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WTSummer TO^ On Suits, Dresses, Linen Coats, Waists, tT 'A ... · Dainty White VoileSkirts Advance...

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PROMOTE KIDNAPER TO PENITENTIARY LIBRARY PITTSBUHO, July 23.—James Boyle kidnaper of Willie Whltla of Sharon a year and a halt" ago, has been pro- moted from the kitchen to the linn i v at the Western penitentiary, and since he is under a life sentence ho may pass the rest of lii.- days among the books instead of dlshpans. Attorneys for Mrs. Boyle, who ia serving a twenty years' sentence for complicity in the sensational theft of the Whltla boy, are busy at work pre- paring her appeal ,for a new trial, which will come up in the superior court next October, , -*>«-• Necessary in modern buildings, The Hipolito Self-Regulating Roller Screen and Reversible Window. a demon- stration will convince you. 634-8 Ala- Ule ;LVelllHi ; ALMOST BLIND, CONFESSES TO PART IN TRAIN ROBBERY Bud Rogers Tells Sheriff of Being One of Masked Gang IDAHO CITY, Idaho, July 23.—A se- quel to the train robbery near Ogden, Utah, on June 27. when the passengers of an Oregon Short line train were re- lieved of their valuables by a gang of masked KMD, is a confession made yes- terday Ly a man named Bud Rogers to Deputy Sheriff True. Rogers came to town In company with a Chinese named Jim Amhoy and Inquired for the sheriff's omcc. After he had asked a good many question! about the train robbers, Rogers said he was one of them. He snid there were four robbers, although it has been sup- posed there were only three. He ex- plained that the division of the swag was not an equitable one and that he received only $25 and three watches as his share of the loot. The others told him that If he betrayed them they would kill him. Rogers at one time was practically blind and Is now hardly able to see his way. He will bo taken to Boise to- morrow. « « » HOLE IN PAVEMENT SAVES LITTLE GIRL FROM DEATH Auto Passes Over Her but Does No Injury NEW YORK, July 23 —A hoi? in the pavement laved Charlotte Cooney, 8 years old, from death last night when the child was hit by a ipftedlng auto- mobile whlJo playing in front of her uptown home. She was knocked under the heavy machine, ami the wheeli passed over her, but when a bystander ran to pick her up he found that she was uninjured. There was n\u25a0 >t a bruise or a hurt on her. She. bad been thrown Into a de- pression -In *h. pavement and the swiftly moving- v.heels had hut slightly touched her. The bystander brushed her clothes, bought her some candy and led her home. Then at her bidding he went out to search for the doll she missed from her arms. it was badly mangled. »-»-*- DRESSED AS BOY, GIRL INCENDIARY ESCAPES KLAMATH FAI-LS, Ore., July 23.- Dressed as a bos', Cora Beaton, the 16-year-old Kirl Incendiary, haa es« oaped from the custody of the sherif*, and is believed to '»• headed for Cali- fornia. The jirl confessed to Betting fire to the barn of a rancher at the instiga- tion of a woman named Maggie Jones- i Deal, to whom the rancher Is alleged i to have sold a balky horse, i DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ACTS IN WHISKY CASE Molasses Spirits in Blend Need Not Be So Labeled. Is Ruling WASHINGTON, July 23.—The de- partment of justice has acted promptly Jn the "What Is whisky?" problem by approving the recommendation of the -..uunry department for tho ausDen- i slon of any orders Inconsistent with thu restraining order obtained from the Louisiana courts by tho sugar in- terests. The suspension will be In ef- fect during the pendency of tho liti- gation. The Internal revenue bureau, act- Ing on tho suggestion for suspension which was marie as the result of th« recent conference between Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue Cubell, act- Ing Attorney General Fowler and rep- resentatives of the molasses Interests In Louisiana, will permit molasses spir- its to be used without being branded as "made from molasses." The word whisky cannot be used on packages containing molasses spirits, but molasses spirits which are mixed with whisky can be put on the market us t bland. The molasses Interests claim that this action, announced to- day, will enable them to avoid shut- ting down their plants altogether, al- though they say that even now some of their business will be \r ' TO WRITE CHARITY BOOK COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July 23.—At the requeat of the Ruhmll sai<e foundation of New York. Frank J. Uruno of this city will prepare for the foundation a book on organized char- ity in the smaller cities. The book will feature the work of the foundation with reference to women and children. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. JULY! 24. 1910, 5 WTSummer Prices Drop Almost to Zero*lfBi TO^ On Suits, Dresses, Linen Coats, Waists, Skirts, Millinery, and Other Warm Weather Apparel ;flfl; 'A Nobby Slimmer Sailors *%f&fhm>da Charming Trimmed Hats /if v% SOc, $1.00 and $1.50 Wm§^& Amazing at $2 and $5 Mfi% Wj&K JJi KADQUARTERS for the smartest and most desirable r^si TRIKINGLY handsome creations in scores of de- y^^^^flfh I^'J^ "^^ styles of the season, yet the prices have shrunk till they \^ff^^/^M^Q^^ EfeU \Z^\ sMi^Hff^^?/ Hghtful Summer styles. Large and medium, in size, |yf» 75c Veilings Beach Hats ' /^^^^f^^\ Paradise & Plumes Auto Veils iiillk W{WP RfrJ t^ lS e \Yd. PyrStiS&iEa. 337 9 South Broadway iPV^l^) y 4 n ™l\Zll\ V 4 S^>.>\ gMrn^/Ht i of fuslilonabln shn<lfs > _, flKainat tni- sun a < _. ff&JL <4 <m« m ti A fl Ine ostrich nlumns > 7" l -i r k , /T'ffiwV R: \i\\i tT J KADQUARTERS for the smartest and most desirable /"S^^^"""Till?""*^ Aiw;«te3 f^^^ TRIKINGLY handsome creations in scores of de- [\m IfflP//^ fl styles of the season, yet the prices have shrunk till they V^SwH^iS^lj^F^ \^\ BfiOHtffiw/ lightfitlSummer styles. Large and medium, in size, fflf/l 7 Fie Veilings Beach Hats C*»J^»»B*> Paradise a Plumes Auto Veils j9k P"!T; T,,,,r;5) Frf. P "^V^S ( £a. 337' So"f/I 7 Broadway P \,** lt S-^ )14 C'V^TV/;- )14 HfV^ ;;^;rri^| lsc K-^c^: ( 2 5c Ths StMe Shop «if Los A^fldw fSBr "= i o// E^J'^ f o// ti MyS 'jjl 1: An Even Hundred Clever ', Clearance Sale Smart Ji GaF Ml j New Linen Dresses \u25a0• /^P^^mSfa^ New Linen Suits iW. Mljil ! $15.00 to $19.50 Values in /r'^~*P\ _ *^^£^&2JU\. That Would Ordinarily Cost w!itt/f llF 1 This Sale / ,; ; $15.00 to $19.50 -<|ijlPt(/ JH/IL y "^N^T^^n /f^-IJ "P RKTTY, all-linen frocks, in the most / "v \u2666*\u25a0 V'^^'^^^^^V^^^^^'^^^f "" V|\ T N THIS collection of correct, care- ii/fL _/" I Lf^^^B^;^^~sjK^^ signs. In this assortment you will find a ' {, ""^ |^?lt<^^|K; their severity, will be just as stylish next (i^J^^^',^^^^^^^ " "'^^ color, grays, blues, lavenders, rose and &B£&&&®F* J^ /s%^^s^'^&^h^i'W^ H^JS^lf^^^^^j *'nen snaf^es ' o'l 'irivc proven prime Sr stylish combinations, including the chic *-*"'* * pW>*^. / f/%tJw^'^*x^'i^[ favorites this season, but also white and n"7^ black and white effects, so much in demand at present. '^^^^{rU^^^T '>£! '^^^^P^ /:: '^^^^^^^^^M various charming shades for warm weather wear are included at this price. Just Forty of These $ * yf.75 |§|K^W? l^ll SP^T. Ideal Summer Suits of $i? 0.7S Cream Serge Suits .-* 4T= = ? i .®| Pongee or Rajah -*- O ===: ' 525.00 i^ 77ic/r Regular Price . il 1 Ac^wa/ Fa/we^ to $39.00 THERE is hardly an occasion when a Cream Serge Suit will not be found *>MjSv [ \r2flßfcra» I ii § 'S&*mJ&jXF-: \'".''' >s'-~'tuC. .^rr^.r .. , . appropriate when worn with fresh, dainty waist of lace or lingerie. Add '^%f^TWS- M \u25a0' 'CWM&^f' \u25a0 TV , " ''""'^ °" /'? ' tr°m ''^ '"' l 0 VCl"y PrCtty in itSdf ' to this the fact that you never yet saw a woman who did not look her best in a I I I ! '^^S^W^ ' \u25a0 but, after'l ,h, a3>en ff shioned intO such mod,sh suits by artistic design- simple tailored suit of white or cream serge, and you have solved the problem w^i) WJu^f 't9*Sir i I ' V ££$m*:m£!f>*-: ' \u25a0*> ers, it is beautiful v Now that our immense stock has dwindled down to a simple tailored suit of white or cream serge, and you have solved the problem $h-*£jTz'&s!-&.£B i * ' Jf &&/\u25a0 )l4*i* \u0084...». "«*>»» lw a of their immense popularity. We have included our regular $25.00 suits in this wy^h^t^WmM \? : it h •»/**ri^->v^Sfck. limited number, we have repneed a number of delightful, strictly tailored their immense popularity. have included our regular .>_'?.oo suits in tins \Ljfc*&&f taKeS I '>' *\u25a0 \ !^» \u25a0 ,\u25a0 \u25a0 * \u0084.,,, . , c . .-- $wL-:^^%.h.Mß&y™ \u25a0ii i :\u25a0*'\u25a0 ' - -•'^S&:£EiHit*&i£-* models, m natural, lavender, medium and light blue, pearl trrav, old rose and minted number on sale tomorrow at on v 514./5. "^&&*:- \u25a0'\u25a0 I - ~>i-.;f—--: y J^jmv^TwS^ ~ ' :>^HB-r^' i" 1 «ri B °1(1) fornicrl 'v sel!i" 8 '" ?39-°°' Vl -|! ST ?1«75. : Clearance Linen Coats WmsS\ I^^ Clearance Linen Coats Values to $12.50 y _ for f SBplf WM% .r , «* w Values to $19.50 Dainty White Voile Skirts Advance Styles in Tailored Suits Sale of Beautiful Hair FOR coolness they are unsurpassed, and \ # «^ Switches and Coronet Braids the stylish woman, who is also wise, I a » \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 nr HE latest arrivals in strictly tailored Wool Suits can be depended upon absolutely . vprv , imit . Ma \u0084a, P nn «trirtiv ... rin«« h^ir m^e . will choose now ! Plain tailored, plaited >$Q. 75 1 fro the standpoint of STYLE, as the new effects in both coats and skirts will * KwiSiea °" £95 $9 00 Switches ' $6 7. and silk trimmed models. REGULAR JT == J" testify but the point of paramount importance to the woman who buys such lA Q IZftlhtl ?4?n «iooo Sonet bVLIh" ' «?nn 513.50 and $15 SKIRTS .....' thoroughly high-class suits is the fact that they are fashioned from the very newest g-JJ q«v Switch« $495 IISOO SwTtcSes S \u25a0 _ * - _. . __ imported fabrics, while the tailoring is superior to any we have before been able to pro- $8.00 Gray Switches ... $4.95 $15.00 Switches $8.50 Stylish SkirtS Of Fine ™™ ***""* reasonable prices-$l5, $19.50, $25 and up to $47.50. Madame Capelli : Pongee Silk The Coolest Gloves You Could Choose JStISS^ ,Ai Offers. a+ d - nrv * m i n m f^^M^^^^» Toilet Preparations Beautiful Pongee and Cloth of -^-^^ At Fnces THat Make Buying a Pleasure mm^ Pk| If TTT u T nT Gold Skirts in plaited and over- i^^^^^K n vS«P' ' IK? \^/HICH are surpassed by none, skirt effects; trimmed and plain: C^^^^E $2.75 Silk Mesh \ Mon- Long Chamois Gloves )$ ** .95 VW^'- ' "^jWs VV compounded from famous tf.,4 in Skirts ' *io SO /nra*"*olr v^./uuKrv.ucjit , (. f== '^m. **" V-*' French recipes which were learned 117*50 Skirts \u25a0\u25a0$475 MM'"^ GiOVeS dc*y $2.50 quality in these stylish > J_ % J in one of the foremost Paris Beauty $16 50 Skirts .'.".".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'." .$13.*75 v * > Pfl/r Summer Gloves. Monday (fitted) J V^ Schools, absolutely guaranteed to a' so skirts \u25a0""••"•"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sis'oo -«f^C~V^»V 12 ft^^S'SiJSSEd short chamois dove* \ C -=<* nn J. . # '; c "armless to, the , most delicate $18.50 bkirts *15.U0 * a, att&^r^rmfr !.'A jf piam and embroidered j tf> -^ Short UUWIOIS LrIoVCS '$ W -00 ><f;;. jj skin. A personal chat with Madame <?*nn*-t ftf\ CI»*V/c \u25a0 l\SEf^3^BsU i•' styles, broken sizes, in I /& J $1.25 quality: natural shade only. ( # -' . % >***" \u0084 Capelli will more than repay you. OtnCIVT $O.Oly kDKIiTS V^rM »"fT«* white and Pink all sizes m black. I # 1,, .Z_- r fitted ) f \u25a0 ; ; n \u25a0 _ /I SI ' iS^il Fitted at .....' /;\u25a0 -"" All sizes (fitted) •«-, . \u0084 wo M on(ay Specials tOan, fl bnieue Pa annd ma ' in gray, $^^O _^EJ|l - ~ lull Assortment Silk Gloves, Plain and Embroidered . \u0084 / sOc Hand Lotion y 25c \u25a0 black "*• W? —fc%^' 50 CentS and Up - .^ - 50c Greaseless Cream 35c Beautiful Hand Embroidered Exquisite Summer Styles <£?*&>& f^^. 7'ie Daintiest of All! Cool Lacey Designs in Linen Waists Lingerie Waists i|iP§ Jipib |l§w 11311 / Lingerie Waists Lingerie Waists Special $2.95 Monday Special $3.95 Monday )J/ J|p- J^^OsL 'Ml« spccte/ $4.95 Monday s Pecial $2.95 Monday f , OMTr , WU.ZTkJ V WZML.^yj Regular $3.50and53.95 Values Regular $3.50 Value Regular $4.50 and $5 Values «W|^R4w^lll^«^»m Regular $6.50 and $7.50 Values rp HE fineness of the laces '# YEV E, RY ,CharmK V f; n NE wouid- -'-d, be hard to S^BwS^W^^^^m^^m, n UITE elaborate enough for al- * ant; df n: y fl hand-eoi" «1 «M V fectshave been evolve,! U please who could not find among Mv^fl^wSMSWß Q most any occasion, after,, ' ,^ wh a «h *«« d,digh - » MM through the artistic annlica- \u0084 \u25a0 assortment of waists, /t-> U^* &>• tj-*^.v&i/vsjv /';M iPrii iC.'s-iSBS9n!JrMTOBt M'f^S^Praltt. or evening. Without question the give them an adorned, will iuff/ IBL-1 L n Haintilv wro,,lh UI!S assort I mc, l "' cool > sheer waists, MV#W7*/W'?l&^ °l" cvcnill^: Without question the Rive them an irresistible -UH Wtfnr embroi.ler ' I one^o TuH heTT an embr ° iderieS> l^Cf *W/a#^\|Jls^ most artistic models ever offered at attraction for fashionable^^VJrtt e? e£%°^s ¥ks&yfa£&c& Vhejlepigork it^^^^^%. ilrW^ &e&?&}!&£ tfoeStyfsS/isg 7hesepljfor& t^^ ' r~" " \u25a0 > : _ . 1 : . . . ' . __ \u25a0——
Page 1: WTSummer TO^ On Suits, Dresses, Linen Coats, Waists, tT 'A ... · Dainty White VoileSkirts Advance Styles in Tailored Suits Sale of Beautiful Hair FOR coolness they are unsurpassed,


PITTSBUHO, July 23.—James Boylekidnaper of Willie Whltla of Sharona year and a halt" ago, has been pro-moted from the kitchen to the linn i vat the Western penitentiary, and sincehe is under a life sentence ho maypass the rest of lii.- days among thebooks instead of dlshpans.

Attorneys for Mrs. Boyle, who iaserving a twenty years' sentence forcomplicity in the sensational theft ofthe Whltla boy, are busy at work pre-paring her appeal ,for a new trial,which will come up in the superiorcourt next October,


Necessary in modern buildings, TheHipolito Self-Regulating Roller Screenand Reversible Window. a demon-stration will convince you. 634-8 Ala-Ule ;LVelllHi ;


Bud Rogers Tells Sheriff of BeingOne of Masked Gang

IDAHO CITY, Idaho, July 23.—A se-quel to the train robbery near Ogden,Utah, on June 27. when the passengersof an Oregon Short line train were re-lieved of their valuables by a gang ofmasked KMD, is a confession made yes-

terday Ly a man named Bud Rogersto Deputy Sheriff True.

Rogers came to town In companywith a Chinese named Jim Amhoy andInquired for the sheriff's omcc. After

he had asked a good many question!about the train robbers, Rogers said hewas one of them. He snid there werefour robbers, although it has been sup-posed there were only three. He ex-plained that the division of the swagwas not an equitable one and that hereceived only $25 and three watches ashis share of the loot. The others toldhim that If he betrayed them theywould kill him.

Rogers at one time was practicallyblind and Is now hardly able to see hisway. He will bo taken to Boise to-morrow.

« « »


Auto Passes Over Her but DoesNo Injury

NEW YORK, July 23 —A hoi? in thepavement laved Charlotte Cooney, 8years old, from death last night whenthe child was hit by a ipftedlng auto-mobile whlJo playing in front of heruptown home. She was knocked underthe heavy machine, ami the wheelipassed over her, but when a bystanderran to pick her up he found that shewas uninjured.

There was n\u25a0 >t a bruise or a hurt onher. She. bad been thrown Into a de-pression -In *h. pavement and the

swiftly moving- v.heels had hut slightlytouched her. The bystander brushedher clothes, bought her some candyand led her home.

Then at her bidding he went out tosearch for the doll she missed fromher arms. it was badly mangled.



KLAMATH FAI-LS, Ore., July 23.-Dressed as a bos', Cora Beaton, the16-year-old Kirl Incendiary, haa es«oaped from the custody of the sherif*,and is believed to '»• headed for Cali-fornia.

The jirl confessed to Betting fire tothe barn of a rancher at the instiga-

tion of a woman named Maggie Jones- iDeal, to whom the rancher Is alleged i

to have sold a balky horse, i


Molasses Spirits in Blend NeedNot Be So Labeled.

Is Ruling

WASHINGTON, July 23.—The de-partment of justice has acted promptly

Jn the "What Is whisky?" problem byapproving the recommendation of the-..uunry department for tho ausDen- i

slon of any orders Inconsistent withthu restraining order obtained fromthe Louisiana courts by tho sugar in-terests. The suspension will be In ef-fect during the pendency of tho liti-gation.

The Internal revenue bureau, act-Ing on tho suggestion for suspensionwhich was marie as the result of th«recent conference between Commis-sioner of Internal Revenue Cubell, act-Ing Attorney General Fowler and rep-resentatives of the molasses InterestsIn Louisiana, will permit molasses spir-its to be used without being brandedas "made from molasses."

The word whisky cannot be used onpackages containing molasses spirits,but molasses spirits which are mixedwith whisky can be put on the marketus t bland. The molasses Interestsclaim that this action, announced to-day, will enable them to avoid shut-ting down their plants altogether, al-though they say that even now someof their business will be \r '


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., July23.—At the requeat of the Ruhmll sai<efoundation of New York. Frank J.Uruno of this city will prepare for thefoundation a book on organized char-ity in the smaller cities. The bookwill feature the work of the foundationwith reference to women and children.


WTSummer Prices Drop Almost to Zero*lfBiTO^ On Suits, Dresses, Linen Coats, Waists, Skirts, Millinery, and Other Warm Weather Apparel ;flfl;

'A Nobby Slimmer Sailors *%f&fhm>da Charming Trimmed Hats /ifv% SOc, $1.00 and $1.50 Wm§^& Amazing at $2 and $5 Mfi%Wj&K JJi KADQUARTERS for the smartest and most desirable r^si TRIKINGLY handsome creations in scores of de- y^^^^flfhI^'J^ "^^ styles of the season, yet the prices have shrunk till they \^ff^^/^M^Q^^ EfeU \Z^\ sMi^Hff^^?/ Hghtful Summer styles. Large and medium, in size,

|yf» 75c Veilings Beach Hats ' /^^^^f^^\ Paradise &Plumes Auto Veils iiillkW{WPRfrJ t l̂Se \Yd. PyrStiS&iEa. 337 9 South Broadway iPV^l^) y4 Q°n™l\Zll\ V 4 S^>.>\gMrn^/Ht i of fuslilonabln shn<lfs > _, flKainat tni- sun a < _. ff&JL <4 <m« m ti A fl — Ine ostrich nlumns > 7" l -i r k , /T'ffiwVR: \i\\itTJ KADQUARTERS for the smartest and most desirable /"S^^^"""Till?""*^


f^^^ TRIKINGLY handsome creations in scores of de- [\m IfflP//^fl styles of the season, yet the prices have shrunk till they V^SwH^iS^lj^F^ \^\ BfiOHtffiw/ lightfitlSummer styles. Large and medium, in size, fflf/l7Fie Veilings Beach Hats C*»J^»»B*> Paradise a Plumes Auto Veils j9k

P"!T;T,,,,r;5) Frf. P "^V^S ( £a. 337' So"f/I 7 Broadway P \,**ltS-^ )14 C'V^TV/;- )14 HfV^;;^;rri^| lsc K-^c^: ( 25c Ths StMe Shop «if Los A^fldw fSBr "= i o// • E^J'^ f o//tiMyS

'jjl1: An Even Hundred Clever ', Clearance Sale Smart Ji GaFMl j New Linen Dresses \u25a0• /^P^^mSfa^ New Linen Suits iW.Mljil ! $15.00 to $19.50 Values in /r'^~*P\

_ *^^£^&2JU\. That Would Ordinarily Cost w!itt/fllF1 This Sale / ,; ; $15.00 to $19.50 -<|ijlPt(/JH/IL y "^N^T^^n/f^-IJ "P RKTTY, all-linen frocks, in the most / "v \u2666*\u25a0 V'^^'^^^^^V^^^^^'^^^f"" V|\ T N THIS collection of correct, care- ii/fL _/"

I Lf^^^B^;^^~sjK^^ signs. In this assortment you will find a ' {, ""^ |^?lt<^^|K; their severity, will be just as stylish next (i^J^^^',^^^^^^^" "'^^ color, grays, blues, lavenders, rose and &B£&&&®F*J^ /s%^^s^'^&^h^i'W^ H^JS^lf^^^^^j *'nen snaf^es ' o'l 'irivc proven prime Sr

stylish combinations, including the chic *-*"'* * pW>*^. / f/%tJw^'^*x^'i^[ favorites this season, but also white and n"7^

black and white effects, so much in demand at present. '^^^^{rU^^^T '>£! '^^^^P^ /:: '^^^^^^^^^M various charming shades for warm weather wear are included at this price.

• Just Forty of These $ * yf.75 |§|K^W? l^llSP^T. Ideal Summer Suits of $i? 0.7SCream Serge Suits .-* 4T== ?

i .®| Pongee or Rajah -*- O ===:

' 525.00 i^ 77ic/r Regular Price . il 1 Ac^wa/ Fa/we^ to $39.00

THERE is hardly an occasion when a Cream Serge Suit will not be found *>MjSv[ \r2flßfcra» I ii § 'S&*mJ&jXF-:\'".''' >s'-~'tuC. .^rr^.r .. , .appropriate when worn with fresh, dainty waist of lace or lingerie. Add '^%f^TWS- M \u25a0' 'CWM&^f' \u25a0 TV , " ''""'^ °" /'? '

tr°m ''^ '"' l0 VCl"y PrCtty in itSdf'

to this the fact that you never yet saw a woman who did not look her best in a I I I ! '^^S^W^ ' \u25a0 but, after'l ,h,a3>en ffshioned intO such mod,sh suits by artistic design-simple tailored suit of white or cream serge, and you have solved the problem w^i)WJu^f 't9*Sir i I

' V ££$m*:m£!f>*-: ' \u25a0*> ers, it is beautifulv

Now that our immense stock has dwindled down to asimple tailored suit of white or cream serge, and you have solved the problem $h-*£jTz'&s!-&.£B i * ' Jf &&/\u25a0 )l4*i* \u0084...»."«*>»» lw a

of their immense popularity. We have included our regular $25.00 suits in thiswy^h^t^WmM \? : ith •»/**ri^->v^Sfck. limited number, we have repneed a number of delightful, strictly tailoredtheir immense popularity. have included our regular .>_'?.oo suits in tins \Ljfc*&&ftaKeS I '>' *\u25a0 \

!^»\u25a0 ,\u25a0 \u25a0

*\u0084.,,, . , c . .-- $wL-:^^%.h.Mß&y™ \u25a0ii i :\u25a0*'\u25a0 ' - • -•'^S&:£EiHit*&i£-* models, m natural, lavender, medium and light blue, pearl trrav, old rose andminted number on sale tomorrow at on v 514./5. "^&&*:- \u25a0'\u25a0 I - ~>i-.;f—--: y J^jmv^TwS^ ~ ':>^HB-r^' i" 1 «ri B °1(1) fornicrl 'v sel!i"8 '" ?39-°°' Vl -|! ST ?1«75.

: Clearance Linen Coats WmsS\ I^^ Clearance Linen CoatsValues to $12.50


_for fSBplf WM% .r ,

«*w Values to $19.50

Dainty White VoileSkirts Advance Styles in Tailored Suits Sale of Beautiful HairFOR coolness they are unsurpassed, and \ # «^ Switches and Coronet Braids

the stylish woman, who is also wise, I a » \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 nr HE latest arrivals in strictly tailored Wool Suits can be depended upon absolutely . vprv ,imit.Ma \u0084a, P nn «trirtiv ... rin«« h^ir m^e .will choose now ! Plain tailored, plaited >$Q. 75 1 fro the standpoint of STYLE, as the new effects in both coats and skirts will *KwiSiea °" £95 $9 00 Switches ' $6 7.and silk trimmed models. REGULAR JT == J" testify but the point of paramount importance to the woman who buys such lAQ IZftlhtl ?4?n «iooo Sonet bVLIh" ' «?nn513.50 and $15 SKIRTS .....' thoroughly high-class suits is the fact that they are fashioned from the very newest g-JJ q«v Switch« $495 IISOO SwTtcSes S •

• \u25a0_ * - _. . __ imported fabrics, while the tailoring is superior to any we have before been able to pro- $8.00 Gray Switches ... $4.95 $15.00 Switches $8.50

Stylish SkirtS Of Fine ™™ ***""*reasonable prices-$l5, $19.50, $25 and up to $47.50. Madame Capelli

: Pongee Silk The Coolest Gloves You Could Choose JStISS^ ,Ai™ Offers.a+ d - nrv * m i n • m f^^M^^^^» Toilet Preparations

Beautiful Pongee and Cloth of

-^-^^At Fnces THat Make Buying a Pleasure mm^ Pk| If TTTu T nT

Gold Skirts in plaited and over- i^^^^^K n vS«P' ' IK? \^/HICH are surpassed by none,

skirt effects; trimmed and plain: C^^^^E $2.75 Silk Mesh \ Mon- Long Chamois Gloves )$ ** .95 VW^'- ' "^jWs VV compounded from famoustf.,4 in Skirts ' *io SO /nra*"*olr v^./uuKrv.ucjit , (. f== '^m. **" V-*' French recipes which were learned117*50 Skirts \u25a0\u25a0$475 MM'"^ GiOVeS dc*y $2.50 quality in these stylish > J_ % J in one of the foremost Paris Beauty$16 50 Skirts .'.".".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'." .$13.*75 v * > Pfl/r Summer Gloves. Monday (fitted) J V^ Schools, absolutely guaranteed to

a' so skirts\u25a0""••"•"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Sis'oo -«f^C~V^»V 12 ft^^S'SiJSSEd short chamois dove* \ C -=<* nn J. . # ';c "armless to, the , most delicate$18.50 bkirts *15.U0*a, att&^r^rmfr !.'A jf '» piam and embroidered j tf> -^

Short UUWIOIS LrIoVCS '$ W -00 ><f;;. jj skin. A personal chat with Madame<?*nn*-t ftf\ CI»*V/c \u25a0 l\SEf^3^BsU i•' styles, broken sizes, in I /& J $1.25 quality: natural shade only. ( # -' .


>***" \u0084 Capelli will more than repay you.OtnCIVT $O.Oly kDKIiTS V^rM »"fT«* white and Pink all sizes m black. I # 1,, .Z_- r fitted ) f \u25a0 ;

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tOan, flbnieuePaanndma'in gray, $^^O _^EJ|l - ~

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/sOc Hand Lotion


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Beautiful Hand Embroidered Exquisite Summer Styles <£?*&>& f^^. 7'ie Daintiest of All! Cool Lacey Designs in

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'# YEVE,RY ,CharmKnß Vf; n NE wouid- -'-d, be hard to S^BwS^W^^^^m^^m, n UITE elaborate enough for al- * ant; dfn:y flhand-eoi" «1

«M V fectshave been evolve,! U please who could not find among Mv^fl^wSMSWß Q most any occasion, after,, ' ,^wha«h *«« d,digh - »MM through the artistic annlica- \u0084 \u25a0

assortment of waists, /t-> U^*&>• tj-*^.v&i/vsjv/';M iPrii iC.'s-iSBS9n!JrMTOBt M'f^S^Praltt. or evening. Without question the give them anadorned, will iuff/IBL-1 L n Haintilv wro,,lh UI!S assort

Imc, l "' cool > sheer waists, MV#W7*/W'?l&^ °l" cvcnill^: Without question the Rive them an irresistible -UH

Wtfnr embroi.ler ' I one^o TuH heTT an embr °iderieS> l^Cf*W/a#^\|Jls^ most artistic models ever offered at attraction for fashionable^^VJrtte? e£%°^s ¥ks&yfa£&c& Vhejlepigork it^^^^^%. ilrW^ &e&?&}!&£ tfoeStyfsS/isg 7hesepljfor& t^^

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