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WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut

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  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.



    Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, Unisios

    So Leopoldo, RS, Brazil

    Abstract: This work attempts to provide some insight into the BrazilianInvasion of Orkut, a Social Networking System. This is an Internetphenomenon which started in 2004 and in 2006 still shows no signs ofletting up. To this end. the paper examines some data concerning Internetuse in Brazil and then proceeds on to a brief description of the SocialNetworking Software Orkut. To address the Brazilian Invasion, the paperuses, above all, the records of Orkut itself, which bear witness to a highlevel of hostility between users from Brazil and from the United States ofAmerica. The aggressiveness of the posts, contrary to the image offriendliness and pacifism of that Brazilians have, lead to some of the mostviolent battles in the clash of cultures set up in Orkut. In an attempt to

    understand the Brazilian protagonism in on-line aggression, somehypotheses are formulated which indicate that there are issues relating tomodern day national identities, in general, and, in particular, theformulation of the Brazilian national identity.

    1. Introduction

    The initial uptake of the Internet in Brazil was rather late, as the Internet has only

    been legally available for public use since 1995. Ten years later, the number of

    Brazilians with access to the Internet is still relatively low1 and they are highly

    concentrated in the richer urban parts of the country2 The intensity of the

    1 The number of domestic users active in Brazil in December 2005 was estimated byNielsen/Netratings to be 12.2 million (Ibope/Netratings, 2005), which corresponds toabout 6.6% of the approximately 185 million Brazilians that IBGE estimated to exist atthe end of the year. This figure doubles when access through terminals located at work,place of study or that are open to general public use. (Saito and Valim, 2005).2 According to a study by GAID-FGV, in 2003 the two richest regions of Brazil, Southand Southeast, had respectively, 13.5% and 10.41% of homes equipped with computerswith access to the Internet, compared with 3.68% in the poorer North region (GAID-


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    appropriation of the Internet by Brazilian users, on the contrary, has been

    exceptionally high: in June of 2005 Brazilian users stayed on-line for longer

    than the users in any other nation included in the study by Nielsen/Netratings,

    exceeding the averages for the Japanese and the US users by more than one and

    two hours respectively3.

    A good part of the on-line time of Brazilians is taken up using applications for

    one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many computer mediated communication

    (Leite, 2005, s.p., Ibope/Netratings, 2006a) Instant messengers (MSN

    Messengere ICQ), blogs and fotologs, the sites of cellular telephone operators

    (used to send torpedoes without having to pay the charges for doing so from acell phone) and chat rooms are particularly popular in Brazil (Magalhes, 2005,

    s.p.), indicating that Brazilians are much more interested in the potential of the

    Internet as a relationship tool than as a means of distributing content.

    The lengthy on-line times and the concentration of users on a few types of sites

    (particularly synchronous communications systems, blogs, photologs and ,more

    recently, social networking services - SNSs) favored the occurrence of the

    Brazilian Internet Phenomena, a specific category of Internet memes4 in

    which, for no apparent reason for this happening, the number of Brazilian users

    of an online service greatly surpasses the number of members of the original

    nationality of the service. The first record of such an event dates back to June

    2003, when the number ofFotolog (http://www.fotolog.net) Brazilians users

    surpassed the U.S. contingent by a few members5. At that time, a cultural clashconcerning the correct mode of appropriation ofFotolog was already well

    under way. The majority of U.S. Fotologusers were reported as high-minded

    amateur photographers, who publish serious photography, whilst most

    Brazilian floggers were said to be teenage girls posting saucy webcam

    portraits of themselves, their friends, their pets and the like (Kahney, 2003,

    s.p.). The battle reached its apogee when Fotologstarted charging its members

    FGV, 2003, p. 43).3 The average connection time for home Internet uses in June 2005 in Brazil wasreported to be 16h54min, compared to 15h35min in Japan and 14h46min in the USA.

    The other countries included in the survey were Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. (Ibope/Netratings, 2006)4 Internet phenomena or Internet memes are events in which the popularity ofsomething relatively obscure increases geometrically or exponentially, often suddenly,supported by the propagation of content through the Internet. It has been noticed thatInternet memes tend to have a short life spam.5 In 2004, the number of Brazilians was estimated at around 50% of all Fotolog users(Alerigi, 2004, s.p.)


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    for many posting privileges which resulted in the site being flooded with images

    entitled fotolog free or the like, most of which were posted by Brazilian users.

    Social networking software are particularly prone a this type of event and, in

    fact, one of the largest and probably one of the best known of the Brazilian

    Internet Phenomenon events has been the recent Brazilian invasion of Googles

    social networking service Orkut, which started in the services early days and still

    shows no signs of letting up.

    The Brazilian Invasion of Orkut

    Orkut(http://www.orkut.com) is an SNS that was launched in January 2004 by

    Google. As with its more famous predecessorFriendster, and most other social

    networking applications, Orkut is based upon Milgrams small-world model

    (1967, as described in Barabasi, 2002) and works by collecting and recording

    connections between users to form a large interconnected database. Orkut is an

    invitation-only system: in order to join Orkutone has to be invited by someone

    who is already a member of the service. Having received an invitation by e-mail

    to join Orkut, to join one must register with Google (this requirement has

    recently been added) and build ones profile. Orkut profiles are organized on

    three layers: social profile (composed of features such as relationship status, age,

    gender, nationality, languages spoken), professional profile (education,

    occupation, job description and the like) and personal profile (eye color, haircolor, looks, best feature etc). All of the information requested is optional,

    which means to say that a user could set up and maintain a profile giving

    absolutely minimum information; practically just the name under which they

    registered. A picture can also be associated to the profile. Once the profile is

    declared completed, the user gains access to his or hers Orkutpage. At the top

    right corner of the personal Orkut page, a windows shows the picture of the

    friend who has sent the original invitation, whose name is a link anchor to that

    persons profile.

    In the his/her friends window at the top right corner of ones Orkut page

    (Figure 1), thumbnails and links to the profiles of friends are available clicking

    on them leads to the profiles of those people, and so on. On the page of anyOrkutuser, the system displays the chain of friends which connect the viewer to

    that specific person. When a user encounters the profile of someone they know,

    selecting the option to add as a friend triggers an internal invitation which this

    known Orkutuser will find the next time they log in and accept or not (or


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    ignore if they so wish). Any Orkutprofile can be read at any time by any other


    Each user has also an album, capable of holding up to 12 pictures, and a

    scrapbook, where other Orkut users can leave messages. Both the album and the

    scrapbook are fully visible to all users. In contrast to other SNSs, such as

    Friendster for example, Orkut does not provide information about recent

    visitors to a profile. The possibility of snooping around other peoples profiles,

    albums and scrapbooks unnoticed is certainly an major attraction of Orkut.

    Perhaps, however, the most fascinating aspect is that which is a basic

    characteristic of social networking software, which is almost making concretethe links between people. This means that with a few minutes of hopping from

    friends to friends of friends one is faced with a representation that makes

    obvious Milgrams notion of six degrees of separation (Barabasi, 2002). The

    network of people that thus becomes visible is nearly always exquisitely diverse

    and highly interesting.

    Figure 1: Someones Orkut profile.

    Adding to the voyeuristic entertainment value of reading strangers' profiles

    without being spotted, another advantage of Orkutis the possibility of creating

    6 Some restrictions can be applied to the public visibility of some specific subsets ofinformation of a profile.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    thematic communities. This facilitates the identification of users with common

    interests, regardless of the degree of separation between them or between their

    geographic locations, which whilst it is typical of computer mediated

    communications does not cease to be one of its principal benefits. This feature

    adds the potencial for knowledge building and knowledge sharing activities to

    Orkuts capability as a business networking and dating service.

    One supposed advantage of SNSs that work by invitation only is the presumed

    reliability of all the members of the service. This factor, combined with the

    woefully restrictive concept of personal on-line identity that appears to guide

    Orkuts design, explains the deterrent to the creation and maintenance of

    unrealistic profiles. Orkutusers can flag someone elses profile if they suspectit is false (that is, if the user identifies themselves with a name or image that is

    not consistent with their off-line identity) or if the user is suspected of having

    violated the Terms of Service Agreement. Despite having been considered quite

    strict by some of the services early users (Hempell, 2004), Orkuts managers

    were always much more easy going with users who create fictional profiles than

    had been the case withFriendster7.

    Other interesting features ofOrkutinclude theNews page, which gives access to

    two different sections: announcements (the news strictly said, basically

    information about changes in the system, updates of the regulations and features

    and so forth) and demographics, a set of bar graphs with the daily statistics of

    Orkut users (Figure 2). The existence of demographics has proved to be an

    important attraction of Orkut: following the changes in the user statistics over

    time has become a passtime for many users of the service. In March of 2004 a

    community dedicated exclusively to recording and discussing Orkut Statistics8

    was created, which, in January of 2006 was still active and had 1.463 members,

    who were responsible for more than 150 subject threads, totaling thousands of


    7 Johnatan Adams, creator of Friendster, was particularly strongly opposed to the so-calledFakesters. He launched a crusade against them, trying to bring order back to thesystem by deleting profiles named as legendary or historical characters, profiles who didnot portray realistic pictures, profiles named as or using inappropriate words or imagesto describe themselves or those linked to absurd numbers of other users. A crisis wasthus created, as amongst the Fakesters were some of the most enthusiastic, if also themost anarchic, users ofFriendster(Anderson, 2003, s.p.).8 http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=34264


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Figure 2: Orkutsdemographics page on 30 of January 2006. To the left, from top to

    bottom, the graphs classify the users by the following categories: age (18-25, 26-30,

    31-35, 36-40, 41-50, 50+), here for (friends, activity partners, business networking,dating) and relationship status (no answer, single, married, committed, open marriage,

    open relationship). The larger graph, to the right, shows the users by percentage by

    country, Brazil, United States (the link beneath this, which reads details, leads to

    another graph which classifies the number of users by US State), Iran, Pakistan, India,

    Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Portugal, Estonia.

    In its two years of existence, Orkut has grown to have millions of users at an

    incredibly fast pace (Figure 3). As the number of Orkut users shot up the

    membership profile started to shift from the an initial US majority to

    internationalization. In the middle of February 2004 more than 60% of the users

    of Orkut were from the United States, After these came the users from the

    United Kingdom and Canada, each with a little more than 3%. Other countrieswhich at first appeared to have strong user bases were the Netherlands, Germany

    and Sweden. In mid-April, the US share was reduced to less than half of the total

    number of users, while Japan and Brazil had grown to 7,4% and 7,2%

    respectively (Hempell, 2004, s.p.). In May, USA users were 43% of the total

    and the proportion of Brazilian users (15,02%) had nearly tripled the percentage


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    of the Japanese, which had decreased to 5,66%. Close to the end of the month of

    June the percentage of Brazilian users overtook those from the United States.

    From then onwards, the percentages of Brazilian and American Orkutusers has

    evolved as an inverse proportion to one another.

    Figure 3: Graphical representation of the total percentages ofOrkut users by

    nationality over the period from May 2004 to Jan 20069. At the top, data about the 13

    nationalities which have figured amongst the top 10 in that period of time:UnitedStates, Brazil, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Estonia, Germany,

    Spain, Iran, Pakistan and Portugal. At the bottom, without users from Brazil and the


    9 At the start of May 2004 members of the Community Orkut Statistics started to recordregularly the percentage of users reported in Orkuts demographics bar graph. Dataavailable from this community has shown itself to be reliable over a period of severalmonths of observation. Orkut Statisticss Topic Next change in nations top 10? (607posts by 02/05/2006, started at 4/21/2004) was the main source for Figure 4.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    As the number of Brazilian users increased so too did the number of

    communities with names and subject topics in Portuguese: the first of which

    appears to have been Eu ando com meus ps10, created soon after the service

    started (January 23, 2004, having 9,702 members but only 30 topics in

    February of 2006). One week later, January 30, 2004, another user created what

    appears to be the oldest community that defines itself as Brazilian and which is

    also one of the most active in Orkut with 549,842 members and more than

    10,000 topics in February 2006. Entitled simply Brasil11, as of February 2006

    the community description was a forum for Brazilians and anyone else with an

    interest in the country and its culture and the community is defined as being inPortuguese. However it is known that the definition of a language for

    communities was only included in Orkut in June of 200412, probably as a

    response to the protests of users from the United States about the rapid

    proliferation of communities in Portuguese. While it could be relatively easy to

    solve the discomfort caused by non-English-speaking communities (the option

    to search for communities solely in one language appears to be a sufficient

    solution), it was practically impossible to prevent Brazilians from entering

    communities that were totally in English and, without ceremony, start sending

    messages and creating topics in Portuguese.

    The first communities dedicated to discussing the high number of Brazilian

    users were created in the first few months of Orkutbeing available. It was not

    long before some communities acquired a tone of protest against BrazilianOrkuteers, which did not go unnoticed by the Brazilians, who then set about

    creating anti-USA communities. Table 1 lists some examples of such

    communities that were created during 2004 and that were still active in February


    Table 1. Examples of Communities created during 2004 to discuss the high number of

    Brazilians in Orkutand which are still in activity in 2006.


    Owner Language N Members

    United States of Brazil 04/25/04 Huy Zing English 4,317

    WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion 05/07/04 Gera Dikarev English 2,696

    10 I go on foot, http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=240 .11http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=4249 .12 Initially there was an option for multilingual communities, which was removed inJanuary 2006.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Too Many Brazilians in Orkut 05/16/04 John. English 1,211

    WTF a Crazy American

    Implosion?06/15/04 Huy Zing English 120

    USA Sucks 06/20/04 Giuliano Griffante Portuguese 65

    Brazilians, the Plague 06/18/04 Marcio Wilheim Portuguese 507

    Eu Odeio os Estados Unidos 07/16/04 Victor Brasil Portuguese 8,174

    Why do you hate Brazilians? 07/18/04 Jags R. English 292

    Brasil Sucks! 07/17/04 J0nkatz /. Troll English 20

    Brasil 08/01/04 July Fernandes English 2,422

    Amazon is only Brazilian! Ok? 08/07/04 Babi Barbara Portuguese 3,114

    Eu odeio quem odeia o Brasil 08/30/04 Bruna Peres Justino Portuguese 6,407

    No Americans, Yes Brazilians! 09/11/04 Diego Romo Portuguese 80

    Americans & Brazilians 11/18/04 Elias Chamoun English 161

    Brasileiros: Vergonha do Orkut 12/23/04 Eric Saraiva Portuguese 118

    In the same mold as had happened in the first months of Orkut, when the

    Brazilians set about trying to outnumber the US users, the second half of 2004

    saw a significant push in search of an even more ambitious objective: that of

    obtaining such an overwhelming majority of Brazilians that Orkut would be

    taken from the Americans. Created in March of 2005 and having 3,959

    members in January of 2006, the community Brazilians Own Orkut13 calls for

    the Brazilian users to Click on Invite Friends and invite all of your friends to

    enter here!14 so as to bring into the community the greatest possible number of

    Brazilians. In this the community intends to be a way to show all the world how

    big Brazilians are and prove that we Own Orkut! because We are patriots and

    hate everyone who says we are a plague! Let us show our power! (Pedro Braz!,

    February, 2006). Other similar communities were created throughout 2005, for

    example O Brasil dominou o Orkut15 e O Brasil lidera o Orkut16.

    13http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=1643152 .14 The text available in January 2006 is in Portuguese and reads: Misso: Clicar emConvidar Amigos e convidar todos da sua lista de amigos a entrar aqui!15 Brazil controls Orkut http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=5632216 ,criada em 8 October, 2005.16 Brazil leads Orkut http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=6901646 , criadaem 7 December 7, 2005.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    From the first signs of proximity between the percentages of Brazilian and US

    users the Brazilian media has colaborated in boosting Orkutas the latest trend

    amongst Brazilian internet users(for exampleFolha de So Paulo, Eu quero ter

    um milho de amigos, Caderno Teen, 24/05/2004; Veja, Gincana da

    popularidade, 16/06/2004 andFantstico, Um milho de Amigos, 01/08/2004).

    Despite there having been records of the sale of invites for Orkut through on-

    line auction sites (Bad, 2004, s.p.), the generosity with which the Brazilians

    provided invitations to other people forOrkutincreased as the competition with

    the US users grew and this was certainly an essential factor in the green-and-

    yellow invasion. It was not and it is still not uncommon to see requests forand offers of Orkut invites in Portuguese spread across newsgroups, mailing

    lists, blogs etc. (Figure 4). In addition it became common to encounter Brazilian

    user profiles with hundreds of friends in fact, some users have thousands of

    friends. As each Orkutprofile does not support more than one thousand (and an

    apparently random few) connections, it is not unusual to find Brazilian profiles

    with names followed by I, II, III etc. This is a workaround strategy to bypass this

    restriction so as to be able to obtain at maximum levels the social prestige

    implied by characterizing oneself amongst the most important connectors in

    Orkuts network17.

    17 Accumulating as many connections as possible is far from the most efficient way tobecome a central connector, but it is certainly a very good way of appearing to be so orto be thought of as such.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Figura 4: Examples18 of offers for Orkut invites taken from Brazilian sites in 2006. At

    the top, (a), Z Orkut announces that time of having to beg for an invite to Orkut has

    come to an end, just ask Z Orkut ([email protected]) and your wish will come

    true. Underneath, another post on the same blog comments: Z Orkut is a flop, but I

    am not and Be my friend and lets explode this closed circle!!!!! Lets break down

    Orkuts door. At the middle, (b) shows a topic named Quem quiser entra no Orkut

    (Whoever wishes to enters Orkut) from an online forum, with offers and at the bottom,

    (c) shows the access to a form for an automated Orkut invite sender from a site named

    Im in Orkut.

    The ease with which Brazilians send Orkut invitations and the fact that they

    accept even unknown people as their friends has to be, without doubt, anotherfactor that irritates more circumspect users. After all, part of Orkuts original

    charm was due to its club priv character and the making explicit of the six

    degrees of distance between users , which has now been ruined by a flood of

    Brazilians who thought it amusing to invite in almost anyone and to link to

    everyone else in the service, collecting hundreds of orkut friends.

    So what?

    The fact that an on-line service that was originally based in a specific country

    has been taken over by users from a different nationality is not a shocking event,

    given that anything that is published online can be accessed by people physically

    located anywhere where there is an Internet connection. Certainly the appeal of

    any web-based service will vary in different regions around the globe according

    to the cultural specifics of the potential users.. Because they favor the desire to

    accumulate connections (as a demonstration of social prestige), SNSs are

    particularly prone to be taken over by users from some types of pre-existing

    groups. So much so that independently of and parallel to the Brazilian invasion

    of Orkut, several other similar services which were expected to grow in the

    United States before expanding overseas have also been flooded with members

    from other nationalities. It is known that LinkedIn, for example, grew further

    and faster in Iceland, Finland, Israel and the Netherlands than in the US, while

    Friendster was first taken over by members from the Philippines (Glasner,2005, s.p.).

    The fact that Orkut was severely abused by a profusion of fake profiles,

    spamming messages and unauthorized uses of the service, including illegal

    18 All examples were found via a Google search carried out on 9th February, 2006 (thesearch terms were , search was limited to pages from Brazil and returned186.000 results within 0,06 sec).


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    activities, is nothing new either: the same is known to have happened before in

    several other computer mediated communication services, giving rise to some of

    the most widely known legends of the internet culture. It is difficult to find an

    experienced internet user who has never heard of the rape in LambdaMOO

    (Dibbel, 1993, s.p.), of the male user who presented himself as an old, lonely

    and crippled woman and under this character conned several other users (Stone,

    1991, p. 82-83 apudBechar-Israeli, 1995, s.p.) or of the email asking for help to

    avoid the fortune of an African belated husband, client or friend from being

    confiscated or frozen by some unfriendly African dictatorial government.

    What is really interesting about the invasion ofOrkuthas been hinted at by thetypical responses given to a question that has been asked repeatedly in different

    places and circumstances: why Brazilians? The overwhelming majority of

    attempts to answer this question invoked the Brazilian stereotype. An item called

    Top ten reasons orkut is popular in Brazil, published by OrkutNews in

    February 2005, summarizes some of the causes most commonly given for the

    massive presence of Brazilians in Orkut: we [Brazilians] know lots of people

    because we go out more often [than people from other countries]; we are

    really a fun and different people and we love to . . . bring some warmth and

    "real stuff" to this virtual community Finally, we're a nice and friendly people

    and we're not afraid, like most other orkut users, to interact and exchange

    experiences with everybody else, no matter what country (Silva, 2005, s.p.). In

    another item available at the same site, the reputed beauty of Brazilians has alsobeen included, as OrkutMedia editor G. Tachibana considered that photobooks

    should be a popular feature amongst Brazilian users because they are more likely

    to be attractive or beautiful perhaps someone can write in why Brazilians look

    so good. Is it the sun, the beaches, exercise? (Tachibana, 2005, s.p.)

    Scholars also tended to resort to such stereotypical descriptions when trying to

    explain why Orkut is so successful in Brazil. Interviewed by Reuters, Dr. E. N.

    Saad Corra attributed the phenomenon to the fact that Brazilians are by nature

    gregarious (Alerigi, 2004, s.p.). Talking to Universia Brasil, the sociologist A.

    F. Testa also found that the Brazilian nature, a very inquisitive and sociable

    people, was the principle reason for the affinity for on-line relationship tools

    (Testa in Marques, 2005, s.p.). Even Dr. M. Coutinho, who provided severalfactors of distinct natures for the popularity ofOrkutin Brazil, did not forget to

    mention that applications for computer mediated communications in general

    tended to be popular amongst the Latin people, such as the Brazilians, as these

    are more communicative than the Anglo-Saxons. (UOL, 2005, s.p.).

    Across several Orkutcommunities, a large number of users (most often from

    Brazil, but not always) have also repeatedly linked the flood of Brazilians to


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Orkut to positive characteristics such as friendliness, cheerfulness and a good

    sense of humor. Observing the behavior of Brazilian users of Orkut, however,

    such descriptions would appear to be, at best, sarcastic. Many communities,

    topics and posts created by a significant sector of the Brazilian Orkut users bear

    witness to a frightening level of aggressiveness and intransigence toward in the

    main (but not exclusively) non Brazilians, and most notably toward the

    Americans. (Figure 5).

    In placing people with distinct cultural backgrounds in contact with one another,

    SNSs offer themselves as privileged arenas for the exercise of cultural

    hybridization as described by Garca-Canclini (2003) as well as for the

    enactment of the Clash of Civilizations announced by Huntington (1996). Notthat the trans-cultural interactions on Orkutare, or even could be, just one type

    or the other. Certainly there are variations that range from effective co-operation

    to outright conflict that can be found. What is significant is that the nationalist

    tone to the confrontations between Brazilians and Americans on Orkut is a

    typical event in zones of intercultural contact and, as such, a predictable

    outcome of the cultural interchanges made possible by SNSs. Going beyond the

    confines of Orkut, the age of globalization is also the age of nationalist

    resurgence, expressed both in the challenge to established nation-states and in

    the widespread (re)construction of identity on the basis of nationality, always

    affirmed against the alien (Castells, 1998, p. 27).


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Figure 5: Examples of anti-USA posts and communities. At the top right, thecommunity Eu Odeio os EUA - I Hate the USA19, created on June, 15, 2004. The

    description says (in translation from the Portuguese)For those who simply HATE THE

    NORTH AMERICAN WAY OF BEING. Arrogance, disrespect and stupidity This

    phrase is written in president BUSHs toilet. This is followed by FOR THOSE WHO


    A little lower and to the left, the community Eu Odeio os Estados Unidos20 , created

    about a month later on July 16th, 2004. The description says (in translation) For those

    who think the same way as me. Lets send those sons of @#$%&* to the fifth level of


    19 The Community has 27,039 members in February 2006, when the official language isPortuguese. http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=95875.20 In English, I Hate the United States. As of February 2006 the official language isPortuguese and there are 8,536 members.http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=174663 .


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Below these are examples of posts made in the community No Americans Yes

    Brazilians21 under the topic O que vcs mais odeiam nos Americanos? (What you

    most hate about the Americans). The first post, originally in Portuguese, say:

    11/10/2004, 10:45 PM What you most hate about the Americans? Say what you most

    hate about this little people who think that they are better than the rest of the world

    why then dont they build a wall around their country and separate themselves from the

    rest of the world???

    12/8/2004, 4:42 AM The nationality... the simple fact of their being Americans.

    And below, the two more recent posts read

    11/7/2005, 9:55 AM I hate them for being retarded!!! / The North-Americans are idiots,

    I hate them because they think that only they make up America.../and for their thinkingthat we live in the middle of a jungle and hunt monkeys to survive... / also I hate them for

    thinking that they are the best in the world, whilst Russia has much more destructive

    power than the USA... / because they are racists(not generalizing) / because they are

    STUPID!!!!!!!!(generalizing)... / because they are full of themselves and they are crap... /

    because their president is a S of a whore.../ because the only good US presidents were

    assassinated !!! / because they think that they are the most superior race on the planet ...

    / because they think that they will rule the world !!!! / I Hate the North - Americans !!!!!!

    2/10/2006, 6:57 PM Because they are a bunch of rednecks (this last Word is in English

    in the original, followed by an explanatory translation in Portuguese in parentheses)

    Understood as the belonging to a specific Nation State, nationality is far from

    being the primary source of identification. The modern Nation-States, after all,

    resulted from the relatively recent and often violent processes of the suppression

    of differences with the intent of constructing an apparently cohesive national

    community. It is just because of the association between nativity and rulership

    that the Nation-State has become a fundamental, but not for this any less

    artificial or agonistic, source of meaning for modern cultural identities.

    (Bauman, 2005, p. 25). In the case of the confrontations between the Brazilians

    and the users from the USA on Orkut, national identity appears to be a

    particularly fragile point of support. Both Brazil and the USA are the result of

    the relatively recent unification of territories in the New World, whose native

    inhabitants were subjugated to the point of completely losing all significance

    when compared to the colonizing populations. New World people are almostexclusively composed today of the descendents of European colonizers, African

    slaves and other more recent immigrants of more diverse ethnicity. That the

    voices of these multi-ethnic, and to a great degree multi-cultural, crucibles

    should be raised taking their respective national identities as the basic motivation

    and war cry is, at the very least, paradoxical. More surprising still is to see

    21http://www.orkut.com /Community.aspx?cmm=409912.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    emerge from the Brazilian side of this some of the most violent xenophobic

    manifestations in the Orkutcommunities. We are dealing with, after all, a people

    that pride themselves in their friendliness as much as they do in the national

    culture which boasts a multiplicity of cultural hybridisms which, in fact,

    permeate and constitute the experience of Brazil (from the culinary to the

    religious, including the national language and the racial blending).

    The national identities appear in the topics and posts in the Orkutcommunities

    as the rallying call of a defensive fight, in which a smaller and weaker group (in

    this case, the Brazilians) are resisting the yoke of a larger and more powerful

    (the US users) group. This construction draws on a historical consistency thatmakes it almost inevitable to accept as an explanation, thus seen, for the

    aggression of the Brazilians against the Americans on Orkut, the expression of

    the resentment cultivated by American Imperialism over many decades. In fact

    some anti-USA manifestations express relatively direct resentment of the

    international policies of the G. W. Bush administration, such as the inevitable

    references to the invasion of Iraq and to the non adherence to the Kyoto

    Protocol. It is also not hard to find posts that relate the antipathy to the USA to

    the American interference in Latin America during the Cold War

    No to Kyoto? Have a Katrina22

    Torture in Iraq, shame on you!!23

    Imperialist SOBs!!!


    A more systematic observation of the aggressive manifestations of Brazilians in

    Orkutallows it to be seen however that in the vast majority of cases the target of

    the violence is not specifically the USA but is the English language. It is almost

    impossible not to know, or even to disagree with the contention, that English is

    the language most widely used nowadays for intercultural communication. It is

    worth remembering though that despite the total number of people capable of

    communicating in English being estimated at a billion individuals as of the end

    of the XXth century (Ianni, 1999,p. 59), this quantity represents only around

    15% of the world population (estimated at 6,5 billion in February 2006, United

    22 No a Quioto? Toma o Katrina Community created in September 18, 2005.

    http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=5121731 .23 Torturas no Iraque, que vergonha !!Tpic created in July 28, 2005, 6:37 AM inCommunity Eu Odeio os Estados Unidos (I Hate the United States). The Communitywas created in September 2, 2004,http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=370032 .24 Imperialistas filhos da puta!!! Tpic created in May, 19, 2004, 12:23 AM inCommunity Anti-bush & Estadunidenses (Anti-bush & US citizens). The Communitywas created in April 9, 2004. http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=39450 .


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    States Department of Commerce, 2006). It is evident that even amongst this

    15% there are variations in the understanding of spoken English and in the

    ability to read, speak and write English. Brazilians, in the majority, only know

    very little of English language. Contrary to how many imagine the situation,

    English is not widely used in Brazil (nor, possibly, in the majority of countries

    in South America). Classes in Brazilian universities, for example, are held in

    Portuguese (with rare exceptions which quickly become polemical even if the

    language used is Spanish). Brazil is a long way away from any major country

    where English is the official language (the only relatively close places are

    Guyana and the Falkland Islands) or is widely spoken. Air travel is

    proportionately expensive in Brazil and the purchasing power of the Braziliancurrency (Real) is significantly lower than the currencies of North America,

    Europe and Australasia. For these reasons there are relatively few Brazilians,

    even amongst the priveleged elite who have access to the Internet, who travel

    outside of Latin America. At least until the, recent and still incipient25, expansion

    of subscription television, even the mediatic culture had no effect on this

    situation as all of the foreign material shown on Brazilian broadcast television is

    dubbed into Portuguese. At the cinema, films are subtitled and, principally when

    they are films for children, are frequently dubbed as well. Learning English (or,

    in fact any foreign language, with the exception of Spanish for those that live

    close to the frontiers) is, for the vast majority of Brazilians, an abstract exercise.

    Basic notions of the English language are normally taught in Brazilian schools

    and, as the profile of Internet users in Brazil is positively correlated with family

    income and higher levels of education, it is not surprising that the majority of

    Orkut users would be capable of reading interfaces and messages written in

    English. The distance however from there to being able to express oneself in

    written English sufficiently fluently to sustain ones arguments against native

    speakers is, without doubt, huge.

    Computer Mediated Communication made the first-person experience of the

    shrinking of the world and the approach to other cultures possible for a

    significant number of the Brazilian elite whose perspectives had not included

    international movement on the large scale. It is known, however, that cultural

    contact has instability as its most exciting and most stressful characteristic. After

    all, interaction with or the presence of aliens always implies a position close tothe limits of comfort, at the edge of inadequacy:

    To be totally or partially dislocated in all aspects, to not be totally anywhere

    (that is to say without restrictions or limits, without some aspect of the person

    25 Subscription TV was introduced into Brazil in the 1990s. At the end of 2005 theAssociao Brasileira de Televiso por Assinatura (ABTA) estimated that only 7,7% ofthe total households in Brazil have subscriptions to these services (Marini, 2006, s.p.)


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    overflowing and being seen as strange by others) can be an uncomfortable

    experience. . . . There is always something to explain, to apologize for, to hide,

    or on the contrary, to courageously parade, to negotiate, to offer, to trade.

    There are differences to be reduced or pardoned or, on the other hand

    emphasized and made clearer. Identities float around freely, some are of our

    own choosing but others are inflated and launched by people around us, and we

    have to be constantly alert to defend the former against the latter. (Bauman,

    2005, p. 19).

    Under such circumstances the ability to understand what others have to say is far

    from sufficient, as the urge to express ones ideas is essential to beingacknowledged tangibly by others. Reduced to invisibility by the impossibility of

    expressing themselves, many Brazilian users have probably abandoned various

    computer networking services. In Orkut, however, the demographic data and the

    news concerning the trend indicated, from early on, the high possibility of

    encountering other users in the same interest community that were Brazilians.

    The structure of Orkut itself allows for the verification of this type of

    supposition by following the links to other users in the community of interest.

    With the presence of other Brazilians confirmed writing in Portuguese becomes

    a life buoy that allows for the re-conquest, still only partially, of their visibility.

    It would be supposed that, given such a situation, the number of Portuguese

    language communities would multiply, replicating subjects that had been only

    discussed in English. Despite this actually happening the creation of Portugueselanguage communities did not result in the Brazilians abandoning the English

    language communities or in their stopping posting in Portuguese or to arguing

    for, often in a very aggressive way, for their supposed right to do so:

    Tammy Soldaat, a Canadian, got a sample of Brazilian wrath recently when she

    posted a message asking whether her community site on body piercing should

    be exclusive to people who speak English.

    Brazilian Orkut users quickly labeled her a "nazi" and "xenophobe."

    "After that I understood why everyone is complaining about these people, why

    they're being called the 'plague of Orkut,"' she said in a site called "Crazy

    Brazilian Invasion (Alerigi, 2004, s.p.)

    In 2006, there are still available in Orkutvarious instances where a communityownere appeals to the Brazilians to keep communication in the official language

    of the community. In the majority of cases such appeals are ignored by the

    Brazilian users(Figure 6). The attitude is similar to that expressed by Silva

    (2005, s.p.) in addressing the question of fake profiles in his Top ten reasons

    orkut is popular in Brazil: "we know this is wrong, but why play by the rules if

    this is a place for fun and entertainment?


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Brazilians often act as if the rules ofOrkutdo not apply to them. An interesting

    interpretation of this feature of the Brazilian culture can be found in the work of

    the Brazilian anthropologist R. Da Matta (1978,1984,1985) who identifies, in

    the permanent need to situate oneself between institutions and values that are in

    principle incompatible, the roots of the Brazilian capacity to not only live

    between the two opposed logics, but to adhere to both and each of them at the

    same time.

    Figure 6: Just six months after the creation of the Community Alice in Wonderland

    (March 11, 200426,) the first topic in Portuguese appeared: Wizard of OZ vs. Alice in

    Wonderland!!! The first post reads What would happen if the Wizard of OZ appeared

    in front of Alice?. The Community owner (identified as being Dutch) replies very

    politely requesting that all posts should be in English. A few days later another user

    (apparently from the US) responds to the original message in English. Soon follows a

    childish post in Portuguese (Well...PERHAPS THEY WOULD SHARE THE SAME

    ACID), which kills the thread.

    For Da Matta the origins of the essential disjunction and conformity to Brazilianreality reflect on the institution of a State apparatus that intended to create a

    specific type of society as opposed to a State that responded to the requirements

    26 In 2006 the Community has the following description and definitions: Are you alsobewondered and bewildered in life? Share your bewilderment here; Language - English;Location Netherlands, 5,700 members,http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=27250.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    of the social structure that supported it. The practice of treating everyone as

    equal before the law, which derives from the Northern European egalitarian

    tradition, would encounter an ethos that never ceased to exist in Brazil under

    which a person is important because they belong to a family and have

    colleagues and friends. It is the relationship which helps them as a human

    being and as a meaningful member of society. However in the modern

    individualistic ethos, which started with the Protestant Reform and the Industrial

    Revolution, family and society are what are constructed by individuals 27. (Da

    Matta, 1984, p.45, added emphasis) The result is an institutional system

    divorced from the everyday practice, which Da Matta illustrates using ananalogy of the space of the home and the street.

    In the archetypal Brazilian home there rules a family logic under which everyone

    has a determined and permanent place and inalienable and perpetual rights. In

    principle, everything and everyone that is in the space of a Brazilian home is

    unquestionably beautiful, good and above criticism. As an important and

    diversified moral space, the home . . . demarks a definitively. (Da Matta, 1984,

    p. 27) The street, on the other hand, is a depersonalized and dog eat dog space.

    Here who rules is not the father, brother, husband, the wife and the netweork of

    relationships and friendships that we have with a person, a friend. To the

    contrary, command is given to the authority that governs by law, which makes

    the whole world equal in the act of disempowering and even exploiting in an

    impious way (Da Matta, 1984, p.30).In Brazil, differently to in those societies based on clans or castes which

    exclude the notion of the individual but also to the Western societies - which

    exclude the person the two categories coexist, creating a double code. (Da

    27 To follow the thinking of Da Matta, it is necessary to be clear about the distinctionbetween the notions of individual and person which the author takes as his starting point.By individual De Matta understands an independent and autonomous entity which iscapable therefore of wanting freedom and equality, with loneliness and love being thebasic and the power to select and choose being one of their most basic rights. Underthis construction society should be at the service of the individual, as opposed to beingan injustice to be corrected (Da Matta, 1978, p, 181-182). The notion of person

    emphasizes the social belonging of the subject. Here one does not treat of the parallelequality of all but of the complementarity of each to form a totality that can only be soconstituted when all of the parts are there. Instead of the terms of the society beingcontingent on the individual we have the opposite, the individual immersed in andcontingent upon the society. The notion of person can thus be succinctly characterizedas a collective aspect of individuality, a mask which is placed on the individual orindividualized entity (lineage, clan, family, club, association etc.) which in this way istransformed into a social being. (Da Matta, 1978, p, 182).


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    Matta, 1978, p. 190). Both the logic and morals of the home and of the street

    make up part, therefore, of the everyday Brazil, the experience of which is

    framed by the paradox of laws which should apply to everyone and

    relationships that evidently only function for those that have them. The result is

    a social system divided and even balanced between two basic social units: the

    individual (subject of the universal laws that modernize society) and trhe person

    (subject of social relationships, which carry the traditional aspects of the

    system) (Da Matta, 1984, p.95-96).

    To appeal, in such a system, to universal rules as the owners of Orkut

    communities do in reminding the Brazilian users of the existence of a defined

    language for communication in that community is to refuse to concede thedistinction of familiarity to which each Brazilian user is accustomed. To make

    the same rule apply to all, to refuse to open exceptions in the name of

    relationships (many other users are also Brazilians) or emotions(why cant I use

    Portuguese if I want to?) is fair for the Northern European ethos, but appears as

    violence to many Brazilian users. The general rule, impersonal, functions

    amongst Brazilians as a euphemism for the negative or as a means of informing

    the other of their condition of anonymity or inferiority. As even the Brazilian

    legal system is populated by irreconcilable internal contradictions, in Brazil

    what is always looked for in any situation of conflict or dispute is the ritual of

    recognition that humanizes and personalizes the formal situations, helping

    everyone place in a hierarchy the persons implicated in the situation (Da Matta,

    1985, p. 87).

    The Brazilians who ignore the official language of a community or even the

    requests to respect this by the owner, do not necessarily consider this rule to be

    wrong or inadequate. They understand, however, that as frequently happens in

    the world outside of the screen of their computers, the law can be forgotten, or

    at least limited in effect, so as not to apply in their case 28. It is not a piece of

    trivial cynicism by the Brazilian users, but a way of behaving that is learned and

    practiced in everyday life to live, and sometimes survive, in a nation in which

    the formal laws of public life have nothing to do with the good rules everyday

    morality which govern our honor, respect and, above al, the loyalty that we owe

    to our friends, relatives and colleagues. (Da Matta, 1984, p. 104). Ignoring the

    requirement to write in English in communities defined to be of this languagewould thus be a typical Brazilian way of obeying an impossible order express

    yourself in English with the desire to remain in Orkut and interact within any

    of its communities. How, though, to also explain that Brazilian users also

    28 It is worth remembering that, despite the penetration and use of the Internet in Brazilobtaining standards that are in the large part surprising, the Brazilians who have accessto the Internet are relatively few and predominantly from the most favored classes.


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion.In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    flooded the Orkut communities with an uncountable number of violent replies

    full of bad language?

    Da Matta associates the negative behavior of Brazilians with respect to the street

    and the impersonal things found there with the fact that, contrary to the safe and

    familiar environment of the home, the street is the location of the undesired

    individualization, of fighting and misbehavior. The zone where each has to look

    out for themselves . . . [as] the relational and hierarchical structure of our value

    constellation can no longer be used to mold morality. But to say each man for

    himself is to abandon the rigid social control that to some degree guarantees the

    pacification of spirits and provides order to things. (Da Matta, 1985, p. 61) In aculture where individualism and equality of rights are seen as negatives, any

    public location as is the case with Orkut is a no-mans land where behavior

    that would be unthinkable in domestic territories can be, if not adequate,


    Thus there exists amongst Brazilians a predisposition toward aggressiveness in

    the public space of Orkut, which is accentuated by the emergence of an

    ethnically based nationalism which, as we have seen, reflects a sense of

    alienation and unjust exclusion or exclusion which is considered unjust

    typical of zones of cultural interchange. It is characteristic of resistence

    identities that they resort to the construction of trenches of resistence and

    survival on the basis of principles different from, or opposed to, those

    permeating the institutions of society (Castells, 1998, p.8), which is typical ofwhat Brazilians do in Orkut. Whilst the aggression derives from a people whose

    stereotype refers to transgressions of a carnivalesque type (which, by definition,

    do not have consequences in real life) and, coherently, does not go beyond the

    borders of the virtual environment of Orkut, it becomes possible to take with

    good humor the attempts of the Brazilians to invert what they considered to be

    the oppressive logic of a dominant social group in Orkut.

    In February 2006 Orkutreally is Brazilian. Many communities that discussed

    the Brazilian Invasion are reduced to ruins inhabited by the victorious users

    who have captured them, The heroes of the North American resistance who

    keep the light of discord burning in these areas are, in the most part, Fakesters,

    which everything indicates to be Brazilians who are missing the adrenaline rushof the hour of battle. There have emerged, however, new calls to capture Orkut

    which help us to remember that the exclusion of the excludent by the excluded

    (Castells, data, p.9) does not significantly change the order of things, it just

    reinforces the separations and boundaries, potentially provoking still further the

    moods of the various entities involved. Closing in, by number of users, on the

    North Americans, the Orkuteers of the Middle East (proportionally represented


  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

    by the Iranians, Indians and Pakistanese) are preparing for a rerun, in their style,

    of the Brazilian Invasion. The principle theme under discussion has ceased to be

    the language used for Orkut communication, which has given way to a large

    number of Communities, Topics and Posts discussing questions related to the

    international situation outside the digital network. One can only hope that this

    time Orkutcontributes to boost the reciprocal communicability and is not used

    once more as the ground for a battle between excluded and exclusionary

    identities the only likely outcome of which would be the reinforcement of its

    own exclusionary structure.


    The English version of this article was revised by Robin Lane.


    Alerigi, A. 2004, Brazil Internet Craze Angers English Speakers. Reuters report 17 July, 2004.

    Copy of the original report available on-line at

    http://www.ladlass.com/ice/archives/008610.html [Jan 06]

    Anderson, L. 2003, Attack of the Smartasses, SFWeekly, Aug 13, 2003. Available on-line athttp://www.sfweekly.com/ [Dec 05]

    Antunes, A. 2004, Brazilians in orkut, Orkut News, Wednesday, December 08, 2004. Availableon-line at http://media.orkut.com/columns/0008.html [Jan 06]

    Bad, F. 2004, Folha de S. Paulo, 30 de junho de 2004. Disponvel at Folha de S. Paulos on-line

    archive at http://www.folha.uol.com.br[acesso restrito] [Jan 06]

    Barabasi, A.-L. Linked. New York, Plume, 2002

    Bauman, Z. 2005, Identidade. Entrevista a Benedeto Vecchi. Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar.

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  • 7/30/2019 WTF A Crazy Brazilian Invasion - Orkut



    FRAGOSO, Suely, WTF a Crazy Brazilian Invasion. In: ESS, Charles ; SUDWEEKS,

    Fay ; HRACHOVEC, Herbert (orgs) ; CATaC 2006 - Fifth International Conference on

    Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, 2006, Tartu. Estonia.

    School of Information Technology - Murdoch University, 2006. v. 1. p. 255-274.

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