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Writing a YUMMY Paragraph! -...

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Writing a YUMMY Paragraph! A great paragraph is like a really good burger. The burger toppings are the things you add to your paragraph to make it better. The top bun is like the topic sentence. The bottom bun is like the conclusion sentence. They hold the paragraph together. A topic sentence tells the reader the ___________ ___________ . A conclusion sentence helps _________________ the paragraph. examples Statistic ____________________________ _____________________________________ Personal Example _____________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Dialogue _____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Analogy ______________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Question ____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ © One Stop Teacher Shop If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Writing a YUMMY Paragraph!A great paragraph is like a really good burger.

The burger toppings are the things you add to your paragraph to make it better.

The top bun is like the topic sentence.

The bottom bun is like the conclusion


They hold the paragraph together.

A topic sentence tells the reader the ___________ ___________ .

A conclusion sentence helps _________________ the paragraph.

examplesStatistic ____________________________ _____________________________________Personal Example _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________Dialogue _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Analogy ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Question ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Cut out the sentences below. Glue them in the

correct part of the paragraph.

The fantastic options ice cream offers is just the beginning!

Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla seem to be some of the favorites.

However, these flavors are just the beginning.

My favorite thing about ice cream is that there are so many flavors to choose from.

Most ice cream shops also have mint chocolate chip, peanut butter cup, fudge brownie,, and even cheesecake flavor.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Cut out the sentences below. Glue them in the

correct part of the paragraph.

Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla seem to be some of the favorites. Most ice cream shops also have mint chocolate chip, peanut butter cup, fudge brownie,, and even cheesecake flavor. However, these flavors are just the beginning.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion SentenceThe fantastic options ice cream offers is just the beginning!

My favorite thing about ice cream is that there are so many flavors to choose from.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Cut out the sentences below. Glue them in the

correct part of the paragraph.

Now I want to travel the world just to try out all the amazing ice cream offered in other countries!

Ice cream, or helado, can be found on the street corners of Argentina.

In Italy, they call ice cream gelato.

Ice cream is one of the few deserts that is enjoyed all over the world!

The same is true in Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Cut out the sentences below. Glue them in the

correct part of the paragraph.

In Italy, they call ice cream gelato. Ice cream, or helado, can be found on the street corners of Argentina. The same is true in Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

Ice cream is one of the few deserts that is enjoyed all over the world!

Now I want to travel the world just to try out all the amazing ice cream offered in other countries!

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. Write a paragraph giving one good reason why pizza is the


© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. Write a paragraph giving one good reason why pizza is the best! Don’t forget the toppings. Try to add 1-2 statistics, personal examples, dialogue,

analogies, or questions to your paragraph.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: Kids are out of shape! Lack of exercise is a huge problem among young children. Write a paragraph explaining

one way to solve this problem.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: Kids are out of shape! Lack of exercise is a huge problem among young children. Write a paragraph explaining one way to solve

this problem. Don’t forget the toppings. Try to add 1-2 statistics, personal examples, dialogue, analogies, or questions to your paragraph.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: You’ve just seen the best movie. Now you want to convince your best friend to watch it. Write a paragraph

explaining one reason why your friend should watch this movie.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Build a YUMMY Paragraph!Directions: Now it’s your turn to write a paragraph. Using the topic below, add a topic sentence, conclusion sentence,

and details to your burger.

Topic Sentence


Conclusion Sentence

TOPIC: You’ve just seen the best movie. Now you want to convince your best friend to watch it. Write a paragraph explaining one reason why your friend should watch this movie. Don’t forget the toppings. Try to add 1-2

statistics, personal examples, dialogue, analogies, or questions to your paragraph.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Make it YUMMY!Directions: Identify the types of details, or toppings, below

by writing the correct letter. Use the “key” to help you.

Statistic = SPersonal Example = PE

Dialogue = DAnalogy = AQuestion = Q

___ 1. 9 out of 10 dentists recommend using mouth wash once per day.

___ 2. Last year I went to the dentist and had four cavities filled because I didn’t use mouth wash.

___ 3. Using mouth wash each day is just like putting on your seatbelt. It is the right thing to do!

___ 4. Have you ever wondered how many germs are in your mouth?

___ 5. Now that I use mouth wash every day, my dentist says, “Your teeth are sparkling!”

___ 6. How many hours of video games do you play each day?

___ 7. 73% of kids are addicted to some kind of video game.

___ 8. Andrews mom complained, “All he ever does is play Minecraft.”

___ 9. Playing video games every day is like always eating ice cream for dinner. It’s just not good for you!

___ 10. One day I played video games for 12 hours straight. The next day I fell asleep in class and failed my math test.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Make it YUMMY!Directions: Identify the types of details, or toppings, below

by writing the correct letter. Use the “key” to help you.

Statistic = SPersonal Example = PE

Dialogue = DAnalogy = AQuestion = Q

S 1. 9 out of 10 dentists recommend using mouth wash once per day.

PE 2. Last year I went to the dentist and had four cavities filled because I didn’t use mouth wash.

A 3. Using mouth wash each day is just like putting on your seatbelt. It is the right thing to do!

Q 4. Have you ever wondered how many germs are in your mouth?

D 5. Now that I use mouth wash every day, my dentist says, “Your teeth are sparkling!”

Q 6. How many hours of video games do you play each day?

S 7. 73% of kids are addicted to some kind of video game.

D 8. Andrews mom complained, “All he ever does is play Minecraft.”

A 9. Playing video games every day is like always eating ice cream for dinner. It’s just not good for you!

PE 10. One day I played video games for 12 hours straight. The next day I fell asleep in class and failed my math test.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Make it YUMMY!Directions: Using the topic below, write one statistic, one personal example, one piece of dialogue, one analogy, and

one question.

TOPIC: Your school wastes a lot of paper. Now you want to start a recycling program to solve this problem. Convince your principal to allow you to start a recycling program at

your school.

Statistic ____________________________________________________



Personal Example ____________________________________________



Dialogue ____________________________________________________



Analogy ____________________________________________________



Question ___________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________© One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Make it Y



!Directions: Using the topic below

, write one statistic, one

personal example, one piece of dialogue, one analogy, and

one question.

TOPIC: Your m

om just told you that you can plan your next

family vacation. W

here will you go? W

rite a paragraph telling your m

om w

hy you chose the location you did.

Statistic ____________________________________________________



Personal Example ____________________________________________



Dialogue ____________________________________________________



Analogy ____________________________________________________



Question ___________________________________________________



One Stop Teacher Shop

If the pink gorilla eats waterm

elon every night, how m

uch waterm

elons does he eat?

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