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Wuhan Raycus C0185

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Wuhan Raycus C0185
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Wuhan RaycusC0185

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展区平面图 The Exhibition Floor Plan





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展区平面图 The Exhibition Floor Plan


荣格金属加工 荣格智能制造

我们的展位:Booth No.:MWCS: 4.1H-D178 / IAS: 5.1H-E280


指定媒体 The offi cial publication

中 国 金 属 加 工 业 决 策 者 必 读商情

International Metalworking News for China国际



Page 4: Wuhan Raycus C0185

14 www.industrysourcing.cn

荣格金属加工 荣格智能制造

我们的展位:Booth No.:MWCS: 4.1H-D178 / IAS: 5.1H-E280


指定媒体 The offi cial publication

中 国 金 属 加 工 业 决 策 者 必 读商情

International Metalworking News for China国际


展区平面图 The Exhibition Floor Plan


Page 5: Wuhan Raycus C0185

Ximen WainC0144

Page 6: Wuhan Raycus C0185

展区平面图 The Exhibition Floor Plan



LOGO pantone 206C

展位 6.1H B108




Page 7: Wuhan Raycus C0185

展商精选Selected Exhibitors


In addition to the standard safety switches PSENmech, we are now also offering mechanical safety gate systems PSENmech with guard locking. They provide an economical basic solution for safe monitoring of movable guards. The safety gate is safely locked until the hazardous m a c h i n e m o v e m e n t sto p s . A n unintended start-up of the hazardous movement is prevented. As a result the safety gate system PSENmech with guard locking is suitable for

皮尔磁:带防护锁定的机械式安全门系统 PSENmech

Booth No.: 5.1H-D002

PSENmech 机 械 安 全 开 关 适 用于可移动防护装置的安全监控。如果防 护 装 置 打 开, 将 触 发 PSENmech安全开关。然后,在 Pilz 评估设备的


PSENmech 安全开关对执行机构使用更大的抽取力,防止安全门意外打开。由于具有机械编码执行机构,它们符合标准 EN ISO 14119(故障安全)的要求。

机械式的带防护锁定的安全门系统 PSENmech,为可移动的防护门的安全监控提供了一种经济的基础解决方案。安全门始终安全锁定直到危险的机械运动停止,从而防止了危险运动的非正常启动。因此,带防护锁定的安全门系统 PSENmech 能够保护人员和流程,适用于多种工业场景和应用。通过附加逃生释放或者紧急解锁的装置,配合可配置的安全小型控制器 PNOZmulti2,形成了一套高性价比、完整、一站式的解决方案。

Pilz: Mechanical safety gate system PSENmech with guard locking

protecting personnel and processes a n d ca n b e u s e d i n n u m e ro u s industries and applications. It can be supplemented with an escape release or emergency unlocking device. Together with the configurable safe small controllers PNOZmulti 2, it serves as a cost-effective, complete, one-stop solution.皮尔磁工业自动化 ( 上海 ) 有限公司Pilz Industrial Automation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Tel:+86-21-6088 0878Website:www.pilz.com/zh-CN

VSE diagnostic electronic for vibration sensors is a 6-channel diagnostic system designed to evaluate 4 dynamic signals (e.g. rotat ional accelerat ion) and 2 analogue inputs. The new VSE15x family provides different fieldbus interfaces to exchange data with a PLC. This makes it possible to d i s p l a y t h e m ea s u r i n g va l u e s directly on the control system and


Booth No.: 5.1H-D013

ifm VSE 系列振动分析模块是一款6 通道的诊断系统,专为评估 4 动态

信号(如旋转加速度)和 2 模拟输入而设计。 该产品可提供多种现场总线接口与 PLC 交换数据。如此便可直接在控制系统上显示测量值,并将监控功能适配到机器的工作状态和过程。除现场总线外,该系列还拥有 2 个快速数字开关输出(响应时间 ≤ 1ms),用于紧急关键警报。

此外这款产品拥有 3 个以太网端口,用于分离办公室和机器网络,集成大型历史记录日志,带有实时时钟,适用于为优化状态和过程监控所进行全方面状态监控的场合。

ifm diagnostic electronics for vibration sensors for online condition monitoring with fieldbus interface

optimally adapt the monitoring functions to the operating states and processes of the machine. In addition to the fieldbus, 2 fast digital switching outputs (response time ≤ 1ms) are provided for time-critical alarms.易福门电子(上海)有限公司ifm electronic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.Tel:+86-21-3813 4800Website:www.ifm.cn

PMI has accumulated many years experience in production managing. It covers the whole p r o d u c t i o n s e q u e n c e , f r o m receiving the order, designing, material preparation, machining, h e a t t r e a t i n g , g r i n d i n g , assembling, inspection, packaging and delivery. The Gothic profile is applied by PMI Ballscrews. It offers best contact between balls


Booth No.: 5.1H-B195

银泰科技生产的滚珠丝杆建立于数十年来所累积制造技基础,从材料、热处理、设计、生管、检验到出货都依循严谨的标准作业流程,并采用哥德式 (Gothic arch) 沟槽形状使钢珠与沟槽能有最佳接触以便轻易运动,产品具有高精度、高品质、高耐久性等特点。

Precision Motion: BALLSCREWSand the grooves. If suitable preload is exerted on Ballscrew hence to eliminate clearance between the ball nut and screw and to reduce elastic deformation, the ballscrew ge t s m u c h b e tte r r i g i d i t y a n d accuracy.银泰科技股份有限公司Precision Motion Industries, Inc.Tel:+86-21-3122-9799Website:www.pmi-amt.com

Page 8: Wuhan Raycus C0185

展商精选Selected Exhibitors

18 www.industrysourcing.cn

Hisilicon Robot OS solution productThis solution product based

on Hisilicon 3559 chip hardware controller board with ROS robot operating system, integrated OS driver and common AI algorithms of SLAM, vSLAM, Binocular camera and so on. This solution can allow the robot manufacturer to obtain a cost-effective solution of the master control system with very low technical threshold. Mobile robot manufacturers can focus on the software APP development and Robot appearance IDdesign of appl icat ion scene based on t h i s s o l u t i o n . I n a d d i t i o n t o t r a n s p l a n t i n g R O S s y s t e m t o H i s i l i c o n c h i p f o r L i d a r p a t h

planning and other robot functions, t h i s s o l u t i o n a l s o i n t e g r a t e s modules based on Hisilicon SVP and GPU to implement embedded artificial intelligence recognition a l g o r i t h m f u n c t i o n , s o t h a t Hisilicon controller can carr y a complete AI Robot master control s y s t e m . T h e s o l u t i o n c a n b e applied to all kinds of mobile robot products, such as AGV and Patrol robot, and also can be extended to UAV and industrial robot products.广州英码信息科技有限公司Guangzhou Embedded Machine Technology Co., Ltd.Tel:+86-20-8764 3879Website:www.ema-tech.com

Booth No.: 5.1H-D017


威图于 2019 年重磅发布“智能机柜系统”,整合威图全系列产品的解决方案,涵盖了机柜、母线、温控、IT 以 及 服 务, 实 现 对 工 业 机 柜 内 部环境的智能监控,为客户提供可靠的

Rittal Smart Enclosure SystemRittal has successfully launched

“Smart Enclosure System” in 2019. This system combines all the Rittal portfolios including enclosure, climate control, bus bar, IT sensors and service, which focus on the smart control of industrial enclosure inside environment. The reliable and high efficient total solution will be

offered by Rittal, which devoted to fulfilling the strategy of Industry 4.0 in security operation and remote control.威图电子机械技术 ( 上海 ) 有限公司Rittal Electro-Mechanical Technology (SH) Ltd. Co.Tel:+86-21-5115 7799Website:www.rittal.cn


Booth No.: 6.1H-A094

英码:海思机器人 ROS 方案产品

本方案产品基于海思 HI3559 芯片 的 硬 件 控 制 器 板 卡, 搭 载 ROS 机器人操作系统,集成激光雷达、深度

相 机 等 常 用 机 器 人 传 感 器 驱 动 和 AI视觉算法,能够使机器人整机厂家以非 常 低 的 技 术 门 槛 获 得 这 个 性 价 比超 高 的 主 控 制 整 套 器 解 决 方 案。 移动 机 器 人 整 机 厂 家 就 可 以 基 于 本 方案,专注做场景应用相关的软件开发和 结 构 外 观 设 计。 这 个 方 案 是 除 了移植 ROS 系统到海思芯片上用于激光雷达路径规划等机器人功能,还整合了基于海思 SVP 和 GPU 等模块实现嵌入式人工智能识别算法功能,使海思芯片可以搭载一个完整的 AI 机器人主控制系统。方案可以用于物品配送、安全巡逻等各类移动机器人产品,也可以扩展到无人机和工业机器人产品。

With machines, it is imperative to ensure that there is no access or entry to the dangerous area while the process has been running. If, for example, we think of a large flywheel mass such as rotating saw blades, the machine operator shall have no access to the dangerous area until the dangerous movement has come to a complete standstill. Safety switches with guard locking s u c h a s t h e S L C e n s u r e t h a t safety guards, doors and other covers remain closed as long as a dangerous condition persists.

T h e c o d e d S L C h a s b e e n r e - t h o u g h t a n d i s a f u r t h e r development from BERNSTEIN with optimised functions in many

博恩斯坦:防护锁定安全开关 SLC

Booth No.: 5.1H-A105


进入此危险运转区域,直到此危险运转装置已完全停止。SLC 等带锁定的安全开关可确保安全防护装置、门和其它护盖在危险状态未消除的情况下一直保持关闭状态。

编码的 SLC 安全开关采用全新设计理念,并基于 BERNSTEIN 现有产品对诸多功能进行了重新优化设计。博恩斯坦在产品开发过程中根据用户的基本需求,对产品功能进行了精减,尤其关注产品的性价效益。

提供带 M12 插头开关类型,方便用户轻松安装到机器中。此外,该安全开关的另一个人性化的特点是采用灵活的触点组合:在工厂中制造安全开关时,可根据用户需求定制组合常闭和常开触点,以完美适应监控门的位置和防护锁定。

Bernstein: Guard locking safety switch SLCrespects. During development, it was important to reduce the functions to the essentials, to consider the primary requirements of the customers and, in particular, to keep an eye on cost-effectiveness.

A v a r i a n t w i t h M 1 2 p l u g connector allows a particularly simple connection to the machine. Another user-friendly feature is the possibility of flexible contact assembly: The contact combination of NC and NO for monitoring the door position and the guard locking can be freely combined at the factory.博恩斯坦电子(太仓)有限公司Bernstein Safe Solutions (Taicang) Co., Ltd.Tel:+86-512-8160 8180Website:www.bernstein-safesolutions.cn

NK0 系列 PLC 是光洋电子(无锡)有限公司新推出的微型 PLC 系列,其外形小巧,适合窄空间安装使用,可广泛应用于轻工、纺织、塑料、食品、包装、金属制品、楼宇自动化、健康产业等各行业中的小型生产机械、楼宇设备、简易机床、康疗设备的控制系统中。

NK0 系 列 非 常 适 合 作 为 智 能 工

光洋电子:NK0 系列微型整体式 PLC

Booth No.: 6.1H-A006

厂的一个现场节点来使用,通过 RS-485 连接,实现工厂、车间的每一个节 点 都 实 现 可 视 化 管 理。 产 品 采 用DC24V 直流工作电源,安全可靠,绿色环保。

根 据 所 带 I/O 点 的 不 同,NK0 分普通开关量型和模拟量型 2 个子系列。普通开关量型为客户提供简单的开关量控制功能,根据其 I/O 点数以及输出点信号的不同,分 4 种机型。

模拟量型在提供简单的开关量控制 功 能 的 同 时, 提 供 额 外 的 模 拟 量通道,通过标准模拟量信号的读 / 写,附 以 丰 富 的 数 字 处 理 指 令, 实 现 模拟 量 控 制 功 能, 根 据 模 拟 量 信 号 类型 和 开 关 量 输 出 信 号 的 不 同, 分 4种机型。光洋电子(无锡)有限公司KOYO ELECTRONICS(WUXI) CO.,LTD.Tel:+86-510-8516 7888Website:www.koyoele.com.cn

Page 9: Wuhan Raycus C0185

展商精选Selected Exhibitors


With more than 125,000 products for Chinese customers in a variety of industries for 26 years, Würth Group offers a wide range of high-quality products, from chemicals, tools, PPE, material processing, anchors, fasteners to one-stop intelligent system solutions. The 75th anniversary limited edition tool set and cleaning chemical will be showcased, as will the gloves range, with a variety of best-selling tools and

It has never been easier to connect compact PC-based devices to Real-Time Ethernet and Fieldbus networks. With the new cifX in M.2 2230 format Hilscher introduces the smallest multiprotocol PC-card on the automation market. A comprehensive package including all necessary hard- and software components is provided in the scope of delivery. Customers only have to mount, install and connect their appl icat ion and network connection.

The PCI Express M.2 standard offers the chance for manufacturers to build small, smart and innovative devices as well as to integrate numerous functions into systems

赫优讯:M.2 格式工业通讯新型 CIFX

Booth No.: 5.1H-A010

德国赫优讯公司展出的 M.22230格式的新型 CIFX 小型多协议 PC 卡,将基于 PC 的紧凑型设备连接到实时以 太 网 和 现 场 总 线 网 络 变 得 如 此 简单,PCI Express M.2 标 准 为 制 造 商

Hilscher: Smallest PC cards in M.2 format for CIFXthrough different types of add-in cards. With cifX in M.2 2230 Key A+E format, Hilscher presents an M.2 PC-Card for Real-Time Ethernet and Fieldbus communication. It delivers a technology platform including hard- and software, that enables existing and new devices to connect with industrial automation networks on the fly. This opens up an easy way to address new markets, relying on ready-to-use industrial network technology of Hilscher and reducing own efforts in product designs.德国赫优讯自动化系统有限公司H i l s c h e r S y s t e m A u t o m a t i o n (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.Tel:+86-21-63555161Website:www.hilscher.cn

提 供 了 构 建 小 型, 智能 和 创 新 设 备 以 及 通过 不 同 类 型 的 附 加 卡将 众 多 功 能 集 成 到 系统 中 的 机 会。 赫 优 讯使 用 M.2 2230 Key A + E 格式的 cifX,实现了 用 于 实 时 以 太 网 和现 场 总 线 通 讯 的 M.2

PC 卡。 它 提 供 一 个 包 括 硬 件 和 软 件的技术平台,使现有设备和新设备可以与工业自动化网络实时连接。依靠赫优讯现成的工业网络技术并减少产品设计方面的工作量,这为开拓新市场提供了一种简便的方法。


Booth No.: 5.1H-D083

德国伍尔特集团深耕中国市场 26年,为各行业客户提供超过 125,000 个产品,从高品质的化工品、工具、劳防用品、刃具磨料、锚栓、紧固件到一站式的智能化系统解决方案。本届工博会伍尔特携集团 75 周年限量版工具组套及清洁剂亮相,手套全系列产品也将展出,各有多款畅销工具及化工品。同时紧扣工业 4.0 的理念,伍尔特也将智能化系统解决方案带到了展会现场,满足企业在生产制造和供应链管控中优化流程以及节约成本的需求。

Würth:Tools, chemicals, PPE and intelligent system solutions

chemicals. Keeping a close eye on Industry 4.0, Würth brings intelligent system solutions to the exhibition to meet the needs of companies to optimize processes and save costs in manufacturing and supply chain control. 伍尔特(中国)有限公司Würth (China) Co., LtdTel:400 0878 758Email:[email protected]:www.wuerth.cn

The Motion Terminal VTEM is opening up radical new dimensions in the world of automation, as it is the world's first valve to be controlled by apps. The first product to truly earn the label“digitised pneumatics”. For a multitude of functions that currently require more than 50 components. Festo Motion Terminal – discover the new world of pneumatics.

Highlights:◆ Many functions in a single

component – thanks to apps

费斯托:Festo 数字控制终端 VTEM

Booth No.: 5.1H-B105

Booth No.: 6.1H-B172

Festo 数字控制终端 VTEM 开创了自动化领域的一个全新维度,是世界首款由 APP 控制的阀,名副其实的“数字化气动元件”。其阀片相当于 50 多个气动电动元件的集成与融合,真正实

现了“一阀多用”,能够满足未来高度灵活和自适应的自动化控制需求。Festo 数字控制终端 VTEM 融合了机械元件、电子元件和软件,具备了模块化、智能化、多功能化、集成化、网络化、信息化等特性,将一款气动产品真正转变成面向智能制造与工业 4.0。用户可以通过 APP 更改参数轻松切换各种气动功能,自适应各种新的工艺参数;VTEM 控制器配合阀片内外集成的智能传感器,通过数字化 CPS 接口与界面,帮助用户轻松实现自动化控制、诊断与机器自我学习,从而真正实现柔性生产,全方位降低 TCO 总所有成本。

Festo Motion Terminal VTEM◆ Combines the advantages of

electric and pneumatic technologies◆ Highest possible level of

standardisation◆ Reduced complexity and

time-to-market◆ Greater profitability and

knowledge protection◆ Less installation work◆ Increased energy efficiency

费斯托(中国)有限公司Festo (China) Ltd.Tel:+86-21-6081 5327Website:www.festo.com

支 持 CC-Link IE TSN 的 高 性 能整 体 驱 动 解 决 方 案, 包 括 伺 服 系 统控 制 器(TSN 网 络 型 运 动 控 制 模 块RD78G、RD78GH,以及运动控制软件SWM78)、 伺 服 放 大 器(MR-J5-G、MR-J5-G-RJ、MR-J5-A、MR-J5-A-RJ)、伺服马达(旋转型伺服电机 HK系列、直线伺服电机 LM-AJ 系列)

性能特点:1. 模块采用多核处理器,运算周期

为 31.25μs(GH 系列),实现高速运动控制。支持国际标准程序(PLCopen

三菱电机:新一代通用型伺服驱动系统 MELSERVO-J5Motion FB),可构建最大 256 轴 / 模块的大规模系统。

2. 模 块 备 有 CC-Link IE TSN 主 站的功能,不仅可以进行运动控制,还能作为网络主站使用,有效减少系统构建成本。

3. 26bit 高 分 辨 率 编 码 器, 速 度频 率 响 应 达 3.5kHz, 最 小 运 算 周 期31.25us,实现高速、高精度的定位控制。

4. 新增检测及诊断功能。断线检测、电机错误接线检测(MR-J5W2 MR-J5W3), 以及编码器通信诊断。

5. HK-KT 系列将产品线扩展到 16机 型, 并 新 增 7 种 400V 级 别 机 型。( 合计 23 机型 ) 小容量 HK-KT 系列扩充到 2kW,中容量 HK-ST 系列扩充至11kW。三菱电机自动化(中国)有限公司MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AUTOMATION(CHINA)LTD.Tel: +86-21-2322 3030Website: http://cn.mitsubishielectric.com/fa/zh/

Page 10: Wuhan Raycus C0185

20 www.industrysourcing.cn

Th e C o r o n a c r i s i s h i g h l i g h t s t h e i m p o r ta n t co n t r i b u t i o n that robots make to industr y

a n d to s o c i e t y. R e s ea r c h f u n d i n g programs (R&D) are vital to enable and further support these developments: New technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and 5G, drive government funding in Asia, Europe and America. What are the targets of the officially driven government research funding programs and what can we learn from these findings? This has been researched by the International Federations of Robotics and published in the new paper “World Robotics R&D Programs” by IFR.

“ E a c h c o u n t r y h a s i t s o w n characteristics of robot programs based on its specific background and history,” says Prof. Dr. Jong-Oh Park, Vice-Chair IFR Research Committee and member of the Executive Board. “Therefore, we see that robotics programs set up by the most advanced robotics countries have a very different strategic focus.”

Robotics R&D programs - officially driven by governments

The strategic plan Made in China 2025 comes as a blueprint to upgrade the manufacturing capabilities of Chinese industries. This includes advanced robots among the top 10 core industries. The Robot Industry Development Plan sets out the goals for China in 2020, including: (1) developing three to five globally competitive robot manufacturers, (2)

IFR Report: How nations invest in robotics research

特别报道Special Reports

新冠疫情的危机凸显了机器人对产业和社会的重要贡献。研究资助计划(R & D)对于推动和进一

步支持这些发展至关重要:人工智能、大数据和 5G 等新技术推动了亚洲、欧洲和美国的政府资助。官方推动的政府研究资助计划的目标是什么?我们可以从这些发现中学到什么?国际机器人联合会(IFR)对此进行了研究,并在其新论文《世界机器人研发计划》中发表。

“基于特定的背景和历史,每个国家都有自己的机器人项目特点,”IFR 研究委员会副主席兼执行委员会委员 Jong-Oh Park 教授说。“因此,我们看到由最先进的机器人国家制定的机器人计划具有显著不同的战略重点。”

机器人研发项目 – 来自政府等的官方驱动

《中国制造 2025》战略计划是提升中国工业制造能力的蓝图。其中包括十大核心产业中的先进机器人。《机器人产业发展计划》设定了 2020 年中国的目标,其中包括:(1)发展 3-5 家具有全球竞争力的

IFR 报告:各国如何投资机器人研发机器人制造商;(2)创建 8-10 个产业集群;(3)实现中国高端机器人 45% 的国内市场份额 ;(4)将中国的机器人密度提高到每万名工人 100 台机器人。国际机器人联合会出版的《世界机器人》统计年鉴显示,2018 年中国制造业的机器人密度达到每万名工人 140 台。2019 年,中国政府投资 5.77亿美元用于开发智能机器人。

而日本的《机器人新战略》是安倍经济学增长战略的一项重要政策。2019 年与机器人相关的预算已增加至 3.51 亿美元,旨在使日本成为全球机器人创新中心。该行动计划包括制造业以及重要的服务部门,例如医疗保健、农业和基础设施。根据国际机器人联合会的《世界机器人》统计年鉴,日本是全球第一大工业机器人制造国,2018 年占全球供应量的 52%。

韩国的《智能机器人开发与供应促进法》则正在推动将韩国的机器人产业发展为第四次工业革命的核心产业。2019 年发布的第三版“智能机器人基本计划”促进了有前途的公共和私营部门的系统选择和集中。重点领域包括:制造业务、选定的服务机器人领域 ( 包括医疗保健和物

流 )、下一代关键组件和关键机器人软件。2020 年机器人相关的预算为 1.26 亿美元。《世界机器人》统计年鉴显示,2018 年韩国约有 30 万台可操作工业机器人,创下新的记录(增长了 10%)。在五年之内,该国已投入使用的工业机器人数量翻了一番。仅次于日本和中国,韩国在 2018 年全球排名第三。

由欧盟第八框架计划——“地平线2020”计划(Horizon 2020)资助的机器人项目囊括了广泛的研究和创新主题——从制造业、商业和医疗保健应用到消费者、运输和农业食品机器人。通过这个项目,欧洲委员会在七年的运行时间里为机器人研究和创新提供了大约 7.8 亿美元的资金。《2018-2020 年工作计划》的主要议题涉及通过机器人技术实现工业数字化,机器人技术在有希望的新领域的应用,以及机器人的核心技术,如:人工智能和认知、认知机电一体化、社会合作人机交互以及基于模型的设计和配置工具,总预算为 1.73 亿美元。

作为其高科技战略的一部分,德国支持在产业和行政管理中使用新的数字技术。“PAiCE” 计 划 的 五 年 预 算 为 5,500

万美元(5,000 万欧元),着重于数字产业平台的开发以及使用这些平台公司之间的合作。面向机器人技术的项目侧重于在服务、物流和制造领域等各种相关应用领域中创建服务机器人解决方案平台。德国是世界第五大机器人市场,在欧洲排名第一,其次是意大利和法国。2018 年,德国售出的机器人数量增长了 26%,约为 2.7万台,创历史新高。

在美国政府的支持下,美国启动了《国家机器人计划》(NRI)进行基础机器人技术的研发。 主要目标集中于基础科学、技术和集成系统,以实现无处不在的协作机器人在生活的各个方面帮助人类的愿景。此外,在《国家机器人计划 2.0》中,鼓励学术界、工业界、非营利组织和其他组织之间的合作。2019 年《国家机器人计划》的预算是 3500 万美元。美国国防部和“火星探索计划”(Mars Exploration Program)为在国防和太空领域应用的机器人技术提供了额外的资金。根据《世界机器人》统计年鉴显示,美国的机器人安装量连续第八年增长,在 2018 年达最高峰。就年度安装量而言,美国超越韩国居全球第三。

creating eight to ten industrial clusters, (3) achieving 45% of domestic market share for China's high-end robots, and (4) increasing China's robot density to 100 robots per 10,000 workers. The statistical yearbook "World Robotics" by IFR shows that China reached a robot density of 140 units per 10,000 workers in the manufacturing industry in 2018. In 2019, the Chinese government invested 577 million USD in the development of intelligent robots.

The New Robot Strategy in Japan is a key policy of the Abenomics Growth Strategy. The robot-related budget for 2019 has been increased to 351 million USD, with the aim to to make Japan the robot innovation hub in the world. The action plan includes manufacturing as well as important service sectors l i k e h e a l t h c a r e , a g r i c u l t u r e a n d infrastructure. According to the statistical yearbook "World Robotics" by IFR, Japan is the world´s number one industrial robot manufacturer and delivered 52% of the global supply in 2018.

The Intelligent Robot Development and Supply Promotion Act of Korea is pushing to develop the robot industry in Korea as a core industry in the fourth industrial revolution. The 3rd basic plan for Intelligent Robots published in 2019 promotes systematic selection and concentration of promising public and private sectors. Focus areas are: manufacturing businesses, selected service robot areas (including healthcare and logistics), next-generation key

components and key robot software. The robot-related budget for 2020 is 126 million USD (151 billion won). The statistical yearbook "World Robotics" showed a new record stock of about 300,000 operational industrial robots in the Republic of Korea in 2018 (+10%). Within f ive years, the countr y has doubled its number of industrial robots in operation. Following Japan and China, the country ranked third in 2018.

R o b o t i c s p r o j e c t s f u n d e d b y Horizon 2020, the European Union´s 8th Framework Program, represent a wide variety of research and innovation topics – ranging from manufacturing, commercial and healthcare use to consumer, transportation, and agri-food robotics. Through this program, EC provides an estimated 780 million USD funding for robotics research and innovation over its seven-year runtime. The main topics of the Work Program 2018-2020 are related to digitization of industry through robotics, robotics applications in promising new areas, and robotics core technologies such as AI and cognition, cognitive mechatronics, s o c i a l l y co o p e rat i ve h u m a n - ro b ot interaction, and model-based design and configuration tools with the total budget of 173 million USD.

As part of its High-Tech Strategy, G e r m a n y s u p p o r t t h e u s e o f n e w digital technologies within industry and administration. The “PAiCE” program with a funding budget of 55 million USD (50 million euros) over five

years emphasizes the development of digital industry platforms as well as collaboration between companies using these platforms. In particular, the robotics-oriented projects are focusing on the creation of platforms for service robotics solutions in the various relevant application areas including service, logistics, and manufacturing fields. Germany is the fifth largest robot market in the world and number one in Europe, followed by Italy and France. In 2018, the number of robots sold increased by 26% to almost 27,000 units – a new all-time record.

The National Robotics Initiative (NRI) in the USA was launched for fundamental robotics R&D supported by the US Government. The main goals focus on fundamental science, technologies, and integrated systems needed to achieve a vision of ubiquitous collaborative robots assisting humans in every aspect of life. Moreover, in NRI-2.0, collaboration between academia, industry, non-profit, and other organizations is encouraged. The budget of NRI for 2019 is 35 million dollars. Additional robotics funding for application in defense and space is provided through the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Mars Exploration Program. According to the statistical yearbook "World Robotics", robot i n sta l l at i o n s i n t h e U n i te d State s increased for the eighth year in a row to a new peak in 2018. Regarding annual installations, the country has taken third position from the Republic of Korea.

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