is guarding that

temple. A voice sounding exactly like his responds that it is with Athena’s, obviously. The

mysterious man explains that he was saved many times, thirteen years ago in Cape Sunion,

and more recently in the collapsing Temple of Poseidon. He could feel Athena’s loving Cosmos,

which cleansed his heart, ridding it from evil. From now on, he will fight for justice, and for

Athena. He will prevent evil from taking a single step within his temple. Saga reminds him that

Shura and Camus are already on their way out… but he is told that those two are currently

trapped in the illusion of the Labyrinth of Light and Shadow. The former Gold Knight of Gemini

and usurper Patriarch still can’t believe that the man in front of him has sworn loyalty to

Athena, after all the harm and suffering he has caused. Finally, he launches his attack,

removing the helm from his counterpart’s head… but there’s nothing within! He follows up

with another strike that sends all the pieces of the Gold Armor flying, revealing that it was

empty all along, controlled from a distance. This opponent has been imitating him the whole

time, and Saga is fed up. His dark purple Cosmos flares up, and the image of galaxies surrounds

him. He extends his arms accumulating energy, and then points with his open palms in front of

him… and a terrible purple ray is unleashed, that travels through the ten remaining Houses of

the Zodiac! After crossing the last temple it soars high and comes crashing down on the

Patriarch’s Chamber, piercing the roof and ending in a mighty explosion!

Milo can’t believe the power of this attack. He runs toward the point of impact, a few tens of

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yards from his (and Saori’s) position. There still remains a small manifestation of Cosmos on

the broken floor, appearing as a tiny swirling galaxy. He knows there’s only one man that can

make such an attack… Saga. But now, he has finally found the source of the strange Cosmos

within the Patriarch’s Chamber, it’s Kanon! Milo slowly approaches, climbing down the stairs.

He orders Kanon to leave the Sanctuary immediately. Even though Athena has forgiven the

manipulator of Poseidon, the Gold Knights won’t trust him. Milo is prepared to kill him right

away if he resists. Kanon stands fast, and is prepared to fight for, and protect, the goddess. The

Knight of Scorpio decides then that he will be the traitor’s first opponent, and warns him one

last time. As he does not cede, Milo moves with blinding speed and unleashes the first Scarlet

Needle against the unarmored opponent. He then launches the second and third strikes

simultaneously, explaining that the Scarlet Needle causes excruciating pain akin to the

poisonous sting of a scorpion, leaving the victim with two choices: madness or death. Kanon is

knocked back several feet, and lands cracking the stone floor. He won’t give up, and stands

once again, only to receive four stings at the same time! Milo wonders why his opponent

won’t strike back, or even defend himself. It seems Kanon is taking the Scarlet Needles on


Amidst the frozen wasteland, Hyoga faces the reborn Silver Knights, Babel of Centaurus, Moses

of Cetus, and the Lizard Misty, all clad in their dark Surplices, vile copies of their former

Armors. They have orders from Hades to kill the boy right there. So confident they remain, that

they are willing to let Hyoga put his armor on. Having allied themselves with Hades, the boy

tells them their Cosmos has been corrupted, and are now no match for him. Removing his

heavy fur cloak, his aura flares with a white-blue brilliance. He receives all their simultaneous

attacks, easily stopping them, and with each parry freezes their limbs. With a mighty jump he

distances himself from the enemy, and now with his arms imitates the graceful movements of

a swan’s wings, as frost and ice shards begin to form on the air around him. Lowering his

clasped hands, he unleashes the Aurora Thunder Attack, and sends the Silver Knights flying for

dozens of feet, covered in ice. The last one to perish, Babel trusts Hyoga with Athena’s life.

Once more, the severely wounded Kanon picks himself up, and challenges Milo to continue his

onslaught. He won’t let himself be killed before he has fulfilled his duty towards Athena, and

defeated the enemy. The Knight of Scorpio understands that his opponent is willing to purge

his sins by receiving the fifteen Scarlet Needles. He launches five more stings. Saori tries to

stop him, saying that Kanon has really repented and is trying to help them. But the Gold Knight

is relentless, as he remembers all the blood spilled by that man’s fault. He will not forgive so

easily. Kanon must be willing to sacrifice his own life. And as the last one stands again, Milo

strikes with two more Needles, leaving him bleeding all over the floor. The unarmored man

stands up for the final time, ready to receive the last strike, Antares. Everything turns to red,

tainted by Milo’s immensely powerful Cosmos. His red fingernail pierces Kanon’s chest, who

falls… but does not bleed. He has not launched Antares, but instead hit the opponent’s blood

center, stopping the hemorrhage. Milo asks Saori for permission to return to his temple, as

Hades’ Spectres continue their advance. Kanon, astounded, picks himself up and asks the Gold

Knight if he is willing to leave Athena alone with the enemy. But the departing Milo tells him

“There are no enemies here, only my partner, the Gold Knight Kanon of Gemini”.

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Shura and Camus finally come running out of the temple of Gemini, followed by Saga, who

walks slowly and deliberately. As the three continue their journey through the Twelve Houses,

the former Gold Knight of Gemini sheds tears of pride for his brother, Kanon.

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Transitory Reunion.

The three renegade Gold Knights run towards the House of Cancer, where they expect no

opposition. Still... they sense a strange presence. Shura and Camus feel nervous, while Saga

enters stoically. Inside, they find themselves immersed in a bleak and horrifying landscape, a

gray land where millions of desperate shades walk towards, and fall into, an infinitely deep

crater, Yomotsu... the Temple has become the gate to Hell. Immediately, they recognize this as

an illusion, but of terrible proportions. Dozens of hungry corpses emerge from the earth and

take hold of them.

With little effort the former Knights of Athena get rid of the ghoulish dead. Shura and Camus

are surprised that Saga can't feel the Cosmos of the one creating the illusion, as he had felt

Kanon's at the House of Gemini. Only an incredibly powerful enemy can hide his identity while

expelling a Cosmos of such magnitude. Even more corpses come out of the ground, but Saga

will not waste any more time, and unleashes the Galaxian Explosion, completely shattering the


Shiryu finally arrives at the Sanctuary, but is attacked by an unknown opponent. Facing him is

the Phoenix Ikki, who relies Athena's orders, that no Bronze Knight shall approach the

Sanctuary, for their presence imperils her. The blind warrior can't believe Ikki is giving up, but

the latter tells him he is just watching, and won't team-up with anyone. The angry Shiryu

throws some half-hearted punches, while his counterpart asks him what he is fighting for. He

answers that it's for Athena and his friends, and all they stand for. In the face of this response,

Ikki just smirks and knocks him down with a powerful attack. The Dragon stands once more,

surrounded by a flaming green aura, as he raises his Cosmos. Before such determination, the

Phoenix replies "If that is so, then I will let you reunite with the other idiot...". He simply walks

away, and when Shiryu calls for him, he just says "You seem to forget that I will not ally myself

with anyone".

Shion watches the tower clock, as the flame of Gemini goes out. He is worried that his three

subordinates are wasting too much time in the House of Cancer. Dohko laughs at him. "Maybe

they are lost", he says mockingly. They remember the last holy war against Hades, being both

of them the only survivors among Athena's Knights.

The blind Dragon finds Seiya lying on the stone floor of the Sanctuary's coliseum, the very

same place where he fought for the Pegasus Armor. Mu feigned his attack and teleported the

boy here, saving his life. Seiya asks his friend how did he find him, and Shiryu answers that he

was guided by Ikki. Upon hearing that name, the small boy's spirits rise. The Phoenix is worth

one hundred warriors. His friend calmly tells him that the powerful Bronze Knight won't be

coming with them. As they see the blue flames of the tower clock, they both remember the

last time they were lit, during their terrible battle for Athena Saori's life. Seiya still thinks of

Ikki, and doubts his courage, at this most crucial time. The wise Shiryu explains to him that it's

not in their friend's character to have any fear, and that Ikki probably knows something they

don't. He just did the same as Mu, tried to stop them from entering the Sanctuary. In time they

will understand, but not for now. Nonetheless, Seiya stands, cheerful, and leads the way

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towards Athena, followed by Shiryu... while being watched from afar by the Phoenix.

The three resurrected Knights feel they have been running through the House of Cancer for

hours, and can't find the way out. Suddenly a blinding light appears. Shura and Camus run

towards it, believing it to be the exit. Saga follows carefully. The light engulfs them and

suddenly they find themselves... on Buddha's palm! All their effort wasted, all this time, they

had been running around Buddha's hand. Saga finally understands, there's only one person

capable of doing all they've seen, the closest man to a God... Shaka of Virgo! The former Knight

of Gemini destroys this new illusion... but now faces a million corpse hands coming out of the

Temple's stone floor! Shaka is trying to imprison them forever in the House of Cancer, and his

illusion can only be shattered by killing him. Saga once more unleashes the full power of the

Galaxian Explosion, firing a huge purple ray that travels all the distance to the House of Virgo,

bringing it down on top of Shaka! He can feel his victim still alive, as Shaka brought a powerful

shield into existence, that protects him from all harm. The Knight of Virgo speaks directly with

his mind, calling them "Hades' puppets". Until now, he was delaying them, but now he has no

choice but to eliminate them. A light emanates from between his hands, and as he raises his

Cosmos to the maximum, the image of a huge blossoming lotus envelops him, finally

unleashing the Celestial Demon Capitulation. A huge golden ray travels all the way back to the

House of Cancer, turning it to rubble!

The former Patriarch, Shion, can feel the Cosmos of his subordinates being extinguished.

"Their effort has been in vain, they have returned to the Underworld", Dohko tells him. Shion

is about to follow them, but he is stopped by his ancient friend. He can't go on. The time for

their final battle is at hand, the duel between the bicentennial Knights begins...

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Clash of the Ancient Warriors.

A terrible explosion is unleashed at the entrance of the House of Aries, as Shion's and Dohko's

Cosmos collide. The two warriors still stand, but the first one remains confident, as he feels his

old friend's strength dwindling. Once they were equally powerful, but age has taken its toll on

the Libra Knight. The tiny old man is thrown against a stone pillar by another attack.

Seiya and Shiryu run through the winding stairs of the Sanctuary, until the latter feels his

master's Cosmos in battle with another one, just as mighty. He tells Pegasus to go on and find

Athena, while he joins his master.

Thanks to Hades, Shion has regained his strength, while Dohko has shriveled guarding Athena's

seal that imprisoned the 108 Spectres. Another explosion sends the ancient master flying. His

small body comes crashing down, and the stone floor cracks beneath him. Shiryu comes to

fight at his side, but his master sends him flying in turn! The Bronze Knight is told that he

should not have left the Five Peaks. Dohko orders him to leave at once, but the stubborn

Dragon does not comply. Shion appears from behind a tall column, surprising the blind boy.

The last one is about to attack, but is halted by his master. Dohko explains to him, the man

confronting them is the true Patriarch that was murdered by the insane Saga. They fought side

by side during the last Holy War against Hades, and he is also Mu's teacher... Shion of Aries.

Dohko asks his old friend if he is happy with his current life and youthfulness, being both just

an illusion. Life is precious because you experience it only once. The shriveled old man is

disappointed with his former comrade, as he has succumbed to life's temptation. He is ready

to kill Shion, so as to return him to his former self. His Cosmos expands to incredible

proportions, the image of steam and ripples on the floor are seen, and dozens of dragons

emerge... as he unleashes the One Hundred Dragons of Rozan! Shion raises the Crystal Wall,

but it cracks!

At the graveyard, Sheena orders her subordinates, Ichi of Hydra, Nachi of Wolf, and Jabu of

Unicorn, to stop searching through the graves, as it is pointless now. There's nothing more to

do but kill any intruders approaching the Sanctuary. Finally, Shun and Hyoga arrive and

approach the group. Sheena tells them to leave immediately, as Athena ordered. Seeing an

unnecessary battle coming, Shun convinces his friend not to fight. He respects Saori's will, but

cannot leave her undefended, even though he hates fighting. Sheena, seeing their resistance,

raises her Cosmos in preparation for the battle. Hyoga does the same, and the air freezes. He

imitates the swan's flapping wings with his arms, as tiny ice crystals form all around him. A

snowflake touches Sheena's mask and melts, becoming a tear over the cold metal face.

Suddenly, she turns her back on him, and allows them to pass, while begging them to be

careful, for the enemy is mighty.

Even though the Crystal Wall was pierced, Shion still stands unharmed, proud. He tells his

friend that age has betrayed him, if he were as strong as he was 243 years ago, the One

Hundred Dragons would have been effective, and lethal. It is now his turn to use the ultimate

technique, Stardust Revolution! Hundreds of tiny falling stars appear and strike out against his

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opponents, hurling Dohko and Shiryu into the air! As he is about to behead the old master,

Shiryu summons his Bronze Armor and confronts him. With just one hand, he stops the boy's

Rising Dragon attack. A Bronze Knight is nothing more than an irritation. He is about to strike,

but is halted by Dohko, who stands once more. The last one tells Shiryu not to interfere. The

boy answers that he cannot stand by and watch everybody else fight, while pretending that

nothing happens. He prefers to choose his fate and die in battle. “Always so correct, always so

brave”, exclaims his master. “That is your weakness, but also your strength. I understand.

Would you die by my side?”

Shion prompts his ancient friend to say farewell to his disciple, for their end is at hand. He calls

forth the stardust... but suddenly the majestic Armor of Libra appears! The former Patriarch

just smiles with disdain, the Armor is useless, as Dohko's shrunk body can't fit in. “So you

believe?”, is the old master's simple response... and an immense Cosmos is expelled from his

body. His purple skin starts to crack as a shell... and his fully grown and youthful form emerges

from within! With his robe torn, on his bare back appears the tattoo of a ferocious tiger. He is,

once again, the Gold Knight Dohko of Libra!

Dohko explains that he's been using the divine ability called Misopetha-menos, the Slumber of

the Gods, granted by Athena herself. 243 years ago, when the last war against Hades ended,

only two Knights survived, and were entrusted with the mission to prepare for the next Holy

War. Shion was named Patriarch, to protect the Sanctuary, while Dohko was sent to watch

over Athena's seal. During those centuries, he never moved from the Rozan Waterfall, be it

raining or snowing, and his heart beat only 100.000 times a year. That's the number of

heartbeats a normal human being has in one day. So it is that, for him, the last 243 years have

been like 243 days! The mighty warrior tells his disciple Shiryu to continue and join Mu in his

battle. He warns him that the resurrected Knights are not the only enemies crossing the

Twelve Houses, several Spectres have already arrived.

As Shiryu is about to withdraw, Shion launches an attack against the boy... but is blocked by

Dohko bearing one of the gold shields! Amidst blinding light, the Gold Armor disassembles

itself, and settles over the warrior's body. After 243 years, the Gold Knight of Libra wears his

Armor once more! The two friends, the two ancient warriors, are now on an equal footing.

Their Cosmos clash between them, they will fight for 1.000 days... or will obliterate each other

in an instant! Dohko is willing to show Shiryu the ultimate technique. This will be his last

teaching, and there's only one chance to demonstrate it. His golden aura turns into a huge

tiger, as Shion's purple one turns into a ram! The Stardust Revolution and the One Hundred

Dragons are unleashed simultaneously, covering the entire sky! Everything explodes, and

Shiryu is thrown hundreds of yards away...

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Revelation of the Spectres.

The clouds part, pierced by an immense column of light that emerges from the explosion. Mu

feels the Cosmos of both masters vanish. Without time to grieve for their loss, he continues his

journey, arriving at the entrance to the House of Cancer. It is mostly rubble since Shaka's

attack. Nowhere can be found the bodies of the fallen Knights, Saga and the others. Suddenly,

dozens of flashing eyes appear in the shadows, as he is attacked. The Gold Knight is thrown

against a column, and paralyzed by the power of psychokinesis. Finally, the Spectres show

themselves, the ones that had been shadowing the resurrected Knights. They wear horrible

dark armors, and many have their faces hidden by masks. One steps forward, a burly warrior

presenting himself as Giganto of Cyclops, of the Terrestrial Violent Star, asking the

whereabouts of Saga, Shion, and the other renegade Knights. With Mu's refusal to answer, the

brute prepares to strike, but suddenly has to turn quickly and parry an incredibly fast attack...

the Pegasus Comet!

Seiya has arrived to help Mu. The last one can't believe it, the boy keeps coming back, never

surrendering. As Giganto charges against him, Seiya launches his Pegasus Meteors, but the

brute is nimbler than he looks, dodging them and striking in turn! The boy receives dozens of

punches in just a couple of seconds, and falls. Walking back, Giganto boasts proudly that the

Spectres are the greatest warriors... but Seiya stands once more! The boy replies “How can you

be so powerful, if you hide in the shadows and strike from behind?” The Spectre raises his

Cosmos, manifesting as a dark purple aura, but when he's about to strike Seiya, he is halted by

an inhuman voice...

Hyoga and Shun reach the entrance to the First House, where they find a huge crater at the

site of the ancient masters' duel. There still remain tiny luminous motes of Cosmos floating

around. Even though they don't understand what has transpired, they have no time to waste,

and leave the place.

All the Spectres turn around to see an amorphous blob that expels a horrid purple Cosmos. Mu

recognizes it as the origin of the powerful psychokinesis that is holding him. The others call it

Papillon, and are ordered to leave the two Knights, for they are going to be its victims. The

proud Giganto does not want to leave the fight, but has no choice and departs towards the

House of Leo with his subordinates, expressing his pity for Athena's warriors, as Papillon is

infamous even in the Underworld. The grotesque Spectre frees Mu from the psychokinesis.

Shiryu is running back to the site of his master's battle, and suddenly crosses paths with his

two friends, Hyoga and Shun. In the hurry, he confuses them with enemies, and launches an

attack. Luckily, they evade it. They find him agitated and nervous, something unusual for his

character. He questions them about the state of the House of Aries. Everything is in ruins,

there's no trace of anyone, they answer him. Shiryu is about to leave them behind and return

to the First House, but has a memory of his dear teacher, telling him that a Knight has to live

and die with bravery. He reflects and decides to let it be, and gives apologies to his friends for

wasting their time. They all continue forward, leaving the wreckage of the battle behind.

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Seiya can't believe Mu will fight the filthy creature, that introduces itself as Myu of Papillon, of

the Terrestrial Charmed Star. The thing doesn't pay attention to Seiya, talking only to Mu,

telling him that it has come especially to fight him. It launches multiple streams of a sickly

green liquid, but they are all intercepted by Mu's Crystal Wall. Incredibly fast, the Gold Knight

vanishes his defense and unleashes the Stardust Revolution! The amorphous blob is

obliterated, but in its place remains a horrible insect-like creature, that promptly spits

hundreds of silken threads to constrict its victims.

Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun arrive at the House of Cancer, finding no trace of Seiya, Mu, or the

enemy. The first one has a strange feeling for a moment, but they finally cross the temple

unhindered... without noticing the cocoons holding their friends.

Mu and Seiya break free of the cocoons binding them, and search for the monstrous Myu.

They look up, and find a new cocoon attached to the ceiling. Within it, they hear the Spectre's

voice explaining that the Silky Thread was meant only to delay them. He needed enough time

to mutate into his original form. The cocoon cracks, a glorious light shines, and from within

emerges the beautiful and disturbing form of Myu of Papillon, spreading his butterfly wings!

The Spectre challenges Mu, but it is Seiya who steps forward. The boy is thrown against the

ceiling and the columns by Myu's psychokinesis, and then paralyzed. Much to the Spectre's

surprise, Seiya fights back, breaking the hold of the psychokinesis! Not even Mu was capable of

freeing himself! Papillon finally acknowledges the boy, but decides to let him part, he will fight

Mu alone. The last one also tells Seiya to go on. The boy feels underestimated, but the Gold

Knight tells him that he is trusting him with Athena's life, and his duty as a Knight is to protect


As Seiya leaves, Mu is surrounded by dozens of multicolored butterflies that appear out of thin

air. Those are the Butterflies of the Underworld, the Faeries, Myu tells him. The Spectre

unleashes his Faerie Thronging technique, and the multitude of butterflies attack the Knight...

who vanishes. Papillon recognizes the teleportation, and explains to his opponent that the

faeries will find their victim anywhere. The butterflies envelop Mu's hiding form, behind a

pillar, as Myu uses the Faerie Thronging once more. The Gold Knight disappears again, and

materializes in front of his opponent. Finally, he creates his Crystal Net, trapping Papillon

between two columns, like a fly in a web. Myu tries to command his faeries once more... but

they are also trapped in the net!

Mu thinks death is meaningless to the Spectres, being just incarnated spirits, like the

resurrected Knights. Papillon corrects him, explaining that Hades' Spectres started their life as

common human beings, until Athena's seal was broken, when their souls awakened to their

true nature. At last, the Gold Knight decides to finish his existence, and unleashes the Starlight

Extinction. A blinding light disintegrates Myu's body and all the faeries. Mu hurries to the next

House, that of Leo, worried about how powerful this Spectres are. He doesn't notice a tiny

multicolored butterfly following him through the dark...

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The Moment of Doubt.

While traveling to the next House, Seiya falls unconscious, still hurt by Papillon's attack. Saori,

at the far end of the Sanctuary, hears his soul speak to her in his dream. He is promptly

awakened by a preoccupied Shun, who has come along with Hyoga and Shiryu. Seiya's

companions are here.

At the entrance to the House of Leo, the band of Spectres faces the Gold Knight Aioria, who

fiercely looks down at them. Gold lightning rages across the sky. Giganto questions him, asking

for the whereabouts of the three renegade Knights. No one has passed this way, no one will be

allowed to pass, says Aioria, who is prepared to kill any intruders. The Spectre leader then

reasons that the three must have teleported out of the temple of Cancer, but is corrected.

Aioria tells him that it's impossible to teleport between Houses, as Athena's Cosmos and will

prevents it. Even Mu himself, the master of space and psychokinesis, would be forced to walk

all the way. The Spectres don't trust the renegade Knights, and it's their duty to take Athena's

head if the other three don't do it. Five of Hades' warriors charge against the lone Knight...

who obliterates them with hundreds of golden rays, cutting through everything, the stone

floor, the metallic armors, flesh and bone. It's the Lightning Plasma!

Even Giganto must step back to avoid one single ray. The Spectres are intimidated by the Gold

Knight, who shows his immense aura in the form of a great lion. As they hear a vicious

laughter, they make way for Raimi of Worm, of the Terrestrial Hidden Star. The grotesque man

mocks them for their cowardice. Numerous writhing tentacles protrude from his dark armor.

He approaches Aioria and starts spinning wildly as he burrows under the stone floor!

The four Bronze Knights reach the House of Cancer, and there find the corpses of three

Spectres, curiously devoid of armors. They seem to have been killed with a single strike each.

One is frozen, another looks like he has been cut with a sword, and the last one has all his skin

blistered and burned. The boys can find no answer, and have no time to spare, so they

continue to the House of Leo.

As Raimi disappears, the rest of the Spectres start running, wanting to leave behind the

guardian Knight of Leo. The last one suddenly feels a familiar Cosmos... someone in the enemy

band. This distraction proves to be a dangerous mistake, as a dozen metallic worm-like

tentacles break through the floor and ensnare him, preventing him from attacking the

Spectres, who exit the temple unopposed. He is left behind to be torn apart by Raimi, whose

shrill laugh pierces the quiet building. But Aioria will not be defeated so easily, and he raises

his flaming gold Cosmos, destroying all the tentacles holding him. A worm cannot beat a lion.

The Gold Knight grabs the last tentacle, which Raimi uses as an eye, and pulls the Spectre out

of the ground, throwing him against a nearby column. He now unleashes the Lightning Bolt,

making a hole in the wall, but the Worm disappears once more burrowing under the ground.

The Spectre emerges again from behind him, and as he launches his last tentacles in a multiple

attack, Aioria strikes with the Lightning Plasma, sending him flying. Only after a full ten seconds

does Raimi come crashing down, dead.

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Aioria starts walking toward the next temple, ashamed for having being trapped by a worm,

and wanting to catch up with the Spectres he missed. Seiya and his friends reach him, and tell

him of the three corpses they found. Together, they all conclude that someone they know has

infiltrated the enemy group.

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Exorcism of Evil Spirits.

“One...” One bead is pulled. The Spectres warily approach the entrance to the House of Virgo.

“Two...” A second bead is pulled. All is in darkness, and they can't feel anyone inside the

rubble-strewn building. “Three...” Giganto believes that Shaka and the renegade Knights killed

each other. “Four...” He's ready to lead his warriors to the next temple. “Five... six.” Suddenly

they feel a powerful Cosmos enveloping them, and hear a voice speaking directly to their

minds... “Truth is the precious gift of the Gods. Unfortunately, even though people hear its

name spoken a billion times, they never recognize it.” The whole landscape vanishes and is

replaced by abstract symbols, as several luminous figures walk around them. “But now you

have the opportunity to know the Truth, to cleanse your evil souls. Death is the ultimate

justice.” The seven luminous shapes coalesce into a single body. “My face is the path to the

other world. Begone!” The floating form of Shaka appears!

The Gold Knight of Virgo assumes the lotus position, sitting on a floating rock above the

Spectres. There's no floor, nor ceiling, nor walls. The fearful and infuriated Giganto leads his

subordinates in a simultaneous attack against Shaka, all of them launching rays of purple

Cosmos against their lone opponent. The last one shouts “Khan!”, and a barrier forms around

him, that halts the enemy's onslaught. Shaka raises his hands before his chest, and the image

of a galaxy forms between his palms. With a clap he dispels it, and then introduces his left

hand inside his right palm! Pulling out a rosary, he begins the exorcism of evil spirits... the

Demon Spirit Rupture! Everything turns to darkness, and dozens of hungry ghosts are

unleashed, surrounding the band of Spectres. Virgo explains that demons and Spectres are

alike. The image of an infinite rosary surrounds them all, as that of dozens of Shakas. The

Spectres number one hundred and eight, the same as the number of beads on his rosary. This

is the instrument created by Buddha himself to exorcize evil spirits. Every time he pulls one of

the beads, it darkens, as one of the Spectres also fades into darkness. Of the one hundred and

eight pearls, eleven have already turned black. That's the number of Spectres that have died.

Giganto can't figure out that number... five died at the House of Leo, but what about Worm,

Deep, and Papillon? At worst, that would be eight dead, and the other three? The Gold Knight

dismisses their worries, for he will be responsible of finishing out each and every remaining

Spectre. The entire landscape begins to spin, and the powerless servants of Hades see the face

of Shaka alternating with that of Buddha, and that of a blue-black demon. Once more he

unleashes the Demon Spirit Rupture with a terrible storm, composed of thousands of hungry

ghosts! When it comes crashing down on the ill-fated band, it is suddenly obliterated! All of

the illusions disappear, and they find themselves once more in the remains of the House of


As Giganto opens his eyes, he sees three of his subordinates standing between Shaka and him.

Kube, Mils, Ox. The spirit-storm has been repelled... by those three? Mysteriously, their auras

start to shine gold. Virgo recognizes them by their Cosmos, as he is not fooled by surface

appearances. They have survived the collapse of the House of Cancer, and now demand that

he let them pass. “You will have to kill me!”, he proclaims. And the three suddenly unleash

their techniques... the sacred sword that cuts through everything, Excalibur, the power of the

absolute zero, Diamond Dust, and the destruction of beautiful galaxies... the Galaxian

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Explosion! The three most terrible attacks approach the guardian as he raises once more his

defensive barrier, which barely holds. Shaka opens his eyes and the whole temple explodes, as

the Spectres are knocked back a hundred yards. The exploding Cosmos takes the shape of an

immense pillar of light that pierces the clouds, and is felt by everyone in the Sanctuary.

The Spectres stand once more, and fear grips their hearts as they see Shaka, still living and

seemingly unharmed. But no... a single drop of blood falls from his brow. He praises the

excellent power of his three opponents, and it is logical, for they were once Gold Knights as he.

Now, he prompts them to show their true faces and shed their stolen Surplices... and shatters

the last ones in an instant. Giganto stares dumbfounded, the three men facing Shaka are none

other than Shura, Camus... and Saga!

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Shaka's Battle.

“Shaka wishes to die”, Aioria tells the young Bronze Knights. “He could have destroyed the

renegade Knights at the House of Cancer, but now... he has decided to die."

Before the divine Shaka stand Shura of Capricorn, Camus of Aquarius, and Saga of Gemini...

three former Gold Knights. Giganto threatens them, thinking they double-crossed Hades, but

Saga tells him to stand back. Only the three of them have any chance of defeating Shaka, a

dozen Spectres have no hope of accomplishing that. The burly man is thrown against a far wall

by Gemini's unseen force.

The Gold Knight of Virgo still has doubts as to his former peers' intent. He asks if they are really

trying to behead Athena, and Saga gives an affirmative answer. Shaka probes their souls and

openly recognizes them as minions of Hades... and allows them to pass! “Not even I would be

so foolish as to confront three of the most powerful Gold Knights at the same time.” Giganto

mocks him, calling him a coward, but as his band proceeds forward, they are halted by Virgo.

“Saga told you that, if you treasure your lives, you should go back!” He shows them his rosary,

and their pearls have already turned black! “Damn! I had just escaped from death!”, answers

Giganto, who leads his Spectres in a last, desperate, charge. The landscape disappears and is

replaced by an undersea bed covered with human skulls, as the image of a girl, holding a

scythe and riding a white horse, fades into view. The maiden laughs maniacally as the Spectres

are flung out to the far corners of the temple by the Celestial Demon Capitulation! Giganto

crashes heavily on the stone floor, but defiantly proclaims to have no fear, as even in death, a

servant of Hades is gifted with eternal life. Shaka replies sarcastically: “Is that so? Since my

birth, I have spoken several times with the Buddha, and I have never heard of anyone receiving

eternal life. Maybe it's just me, that I don't understand? Or perhaps...” The dying Spectre is

gripped by fear, Hades has...

There are no remaining Spectres at the House of Virgo, and Shaka calls the three Knights back.

He thinks they should stop pretending, as he has killed those who have been watching over

them... but Saga tells him they're truly going after Athena's head. A disappointed Shaka leads

them to a secret garden beside the temple, a more appropriate place for dying. Pink petals

drift on the soft night breeze, and the three gaze for the first time at the place Saga recognizes

as the Garden of the Twin Sal Trees. According to some, Shaka is the very reincarnation of the

Buddha. The last one chose the spot between two sal trees as his deathbed, and so it is that

Shaka has lead them here, resigned to die in this quiet garden.

“Die, Shaka!”, Shura exclaims with determination, as he approaches. Everything happens in

just a few seconds. A petal is sliced merely by touching his arm, as he unleashes the power of

Excalibur. Shaka seems to be cut in two, but it's just an afterimage, as he teleports barely a

couple of inches in a millisecond. Brandishing his rosary, he places his blazing free hand on

Shura's stomach, who's thrown several feet by the concentrated energy. Immediately, Camus

fires his Diamond Dust, creating a wide stream of frost, which Shaka evades gracefully,

spinning in the air like a leaf in the wind. Then he hurls a small ball of freezing Cosmos which

explodes between them, as a tiny supernova. Now Shura and Camus attack simultaneously,

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the first one's slashing hand blocked by Shaka's forearm. The second one manages to slightly

freeze Virgo's armor, but lastly they are both struck by the blinding energy expelled from his

hand. Shura is projected almost at the speed of light. The majestic Knight descends softly to

the ground. Just a few feet behind him stands a quiet Saga, as pink petals drift between them.

Alarmed, he quickly turns around as Gemini unleashes the Another Dimension technique.

Space, time, and Shaka's body are all distorted by the tremendous power. He's thrown far, but

at great expense avoids being obliterated. Tired and hurt, he lands safely on the soft flower-

strewn ground. He can't sustain a fight against three Gold Knights much longer...

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Athena's Exclamation. The Death of Shaka.

Camus and Shura approach warily, thinking that Shaka is about to give up. Saga warns them,

but it's too late... Shaka brandishes his rosary and the landscape vanishes, replaced by symbols

of Buddha. The greatest technique, the Heavenly Treasure! The writhing rosary seems to

extend almost infinitely, surrounding his three victims. They are trapped, it is impossible for

them to attack or retreat, gripped by the perfect stance of the Heavenly Treasure. The abstract

landscape pulses at the sound of a mystic gong. The godlike warrior tells them that they have a

single option to break free and defeat him, the most powerful technique of the Gold Knights,

forbidden by Athena since mythical times... Athena's Exclamation.

The three renegade Knights can't believe they are forced to go to such lengths. “What's

stopping you? You are Hades' allies...”, Shaka tells them. If they don't unleash Athena's

Exclamation, he'll remove their five senses and crush them. The Gold Knight begins his

onslaught, destroying their first sense, while shattering their Surplices and bringing them

down. The landscape returns to normal, with the petals blown by the gentle breeze, but the

resurrected Knights are still subject to Shaka's power. The last one remains stoic, awaiting for

their decision. Saga understands that he is forcing them to kill him, and is willing to comply. His

companions are reluctant, for they know that using Athena's Exclamation will forever label

them as cowards. Athena's Exclamation is the technique in which three Gold Knights form a

trinity by combining theirs powers, elevating their Cosmos to the maximum and focusing it in

one point. Its power is akin to that of the Big Bang, and so destructive that Athena banned it

for all times.

While they hesitate, Shaka strips them of their second sense, slowly turning them into living

corpses. They crawl on the ground, while pondering their fate. The Knights of Athena must

fight for justice, and that means confronting an opponent on an equal footing. That's why

Athena's Exclamation is reviled, it means that three Gold Knights are attacking a single man.

It's a coward's technique. If they use it, they will be considered Knights of Athena no more.

Shaka removes their third sense. Speaking solely with his mind, Saga tells his companions that

they must reach Athena at all costs, even if that means sacrificing their honor. Shaka severs

their fourth sense. Finally, all three agree. They have lost everything, it's no matter that they

be labelled as cowards and traitors. For Athena, for the Earth, for peace, for justice...

Everyone in the Sanctuary has an ominous feeling. Saori and Kanon, even Milo can't believe

Shaka is about to sacrifice himself. The young Bronze Knights reach the House of Virgo, along

with Aioria. There, they are stopped by Mu, who guards a double-door carved with the symbol

of a lotus, that leads to the Garden of the Twin Sal Trees. They have come to help Shaka. Aioria

is enraged as Mu refrains them, but the last one, filled with tears, explains to him that they

must respect their partner's wishes.

Shaka remembers his childhood. Meditating in front of a statue of the Buddha, he is asked by

the latter, with a gentle voice: “How can a lonely six-year old just sit there, day after day, filled

with grief? What worries you?” The young Shaka narrates how he just saw, again, several

corpses floating on the Ganges. At the river bank were gathered many pilgrims, from all across

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India. He had the impression that they wished more to die than to live. Why is his country so

poor? People come to this world just to experience grief and suffering, it seems. “Is that what

makes you sad?”, Buddha asks him. “That's not true, where there's suffering there's also joy.

Even beautiful flowers will some day wither. Every living thing in this world does not stop, even

for a moment. Their movement is always shifting, that is what is called being transitory.

Peoples' lives are the same.” The child then reasons that what predominates in a man's life,

while he waits for death, is suffering. While you live, it doesn't matter how much you try to

relieve suffering, and search for love and happiness. Anyway, death will finish everything.

“Shaka, you're forgetting something...”

A pink petal caresses Shaka's face. His opponents are determined to grant his wish, and say

farewell in their own fashion. The Gold Knight raises his rosary and prepares to remove their

final sense, giving an instant before finishing them. Motes of bright Cosmos start surrounding

the three renegade warriors. “Reach Nirvana and never lose heart”, is Shura's farewell. “Shaka,

your death will not be in vain”, are Saga's words. The three together unleash the power of the

universe against Shaka, who whispers “Have the flowers of the sal trees wilted?”

“Shaka, have you forgotten? Death is not the end of everything, it's the beginning of a new

step.” The child sheds tears of joy.

The Sixth House explodes with purple lightning. Saori cries and everyone in the Sanctuary

mourns, as Mu announces: “Shaka of Virgo is dead.”

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Gold Coalition.

Milo can't contain his fury. Those traitors have used the forbidden technique and murdered

Shaka. He'll never forgive them. Kanon can't believe his brother has gone to such lengths. Why

was it necessary? Aioria simply cracks a stone wall with a punch. Mu cries and begs


“Shaka... Shaka. You must never forget, death is not final. In the past, everyone who was born

in this world, they all overcame death. Shaka... if you should understand this, you would

become the being that, even as a human, is closest to a god.”

The three renegade Knights still stand. Surrounded by the desolate remains of what once was

a beautiful garden. Bereft of most of their senses, they speak to each other with their minds.

Camus has only his hearing left. Shura is the only one that can speak out loud, and Saga has his

eyesight left to gaze upon... Shaka! Is he still alive?

The revered Gold Knight opens his eyes and quietly stands up. Calmly he walks away. His

thoughts can be felt: “Flowers are born, and then wither. Stars shine, and some day will fade.

This Earth, the Sun, the galaxies, and even the Big Universe will some day be destroyed. Next

to that, a man's life is only a heartbeat. And in that tiny moment, people are born, they laugh,

cry, fight, are hurt, feel joy, sadness, hate someone, love someone. Everything in a single

moment. Then, they are embraced by the eternal sleep of death.” Pink petals fall gently on his

palm, and with a single drop of blood he writes on them... his last words. He releases them to

the wind, to be carried to Athena. Shura approaches, ready to end mercifully his life, once and

for all. Positioning himself as an executioner, he raises his right hand, the blade. He asks Shaka

if he has finished, then begs forgiveness, and strikes... but stops just shy of touching his neck.

The three realize that Shaka had already died, but his soul manifested one last time to write his

message. The image of the Gold Knight fades away, like a mound of leaves blown by the wind.

Only his rosary is left behind. The three grieving warriors are willing to tell the truth to Shaka's

soul, but when they are about to do it, Saga sees a tiny multicolored butterfly. A butterfly from

the Underworld, a Faerie. They are still being watched by Hades...

The doors engraved with the lotus open. The renegade Knights enter once again the House of

Virgo, where Mu, Aioria and the Bronze Knights await them. An angry Seiya comes closer to

them, but is halted by Mu. Saga and the last one eye each other with determination, showing

no emotion. He approaches the Knight of Aries and hands him the rosary. Suddenly, an

exasperated Aioria strikes the three in succession, knocking them. He dares them to attack him

simultaneously as they did with Shaka. The Lion's rage has been awakened, and he's now

showing his true power... but he is held back by Mu. The tranquil muvian explains that the

three have already suffered too much, as the Heavenly Treasure has left them as living

corpses. He also suspects that Shaka's death might hide some deeper meaning. Nonetheless,

Aioria is tired of Mu's speeches and can't accept, neither as a Knight nor as a man, that

someone leave a partner to be murdered. His gold Cosmos flares as he unleashes the Lightning

Plasma... which is caught bare-handed by Saga! “We would gladly submit to your punishment,

as Shaka's murderers, but we must still reach Athena, and we have only four hours left!

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Whomever gets in our way, we will kill as we did with Shaka.”

New steps are heard, as Milo enters the temple and approaches calmly, while taking off his

white cloak. He has come all the way from the House of Scorpio to avenge his comrade, and

immediately unleashes a dozen Scarlet Needles! The renegade Knights come crashing down,

writhing in agony. Again and again, he pierces their bodies. Normally, he gives two choices to

his victims... surrender or die. But against these traitors, there's only one option, death. When

he's about to fire Antares, the image of galaxies and alien landscapes appears, as Saga

unleashes all his might against him. Even after receiving Shaka's Heavenly Treasure, Aioria's

Lightning Plasma, and fourteen Scarlet Needles... these renegade Knights remain extremely


At the end of the Sanctuary, Saori gazes upon hundreds of pink petals, carried by the wind

from the distant temple. Among these, she finds four with bloody characters written on them.

"Arayashiki". Grief-struck, she collapses to the ground. Finally, she understands the meaning of

Shaka's death. His message was for her to prepare herself.

“It's all for Athena...”, speaks Saga's mind. And now, Seiya, Mu and everyone else is

astounded... the three are assuming a trinity position! They are willing to use once more

Athena's Exclamation, and kill everyone else! But the remaining loyal Gold Knights will not stay

idle. There's three of them, also. And even Mu is willing... to unleash Athena's Exclamation!

Mu explains that if two Athena's Exclamations were to collide, their power would increase

exponentially, and the whole Sanctuary would be destroyed. He leaves Athena on the hands of

the young boys, as the six Gold Knights unleash their full power against each other...

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Collapse of the Sanctuary.

Under the rainy night sky, the ancient Knights Shion and Dohko can't believe Athena's

Exclamation has been unleashed.

Within the House of Virgo, the Bronze Knights are thrown against the walls by the might of the

most powerful technique. The clash of six Gold Cosmos threatens to destroy everything. The

stone floor, the mighty columns, they are all cracking. A blazing gold sphere of energy is barely

contained between the six Gold Knights. The young ones don't understand the meaning of this,

the senseless struggle, for there will be nothing left for the winner. The clouds part just above

the temple, as they are pierced by a pillar of light, and gold lightning comes crashing down

everywhere. Kanon watches from afar, and doesn't understand either... do they really want to

destroy everything?

Both Athena's Exclamations are of equal power, and perfectly balanced. Neither advances, and

they contain each other. Even the slightest imbalance will make them explode, destroying the

Sanctuary. But now... an unseen force is backing the three loyal Gold Knights. It's undoing the

balance. Incredible, just behind Mu, Aioria and Milo stand... the four Bronze Knights! Saga,

Shura and Camus are slowly being driven back, as they sense the increasing power of the

young warriors behind their peers. Even Mu tells them to stand back, for they risk their lives.

The Bronze Armors are cracking before the immense power. But the boys will not give up,

fighting until death.

Seiya leads his friends, running to the sides of the crackling sphere. The Gold Knights don't

understand what they're doing. Are they really trying to stop it? Hyoga speaks directly to his

master Camus, telling him he can still feel the goodness in his heart. As well, Shiryu explains to

Shura that he has a part of his soul on his arm, Excalibur, so he can also sense his pain. Finally,

a tearful Seiya asks each of the six Gold Knights why they are fighting each other. “Aren't we all

Knights of Athena? Aren't we supposed to fight for love and justice on this Earth?” Everyone is

moved by the boy's words, and the Bronze Knights raise their Cosmos to the maximum, as

their armors turn to gold. “As long as those thoughts are within our hearts, there's no miracle

we can't achieve!”. They unleash all their feelings, as the ground gives way beneath them, and

the ceiling crumbles... while they drive Athena's Exclamation towards the sky!

Kanon watches as a huge explosion lights the firmament. As everything calms down and the

night returns to normal, he is summoned by Saori. Humbly, he kneels before her, as she asks

him to retrieve a special item, hidden beneath the throne in the Patriarch's Chambers, left

behind by Saga thirteen years ago...

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A Golden Dagger. The Death of Saori.

In the ruins of the House of Virgo, the Gold Knights emerge from beneath the rubble and

broken columns. They notice that Seiya and his friends have disappeared, and hope they are

not dead, for this war is just beginning. The renegade warriors also crawl out of the debris, still

alive. Just when a furious Milo is about to attack them, Saori halts him, speaking directly with

her mind to everyone. She orders her loyal Knights to bring their former comrades to her,

unharmed. She must speak to Saga in person.

Seiya dreams of a bright and flowery landscape, where he lays fatally wounded. Saori comes

running to him, and presses her delicate hands against his wounded chest. An elaborate and

beautiful armor covers his body, but its chestplate is cracked and bloodied. He comforts her,

telling it's not so grave, as his vision blurs... As he wakes up, his friends run to him, and help

him up.

The Gold Knights carry their former comrades, side by side, towards the end of the Sanctuary.

Those that once were powerful Knights are now nothing but pitiful figures, crippled and tired

by the incessant battles. Shura tries to apologize to Aioria for murdering his brother, but is told

to shut up. A saddened Milo asks Camus why was it necessary for him to become a traitor.

Saga, with only his sight left, finally watches the last step of the stairs pass by, as they arrive at

the base of Athena's giant statue. They have finally reached her. As the Gold Knights let go of

them, they fall unceremoniously onto the floor, with no strength left to stand by themselves. A

humbled Saga lifts his face to look upon Athena once more. In turn, she orders Kanon to hand

over the case he retrieved. Ashamed, he places it in front of his fallen brother, who finds

within... the Golden Dagger!

Astounded, Saga contemplates the same dagger he used in his attempted murder of baby

Athena, thirteen years ago. The Gold Knights can't believe it, is she handing it to him on

purpose? Saori refrains Milo and Aioria, while telling them that Mu has already understood.

She places her hands over Saga's, that hold the Golden Dagger, and begs him to kill her with it.

Their pain will be relieved in this way. As she holds the blade, drops of her blood fall on the

floor. Closing her eyes, the blade approaches her neck. Nearby, the tired Bronze Knights

approach slowly, as Seiya yells, begging it to stop. They feel the girl collapsing. The dagger

drops to the floor, and Saga screams her name as he tries to grab her falling body, in vain. A

crying Milo strangles his former friend, Camus. Mu just watches a pink petal drift by. Saori is


A bright and multicolored butterfly flies from the grievous scene to Hades' castle. There,

Rhadamanthys is quietly having a drink, while contemplating a painting depicting Pandora, as a

child, and her parents. The deformed figure of Zeros approaches, and with a caustic giggle

delivers the information that Athena has taken her own life. Rhadamanthys is upset, for that

means he sent his Spectres in vain, and Pandora will be displeased with this. Zeros seems to

enjoy his superior's plight, and suggests it be Rhadamanthys himself that delivers this news to

the mistress, and apologize. As the fearsome warrior enters the lady's quarters, she starts to

play her harp in a manic way, with the notes sending pain into Rhadamanthys' body, who

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drops to his knees, screaming from the torture. Zeros watches with pleasure, and laughs

viciously. “Judge of Hell, Rhadamanthys of Wyvern, this is unforgivable. You disobeyed Hades'

orders.”, are Pandora's soft words. The leader of the Spectres explains that Athena is not to be

underestimated, and the fact that she took her own life must hide some ulterior motive. His

lady, fed up by this mess, tells him that Hades is well aware of Athena's ploy. She forgives him

for the last time, and orders him to finish the last of Athena's warriors.

Seiya arrives at the fatal scene, finding the floor stained with Saori's blood, and the Gold

Dagger. He feels shame and frustration, for having failed at their only task of protecting

Athena. Weeping, he kneels by the bloodstain, and feels useless. Just then appears Shion,

walking towards Athena's statue, while being surrounded warily by the young Knights. “Is

weeping the best you can do? Athena is dead, but the battle has just begun.” The four of them

attack him at once, but he sends them flying. “Listen carefully! You don't know the true reason

behind the deaths of Shaka and Athena. And now I, Shion of Aries, will reveal it to you!”

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The Armor of Athena.

The Bronze Knights lie on the floor before Shion, still hurt by his attack. “Athena, I didn't know

you were going to take your own life... You knew of the pain in our hearts.”, the ancient Knight

thinks for himself, as he sheds tears over the bloodstained floor. The angry boys face him once

more, but he tells them to shut up. “Though we are dead, we remain Knights of Athena,

nonetheless.”, he explains. “Even if Hades were to grant us eternal life, we would never come

here to take Athena's life!” Seiya is about to punch him, but is held back by Shun, who gently

asks him to tell them the truth. “It was all for this!”, Shion raises his hands, dripping with

Saori's blood. “Sacred Armor! After two hundred and forty-three years, it's time. Come back to

life, with Athena's holy blood, awake!” The giant statue starts to shine, as well as the blood on

his hands, which turns to gold, and begins to drift towards it. The Bronze Knights stare

dumbfounded, the statue turns to light and vanishes! Shion tells them to look closely, it hasn't

disappeared. A tiny and shining statuette stands in its place. “That's the grand Armor of

Athena. The same as your Armors, it needs blood to be brought back to life. Athena's own

Armor needs her blood to be awakened. In her fight against Hades, she needs it if she wants to

prevail. Everything must be done to give her her Armor.”

Shion explains what has transpired until now. An envoy from Hades had come to his grave, and

raised him from it. He offered eternal life in exchange for Athena's head. Along with him, Saga

and the other fallen Gold Knights, as well as the Silver Knights, they were all lifted from their

neverending sleep. They all pretended to accept his proposal, even forsaking their status and

honor, in order to deliver to Athena her sacred Armor. Now, finally, Seiya and his friends

understand the Knights' sacrifice. Even Aphrodite and Deathmask were willing to give

everything for the goddess. The fallen Gold Knights even employed the forbidden technique,

Athena's Exclamation, to show Hades how faithful they were to him. Weeping, Seiya asks

Shion what must be done, now. “As your Patriarch, I order you to fight back, and bring the

battle to Hades' castle!”

Within the dark castle, Saga, Shura and Camus approach Pandora, with the first one carrying a

bundle of rags on his arms. They are greeted by the mistress. “You, who once were the

strongest Gold Knights, have delivered Athena's body within twelve hours. Show it to me.”

They kneel before her, but demand to see Hades in person. She refuses, as she's the only one

allowed to approach him. Seeing their hesitation, she orders Zeros to unveil Athena's body. In

a second, Saga throws the empty rags over the pitiful figure, as Shura moves impossibly fast to

take hold of Pandora and place his right hand over her neck, as a menacing blade ready to

behead her.

Now that Athena is gone, the Sanctuary starts to crumble. Dawn comes closer, and the power

that keeps Shion alive begins to falter. He trips and falls down the stairs. His body will soon

turn to dust, and he'll return to his eternal sleep. But he has one more task before he leaves.

Drenching his hands once again with Athena's blood, he now spills it over the Bronze Armors.

“Come back to life!” Their cracks disappear, the pieces rearrange themselves, and the armors

evolve once more! Filled with life, they shine with an inner light. “Those resurrected with

Athena's blood, are the strongest and ultimate Armors.” Again, he orders them to follow the

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Gold Knights' Cosmos and travel to Hades' castle, taking Athena's Armor with them. A

determined Seiya grabs the statuette, and as he looks at his friends' faces, they all take off and

fly like shooting starts in the night sky.

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Hades' Castle.

A sickly green flame erupts from deep within the castle, as Rhadamanthys steps over his

subordinates' corpses, killed by the three intruding Gold Knights. Milo, Mu and Aioria are here

to face him. The last one, in all his fury, strikes with his Lightning Plasma. Rhadamanthys is

thrown back a few feet, but gracefully recovers his footing. He's not even slightly hurt by the

powerful attack! Now Milo charges at inhuman speed, and launches a dozen Scarlet Needles,

and Mu unleashes his Starlight Extinction... but it's all trampled by the Spectre's might! He

seems invulnerable! With an arrogant smile he explains that they are now within Hades' zone,

and if they fall in the precipice with the green flame, they will find themselves in Cocytos. He

spreads his armored wings and takes flight, surrounded by his purple Cosmos, and strikes each

of them in turn, with titanic strength. Mu quickly raises his Crystal Wall... which is irrevocably

shattered by the Spectre's fist!

Shura still holds Pandora, telling her that with Excalibur he can behead her in less than a

second. A cowardly Zeros warns the renegade Knights to not harm his mistress, but he's

quickly frozen on the spot by Camus. Saga tells Pandora to lead them to Hades, as he'd rather

not harm a woman. She asks what would they do in front of him, and the answer comes

swiftly... they would kill him. As the first rays of sunlight enter the room, she reminds them

that their time is up. They fall helplessly to the ground, unable to move. With her menacing

smile, she tells them that it was only by Hades' will that they were still standing. Their twelve

hours of life have ended. Pandora asks them as to Athena's whereabouts. Saga simply states

that even though she's a goddess, her body is that of a human being, and it has been decreed

since time immemorial that any human that dies should go to the Underworld. Now Pandora

starts to believe that Athena willingly committed suicide to face Hades.

The last three Gold Knights are being badly beaten by Rhadamanthys. The Spectre creates a

javelin of light on his hand, and strikes at Aioria, whose Lightning Plasma remains useless.

Thinking of the suffering of Saga, Athena, and his comrades, the Lion unleashes his rage and

raises his Cosmos to the maximum, but is firmly intercepted by Rhadamanthys, who throws his

body to the ground, shattering the stone floor. Dragging him by his hand, he now lifts his body

over the flaming precipice, and lets him go... but he's caught by a spiralling chain coming out of


Blue-white meteors strike Rhadamanthys, as four bright Cosmos land in front of him. Within

the flaming auras appear the four Bronze Knights!

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Farewell, Gold Brothers.

Seiya, Shiryu, Shun and Hyoga face the mighty Judge of Hell, who scorns them, calling them

“the little rats that come after the big rats”, alluding to the Gold Knights. Seiya launches his

Pegasus Meteors, that seem to strike true every time, but their energy dissipates upon

contacting Rhadamanthys' body! The Spectre laughs triumphantly and hurls a wave of force

that smashes the Bronze Knights against the keep's wall. The relentless Pegasus holds his

ground, ready to strike back... but is halted by Mu. The Gold Knights tell them to flee, that they

are going to confront Rhadamanthys... but the young warriors will not obey an order to

escape, not even from their superiors. They are all willing to fight him simultaneously. The

mightiest Spectre has no problem with that. With the stone floor crumbling beneath his feet

and his Cosmos raising to the maximum, he unleashes a terrible purple explosion all around...

The Gold Knights collapse on the floor, having shielded their young comrades with their

bodies. “It is time to end this fight”, Rhadamanthys proclaims. But Seiya thinks otherwise, as

he approaches. A weakening Mu takes hold of the boy, pleading him to leave the fight to the

Gold Knights. Milo and Aioria also stand proudly, willing to finish what they have started.

Finally, and reluctantly, Seiya agrees and tells his companions to follow him and leave the

battle to their elder brothers.

Milo, Aioria and Mu light their Cosmos for the last time. Far can their screams be heard, as

they announce and launch simultaneously the Scarlet Needle, Lightning Plasma, and Stardust

Revolution. Roaring, Rhadamanthys calls forth the Greatest Caution, that extinguishes their


Within Pandora's chamber, the lady tells her subordinate Zeros that she is no longer needed in

the castle, and that she will be returning to her lord, Hades. On the back of the room, a heavy

metallic double-door opens before her, leading to a deep shaft and a spiral staircase. There

seems to be no bottom to it, and a sickly green flame erupts regularly from down below.

With his lady gone, Zeros of Frog is overjoyed for being left in charge. As the sunlight pierces

the glass roof, he approaches the unmoving figures of the renegade Gold Knights. He can hear

Camus' despairing thoughts, and the pitiful Spectre starts to kick him, still resentful for being

frozen. The tiny man laughs sadistically, but as he looks upwards, the glass ceiling gives way

beneath the four Bronze Knights, that fall like vengeful angels from Heaven...

The boys approach their comrades, and Saga, speaking directly to their minds, apologizes while

holding Seiya's arm, for the real battle is just beginning and he won't be able to help them.

Shura reminds Shiryu of that piece of his soul he lent him, Excalibur. And Camus tells Hyoga to

never forget the things he learned from him. Their bodies turn to a thousand motes of light,

and they vanish. Before his end, Saga proudly stands once more and faces heaven: “Athena,

our goddess, we leave her in your hands.”

An enraged Hyoga approaches the taunting figure of Zeros, ready to avenge his master. His

Cosmos manifests as a freezing white-blue aura, as the deformed Spectre starts running after

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his mistress...

As she calmly walks down the spiralling stairs, Pandora thinks to herself that there's no reason

to worry. Even if Athena has entered the Underworld, within Hades' realm she will not be able

to reach him by herself. Suddenly, she watches a tiny ice-crystal drift nearby. Looking up, she

sees Zeros crossing the heavy doors that lead to the stairs. Talking one step, he leaves his

frozen foot behind, as it sticks to the floor. He begs for help, but she continues her descent

with indifference. Finally, the tiny figure breaks apart as delicate crystal. Now the Bronze

Knights climb down the first steps and see her. Seiya inquires as to her identity. Shun halts her.

Upon hearing his sweet voice, Pandora turns around, astounded, and looks directly into his

eyes, seemingly with affection. For an instant, she thought she saw someone familiar.

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The Final Decision.

Back in the lady's chamber, the harpstrings are caressed by Rhadamanthys' fingers. Seiya hears

this, and also when the Spectre claims that those stairs lead to Hell. “You annoying rats are still

alive. The Gold Knights are no more.”, he proclaims. He thinks aloud that the Gold Knights are

the highest order within Athena's hierarchy, and not even three of them together could

scratch him. So, he tells the young Bronze Knights to return to the Sanctuary and pray for the

souls of their pitiful dead comrades. “Say what you want about us, but don't speak thusly

about the Gold Knights!”, shouts Hyoga. The young warriors are enraged, not even Shun can't

stand this. Seiya launches his Pegasus Meteors, but Rhadamanthys moves as lightning and

counterattacks with a punch that bends and twists the Knight's body. The other three leap and

strike at the same time, but they are all slammed down by the Spectre, who also grabs Shun's

chain and wraps it around Hyoga's neck, constricting it. None stand before the Judge of Hell,


Seiya picks himself up once more, with his unflinching determination. The great Spectre warns

him, to not even try a single punch. As he takes a deep breath, the boy unleashes again his

Pegasus Meteors... but now they seem to move faster than light! They surround

Rhadamanthys, and start cracking his Surplice! He is forced to approach the boy, whom he

starts to punch again and again. Before Seiya crashes on the floor by the terrible attacks, the

brute warrior takes him by the neck and slams him against the stone wall. As he is about to

drop him down the stairwell to Hell, the other three Knights get up and surround him. He has

to let go of Seiya as he evades the combined strength of the Rising Dragon, Aurora Thunder

Attack... and the Nebular Storm. With his folded wings surrounding him like a protective cloak,

he stands amidst the chaos of unleashed Cosmos. His booming voice announces the Greatest

Caution, as he produces an explosion so powerful that it takes apart a quarter of the castle.

“I haven't used even half of my strength. It's over.”, Rhadamanthys proclaims, as the young

Knights collapse once more. The boys beg Seiya to leave at once, for they are no match for the

leader of the Spectres. But Seiya will never surrender nor flee. He can still hear the voices of

Mu and Saga, as he crawls back up. Rhadamanthys can't believe it, the Cosmos of these boys

burns stronger than before, even on the brink of death. His own Cosmos flares as a wave of

force erupts and brings down Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun. But out of the smoke and debris

emerges Seiya. “We can't loose against you. We are the Knights of Athena!” His Cosmos shines

as never before, pushing back the smoke, as he launches his Pegasus Comet. Rhadamanthys is

fully struck by it, with his Surplice cracking before its power. One of the three Judges of Hell,

injured by a Bronze Knight! His wrath knows no limits, and he uses again his Greatest Caution.

Seiya continues onward through the terrible explosion, not even taking one steps backwards.

As he strikes, his fist is intercepted by the hand of the Spectre... but now the boy's Cosmos

turns to gold and surrounds him like flames! He increases his power to the maximum, and his

new armor becomes gold, as he pushes back Rhadamanthys with a single fist! Both fall down

the stairwell to Hell!

As Hades' castle crumbles, the last light of the great Tower Clock in the Sanctuary fades. In his

last minutes of life, Shion is approached by his old friend, Dohko of Libra. The Sanctuary is in

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ruins, and the young Bronze Knights have been sent once more to fight the real battle. Now it's

all up to them, and their ability to awaken the Arayashiki. Shaka and Athena have already

begun their journey through the Underworld. The only way to travel freely in it is awakening

the Eighth Sense, the Arayashiki. Shion feels the weight of the countless battles he and his

friend Dohko have fought. “So have the young Bronze Knights, and every time they have

produced a miracle, when they raised their Cosmos to the utmost. They will achieve the Eighth

Sense.”, his friend tells him. Shion wishes he had more time to speak with him, but now he

must go. They have waited 243 years to do so, a little more time won't make a difference. As

his body turns into a thousand sparkling motes, Dohko bids him farewell. The ancient Knight of

Libra calls forth Kanon, who now wears the Armor of Gemini. They will both travel to the

Underworld, and fight in this last war.

Within the deepest darkness, Seiya floats down surrounded by his blue-white Cosmos in the

form of flaming wings, as he calls Saori's name...

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The Hades Saga - Chapter Inferno

Entrance to Hell. The Eighth Sense.

The bright morning sun shines, as Hades' castle falls apart, with its structure damaged by the

intense battles that have transpired. Seiya continues his descent into darkness, while he gazes

upon the statuette on his left hand, Athena's Armor, and thinks of Saori. His aura flares a

bright blue, and turns into flaming wings.

At the edge of the crumbling stairwell, Shiryu, Shun and Hyoga contemplate the dark abyss.

Just when they are about to descend, willing to accompany Athena and Seiya, a deep voice

halts them. As they turn, they see a magnificent figure clad in the Armor of Libra. Shiryu

explains to his friends that this man is his master, the one they know as Roshi, who introduces

himself as Dohko, Gold Knight of Libra. The serious man tells them that they are about to

descend to the Underworld. There, Hades' Spectres are gifted with their god's blessing, and

are able to move freely while still living. But anyone else who enters will irrevocably die and

become a ghost, forever trapped. That prospect horrifies the boys, for they know that Seiya

has already entered... but Dohko reasons that he has probably awakened the Araya

Conscience. In doing that, he would probably reach the land of the dead while still living,


The boys remember Shaka's parting words, written with blood on petals. “Arayashiki”, the

Araya Conscience. “Those weren't parting words”. Dohko tells them that Shaka was asking

Saori to make a choice. In order to defeat Hades, it is necessary to enter the Underworld while

living, and to do that one must first awaken the Araya Conscience. In Buddhism, it is used to

name something hidden, the root of something. It is the Eighth Sense of consciousness... the

maximum Cosmos that lies beyond the seven senses. Now the young Bronze Knights

understand that neither Shaka nor Athena have given up fighting, but have instead overcome

death to enter the Underworld, and defeat Hades.

Dohko sternly announces that he will follow Athena and Shaka in their battle. Shiryu steps

forward, and tells him that he'll also follow. The serious Gold Knight hesitates, but understands

that it would be harder to stop them than to allow them to continue, so he acquiesces. He calls

them “Knights of Hope”, and leads them into darkness...

In a bleak and barren landscape, covered by a black and red sky, Seiya regains his

consciousness. He has no doubt this is the Land of the Dead. Nearby, he contemplates Shun's

unmoving figure. Approaching, he awakens his gentle friend, who is more than glad to see his

face. Shun explains that Shiryu, Hyoga and the ancient master have also entered the

Underworld, and asks him if he was able to awaken his Eighth Sense. Seiya doesn't have a clue

as to this “Eighth Sense”, but still accepts Shun's explanation. They both begin their journey

through the dark blue cliffs and canyons of this alien land. Running and leaping, they swiftly

cross most obstacles, but suddenly come to a halt before an imposing view. A huge archway

made of white-gray marble, the entrance to Hell. Written in Greek, there's an inscription

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carved in it:


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Cross the River Acheron.


Shun is appalled by that statement. Even for a man that has lost everything, there's always

hope. How can anyone ask others to abandon hope? Seiya remains cheerful, and tells his

friend that they will never abandon hope, for they justly are the Knights of Hope.

Within the palace of Giudecca, Pandora feels the presence of the Knights that have entered

the Underworld. There's seven... no, eight of them.

Seiya and Shun come upon a large body of brownish water. The first one thinks it's a sea, but

Shun corrects him, telling him that by looking at the current, one can recognize it as a river.

Seiya now remembers, this must be the River Acheron. Suddenly, they both feel the presence

of uncountable moaning souls on the riverbanks. A shrill and disdainful voice coming from the

river tells them that those are the people that lived their lives with apathy, and are now unable

to enter either Heaven or Hell. A sturdy boat approaches, as the ferryman continues telling

them that those souls will remain forever wailing upon the riverbanks of the Acheron, and

ends laughing at their fates. The boys look surprised, and the grotesque man introduces

himself as Charon of the Celestial Spatial Star, Ferryman of the Dead. He recognizes them as

living beings, and tells them only Spectres and the dead can be there. In turn, the boys present

themselves as Knights of Athena, Seiya of Pegasus and Shun of Andromeda. Charon knows

them to be the intruders from the comuniqué he received, and he denies them passage. Seiya

quickly attacks him with his Pegasus Meteors, but the Spectre parries with his Rolling Oar, and

counterattacks. His dark metallic oar is swiftly caught by Shun's chain, just inches before it

strikes Seiya.

“Impudent brats!”, he calls them. “Are you so eager to cross the river?” Shun tells him that

they have entered the Underworld without abandoning hope, and they will try by all means to

cross the Acheron. The Spectre seems impressed by their determination, and willing to take

them, if they only give him something of value... He explains that, normally, he is given two

silver pieces to help anyone across. Seiya is offended by the demand, but before he strikes

again, Shun takes hold of his arm. The gentle boy walks towards Charon, and takes off his

pendant, offering it to him. The ferryman gapes at the sight of the precious item, that has the

shape of a five-pointed star and engraved with a laurel wreath and the words “Yours Ever”.

Seiya has never seen it, and Shun explains that he had it since he was a child, and that his older

brother told him it probably belonged to their mother, whom he never met. The first one can't

believe his friend would give away such a precious keepsake, but Shun tells him it's worth the

trouble if a simple pendant will avoid them a senseless battle.

Charon says it's not enough to take them across the river, but still tells them to climb up the

boat. He calmly guides the craft through the dirty waters, while singing with his awful voice.

Between verses, he warns the boys not to fall over the prow, awed by his song. Seiya, bored to

death, pays no attention to him, and simply asks how much longer will it take. Charon answers

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that they are still halfway through, and they are now at the deepest and coldest part of the

river... and suddenly pushes the boy overboard with his oar! The Spectre says he told them,

the pendant wasn't enough payment for both. He continues saying that it is impossible to

swim or stay afloat on the Acheron, and also that the riverbed is littered with the bodies of

those who tried to cross and failed... and suddenly dozens of corpses emerge and try to pull

Seiya down!

Shun hurls his chain and wraps it around Seiya's wrist. Charon hits him with his oar, so as to

stop him from saving the other boy. He says he will let him cross, thanks to the pendant he

was given. As Shun refuses to let go of Seiya, the Spectre continues hitting him, and when he's

about to throw him overboard, he's struck by Pegasus' Meteors! The ferryman blocks with his

Rolling Oar technique, but Seiya continues his onslaught, with his Meteors striking even faster

than before. They start to penetrate the defense, piercing through the gaps left by the twirling

oar. “A technique once used against a Knight will not work a second time!”, proclaims the boy,

as his attack reaches the Spectre's body. Charon is thrown back a hundred feet!

Shiryu and Hyoga run side by side on the dark wastes. They have also awakened their Eighth

Sense and reached the Underworld, but in the process have been separated from Shun and

the ancient master. Still, it doesn't matter, as the destination is the same for them all.

Seiya is pulled out of the water by Shun's chain. He tells his friend that they shouldn't have

trusted the Spectre, who is now trying to stay afloat while the corpses pull him down. Charon

desperately asks for help. The ferryman tells them that even with his boat, they will never

know east from west, and will wander aimlessly for all eternity. Only with his help can they

cross the Acheron. This time, Shun uses his chain to pull out the Spectre. Seiya hesitates, but

still returns his oar to him. “Now I'll show you, there's no mercy in Hell!”, Charon strikes again,

but Pegasus blocks the oar with his hands, and now they both struggle, trying to push each

other back. Releasing the oar, the dark warrior now unleashes his secret technique, the

Eddying Current Crusher, and sends Seiya flying skywards! As Shun screams, Charon calls him a

“foolish philanthropist”, while swinging his oar. The boy uses his tightened chain to parry the

attack. “Trusting fool, die by your own naiveté!”, yells the Spectre... but suddenly stops! “I

have never seen a look as innocent as yours. Those that come here are people that did bad

things in their lives. You can see their rotten souls in their eyes. Even when I betrayed you, you

still wished to believe in the goodness of people. You are a deranged brat. Maybe, everyone

who acts like you enters the Elysium Fields upon their death.” Shun asks about these “Elysium

Fields”, and Charon tells him it's Paradise, that lies beyond Hell.

Pegasus wakes up again, now in Shun's arms. They are both in Charon's boat, who doesn't

bother them, and guides them to the other shore. Not only is the Spectre helping them, but he

also gave the pendant back to Shun. He is grateful for the boy having saved his precious life.

But, once they reach the shore, they will have to battle again. The ferryman points to the

nearing land, that he calls the “First Prison”. He explains that Hell is constituted by Eight

Prisons, Three Valleys, Ten Pits, and Four Spheres. Even though he doesn't know the current

whereabouts of Athena, he's sure she will never reach lord Hades. As they reach the shore, the

boys climb out of the craft, as does Charon. Seiya tells him he has seen all his maneuvers,

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which will now be useless. They both execute their techniques at the same time, the Eddying

Current Crusher and Pegasus Meteors. The last ones seem overwhelmed by the Spectre's

power, and Seiya is knocked down. But as the grotesque man gloats over the fall of his

enemy... his Surplice and body are bashed by a dozen unseen punches, the aftereffect of the

boy's attack! His helmet cracks and falls, along with a dozen silver coins, as he drops dead on

his boat, which starts to drift into the misty river...

Seiya stands with the help of Shun, only slightly wounded, and they go on to the First Prison.

Faraway, the ancient master of Libra gazes over the desolate landscape. In another corner of

the Underworld, Kanon, clad with the Armor of Gemini, walks calmly but with determination.

And yet in another place of Hades' vast realm, Athena Saori looks at her destination, while

guarded by Shaka of Virgo.

Finally, the boys reach the First Prison, and they rest their eyes on a building of titanic

proportions... a Court of Justice.

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The Tribunal of Silence.

Seiya reads the inscription over the portico, “First Prison - Palace of Justice”. Shun wonders

what kind of justice is dispensed over the dead. The building remains deadly silent, while the

boys approach an immense gilded wooden door. Seiya finds the place disquieting, and says so

out loud... and is shushed by a small man. The whispering figure, a bald man with a dark armor

and a small scythe, approaches, telling them to keep quiet. “It is strictly forbidden to make any

noise, here. Watch when you step, hold your breath, and don't sneeze, or you would break the

silence.” Suddenly, Seiya covers his nostrils with his index finger, and sneezes extremely loud,

exaggerating the noise and spitting. “I think I've caught a cold, from falling all those times in

the river.”, he says sarcastically. The tiny guardian is horrified at this insolence, and screams

with indignation. “Shut up, you're being too loudmouthed!”, yells Seiya back at him. Lowering

his voice, the man tells them that even a single sneeze can bring them a lot of trouble in this

place. He continues saying that, once inside, they will stand in front of Rune, before whom

they must confess all their sins. Seiya acts as if he can't hear his whispers, and loudly asks

“WHAT?!?” As he opens the creaking door, the despairing little man tells him once more to

shut up... but suddenly is silenced himself by a somber voice.

At the far end of the hall, perched high over long stairs, sitting behind a desk is the one who

demands silence from his subordinate Marukino. The last one asks forgiveness to the presiding

Spectre, Rune. “It shall be the last thing you do, if you squeal again like that.”, threatens the

robed and imposing man. As Marukino protests, claiming he wasn't the one who sneezed,

Rune strikes with his gavel, and asks him if he wants to die. The Spectre sits once again on his

massive chair, and crosses his fingers over a heavy tome. He explains that he's the temporary

replacement for Minos, and presents himself as Rune of Balrog, of the Celestial Wise Star.

According to the sins they've committed, he will send them to a particular Hell. With his purple

eyes, he penetrates the boys' souls and asks their names. They answer straightforwardly, Seiya

and Shun. But not content with that, Seiya smiles mischieviously and tells out loud “Hey, you!

We haven't done anything so bad, so as to be judged!” Rune, infuriated, strikes again with his

gavel, and orders him to lower his voice. He tells them that it's useless to lie out of fear,

everyone who comes to this court is guilty of some sin. Opening his great ledger, he searches

for their names... but can't find them. Again, he asks their names. Seiya, running out of

patience, takes a deep breath and screams at the top of his lungs “I'M THE KNIGHT OF



The entire hall echoes with his shouting, and Seiya laughs as he gasps for breath. Deadly

serious, Rune closes the book in front of him, as Marukino enters once again, screaming for

attention, and warning him that Athena's Knights have already crossed the Acheron. The

Spectre's incredibly long whip wraps around the tiny man, shining with purple flames. It

touches his body only for a few seconds, but it leaves bright purple burns all over. Rune

sentences his subordinate “I warned you not to make a single noise.” On his last seconds of

life, Marukino despairs as his body is torn apart by the aftereffect of the whip's strike, leaving

only blood on the floor.

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The mighty warden of the First Prison slowly descends the stairs that separate him from the

Knights of Athena. His every step rings with a metallic sound. “Your lives have not concluded

yet, so I'll make you confess the sins you have committed until now, and I'll throw you, still

living, into the most adequate Hell.” Seiya charges against his opponent, but Rune unleashes

his Reincarnation power, first. The boy is thrown back and surrounded by a purple light. He is

suddenly submerged in his own memories, that of all the cruelties and sins he committed.

Killing insects just for fun, plucking flowers, striking pigeons with rocks, beating other children.

“Will you still be saying you haven't done anything wrong?” Rune now points out all the

endless violence and murder Seiya has committed. The boy is horribly afraid, as the images of

his victims flood him. Misty, Moses, Algethi, Dio, Sirius... and also his terrible battles against

Aldebaran, Aioria, Saga and Poseidon. A suffering Seiya admits as to the killings, but explains

they were all done in the name of justice. “Don't be proud of that!”, shouts for the first time

Rune. “A human being, unlike a god, has no right to punish others like that.” The Spectre

sentences him to a Hell dedicated to those who have cultivated violence and murder, the First

Valley of the Sixth Prison, a lake of boiling blood, the Pyriphlegeton. Seiya vanishes from the

Tribunal, and starts falling towards the steaming Hell... but suddenly the Chain of Andromeda

catches him!

Rune is astounded, the chain was able to traverse all that space and rescue Pegasus. Shun

explains that it has the ability to cross any distance, even light years away. Now, the Spectre

looks deep into the boy's eyes... and succumbs to fear! “My lord!”, he exclaims. Rune

recognizes the similarities, even though they have different hair color. But no, HE wouldn't

come personally to this place. Yet they are so similar. Putting his doubts aside, the Spectre now

prepares to judge Shun. He lashes with his whip at the same time the boy casts his chain, and

both weapons intertwine. “I've always resigned myself to be judged and punished for the

crimes I've committed, when the time came. But I want to know, is there any way of not

killing? No matter how noble a person is, in order to survive he has to kill animals, plants and

insects, as well as experience hatred and envy, and will have to hurt someone else. We all

abhor those actions and feelings, but if they're wrong, then the mere act of living is evil, isn't

it? Answer me!” Rune's reply comes swiftly: “Only a god can answer your doubts. My only duty

is to impart justice according to the Law of Hades.” The Spectre unleashes his Fire Whip

against the boy, who counters with his Rolling Defense. The whip easily pierces the defense

and wraps around Shun's body, surrounded with ominous purple flames. Tired of fighting,

Andromeda apparently surrenders to his punishment, and kneels under the weight of all the

killings he committed. Rune unwraps the whip from his body, confident that the damage is

already done. The boy apologizes to his brother and friends... and his body is dismembered.

“It's a pity. Despite being enemies, these boys truly were pure of heart.”, Rune laments within

the silent hall. He still can't stop thinking how similar Shun is to... Suddenly a deep and

inhuman voice calls him! A shadowy face emerges from the floor where the boy fell, and with

a monstrous visage reprimands him! Now the superimposed image of Shun's angry face

appears, and demands “What are you going to do with my head? Place it back on my body!”

The Spectre has no doubt, IT IS HIM! Frantically, he starts looking for the head... but the

dismembered body is gone! There's no trace of it! “What have I done? I've committed a

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terrible crime!”, he cries as he tears his robes, revealing his Surplice beneath. He comes

running like a madman out of the Tribunal, asking for the body to no one in particular, and

thinking the winds of the dark valley might have blown it away.

Shun regains his consciousness, unharmed, and contemplates Seiya's still-living form beside

him. Neither of the boys understands what has transpired, but at least are safe.

Rune sees Shun's head far away, over a stone bridge, and when he grabs it, the powerful hand

of Rhadamanthys turns him around. The first one explains that he was searching for a head he

had just decapitated, and as he looks down to his hands... there's only his helmet! It was all

just an illusion. He thinks Andromeda tricked him, but Rhadamanthys knows better. Someone

much more terrible than a mere Bronze Knight has entered Hell. They both feel his Cosmos

present, and Rune quickly lashes with his whip, that wraps around an invisible form.

Rhadamanthys hears the deep voice of this new warrior, and proclaims “I knew it was you. The

man that deceived a god!” In front of them, the majestic figure of Kanon of Gemini fades into


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The Man Who Deceived a God, The Ally of Athena.

The Gold Knight tells his opponents that he was going to use the Demon Emperor Fist to make

Rune guide him to Hades' throne room. But now, he will use Rhadamanthys instead. “You are

crazy. You're practically dead already!”, replies Rune, still holding him with his whip. But Kanon

limits himself to touching the weapon with his index finger... and it gradually disintegrates with

a gold light! Not only the whip, but also Rune's body, that explodes! “You said it yourself. Only

gods can judge others, not humans. So this is your punishment, for having judged other

people. And you'll also receive your punishment, Rhadamanthys. Or you'll rather lead me to

Hades?” The leader of the Spectres answers that he'll lead him... to the deepest Hell. His

purple aura flares, and he strikes, but he's too slow. As he stands atop a slender brown column

at the border of the bridge, Kanon says with an even tone that he's feeling rather light-footed.

He knows that Hades' force-field that surrounded the castle has no effect here. Rhadamanthys

replies that it is not necessary in this place, as only feeble shades and spirits arrive here. The

Gold Knight finally concludes that the only reason the Spectre was able to vanquish three of his

companions, is that the force-field on the castle weakened them. “Otherwise, you couldn't

have defeated them.”, is Kanon's final insult. Just when he's about to unleash his next attack

against the Spectre leader, Seiya and Shun arrive running. The boys are glad to see someone as

powerful as him as their ally, and realize he saved them from Rune. But suddenly, the Gold

Knight strikes them!

The Bronze Knights fall but swiftly pick themselves up. Seiya angrily asks Kanon what's he

doing. The latter explains that he has sworn loyalty to Athena, but he'll never ally himself with

them. With their attitudes, they boys are nothing but a hindrance. “Never surrender to

exhaustion in the field of battle. Never have fear of eliminating the enemy. If you do not kill

him, it will be your enemy that kills you, and those that do not deserve it.”, is the new Gold

Knight's sermon. He continues: “In the past I sullied myself with evil. I'm not the one to say

things like these, but after all the crimes I committed I'm willing to accept whatever

punishment the gods have for me. Until then, I will fight tirelessly! If you have understood,

then move on. You have the mission of delivering a most important item to Athena.” The boys

finally understand, and continue their search for the goddess, leaving behind Kanon and


The mighty Spectre of Wyvern is amused by his opponent, the one who once held Poseidon on

the palm of his hand, now lectures a couple of third-rate Knights. He elevates his Cosmos and

unleashes his most terrible technique, the Greatest Caution! A purple dragon formed by his

aura strikes Kanon, that is thrown against one of the pillars, and falls to the ground. The Gold

Knight now realizes why this is one of the three leaders of the Spectres, the most powerful of

the 108. As they are about to continue the fight, another half a dozen Spectres appear,

seemingly out of nowhere, and surround the intruder. They inform Rhadamanthys that

Pandora has requested his presence urgently. Their mighty leader is frustrated, as he had

sworn to defeat the Knights by himself, but his subordinates tell him they will take care of

Kanon. Rhadamanthys knows they wouldn't be a match for the Gold Knight, even if they were

a hundred... but he still teleports away. The clueless braggarts all charge at the same time, only

to be obliterated by the power of the Galaxian Explosion...

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Setting Topics:

- A Battle of Wills

- The Sanctuary of Athena

- The World of Saint Seiya (Fictional Places & Anachronisms)

System Topics:

- "A technique once used against a Knight will not work a second time."

- Buddha

- Destruction of the Five Senses

- Fated

- Muvian

- Rank and Order. Knights' Power-level.

- Telekinesis

- The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki)

- The Fate of the Phoenix

- The Influence of Spirits

- The Ninth Sense (Big Will)

- The Seventh Sense (Continual)

- The Seventh Sense (Sporadic)

- The Strength of Friendship


- Armors

- Armors (continued)

- Atypical Bronze Armors

- Damaging and Repairing Armors

- Excalibur

- God Warrior Armors

- Improved Bronze Armors

- Mariner Generals' Scales

- Niké and the Gold Shield of Athena

- Spectres and their Surplices

- The Armor and Sword of Odin

- The Armor of Libra

- The Armor of Sagittarius

- The Trident and Scales of Poseidon

- Ultimate Armors


Rules Expansion:

- Martial Arts Design Notes

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- New Flaws & Maneuvers

- New Marvels & Options

Uncommon Styles:

- Andromeda's Legacy (Silver Chi)

- Arctic Winds (Silver Chi)

- Arrow of Judgment (White Chi)

- Avenger Phoenix (Crimson Chi)

- Celestial Harmony (Silver Chi)

- Chained King (Silver Chi)

- Demigod's Might (Jade Chi)

- Demon Rose (Silver Chi)

- Dragon's Wake (Jade Chi)

- Eclipse Eagle (Crimson Chi)

- Five Strings (Gold Chi)

- Flight of the Pegasus (Crimson Chi)

- Freezing Cosmos (Silver Chi)

- Gift of Proteus (White Chi)

- Golden Lion (Gold Chi)

- Haunting Song (Gold Chi)

- Hell Warlord (Jade Chi)

- Horns of the Bull (Jade Chi)

- Ice Tiger Claw (Silver Chi)

- Knight's Speed (Flexible Chi)

- Kundalini (Crimson Chi)

- Lizard Breath (Silver Chi)

- Lord of Fire and Ice (Unique Chi)

- Master of the Runes (Gold Chi)

- Nocturnal Craft (Silver Chi)

- Northern Wolf (Crimson Chi)

- Queen Cobra (Crimson Chi)

- Radiant Metamorphosis (Gold Chi)

- Rainbow Feathers (Unique Chi)

- Royal Scorpion (Crimson Chi)

- Shadow Hunter (Silver Chi)

- Slashing Eagle (Crimson Chi)

- Spatial Mastery (Silver Chi)

- Star-Shattering Fists (Crimson Chi)

- Stars of Crystal Might (Silver Chi) (co-authored with sailor_grenoble)

- Tempest Riding (Jade Chi)

- The Six Beasts of Scylla (Unique Chi)

- Two-Headed Dragon (Gold Chi)

- Will of the Earth (White Chi)

Rare Styles:

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- Cosmic Strings (White Chi)

- Cosmos Manipulation (Unique Chi)

- King of the Underworld (Silver Chi)

- Serene Heart (Gold Chi)

Formless Techniques:

- Another Dimension (Level 6; Silver Chi)

- Athena's Exclamation (Level 6; Flexible Chi)

- Big Tornado (Level 5; Silver Chi)

- Divine Sanctity (Level 7; Flexible Chi)

- Divine Wrath (Level 6; Flexible Chi)

- Empty Fist (Level 1; White Chi)

- Glacial Fist (Level 4; Silver Chi)

- Golden Triangle (Level 5; Gold Chi)

- Harmony of Discipline (Level 2; Gold Chi)

- Iaido (Level 1; White Chi)

- Infernal Waves (Level 6; Silver Chi)

- Jumping Stone (Level 5; Crimson Chi)

- Misopetha-menos (Level 5; Crimson Chi)

- Mjolnir Hammer (Level 5; Jade Chi)

- Nebular Storm (Level 6; Silver Chi)

- Psychokinetic Attack (Level 6; Flexible Chi)

- Titanic Hercules (Level 5; Jade Chi)


Bronze Knights: (multiple entries show their evolution)

- Hyoga, Bronze Knight of Cygnus (Beginning) (Asgard Saga) (Poseidon Saga) (Chapter Inferno)

- Ikki, Bronze Knight of Phoenix (Beginning) (Asgard Saga) (Poseidon Saga) (Chapter Inferno)

- Seiya, Bronze Knight of Pegasus (Beginning) (Asgard Saga) (Poseidon Saga) (Chapter Inferno)

- Shiryu, Bronze Knight of Dragon (Beginning) (Asgard Saga) (Poseidon Saga) (Chapter Inferno)

- Shun, Bronze Knight of Andromeda (Beginning) (Asgard Saga) (Poseidon Saga) (Chapter


Silver Knights:

- Albiore, Silver Knight of Cepheus

- Marin, Silver Knight of Eagle (Aquila)

- Misty, Silver Knight of Lizard (Lacerta)

- Orpheus, Silver Knight of Lyra

- Ptolemy, Silver Knight of Sagitta

- Shaina, Silver Knight of Ophiuchus

- Shiva, Silver Knight of Peacock (Pavo)

Gold Knights:

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- Mu, Gold Knight of Aries (SPOILER WARNING)

- Aldebaran, Gold Knight of Taurus

- Saga, Gold Knight of Gemini (SPOILER WARNING)

- Kanon, Gold Knight of Gemini (Chapter Inferno) (SPOILER WARNING)

- Deathmask, Gold Knight of Cancer

- Aioria, Gold Knight of Leo

- Shaka, Gold Knight of Virgo

- Dohko, Gold Knight of Libra (SPOILER WARNING)

- Milo, Gold Knight of Scorpio

- Aioros, Gold Knight of Sagittarius (SPOILER WARNING)

- Shura, Gold Knight of Capricorn

- Camus, Gold Knight of Aquarius

- Aphrodite, Gold Knight of Pisces

Other characters from the Sanctuary:

- Arles, The Patriarch of the Sanctuary (SPOILER WARNING)

- Crystal Knight

- Docrates

- Kiki

- Shion, former Gold Knight of Aries and Patriarch (SPOILER WARNING)


- Siegfried, God Warrior of Dubhe Alpha

- Hagen, God Warrior of Merak Beta

- Thor, God Warrior of Phecda Gamma

- Alberich, God Warrior of Megrez Delta

- Fenrir, God Warrior of Alioth Epsilon

- Syd, God Warrior of Mizar Zeta

- Bud, God Warrior of Alcor Zeta (SPOILER WARNING)

- Mime, God Warrior of Benetnasch Eta

Poseidon's Mariners:

- Baian the Sea Horse, Mariner General of the North Pacific

- Io of Scylla, Mariner General of the South Pacific

- Krishna of Chrysaor, Mariner General of the Indian Ocean

- Kassa of Lymnades, Mariner General of the Antarctic Ocean

- Isaac of Kraken, Mariner General of the Arctic Ocean

- Sorrento of Siren, Mariner General of the South Atlantic (SPOILER WARNING)

- Kanon the Sea Dragon, Mariner General of the North Atlantic (SPOILER WARNING)

Hades' Spectres:

- Myu of Papillon, Spectre of the Terrestrial Charmed Star

- Rune of Balrog, Spectre of the Celestial Wise Star

- Aiacos of Garuda, Spectre of the Celestial Valiance Star (Judge of Hell)

- Minos of Griffin, Spectre of the Celestial Noble Star (Judge of Hell)

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- Rhadamanthys of Wyvern, Spectre of the Celestial Fierce Star (Judge of Hell)

Gods and their Incarnations:

- Saori Kido / Athena, Guardian of Earth (SPOILER WARNING)

- Julian Solo / Poseidon, Emperor of the Seas (SPOILER WARNING)

- Hades, King of the Underworld (Possessed body) (SPOILER WARNING)

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A Battle of Wills

(A Setting Topic)

At the core of Saint Seiya, there aren't physical combats and duels of martial arts, so much as

battles of wills and souls.

Most duels within this fictional world are quite static, as the warriors stare at each other and

unleash cosmic energies. They do have stances and maneuvers, but those are used mainly to

channel their inner energies against an opponent. Typically, the characters don't practice

conventional martial arts (kung fu, karate, boxing, etc.), with some exceptions, like Shiryu or


Though they train their bodies with harsh discipline and exercise, the cosmic warriors use that

training to focus their will, instead of merely developing their muscles. At the beginning, their

style of combat shows more punches and kicks, but as they progress and get closer to the

power of gods, their duels become more abstract, relying more on psychological attacks,

overcoming one's limits, while making an opponent doubt about his reasons for fighting. Two

gods in battle would never even touch each other, and the struggle would be resolved by the

clash of their wills and souls, and the cosmic energy born from those.

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The Sanctuary of Athena

(A Setting Topic)

Situated in a hidden mountainous location near Athens (that no ordinary man can climb), the

core of the Sanctuary is composed of the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac, the Patriarch's

Chambers, and Athena's Statue.

Each of the successive Houses is placed at a higher altitude, with long winding stairs ascending

through the hills and cliffs. There are no parallel paths nor bifurcations, only a single snaking

way with the Twelve Houses at strategic points. This was made on purpose, as this temple

complex is the last bastion of hope, and has a defensive purpose, to protect the incarnation of

Athena. Such it is, that even a warrior with teleporting capabilities is forced to walk all the way,

for Athena's will (regardless of the current incarnation) creates a barrier against long range

teleportation within the Sanctuary. The only way to reach Athena's Statue is to fight against

each successive Gold Knight, a difficult task at best.

Some of the Twelve Houses have powers and defenses beyond the abilities of the Gold Knights

that guard them, and that can only be activated by them. For example, the House of Gemini

can create an illusory maze called The Labyrinth of Light and Shadow, as well as many other


The exact size of each House varies (as does their shape), but we can assume they are on a

similar scale as the Parthenon, that is, aproximately a quarter of a city block. The distance

between Houses also varies, probably between 100 to 500 yards.

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The World of Saint Seiya (Fictional Places & Anachronisms)

(A Setting Topic)

It is the year 1987, and many real-world places (and countries) get mentioned, but the world

where this series transpires has several profound differences.

One is the very same land of Asgard, which is vaguely referenced to be “north of Europe”, and

we never get to know if it is IN Europe, or beyond (I assume the last). This land is fully

anachronistic, for the people of Asgard have a medieval lifestyle. The warriors use spears,

bows and axes, and must hunt for their food. Both men and women dress in a medieval


A similar (backwards) anachronism is the death of Hyoga’s mother, Natasha, who sunk

beneath the arctic seas in a wooden sail-ship. We also have the town that surrounds the

Sanctuary in Greece (not to mention the very same Sanctuary, a fully preserved ancient greek

temple complex in the middle of modern-day Europe), and the Patriarch’s soldiers, that use

spears, helmets, and common armors.

In this world’s remote history we find out that there existed two (now lost) continents, Mu and

Atlantis, ruled by Athena and Poseidon, respectively. In the first holy war between these gods,

Poseidon’s warriors (although fewer) had the upper hand, for they were protected by magical

armors. Athena had the muvians craft similar armors for her Knights, and finally defeated the

sea god, sinking Atlantis. Mu of Aries and the child Kiki, his disciple, are two of the last

descendants of the muvians (and both come from Tibet, so we can speculate that there is a

tiny colony of muvians there…). It's worth noting that Death Queen Island, from whence the

Phoenix Armor came (and Ikki's training site), is one of the last remnants of the Mu continent.

Maybe some nearby South Pacific islands are other pieces of the lost continent, and hold their

own secrets...

On the other end of the spectrum we also have (slightly) futuristic anachronisms. For example,

we see Saori and the Bronze Knights arriving at the Sanctuary, from Japan, on a VTOL (Vertical

Take-Off and Landing) private jet, truly a wonder in 1987.

Normal places and events are also mentioned. When the icecaps begin to melt, we see New

York (the Statue of Liberty), London and Paris being flooded. In a particularly interesting

dialogue between Deathmask of Cancer and the ancient Knight of Libra (Roshi), the first one

advocates the “might makes right” philosophy, mentioning ancient and modern empires, like

the Roman Empire and the Nazi regime, to which Roshi answers “But they were destroyed,

and their sins never forgotten.”

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"A technique once used against a Knight will not work a second time."

(A System Topic)

A Knight can make an Awareness roll as a Full Action to watch his enemy's technique in use.

Each result die obtained on this roll imposes a -5 penalty to the opponent's Attack when using

that specific technique against the Knight (the penalty applies to the roll, not to Strike, so it

does not stack with Wound penalties, but it does with Strike Negation).

This penalty lasts for the rest of the combat, but does not apply to other characters using the

same technique (an Awareness roll made against Hyoga's Diamond Dust would not work

against Camus' Diamond Dust).

This roll can be attempted more than once, even to increase the penalty (after all, the

character is forgoing attacks just to make this roll).


Trivial [10] - 1st level technique

Simple [15] - 2nd level technique

Everyday [18] - 3rd level technique

Moderate [20] - 4th level technique

Hard [30] - 5th level technique or Rare Form I

Legendary [40] - 6th level technique or Rare Form 2

Impossible [60] - 7th level technique or Rare Form 3

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(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 10

It will be forever unknown if this character is the current incarnation of the Buddha or not, but

it is certain that he has achieved a measure of enlightenment, and realized the true nature of

reality. With this awakening, the character is free of samsara, the cycle of birth, suffering,

death and rebirth.

Note: This does not reflect real Buddhism in any way, it’s just a rules mechanic to give some

flavor (and much more power) to a character.


- Receives 1 free point of Xia or Corrupt Joss (player/GM’s choice) at the start of each


- Can spend 1 DP to make his last Health level “untouchable”, that is, it cannot be reduced by

any amount of damage, except from: level 7 Uncommon techniques, level 6 or 7 Formless

techniques, or any Rare Form. This invulnerability lasts for the rest of the scene.

- The character gets a 2-point discount on The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki).

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Destruction of the Five Senses

(A System Topic)

A recurring theme in Saint Seiya is the removal (or shutting down) of an opponent's normal

five senses (the sixth sense [intuition] and the Seventh Sense, are never harmed). Both Saga of

Gemini and Shaka of Virgo, of the Gold Knights, have techniques that allow them this kind of


Each sense removed counts as a Minor Chi Weakness. The victim is forced to act (or refrain

from acting) in a specific way, or suffer the penalty.

Hearing (Minor Silver Chi Weakness)

- Condition: The character does not heed any sound, alarms, verbal warnings, threats, etc.

- Effect: Loss of Silver Chi Breath (per round ignored [the character uses a mild telepathic

ability to hear])

Sight (Minor Jade Chi Weakness)

- Condition: The character stumbles with any obstacle, and cannot attack or defend

- Effect: -5 Action Penalty (when the character tries to perform those actions blindly)

Smell (Minor White Chi Weakness)

- Condition: The character has difficulty breathing, and cannot exert himself (perform Full


- Effect: Loss of White Chi Breath (per round ignored)

Taste (Minor Gold Chi Weakness)

- Condition: The character cannot speak or utter any sound

- Effect: Loss of Gold Chi Breath (per round ignored [the character uses a mild telepathic ability

to speak directly to others' minds])

Touch (Minor Crimson Chi Weakness)

- Condition: The character has no awareness of his own body, and must move slowly

(maximum 5 yards per round) to avoid falling

- Effect: Cumulative -1 point to Speed/Crimson Chi (per round ignored [the character pushes

himself to greater speeds], maximum 2 points lost for the rest of the scene)

Note: Each of the five senses removed counts as a full wound level for purposes of awakening

the Seventh Sense. So, a character deprived of all his five senses would get a +20 bonus to his

Confidence roll to awaken the Seventh Sense, even if he isn't that badly injured (remember the

battle of Phoenix Ikki against Shaka of Virgo)...

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(A System Topic: New Advantage)

Destiny Cost: 8

This is a warrior destined for great things through great struggles. He will fall many times, but

he will recover and achieve epic feats. However, gods don’t look kindly on a mortal with this

kind of gift, and he will likely earn their enmity. The gods will have their way with him, sooner

or later (GM’s call, and he’s encouraged to be harsh)…

The character has one extra slot on his River (but his Chi Aura stays the same). This Advantage

cannot be taken more than once.

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(A System Topic: New Advantage)

Destiny Cost: 5

The character is one of the last descendants of the mythical muvian race (an offshoot of

humans), former inhabitants and masters of the lost continent of Mu. The muvians were

renowned by their crafting and telekinetic abilities, and were the ones responsible for creating

the Armors of Athena’s Knights.

Most of their great race has perished. Two of the last known muvians are Mu, Gold Knight of

Aries, and his disciple Kiki. These people can be distinguished by two colored dots on their

foreheads, and an absence of eyebrows.

A muvian can create a kind of lens by making a circle with both his hands (touching both index

fingers and thumbs together), through which he can see the microscopic cracks on Armors, to

assess the damage. Everything is seen as if through a red lens.


- Only a muvian can repair the Armors of the Knights of Athena.

- The character can assess the damage to an Armor with a Moderate [20] Awareness roll. This

lets him know the exact amount of damage it has sustained (and how much Health it has


- The character gets a +5 bonus to the Crafting (Knight Armor) specialty.

- The character gets a 2-point discount on the Perfect Specialty*: Lift (Telekinesis)

* Perfect Specialty works exactly as Superior Specialty, but at double efficiency and cost (grants a +10 bonus and costs 6 DPs).

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Rank and Order. Knights' Power-level. (A System Topic)

Typical Bronze Knight: 4th Rank (55-85 Destiny)

Typical Silver Knight: 3rd-2nd Rank (110-180 Destiny)

Typical Gold Knight: 2nd-1st Rank (190-250 Destiny)

The five protagonists will always remain Bronze Knights, but their power rapidly exceeds the

norm (Ikki the Phoenix already starts more powerful than the guideline above), and does not

stop growing throughout the series...

This reflects one of the basic premises of the anime. What matters is not rank or power (or

armor), but virtue and loyalty. The five Bronze Knights are on the "right side", with Athena,

while the Gold Knights, even though most are well-meaning, are being manipulated by the

Patriarch, and thus are on the "wrong side". It's a civil war, since all of them should be Knights

of Athena.

Also, the Bronze Knights are willing to go all the way, sacrificing themselves, because they

KNOW they are on the right side. Many Gold Knights have doubts and pull their punches, and

constantly underestimate their opponents.

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(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 10

Almost every Gold Knight shows, at one time or another, an incredible ability to move objects

from a distance, with the power of his mind. This Telekinesis counts as a special Secret Arts

Extraordinary Technique, similar to Dancing Metal Intercession, but with some variants. This is

a stand-alone Technique that doesn’t need any other Lore to be bought.

In the show there are a couple of important examples. First, Aldebaran of Taurus used this

power to crumble most of the columns in his temple, to bury Seiya. Then Camus of Aquarius

sinks further the ship where Hyoga’s mother is buried, even though it’s located thousands of

miles away (in the North Pacific). Finally, Deathmask of Cancer pushes the girl Shunrei from the

Rozan waterfall, in the other end of the world (from Greece to China). Also, it is said that the

ultimate master over space and matter is Mu of Aries…

- Telekinesis can only be used with Lift rolls

- Normal range is limited to 10 yards

- The invocation method is limited to (the equivalent of) Breath Sorcery, the character must

spend 1 point of Chi, and cannot spend additional Chi to gain a bonus to the roll (he always

uses his normal Lift roll)

- Instead of a bonus to the roll, the character can spend more Chi to extend the range of this

power: 10 yards (1 Chi), 100 yards (2 Chi of a single color), 1 mile (3 Chi of a single color), 100

miles (4 Chi of a single color), 1.000 miles (5 Chi of a single color), 10.000 miles (6 Chi of one

color and 4 Chi of any other color)

- For targets beyond visual range, the user must make a Moderate [20] Awareness roll as a Full

Action (so the character must make this roll in one round, and use Telekinesis the next), to find


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The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki)

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 5

The Eighth Sense is the penultimate step to godhood. This supreme conscience helps a human

being defy the laws of the Underworld, bringing him a step closer to immortality.

Anyone living who enters the Underworld automatically dies and becomes a ghost or spirit.

And those already dead are bound to this Hell, and cannot move freely at all. Hades’ Spectres

enjoy his protection, and thus can travel freely within it. Otherwise, only a person that

discovers and awakens the Eighth Sense (Arayashiki, or the “Araya Conscience”, called

alayavijnana in Buddhism) can enter it and remain alive, and not bound to it.

Even among the few who awaken this conscience, 99% do it at the moment of their deaths. It

is extremely rare for a human being to awaken the Eighth Sense while he's still alive.

Before acquiring this Advantage, the character must make a Hard [30] Awareness roll. If he is

successful, he still has to pay the 5 DP cost. Obviously, the character must have the Seventh

Sense before this one.

The Eighth Sense also gives a +5 bonus to characters attempting a Regain Chi roll (Hardiness

for Warriors, Confidence for Courtiers, and Medicine for Scholars).

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The Fate of the Phoenix

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 15

All Knights of Athena must fight for her unto death, but it is the fate of the Bronze Knight of

Phoenix to serve her even beyond that. He can be killed, sent to Hell (or Heaven) or any other

dimension, and he will always return until his mission is fulfilled.

The Phoenix Knight can return unlimited times from death or another dimension, if he is truly

serving the goddess. Nonetheless, each time within a story* that this gift is used, it will be

slightly less effective (as even Athena shuns a Knight that lets himself be defeated just for the

sake of it)...

First Return (Cost: 1 Justice [Xia] Deed, 1 Xia Joss, 1 Corrupt Joss):

Full Health

Full Chi reserves

Heal all physical Chi Weaknesses (including lost senses)

+1 Transcendent Destiny Point (to be spent immediately)

Second Return (Cost: 1 Ferocity [Bao] Deed, 2 Corrupt Joss):

Full Health

Full Chi reserves

+1 Destiny Point (to be spent later)

Third and Successive Returns (Cost: 1 Destiny Point):

Automatically heal two full Health Levels

Recover two Chi Color reserves

This fate isn’t for a selfish Knight, and that’s why Ikki couldn’t use this power until he swore

loyalty to Athena Saori. Otherwise, this power is available only for the Phoenix Knight. No

other Knight, be it Bronze, Silver or Gold (or the warrior servants of other gods), can achieve

this wondrous feat.

* Note: The Battle of the Twelve Houses counts as one story, the Asgard Saga as another, the

Poseidon Saga as another one, etc.

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The Influence of Spirits

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The Ninth Sense (Big Will)

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 30

The exact nature of the gods remains unknown, but since time immemorial they have

influenced the lives of mortals. Every once in a while they will take physical form, by

possessing a mortal body, chosen from birth. This has become increasingly rare in modern

times, and the only recurrent incarnation is that of Athena, for the Earth is her realm, and

protecting humanity her mission.

A person that is the physical incarnation of a god may know about his nature, but that does

not mean the divinity has fully awakened within him or her. The god will remain dormant until

a set event or time of his choosing, but can be awakened prematurely by any harm to his

chosen body (although there may be exceptions). There's no rule for the cause or exact timing

of the awakening, as it's best left as a plot device for the GM.

A character with this Advantage does not belong to any archetype, and transcends the normal

five Ranks (see below for Chi Aura and River capacities, and the equivalent of archetype Skills).

Abnormally high River slots reflect the ability of the god to influence his own fate. Also, as that

one is directly linked with the universe, its Cosmos will never diminish until it is imprisoned or

destroyed (doesn’t suffer Chi Flow Loss).

It is almost unheard of in modern times that a god has manifested in his true, original, body.

When a god does that, he is automatically considered to be Awakened, and has fixed stats

(often surpassing any mere avatar).

This Advantage is reserved for NPCs.


- Can exceed the boundary of 12 points for Attributes, but doesn’t get higher Chi modifiers

- Can have up to Quadruple Specializations

- Has 6 Chi Aura dice AND River slots

- Chi Aura dice can be used to improve these Skill rolls: Awareness and Confidence

- Has Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Never suffers Chi Flow Loss (but still suffers wound penalties)

- Regain extra Chi with Awareness, Confidence or Hardiness rolls

- Can transfer Joss points to other characters, across any distance

- Has access to exclusive Martial Arts, Armors, weapons, and other equipment


- Can exceed the boundary of 12 points for Attributes, and gets higher Chi modifiers (at the

moment of awakening all modifiers are recalculated)

- Can have up to Quadruple Specializations

- Has 7 Chi Aura dice AND River slots

- Chi Aura dice can be used to improve these Skill rolls: Awareness, Confidence, Hardiness and

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- Immune to the Disorienting combat effect (unbeatable Chi Aura)

- Has Universal Improved Chi Breath (+1/round to each color)

- Never suffers Chi Flow Loss (but still suffers wound penalties)

- Regain extra Chi with Awareness, Confidence or Hardiness rolls

- Can transfer Joss points to other characters, across any distance

- Has access to exclusive Martial Arts, Armors, weapons, and other equipment

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The Seventh Sense (Continual)

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 10

Characters that have long since awakened their Seventh Sense develop a more stable and

permanent version of it. It is less spectacular, but more reliable. This is the normal state for all

Gold Knights, which are more “familiar” with their own Seventh Senses.

Both types of the Seventh Sense are mutually exclusive, and when a character achieves the

Continual version, he cannot go back. On the up side, he frees 5 Destiny Points that can be

invested in any way he wants (but not immediately, as they are not Transcendent Destiny



- One additional Chi Aura die

- May opt to regain extra Chi with a Free Action instead of Full (but can do it only once per

round, and with a -5 penalty to the roll)

- Reaching the Injured condition does not inflict Chi Flow Loss (i.e. a character on his Last Legs

would have Chi Flow Loss only on three colors, instead of four)

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The Seventh Sense (Sporadic)

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 15

It is told that the strongest Knights are able to reach beyond their own body, mind and soul

and draw energy from their surroundings and the universe itself, expanding their power

temporarily. This ability is called the Seventh Sense.

The Seventh Sense counts as a special self-inflicted Chi Condition. The character must make at

least a Hard [30] Confidence roll as a Full Action. If he succeeds, he awakens (or approaches)

the Seventh Sense for the rest of the scene.

The character gains a +5 bonus to this roll for each wound level past the Battered condition (up

to +20 when he’s on his Last Legs). Wound penalties do not count for this specific roll. Each of

the five senses removed also counts as a wound level, even if the character isn't that badly


Why roll Confidence? Because the Seventh Sense cannot be taught, it must me discovered

individually. Only by trusting (and having faith) in something more than his own body (and

physical abilities), can a Knight liberate his own Cosmos. Maybe that’s why severely injured

Knights are more apt at awakening their Seventh Sense.

There are several degrees to the Seventh Sense. The first one is when the Knight just

approaches it (as Seiya did in the battle at the House of Taurus). Then is the real awakening,

and after that lies the incredible power achieved only in dire circumstances (once, the spirit of

Saga of Gemini told Seiya that the boy's Seventh Sense was superior to his, even though he, as

a Gold Knight, was normally more powerful).

The effects vary depending on the result of the Confidence roll...

Approaching (Hard, 30-39):

+1 to each Attribute (for the scene, 12 maximum)

Ignore any Chi Flow Loss (for the scene)

Awakening (Legendary, 40-59):

Automatically heals one full Health Level (when awakened)

Instantly recover all Chi reserves (when awakened)

+1 to each Attribute (for the scene, 12 maximum)

Ignore any Chi Flow Loss (for the scene)

Transcending (Impossible, 60+):

Automatically heals two full Health Levels (when awakened)

Automatically heals all physical Chi Weaknesses* (when awakened)

Instantly recover all Chi reserves (when awakened)

+1 to each Attribute (for the scene, can exceed 12, and get a Chi Modifier of +25)

Add 1 bonus die to all Skill rolls (for the scene)

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Ignore any Chi Flow Loss (for the scene)

* As an example, Seiya recovered all his five senses in the instant his Cosmos exploded, on his

final confrontation against Saga of Gemini (mechanically, he simultaneously received the full

benefits of Transcending Seventh Sense, his Major Inspiration Hyperactivity, and the Strength

of Friendship, as his friends lent their Cosmos/Chi).

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The Strength of Friendship

(A System Topic)

Destiny Cost: 10

Once in a while, an exceptionally virtuous Knight emerges, that is the paragon of the ideals of

friendship, loyalty and sacrifice. His own friends recognize this, and in times of dire need, can

concentrate their Cosmos on him.

Normally, a character can receive Chi points by contact, and only one color at a time. The

Strength of Friendship allows the character possessing this Advantage to receive any amount

and type of Chi points from his Friends (those specified in the Friends Advantage), across any

distance. Those lending their Cosmos will recover it at their normal rate (1 Chi point per color

per round, unless they are suffering from Chi Flow Loss).

Even more, the Knight possessing the Strength of Friendship can surpass his Chi maximum, and

when that happens his Chi Ratings/Attributes (and modifiers) increase accordingly (up to 12)!

This lasts until the extra Chi is spent or a full scene has passed.

To make use of the Strength of Friendship, the extraordinary Knight must roll his Friends

rating, just like he were asking for normal help, but with no modifiers. The difficulty is set at

Moderate [20]. If he is successful, he must spend 1 Destiny Point to take advantage of this gift,

that lasts for a full scene.

The Strength of Friendship becomes obvious for any Knight when used, as the receiving

character’s aura flares up with the image of his own constellation and that of his friends (and

sometimes the image of Athena, if she is the one lending her Cosmos).

This Advantage is reserved for PCs (typically only one of them).

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(A System Topic)

The Armors (also called Cloths) of Athena's Knights were crafted thousands of years ago, by

the inhabitants of the lost continent of Mu. Each one was used by successive Knights of the

same constellation (Seiya is the current Knight of Pegasus, but there were many before him).

These Armors are actually almost living things, that can be "wounded" and heal themselves,

and that have a symbiotic relationship with the Knight wearing it. They can only be worn by

those deemed worthy, that have earned the right to wear them. An unworthy Knight can even

be rejected by his own Armor (the pieces fall or fly away).

The Knight doesn't have to put his Armor with his hands. When called, the pieces just fly into

the air and settle over his body.

When not worn, these Armors reform into a figure resembling the constellation they are

named after. They are also carried in special cases or boxes made from the same metal

(Bronze, Silver or Gold), usually on the Knight's back. These are also called Pandora's Boxes, as

they can bring doom or hope, depending on the Knight wearing the Armor.

An extremely damaged or broken Armor can only be repaired by an expert (none known at the

beginning of the series), and either using the mythical substance called Stardust, or pouring

the blood of a Knight upon it.

Typical Bronze Armor (Obtain: 9 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 2 DPs)

- Perfect Light Armor (-10 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots* (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

- Class III Earthly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 5x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 2 Health levels, for a total of 100 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day

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Armors (A System Topic: continued)

The Armors of the Knights trace their origin to the lost continent of Mu, and the first holy war

against Poseidon. The muvians were a race with greater abilities than common humans, and

those included the arts and crafts that allowed them to shape metal in unknown ways.

The constellations served as blueprints, and the Armors were crafted with celestial tools, an

alloy of Orichalcum and Gammanium (the first one was the metal used previously to forge the

Scales for Poseidon's Mariners), and Stardust Sand, that gives life to the inert.

Thus, the Armors are truly alive, and have a certain amount of will, as well as feelings. They can

cry, make metallic music, and call each other. They judge their bearer, and also carry some of

the essence of past owners.

Typical Silver Armor (Obtain: 14 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Heavenly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 10x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 3 Health levels, for a total of 150 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day

Typical Gold Armor (Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Perfect Heavy Armor (-20 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+2/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class II Earthly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 100x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 4 Health levels, for a total of 200 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day

The DP Cost of Typical Armors is calculated as follows:

Bronze = Perfect Light Armor [5] + Class III Earthly [4] = 9 DPs

Silver = Perfect Medium Armor [8] + Class III Heavenly [6] = 14 DPs

Gold = Perfect Heavy Armor [10] + Class II Earthly [10] = 20 DPs

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Atypical Bronze Armors. (A System Topic)

Of the five main characters, only Seiya's Pegasus Armor and Hyoga's Cygnus Armor can be

considered "typical", that is, they don't have any unique properties.

On the other side, the other three Bronze Knights' Armors have some notable differences.

Dragon Armor (Obtain: 11 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

Shiryu's Armor has one added characteristic, a small shield on his left arm. In spite of its size,

it's considered the most powerful shield (well... besides those of the Libra Armor).

- Same as typical Bronze Armor, plus:

- Dragon Shield, Class II Earthly Shield (Speed +15, Strike +30). The use of this shield for

blocking must be announced at the beginning of the round, and it precludes any attacks from

the character. It can never be used to attack.

Note: Being a Class II Earthly, it will be slowly damaged by attacks from a Gold Armor (loses +5

Strike per hit, until it shatters with the sixth hit).

Andromeda Armor (Obtain: 13 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

The wearer of this Armor is one of the few Knights of Athena that is allowed to use weapons,

in this case, two chains (hooked to the forearm plates), one for defense, the other for attack.

These chains are said to be the very same that were used to bind the mythological princess.

- Same as typical Bronze Armor, plus:

- Chains of Andromeda, Class III Earthly Chains (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +10; attack

with Fight or Ranged Skill up to Short Range; Disorienting or Entangling on a Critical Success).

Both chains have similar stats, but the Circular Chain (left-hand) can only be used for defense

(blocking), while the offensive one (right-hand) can only be used for attack.

- Merciful Chains (Weakness): The offensive chain can never strike a character that currently

has no Corrupt Deeds (those gained in past Ranks do not count). Attacks from that character

can still be defended against, though.

- Living Chains (Effortless Power): The Chains start writhing and coiling in the presence of

danger. The character can never be Surprised.

- Beyond Sight (Effortless Power): The Chains can always be used to attack up to Long Range

without penalty, even aiming them at unseen opponents.

- Chained Universe (Greater Power): The Chains of Andromeda can be extended to infinity,

reaching any enemy in this or another world. Cost: 3 White + 2 Silver Chi.

A character Entangled by the offensive chain can break free by the usual means, but he can

also try to break it. That requires a Full Action and an Impossible [60] Athletics roll.

Phoenix Armor (Obtain: 13 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

The Armor of the Phoenix Knight comes from Death Queen Island, where it waits on the heart

of its volcano. In a sense, this is the most advanced Armor, for it will never perish, resurrecting

every time it is destroyed. This is the ultimate craftsmanship of the muvians, and it may not be

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a coincidence that Death Queen Island is the last remnant of the lost continent of Mu...

- Same as typical Bronze Armor, plus:

- Fire Blessing (Effortless Power): Heals 1 point per hour while exposed to the fires of Death

Queen Island's volcano, even if it's in a critical state. This power may also have more profound

effects, such as "evolving" the Phoenix Armor as the Knight achieves greater levels of Cosmos


- From the Ashes (Greater Power): This Armor, like the mythical Phoenix, can be reborn from

its own ashes. This applies only when it's completely destroyed (not partially damaged), and

this power can only be activated by the rightful owner of the Armor (has paid the full Obtain

cost), Ikki, in the case of the canon series. Cost: 5 Crimson Chi.

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Damaging and Repairing Armors. (A System Topic)

So, what's this about armors "healing" themselves?

- Each Knight Armor has a number of Health levels, just as characters do.

- Each Health level is worth exactly 50 points.

- Bronze Armors have 2 Health levels (for a total of 100 Health points).

- Silver Armors have 3 Health levels (for a total of 150 Health points).

- Gold Armors have 4 Health levels (for a total of 200 Health points).

- An Armor receives the exact same amount of damage per attack as the character wearing it.

- For each full Health level lost, the Armor loses 5 points of its protection (for example, a

Bronze Armor that receives 50 points of damage now offers just 5 points of damage


- Armors heal slowly, 10 Health points per day.

- In extreme cases, the owner can spend Xia Joss points to heal the Armor faster. Each point

spent instantly recovers 5 Health points.

- A character can also increase the severity of the damage he inflicts on his opponent's Armor.

For each point of Corrupt Joss he spends, he causes 5 extra points of damage (but only against

the Armor, not the enemy). This works only on successful attacks, those that have caused a

minimum of 1 point of damage.

- If the Armor is down to its last Health level, it is considered in a critical state, and it won't heal


- Armors in a critical state, or those destroyed (by receiving the full amount of damage), can

only be repaired by Mu of Aries (in the canon series), or a character with at least 4 points in

the Craft Skill, specialty in Knight Armor, and the Muvian Advantage (otherwise).

- In addition, to be repaired, an Armor needs either the mythical substance called Stardust, or

the blood of a Knight of Athena (no matter what rank). In the latter case, the Knight must

voluntarily cut himself and bleed over the Armor, restoring as much Health points to it as he

loses, on a 1 to 1 basis.

- The blood of Gold Knights (voluntarily) poured over Bronze Armors actually improves them,

permanently increasing their stats. It could be speculated that the blood of a god (or goddess)

could make the ultimate Armors...

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(A System Topic)

Obtain: 12 DPs

Excalibur is a rare weapon indeed, a property of the soul of one of Athena's most righteous

Knights, typically that of Capricorn. It resides in his arm, capable of cutting through almost

anything, particularly non-living material.

This soul-sword can only be bestowed by the current bearer (like Shura did to Shiryu) or

Athena herself. Normally, there's only one live bearer at any time, but when Shura is

resurrected by Hades, there are two simultaneously.

The character must spend 1 Xia Joss point to awaken Excalibur for the scene.

Note: Being a Class II Heavenly weapon, it may be used to shatter Camus' Freezing Coffin, even

though this has never been done before (that's why the Coffin is still said to be "indestructible"

even when attacked by the twelve Gold Knights together). Excalibur is certainly capable of

(slowly) damaging the Arms of Libra and the Bow of Sagittarius, and is devastating against

lesser weapons (as Shiryu demonstrated by destroying the Sacred Spear of Chrysaor).


- Class II Heavenly Arm (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Artful)

- Infinite Sharpness (Effortless Power): Every attack made with Excalibur bypasses 15 points of


- Sacred Steel (Greater Power): Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (35 will shatter

Mundane weapons and armor, 40 will shatter Quality ones, 50 for Perfect ones, and 65 against

Divine ones [including Class III Weapons and Armors]). Cost: 4 Gold Chi.

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God Warrior Armors

(A System Topic)

The origin of these Armors is unknown, they were not crafted by the muvians, like the 88

Armors of Athena.

Most of them take the shape of creatures from norse myth and, unlike Knight Armors, don't

come in special cases. They emerged from secret places in the Asgardian wilderness, where

they waited to be summoned since mythical times.

It is rumored that the power of these Armors is actually centered on the Odin Sapphire each

one carries. Without it, they may be simple physical protection. Since the Sapphires are

connected to Odin's own Armor, the power of these suits might really come from that one.

God Warrior Armor (Obtain: 16 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Divine equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 10x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 3 Health levels, for a total of 150 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day (1 point per week in a critical state)

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Improved Bronze Armors

(A System Topic)

When the Battle of the Twelve Houses ended, the Armors of the five main Bronze Knights were

nothing but broken pieces, at best. So, to honor them, the five remaining Gold Knights (Mu of

Aries, Aldebaran of Taurus, Aioria of Leo, Shaka of Virgo and Milo of Scorpio, excluding the

ancient master of Libra) gave their blood to resurrect the shattered Cloths.

Lighting their Cosmos, they gave part of their essence, and the new Bronze Armors are now

even more powerful than Silver ones.

Improved Bronze Armor (Obtain: 18 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 4 DPs)

- Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Divine equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 10x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 4 Health levels, for a total of 200 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day

- Temporarily becomes a Gold Armor when the wearer awakens his Seventh Sense. The

duration is equal to (Rank Level) rounds per Xia Joss point spent. It also regenerates 20 Health

points when this happens.

Dragon Armor (Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Improved Bronze Armor, plus:

- Dragon Shield, Class II Heavenly Shield (Speed +20, Strike +35). The use of this shield for

blocking must be announced at the beginning of the round, and it precludes any attacks from

the character. It can never be used to attack.

Strike increases to +40 when the Armor (and the Shield) turns to gold.

Andromeda Armor (Obtain: 22 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Improved Bronze Armor, plus:

- Chains of Andromeda, Class III Divine Chains (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; attack with

Fight or Ranged Skill up to Short Range; Disorienting or Entangling on a Critical Success). Both

chains have similar stats, but the Circular Chain (left-hand) can only be used for defense

(blocking), while the offensive one (right-hand) can only be used for attack.

- Merciful Chains (Weakness): The offensive chain can never strike a character that currently

has no Corrupt Deeds (those gained in past Ranks do not count). Attacks from that character

can still be defended against, though.

- Living Chains (Effortless Power): The Chains start writhing and coiling in the presence of

danger. The character can never be Surprised.

- Beyond Sight (Effortless Power): The Chains can always be used to attack up to Long Range

without penalty, even aiming them at unseen opponents.

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- Chained Universe (Greater Power): The Chains of Andromeda can be extended to infinity,

reaching any enemy in this or another world. Cost: 3 White + 2 Silver Chi.

A character Entangled by the offensive chain can break free by the usual means, but he can

also try to break it. That requires a Full Action and an Impossible [60] Athletics roll.

Strike increases to +20 when the Armor (and the Chain) turns to gold.

Phoenix Armor (Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Improved Bronze Armor, plus:

- Fire Blessing (Effortless Power): Heals 1 point per hour while exposed to the fires of Death

Queen Island's volcano, even if it's in a critical state. This power may also have more profound

effects, such as "evolving" the Phoenix Armor as the Knight achieves greater levels of Cosmos


- From the Ashes (Greater Power): This Armor, like the mythical Phoenix, can be reborn from

its own ashes. This applies only when it's completely destroyed (not partially damaged), and

this power can only be activated by the rightful owner of the Armor (has paid the full Obtain

cost), Ikki, in the case of the canon series. Cost: 5 Crimson Chi.

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Mariner Generals' Scales

(A System Topic)

The Scales of Poseidon's Mariners are probably the oldest magical armors in the world. These

are made purely of Orichalcum (a mysterious metal that is said to come from a meteorite that

crashed on the lost continent of Atlantis), in a process that's maybe less refined than that of

Athena's Armors, which they precede.

The best of these Scales (besides the personal suit of Poseidon) are those of the seven Mariner

Generals, that slightly resemble the Armors of the Gold Knights, but with a tone closer to

copper (maybe due to their different composition). They all take the shape of mythological sea

monsters. Actually, the myths of those creatures (like Kraken or Siren) were born from these

very same suits of armor and the warriors that possess them... but nowadays nobody

remembers those origins.

It is rumored that Poseidon's Generals are the reincarnation of previous ones*, instead of

common people trained as Athena's Knights. The Scales serve as beacons for the individuals

who will become the new Generals, summoning them, and granting their power.

* Note: Kanon of Gemini is one important exception.

Mariner Generals' Scales (Obtain: 16 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Divine equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 10x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 3 Health levels, for a total of 150 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day (1 point per week in a critical state)

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Niké and the Gold Shield of Athena

(A System Topic)

These are the weapons for Earth's Guardian, that are held by the hands of Athena's great

statue at the end of the Sanctuary. On the right hand, Niké, the goddess of victory, that seems

a winged statuette made of gold. On the left, the huge Golden Shield of Athena, that can

protect from any attack. Unbeknown to almost everyone, the great statue itself is a

manifestation of the Sacred Armor of Athena, that can only be awoken with her holy blood.

The origin of Niké is completely unknown. She is treated as an entity, so maybe the statuette

(and staff) holds the essence of a legendary heroine, or a goddess gone by. The item itself

seems to have a will of its own, and always accompanies and favors the current incarnation of

Athena. It is said it can vanquish any enemy, and grant certain victory to anyone who holds it.

On the other side, the Gold Shield of Athena is said to have been born in the mythical era at

the same time as the goddess herself, who emerged fully grown and clad in her Sacred Armor.

It is a massive golden shield, almost 5 feet in diameter, that can supposedly protect against any


As usurper Patriarch, it was Saga's intention to acquire these two mighty items and make

himself ruler of Earth. With their power he would keep at bay any attacks from the other gods,

Poseidon in the Sea, Hades in the Underworld, and Zeus in Heaven. Finally, fate intervened and

he was killed by Athena's Gold Staff.

Niké / Gold Staff of Athena (Obtain: 14 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Class II Divine Staff (Speed +15, Strike +35, Damage +15; Two-handed)

- Hidden Victory (Effortless Power): Niké has a will of her own, and can change shape by herself

(this power is controlled by the GM), from that of a golden statuette to a great staff topped by

a winged abstract figure, also made of gold. Since the age of myth, Niké has remained most of

the time in the first form, and she is most recognizable that way. But when Athena

reincarnates in this world, the goddess of victory assumes her staff-form to become her

weapon of choice.

- Golden Triumph (Lesser Power): The strike of the Staff bypasses up to 15 points of Armor,

and the wielder can spend Any Chi to boost the amount of Damage dice inflicted, on a one to

one basis. Cost: 3 White Chi + variable amount of Any Chi.

- Winged Savior (Greater Power): In her Gold Staff form, Niké can be used to heal any Chi

Weakness present in a character, merely by touching him with its tip (if the condition is

particularly severe, the tip seems to pierce the subject's body, confusing onlookers, who may

think this is a harmful attack). The single most powerful Chi Weakness present vanishes

instantly, even those acquired from divine curses, and even bringing a character back from the

Dying Condition, if the character has been killed within the last 12 hours and his body remains

largely intact. Characters brought back from the dead have just one Health Level (that is, they

are on their Last Legs). Cost: 5 Gold Chi.

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Gold Shield of Athena (Obtain: 14 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Class II Divine Shield (Speed +5, Strike +45, Damage +5)

- Gold Wall (Weakness): The Gold Shield seems incredibly heavy for anyone except Athena.

They must attempt a Moderate [20] Difficulty Lift roll just to pick it up. The goddess can wield

it comfortably (no roll required), although it doesn't seem light even on her hands.

- Unflinching Warden (Effortless Power): The Gold Shield can always be used to block

Unparalleled Attacks without penalty. Against Unparalleled Area Attacks, it only protects the


- Beacon of Hope (Effortless Power): This Shield is so mighty, that it also protects against

attacks already made. Once per day (this power is recharged by absorbing sunlight, thus the

interval), it can completely nullify the damage and side-effects (i.e. Combat Effects, Chi

Conditions, etc.) of a single attack made within the last 12 hours. Destroyed equipment is not

restored, and this power can only be applied to a single character each time, but it can be

done from up to 5 miles away! A golden light emanates from it, that touches the recipient and

dissipates all injuries from said attack. When used from very long distances, the character

wielding it must make a Moderate [20] Difficulty Ranged roll, with no bonuses (this is not an

attack). Also, on the same round this power is used, the Shield cannot be used for blocking.

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Spectres and their Surplices

(A System Topic)

The mysterious Surplices are tied to the nature of the Spectres. These last ones start their life

as normal human beings, and when the dark spirits are freed from Athena's seal, they awaken

within them. It is not clear if they are ancient warriors that pledged their service to Hades and

now reincarnate in the body of modern people, but what's true is that the power that sustains

the Spectres resides in their dark armors. Maybe it's the soul of the Surplices that commands

these people that are turned into Spectres.

Whatever the case, the Surplices are made from unknown materials (and it's better left that

way). They have been called the "Diamonds of the Underworld" for their dark shine. Invariably,

they have the shape of nightmare creatures, and the more powerful versions are even more

baroque in their appearance.

There's no official hierarchy of Surplices, unlike the Armors of the Knights of Athena. But it is

fairly obvious that there's a variety of them with different capabilities and durability.

The 108 Spectres are divided into two categories, those guided by Celestial stars (a total of 36,

including the Three Judges of Hell), and those governed by Terrestrial ones (with a roster of

72). There's no clear-cut power distinction between the two types, as some Terrestrial

Spectres (like Myu of Papillon) are on par with the Celestial ones. This is the exception, though.

Each star represents one trait, be it Darkness, Cruel Death or Strangeness. Also, each Spectre is

depicted as a different type of monster, the Wyvern, the Gorgon, Dullahan, etc.

Most Celestial Spectres are clad in what is categorized here as Major Surplices, while most

Terrestrial Spectres use Lesser or Base Surplices. Again, there might be exceptions. The

resurrected Gold Knights wear dark versions of their original suits, that are the equivalent to

Lesser Surplices (and therefore, weaker than the Gold Armors).

Note: The classification in 36 Celestial and 72 Terrestrial Stars is based mostly in the Chinese

classic "Outlaws of the Marsh" (or "Water Margin"). The different monsters represented by the

Spectres are taken from a variety of mythologies, ranging from Greek, Celtic (the Dullahan), to

Tolkienish (the Balrog) and even Lovecraftian (Deep).

Base Surplice (Obtain: 11 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Perfect Light Armor (-10 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Heavenly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 5x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 2 Health levels, for a total of 100 Health points

- Heals 10 points per night (1 point per night in a critical state, only in the Underworld)

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Lesser Surplice (Obtain: 16 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Perfect Medium Armor (-15 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class III Divine equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 10x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 3 Health levels, for a total of 150 Health points

- Heals 10 points per night (1 point per night in a critical state, only in the Underworld)

Major Surplice (Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Perfect Heavy Armor (-20 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class II Earthly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 50x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 4 Health levels, for a total of 200 Health points

- Heals 10 points per night (1 point per night in a critical state, only in the Underworld)

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The Armor and Sword of Odin

(A System Topic)

Obtain: 36 DPs*, Entangled Destiny: 7 DPs

Worn by Odin himself in the mythical era, his Armor can be retrieved by mortals only by

collecting the seven Sapphires embedded in the God Warrior's Armors. If Asgard is in danger,

they may give them voluntarily, otherwise, they must be defeated. Obviously, the approval of

Odin himself is necessary...

The Sword and Armor count as one whole set, and they are never appart. Oddly, the Armor of

Odin is crystal-like, in a similar way to the Armor of the Crystal Knight. What connection they

have, is unknown. It may be that the mythical Odin once was a Blue Warrior (one of Athena's

Knights sent to watch over Poseidon's slumber) that evolved and become a quasi-deity.

Odin's Armor

- Divine Armor (-25 to damage)

- Universal Improved Chi Breath (+1/round to each color)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +20, Damage +15)

- No Encumbrance

- Class II Heavenly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 100x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 5 Health levels, for a total of 250 Health points

- Heals 20 points per day, even in a critical state


- Class II Divine Longsword (Speed +15, Strike +30, Damage +20)

- All-Father's Wisdom (Effortless Power): The wielder of Balmung has a one-step reduction of

the difficulty for all Called Shots (for example, from Legendary [40] to Hard [30]).

- Shield of Valhalla (Greater Power): For a full round, the wielder of Balmung can block Ranged

and Uparalleled attacks (those made as Style rolls) without penalty (and the full Strike bonus

from the sword). Cost: 4 Gold Chi.

* Note: This is more of a guideline, for the only one with the right to permanently wear this

Armor is Odin himself. Even Seiya, the most righteous warrior, wore it only for a few moments.

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The Armor of Libra

Obtain: 30 DPs*, Entangled Destiny: 7 DPs

The suit of the Libra Knight is the most important of the twelve golden Armors. It includes a set

of six pairs of identical gold weapons of incredible power. The use of these arms can only be

approved by Athena and the Libra Knight, the wisest one, who measures good and evil.

When not worn, it takes the form of a beam balance, or weighing scales.

The golden arms are not actually PART of the Libra Armor, but accompany it, unlike the golden

bow of Sagittarius and the chains of Andromeda. These weapons belong to all the Gold

Knights, and must be distributed among them. When the role of the Gold Knights is fulfilled by

members of another order (like the young Bronze Knights in the series), these arms can be lent

to them.

Note: In the series, the arms of Libra are used exclusively against structures and objects, never

against other people. Nonetheless, many of the powers I invented for them only work against


Libra Armor

- Same as typical Gold Armor

The Twelve Golden Arms (six identical pairs)

Spear (Trident) - Class II Heavenly Long Spear (Speed +20, Strike +20, Damage +25; Two-


(Effortless Power): The Spear always bypasses 5 points of Armor.

(Lesser Power): The user adds one bonus die to his Melee Skill, and inflicts a Maim on a

Standard Success when attacking. Cost: 2 Gold Chi.

Twin Rod - Class II Heavenly Nunchaku (Speed +25, Strike +20, Damage +10; Unpredictable)

(Effortless Power): When wielded in pairs, the Twin Rods can be used in a dazzling display of

martial prowess. They cause the Disorienting effect on a Standard Success, instead of a Critical.

(Lesser Power): The user can shatter any normal armor upon impact, or cause double damage

against Knight Armors. Cost: 2 Gold Chi.

Triple Rod - Class II Heavenly Three-Section Staff (Speed +20, Strike +20, Damage +20; Two-

handed & Unpredictable)

(Effortless Power): The confusing attacks of the Triple Rod hamper the opponent’s ability to

defend, subtracting 1 die from all Defense rolls.

(Lesser Power): The user can make incredible maneuvers, choosing between the Disarm,

Down, or Stun Combat Effects, any on a Standard Success. Cost: 2 Gold Chi.

Tongfar - Class II Heavenly Club (Speed +25, Strike +20, Damage +15; Dual)

(Effortless Power): When wielded in pairs, the Tongfars are more effective than other dual

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weapons, and their bonus is +10 (instead of +5).

(Lesser Power): This extraordinarily nimble weapon can be used in a flurry of blows, granting a

Secondary Attack (with the same weapon), while reducing an opponent’s Defense rolls by 1

die. Cost: 2 Gold Chi

Sword - Class II Heavenly Longsword (Speed +15, Strike +25, Damage +20)

(Effortless Power): The sword’s extreme sharpness causes the Maim Combat Effect on any

Standard Success.

(Lesser Power): The user adds two bonus dice to his Melee Skill, and also to his Damage roll.

Cost: 2 Gold Chi.

Shield - Class II Heavenly Chained-Shield (Speed +10, Strike +20, Damage +20; Brutal/Ranged &

Shield properties)

(Effortless Power): The Shield can be thrown up to Long Range without any penalty (and then

returns to the owner’s hands).

(Lesser Power): The user inflicts a Knockback on a Standard Success, while causing 3 extra

damage dice. Cost: 2 Gold Chi.

* The DP cost should be much more, but I reduced it, considering that the Libra Knight cannot

freely use the weapons, as he's only their keeper.

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The Armor of Sagittarius

Obtain: 28 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 6 DPs

The second most important Gold Armor, after that of Libra (the other ten suits don't have

exceptional properties), this was the one worn by Aioros.

It is unknown what specific (and special) role the Knight of Sagittarius has, but he's allowed, in

extreme circumstances, the use of a very powerful weapon, the Bow of Sagittarius.

When not worn, this suit takes the shape of a winged centaur-like archer.

The Armor of Sagittarius started the quest at the beginning of the series, when it was believed,

by the Bronze Knights and Saori, that it was the only Gold Armor. It caught the attention of the

Patriarch of the Sanctuary, and the proximity of the Armor pointed to Saori Kido, whom he

recognized as the girl he attempted to murder thirteen years ago, Athena's incarnation. When

he found out about her existence, the Armor itself became just an excuse to send his loyal

Knights to kill the "rebels".

Seiya's fate is tied to this Armor, for it will help him overcome the greatest obstacles (his first

confrontation with a Gold Knight, and his final battle against Poseidon). However, he will never

become the Knight of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Armor

- Same as typical Gold Armor

Golden Bow and Arrow

- Class II Heavenly Bow (Speed +15, Strike +30, Damage +20; Two-handed)

- (Effortless Power): The golden arrow always returns to the user at the end of the round, to be

fired again.

- Arrow of Hope (Greater Power): The Golden Arrow serves as a focus for the Knights' Cosmos,

allowing it to be concentrated. After the wielder pays the basic cost (4 Gold Chi), any and all

Knights in the vicinity (including the wielder) can add to the effect by spending Chi. For every 2

points of Crimson Chi pooled, a +5 bonus to Strike is granted. For every 2 points of Jade Chi, a

+5 bonus to Damage is also granted. And finally, for every 2 points of Silver Chi, 5 points of

Armor can be ignored upon impact. All these benefits are cumulative and increase the base

traits of the Bow, during a single attack. It's worth noting that there's no limit to the modifiers

(and yes, that means bonuses of more than +50 to both Strike and Damage).

The Arrow is enveloped in gold flames when this power is used, and it is surrounded by the

images of the constellations of all Knights involved. Cost: 4 Gold Chi (plus pooled Chi).

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The Trident and Scales of Poseidon

(A System Topic)

Crafted in the age of myth, these two items conform the regalia worn by the ruler of the seas,

Emperor Poseidon.

Most impressive and recognizable is the Trident, used only rarely against the most powerful

opponents. It holds within itself the power of the crashing waves and earthquakes. But it

remains mainly a symbol of power.

The suit of Scales worn by Poseidon was crafted at the same time as those of the Mariner

Generals, and in fact the same methods and materials were used. But its prolonged exposure

to Poseidon's supreme Cosmos have elevated this armor to a power greater than the other

seven suits. It is now on par with the Gold Armors used by Athena's Knights.

It's worth noting that the Scales worn by Poseidon are of his own design, and are not really

one of the twelve God Armors originally distributed to the Olympian gods. Those are the most

powerful armors ever created, and haven't been seen since time immemorial.

Poseidon's Scales (Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Perfect Heavy Armor (-20 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+1/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class II Earthly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 100x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 4 Health levels, for a total of 200 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day (1 point per day in a critical state)

Poseidon's Trident (Obtain: 14 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 3 DPs)

- Class II Divine Trident (Speed +15, Strike +30, Damage +25; Two-handed)

- Emperor's Will (Lesser Power): The rightful owner of the trident (i.e. the one who has paid

the full Obtain cost... Poseidon himself) can summon it from up to his Favored Chi in yards, as a

Free Action (allowing him to attack in the same round). Cost: 1 White Chi.

- Shattering Wave (Greater Power): Poseidon aims with his trident and fires a ray of blue-green

energy, sometimes accompanied by an image of sparkling bubbles. This counts as an attack

from the trident itself up to Short Range (it is defended against as a normal Melee attack), that

can affect a number of targets equal to the wielder's Favored Chi. It causes the Down Combat

Effect on a Standard Success, in addition to normal damage. Cost: 4 Silver Chi.

- Earthquake's Wrath (Greater Power): The wielder strikes the ground he is standing on,

tearing it apart and flinging the rocks and debris in every direction. It works as an Area Attack

up to double the user's Favored Chi yards in radius. Characters suffer normal damage, but the

Attack Total is also applied as a Breaking Things roll against everything in the area, including

the ground (which is shattered in a roll of 40 or greater, mundane items are destroyed in a 35

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or greater, Quality items in a 40 or greater, Perfect items in a 50 or greater, and Class III

Weapons and Armors in a 65 or greater). Cost: 5 Gold Chi.

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Ultimate Armors

(A System Topic)

Once again, during the battle against Poseidon, the Bronze Armors, which had been

resurrected by the blood of the Gold Knights, were fatally damaged. The young Knights were

lent the Gold suits to confront the sea god, but afterwards were left with their damaged


Along came Shion, former Patriarch and the most skillful still-living craftsman of the muvian

race, who used Athena's blood to anoint the remains of the Bronze Armors, which now

became the most powerful Armors of all. Still, they harbor the promise for even more, if

Athena's blood should be awakened by the Knights' most powerful Cosmos...

It should be noted that the Phoenix Armor was never anointed with Athena's blood, but it

somehow evolved on its own, helped by Ikki's increasing Cosmos. Even in that aspect, the

Phoenix Armor proves to be the muvians' greatest creation.

Ultimate Armor (Obtain: 22 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Perfect Heavy Armor (-20 to damage)

- Improved Favored Chi Breath (+2/round)

- Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- No Encumbrance

- Class II Earthly equivalent for damaging effects

- Can be "called" from up to 100x Favored Chi in yards

- Has 4 Health levels, for a total of 200 Health points

- Heals 10 points per day

- Regenerates the wearer’s Health by 1 point per round (or 1 full Health Level per scene, out of


- Can grow wings for 3 rounds per Xia Joss point spent (fly 20 yards per round)

- Can (instantly) become a Divine Armor after destroyed, if the character makes a Legendary

[40] Confidence roll and spends 5 DPs, to awaken Athena's blood

Dragon Armor (Obtain: 24 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Ultimate Armor, plus:

- Dragon Shield, Class II Heavenly Shield (Speed +20, Strike +35). The use of this shield for

blocking must be announced at the beginning of the round, and it precludes any attacks from

the character. It can never be used to attack.

Andromeda Armor (Obtain: 26 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Ultimate Armor, plus:

- Chains of Andromeda, Class II Earthly Chains (Speed +25, Strike +15, Damage +15; attack with

Fight or Ranged Skill up to Short Range; Disorienting or Entangling on a Critical Success). Both

chains have similar stats, but the Circular Chain (left-hand) can only be used for defense

(blocking), while the offensive one (right-hand) can only be used for attack.

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- Merciful Chains (Weakness): The offensive chain can never strike a character that currently

has no Corrupt Deeds (those gained in past Ranks do not count). Attacks from that character

can still be defended against, though.

- Living Chains (Effortless Power): The Chains start writhing and coiling in the presence of

danger. The character can never be Surprised.

- Beyond Sight (Effortless Power): The Chains can always be used to attack up to Long Range

without penalty, even aiming them at unseen opponents.

- Chained Universe (Greater Power): The Chains of Andromeda can be extended to infinity,

reaching any enemy in this or another world. Cost: 3 White + 2 Silver Chi.

Phoenix Armor (Obtain: 24 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs)

- Same as Ultimate Armor, plus:

- Fire Blessing (Effortless Power): Heals 1 point per hour while exposed to the fires of Death

Queen Island's volcano, even if it's in a critical state. This power may also have more profound

effects, such as "evolving" the Phoenix Armor as the Knight achieves greater levels of Cosmos


- From the Ashes (Greater Power): This Armor, like the mythical Phoenix, can be reborn from

its own ashes. This applies only when it's completely destroyed (not partially damaged), and

this power can only be activated by the rightful owner of the Armor (has paid the full Obtain

cost), Ikki, in the case of the canon series. Cost: 5 Crimson Chi.

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Martial Arts Design Notes

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New Flaws & Maneuvers

(A System Topic)

2-point Flaws:

- Exhausting Defense: The victim can pay 10 Any Chi to avoid the most aggravating (but not all)

effects of the technique (determined for the specific technique).

- Immobile: The user may not move from the spot.

- Leaping Maneuver: Must jump at least 8 yards, horizontally or vertically, before/while using

this technique.

- Preparatory Movements: -5 penalty to Initiative (technique must be announced at the start

of the round).

3-point Flaws:

- Passive: The user cannot attack on the same round this technique is in use.

- Unusual Weapon Quality: The weapon used with this technique must have an uncommon

property (for example, Fists must have the Artful property via the Iron Fists Advantage).

4-point Flaws:

- Expended Destiny: You must spend 1 Destiny Point to activate this technique (when

Channeling for another round, or Investing, you don't need to continue spending DPs).

- Pattern: This technique can only be used after a set number of uses (more than three) of

other specific (same Style) techniques.

- Vulnerable: The character is open for all attacks, as he can’t defend in any way for the full


Area Attack (Gold Chi Maneuver Set)

II Boost Area Attack: Attack 1 extra target per 2 Chi points spent (Chi type as in Boost).

Chi Control (Jade Chi Maneuver Set)

II +1 Chi Aura die (for all purposes, not just damage)

Combat Effects (Crimson Chi Maneuver Set)

II Double-distance Knockback on a Critical Success

III Double-distance Knockback on a Standard Success

Deadly Touch (Silver Chi Maneuver Set*)

X Standard: The victim is instantly killed on a Critical Success [only Rare Styles or Formless


XIII Perfect: The victim is instantly killed on a Standard Success [Rare Styles only]

Distant Harmony (White Chi Maneuver Set)

II Greater Accuracy: Treat all targets as if they were at Short Range.

III Hyper Boost Range: Increase Range by 100 yards per Chi point spent (Chi type as in Boost).

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Evasion (Silver Chi Maneuver Set)

III Chi Barrier: Chi Aura dice can now be spent to reduce an opponent’s Attack dice (besides all

other functions).

Fancy Footwork (White Chi Maneuver Set)

I Movement Multiplier: Double Cover Ground or Leaping distance (separately)

II Movement Multiplier: Triple Cover Ground or Leaping distance (separately)

III Movement Multiplier: Quadruple Cover Ground or Leaping distance (separately)

God Weapon Parallel (White Chi Maneuver Set)

Technique is the equivalent to a specific level of God Weapon, for purposes of damaging other

God Weapons (and countering specific immunities).

0 Class III Earthly

I Class III Heavenly

II Class III Divine

III Class II Earthly

IV Class II Heavenly

V Class II Divine

Hideous Attacks (Crimson Chi Maneuver Set)

II Constricting: The technique still causes damage even if Entangling, Grappling or Stunning.

Ineffable Feats (Colorless Maneuver Set)

I Modified Chi Cost: Technique has a more flexible Chi Cost (but at least 2 Chi of a single color

must be spent).

Teleport (Silver Chi Maneuver Set)

All willing teleports use a Free Action, and work only on the user. Using a Full Action is

considered a 1-point Flaw. Unwilling teleport is considered an Attack (always a Full Action).

IV Short Range

V Long Range

VI 1 mile

VII 100 miles

VIII To any place in the (same) world

XIV To/From any Dimension

I Teleport another (willing) character with the user

III Teleport (Chi rating) other (willing) characters, with or without the user

X Unwilling Dimensional Teleport on a Critical Success (on the Attack)

* This I considered a Silver Chi Set for the Saint Seiya setting. For Weapons of the Gods, it could

be a Corrupt (Demon) Chi Set.

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New Marvels & Options

(A System Topic)

General Guideline:

0-point Maneuver - Trivial [10] Difficulty - 1 Chi (example: Win Defensive Ties)

1-point Maneuver - Simple [15] Difficulty - 2 Chi (example: Add Chi Modifier to Damage)

2-point Maneuver - Everyday [18] Difficulty - 3 Chi (example: Add 1 Chi Aura die, for all


3-point Maneuver - Moderate [20] Difficulty - 4 Chi (example: Increase Range by 100 yards per

additional Single Color Chi spent)

4-point Maneuver - Hard [30] Difficulty - 5 Chi (example: Redirect on a Standard Success on the


5-point Maneuver - Legendary [40] Difficulty - 6 Chi (example: Block an Unparalleled Attack)

6-point Maneuver - Impossible [60] Difficulty - 7 Chi (example: Shatter a Mundane, Quality,

Perfect or Divine Item)

Applying Flaws:

The character can add a Flaw to reduce the Difficulty and Cost of the Marvel. The Marvel is

brought down a full degree per point of the Flaw (i.e. a 3-point Flaw turns an Impossible [60]

Marvel into a Moderate [20] one, with 4 Chi cost). The Flaw is applied to a specific technique,

and the Marvel is also attached to that one (i.e. the Marvel is a new Maneuver added

temporarily [a single use] to that technique).

Applying Flaws allows for 7-point Maneuvers, and greater, to be made with Marvels.

Available Flaws:

2-point Flaw - Exhausting Defense (the victim can pay 10 Any Chi to nullify the Marvel)

2-point Flaw - Weakened Protective Air (the character looses 1 Chi Aura die while the

technique lasts)

3-point Flaw - Delayed Onset (the technique does not take effect until the beginning of the

next round)

3-point Flaw - Expended Fortune (must spend 1 Joss point of either type)

3-point Flaw - Passive (the character cannot attack on the same round the Marvel is used, but

he may Reply or Redirect)

4-point Flaw - Expended Destiny (must spend 1 Destiny Point)

4-point Flaw - Godly Disfavor (the character is considered a target of his own attack, against

which he can defend normally)

4-point Flaw - Vulnerable (the character cannot defend for the full round in which the Marvel

is used)

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Andromeda's Legacy

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The Andromeda Knight is first taught how to shatter great rocks with his chains, but that's a

paltry teaching before the greatest secrets of defense he will acquire. He must remain passive,

like the mythical princess, and receive the onslaught of the enemy. Even though he seems to

defend only himself, he is actually defending mankind by preserving his life until the moment

of sacrifice...

Signature: The chains seem living things unto themselves, moving with grace and protecting

the Knight like a loving embrace. An opponent is hard pressed to follow their movements

when they attack... and is astounded by the myriad shapes they take when defending.

Type: Brutal (Chains Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Maim

1: Nebular Chain (1 Point):

The offensive chain is thrown in a straight line against the opponent, at maximum speed. As

the Andromeda Chains can be prolonged indefinitely, the speed of this attack can be increased

until the chain seems to multiply, attacking several enemies at once.

- Attack 1 extra target per 2 Any (Single Color) Chi points spent

- -1 die to opponents' Defense

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

Chi Cost: 1 Silver, Channel Any (as noted)

2: Rolling Defense (2 Points):

The defensive chain starts spiraling around the character, defending him as a steel wall.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Armor

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 2 Silver, Channel 2 Jade for another round

3: Thunder Wave (3 Points):

The offensive chain starts zigzagging and making sharp turns, but unerringly finds the enemy

wherever he is, even light-years away, and strikes him at his most vulnerable spot.

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- Unparalleled Attack (Style roll, divide by 5 to calculate result dice)

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 3 Silver

4: Great Capture (4 points):

The offensive chain unerringly ensnares the enemy, trapping him without harm.

- -1 die to opponent's Defense per Crimson Chi point spent

- Entangle on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel Crimson (as noted)

5: Andromeda Nebula (5 points):

The defensive chain is laid on the ground. Writhing, it forms a spiral around the Knight that

imitates the Andromeda Nebula. Anyone who enters receives a shock of 10.000 volts.

- Reply on a Standard Success

- Intensity 5 Burning (Electrocution) damage on a Standard Success (on the Reply)

- Full Round

- Delayed Onset (does not take effect until the beginning of the next round)

- Loose 1 Chi Aura die while this technique is active

Chi Cost: 5 Silver, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

6: Spider Web (10 points):

The defensive chain adopts the exact pattern needed to stop any attack, forming an

impenetrable web of steel, but leaving a tiny opening for a deadly counterstrike. This

technique receives many other names, like Casting Net or Wild Trap, depending on the pattern


- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Block Ranged and Unparalleled Attacks without penalty

- Lasts for (Rank Level) Rounds

Chi Cost: 5 Silver + 5 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Andromeda's Legacy Skill equal to the level of the highest

technique you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

Note: The modified (more flexible) Chi Cost for the last technique, I treated as a 1-point


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Arctic Winds

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

Arctic Winds turns the practitioner into the undisputed lord of the ruthless elements of the


It is unknown if this Style was developed independently by Isaac, based on what he learned

under the tutelage of the Crystal Knight, or if it's an ancient Martial Art employed by past

incarnations of the Mariner General.

Signature: Where the practitioner walks, the ground is covered in frost. His chilling aura

freezes everything around, and often takes the myriad colors of the northern lights.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Stun

1: Unforgiving Wind (1 Point):

The practitioner has reached the utter end of the Earth, and learned to survive the most

inhospitable weather imaginable. He has become relentless in pursuit of whatever goals he has

set for himself.

- Ignore Wound penalties

- Add (Arctic Winds Skill) dice to Chi Aura to resist frost and cold

- Full Round

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Crimson Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Pale Aura (2 Points):

The practitioner has learned how to carry with him the chilling cold of the utter north,

wherever he goes. The weapons of the enemy freeze in place before touching him.

- +1 Chi Aura die (for all purposes, not just damage)

- Chi Aura dice can now be spent to reduce an opponent’s Attack dice (besides all other


Chi Cost: 2 Silver, Channel 2 Jade for another round

3: Frostbite (3 Points):

The arctic master can now teach his opponents what true cold means, freezing them from the

inside out.

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- Reduces Speed/Crimson Chi Attribute by 1 per 2 Damage dice inflicted (Profound Damage,

Hard [30] Recovery, Interval of one day, each successful roll recovers 1 Attribute point)

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

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Chi Cost: 3 Silver

4: Endless Winter (4 Points):

The chilling aura of the warrior manifests visually and increases its size in every direction.

Everyone touched by it is frozen or blown away.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- -1 die to opponent's Defense

- Increase Area Attack radius by 1 yard per Gold Chi point spent

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel Gold (as noted)

5: Aurora Borealis (5 Points):

The warrior finally channels the combined power of the freezing winds and magnetic energies,

blasting his enemies.

- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +5 Damage dice

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 5 Silver, Channel 2 White for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Arctic Winds Skill equal to the level of the highest technique you've


3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with Poseidon's Mariners.

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Arrow of Judgment (White Chi)

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Avenger Phoenix

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The martial art taught in the volcanic Death Queen Island, this is a ruthless Style based on a

mix of brute force and psychic attacks. It unleashes all the passions of its practitioner, as well

as enhancing his endurance against the greatest hardships, both physical and mental.

Signature: Most techniques are accompanied by an orange-red flaming aura, and sometimes

the image of the Phoenix behind its practitioner.

Single-Style Combos: Relentless Phoenix and Flaming Phoenix can be combined with any of

the other attacks, making for a tough warrior indeed.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Terrify

1: Relentless Phoenix (1 Point):

This is one of the Phoenix Knight's secrets, a simple but extremely useful technique that allows

him faster Cosmos replenishment (regain Chi) and healing between fights.

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Hardiness

- Ignore Wound penalties

Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Flight of the Phoenix (Hou Yoku Ten Sho) (2 Points):

The base attack, in which the Phoenix gathers overheated winds with his arms, and expels

them against his enemies. Sometimes it manifests as a powerful punch surrounded by flames.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent's Defense

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- Intensity 2 Burning damage on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson

3: Phoenix Illusion Demon Fist (Houou Genma Ken) (3 Points):

One of the most dreadful attacks of any Knight, this technique (also called Phantom Fist) is

unleashed as a thin red ray fired from the practitioner's closed fist or index finger. It tortures

the victim with terrible hallucinations, and slowly destroys his mind. Typically, the victim

doesn't notice its effects until a moment later... when it's too late.

- Attack with Inspire (Fear) + (Crimson Chi modifier) up to Short Range

- Opponent defends with Confidence

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

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- Intensity 3 Burning damage (the enemy’s brain is “burned” by the hellish illusion) on a

Standard Success

- Delayed Onset (does not take effect until the beginning of the next round)

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson

4: Greater Flight of the Phoenix (4 points):

The Phoenix, with all his pent-up fury and love, can sometimes overwhelm his enemies with a

more powerful version of the Flight of the Phoenix.

- Area Attack centered up to Short Range, with (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +4 Damage dice

- Intensity 4 Burning damage on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson

5: Flaming Phoenix (5 points):

Raising his Cosmos to the maximum, the Phoenix Knight can improve his fighting capabilities to

incredible levels, becoming even stronger each passing minute.

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Armor

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson, Channel 2 Jade for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Avenger Phoenix Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

* Bonus: You get a +5 bonus to perform Elemental Resistance Marvels with the Avenger

Phoenix Skill.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

15 The Fate of the Phoenix: As the mythical Phoenix, you can return from your own

destruction, in the service of Athena.

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Celestial Harmony

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

One of the most advanced Styles practiced by any mortal being, the Celestial Harmony is based

in Buddhist and Hindu beliefs. It is practiced solely by Shaka of Virgo, and it's unknown if

someone else has learned it in the past.

The techniques of this Style are particularly harsh against sinful people and restless spirits. It

also relies on illusions so powerful that affect the victim as if they were real. Or perhaps life is

just an illusion...

Signature: Almost all of the techniques are accompanied by profuse illusions of a Buddhist

nature. Sometimes the victims see themselves trapped like a monkey in Buddha's hand, or

entering one of several hells, attacked by corrupt spirits and demons. All around the

practitioner of this Style can be felt an aura of peace, until he unleashes his attacks, at which

moment the feeling becomes one of hopeless terror. The greatest Cosmos (Chi) expenditures

may show an image surrounding Shaka, that of a huge pink lotus blossoming.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Stun or Terrify

1: Anicca (1 Point):

Nothing escapes the awareness of the practitioner.

- The user cannot be Surprised (can be activated reflexively)

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Skinning the Demon (2 Points):

All things are impermanent, particularly the weapons of the corrupt.

- Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (35 will shatter Mundane weapons and armor,

40 will shatter Quality ones, 50 for Perfect ones, and 65 against Divine ones [including Class III

Weapons and Armors])

- Stifled Air (the user suffers White Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: Celestial Demon Capitulation (Tenma Kofuku) (3 Points):

The "standard" attack of Shaka. Illusions of a virgin maiden on horseback holding a giant

scythe, while riding through piles of skeleton bones along with angels all around, appear to

those it targets, thus very effectively creating a mixture of harmony and corruption.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Attack 1 extra target per 2 Any (Single Color) Chi points spent

- -5 to opponent’s Strike

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- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage (only against characters with at least 8 Deeds in Corrupt


- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Disorienting on a Standard Success

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 3 Silver, Channel Any (as noted)

4: Kahn (4 points):

Shaka sits in the lotus position, meditating and floating a few inches over the floor, while being

surrounded by a luminous shell that protects him from almost everything. He cannot launch

attacks from within this shield.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Blocks

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Armor

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to the Celestial Harmony Skill (to be used for Martial Arts Marvels)

- Can block Ranged attacks without penalty

- User cannot be Knocked back or Downed

- Full Round

- User may not move from the spot

- User cannot attack the same round this technique is in use

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

5: Demon Spirit Rupture (Tenku Haja Chimimoryo) (5 points):

A terrible technique reserved for the most corrupt. Shaka brandishes an 108-bead rosary and

seems to unleash hungry ghosts that strike at the enemy all around.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +2 Damage dice (add after multiplying)

- Inflicts the Dying (Major Chi Weakness) Condition: each round the enemies perform any

action other than resting or giving dying speeches, one of their Attributes is reduced by 1,

starting with Presence (until their five Attributes have their scores reduced by 1)

- The Chi Condition persists until all damage is healed

- Only works on characters with at least 8 Deeds in Corrupt Virtues

- Must brandish a mala (Buddhist rosary) of 108 beads

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

6: Six Worlds of Reincarnation (Riku Dou Rin Ne) (10 points):

The victim is immersed in a complex matrix of illusions, in which he enters one of six deadly


"Jigokukai": The Realm of Hell, a sea of fire, mountains of needles and endless terror. Those

who go there shall fall for all eternity, writhing in agony.

"Gakikai": The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, where your body shall wither to skin and bones, and

your belly shall become bloated and distended. Your hunger will lead you to feed on carrion

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"Chiku-Shokai": The Realm of Beasts, a world in which the strong eat the weak. If you want to

kill your opponent, you kill him, if you want to devour him, devour him. A beastly world.

"Shurakai": The Realm of the Demigods, blood and carnage, you will be forced to fight without

rest for eternity.

"Jinkai": The Realm of Men, an unstable world whose inhabitants are slaves to emotion,

unable to devote themselves to either good or evil.

"Tenkai": The Realm of Heaven, it is called paradise, but at any moment you can slip and fall

into Chiku-Shokai, Gakikai, or Jigokukai. This is the most perilous of all realms.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Stun (submerged in a matrix of illusions) on a Standard Success

- Intensity 6 Burning damage (“burned” by the hellish illusions) on a Standard Success

- Victim cannot spend Chi for (Celestial Harmony Skill) rounds, although it may attempt a

Legendary [40] roll with her Archetype Skill (as a Free Action) to cancel this effect

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any

7: Heavenly Treasure (Ten Bu Hou Rin) (15 points):

Shaka's ultimate technique, the Heavenly Treasure combines perfect defense and perfect

attack, as the opponents cannot fight back and are mercilessly deprived of their five senses.

When it is initiated, the whole landscape vanishes, replaced by Buddhist symbols. Ripples and

the slow rhythmic sound of a gong accompany the scene.

- Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Attack with Learning + (Silver Chi modifier)

- Opponents defend with Awareness

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Stun on a Standard Success

- Removes one of the five senses (user’s choice which one) each round

- The Heavenly Treasure still causes damage even if Stunning the victims

- The user cannot be under the effects of any Chi Hyperactivity or Weakness (except the

Seventh Sense) when activating or maintaining this technique

Chi Cost: 7 Silver + 8 Any, Channel 2 Any for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Celestial Harmony Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

* Bonus: You get a +5 bonus to Learning rolls involving the Buddhism specialty.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Chained King

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The Style mastered by the Silver Knight of Cepheus, and sometimes practiced by some of his

disciples, it turns the chains into extensions of his arms and will.

Signature: The regal practitioner actually moves very little. With slight wrist movements and

arm thrusts he transfers his will directly to the chains, that travel like the worldly elements,

lightning bolts and wind.

Type: Brutal (Chains Only)

Default Critical Success: Disarm or Down

1: Lightning Chain (1 Point):

This technique does not produce an electrical discharge, but the chain travels swiftly towards

its target, zigzagging at incredible speed like a lightning bolt, making it almost impossible to

evade, and striking at the most vulnerable spot of the enemy.

- -5 to opponent's Dodge

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Twin Chains Attack (2 Points):

The warrior coordinates both chains simultaneously to confuse opponents, launching wave

after wave of attacks.

- -2 dice to opponent’s Defense

- Secondary Attack

- User must be wielding two chains

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: Chain Whirlwind (3 Points):

The chain's links seem to multiply a hundred-fold, while a strong wind makes it spiral around

the user's body, blocking any incoming attack, and capturing the enemies' weapons.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Weapon Entangle on a Critical Success

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 3 Silver, Channel 2 White for another round

4: One Million Chains (4 points):

The chain (or chains) seem to multiply and shoot in every direction like a locust, ravaging

entire armies. No one who witnesses this horrible spectacle will forget it.

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- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (will shatter Mundane weapons and armor

with a 35 or more)

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Silver


* Bonus: You receive a free Chained King Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Demigod's Might (Jade Chi)

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Demon Rose

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The unusual Style of the Knight of Pisces, it is used to create roses out of thin air to attack the

enemy or hide oneself. Its origin is unknown, and the current practitioner, Aphrodite, learned

it in Greenland from a master unknown.

It is rumored that a predecessor of Aphrodite, Albafica of Pisces, maintained so much contact

with his own poisonous roses, that he developed an immunity to poison so high as to turn his

own blood poisonous to others.

Note: This Style can't be used with any normal weapon, Ranged or otherwise. The base

weapon stats are those for the type of Rose created (i.e. the technique used). Nonetheless, the

Knight's Speed Style can be used, combined with this one, to provide bonuses, as it has the

"Type: Free" descriptor. As any Ranged attack, there're penalties for blocking it, as usual.

Signature: The main effect of this Style are the Roses themselves, that appear out of nowhere

by the dozens, surrounding the Knight like a swarm of insects, and being fired toward the


Single-Style Combos: Even though it never happened in the series, it could be speculated that

roses of different colors can be launched simultaneously. That would provide better base stats

and a combination of effects (and a Minor Chi Weakness paired with Potency 5 Poison HAS to


Type: Ranged (Roses Only)

Default Critical Success: Maim or Stun

1: Cloud of Roses (1 Point):

This simple technique proves very useful, as it hides the Knight in a cloud of red roses, while

blurring his form.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Stealth

- -5 to opponent’s Strike (both for Attack and Block)

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Red Rose / Royal Demon Rose (2 Points):

The most common attack of the Pisces Knight, creating dozens of Red Roses that have a mild

poison, killing the enemy slowly and sweetly, as he is numbed and suffers no pain.

- Red Roses are Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5

- Inflicts Lethargy (a Minor Crimson Chi Weakness), each time the victim performs a physical

Full Action, its Speed Attribute is reduced by 1 (up to a maximum of -2, for the rest of the

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- Stifled Air (the user suffers Crimson Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: Black Rose / Piranha Rose (3 Points):

A devastating onslaught of hundreds of Black Roses that "bite" through anything. These

"Piranha" Roses attack, and kill, swiftly.

- Black Roses are Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (will shatter Mundane weapons and armor

with a 35 or more)

Chi Cost: 3 Silver, Channel 2 White for another round

4: White Rose / Bloody Rose (4 points):

The last attack, the lone White Rose flies unerringly toward the victim's heart, piercing it and

eventually absorbing the blood of the whole body, and thus turning from white to red.

- White Rose is Speed +15, Strike +15, Damage +0

- -2 dice to opponent’s Defense

- Potency 5 Uncommon Poison on a Standard Success (Moderate [20] Lethality)

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

(Note: The White Rose does not actually poison its victim, but rules-wise its blood draining

effect works as poisoning)

Chi Cost: 4 Silver

5: Snaking Vines (5 Points):

The Knight can now create and control immense vines to constrain victims, that also strike like

whips and cut like blades. From the vine, he can also bloom innumerable roses.

- Vines are Speed +5, Strike +10, Damage +5

- Ranged Area Attack of up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- Constricting (still causes damage even if Entangling)

- No Secondary Attack

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Jade Chi Breath Loss for the round)

- Delayed Onset (does not take effect until the beginning of the next round)

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

6: Crimson Thorn (10 Points):

From the constant use of poisonous roses, the Knight's blood has become poisonous itself. He

can unleash his blood in a rose-shaped cloud, like a deadly rain that cuts through the enemy.

- Attack is Speed +10, Strike +20, Damage +10

- Ranged Area Attack of up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

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- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

- Potency 5 Uncommon Poison on a Standard Success (Moderate [20] Lethality)

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Demon Rose Skill equal to the level of the highest technique you've


3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

1 Victory: You create a bed of poisonous red roses to guard a place.

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Dragon's Wake

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Jade Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The Style used both by the Bronze Knight of Dragon and the Gold Knight of Libra, this is an

ancient martial art developed in Mount Ro (Rozan), China. The training requires the

practitioner to stand fast against the elements, as well as against evil. These hardships

strengthen the Knight, and familiarize him with the virtues of the stone, the waterfall, and the


Signature: The aura of the Dragon Knight turns green, and his strike seems the onslaught of a

chinese dragon, as its image envelops his arm. Sometimes the victim is covered by the

translucent image of the Rozan waterfall flowing upwards, showing the might of the Dragon.

Single-Style Combos: When unarmored, the Knight can use Claws of the Dragon to greatly

enhance any of the other techniques, giving him stats on par with the best Armors. Roaring

Dragon can be combined with Rising Dragon to turn the other one into an Area Attack, but

otherwise most of its bonuses are obsolete.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Claws of the Dragon (1 Point):

A vulnerable Dragon is the most dangerous of enemies. The unarmored Knight can increase

dramatically the power of his fists, as everything depends on his defeating his opponent.

- Fists are Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +15

- Full Round

- The user cannot be wearing any Armor when using this technique

Chi Cost: 1 Jade

2: Rising Dragon (Rozan Sho Ryu Ha) (2 Points):

The basic, but devastating, attack of this Style, that has the power the make the Rozan

waterfall flow upwards. It is an uppercut that knocks the opponent soaring into the air, as an

image of the Dragon devours him. This strong technique does have a disadvantage, when it is

unleashed, the Knight's heart is left open (undefended) for a millisecond.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- +1 Damage die per Any (Single Color) Chi point spent

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- On a Standard Success, the victim is thrown high into the air 3 yards per result die (like

Knockback, but upwards)

- Vulnerable Spot: While using this technique, the Dragon Knight inevitably leaves his heart

exposed (Hard [30] Awareness roll to detect, using a Full Action; afterwards, a Legendary [40]

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Difficulty Called Shot against him, on any round he is using the Rising Dragon, gets a +20

Damage bonus)

Chi Cost: 2 Jade, Channel Any (as noted)

3: Roaring Dragon (Rozan Ryu Hi Sho) (3 Points):

While the Rising Dragon is a vertical attack, this one involves a horizontal charge with a single

fist, as the Knight ploughs through multiple opponents.

- Area Attack against all targets in the character's path

- -1 die to opponents’ Defense

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +1 Damage die per Any (Single Color) Chi point spent (add after multiplying)

- Furious Charge (cover 20 yards before using this technique)

Chi Cost: 3 Jade, Channel Any (as noted)

4: Greater Rising Dragon (4 points):

The Rising Dragon has a great variability in power, and the Knight can raise it to astounding


- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- +4 Damage dice

- Causes Favored Chi Breath Loss for the round

- On a Standard Success, the victim is thrown high into the air 3 yards per result die (like

Knockback, but upwards), and upon falling is also Downed

- Vulnerable Spot: While using this technique, the Dragon Knight inevitably leaves his heart

exposed (Hard [30] Awareness roll to detect, using a Full Action; afterwards, a Legendary [40]

Difficulty Called Shot against him, on any round he is using the Rising Dragon, gets a +20

Damage bonus)

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 4 Jade, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

5: Ultimate Dragon (Rozan Kou Ryu Ha) (5 points):

The forbidden technique, last resource when all else fails. The Knight, along with his held

victim, soars high into the sky, and then into space, killing both of them, as they turn into

stardust. This technique can be seen miles away, as the image of a gigantic dragon flies into

the air.

- Grapple on a Standard Success (+2 Damage dice for purposes of calculating the difficulty of


- Fly directly towards heaven (100 yards per round), carrying the victim

- Conflagration (1 die + Jade Chi modifier of Burning damage at the end of each round)

- Both the victim and the user suffer damage during all of their flight

- The flight and damage persist until the victim escapes from the Grapple

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- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 5 Jade

6: One Hundred Dragons (Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha) (10 Points):

The final attack, it combines the Rising and Roaring Dragon, multiplied by a hundred. With

both palms and arms outstretched, the Knight unleashes a hundred dragons that rage all over

the sky and against his opponents.

- Area Attack centered up to Medium Range, with (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- +4 Damage dice

- Causes Favored Chi Breath Loss for the round

- Knockback and Down on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to unleash

Chi Cost: 6 Jade + 4 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Dragon's Wake Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Eclipse Eagle (Crimson Chi)

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Five Strings

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

An elegant and beautiful Style, it can only be practiced by those who harbor powerful

emotions, including an immense love of beauty. These emotions are channeled through the

sweet music played on a lyre or harp, but also through the practitioner's slashing attacks.

Ironically, the beauty of the music contrasts with the extreme pain some of these techniques


Signature: Most of the techniques are accompanied by an entrancing and absolutely beautiful

string-music. Even the deadliest ones (like the Stringer Requiem) sound soothing, even at the

most despairing moment. When attacking bare-handed, the practitioner unleashes strings

made of light, or even pentagrams, that move incredibly fast and confuse the opponents.

Type: Brutal (Palms or Lyre)

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Down

1: Living Strings (1 Point):

The character merely caresses the strings on his lyre, and these shoot out against an opponent,

in an attempt to grab his weapon.

- Attack with Perform + (Gold Chi modifier) up to Short Range

- Opponent can only Dodge (or Block with the standard penalty against Ranged attacks)

- Weapon Entangle on a Critical Success

Chi Cost: 1 Gold

2: Radiating Strings (2 Points):

The user can make the strings on his lyre shoot out in every direction, attacking all surrounding

enemies. He can also use this technique with his bare hands, striking with strings of light (akin

to those of the String Attack) against everyone around him.

- Area Attack up to (Five Strings Skill) yards in radius

- -1 die to opponents' Defense

Chi Cost: 2 Gold

3: Sweet Melody of Delusion (3 Points):

The character plays a sweet and relaxing melody that affects the mind of the enemies. This

insidious technique creates a combination of hallucination and visual illusion, making the

victim (or victims) see multiple mirror images of the playing character. Enemies find it hard to

attack (and sometimes, defend against) the user. The false images fade when struck, but are

still replaced by new ones. Sometimes, hundreds of mirror images appear.

- Result dice obtained from a Moderate [20] Difficulty Performance roll (as a Full Action) can be

used to reduce opponents' Attack dice against the user (dice penalties can be distributed

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among several attackers; this part of the technique is optional, as the user may choose to

attack instead)

- Strike Equalization (Strike is set to +0 after all modifiers have been applied)

- Win Defensive Ties

- Full Round

- An opponent can make a Senses roll to notice that the illusions don’t project shadows, and

find the one image that does have a shadow, therefore bypassing all the effects of this

technique (the difficulty is set at Moderate [20] when the sun shines, or Hard [30] during the

night or heavily clouded days [this is most common in Asgard])

Chi Cost: 3 Gold, Channel 2 White for another round

4: String Attack (4 Points):

The warrior slashes at the air with his fingers, from which strings of light emanate (patterns of

five parallel strings per slashing movement), that can cut through rock and metal. So numerous

and fast, these strings are extremely difficult to evade.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Damage

- Disorienting on a Standard Success

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Crimson Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 4 Gold

5: Stringer Requiem (5 Points):

The ultimate, and most deadly, symphony. As the Requiem commences, the lyre's strings

extend and shoot out against a single opponent, that is hopelessly ensnared. As the music is

played, painful vibrations are sent through the strings, that start constricting the opponent.

The pain becomes greater as the melody unfolds, until the last (the higher) note kills the

victim. The playing character has to devote a lot of attention to his lone victim, so he cannot

attack anyone else (although he can defend himself).

- Attack with Perform + (Gold Chi modifier) up to Short Range

- Opponent can only Dodge (or Block with the standard penalty against Ranged attacks)

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

- Entangling on a Standard Success

- Constricting (still causes damage even if Entangling)

- The user cannot attack anyone else (than the current victim) while the Requiem is played

- The Requiem cannot last (be maintained) for more than 7 rounds

Chi Cost: 5 Gold, Channel 2 Crimson for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Five Strings Skill equal to the level of the highest technique you've


4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Flight of the Pegasus

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

This is the Style of the Bronze Knight of Pegasus, that focuses on athletics and momentum.

Pegasus typically precedes his attacks with a mighty charge or (rarely) jump.

It is said that in the mythical era there was a Pegasus Knight that became so powerful that

dared fight Hades himself. Not only that, but he actually injured the god!

Signature: Most of these techniques (particularly as they grow more powerful) reveal the blue-

white aura of the Pegasus. The lowest technique multiplies his punches, until it seems that the

Knight has two dozen fists. The greatest techniques manifest as glowing blue-white meteors or

comets. With the most massive expenditures of Cosmos (Chi), the aura takes the shape of the

Pegasus itself, and sometimes the image of white wings appears on the Knight's back.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Charging Pegasus (1 Point):

The Pegasus can use his momentum to increase the power of his attacks. He can charge at

incredible speeds or make very long jumps before attacking.

- Triple Damage dice against Minions

- Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (will shatter Mundane weapons and armor

with a 35 or more)

- Down on a Standard Success

- Furious Charge/Leaping Maneuver (cover 20 yards or jump 10 yards before using this


Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Pegasus Meteors (Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken) (2 Points):

The infamous base attack of the Pegasus, delivering 85 punches per second, with his fist

apparently multiplying by a dozen. Before delivering this powerful attack, the Knight traces the

shape of the Pegasus constellation (which appears behind him, formed by his aura) with both

his hands, positioning them over each star in turn.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +4 Damage dice

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson

3: Pegasus Rolling Crush (3 Points):

A move where the Knight grabs hold of his opponent from the back, soars high into the air, and

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then suicide dives head-first into the ground.

- The user spends all his actions for the round to use this technique

- Grapple on a Standard Success

- Roll Athletics against Everyday [18] difficulty

- Leap (vertically) 20 yards per result die (carrying the victim)

- At the end of the round, both user and victim drop to the ground

- The user must make a Hard [30] Dodge roll to avoid suffering the same damage as his victim

(which is released)

- The victim suffers 2 Damage dice per 10 yards dropped, plus the user's Crimson Chi modifier

(no weapon bonus)

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson

4: Pegasus Comet (Pegasus Sui Sen Ken) (4 points):

Instead of many fast punches, this is a single blow that concentrates all his Cosmos. Rarely

preceded by a mighty jump in which the Pegasus Knight starts to spin at incredible speed, his

own body seemingly turning to a comet of light. The spinning Comet is so confusing and fast,

that the enemy has a lot of trouble defending against it.

Note: The penalty applies to an opponent's Defense roll, not the Strike trait, so it is cumulative

with the Strike Negation maneuver. If this technique were to be combined with Apollo's Arrow

(Knight's Speed fifth technique), it would be devastating (that's the combination Seiya used

against Aldebaran of Taurus, when he awoke his Seventh Sense for the first time).

- Attack up to Long Range (use Fight Skill)

- -10 to opponent's Defense roll (whatever type)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +5 Damage dice

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson

5: Pegasus Light Meteors (5 points):

When the power of the Pegasus exceeds that of normal Bronze Knights, his own base

technique also strengthens. Now his punches turn to hundreds of meteors made of light.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +6 Damage dice

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson, Channel 2 Gold for another round

6: Pegasus Infinite Meteors (10 Points):

An attack so incredibly fast and devastating, that an opponent thinks he's still alive until, a

moment later, he notices his bashed body, full of "craters".

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- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Unparalleled Attack (Style roll, divide by 5 to calculate result dice)

- Double Damage dice

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Embarrass on a Standard Success

- Delayed Onset (does not take effect until the beginning of the next round)

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 6 Crimson + 4 Any

7: Pegasus Ascendant (15 Points):

A power unknown. The Pegasus Knight can almost breach the limits of a mere mortal, and

stand naked against the gods, with his aura turning to a blinding white...

- Fists are Speed +20, Strike +20, Damage +10

- Block Ranged Attacks without penalty

- Doesn't take damage or suffer Maim while blocking with his bare hands

- Doubles his Chi Aura dice for purposes of resisting damage

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Hardiness

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Armor

- Minor Jade Hyperactivity on the user (+1 Jade Chi Breath while the technique is maintained)

- Lasts for (Flight of the Pegasus Skill) rounds

- The user cannot be wearing any Armor when using this technique

- Spend 1 Destiny Point to use

Chi Cost: 7 Crimson + 8 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Flight of the Pegasus Skill equal to the level of the highest

technique you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

6 Victory: You are the reincarnation of the mythical Pegasus Knight, and have a 1 die bonus to

all Attack and Defense rolls against gods.

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Freezing Cosmos

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The trademark Style of the Ice Knights. Taught by the master of Aquarius, and practiced by the

Crystal Knight and the Bronze Knight of Cygnus. It is a teaching in how to manipulate the basic

molecular structure of objects, slowing their particles, and therefore lowering their


Signature: Almost every technique is preceded by graceful arm movements, in the case of the

Cygnus Knight they resemble the flapping of a swan's wings (as the constellation is drawn

behind him). The air turns freezing cold, and tiny ice crystals and snowflakes surround the


Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Stun

1: Diamond Dust (1 Point):

A slow to use but very effective base technique, the Knight launches a stream of freezing air,

ice and frost against his opponent.

Note that this technique can be used almost forever (even when combined with some Knight's

Speed techniques), due to its low Chi Cost. It will cause more and more damage each time.

Remember, Hyoga used it fifteen consecutive times against Milo of Scorpio...

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Preparatory Movements: -5 penalty to Initiative on the round this technique is used

(technique must be announced at the start of the round)

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Frozen Ice Ring (Koliso) (2 Points):

A technique used to hold an opponent, who's surrounded by a ring of freezing air. It causes no

injury, and is often used to prevent an enemy from engaging other people (instead of the Ice


- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense per White Chi point spent

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 2 Silver, Channel White (as noted)

3: Greater Diamond Dust (3 Points):

The Diamond Dust as used by more powerful Knights.

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- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +3 Damage dice (add after multiplying)

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Preparatory Movements: -5 penalty to Initiative on the round this technique is used

(technique must be announced at the start of the round)

Chi Cost: 3 Silver, Channel 2 White for another round

4: Aurora Thunder Attack (4 points):

An improved variant of the Diamond Dust, in which the freezing air is expelled from both

hands clasped together. It does not require as much preparation as the other techniques, so

it's faster in its application.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +2 Damage dice

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

Chi Cost: 4 Silver

5: Aurora Execution (5 points):

The ultimate attack of the Ice Knights (typically known only to the Gold Knight of Aquarius),

capable of freezing a whole building and everyone inside. The preparatory movements are

accompanied by the image of a maiden emptying a water vessel, and end when an ice blast is

expelled from the clasped hands.

- Area Attack centered up to Short Range, with (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +2 Damage dice

- Intensity 5 Burning damage (burned by cold, not flames) on a Standard Success

- The victim takes full damage even if Stunned by this technique

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Preparatory Movements: -5 penalty to Initiative on the round this technique is used

(technique must be announced at the start of the round)

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

6: Freezing Coffin (10 Points):

The secret technique of the master of Aquarius, it allows him to trap an opponent, unharmed,

for decades, in a perfect cube of ice. It is almost impervious to any external attack.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

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- On a Standard Success the victim is permanently trapped, although not harmed (and is even

protected from any external damage that doesn’t destroy the Coffin)

- The Coffin can only be damaged by Class II Heavenly (or better) weapons, Armors or

equivalent techniques

- It must be hit with a Called Shot of Legendary [40] Difficulty, to be cracked open

- The one trapped within suffers 3 full Health Levels of damage when the Coffin is broken,

unless the attacker got a Critical Success on his Called Shot

- Can also be broken from the inside without any kind of weapon or Armor, with a Legendary

[40] Athletics roll and a Full Action

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Freezing Cosmos Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

5 Bonus: The Ice Knight has reached the Absolute Zero temperature (-273°C) with his

techniques, which now cause an additional 2 Damage dice (stacking with the base bonuses of

the techniques).

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Gift of Proteus (White Chi)

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Golden Lion

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The signature Style of the Gold Knight of Leo, Golden Lion relies on a combination of strength

and speed, as well as intimidating the opponents with spectacular displays of power. It shares

some minor similarities with the techniques used by the Knights of Pegasus and Sagittarius.

Signature: Golden Lion is all but subtle. The aura of the Knight of Leo shines a bright gold, and

even surrounding natural phenomena are tainted by his Cosmos (for example, lightning shines

with gold light). Also, all punches dissolve into golden light.

Single-Style Combos: Defender of the Pride can make any of the two main techniques,

Lightning Bolt and Lightning Plasma, an Area Attack. Lion Rage can also enhance them, but the

main attacks already have their own bonus Damage dice, so Lion Rage will only provide its full

benefit when the character has been wounded at least four times.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Lion Rage (1 Point):

When wounded, the Lion is even more dangerous than before, as he channels his rage into

deadly strikes.

- +1 (cumulative) Damage die each time damage is taken

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

Chi Cost: 1 Gold

2: Defender of the Pride (2 Points):

The proud Lion must often fight alone against multiple opponents. Any attack made with this

technique can bring down a dozen enemies.

- Area Attack up to (Golden Lion Skill) yards in radius

- Down on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 2 Gold

3: Lion Roar (3 Points):

Typically used to remove lesser (and unwanted) opponents from the fight, the Lion Roar can

also weaken the resolve of the most powerful Knights. The aura of the Gold Knight flares up, as

the image of a giant lion appears behind him, and a deep and powerful roar is heard all


- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Attack with Inspire (Fear) + (Gold Chi modifier)

- Opponents defend with Confidence

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- Terrifying on a Standard Success

- Causes no damage (but Minions are still driven off)

Chi Cost: 3 Gold

4: Lightning Bolt (4 Points):

The typical attack of this Style, an incredibly fast and powerful punch is unleashed, looking like

an unstoppable capsule of golden light. It is particularly devastating at close range.

- Attack up to Long Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +3 Damage dice (at Short Range or closer, add after multiplying)

- Knockback on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Gold

5: Lightning Plasma (5 points):

The most powerful attack of the mighty Lion, it launches thousands of attacks per second,

looking like gold rays that devastate everything in their path. These rays are so numerous and

fast, that they are almost impossible to defend against.

- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Damage

- Triple Damage dice against Minions

- +3 Damage dice (at Short Range or closer, add after multiplying)

- Disorienting and Knockback on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 5 Gold, Channel 2 Crimson for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Golden Lion Skill equal to the level of the highest technique you've


3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Haunting Song

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

A subtle and complex Style that manipulates soundwaves, turning them into potent weapons

against the enemy. It sends vibrations through each atom, and can shatter the most resistant


Signature: Everything becomes silent, and only the sweet and deadly music can be heard.

Ripples form in the air, as soundwaves travel to their targets.

Type: Brutal (Palms or Flute)

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Stun

1: Deafening Tone (1 Point):

The practitioner can unleash a single intense note that destroys the victim's hearing.

- Attack with Perform up to Medium Range

- Opponent can only Dodge (or Block with the standard penalty against Ranged attacks)

- Causes loss of Hearing on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 1 Gold

2: Shattering Tone (2 Points):

With a high-pitched sound, the practitioner can shatter an opponent's weapons and armor.

- Attack with Perform up to Medium Range

- Opponent can only Dodge (or Block with the standard penalty against Ranged attacks)

- Apply the Attack total as a Breaking Things roll (35 will shatter Mundane weapons and armor,

40 will shatter Quality ones, 50 for Perfect ones, and 65 against Divine ones [including Class III

Weapons and Armors])

- No Secondary Attack

- Stifled Air (the user suffers White Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 2 Gold

3: Siren's Wail (3 Points):

For an instant, the practitioner's face becomes that of a deadly sea nymph, emitting a wail that

horrifies everyone in sight.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Attack with Inspire (Fear) + (Gold Chi modifier)

- Opponents defend with Confidence

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

- Causes no damage (but Minions are still driven off)

Chi Cost: 3 Gold

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4: Circular Barrier (4 Points):

The Siren traces a circle with his flute (or hand), that becomes an impenetrable shield.

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Block

- Block Ranged Attacks without penalty

- Full Round

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 4 Gold, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

5: Sound Waves (5 Points):

The practitioner makes a slashing movement with his arm, unleashing a deadly soundwave

against his opponents.

- Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in a 45° frontal arc

- -1 die to opponents’ Defense

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Damage

- Knockback on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 5 Gold

6: Dead End Symphony (10 Points):

The melody of ecstasy and despair that affects the enemy even when his hearing is destroyed.

The victim actually feels comfortable as she is numbed by the sorrowful music, until she finally


- Attack with Perform up to Medium Range

- Opponent defends with Confidence

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Disorienting on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Crimson Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 6 Gold + 4 Any, Channel 2 Silver for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Haunting Song Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with Poseidon's Mariners.

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Hell Warlord (Jade Chi)

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Horns of the Bull Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Jade Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

A fairly straightforward Style employed by the Gold Knight of Taurus, it relies on powerful

counterattacks and a perfect defensive stance. The warrior aims at keeping his balance while

breaking that of his enemies. He becomes like a rock when receiving attacks, and also when

delivering them.

It's almost a defensive Style, as the practitioner always waits for his opponents to attack first

(see the flaw of the Offensive/Defensive Posture, below).

Signature: The practitioner has an aura of incredible confidence, while he waits for his

opponent's move with arms crossed. When he finally counterattacks, the image of the

unleashed bull appears, formed by his golden aura, rushing against the enemy.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Bull's Might (1 Point):

A simple technique where the Knight invokes the strength of his parent constellation of


- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Hardiness

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Lift

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 1 Jade

2: Offensive/Defensive Posture (2 Points):

A perfect defensive stance that is used by the Taurus Knight while waiting for his opponent to

strike. He just stands with crossed arms and legs spread wide. However, the Knight becomes

particularly vulnerable when breaking this Posture.

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Armor

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Blocks

- User cannot be Knocked back or Downed

- Full Round

- User may not move from the spot

- When the Posture is broken (by making an attack or moving), the user loses all bonuses for

the rest of the round (determined by Initiative), and has a Vulnerable Spot (Hard [30]

Awareness roll to detect, using a Full Action; afterwards, a Legendary [40] Difficulty Called Shot

against the user when he breaks the posture will remove one die from his highest set on the

Defense roll)

Chi Cost: 2 Jade, Channel 2 White for another round

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3: Great Horn (3 Points):

A powerful attack in which the Knight charges at his opponents at such great speed that it

looks simply as a blinding flash of light. This maneuver actually leaves the warrior in a bad

position for further defense.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Attack 1 extra target per 2 Any (Single Color) Chi points spent

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +1 Damage die per Any (Single Color) Chi point spent (add after multiplying)

- Off-Balance (Take a -5 penalty to the next Defense roll)

Chi Cost: 3 Jade, Channel Any (as noted)


* Bonus: You receive a free Horns of the Bull Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Ice Tiger Claw

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The warrior from the frozen north has studied the way of the feline predator, its grace, speed,

and fury. Besides the cold environment of the God Warrior, this Style is also influenced by the

saber-tooth tiger, which seems rather incongruous, since that prehistoric cat inhabited

America, far from Asgard. Have the God Warriors of past ages visited that continent?

Signature: A freezing white aura that covers the surroundings with frost, nails that elongate

and become sharp claws, blinding speed, and cuts that are made even before touching the


Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Down or Maim

1: Lightning Claw (1 Point):

The tiger warrior attacks so fast that his opponent has trouble just seeing his movements.

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Freezing Air (2 Points):

Imitating the weather from his homeland, the practitioner can turn his aura extremely cold,

freezing his enemies' attacks before they even reach him.

- +1 Chi Aura die (for all purposes, not just damage)

- Chi Aura dice can now be spent to reduce an opponent’s Attack dice (besides all other


Chi Cost: 2 Silver, Channel 2 Jade for another round

3: Tempest of Claws (3 Points):

The warrior can now move so fast as to claw at multiple enemies at the same time.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

Chi Cost: 3 Silver

4: Viking Tiger Claw (4 Points):

The main attack of this Style, the warrior's nails grow into long white claws that can cut

through steel. It is always preceded by a long run.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

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- Maim on a Standard Success

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Full Round

- Furious Charge (cover 20 yards before using this technique)

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

5: Blue Impulse (5 Points):

An extension of the Freezing Air, the God Warrior can now harness and concentrate the power

of a blizzard between his hands, hurling it against his opponent. It is as unstoppable as any


- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- -2 dice to opponent’s Defense

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +5 Damage dice

- Knockback on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 5 Silver


* Bonus: You receive a free Ice Tiger Claw Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Knight's Speed

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Flexible Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

Besides the incredible powers each Knight has, unique for each individual, all of them share

the capacity to move faster than any human. This capacity, apparently, has no limit. Bronze

Knights move at aproximately the speed of sound (Mach 1), Silver Knights move between

Mach 2 and 5, and Gold Knights supposedly reach the speed of light.

It's worth noting that no single technique represents the speed of light, but that one is the

result of combining more than one technique, and paired with high Favored Chi modifiers (for

example, Milo of Scorpio has a +20 Favored [Crimson] Chi modifier, as he is one of the fastest

Gold Knights).

Signature: The Knight's movement dissolves and becomes incomprehensible to normal sight.

For example, at his slowest, Seiya's punches are so fast that they seem to multiply, like he had

a hundred fists. When he moves even faster, the fists look like energy meteors striking his

enemy. As for the Gold Knights' lightspeed, a good example could be the fight between

Deathmask, the Knight of Cancer, and Shiryu. The Gold Knight started circling around Dragon,

running at lightspeed. First his figure multiplied, and then it dissolved into a circle of light

surrounding the boy, launching thousands of attacks per second, that looked like golden rays.

Single-Style Combos: This Style has the best capacity for combining techniques. The character

can vary his speed from round to round, depending on the level and combination of

techniques he is using.

Type: Free (None)

Default Critical Success: None.

1: Pheidippides’ Run (1 Point):

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Speed

- Free Cover Ground

Chi Cost: 1 Any

2: Heracles’ Fury (2 Points):

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Strike (only for Attack)

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 2 Any

3: Zephyrus’ Spring (3 Points):

- Leap as a Free Action

- x3 Leaping Distance

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to a single Dodge

Chi Cost: 3 Any

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4: Aelous’ Breath (4 points):

- x4 Running Speed

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Dodge

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 4 Any

5: Apollo’s Arrow (5 points):

- -5 to opponent’s Strike (both for Attack and Block)

- Disorienting on a Standard Success

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 5 Any

6: Helios’ Crown (10 Points):

- Automatic Initiative (against another character using this technique roll Initiative as usual)

- x4 Running Speed

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Strike (only for Attack)

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Dodge

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 10 Any, Channel 2 Any (Single Color) Chi for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Knight's Speed Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

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Kundalini Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

This profound Style delves into the study and manipulation of the Prana (life-energy), moving it

through the body. Kundalini itself is the serpent (or path) that rises from the root chakra

(located at the tailbone) up through the spinal channel, activating each of the seven chakras in

turn. These are the centers of force and consciousness, and when activated they grant

tremendous spiritual powers and the perception of absolute bliss.

The Style goes far beyond manipulating the vital force through diverse exercises, as it is

intended to help the practitioner find self-realization and unity with the infinite and

transcending spirit of Brahman.

Signature: The practitioner alternates between calm and quiet stances and aggressive

maneuvers. Some of the most powerful techniques are accompanied by the image of one of

the multiple avatars of Vishnu, ranging from the humanoid, to the bestial, or the demoniac.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Down

1: Ajna (1 Point):

Ajna is the sixth chakra, corresponding to the eyebrow region. It's the popular “third eye”,

actually the mind's eye. This technique activates it, allowing for extrasensory perceptions.

- The user cannot be Surprised (can be activated reflexively)

Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Vishuddah (2 Points):

Vishuddah is the fifth chakra, positioned at the neck. This technique is used as the practitioner

strikes at the opponent's bare neck, closing his fifth chakra. It is called the “poison and nectar”

center, where the secret to immortality resides. When closed, the victim undergoes decay and

(eventually) death.

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Potency 5 Uncommon Poison on a Standard Success (Moderate [20] Lethality)

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson

3: Pranotthana (3 Points):

The practitioner intensifies his Prana activity, fanning his serpent fire, in preparation for his

work, be it creation or destruction.

- Major Crimson Hyperactivity on the user (+3 Crimson Chi Breath while the technique is


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- Loose 1 Chi Aura die while this technique is in effect

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson, Channel 2 Silver for another round

4: Maharoshini (4 Points):

The “Great Illumination” is a terrible attack that damages the blood flow of the victim, blinding

her on the first attack, and killing her on the second. It manifests as a bright light emanating

from his raised right hand (as if he were swearing).

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +4 Damage dice

- Causes loss of Sight on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson

5: Kundalini Rising (5 Points):

The practitioner sits cross-legged and begins a deep meditation, levitating himself several feet

over the floor. He activates and aligns his seven chakras, creating an invisible barrier (out of his

own life-force) in front of him, that is impervious to most attacks. However, someone who

detects the exact location of the seven chakras can attempt to strike them all simultaneously,

piercing the barrier (a difficult feat, to say the least).

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Block Ranged and Area Attacks without penalty

- Reply on a Critical Success

- User cannot be knocked back or downed

- Full Round

- User may not move from the spot

- Vulnerable Spot: An opponent can make a Hard [30] Awareness roll to locate the user's Seven

Chakras, using a Full Action; afterwards, he can make an Impossible [60] Difficulty Called Shot

to strike them simultaneously, completely bypassing all this technique's effects and resetting

one Damage die on a successful attack, extending the roll by 10

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson, Channel 2 Jade for another round

6: Avatara (10 Points):

The practitioner temporarily becomes a warrior avatar of Vishnu, like the mythical Krishna


- Minor Jade Hyperactivity on the user (+2 Might/Jade Chi while the technique is maintained)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Armor

- Add (Kundalini Skill) dice to Chi Aura to resist fire and heat

- Walk over any stable surface as if it were a floor

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) upon first activation

Chi Cost: Investment of 5 Any

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7: Moksha (15 Points):

The practitioner can achieve temporary self-realization (or god-realization), a state of

perfection that frees him from worldly suffering and death. He experiences the blissful union

with Brahman.

- Moksha: Unique Major Chi Hyperactivity, as long as the character makes a Moderate [20]

Difficulty Awareness roll (every round of combat, as a Free Action), he does not age (outside of

combat, the roll is unnecessary)

- Double Chi Aura dice for purposes of resisting damage

- Health points recovered by spending Jade Chi are doubled

- Spend 1 Destiny Point upon first activation

Chi Cost: Investment of 8 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Kundalini Skill equal to the level of the highest technique you've


3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with Poseidon's Mariners.

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Lizard Breath (Silver Chi)

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Lord of Fire and Ice

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Unique Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

Even though not as profound as the Freezing Cosmos Style, this one can harness great power

by studying the dichotomy of the geography of Asgard, where volcanic caves coexist with the

eternal winter.

Training for this Style is even harder than for the Ice Knights (practitioners of Freezing

Cosmos), as the Lord must get used to both extremes of temperatures, and sometimes rapidly

switch between one and the other (Hagen, after training on the volcanic cave, would go out to

the frozen wilderness).

Signature: A regal air accompanies the practitioner, and his movements are grandiose. All

effects are on a big scale, the enemy might be frozen on a pillar of ice, or the Lord might

unleash large streams of fire and lava. The aural manifestation depends on the nature and

destiny of the warrior (Hagen's aura showed the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, as fate had given

him the armor representing that mythical creature).

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Stun

1: Submission to the Elements (1 Point):

If the warrior wants to master the elements of fire and ice, he must first learn to submit to

them, training under the most intense heat and unforgiving cold.

- Add (Lord of Fire and Ice Skill) dice to Chi Aura to resist fire and heat

- Add (Lord of Fire and Ice Skill) dice to Chi Aura to resist frost and cold

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 1 Jade

2: Universe Freezing (2 Points):

The Lord becomes winter itself, being capable of creating ice and frost to punish his


- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +2 Damage dice (add after multiplying)

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: Lord of the Land (3 Points):

The Lord can now command the land to kill his enemies by the dozen, making them freeze

from the feet upwards, or making the earth burst with fire and magma.

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- Area Attack against (Favored Chi) targets

- Increase Area Attack by 1 target per Jade Chi point spent

Chi Cost: 3 Gold, Channel Jade (as noted)

4: Great Ardent Pressure (4 Points):

Finally, the Lord of Fire and Ice can channel fire and lava from both his extended arms, wiping

out all opposition. This technique not only burns the enemy, but pushes him back with the

extreme pressure of the stream.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- Intensity 4 Burning damage on a Standard Success

- Knockback on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson, Channel 2 White for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Lord of Fire and Ice Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Master of the Runes (Gold Chi)

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Nocturnal Craft (Silver Chi)

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Northern Wolf

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

An instinctual Style learned from watching wolves hunt and defend themselves (and

sometimes sharing that experience with them), it relies purely on speed and ferocity, with little


Signature: Sometimes dozens of fleeting images of purple wolves with bright eyes accompany

the warrior's attacks, or one howling giant wolf is formed by his aura.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Blind or Maim

1: Frenzy (1 Point):

The warrior becomes fiercer by the moment, and slashes ever faster with his claw-like hands.

Nonetheless, this state makes him more vulnerable, as he concentrates on the attack and

neglects his defense.

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Secondary Attack

- Off-Balance (Take a -5 penalty to the next Defense roll)

Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Wolf Cruelty Claw (2 Points):

The standard attack of this Style, it aims at crippling the opponent with a precise strike from

the claw-like hands.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Maim on a Standard Success

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson, Channel 2 Silver for another round

3: Ghost Pack (3 Points):

A pack of spectral wolves is unleashed to bring down the prey, at the warrior's command.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- Down on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson


* Bonus: You receive a free Northern Wolf Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

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you've learned.

4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Queen Cobra

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The constellation of Ophiuchus is said to represent the healer Asclepius, who discovered the

secret of keeping death at bay while watching a serpent bring another one healing herbs. To

prevent human beings from becoming immortal by the use of Asclepius' techniques, Zeus

killed him with a bolt of lightning, but honored him by placing his image in the heavens.

This style was born from Asclepius fate and Zeus' aggressive response (his thunderous strike),

thus perverting the first one's techniques. Now, it is only a combination of venomous attacks,

centered on the practitioner's negative feelings of anger, jealousy and envy (the absolute

counterpart to the healer's teachings).

Mysteriously, Ophiuchus is the thirteenth Zodiacal constellation. It is said that any day now,

the warrior representing this constellation (typically a female) will become a new and unheard-

of Gold Knight. Maybe the rediscovery of Asclepius' secret style will announce the impending

emergence of the Gold Knight of Ophiuchus.

Signature: The practitioner's attacks are incredibly fast and ferocious, striking with the speed,

and image, of the lightning. The aura sometimes acquires the shape of the Cobra.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Stun or Terrify

1: Venomous Rage (1 Point):

The practitioner feeds her attacks with her own rage and ever-increasing frustration. The

longer the fight, the more it intensifies.

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Thunder Claw (2 Points):

The "common" attack of the Ophiuchus Knight. Her claws imitate the serpent's fangs, while

surrounded by red-purple lightning.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson, Channel 2 White for another round

3: Thunder Cobra (3 Points):

The mighty Cobra raises her head and strikes out with her fangs that pierce everything,

sending pain through her enemy's body. The practitioner's clawed hand imitates the fangs of

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the Cobra.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

- Maim on a Standard Success

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Gold Chi Breath Loss for the round)

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson

4: Lightning Bites (4 points):

The female Knight launches innumerable and lightning-fast strikes with her hands, that aim at

the enemy's own attacks, effectively stopping them.

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Block Ranged Attacks without penalty

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson, Channel 2 Jade for another round

5: Queen Cobra's Venom (5 points):

The Cobra defends herself by striking first, paralyzing the enemy with her deadly venom.

- Automatic Initiative (against characters using techniques that grant Automatic Initiative, roll

Initiative as usual)

- Stun on a Standard Success

- Potency 5 Uncommon Poison on a Standard Success (Moderate [20] Lethality)

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson


* Bonus: You receive a free Queen Cobra Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Radiant Metamorphosis

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

A grotesque Style worthy of one of Hades' most terrible Spectres. It combines horridness and

beauty (the two facets of death) in equal measure, in an attempt to confuse and overwhelm

the enemy.

Signature: This Style bewilders allies and enemies alike, with its manifestations of ugliness,

horror and painful beauty. The techniques used while in larval form are always unpleasant to

the senses, from the stickiness of the Silky Thread to the awful stench of the Ugly Eruption. On

the other side, the techniques manifested with the ultimate form of Papillon are incredibly

beautiful, but also numb and overwhelm the senses with their patterns of colors and rapid


Type: Brutal

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Down

1: Silky Thread (1 Point):

The larval form spits hundreds of silky threads from its fanged maw, forming a hard cocoon

around its opponents.

- Area Attack against (Radiant Metamorphosis Skill) targets

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- Can only be used in the Spectre's larval form

Chi Cost: 1 Gold

2: Ugly Eruption (2 Points):

Disgusting sores manifest on the larva's body (or the slime covering it), and explode squirting a

greenish and foul-smelling liquid. The smoking acid burns everyone around.

- Area Attack up to (Radiant Metamorphosis Skill) in yards

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

- Intensity 2 Burning (Acid) damage on a Standard Success

- Can only be used in the Spectre's larval form

Chi Cost: 2 Gold

3: Fairy Thronging (3 Points):

On the same round this attack is used, even before it is unleashed, a throng of multicolored

butterflies appear all around the Spectre, and attach themselves to any potential enemy. This

reveals their presence, even if they are invisible.

Then the user launches his attack, that looks like a rainbow-colored plane of force that impacts

the chosen opponent. Sometimes the butterflies of the Underworld, the Faeries, remain

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attached to opponents for a while.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- +1 Damage die per Any (Single Color) Chi point spent

- Reveals invisible or hidden enemies within (Favored Chi) yards in radius, which can be

attacked without penalty

- Damage dice may be used to impose a -5 penalty to the enemy's Stealth rolls for a number of

scenes equal to the number of dice spent

- Can only be used in the Spectre's ultimate form

Chi Cost: 3 Gold, Channel 2 White for another round

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Rainbow Feathers (Unique Chi)

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Royal Scorpion

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Crimson Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

A Style that relies mainly on (extreme) speed and pinpoint accuracy, it incapacitates the victim

long before killing her. The Knight of Scorpio typically opens the fight with the Restriction

technique, paralyzing his opponents before attacking.

Signature: The Knight moves blindingly fast, typically striking with just a finger at his

opponents. The scarlet nail of the index finger is the main trademark of this Style, and it grows

and sharpens when the Scarlet Needle is employed.

Single-Style Combos: This Style is purposefully build for combos. The Scarlet Needle is really

lethal only when combined with any of the other techniques. The character could even use

Restriction first, and then Flashing Sting to gain a Secondary Attack enhanced by the Scarlet

Needle (it has a Full Round duration)... and even Two-Tailed Scorpion, for a Secondary Area


Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Maim or Stun

1: Flashing Sting (1 Point):

Normally, the Knight of Scorpio takes his time while delivering the Scarlet Needles, so as to

give his enemy the opportunity to surrender. But when it's needed, he can attack with

inhuman speed.

Note: The penalty to the opponent's Dodge roll, and the bonus Damage die, apply to only one

of the two attacks (as this technique hasn't a Full Round duration).

- -5 to opponent's Dodge

- +1 Damage die (winning Initiative)

- Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 1 Crimson

2: Two-Tailed Scorpion (2 Points):

The enemies are terrified when they find out the Scorpion can launch multiple attacks with just

one finger...

- Area Attack up to (Royal Scorpion Skill) yards in radius

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson

3: Scarlet Needle (3 Points):

The infamous technique of the Knight of Scorpio. The scarlet index nail grows long and sharp,

and is used to strike the enemy, sometimes from a distance, firing a thin red ray. Each strike

corresponds to one of the fifteen stars of the Scorpio constellation, distributed over the

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victim's body.

Note: As this is a Full Round technique, when combined with techniques that allow a

Secondary Attack, both strikes are enhanced.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Maim on a Standard Success

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 3 Crimson, Channel 2 Silver for another round

4: Restriction (4 Points):

The Knight sends fear-inducing waves of Cosmos, paralyzing his opponents as a scorpion does

before attacking.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Roll Inspire (Fear) versus Confidence

- Stun (paralyze with fear) on a Standard Success

- Only works on characters with Presence lower than the user

Chi Cost: 4 Crimson

5: Antares (5 points):

The fifteenth star, located at the heart of the victim, is pierced by the red nail of the Scorpion.

This attack finally ends the suffering of the enemy. The practitioner can employ this technique

at any moment, not necessarily as a fifteenth strike, but Milo only uses it as a last resource

(besides, it consumes one Joss point).

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- Causes Chi Flow Loss to ALL colors (until damage is healed)

- Potency 5 Uncommon Poison on a Standard Success (Moderate [20] Lethality)

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson


* Bonus: You receive a free Royal Scorpion Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Shadow Hunter

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The warrior has combined the best of two worlds, the cunning of the human hunter, and the

ferocity of the ambushing predator. This is not an honorable Style, it's just a means to an end...

Signature: The shadows bow before the warrior, and seem to embrace him. The air turns cold

as his white aura manifests. His attacks can barely be seen, except for their results...

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Down or Maim

1: Painful Claw (1 Point):

The hunter knows when to kill and when to cripple.

- Ignore Wound penalties

- +1 Damage die (winning Initiative)

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- Damage dice may be spent to reduce an opponent's next Attack roll

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Freezing Shadow (2 Points):

The warrior is enveloped by cold shadows that avert the enemies' eyes and attacks.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Stealth

- +1 Chi Aura die (for all purposes, not just damage)

- Chi Aura dice can now be spent to reduce an opponent’s Attack dice (besides all other


Chi Cost: 2 Silver, Channel 2 Jade for another round

3: Shadow Ambuscade (3 Points):

If he remains unseen, the hunter (or predator, depending on the point of view) can outflank

his victims and attack from everywhere at the same time, slashing with incredible speed.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- -1 die to opponents' Defense per Gold Chi point spent

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- Can only be used on a successful Surprise attempt

Chi Cost: 3 Silver, Channel Gold (as noted)

4: Shadow Viking Tiger Claw (4 Points):

The shadow warrior's nails grow into long white claws that can cut through steel. This is the

counterpart to the main attack of the Ice Tiger Claw Style.

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- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Maim on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel 2 Crimson for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Shadow Hunter Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Slashing Eagle (Crimson Chi)

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Spatial Mastery

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

Every Knight can move at incredible speed, a few even approaching the speed of light, but

fewer are those with the capacity to bend space with their minds, and even rend it to open

paths to other dimensions (which include the Land of the Dead, many Hells, Heaven, and


Whenever a technique reffers to "Other/s", the subjects must be willing, this Style doesn't

allow the user to teleport a victim to the heart of a volcano. Also, it can only transport other

people that are in the user's presence, so it can't be used to "summon" a distant person (the

exception is the last technique).

Signature: Most Gold Knights who use these powers appear in a flash of blinding gold light. Ikki

the Phoenix also develops some teleporting capabilities, and he appears amidst an image of

red flames and (sometimes) the Phoenix itself.

Type: Free (None)

Default Critical Success: None.

1: Sidestep (1 Point):

- Transports Self only

- Up to Short Range (10 yards)

- Use as a Free Action

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: (Unnamed second technique) (2 Points):

- Transports Self, and 1 Other (optional)

- Up to Long Range (100 yards)

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: (Unnamed third technique) (3 Points):

- Transports Self, and 1 Other (optional) OR just 1 Other (or own Armor)

- Up to 1 mile

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 3 Silver

4: (Unnamed fourth technique) (4 points):

- Transports Self, and 1 Other (optional) OR just 1 Other (or own Armor)

- Up to 100 miles

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 4 Silver

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5: (Unnamed fifth technique) (5 points):

- Transports Self, and 1 Other (optional) OR just 1 Other (or own Armor)

- To any place in the world

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

6: Crossing the Veil (10 Points):

- Transports Self only

- To/From any Dimension

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any

7: Unlimited Pathways Home (15 Points):

- Transports (Silver Chi) Others

- From any Dimension (not the other way around)

- Use as a Full Action

Chi Cost: 7 Silver + 8 Any


* Bonus: you receive a free Spatial Mastery Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned

New Martial Arts Marvels:

- Unwilling Teleportation - For techniques that teleport Other/s, allows to teleport unwilling

subjects (i.e. enemies). Chi Cost: 6 of Any Two Colors, Difficulty: Legendary [40]

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Star-Shattering Fists (Crimson Chi)

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Stars of Crystal Might

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Silver Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

Studied under the mantle of the night sky, the light of the stars, and the figures of the

constellations, this Style allows the raw manipulation of light, turning it into a potent weapon,

and can even be used to crystallize it! It also calls upon the mythical substance called Stardust


Signature: Blinding light and tiny falling stars are the trademark of this Style. Luminous, and

seemingly fragile (although hardly so), crystal is also manifested with the defensive techniques.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Knockback

1: Star Chart (1 Point):

The first thing the apprentice of this Style learns is how to read the night sky, the stars,

constellations and galaxies. This helps him navigate, particularly through teleportation. But

even more important, as the constellations were used as blueprints for the Armors of the

Knights of Athena, this technique allows the user to find their weak spots more easily. As most

other armors are crude copies of the mythical Cloths, it works against them too.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to the Spatial Mastery Skill (to be used for Martial Arts Marvels)

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

Chi Cost: 1 Silver

2: Crystal Net (2 Points):

With the pattern of a spider web, light is crystallized to trap an enemy and hold him still.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 2 Silver

3: Stardust Infusion (3 Points):

One of the most profound teachings of this Style. Stardust was the substance used by the

ancient muvians to infuse life into inanimate matter. Athena's Armors are the result of this

process (although it may have been used on other things). With this technique, the

practitioner can use his Cosmos to create a tiny bit of Stardust to increase the vitality of one of

Athena's Armors, therefore making it stronger for a few crucial moments. It does nothing on

other types of armors or inanimate objects (it's too weak a technique for that).

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Armor

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- Can be used on another character, by touch (and spending a Full Action)

- Lasts for (Rank Level) rounds

- The target must be wearing any one type of Athena’s Armors (Bronze, Silver, Gold or

Improved Bronze)

Chi Cost: 3 Silver

4: Starlight Extinction (4 points):

This is a raw discharge of light and Cosmos (Chi) to harm an enemy. It emanates from the

hands of the user as two powerful beacons.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Attack 1 extra target per 2 Any (Single Color) Chi points spent

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +3 Damage dice

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel Any (as noted)

5: Crystal Wall (5 points):

A terrible defensive technique, it creates a solid crystal barrier from pure light, that not only

stops an enemy's attacks, but can turn them against the aggressor. Like striking your image on

a mirror, the strike turns against you.

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Can block Ranged and Area Attacks without penalty

- Reply on a Critical Success

- Full Round

- User may not move from the spot

- User cannot attack the same round this technique is in use

Chi Cost: 5 Silver, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

6: Stardust Revolution (10 points):

The ultimate technique that calls upon the Stardust Sand from stars and galaxies, and

manifests as hundreds of tiny falling starts all across the sky (this is not a subtle power),

destroying everything in their path.

- Area Attack centered up to Medium Range, with (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- Triple Damage dice against Minions

- +3 Damage dice (add after multiplying)

- Knockback and Down on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any

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* Bonus: You receive a free Stars of Crystal Might Skill equal to the level of the highest

technique you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena.

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Tempest Riding

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Jade Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The Sea Horse is the herald of Poseidon's chariot, driving the waves and hurricane winds. This

Style seems a counterpart to Flight of the Pegasus, also based in speed, momentum, and

overriding force. It also relies on the power of the tempest and unrelenting waves.

Signature: Most techniques are accompanied by strong winds and the image of waves or

ripples in the air, everything tainted by the indomitable anger of the practitioner. Most attacks

are felt like a god's unleashed fury.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Rippling Barrier (1 Point):

The practitioner seems to be guarded by an invisible barrier. Small ripples form in the air when

the opponents' attacks are intercepted, an effect similar to small rocks ricochetting off the

surface of water. Actually, the practitioner's arms are moving blindingly fast, parrying every


- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Full Round

Chi Cost: 1 Jade

2: Charge of Bythos (2 Points):

The practitioner invokes the strength of the proud Bythos, Poseidon's favourite mount, that

was at the forefront of the horses pulling his chariot.

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- Ignore Wound penalties

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

Chi Cost: 2 Jade

3: Sea Riding (3 Points):

The Mariner acquires the swiftness of the Sea Horse, running at incredible speed over land and


- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Athletics

- Run over water

- Lasts for (Tempest Riding Skill) rounds

- Furious Charge (cover 20 yards before using this technique)

Chi Cost: 3 Jade

4: God Breath (4 Points):

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The most common attack of this Style, a gust of wind as strong as Poseidon blowing off the


- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- +1 Damage die per Any (Single Color) Chi point spent

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Knockback on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Jade, Channel Any (as noted)

5: Rising Billows (5 Points):

The Sea Horse heralds the mightiest tempest, unleashing an attack with the strength of a

hurricane. Victims are sent flying for hundreds of yards in every direction.

- Area Attack up to (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- +5 Damage dice

- Triple-distance Knockback on a Standard Success

- Causes Favored Chi Breath Loss for the round

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 5 Jade, Channel 2 Crimson for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Tempest Riding Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with Poseidon's Mariners.

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The Six Beasts of Scylla

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Unique Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

A horrifying Style that calls upon the attack of six different beasts, commanded by the

monstrous sea nymph, the cursed Scylla. It demands much from the practitioner's abilities, but

it can be devastating when used cunningly. Mere strength cannot counter it, but an intelligent

opponent may find a way...

Signature: This is an eclectic Style, and it shows this in the practitioner's aura, made of blue,

red and black. Each technique shows the beast it is named after, attacking the opponent, and

when all of them are unleashed at the same time the image of the very same Scylla appears, a

beautiful girl with the lower torso composed of all six beasts, wailing dreadfully.

Single-Style Combos: If you take a look at Io’s write-up, you’ll notice that he can make a

massive combo with all six techniques together.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Blind or Maim

1: Queen Bee's Stinger (1 Point):

The first beast of Scylla, that leaves the victim debilitated and open for the forthcoming


- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -5 to opponent’s Strike

- -5 to opponent’s Dodge

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

Chi Cost: 1 White

2: Eagle Clutch (2 Points):

The lightning-fast slash of the eagle can leave an opponent crippled.

- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Maim on a Standard Success

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 2 Crimson

3: Serpent Strangler (3 Points):

The victim is attacked by Cosmos (Chi) in the image of a boa constrictor.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- Constricting (still causes damage even if Entangling)

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Chi Cost: 3 Gold

4: Wolf's Fang (4 Points):

The terrifying howl of the wolf precedes his devastating attack.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- Terrifying on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 4 Jade, Channel 2 Crimson for another round

5: Vampire Inhale (5 Points):

The draining attack of a swarm of vampire bats.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Causes Chi Flow Loss to ALL Colors for (Rank Level) rounds

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

6: Grizzly Slap (10 Points):

The most powerful beast of Scylla, that attacks with little subtlety and great strength, battering

the unlucky victim.

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- +5 Damage dice

- Knockback and Down on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 2 of each Color


* Bonus: You receive a free Six Beasts of Scylla Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with Poseidon's Mariners.

Note: The modified (more flexible) Chi Cost for the last technique, I treated as a 1-point


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Two-Headed Dragon

Destiny Cost: 10

Uncommon Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

This is the Style of the mythical Siegfried. The first two techniques were developed before he

killed the two-headed dragon Fafnir, and reflect his training to become a mighty hero. After

that, he learned important lessons from the dragon's abilities, that made him an immortal


Signature: The first techniques just seem impressive displays of physical might. The most

powerful ones show the unnatural power of the hero, as he launches attacks without touching

his opponents. With the greatest expenditures of Cosmos (Chi) comes the image of Fafnir

itself, whose essence pervades the practitioner. Sometimes, the phantom of the mythical

Siegfried can be seen, strangely similar to the modern God Warrior of Dubhe Alpha...

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Knockback or Down

1: Hero's Might (1 Point):

The hero must become stronger than any man to become a legend.

- Add 1 bonus die to Athletics, Climb, Hardiness and Lift

Chi Cost: 1 Gold

2: Hero's Last Stand (2 Points):

The hero must often stand against full armies by himself. His fury overcomes his pain, and fuels

his attacks when he is surrounded by enemies on all sides.

- Quadruple Damage dice against Minions

- Ignore Wound penalties

Chi Cost: 2 Gold

3: Dragon Blood (3 Points):

The hero became invulnerable bathed in Fafnir's blood, but a leaf covered one spot of his


- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Armor

- Vulnerable Spot: When the Dragon Blizzard technique (see below) is unleashed, a weakness

in this protection is revealed (an opponent can make a Hard [30] Awareness roll, as a Full

Action, to detect the weak spot; thereafter he can make a Legendary [40] Difficulty Called

Shot, on any round the Dragon Blizzard is employed, to bypass this technique completely; the

difficulty of the Awareness roll is reduced to Moderate [20] if the character is shown the weak

spot by another one)

Chi Cost: Investment of 2 Gold

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4: Odin Sword (4 Points):

As Odin shattered the sword of Siegfried’s father Sigmund, he gave this power to the son, so

that he could vanquish his enemies. The user fires a thin ray that cuts a perfect circle and

shatters the floor under the victims, which are sent flying and injured by the sharp debris.

- Area Attack centered up to Medium Range, with (Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

- On a Standard Success, the victims are thrown high into the air 3 yards per result die (like

Knockback, but upwards)

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 4 Gold

5: Dragon Blizzard (5 points):

Finally the hero can imitate the ferocious attack of Fafnir, as his two fists become the twin

heads of the mighty dragon, that strike at the enemy from a distance. However, this technique

leaves the user extremely vulnerable (see below, and also the Dragon Blood technique, above)

- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight Skill)

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- + (Gold Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice

- Knockback on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Critically Off-Balance (Take a -10 penalty to the next Defense roll)

Chi Cost: 5 Gold, Channel 2 Crimson for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Two-Headed Dragon Skill equal to the level of the highest

technique you've learned.

4 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the country of Asgard.

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Will of the Earth (White Chi)

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Cosmic Strings (White Chi)

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Cosmos Manipulation

Destiny Cost: 15

Rare Unique Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

This Style delves into the secret relationship between the microcosm (simply called Cosmos,

born from an individual's body, mind, and soul) and the macrocosm (the Universe itself). With

it, the user can alter the mind and senses of others, but can also create mass destruction

inducing nuclear fission.

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

Default Critical Success: Disorienting or Knockback

Form I - Five Senses Destruction (5 points):

The art of severing the connections between the microcosm and the macrocosm, it destroys

the five senses, the link between a man and the Universe. The Knight just punches the victim,

and this one is painfully contorted as her senses are removed one at a time.

- -2 dice to opponent’s Defense

- Removes one of the five senses (user’s choice which one)

- On a Critical Success removes one additional sense (again, user’s choice)

Chi Cost: 5 Silver, Channel 2 Gold for another round

Form 2 - Demon Emperor Fist (10 Points):

The power to alter and dominate the mental Cosmos of a victim, twisting it to the user's will.

The practitioner launches a punch directly to the victim's forehead and brain, piercing them

with his Cosmos, implanting a terrible suggestion.

Even though it is extremely powerful, this manipulation is rather crude, as it can only corrupt

the victim.

- Add 1 bonus die to Fight

- -1 die to opponent’s Defense

- Inflicts the Emperor Submission (Major Chi Weakness) Condition, each round the victim

actively defies or disobeys the commands given (by the user of the Demon Emperor Fist), she

suffers a -10 penalty to Genius Skills, if she continues after 10 rounds, the penalty applies to

ALL Skills (if the victim tries to attack the user of the Demon Emperor Fist, the penalty applies

automatically to all Skills)

- Inflicts a Major Inspiration Weakness towards Bao (Ferocity), each round the victim doesn’t

behave cruelly, one of her Attributes is reduced by 1, starting with Presence (until her five

Attributes have their scores reduced by 1)

- Inflicts a Minor Anger (Passion) Hyperactivity, as long as the victim vents her rage, she gets a

+2 bonus to her Might Attribute (and Jade Chi)

- Causes no damage besides the Chi Conditions inflicted

- All of the Chi Conditions end when the victim kills a man (anyone) by herself (she must deliver

the killing blow)

- Otherwise, they are treated (and healed) as a single Chi Condition with a Hard [30] Recovery,

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Duration 5, and an Interval of one session, the victim rolling Confidence

- Only works on characters with a combined Presence and Wu Wei lower than the user

Chi Cost: 5 Gold + 5 Any

Form 3 - Galaxian Explosion (15 Points):

The "Explosion of Beautiful Galaxies", as it is sometimes called, reveals the power hidden

within a human being, that can call upon the energy of supernovas. The Knight builds up the

energy between his hands, and releases it up to a mile away.

- Area Attack centered up to Short Range, with (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Increase Range by 200 yards per Any Chi point spent

- Treat all targets as if they were at Short Range

- Can attack an enemy whose whereabouts are unknown (within range)

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to Damage

- +5 Damage dice

- Knockback on a Standard Success

- Does NOT cause Profound Damage

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson + 10 Any, Channel Any (as noted), Channel 2 White for another round


* Bonus: You receive a free Cosmos Manipulation Skill equal to the level of the highest

technique you've learned.

Note: The modified (more flexible) Chi Costs for the second and third Forms, I treated as a 1-

point Maneuver. Also, not causing Profound Damage for a Rare Form 3 I considered a 2-point


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King of the Underworld (Silver Chi)

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Serene Heart

Destiny Cost: 15

Rare Gold Chi Style (MSM Compliant)

The incredible power of the goddess Athena, Serene Heart is based in the assumption that the

Earth belongs to human beings, and they are the ones that must fight for it.

As she can't remain idle while her beloved humanity fights, this Style allows her to lend her

strength to her chosen warriors. This strength is the strength of hope and love, that can

overcome even the most devastating powers of the other gods.

Type: Free

Default Critical Success: None

Form I - Soul Blessing (5 points):

The goddess can touch anyone with her gentle soul, inspiring him to greatness or inhibiting his

efforts. This power sometimes manifests as a serene song or kind words heard only by the

affected person.

- Result dice obtained on a Simple [15] Inspire roll (as a Full Action) can be added or subtracted

from any other individual roll, performed by any single character within range (including the


- Range is determined by an additional expenditure:

Personal (affects only the user) - 0 Chi

10 yards - 1 Chi

100 yards - 2 Chi of a single color

1 mile - 3 Chi of a single color

100 miles - 4 Chi of a single color

1.000 miles - 5 Chi of a single color

10.000 miles - 6 Chi of a single color plus 4 Chi of any combination of colors

Chi Cost: 5 Gold, Channel Any (as noted)

Form 2 - Pacifying Light (10 Points):

The goddess manifests her kind Cosmos as a slowly expanding gold light, that stuns everyone

around, without harming them, thus stopping senseless battles.

- Attack with an Inspire roll

- Unparalleled Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) in yards

- Increase Area Attack radius by 2 yards per Any Chi point spent

- Stun on a Standard Success

Chi Cost: 6 Gold + 4 Any, Channel Any (as noted)

Form 3 - Soothing Touch (15 Points):

The goddess wraps her aura around a chosen person, giving him comfort and strength to

endure any hardships he may be facing.

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- The user can apply the following effects to a single character (not herself), by spending a Full


- + (user's Gold Chi modifier) to the target's Confidence rolls

- + (user's Gold Chi modifier) to the target's Hardiness rolls

- The target can heal one full Health Level per 5 Any Chi points he spends (up to his Rank in


- All effects last for (user's Favored Chi) Rounds

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

- Can affect 1 extra target per 2 Any Chi points spent

- Range is determined by an additional expenditure:

Touch - 0 Chi

10 yards - 1 Chi

100 yards - 2 Chi of a single color

1 mile - 3 Chi of a single color

100 miles - 4 Chi of a single color

1.000 miles - 5 Chi of a single color

10.000 miles - 6 Chi of a single color plus 4 Chi of any combination of colors

Chi Cost: 7 Gold + 8 Any, Channel Any (as noted)

Form 4 - Prayer of the Goddess (20 Points):

The ultimate power of Athena, that allows her to preserve Earth's hope with her prayer,

buying time for her Knights to stop the impending menace. This technique cannot be used to

save a single character (except herself) from death, it only works on threats that affect the

whole world.

- The goddess delays her own death or one cataclysmic menace to Earth (not both), as long as

she keeps channeling to maintain this technique, and spending two of her three Actions per

round in prayer (even more, just to defend herself against a single attack, she must spend her

remaining Action, otherwise she has no defense, and the attack against her is considered an

Unparalleled Attack; she can still use her Chi Aura to reduce damage, though)

- Besides the Investment Cost, the goddess must spend 1 Joss point (either type) each full hour

this power is maintained; when she has no more Joss to spend she dies automatically

Chi Cost: Investment of 4 Gold + 6 Any


* Bonus: You receive a free Serene Heart Skill equal to the level of the highest technique

you've learned.

30 Fortune: The character must have the Ninth Sense (Big Will) Advantage, as this Style is

limited to gods, be they in a possessed body, or their own.

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Another Dimension

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free

The trademark technique of Saga, Gold Knight of Gemini. It allows him to forcefully teleport his

enemies to the limits of the known Universe, places incomprehensible to the human mind. He

just opens his arms and the whole landscape disappears in front of him. This is NOT an illusion,

he is truly creating a rift, controlled by him.

- Attack with Learning + (Silver Chi modifier)

- Opponents defend with Awareness

- Attack 1 extra target per 2 Any Chi points spent

- On a Critical Success, the victims are sent to the confines of the universe

- The victims can pay 10 Any Chi to avoid being teleported away, but still suffer normal damage

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any, Channel Any (as noted)

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Athena's Exclamation

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

The ultimate, and forbidden, technique. Athena's Exclamation implies the union of three Gold

Knights in a single attack said to be as powerful as the Big Bang.

As Athena is a righteous goddess, she has always made her Knights fight individually, even

when outnumbered. So it is that using this technique is considered dishonorable, especially so

when the three Gold Knights involved unleash such power against a single opponent.

Note: Remember that bonuses are gained from pooling Chi (but the initial cost is paid

individually). For example, if Shura contributes with 3 Silver Chi, Camus with 7, and Saga with

6, they would get a bonus of +40 to Strike for their unified attack (that stacks with the Strike

trait of their Armor). And that's without considering Range, Area Attack, Damage and Damage


- Coordination: Initiative (use the best set rolled for all participants)

- Coordination: Fight (use the best set rolled for all participants)

- Increase Range by 10 yards per White Chi point pooled (NO limit)

- Area Attack up to 5 yards radius per Gold Chi point pooled (NO limit)

- +5 bonus to Strike per 2 Silver Chi points pooled (both for Attack and Block) (NO limit)

- +5 bonus to Damage per 2 Crimson Chi points pooled (NO limit)

- +1 Damage die per Jade Chi point pooled (NO limit)

- Knockback on a Critical Success

- Attack Total is automatically applied as a Recovery roll against Entangle and Stun

- Full Round

- Cannot be combined with any other technique

- Must be activated simultaneously by three Knights (no more, no less), and is managed as a

single unified attack

- Each Knight involved looses 1 point of Status (if they attack a single opponent, they loose ALL

Status and Affiliation)

- Each Knight must spend 1 Destiny Point

Chi Cost: 10 Any Chi (every Knight), Channel 2 Any (Single Color) Chi for another round (every

Knight), Pool Jade, Crimson, Gold, White and Silver Chi (as noted)

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena (otherwise you can't learn this


4+ Fortune: You must be a Gold Knight (Status 4 or greater, to learn this technique).

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Big Tornado

Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

The monstrous sea nymph Scylla dwelled in one side of the strait of Messina, but any sailor

that wished to avoid her would come across her counterpart on the other end, Charybdis. This

was another terrible creature, that had the shape of a monstrous mouth of titanic proportions.

It swallowed huge amounts of water three times a day, and then belched them back out again

creating whirlpools.

This technique allows the user to summon forth the power of the cursed naiad Charybdis, and

hurl a terrible combination of tornado and whirlpool. Anyone in its path will be hurled for

hundreds of yards.

When unleashing this power, the user's eyes turn completely white.

- Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- +4 Damage dice

- Ignore 5 points of Armor

- Double-distance Knockback on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Stifled Air (the user suffers Crimson Chi Breath Loss for the round)

- Spend 1 Chi aura die to use

Chi Cost: 5 Silver

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Divine Sanctity

Level 7 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free

Attacking a god is the final affront a mortal can commit, and so it is that the attack is turned

upon the impudent one. This is the expression of a god's right and majesty.

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Blocks

- Block Ranged attacks without penalty

- Reply on a Standard Success

- Down on a Critical Success (on the Reply)

- Spend 1 Destiny Point upon first activation

Chi Cost: Investment of 8 Any Chi

30 Fortune: The character must have the Ninth Sense (Big Will) Advantage, as this power is

limited to gods, be they in a possessed body, or their own.

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Divine Wrath

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free

The expression of divine will and Cosmos, this is an almost unstoppable raw discharge of

energy. Its manifestation varies according to the divinity involved. Poseidon unleashed it from

a single hand pointed upwards, as blue-green energy accompanied by the sound of an

underwater explosion (deep and muffled).

Note: The bonus to the Inspire roll has nothing to do with Strike, so it does not suffer from the

Strike Equalization Maneuver.

- Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- Attack with Inspire + (Favored Chi modifier)

- Opponents defend normally (Dodge or Block)

- Strike Equalization (Strike is set to +0 after all modifiers have been applied)

- + (Favored Chi modifier) to Damage

- Double Damage dice against Minions

- +1 Damage die per Any Chi point spent (add after multiplying)

- Ignore 15 points of Armor

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 10 Any, Channel Any (as noted)

30 Fortune: The character must have the Ninth Sense (Big Will) Advantage, as this power is

limited to gods, be they in a possessed body, or their own.

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Empty Fist (Level 1; White Chi)

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Glacial Fist

Level 4 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

A secret technique taught by the Crystal Knight. The user takes hold of the opponent's legs,

and freezes them in place.

- -1 die to opponent's Defense

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- +1 Damage die per Any Chi point spent (to determine Duration and Recovery)

- Penalties as one Wound Level higher

- The victim must be standing on the ground

- The victim cannot be Knocked back or Downed as long as it is Entangled

Chi Cost: 4 Silver, Channel Any (as noted)

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Golden Triangle

Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free

The "counterpart" to Saga's Another Dimension actually has little to do with it. This one

temporarily locks away an enemy in an extra-dimensional prison with a harmful environment.

Kanon (the only known user) traces a triangle in the air with his hands, with three tiny flaming

spheres appearing at the points, and a triangle made of gold lines multiplies and is fired

against the enemy. The victim disappears, but not forever (that's the main weakness

compared to the Another Dimension technique).

This "Golden Triangle" is supposedly related to the Devil's Triangle of the North Atlantic.

- Attack with Confidence + (Gold Chi modifier) up to Medium Range

- Opponent can only Dodge (or Block with the standard penalty against Ranged attacks)

- On a Critical Success, the victim is trapped in an extra-dimensional pocket

- It works as a combined Stun and Burning (Intensity 5) Combat Effect, with the addition that

the victim vanishes, and cannot be attacked until it reappears when she returns (treat as Stun

recovery) at the same spot

- Spend 1 Chi Aura die to use

Chi Cost: 5 Gold

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Harmony of Discipline (Level 2; Gold Chi)

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Iaido (Level 1; White Chi)

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Infernal Waves (Seki Shi Ki Meikai Ha)

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

One of the most terrible techniques in existence, the Infernal Waves (or Corpse Underworld

Waves) send a victim's soul spiraling into an intermediate layer between the Land of the Living

and the Land of the Dead. There, it will meet a grim procession of spirits walking towards

Mount Yomotsu, the entrance to Hell.

The Waves manifest as black, purple or (rarely) gold ripples in the air, and sometimes a tiny

rending opens, showing a glimpse of the other Land.

This technique can still harm opponents whose soul remains intact, and can also be used inside

the very same Land of the Dead, completely shattering the victim's soul, and scattering the

fragments across several dimensions (an evil act to say the least).

- Attack up to Short Range (use Fight Skill)

- On a Critical Success the victim is Instantly Killed (its soul sent to the Land of the Dead)

- The victim may avoid being Instantly Killed by spending 10 Any Chi (still suffers normal

damage), OR

- The victim’s soul may resist in the Land of the Dead (not entering Hell proper via Mount

Yomotsu) by spending 5 Any Chi (each scene it may attempt a Hard [30] Hardiness roll to

return to its body and come back to life, having suffered the normal damage)

- While in the Land of the Dead, the victim’s soul has no physical Chi Conditions, but otherwise

behaves like he had a normal body (with full Health, Chi, and all abilities intact)

- If the Infernal Waves are used in the Land of the Dead, the victim’s Defense dice are reduced

by 1, and suffers double Damage dice (but is not subjected to the Instantly Killed effect, since

it's already in spirit-form)

- Spend 1 Corrupt Joss point to use

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any

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Jumping Stone

Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Kicks Only)

A defensive technique that turns the momentum of an attacker against him. When attacked,

the defender quickly jumps and places his feet under the opponent's armpits, throwing him in

the air and onto the hard floor.

- + (Crimson Chi modifier) to a single Block

- Reply on a Standard Success

- Down on a Critical Success (on the Reply)

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) to use

Chi Cost: 5 Crimson

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Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free

One of the greatest honors a Knight can receive, a gift by Athena herself, Misopetha-menos is

the secret Slumber of the Gods, that allows a mortal to live for hundreds or thousands of years.

No one but the gifted Knight has knowledge of this technique's existence.

The Knight's metabolism is reduced to the minimum, with his heart beating 100.000 times a

year, the same number of heartbeats a normal man has in just one day. Thus, each year the

Knight ages a single day.

- Slumber of the Gods (Unique Major Chi Hyperactivity): as long as the user restricts his

movement to 3 yards per round, does not teleport nor attack, he ages only 1 day per year (any

interruption like that instantly ages him 1 full month)

- Lethargic Body (Major Crimson Chi Weakness): while this technique is active the character

has a -10 penalty to all Speed Skills

- Withered Visage (Minor Gold Chi Weakness): if this technique is maintained for more than

half a century, the user's body shrinks and becomes decrepit-looking, reducing his

Presence/Gold Chi rating by 2

- The first two conditions end automatically when the Chi Investment is lifted (i.e. the

technique is ended, which counts as an interruption for the Slumber, aging the user one full


- The Withered Visage is treated as a normal Chi Condition that must be lifted after the

technique is ended, having a Duration of 3, Interval of one scene, and needing a Moderate [20]

Difficulty Hardiness roll

Chi Cost: Investment of 3 Crimson Chi

3 Fortune: You have an Affiliation with the Knights of Athena (otherwise you can't learn this


4+ Fortune: You must have some Status within the Knights of Athena (otherwise you can't

learn this technique).

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Mjolnir Hammer

Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Artful/Brutal (Axes and Hammers Only)

A powerful attack available only for those strong enough to swing a pair of giant axes or

hammers and still have enough accuracy to throw them simultaneously against two fleeing


Note: The axes or hammers thrown return to the owner's hands after attacking.

- Attack up to Medium Range (use Fight or Melee Skill)

- Area Attack against two targets (may be people or objects)

- +1 Damage die per Any Chi point spent

- Down on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Can only be used while wielding two axes or hammers

Chi Cost: 5 Jade, Channel Any (as noted)

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Nebular Storm

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

The timid and gentle Shun hides a powerful secret inside of him. He can unleash his pink-red

Cosmos as one of the most powerful techniques available to any Knight, the Nebular Storm,

called a "beautiful manifestation of Cosmos" by his master Albiore of Cepheus.

Shun typically starts by producing what he calls the Nebular Vapor, as the pink-red mist traps

his opponents, who cannot fight back in any way. If they don't desist from fighting, the

Andromeda Knight has no option but to unleash the full power of the Storm, that blows them

away like leaves in the wind.

The Nebular Storm is Shun's last measure, and he will try absolutely everything before using it.

- Area Attack up to (2x Favored Chi) yards in radius

- -2 dice to opponents' Defense

- + (Silver Chi modifier) to Damage

- +1 Damage die per uninterrupted round

- Ignore 10 points of Armor

- Entangle or Knockback (choose one or the other) on a Standard Success

- No Secondary Attack

- Spend 1 Joss point (either type) upon first activation

- Loose 1 Chi Aura die while this technique is in effect

- The user cannot be wearing any Armor when activating or maintaining this technique (upon

attaining 1st Rank, this limit no longer applies)

Chi Cost: 6 Silver + 4 Any, Channel 2 Any for another round

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Psychokinetic Attack

Level 6 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Free (Lift)

Masters of telekinesis can learn this powerful technique. Normally, they use their power to lift

and hurl inanimate objects, but with this technique they can apply their psychokinesis directly

against an enemy's body, paralyzing, twisting and throwing it against a wall.

This power cannot be dodged or parried. Only those strong of body and will can attempt to

break its hold.

- Attack with Lift (Telekinesis) up to Medium Range

- Opponent defends with Hardiness

- Entangle on a Standard Success

- Constricting (still causes damage even if Entangling)

- Hard Concentration: The user must spend one Free Action

Chi Cost: 10 Any, Channel 2 Any (Single Color) for another round

10 Fortune: You must have learned Telekinesis, in order to learn this technique.

3/6 Fortune: You must also have the Superior or Perfect Specialty for Lift: Telekinesis, in order

to learn this technique.

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Titanic Hercules

Level 5 Formless Technique (MSM Compliant)

Type: Brutal (Palms Only)

The attack of a charging giant, capable of sending a polar bear flying for dozens of yards and

crushing all its bones. You may as well be standing in front of a locomotive.

- + (Jade Chi modifier) to Damage

- +1 Damage die per Any Chi point spent

- Knockback and Down on a Standard Success

- Furious Charge (cover 20 yards before using this technique)

- No Secondary Attack

Chi Cost: 5 Jade, Channel Any (as noted), Channel 2 Crimson for another round

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Hyoga, Bronze Knight of Cygnus

(At the beginning of the series, during the Galactic Tournament)

At first sight, Hyoga seems cold-hearted and calculating, but there’s more about him than

meets the eye. He’s not a true orphan as the other Bronze Knights, for he knew (and lived

with) his mother, Natasha, whom he loved very much. She went down on a shipwreck in the

northern seas (Hyoga was present, just a child, and was carried away on a life-boat). He

continues visiting the undersea tomb of his mother, where her body is perfectly preserved, like

a sleeping beauty.

Initially, he trained just to recover her mother’s body, only later did he focus on obtaining the

Bronze Armor. During his training, his partner Isaac died saving him from drowning in the icy

seas. The Cygnus Armor was concealed within an iceberg and, upon retrieving it, Hyoga

became the first one to wear it in 10.000 years.

Later, Cygnus’ teacher, the Crystal Knight, is dominated by Arles’ Demon Emperor Fist, and the

boy is forced to confront him, and kill him.

Birthdate: January 23rd, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Russia

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Siberia

Rank/Archetype: 4th Rank Warrior (95 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - Can't let go of his dead mother

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 3** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Finesse 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 2: Confidence 2, Grace 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Tactics 1* (Personal Combat)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 3* (Ambushes and Danger), Investigation 3, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 2 dice

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Joss: 1 Xia, 3 Corrupt

Armor: Bronze (-10, no encumbrance)

Health: 19

Martial Arts:

Freezing Cosmos 4 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 3 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu and Shun) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Mentor (Crystal Knight) [2], Possession (Cygnus Armor) [9], Status (Bronze Knight) [2], Tough as

Nails (Perfect) [6]


Onerous Obligation (Saori Kido)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

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Hyoga, Bronze Knight of Cygnus

(Beginning of the Asgard Saga)

Hyoga still looks as a tough, cold-hearted warrior, but his inner feelings have changed

dramatically. His main worry these days are his friends and Athena, and he always thinks about

what would they do if they were on his place. The answer to that is, invariably, fight until


During the Asgard Saga he establishes some kind of emotional bond with Freya, Hilda's

younger sister. That will later cause him some trouble with one of the God Warriors...

Birthdate: January 23rd, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Russia

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Siberia

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (185 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Loyalty toward his friends

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 5, Climb 2, Fight 4** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 5, Dodge 3, Finesse 2, Melee 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Grace 3

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3, Tactics 2* (Personal Combat)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 4* (Ambushes and Danger), Investigation 3, Senses 2, Stealth


Chi Aura/River: 4 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 7 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 23

Martial Arts:

Freezing Cosmos 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Glacial Fist (Level 4 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Absolute Zero [5], Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Aquarius Armor) [5],

Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Cygnus Armor)

[18], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], Tough as

Nails (Perfect) [6]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Hyoga, Bronze Knight of Cygnus

(End of the Poseidon Saga)

Hyoga had a particularly difficult time during the war against Poseidon. He deposits a lot of

affection on his friends, and when he was forced to fight, and kill, Isaac, he was devastated.

Nonetheless, this showed him once more the importance of righteousness and good will,

personified by his true friends, Seiya, Shun, Shiryu and Ikki. Together, their friendship proved

strong enough to challenge the power of a god, and now his faith in his companions is


Birthdate: January 23rd, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Russia

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Siberia

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (215 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Loyalty toward his friends

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5** (Healing Injuries), Lift


SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 5, Dodge 3, Finesse 2, Melee 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Grace 3

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3, Crafting 1, Medicine 1, Tactics 3* (Personal Combat)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 4* (Ambushes and Danger), Investigation 4, Senses 2, Stealth


Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 7 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze or Gold (-15 or -20, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Freezing Cosmos 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Glacial Fist (Level 4 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Absolute Zero [5], Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Aquarius Armor) [5],

Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Cygnus Armor)

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[18], Robust [8], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual)

[10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10) OR

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Hyoga, Bronze Knight of Cygnus (Chapter Inferno)

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Ikki, Bronze Knight of Phoenix

(At the beginning of the series, during the Galactic Tournament)

Ikki is the oldest of the Bronze Knights, the most powerful, and the toughest, having survived

hell on earth, the training on Death Queen Island. There he met the kind Esmeralda, and her

companionship was the only thing that prevented him from going insane. She was the

daughter of his master, the mad Guilty (a brutal teacher and former Knight that was expelled),

and eventually died at her father’s hand, on an unfortunate accident. Ikki finally killed Guilty

and recruited the Black Knights, returning to Japan bent on revenge and stealing the Gold


Later, he is defeated by Seiya, and repents, swearing loyalty to Saori Kido (who is revealed as

Athena incarnate). Despite that, he will remain a lone wolf, always going his way, and

reappearing to help his friends only at crucial moments.

Birthdate: August 15th, 1971 (16 years old)

Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'10"

Training place: Death Queen Island (South Pacific)

Rank/Archetype: 3rd Rank Warrior (120 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Revenge

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 4, Climb 3, Fight 3** (Palms), Hardiness 5** (Enduring Torture),

Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 4, Dodge 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Inspire 1** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 2, Ranged 2, Senses 2, Stealth 2

Chi Aura/River: 3 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 3 Corrupt

Armor: Bronze (-10, no encumbrance)

Health: 21

Martial Arts:

Avenger Phoenix 3 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 4 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 3 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)


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Followers (Black Knights) [5], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Phoenix Armor) [13], Tough as

Nails (Quality) [3]




- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

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Ikki, Bronze Knight of Phoenix

(Beginning of the Asgard Saga)

Ikki has sworn loyalty to Athena Saori, but he hasn't been tamed. In fact, now he vents his

inner rage on the enemies of justice. He takes a perverse pleasure in tormenting evil warriors,

using their own wickedness against themselves (for which his Phantom Fist technique is

perfect, as it turns their fears and sins into demonic illusions that shatter their minds).

He has become friends again with the other orphan Bronze Knights, although he rarely shows

up. He spends much time meditating and healing injuries by the fires of the volcano on Death

Queen Island, the very same place from which his Armor came.

Birthdate: August 15th, 1971 (16 years old)

Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'10"

Training place: Death Queen Island (South Pacific)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (210 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Crush other sinful and unrighteous warriors (as he was)

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 4** (Palms), Hardiness 5** (Enduring Torture),

Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7/9: Initiative 5, Dodge 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 5* (Arrogant), Inspire 3** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 3, Ranged 2, Senses 2, Stealth 4* (Ambush)

Chi Aura/River: 5 dice

Joss: 4 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 24/26

Martial Arts:

Avenger Phoenix 4 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun) [3], Iron Fists

(Quality) [3], Possession (Phoenix Armor) [20], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The

Fate of the Phoenix [15], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]

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Black-hearted, Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Joy - Love for his brother and friends - (gains +2 Speed/Crimson

Chi when aroused)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Ikki, Bronze Knight of Phoenix

(End of the Poseidon Saga)

The eldest orphan, Ikki demonstrates his value as a warrior, and most importantly, as a friend,

through his actions, rather than words. Having learned the meaning of friendship from Seiya

and the others, during the battle against Poseidon he shows them another virtue, that of

trusting everything to a true friend, never underestimating his capabilities, nor being

condescending to him.

And in this way, Ikki finally finds himself doing what once was unthinkable (for him), sacrificing

everything in a desperate battle against a god... for the good of others.

Birthdate: August 15th, 1971 (16 years old)

Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'10"

Training place: Death Queen Island (South Pacific)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (235 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Crush other sinful and unrighteous warriors (as he was)

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 4** (Palms), Hardiness 5** (Enduring Torture),

Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 8/10: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 1

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 5* (Arrogant), Inspire 3** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 4, Ranged 3, Senses 2, Stealth 4* (Ambush)

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 5 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 25/27

Martial Arts:

Avenger Phoenix 5 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Leo Armor) [5], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu,

Hyoga and Shun) [5], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Phoenix Armor) [20], Status (Athena's

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Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Fate of the Phoenix [15], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10],

Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Black-hearted, Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Joy - Love for his brother and friends - (gains +2 Speed/Crimson

Chi when aroused)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Ikki, Bronze Knight of Phoenix (Chapter Inferno)

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Seiya, Bronze Knight of Pegasus

(At the beginning of the series, during the Galactic Tournament)

As the other young Bronze Knights, Seiya is an orphan, his only surviving family being an older

sister named Seika, that disappeared the same day he was sent for his training in the


Despite the bad relationship they had when kids, Seiya begins to have feelings towards Saori

(particularly as she becomes more mature), and that increases during the series. He doesn’t

care if she’s Athena’s incarnation or not, he is willing to give his life for her, nonetheless.

Besides fighting for Saori, he does it for his ideals of freedom, love and friendship, which he

represents. He generates strong feelings of companionship and loyalty among others, and his

friends Shiryu, Shun and Hyoga (and later Ikki), are always willing to put their lives in Seiya’s


Seiya is one of the most powerful Knights, and in crucial moments can even overcome

opponents more powerful than he is. One of his limits is his weak Armor (well, at least

compared to the Silver and Gold ones…). He’s not too bright, and he is often very rash,

attacking before questioning. Despite those shortcomings, he never gives up.

Birthdate: December 1st, 1972 (14-15 years old)

Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 3rd Rank Warrior (100 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession (Major) - Overcome any obstacles

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 4** (Jumping), Climb 1, Fight 4** (Palms), Hardiness 5

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 2** (Swords)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 5, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Tactics 1

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 2: Awareness 2** (Vulnerable Spots), Ranged 1, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 3 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: Bronze (-10, no encumbrance)

Health: 18

Martial Arts:

Flight of the Pegasus 3 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

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Knight's Speed 4 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Shiryu, Hyoga and Shun) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Mentor (Marin) [3], Possession (Pegasus Armor) [9], Status (Bronze Knight) [2], The Strength of

Friendship [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]


Onerous Obligation (Saori Kido), Overwhelming Passion


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

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Seiya, Bronze Knight of Pegasus

(Beginning of the Asgard Saga)

Seiya has come a long way since the Galactic Tournament, and faced the hardest of challenges

crossing the Twelve Houses of the Zodiac. He has proven to be the premiere Knight of Athena,

for although he is still not as powerful as the Gold Knights, he is the most loyal, ready to give

everything for Saori.

He also has demonstrated an incredible ability to harness the combined will and Cosmos of his

friends, which helps him overcome the most powerful of enemies, even when nearing death,

and being completely crippled.

Birthdate: December 1st, 1972 (14-15 years old)

Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession (Major) - Protect Athena Saori

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7/9: Athletics 5** (Jumping), Climb 1, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7/8: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Melee 2** (Swords)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4/5: Confidence 5, Inspire 3* (Loyalty)

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Tactics 1

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3/4: Awareness 4** (Vulnerable Spots), Ranged 2* (Bow), Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 4 dice

Joss: 6 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 23/28

Martial Arts:

Flight of the Pegasus 4 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Sagittarius Armor) [6], Friends (Shiryu,

Hyoga, Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Pegasus Armor) [18], Robust [8],

Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], The Strength of

Friendship [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori), Overwhelming Passion

Chi Conditions:

Major Inspiration Hyperactivity - Justice (Xia) - (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi, +1 Speed/Crimson

Chi, +1 Presence/Gold Chi and +1 Wu Wei/Silver Chi when followed)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Seiya, Bronze Knight of Pegasus

(End of the Poseidon Saga)

The boy that was ridiculed during his training in the Sanctuary has become Athena's foremost

guardian. Seiya's small body hides and awesome strength, and an even greater will to fight for

justice. The harder the struggle, the higher he soars.

Seiya has finally achieved his destiny and saved the world. But in doing so, he committed a

terrible transgression, he dared to fight a god...

Birthdate: December 1st, 1972 (14-15 years old)

Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (230 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession (Major) - Protect Athena Saori

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8/10: Athletics 5** (Jumping), Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5**

(Regain Chi), Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7/8: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Melee 3** (Swords)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5/6: Confidence 5, Inspire 4* (Loyalty)

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 4/5: Awareness 4** (Vulnerable Spots), Ranged 3* (Bow), Senses 2

Chi Aura: 5 dice

River: 6 dice (Fated)

Joss: 7 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze or Gold (-15 or -20, no encumbrance)

Health: 26/31

Martial Arts:

Flight of the Pegasus 5 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Sagittarius Armor) [6], Fated [8], Friends

(Shiryu, Hyoga, Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Pegasus Armor) [18],

Robust [8], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], The

Strength of Friendship [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori), Overwhelming Passion

Chi Conditions:

Major Inspiration Hyperactivity - Justice (Xia) - (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi, +1 Speed/Crimson

Chi, +1 Presence/Gold Chi and +1 Wu Wei/Silver Chi when followed)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10) OR

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- Bow of Sagittarius (Speed +15, Strike +30, Damage +20; Two-handed)

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Seiya, Bronze Knight of Pegasus

(Beginning of Chapter Inferno)

Seiya enters Hell filled with hope, with renewed strength and spirit, ready to honor the fallen

Gold Knights that have placed Athena and Earth's fate on his hands. He will need every ounce

of hope and love he has, if he wishes to prevail in this darkness, facing the past and his own


Birthdate: December 1st, 1972 (14-15 years old)

Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (255 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - Love for humanity

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8/10: Athletics 5** (Jumping), Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5**

(Regain Chi), Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7/8: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Melee 3** (Swords)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5/6: Confidence 5, Inspire 5* (Loyalty)

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5/6: Awareness 4** (Vulnerable Spots), Ranged 3* (Bow), Senses 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 6 dice (Fated)

Joss: 8 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Ultimate (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 27/32

Martial Arts:

Flight of the Pegasus 6 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Sagittarius Armor) [6], Fated [8], Friends

(Shiryu, Hyoga, Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Pegasus Armor) [22],

Robust [8], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki) [5], The

Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], The Strength of Friendship [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

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Chi Conditions:

Major Inspiration Hyperactivity - Justice (Xia) - (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi, +1 Speed/Crimson

Chi, +1 Presence/Gold Chi and +1 Wu Wei/Silver Chi when followed)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Ultimate Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Shiryu, Bronze Knight of Dragon

(At the beginning of the series, during the Galactic Tournament)

The most contemplative and least impulsive of the Bronze Knights (almost the opposite of

Seiya), Shiryu is slow to anger, but once his fury is unleashed (usually provoked by injustices),

he is capable of destroying himself along with his enemy.

He has a close but undefined relationship with Shunrei, an orphan girl under the care of his

own ancient master, Roshi. Shiryu is the Knight with the closest relationship with his teacher

(which he later discovers is the Gold Knight of Libra).

Shiryu has the tattoo of a Chinese Dragon on his back, but it’s not always visible. When it

appears his Cosmos becomes more powerful. Many times, he actually prefers to fight without

his Armor, for he concentrates harder on the fight when he is so vulnerable.

Birthdate: October 4th, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Five Ancient Peaks of Rozan (China)

Rank/Archetype: 4th Rank Warrior (95 Destiny)

Passion: Contemplation - Promote peace and justice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6/9: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 4* (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Melee 1

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 2/4: Confidence 4, Inspire 3* (Serenity), Persuade 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 4: Awareness 4, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 2 dice

Joss: 4 Xia

Armor: Bronze (-10, no encumbrance)

Health: 18/23

Martial Arts:

Dragon's Wake 5 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 3 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Seiya, Hyoga and Shun) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Mentor (Roshi) [4], Possession (Dragon Armor) [11], Status (Bronze Knight) [2]

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Onerous Obligation (Saori Kido)

Chi Conditions:

Major Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - Hates Injustice (+3 Jade Chi Breath when aroused)

Special Major Hyperactivity - Dragon Unleashed (gains +3 Might/Jade Chi and +2

Presence/Gold Chi after spending a Full Action taking his Armor off and raising his Cosmos, as

his Dragon Tattoo appears)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

- Dragon Shield (Speed +15, Strike +30; special, only for defense)

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Shiryu, Bronze Knight of Dragon

(Beginning of the Asgard Saga)

Shiryu is still the wisest of the Bronze Knights. Also, although he keeps a close relationship with

his master, each passing day they work more as equals than master and disciple.

He doesn't forget the sacrifice Shura made to save him, lending him the Gold Armor of

Capricorn. That memory, and the trust of his master, gives him strength to go on.

Nowadays, Shiryu is a little bit cooler than before (more difficult to anger). Perhaps he has

accepted the fact that there will always be sinful people, and it's his job to defeat them.

Birthdate: October 4th, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Five Ancient Peaks of Rozan (China)

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (185 Destiny)

Passion: Contemplation - Promote peace and justice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7/10: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 3, Melee 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3/5: Confidence 5, Inspire 3* (Serenity), Persuade 2* (Appeals to Reason)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 5, Investigation 1, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 4 dice

Joss: 7 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 22/27

Martial Arts:

Dragon's Wake 5 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Libra Armor) [7], Friends (Seiya, Hyoga,

Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Mentor (Roshi/Dohko of Libra) [5], Possession

(Dragon Armor) [20], Possession (Excalibur) [12], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4],

The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - Hates Injustice (+1 Jade Chi Breath when aroused)

Special Major Hyperactivity - Dragon Unleashed (gains +3 Might/Jade Chi and +2

Presence/Gold Chi after spending a Full Action taking his Armor off and raising his Cosmos, as

his Dragon Tattoo appears)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Dragon Shield (Speed +20, Strike +35; special, only for defense)

- Excalibur (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Artful)

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Shiryu, Bronze Knight of Dragon

(End of the Poseidon Saga)

The blind Dragon is wise beyond his years, and now commands respect even from his enemies.

An imposing and serious figure, he is willing to leave his affections behind, like the girl Shunrei,

in order to fulfill his duty. The love of those closest to him gives him strength, be he can't

afford to commit to them. His duty, protecting Athena Saori and the world, is above all.

Birthdate: October 4th, 1972 (15 years old)

Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'9"

Training place: Five Ancient Peaks of Rozan (China)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (220 Destiny)

Passion: Contemplation - Promote peace and justice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8/11: Athletics 5, Climb 4, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 3, Melee 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4/6: Confidence 5, Inspire 3* (Serenity), Persuade 3* (Appeals to Reason)

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 4, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 5, Investigation 3, Senses 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 8 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze or Gold (-15 or -20, no encumbrance)

Health: 25/30

Martial Arts:

Dragon's Wake 5 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny (Libra Armor) [7], Friends (Seiya, Hyoga,

Shun and Ikki) [5], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Mentor (Roshi/Dohko of Libra) [5], Possession

(Dragon Armor) [20], Possession (Excalibur) [12], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4],

The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3], Warning of Evil [5]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

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Chi Conditions:

Paired Minor Condition - Blindness/Increased Awareness (-5 penalty to Athletics and Climb

rolls; +5 bonus to Awareness and Investigation rolls; Shiryu's lack of sight gives him some

difficulty moving around, but in turn prevents him from being fooled by surface appearances,

seeing beyond sight)

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - Hates Injustice (+1 Jade Chi Breath when aroused)

Special Major Hyperactivity - Dragon Unleashed (gains +3 Might/Jade Chi and +2

Presence/Gold Chi after spending a Full Action taking his Armor off and raising his Cosmos, as

his Dragon Tattoo appears)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Dragon Shield (Speed +20, Strike +35; special, only for defense)

- Excalibur (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Artful) OR

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Shiryu, Bronze Knight of Dragon (Chapter Inferno)

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Shun, Bronze Knight of Andromeda

(At the beginning of the series, during the Galactic Tournament)

Shun is the youngest of the Bronze Knights. This delicate and pacifistic boy is very dependent

upon his older brother Ikki (who saves him many times), but can be very powerful when

pressed (he hates injustice and, when angry, can be really destructive).

It is rumored that, unlike any other Knight, his Armor does not enhance his power, but

contains it! His secret technique (only his master Albiore knows about it), the Nebular Storm,

can only be unleashed when he’s not wearing his Armor.

Birthdate: September 9th, 1973 (14 years old)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: Andromeda Island (Indian Ocean)

Rank/Archetype: 4th Rank Warrior (95 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For having to fight and hurt others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 3, Climb 2, Fight 4** (Chains), Hardiness 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Finesse 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 2, Grace 3, Persuade 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 4, Ranged 2, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 2 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 1 Corrupt

Armor: Bronze (-10, no encumbrance)

Health: 18

Martial Arts:

Andromeda's Legacy 3 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 4 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Nebular Storm (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu and Hyoga) [3], Good Looks (Quality)

[3], Mentor (Albiore of Cepheus) [2], Possession (Andromeda Armor) [13], Status (Bronze

Knight) [2], Weapon Training (Chains) [1]


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Onerous Obligation (Saori Kido), Pacifist


- Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +5)

- Chains of Andromeda (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +10; Disorienting or Entangling on a

Critical Success)

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Shun, Bronze Knight of Andromeda

(Beginning of the Asgard Saga)

Shun has been really hardened by the unending battles. He still prefers to convince his

opponents to surrender, but when he can't he will unleash all his might. Aphrodite of Pisces

was the first to taste that, and unknowingly awakened the full power of Andromeda.

He has also become a little more independent regarding his brother, but sometimes his

hesitation to harm an opponent gets him in trouble, and Ikki is always looking after him...

Birthdate: September 9th, 1973 (14 years old)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: Andromeda Island (Indian Ocean)

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (185 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For having to fight and hurt others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3/5: Athletics 5, Climb 2* (With Chains), Fight 5** (Chains), Hardiness 2*

(Regain Chi)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 3, Grace 4, Inspire 2, Persuade 2** (Touching Speeches)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Medicine 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 5, Ranged 3, Senses 3

Chi Aura/River: 4 dice

Joss: 5 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 22/24

Martial Arts:

Andromeda's Legacy 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Nebular Storm (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Dreams [1], Empathic [3], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and

Ikki) [5], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Andromeda Armor) [22],

Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], Weapon

Training (Chains) [1]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - Hates wicked people (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi when



- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Chains of Andromeda (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Disorienting or Entangling on a

Critical Success)

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Shun, Bronze Knight of Andromeda

(End of the Poseidon Saga)

The apparently weak brother of Ikki has come into his own, demonstrated his cunning in battle

against Io of Scylla, and his full Cosmos before Sorrento of Siren.

Even though the battle against Poseidon should have brought peace to Earth, Shun remains

restless. He returns to the Kido mansion in Japan, parting ways with his friends and Saori. But

portentous dreams plague him, while he spends time thinking of his brother and past life.

Birthdate: September 9th, 1973 (14 years old)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: Andromeda Island (Indian Ocean)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (216 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For having to fight and hurt others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 5, Climb 2* (With Chains), Fight 5** (Chains), Hardiness 2*

(Regain Chi)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Grace 4, Inspire 2, Persuade 2** (Touching Speeches)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Medicine 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 9: Awareness 5, Ranged 3, Senses 3

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 8 Corrupt

Armor: Improved Bronze (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 23

Martial Arts:

Andromeda's Legacy 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Nebular Storm (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Dreams [1], Empathic [3], Entangled Destiny (Virgo Armor)

[5], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and Ikki) [5], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Possession (Andromeda Armor) [22], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Seventh

Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5], Weapon Training (Chains) [1]

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Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Improved Bronze Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Chains of Andromeda (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Disorienting or Entangling on a

Critical Success)

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Shun, Bronze Knight of Andromeda

(Beginning of Chapter Inferno)

Shun enters Hell as a shining beacon of hope and innocence, undeniable even to the most

merciless Spectres, who see in him something oddly familiar and compelling.

Still, for this gentle boy the hardest struggle of all lies ahead, and he will be forced to face a

test greater than any of his companions. Finally, his fate as Knight of Andromeda will be


Birthdate: September 9th, 1973 (14 years old)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Japan

Height: 5'6"

Training place: Andromeda Island (Indian Ocean)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (235 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For having to fight and hurt others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 5, Climb 4** (With Chains), Fight 5** (Chains), Hardiness 2*

(Regain Chi)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Finesse 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Grace 4, Inspire 3* (Mercy), Persuade 2** (Touching


GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Medicine 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 9: Awareness 5, Ranged 3, Senses 3

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 8 Corrupt

Armor: Ultimate (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 24

Martial Arts:

Andromeda's Legacy 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Nebular Storm (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Dreams [1], Empathic [3], Entangled Destiny (Virgo Armor)

[5], Friends (Seiya, Shiryu, Hyoga and Ikki) [5], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

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Possession (Andromeda Armor) [26], Status (Athena's Chosen Bronze Knight) [4], The Eighth

Sense (Arayashiki) [5], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5], Weapon

Training (Chains) [1]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Ultimate Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- Chains of Andromeda (Speed +25, Strike +15, Damage +15; Disorienting or Entangling on a

Critical Success)

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Albiore, Silver Knight of Cepheus

The lord and master of Andromeda Island, the Silver Knight that dared oppose the Patriarch,

and did not live to tell the tale.

Albiore never answered the summons of the Patriarch to quell the rebellion of the Bronze

Knights. He couldn't believe Shun was a traitor, and fought with his last breath believing in the

boy. Arles knew him to be almost as powerful as the Gold Knights, and having just committed

the error of underestimating an opponent (when he sent Deathmask to assassinate the ancient

Knight of Libra, a task he could not accomplish), he sent not one, but two Gold Knights to

confront him. Milo tried to convince Albiore that his disciple had turned traitor, to no avail.

The Knight of Scorpio killed many of his disciples, but had a tough fight with Albiore, until a

hidden Aphrodite threw one of his poisonous red roses. That slowed the Silver Knight for just a

moment, allowing Milo to finish him. The righteous Albiore resulted the victim of treachery.

The Silver Knight of Cepheus was a regal man that never raised his voice and lead by example,

respected by friend and foe alike. Even though he seemed unemotional, he always had a

fondness for Shun, finally allowing him to take the Rite of Sacrifice. The peaceful boy (who

refused to fight the other contenders) was to risk his own life by being chained to the rocks in

the sea, like the mythical princess Andromeda, and forced to free himself with his own power.

That's when he unleashed an incredibly powerful Cosmos to break the chains, the first

manifestations of his Nebular Storm. Of around a half dozen disciples that Albiore had, Shun

was the one to earn the right to the Andromeda Armor.

Two of the other contenders, and Albiore's disciples, Leda and Spica, were later sent to stop

Shun from leaving Japan. They attacked him simultaneously, but were killed by the boy. That

allowed Shun to finally travel to the Sanctuary and cross the Twelve Houses, and finally

confront his master's assassin, Aphrodite of Pisces...

Birthdate: April 30th, 1968 (19 years old)

Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Argentina

Height: 6'2"

Training place: Andromeda Island (Indian Ocean)

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (185 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Remain steadfast against injustice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 4, Climb 4, Fight 5** (Chains), Hardiness 4, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Melee 3

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PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 7: Confidence 5, Grace 5, Inspire 5

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3, Politics 2, Tactics 4

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 5, Ranged 3, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 4 dice

Joss: 6 Xia

Armor: Silver (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 26

Martial Arts:

Chained King 4 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession

(Cepheus Armor) [20], Status (Silver Knight) [3], The Seventh Sense (Sporadic) [15], Tough as

Nails (Quality) [3], Weapon Training (Chains) [1]


Hunted 2 (Knights loyal to the Patriarch), Onerous Obligation (Athena)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Silver Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5)

- Chains of Cepheus (Speed +15, Strike +15, Damage +10; Disorienting or Entangling on a

Critical Success)

Armor of Cepheus

Obtain: 20 DPs, Entangled Destiny: 5 DPs

- Same as typical Silver Armor, plus:

- Chains of Cepheus, Class III Heavenly Chains (Speed +15, Strike +15, Damage +10; Disorienting

or Entangling on a Critical Success)

- King's Reach (Effortless Power): The Chains can be used to attack up to Long Range without


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Marin, Silver Knight of Eagle (Aquila)

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Misty, Silver Knight of Lizard (Lacerta)

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Orpheus, Silver Knight of Lyra

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Ptolemy, Silver Knight of Sagitta

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Sheena, Silver Knight of Ophiuchus

In the beginning only men could become Knights of Athena, but afterwards the order was

opened to women, with one condition... that they wear metal masks to hide their faces.

Shame befalls any female Knight that lets herself be seen (by a man) without her mask. Only

two solutions are available in this situation, kill the impudent one... or fall in love with him.

Sheena was one of the most prominent trainers in the Sanctuary, preparing new female

recruits with ruthless efficiency, at a hidden site that was forbidden for any man to enter. One

day, a daring young boy chased a rabbit into this camp, hunting for his next meal, and crossed

paths with Sheena, who had just finished a training session (having beaten a dozen trainees by

herself). She was enraged at first, but then perplexed, as this boy light-heartedly greeted her...

and suddenly tended to a slight wound on her arm! She saw him simultaneously as an insolent

brat and a caring boy, and that started her ambiguous feeling of love and hate towards him.

The boy's name was Seiya.

She later discovered that this boy was Marin's disciple, and main contender for the Pegasus

Armor, competing against her own student, Cassius. Sheena trained the giant mercilessly, but

in the end Cassius lost against Seiya, a fact that embittered her even more.

Sheena followed the cause of the Patriarch, and eventually found out about the Bronze

Knights' “rebellion”. She personally led attacks against them, particularly against Pegasus

Seiya. The last one defeated her every time, but refused to kill her (although she did meant to

kill him). Sheena found one last chance when she followed Seiya to Japan, where he was

recuperating in a hospital, from wounds received during his fights against the Silver Knights. As

she was pursuing him on the nearby forest, Aioria, wearing the full garments of a Gold Knight,

found them, and attacked Seiya... but she interposed herself, saving the boy she had sworn to


This girl will continue to risk her life to save Seiya, even though her love will never be returned

(in the same way). She is still a guardian of the outer limits of the Sanctuary, commanding the

regular soldiers, and some of the lesser Bronze Knights, against intruders.

Birthdate: March 24th, 1971 (16 years old)

Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Italy

Height: 5'6"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 3rd Rank Warrior (125 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Bitterness

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 4: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Kicks, Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 3

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PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 3, Grace 3, Inspire 1** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 2, Senses 3, Stealth 3

Chi Aura/River: 3 dice

Joss: 1 Xia, 3 Corrupt

Armor: Silver (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 21

Martial Arts:

Queen Cobra 4 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 4 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Fast [4], Followers (Sanctuary Guards) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect)

[6], Possession (Ophiuchus Armor) [14], Status (Silver Knight) [3]



Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Joy - Loves Seiya - (+1 Crimson Chi Breath when aroused)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Silver Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5)

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Shiva, Silver Knight of Peacock (Pavo)

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Mu, Gold Knight of Aries

The soft spoken Knight of the First House, Mu has a tranquil demeanor and scholarly outlook.

He tries to avoid physical confrontations, and probably no one but his master knows his true


He has a close relationship with the guardian of the Second House, Aldebaran, and also

harbors the utmost respect for the ancient master Roshi, who he knows is the Gold Knight of


After Saga is revealed as the master manipulator and unrightful Patriarch, Mu is once again

seen by his peers as a wise companion, whose words must always be heeded. Before that,

though, when Saga reigned supreme, Mu had to exile himself to the mystical land of Jamir, in

the Orient, with the sole company of his disciple Kiki. Apparently, he had known personally the

previous Patriarch, and suspected his assassination. He returned only to prepare the Bronze

Knights for the final confrontation.

During the new war against Poseidon, Mu was forced to stop his Gold peers from entering the

fray, and leave all the fighting to the young Bronze Knights. Why were the Gold Knights needed

at the Sanctuary, only the ancient master of Libra knows. And Mu respects him too much to

doubt him...

Birthdate: March 27th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Tibet

Height: 6'1"

Training place: Jamir (Himalaya)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (280 Destiny)

Passion: Contemplation - Promote righteousness and justice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 4* (Jumping), Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 2, Lift 1**


SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 5, Grace 3, Inspire 2, Persuade 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 5: Learning 4, Crafting 4* (Knight Armor)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 9: Awareness 5, Senses 2

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Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 8 Xia, 1 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 27

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 7 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Stars of Crystal Might 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Aldebaran of Taurus and Roshi/Dohko of Libra) [5],

Muvian [5], Perfect Specialty (Lift) [4], Possession (Aries Armor) [20], Status (Gold Knight) [4],

The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)


- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Aldebaran, Gold Knight of Taurus

Although he is the biggest (and therefore, to some, the most intimidating) of the Gold Knights,

Aldebaran is considered to be kind and straightforward. He is also physically the strongest

(although that doesn’t mean much, as Knights derive their power from more than mere

physique), and has a keen understanding and affinity with people.

The good-natured Aldebaran is the most accessible of the Gold Knights, which are typically

rather "aloof". He enjoys the company of common people, never losing contact with the world

he's fighting for.

Aldebaran already suspected that the Bronze Knights may be serving the real Athena, so he

didn't fight them with all of his strength (although he certainly didn't make it easy for them,

either). He has great hope, particularly for Seiya, who may rival, or exceed (eventually) the

Gold Knights.

Even though he is arguably the "least" powerful of the Gold Knights, Aldebaran has a crucial

role as the one who reveals potential threats and shows the way for overcoming them. In his

battle against Seiya (more of a test than a battle), he pushed the boy to his limits, in an effort

to make him awaken his Seventh Sense. Later, Aldebaran is the "victim" of the first attack of

the God Warriors, revealing the danger they represent (and the existence of an eighth, hidden,

Warrior). On his final battle, he forces one of Hades' Spectres to come out of the shadows to

attack him, thereby announcing the invasion of the Sanctuary.

Birthdate: May 8th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Brazil

Height: 7'

Training place: Brazil

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Joy (Minor) - Love and respect for good people

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8: Athletics 4, Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 5

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3/5: Initiative 3, Dodge 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 5, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 5, Senses 2

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 5 Xia, 1 Corrupt

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Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 25/27

Martial Arts:

Horns of the Bull 3 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Mu of Aries) [5], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession

(Taurus Armor) [20], Status (Gold Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as

Nails (Quality) [3], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Painfully Honest

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Joy - Love for good people (gains +2 Speed/Crimson Chi when

aroused; Aldebaran becomes a terrible foe when those he cares for are imperiled)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Saga, Gold Knight of Gemini / Arles, The Patriarch of the Sanctuary

Despite being one of the most powerful warriors in the world, Saga of Gemini is a pitiful figure,

doomed to be his own worst enemy. His good intentions many times were thwarted by an

inner rage and ambition he could not control, until one day he was actually controlled by it! No

one knows the origin of this rage, or what triggered its eventual emergence as a new

personality. Perhaps it was part of his destiny, as his patron constellation is that of the twins...

When he assumed the persona of Patriarch Arles, he made it look like the Knight of Gemini had

vanished, creating an aura of mystery and secrecy around that particular Gold Knight. Even as

the Patriarch, Saga had some moments when his good side emerged. For example, when Seiya

won the Pegasus Armor, it was Saga, disguised as the Patriarch, who told the young boy that

the Armors were never to be used for selfish purposes, and that he had to fight for justice.

It could be argued that even his evil side had some good intentions. He explained that the

Earth could come under attack from other gods, and the childish Saori Kido could not protect

it. As he was the most powerful of the Knights (or so it was believed), it should be his duty to

do so, even if that meant he had to murder the previous Patriarch, the incarnation of Athena,

and anybody else who would oppose him.

Besides his incredible power, what sets Saga apart from the other Gold Knights is his terrible

cunning. He alone manipulated (and virtually controlled) all of them for 13 years, and if

someone escaped his control, he could always resort to his own powers (like the Demon

Emperor Fist).

Birthdate: May 30th, 1959 (28 years old)

Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 6'3"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (290 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Rule the world (evil side) / Grief - For all his wrongdoings (good side)

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 4: Athletics 4, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 1

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 7/8: Confidence 5, Grace 2, Inspire 4, Persuade 4

GENIUS (White Chi) 5/7: Learning 4, Politics 2, Tactics 1

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8/10: Awareness 5, Senses 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

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Joss: 5 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 31/36

Martial Arts:

Cosmos Manipulation 3 (Rare Unique Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Another Dimension (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Gemini Armor) [20],

Status (Patriarch and Gold Knight) [5], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Rival (himself), Black-hearted (evil side), Onerous Obligation (Athena, for his good side)

Chi Conditions:

Major Curse Hyperactivity - Separation (Water) - (gains +2 Wu Wei/Silver Chi, +2 Genius/White

Chi and +1 Presence/Gold Chi; this happens when his personality splits and his corrupt alter-

ego emerges, but his evil side looses all these bonuses when he is about to achieve final

victory... the curse will not help him do that)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Kanon, Gold Knight of Gemini (Chapter Inferno) (SPOILER WARNING)

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Deathmask, Gold Knight of Cancer

Deathmask is one of the most mysterious Knights, nothing is known about his past.

This Gold Knight seems completely evil and sadistic, someone who actually enjoys killing

people, not only powerful warriors, but also common people, including women and children.

Also, the Patriarch's ambitions are known to him, who approves and follows gladly. Deathmask

only believes in power, and Arles represents absolute power.

Birthdate: June 24th, 1964 (23 years old)

Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Italy

Height: 6'1"

Training place: Sicily

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (210 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - In achieving victory

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 5** (Running), Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 1**


SPEED (Crimson Chi) 8: Initiative 5* (Dramatic Entrance), Dodge 5* (While Running), Finesse 1

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Inspire 1** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 2, Crafting 1, Tactics 1

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 3, Senses 3, Stealth 4** (Ambush)

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 1 Xia, 6 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 24

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Infernal Waves (Level 6 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Fast [4], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Cancer Armor)

[20], Status (Gold Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

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Telekinesis [10]




- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Aioria, Gold Knight of Leo

Aioria is seen early in the series, as a respected warrior of an unknown type, that never wears

an Armor (actually, he does use a simple leather cuirass). He represents a brotherly figure to

Seiya, and also seems to have some feelings towards Marin, Seiya's teacher.

As a child he admired his older brother, Aioros, for his strength, humility and righteousness.

The rest of his life he would have to carry the burden of being the brother of a "traitor". So it is

that he trained harder than anyone to become the strongest Knight of all, and be completely

loyal to the Patriarch (who supposedly served Athena), even though his peers never trust him

fully. He is proven wrong again, and finally enters the service of the real Athena, being the first

Gold Knight (after those of Aries and Libra) to switch sides.

Aioria shares many similarities with Seiya, they are both rash, loyal unto death, and even their

techniques are alike.

Birthdate: August 16th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 6'2"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (230 Destiny)

Passion: Anger (Minor) - Prove his worth

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8/10: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 8: Confidence 5, Grace 3, Inspire 5

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 2, Senses 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 7 Xia, 1 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 28/30

Martial Arts:

Golden Lion 5 (Uncommon Gold Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)

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Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Marin and Seiya) [2], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron

Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Leo Armor) [20], Robust [8], Status (Gold Knight) [4], The

Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (the Patriarch, later Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi when aroused)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Shaka, Gold Knight of Virgo

Growing up in India, Shaka was a curious child, but was appalled by human suffering and

death. Even at such a young age, he was gifted with the ability to communicate with the

Buddha. His grief ended the day he was taught the greatest lesson, "Death is not the end".

It is rumored that, unlike the other Knights, he never had a master, unless one counts the

Buddha as his teacher...

In such a way, Shaka has grown in power beyond any known Knight, and is called "The Closest

Man to a God". Despite that, he has a totalistic reasoning. He has no real friendship with

anyone, but is revered as a saint by the other Gold Knights.

No one knows exactly why he keeps his eyes closed all the time. Some believe his Cosmos to

be so great that it must be contained in such a fashion. Ikki will finally discover that it actually

helps him concentrate it, becoming more powerful. But making him open his eyes is a double-

edged sword, as he can unleash his ultimate technique, the Heavenly Treasure.

Birthdate: September 19th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: India

Height: 6'1"

Training place: Basin of the Ganges (India)

Rank/Archetype: Rank Zero Warrior (310 Destiny)

Passion: UNKNOWN

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3/5: Athletics 5, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 2, Lift 2* (Telekinesis)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 6/7: Confidence 5, Grace 4, Inspire 5, Persuade 3** (Steady


GENIUS (White Chi) 4/5: Learning 5* (Buddhism), Medicine 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 10/11: Awareness 5, Senses 3

Chi Aura: 7 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 6 dice

Joss: 8 Xia, 8 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 28/33

Martial Arts:

Celestial Harmony 7 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

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Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Buddha [10], Dreams [1], Empathic [3], Possession (Virgo

Armor) [20], Status (Revered Gold Knight) [5], Superior Specialty (Lift) [3], The Eighth Sense

(Arayashiki) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Secret Arts of Intrigue [5] - Controlling Passions [5], Inflaming and Soothing Passions [1]

Telekinesis [10]


Painfully Honest

Chi Conditions:

Major Hyperactivity - Closed Eyes - (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi, +1 Presence/Gold Chi, +1

Genius/White Chi and +1 Wu Wei/Silver Chi; Shaka must forgo the benefits of this

Hyperactivity [i.e. open his eyes] to unleash the Heavenly Treasure, thereby losing the five

bonus Attribute points while using that technique)


- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Dohko, Gold Knight of Libra / Roshi

This ancient man is called Roshi (meaning "teacher" in Japanese) by every Knight of Athena,

besides his disciple Shiryu. His wisdom and experience are beyond any of his current peers,

and he knows far more than he tells. Everyone, friend or foe, has nothing but respect for the

ancient master of the Five Peaks.

Dohko was one of only two survivors of the last Holy War against Hades (all of Athena's

Knights were wiped out), and was ordered by the goddess herself to plan for the next one.

Meanwhile, he would have to constantly watch over the mountain peak where the souls of

Hades' Spectres were imprisoned.

For 243 years he did not move from the Rozan Waterfall, standing fast against the elements,

his determination stronger than the weather. He transmitted part of his wisdom, and all of his

determination, to his last disciple, the Dragon Shiryu.

During the last 13 years he could only watch as his friend Shion was murdered by Saga, and the

position of Patriarch usurped. He maintained his Gold Armor far from the insane man, and

helped the young Bronze Knights as best as he could. After the internecine struggle, he started

guiding the Gold Knights from afar, and forbid them from leaving the Sanctuary, without

further explanation. He knew the time was near, that Athena's seal would break open, the

Spectres would be freed, and the final war against Hades would begin.

At the opening of the new Holy War, Dohko returns to his youthful form and occupies the Libra

Armor once more. The preparations have been made, and now he must enter into action.

Eventually, it will be his dear student Shiryu, and his friends, that conclude the ancient

warrior's unfinished mission...

Birthdate: October 20th, 1726 (261 years old)

Sign: Libra

Birthplace: China

Height: 6'1" or 4'8"

Training place: Five Ancient Peaks of Rozan (China)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (295 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Relentless pursuit of justice

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Melee 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5/3: Confidence 5, Inspire 2, Persuade 2** (Appeals to Reason)

GENIUS (White Chi) 6: Learning 5, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 5, Investigation 2, Senses 2

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Chi Invested: 3 Crimson (Misopetha-menos; until he returns to his youthful form)

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 10 Xia

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 31/29

Martial Arts:

Dragon's Wake 6 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)

Misopetha-menos (Level 5 Formless Technique; Crimson Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Libra Armor) [30], Status

(Revered Gold Knight) [5], The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki) [5], The Seventh Sense (Continual)

[10], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (Athena Saori)

Chi Conditions (under the effects of Misopetha-menos):

Unique Major Chi Hyperactivity - Slumber of the Gods (ages only one day per year, as long as

he restricts his movement to 3 yards per round, does not teleport nor attack; any interruption

like that instantly ages him one full month)

Major Crimson Chi Weakness - Lethargic Body (-10 penalty to all Speed Skills)

Minor Gold Chi Weakness - Withered Visage (-2 Presence/Gold Chi, due to his shriveled and

decrepit-looking body)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Milo, Gold Knight of Scorpio

Milo is the first Gold Knight seen in the series with his armor on. He is the first one called by

the Patriarch to eliminate the Bronze Knights, but Milo refuses, as it hurts his pride to battle

such "puny" Knights. Later, he is sent to Andromeda island, where he kills (with Aphrodite of

Pisces' help) the Silver Knight Albiore of Cepheus, Shun's master.

Actually, Milo is one of the noblest of Knights, but he is severely misguided and deceived by

the Patriarch. His true nature is shown when he spares Hyoga's life during the battle at the

House of Scorpio, and he recognizes Saori as Athena's incarnation.

Milo prefers to kill his enemies slowly, giving them ample opportunity to surrender. His attacks

cause more pain than injury, and his Scarlet Needle strike isn't as devastating as Aioria's

Lightning Plasma, for example.

Birthdate: November 9th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 6'2"

Training place: Milos Island (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (220 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Pride

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 5** (Running), Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 2, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 10: Initiative 5* (Combat), Dodge 4, Finesse 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 6: Confidence 5, Grace 4, Inspire 5* (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Medicine 5** (Acupuncture)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 3, Senses 3, Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 4 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Royal Scorpion 5 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


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Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Fast [4], Friends (Camus of Aquarius) [4], Good Looks

(Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Scorpio Armor) [20], Status (Gold Knight) [4],

The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Secrets of Treatment [5] - Inflaming and Soothing Conditions [1]

Telekinesis [10]




- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Aioros, Gold Knight of Sagittarius (SPOILER WARNING)

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Shura, Gold Knight of Capricorn

Called the "Right Hand" of Athena, the Knight of Capricorn is supposed to be the most faithful

to her. Ironically, Shura caused the death of the real savior of the goddess, Aioros of

Sagittarius, and almost killed the goddess herself (actually, her incarnation).

Shura is really an upright man and worthy Knight, but remains oblivious to what happens in

the Sanctuary. He is also somewhat severe, even though he didn't recognize it as Athena's

incarnation, he was really going to kill a baby, reasoning that "it would be cruel to leave it

alone and helpless, so it is merciful to kill it outright".

Only by the sacrifice of Shiryu does Shura open his eyes, and realize that he was on the wrong

side all along. In the final moments of his life, he concentrates on saving Shiryu by giving him

his Golden Armor. Later it is revealed that the Knight of Capricorn gave him more than that, for

the spirit of Excalibur now rests in Shiryu's arm...

Birthdate: January 12th, 1964* (23 years old)

Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Spain

Height: 6'2"

Training place: Pyrenees (Spain)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (215 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Fulfill his duty

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7: Athletics 5** (Jumping), Fight 5** (Kicks), Hardiness 4, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 8: Initiative 5** (Combat), Dodge 4, Finesse 1, Melee 5** (Cutting hand)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 6: Confidence 5, Grace 3, Inspire 1

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 1, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 3, Senses 3, Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 6 Xia, 1 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 27

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Jumping Stone (Level 5 Formless Technique; Crimson Chi)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)

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Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Fast [4], Iron Feet (Perfect) [6], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6],

Possession (Capricorn Armor) [20], Possession (Excalibur) [12], Status (Gold Knight) [4], The

Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5; Artful/Brutal)

- Perfect Iron Feet (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- Excalibur (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +15; Artful)

* Note: This is one of the inconsistencies of the series. If Shura was born in 1964, that would

mean he was 10 years old when he killed Aioros of Sagittarius, and was already a Gold Knight.

Young characters are a staple of this series, but that would be too much... We can assume he

was born at least 3 years earlier.

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Camus, Gold Knight of Aquarius

Camus embodies the ideal teacher, stern, serious and unyielding. He goes to any length to

make Hyoga understand and improve himself, even to the extreme of sacrificing his own life to

make him awaken his Seventh Sense and learn the ultimate freezing air technique.

The Knight of Aquarius is certainly one of the smartest Gold Knights, and quite possibly knew

that Saori was the true Athena. So, his battle against Hyoga (the only Bronze Knight he fought)

wasn't to oppose him, but to test his mettle and teach him the last lesson... to fully commit to

the fight, even if that means killing your own master.

Birthdate: February 7th, 1967 (20 years old)

Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: France

Height: 6'

Training place: Siberia

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (215 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Be the best possible Master (teacher)

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 5, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 3, Finesse 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Grace 3, Inspire 3

GENIUS (White Chi) 5: Learning 5, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 4, Senses 4

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Freezing Cosmos 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Friends (Milo of Scorpio) [5], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Possession (Aquarius Armor) [20], Status (Gold Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10],

Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

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Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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Aphrodite, Gold Knight of Pisces

The "most beautiful man in the Sanctuary" is actually one of the most wicked. He loves beauty,

and strength and victory are the greatest of beauties. The weak deserve to be crushed under

the strong. Aphrodite's ideals are rather crude, indeed.

This Knight knows the real nature of the Patriarch, and follows him with open eyes, for it is fair

that the most powerful should rule.

Pisces is perhaps the least courageous of the Gold Knights, for he frequently ambushes (in one

way or another) his enemies. He did it against the Silver Knight Albiore of Cepheus, and also

laid the trap (the bed of poisonous roses) for Seiya. In the end, no amount of stealth or

treachery could hide him from Andromeda's Nebular Storm...

Birthdate: March 10th, 1965 (22 years old)

Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Sweden

Height: 6'1"

Training place: Greenland

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (205 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - Love of beauty (strength and victory)

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 3, Fight 3, Hardiness 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 7: Confidence 3, Grace 5, Inspire 5, Perform 3, Persuade 3

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Politics 1** (Sanctuary), Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 4, Ranged 5** (Roses), Senses 3** (Smell), Stealth 5**


Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 1 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: Gold (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 24

Martial Arts:

Demon Rose 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


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Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Good Looks (Perfect) [6], Possession (Pisces Armor) [20],

Status (Gold Knight) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Secret Arts of Intrigue [5] - Anger-Inspiring Technique [2], Distracting Suggestion Technique [5]

Telekinesis [10]




- Gold Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

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The Crystal Knight

Hyoga's mysterious master, even the Crystal Knight's true name remains unknown. He seems

to be outside of the three orders, although it is rumored that he might be one of the Blue

Warriors, former Knights of Athena sent to the North Pole to watch over Poseidon's slumber.

Others even say that he might be the Knight of the Corona Borealis constellation, although if

he is a Silver or Bronze one, they can't specify (his power is obviously on par with the first


The Crystal Knight is another one who doubts the Patriarch's intentions, and confronts him. He

falls victim to the Demon Emperor Fist, and is sent back to Siberia to wait for the return of

Hyoga... and kill him.

When Hyoga arrives, he finds the villagers enslaved and constructing an Ice Pyramid for the

Crystal Knight. His corrupted teacher fights him, but is distracted by the effects of the

Patriarch's evil technique (that causes him an incredible headache). Finally, the boy has no

option but to kill the man he considered a father, unleashing the Aurora Thunder Attack

against the Crystal Knight.

Birthdate: February 3rd, 1968 (19 years old)

Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Siberia

Height: 5'11"

Training place: Siberia

Rank/Archetype: 3rd Rank Warrior (145 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Ever watchful for signs of evil

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 5** (Kicks, Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 4, Grace 5, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 4, Crafting 2, Medicine 1, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 4, Senses 2

Chi Aura/River: 3 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: Crystal (-15, no encumbrance)

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Health: 23

Martial Arts:

Freezing Cosmos 4 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Glacial Fist (Level 4 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Mentor (Camus of Aquarius) [3],

Possession (Crystal Armor) [14], Status (Unique Ice Knight) [3], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Crystal Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +5)

Crystal Armor

- Probably isn't even an Armor of a Knight of Athena, but is as powerful as a typical Silver

Armor. Strangely, it shares some similarities with the Armor of Odin, as both seem to be

crafted from some crystalline substance.

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Shion, former Gold Knight of Aries and Patriarch

The rightful Patriarch for more than two centuries, Shion once was a mere Bronze Knight that

was promoted to Gold Knight of Aries. Along with his friend Dohko, they led the attack against

Hades in the last Holy War, invading the Underworld en masse. Terrible casualties were

suffered by both sides, and only Shion and Dohko survived among Athena's Knights. They were

forced to use the Libra Arms to prevail, and finally emerged to the surface world, wounded and

with their Gold Armors damaged.

After the war, Shion was named Patriarch of the Sanctuary, a task that prevented him from

performing the duties as Gold Knight of Aries. So it is that he finally, after two centuries,

started to train an apprentice, Mu, that would be ready in time for the new conflict against


Unlike Dohko (that was gifted with the Slumber of the Gods), Shion's strength waned through

the countless years, with only his immense Cosmos preventing him from dying of old age. As

Athena reincarnated in 1974, he knew the time for the new Holy War was at hand, and he

hadn't the strength to lead the new generation of Knights. He had to choose a successor for

the seat of Patriarch, but all the Knights were too young, with the exception of Aioros of

Sagittarius and Saga of Gemini.

After lengthy consideration, Shion chose Aioros, for although he wasn't as powerful as Saga, he

had demonstrated his undying loyalty towards Athena. He was confronted by Saga, who felt

discontent at his choice, demanding an explanation. Shion told the Gemini Knight that he had

an excellent reputation and immense power, but that he was also hiding something sinister. At

that moment the dark side of Saga emerged, and he murdered the rightful Patriarch with a

single blow.

Now, after thirteen years, Shion has returned as the leader of the resurrected Knights. He

seems to be on Hades' side, and trying to assassinate Athena. But Shion has always harbored

many secrets...

Birthdate: March 30th, 1726 (261 years old)

Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Tibet

Height: 6'2"

Training place: Unknown

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (295 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Perform his duty

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 4: Athletics 4, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 2, Lift 2** (Telekinesis)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 5, Inspire 3, Persuade 3

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GENIUS (White Chi) 7: Learning 5, Crafting 5** (Knight Armor), Politics 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 9: Awareness 5, Investigation 2** (Hidden Knowledge), Senses 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 1 Xia, 9 Corrupt

Armor: Lesser Surplice (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 29

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 7 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Stars of Crystal Might 6 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Athena's Exclamation (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Affiliation (Knights of Athena) [3], Dreams [1], Muvian [5], Perfect Specialty (Lift) [4],

Possession (Aries Surplice) [16], Status (former Patriarch and Gold Knight) [5], The Eighth Sense

(Arayashiki) [5], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (Athena)


- Lesser Surplice Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Siegfried, God Warrior of Dubhe Alpha

Siegfried is the epitome of a warrior, strong, valiant and loyal. He is an impressive figure, a

handsome and tall man with noble bearing. Commanding the respect of his fellow God

Warriors, he leads by example, and always follows Hilda's orders. This extreme loyalty may

account for his failure to realize her corruption.

Very little is known about his past (that fuels the belief that he may be the original Siegfried of

mythical ages), but he has known Hilda long before he became a God Warrior. He secretly

loves her, and has sworn to protect her, even if that means following her to Hell. His love may

be unrequited (it is never revealed in the series), but Hilda affords him the greatest respect,

and always keeps him close.

Birthdate: November 23rd, 1968 (19 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 6'2"

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (225 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Fulfill his duty towards Asgard and Hilda

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8: Athletics 5, Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 4

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 4, Ride 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 9: Confidence 5, Grace 4, Inspire 5

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Politics 1, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 5, Senses 3

Chi Invested: 2 Gold (Dragon Blood)

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 8 Xia

Armor: God Warrior (-15 [-30 with the Dragon Blood technique], no encumbrance)

Health: 30

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Two-Headed Dragon 5 (Uncommon Gold Chi Style)

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Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Friends (Hagen) [3], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6],

Possession (Dubhe Alpha Armor) [16], Status (Leader of the God Warriors) [5], The Seventh

Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Hagen, God Warrior of Merak Beta

A handsome young man, Hagen fancies himself the guardian of Asgard. Living in the palace of

Valhalla, always near Hilda and Freya, he has trained extensively just to protect them.

Until now, his duty towards his country and his love for Freya have never conflicted, and he

was never forced to choose between them. When the time comes, this kind of choice will be

difficult for him...

Birthdate: December 21st, 1972 (14 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'8"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (190 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Protect Asgard

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 4* (Running), Climb 3, Fight 5* (Palms), Hardiness 4** (Extreme

Temperatures), Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 4, Dodge 3, Melee 4, Ride 5

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 5, Grace 4, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2* (Asgardian Lore), Politics 1, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 4* (Opponent's Techniques), Senses 3, Stealth 1

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 7 Xia

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 26

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Lord of Fire and Ice 4 (Uncommon Unique Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Friends (Freya and Siegfried) [5], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists

(Perfect) [6], Possession (Merak Beta Armor) [16], Status (God Warrior) [4], Superior Specialty

(Hardiness) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris)

Chi Conditions:

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Minor Passion Weakness - Joy - Loves Freya (loses 1 point of Speed/Crimson Chi per round

ignored, up to a maximum of 2 points lost for the rest of the scene)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Thor, God Warrior of Phecda Gamma

This giant of a man always led a simple life, as a humble villager and hunter (distinct from the

other God Warriors, most of them being of noble birth). He took care of the poorer people of

Asgard, feeding them, even when that meant breaking the law (like hunting in the forest

surrounding the palace of Valhalla).

It was Hilda's kindness that won him. But when he was summoned as a God Warrior, he could

sense her change of attitude. He simply kept hoping she would return to her previous gentle


Birthdate: October 10th, 1970 (17 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 7' (maybe more)

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (175 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For the plight of his country and people

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8: Athletics 4, Climb 5, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 5, Lift 5** (Large


SPEED (Crimson Chi) 6: Initiative 4, Dodge 2, Melee 4** (Axes)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 3, Inspire 1

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Crafting 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 3** (Tracking), Senses 4, Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 5 Xia, 1 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Mjolnir Hammer (Level 5 Formless Technique; Jade Chi)

Titanic Hercules (Level 5 Formless Technique; Jade Chi)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Healthy as an Ox [3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Phecda Gamma

Armor) [16], Possession (Two Quality Battleaxes) [10], Robust [8], Status (God Warrior) [4],

Superior Specialty (Lift) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]


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Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Quality Battleaxes (Speed +0, Strike +15, Damage +10; can be wielded single-handedly)

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Alberich, God Warrior of Megrez Delta

A young man with disturbing green eyes and a smug smile, Alberich is a warrior that will resort

to any kind of underhanded tactics to achieve victory. He is less powerful than almost any

other God Warrior, but he shows everyone that intelligence can beat the strongest arm (in

fact, he will achieve what none of his peers could, defeating Marin, Seiya and Hyoga, all by


Eventually, it will be fate that will catch up with him. His ancestor Alberich the 13th (who

invented the Nature Unity technique) had fought a Knight of Athena, 200 years back, and lost.

That Knight was none other that Dohko of Libra, now known as Roshi, Shiryu's master...

Birthdate: March 4th, 1972 (15 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'8"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Courtier (185 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - Manipulating others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 2: Athletics 4, Fight 4, Hardiness 1, Lift 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 3, Melee 4* (Sword), Ride 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Grace 1, Inspire 4, Persuade 4

GENIUS (White Chi) 7: Learning 5, Crafting 2, Politics 2, Tactics 5** (Dirty Tricks)

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 3: Awareness 3, Investigation 2* (Hidden Secrets), Senses 2, Stealth 3

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 6 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 21

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Will of the Earth 5 (Uncommon White Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Inventive [3], Possession (Megrez Delta Armor) [16], Status (God

Warrior) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Secret Arts of Genius [5] - Good Advice Technique [3]

Secret Arts of Intrigue [5] - Anger-Inspiring Technique [2], Distracting Suggestion Technique [5],

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Exploitation of Sorrows Technique [2]




- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Fenrir, God Warrior of Alioth Epsilon

A lean and feral looking young man, Fenrir was abandoned by humans and helped by wolves.

His life as a wild animal is very far from his origins in a wealthy family.

He has a simple existence and a simple goal, to seize the opportunity Hilda gives him to vent

his rage on Asgard's enemies, lowly and treacherous human beings like the ones who left him

to die at the paws of beasts...

Birthdate: April 4th, 1973 (14 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'8"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (175 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Resentment towards humanity

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 5, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 8: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 4, Ride 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 2: Confidence 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 1, Crafting 1, Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 4** (Tracking), Senses 5* (Hearing), Stealth 5* (Ambush)

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 24

Martial Arts:

Northern Wolf 3 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 5 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Animal Speech [3], Fast [4], Followers (Wolves) [4], Healthy as an Ox

[3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Alioth Epsilon Armor) [16], Status (God Warrior) [4],

Superior Specialty (Awareness) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails

(Quality) [3]




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- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Syd, God Warrior of Mizar Zeta

The son of a wealthy and prestigious Asgardian family, Syd is proud of his legacy and his

position as second-in-command of the God Warriors. He is not ambitious and respects his

superior, Siegfried, as his will is submitted to the glory of Asgard.

Syd does know of the existence of his twin brother, Bud, and is sorry for the fate that was

forced upon him. If he could, he would give his life for the hardships that Bud had to endure...

Birthdate: June 12th, 1970 (17 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'10"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Proudly serve Asgard

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 5* (Running), Fight 5* (Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5** (Combat), Dodge 5, Finesse 4, Melee 2, Ride 4

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Grace 3, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 4, Senses 3, Stealth 4

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 4 Xia, 3 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 27

Martial Arts:

Ice Tiger Claw 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Fast [4], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Mizar Zeta Armor) [16],

Status (God Warrior) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]


Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris), Rival (Bud of Alcor Zeta)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Bud, (Shadow) God Warrior of Alcor Zeta

The relegated son, Bud grew up bitter and resented. The victim of superstition (that twins can

tear apart a family), he has always been the shadow of Syd. Where the latter is the noble one,

member of a wealthy family, Bud is (apparently) the unscrupulous one, raised by a poor man.

Too late (if there is "too late") will he realize what they both have in common, a deep love for

each other...

Birthdate: June 12th, 1970 (17 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'10"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Frustration for his bad fortune

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 5* (Running), Climb 2, Fight 5* (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5** (Combat), Dodge 5, Finesse 5

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Inspire 1

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 1, Crafting 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 8: Awareness 4* (Opponent's Techniques), Senses 5* (Sight), Stealth 5**


Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 27

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Shadow Hunter 4 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Fast [4], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Alcor Zeta Armor) [16],

Status (God Warrior) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Black-hearted, Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris)


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- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Mime, God Warrior of Benetnasch Eta

Mime is a pessimistic version of Shun. He doesn't want to fight, but at the same time can't

believe in universal peace as Andromeda does, for he is disillusioned with humanity.

This God Warrior is filled with sadness and despair, and that's why he wasn't perceived as a

threat by Shun. He truly believes Folker was a monster, and he had the right to kill him, but his

grief comes from the fact that, deep down, he knows about his sin.

Birthdate: August 28th, 1972 (15 years old)

Birthplace: Asgard (Europe)

Height: 5'6"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - For having killed Folker

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3/5: Athletics 5, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 4, Melee 2, Ride 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 7: Confidence 4, Grace 5, Inspire 3, Perform 5** (Harp/Lyre)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 3, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 2, Senses 3** (Hearing), Stealth 4

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: God Warrior (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 25/27

Martial Arts:

Five Strings 5 (Uncommon Gold Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Asgard) [4], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession

(Benetnasch Eta Armor) [16], Possession (Quality Lyre) [5], Status (God Warrior) [4], Superior

Specialty (Perform) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]


Onerous Obligation (Hilda of Polaris)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Passion Hyperactivity - Anger - At himself, for having murdered his innocent adoptive

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father (gains +2 Might/Jade Chi when aroused)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- God Warrior Armor Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Baian the Sea Horse

(Mariner General of the North Pacific)

Very little is known about the General at the forefront of Poseidon's armies. Baian is a proud

warrior that fancies himself as powerful as the Gold Knights.

This shortsightedness (but also his devotion to Poseidon) is the cause of his downfall, when he

confronts Pegasus of the Knights of Athena (the battle between the Sea Horse and the Winged

Horse). Nonetheless, it's worth noting that Baian was the first General to test the power of the

Bronze Knights, and he had no forewarning.

Birthdate: May 7th, 1969 (18 years old)

Birthplace: Canada

Height: 6'1"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (180 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Haughty pride

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7: Athletics 5* (Running), Climb 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4* (Extreme

Temperature, Regain Chi), Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 6: Initiative 5* (Dramatic Entrance), Dodge 3, Ride 5

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 3: Confidence 3, Grace 2, Inspire 2, Persuade 1

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 1, Crafting 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 3, Senses 4, Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Tempest Riding 5 (Uncommon Jade Chi Style)


Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Sea Horse Scales) [16],

Status (Mariner General) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Quality) [3]

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Chronically Unlucky, Onerous Obligation (Poseidon)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Io of Scylla

(Mariner General of the South Pacific)

One of the most noble of the Mariners (but still a terrible opponent), Io truly believes in

Poseidon's cause, the rebirth of the world as a utopia, populated only with righteous and pure

people. He trusts in his lord's judgment, and so accepts the Great Flood as a means to achieve

that end. In fact, he is willing to give his life for the cause.

During his battle with Shun, some of his noble character was revealed when he adviced the

young Knight to not be kind with his enemy during combat, as that might be his doom.

Birthdate: March 2nd, 1970 (17 years old)

Birthplace: San Felix Island (Chile)

Height: 6'

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (190 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Fulfill his duty towards Poseidon

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 6: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 5* (Palms), Hardiness 2, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Finesse 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 5: Confidence 4, Grace 3, Inspire 2** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 3* (Ambushes and Danger), Senses 4** (Hearing, Sight,


Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 3 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 26

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

The Six Beasts of Scylla 6 (Uncommon Unique Chi Style)

Big Tornado (Level 5 Formless Technique; Silver Chi)


Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3],

Possession (Scylla's Scales) [16], Status (Mariner General) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual)



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Onerous Obligation (Poseidon)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Krishna of Chrysaor

(Mariner General of the Indian Ocean)

Krishna is a proud warrior, truly the reincarnation of a legendary hero. He believes in

Poseidon's superiority, and the need to purify the Earth, so as to begin a new Golden Age. He's

neither evil nor ambitious, but believes that death is necessary for rebirth.

During their battle, Krishna and Shiryu develop a strong feeling of mutual respect, so in the

end the Mariner General feels no shame in being defeated by the magnificent Dragon, who he

praises with his last living breath...

Birthdate: August 10th, 1968 (19 years old)

Birthplace: Sri Lanka

Height: 6'3"

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (210 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Demonstrate his proud inheritance

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 5: Athletics 5, Fight 5, Hardiness 3, Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 8: Initiative 5, Dodge 5, Finesse 3, Melee 5** (Spear)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 6: Confidence 5, Grace 2, Inspire 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 2: Learning 2, Medicine 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 5: Awareness 5, Ranged 3, Senses 3

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 5 Xia, 2 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 26

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Kundalini 5 (Uncommon Crimson Chi Style)


Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Dreams [1], Fast [4], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Iron Fists

(Quality) [3], Possession (Sacred Spear of Chrysaor) [10], Possession (Chrysaor's Scales) [16],

Status (Mariner General) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]

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Onerous Obligation (Poseidon)


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Sacred Spear of Chrysaor (Speed +20, Strike +20, Damage +15; Two-handed)

Sacred Spear of Chrysaor

Class II Earthly Long Spear

The gold spear of the mythical son of Poseidon, it is so sharp that it can cut without even

touching the enemy. It claimed the lives of many of Athena's Knights during the first Holy War.

- Heroic Sharpness (Effortless Power): The spear's infinite sharpness can cut from a distance.

The bearer can launch attacks up to Short Range, without penalty, using his Melee Skill. They

are defended against as normal Melee attacks. Also, all attacks bypass 10 points of Armor.

- Flashing Lancer (Lesser Power): The spear allows its user to launch a terrible barrage of

lightning-quick attacks, dozens of strikes per second. This has the effect of adding one die to

Melee rolls, and granting a Secondary Attack (with the Spear only). Cost: 3 Gold Chi.

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Kassa of Lymnades, Mariner General of the Antarctic Ocean

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Isaac of Kraken

(Mariner General of the Arctic Ocean)

The General for whom "the end justifies the means", Isaac has shed all feelings and become a

cold warrior that fights for his ideal of "true justice".

Originally an apprentice of the Crystal Knight the same as Hyoga, they both became fast

friends, but Isaac criticized his companion's motivations during their training. Hyoga wanted to

recover his mother's body from deep beneath the icecaps, and finally dared the dangerous

currents, only to be swept away and saved at the last moment by Isaac.

Hyoga believed his friend had died at that moment, when an icicle pierced his eye, but Isaac

survived and was driven towards Poseidon's undersea temple, where his destiny awaited.

According to him, he had actually died, and what was left was the relentless warrior known as

Isaac of Kraken, Mariner General of the Arctic Ocean.

Birthdate: February 17th, 1973 (14 years old)

Birthplace: Finland

Height: 5'10"

Rank/Archetype: 2nd Rank Warrior (195 Destiny)

Passion: Anger - Ruthless towards humanity

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 8: Athletics 4** (Smashing Stuff, Swimming), Climb 4, Fight 5** (Palms),

Hardiness 5** (Healing Injuries), Lift 3

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 4: Confidence 4, Inspire 1** (Fear)

GENIUS (White Chi) 3: Learning 2* (Mythology), Crafting 2, Tactics 1

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 3* (Weather Prediction), Investigation 2, Senses 1, Stealth 4

Chi Aura: 5 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 4 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 26

Martial Arts:

Arctic Winds 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


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Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Iron Fists (Perfect) [6], Possession (Kraken's Scales) [16],

Robust [8], Status (Mariner General) [4], Superior Specialty (Hardiness) [3], The Seventh Sense

(Continual) [10], Tough as Nails (Perfect) [6]


Black-hearted, Onerous Obligation (Poseidon)

Chi Conditions:

Minor Inspiration Hyperactivity - Ruthlessness (Hen) - (+1 Crimson Chi Breath when followed)


- Perfect Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage +0)

- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Sorrento of Siren

(Mariner General of the South Atlantic)

The Messenger of Poseidon, Sorrento is a gentle and sensitive young man with a soft voice.

Another of the well-meaning Generals, he believes in Poseidon's attempt to purify the world,

considering it for the good of all mankind.

Upon his realization that Kanon had been playing him and the rest of the Generals all along, he

turns against the treacherous man, giving Phoenix Ikki enough time to demolish the North

Atlantic Pillar. With this disappointment, he is finally convinced that it's Athena the true

goddess that can bring peace to the world, and he's moved by her merciful love.

Sorrento survives the collapse of the undersea Temple, and becomes the guardian and

companion of Julian Solo, who once again is oblivious of his divine heritage.

Birthdate: September 10th, 1971 (16 years old)

Birthplace: Austria

Height: 5'11"

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Courtier (230 Destiny)

Passion: Grief - Compassionate and sensitive

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 3, Fight 5** (Palms, Flute), Hardiness 2, Lift 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Finesse 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 8: Confidence 3, Grace 5, Inspire 5, Perform 5** (Flute)

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 2, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 5, Senses 4** (Hearing), Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 3 Xia, 4 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 25

Martial Arts:

Haunting Song 6 (Uncommon Gold Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)


Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Empathic [3], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Possession

(Melpomene's Voice) [8], Possession (Siren's Scales) [16], Status (Mariner General) [4],

Superior Specialty (Perform) [3], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

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Secret Arts:

Secret Arts of Intrigue [5] - Exploitation of Sorrows Technique [2], Lassitude, Joy, and Love

Technique [1]; Controlling Passions [5]: Elemental Progression Technique [3], Inflaming and

Soothing Passions [1], Quick Work (1 turn) [5]

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (Poseidon)


- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

- Melpomene's Voice (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +5; Artful/Brutal, Embarrassing, Easy to

carry and hide)

Melpomene's Voice

Class III Divine Flute

A transverse flute made of copper-colored gold, it produces melodies worthy of one of the


- Heartfelt Tones (Effortless Power): The most pure notes grant a +20 bonus to all Perform


- Melody of Tragedy (Greater Power): Tragedies are the result of human folly and short-

sightedness. With this power, the flute's player can instantly bestow a Major Earth Curse

Weakness upon one victim. The conditions and penalties are chosen by him at the moment of

casting. Cost: 4 White Chi.

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Kanon of Gemini, the Sea Dragon

(Mariner General of the North Atlantic)

The constellation of Gemini saw the birth of antagonistic twin brothers, Saga and Kanon. The

first one was constantly tortured by his inner struggle between good and evil. For Kanon, there

was no such struggle. He embraced his instinctual evil, and felt no conflicts. Nonetheless, they

shared a common doom, as they brought about their own destruction. As his brother could

not control his rage, Kanon was also dominated by his ambition.

It was Kanon the first one to propose the idea of murdering the Patriarch of the Sanctuary and

baby Athena. This suggestion was the beginning of the end for Saga, for it helped bring forth

his corrupt alter-ego. But the first victim of Saga's rage was Kanon himself, as he was

imprisoned in Cape Sunion to drown with the rising tide. The last thing he saw of his brother

were his eyes turning red and his hair gray.

Unbeknown to Kanon, it was Athena's Cosmos that saved him again and again, until he

descended to the ruins of Poseidon's undersea Temple. There he briefly awoke the god, and

received the instructions he would never implement, to awaken him in exactly thirteen years.

After the defeat of Poseidon, Kanon is left in the ruins of the undersea Temple, as it is engulfed

by the ocean. He stands alone and lost in despair. His dreams are destroyed, and his life is


Birthdate: May 30th, 1959 (28 years old)

Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 6'3"

Training place: The Sanctuary (Greece)

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (250 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession (Major) - Reckless Ambition

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 4: Athletics 4, Climb 2, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 4, Lift 2

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 7: Initiative 5, Dodge 4, Melee 2

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 6: Confidence 5, Inspire 2, Persuade 4

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3, Tactics 2

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 7: Awareness 5, Investigation 3** (Hidden Knowledge), Senses 2, Stealth 2

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 2 Xia, 5 Corrupt

Armor: General's Scales (-15, no encumbrance)

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Health: 28

Martial Arts:

Cosmos Manipulation 3 (Rare Unique Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Golden Triangle (Level 5 Formless Technique; Gold Chi)


Affiliation (Poseidon's Mariners) [3], Iron Fists (Quality) [3], Possession (Sea Dragon's Scales)

[16], Status (Leading Mariner General) [5], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Egotistical, Overwhelming Passion


- Quality Iron Fists (Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage -5)

- Scales' Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Myu of Papillon

(Spectre of the Terrestrial Charmed Star)

Myu was sent to the Sanctuary to watch the resurrected Knights' every move, in order to

prevent a possible double-cross. Beside that, he also had his personal motivations, for reasons

unknown, he intended to fight Mu of Aries by himself...

In his search for that particular Gold Knight, he crossed paths with a mere Bronze Knight, Seiya

of Pegasus, who demonstrated a power far beyond those of his lowly status. Myu, the Spectre

that loved shocking others with his astounding shapes... was himself amazed.

Birthdate: January 27th, 1968 (19 years old)

Birthplace: Austria

Height: 5'11"

Rank/Archetype: 1st Rank Warrior (205 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - Perverse delight in horrifying others

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 3: Athletics 3, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 2* (Metamorphosis), Lift 1**


SPEED (Crimson Chi) 4/3: Initiative 4, Dodge 2, Finesse 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 7/6: Confidence 4, Grace 5, Inspire 5, Persuade 2

GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3* (Spectre Lore), Tactics 3

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 6: Awareness 5, Senses 1, Stealth 4

Chi Aura: 6 dice (Continual Seventh Sense)

River: 5 dice

Joss: 1 Xia, 6 Corrupt

Armor: Lesser Surplice (-15, no encumbrance)

Health: 24/22

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Radiant Metamorphosis 3 (Uncommon Gold Chi Style)

Spatial Mastery 5 (Uncommon Silver Chi Style)

Psychokinetic Attack (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


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Affiliation (Hades' Spectres) [3], Perfect Specialty (Lift) [6], Possession (Papillon Surplice) [16],

Status (Infamous Terrestrial Spectre) [4], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]


Onerous Obligation (Hades), Unwholesome

Chi Conditions:

Unique Minor Weakness - Papillon's Metamorphosis: When the Spectre's soul first awakens,

the human host is corrupted and transformed into a disgusting larva that secretes a foul-

smelling slime that quickly hides his awful shape.

In this form he is still considered to be wearing his Surplice, so he gets all the benefits from it.

He can also bite as if he were attacking with his fists (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10;

counting the enhancement of his Surplice). Besides the different appearance, his

Speed/Crimson Chi and Presence/Gold Chi Ratings are reduced by 1.

This Condition has a Moderate [20] Difficulty Recovery, a Duration of 1, and an Interval of 1

hour. The Spectre rolls Hardiness, and the Metamorphosis specialty applies. When he obtains

the single successful roll to recover from this Condition, he attains his ultimate form, with an

alien but humanoid appearance, and a pair of beautiful butterfly wings.


- Bite (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10), OR

- Lesser Surplice Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +10, Damage +10)

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Rune of Balrog, Spectre of the Celestial Wise Star

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Aiacos of Garuda, Spectre of the Celestial Valiance Star (Judge of Hell)

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Minos of Griffin, Spectre of the Celestial Noble Star (Judge of Hell)

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Rhadamanthys of Wyvern, Spectre of the Celestial Fierce Star (Judge of Hell)

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Saori Kido / Athena, Guardian of Earth

The incarnation of Athena, Saori Kido was born within the walls of the Sanctuary in Greece,

from parents unknown. As a helpless baby, she was almost murdered by the insane Saga, Gold

Knight of Gemini and usurper Patriarch. Saved by Aioros, the late Knight of Sagittarius, and

adopted as a granddaughter by the businessman Mitsumasa Kido, she was raised in Japan.

During her pampered childhood, Saori became a capricious girl, often abusing and beating the

unfortunate orphans taken by her grandfather. As she became a young woman, she had to

take over the Kido Foundation, becoming the sole heiress, and a very powerful and renowned

figure all around the world. Though not as capricious, she still remained an aloof and

unapproachable person.

Only during her confrontations with the corrupted Sanctuary, and after seeing the suffering of

her subordinate Bronze Knights, did she come to know compassion, love and loyalty. Upon

realizing she is the goddess Athena, she became a caring figure, loving all humans alike, and

giving her very being to protect them.

Athena Saori is usually calm, collected and compassionate, never raising her voice nor being

aggressive. She's patient and has an unbreakable faith in her Bronze Knights. Even though she

does not speak much and seems a naive little girl, she hides much cunning, and is able to plan

far ahead.

One of Saori's main wishes is that the endless battles cease, so that her Bronze Knights can rest

and live normal lives, like any other boy.

Birthdate: September 1st, 1974 (13 years old)

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 5'2"

Rank/Archetype: Divine (345 Destiny)

Passion: Joy - Love for mankind

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 1: Athletics 1, Climb 1, Fight 3**** (Staff), Hardiness 1

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 3: Initiative 3, Dodge 1, Finesse 2, Ride 3

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 15: Confidence 5, Grace 5, Inspire 5**** (Serenity), Perform 3, Persuade


GENIUS (White Chi) 4: Learning 3* (Mythology), Medicine 2, Politics 2* (Sanctuary), Tactics 4

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WU WEI (Silver Chi) 12: Awareness 5, Investigation 4, Senses 2

Chi Aura: 8 dice

River: 7 dice

Joss: 15 Xia

Armor: None

Health: 35

Martial Arts:

Knight's Speed 2 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Serene Heart 4 (Rare Gold Chi Style)


Dreams [1], Empathic [3], Entangled Destiny (Gold Shield of Athena) [3], Entangled Destiny

(Sacred Armor of Athena) [7], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Possession (Niké/Gold Staff) [14],

Status (Athena's Incarnation) [6], The Eighth Sense (Arayashiki) [5], The Ninth Sense (Big Will)

[30], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Story of Fortune [5], Story of the Self [5]

Secret Arts of Intrigue [5] - Instant Inspiration Technique [2], Lassitude, Joy, and Love

Technique [1]; Controlling Passions [5]: Elemental Progression Technique [3], Inflaming and

Soothing Passions [1], Yin-Yang Technique [3], Quick Work (1 turn) [5]; Controlling Inspirations

[5]: Inflaming and Soothing Inspirations [1], Quick Work (1 turn) [5]


Hated Foes (Poseidon and Hades)


- Niké/Gold Staff (Speed +15, Strike +35, Damage +15; Two-handed)

Note: Athena awakes within Saori early on the series. Her Favored (Gold) Chi modifier is +25.

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Julian Solo / Poseidon, Emperor of the Seas

Julian Solo is the heir to a huge shipping corporation that spans all the seas, but that is nothing

compared to the cosmic spirit that inhabits his body.

When all the realms were divided among the gods, Poseidon took control of the seas and

oceans. Upon hearing of Zeus' disappearance, the sea god prepared for the invasion of the

surface lands protected by Athena. This started the First Holy War, that saw the initial

appearance of his Mariners. At first he had the upper hand, as his warriors were equipped with

powerful magical armors (the Scales), but then the muvians crafted similar (and sometimes,

greater) armors for Athena's followers, who were now nothing but young boys (as most of the

adult warriors had already perished). The goddess whom Poseidon viewed as a girl, helped by

this children that called themselves Knights, won. The fortress and realm he created for his

surface invasion, Atlantis (so huge it was later called a "continent"), sunk beneath the waves.

Athena finally imprisoned his soul in the North Pole. Millennia passed, and he never forgave


Despite his wrathful nature, Poseidon is a fair god, so it is that when he awoke briefly in the

18th century, even though he still wanted to take revenge on Athena, he didn't fight her, as

she was immersed in a war against Hades. He simply continued his slumber until a more

appropriate time.

Poseidon doesn't want to actually destroy the world. He wants to purify it from humanity's

evil, saving only a select few that he deems virtuous. Although he stills wants to rule over the

reborn Earth...

Birthdate: March 21st, 1971 (16 years old)

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 5'10"

Rank/Archetype: Divine (420 Destiny)

Passion: Obsession - Possess or defeat Athena

MIGHT (Jade Chi) 7: Athletics 4, Fight 5** (Palms), Hardiness 3, Lift 3*** (Telekinesis)

SPEED (Crimson Chi) 5: Initiative 4, Dodge 4, Melee 4* (Trident)

PRESENCE (Gold Chi) 14: Confidence 5, Grace 5, Inspire 5, Perform 2, Persuade 4

GENIUS (White Chi) 5: Learning 4, Politics 4

WU WEI (Silver Chi) 14: Awareness 5, Senses 3

Chi Invested: 2 Jade, 1 Crimson, 2 Gold, 1 White, 2 Silver (Divine Sanctity)

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Chi Aura: 7 dice (8 dice after awakening)

River: 6 dice (7 dice after awakening)

Joss: 5 Xia, 7 Corrupt

Armor: Poseidon's Scales (-20, no encumbrance)

Health: 45

Martial Arts:

Emperor of the Seas 4 (Rare Silver Chi Style)

Knight's Speed 6 (Uncommon Flexible Chi Style)

Divine Sanctity (Level 7 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)

Divine Wrath (Level 6 Formless Technique; Flexible Chi)


Followers (Mariners) [5], Good Looks (Quality) [3], Possession (Poseidon's Scales) [20],

Possession (Poseidon's Trident) [14], Status (Poseidon's Incarnation) [6], The Eighth Sense

(Arayashiki) [5], The Ninth Sense (Big Will) [30], The Seventh Sense (Continual) [10], Warning of

Evil [5]

Secret Arts:

Telekinesis [10]




- Poseidon's Scales Gauntlets & Boots (Speed +20, Strike +15, Damage +10)

- Poseidon's Trident (Speed +15, Strike +30, Damage +25; Two-handed)

Note: Before awakening, Julian Solo's Favored (Gold) Chi modifier is +20. After that, Poseidon's

Chi modifier raises to +25.

Also, it's worth mentioning that this stats only reflect the latest incarnation of Poseidon.

Previous ones probably had very different stats.

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Hades, King of the Underworld (Possessed body) (SPOILER WARNING)
