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Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math

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  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    John SanGiovanni

    Mathematics SupervisorHoward County Public Schools

    How to Successfully Planfor the Common Core State



  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    IntroductionIf you are in one of the 46 states and the District of Columbia that have adopted

    the Common Core, you should already be moving from transitioning to

    implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated

    Standards of Practice for Math, in preparation for the 20132014 implementation

    deadline. While it is important to be in alignment with CCSS, for a superior

    implementation your team should take advantage of this time of change to

    advance your curriculum, and bring a spirit of excellence to each and every one of

    your classrooms.

    The transition to the Common Core comes with common problems: developingcurricula that encompass the new standards but also answer the unique needs

    of your district; fostering collaboration with system offices; communicating

    with stakeholders; and keeping the lines of communication open so everyone

    can learn and progress. Your plan will assume its appropriate form after careful

    consideration, collaboration, and cooperation by everyone in your district.

    After the rst wave of Common Core assessments, we will all form a deeper

    understanding of mathematical prociency relative to the standardswhich by

    any measure is positive for both students and educators. I hope you will learn

    take advantage of this time of

    change to advance your curriculum,

    and bring a spirit of excellence to each

    and every one of your classrooms.


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  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    from the experiences we share here, and borrow freely from the ideas presented in this white

    paper. You will nd a list of resources and links included at the end of this document to help

    you get started.

    About Howard County, Maryland Public SchoolsHoward County, located in the center of Maryland, sits between Baltimore and Washington

    DC. We are blessed with great diversity; serving 50,000 students in 72 schools. Of these, 41are elementary schools, and 16 of those have full time math coaches. Elementary school

    enrollments range from 350 to 1,000 students per school.

    Our Essential Curriculum is based on the Maryland State Curriculum. In June 2010, the

    Maryland State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards, and we

    immediately began planning.

    STEP 1: Working Back from 20142015 AssessmentsStarting from a work-back transition plan, we kept in mind that assessments would begin in

    20142015. To generate the multi-year plan, we looked at PARCC (Partnership for Assessmentof Readiness of College and Careers) assessments, kept our current Maryland State

    Assessments (MSA) in mind, and then backtracked from there to limit student learning gaps.

    Kindergarten was prioritized in our rst year (20112012). We initiated teaching to the new

    standards at this level, knowing that was where we could identify the biggest gaps and have

    a genuine opportunity to reap the benets when CCSS testing begins in 2014. This year, in

    20122013, we are nishing up our implementation of Grades 1 and 2, and next year we will

    implement through Grade 5.

    Here is our grade level by year transition plan for implementation:

    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_300

    Your plan will assum

    appropriate form aft

    careful consideratio

    collaboration, and

    cooperation by ever

    in your district.

  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    STEP 2: Collaboration with System OfficesAs we worked on the curriculum and the aligned assessments, we also began to understand

    that there were many constituencies to consult as we developed an overall plan. We met with

    educators and specialists in the various offices in our system to devise the plan, including:

    (1) School Administrators, (2) ESOL , (3) Secondary Math, (4) Special Education, (5) Early

    Childhood, (6) Title 1, (7) Gifted and Talented, as well as our (8) Public Relations Officers.

    School administrators in particular were a point of focus, since their leadership, input in to theprogram, and inuence on the other groups is essential to CCSS transition success.

    STEP 3: Plan DesignIn order to design the optimal transition plan, we had to look at the key success components

    including: (1) the curriculum, (2) instructional approaches, (3) professional development for

    our educators, (4) student assessment, and (5) parents and the community who would be

    responding to these changes.

    We had already been providing an electronic curriculum as a source of objectives and aligned

    instructional resources for quite some time. But with this latest move to CCSS, we wanted to

    offer a curriculum that connected the what, how, and why of teaching mathematicsand theidea was born for a new wikispace.

    Using a wiki seemed like a natural way to link instructional resources, assessment resources,

    content pedagogy, and much more into a single, highly accessible package. The wiki also

    serves as a way for stakeholders to share ideas, questions, concerns, and achievements. For

    teachers, the wiki has been an ideal vehicle to distribute online curriculum resources without

    requiring any specialized web development skills.


    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014DB014_300

    As we worked on the

    curriculum and the

    aligned assessments, we

    also began to understand

    that there were many

    constituencies to consult

    as we developed an

    overall plan.

  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    Howard County WikispaceA primary goal was ease of use for educators and parents alike, so that everyone could obtain

    information and contribute quickly and easily. The ability to effortlessly access and review

    the material was particularly important because it empowered teachers to work with it over

    the summer and on their own schedules when preparing for the upcoming school year. The

    wikis were constructed using a free, off-the-shelf template that requires very little technical

    expertise, but that has great structure and exibility: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/

    classroom .

    There is now a wikispace for each elementary grade in the

    Howard County Public School System:

    Kindergarten: http://gradeKcommoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 1 Wiki: http://grade1commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 2 Wiki: http://grade2commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 3 Wiki: http://grade3commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 4 Wiki: http://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org Grade 5 Wiki: http://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 6 Wiki: http://grade6commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 7 Wiki: http://grade7commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Grade 8 Wiki: http://grade8commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Wiki ManagementIn a world of unlimited potential content, our

    site had to be properly managed. We knew weneeded a wiki webmaster who understood

    curriculum, CCSS, and site goals. Others on the

    team also assist, and are assigned tasks as needed.

    This core group maintains primary control of the


    Overall, when we began, our plan was to

    post as much material as possible, all aligned

    to Standards. The next steps were to apply

    exemplary resource rubrics to review and scrub

    less desirable resources. As curriculum experts, we

    selected and continue to select appropriate tools,

    and we work with our math team to promote

    exemplary classroom instruction and the use of

    these valuable resources.

    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_300

    we wanted to offer

    curriculum that conne

    the what, how, and wh

    teaching mathematics

    and the idea was born

    new wikispace.

  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    Howard County Public Schools views its curriculum as a living, thriving one. With a simple

    process and minimal overhead, there is freedom to expand the site as we:

    Encourage ParticipationSoliciting suggestions and contributions throughout the year

    from teachers as they encounter new sources, ideas, and successes.

    Continuously Update To keep the wiki fresh, we update the pages on the site as soon as

    new information is available. Empower Math CoachesWith their wealth of expertise, our math coaches have become

    valuable content editors.

    Wiki Structure & ContentIt has taken time to develop an intuitive model that meets teachers needs, which is why the

    current wiki offering is the third iteration. While it is intended to be open to the public, there

    are some entries that are restricted due to district policy.

    For now, we provide the resource links shown above, and we do our best to add free

    resources in alignment with our own districts plans to add support for CCSS.

    We have organized the teacher wiki by course planning, and as of this writing, educators

    can access nearly 100 complementary resources, including one resource that includes 120

    optional homework sheets for teachers. Resources with ideas for routines and standards

    information are also included.

    Howard County Public

    Schools views its

    curriculum as a living,

    thriving one.


    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014DB014_300

  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    Wiki & CCSS StandardsIn addition to showing CCSS-aligned coursework by standards and by quarter of the school

    year, we wanted to provide teachers with a foundation for true understanding of the material

    before they begin work in the classroom. In our district, we focus on deep comprehension

    by every instructor rather than on what a teacher task may be on a particular day. To support

    teachers in working towards this goal, we provide links to many web resources. We have

    professional development videos available and are looking to further expand those offerings.

    One of the most valuable resources we provide is for students. In particular, we provide links

    to student literature that refers to mathematical thinking in everyday terms.

    In our district, we fo

    deep comprehension

    every instructor rath

    on what a teacher tabe on a particular da

    We have a progressi

    vision for the online

    curriculum, which i

    genesis of our wikis


    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_300

  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    Wiki Design Elements

    CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION: Scope and SequenceWe have a progressive vision for the online CCSS curriculum, which

    is the genesis of our wikispace development.

    Instructional ResourcesOur vision of an online curriculum for CCSS adoption is one

    that provides more depth, more breadth, and greater access to free instructional aids andmaterials.

    Commercial ProgramsDuring the past 20 years, we have never limited ourselves to

    using a single curricular resource or program. Rather, we have relied on teachers to make

    decisions for individual students and choose from a variety of resources. This approach has

    resulted in unique solutions tailored for specic students, classrooms, and schools.

    Content UnderstandingThe wiki provides specic resources to help teachers gain a

    deeper understanding of the math they are teaching by standard, so that they can work

    condently with their students from a position of signicant content knowledge.

    PROFESSIONAL DE VELOPMENT: Content and Practice StandardsIn our district, we provide professional development

    modules for every teacher at every grade level, after school long range planning for

    teachers implementing the Common Core, and Content Workshops to develop content


    PedagogyOur goal is to support and develop deep questioning in the classroom to

    ensure conceptual understanding and procedural uency.

    Our goal is to support and

    develop deep questioning

    n the classroom to ensure

    onceptual understanding

    and procedural uency.

    We take time to

    ranslate messages intoanguage parents can

    understand and use to

    benefit their child.


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    Delivery MethodsMath coaches support three additional schools four times during the

    year, to help them understand the content standards and to help teachers understand

    what is expected for next year.

    Stakeholder EngagementWhile the wiki encourages professional development

    and provides a jump-start for standards implementation, our math coaches serve as

    ambassadors. We also meet with administrators so they can understand the plan as

    well as the Common Core Content and Practice Standards.

    ASSESSMENT: Formative AssessmentWe knew teachers needed tools for formative assessment

    both during and after instruction, so we provided student learning targets, formative

    assessment tasks, systemic rubrics, and progressions of skills and concepts.

    Data CollectionIn different ways, we collect daily data about student success in the

    classroom to help teachers plan for instruction.

    PARCC/SB AssessmentsOn the wiki, we provide information to help teachers understand

    PARCC, how to develop a plan for assessments, and how to use formative assessments to

    drive instruction.


    To keep parents informed and involved, each quarter we post curriculum and vocabulary

    details in a dedicated portion of the wiki: http://smart.wikispaces.hcpss.org . Hands-on tasks

    that kids can do at home are organized by

    standard, and we provide online resources

    that parents can use to support their ownknowledge about other aspects of math

    teaching and learning. ResourcesSupplying parents with relevant

    content is an ongoing project in response to

    what is working for them, as well addressing

    their comments, questions, and requests.

    MessagingWe communicate with parentsonline by dening and positioning what we

    do within Common Core, and placing whatwe are doing into that context. We take time

    to translate messages into language parents

    can understand and use to benet their


    the key to succes

    plan and integrate thCommon Core into

    district or school is

    have a plan, (2) pro

    good support and re

    (3) think about prof

    development and

    curriculum concurrand most important

    (4) include open sou

    resources so all invo

    share and collabora

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  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    Delivery MethodsWe are constantly

    searching for ways to reach out, and have

    often used Family Math Nights, focus groups,newsletters, Board of Education advertising

    spots, PTA meetings, and International Nights

    to connect with stakeholders.

    Stakeholder EngagementJoint meetings

    with neighboring districts have boosted

    parental involvement, and web pages

    continue to evolve and improve our online

    engagement with parents and community.

    Wiki Feedback & EvolutionVetting resources is an ongoing process. Our

    team continues culling and adding as we see

    what works, what doesnt, and what is mosthelpful in our efforts to incorporate CCSS into our curriculumall while keeping Maryland

    goals and assessments in mind. As our understanding of the Common Core improves, we

    revise our expectations of exemplary resources. We do most of this editing work in the

    summer, but maintenance continues on an almost-daily basis. Over time, we anticipate

    retooling current offerings to provide more video, vir tual manipulatives, and interactive tools

    for both students and teachers.

    We frequently receive email from around the country from those asking for thoughts,

    opinions, and insights into mathematics or curriculum management design, while some seek

    the few resources that are protected by district policy. We nd that the number of visitorscontinues to grow as an increasing numbers of teachers and systems implement CCSS. We

    enjoy the opportunity to share our experience and success with the learning community

    inside and outside of our district.

    ConclusionIn summary, the key to successfully plan and integrate the Common Core into your district

    or school is to: (1) have a plan, (2) provide good support and resources, (3) think about

    professional development and curriculum concurrently, and most importantly (4) include

    open source resources so all involved can share and collaborate.


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  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    ResourcesFree wiki template: http://www.wikispaces.com/content/classroom/about

    Parent resource example: http://smart.wikispaces.hcpss.org

    Other resources:

    Heinemann Publishing Company

    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

    Quality Teacher Development

    Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics

    If you have questions, feel free to contact me directly:

    John SanGiovanni at [email protected]

    About John SanGiovanniJohn SanGiovanni is a mathematics curriculum specialist who has worked with stakeholders

    at the local, state, and national levels. He is currently in Howard County, Maryland where

    he works with teachers, administrators, and curriculum specialists to create and implement

    exemplary mathematics instruction for all students, including leading the districts

    mathematics programs transition to the Common Core State Standards. As an author,

    John has published books on elementary mathematics through Heinemann Publishing

    Company and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. As a lead consultant

    for Quality Teacher Development he provides mathematics professional development toschool districts throughout the United States. As an adjunct faculty member at Towson

    University and McDaniel College, John has written and taught graduate courses for the use

    of Web 2.0 tools in the mathematics classroom, as well as elementary and middle school

    methods courses. John is a frequent speaker at national conferences, and serves on the Board

    of Directors for the Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Maryland Councilof Supervisors of Mathematics.

    DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_300

    http://www.wikispaces.com/content/classroom/abouthttp://smart.wikispaces.hcpss.org/http://www.heinemann.com/products/E02963.aspxhttp://www.nctm.org/catalog/product.aspx?id=13437http://www.qualityteacherdevelopment.com/about.phphttps://www.marylandmath.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.marylandmath.org/http://www.qualityteacherdevelopment.com/about.phphttp://www.nctm.org/catalog/product.aspx?id=13437http://www.heinemann.com/products/E02963.aspxhttp://smart.wikispaces.hcpss.org/http://www.wikispaces.com/content/classroom/about
  • 8/11/2019 Wp Jsg How to Successfully Plan for the Ccss for Math


    For more information, contact Client Care at 877.451.7845,email [email protected] or visit dreambox.com .

    Bellevue, Washington, and launched its rst

    online learning product in January 2009.

    DreamBox Learning Math has won more than 35

    top education and technology industry awards

    and is in use in all 50 U.S. states and throughout

    Canada. The DreamBox Learning Math platform

    offers a groundbreaking combination of

    Intelligent Adaptive Learning technology, a

    rigorous mathematics curriculum, and a highly

    motivating learning environment. DreamBox

    Learning Math captures every decision a student

    makes while working in the program and adjusts

    the students learning path appropriately,

    providing millions of individualized learning

    paths, each one tailored to a students unique

    needs. DreamBox supports teachers and their

    practice in every type of learning environment,

    offline or online. For more information about

    DreamBox Learning Math and the DreamBox

    Math for iPad app, please visit: dreambox.com.


