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VWffiHTHruffi ffimtutr @*.LrrrrR .ftase rB) l-ayout A Forrnal Letter (to a [anguageschoot) Pangraph 3: Experience as learnei ' years.sbrdied,.cunent level,examspassed, areas you have most ¡iroblems W¡th ' Formal.endinS I look forward'to hearíng ftoq,. you soon. Youts síicerely(ifyou starúed yourletter D¿ar MsDutton) Yours fuíthfully, (if youstartedyourletter Dear Sír / Modan) Your signature ; Print voui nanie An l.nformat. Letter pen-friénd / retati¡re) Greeti.ng Dear... , / Hí .;., / Hí the¡e! rara.grEPns u¿/5 infonnation about yourself, your family and yóirr friends Grammar nnformái stvi-Á dropping of the subject in vsry informal correspondence (e,g,. postcards, e-mails. very informal letters) : (t) Di¡nt know if you gotmy fint m.essoge. .Vocabulary , ITormal stvfelformal language - teqchlng stoff (= teachers) / {ffif'$" is "; with the tetter) . .vague f.anguage - ln kind of interested ... / Whot sott'of thing are ydu interested in? ' . co[oguiaiecrpressions - our folj.s (= famity) back in'theold qo:uhW (¿ ourcountry. of origin) . abbreüations - fnfo(= inforrilaüon), arondod (= gnndfuther) Linkinowords @rt,is a smdü'schoo| However- we have geod fadfrüs- In odáiüon. wehave an uceüent teaching noff. @;i-trA ¡t's." níce place to vísíL Eut it's et<[n;iL ¡ Wüffiyou? / b everyone's weü herz / Anywo-v. I nust begoing. / She's geftíng on welltogi. ' . Use.fu[ Vocabulary. i .F¡milv: mem bets .of the fumíIy; rehüves (peop.Ie in your Erill you d{n't líve with, eg. uncl8, ounts. couiñs); ín-laws(fomzly by maníoge) ; stepmother, stepfuther, sfepbrother, stepsíster (related not by birth but becousd. your porent hos remanied); anceitor (someone in your famíly who Eveda bng üme ago). fdfg¡¡¡g8á¡lgA. classsize (numbei of studelts ín a ,L*t); excutsíoni; geieral courses, uqm coures. bilsíness English . coúrses; facíIítíes,. zg. longuage' Iaboratory,self-accus cenbe (a placewhere y7u can studyon your own) . EÉ¡Sn¡¡ stay ín; go.oul go tu o gig I conc¿ft,go dubbíng, . go to a dub (a'pldce to dance); go shopping;go fur a jog; neet ' up wíth fiends Linking : .lAú .Wh", he aníved, therlwgre u3w few peqpl+ / A.fre"r he adved, some people came / After lunch we we.nt ouL ACCili¡¡t I an'oba ínterested ín nuic / I an interested in nusic fr¿p-. I Aswellds that thereareexcutsions'to Londo¡t. / , There are excursísns to London s1-ve / As wellas org.aníing scutsíoni tu l¡ridonwe brganíie then to 0xfurd ond.Carhbridgz / In dddiüon. tlt'ere are úatdont to lxfor¿ bndCambrilge--/ There is a self-acgss céntre plus a languoge laboratory. t¡¡¡n¡t;.{ir¿eqhfl the school is small, the atmospheie is frienily. / .The school ís smollHowever- the atmosphere is fiíendly. / Desnite being inqlL the school has gooil facíIiües. [¡¡5¡¡¡ Can yq u complete the tesl so thot.we can iudge.your Ieve|? / Bríng an umbreils ín cdse it míns. t¡U¡¡r¡'m tote becausé of tle taffic / Becsuse of thqt- I ' aríved ldtz E¡¡n¡lgly: orgdnise activiües such ds hose'ri{i¡7, Checking Sgrle flave'you used formal or informal style? Have you used formal or informal words'and expressioni?. . Have you qsed furmal or infurmal greetings or endings? tY"*-rdd;;l I and the date I l.'.h*tt;;¡ I andaddréss | . Greeting Dear Ms .Dutton, (when you know the peÉon! name) Dear Sír / ltiadam, {when youdon'tknow the penon's name) Paragraph 1:. Inboduction Thank you for your leLter óf -.. I am wriünj with reference to your letterof ... I would defihítely liketo go on the course / Pangraph 2; Personal informatioñ básicinformaüonabout yourself anfyour famil¡,: where you live and who you live with, s-choól you go to, your intérests (tq g Informa[ ending l Thú3 aüfur now, / I hope to hear from yau soon. / Getín toudz soon. / Look furward to.hearing all about you. / . Wite soon, / Gíve my regards.to ... / Pleasekeep ín toúch. Aüthe best, / Youts, / Wíth love" / Lova / Cheers, Yourname Styte Requests n '@I woutd be qratejul i.fyou co'uld wite us a leiier. CouU_vau¿@tel us obout yourselJ? 3 | lnformaf s\{elion wS do me a fuvour7 It'd besreat if you Punctuation Trñfdffiffi].ól t ñ;¡ contr"ctions - X¡t a cousín of yours. o i¡seof exclamation marks - ee! ! touchsoinl

VWffiHTHruffi ffimtutr@*.LrrrrR .ftase rB)

l -ayoutA Forrnal Letter ( to a [anguage schoot)

Pangraph 3: Experience as learnei '

years.sbrdied,.cunent level, exams passed, areas you havemost ¡iroblems W¡th


Formal.endinSI look forward'to hearíng ftoq,. you soon.Youts síicerely (ifyou starúed your letter D¿ar Ms Dutton)Yours fuíthfully, (if you started your letter Dear Sír / Modan)Your signature ;Print voui nanie

An l.nformat. Letter pen-fr iénd / retati¡re)

Greeti.ngDear... , / Hí .;., / Hí the¡e!

rara.grEPns u¿/5infonnation about yourself, your family and yóirr friends

Grammarnnformái stvi-Á dropping of the subject in vsry informalcorrespondence (e,g,. postcards, e-mails. very informal letters) :(t) Di¡nt know if you got my fint m.essoge.

.Vocabulary ,ITormal stvfelformal language - teqchlng stoff (= teachers) /

{ffif'$" is "; with the tetter)

. .vague f.anguage - ln kind of interested ... / Whot sott'ofthing are ydu interested in? '

. co[oguiaiecrpressions - our folj.s (= famity) back in'the oldqo:uhW (¿ our country. of origin)

. abbreüations - fnfo (= inforrilaüon), arondod (= gnndfuther)Linkino words

@rt,is a smdü'schoo| However- we have geodfadfrüs- In odáiüon. we have an uceüent teaching noff.@;i-trA ¡t's." níce place to vísíL Eut it's et<[n;iL ¡Wüffiyou? / b everyone's weü herz / Anywo-v. I nustbe going. / She's geftíng on well togi. ' .

Use.fu[ Vocabulary . i.F¡milv: mem bets .of the fumíIy; rehüves (peop.Ie in your Erillyou d{n't líve with, eg. uncl8, ounts. couiñs); ín-laws (fomzlyby maníoge) ; stepmother, stepfuther, sfepbrother, stepsíster(related not by birth but becousd. your porent hos remanied);anceitor (someone in your famíly who Eved a bng üme ago).fdfg¡¡¡g8á¡lgA. class size (numbei of studelts ín a ,L*t);excutsíoni; geieral courses, uqm coures. bilsíness English .coúrses; facíIítíes,. zg. longuage' Iaboratory, self-accus cenbe(a place where y7u can study on your own) .

EÉ¡Sn¡¡ stay ín; go.oul go tu o gig I conc¿ft, go dubbíng, .go to a dub (a'pldce to dance); go shopping; go fur a jog; neet '

up wíth fiends

Linking :

.lAú .Wh", he aníved, therlwgre u3w few peqpl+ / A.fre"r headved, some people came / After lunch we we.nt ouLACCili¡¡t I an'oba ínterested ín nuic / I an interested innusic fr¿p-. I As well ds that there are excutsions'to Londo¡t. / ,There are excursísns to London s1-ve / As wellas org.aníingscutsíoni tu l¡ridon we brganíie then to 0xfurd ond.Carhbridgz/ In dddiüon. tlt'ere are úatdont to lxfor¿ bnd Cambrilge--/There is a self-acgss céntre plus a languoge laboratory.t¡¡¡n¡t;.{ir¿eqhfl the school is small, the atmospheie isfrienily. / .The school ís smoll However- the atmosphere isfiíendly. / Desnite being inqlL the school has gooil facíIiües.[¡¡5¡¡¡ Can yq u complete the tesl so thot.we can iudge.yourIeve|? / Bríng an umbreils ín cdse it míns.t¡U¡¡r¡'m tote becausé of tle taffic / Becsuse of thqt- I

' aríved ldtzE¡¡n¡lgly: orgdnise activiües such ds hose'ri{i¡7,

CheckingSgrle flave'you used formal or informal style?Have you used formal or informal words'and expressioni?.

. Have you qsed furmal or infurmal greetings or endings?

tY"*-rdd;;lI and the date I

l. '.h*tt;;¡I and addréss | .

GreetingDear Ms .Dutton, (when you know the peÉon! name)Dear Sír / ltiadam, {when you don't know the penon's name)

Paragraph 1:. InboductionThank you for your leLter óf -..I am wriünj with reference to your letter of ...I would defihítely like to go on the course /

Pangraph 2; Personal informatioñbásic informaüon about yourself anfyour famil¡,: where youlive and who you live with, s-choól you go to, your intérests

(tq g

Informa[ ending lThú3 aüfur now, / I hope to hear from yau soon. /Get ín toudz soon. / Look furward to.hearing all about you. /

. Wite soon, / Gíve my regards.to ... / Please keep ín toúch.Aüthe best, / Youts, / Wíth love" / Lova / Cheers,Your name


n '@I woutd be qratejul i.f you co'uld wite us a leiier.CouU_vau¿@tel us obout yourselJ?

3 | lnformaf s\{elion wS do me a fuvour7 It'd be sreat if you

PunctuationTrñfdffiffi].ólt ñ;¡ contr"ctions - X¡t a cousín of yours.o i¡se of exclamation marks - ee!

! touch soinl


@^ Frnsor,¡el "An¡rcporr @aEes zl-zs)


1 Introductiont ntr-oduce your anecdote.Probably the wont day I have ever had was when I went iothe zoo with my five-year-old nephew.Set the scene - give informaüon about what you we¡e doing, .who you were with, what had happened earlier.We had left home very early to get to the zoo befure tfiecroiryds. Theré we were at I o'clock ín the moming waiüng furthe bus. I was carrying a bog wíth our pocked luncha andJack had his camero with hín. It was a beauüful day, the sunwas shíníng and the bírds were sínging. . .'

Lu&ily, just at.that moment ...

5 CorictuEionWrite hów the story finished and how you and everyohé elsefelt at üe end.In the end, the keeper took us to the ffice and we dríed out

. Jaúk ctothei. He washt at aU upset and thoughtit was alla gieat adventure, .but I must admit that I had a' real fightand I was woníed abóútwhat ny ister would think. HoweveÍwhen we finolly got homq my istqr saw the funny ide andwe oll had a laugh about it.

StyLeA vi¡ritten penona[ anecdote has similarities with.a spokehanecdote:

" i@The funniest thing that happened to me was when I t¡íed tocross the iver.

¡vFlr fñ@

I had d chat with the teacher and told her that we werewonied that the bus was unsaJe.

Howev.er, théri are impdriant differences between a written anda spoken anecdote:

It was jüst begínníng to get dark and we hadnt o clue wherethey had gonz . '

.'use a tariety of üme linking expressions (see Linking); do notrepeat linking expiessions or use órf at the itart of á sentence: .

ihe ?éF end then iE¡ -a L^t^-^ . . -

We got tltere late so it was olready dark' After leaving thetraín, we started lookíng for her but she must hwe already IefL

UsefuI Vocabu[ary

|{gf$ srnam,,t! o+ run, into (son ething / son ebo dy), clutchhold of (sonething/somebady), collide with(something/somebody), faint, get lost, get stuck, ggt itltotrouble, get out of trpuble. take the wlDng tumíng, fall down,keep (doing something) /. \"

f¡¡ü¡¡¡i"[!É{to be scarey stiff, to bg reolly scared, to turn paIe,'io trem ble / sh a ke (víolently )

pps tde¿¡bt ted, relieved, ovei the noon (vety happy)\glllqtfannoye 1, ítritated,,fu rious (very an gry)t1gly9g5¡ on eoge, womea, ar\nous

\Tffiow b ...; I had nat got / didnt have o cruewhat to do.There wds obsolutely nothing I could do about iLI tríed to put up a fight but ... / I did ny but. to'...It went totally out of cqntroLI had o nasty shock when -..I stofted to get the feeling that ...It wos a real sham.e that ...I had a'nasty shock when l,59vy wfio it ry'ás.He was..onty-kiy'ding. ¡ H.q úvás only pu\ing ny igs.They o.ll burrt out la-ughíW. .The funiniest thí¡g'aboütit Was thot ...To our ¡elief; we fuunil her sleepíng peocefully ... .'Everythiltg v3/orke(,91tt oI!¡íght in the qn/:

lffi#elinrcersI wos standing there" SuddenLv. I hesrd ri noíse.I was standing there when all of o sudden I heard o noise.'I heard a strange noise ouüdz Imnedídtelv. I reached forthe.phone. . : -;¡n in¿ e¡¿. I got back ftone' in thá'middte pf *e i¡gni,tEventltallJt.'I got bgck hone after a redlly lohg jouney.I sow my do.d comíng. At Idú I.s.tafted fó feel a bít more

we wént'ouXide and waited unül he coneJust bs wé were finishíng, there was d teníble starm.J|lhg we were finishing, there ww a teníble storm.ft rtafted while.I was having lunch. . ''He. anived. iust bqfrre I got fiom'e"P_*no<ifinnS.

Jurt after lunih ... / Before lunch ...Followína thé accident therg wos an íniuügoüon. (forniaL)P¡4ir¡&h.L

. After léannS honq I boui¡ht the newspsper. " ': , .Before leovüg, I had o góod breolcfast. 'Having le.ft. hone, I b,oúgh.t a newspape.r.' I


Egqel¡ H¡ve you inctudéd éxampiqs_of different ¡iag. ,. .tenses? .Havg yo.u used tenses corréctly?Jri¡&iE; Have you included linking words and expiessions?Tñe Vou used paticiple linkers (e.g. hqving done/after doing)?gEIe$ a$,¡h¡te: How can ¡rou nial,e ¡tour áñecdote moreintereÉingTI6F?outd you make it more dnmatic?.llave yol .included any dialogue?








2 Beginning of the narrativeDescribe what happened to you - what things siarted to 'go wrong.r's I wal.waíting fur the bus, o bny went post and splashedwater all over me. Then ...

3 Development of the narrativeWrite about what happened next - what else Went wrong.lile fi.qaúy Eot to the2qo at qbout ten. There was an enermousqueue to getín and Jack stafted to qetvev bored.

4 Devetopnient of the'narntiveAdd more things thai ñáppeneil to you.I wtis taking a photo of'oné of the penguíns, when I heard aspg:!. I looked ro,und dnd saw that Jack had fallen into the '

@* Drscnipuon 0r A Frnso¡¡ A¡,¡u P¡-ncr @x Frlu RrvtEW (pages sz-ss)(pages 42-43)


Paragnph tIntroduó the person and the place.Panela ís my cousín. She is ín her míd thíüei.

Paragnph 2Give a general desaiption ofthe house.It's quite old and has got three spocious bedrooms.

Pangnph 3Focus on one roóm in more detail.It has got a very relaxed atmosphere and has a...

Pangnph 46ive a final comment oh the person.l j lve a l¡nat tommenl on Ine Person,She is very índependenL She is one of Lhe nost likegble ....

StyteFoi this type of composition,

Layout '

Paragnph IGive some basic information about the film,Dances With Wolves won dn 0\car iñ 1990. It was direded by('evin Costner.

Pangnph 2Give a brief summary of t}e plot.Hús sent by the army to live on the edge of Indion tenitory.

Paragnph 3Give your opinions - good and bad things about thb film.U-" rtn ii vety reoüstíc in the way it shows uS the everydo¡ltífe of the Indians.

Styl.e|]o¡t oi you.1 review $s{¡*¡ild@lt E set tn the n¡neteenth century,

Despite beíng u.ery long, there isn? d dull Éome4L (neutnt styte)

5[¡l¡. Betow are examptes of diffintsffiE¡¡U¡ú¡¡¡lg The house, wíth numerous rpoms and on extensiveqqrdgn is s.ituated in the country. The spocíous líving ¡oom ísideal fur enteftainíng guesfs. ilE¡¡¡ElaS¡¡S. 5he has jurt moved into a bíg house ín the ' ,countuy with a huge garden. It's sulch a bíg house that she hasbA of roo¡n fur poftíu.tg¡lggg¡¡¡S{tE¡ Her new house ís mdsive with o greai bíggarden and bads of roon Jor pofties.

UsefuI VocabularyPerso4align ) Luicon, page 4Hg¡t¡¡l¡¡¡Hz armch oí¡ bool<shelf, carp'el cbck, coffee'table,cuftaíns, cushíons, fireplacq lomp, Idnpshad-q mantelpiece, :minor, poinüng, nig, sideboard, sofu, stove, üIes@ cluttered (with), confurtable, cory,a.ryr-ed (with), enormous. fuír-sized, huge, moruellous, maiiie,old-fushí onéd, relaxíng,,sp ocíous, tlsteless, wa rm, wooden

Linki¡gtS¡g$ ."; ís sp unüdy !$.shg cannot find her computermousz-(so + adjective + tñat clausé)It.has go! t+Sh_ t r"ty víews of the' countryide thot it is a lovelyp_lo7e to b.1in, (such + adjective + noun i tñaf clause)Jt is teo bíg for one person.to live in. (too + adjective +'toinfinitive)The kítchen ís bia enough to eat rn. (adjective + enough + toinfinitive) 'f'amn:Écnn: Itis not os bíg as other rooms. .The living room is a bit smollg¿.Itís d lot biggg¡thon her prevíous house.One of her bíg1&hobbíes ís gardeníng:_qi¡i¡gfl¡g¡llFz Psnelf, writes for magazines, suci os Vogue.She tiku Romanüc composes líke Chopín, Brahms and LíszL'She ís redcless; po¡tinlarllt with her noney!She is socíable For esralnple- she often invites people round.

CheckingLaygub Have you fullowed the pangraph ptans?Linking: HaVe you included linking words and expressiohs?Useful vocabutary: Have you inctuded eramptes of behaüourto i[ustrate the personalit¡r adjectives?

Usefu[ Vocabulary{t E+É in the 1920s / in the sixteenth ce¡tury / duríng theFrendt Revoluüon.It is based_on a story/play/book by ...The specíal effeú izre impressive/disappoinüng. I|he sq:qgrJt is often breathtakíng with wondefuI phótograohy.The didlógue is often ucellent/wealcX ?l.gys, the paft of ...' / X ís, mooníficent/unconvincíng in thersk of ...

Ory dry. .Cosberfinds llimself beíng watched by ...Af.ter thoL the plot begins to get complicated.-Eventually. he managu to convince the chief he is notdangerous.In the end. they mave notü to Canada.Gi¡.dryu¡!^-.

There are some sad momen9, especídllv when'...The diredor poys greot attenüon to detaíb, suclt as the .authenüc costumes.Contr¡stino'

ffivery long, there isn't a dul! nonenLI'd recommend the filn for everyone, although some scenes arequite víolenLAdd¡¡¡.¡¡¡¡¡SIheir JamíIy lífti is very realístíc The hunüng sre,nes are UISOveryconvíncing..The_stenery ís beauüfuL Moreover- the ba&ground muic isperfecLCa¡cl¡¡di¡a.

AII thínas considered. this is o reol mastetpíece

Checkinglflll Have you fo[owed the suggestions for paragnphs?li¡li¡gHave you included.a variet¡r of tinking'worás?- .

One doy he meets qn Indian.'o



Páragnph 1: Introduction . '

lntrodüce the topic Say wh11 ¡t is important or. interesting.Since earliesttímes, people have aluiqys enjoyed dancíng.Dancihg has furned an ímportant part of socihl and relígíousevents. .

5 AN Anr¡clr (pases 66-67)

PefagnpF 2: Background g¡ lristory . ,Provide some backgróund about when it stárted and majordevelopmentsuptonow., ' - ' .The foik dqncu'of the\1iddte oges'developed ínto classíca|balletin theeíghteenth ceñtury. . ..''

UsefuI Vocabulary

/ AJterthis, ... /

'A D¡scunsive Eisnv (3)

,oges 76-77)..

ayout ' : 'L inking:Contrast l inkers

Althouah/Even though they know the dangers, pay negnte stíllt Intrffin'lr.- | tm;d(AlthouSh¡rra th=qtgh t ctause" + qr{¡ ctause) ' ' ..\ short pangraph to i'ntroduce.the topic 6ive sóme : I

. Ng!F: *v**+*-A+ : . ;lackground, This may.be historicaf or p-erso-nal. Itobacca was inúoduced t [iii",frrii;di;;;r,y of Anenca. I Dsetd?:4? #k:lyg!í!::n:2-y:-'v-!::('oiiltacKsrounr¡' rrrr> r'¡or'uE'[rü;i;i;;;;;;;;r,y

of Anedca. I DesutsJtn-saite of knowingth.e.dalgers, many people stiLrobacca was intoduced to 'y:iftr"::;í;:;;;'tnl iíiiiit'i;"4; ;;? í;' ]'ffi;W:.¿:,{,;:ü*:i;UüH%, k7

Ñnh@6i noun-; + main cl¡usái. . ;--- ,- luesp$e/n splle oJ + noun' + ma¡ll LLtru>t, .. -rtore that if you are 'fo{ somethins, put the arguments. b."ti¡te tn" io¿ til,rit- / Iq..s;íte,{ *e{g*{ lliy.lyY *f

t . J__ _-_ -

aoainst' first. ¡a'g"l "ÑpI;

Aa sno*¿ (Despite,the fa-d that /f-you are'against' something, put the arguments lfo¡'first In spíte of the fact thcrf + ctause, + maín clause)

i n U¡t of arguments 'fot' 'Howeve¡'and'0n the other hand'are used to begin i new--hoose.turo oithr"" main points. Give exarhples wháre I sentence ti\at cóntnsts.what'cáme.befol.j ,, - .;il#il":-:

"'.":'"'"'-"' '-"':-. -"'-:"-"'r'-- :".-; I Ui*s¡people knoui the (angérs óf cigrirettqs However, they still

irrty, it sts'a IQt of noney tp Úeat smokers tvho ge.t | s.yoke'i;;;;;;, iicn os nbort a¡seos"- or lung cancer. secoíau, ,-. | ' M.any pg.Tple know the dangei of ciggrette5. 0n the. other hrind'

theyni l lsmoke . : . r . ;¡ n t¡tt of arguments 'against' I : ':

lhoose trro or rhreé main points. Back up your argume,rc | JVleTai' f¡ used to contnst two'exarnples which aP ctosetVI tlnKeo.uithexarnples. | .lt-nreo'

)n 'the other hond,' if thE¡ banned smokíng, the govemnánt I yl pa.rqnts peth smok+ wheret nóne of theír children.does"

;;;; t";;=; í;;;i ;;,"y i;;Á *i-pLgsl;+*;-- Yóu, ¡an'l smo\ilo1títizts, wheress vqu ean srnoke in otheruith exarnples.)n the otier hsnd: if they banned smokíng., .the.govemnent

Public Ptaces, su,ch as --..ffi".t"ti"n.f gurfL¡u¡rel¡


Jive your ówn personal opinion ábout t¡e top¡c . I prefer to pend tny mPney ?n Cas ' . . ' .ln mv opiníon, ...' .a,il tñinqs consí¿ered, I belíeve.úqt .--

Ch.ecking : :úyoue How we[[ does'your essay f[o¡r? Look at the pangnphs

tyte,i. urrryr..r" .*,ittgn i1 a fermat or nlutnit stvFi

--.--., 31,T,"'ü;;="'J il;iffiji';r"u*prurrien, that.are toou¡e f9ryg! linkérs for listing arguments'fof and'again5t cJUoqUát?.ii so,.!ty tó expresi the sáme idear'in a Í.rore.the titte: .i : ," . ., formal Way.A snoke-filled rogm ís qF bod for non-smokers who havé to iinL"ot Éaue you'used linkers and tinking expressions?breathe ln tJte smok¿ Moreov?r. the smell.of snPke ". / i"n Vo" add áríy. linkers to join sentences-br tink ideas?Fuútármore- people who smbke .;. / Finally- -.- .. . Gnrñmar and óetting: Chick your essay fur mistakes ofuse furrnat vocabqtary and phnses: " - o,"'if;earef.asffiste*;[email protected]É (too colloquiaL) >'-'--:-'

I{is uipleasant to be ín s snbke-fiIled,r9om- .@.(tdo,col.Loquiat)'


Some people chain-smoke.u3e passives wtren approiriate (see-aiso Unit-a): . . : . " :

lheul ínP;¡daeed i*,baée ts EurePe dier thy díseevere¡í 'Ameríea,TrdLt* ias íntodued to Europe a¡u*e a¡sové¡y of America. :


seful VocabularY iljectiVes: a d dictive, anti-social, dangerous, difil, gla n orous,

rhealthy ,' I '

xns: áshtray, bronchiüs, cígaretfe, heart disease, Iung cancet;cotin4 no-smoking areas, publíc places, tobacasues: cost of health treatinenl dangers ín pregnanq;

dívídualfreádon of choice, passíye smoking, smell on clothíng¡d fumi\tre, spotts sponson, startín! fires, tax revenue


Your addressand the date .17 0ichard Rise;London, Nt4/12.January 15, 2003.

GreetingDear Mrs .Smíth, (if you know the person'5 .name)Dear Sír / Iladar7, .(if yqu don't know the person's name)

@X Fonmnl Lsrrsn ftases so-sr)


Paragraph 1Give your reason for writing the letter. Say where you 5aw theadvertisemenl Sive some information about you and otherpeople interested in'the holiday.I an wriüng to ask for more informotion.qboutihe . ,Amazoníizn Adventure' hoüdoy whidt I sqyt adyeftised ín 'The Minor. I4y iiter and f are both uníveriigr'students. We aráínterested in the'holiday, but I wquld tíls¿ some mare details.

Divide your que¡ies about the holiday into two 9r.lhreeparagraphs, e"g. conditions on holiday, health and safety, price,'

Paragraph 2Firstly, I would like to know miire about the soft of condíüonson the holíday; Could you tell,me more about theaccommddation provided,. -

.Papgraph 3Secondly, I am slightly wonied as I have never tieen ó¡t thís'sort oJ holiddy befure Could'you ptease send. mé.ínfurmaüon.abautthe diserises'and health isks ín the Ainazon giea7. .I would.hlso be graieJul if you could gíve m.e informationabout health and accídent ínsuronce-

UsefuI VocabularyD@4^j--- '

I would Eke to ¡aewe a place / to make a reservaüon /to confinh s reseruaüon f to concet a reseruation /nake a group bookíng

. D- i-a.

What is included in the price? / Do you ofter discounts forgroups? / Da you give reductions for students? /.Are there any special offers?Ary¡d¡ti¡¡¡What sott of accommodaüon do you pror4ide?What kínd ofJacilitíx has the hotel got?Types of acconimodation: cabín; c.anpsite, tent; hotel rooms( sí n g le / d o u b le ro om, s uits), s elf-catqi n g flat .geci.What íi thé localfood like? / Is thd water drínkableT /

''Do you ffir full or half board? l'Are:there any facilíües for self-catering?

Kinds of tianspbrt balloon, boat, cgmeL con'oe, cruiie,orcúrsion,'tour, transpott/shüttle sewice to and from thq aírpo¡t,trek, tríp{¡ggffiJ¿ü¡%.:


Whot i5 üe weíght limít? How much does excess boggage cost?Kinds of baggage/tuggage: backpack, holdoll, ovemight bog, .ruclaack, suitcasá, pack

anorok, díving suit, swímsuit, traíners,waterproof jackef

walking boots,

Pangraph 4Thirdty, you saythot the price íncludes everything uceptceftain extras. Could yóu pgsiíbty give né detaíls about whaiextras there nísht be7 '

Forma[ endingMost formal letters end with this sentence. Learn it!I took forward to heaing'from you. .

' :'

Signing offVius Áncerely, (if your letter starrs wití Deai |4rs Smith')Yoirrs faithfuLty, (if your letter starts with Dear Sír / Modam)'Sign your name ánd print it dearlli.R. S. WitsonR.s. wflJoi{ (M!)

ne more infomation aboutthe qccommodatíon.Coutd Vsu please send me infurmaüon about the occommadation?Could.l¡ou posibll¡ tell me what ...ffunder whethu vou coul¿ poss¡bly send me details abouthealth insurance.You mentíon the need for vaccinaüons. Does this rirean thqt you

I would prefer to have a ingle room, if posSíble.I would abo |ike td stay on for another two days, í-f that ís at atlnn<cihlp


.Linkingfan¡ l i+in- i .

It ís'not clear if/whgther yQut.company only.ananges flíghtsfrom London.-I

wauld }ike tp reserue a rqom, as long as/ptwided-fhgf ít has amodem shower and toilet faciliües.I wóuld prefer not to iha'ni d cabín gnless]axcELif f have to. '


Erstly, I would [íke to .-. /"Secondlv. could you ..- /Ihndly,I woald be ... / FinalÁv. I would liketo ....In oddítion to that. cauld you ...Anothér oúerJt I have is about ...Sonething else I wor¡ld like to aik about ís transpoft fron the- l^a*

's t tPvt u

CheckingiSft¡l¡¡Check your letter for style, e.g. starting, finishing thetettqr, poiite requeÉts. .:SmÉCheck whether'all your queitionsare gnmmaticatly ,

he^ring)'m ¡s*S[yte


8 A RrPo RT /(pages



LinkingListing'points:There are also probtems caused by wars.Furthermóre- th.ere are the-'problems csused by wartIn oddíücn- there are the problems coused üy wars.Moreover- there are the problens caused by wqrs.

, Contn*ng ibinis: '1 Aim of.the¡epoft

lntrodugethe ieport with youi aim ani b4ckgrbundinformation.The áim of this report is to ... - . i ..Thk report ai¡rls to .-; ',. :, ., . .

. : " . : : . . : , , . ' ." - ' , r"."¡: , ' , ' - .r ' ; .1-", i , ' " . : ; ' , ' , ,

. ' : i l ' l ; ¡ . : . . i . i j i ' ] . . i '1;; ' , ' - :" : '.

. ;1, . ' , ' , . " . . ' , - " . ' l t " ' . ,1 ' r : : . ; , , ' . { ' i - ; i r . " . i , , . i : : : i ' j : - ' : ' . '1, ' : , . : ' . . i j. . . r . . . ' . . , . . :

- ' , l . ' l=; . . : - r r r - .1. . . '1.- l ' .1

Áiri¿ng'tá iqc"ritfgurLi, ,iáitiri.njniats sre ln'danger oi:,',i,. :1'v:ir'",.''*:.*i"t*¡t',ap.n-

!n1o1e.tojñ,ar), ... ;.i ,li.::-'r'i' .1 ':.;',.'1.''-':: : r;i" ';

! t l{tt .v'¡Ée?1llry. ' ' ' . i ' . . i-:" i",.." i , i : l . ;*t:.; : i ] . . . . . : . .'eenenF deyébpádcpynaíes) 'dryelopingauntr ía@efn¡ral i t ' ' - . . . : . , . i ' , ._. . ; ' , . . - , . " . i . . . . . . :1: . r . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,

- - - .?. . . -7- : - -J - t - r r - ' - - .1. i ! ! . , , . . . r , .* . . .

- . ,1 : i , ! . i - . .

executívq po'sítíoiis, .housework; job opp ortuniües, qualífi cqti.ons, -.'ún.dg¡paíd,'4npqíd.w.oilc iis"ti-'i:;i:;il ' 'tlrri:l.ií.,r,¡."it' ',

' , 'l .:':'.':'l '+'r..-' i ' -.EnvirorJmenb crín+ ¡toi1+ pollution, tmfic jons, stress: . | -,. . .uf,trfJct wc¡ ll¡ ll lga u u I t t,t L y uJ J u5) t L J uéDt .1"u, ust t, et t t DJ I I t tJ.

¡tog{1, Sr.f!.house efftct,.h.annfu!wys,,hunícanx,_ . ' '. .,...r,...,,...,-,. '.;,,

i.,,,..u,.j...i r..:.,,*.etoúat'i,varmingzlu¡ningoJfositJuels,.q0rionemissíons; . . : ' ' ,.: ',

Disaiters: oíd programnes, avo.Il¡tclt5, cyclonu, droughts, 'eathquat<esiflaods,fgrutfirea hunicrines) Iandslides, ,..,., ,.. ,.. .* t* i ¡ r"*pgo*,* indt to ' '^ t t . ' . ' ; ' . . ' : ' . ' .1; : ' , ' : . . . " : ' ' . ' t t " ' , , . , , ' . , . . , r , ' . ' , . . i , . , r ' , ' ; . r ,Animáts: deforertaüon, elephdnti,'endangered speties,

.'nqtural h.abitats, p.gndat rhinoi, ügen ' . ., , . ...- .r.: iRich and poon íüiteraq¡, qua.Iifications, 6N.P ($ross'Naüona| . , ..

vo lco n¡c eru pü o n s, wi n dsto'rmsAni.máb: de¡ore*aU o 7, ele.n.h d7fj,. en.d a¡t gered s peties,'

Produd), pavefly, Thírd World debl vicious circIe,.wealthRefugées'and immigrqtion:' civil war, hondless, "' . . , ,:,.:i.

neíghbouing countríes, refugee czmPs. vlar : :.r, : ,: .. ,' i..: ,;


Your address and the dateWrite your address witJrconect punctuation. Do notwriie your name hera24 Market Street,Middleton,Manqhester, MZ4 6HD.

June 16, ?003.

2 Reasons for the comptaintWrite,one or two paragraphs saying:a) why the adv-ertiílng for the product was misleading,Ih yoúr adveft you clain that the watch ís waterprogf. /The adveft gave the iy1prusicn thotthejacket would lasta lífetineb) what went wroñg with the productHowever, the first tine I went swímm.íng, the watch stoppedworkín7../wut

^tr ty- .1However, after only one wash, the colour had

(pages 124-125)


The gompany's name and addressComputer Wortd,17 Tower Road,London, S\[r12.

GreetifrgDeal Mr ScoLt, (ifyou. knbw the person's name)Deo¡ Sír / Madam, (if you don't know the person's name)


I enclose mpíqs. of the guarantee ond the receipL

6ive yoúr reasoñ fqr writing anil specific inTormatior'¡ about theproduct or service, including where and when you bought iLI am wnHng to yoü about ... whidt I bought from '.-

oi .-.

@* LrRrn sr Co¡¡p¡-*rrur

flgd¡¡Cff guardntee,'receipt, serial nunbeti dote of purchase

[¡ifi¡i5g¿a.'nued lqtz poor quaE!, Paor sevce' poorffiFip, rude employees, ít.was so -.. that I ... /it wai.ñot ... enough'/ it was too ...

JgggCgpay conpeisatión, refund money, replage the product.

I[¡S¿fi¡3o to tourt, go to the'Consumei lssociaüon,Ñlegal action, wríte a letters to the lacal newspaper

LinkingHe spoke to ne eüf/st-üllgh.I knew nothing about iLHowever. it didn't worklesi¡te foUodng the ínstructions, ít didn't work .',qttnoull', I folÑed the ínstructions, it dídn't worklot6Ñ ¿¡d it tose üme, but also the alarm didn't work.ls well os the zíp breokíng, the heel.fel off!lrtt-atJAt trrr-ss/Wh"ri switched it on, ít made a funny noisel)n|ess'you iefund' ny money,.I will ta'ke legal adion.

Checkir iglF,Check your lettei for style. Make sure thát it is not toolnformal or does not sound too aggressive

Ij¡lir¡¡tláve you used linking expressions?-Can'you add anytinking words to joln sentences or link ideas? .g¡llnmCfl¡¡¡¡¡5 Check your essay for mistakes ofgnmmar, vocabulary and spe[ing.rb.grlS1 took furward to heaing Jron you.


StyteWrite a letter in a formal stYte:..'do not use contractions:

@.. .I am wriünE to complain qboat ".

".use formal linking words:$SMoreoiei. the picture was not clear.

the first üme .I used it .--

seful Vocabu[ary

4 Yoúr demandsSay clearly what yoir want the company tb do' State furtheraction that yciu will take if yoür demands are not metI would like you to refund my money. .Iintas I receíve a sdüsfactory reply, I will write to the '

Consumer Assocíaüon.

3 Reastions td your complaintSay whai. happeneti when yoü took the product back or .complairied about it the first time.When I tookthe ... back to the shop, the asistant said itwas mv fault and I hadnt read.the ínstructions

5 Formal endingThe rnol common ending for a formal letter is: '

I look forward to

Signing offYours sincerely, (if your letter starts with Deqr Mr Scott)Yaurs fuithfully, (if your letter starts with Dear 5¡r / lLadam)Sign your name and print it clearly.P.'LoweP. L0WE (MR).

