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Writing Seminar Rogers

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ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY & RESEARCH STRATEGIES Writing Seminar Dr. Scott Rogers Traci Welch Moritz Public Services Librarian/Assistant Professor Heterick Memorial Library Spring 2012
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Writing Seminar Dr. Scott Rogers Traci Welch Moritz

Public Services Librarian/Assistant Professor

Heterick Memorial LibrarySpring 2012

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What today is all about

Aid in constructing research strategy for finding resources for annotated bibliography

Field researchPrimary vs. Secondary Resources

Using RefWorks

To get you


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What you can expect from HML

Knowledgeable degreed librarians on duty over 60 hours per week

Friendly faces ready to help 101.5 hours per week

Access to the resources you need both on and off campus

Resources available in a timely manner

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Librarians and support staff


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Ca. 400,000items

Ca. 20,000,000items

1.4 billionitems

What we expect you to know

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+ even more!

250 Databases About 700+ print periodical

subscriptions 10s of thousands electronic

journal titles Juvenile collection Audiovisuals – physical and


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How am I suppose to remember all this stuff?

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Annotated Bibliography

Allows you to see what is out there

Helps you narrow your topic and discard any irrelevant materials

Aids in developing the thesis Makes you a better scholar

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Bibliographic Citation Software


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Managing Information - RefWorks Licensed state-wide, access free to Ohio

students for the rest of your life! See:

http://0-www.refworks.com.polar.onu.edu/ Write n’ Cite interfaces with MS Word Excellent Tutorials Help available at Heterick Research Guide for Writing Seminar for

instructions on how to get your free-for-a-life-time account

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What should I do first?

• Finding the right search term• Start big and then use patterns

you see in the results list to narrow your topic

• Most resources will have built into their system a “thesaurus” or “subject” or suggested topics links, use them

• Ask a librarian or your professor for suggestions

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Field Research

Field research can be considered either as a broad approach to qualitative research or a method of gathering qualitative data. The essential idea is that the researcher goes “into the field” to observe the phenomenon in it’s natural state or in situ. As such, it is probably most related to the method of participant observation. The field researcher typically takes extensive field notes which are subsequently coded and analyzed in a variety of ways (Trochimn, B 1999)

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Field Research

What is qualitative research? Qualitative research is a method of inquiry

employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts.[1] Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often needed, rather than large samples.


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Field Research

Observation Participant

Direct Interview

Survey Print

Person Mail/Email


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What do I do next?Use library resources to continue your background research.

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Libraries at ONU Heterick Memorial


Undergraduate Library, accessible to all

• Taggert Law Library

• Library for Law school, accessible to all

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Research Tools - Catalogs

• Highly structured information environment

Way individual records are arrangedSubject headingsCatalog software optimized for aboveDeal with material in many formats

• Implies a learning curve to use successfully

Emphasis on precision

• Preparation relatively labor-intensive

• Implies heavy human involvement

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ONU ID is Library card

EVAEva Maglott00021559801

Eva Maglott

Please use all digits in your student ID number.

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POLARThink of the call number as the street address of the book on the library shelves

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• Looks in several locations (usually subject, article title, abstracts or contents)

• Does not require an exact match• Generates comparatively large number of hits (not precise)

• Good if you are not familiar with terminology

• Look for the same or similar words which keep appearing


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•Looks in one place – subject•Usually requires an exact match between your term and a pre-set list of terms

•Precise•Can be used after keyword search has identified specific subjects


Click on the “Find Similar Items” link found on each item record

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Find a Book∞OhioLink Materials owned by all Ohio colleges,

universities, several public libraries Ca. 10 million items Link from POLAR permits you to submit

requests. Available from Heterick home page

Most requests arrive in 2-3 working days No charge Limited to 100 items at a time MAY RENEW UP TO 4 TIMES

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Primary vs. Secondary Sources

What is a primary source?  The definition of a primary source varies

depending upon the academic discipline and the context in which it is used.

In the humanities, a primary source could be defined as something that was created either during the time period being studied or afterward by individuals reflecting on their involvement in the events of that time.

Using Primary Sources on the Web

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Google and Wikipedia aren’t intrinsically evil, just use them for the correct purpose in your research.

What do I do next?

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Google Scholar

ONU buysFull-textdatabase


Google tolink to full-text

Google asksto link tocontent

ONU user sees licensed full-textarticles

Run Google ScholarSearch

Note: If working offcampus please see the “google scholar” tab at the Research Guide for Writing Seminar

Internet Tools

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Critically analyzing web sources






Timeliness of the information.

Depth and importance of the information.

Source of the information.

Reliability of the information

Possible bias present in the information.

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What today is all about

ReviewWWW, okay for research or just a bunch of crazy?

Using databases to find scholarly research

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Web Research

Databases “Pay to Play”

Usually created by a single publisher

Content pre-arranged for easy use

Quality/ content control thru editorial staff

Content usually available only to subscribers

Content source usually identified

and dated

Internet (Search Engines)

Material from numerous sources, individual. Government, etc.

Search engines must work with material prepared without regard for specific software

Quality of material varies Generally do not access for-

profit information Content often anonymous and


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What do I do next?

Use databases to find articles based on your search strategy

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Research Tools∞Databases

Often tools for locating journal and newspaper articles

Most are subject-specific – some multi-disciplinary

Many give access to full text of articles

Heterick has over 250

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Over 20,000 journals indexed, most are full text

Divided by subject area offered at ONU

Begin with a general database, Academic Search Complete JSTOR

Research Tools∞Databases

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Find an Article

Periodical means the same as Magazine

Usually magazines are more “popular”

JournalsScholarly or

ProfessionalPeer reviewed

See Research Guide for HONR 231 for this and other Handouts

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A. Academic Search Complete, Masterfile Premier

B. JSTORC. Lexis-NexisD. Proquest NursingE. Opposing Viewpoints

Research Tools∞Databases

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General Database

Scholarly journals, peer reviewed articles

Academic Search Complete/ Masterfile Premier

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General Database

Scholarly journals, peer reviewed articles


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General Database

Lexis Nexis Academic

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Subject Specific Database

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Subject Specific Database


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Subject Specific Database

Opposing viewpoints

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Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Use when you need a book or article that is not available online, not owned by ONU or available via OhioLINK

No charge/ limit on requestsMost requests take 5-7 days to fillUse ILL form on library web pages.

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QUESTIONS? Ask at the Reference Desk Phone the Reference Desk –

2185 Contact us by E-mail

[email protected] Use Chat Help feature or the IM IM feature [email protected]

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