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Writing In Business

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a portfolio for WRIT 1133 class
Page 1: Writing In Business

(Mejivar)  (Pallab)



Page 2: Writing In Business

Table  of  Contents  



Field  Guide………………………………………………………………………..3  

  Research  Resources…………………………………………..........3  

  Writing  a  Resume……………………………………………………...3  

  Interview:  Top  Ten  List……………………………………………….4  

  Advice  for  Business  Majors…………………………………………5  

  Business  Pre-­‐requisite  classes………………………………….…6  

Interview:  Upperclassman  Business  Student………………………7  

Interview:  Business  Professor…………………………………………….9  

Genre  Investigation………………………………………………………….11  

Proposal  For  Change…………………………………………………………24  

Works  Cited………………………………………………………………………31  


Page 3: Writing In Business


  As  a  student,  you  will  find  that  the  kind  of  writing  you  are  expected  to  do  will  change  

based  on  your  major.  As  a  business  major  you  will  find  that  you  will  rarely  have  to  write  a  

traditional  paper.  Therefore,  it  is  very  important  to  understand  the  kinds  of  genres  that  are  

involved  in  business  writing.  First  of  all,  there  are  specific  kinds  of  writing  that  you  are  

required  to  do  just  to  get  into  the  business  school.  Some  of  these  genres  include:  resumes,  

short  essays,  business  proposals,  case  studies,  marketing  plans,  etc.  This  portfolio  is  meant  

to  give  you  a  greater  understanding  of  genre  and  how  you  will  apply  it  as  a  business  major.    

  The  first  major  section  of  this  portfolio  is  the  field  guide.  The  purpose  of  the  field  

guide  is  to  offer  a  brief  understanding  of  what  you  need  to  know  about  becoming  a  

business  major.  Inside  the  field  guide  there  is  a  brief  description  of  about  six  research  

resources.  This  is  meant  to  give  you  examples  of  where  you  can  go  to  conduct  research  for  

your  writing  assignments.  The  next  section  of  the  field  guide  is  a  brief  description  of  a  

resume  and  the  kinds  of  things  that  need  to  go  into  a  resume.  One  important  part  of  your  

business  school  application  is  your  resume  and  as  a  potential  business  major  it  is  very  

important  for  you  to  know  how  to  make  a  good  resume.  Also  in  the  field  guide  there  is  a  

Top  Tens  List  section  on  “Things  to  do  at/for  an  Interview.”  You  will  find  out  that  interview  

become  critical  for  not  only  getting  into  the  business  school  but  also  for  getting  a  job  or  

position.  The  list  is  meant  to  help  you  know  the  kinds  of  things  you  need  in  order  to  have  a  

successful  interview.  Another  section  of  the  field  guide  is  a  blurb  with  great  advice  that  

business  majors  (prospective  and  upperclassman)  and  professors,  have  told  me  throughout  

my  research.  This  part  of  the  field  guide  is  meant  to  give  you  some  few  things  that  would  

make  your  process  of  becoming  a  business  major  a  little  bit  easier.  The  final  section  of  the  

field  guide  is  a  description  of  all  the  courses  and  requirements  that  are  in  the  business  

school  pre-­‐requisite  sequence.  This  section  acts  as  a  simple  easy  to  read  tool  that  you  can  

use  to  navigate  your  progress  in  becoming  a  business  major.    


Page 4: Writing In Business


  The  second  major  section  is  the  interviews.  In  the  research  phase  of  this  project,  I  

conducted  two  interviews,  one  with  an  upperclassman  international  business  major  and  

one  with  a  marketing  professor.  This  section  shows  a  summary  for  each  interview  and  a  

transcript  of  the  questions  and  answers  given  in  the  interviews.  

  After  that  there  is  the  genre  investigation  section.  The  genre  investigation  is  where  

I  discuss  things  like  genre  theory  and  the  specific  examples  of  genres  that  you  should  

expect  to  encounter  as  a  business  student.  In  the  genre  investigation  you  will  learn  

about  genre  and  the  different  components  that  make  something  a  genre.  Also,  you  will  

learn  to  apply  genre  theory  in  order  to  successfully  navigate  through  any  genre  that  you  

will  face  

  The  next  section  is  the  proposal  for  change.  The  proposal  is  a  letter  that  was  

written  for  you  and  the  administrators  of  the  business  school.  It  is  making  an  argument  

for  “Why  There  Should  be  Less  Pre-­‐requisite  Classes  to  Get  Into  the  Business  School.”  

Also,  the  proposal  shows  you  the  kinds  of  actions  that  you,  as  a  student,  can  take  to  

have  your  voice  heard  by  the  business  administrators  in  order  to  do  something  like  

changing  the  amount  of  pre-­‐requisite  classes  it  takes  to  get  into  the  business  school.  

  To  conclude,  there  are  certain  guidelines  that  come  with  writing  as  a  business  

major  and  if  you  fail  to  understand  these  guidelines  then  you  will  have  a  hard  time  being  

successful  in  your  business  classes.  This  portfolio  will  help  you  to  understand  what  is  

genre  and  to  use  your  understanding  to  become  a  better  writer.  


Page 5: Writing In Business

FIELD  GUIDE:  what  to  know  about  becoming  a  Business  Major  Research  Resources    1) The World Bank website: http://www.worldbank.org/ -A website which provides access to data from studies done in many different places and categories. -Uses: access to a variety of databases (local and international), provides statistical resources you can use in business writing. -Limitations: must be proficient with Microsoft Excel because all databases transfer over into Excel. Also, because of the data that is offered you have to know what kind of data you are looking for. 2) University of Denver Research Center -A section on the first floor of the library that offers help with research and finding resources. -Uses: There are librarians at the research center that specialize in business and economics reference. They will help you direct you to books and online resources. -Limitations: Not the best starting point because you need to have an idea of what kind of resources your are looking for in order to take full advantage of their services    



Contact  Information  

-­‐Name,  Address,  Email,  Number  



-­‐Goals,  what  you  are  trying  to  get?  


Education:  High  School,  College,  Major,  GPA  



Ex:  Microsoft  Certifications  


Work  Experience  

-­‐Jobs,  Internships  




-­‐Clubs,  positions,  scholarships,  awards,  events,  etc.  



-­‐Teachers,  mentors,  bosses,  etc.  (contact  info.)  

One  important  aspect  of  a  student’s  business  school  application  is  a  resume.  Resumes  also  serve  many  functions  such  as  getting  jobs,  internships,  or  even  mentorships.    Your  resume  is  how  you  present  yourself  on  paper.  You  want  to  highlight  all  your  strengths  through  you  resume.      This  diagram  shows  the  different  sections  that  you  need  to  have  on  a  resume  and  some  examples  that  you  as  a  potential  business  major  can  include  on  your  resume.        

Page 6: Writing In Business

FIELD  GUIDE:  what  to  know  about  becoming  an  International  Business  Major?  Research  Resources  3)  Yahoo  Finance:  http://finance.yahoo.com/  A  website  that  provides  information  and  news  about  stocks,  the  stock  market,  and  business  around  the  world.  Uses:  Great  for  finding  out  information  about  a  company  (stocks,  financials,  current  profits,  etc.)  or  about  how  the  economy  and  the  stock  market  are  doing.  Limitations:  Need  to  have  knowledge  about  stocks  and  how  to  read  data  on  stocks.  There  is  a  lot  of  information  so  sometimes  it  is  hard  to  pick  out  the  important  information.    4)  Yahoo  Finance:  http://finance.yahoo.com/  A  website  that  provides  information  and  news  about  stocks,  the  stock  market,  and  business  around  the  world.  Uses:  Great  for  finding  out  information  about  a  company  (stocks,  financials,  current  profits,  etc.)  or  about  how  the  economy  and  the  stock  market  are  doing.  Limitations:  Need  to  have  knowledge  about  stocks  and  how  to  read  data  on  stocks.  There  is  a  lot  of  information  so  sometimes  it  is  hard  to  pick  out  the  important  information.    

Top  Ten  Things  to  do  at/for  an  Interview   INTERVIEW:  WHY  THEY  ARE  IMPORTANT  

1)  Be  on  time:  10-­‐15  minutes  is  ideal.      2)  Dress  appropriately  for  the  position:  It  is  always  better  to  be  overdressed  than  underdressed    3)  Come  with  resume:  Don’t  assume  that  they  have  it  at  hand    4)  Research  the  company  and  the  position  :It  is  good  to  be  prepared  for  any  questions  they  might  ask  you    5)  Ask  questions  at  the  end  of  the  interview:  It  shows  you  are  interested  in  the  position    6)  Make  Eye  contact:  It  is  important  to  connect  with  the  interviewer    7)  Ask  for  business  cards  at  the  end:  It  is  a  good  way  to  have  a  contact  and  a  reference  in  the  company    8)  Firm  handshake:  Shows  that  you  are  confident    9)  Send  a  thank  you  letter  or  email:  Show  that  you  appreciate  the  time  they  took  to  interview  you    10)  Find  directions  ahead  of  time:  It  is  good  to  know  the  exact  location  of  the  interview  

Another  important  aspect  of  a  your  business  school  application  and  any  job  or  position  application  is  the  interview.  The  interview  can  be  seen  as  your  first  opportunity  to  make  a  good  impression  through  some  sort  of  personal  interaction.  The  interview  is  very  crucial  in  getting  accepted  into  the  business  school  and  even  getting  a  job.  You  should  expect  to  do  an  interview  for  jobs,  internships,  or  even  certain  positions  and  mentorships.    This  Top  Ten  List  includes  the  things  that  are  important  for  you  to  do  at  or  for  an  interview.  If  you  complete  these  things  on  the  list,  you  have  a  very  high  chance  of  having  a  successful  interview.      

Page 7: Writing In Business

 (Bitzer)FIELD  GUIDE:  what  to  know  about  becoming  International  Business  Major?   1)  The  World  Bank  website:  http://www.worldbank.org/  A  website  which  provides  access  to  data  from  studies  done  in  many  different  places  and  categories.  Uses:  access  to  a  variety  of  databases  (local  and  international),  provides  statistical  resources  you  can  use  in  business  writing.  Limitations:  must  be  proficient  with  Microsoft  Excel  because  all  databases  transfer  over  into  Excel.  Also,  because  of  the  data  that  is  offered  you  have  to  know  what  kind  of  data  you  are  looking  for.      2)  University  of  Denver  Research  Center  A  place  in  the  library  that  offers  help  with  research  and  finding  resources.  Uses:  In  the  terms  of  business  writing  there  are  librarians  at  the  research  center  that  specialize  in  business  and  economics  reference.  Limitations:    Not  the  best  starting  point  because  you  need  to  have  an  idea  of  what  kind  of  resources  your  are  looking  for  in  order  to  take  full  advantage  of  their  services.    


1)  Be  on  time  (10-­‐15  minutes  is  ideal.)    2)  Dress  appropriately  for  the  position  (It  is  always  better  to  be  overdressed  than  underdressed)    3)  Come  with  resume  (Don’t  assume  that  they  have  it  at  hand)    4)  Research  the  company  and  the  position  (It  is  good  to  be  prepared  for  any  questions  they  might  ask  you)    5)  Ask  questions  at  the  end  of  the  interview  (It  shows  you  are  interested  in  the  position)    6)  Make  Eye  contact  (It  is  important  to  connect  with  the  interviewer)    7)  Ask  for  business  cards  at  the  end  It  is  a  good  way  to  have  a  contact  and  a  reference  in  the  company    8)  Firm  handshake  (Shows  that  you  are  confident)    9)  Send  a  thank  you  letter  or  email  (Show  that  you  appreciate  the  time  they  took  to  interview  you)    10)  Find  directions  ahead  of  time  (It  is  good  to  know  the  exact  location  of  the  interview)    

The  next  step  after  applying  for  the  business  school,  or  a  job,  an  internship,  or  any  position,  is  the  INTERVIEW.  Interviews  are  your  opportunity  to  sell  yourself  through  personal  interaction.        This  Top  Tens  list  gives  you  the  most  important  things  that  you  should  do  at  or  for  any  interview  that  you  will  have,  from  your  business  school  interview  to  an  actual  job  interview.    This  diagram  shows  the  different  sections  that  you  need  to  have  on  a  resume  and  some  examples  that  you  as  a  potential  business  major  can  include  on  your  resume.        


FIELD  GUIDE:  what  to  know  about  becoming  an  International  Business  Major?  Research  Resources   5)  Forbes:  http://www.forbes.com/  Website  that  contains  articles  on  business  news  and  financial  information.  Uses:  Finding  articles  on  business  related  subjects.  Finding  contemporary  news  about  what  is  going  on  in  the  business  world.    Limitations:    Not  all  articles  and  information  is  academically  acceptable.  Possibility  of  being  distracted  by  useless  articles  such  as  “The  Forbes  Five:  Hip-­‐Hops  Wealthiest  Artists  2013”        


-­‐Business  Teachers  don’t  like  “fluff,”  keep  your  test  answers  short  and  sweet    -­‐If  you  have  a  Mac  computer,  buy  parallels,  it  will  make  things  a  lot  easier.  If  you  do,  have  UTS  install  your  Windows  Software  for  you.    -­‐Pass  ALL  the  certifications  before  your  first  year.    -­‐For  Business  Calculus,  just  by  the  online  version,  it  is  a  lot  cheaper    -­‐Research  Case  Studies,  they  will  be  very  important  once  you  are  in  higher-­‐level  business  classes    -­‐Your  professor  is  a  great  resource  when  doing  research.    -­‐Be  patient,  there  is  no  need  to  be  in  a  hurry  to  get  into  the  business  school.  The  secondary  admission  office  has  a  lot  of  benefits.    -­‐Schedule  classes  with  people  you  know,  they  will  be  very  helpful  when  it  is  time  to  study.    -­‐Attend  the  secondary  admission  meetings.  They  help  you  to  navigate  the  process  of  getting  into  the  business  school.    -­‐Don’t  sign  up  for  classes  because  of  the  time.  Having  a  good  instructor  is  more  important  than  having  a  good  class  time.    -­‐Planning  for  classes  as  first  year  is  always  rough  and  you  never  get  your  first  choice  for  your  classes.  So  always  have  backups.      

Page 8: Writing In Business

FIELD  GUIDE:  what  to  know  about  becoming  an  International  Business  Major?  Research  Resources    6)  Daniels  School  of  Business  Student  Resources:  http://daniels.du.edu/current-­‐students/  This  website  provides  all  the  resources  that  are  available  for  current  business  students.  Uses:  Finding  information  of  business  school  professors,  Daniel’s  career  services,  and  business  student  organizations.  This  is  a  great  way  to  get  connected  with  anyone  in  the  business  school.  Limitations:  page  is  hard  to  locate  on  the  Daniels  School  of  Business  website.  Not  a  great  place  to  start  any  kind  of  assignment.  You  have  to  know  what  you’re  looking  for  or  whom  you  are  trying  to  communicate  with.    



Business  Information  and  Analytics  

INFO  1010:  Analytics  1:Data  &  Analysis    

INFO  1020:  Analytics  2:  Business  Stats  &  Analysis    

Economics:  Micro  and  Macroeconomics    

ECON  1020  

ECON  1030  

Gateway  to  Business  

Bus  1000  

Mathematics:  Business  Calculus  or  Calculus  1  

MATH  1200  

MATH  1951  

Microsoft  Certifications:  Excel,  Word,  &  PowerPoint  



Page 9: Writing In Business

Interview:  Upperclassman  Business  Student  

Summary  This  is  a  transcript  of  an  interview  conducted  with  an  upperclassman  student  that  is  an  International  Business  Major  in  the  Daniels  School  of  Business.  The  objective  of  the  interview  was  to  find  out  how  this  student  views  writing  through  the  kinds  of  assignments  they  receive,  how  these  assignments  prepare  them  for  the  professional  field,  etc.  In  the  interview  I  learned  about  the  genre  of  case  studies  and  case  analysis.  The  main  thing  that  I  took  away  form  this  interview  in  terms  of  research  is  that  your  professor  is  always  a  great  research  resource.  And  in  most  cases  your  professor  is  your  audience  so  it  is  always  beneficial  to  know  what  they  expect  to  see  in  an  assignment.  The  best  advice  that  this  student  had  was  to  “stay  patient.”  They  said  as  a  first  year  you  should  not  be  in  a  rush  to  get  into  the  business  school.  Mawukle  Yebuah  (M)  -­‐  Interviewer  Aminta  Mejivar  (A)  –  Interviewee    

M-­‐  What  types  of  writing  do  you  do  most  often  for  classes  in  your  major?      A-­‐  In  classes  like  in  International  Studies  you  are  writing  an  essay  or  an  analysis  research  or  something  like  that.  You  are  still  going  to  have  to  structure  your  essay  to  say  the  introduction,  and  in  the  introduction  you  describe  to  the  reader  what  you’re  going  to  write  about.  And  you  structure  it  really  well  and  you  divide  it  into  sections.    M-­‐  Who  do  you  imagine  as  your  audience  when  you  do  these  types  of  analysis,  and  how  would  you  characterize  that  audience  and  what  they  value?    A-­‐  It  depends  on  what  I’m  writing,  really  when  I  think  about  the  audience  I  think  about  someone  who  is  interested  in  the  subject  but  doesn’t  know  much  about  it.  So  it  is  very  important  to  describe  to  them  what  it  is  all  about,  give  them  a  quick  background,  not  a  huge  summary.  That  is  really  what  the  Introduction  is  for,  when  you  say  the  introduction  you  write  your  thesis  and  you  write  what  you’re  going  to  write  about  and  you  move  on.    M-­‐  What  advice  about  writing  would  you  give  freshman  considering  becoming  business  majors?  What  do  you  wish  you’d  known  going  in?    A-­‐  Research  case  analysis  and  case  studies.  As  I  said  back  in  the  beginning  case  studies  are  very  different  from  regular  essays,  in  their  structure  and  in  the  level  of  content  that  they  used.  Some  people  think  that  case  analyses  are  easier  than  regular  essays  because  they  tend  to  be  shorter  but  they  are  not.  There’s  a  very  good  reason  why  their  shorter,  and  that’s  that  is  very  clear  and  crisp  and  to  the  point.  So  as  a  first  year  student  I  recommend  that  you  go  online  and  look  for  case  studies,  read  them,  and  find  out  what  kind  of  structure  they  have  because  you  are  going  to  find  that  very  useful,  especially  once  you  get  into  those  high  level  management  classes      

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Interview:  Upperclassman  Business  Student  

M-­‐  What  are  the  main  resources  you  use  when  researching  a  case  study?    A-­‐  The  professor,  the  professor  is  the  main  resource  that  you  can  use  and  after  that  just  Google.    So  when  it  comes  to  case  analysis  the  professor  because  the  professor  is  the  one  who  knows  what  to  expect.  The  writing  center  will  tell  you  whether  your  writing  is  good  or  not.  But  when  it  comes  to  business  writing  and  case  studies  and  writing  business  reports,  you  have  to  be  a  good  writer  because  everyone  knows  that  you  will  lose  credibility  if  you  have  a  bunch  of  spelling  mistakes  or  stuff  like  that  in  your  essay.  But  when  it  comes  to  your  content,  your  professor  is  the  first  line.    M-­‐  How  much  do  you  know  about  the  types  of  writing  you’ll  be  expected  to  do  as  a  professional,  and  in  what  ways  are  the  classes  preparing  you  for  these  types  of  writing?    A-­‐  What  I  know  especially  in  my  profession  is  that  I  will  be  writing  a  lot  of  business  reports,  especially  once  I  complete  my  research  that  I  plan  to  do  in  Botswana.  And  the  reports  I  expected  them  to  be  hybrids.  Because  I  may  be  doing  economic  research,  and  economics,  its  business,  but  there  is  also  a  large  proportion  that  is  in  the  humanities  so  I  expected  that  it  is  going  to  be  a  hybrid.      M-­‐  Do  you  think  your  business  classes  are  preparing  you  to  do  your  reports?    A-­‐Yea.  And  its  not  just  my  business  classes,  That  is  really  the  beauty  of  attending  a  liberal  arts  institution,  is  that  you  get  to  take  classes  outside  your  main  area  of  study.  So  yes  I  get  to  learn  how  to  write  case  study  reports  through  the  business  school  but  then  I  have  also  written  larger  research  reports  for  other  classes.    M-­‐What  overall  advice  would  you  give  a  student  who  is  trying  to  get  into  the  business  school?    A-­‐  Just  take  advantage  of  the  fact  that  DU  offers  the  Secondary  Admission  process.  I  know  that  when  you  are  a  first  year  students  you  just  really  want  to  be  officially  in  the  business  school.  I  know  how  that  feels  and  you  just  have  to  be  patient.  And  especially  us  business  students  we  are  not  known  for  our  patience.  But  there  is  a  very  good  reason  for  it.  In  my  opinion,  and  I  believe  a  lot  of  the  advisors  here  at  the  business  school  will  agree  with  this,  the  secondary  admission  process  is  designed  to  help  the  students  determine  whether  business  is  meant  for  them  or  not.      

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Interview:  Business  Professor  

This  is  a  transcript  of  an  interview  conducted  with  a  Daniel’s  School  of  Business  marketing  professor.  The  objective  of  the  interview  was  to  find  out  how  the  professors  views  writing  through  the  kinds  of  assignments  they  assign,  their  expectations  in  the  kind  of  writing  their  students’  produce,  etc.  Through  this  essay  I  learned  about  the  marketing  plan  genre  and  what  king  of  components  the  professors  expects  in  that  genre.  Also,  I  learned  that  sometimes  professors  do  not  see  themselves  as  the  audience.  In  the  case  of  marketing  plans  the  audience  is  the  high-­‐level  management  officer.  Mawukle Yebuah (M) - Interviewer Professor Paul Pallab (P) – Interviewee

M  –  What  types  of  writing  do  you  assign  when  you  teach  a  class  to  business  majors?      P  -­‐Well  actually  there  are  quite  a  variety  of  those  I  do;  the  major  part  of  course  is  the  marketing  plan.    M  -­‐Because  you  are  a  marketing  professor    P  -­‐That’s  exactly  right  so  students  have  to  do  a  marketing  plan  and  usually  that’s  a  good  project.  So  three  or  four  students  will  work  on  this  plan.  It  is  pretty  hefty  it  is  about  20  pages.  Those  are  some  big  examples.  So  20  pages  and  they  are  to  research  and  since  I  teach  mostly  international  marketing.  The  project  is  about  taking  an  American  product  from  this  country  and  going  to  a  foreign  country  of  their  choice.  They  are  to  figure  out  what  would  work  best.  Lets  say  they  pick  China,  let’s  say  they  want  to  introduce  this  pencil  to  Chine  so  they  have  to  figure  out  if  they  want  to  do  this  what  are  the  consideration  they  should  have  to  write  a  marketing  plan  for  this  pencil.  Should  it  be  as  big  as  the  U.S.  pencils  or  smaller,  or  narrower  in  diameter,  or  what  kind  of  lead,  and  where  people  typically  buy  pencils,  is  it  a  supermarket,  is  it  in  grocery  store  or  discount  store,  so  they  have  to  do  a  whole  lot  of  market  analysis.  They  have  to  look  at  the  cultural  issues  for  the  Chinese  people;  they  have  to  look  at  the  political  issues,  legal  issues.  Is  it  legal  to  sell  pencils?  They  have  to  look  at  all  those  different  things  to  figure  out  whether  if  it  makes  sense  and  then  they  have  to  come  up  with  a  strategy  on  how  to  introduce  this  pencil  to  the  Chinese  population.  So  that’s  the  premise  of  the  project.  So  now  they  have  to  write  a  20page  project  on  that.  So  that’s  a  major  writing  assignment  they  have  in  my  classes.  But  beyond  that  they  also  have  to  do  almost  every  week  something  like  short  assignments.  Like  in  my  class  go  on  do  some  research  and  find  out  politically  which  country  is  the  riskiest  country  for  a  U.S.  business  to  enter  or  politically  which  country  is  the  worst  country  for  a  U.S.  business  to  enter  today.  So  they  have  to  a  political  analysis  and  come  up  with  a  page  or  two  analyses  to  submit  in  class.  So  this  is  an  example  of  a  short  example.    M  -­‐And  these  are  usually  1-­‐2  pages?    P  -­‐Yes  those  shorter  ones  are  usually  one  to  two  pages  because  the  way  I  do  that  the  paper  is  sort  of  a  platform,  they  have  to  do  the  research,  they  have  to  think  about  it,  they  have  to  analyze  it,  and  then  the  actual  learning  takes  place  in  class  where  they  have  to  share  what  they  found.  Like  what  you  found  and  why  you  think.  If  you  say  Zimbabwe  is  the  worst  country  to  enter,  why?  They  have  to  give  me  some  reasons  and  then  go  to  the  next  student  and  that  they  should  have  some  other  ideas.  And  so  we  all  discuss  that  in  class  so  that  the  written  assignment  the  two  pages  is  essentially  a  tool  to  prepare  the  students  for  the  class  discussion.      

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Interview:  Business  Professor  

M  -­‐  What  do  you  look  for  when  you  evaluate  these  kinds  of  writing?    P  -­‐Two  major  components.  One  component  of  course  is  the  substance.  So  what  do  you  say,  does  it  make  sense,  what  kind  of  research  do  you  have  to  back  up.  So  if  you  say  Zimbabwe  well  that’s  great  but  why.  Why  did  you  get  your  information,  what  kind  of  information  that  you  have.  So  that  people  can  say  that  yea  that  makes  sense  Zimbabwe  is  a  risky  country  to  enter.    So  I  look  at  the  substance,  look  at  the  arguments,  look  at  the  evidences  that  you  provide  in  your  paper  to  make  your  case.  So  that  is  one  card.  And  then  beyond  that  of  course  I  look  at  the  grammatical  issues,  the  spelling,  and  organization  in  your  paper  to  make  your  case.  Sometimes  you  will  be  surprise  the  way  some  students  write,  one  page  report  no  paragraph.  Just  one  page  paragraph.  So  it  is  very  difficult  to  read  those  because  then  you  don’t  know  how  is  it  going,  where  is  starts,  because  it  starts  with  an  idea  and  by  the  time  you  get  to  the  end  of  the  page  it  is  completely  different.  So  I  always  tell  the  class  make  short  paragraphs  and  each  paragraph  should  have  a  central  idea  or  theme  and  then  connect  it  the  next  paragraph  and  the  next  paragraph.  Use  headings,  subheadings  so  that  it  is  for  the  reader  to  follow  what  you  are  trying  to  say.    M  -­‐  Who  should  your  students  imagine  as  their  audience  when  they  write  a  paper  for  you  class?    P  -­‐Well  it  depends  on  the  assignment  like  when  they  do  this  big  marketing  plan,  the  final  report.  Usually  the  audience  is  the  top  management  of  a  company,  people  who  decide.  The  CEO  of  the  pencil  company,  and  I’m  thinking  about  three  different  countries.  I  can  go  to  China,  I  can  go  to  India,  I  can  go  to  Brazil.  Which  country  should  I  pick?  So  that  would  be  the  audience,  the  people  at  the  top,  the  C-­‐level  people,  who  will  make  a  decision  about  international  expansion  because  this  class  is  all  about  international  expansion  and  international  marketing.      M  -­‐From  these  kinds  of  writing  assignments  what  do  you  hope  your  students  will  take  form  the  assignments?      P  -­‐Well  two  things  again.  Substantially  they  should  learn  how  to  make  a  case,  how  to  make  your  arguments.  How  to  present  a  case  to  your  boss  and  then  not  just  say  you  want  to  go  to  China.  Well  that  sounds  great  but  why?  Give  me  five  reasons.  So  they  should  learn  how  to  make  a  case,  provide  evidence,  and  justify  a  case  that  they’re  making.  And  beyond  that  they  should  learn  how  to  do  research.  These  days  with  the  amount  of  the  information  on  the  Internet  and  all  they  have  to  do  is  just  start  with  Google  and  there’s  so  much  information.  Those  days  are  gone  when  you  have  to  go  to  the  library,  look  at  book  and  journals.  People  don’t  do  that  they  just  look  on  the  Internet.  So  people  have  to  look  through  all  the  information,  there’s  so  much  information,  and  of  course  you  cannot  take  everything  so  you  have  to  pick  which  information  is  most  relevant  for  you  project,  figure  them  through  and  present  the  most  interesting  facts  and  the  most  relevant  facts  in  your  paper.    

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Genre  Investigation:  Introduction  

If someone were to ask you what is a genre and why are genres important, what would you

say? For many of us we are unable to answer this question because we think of genre as categories

in different forms of media. In an article called “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk, the author tells

this joke:

“Q: What do you get when you rewind a country song?”

“A: You get your wife back, your job back, and your dog back...” (Dirk)

See for many people this joke did not even make sense. The author examines that “in order for to get

the joke you must be familiar the country music genre” (Dirk). Genres are more than just categories;

they have certain characteristics that make them very specific in how they are used. Genres require

an audience to have background information and knowledge about how that genre works.

If we were talking about movie genres, many people would simply name the genres as:

action, adventure, comedy, romantic, horror, and etc. However, if you look deeper into the genre of

horror movies you will see that there are different kinds of sub-genres inside the subject of horror

films and that throughout history horror films have changed in the way that they attempt to scare

their audience. This can be seen in the change from the serial killer genre with movies like “The

Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” to the genre of zombie movies like “Zombieland,” to the supernatural

genre in movies like “Paranormal Activity.”

In general, the important thing about understanding genres is that you need to have the

knowledge of genre as a whole and the things that constitute a genre. This allows you to be able

identify different genres and use your knowledge of how genres work to be able to mange the

different situations that come up with experiencing different genres. Then maybe with a greater

knowledge of genre if someone tells you another joke about country music you might even get why

the joke is funny.

Overall, this investigation will explain the theory of genre, discuss the different sections of genres

that you, as a business student, should expect to see, and provide specific examples of these genres

in order to understand what characteristics make up that genre. The purpose of the examination and

analysis of genre theory and these different sections of genres is to prepare a student for the genres

they will be facing in the business school and to prepare them for how to successfully navigate and

produce writing in these genres.

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Genre  Investigation:  Genre  Theory  &  Application  

In order to understand genre and how we apply genre and how we apply our knowledge of genre, we

have to discuses the components of genre theory. Throughout this investigation there are certain

terms that will be used in the discussion of genre theory. These terms include:

• Social Action: An idea brought forth by Carolyn R. Miller in the article “Genre as a Social Action.” She explains that every genre has a separate purpose that it is trying to fulfill.

• Rhetoric: It is how people communicate; this can include languages, speeches, writing, and


• Exigence: The motivation to solve a problem. You can view the exigence of this investigation as breaking down genre theory so you as a student better understand how you will interact with genre.

• Discourse: the type of language that one will use to appeal to their audience. The discourse

you use with your professor is very different then the discourse you use with your fiend. In terms of writing, if you look at the discourse in the investigation you will find it to be less formal than your regular academic paper, but it is still written to the point that college students are able to understand and still see that it was written in an academic context.

• Constraints: Guidelines that are established for a genre. This can include the format, length,

or even the way it is presented. Constraints can be seen as what your audience expects. As an example, a very formal professor will expect every paper to be 5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font.

• Antecedent: Any form of background or prior work that has an influence in the way a certain

genre is viewed or written.

• Kairos: The appeal of time or simply the timeliness of an argument. Kairos becomes very important because if taken advantage of, it can have a big impact on your audience.

• Uptake: This is the last step into how the audience in the rhetorical situation understands the

information. Uptake can be seen as the final way your writing is presented.

• Rhetorical Situation: The context that surrounds the scenario of a genre. Rhetorical situation requires one to know what the appropriate responses would be for that certain situation. You can simply explain rhetorical situation as the setting that the genre occurs.

• Context: The moment that an argument is taking place in. It is very important to know the

context when it comes to genre theory because it helps you understand things like rhetorical situation.

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Genre  Investigation:  Genre  Theory  &  Application    

To understand genre theory we use the terms above to show that genre is a form of writing and each

genre has a unique structure and purpose. This is what we mean by saying genre’s fulfill some sort

of social action. Each genre has a goal that it is trying to achieve. Additionally, in Carolyn Miller’s

piece “Genre as a Social Action,” she brings up the idea of an existing hierarchy that is present in all

genres. Every genre has rules that have to be followed. Therefore the rules are seen as a high level

on the hierarchy scale because they have to be followed in order for a piece to fit that genre. The

rules are the constraints of that genre; they are what the audience expects and what you use to help

you communicate your message to the audience.

Another part of genre theory is the idea of rhetorical situation discussed by Lloyd F. Bitzer.

In his article “The Rhetorical Situation,” Bitzer describes “the rhetorical situation as the context in

which speakers or writers create rhetorical discourse.” A simple interpretation of Bitzer is that

rhetorical situation is created by the background information that one will use to communicate with

the audience. Some of the things that come from understanding rhetorical situation is the idea of

rhetoric and antecedents. Also, by examining rhetorical situation you can see the importance of

Kairos. The timing of an argument or the way the genre is presented has a very important effect on

the audience and how effective they are in understanding the rhetorical situation and even the

appropriate response for that situation.



Page 16: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Genre  Theory  &  Application  

The next part of genre theory is how you present or convey a genre to the audience. Anne Freadman, the author

of “Anyone For Tennis,” illustrates uptake as the strategy that a person decides to take. So with this idea of

uptake, your strategy has to be analyzing the most effective way to get your audience to understand the genre.

Overall, with genre theory, one has to understand that there is a hierarchy, which is based on rules that need to

be followed in writing a certain genre. There has to be an idea of rhetorical situation so you know how to be

effective in the setting of a genre. Finally, there has to be an understanding of audience so your writing reflects

a product that will allow the audience to understand the components of a genre.

To conclude, the discussion of genre theory and application was meant to provide an overview

of genre theory and to offer a simple understanding of why it is important to know the different kinds of genre

you will be facing. The thing that you should take away from this section is that once you understand a genre

and the components of that genre you are more likely to be successful in the writing that you produce within

that genre.

Page 17: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Classroom  Genre  


Name: Syllabi

A syllabus can be viewed as multiple things for a class. It can act as an agenda, a calendar, and

even a checklist for all the assignment due dates. Every college professor you will create some

version of a syllabus that they will hand out to the class. The rhetorical situation of the syllabi is the

first day of class because many professors will spend the first day of class going over the syllabus.

This is because the social action of the syllabus is to produce one piece of formal writing that

establishes the guidelines and expectations for the audience of the class, which in this case is the

student. The syllabus is what a professor will use to indirectly communicate with the students to

make sure that everyone in the class is on the same page. Therefore they use the first day because that

is first instance of communication a professor will have with their class. While the format for the

syllabus might depend on your major or even your professor, the business school syllabi have the

same format. Below is an image of one of the main things that occur in every instance of a business

school syllabus. No matter what major you are the in the business school you will see this image on

the first page of every syllabus.



Genre Types Within the Business School

The rest of this investigation will look into specific examples of genres that a student will encounter. The first

situation is the genres that a student should expect to see in the situation of a classroom. The next section is based on

student-produced genres. This is mainly the kind of writing you, the student, will perform in business classes. The

final section is the professional genres that a professor or a person in the professional field of business will write.

While this section is not directly based on the student, it is meant to show the genres that one should expect often

after they graduated.

Page 18: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Classroom  Genre  


This image outlines the ethics of the Daniels School of Business because if you have not already

learned, the Daniels School of Business is very concentrated on making sure that everyone knows

and understands its views on ethics.

However, the only break that you will see with this genre is the way that the professor organizes the

assignments. Some professors will organize the work by week and some will do it by chapters or

modules. It all depends on how the professor plans to grade the work in the class. And since the

professor is the person who creates the syllabus for their class they are the ones who hold the power

because they get to decide how the information in the syllabus will be present to their audience. The

expectation that a professor has for a student is that they will use the class syllabus to gain all the

information they need in terms of what will occur during the duration of the quarter. The class

syllabus is a very appropriate and efficient genre. It gives a schedule of the course material and

assignments so as a student the syllabus will keep you up to speed with what is going on in the class.

It is very short to the extent that no business professor will make a syllabus that is more than 10

pages. And the syllabus is very easy to obtain because professors will always have electronic

versions of the syllabus on either Blackboard or on their personal website.

Page 19: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Student-­‐Produced  Genres  

Name: Short Essay Assignment (1-2 pages)

One of the many assignments that students will have to produce in a business class is the

short essay. Now short essays are very different for business classes. In a short essay will you either

have to provide some short and to the point analysis on a subject, a brief but well thought out

argument on an issue, or a summary of an event or situation. The rhetorical situation of this genre

takes place both in and out of class. The student will have to complete the assignment outside of the

classroom. Most short essays are due the next week class period that they are assigned. So for the

average business class, you will have seven days to finish a short essay. The second aspect of the

rhetorical situation of this genre is in class because there is usually a follow up discussion on the

assignment. All the majors in the business school require students to complete this kind of

assignment. The difference is that the topics may change depending on the major. Marketing majors

may have to look at a marketing strategy of a certain company for a product they just released and

then they will have to argue whether the marketing strategy was a success or a failure. While

International Business majors may have to look at a new international policy and then analyze how

it will affect how business is conducted in different countries. The social action of a short essay is to

have the audience read an article and produce a piece of writing that shows what they have learned.

The expectation is that the audience is able to think critically about the subject and produce a well-

written piece of work. The reason why every class has a short essay assignment is because writing in

the business school is very direct and to the point. When you are writing in business class professors

do not like “fluff,” which is just a word for words or sentences that take up space. They want you to

make your point right away, and many professors will agree that the short essay allows students to

practice their skills in this kind of writing.


Page 20: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Student  Produced  Genres  

The main thing that occurs in every instance of this genre is the heading. But this is also

where we see a break in the genre. Every professor has a specific way that they want a heading and

the format of the paper to look like. Some professors may even take off points for having the wrong

format. Below are a few examples of sample headings that Professors will want students to put on

their short essay assignments.


In looking at his genre, it may seem that the professor has the power because they are the one

grading the writing, but it can also be seen that they student has the power because they have full

control over what they discuss in the paper. But as a business student you should view the professor

as having the power because they are your target audience when you are writing short essays.

Overall, you can see that the genre of the short essay is very efficient. The writing you will produce

in this genre is very short, direct, and to the point. Professors gave you a limited amount of space to

keep you from writing any “fluff,” so as a business student make sure that you always get right to

the point.


-­‐Name  -­‐Professor’s  Name  -­‐Class  -­‐Date    

-­‐Name  -­‐Class  -­‐Assignment      -­‐Title  -­‐Date    

-­‐Name  -­‐Class  -­‐Date    

Page 21: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Professional  Genres  


Name: Academic Articles/ Publications

Academic Articles are writings that are mainly only viewed in the academic sphere. This is mostly

because the genre of academic articles consists of writing that is done by your professors. Many

students will agree that they have not searched for published academic articles or that they do not

even know where to look to find these articles. While as a business student, you can always go the

library’s database to find academic articles; you can also go online to Google Scholar to find

academic articles. Therefore, the rhetorical situation is based in an academic context.

Many of the professors imagine that their audience for their publications is other academics in

higher education institutions. The social action of this genre is meant to add some new information

or bring up new topics to the field that the professor specializes in. In every instance of this genre

there is a process of peer-reviews and revisions. This process can be a couple months long or it can

even take up to a year. Not only do professors get their articles reviewed by their peers, many

professors even act as peer reviewers. So it is very understandable why the peer review process

takes so much time. However, it is expected that professors become publish and continue to produce

writing for their field. Essentially, this is how they can insure that they will be able to keep their

jobs. So with this genre we get an idea into the dual segments of writing that is conducted by

professors. Professors not only work with the writing that they assign and grade for their classes,

they also work on the writing that they themselves produce and try to get published.    

Page 22: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Professional  Genre  

One possible antecedent for this genre is other writing that has been done on a similar topic in the past.

Professors don’t always have to bring up new topics to the field, they can argue or elaborate on some

already existing ideas. Part of the writing process for academic articles is the research that a professor

will conduct before they actually begin their writing. Many professors will say that the research that

they do for their articles takes up most of the time in the process of getting published. Throughout this

process, it is the publishers who hold the power because they take part in the peer review and they

decided what gets to become published. Publishers can always tell professors to revise the article and

produce another draft or sometimes they can even tell professors to completely start the draft on a

different topic. Overall, this genre is very appropriate because it requires professors to continue to

research and lean more about their fields. As a student you can see that no matter where you are at in

your understanding of a subject or in your process of writing it is always important to continue to

conduct more research and get peer reviews. This is truly the best way to improve your writing and

your understanding of a topic.

Page 23: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Conclusion    

In conclusion, as a business major you will have to encounter many new genres that don’t appear in

other majors. In order to be successful in navigating these genres it is important to understand what makes a

genre and the different components of genres. You will need to have a strong grasp on genre and the

application of genre theory so that with every new genre you can identify the rules, the rhetorical situation,

and how the audience will affect your writing. This will allow you enhance the quality of the writing you

produce for your classes. The most important writing you will encounter in the business program is the

writing based on student produced genres. This is because most of the writing that you will produce as a

business major is meant to prepare you for the writing you will be expected to produce as a professional.

Finally, remember that when writing in any genre in the business fields follow the advice of being efficient

in your writing and get to the point and always use subheadings when you can.


Page 24: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change  

Dear  Daniels  School  of  Business  Administrators  and  future  Business  Students,  

  Currently,  I  am  in  the  last  quarter  of  my  first  year  at  the  University  of  Denver.  As  a  

prospective  business  school  student,  I  am  at  the  point  in  my  academic  career  where  I  

have  almost  completed  the  required  courses  to  get  in  to  the  Daniels  School  of  Business.  

Through  my  experience  as  a  student  navigating  the  required  Business  sequence,  I  have  

come  to  believe  that  there  are  some  issues  with  the  amount  of  classes  a  student  needs  

in  order  to  become  a  business  major.  The  number  of  pre-­‐requisite  classes  required  to  

get  in  to  the  business  school  needs  to  be  reduced  because  it  is  keeping  business  majors  

from  becoming  critical  thinkers.  

  In  consideration  of  my  proposal  I  wanted  you  to  know  that  I  understand  that  the  

Daniels  School  of  Business  is  a  highly  recognized,  praised,  and  accredited  institution.  

Because  of  this,  it  does  make  sense  to  me  why  the  business  school  has  a  secondary  

admission  process.    I  also  understand  that  you  as  administrators  do  not  want  to  loose  

the  competitive  environment  of  Daniels  by  making  it  easer  to  enter  the  school  of  




Why There Should be Less Pre-requisite Classes to Get Into the Business School  

Page 25: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change    


However,  reducing  the  amount  of  pre-­‐requisite  courses  will  not  reduce  the  

competitive  environment  of  the  school  or  even  cause  the  school  to  lose  its  high  

reputation.  In  fact,  reducing  the  required  classes  to  get  into  the  business  school  will  

actually  improve  the  atmosphere  of  the  business  school.    Many  business  students  will  

agree  that  by  reducing  the  amount  of  pre-­‐requisite  courses,  you  are  giving  them  a  

chance  to  take  a  greater  variety  of  classes  during  their  first  year,  which  will  result  in  the  

improvement  of  the  critical  thinking  abilities  of  the  students  that  enter  the  business  

school.  In  an  interview  I  conducted  with  Aminta  Mejivar,  an  upperclassman  

International  Business  major,  she  says  “the  beauty  of  attending  a  liberal  arts  institution,  

is  that  you  get  to  take  classes  outside  your  main  area  of  study.”    This  shows  that  there  is  

a  demand  from  business  students  to  take  a  variety  of  classes.  As  administrators,  by  

reducing  the  number  of  classes  in  the  business  pre-­‐requisite  sequence,  you  are  allowing  

students  to  have  the  opportunity  to  gain  background  knowledge  in  other  subjects  and  

in  different  fields.  Overall,  this  ability  of  students  to  become  critical  thinkers  will  

transfer  into  their  business  classes  because  they  will  be  able  to  ask  questions  that  will  

not  only  challenge  their  teachers  but  also  challenge  their  peers.  As  a  result,  the  

environment  of  the  Daniels  School  of  Business  will  develop  new  ways  to  thinking  and  

solving  issues  in  the  business  world.      


Page 26: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change    


Opposing  Views         One  opposition  that  you  as  administrators  might  have  for  this  proposal  is  that  the  

business  sequence  offers  a  variety  of  classes  so  students  who  enter  the  business  school  are  

still  going  to  be  well  rounded  critical  thinkers.  However,  when  you  look  at  the  classes  in  the  

business  sequence,  many  of  them  are  in  the  business  field.  So  students  are  well  rounded  in  

the  fact  that  they  know  different  components  of  the  business  field,  but  they  are  not  well  

rounded  in  the  fact  that  they  have  not  had  experience  asking  and  solving  questions  in  other  

fields  and  topics.  Many  professors  will  agree  to  the  claim  that  their  aim  is  not  only  to  get  

students  to  learn  the  material  but  also  to  get  students  to  think  critically  about  what  their  

learning.  Therefore,  the  best  way  to  develop  well  rounded  critical  thinking  students  is  to  

give  them  practice  asking  questions  and  critically  thinking  about  the  solutions  in  many  

different  subjects  and  fields.    

  Another  opposing  view  is  that  the  business  sequence  is  meant  to  be  rigorous  because  

you,  as  administrators,  want  to  weave  out  the  students  who  do  not  actually  want  to  study  

business.  While  it  makes  sense  for  the  school  to  weave  out  the  students  who  are  not  

passionate  about  business,  it  does  not  take  a  multitude  of  classes  to  make  a  student  realize  

that  business  is  not  an  ideal  major  for  them.  It  is  predicted  that  on  average  a  student  will  

switch  their  major  as  least  twice  before  their  graduation.  And  personally,  as  a  student,  I  

have  seen  a  few  students  decide  not  to  become  business  majors  after  taking  two  classes  in  

the  business  pre-­‐requisite  sequence.    

Page 27: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change    


  In  addition,  the  classes  in  the  business  sequence  are  basic  and  they  do  not  pertain  to  

the  variety  of  business  majors  that  students  plan  to  declare.  Also,  some  of  theses  classes  

aren’t  the  most  interesting  classes,  especially  for  someone  who  is  trying  to  see  if  they  are  

truly  passionate  about  business.  In  fact,  for  many  of  the  students  who  drop  out  of  the  

business  sequence  it  was  not  that  the  classes  were  too  rigorous;  it  was  more  that  they  no  

longer  had  any  interest  in  studying  business.  Therefore,  with  such  a  specific  business  pre-­‐

requisite  sequence,  the  Daniels  School  of  Business  runs  a  risk  of  weaving  out  students  who  

have  a  passion  for  business  but  no  longer  have  an  interest  to  study  business.    

  The  next  opposition  that  you,  an  administrator  would  have  for  this  proposal  is  that  

the  business  sequence  does  not  consist  of  that  many  classes  and  it  still  allows  students  to  

take  other  courses.  While  this  may  be  statistically  true  in  terms  of  credits,  many  students  

are  involved  in  other  programs  like  Living  &  Learning  Communities,  or  even  scholarships  

that  come  with  mandatory  classes.  So  for  many  of  these  students  the  only  other  non-­‐

mandatory  courses  that  they  can  take  are  for  the  business  sequence.  Some  students  will  

even  make  the  choice  of  becoming  less  involved  on  campus  just  so  they  can  focus  on  their  

business  pre-­‐requisite  classes.  Now  one  thing  that  the  Daniels  School  of  Business  likes  to  

see  is  students  who  are  involved  in  campus  programs,  so  does  it  make  sense  for  a  student  

to  become  less  involved  just  so  they  can  get  into  the  business  school?  

Page 28: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change    


Words  For  the  Students:  How  to  Take  Action  

  As  a  student  who  is  paying  tuition  to  attend  this  university,  you  have  to  realize  that  

you  have  the  power  to  make  changes  in  your  education  system.  It  is  up  to  you  to  make  sure  

that  the  business  administrators  know  how  you  feel  about  the  business  pre-­‐requisite  

sequence.  One  of  the  things  that  you  can  do  is  set  up  meetings  with  the  administrators  or  

even  the  chancellor.    The  first  step  to  creating  a  change  is  communicating  with  the  people  

who  make  the  decisions.  In  these  meetings  it  is  important  to  tell  them  what  you  want  to  

change  and  why  you  want  it  to  change.    Another  thing  you,  as  a  student,  can  do  is  to  

honestly  fill  out  your  course  evaluations  and  business  school  assessments.  It  is  up  to  you  to  

let  teachers  know  the  kinds  of  things  you  want  to  learn  in  their  classes  and  to  let  

administrators  know  which  classes  you  feel  are  and  are  not  benefiting  your  education.  It  is  

really  important  to  make  sure  that  your  voice  is  being  heard  by  giving  feedback  in  any  

opportunity  that  you  get.    


Page 29: Writing In Business

Genre  Investigation:  Proposal  For  Change    



  In  conclusion,  as  a  prospective  student  of  the  Daniels  School  of  Business,  I  propose  

that  that the number of pre-requisite classes required to get in to the business school needs to

be reduced. There is a great opportunity for business students to take advantage of a highly

sought out liberal arts education by taking classes in different fields. This opportunity, in

return, will benefit the business school because its students will have developed their critical

thinking skills and they will be able to use their abilities to enhance the environment of the

school. But in order to improve the environment of the Daniels School of Business, there

will have to be collective action by the students to make sure that their voices are heard and

there will have to be objective consideration from the administrators about the student’s

feedback and what will be best for the business school. Thank you all so much for your time

and effort.  

In best hopes,

Mawukle Yebuah


Page 30: Writing In Business

Works  Cited  


 Bitzer,  Lloyd  F.  "The  Rhetorical  Situation."  Pennsylvania  State  University  Press,  1966.  1-­‐14.  

Dirk,  Kerry.  "Navigating  Genres."  Writing  Spaces:  Readings  on  Writing,  Volume  1  (2010):  249-­‐262.  

Freadman,  Anne.  "Anyone  For  Tennis?"  Genre  In  The  New  Rheotric.  Taylor  &  Francis,  205.  37-­‐47.  

Mejivar,  Aminta.  Writing  As  An  Upperclassman  Business  Major  Mawukle  Yebuah.  2013.  

Miller,  Carolyn.  "Genre  as  a  Social  Action."  Quarterly  Journal  of  Speech  (1984):  151-­‐167.  

Pallab,  Paul.  Writing  As  A  Business  Professor  Mawukle  Yebuah.  2013.  

Picture,  Activities/Honors.  April  2013  <http://newneighbors.org/wp-­‐content/blogs.dir/1/files/misc-­‐


Picture,  Contact  Information.  Clay  Library.  April  2013  <http://www.claylibrary.com/wp-­‐


Picture,  Daniels  College  of  Business.  April  2013  <http://daniels.du.edu/>.  

Picture,  Education.  April  2013  <http://blog.latterdaylearning.org/wp-­‐


Picture,  Google  Scholar.  "UBC  Library  eResources:  Service  Bulletins."  WordPress.  27  May  2013  


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