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WP Making PDS Inter Operable

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  • 7/31/2019 WP Making PDS Inter Operable



    Making PDSInteroperable

    A Bentley White Paper

    Version 2.0


    March 2012

  • 7/31/2019 WP Making PDS Inter Operable


    Making PDS Interoperable 2

    Table of Contents

    Introduction .....................................................................................................................3

    Bentleys Smart Plan for PDS Users Summary ..................................................3

    Bentley Smart Plan and OpenPlant THE uture path orward ............................ 5

    1. Using PDS in a MicroStation V8i Project Environment .....................................5

    Licensing is not an issue with SELECT ....................................................................... 6

    Integration with engineering analysis ........................................................................ 7

    2. Using PDS in a ProjectWise V8i Project Environment........................................7

    3. Bentley OpenPlant Suite ..........................................................................................8

    Standards-based interoperability to meet the demands o todays projects ............. 9

    Bentley OpenPlant is a managed environment or plant inormation ...................... 10

    Support or all disciplines across the plant liecycle ...............................................11

    4. Protecting PDS Data Investments using PDx Dynamic Review ......................13

    Choices empower innovation and creativity ............................................................13

    PDx Dynamic Review Live connection to PDS project ..........................................13

    Translation o PDS Data into ISO 15926 ormat ....................................................... 13

    Integrating PDx Dynamic Review with ProjectWise ................................................13

    Under the hood ......................................................................................................... 14

    5. PDS Data Handover..................................................................................................14

    PDS data in a standard, open ormat .......................................................................14

    Data warehouse ensures PDS data delity .............................................................. 15

    A scalable approach to data handover ..................................................................... 15

    6. Value Proposition of Bentleys OpenPlant ...........................................................16

    Global user resource pool ......................................................................................... 17

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    Making PDS Interoperable 3


    Since the launch o PDS in the mid 1980s, the users o this sotware or plant designhave made substantial investments in time creating project data, related catalogs, andspecications within PDS. In parallel, most PDS users have incrementally developed andevolved comprehensive business workfows, work processes, and system interaces tocomplement the PDS 3D modeling environment. Together, these eorts have improvedoverall project execution eciencies over the course o the past three decades.

    Now, with the introduction o SmartPlant, the user community aces the imminent end oPDSs product lie without a clear, cost-eective transition and migration plan rom thesotwares proprietor, Intergraph. With SmartPlant, PDS users are being orced to learnyet another proprietary system. Moreover, this system has taken so long to becomebarely viable that its undamental design premise rigidly enorcing centralized, mono-lithic, and static project structures has arguably already become unctionally obsolete.This is evident today by virtue o changes in the plant creation marketplace that eco-nomically avor globally sourced, loosely coupled project environments.

    In response to PDS users caught in this predicament, Bentley has developed aundamental migration approach that minimizes project and business risk during thisSmart Plan.

    A survey conducted by Bentley in 2008 ound that 90 percent o users said the transi-tion rom PDS was important to their business. Yet only 28 percent said they hadsucient inormation to make a business decision as to which path orward to take.This white paper closes that inormation gap by describing:

    Bentleys Smart Plan or PDS users, oering a clear migration path to broadinteroperability or reuse and choice;

    Bentleys comprehensive application portolio as an alternative, encompassing allinrastructure disciplines or all plant projects;

    Ways in which return on existing equity in PDS can be sustained.

    Bentleys Smart Plan for PDS Users

    Based on discussions with users over the past decade, Bentley has incrementallycommitted resources as part o a continuous innovation strategy to support PDS usersas they develop their use o PDS while considering their uture transition options. Thisincluded a commitment in 2002 to provide continued support and development o aspecic version o MicroStation/J used as the underlying technology platorm on which

    PDS is based today. Bentley continues this commitment with Smart Plan.

    A survey conducted by

    Bentley in 2008, 90 percent o

    users said the transition rom

    PDS was important to their

    business. Yet only 28 percent

    said they had sucient inor-

    mation to make a decision onwhich orward path to take.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 4

    Bentleys approach centers on providing PDS users with the ability to:

    1. Continue to leverage MicroStation and ProjectWise platorms;

    2. Natively access all PDS data or reerence outside o PDS;

    3. Publish PDS models, piping catalogs, and specications by way o ISO 15926 orother applications;

    4. Transition to and adopt OpenPlant applications to modiy existing PDS projects oruse OpenPlant applications or new projects.

    Continue to leverage MicroStation and ProjectWise platorms: BentleysMicroStation, the market-leading platorm or plant creation applications, providesintrinsic interoperability with second-place Autodesks DWG platorm, assuring univer-sal accessibility or dispersed project teams and or liecycle data reuse. MicroStationrobustly supports applications or every inrastructure discipline and will always proac-tively evolve to incorporate new data types, such as 3D PDF and point clouds.

    Bentleys ProjectWise collaboration servers are used by the majority o PDS user orga-nizations (even to manage PDS DGN deliverables) and are mission critical to managingdistributed enterprise workfows across other disciplines and projects.

    Natively access all PDS data or reerence outside o PDS: The ProjectWise PDxDynamic Review Service natively reerences and extracts all PDS model and le datawith ull delity directly rom PDSs existing Oracle or SQL Server databases withoutrequiring PDS sotware. Unlike the traditional DGN/DRV le route, ProjectWise PDxDynamic Review Service opens up the entire PDS project database and provides readaccess to anyone using Bentleys MicroStation, Bentley Navigator, or ConstructSim.

    Publish PDS models, piping catalogs, and specications by way o ISO 15926or other applications: The Bentley OpenPlant ModelServer V8iautomates the mi-

    gration o ull PDS models, as well as piping catalogs and specications, to ISO 15926so that PDS data can be readily shared across enterprise liecycle applications.

    Transition to and adopt OpenPlant applications to modiy existing PDSprojects or use OpenPlant applications or new projects: PDS models that havebeen automatically migrated to OpenPlant ModelServer are available to be edited andreused by any OpenPlant application, such as Bentley OpenPlant Modeler V8i withchanges and new models being maintained by OpenPlant ModelServer. This enablesthe secure management o both components and les, and avoids writing back to PDS.So while the integrity o any existing PDS database can never be jeopardized, owner-operators can generate increasing returns on the investment it represents.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 5

    Bentley Smart Plan and OpenPlant THE uture path orward

    PDS users can now leaprog into a modern, agile, open sotware environment thatassures them data reuse and interoperable choices among multiple toolsets orintegrated projects across all aspects and all types o plant creation, operations, andadaptation. Bentleys new OpenPlant oerings uniquely combine the most robust plat-orm and dynamic collaboration servers or accessibility, concurrent component- andle-based workfows, and comprehensive applications and services. At the same time,Bentley Smart Plan makes the unwarranted overpricing o current proprietary 3Dpiping applications as obsolete as the expensive UNIX workstations used or shad-ing cylinders so users can save while advancing. However, its because these gainscan be compounded with continued returns on PDS equity that Bentley now oersSmart Plan to PDS users.

    Many PDS users have already taken the rst steps in their Smart Plan. BentleySystems has consistently proven that by assuring orward interoperability, such suc-cession strategies or instance, with DGN and DWG oer compelling business

    opportunities. Bentley has absolutely established the viability o natively reerencingcomplete PDS models, and o bringing orward their value through ISO 15926-basedinteroperable accessibility.

    1. Using PDS in a MicroStation V8i Project Environment

    MicroStation has remained the preerred graphics platorm or PDS users or more than20 years, and continues to be integrated and used within PDS as the core o the sys-tem. MicroStation V8ibrings unparalleled advances to the core platorm technology,oering opportunities to expand into new markets, extend business competitiveness,and increase overall productivity. However, because PDS does not run on the latest

    MicroStation V8iplatorm, current PDS users are not able to take ull advantage o itsproductivity and time-saving enhancements.

    But all is not lost. Many PDS users are already beneting rom the latest MicroStation V8ieatures while continuing to work in the MicroStation/J environment on which PDSis based.

    Without additional conguration or compromising le delity, PDS users can take ulladvantage o MicroStation V8iunctionalities to:

    Plot 2D views to PDF, with PDS attributes attached to components, in a way thatssimilar to eatures oered in high-end visualization applications;

    Plot 3D models to PDF, and benet rom advanced printing eatures in MicroStation V8i;

    Assign materials to PDS models and use MicroStation V8is high-end visualizationcapabilities;

    Bentley has absolutely

    established the viability o

    natively reerencing complete

    PDS models, and o bringing

    orward their value through

    ISO 15926-based interoper-able accessibility.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 6

    Integrate with other discipline-specic environments already using Bentley applica-tions, such as or civil engineering, building design, and geospatial reerencing;

    Use MicroStation V8ior point cloud integration while reerencing PDS models;

    Take ull advantage o DWG le interoperability reerenced together with PDS models.

    PDS intelligence can be easily viewed using MicroStation V8ibased sotware.

    Licensing is not an issue with SELECT

    Todays plant design projects require combinations o sotware applications to accom-modate specic disciplines or tasks. Applications may also be provided by multiplevendors. Depending on what applications are required, users may need to switchbetween MicroStation/J and MicroStation V8ion the same workstation. For PDS us-ers, this work process is supported by Bentley, giving them more choice to extend thebusiness value rom current sotware investments.

    As part o Bentleys eort to continually add SELECT value, PDS users are able to ap-ply MicroStation/J licenses to MicroStation V8iprojects using SELECTserver. Licensescan be switched on and o as required, allowing PDS users to employ the same pool

    o MicroStation/J licenses or MicroStation V8iprojects as demand varies over thelie o a PDS project.

    Bentleys OpenPlant suite supports both desktop and server-based licensing togetherwith practitioners Passport Subscriptions, which in many cases cost less than the

    Many PDS users are

    already taking ull

    advantage o the latest

    MicroStation V8i eatureswhile continuing to work

    in the MicroStation/ J

    environment on which

    PDS is based.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 7

    maintenance charges or other vendors propriety sotware systems. In practice, thismeans users can select and use the right combination o seats and discipline-specicsotware to match the prole and variations in project demand.

    Integration with engineering analysis

    Bentleys engineering applications can also read PDS models through a single interace,which allows users a choice when it comes to pipe stress, nozzle stress, and fuid orpulsation analysis tools. Through this common interace, PDS users can accurately andeciently evaluate pipe geometry, loads, pipe properties, support types, and locations.

    Through a common neutral le, Bentleys engineering applications enable PDS users toperorm a wide range o integrated analysis tasks including:

    Gas or liquid fow analysis in process piping networks using an object-based graphi-cal interace or ast creation and modication o the piping fow model to determinenetwork fow analysis and pressure-drop calculations;

    Pulsation analysis o piping networks or analyzing compressor and pump piping;and estimation o acoustic mode shapes and requencies, and pulsation shakingorces on vessels and bends;

    Analysis o local stresses at vessel/nozzle intersections or cylindrical, spherical andconical vessels, and elliptical heads;

    Pipe-stress analysis delivered with a total o 26 piping codes, capable o sup-porting 20 thermal load cases, 10 wind load cases, and 10 earthquake load casestotaling 250 load combinations per model.

    The Bentley PDS analysis interace (STRAIT) is used to read the PDS stress module neutral fles (*.n).

    2. Using PDS in a ProjectWise V8i Project Environment

    Today, PDS users can index and query the PDS data within ProjectWise. By querying thePDS data rom the component index, users can view components and their associatedintelligence using MicroStation or Bentley Navigator to synchronize the PDS data

    Bentleys OpenPlant suite

    supports both desktop and

    server-based licensing

    together with Practitioners

    Passport licenses which inmany cases cost less than

    the maintenance charges

    or other vendors propriety

    sotware systems.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 8

    source with the ProjectWise component index using a common data model. The commondata model provides integration by using the same ProjectWise content managementenvironment to transact all project data, including PDS, MicroStation or AutoCAD les,and other CAD data les.

    ProjectWise is also used to eectively manage PDS outputs. PDS production deliver-ables (or example piping isometrics and orthographic drawings), can be automaticallytagged and routed to ProjectWise olders using the integration capabilities withinProjectWise. Project team members can share the PDS model as a reerence le withinother V8i-compatible applications. This work process also takes ull advantage oProjectWise eatures, including change control, distribution, and archiving at various

    stages in the document liecycle.

    3. Bentley OpenPlant

    Bentley OpenPlant has been developed to uniquely meet the new requirements o to-days globally sourced, loosely coupled project environments addressing the ollowingrequirements: universal accessibility, concurrent le- and component-based workfows,and comprehensive applications and services.

    The OpenPlant breakthrough is that it uniquely addresses all o these modern require-ments in combination:

    Universal accessibility: OpenPlant incorporates Bentleys robust MicroStation plat-

    orm the market leader or plant creation to provide intrinsic interoperability acrossDGN- and DWG-based interaces and applications already amiliar to almostall inrastructure proessionals, especially those in plant operations. By way o theMicroStation platorm, OpenPlant users are assured o inormation modeling continuity,including proactive support o emerging data types such as 3D PDF and laser point clouds.

    The Bentley OpenPlant

    suite has been developed

    to uniquely meet the

    new requirements o

    todays globally sourced,

    loosely coupled project

    environments ...

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    Making PDS Interoperable 9

    The OpenPlant Services packaging enables breakthroughs in ease o use and a-ordability, as MicroStation installations and licensing are not required, together withrole-based subscription licensing. OpenPlant is intrinsically based on the open ISO15926 data schema, assuring universal accessibility or dispersed project teams using

    disparate systems across the project liecycle.Concurrent le- and component-based workfows:OpenPlant ully leveragesProjectWise collaboration services, which are mission critical to managing distributedenterprise workfows across a wide range o disciplines and project types. Designedor todays real-world project environments encompassing individual practitioners,globally distributed engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractors, andsmall- and large-scale modularization o plant projects, OpenPlant succinctly meets andaddresses the resulting challenges or design, engineering, and handover throughoutthe project liecycle.

    Comprehensive applications and services: OpenPlant supports applications orevery inrastructure discipline with sotware and inormation modeling services that

    enable the integration o civil, geotechnical, electrical, instrumentation, equipment,structural, piping, and environmental engineering and construction.

    Standards-based interoperability to meet the demands o todays projects

    Bentley OpenPlant applications provide an integrated set o tools based on interna-tionally recognized industry standards and ormats (ISO 15926, XML, DGN, DWG, andPDF). These enable engineering contractors and plant owners to create and maintainthe digital inormation about a plant across its liecycle. Core to Bentleys approachis a data management and interoperability backbone based on ProjectWise and theOpenPlant (ISO 15926) schema handling both les and data.

    OpenPlant Modeler V8i, the rst commercially available 3D plant modeling sotwarebased on ISO 15926, is more versatile and productive than any existing 3D pipingapplication on the market today. Crucially, OpenPlant Modeler V8isupports projectworkfows or engineering, tracking, and management at the component data-centric design level, while concurrently accepting and producing conventional,le-based design work packages.

    OpenPlant ModelServer V8iprovides or the management o components on aProjectWise server or distributed team collaboration. In addition, OpenPlantModelServer V8ican automatically migrate PDS models, as well as associated pipingcatalogs and specications, to ISO 15926. As a result, PDS data can be readily sharedacross other OpenPlant applications.

    OpenPlant Isometrics Manager V8iextracts isometric inormation in a neutral ormatso it can be easily maintained, modied, and tracked outside o design systems. Thisnew tool provides management control capabilities or pipe models and isometricsrom not only OpenPlant, but also PDS.

    OpenPlant Modeler V8i,

    the rst commercially

    available 3D plant model-

    ing sotware based on

    ISO15926, is more versa-

    tile and productive than

    any existing 3D piping

    application available in

    the market today.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 10

    Bentley OpenPlant is a managed environment for plant information

    What does OpenPlant mean to an engineering contractor or a plant owner-operator ata business, project, and acility level?

    For the engineering contractor:OpenPlant allows inormation to be managed at a component level so that engineer-

    ing processes and project timescales can be compressed.

    Engineering contractors can, thereore, consolidate inormation across multipleengineering unctions in real time, improving overall quality and reducing rework.

    OpenPlant gives management immediate access to progress and perormancemetrics to manage project milestones better.

    OpenPlant provides a repeatable environment or managing handover requirementsto meet widely varying owner-operator requirements.

    For the plant owner-operator:

    OpenPlant helps reduce unscheduled plant shutdowns.

    According to AEA, over hal o unscheduled plant shutdowns are caused by theselection o the wrong equipment due to lack o inormation. BASF estimates thatplants experience several unscheduled shutdowns a year, many due to poor data.

    OpenPlant keeps plant inormation up to date, accurate, and available to those whorequire it including the maintenance manager, who needs the latest drawings andmanuals; the procurement manager, who needs the latest spec sheets; or the plantengineer, who needs the latest drawings, spec sheets, and running history.

    OpenPlant helps reduce the surplus material ordered by every project.

    Even the best projects order as much as 5 percent surplus material, and its notunusual to nd a surplus o 20 percent. In any case, surplus material is usuallyscrapped, which wastes money and adversely aects overall operating margins.

    OpenPlant provides a central, managed backbone that integrates all engineeringdisciplines and project systems. So rom the ERP-based purchasing system to theproject management system scheduling the construction, everyone involved in theprocurement process can see what is required, what has been purchased, what ison site, and when deliveries are scheduled. OpenPlant provides a central projectdatabase rom which all material inormation across all engineering unctions canbe extracted. It also centrally manages construction drawings, as well as the designmodels rom which the drawings were extracted.

    In addition, OpenPlant can rationalize materials across the project giving projectmanagers accurate, complete inormation to make better procurement decisions.For example, OpenPlants contract management interace manages key inormationacross multiple contractors deliverables during construction.

    OpenPlant ModelServer

    V8ican automatically

    migrate PDS models, as

    well as associated pipingcatalogs and specications,

    to ISO 15926.

    OpenPlant allows manage-

    ment o inormation at a

    component level so that

    engineering processes and

    project timescales can be

    compressed. Engineering

    contractors can thereore

    consolidate inormation

    across multiple engineer-

    ing unctions in real time,

    improving overall quality

    and reducing rework.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 12

    Connection: Enabling plant systems on the business side and those on the operationsside to connect and exchange inormation, both at the le and component level.

    Management: Allowing users to:

    Assess the impact o proposed changes,

    Manage the distribution o change,

    Keep all engineering data up to date,

    Use data at both the le and component level.

    Query: Creating a nexus o inormation, including powerul search and query options toretrieve and display inormation through the plants history and in context, using stan-dard oce tools such as Adobe PDF Reader, Internet browsers, and Microsot Oce.

    Visualization: Providing powerful interactive visualization capabilities, including:

    2D schematics, diagrams, and spreadsheets,

    3D models,

    4D animation (adding the time dimension),

    5D (adding a dimension o cost, resources, or state o completion).

    In addition, all these visualizations can be made available to the project throughAdobes PDF ormat.

    Design and analysis: As a leading provider o computer-aided engineering designand analysis tools or process plant design and construction, Bentley understands thetrue nature o plant engineering inormation. Based on the two leading CAD packages,MicroStation and AutoCAD, these tools work with the OpenPlant environment to create,analyze, and maintain maturing engineering inormation throughout the assets liecycle:

    Front-end engineering and design (FEED), including interaces to major simulationvendors, equipment sizing, costing, and automatic creation o PFDs and P&IDs;

    Functional plant design, including process design cases, piping and instrumentationdiagrams, electrical/wiring diagrams, datasheets, and instrument hook-ups;

    Physical plant design, including piping, equipment, electrical raceway, civil, struc-tural, structural detailing, reinorced concrete design and detailing, HVAC/ducting,hangers, and supports;

    Engineering analysis, including pipe and structural stress analysis, nozzle/vesselconnection, steady state fow and pulsation analysis, building perormance analysis,environmental impact assessment and risk-based inspection planning.

    OpenPlant creates a nexus

    o inormation, and includes

    powerul search and query

    options to retrieve and

    display inormation through

    the plants history

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    Making PDS Interoperable 13

    4. Protecting PDS Data Investments Using

    ProjectWise PDx Dynamic Review

    Choices empower innovation and creativity

    The ability to exchange existing or legacy data among CAD systems provides userswith more choices when it comes to maintaining or extending operating margins oncurrent and uture projects. In the same way, data exchange helps reduce risk o aschedule overrun during engineering data handover into plant operations.

    When combined with other Bentley OpenPlant applications, ProjectWise PDxDynamic Review utilizes and ully exploits legacy 3D CAD data in a ormat that isreadily accepted by a growing amily o compatible CAD applications.

    ProjectWise PDx Dynamic Review live connection to PDS projects

    PDx Dynamic Review connects to a PDS project and accesses all design inormationwithin the project without requiring PDS sotware or licenses. Unlike the traditionalDGN/DRV le route, PDx Dynamic Review opens up the entire PDS project databaseand provides read access to anyone using MicroStation V8ior Bentley Navigator V8i,or open applications that can read an ISO 15926 data model. Users can see the break-down structure o the PDS model in a hierarchy browser, select and zoom to individualobjects, and display all PDS property inormation or any object in a property dialogusing the same display order used in PDS.

    Translation o PDS data into ISO 15926 ormat

    PDx Dynamic Review saves PDS data into the ISO 15926 ormat, thus allowing a PDSproject to be accessed and reused in an open ormat with other ISO 15926-compliantapplications, such as Bentleys OpenPlant PowerPID. Once in this open ormat, userscan collaborate on a heterogeneous project.

    PDx Dynamic Review also enables legacy PDS data to be saved into the ISO 15926ormat, extending the lie o the data beyond the lie o the PDS application. The inor-mation can be accessed and managed across the liecycle o the inrastructure usingtools such as eB Data Quality Manager (ormerly ProjectWise Liecycle Server). Thisprovides a deliverable o all PDS data, rom the project phase to operations, in a ormatthat can be taken into operations and maintenance systems.

    Integrating PDx Dynamic Review with ProjectWiseIntegrating PDx Dynamic Review with ProjectWise enables PDS users to add value tocurrent PDS workfows by automating the review process and distributing and trackingPDS content across the project. This is provided by PDx Dynamic Review Service work-ing with ProjectWise Integration Server.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 14

    Under the hood

    PDx Dynamic Review operates on native PDS project design les. It can be run romany workstation since only the PDS les are required. The resulting 3D model conormsto the OpenPlant ISO 15926-based public domain schema. The object class denitionreturned rom the process is dened in a mapping le, which uses the RDBMS tablereerenced by the geometric objects as the primary identier. The resulting plant modelhas the ull hierarchical engineering structure o the original process plant design.

    PDx Dynamic Review creates native MicroStation design les (DGN ormat) or i-mod-els. The application does not require a PDS license to access the original PDS sourcedata. As a result, PDx Dynamic Review re-establishes control o the evolving digitalinormation asset and enables work-sharing and collaboration among companies withdierent CAD systems exchanging data with other plant design systems. The abilityto exchange data between disparate applications into a neutral model, without loss oinormation, also allows users to capitalize on existing resource investments. It alsoremoves dependencies on closed, proprietary plant design systems by removing migra-

    tion dependencies rom legacy products such as PDS.

    5. PDS Data Handover

    PDS data in a standard, open ormat

    Advances in the MicroStation V8itag ormat provide a undamental data storage andhandover environment that exploits the portability o MicroStation design les. Thisis especially useul or owner-operators who do not want the burdens o investing in,training on, and maintaining a complex 3D design system that impose work-processchanges requiring specialized CAD expertise. PDS model intelligence can now be

    delivered by EPCs in MicroStation V8iormat, allowing owner-operators to review andutilize 3D models to support plant operations.

    Using MicroStation V8itag unctionality, EPCs can retain ull PDS model and dataintelligence to an agreed tag data ormat within a V8ile. This eliminates the need tomaintain the PDS model. It also provides a simple yet cost-eective handover option.MicroStations DGN le ormat gives owners a wider range o options to extend thevalue o their PDS investment based on:

    Viewing and querying plant data held in DGN or DWG les using Bentley View a ree, easy-to-use viewer;

    Viewing and querying plant data held in DGN or DWG les using Bentley Navigator

    a powerul, easy-to-use 4D and 5D visualization and simulation application;Extending tag data held in a DGN le to include materials management inormation

    or business system data rom SAP. This approach also aords a logical migrationpath as part o an integrated data warehouse implementation strategy, since datacan remain in the DGN le until the warehouse strategy is ully implemented;

    PDx Dynamic Review

    creates native MicroStation

    design les (DGN ormat)

    or i-models. The applicationdoes not require a PDS

    license to access the

    original PDS source data.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 15

    Using simple isometric sketch tools to capture as-built changes in MicroStationDGN les.

    And, o course, with PDx Dynamic Review Service, PDS models can be saved in the ISO15926 ormat, extending the lie o the data to match the lie o the plant itsel.

    Data warehouse ensures PDS data fdelity

    In capital projects, owner-operators are increasingly using data warehousing technologyto capture and manage data rom engineering and technical inormation sources (suchas models and documents) as part o handover rom their contractors. This inormation isextracted rom a multitude o dierent engineering design, analysis and related systems.

    Owner-operators and a growing number o EPCs use data repositories and data ware-houses to capture and manage the delity (consistency, completeness, and correctness)o inormation handed over within the extended enterprise contractors, subcontrac-tors, vendors, and suppliers which is then used to populate downstream operations

    systems. This integration has been shown to save signicant time, eort, and moneyduring handover. Data warehouses are urther used to manage subsequent engineeringchanges during operations.

    In a survey o PDS users, 80 percent o respondents said that having better changemanagement such as revision control, audit trail, and design history within the PDSenvironment would make them more competitive.

    At the core o Bentleys approach to supporting handover into operations are:

    ProjectWise, a repository o engineering content data that improves the quality,visibility, and reliability o data coming in rom multiple systems and data sources,

    eB Data Quality Manager, a ull-eature engineering data warehouse and repository.

    Both combine and use the OpenPlant schema to capture PDS project data associatedwith a physical asset to populate eB Data Quality Manager.

    While PDS design tools ocus on design and engineering, eB Data Quality Manageris designed to also capture and store a ull change history o PDS data or the entireliecycle o the asset. eB Data Quality Manager provides the perect complement to thePDS design system, with ull change control, management, and reporting combined withchange impact analysis.

    A scalable approach to data handover

    As the cornerstone to a managed, data handover environment, eB Data Quality Managerhas a powerul data consolidation engine that takes data rom a variety o sources, includ-ing PDS, and ensures that data are stored only once so data are consistent, correct, andcomplete. Data are stored in an open, neutral ormat. Storage, presentation, and businessrules are independent o the source that created the data. These are requirements orliecycle data management, in which data and assets must be viable over decades.

    eB Data Quality Manager

    is designed to also capture

    and store a ull change

    history o PDS data or

    the entire liecycle o

    the asset

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    Making PDS Interoperable 16

    PDS design tools do not ocus on data interoperability, but on data creation within theconnes o the PDS design environment. eB Data Quality Manager or PDS users isextensible, in that it is designed to publish and retrieve inormation across a variety osources, including systems or procurement, document management, and maintenance.

    6. Value Proposition of Bentleys OpenPlant

    The process industry seeks to capitalize on the productivity benets o data-centricity such as the ability to collaborate across time zones, multiple oce locations, andgeography and the power to manage change to a new level o granularity. The toolsand technologies provided by Bentleys OpenPlant applications enable and accelerateundamental change in work process and associated workfows, lowering overall costo ownership based on:

    Lower seat cost: Subscription-based licensing means the cost to deploy the requiredunctionality or each OpenPlant design seat is typically one-third that o our competitors.

    Reduced deployment time: The time required to install the sotware with associatedproject requirements and have the sotware up and running in production is typicallyless than hal that o competitive products.

    Reduced operational costs: Rather than requiring one inormation system (IS) stamember or every ve design seats, a single IS sta member typically supports 20-30 seats o Bentley sotware, signicantly reducing the ongoing support costs overthe lietime o the project.

    There are several unique advantages Bentley can provide to PDS users today with itsSmart Plan including:

    Coexistence with Intergraph applications, enabling users to retain their

    investments; Retain a MicroStation-stable inrastructure;

    Access to alternative proven tools to oset risk;

    A more open and robust managed environment;

    The ability to eectively manage both existing tools and new alternative tools;

    The ability to minimize project risk and maximize business value.

    Bentleys subscription-based licensing oers a low-cost, low-risk approach to attain-ing the advantages;

    Bentley partners with users as they work through their transition strategy.

    Users conrm that it takes

    one-third as long to become

    productive using Bentley

    sotware, compared with

    competitors products.

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    Global user resource pool

    Another important advantage, which must be considered a priority when evaluatinga PDS transition strategy, is that Bentleys plant design applications have the largest

    trained and globally available user base o any plant design vendor. Product support: Bentley supports and is committed to applications that work in

    MicroStation and AutoCAD environments. Because these are the de acto standards,a large number o designers are already trained in these products. High availability ooperators allows quicker stang o ast-track projects.

    Time to productivity: Another actor is time to ull productivity how long it takesa designer to learn and use the new sotware in a production environment. Ease ouse and rapid training are critical. Users conrm that it takes one-third as long tobecome productive using Bentley sotware, compared with competitors products.

    Scalability: Signicant benets come rom being able to use the same sotware onlarge or small projects.

    About OpenPlant

    Bentleys OpenPlant sotware or plant creation is based on ISO 15926, an open datamodel. The OpenPlant oerings are the only commercially available products to shareand meet the primary goal o the iRING user community (www.iringug.org) thatis, to enable real-time, seamless sharing and interoperability o data and inormationacross dierent organizations and systems using an internationally recognized standard.

    About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

    Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, geospatialproessionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive sotware solu-tions or sustaining inrastructure. Bentleys mission is to empower its users to leverageinormation modeling through integrated projects or high-perorming intelligent inra-structure. Its solutions encompass the MicroStation platorm or inrastructure designand modeling, the ProjectWise platorm or inrastructure project team collaboration andwork sharing, and the AssetWise platorm or inrastructure asset operations all sup-porting a broad portolio o interoperable applications and complemented by worldwideproessional services. Founded in 1984, Bentley has grown to nearly 3,000 colleagues inmore than 45 countries and $500 million in annual revenues. Since 2001, the companyhas invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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    Making PDS Interoperable 18

    Additional inormation about Bentley is available at www.bentley.com and in Bent-leys annual report. For Bentley news as it happens, subscribe to an RSS eed o Bentleypress releases and news alerts. To view a searchable collection o innovative inrastruc-ture projects rom the annual Be Inspired Awards, access Bentleys Year in Inrastructure

    publications. To access a proessional networking site that enables members o theinrastructure community to connect, communicate, and learn rom each other, visit BeCommunities.

    To download the Bentley Inrastructure 500 Top Owners ranking, a unique globalcompendium o the top public- and private-sector owners o inrastructure based on thevalue o their cumulative inrastructure investments, visit www.bentley.com/500.

    2012 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the B Bentley logo, MicroStation, MicroStation/J, ModelServer, SELECTserver, ProjectWise, and SELECT, areeither registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks o Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one o its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Otherbrands and product names are trademarks o their respective owners. DAA038840-1/0002 01/12
