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WSFCS Elementary Social Studies Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Alignment & Assessment Module 3 - PT. 1.

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WSFCS Elementary Social Studies evised Bloom’s Taxonomy Alignment & Assessment Module 3 - PT. 1

WSFCS Elementary Social Studies

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Alignment & Assessment

Module 3 - PT. 1

Learning Targets Learning Targets for Module 3-Part 1

• Understand the importance of Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

• Use Revised Bloom’s as a lens to view new standards

• RBT & Assessment- Cognitive Processes “Remember” and “Understand”

Curriculum: • Curriculum

– Identifies Critical Expectations • Instruction

– Defines Essential Outcomes– Presents Relevant Information– Develops Understanding

• Assessment– Reveals Students’ Achieved

Results• Formative Assessment• Summative Assessment

• Written– Identifies Critical Expectations

• Taught– Defines Essential Outcomes– Presents Relevant Information– Develops Understanding

• Tested – Reveals Students’ Achieved

Results• Formative Assessment• Summative Assessment

When we begin.

Follow the instructions on your colored card.

You may mark or write on the word list given.

Please turn over your word list sheet so none of the words are visible to you or your neighbor.


the vowels

in each

word Memorize the words for recall.

Rate each

word 1-3

on its


Parameters-distinguishing characteristics or features, boundaries or limits

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

The selected alignment tool for all of North Carolina’s

Essential Standards.

2 Dimensions

What We Need To Know @ Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy…..

RBT provides a clear and concise framework for thinking about standards in 2 dimensions:

(6) Cognitive Processes students use to learn (19 verbs) (Blue Handouts)

(4) Knowledge Types that students are expected to learn. (object/noun/types of content) (Yellow Handouts)

2 Dimensions

What We Need To Know @ Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy…….

• Over the years, too many verbs were used (and misused) to describe the levels.

• Use of RBT provides a common language to translate the standards.

• The Essential Standards were written using only (1) verb per Standard and Clarifying objective.

• Type of knowledge makes a difference.

• The original taxonomy was not designed for K-12 curricula.

What We Need To Know @ Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy…….

Knowledge DimensionFactual, Conceptual, Procedural, Metacognitve

The new Social Studies Essential Standards are not written to metacognitive knowledge.

This knowledge type will be used in classroom tasks and activities.

What We Need To Know @ Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy…….

The revised taxonomy is not necessarily hierarchical in nature. The students do not always have to master one level of cognitive processes before advancing to another.

For example, students may need to apply a procedure before they really understand the use of that procedure.

RBT was written to be used for aligning standards, objectives, units and assessment.

What is the effect if we do not clarify the differences between RECOGNIZE and RECALL?

Remember1.1 RecognizingRetrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory in order to compare it with present information. The information is identical or extremely similar to the presented information. Alternative Term: Identifying

Assessment Types:1)Verifcation 2)Matching 3)Forced Choice

1.G.1.3 Understand the basic elements of geographic representations using maps.

Assessment Task: Label the symbols that represent street, roads, and lakes on the map.

Remember1.2 Recalling Retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory when given a prompt to do so. Alternative Term: Retrieving

Assessment Tasks Depend on Cueing1)Low Cueing. Who is the leader of the local government? 2)High Cueing. Who is the leader of a town or city?

Assessment Tasks Depend on Embedding in Larger Context1)With low embedding the recall is presented as a single event. Ex. 1 above2)With high embedding the recall task is included with the context of a larger problem. Ex. 2.C&G.1.1 Who are the leaders that can be contacted to fix a problem with the local fire department services?

Understand2.1 InterpretingOccurs when a student is able to convert information from one representational form to another. Ex. Paraphrasing, pictures to words, words

to pictures, numbers to words, musical notes to tones etc. Alternative Terms: paraphrasing, translating, representing, clarifying

Assessment Types: 1)Construct an answer 2) Select an answer

Assessment Tasks: 5.C&G.1.1 If student have learned to recite the preamble to the constitution, an assessment task might ask them to illustrate the preamble .

*If the assessment task is identical to a previous task or example used during instruction, it is probably asking for remembering. Students should not be able to answer the interpreting assessment task by relying on memory alone.

Understand2.2 ExemplifyingOccurs when a student gives a specific example or instance of a general concept or principle. It involves identifying the defining features of the general concept or principle and using these features to select or construct a specific instance

Assessment Types: 1)Construct an answer 2) Select an answer

Assessment Tasks- A student must select or produce a specific example of a concept or principle that was not encountered as an example in instruction.

Ex. 3.H.1.3 Exemplify the ideas that were significant in the development of local regions and communities. Which picture shows people adapting to the environment in order to develop a community?

Understand2.3 ClassifyingOccurs when a student recognizes that something (instance or

example) belongs to a certain category (concept or principle) and detects the relevant features that fit the concept or principle.

Assessment Types: 1. Constructed Response- Produce the related concept or principle2. Selected Response- Select a concept or principle from a list3. Sorting tasks-which ones belong to which category

Assessment Tasks- Begins with a specific instance or example and requires the student to find a general concept or principle for classification.

1.C&G.1.2 Classify the roles of authority figures in the home, school, and community.

Understand2.4 SummarizingOccurs when a student suggest a single statement that represents presented information or abstracts a general theme. Involves constructing a representation of the information, such as the meaning of a scene in a play, and abstracting a summary from it. Alternative terms: generalizing, abstracting

Assessment Types: 1.Constructed Response 2. Selected Response Assessment Tasks - Constructed or selected response involving themes or summaries.1)Read and summarize main points. 2)View video and summarize main points. 3)Describe the elements of the theme of development.

3.C&G.1.1 Summarize the historical development of local governments.

Understand2.5 Inferring Involves finding a pattern within a series of examples or instances. Occurs when a student focuses on the issue of inducing a pattern based on presented information. Occurs in a context that supplies an expectation of what is to be inferred. Alternative terms: predicting, concluding, extrapolating, interpolating

Assessment Types: 1) Constructed Response 2) Selected Response

Assessment Tasks – 1)Completion Tasks-students are given a sequence and are asked what must come next?. 2) Analogy-ex. Nation is to “president” as “state” is to ___ 3) State the underlying concept or principle used to arrive at the correct answer.

Often thought of as “reading between the lines” but that is attributing.

Understand2.6 ComparingFinding one-to-one correspondences between elements and patterns in one object, event, or idea and those in another object, event, or idea. Alternative terms: contrasting, matching, mapping

Assessment Type & Tasks:1) Mapping Graphic Organizers -show how each part of one object, idea, problem, or situation corresponds to (or maps on to) each part of another

4.C&G.1.2 Compare the roles and responsibilities of state elected leaders. How are the roles of the legislature like the roles of the county commissioners?

Understand2.7 ExplainingOccurs when a student is able to construct and use a cause and effect model of a system. Alternative term: constructing a model

Assessment Tasks & Types: 1. Offer a reason/principle for a given event. 2. Trouble shooting- student is asked to diagnose what went wrong. 3. Predicting-student is asked how a change in one part of a system will effect change in another part.

5.E.1.2 Explain the impact of production, specialization, and technology on the economic growth of the U.S. Construct a cause and effect chain of events showing why the American Revolution happened.


The next RBT session (Module 5) will begin with discuss the rest of the Cognitive Processes and the Knowledge Types as well as formative assessment.
