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Writing the Review of Related Literature and Studies

Date post: 07-Apr-2018
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  • 8/6/2019 Writing the Review of Related Literature and Studies


    Writing the Review of RelatedLiterature and Studies

  • 8/6/2019 Writing the Review of Related Literature and Studies


    Differences between

    Related Literature andStudies

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    Related Literature Related Studies

    Composed of:Discussions of facts and

    principles to which your studyis related

    Composed of:studies, inquiries or investigationsalready conducted to which yourstudy is related

    Usually printed or published:Ex. Books, encyclopedias,

    journals, magazines, newspaper

    Usually unpublished:Ex. Thesis, dissertations,manuscripts

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    Both are classified as:

    Local- if printed or

    conducted inPhilippines


    - if printed orconducted in otherlands/country

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    Review of Related Literatureand Study is Not

    A study-by-study, orarticle-by-article,description of studies

    previously done A re-statement of the

    studies previously done

    A brief overview of articles

    An annotated bibliographyin which you summarizebriefly each article thatyou have reviewed.

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    Importance of RelatedLiterature and Studies

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    They help or guide theresearcher :

    In understanding his topicbetter

    In ensuring that there will beno duplication of otherstudies

    In locating more sources ofrelated information.

    In searching or selecting abetter research problemor topic.

    In making his research design

    comparison between his

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    Purposes of Review ofLiterature and Studies

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    To Find out how much research has

    been done on the same area To Justify the need for more studies

    on the topic

    To Fill in existing gaps, clarifyinconsistencies, substantiateexisting facts

    To Help with procedures and processes

    To Get new idea and approaches

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    There are Scientific Reasonsfor conducting a literature


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    In the book ofGall, Borg,and Gall (1996),they argue that the literature review plays

    a role in:

    Delimiting the research problem

    Seeking new lines of inquiry/investigation

    Avoiding fruitless approaches

    Gaining methodological insights

    Identifying recommendations for furtherresearch

    Seeking support for grounded theory.

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    Hart (1998) contributes additional reasons for

    reviewing the literature, including: Distinguishing what has been done from what needs to be


    Discovering important variables relevant to the topic

    Synthesizing and gaining a new perspective

    Identifying relationships between ideas and practices Establishing the context of the topic or problem

    Rationalizing the significance of the problem

    Enhancing and acquiring the subject vocabulary

    Understanding the structure of the subject

    Relating ideas and theory to applications of the mainmethodologies and research techniques that have beenused

    Placin the research in a historical context to show

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    Characteristics ofRelated Literature and


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    What makes a goodliterature review?

    Criteria: Clearly written


    Relevant Objective and Unbiased


    Accurately referenced

    Valid and reliable

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    uidelines oneffective writing of the

    Literature Review

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    Research papers must be written in aformal style, which is in the thirdperson, not the first person

    Avoid highly descriptive writing style,not approriate for a scholarly


    Use the active voice for direct impactand easy understanding

    Avoid the use of jargon : use familiarterms in place of terminologies

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    Language should be neutral gender,no sexy language like his

    Make the conclusions andcontradictions found in theliterature clear in the report

    Use short sentences: avoid elongatedand run-on expressions

    Use proper grammar and proofread

    the work Never plagiarize ; give credit to the

    original author of ideas

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    Pay attention to the structure and form ofpublished articles, which are good

    examples of how literature reviews canwritten

    Examples :Jose (2007) claims that job-related stress can

    enhance productivity up to a certain point.There is, however, a threshold point beyondwhich stress becomes a harmful factor in

    ones productivity. On the other hand, Luisito(2008) averred that, in his experience as aclinical psycologist, stresses always producea negative effect on ones productivity.

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    riting a LiteratureReview

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    Research review tend to be written ina particular style and typicallyinclude specific types of information.

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    A written research should providereaders with an objective and

    thorough summary of the currentstate of evidence on a topic. Aliterature review should be neither a

    series of quotes nor a series ofabstracts. The key tasks are tosummarize and evaluate theevidence so as to reveal the state-of-the-art knowledge of a topic-notsimply to describe what researchershave done.

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    The review should point out bothconsistencies and contradictions inthe literature and offer possibleexplanation for inconsistencies (e.g.,different conceptualization or data

    collection method).Although important studies should be

    described in some detail, it is not

    necessary to provide extensivecoverage for every reference. Reportwith similar findings sometimes canbe summarized together.

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    The literature should be summarized

    in your own words. The review shoulddemonstrate that consideration hasbeen given to the cumulativesignificance of the body of research.Stringing together quotes fromvarious documents fails to show thatprevious research on the topic has

    been assimilated and understood.

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    Another point to bear in mind is thatthe review should be as objective aspossible. Studies that conflict withpersonal values or hunches shouldnot be omitted. In addition, the

    review should not deliberately ignorea study because its findingscontradict other studies. Inconsistent

    result should be analyzed and thesupporting evidence evaluatedobjectively.

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    The literature review should conclude

    with a critical summary that recapskey study findings and indicates howcredible they are ; it should also

    make note of gaps in the research.The summary thus requires criticaljudgment about the extensivenessand dependability of evidence on a


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    As you progress through this book, you

    will become increasingly proficient incritically evaluating research report.We hope you will understand themechanics of writing a research

    review when you have completedthis chapter, but we do not expectthat you will be in a position to write

    a state-of-the-art review until youhave acquired more skills in researchmethods.

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    tyle of a ResearchReview

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    Students preparing their first writtenresearch review often have trouble

    adjusting to the standard style ofresearch review.

    One issue is that student sometimes

    accept research result without criticismor reservation, reflecting a commonmisunderstanding about the

    conclusiveness of research. You shouldkeep in mind that no hypothesis ortheory can be proved or disproved byempirical testing, and no research

    question can be definitely answered in

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    The problem is partly a semantic one :

    hypotheses are not proved, they aresupported by research findings;theories are not verified, but theymay be tentatively accepted if a

    substantial body of evidencedemonstrates their legitimacy. Whendescribing study findings, you should

    generally use phrases indicatingtentativeness of the results, such asthe following :

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    The left hand column of table presentexamples of stylistic flaws. Theright hand column offersrecommendations for rewording the

    sentences to conform to a moreacceptable form for a researchliterature review. Many alternative

    wordings are possible.

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    1. It is known that unmetexpectations engender stress Dr.A.Cassard, an experton stressand anxiety, has found that unmetexpectations engender stress(Cassard, 2005)2. Women who do not participate

    in childbirth preparation classes

    tend to manifest a high degree ofstress during labor

    Studies have found that womenwho participate in preparation for

    childbirth classes manifest lessstress during labor than those whodo not (Klotz,2003; Weller,2004;McTygue,2005)

    3. Studies have proved thatdoctors and nurses do not fullyunderstand the psychobiologic

    dynamics of recovery from amyocardial infarction

    Studies by Lowe (2004) andMartin (2003) suggest that doctorsand nurses do not fully understand

    the psychobiologic dynamics ofrecovery from a myocardialinfarction

    4. Attitudes cannot be changedquickly

    Attiudes have been found to berelatively enduring attributes thatcannot be changed quickly (Geair,2003; Casey,2004)

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  • 8/6/2019 Writing the Review of Related Literature and Studies


    There are no easy formulas for how longa review should be. The length depends

    on several factors, including thecomplexity of the research question,the extent of prior research, and the

    purpose for which the review is beingprepared.Literature reviews prepared for proposals

    (e.g.,proposals to undertake a study, totest a clinical innovation, or to make achange in practice) tend to be fairlycomprehensive. Reviews in theses and

    dissertations are also lengthy.

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    In these cases, the literature reviewserves both to summarize knowledge

    and to document the reviewerscapability.

    Because of space limitations in journal

    articles, literature reviews that appearwithin research reports are concise.Literature reviews in the introduction toresearch reports demonstrate the need

    for the new study and provide a contextfor the research questions. Theliterature review sections of qualitative

    reports tend to be especially brief.

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    However, there are stand-aloneresearch reviews in nursing journalsthat are more extensive than those

    appearing in the introductions ofresearch report.
