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Soul-shuddering Revelation of Heaven and Hell.
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Author of Josephs Revelation

...FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!The VISION OF HELL that came to Joseph P. Chaddock in 1985 was never ever intended for publication. Only NOW has our Heavenly Father mandated that this horrific soul-shuddering Revelation finally be told!

This story contains two Revelations: One of Heaven, and the other of Hell. The first occurred in 1961 when Joseph P. Chaddock at the age of seven was taken up to Heaven (whether in the body or out of the body God knoweth). The second is The Revelation of Hell that happened in 1985, some 24 years later.

I will never forget that awful day of horror in 1985 when the devil tried to murder me after I rejected him and chose Jesus Christ. One summers night in 1985, I, Joseph after being tempted particularly harshly by the devil went straight off to bed at the bewitching hour. Trying to fight-off the devils manipulation for years, it was on this particular night when I would finally succumb and yield to the romancing bait of an Occult kingdom. In a Vision I was offered all of the worldly pleasures I had ever wanted. Foolishly accepting the invitation to this Wiccans Invocation I was given right-of-entry into the most secret of Occult realms, where Dark Powers rule and reign. But this dark visitation was completely different than the childhood Revelation I had of Heaven as a seven-year-old boy. For this actually was a satanic ritual where the buying and selling of souls was daily commerce? That once I submitted under its Power made me to suffer as if I had died, where I abruptly was taken to Hell. Unimaginably daunted by the fatal ritual I felt what seemed like a hundred hands groping me and race across my body, taunting me with unattainable fantasy. Then with a shriek of terror dragged me away! In darkness unseen hands pushed a chalice filled with an unknown fluid up to my mouth and beckoned for me to drink it. I no longer was in this world.

2 Mesmerized under its spell I popped-up like a tightly wound jack-in-the-box horrified by what actually happened. For a door into another realm had just been opened that once you obtain its secret power wont let you leave? Profusely drenched in sweat I was punished as the prisoner of gross darkness. That upon my offering and sacrifice being deemed worthy I spent the next several hours slipping deeper into darkness peeling back layer after layer of supernatural fabric manifesting a secret and forbidden dark underworld. Until finally hidden underneath all of the darkness there was revealed to me in the farthest corner of the gloomy chamber Uttermost Darkness which stood by himself all alone! He had an odor that was feral and raw, and its indistinct low timbre was guttural. At first glance the black figure appeared to be the shadow of a man. I thought it odd how a black shadow could visibly stand-out in a pitch black room? Until the Uttermost Darkness turned and put his gaze on me, and with a wicked grin beckoned for me to come. Then I knew this was no shadow. As I creped slowly edging dangerously closer toward the Dark creature I foolishly summoned, I saw it clearly towering all the way to the ceiling. Thats when I realized HE WAS NOT HUMAN.

Having experienced paranormal phenomenon like Astral Projection and Out-of-Body experiences frequently I knew that what was happening to me was not any of those. For this was not any kind of hallucination triggered by some neurological mechanism, nor was it a dream. But that this was a telepathic portal of Occult power that once it becomes activated by a willing chosen vessel brings the unseen realm of Darkness manifest visibly to this present world. Uttermost Darkness had waited patiently a very long time for my offering. But once it realized that his own demons were not fully able to capture my soul, he became personally manifest to me in this world for one reason only: to steal, kill and destroy that, which belonged to GOD, me? Helplessly cowering before the scepter of Satan, I knelt down fully expecting to either be slaughtered or become his amoral slave. Until I remembered how only a few weeks previously I had invited and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, and that I was a newly born-again Christian. Right then I proclaimed to the Uttermost Darkness with an authority that was not my own, I belong to JESUS now LEAVE ME! Violently I was rocketed off my feet rejected by the Dark creature and was thrown backwards more than twelve feet landing all the way in the adjacent room. That at the name of Jesus, immediately, the dark spell was broken and I became fully awake and lucid. Bewildered at what just happened I sat upon the cold chamber floor six-feet underground and watched as the towering Angel of Darkness shriveled into a tiny dot of red light and then hovered in mid-air, in exactly the place where forbidden blackness and evil once stood? Then the dot of red light uncontrollably began to quiver and whizzed around the room. Faster and faster it raced, circling counter-clockwise passing by me many times seemingly angry at my rejection of him, until suddenly, the quivering dot of red light shot straight out a little pinhole and became consumed in white light which broke through upon the chamber floor from the new morning dawn. In 1887 Martin Luther (the Father of the Reformation) one night heard noises in his room. He lit a candle and checked to see if the doors were locked. As he turned, he saw the devil himself seated in a chair with a wicked smile on his face... "Oh, it's only you," said Luther, who blew out the candle and returned to bed.

3 Wrestling the angel of darkness I had drawn close to GOD, resisted the devil and he fled. I thought; this is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world. Then I knew that we are not living during any ordinary time in history, but that we are living during the most extraordinary time spoken of in Scripture given to the saints of God: For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom 8:19). Rejoice for that time is NOW at hand!

Before I become a Christian in 1985 I was the least likely candidate to ever receive Christ and become saved. In fact with every opportunity I boldly defied God, telling Him angrily, I WILL NEVER ACCEPT JESUS AS MY SAVIOR, NEVER! God, You must have made a mistake concerning my life; I dont need to be saved. I passionately hated the Church and most especially JESUS, and I went out of my way to criticize and ridicule Christians for their belief. I blasphemed GOD repeatedly until I was sure that I had sealed my fate and that I would most certainly be sent straight to Hell. Having used hard drugs for 15 years, I tried on many occasion to quit but could NOT. Until one day my desire to use drugs became too strong for me that I couldnt stand in any longer. Thats when I contemplated taking my own life. I remember clearly THAT DAY in 1985 because I was six-foot underground living in the dark basement chamber of the exact same house where I was conceived by my father and mother in a second floor upper room some thirty year previously, in 1954. But 1985 because of sin I was in gross darkness living like a dead man who was entombed six-feet underground already rotting away in my own grave. Only the God of Purpose could have orchestrated it that way? That was when a Miracle suddenly happened to me. And as I walked across the basement (chamber) floor something stopped me right in my tracks and caused me to stand perfectly still. Thats when I felt the tangible Presence of a HOLY GOD enter into the basement. Then I felt the embrace of a loving GOD reach all the way around my whole body and gave me a super huge spiritual hug. As if God reached out His own hands, He touched me inside and outside of my body, soul and spirit. Becoming powerless I heard GOD speak to me, I AM what you have SEARCHED for your ENTIRE life.

4 I knew something beautiful and unique had just happened to me. That for the very first time my rejection and persecution of Jesus Christ was gone. Right there I submitted fully before GOD and said, YES, LORD. Instantly all my chains were broken and I was totally set free. And the suffering from 15 years of hard drug abuse became completely healed on that day. I was thirty-years-old when I finally asked Jesus into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I had been using drugs for over half of my life at that time. Thats the DAY when Jesus touched me! Without realizing it back then God had been listening to my heart crying out for him, that at the appropriate time He met me right where I was. The glorious event of how I personally met God and became saved happened just two weeks prior to having the near fatal encounter with the Prince of Darkness.

I will never forget that awful day of horror in 1985 when the devil tried to murder me after I rejected him and chose Christ. The certainty of losing me to God made Satan so furious that in retaliation he lied to me profusely by offering me a dark Vision full of pleasures untold. Satan is the father of lies, and he tried to steal my soul to prevent me from telling the Vision of Woe that the LORD had given me in 1961. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Col 1:3). What the LORD requires from us for True Repentance, I have experienced: For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death (2 Cor 7:10). MAKE NO MISTAKE THE DEVIL IS REAL. BUT the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. Rom 16:20 THANK YOU FATHER GOD FOR JESUS!

THIS CONCLUDES Please read THE REVELATION THAT the Devil tried to prevenT!

The horrifying VISION of WOE that the Lord gave me as a young child in 1961 was so disturbing it could not be told to any other person for 50 years. How at the tender age of seven, Joseph P. Chaddock was taken up to the third Heaven to witness three consecutive Last-Days visions. FINALLY NOW, some 50 years after the soul-shuddering event, can this End-Time Revelation be told?

The picture on the following page describes what Joseph P. Chaddock saw at the age of seven. Had the author wanted for other people to know about the revelation that came to him in 1961, then he would have shared it publically at any of the hundreds of meetings he has held while ministering in over 21 nations of the world... BUT HE NEVER TOLD ANYONE!

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Isaiah 60:2



For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Isaiah 60:2Copyright 2014 Josephs Revelation. All rights reserved.

And, they said to me: TAKE KEYS, six for on either side. And give him another KEY, thirteen keys in all to gain access through and inside of both realms. Then He declared to me, Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Matt 18:18It was during the summer of 1961 that I, Joseph, at the age of seven was taken up to the third Heaven to witness a Vision of Woe on three consecutive nights. I remember being taken up to Heaven (whether in the body, or out of the body God knoweth), and gazing up at an immensely tall and towering gate. At the time of my Vision darkness covered the whole earth, and gross darkness the people a disturbing and sorrowful time for humanity which was particularly more awful and even darker than on the DAY when Jesus Christ was brutally crucified upon the Cross for the sins of the world, when the sky turned black. I did not comprehend gross darkness the people, nor did I understand my reason for being called to Heaven, but I was instructed to pay close attention to witness what was happening in the outer court of Heaven only and not to what was going on inside Heaven itself. It was in the outer court of Heaven that I was invited to stand beside a beautifully ornate altar. Faceted all around the ornate altar were jewel-like eyes that were watching in every direction. Arranged upon the altar were the books of judgment and the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Guarding the books were governing angels of Heaven, whose role it was to protect and oversee the books. 7

Once my eyes adjusted to the gross dark overcast, I realized this was no ordinary dream; and that I was the only human being standing with the governing angels. Watching with great earnest, I stood in the outer court of Heaven petrified between the beautifully ornate altar and the tall and towering gate of Heaven which now stood open before me. Facing me was what can only be described as the judgment seat, the Bema, of Jesus Christ where the souls of men are judged. I watched while thrones were put in place, and the Lord of Glory was seated. I suddenly became deeply troubled by a long line of people who I saw coming, standing and waiting. Their number was without measure. Who are they? I asked. Do you not know? said one of the governing angels. Those are the sons of man, the resurrection of the living and the dead, those who are now called to appear before God to account for their lives. Then a great silence hushed throughout Heaven making the judgments which were about to be announced more dreaded. The line of people, whose number was beyond the count of grief, appeared to be never-ending, stretching beyond what seemed like an eternity. I sensed that the magnitude of human suffering is about to graduate to a significantly higher level. Then through gross darkness, I watched as each persons immortal soul was separated and summoned one by one to stand before the Lord of Glory. I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and I witnessed as the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was to be cast into the lake of fire. The end of my first Vision of Woe! Josephs Revelation was at the transformation when Time and Eternity are separated; where eternity begins, and temporal man enters immortality to live forever with God. The Prophesy marks the beginning of the end which is yet to come. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Isaiah 60:2 When I received the revelation I was seven years old. Each encounter of gross darkness the people became more horribly magnified as shown by the cover drawing. It was so troubling and frightful that I lamented sorrowfully with the Vision and hid it deep within my heart for 50 years. During those years, I did not discuss the Vision of gross darkness with anyone, fearing they would not believe me. For decades, I tried to shake off those memories, but they always would come back to trouble me. Thinking, why me Lord? I would encounter still two more Visions of immense sorrow and great woe. 8

I was not among those that stood in the seemingly endless line waiting to be judged. Commanded only to pay attention to what happened to each persons soul, I watched quietly. As each one was summoned, I looked intently upon each face and was permitted to feel the profound deep sorrow that each soul felt while they stood before ALMIGHTY GOD. Like the violent severing of a double-edged sword, I immediately sensed inside of myself their indescribable pain and deep piercing separation; as if each persons worst agony and horror was somehow revealed inside me. I saw the sudden burst of surprise that appeared upon each face and the shock of utter disbelief as each one came trembling forward. Then I felt the un-quenching torment and anguish that each one of them felt, as what was written in the books of judgment was read to each one privately. Many cried for MERCY saying, LORD, Lord, surely you cant mean me? They cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing. As on no other day before, on that terrible and awful Day of the Lord where gross darkness can never be comprehended, the howling of fallen souls echoed loudly throughout the outer court of Heaven. Their judgment was final; then each one was cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. The end of my second Vision of Woe! There is no way I can begin to describe the amount of grief that I felt or the suffering consequence that was revealed to me for each lost soul that will echo in eternity. However, their pain must be the kind of suffering that every unrepentant sinner will feel eternally, as when standing before God on Judgment Day. When Gods mercy and grace are no longer sufficient for thee, and are removed totally. This happened to me three consecutive nights. Each morning, I awoke safe in my bed. I wondered why such a distressing Vision of Woe was given to me, to experience the suffering agony and painful sting for those people. Only God knows for sure. Throughout the Vision of gross darkness I was not permitted to know any of the details for the sins of the damned, only the Sin itself like: UNFORGIVENESS. I cried out, trembling; Who then can be saved? The angel told me, Only the people that have the True Forgiveness of Christ at work in their heart up to the end shall be saved. The other angel explained, The people in gross darkness that you witnessed and were permitted to feel their pain are the ones who agreed with what the Bible teaches about forgiving others. But being bound-up by Iniquity their foolish heart was darkened and they permanently stained their souls by refusing to be cleansed from the bitterroot of unforgiveness; and judgment was still at work in their heart at the time of death. God gave them every chance to remove gross darkness from their heart, and to forgive others in the way that Jesus had forgiven them. But now those foolish souls stand condemned cut off cast into outer darkness. 9

I fell down upon my face to measure the cost: This senseless and tragic loss is far too great to comprehend. How could anyone believe in God for all those years, yet forsake partaking in Christs Salvation only because of unforgiveness, bitterness and judgment. Everyone, especially professing Christians, must become like Christ and forgive anyone who may have hurt or offended them while we still have the chance. Otherwise it will be too late. I was dismayed when I saw gross darkness the people. And my heart wavered frighteningly. Then the next one came, and so on until all of the damned were separated. Then I saw those who were faithful and overcame; God wiped away all the tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And forthwith the immensely tall and towering gate of Heaven that once stood open was shut up completely! None of us know precisely the day or the hour when Jesus, the Son of God will return. In fact the Bible says, Not the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Mark 13:32. Like a thief in the night every one of us will one day stand before ALMIGHTY GOD to give an account for our life. In fact on that DAY Jesus will say one of two things. But on THAT DAY, what will Jesus say to you? Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world. Matt 25:34. Or will He say, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angel? Matt 25:41. Wouldnt it be a tragedy then, for any one of us professing to believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ for Salvation to get all the way to the very gate of Heaven only to be denied inheriting the Kingdom of God and the FRUIT of Gods unfailing mercy, love and grace, simply for refusing to forgive someone who hurt or offended us. BUT ITS TRUE For according to the Bible IF YOU DO NOT FORGIVE OTHER PEOPLE THEIR TRESPASSES (sins) THEN NEITHER WILL YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN FORGIVE YOU YOUR SINS. The Bible warns there are many types of sin that will separate us from inheriting the kingdom of Heaven and cast us into hell forever. But far too often it is the SIN of UNFORGIVENESS that is the Least Repented Sin of them all. 10

Whether you are a Catholic, Protestant or another religion altogether, every day every one of us stands in the Valley of Decision, somewhere Between Heaven and Hell. For if thou, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? Ps 130:3 The promised gift of Salvation is FREE, and is available to anyone who repents of their sin. For he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:16. The Biblical view about forgiveness and repentance is clear, and it compels from every Christian that in order for Salvation to be complete and remain in effect there must be one critical action that is in operation in the life of every sinner. However overlooking this one critical action can block the way for us to no longer be able to apply what Jesus did upon the Cross to our sin. But by our doing and maintaining this one critical action shows GOD whether or not we truly are born-again. Moreover our sin, which is removed, can never be held against us. On the DAY that JESUS was crucified for the SINS of the world; Jesus who was completely blameless and without sin prayed for us from the Cross. He prayed: FATHER, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO! Jesus also commands us: Our Father in Heaven forgive us our sins (debts) AS we FORGIVE others for their sins This One Critical Action for Salvation to remain in effect is: IF YOU DO NOT FORGIVE OTHER PEOPLE THEIR TRESPASSES (debts) NEITHER WILL YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN FORGIVE YOU YOUR TRESSPASSES. Matt 6:15. Therefore I will judge you, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord, GOD Almighty. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin. Ezekiel 18:30 Gods nature is benevolent, and He sincerely desires the eternal happiness of all. The Lord is not slow to do what He has promised, as some think. Instead, He is patient with you, because He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from sin. 2 Peter 3:9 His patience toward sinners proves that He is willing that we all should be saved. However if we continue to test the Finished Work of Jesus upon the Cross of Calvary by holding unforgiveness in our heart against others, when God has given us ample time and space to forgive, then He will deal severely with us on THAT DAY. For it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Heb 10:31 IF YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED FORGIVENESS FOR YOUR SINS, AND AFTER READING THIS STORY YOU REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE UNFORGIVENESS IN YOUR HEART AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON. THEN PLEASE ASK JESUS TO HELP YOU TO FORGIVE THOSE PEOPLE WHO MAY HAVE HURT or OFFENDED YOU. For His power to forgive lives inside you: Jesus said: FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. Lk 23:34How we consider and respond to this Call to Forgiveness may very well determine where we will spend Eternity. Selah!

This concludes


JOSEPHS REVELATION and Wrestling The Angel Of Darkness are true-life events which happened to Joseph P. Chaddock in 1961 at age seven and in1985. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Isa 60:2It is therefore my Calling and hearts desire to offer Josephs Revelation to any group or congregation FREE, to hand out for any type of service. My desire also is to see Josephs Revelation translated into other languages, to use and give away at crusades. My problem however is lack of money. I have been a missionary serving the Lord in 21 nations around the world, since 1999. Should you be able to underwrite this project in any way, please contact me at my email address below?I am happy to meet with you face-to-face. [email protected] JESUS SAID: And as you go, proclaim, saying, the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. You have received freely, freely give. Do not provide gold nor silver, nor copper in your purses, nor a bag for the journey, nor two coats, nor sandals, nor staves. For the workman is worthy of his wages. Mat 10:8-10God Bless you, Joseph P. Chaddock

Joseph P. Chaddock,


Joseph P. Chaddock is a different style of missionary, who in addition to hosting outreaches of love and compassion has also contributed programs that address many of our overwhelming social concerns today: Such as hunger, poverty and disease. He is the founder of Global AIDS Day, Medical Samaritan, World Storehouse and The Orphans of AIDS. All of which have helped provided humanitarian aid, food, water and shelter to some of the poorest people of more than 21 nations. Joseph travels extensively throughout the world to speak at crusades, seminars and churches to testify HOW: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever is the ONE solely responsible for his miraculous healing. Joseph is an international worship leader that frequently has prophetic words of encouragement of Musical Prayer. His Musical Prayer promotes an active demonstration of Faith which release healing streams over the body, soul and spirit. It is while he is worshipping the Lord when GOD regularly exudes the gift of healing, where upon a number of occasions people were spontaneously healed from all kinds of disease both mental and physical.But before he could answer the Call to serve, Joseph Chaddock was no stranger to sickness and disease. In 1997 Josephs life changed dramatically when he was suddenly diagnosed with hepatitis C. And by 1999 the not curable disease struck him so hard that he could barely crawl, and he begged for GOD to take him home. Previously treated for years for an acute kidney defect, Joseph had already undergone several surgeries. But thinking that his doctors had finally cured him, his health once again deteriorated when he was diagnosed as bi-polar, manic depressive and suicidal. That was just the beginning of a myriad of many life-threatening diseases, and much more pain.In 1999 Joseph was healed and was ordained as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is commissioned on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel. In 2004 he became an Associate Pastor for a large African Church, RCCG. He is a skilled writer who has authored numerous books including, Between Heaven and Hell; Unveiling the Dominion of Man; GOD AND YOU? - I Fell From the Big Nut Tree, JESUS CHRIST: The Empirical Miracle and the popular novel: The Social Terrorist. Presently he is composing the Musical Prayer music CD for distribution sometime in 2014. You can view a more detailed listing of his work of compassion online. Email: [email protected]

Published by Scribd and protected under copyright law. Joseph P. Chaddock. All rights reserved.

Published by Scribd and protected under copyright law. Joseph P. Chaddock. All rights reserved.Chronicles of a miracle worker!Dr. Joseph P. ChaddockJoseph P. ChaddockJoseph Chaddock, The Walking Evangelist
