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WESTERN ELEVEN PROVES STEAM ROLLER IN DEFEATING BUSINESS HIGH-RACING WESTERN LANDS EASY VICTORY rfilltop Scholastic Eleven Walks Roughshod Over Business High's Team. Western's well drilled eleven easily tmvred its superiority over Business It«h in the annual scholMUc foot- »al! aeries In the Central 3«Udl_ni .«.«terday by 68 to o. Western clearly iha-wed Ha mettle against the inexpe- .«.nced Business team all throuifh. 5imiK'ht play was all that was nead- id to come through with a victory »ver the StenopTa.pher* Although the Stenographers played a plucky gam« ha line plunging of Western's back» muid not checked. The Rod and White eleven c_rrl«d he pigskin for a touchdown in the Irst four minutes of play Everett Burke. Western's quarterback, is cred- led with scoring the first touchdown. during the first quarter Western had ?», trouble in breaking through the Justness 1 ne. Plunges by Dawson, »owell nntt Burke soon registered .noth^r touchdown for the Red and Vhite team. They continu«! their onslaught and it the «nd of tbe second period Wert' im had piled up a score of 19 to ©. .Vttb a score assuring them of a aura riclory Coach Morse's machine did not psson their pace. They started the hTi-rl iiiarter by taking the ball from he Stenographers on downs, display- DK wonderful offensive playing. An end run by Burke. Una plunging >\ Powell and Oormley saw the pig· ikin over the line for another touch- Inwn. The eame tactics were soon re- leated ending the quarter, gtvtng ?estera a total acore of 32 points to heir opponents' 0 Starting the third .er-tod the plucky Business team gave »ay entirely and Western's eleven cored at will. At the end of the .ertod Western had scored 36 points. raking the total for the game 61 The "ummary: ersten F-ar-Ueaa -*.¦¦- Wa'tur .L·. ?.. .3c-u_-f.ll·, u\yUm .«.I_T. OokUtein, rpfK«e .,_.Lv G. CanneJ 4 ».-mue ..?...(hater. _TeGana«hy Uaafamm . ,, a ,j j^^gg t'i-fUMi . rt 0 0 «_ 01 Sabati tulio*»: W.K.-1 \^,^?. for Morie. tirila for Walker; Wirrmaa for «iormlev- Lurt»n or Manet*.; Harriman tor AJt-????ß: Oo>_?p?? for· ¦Vnard; iTnccï«.ie fas Peace. ??t??ß for Daw r r Wiisht for S^r-naan ShanU for McCaU»- ?-*: .<. KkM.I for PwUram; U*i3Ci\ tat ttmttoy-, Taubcrenith for CWmeJ, (illl fitr Tan- » n»i.»th Toncbdomi».Buike if] Diw«»n 'S). (<;«!· from toucbdiMTB·.Spille -D Powell (2) Itítnof.Mr Arpie <AíiAi_aii). Prnpire-Mr. >);«-_p O.-Tiuc.T ·. HMd ¦__¦_¦«. Mr Journet Fprinifl»*><li. Time of .«rTjod».T_b sioiitee. STATE WORKING HARD FOR VIRGINIA POLY Maryland St«te will be up against ? r«*al opposition on Saturday when « meets the Virginia Polytechnic In-, «««tute at Union League Park thi.« s '-.-k. This la the second appearance )f »*. P. I. in thla city, ss It battled] »«¦«rrretown here last Saturday and «s coming hack with the determina¬ ron to gain s victory over the Hater«. State is working hard In prepara¬ ron for thl» conteat with the V. ? team, aa coach Byrd had the squad .ut working; yesterday on signal* imi wound up with a short scrim-( «'¿«are. All the regulars were back sn the gridiron with the exception' if Burkeister who was hurt in the} »Vest Virginia «rame. Ria-«-.« waa in: lie practice and will he In the battle: Saturday against the Poly eleven. I BUREAU OF EN¬ GRAVING AND PRINTING NEWS The following were appointed Slate printer*' assistants during the pa<t week and assigned to section I. 3:30 shift: Pesale Knotl. Evelyn Bild. Dixie Crowley. Louise O'Brien. Tairic B-nnetr. Mary Kyle. Let» Balrltvi... Minni. B'irke. Regina riinc. Fran.-is Oale. vista Comer. Don- Flaherty. I.uey James. Mar- taret I.ley, Margaret McKnew. Francis Tice. Margaret Peak. Min¬ nie Runlon. Katie Rollins. Rimira .ait., «Jrace Spllrnan. Grace Taven- i«. Mertie \v..r,.i and Bculah Hout. rhf.nias Carroll, of the machine iiviskm. w«-nt wild on the Recrea- ¦.n alley» Monday nlg-ht in the Faroes with the Red« and rolled IS_ i;n an<i 135 for a hlarh set of .'.:»7. His game of 115 was also high jame thua fax. Chick Davis wa» a loae second to hi« team mate with game of 1SS. Mi.-s Nelli· La.»reason, of section ."·. a ill undoubtedly be looking for a new ilarm clock. She overslept yesterday iiorning. «"hariea Beck, custodian of pre»«·, if section S. la enjoying a vacation >r the reart of the month. William ? MoCauley. of section a. j* ;«hsent. suffering with his annual ltlack of pleurisy. .Mis.« 3.t.rt.1 L. Abraham, of th.- -irface division. Is visiting friends In w York City Robert Lambert, custodian of press- M In «eetlon «1. had a delightful tour hsTough M.-rrvland and Pennsylvania ast «saMea, visiting the Hagenetowji '.-«Ir. Waynesboro. Martinsrburg an»! ;e't..sburg. Miss Lottie McOlue. of the »xam- .lint: division, is takln«; «on« leave. John Bullough. «upt. of ««action 9. » on .e »lek 11st. BOXING, With Jn-Jitsa .«-«««rae nfri.'lally appf-v-re«. by tbe Fait ed states awrern-neat and Mffbty ladoreed by Jack Dfpaey end praaslaeat me*. WWPFS SCHOOL Scientific Bexiaf. Physic- Cultore ». ?». Ave. w.w. Prsak. 4ß? $40 Values in Suits or Overcoats *25 Cleverly made to anier.Call and gat uraplc· tb Orït-eyt-Tcrwa Patrona- «Samp**» sod n_- ...I Mank* aent apea r**r]«j-iL Ui>DH THE TÄIL0I. ????. in 7?? St. d.W. REM.IB·. TBC ADDRESS <r.«»«».¦._.¦....¦._...i \Wt '^maleas. t??t???*?* EXPERT SAYS THAT MOST KICKERS ARE BORN AND NOT BIADE By WALTER CAMP (Most Famous Football Coach.) Most kickers are horn, not mad·, but It Is possible to Improve a kicker very materially. Th· cardinals prin¬ ciples should be: First, ability to gat the k.ckoff quickly. Second, certainty of the kick, that is. that tt d'oee not .lice or veer off but really makes distance down tb· field, and third, distance. We assume that ln no team Is a man selected for a kicker who can¬ not eat fair distance, but after that the certainty of his retting his kick- off under any conditions and the knowledge that It will go down the field and not slant o(T over the side¬ line about at the scrimmage line is the thing we must look for. Prac¬ tice and more practice Is essential. The kicker should practico having the ball passed back to htm by the center. It Is a good thing. If possi¬ ble, to always use the center he will have in the game so that he can get used to the way that particular man floats the ball Into his hands, and also get to recognize the possible slips that the center Is liable to make. A good center can pretty well stan¬ dardize the delivery of hi« balls, and. If th· kicker expects the hall in a certain place, and Is sure It Is going to arrive there, he has easily gained perhaps a second or so in gettine off his kick, and seconds loom big »t that time. The kicker should never practice long enough to get his leg tired. For the punt, the ball should be hit on th· front of the instep, the ball being dropped a little to one side. Drop-kicking, as shown by Brt'-kley. is a matter nf Infinite practice to a·* quire accu.iicj'. The ball should be Section 2. rotary presses, is now running until 6 o'clock. Miss Sophie Ix>ris, clerk In section 5. night, is confined to her hume with a very bad cold. Georg·» Hernon. of section 3. back from a two weeks' trip to New Orleans, where he attended the Convention of the American Bank¬ ers' Association. He made the re¬ turn trip by water. W. Miller. ? í'oburn. and S. Smith, of sertion 5, are on the sick list AERIAL THEATER IS THE LATEST Paris. Oct. 21..An aerial theater Is the newejt development In futur¬ ist art. The aviator Czari, known as the best disciple of Marinetti, the founder of futurism, has issued a manifesto signed by the n«*w futur ist committee, announcing perform¬ ances are about to begin. Plays, tragedies, and» even ballets will be produced In the air by scores of machines of different pow¬ er, color, design and speed, which will personify character·. The male parts will be represent¬ ed by 400 horsepower airplanes, while female roles will be played by machines of a "daintier" type May Retarne Relation!. Parts. Oct. _1.There is a persistent rumor In circulation here to the effect that negotiations are afoot looking to the restoration of diplomatic relations betwen France and the Vatican. The rumor Is denied in well-informed quarters, but Rome advices say Vati¬ can circles believe it to be well founded. ACROSS THE SALT SEAS. Parts .Plot of German residents to revolt against French rule on Novem¬ ber 9 revealed at Strasburg, Alsace- Geneva..Tunnel TOO feet long, be- f tween Switzerland and Austria, ! through "which smuggling was carried on, discovered. Paris..Prince Rupprecht. of Ba- varia, will be among 600 persons (whose extradition Is desired by France for trial as authors of war. Naples..Etienne Poulet, trying to fly from Parts to Australia, forced to land by heavy storm. London..The new Viscountess As* tor, formerly Nancy Lenghome, of ¡ Virginia, may contest for seat of her | husband In House of Commons. I London..Japanese menace to British Interests pointed out by Secretary N". jCheesman. of National Union of Man· ! ufacturers. j Cettinje.Cross of Mercy bestowed upon Misses S. A. McCarron, Wood- ¡ haven. N. J. Minnie Parish. Delphas. 1st. BL; and Helen R. Watson, Tunk- hanock. Pa. Paris.French import tax on autos to be dropped from 70 to 4fi per cent. Bucharest..Dr. Margaret W. Ffcr- well, ÌJOn Angeles, given Order of Crown for work during smallpox epi¬ demic. Montdldier, France. . Twenty-foor barracks, gift of American Red Cross, will bs used as municipal bosp.ua. Oliphant of the Army, a star kicker and all-American player in 1916. dropped on It» end. and the »win«; of the l«a »o «ynchronlred. thl« can only be attained by long practice) that It hit» the ball at the exact in- »tant It rl»e«. In place-kicking for distance, the hall may be either cocked up on an elevation or tilted somewhat downward. All distance place-kicking requires ¦ certain amount of running. Goal·kicking should be done with a single step and a .«wine of the leg. provider?, of rourse, the ball Is near enough to the goal line, anywhere, say. Inside the J."i-vnrrt line. Ix>ng kicks require two or three step» un¬ ies« the man Is particularly power¬ ful. Aim in kicking punts is e»»entlal. A ball kicked blindly down the field has not one-half th· value of the ball that is placed with an eye to »void¬ ing the congregation of b«r*k». 1 (Copyright. 1919 ) GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE NEWS Miss Nannii» Pa ? els reports 13 new members added to the roll or the Woman's Bindery Union at the meeting Monday night, bringing the total membership to more than 600. The next meeting will be held on the third Monday In November, when officers will be elected. linotype Operator Robert E. Daly was severely burned about the face and hands Monday et/ening while en- deavorinc to extinguish a blase In the cellar of his home. The funeral of Ltotlt. French Klr- by. who was killed in an airplane aceid^nt in Utah, will be held from thf residence of his father. 1347 Parkwood Place, northwest, today at 1 p m. Misses Mattle Belt, TCHsabeth Booker. Mary-Carlin. Rosemary Dan- aher, Mary Mack. Catherine Sea gn ol¬ ii. Rose Sheridan, and L-eona Soper, of the postal-card section, are de¬ tailed to the pressroom. Frank ? Razey has returned to the Jobroom. after a three weeks' fishing trip. Otto Hammerbacher, of the for¬ warding and finishing section. Is de¬ tained at home by the Illness of Mrs. Hammerbacher. Pressman Edgar ? Whitman is still on the sick list in tb- day pressroom. The night force in the library HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS A ôENT'MAN FUSSIN' CASE AH WANTS TWO DOLLAHS FUH A 'Possum, WHUT AH USETER ÖIT SIX BITS FUH , BUT LAWI AH's »ONE «5oT T' BE A TWO-DOLLAH MAN, NOW.' TECH ELEVEN IS READY FOR POT Golden Tornadoes of Geor¬ gia Confident of Hand¬ ing Panthers a Jolt. Atlant·, O·.. Oct. 11..Another In¬ vasion of the North by the South be¬ gin« tomorrow. With betting even th»t Ted. would rout Glen Warner'· crew tn Pittsburg Saturday. Qeorgia Irci.. reinforced by a goodly portion of Atlant«'· population. win break camp and entrain for the «mok> city tomorrow afternoon. "If· a much stronger team that will tackle Pitt thl· year. It will be a game thl· year." aaserted ("nach Heiainan today. "I had a bunch of fre»h men up there laat year.and we lost. Thi« year I have a real machine." Helsman refused to flatly predict V tory for Tech. He'» too wily for ¿«vat. But never before ha» he ap¬ peared so enthusiastic »bout the prospects of his charge». I "The game next Saturday will be a real tilt." he added, by way of evading direct queries regarding the outlook. Tram· Evenly Matched. Experts, sizing up the merit· of Tech end Pitt, declare th»t not since 1917 hai/! the two teams been so evenly matched. ? comparison of man for man on each team tends to confirm this assertion. In the backfleld Tech has In Flow¬ ers and Barren a combination hard to beat. At ends Bill Pinchers and Albert Staton are rood enough for any man'· team. Judy Harlan and Oaviar have proved their worth and ¦hould give Pitt trouble. At quar¬ ter Shorty Quill's past performance· .how him to be the equal of Morrow. So on down the ll»t, the comparison would Indicate that Tech should prova to be more of a atumbllng block to Pitt than a gentle aouthern Zephyr. At any rate. It will be a determin¬ ed bunch of lad· which will grab the rattler· for the North The de¬ feat of Pitt at th· hand· of Syra¬ cuse has fired the Tornados to the r-reateat enthusiasm and they are de¬ termined to repeat the trick Satur¬ day. GIANT MOGULS HAVE PURCHASED TRACK New York. Oct. IL.«Charles A. Stone- ham and John J. McGraw, principal owner» of the New Tork National ".league club, have purchased a con¬ trolling interest tn the Cuban-Ameri¬ can Jockey Club of Havana, accord¬ ing to a formal announcement of the dub's secretary. John B. Foster. The price paid to H. D. "Curley" Brown, for the plant, not Including the club house« and privileges, is «aid to be in excess of 11.<"¦>'.«*>. Brown will continue to act president and gen¬ eral manager of the plant for the re¬ mainder of the reason. JOE BECKETT MEETS GEORGE CARPENTIER London. Oct. 2L.Joe Beckett. Eng¬ lish heavy-welgbt, will meet the French star. Georges Carpeutler. In a twenty-round bout her· on December 4. Promoter Cochrane announced laat night. Nothing but Ulne«· can prevent the match, the promoter said. The winner of the bout will meet Jack Dempaey for the championship of the world some time ln the spring, according to tentative agreeraehts which axe «aid to have been concluded by Jack Kearns. manager of tbe world's cham- pi on branch composed of Amos Hunt, operator ln charge. Harry Boate. Chris Zr-pp, Harry Ohlsen and Jim¬ my Cromwell, Stanley Gllbery, who has been reading proof for »ever»l months takes a machine on the day- force. C. T. Warner, of New Haven. Conn., Is a new addition to Capt. Monagan's force o." Ilnot/pe machinist·, the first in many years. Edwin Davidson «nd Stephen T. Walton have returned to the day proofroom after several weeks' leave, ohn W Sherman ha» returned to rhe hand section after a week's Ill¬ ness. Miss Susan L. Garst Is enjoying her vacation In Atlantic City. Miss Kthel Lyons, of the ruling and sewing section. on leave. Mis.« Mary T. Hayden, of the day proofroom, is on the sick Hit. James T. McDonald has returned to the forwarding and finishing section after some days' nines·. Morton ?. Barnes, compositor ln the hand section, is absent on two weeks leave. Carpenter John Collins has been IM for · week at his home In Hyntts· vllle. .Mr« William B. Dickinson has re turned from a visit of several months with her parents ln Ashland. Ky Harry Hensel ha« been »bsent from the linotype section two months on account of Illness. Mr. and Mr». Solomon H. Byron ere spending a week with relatives in Alken. S. C. Navy Yard News John Maiirlson. canvas worker In the gunners' shop, spent a few days at the Pittsburg Fair. Miss O. V. Wren, of the torpedo tube shop, has returned from a few days' visit at Amlssvnie. Va. Sailmaker G. B. North is spending a week on his farm on Sugar Loaf Mountain. Montgomery County. Md.. gettine in the crops. C. F. Kenny, of the miscellaneous .hop. returned Monday from a few days' fishing on the Bay. A. W. Miles, of the broadside mount shop, leaves today for a two weeks' .tay in upper Maryland. Ft. McLean, of the torpedo «hop, enjoyed three days last week at the Herford Courttv Fair, held at Bel Air. Md. Harvev MrKee of the pack bit di¬ vision. 1* cleaning and oiling hi· shot¬ gun for hunting In Virginia this fall. W. F. Williams' of the public work·, has returned to work after an en- Joyed vacation at Luray Cave·. C. L. Werner, of the miscellaneous shop. Is In Pledinont, W. Vit., for the rest of th· week on a business trip. Joe Tenschert. formerly of the tool ¦hop. is In town again and expects to return to work In a couple of week·. John Ritr. leadingman of the gun¬ ners' workshop, with hi· wife «nd daughter has returned from a vacation ln Baltimore. T. P. Connor», of the east gun carriage -«hot·, low.·««· Thursday for four day· la New Tork. / MAJOR LEAGUES ON EASY STREET Salt Away $200,000 as Re¬ sult of Big Series.Will Pay Off Fed's. Suit. New York, Oct. 22..As a result of the big money paid by the Chicago and Cincinnati fans to see the world's scries tbe major leagues now are on easy street for the tirst time eince the Federal League declared war on organile«! ball five years ago. Ksch major league has salted away »1.000 In the treasury to be used, perhaps. In settling the claims of the Baltimore Feds, unless the latter lose their big law suit oh appeal. On top of this velvet are the annual assessments paid by each major league club during the recent pen¬ nant races which amount to an¬ other 000,000. about equally divided between the rival circuits. The Na¬ tional Commission, which wars practi¬ cally bankrupt before the «erlee began, received more than (70.000, which will be used In defraying the expenses of legal talent in connection with the Feds suit. V/fclte «i Mske Cols. The owners of the White Sox and Red« gathered about 196,000 each from the aeries, but their combined expen¬ ses reached {20.000. The White Sox made a total of svn.ooo on the year, it Is estimated, while the profits of the Giants were, not far behind that mark. The Reds* earnings amounted to at least 1300.000 a record for Cincinnati GEORGETOWN DRILLS FOR DETROIT BATTLE Georgetown'« football squad Is practicing hard for its game with Detroit University at Detroit. Sat¬ urday afternoon. The eleven was In a scrimmage with the second team for more than an hour yes¬ terday afternon, working out some new formation» to »tiffen tb« de¬ fense for this contest. The Blue and Gray la expecting a tough game, as the Michigan team have a fast and aggressive eleven, which will cause th« Hill- toppers some opposition. Coach Exendlne la working hard with the team to perfect their offense, as he la anxious to d«'feat Detroit Uni¬ versity. YOUNG CHANEY WINS BOUT FROM KOSTER New Orleans, 1... Oct 11..Toung Chaney, of «Baltimore, won from Kid Koater. of New Orleana, after twenty rounds of hard fighting In Heinemann Park here last night. Chaney outclassed Koater. Koater went Into the ring a 7-to-e favorite, but after the tenth round, when Chaney had shown his wares, the odds on the fight changed and «Chaney was made a S-to-5 favorite. Koster knocked <~*haney out when they met here last year, but It was a different «Thanev he met last night. The Baltimore man waa wiry end full of pep. He fought from the sound of the first gong until the last. iJeABEZWWTE^WILL BATTLE PAL MOORE Albany. N. T.. Oct. 11..Jaber. White. Albany bantamweight, and Pal Moore, of Memphis, have been remetched to appear In Detrott Nov. 6- I BRITISH REQUEST EMBARRASSES POPE Rome. Oct. 21..Pope Benedict, it was l*>arned today. Is preatly em- barrassed by the request of the Brit¬ ish envoy to the Vatican to refuse ratification by the Holy »See of th«* election of Mgr. MaglnnU the Trlsh priest, as general of the Order of the Carmelitas. The argument Advanced by «the British envoy Is that the «lection of the Irishman would tend to stir up trouble against the British c-ivern- ment. The pope is temporarily de¬ laying the ratification but admit? his embarrassment in solving the problem In a way satisfactory to Britain without offending the an¬ cient religious order, for there is no precedent for a refusal of the Vati¬ can's ratification MARYLAND POSSES SEARCH FOR SLAYER Frederick. Md., Oct. a..While arm- ed posses still search tbe woods about Thurmont and clttxens and police of Frederick County are Joining In the bunt for the men who killed Leo M. Creager. of Thurmont, on Saturday when Mr. Creager was chasing him after the murderer and his companion had commltteed two robberies here, rumors by the «core are keeping ex¬ citement high. Deputy Sheriff Kyler, of Carroll County, notified the Frederick officials today that a man answering the de¬ scription of the'murderer-burglar had asked for food near Keymar, and «it once a posse was dispatched to that vicinity. The report revived the be¬ lief that the fugitive still Is within a few miles of Thurmont EMPIRE CITY ENTRIES. FIRST RAOB-Prar IfSH «IS», meiden «lile. ¦brxit «il turione»: Bridie flay«, m- Libert» Girl, 11«: Loci. Lease.. 114; Ma» Roberta, l!« Ssrirl. 114; .stem Glow. 114; Dorothy'. Peu U«; Rseeet Music, 114; Me» Alley. 114. SUrlOrsT) RACE.Foe »-»ear-olde; «elTInf; on« mile; He»»» Weapon. 1(0; Ma» Robert» «S Thunderbtnl. ??; .enandoeh, 104; ? rieht Gold 113. THIRD RACE- For J-yeer-olds and np: claim in«; mile and eerenty jerda: Goldrres« Boy. 11«; Arelo. 110; Hohokua, 105; »Je«* Ottawe. 106; Mies Brjn, 11»; Dead» Dode. 110; Melee? lOT; Pollya.e. 1ST; rrarilnm. IBS: Alsoni lie' »Vhii.y. 110; PoUu. IIS: Don Dodge UB; Bal¬ lista KB. FOCRTH RACB-For Vyear-oMe esl up; Usa Bedford Selline Sta.e; ti STO added; about six turione»: Pit.rick. .; Race Baj. lot; «Os «tjtkI, IOS; »Ultima Ttiule. 114; »You Need MU- TM». 11«. FIFTH RA<.-For »»ear-olde; end up; cleltninl; le end «esente yards: · Kohinoor K»Z: Je. L De». HS: Velerie Weet. US; Kil¬ kenny. IIS; EMerkin. 110; CW. Harrieon, 110; Mlee Kmter, 107; »Merkenaie. 110; KailMrrl 106 Sunninn.e, 106; Hlndoostert, KB; Paddy.' 110 Fe»our, 11»; «Hirkorymit, 102. SIXTH RACE For »sear-old» end up; tbe Soeeretsn Sellini Handicap; mile end oioeU- teenth: Kilkenny, 103. Bettle Bin«?. 10» Whimaj, MS; Oas. 114; Fa««.r. IB: «Ter Ma rhine, 11»; »Sunny Lead. KB. .AW«_.e elk-eoe* e.«sed. TWO.. THREE PuiTítotj te Nut OmOwIWi £NJGSR4ERfc America is the land of personal liberty. Which is the reason why everybody is figuring on going to Asia to get a drink. The last law slipped over by Congress is the straw that breaks the camel's thirst. In July, it was a crime to take a drink. In November, it's going to be a crime to look as if you -have taken a drink. Knocking off a snifter next month will be a tougher job than borrowing money from your^ brother-in-law. And November is the month that contains Thanksgiving. This is one holiday which should be cancelled for the duration of the Democratic administration. The new moratorium on nose polisher will be permanent like in- terest on second mortgages. Some cuckoos may continue to stagger through habit, but the old nose rouge is deader than ihc Hohenzollern 'dynasty. The birds who could drink either a little or a lot will do neither after the first of the month. At this confused moment, it is impossible to tell whether the war caused prohibition or prohibition caused the war. , You always noticed that the sapp who chirped most about the old moss covered bucket always gave the bucket plenty of opportunity to get moss on it. If you see Hie same bimbo next month with foam on his mustache, you will know that he has nothing but a fit As Hin- denburg said, as he wet his ears in a stein of Wurtzburger, "'The Germans didn't lose anything except the war." Anybody who salted a keg of headache oil away before the war is entitled to it. One keg of booze will last a lifrtime, provided you don't drink yourself to death. Even then it will. You can treat your friends to your booze and the government can't stop it But it's ai man's own fault if he his friends during these dry days. It is a misdemeanor to move liquor from one State to another It is a misdemeanor to move liquor from the District of Columbia to any State. Which is the reason why so many Congressmen want to be elected to Washington for another four years Anybody who is found soused next year will be liable to one hundred smackers' fine and thirty days in the bird cage. After the third offense, the culprit must kick in with a thousand button fine or give the judge the pass¬ word. Booze will be scarcer than sentiment in a pawnshop. One hundred years from now, millionaires will go back to see the house where they were born because «t had a cellar in it. The law says that liquor shall only be used for scientific puiposes Another instance where science has the edge over brute strength. The old-fashioned Thanksgiving habit of staggering from mince pie to mince pie is out The old Christmas side door souse is also! out. The Budweiser bees aren't making any more honey There are ' 55,000,000 gallons of liquid liver cirrhosis «tored in bonded warehouses And a bird who drinks up alt his doctoi's prescriptions now is hypothecating his future. All the Schlitz signs which make our suburban Autumns so beau¬ tiful will have to be hauled down or flown at half mast But whatever you do, don't sniff up all your medicinal prescrip¬ tions now. Like the boy who hollered "Wolf" some day you may get sick and won't be able to enjoy the illness. LAUREL SELECTIONS First r»ce. Vigliente, Bar Coy. Ballyconnell. Second race. Northwood. Har- wood. Quel Bonheur. Third race.Rapid Day. Wl»e»t Fool. Dr. Rae. Fourth race Constancy. On Watch. Klnnoul. Fifth race Billy Kelly. Sun Briar, I^eocharea. Sixth r-ice.Out the Way. Celto. Sinn Feiner. Seventh race.Tie Pin. Putta »nd Calls. The Belgian furlong«: *»ruihri«r, "ja I>eoroar«e. 'tt «Too lamnd« lam«** for ??«t SIXTO EAi-E-For »«»«rolda »nd un. aril In«: ais fu-Hongs Oui at Th. Way I:·. S«v twaaka 107; Fea Boodi. 10. l'oral 10,' Orilo. It*, i-anor. 113: Fa-core. '¦; Water.«». HJ. Ocra· dark. 1ST *Th» Deeieioa, Mi SI Quoa tra. IO·: "Uratoo V MS Sedan. HI: iajt Isaii SS: Sino Fwlnw. US lOrs» os.rbxl.rl· SEVENTH R-iCH.For t-yoar old» and up ¦eting. sail, and rhr.alstaooths FTeertotrn. ire: nia· Toi. 110: s,hol». IK: Paddy'a risole» IM: F»irr Prise«. KB. Ckyndait. irr Vai '.{ It·: Tb« Belgian IIS a'Prrta and Oalla, 11« latti. Oottoee. US. Tie Pis. IM; .fwarrtein Fay. UO. a'Dorras. 'CC aG. W roreraan entry .Fir« pound« aptventir« allow-anew la'rned LAUREL RESULTS. FIRST RACn-Flr. aod nnehalf furl-ngs My Boole. II« (Oallaharo. 1»H>. 7 ». J.»; Tal ti«. IH) iSandel. »«O. «40; frinii«. 11» Aro hri«e>. :«ti Tinvr. 1 07 3 i Krooi Tfreur. Mil¬ itant 1-A.ly. Limerick l.*>. Miss Homer. Amrri ran Hu«. Titantta. Ardo. J Alfred Clark. Fir¬ ing Wei«timan also ran. SIOXsNTS R\CE--Oru· mil.-Hong KotUT. It» iFitorl. *«·. 3. «? ISO; Fnx.ur. 10» (lUasiKocl. 3 30. 3M; Padua. HE <An.bt.oaTl. S3» Tim. 1113-S. libortir B'ud. Pluiero. M< ruinn Elder. Ml Fielder. Brtd« al». ran THIRD RA«*E Sit furlong» 1'irmanda«·. 110 Hi liTleni. 7.70. ?». 2·». IVbrrera.. 107 'Am hrowl. 2.«·, 110; Rapid Trorrter. Its 'Cohjleui 2 Or Tins», 1 13 lied Red Roe». M> laror. The W it «Ian ran I 11 TI RAI'» MU. aid a alslr»«ltri Milkmaid. IK flWtual. 3 70. I». 140: Stickling. 10"> Ajourer»·!. 5 00. «00 Ballet parer »id. «* (Pilli·!, 530 Tim«. 1 <* t-o. Word Violet. Dwlw«! Lac», Highland Light also ran I1FTH RAOB-Ono roll». To» Porter. 1rs niBri.nl. 5.·». oott, out; (\Klg.l. ia fLoftuai. oat. out; Fairr Wand. 107 (JahnouTi). out. lim», mi» Only tare» »tartan SIXTH RAlTVJIs» aule-rlearcMurbt 3rd. Ini 'rMort. »ao. «.». ISO; tlamiug Oanu.al. ** rWidal. SIS. «2t>; Marie Connell. ? (farawerii. 24 «0 Tim«. ?«!;', lattar?. M.lanrliolia. T.r asaltar "kid. War Club. A»ion. Pienti, J<«ui ol An »lw> ran RrTVENTrl U-ACaV Wa fu-lonf. Amarlsmlo. I1J (Rice). 7 1·. «.7». 3«0; Ideal. 101 it atari. "On, King Toooaa. 107 iSandel. 3 3D Tus». 11:3-0 Melario, rsrin Bo>. Motr.eMn-I.aw. I."!« Bd. Rath Mrtetland. Kesiab, Rer r.l Pleaaantrm, BeHringer, RaJaroaa. Ooak of th. Main alao ran PITTSFIELD AWARDED EASTERN LEAGUE TITLE PUtsfle.d. Mass.. Oct. 32..Th* an¬ nual meetinij, of th«? director« of th·* Kastfrn Fía**-·ha M I^agrue was held. »ih he award of the pennant to the Pittsfleld Club a? the principal busi¬ ness. Althoufcli Us* than two dosen can¬ didates reported, varsity crear prac¬ tice at Columbia a"ot under way yei-- t.rday at the Union Boat Club on the Harlem Hiver. Because a num¬ ber of the aspirants for places in the varsity combinations had never before handled a sweep Rice was forrad to -send out with freshmen In the barges CROSS AND R0BS0N LAND JERSEY BOUTS EMPIRE CITY ENTRIES llRfT RAM*.Fir. and one-half furtongv Hntir H«l»n. 1«* (MrCabel. 11 to 1. S In I. ·' tn 1: Frcrdrwure. 103 fPreeeor. 3 tn 1. · to I; Hnnd Red. 106 tRow.iri. out Tune. 1 Iff Ï 5. Brighi tloH. EdiUi K. Pair OUaoM. Ha» It'rbrrt«. líame (iurk «1er. tan RBOOND ItACfv Sit furlong. Right liter Mr;ht. (Button!. 13 Ir H.. I t . 3. .«it: Ira Wilson. 115 (Rittltrlll. 7 to 10. ont; Nort;,.,.,·.]. ?* (Kiinim· ri. « to 1. Tim», lio;··, s: illrlach 2nd. Himr.tarn. Irr ir. irt.·- «?. T.·· ????.?) ???? s¡» fiu-loeg« Old l:.«ob"d. IS (??^??*). 4 lo 1. ß tu 5. < to 5 ?«,-, 13J iBiimai. 2 to 1. «ten; lull Merk«. IB ilt.r>.anl. 3 to 1 Tim». 1 10 We,. I«,|^ Anii.ld. SUrk «dor. Torohb»ar»r. Hollittor. Kaahmir arso ran. ..DOB***«* Rai-I^ Mil. and a rftternth H.n- nlbal. 1Î5 (Enaorl. 1 fc, 2, out. out: DrummonO. 102 l«o««nl I to 10. out; Rlalrgmrrl». 100 (My- er»>. out. Tim». 1«5«5 TrUr, M«, ran FIFTH RAPB-Mile and 70 yards Ja.i Mi.int. ,Zo»lkr). 4 to 1. 8 to 5 3 to 5 Wnrdtrap, IIS iButwall). s to 5. 1 to « Paddy' whack, ? (Datieal. 1 to « Tim». U944 Star Realm, (imnnds.ell alao ran 9ITTH R.k(T.-Mlle and oM fourth. P»rrt»m irne. 105 (Kummen. 4 to 1. a to 5. « tr» 5- Rar On». 109 (Rowanl. «wan. l !,, I; l^rd Herbert. (Rt*dri«n»«>. · to S Tun«. 107 3* Paddy Dear. Orel-Batch. Dragon Rock. Zinna. Little Nearer, p. f>. Kin, ,iw .., Jersey City. V J.. Oct. 21.M«rt> "ros- o;:t porrilej Steve LAtZO in «?? eipht-ronnrl trout liere. Croe· dropped him in the eichth round for the count of nine. In »igiii rounds Gr-onre rtiip wn;- ruitpointed lr> Tonirtiy Uobson; Hill Brennen boat Dan O'Dovrd and Harrt Will« beat Joe Jeanett»· Six Brooklyn Players Sigo. Brooklyn. Oct '.T Présidant Charla· H Rbbets. of th· Robins. not ».at¬ ine; any time gettine: his player· stgn- i*ri for neat season. So f«r he ha» !>-celved the slsrned contract» of «l» members of the Flatbnsh outfit Th« player« who havr a>nel to terms are Rube Marnuard. Jimmy Johnston. I'laretH·.' .Milchel. ??·? Olson. Ray¬ mond Schmandt and "Chuck" Ward. SVveral dnts «aro it wa» announced that iVilbeit Robinson hail signed in manriK» the club next summer Olympia Gob Meets. The Olympia A. C. met laut night at their club house on Ninth street south- east and conducted a very' »ucceaeful and entert lining evening The main feature· were two boxine bout». The flr»t between Qulnn and Nolan: Nolan «raining the decision. The «econd wa» between Whltacr» j and Durty. Whltacre gamine th« de- cisión. LAUREL ENTRIES. FIIIST RACE.For maiden 3-ynr olds and up; aeallng. mil. and ooo-alttesrith: Sfuaket. KR>. Dion». ?; Vigilante. Beoucairr. 9«;' »W. Ward. »: War Club. Mt: Bar law, IK»; finn. era. »T; Legar«, «; Honen. 3»; Kallyeonnel. IOC War Smoke. MS: ¦loseph I* Murpht. n. -Jara Dawaon, 9; he Dlnoaure. 103. SBrOND IMC>>-8tewpleehaae: J-year old« and UP: aalllng; about two mile«: New Haten, 112: »Meloa. 137; «Mlnton China, 137: Harwood. IX; «Quoi Bonheur. 137; »Northwood. 137; smith fleld. US; a-xArrtlaeptir, l*f. aFire poonrla claimed for rider sfteorge P. Sherman «mtry. THIRD RACE For 3year-o*ds: cUiialag; ml'« and aetenty yard«: "Dottle Vandirer, 100: Romeo. 10«. Rirnnalong. IS: *R»pid Dar. MS: Kleeted id, «B; Trr Raw. ltd; Knot. KB; Wiaew Fool. MS; «War Huh. MS: .lir.ndee. MS; Webh man« Folli. 10«. Mint Cot, K». ????ß?? IJ^OE-'Tiie Maeor" Handieap: ïyear-ofds; ossa mile: aOo Watch. ISO; Klnaoot IM; Maatar Bill. ·>; aOerm«. 112; Bmart Boy. *¦: Mock Oraofe, Ml: ConaUnrr, IH; Ks:lipoli». 110; Orereast, «* ««toora» W Loft entry .rural IsAcae-Handnaa. lot on mam; ass Rex Eleve· to Practice. The Rex A. C. football team will practice thia afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in preparation for the game Sunday with either the McDouchner A. C. of j Baltimore, or the Camp Meade officer»' eleven. A decision will be reached to- day as to which club will be played on ¡Sunday Ainsmith Sifu With Detroit. Detroit, Oct. K. Kddie Alnamith. who did the bulk of the catching for th· Tirer· the past season, sign·*! a. 1920 contract today, then hit the ralla for hla home ln Texas. Aln¬ amith live· at Yorktown, and he in¬ tends to spend the winter hunting and fishing Gunners to Hold Drill The Seaman Gunner» Apprentice School football team will hold a practice this evening at C o'clock. when It la requested all candidate· I will be on hand aa new play· will I be worked out for th· same on Sunday «vfternoosv MIDDIES AWAIT HILLTOP BATTLE Georgetown Visits Annapo¬ lis November 8 (or Game With Future Acimirals. Ani.poli·, od. ß.Second only in Interest »mon« members of the Naval cantina;·«!! to th« Clune as« I net the eleven or the Militai-)- Academy ti··-, match «rlth Georaretowri tshlch «rill ras- player] al Annapolis on November · The conimi with the Army la. «ef course, the one «-reset object of all an- »Iclpatlon at the Naval Ararle.> but for the Urne »t least interest la keen In'tbe comlnr match assinrrt the «A'ai htnpton unlverr<ty. Not only la a SOOd contest gxper-ted. bu« It known that these teams have seldom mei in recent year« without the most bitter rivalry mäkln»; itself evident. Th>· N»vy team starts on a series of three a-ames ajcatn«« worthy opoon- eau. Btjrknell will be met next HasI- urday and. ihou«h probably atroncer than the** who have played her« «o far thla season, ehould be defeated West Virarinl« Wesleyaa. vrhlch w«» decisively beaten by Georgetown, fol¬ lows, and then «romes «Teoore/etown Tbe three game» ehould form « basis upon which the strength of the Navy team of thla «««»on may be Judged Thou» 11 mediocre in tha backflesld up to thl- time. IU friend* believe th«t It l«n ii-erslnr satiafectorlly snd that it will develop Into a team «rell up to the aiandsrd of Navy acrrearatlon» If the Army came was «? hand He* probable backfleld of the Navj te»m would be Alford Benolai. Dole ani "'lark. All of these were «ubetitute«. last season, except Dole, who was «.» second -«trina; man. and who develop*··! considerably this season, «"lark weich- IM pounds. Alford 170. and the uth· J two about lee each While not one a real crack, hej »re all active fel¬ low», r.rd-pl.ymg youths, who at» showing constant improvement. C. U. MEETS STARTER IN MUHLENBERG TEAM Catholic L'nlveralty la playing r foreign fields this week, aa It bat¬ tle» the Muhlenberg Colle«· au »VI· lentowrn. Pa. Thl« «rill be a harrt game for the Brook lender» as the-» are up aeralnat an exp»»rlen<-e.i eleven that he» lots of football It« system gained by the pre«nr>u contest» It haa player! thl« year The Brooklander» will do well «¦ hold down the collece boy« to a low score, the Black «nd R.-I team not up to It» standsrd. a- It needs more time In which to pr« pare for it» contests. GALUUDET ELEVEN L00KNG FOR CONTEST Oal'audet <"oll-ge la **:ti,m.i * .fame for Sa'Li :.·¦> anri trying t<< arra-«re a contest »ith orme of tb· team* In thl· vicinity, aa the\ ira*»· to keep In condition for fhe »*- carnea that com·"· Inter with CattHkl r I "nlverafty iinri Mar» 'md pt*t*> CUBS A. C. ELEVEN TO PLAY TEDDY BEAR The Cuba AtliMIc ? uh «?. ?.? the T**dd> Heur < '!«rh et «nd H atreet park Sunday O-Wtli· 3». at 11:V ? m TV I nn \ » Clnh ia rtrariy to im«·« t alt Nutta the city that wlah to play th'm Knracement«· may b*> mart«· v ·" !np or corresponriIne w1*h M- wood Mill?, manarer, ?G?p \\ '.;* ? *tr*~ northeast. Olympia Etere· Deis. The Olymj«'» A «' would Ilk.· tr, » ranee a came S ¡r.riey morning *s ·' the Seminóles or Roamera \ i«r»· tice will be beU at Sevenlect tl. « D «trr-el» eouthr-a*t Fridas alleni«.'· at S:»". All relayer» ·>?" píen«· '·'¦' to Coach «TltftaiBi snimp Football Pavia«» Speri. Philartelplü., ·'¦ t 2; .H.«w ss e football I* draw ha·» the l'tiivers'i of Penn«yl\»!il» IMs ««·««!" sealed Ile at.»«et setti ¦ ·¦»'· k of Offesi «late Manager Piover ne '«'' ¦7.4SS fane paid ? «e*- Iviin «e» gei.tlimsre TM· vili 1>· a Me mone« -making year for tie raj's«.«il Kfjort «t retiti. Te;trr«or««-y s-st« hav l«een erected to a<"commodr*to tV· rrowris B< the Penn-t.«iayette «nun this ror-iin« Sa'urtla«. Hutchinson'r. Low Golf Cars!. Pet mit. < »et ¡? .Mfmrfg HutchitiF···** «ThtoaKo <;?·? V^«a «Tin? and TV * MrP«.nald RyiWK«w deflate«! Wa' ter G ??t? mtlwuil «»p^n cha" pion anri ï-e». Miegel. p.-trolt. ?. n!l Î in a !*?· :?! '*·-' ·¦!¦ host mil unite her* Mit'« m-on v. ent "nt anri bur in M I »on? Id pot ~«. Hacen 7* an Piece! TT Dreadnoughts After Qumt. The Ale\ ?-rinn Mreadnaiieh' foot hall eleven la without a came for H'.r day and would like lo a p ance a ron te>t with any ISO-pound team In thi vicinity. To arranae dat·1 for a <m call by phone Alexandria M. bet wee« 7 and 8 o'clock ? m. Welsh Beab Perry Pittsburg. Pa.. Oct. ?.ß> »«· leTe«.1. Philadelphia «jreSiee·-«· -h« defeated Ja«-k Perry of th » rity. h la torrid 10-round bou« Th« yu.,Ue youth held «he Pittebureer at l«»< iw-lth :i pretty Jab and a «a Ve right upp« r.-ut. SMASHING BIG SALE Athletic Cut Clothes 'Way Below Regular Prices Tremendous Savings Assured FRIEDLÄNDER BROS. «128 NINTH ST. N. W. RACING Annual Meet mfBepw Today nnt ·».ee. IMI· P. «. LA1REL PARR ? Special ? & 0. Trains nieve« «· litealtlaal. lei»« I ele. ·«·«!·· lSr.s, \2>*0 »»« 1rs· r. ., HBTTRKIHa l«»HtF.DIA"rr.l.T ArTCR THE RACKI AOMItSIOX. SI.1 6.¦.. «*'·· Tu

    EASY VICTORYrfilltop Scholastic ElevenWalks Roughshod OverBusiness High's Team.

    Western's well drilled eleven easilytmvred its superiority over BusinessIt«h in the annual scholMUc foot-»al! aeries In the Central 3«Udl_ni.«.«terday by 68 to o. Western clearlyiha-wed Ha mettle against the inexpe-.«.nced Business team all throuifh.5imiK'ht play was all that was nead-id to come through with a victory»ver the StenopTa.pher* Although theStenographers played a plucky gam«ha line plunging of Western's back»muid not b« checked.The Rod and White eleven c_rrl«dhe pigskin for a touchdown in theIrst four minutes of play EverettBurke. Western's quarterback, is cred-led with scoring the first touchdown.during the first quarter Western had?», trouble in breaking through theJustness 1 ne. Plunges by Dawson,»owell nntt Burke soon registered.noth^r touchdown for the Red andVhite team.They continu«! their onslaught and

    it the «nd of tbe second period Wert'im had piled up a score of 19 to ©..Vttb a score assuring them of a aurariclory Coach Morse's machine did notpsson their pace. They started thehTi-rl iiiarter by taking the ball fromhe Stenographers on downs, display-DK wonderful offensive playing.An end run by Burke. Una plunging

    >\ Powell and Oormley saw the pig·ikin over the line for another touch-Inwn. The eame tactics were soon re-leated ending the quarter, gtvtng?estera a total acore of 32 points toheir opponents' 0 Starting the third.er-tod the plucky Business team gave»ay entirely and Western's elevencored at will. At the end of the.ertod Western had scored 36 points.raking the total for the game 61 The"ummary:ersten F-ar-Ueaa -*.¦¦-Wa'tur .L·. ?.. .3c-u_-f.ll·,u\yUm .«.I_T. OokUtein,rpfK«e .,_.LvG. CanneJ4 ».-mue ..?...(hater. _TeGana«hy

    Uaafamm . ,, a ,j j^^ggt'i-fUMi . rt 0 0 «_ 01Sabatitulio*»: W.K.-1 \^,^?. for Morie.

    tirila for Walker; Wirrmaa for «iormlev- Lurt»nor Manet*.; Harriman tor AJt-????ß: Oo>_?p?? for·¦Vnard; iTnccï«.ie fas Peace. ??t??ß for Dawr r Wiisht for S^r-naan ShanU for McCaU»-?-*: .r the reart of the month.William ? MoCauley. of section a.

    j* ;«hsent. suffering with his annualltlack of pleurisy..Mis.« 3.t.rt.1 L. Abraham, of th.-

    -irface division. Is visiting friends In\· w York CityRobert Lambert, custodian of press-M In «eetlon «1. had a delightful tourhsTough M.-rrvland and Pennsylvaniaast «saMea, visiting the Hagenetowji'.-«Ir. Waynesboro. Martinsrburg an»!;e't..sburg.Miss Lottie McOlue. of the »xam-

    .lint: division, is takln«; «on« leave.John Bullough. «upt. of ««action 9.

    » on .e »lek 11st.

    BOXING, With Jn-Jitsa.«-«««rae nfri.'lally appf-v-re«. bytbe Faited states awrern-neatand Mffbty ladoreed by JackDfpaey end praaslaeat me*.

    WWPFS SCHOOLScientific Bexiaf. Physic-

    Cultore». ?». Ave. w.w. Prsak. 4ß?

    $40 Values inSuits or Overcoats *25Cleverly made to anier.Call and gat uraplc·tb Orït-eyt-Tcrwa Patrona- «Samp**» sod n_-...I Mank* aent apea r**r]«j-iL

    Ui>DH THE TÄIL0I.????. in 7?? St. d.W.REM.IB·. TBC ADDRESS

    .anl.3 to 1 Tim». 1 10 We,. I«,|^ Anii.ld. SUrk«dor. Torohb»ar»r. Hollittor. Kaahmir arso ran.

    ..DOB***«* Rai-I^ Mil. and a rftternth H.n-nlbal. 1Î5 (Enaorl. 1 fc, 2, out. out: DrummonO.102 l«o««nl I to 10. out; Rlalrgmrrl». 100 (My-er»>. out. Tim». 1«5«5 TrUr, M«, ranFIFTH RAPB-Mile and 70 yards Ja.i

    Mi.int. l« ,Zo»lkr). 4 to 1. 8 to 5 3 to 5Wnrdtrap, IIS iButwall). s to 5. 1 to « Paddy'whack, ? (Datieal. 1 to « Tim». U944 StarRealm, (imnnds.ell alao ran9ITTH R.k(T.-Mlle and oM fourth. P»rrt»m

    irne. 105 (Kummen. 4 to 1. a to 5. « tr» 5- RarOn». 109 (Rowanl. «wan. l !,, I; l^rd Herbert.(Rt*dri«n»«>. · to S Tun«. 107 3* PaddyDear. Orel-Batch. Dragon Rock. Zinna. LittleNearer, p. f>. Kin, ,iw ..,

    Jersey City. V J.. Oct. 21.M«rt>"ros- o;:t porrilej Steve LAtZO in «??eipht-ronnrl trout liere. Croe· droppedhim in the eichth round for the countof nine.In »igiii rounds Gr-onre rtiip wn;-

    ruitpointed lr> Tonirtiy Uobson; HillBrennen boat Dan O'Dovrd and HarrtWill« beat Joe Jeanett»·

    Six Brooklyn Players Sigo.Brooklyn. Oct '.T Présidant Charla·

    H Rbbets. of th· Robins. I· not ».at¬ine; any time gettine: his player· stgn-i*ri for neat season. So f«r he ha»!>-celved the slsrned contract» of «l»members of the Flatbnsh outfit Th«player« who havr a>nel to terms areRube Marnuard. Jimmy Johnston.I'laretH·.' .Milchel. ??·? Olson. Ray¬mond Schmandt and "Chuck" Ward.SVveral dnts «aro it wa» announcedthat iVilbeit Robinson hail signedin manriK» the club next summer

    Olympia Gob Meets.The Olympia A. C. met laut night at

    their club house on Ninth street south-east and conducted a very' »ucceaefuland entert lining eveningThe main feature· were two boxine

    bout». The flr»t between Qulnn andNolan: Nolan «raining the decision.The «econd wa» between Whltacr»

    j and Durty. Whltacre gamine th« de-cisión.

    LAUREL ENTRIES.FIIIST RACE.For maiden 3-ynr olds and up;

    aeallng. mil. and ooo-alttesrith: Sfuaket. KR>.Dion». ?; Vigilante. 1» Beoucairr. 9«;' »W.Ward. »: War Club. Mt: Bar law, IK»; finn.era. »T; Legar«, «; Honen. 3»; Kallyeonnel. IOCWar Smoke. MS: ¦loseph I* Murpht. n. -JaraDawaon, 9; he Dlnoaure. 103.SBrOND IMC>>-8tewpleehaae: J-year old« and

    UP: aalllng; about two mile«: New Haten, 112:»Meloa. 137; «Mlnton China, 137: Harwood. IX;«Quoi Bonheur. 137; »Northwood. 137; smithfleld. US; a-xArrtlaeptir, l*f. aFire poonrlaclaimed for rider sfteorge P. Sherman «mtry.THIRD RACE For 3year-o*ds: cUiialag; ml'«

    and aetenty yard«: "Dottle Vandirer, 100:Romeo. 10«. Rirnnalong. IS: *R»pid Dar. MS:Kleeted id, «B; Trr Raw. ltd; Knot. KB; WiaewFool. MS; «War Huh. MS: .lir.ndee. MS; Webhman« Folli. 10«. Mint Cot, K».????ß?? IJ^OE-'Tiie Maeor" Handieap:

    ïyear-ofds; ossa mile: aOo Watch. ISO; KlnaootIM; Maatar Bill. ·>; aOerm«. 112; Bmart Boy.*¦: Mock Oraofe, Ml: ConaUnrr, IH; Ks:lipoli».110; Orereast, «* ««toora» W Loft entry.rural IsAcae-Handnaa. lot on mam; ass

    Rex Eleve· to Practice.The Rex A. C. football team will

    practice thia afternoon at 5:30 o'clockin preparation for the game Sundaywith either the McDouchner A. C. of

    j Baltimore, or the Camp Meade officer»'eleven. A decision will be reached to-day as to which club will be played on¡Sunday

    Ainsmith Sifu With Detroit.Detroit, Oct. K. Kddie Alnamith.

    who did the bulk of the catching forth· Tirer· the past season, sign·*!a. 1920 contract today, then hit theralla for hla home ln Texas. Aln¬amith live· at Yorktown, and he in¬tends to spend the winter huntingand fishing

    Gunners to Hold DrillThe Seaman Gunner» Apprentice

    School football team will hold apractice this evening at C o'clock.when It la requested all candidate·

    I will be on hand aa new play· willI be worked out for th· same onSunday «vfternoosv


    Georgetown Visits Annapo¬lis November 8 (or GameWith Future Acimirals.

    Ani.poli·, od. ß.Second only inInterest »mon« members of the Navalcantina;·«!! to th« Clune as« I net theeleven or the Militai-)- Academy i» ti··-,match «rlth Georaretowri tshlch «rill ras-player] al Annapolis on November ·The conimi with the Army la. «efcourse, the one «-reset object of all an-»Iclpatlon at the Naval Ararle.> butfor the Urne »t least interest la keenIn'tbe comlnr match assinrrt the«A'ai htnpton unlverr· N»vy team starts on a series ofthree a-ames ajcatn«« worthy opoon-eau. Btjrknell will be met next HasI-

    urday and. ihou«h probably atroncerthan the** who have played her« «ofar thla season, ehould be defeatedWest Virarinl« Wesleyaa. vrhlch w«»decisively beaten by Georgetown, fol¬lows, and then «romes «Teoore/etown Tbethree game» ehould form « basis uponwhich the strength of the Navy teamof thla «««»on may be Judged Thou» 11mediocre in tha backflesld up to thl-time. IU friend* believe th«t It I»l«n ii-erslnr satiafectorlly snd that itwill develop Into a team «rell up tothe aiandsrd of Navy acrrearatlon»If the Army came was «? hand He*probable backfleld of the Navj te»mwould be Alford Benolai. Dole ani"'lark. All of these were «ubetitute«.last season, except Dole, who was «.»second -«trina; man. and who develop*··!considerably this season, «"lark weich-IM pounds. Alford 170. and the uth· Jtwo about lee each While not one l·a real crack, hej »re all active fel¬low», r.rd-pl.ymg youths, who at»showing constant improvement.

    C. U. MEETS STARTERIN MUHLENBERG TEAMCatholic L'nlveralty la playing rforeign fields this week, aa It bat¬tle» the Muhlenberg Colle«· au »VI·lentowrn. Pa. Thl« «rill be a harrt

    game for the Brook lender» as the-»are up aeralnat an exp»»rlenucontest» It haa player! thl« yearThe Brooklander» will do well «¦hold down the collece boy« to alow score, a» the Black «nd R.-Iteam i» not up to It» standsrd. a-It needs more time In which to pr«pare for it» contests.


    Oal'audet »«·

    leTe«.1. Philadelphia «jreSiee·-«· -h«defeated Ja«-k Perry of th » rity. hla torrid 10-round bou« Th« yu.,Ueyouth held «he Pittebureer at l«»<

    iw-lth :i pretty Jab and a «a Veright upp« r.-ut.


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