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Narrative Writing What is Narrative? Often, the word narrative is synonymous with story. A narrative is the story (fiction or non-fiction) told and the order in which it is told. Sometimes, there is a narrator, a character or series of characters, who tell the story. Sometimes, as with most non-fiction, the author himself/herself in the narrator. You are narrators of your own lives all the time. Something happens in class. You go to lunch; then, you tell the details that are important to you in the order that seems right to you. The story that you tell is a narrative. A reporter who tells a human interest story for the Olympics about an athlete that fought for years to get to the Olympics might emphasize his hardship, the time he had to sleep outside for a week, the eight hours a day that he worked out. The narrative is shaped by details.These details offer clues about the author’s purpose. Clearly, the author who emphasizes the hardships of an Olympic athlete wants to show us that this person overcame adversity to succeed. Why Write Narrative? Narrative writing is very important in your day-to-day life. For the rest of your life,you will write texts, e- mails, cover letters, blogs, etc. about your beliefs, your ambitions, information you know, and feelings you have. What could be more important? Narrative writing in fiction and non-fiction (and even poetry) tells others the stories of our personal experiences and allows us to gain empathy and sympathy about the world around us.

Narrative WritingWhat is Narrative?Often, the wordnarrativeis synonymous withstory.A narrative is the story (fiction or non-fiction) told and the order in which it is told.Sometimes, there is a narrator, a character or series of characters, who tell the story.Sometimes, as with most non-fiction, the author himself/herself in the narrator.You are narrators of your own lives all the time.Something happens in class. You go to lunch; then, you tell the details that are important to you in the order that seems right to you.The story that you tell is anarrative.A reporter who tells a human interest story for the Olympics about an athlete that fought for years to get to the Olympics might emphasize his hardship, the time he had to sleep outside for a week, the eight hours a day that he worked out.The narrative is shaped by details.These details offer clues about the authors purpose. Clearly, the author who emphasizes the hardships of an Olympic athlete wants to show us that this person overcame adversity to succeed.Why Write Narrative?Narrative writing is very important in your day-to-day life.For the rest of your life,you will write texts, e-mails, cover letters, blogs, etc. aboutyour beliefs,your ambitions, information you know, and feelings you have.What could be more important?Narrative writing in fiction and non-fiction (and even poetry) tells others the stories of our personal experiences and allows us to gain empathy and sympathy about the world around us.

Narrative Essay ExamplesIn anarrative essayyou tell a story, but you also make a point. So, it is like a story told for a reason. Narrative Essays: To Tell a StoryThere are four types of essays: Exposition- gives information about various topics to the reader. Description- describes in detail characteristics and traits. Argument- convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. Narrative - tells a story, usually from one persons viewpoint.A narrative essay uses all the story elements - a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and climax - all coming together to complete the story.Essential Elements of Narrative EssaysThe focus of a narrative essay is the plot, which is told using enough details to build to a climax. Here's how: It is usually told chronologically. It usually has a purpose, which is usually stated in the opening sentence. It may use dialogue. It is written with sensory details and vivid descriptions to involve the reader. All these details relate in some way to the main point the writer is making.All of these elements need to seamlessly combine. A few examples of narrative essays follow. Narrative essays can be quite long, so instead of a full length example of an entire essay, only the beginnings of essays are included:Learning Can Be ScaryThis excerpt about learning new things and new situations is an example of a personal narrative essay that describes learning to swim.Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was learn how to swim. I was always afraid of the water, but I decided that swimming was an important skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to become physically stronger. What I didn't realize was that learning to swim would also make me a more confident person.New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my first swimming lesson was no exception. After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. After a couple of minutes the teacher came over. She smiled and introduced herself, and two more students joined us. Although they were both older than me, they didn't seem to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim. I began to feel more at ease.The Manager. The Leader.The following excerpt is a narrative essay from a story about a manager who was a great leader. Notice the intriguing first sentence that captures your attention right away.Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.The ClimbThis excerpt from the climb also captures your attention right away by creating a sense of mystery. The reader announces that he or she has "this fear" and you want to read on to see what that fear is.I have this fear. It causes my legs to shake. I break out in a cold sweat. I start jabbering to anyone who is nearby. As thoughts of certain death run through my mind, the world appears a precious, treasured place. I imagine my own funeral, then shrink back at the implications of where my thoughts are taking me. My stomach feels strange. My palms are clammy. I am terrified of heights.Of course, its not really a fear of being in a high place. Rather, it is the view of a long way to fall, of rocks far below me and no firm wall between me and the edge. My sense of security is screamingly absent. There are no guardrails, flimsy though I picture them, or other safety devices. I can rely only on my own surefootednessor lack thereof.Disney LandThe following narrative essay involves a parent musing about taking her kids to Disney Land.It was a hot sunny day, when I finally took my kids to the Disney Land. My son Matthew and my daughter Audra endlessly asked me to show them the dream land of many children with Mickey Mouse and Snow-white walking by and arousing a huge portion of emotions. Somehow these fairy tale creatures can make children happy without such small presents as $100 Lego or a Barbys house in 6 rooms and garden furniture. Therefore, I thought that Disney Land was a good invention for loving parents.The Sacred Grove of Oshogbo by Jeffrey TaylerThe following essay contains descriptive language that helps to paint a vivid picture for the reader of an encounter with a man.As I passed through the gates I heard a squeaky voice. A diminutive middle-aged man came out from behind the trees the caretaker. He worked a toothbrush-sized stick around in his mouth, digging into the crevices between algae'd stubs of teeth. He was barefoot; he wore a blue batik shirt known as a buba, baggy purple trousers, and an embroidered skullcap. I asked him if he would show me around the shrine. Motioning me to follow, he spat out the results of his stick work and set off down the trail.Playground MemoryThe first excerpt from, Playground Memory, has very good sensory details.Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick on that leaves me with the fabled warm and fuzzy feelings. As the daughter of an Air Force Major, I had the pleasure of traveling across America in many moving trips. I have visited the monstrous trees of the Sequoia National Forest, stood on the edge of the Grande Canyon and have jumped on the beds at Caesars Palace in Lake Tahoe. However, I have discovered that when reflecting on my childhood, it is not the trips that come to mind, instead there are details from everyday doings; a deck of cards, a silver bank or an ice cream flavor. One memory that comes to mind belongs to a day of no particular importance. It was late in the fall in Merced, California on the playground of my old elementary school; an overcast day with the wind blowing strong. I stood on the blacktop, pulling my hoodie over my ears. The wind was causing miniature tornados; we called them dirt devils, to swarm around me.Christmas CookiesThe second of the two narrative essay examples is an excerpt from Christmas Cookies.Although I have grown up to be entirely inept at the art of cooking, as to make even the most wretched chef ridicule my sad baking attempts, my childhood would have indicated otherwise; I was always on the countertop next to my mothers cooking bowl, adding and mixing ingredients that would doubtlessly create a delicious food. When I was younger, cooking came intrinsically with the holiday season, which made that time of year the prime occasion for me to unite with ounces and ounces of satin dark chocolate, various other messy and gooey ingredients, numerous cooking utensils, and the assistance of my mother to cook what would soon be an edible masterpiece. The most memorable of the holiday works of art were our Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, which my mother and I first made when I was about six and are now made annually. Tips on Writing a Narrative EssayWhen writing a narrative essay, remember that you are sharing sensory and emotional details with the reader. Your words need to be vivid and colorful to help the reader feel the same feelings that you felt. Elements of the story need to support the point you are making and you need to remember to make reference to that point in the first sentence. You should make use of conflict and sequence like in any story. You may use flashbacks and flash forwards to help the story build to a climax. It is usually written in the first person, but third person may also be used.Remember, a well-written narrative essay tells a story and makes a point.

Tips for Writing a Personal NarrativePurpose and AudiencePersonal narratives allow you to share your life with others and vicariously experience the things that happen around you. Your job as a writer is to put the reader in the midst of the action letting him or her live through an experience. Although a great deal of writing has a thesis, stories are different. A good story creates a dramatic effect, makes us laugh, gives us pleasurable fright, and/or gets us on the edge of our seats. A story has done its job if we can say, "Yes, that captures what living with my father feels like," or "Yes, thats what being cut from the football team felt like."StructureThere are a variety of ways to structure your narrative story. The three most common structures are: chronological approach, flashback sequence, and reflective mode. Select one that best fits the story you are telling.MethodsShow, Dont TellDont tell the reader what he or she is supposed to think or feel. Let the reader see, hear, smell, feel, and taste the experience directly, and let the sensory experiences lead him or her to your intended thought or feeling. Showing is harder than telling. Its easier to say, "It was incredibly funny," than to write something that is incredibly funny. The rule of "show, dont tell" means that your job as a storyteller is not to interpret; its to select revealing details. Youre a sifter, not an explainer. An easy way to accomplish showing and not telling is to avoid the use of "to be" verbs.Let People TalkIts amazing how much we learn about people from what they say. One way to achieve this is through carefully constructed dialogue. Work to create dialogue that allows the characters personalities and voices to emerge through unique word selection and the use of active rather than passive voice.Choose a Point of ViewPoint of view is the perspective from which your story is told. It encompasses where you are in time, how much you view the experience emotionally (your tone), and how much you allow yourself into the minds of the characters. Most personal narratives are told from the first-person limited point of view. If you venture to experiment with other points of view, you may want to discuss them with Miss Burke as you plan your piece.TenseTense is determined by the structure you select for your narrative. Consider how present vs. past tense might influence your message and the overall tone of your piece.ToneThe tone of your narrative should set up an overall feeling. Look over the subject that you are presenting and think of what you are trying to get across. How do you want your audience to feel when they finish your piece? Careful word choice can help achieve the appropriate effect.

Descriptive EssaysSummary:The Modes of DiscourseExposition, Description, Narration, Argumentation (EDNA)are common paper assignments you may encounter in your writing classes. Although these genres have been criticized by some composition scholars, the Purdue OWL recognizes the wide spread use of these approaches and students need to understand and produce them.Contributors:Jack Baker, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth AngeliLast Edited:2013-03-10 01:34:44What is a descriptive essay?The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe somethingobject, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the students ability to create a written account of a particular experience. What is more, this genre allows for a great deal of artistic freedom (the goal of which is to paint an image that is vivid and moving in the mind of the reader).One might benefit from keeping in mind this simple maxim: If the reader is unable to clearly form an impression of the thing that you are describing, try, try again!Here are some guidelines for writing a descriptive essay. Take time to brainstormIf your instructor asks you to describe your favorite food, make sure that you jot down some ideas before you begin describing it. For instance, if you choose pizza, you might start by writing down a few words: sauce, cheese, crust, pepperoni, sausage, spices, hot, melted, etc. Once you have written down some words, you can begin by compiling descriptive lists for each one. Use clear and concise language.This means that words are chosen carefully, particularly for their relevancy in relation to that which you are intending to describe. Choose vivid language.Why usehorsewhen you can choosestallion? Why not usetempestuousinstead ofviolent? Or why notmiserlyin place ofcheap? Such choices form a firmer image in the mind of the reader and often times offer nuanced meanings that serve better ones purpose. Use your senses!Remember, if you are describing something, you need to be appealing to the senses of the reader. Explain how the thing smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, or looked. Embellish the moment with senses. What were you thinking?!If you can describe emotions or feelings related to your topic, you will connect with the reader on a deeper level. Many have felt crushing loss in their lives, or ecstatic joy, or mild complacency. Tap into this emotional reservoir in order to achieve your full descriptive potential. Leave the reader with a clear impression.One of your goals is to evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader. If your reader can walk away from the essay craving the very pizza you just described, you are on your way to writing effective descriptive essays. Be organized!It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay. However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe.

Tips on Writing a Descriptive EssayWriters use the descriptive essay to create a vivid picture of a person, place, or thing. Unlike a narrative essay, which reveals meaning through a personal story, the purpose of a descriptive essay is to reveal the meaning of a subject through detailed, sensory observation. The descriptive essay employs the power of language and all the human senses to bring a subject to life for the reader.If readers come away from a descriptive essay with the feeling that they have really met a person, gone to a particular place, or held a certain object, the writer has done a good job. If readers also feel an emotional connection and deep appreciation for the subjects significance, the writer has done a great job.The Five-Step Writing Process for Descriptive EssaysProfessional writers know one thing: Writing takes work. Understanding and following the proven steps of the writing process helps all writers, including students. Here are descriptive essay writing tips for each phase of the writing process:1. Prewriting for the Descriptive EssayIn the prewriting phase of descriptive essay writing, students should take time to think about who or what they want to describe and why. Do they want to write about a person of significance in their lives, or an object or place that holds meaning? The topic doesnt have to be famous or unusual. The person could be a grandparent, the object, a favorite toy, and the place, a tree house.Once a topic is chosen, students should spend time thinking about the qualities they want to describe. Brainstorm about all the details associated with the topic. Even when not writing about a place, reflect on the surroundings. Where is the object located? Where does the person live? Consider not just physical characteristics, but also what memories, feelings, and ideas the subject evokes. Memory and emotion play an important role in conveying the subjects significance. Plan the focus of each paragraph and create an outline that puts these details into a logical sequence.2. Drafting a Descriptive EssayWhen creating the initial draft of a descriptive essay, follow the outline, but remember, the goal is to give the reader a rich experience of the subject. Keep in mind, the most important watchword of writing a descriptive essay isshow,dont tell. One of the best ways to show is to involve all of the sensesnot just sight, but also hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Write so the reader will see the sunset, hear the song, smell the flowers, taste the pie, or feel the touch of a hand.Dont TellShow!Use descriptive and figurative language, as well as concrete images to describe the subject. Similes and metaphors work well. Here are some examples:TellingThe house was old.ShowingThe house frowned with a wrinkled brow, and inside it creaked with each step, releasing a scent of neglected laundry.He was smart.If you had to pick a study buddy, you would pick this guy.The clock had been in our family for years.The clock stood by our family, faithfully marking the minutes and hours of our lives.Enjoy the process of describing the subjectit can be a rewarding experience. A descriptive essay doesnt rely on facts and examples, but on the writers ability to create a mental picture for the reader.3. Revising a Descriptive EssayIn the revision phase, students review, modify, and reorganize their work with the goal of making it the best it can be. In revising a descriptive essay, students should reread their work with these considerations in mind: Does the essay unfold in a way that helps the reader fully appreciate the subject? Do any paragraphs confuse more than describe? Does the word choice and figurative language involve the five senses and convey emotion and meaning? Are there enough details to give the reader a complete picture? Has a connection been made between the description and its meaning to the writer? Will the reader be able to identify with the conclusion made?Always keep the reader in mind from opening to concluding paragraph. A descriptive essay must be precise in its detail, yet not get ahead of itself. Its better to go from the general to the specific. Otherwise, the reader will have trouble building the image in their minds eye. For example, dont describe a glossy coat of fur before telling the reader the essay is about a dog!4. Editing a Descriptive EssayAt this point in the writing process, writers proofread and correct errors in grammar and mechanics. Its also the time to improve style and clarity. Watch out for clichs and loading up on adjectives and adverbs. Having a friend read the essay helps writers see trouble spots and edit with a fresh perspective.5. Publishing a Descriptive EssaySharing a descriptive essay with the rest of the class can be both exciting and a bit scary. Remember, there isnt a writer on earth who isnt sensitive about his or her own work. The important thing is to learn from the experience and take whatever feedback is given to make the next essay even better.Time4Writing Teaches Descriptive Essay WritingTime4Writing essay writing coursesoffer a highly effective way to learn how to write the types of essays required for school, standardized tests, and college applications. A unique online writing program for elementary, middle school, and high school students,Time4Writingbreaks down the writing process into manageable chunks, easily digested by young writers. Students steadily build writing skills and confidence, guided by one-on-one instruction with a dedicated, certified teacher. Our middle schoolWelcome to the EssayandAdvanced Essaycourses teach students the fundamentals of writing well-constructed essays, including the descriptive essay. The high schoolExciting Essay Writingcourse focuses in depth on the essay writing process with preparation for college as the goal. The courses also cover how to interpret essay writing prompts in testing situations.Read what parents are saying about their childrens writing progress in Time4Writing courses.

Examples of descriptive

Young Lions, Young Ladiesby Shea StutlerAdolescents like to have a place they can call their own. In the fifties, teenagers hung out at the malt shop, sipping cherry cokes and rockin' with Elvis. Today, in a small town in Tennessee, they're jam skating to Montell Jordan. I was amazed to find a microcosm of life blooming on a 70 x 160-foot cement slab known as a roller skating rink.As I entered the building which housed the rink, the warm, nostalgic scent of popcorn hit that part of my brain where dusty, cobwebbed memories live, memories of my own adolescence. I made my way past a group of exuberant teenagers at the snack bar until I reached the skating rink. Skinny, hard benches, made for small butts, lined one wall. I took a seat and scanned the rink. My eyes paused to read a sign; white, block letters on a black background warned, "Skate at Your Own Risk."Two young men swaggered past me: confident, heads held high, eyes focused on their destination. I leaned over, looking down the long row of benches, curious to find out where they were going. Their confidence lagged a bit as they approached a large group of their peers, including several young ladies. All of them exhibited signs of discomfort as the girls crossed their arms over their nubile bodies and the boys tried hard not to stare.Abruptly, a silent signal sent the entire assembly to the benches. Pairs of dexterous hands laced up skates as quickly as possible, while other hands aided in conversation that only the listener was allowed to hear. I was struck by the intimacy of this scene. They all knew each other well. They had come together in the freedom of this one place to share and explore without the encumbrance of parents, teachers, or any other meddlesome adult. I sat bolt upright, feeling very much like someone who had accidentally stumbled into a room full of naked people.Attempting to recover from my embarrassment, I was suddenly startled by a cacophony . . . music, perhaps? It must have been music, because I glanced down to find my foot tapping away to a beat long forgotten. As if on cue, young people from every corner of the room flocked to the rink. The awkwardness their bodies had expressed off the rink had been replaced by a grace not unlike the albatross. They were clumsy in their approach to flight, but, once airborne, they were a soaring sight to behold.I was mesmerized by the effortlessness of their movements, weaving in and out, endlessly circling. Skates became a blur of color: green, purple, blue, pink, red--speeding by fast and furious. I felt the rush of wind on my face as I caught the musky scent of cologne mixed with sweat. A swirl of communication was taking place, none of it involving speech. The tactile sense had kicked in: punching and shoving of young lions trying to impress their ladies of choice, bodies brushing by each other, and the gentle touch of hand on arm. A statuesque blonde, six inches taller than her partner, slipped. "Catch me, I'm falling on purpose," her body language seemed to say. Eye contact was prevalent. Most skaters continually scanned the rink, found the one they were looking for, and BAM!! eyes quickly darted away. This testing of emotional waters went on for several hours; boys and girls trying on relationships of men and women like kids playing dress up in their parents' clothes.I remembered the sign, "Skate at Your Own Risk." At the time, I had worried about broken arms and legs, but as I watched the dance unfold on that skating rink, I realized that these young people risk so much more. The pain of rejection, the fear of making fools of themselves, and the devastation they feel when they believe that they have, makes life for these adolescents a risky business. Perhaps that sign should have read, "LIVE at Your Own Risk."

Exploratory The Exploratory Essay

Topic: EducationQuestion: What type of education is the most beneficial?

For a properly formatted MLA document please view the following word document (download)Student NameENG 111Exploratory EssayMarch 13, 2002 Home-Schooling Vs. Traditional Forms of Education1. The home school movement has grown from 100,000 in 1984 to nearly 2 million home-schooled students today (Lyman par.3). Not that long ago, the thought of schooling children at home was almost unheard of and thought to be something that would be done in the pioneer days. In 1969, Raymond Moore, a former U.S. Department of Education employee, and John Holt, a veteran teacher in alternative style schools, laid the foundation for what some have called one of the greatest educational movements of our time. In the years since, home schooling has become more widely known and many people are taking into consideration the possibility of this untraditional form of elementary and secondary education. There are three different points of view about home schooling: There are people who believe that home schooling is the best form of education; there are those who believe that public school will provide the best education; and there are people who believe that private school provides a better education.2. There are many reasons why people choose to support home schooling. Some people think that children can get a better education at home, compared to a traditional form such as public or private school. Popular belief holds that home schooled children are socially backward and deprived, but research shows the opposite: that home-schooled children are actually better socialized than their peers, says Claudia Hepburn, Director of Education Policy at the Fraser Institute (Taylor par.2). Some people are home schooled for religious, or family reasons. Some people believe that they can better develop their childs character or morality by teaching them at home. Susanne Allen, 35, a home-schooling mother from Atlanta, claims that being schooled at home will make her children better citizens because home schooling gives children the opportunity to work together rather than working individually. Allen said, They learn to be caring for other people by seeing older siblings care for them (Cloud par.16). Home schoolers are really being prepared for the real word, contrary to what some may believe. Working with their siblings at home prepares them for the relationships that they will have outside of the home.3. Some people dislike public or private school education because they object to what the schools teach or because they believe that there are too many student behavior problems. Luigi Manca, a communications professor at Benedictine University in Lisle, Ill., who home schools his daughter says, The problem is the schools have abandoned their mission. Theyve forgotten about educating (Cloud par.8). Amy Langley, a home school mother of two in Decatur, Georgia, believes that Two-income families dont participate enough to make public schools work, and too much class time is spent on discipline (Cloud par.16). There are many people who believe that the pros of home schooling outweigh the cons, but there are still people who believe that the traditional forms of education are better.4. One of those traditional forms of education is public school. Some people choose to send their children to public school because they went to public school themselves and they never really thought of doing something different for their children. Another reason is that many families cannot afford to send their children to private school or to teach at home because both cost more money than you would spend to support the PTA at a public school. Some parents believe that the public schools are changing their methods to provide a more challenging curriculum by piling on the homework and adding more tests to the syllabus. In 1997 in a Public Agenda survey, 42% of parents of kids in public school said private schools had higher standards; only 22% said their own schools were more demanding. But in a new survey, Public Agenda found that 35% of public school parents still think that private schools are more demanding and 34% think public schools are tougher (Carnahan par.17). Other statistics show other reasons why parents choose public school over anything else. Of this years Presidential Scholars, 107 attend public schools. Of National Merit Scholars, three-fourths attend public schools, and nearly two-thirds of Harvard freshmen come from public schools (Carnahan par. 8). These statistics show that a public school education may be the best choice. Public school education may be getting better, but there are still those who believe the only good education is a private school education.5. Private school is the other traditional form of education that most people are accustomed to. A reason some people choose private school over their other options is because they think spending the extra money will guarantee them a better education. Some parents, like Susan Rhea of Dayton, Ohio, choose a private school education over a public one because they feel that their children are not being challenged in public school. Rhea, who pulled her first grade son out of public school, says, His school just wasnt challenging (Carnahan par. 1). Another reason might be that people think that private schools are run very well compared to the public schools, which are overseen by local governments. Statistics show that national test scores would be even lower than they are now if the private schools were omitted from the total results. Private school supporters believe that the government number crunchers show conclusively that far better results are being produced by private schools. Some parents also appreciate the religious or moral foundations of many private schools.6. Everyone has an opinion about education and which form is the best. Home schooling is the new form of education that is rising in popularity, public school is a form of education that has been around for many years and is most widely used, and private school is the other traditional form of education that some people still trust over the other options. The evidence shows that home schooling is the best form of education. Home schoolers achieve higher test scores than students in other forms of education do. Public and private schools waste time on things that are not relevant to school. Home schoolers learn socialization skills away form the dangers and peer pressure associated with public and private schools, and home schoolers learn study skills and develop the ability to direct and organize themselves toward a goal. College admissions officers have begun to seek out home schoolers because they have already developed the study habits that university students need. Home schooling seems to be the obvious choice for education because of all the evidence supporting it. Home schooling has not always been a popular form of education, but it has grown in size and popularity for the short amount of time that it has been around.

Exploratory EssayThe concept of an exploratory essay is that you start without an end in mind. You don't necessarily know how you feel about a subject or what you want to say about the subject, you allow the research and your own direction to determine the outcome. This is writing to learn rather than writing to prove what you know.Purpose:The exploratory essay builds on the inquiry essay by having you look at and contribute to a range of arguments rather than just one at a time. Whereas the inquiry essay introduced you to a debate by looking at one argument a time, the exploratory essay asks you to widen your vision to the whole conversation.1. The focus of an exploratory essay is a question, rather than a thesis.2. The two main ways to compose an exploratory essay yield different effects: The "in-process" strategy produces immediacy, while a "retrospective" strategy produces more artistically designed essays.3. Exploratory essays chronicle your research actions and the thinking that results from those actions; they address both content-oriented questions and rhetorical questions about possible responses to the problem under consideration.4. Exploratory essays regularly consider the strengths and weaknesses of various different solutions to a perplexing problem.5. Exploratory essays are often dialectical in either the Platonic or Hegelian sense of that term because they recreate the engagement of antithetical positions, sometimes resulting in a productive synthesis of contraries.The exploratory essays can be written in many different subjects. Here are some popular topics to give you an idea: Effectiveness of the World Health Organizations The Impact of Sports The Democracy and Human Rights The Importance of Creative Methods of Teaching The Reasons of Immigration to US The Taxation System of US The Fairness of College AdmissionsWhatever topic you choose, you should pick the subject you are really interested in, it will show in the exploratory essay you write and will make it more interesting to the readers.

How to Write an Exploratory Essay with Sample PapersWhat is an Exploratory Paper?Exploratory essays do not try to argue a claim. Instead, they look at all the different sides of an arguable question. The goal in an exploratory essay is to: Explain the argument question. Tell the different views people have on this question. Give your personal response.How to Find an Exploratory Essay TopicRemember that Exploratory Papers need to have an arguable question, which means it is a question: Not solved. Not a fact you could easily check the answer to. Something people have different views about (try to find at least 3) A question which is interesting to people right now. An enduring issue, or linked to an enduring issue?For topic ideas on relationships, dating and marriage see100 Exploratory Essay Topics, if you are interested in current technology you might prefer,100 Technology Topicsfor research papers. For links to articles you might use, look atResearching Exploratory Essays.What are Enduring Issues?Current IssuesEnduring IssuesNeed

How much tax should people pay?Where should government get money?Good, stable government which meets needs of people.

Should technology be used in the classroom?How can we best educate students?Well educated next generation.

Should Sex Offenders be restricted from Social Media?Who is responsible for protecting citizens from crime?Safety from violence.

Enduring issues are ones which people continue to care about over time. Enduring issues concern claims of fact, definition, value, cause and polity. They concern our need for good government, quality of life, social justice and personal rights. IdeExploratory Topic PollWhich Exploratory Essay question is most interesting to you?Top of Form How does divorce affect children? Is organic food really better for you? Does using technology for education really help? Why do opposites attract? Can recycling really make a difference?Bottom of FormSee results without votingSummary Analysis Response and Exploratory PapersMy college class usesPerspectives on Argumentby Nancy Woods as a textbook. In this book, students first research a topic and write aSummary Analysis Response Paperfor each article they find on their topic. The Exploratory Essay is how they pull that research together into one paper which explains all the different positions on the issue as well as explaining the debate.

What are the Basic Features of an Exploratory Essay?1. Define and describe the issueand present the arguable question(introduction).2. Analyze the rhetorical situationof the issue, including Text, Reader, Author, Constraints and Exigence (see below on outline)(body part 1).3. Identify and summarize at least 3 major positions on this issue(body part 2)4. Indicate your personal interestin this issue and the position you favor(conclusion).5. Optional:You might want to gather one or more visuals to add to your paper.Introduction Ideas for Expository Essaysre-tell a real storygive statistics

tell a made-up scenariovividly describe a scene or situation

tell a typical situationhave a real or imagined conversation about issue

talk about what makes this argument important nowuse an intriguing statement or quote

Give history of this idea or argumentmake a list of problems

Give several examples of this problemask a series of questions

use a frame (use part of story to open, then finish story in conclusion.use interview questions and answers

Exploratory Essay Samples Is Polygamy Wrong? Differences in a relationship-Helpful or Hurtful? The Best Kind of Love Friendship, Love, and MarriageIdeas for Exploratory EssayClick thumbnail to view full-size

Dorm room. Is dorm life advantageous to college students?Source: VirginiaLynne, CC-BY, via HubPagesOutline for Exploratory Essay1.(Introduction)Present the Arguable QuestionThere are 3 things you need to do in the introduction: Make reader interested in the arguable issue (Use one of the introductory techniques in the table to explain the situation and argument). Make sure the reader understands the issue and why it is important (some issues need lots of explanation and description, but others are so well known you don't need to explain). Tell the arguable question (usually at the end of the introduction).2. (Body part 1)Explain the Rhetorical Situation:Text: What sort of writing is being done on this subject? Is it a question being discussed by the news? By advocacy groups? Politicians? Is there academic study being done?Reader:Who are the audiences interested in this question? What are the different positions they hold? Why are the readers interested in this question?Author: Who are the people writing on this question? What common ground is there between the authors and readers (audiences)?Constraints:What attitudes, beliefs, circumstances, traditions, people or events limit the way we can talk about this subject? Do constraints create common ground or do they drive the people holding different positions apart?Exigence:(Context of debate on issue) What events or circumstances make us interested in this question now? What is the history of this issue and question? How has interest in this question changed over time? What enduring values (big life issues) does this debate relate to?2. (Body Part 2)Explain the Different Positions People Hold on this issue.A good arguable issue is not has at least three points of view that people argue. For each position, you will need to: Explain the position. Tell why people believe that position. Give the best arguments for that position. Explain how those arguments are supported.Position 1: Many people believeWhat is this point of view? Which articles can you use for this point of view? What part of the article is helpful?Position 2: Other people would contendWhat is this point of view? Which articles can you use for this point of view? What part of the article is helpful?Position 3: Another way to look at this question is.What is this point of view? Which articles can you use for this point of view? What part of the article is helpful?4. (Conclusion)Your Response:indicate your personal interest in this issue and the position you favor. Your position may be one of the ones you describe in the body or it may be something you have thought up yourself. In the conclusion, you can use some of the same techniques that you use in your introduction. Here are some other ideas: Maybe finish the frame story. Add the final evidence you find most convincing. Tell the reader your own conclusions and point of view. If you aren't sure what you think, then say that and explain what you think are the most important points to consider. Challenge the reader to decide. Outline the main things we need to think about when we decide this questionwhat is important and what is not.

Peer Edit Outline of Expository EssayTest out your outline by getting in a small group. Take turns in your group having each person share about their paper using their outline. Then the group can respond with questions, comments and suggestions. Some things to consider:1. Is intro interesting? Do you feel you understand the issue and the question?2. Does the question and the three positions match up? Is there a contrast in the positions? Are their other positions you think need to be considered?3. Is the context/constraints of the question clear?4. Is there other supporting evidence you can think of?5. Is the response interesting? Does the author respond to the ideas and connect them with their own thoughts and/or experiences? How can they do that better?6. Anything you think is missing or needs to be explained or expanded?Steps in Writing an Exploratory Paper1. Prepare a basic outlineof your main points using the Outline format.2. Re-read your articlesand your Summary-Analysis-Response paper.3. Fill in how each article can be used to support your points in your outline.Be sure to include the source of that point in MLA form, which is author last name and page in parenthesis. Example: (Brown 31).4. Talk out your paper with a friend.Work with a friend or a small group. Explain your paper using your outline. Tell them your points and make sure they understand. Do they have any ideas on how to make your essay more interesting? Have them answer the questions on Peer Edit Outline below.5. Optional: you may want to gather some visuals to include in your essay.6. Write a draft.Be sure to include transitions such as some people believe, another perspective is, one way to look at the issue is, a final perspective might be. Dont forget to use author tags if you are talking about a particular article (see my Hubs onhow to Summarize)7. Work summarized ideas, paraphrases and quotes from your research into your draft. In an exploratory paper, you mainly summarize or paraphrase in your own words the positions you describe. Only use quotations which are especially striking or make the point in a way you cant by paraphrasing (see Hub on using Summary,Paraphrase and Quotation).8. Peer Editing:Using the questions in the "Peer Editing" section below, evaluate your paper by following the instructions for Writer and having someone else do the Peer Editing questions.9. Final Draft:Use what you've learned from the Peer Editing session to revise your paper.Exploratory Paper vs. Argument PaperArgument focuses on proving one point of view: An Argument or Position essay seeks to come to a conclusion and convince the audience which side of the issue is correct. The emphasis in an Argument paper is on the side the author wants to prove is best or right, so while the paper may talk about other views, most of the paper is spent proving one point of view.Exploratory essays look at several points of view in a neutral way.Rather than trying to solve the problem, this sort of paper explores the different perspectives of the problem and seeks to understand the cultural and social context of the issue. It is the sort of paper you would write before writing a solution paper. An Exploratory Paper is common in businesses when they are attempting to find a solution to a problem and need to get all of the possible perspectives and information available.Exploratory Papers help you look at different audiences to help find common ground: This paper also explores the different audiences or groups of people who are concerned about this issue, giving their different viewpoints on the cause, effects and solutions proposed. In order to do this paper, you may want to narrow the issue you are thinking about so that you can cover the idea more effectively.Exploratory Papers should look at least at 3 points of view: Sometimes there are two sides of an issue which are most often expressed and which polarize a debate. In an Exploratory paper, you are asked to look beyond the obvious answers in order to find other points of view which can sometimes help in solving the problem. For example, in looking at the issue of illegal immigration, you can examine the conservative and liberal political views, but you can also look at the viewpoint of the illegal immigrants themselves, the viewpoint of the government that the illegal immigrants come from, and the viewpoints of the people who live on both sides of the border where illegal immigrants cross. You might also consider the viewpoint of the border patrol employees.Exploratory Conclusion can give your Opinion:You will explore at least three sides of the issue, giving a fair treatment to each side. However, in the conclusion of the paper you will indicate your own position and why you are persuaded in that direction.Peer Editing Worksheet for Exploratory PaperHaving someone elsePeer Edit,to read your essay and give you their help is a great way to improve your writing. For doing your own final editing, seeHow to Edit Your Essay for a Better Grade.Here is the peer editing worksheet I use in my class. I start by having each writer look at their own paper, and then have at least 2 peer editors answer the questions.Writer: on your own paper1. Underline: your question, the three positions, your position2. Wavy underline: author tags and citations.Write (at top of draft or on a separate sheet of paper):1. What is best about your paper2. Questions you have for the peer editor.3. What you want them to help you with.Peer EditorI. Read the paper and make marks on the draft about:*grammar and spelling errors*what you think is good*where they need more support*where they need better transitions*where they need references, citations or author tags (or any problems with ones they have)*where they need more explanation or descriptionII. On a separate sheet of paper write:1. Intro: was the issue both defined and described? Anything that needs to be added? Was the opening interesting? How could it be improved?1. Body: How well does the paper examine the rhetorical situation? (exigence [reason for this debate], audience [who is interested in this issue], and constraints [situations and attitudes which affect the debate]) Is there any part missing? How can it be improved? Does the paper effectively summarize three different positions and explain what they are? Who believes them? Why they believe it? Does the paper give enough evidence for each position?1. Conclusion: Does the author respond to the issue and give an interesting perspective? Does the author need to add anything?Exploratory Essay UsesWhether it is labeled an Exploratory Essay or not, you will find this sort of paper in many business and collegeresearch papers. The basic point of this paper is to let you examine all the different viewpoints on an issue. Examples: What caused the Civil War in the U.S.? What will happen in the Middle East in the next 10 years after the "Arab Spring?" How should the U.S. handle illegal immigration? What should we do with embryos leftover from in-vitro fertilization?In a business, an employee might be asked to write an exploratory report about:1. How do people perceive our product based on different types of advertisng?2. How do people use our product most often?3. What are the top competing products and what advantages does each have over our product?4. What are the different possible cell phone or Internet service contracts available to us and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each one?By looking at three or more viewpoints, you can get a better understanding of the different audiences for an issue and better understand how a solution or compromise might be developed.

Types of Papers: Argument/ArgumentativeWhile some teachers considerpersuasive papersand argument papers to be basically the same thing, its usually safe to assume that an argument paper presents a stronger claimpossibly to a more resistant audience.For example: while a persuasive paper might claim that cities need to adopt recycling programs, an argument paper on the same topic might be addressed to a particular town. The argument paper would go further, suggesting specific ways that a recycling program should be adopted and utilized in that particular area.To write an argument essay, youll need to gather evidence and present a well-reasoned argument on a debatable issue.How can I tell if my topic is debatable?Check your thesis! You cannot argue a statement of fact, you must base your paper on a strong position. Ask yourself How many people could argue against my position? What would they say? Can it be addressed with a yes or no? (aim for a topic that requires more info.) Can I base my argument on scholarly evidence, or am I relying on religion, cultural standards, or morality? (you MUST be able to do quality research!) Have I made my argument specific enough?Worried about taking a firm stance on an issue?Though there are plenty of times in your life when its best to adopt a balanced perspective and try to understand both sides of a debate, this isnt one of them.You MUST choose one side or the other when you write an argument paper!Dont be afraid to tell others exactly how you think things should go because thats what we expect from an argument paper. Youre in charge now, what do YOU think?DoDont

use passionate languageuse weak qualifiers like I believe, I feel, or I thinkjust tell us!

cite experts who agree with youclaim to be an expert if youre not one

provide facts, evidence, and statistics to support your positionuse strictly moral or religious claims as support for your argument

provide reasons to support your claimassume the audience will agree with you about any aspect of your argument

address the opposing sides argument and refute their claimsattempt to make others look bad (i.e. Mr. Smith is ignorantdont listen to him!)

Why do I need to address the opposing sides argument?There is an old kung-fu saying which states, "The hand that strikes also blocks", meaning that when you argue it is to your advantage to anticipate your opposition and strike down their arguments within the body of your own paper. This sentiment is echoed in the popular saying, "The best defense is a good offense".By addressing the opposition you achieve the following goals: illustrate a well-rounded understanding of the topic demonstrate a lack of bias enhance the level of trust that the reader has for both you and your opinion give yourself the opportunity to refute any arguments the opposition may have strengthen your argument by diminishing your opposition's argumentThink about yourself as a child, asking your parents for permission to do something that they would normally say no to. You were far more likely to get them to say yes if you anticipated and addressed all of their concerns before they expressed them. You did not want to belittle those concerns, or make them feel dumb, because this only put them on the defensive, and lead to a conclusion that went against your wishes.The same is true in your writing.How do I accomplish this?To address the other side of the argument you plan to make, you'll need to "put yourself in their shoes." In other words, you need to try to understand where they're coming from. If you're having trouble accomplishing this task, try following these steps: 1. Jot down several good reasons why you support that particular side of the argument.2. Look at the reasons you provided and try to argue with yourself. Ask: Why would someone disagree with each of these points? What would his/her response be? (Sometimes it's helpful to imagine that you're having a verbal argument with someone who disagrees with you.)3. Think carefully about youraudience; try to understand their background, their strongest influences, and the way that their minds work. Ask: What parts of this issue will concern my opposing audience the most?4. Find the necessary facts, evidence, quotes from experts, etc. to refute the points that your opposition might make.5. Carefully organize your paper so that it moves smoothly from defending your own points to sections where you argue against the opposition.Sample Papers Student Sample: Cry Wolf (with sources) Student Sample: A Shattered Sky (with sources) Student Sample: The Use of Landmines (with sources) Student Sample: The Faceless Teacher (without sources)Getting Started
