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Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills

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  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    Writing to Practise Better Thinking SkillsPosted on August 27, 2012 by herlina

    Some friends of mine send me messages oer my !B, "ho# do you constantly come u$ #ith ideas to#rite in %nglish&' ( fro#ned u$on this )uestion* !rankly s$eaking, ( #as thinking hard to find theans#er* Writing al#ays comes naturally to me, almost like breathing* So, ( don+t really think about it

    #hen ( do the thing ( loe the most* (t is natural and fun, #riting your ideas into #ords* When ( #rite,time seems to distort, my brain turns to s#eet mush, and the #ords ust arrie on screen* (t feels like (find a great tro$ical rain forest to e-$lore, and ( could neer finish my adenture in one short e-cursion*There #ill al#ays be another calling to hae another )uest.* Time is my only restriction, es$ecially#hen there+s so much on your desk and brain mi-ed u$ at #ork* Sometimes, ( find #riting in %nglish isso much easier than in (ndonesia since ( am used to #rite my ideas in the language on my blogs*%hm/ that is definitely my ans#er "better %nglish skills come from $ractice*' So, ( re$ly the )uestion#ith that )uote* Anything by $ractice #ill makes $erfect*

    (t+s not that ( loe %nglish better than (ndonesia* That #ill be so absurb and irksome* y reason is somuch sim$le* ( #rite in %nglish to $ractice, not forgetting the lessons (+e got during college* ( studythe language, so it #ill be hilarious if ( lose the skills to do so* S$eaking skills takes t#o to $ractice*Since, ( hae no $artner to do so it+s hard to im$roe my oral ca$ability* There+s al#ays a sli$ of thetongue anytime ( s$eak in %nglish due to lack of $ractice/lol* While #riting offers a solo rehearsal* (don+t need a $artner to do the $ractice* So, ( try as much as ( could to #rite any ideas crossing my mindin my blogs* ( find life neer #orks e-ce$t in retros$ect* ou can+t eer control life* 3ften life turns outthe o$$osite #hat you e-$ect* But, it #riting, at least you can control your o#n ersion* ou can createany character you #ant, any ending you #ant, etc* 4radually, it becomes a habit* Then it becomes anatural actiity to do* Also, it deelo$s better thinking skills*

    There are some good #ays to $ractice your thinking skills* ou can sit and think, for starters, you can#ork on s$ecific $u55les and $roblems* But ( don+t like $u55les and $roblem, yet ( loe sitting at mydesk com$osing #ords, lol* ou can also hae interesting discussions #ith others* et, ( don+t hae anyo$$ortunity to attend any formal meetings or discussions so this is not an aailable o$tion for me*Then, ( find a "best' #ay to $ractice my thinking skills and boost my brain$o#er that is "to #rite*'

    6nless you are ust co$ying #ords, to #rite is to think* ou hae to think ho# to connect your #ires ofthoughts into series of sentences that makes sense* Putting your thoughts into #ords is a $rocess oftelling yourself the logic behind #hat you feel or #hat you only $artly understand the same #ay talkingforces you to clarify your thoughts so that others listen and understand you* Sometimes, $eo$le don+tnecessarily #rite about something because they understand it already* They often start #riting aboutsomething because they #ant to understand it, and the $rocess of #riting is #hat brings about theirunderstanding* et, com$ared to talking, #riting has the disadantage of not giing you direct outsidefeedback* When you talk, $eo$le can confront you directly in an instant* And you hae to defend yourargument on that instant too* But #hen you #rite in your blog, it takes $erha$s days for you to receieany feedback from your readers, to disagree or agree* Therefore, you get am$le of time to e-$ress anddeelo$ your thoughts #ithout interru$tion* This is a great #ay to #ork on your thinking skills in aslo# rela-ing $ace* By time, your skills #ill im$roe greatly* (t #ill boost your brain$o#er+ toe-$lain*8819 $eo$le killed in bus crash in (ranThe Associated Press, Tehran, (ran : World : Sun, Se$tember 02 2012, 2;

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    (ran?s state ne#s agency says at least 19 $eo$le hae been killed in the country?s south after the busthey #ere traelling on struck a rock and fli$$ed oer*

    (@A says the accident took $lace Sunday some 0 kilometers C

    Archbisho$ Fesmond Tutu, #ho #as a#arded the obel Peace Pri5e for his $art in fighting a$artheid,s$eaks during a felicitation eent for him in Fharmsala, (ndia, in this !eb* 10, 2012 file $hoto*Archbisho$ Fesmond Tutu in an o$=ed $iece in the 3bserer on Sunday, has called for Tony Blair and4eorge Bush to be hauled before an international criminal court and deliered a damning criti)ue of the $hysical and moral deastation caused by the (ra) #ar* CAPJAsh#ini BhatiaD

     obel Peace Pri5e Gaureate Fesmond Tutu called Sunday for Tony Blair and 4eorge Bush to face $rosecution at the (nternational Kriminal Kourt for their role in the 200< 6*S*=led inasion of (ra)*

    Tutu, the retired Anglican Khurch?s archbisho$ of South Africa, #rote in an o$=ed $iece for The3bserer ne#s$a$er that the e-=leaders of Britain and the 6nited States should be made to Lans#er fortheir actions*L

    The (ra) #ar Lhas destabili5ed and $olari5ed the #orld to a greater e-tent than any other conflict inhistory,L #rote Tutu, #ho #as a#arded the obel $ri5e in 19MI*

    LThose res$onsible for this suffering and loss of life should be treading the same $ath as some of theirAfrican and Asian $eers #ho hae been made to ans#er for their actions in the Eague,L he added*

    The Eague, etherlands, based court is the #orld?s first $ermanent #ar crimes tribunal and has been ino$eration for 10 years* So far it has launched $rosecutions only in Africa, including in Sudan, Kongo,Gibya and (ory Koast*

    Tutu has long been a staunch critic of the (ra) #ar, #hile others o$$osed to the conflict N including $lay#right Earold Pinter N hae $reiously called for Bush and Blair to face $rosecution at theEague*

    LThe then=leaders of the 6*S* and 6*O* fabricated the grounds to behae like $layground bullies anddrie us further a$art* They hae drien us to the edge of a $reci$ice #here #e no# stand N #ith the

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  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


     @e$orttri $riyatmo J on, 0

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    Transmigration inistry, #hich receied *II $oints, and the Koo$eraties and Small and edium%nter$rises inistry, #hich receied *2 $oints*

    The OPO $reiously announced that it had discoered irregularities in the management of @$ 1*7trillion C6SQ1M0*2 millionD in interest $ayments from de$osits submitted by ha $ilgrims to theministry*

    Gast year, the Su$reme Audit Agency CBPOD re$orted @$ 1*H2 billion in unaccountable funds out of@$ 2*7 trillion allocated to the ministry to su$$ort its (slamic education directorate*

    @eligious Affairs inister Sur=yadharma Ali, #ho is also the chairman of the 6nited Feelo$mentParty CPPPD, said that he had sought clarification from the commission concerning itsrecommendations, and that he #ould $roide #hateer the OPO needed to inestigate the Ooran $rocurement scandal*

    The minister also said that he had sent a re)uest for clarification to the OPO concerning thecommission+s recommendation* "( #ill not tolerate any kind of corru$tion #ithin my ministry,'Suryadharma said*

    Suryadharma also claimed that the ministry had made significant im$roements after the BPO issuedan "un)ualified' o$inion of its finances in 2011*

    !ormer OPO de$uty chairman * .asin has been installed as the ministry+s ins$ector general to reformthe graft=riddled ministry* Ee oins Anggito Abimanyu, a reform=minded economist, #ho #as recentlynamed its director general for ha and umrah Cminor haD affairs*

    "Pak .asin+s $resence in the ministry #ill obiously im$roe internal monitoring efforts* (t is eryhel$ful for us, because the ministry+s ins$ectorate has been ery #eak,' Busyro said*

    Se$arately, @eligious Affairs inistry s$okesman Rainuddin Faulay said that he #as not a#are of theOPO recommendations* "( hae been my $osition for the $ast one year and ( don+t kno# about therecommendations* But if there #ere any, ( am confident that the secretary=general of the ministry#ould hae follo#ed u$,' he told the Post*

    .asin denied that the ministry had been unres$onsie*

    "We are not idle* Eo# can #e be deemed ignorant #hile #e are actually making im$roements&' hesaid, adding that ministry had im$lemented 10 of IM recommendations from the OPO*

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     %ditor?s Khoice (ndonesia gets bron5e in Paralym$ics, breaking t#enty years of drought

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


     Fe$ok im$oses fee on ne#comers

    6S sees @( as a key $layer in S* Khina Sea issue; %-$ert

    inistry thumbs nose at OPO

    @ecent comments @e$ort.oe J on, 0

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    The #oman #ho caused the accident #as briefly detained by $olice, and her motorbike #asim$ounded* She #as obless, and she subse)uently made no effort to kee$ in contact #ith our family, afact #hich really annoyed my #ife*

    y mother=in=la# may hae been sitting im$ro$erly on the back of the motorbike N #ith both legs

    together s#ung oer the side Cthe norm for female $assengers hereD N and, $ossibly, her drier may be $artially liable as #ell due to his o#n carelessness but #e+ll neer kno# for sure* At any rate, the $olice #ere flagged do#n, and my mother=in=la# #as rushed to a local hos$ital*

    She suffered a broken leg, as #ell as serious scra$es and bruises to her face* She remained in thehos$ital for a$$ro-imately t#o #eeks, a $eriod #hich #as a$$arently determined collectiely, #ith thedoctor+s adice carrying a lot of #eight* ( $ersonally beliee she could hae been discharged earlier, but that+s only my o$inion* We $aid for her treatment and stay at the hos$ital #ith cash*

    Because of her diabetes, my mother=in=la# has neer been able to get $ro$er health insurance coerage,a fact #hich ended u$ costing my #ife, her sister and brother and ( a$$ro-imately @$

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    Komments; Frunk drier Afriyani gets 1 years in $risonThe .akarta Post : @eaders !orum : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, 11;

    Pa$er %dition : Page; M

    Aug* 29, 3nline

    A reckless drier #ho killed nine $edestrians in .anuary #as sentenced to 1 years+ in $rison onWednesday*

    Afriyani Susanti #as re$ortedly returning home from a night of clubbing #hen the ehicle she #asdriing struck 1< $edestrians N killing nine N on .an* 22* She #as allegedly under the influence ofdrugs and alcohol as she droe at high s$eeds on .l* @id#an @ais in 4ambir, Kentral .akata*

     "The defendant has been $roen guilty of reckless driing that endangered the lies of others,' $residing .udge Antonius Widyato said at the erdict hearing at the Kentral .akarta Fistrict Kourt*

    our comments;

    The $enalty should be 12 years+ ma-imum $er ictim* Therefore, 9-12 years e)uals 10M years+ma-imum im$risonment*

    (t seems that the la#s in (ndonesia are made #ith a la#maker in mind* (t #as made to $rotect them Cthela#makersD, not to $rotect the $eo$le* o #onder corru$tors get light sentences and murderers get offafter fe# years*

    This light $unishment doesn+t deter $eo$le from committing crimes N it is barely a sla$ on the #rist*Peo$le should demand that the system is fi-ed*

    .ohn .ob

     o matter ho# long Afriyani+s $rison sentence is, the bereaed families #ill not get their familymembers back* ot in this life, anyho#*

    Femanding that the loss of a life Cor liesD must be $aid back in kind $uts those #ho demand it on thesame moral leel as the one #ho #as res$onsible for the loss of lies*

    Eatred and the desire for reenge #ill eentually ruin the minds and lies of those #ho harbor thesefeelings*


    The sentence is not fair* Oilling nine $eo$le should e)ual a death sentence, or at least lifeim$risonment*


    She #as drunk and high, and the $eo$le she killed stood no chance* et she has the audacity to a$$eal&

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    ( ho$e she gets a higher sentence !ifteen years is not enough*

    She should be ashamed of herself, and she should reflect on her action during her time in $rison*

    .oe Eart88

    Te-t your say; ogyakarta billThe .akarta Post : @eaders !orum : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, 11;27 AA= A A>

    Pa$er %dition : Page; M

    our comments on the bill regarding the s$ecial status of ogyakarta, #hich sti$ulates that SultanEamengkubu#ono is the recogni5ed goernor of ogyakarta, but that he is $rohibited from being amember of any $olitical $arty;

    (t+s good ne#s* The Sultan is the king of all the $eo$le in ogyakarta and, therefore, he should not be amember of any $olitical $arty*

    !aar Putuadi

    (t+s time for "the kings of .aa' to moe on*

    The state is (ndonesia no#, not $etty kingdoms goerned by elites*

    .aa is only one island in this archi$elagic state*


    Prohibiting Sultan Eamengkubu#ono from being a member of any $olitical $arty is tantamount toconsidering him a foreigner*

    This is certainly an un#elcome $recedence for our unitary state of the @e$ublic of (ndonesia FariSabang sam$ai erauke Cfrom Sabang to eraukeD*

    Please take care #e need a uniting force, not a diisie course*

    * Adikoesoemo.akarta

    ( agree that Sultan Eamengkubu#ono should be $rohibited from being a member of any $olitical $arty because of the s$ecial status of ogyakarta*

    % urdin.akarta

    S$eak u$

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    ore $arties in 201I election

    ore $olitical $arties #ill likely a$$ear in the 201I elections after the Konstitutional Kourt decided that

    Pa$er %dition : Page; M

    Aug* 29, $* 1

    (n a moe that could further discriminate against Shia follo#ers in Sam$ang, %ast .aa, the goernmentis considering relocating the grou$, saying that the moe could $reent future attacks from the maoritySunni community*

    Both Eome inister 4ama#an !au5i and @eligious Affairs inister Suryadharma Ali made the $ro$osal on Tuesday, saying that %ast .aa 4oernor Soekar#o #ould hae to $roide details of the $lan*

    "The relocation $lan #ould be in the hands of the 4oernor, and he of course #ould listen to the#ishes of the local community,' Suryadharma told re$orters on Tuesday*

    Soekar#o #as )uick to reect the "ghettoi5ation' $lan, arguing it #ould not sole the $roblem*

    "@elocation is not a solution because they UShia follo#ersV belong to the area* They are also membersof the local community* (t+s unfair to arbitrarily moe the minority only because the maority reectsthem,' he said*

    Soekar#o said that for the time being, the authorities #ere considering eacuating the Shia communityto a safer location until security

    our comments;

    The home affairs and religious affairs ministers are the ones #ho should relocate *** relocate right out of  $olitics by either resigning or being dismissed* They are both incom$etent, and their inability to dotheir obs has resulted in a dramatic increase in religious iolence #hich goes unchecked* 3f course,this does not absole the ational Police from blame either*

    Walter .ohn 4omm

    (t seems to me that the only solution that these t#o ministers eer offer is relocation* 4O( asminconflict; relocation* EOBP; relocation* And no# in Sam$ang; relocation*

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    So as long as you can gather enough iolent thugs and make enough trouble, the goernment #ill notdare to im$ose any la# on you* (nstead, they #ill relocate those to#ard #hom the iolence #asdirected*

    Eo# about a formal $ro$osal to relocate the so=called minorities to certain islands, only to be inhabited by them& Where is Pancasila in this&

    Khristine Pan

    This is eidence of the goernment+s failure to $rotect its citi5ens as ruled by the Konstitution* Thegoernment #ants to run from this res$onsibility*

    We must #ork together to create $eace

    Wahyu .ati P*

    The minister got it right #hen he said "(t is not bet#een the Sunni and the Shia, but a sibling rialry*'Please do not re$ort this as a religious conflict*

    3nce that irres$onsible misinter$retation takes hold in $eo$le+s minds, the conflict is in grae danger of s$reading like #ildfire*

    Feedee A

    (f it is not a religious conflict, then #hy #ould Surydharma Ali call for the Shiites to be relocated&Please remember that there are 1 million Shiites in (ndonesia*

    (n !ebruary of this year Suryadharama Ali announced that the Shiites are heretical and deiated frommainstream (slam*

    any #arned at the time that this #as dangerous and inflammatory talk and could lead to iolenceagainst the Shiites*

    Konflicts like this re)uire the rigorous interention of goernment and state a$$aratus, to $unish those#ho break the la# and ensure that tolerance is sho#n and $racticed by religious and local goernmentleaders in the affected area so that the $eo$le can $eacefully co=e-ist together*

    This has not been done* (n fact, local leaders and the %ast .aa branch of the 6( hae been actielyfanning the flames of intolerance #ith their hate=filled #ords*

    Simon88!rom farmers to scholars, @%FF> actors set for actionWarief Faanto Basorie, .akarta : 3$inion : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, I;

    Pa$er %dition : Page; 7

    (ndonesia is striing to be a leading $layer on the climate stage but its highly touted @%FF> initiatie

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    is still in its formatie stages* The central goernment has already issued the ational Strategy on@educing %missions from Feforestation and !orest Fegradation to curb global #arming*

    The $lan goes beyond reducing carbon emissions from land=use change $articularly through treecutting and $eat clearing* The strategy also acts on sustainable forest and $eatland goernance to $resere carbon stocks and biodiersity, $lanting ne# trees to enhance carbon stocks and eradicating

     $oerty=$lagued forest communities* These additional goals transformed @%FF into @%FF>*

    The national strategy #as released in .une by the @%FF> task force that re$orts directly to thePresident* !ull @%FF> im$lementation is set to start in 201I after three core bodies are in $lace; a@%FF> agency, a @%FF> funding instrument and a @%FF> measurement, re$orting and erificationC@D institution*

    The short=term goal C2012=201ID is the strategic im$roement of institutions, goernance systems ands$atial $lans*

    The medium=term goal C2012=2020D is e-ecution of these goernance systems to reach a reduction=emissions target of 2H $ercent against a business=as=usual scenario by 2020 and a I1 $ercent target #ithinternational funding*

    The long=term goal is to make (ndonesia+s forests and land areas a net carbon sink by 20 strategyaddressing their needs by Se$tember 2012* What is crucial in the #hole scheme is getting all the actorson the same #aelength and sense of altruistic urgency*

    The II=$age national=strategy document identifies the follo#ing as @%FF> stakeholders; regionalgoernments, the $riate sector, 43s, indigenousJlocal $eo$les and international bodies*

    Fr* Eerry Purnomo from the Bogor=based Kenter for (nternational !orestry @esearch CK(!3@D hasidentified eight categories of @%FF> actors*

    (n a .une 2012 #orksho$ for ournalists on coering climate change in Banarmasin, the K(!3@scientist $resented a matri- of the different kno#ledge=leel, $o#er=leel and $osition on @%FF> ofthe actors*

    The eight actors are; local goernments, the forest and land use $lanning serices, $olitical grou$s, business grou$s, local farmers, uniersities and research institutes, 43s, and internationalagenciesJdonors*

    The uniersities and international agencies hae the highest leel of kno#ledge on @%FF>* The business grou$s and farmers hae the lo#est* The rest hae intermediate kno#ledge*

    With regard to leadershi$ and $o#er, the farmers hae a lo# leel* ean#hile the $roincialenironment agencies and 43s hae a high leel of leadershi$ but hae little $o#er*

    Whereas general $ublic entities, business entities, $olitical entities, $roincial forestry, transmigrationand $lantation units hae a lo# leel of leadershi$ but a lot of $o#er, the international aid agencies and

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    donors hae both high leadershi$ and a lot of $o#er*

    The $osition of the business sector is mostly o$$osition to the @%FF> scheme* The forestry serice,the land use serice, uniersities, 43s and international agencies su$$ort the scheme* ean#hilelocal goernments, some in the forestry serice and land use serice, some in the business communityas #ell as farmers and 43s take a neutral stance*

    With regard to the $resent situation, Eerry says the kno#ledge and su$$ort of the actors is intermediate#ith the state of @%FF> im$lementation difficult* The goal is for the actors to hae a high kno#ledgeand su$$ort leel and to reach a high success leel #ith ease in @%FF> im$lementation*

    To reach that goal, Eerry, #ho teaches $ost=graduate forestry at the Bogor Agricultural 6niersityC(PBD, lists fie things that need to be done* 3ne, locali5e the @%FF> issue*

    This means some local areas can be faored to succeed rather than to e-$ect the @%FF> scheme on the#hole to succeed nationally*

    The idea is to make lo# carbon deelo$ment $ossible in line #ith local needs*

    T#o, make the @%FF> benefits real and immediate* Three, meet the real and immediate @%FF> costs*!our, sim$lify and aoid maor changes* Khanging @%FF to @%FF> can be difficult to im$lement*!ie, establish a su$erbody like the @%FF> task force or 6OPI to deal #ith com$le-ities*

    The 6OPI is the President+s deliery unit in deelo$ment oersight* (nherent is the call for bold andeffectie local leadershi$* %ffectie leadershi$ yields successful $olicies and action*

    S$reading the #ord on successful action can hae an infectious, iral effect*

    The bottom line is that getting the $erformance to succeed re)uires all the actors to read from the samescri$t and delier their lines on message and on cue*

    The #riter teaches ournalism at Fr* Soetomo Press (nstitute, .akarta*88(3 ie#; Better language skills come from $racticeThe .akarta Post : @eaders !orum : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, 11;2 AA= A A>

    Pa$er %dition : Page; M

    Some friends of mine send me messages ia !acebook "Eo# do you constantly come u$ #ith ideas to#rite in %nglish&' ( hae fro#ned oer this )uestion*

    !rankly s$eaking, ( hae thought hard to find the ans#er* Writing al#ays comes naturally to me, almostlike breathing* So, ( don+t really think about it #hen ( do the thing ( loe the most* (t is natural and funto $ut your ideas into #ritten #ords*

    When ( #rite, time seems to distort, my brain turns to s#eet mush, and the #ords ust arrie on screen*(t feels like ( find a great tro$ical rain forest to e-$lore, and ( could neer finish my adenture in oneshort e-cursion* There #ill al#ays be another calling to hae another )uest*

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    Time is my only restriction, es$ecially #hen there+s so much on my desk and my brain is mi-ed u$ at#ork* Sometimes, ( find #riting in %nglish is so much easier than in (ndonesian since ( am used to#riting my ideas in that language on my blogs* That is definitely my ans#er "better %nglish skills comefrom $ractice'* So, ( re$ly to the )uestion #ith that )uote* Anything #ill im$roe #ith $ractice*

    (t+s not that ( loe %nglish better than (ndonesian that #ould be absurd* y reason is so much sim$ler*( #rite in %nglish to $ractice, not forgetting the lessons (+e receied during college, (+e studied thelanguage, so it #ould be ridiculous if ( lost the skills to do so*

    S$eaking skills take t#o to $ractice* Since ( hae no $artner #ith #hom to $ractice it+s hard to im$roemy oral ca$ability* There+s al#ays a sli$ of the tongue anytime ( s$eak in %nglish due to a lack of $ractice* As #riting offers a solo rehearsal, ( don+t need a $artner to $ractice*

    So, ( try as much as ( can to #rite do#n any ideas crossing my mind on my blogs* ( find life neer#orks e-ce$t in retros$ect* ou can neer control life* 3ften life turns out the o$$osite of #hat youe-$ect but, in #riting, at least you can control your o#n ersion* ou can create any character you#ant, any ending you #ant, etc* 4radually, it becomes a habit* Then it becomes a natural actiity* Also,it deelo$s better thinking skills*

    There are some good #ays to $ractice your thinking skills* ou can sit and think, for starters* ou can#ork on s$ecific $u55les and $roblems but ( don+t like $u55les and $roblems, yet ( loe sitting at mydesk com$osing #ords* ou can also hae interesting discussions #ith others*

    Eo#eer, ( neer hae the o$$ortunity to attend formal meetings or discussions so this is not anaailable o$tion for me* Therefore, ( find the "best' #ay to $ractice my thinking skills and boost my brain$o#er is to #rite*

    6nless you are ust co$ying #ords, to #rite is to think* ou hae to think ho# to connect your trains ofthought into a series of sentences that makes sense* Putting your thoughts into #ords is a $rocess oftelling yourself the logic behind #hat you feel or #hat you only $artly understand in the same #ay thattalking forces you to clarify your thoughts so that others listening can understand you*

    Kom$ared to talking, ho#eer, #riting has the disadantage of not giing you direct e-ternal feedback*When you talk, $eo$le can confront you instantly and you hae to defend your argument in that instanttoo* But #hen you #rite in your blog, it takes $erha$s days for you to receie any feedback from yourreaders, to disagree or agree* ou therefore get am$le time to e-$ress and deelo$ your thoughts#ithout interru$tion* This is a great #ay to #ork on your thinking skills at a slo#, rela-ing $ace* 3ertime, your skills #ill im$roe greatly* (t #ill boost your "brain$o#er' to e-$lain*

    Eerlina.akarta88PTBA, Pusri $lan to build coal gasification $lant@abby Pramudatama, The .akarta Post, .akarta : Business : Sat, Se$tember 01 2012, 9;H AA= A A>

    Pa$er %dition : Page; 1

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    Publicly listed coal $roducer PT Bukit Asam CPTBAD and state=o#ned fertili5er com$any PT Pu$ukSri#iaya Palembang CPusriD #ill build a coal gasification $lant to take adantage of the com$any+shuge reseres of lo#=grade coal*

    PTBA+s $resident director il#arma said in .akarta on !riday that the feasibility study for $lanned coalgasification $lant #as currently


    "The $lant #ill be designed to $rocess coal into gas* (f #e hae the technology, #e could also $roducearious by=$roducts from coal such as methanol and dimethyl ether UF%V,' PTBA $resident directorila#arma told re$orters on the sidelines of the Porseni s$orts and art com$etition at the com$any+soffice on !riday*

    ila#arma said that by entering the coal gasification business, PTBA #ould be able to use thecom$any+s large reseres of lo#=grade coal, #hich had not been fully used* 4as $roduced from the $lant #ould be su$$lied to Pusri for fertili5er $roduction, he added* "3ur lo#=rank coal accounts for bet#een H0 and 70 $ercent of our total $roduction*'

    PTBA is targeting to $roduce around 17 million tons of coal this year from its coal mine in Tanung%nim, South Oalimantan* The com$any $lans to $roduce 0 million metric tons of coal by 201H* (n itsattem$ts to meet the target, the com$any is deelo$ing su$$orting facilities, such as a ne# railroad toconnect its mining sites in Tanung %nim to its coal terminal in Gam$ung*

    "3ur lo#=grade coal has been used to meet demands from domestic buyers, #hile the high=grade coalis usually sold oerseas to countries such as to .a$an, South Oorea and Tai#an,' he said*

    Eigh=grade coal has a caloric alue aboe H,000, #hile lo#=grade coal falls short of that mark*

    As re$orted earlier, 6S=based com$any Kelanese inked a 6SQ2 billion C@$ 19 trillionD deal #ith PTPertamina to deelo$ a similar coal gasification $roect in (ndonesia* The difference is that Kelanese#ould turn coal, through gasification $rocesses, $redominantly into ethanol, used as a fuel additie, tosu$$ly fuel for (ndonesia+s trans$ortation needs*

    Kelanese, a global $roducer of s$ecialty chemical $roducts, introduced the so=called TK technologylast year in the 6S, claiming its technology to $roduce ethanol from coal #as more $rofitable than $roducing the gasoline additie from $lants, and #as a "game=changer' for the 6S chemical com$any,Bloomberg re$orted*

    Kelanese chief financial officer Steen Sterin said after his com$any receied a$$roal from thegoernment, it #ould then take around

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    PTBA re$orted slo#er $rofit gro#th for the first si- months of the year on rising e-$enses andrelatiely flat coal $rices*

    The com$any booked @$ 1*H trillion in net $rofits the first half of the year, a < $ercent dro$ from @$1*H1 trillion in the same $eriod last year*

    884ala-y ote 10*1 liens u$ com$etition in tablet marketThe .akarta Post, .akarta : Business : Sun, Se$tember 02 2012,

  • 8/18/2019 Writing to Practise Better Thinking Skills


    history bet#een the 1970s and 19M0s, stands in front of the building #elcoming the isitors #ith o$enarms*

    Aboe the main entrance are images of the current team+s key $layers; Pe$e @eina, 4lenn .ohnson,artin Skrtel and ca$tain Steen 4errard*

    Some teleision cre# members #ere busy $re$aring for a lie broadcast of the game in #hich bothteams #ere looking for their first #in after $oor starts to the season*

    The merchandise booth #as closed but the store inside the stadium #as o$en* uite a fe# $eo$le #eremilling around searching out club memorabilia* A boot=room cafe is on the second floor, offeringarious eateries #hile the guests can #atch the game ia big T screens*

    isitors can also learn about the club+s $ast glories in the useum of Gier$ool !K, #hich is locatedne-t to the cafe*

    (nside the museum, fie tro$hies of %uro$e+s most $restigious com$etition, currently kno#n as theKham$ions Geague, are on dis$lay along #ith $hotogra$hs of res$ectie team lineu$s and coaches*

    (n one room, a ie#ing screen is dedicated to sho#ing the club+s latest %uro$ean glory in (stanbul in200* Furing the 200 Kham$ions Geague final against AK ilan, Steen 4errard and his teammatestrounced the (talian club in a $enalty shootout in #hat is hailed as one of the most ama5ing comebacksin soccer history after the %nglish club #ent three goals do#n inregular time*

    A large $oster on the #all reads; "The 4reatest Komeback; The @oad to (stanbul'* (t features all theictorious $layers, many of #hom are no# $laying for other clubs, including @eal adrid+s abiAlonso*

    The club+s anthem "ou+ll eer Walk Alone' eokes the fans+ loyalty* Eo#eer, the club+s su$$ortershae been inoled in t#o maor tragedies* The first #as the Eeysel Stadium disaster in 19M, in #hichcharging Gier$ool fans caused a #all to colla$se, killing

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    "Among the to$ 10 in the %PG, only Gier$ool and Khelsea hae no airline $artner* Besides therelatiely chea$er financial alue offered, the legacy is incom$arable to any other team in %ngland,' hesaid*

    (ts agreement #ith Gier$ool highlights 4aruda+s global cam$aign, #hich includes a $lan to o$en ne#

    routes to !rankfurt, Gondon, ilan, Paris and @ome*

    4aruda+s global ambitions hae been highlighted by its agreement #ith Boeing to $urchase 10 Boeing777=

    Pa$er %dition : Page; 1<

    KFA=based telecommunications o$erator PT Bakrie Telecom CBT%GD announced on Sunday it hadalready secured @$ 7 billion C6SQM*19 millionD funding from its non=$reem$tie rights issuance, amoe that #ill hel$ the firm $ay off its maturing debts*

    With the conclusion of the transaction, in #hich the shares #ere $riced at @$ 2H, the buyer, Bakrie4lobal enture, #hich is an affiliated inestment com$any of the Bakrie 4rou$, no# holds a H*M $ercent stake in the firm*

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    BT%G, o$erator of %sia, obtained a syndicated loan in .uly totaling Q0 million at an interest rate of11* $ercent to mature #ithin 1M months arranged by the Singa$ore branch of Kredit Suisse*

    The ne# funds, along #ith the loan from Kredit Suisse, #ill allo# BT%G to re$ay @$ H0 billion of bonds due on Se$t* I, as #ell as e-$and its business, $articularly increasing its data=serices market

    share, according to BT%G $resident director Anindya Bakrie*

    "Amid a tough situation, the market $roes it trusts our business model, es$ecially after #e refocusedour strategy and com$etitie edge as the lo#est=cost telecommunications o$erator in (ndonesia,'Anindya said in a statement*

    The firm already transferred @$ 20 billion to bond holders through the (ndonesia Kentral SecuritiesFe$ository COS%(D, said .astiro Abi, BT%G financial director*

    "The remaining @$ I00 billion #ill be $aid by our lender directly to bond holders ia OS%( accountson the maturity date,' .astiro said*

    BT%G+s $reious attem$t to raise funds in .une failed #ith the firm only obtaining @$ 10 billion fromBakrie 4lobal, out of the total @$ 7I billion it had aimed for*

    The failure to meet its target resulted in a $oor assessment from $rominent credit rating agency, !itch@ating, #ho $ut Bakrie+s Q

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    Polyester $roducer PT (ndo=@ama Synthetics C(F@D, $art of the #orld+s largest $olyester and P%Tmanufacturer (ndorama Kor$oration, e-$ects a decline in net $rofits this year as falling sales #ill likelycontinue into the second half of the year*

    (ndo=@ama director S Bald#a said the fall in cotton $rices in the #orld+s markets #ould further causea decline in the com$any+s net sales this year* Ee estimated this year+s sales #ould only reach6SQ7I1*< million, $ercent lo#er than the $reious year+s*

    Bald#a said the net $rofits #ere $roected to dro$ by about 9 $ercent this year to Q9*M2 million due tothe fall in total sales*

    "Gast year, the $rice of cotton reached a record high of Q2*2 $er $ound* (t hel$ed $ush u$ our $roduct $rices and sales alue* o#, the cotton $rice has returned to normal, to bet#een 70 and M0 cents $er

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     $ound* With this fall, #e #ill likely e-$erience a slight dro$ in our reenue,' Bald#a said*

    Furing the first half of this year, (ndo=@ama+s net sales declined 2*1 $ercent to Q

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    The com$any+s market ca$itali5ation stood at @$ 1*0 trillion C6SQ110*2 millionD, according toBloomberg* (ndo=@ama+s shares closed at @$ 1,H10 a$iece on !riday, unchanged from a day before*CtasD88%-ecutie column; Kreating a train serice for eeryone

    The .akarta Post : %-ecutie Kolumn : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, H;II AA= A A>

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    Tight com$etition from increasingly chea$ air trael has $ushed state=o#ned train com$any PT OeretaA$i (ndonesia COA(D to shift focus to the freight business, medium=distance $assenger routes and becoming a solution to .akarta+s traffic ams* The .akarta Post+s %i ariani and urfika 3smanrecently talked to OA(+s $resident director (gnasius .onan to discuss the com$any+s $lans*

    The follo#ing are e-cer$ts;

    uestion; What are OA(+s $lans in the ne-t fe# years&

    Ans#er; We are currently #orking on some $roects that are scheduled to be com$leted in the ne-tthree years* The first $roect is the Ouala amu Air$ort train $roect in orth Sumatra, #here #e are building a t#o=to=three=kilometer unction rail#ay, set to begin o$erations at the beginning of ne-t year*The second is the Soekarno=Eatta (nternational Air$ort train $roect using the commuter lines fromTanah Tinggi to the air$ort* We e-$ect this $roect to kick off in the middle of 201I* Then, #e #ill#ork on freight $roects in southern Sumatra from Tanung %nim to Oerta$ati and Tanung %nim toTarahan, in order to double our ca$acity to trans$ort 2 million tons of coal $er year by 201*

    We also $lan to increase the ca$acity of the .abodetabek U.akarta, Bogor, Fe$ok, Tangerang, BekasiVO@G Uelectric trainsV to trans$ort 1*2 million $eo$le by the end of 201M* Kurrently, #e are only able tocarry I0,000 to 00,000 $assengers a day* (n addition, #e #ant to increase our ability to sendcontainers and other freight in .aa, from .akarta to Surabaya, to 1,000 20=foot e)uialent unitsCT%6sD $er #eek in 2020* At the moment, #e can carry 2,00 to

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    (t is not that sim$le to make $eo$le trael by rail because they hae their o#n habits, culture, andinterest in trans$ortation* But, #e $redict the number of train $assengers #ill increase by to 10 $ercent eery year, es$ecially #hen the Trans=.aa double=track $roect is finished*

    We are going to focus on sering the medium distance routes, #hich are too short a distance for anair$lane, such as .akarta=Kirebon, ogyakarta=Pur#okerto, adiun=Surabaya, and ogyakarta=

    Surabaya* 3n the adiun=Surabaya route, for instance, $eo$le only hae the choice to trael either by $riate ehicles, bus, or train, rail is the fastest o$tion and of course, it is chea$*

    But, it does not mean that #e are not #orking on our long distance routes such as .akarta=ogyakartaor .akarta=Surabaya* We kee$ im$roing our serices on those routes, such as by $roiding free Wi!i*

    Eas the ne#ly launched online=ticketing serice attracted more $assengers&

    The number of train $assengers, e-cluding .abodetabek O@G $assengers, is 70 to M0 million a yearacross .aa and Sumatra, and that figure is higher than for airline $assengers* Thus, #e $roided theonline=booking serice in order to $roide easier access for our customers*

    But, #e do not kno# ho# many customers hae bought tickets online because the serice is still ne#*We are still collecting the data and #e #ill make an ealuation #hen it has o$erated for three months*

    ost customers buy the tickets in ticketing agents, retail outlets (ndomaret and Alfamart, maor $ostoffices, or go directly to the stations* 3ur tickets are aailable in more than 11,000 retail outlets across.aa and Sumatra* We gie $eo$le a lot of choices to buy our tickets*

    What is the biggest challenge in im$roing rail trans$ortation in (ndonesia&

    This sector is al#ays eoling and moing* We al#ays need to adust ourseles to im$roe the sectorday by day because it seres a #ide range of customers, from A class to % class from $eo$le #hoarrie at the station in an S Klass ercedes Ben5 to those #ho #alk to the train stations* anaging thee-$ectations of all these $eo$le is not easy*

    What about goernment su$$ort& Are you getting an increased $ublic serice obligation CPS3D&

    The PS3 increases eery year* This year, #e get @$ 770 billion from the goernment* But railroadmaintenance costs us @$ 1* trillion a year, and #e hae to $ay for this* Kan you imagine if trucks and buses had to $ay for road maintenance too& Fon+t you think it #ould burden them& Fo you think it#ould be chea$&

    (n the ne-t si- months to one year, #e are ready to $roide all e-$ress .abodetabek O@G #ith airconditioning for a relatiely chea$ fare, let us say @$ ,000 for .akarta=Bogor and .akarta=Fe$ok* But,the )uestion is #hether the goernment is #illing to subsidi5e $eo$le that cannot afford the serice&

    (f the goernment could subsidi5e @$ 2,00 for eery O@G $assenger a day, they #ould only need tos$end @$ 00 billion a year to hel$ $roide a good serice for $assengers* ( don+t think that figure istoo high for the goernment*

    What do you think about the high=s$eed rail $roects that the goernment has been talking aboutrecently& Are you interested in $artici$ating&

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    (f your )uestion is as sim$le as #hether OA( #ould like to $artici$ate in the $roect, my ans#er #ould be of course #e #ould like to* But, high=s$eed rail entails com$le- social issues because #e+d hae toclose many illegal $edestrian crossings* But if #e built an eleated rail#ay track, the cost #ould be fietimes higher and the ticket $rice #ould be so high fe# $eo$le could afford it* ( am sure a .akarta=Surabaya high=s$eed train ticket #ould cost you @$ 1 to @$ 1* million, almost the same as an airline


    ( do not think #e need that kind of train no#adays* What about $roiding all .abodetabek O@G #ith air conditioning and chea$ fares& That is the sim$lest serice that #ould benefit $assengers* Fon+t dreamtoo much ust do #hat #e can do to make the serice better because the challenge is greater than youthink*

    @ail is not my $assion it is the $assion of the 2M,000 $eo$le #ho #ork here* y $assion is ho# can (make trains sere $eo$le from all #alks of life in this country, bringing benefits to them #ith affordablefares*88Kommentary; o Khina chea$ shots+ $lease, rs* Klintoneidyatama Suryodiningrat, The .akarta Post, .akarta : Kommentary : on, Se$tember 0< 2012, 7;02AA= A A>

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    T#o months ago it #as Kentral Asia* A month later it #as Africa* o# she is on a #histle=sto$ tour ofSoutheast Asia and %ast Asia, $receded by a brief sto$oer in the Kook (slands for the Pacific (slands!orum summit*With the 5ealousness of an absent loer #ooing a neglected beau, 6S Secretary of State Eillary Klintonhas been consistent in $romulgating her $resident+s much touted $iot to#ard Asia* Eo#eer, as #e inAsia fully understand, it is not the message* (t+s the tone it is deliered in*

    (n the months follo#ing Barack 3bama+s $iot announcement, no one can doubt that the 6S is back N  back in Asia, that is N $olitically, militarily and economically* et rather than eincing a feror forAsia, the nation+s "return' has been marked #ith a $reoccu$ation #ith Khina* Klinton+s messages haeall had the same tone, #hether e-$licit or im$licit; Fissuading other countries of the rise of Beiing+sinfluence*

    S$eaking in ongolia, Khina+s rising democratic neighbor, t#o months ago, Klinton said thatgoernments "can+t hae economic liberali5ation #ithout $olitical liberali5ation eentually'*

    As if referring to Khina+s slo#ing economy, Klinton said; "Klam$ing do#n on $olitical e-$ression ormaintaining a tight gri$ on #hat $eo$le read, say or see can create an illusion of security* But illusionsfade N because $eo$le+s yearning for liberty don+t*'

    (n Senegal a month later, Klinton tried to tout the tagline that the 6S #as committed to "a model ofsustainable $artnershi$ that adds alue, rather than e-tracts it'*

    The secretary conceded that 6S $olicies in the $ast "did not al#ays line u$ #ith our $rinci$les* Buttoday, #e are building relationshi$s that are not transactional or transitory'*

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    With res$ect to Klinton+s statement, many in (ndonesia and throughout Asia #ill res$ond #ith a bemused "3h, really&'

    (ndonesia su$$orts the alues that Klinton touts* But such a manner of deliery is too diisie for Asia*!urthermore, $laying the "alues' card is ust too conenient for a nation #hose actions hae not

    s$oken louder than its #ords*

    3ne can only remain #ary of Washington+s o#n economic intentions and #here#ithal #hen it comesto rediscoering Asia*

    Klinton+s big #ords in 6lan Bator may hae been a $olitical rallying call, but her $resence sered as aneen more $otent lobbying effort for America+s Peabody %nergy as it com$etes #ith a Khinese state=o#ned enter$rise for contracts for a huge coal de$osit in the south 4obi, ust 1I0 kilometers from theKhinese border*

    Klinton+s tour of Africa #as a belated effort to #rest back influence lost in the continent as Khina gre#to oershado# the 6S as its largest trading $artner* Beiing+s im$act is such that the African 6nionhead)uarters in Addis Ababa #as built as a gift from Khina, #hich has further e-tended its credit line toAfrica to 6SQ20 billion*

    !acing a senior Khinese delegation in Kook (sland, Klinton toned do#n her rhetoric, es$ecially sinceshe #ill also be in Beiing this #eek* et her efforts to sus$end the e-tension of Khina+s string of $earls+ to Pacific islands seems $altry in com$arison*

    According to the Go#y (nstitute, Beiing has $ledged oer QH00 million in loans to nations in the SouthPacific since 200*

    (n com$arison Klinton N the first 6S secretary of state to attend the annual South Pacific summit N $ledged last #eek Q
