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Www.free-ppt-templates.com 1.Collect Current Event 2.Begin WWII: 24.1 Notes (part 1) 3.Watch The...

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Nov.1918: Germany surrendered to Allies (Britain, France, USA) ending WWI. Germany AND some other nations hated Treaty of Versailles. Many European nations suffered after WWI, through 1920’s and during the Depression of 1930’s. Some embraced dictators. Totalitarianism-single ruler that controls nation and citizens’ lives.

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1.Collect Current Event 2.Begin WWII: 24.1 Notes (part 1) 3.Watch The World Wars 4.Map Quiz NEXT TUESDAY- DECEMBER 8! Chapters 24 & 25 Nov.1918: Germany surrendered to Allies (Britain, France, USA) ending WWI. Germany AND some other nations hated Treaty of Versailles. Many European nations suffered after WWI, through 1920s and during the Depression of 1930s. Some embraced dictators. Totalitarianism-single ruler that controls nation and citizens lives. Italian WWI veteran. Italys economy hurting after WWI Formed Italy's fascist party. Fascism: Aggressive militant nationalism. Believed military expansion makes nation great. Like many Italians, he was disappointed with Allies and Treaty of Versailles Mussolini and his followers, black shirts, (unemployed WWI veterans) march on Rome saying communist revolt was near and he could restore order in Italy. Soon he was named Premier by King Victor Emmanuel to restore order. 1925: Named himself dictator. Outlawed other political parties, controlled all newspapers, and established a secret police. Known as IL Duce, the leader. 1.Map Quiz 2.Continue 24.1 Notes: Rise of Hitler 0-10: 25% 11-15: 40% 16-20: 50% 21-25: 60% 26-30: 70% 31-33: 75% 34-37: 80% 38-40: 85% 41-43: 88% 44-45: 90% 46-47: 92% 48-49: 95% 50: 100% WWI veteran. Political & economic chaos in Germany after WWI led to rise of the National Socialist German Workers Party, or NAZI. Not socialists & Not concerned with workers rights. Believed in German ethnic purity and nationalism Aryans should control Germany to restore greatness. Hitler joined Nazi party after WWI & eventually became the leader. Promoted German pride and anti-Semitism. Nov. 8-9,1923: Munich Putsch: failed NAZI rebellion to overthrow Weimar Republic. Jailed for 9 months (treason.) In prison he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) describing problems facing Germany and vision of 3 rd German Reich. Wrote about Anti-Semitism Believed German Aryan master race needed more lebensraum, living space, and wanted Germany to expand. Horrible German economy helped Nazi party gain power in the Reichstag: German congress President von Hindenburg of the Weimar Republic appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany. President Von Hindenburg died in Hitler then known as Fuhrer, the leader. Created secret police (Gestapo) and government controlled media and education. By late 1930s, Hitlers economic policies like rebuilding the military and public works projects ended German economic depression. 1.Continue 24.1 Notes: Japan 2.Continue The World Wars 3.Current Event Due Friday -Japan not part of Versailles Treaty even though they fought with Allies in WWI. -During 1920s Japan was a WESTERN LIKE capitalist democracy. -Spent billions in building military. -Small island: needs to import resources to produce goods. -Imports were more expensive than export revenue, which hurt businesses and led to unemployment during mid- late 1920s. -And MAJOR Earthquake hit in When Depression hit in 1930s, other nations raised tariffs, hurting Japanese economy more. -Japanese began to doubt capitalism. -Members of the Military in Japan assassinated the Prime Minister in Emperor Hirohito allowed military to take over the government. -Japan became imperialist, hoping to dominate Asia (much was controlled by Western powers) and began aggressively expanding. -Japan invaded Manchuria, region in China with natural resources like iron, coal, land Japan invaded all of China : Hideki Tojo, head of Japanese military, named Prime Minister. 1.Finish 24.1 Notes: American Isolationism 2.Blank WWII Map of Europe Guided Reading Vocabulary 5.Current Event Due Tomorrow 6.Stay after today for test makeup or to finish!!! Most Americans supported isolationism. Neutrality Act of 1935: Illegal for Americans to sell weapons to any nation at war (after Italy invaded Ethiopia) Neutrality Act of 1937: Required any country at war who buys any American goods (non- contraband) to do so on a cash and carry basis. 1937: Japan invaded China: FDR authorized sale of weapons to help the Chinese. 1.Collect Current Event 2.Start 24.2 Notes: WWII Begins 3.Continue Watching The World Wars 1933: Hitler declared unification of all German speaking people in Europe. March, 1936: Nazi military occupies Rhineland Feb. 1938: NAZI troops annex Austria. (Anchluss) Sept., 1938: Sudetenland: Hitler, Mussolini & French & British Prime Ministers go to Munich, Germany to meet. Sept. 1938: Neville Chamberlain & Edward Daladier agree to Hitler's demands at Munich Conference Appeasement Oct.1938: Hitler demanded Danzig, Polish Baltic Sea port city (90% German population) March, 1939: NAZI occupation of Czechoslovakia. Aug.1939: Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact: Sept. 1, 1939: Hitler invades Poland. Sept. 3, 1939 British and French declare war on Germany. German blitzkrieg: lightning war: Tanks, artillery, aircraft, soldiers ALL AT ONCE in overwhelming force. 1.Finish 24.2 Notes 2.Continue The World Wars 3.Chapter 24 Test (Sections 1,2,4)- This Friday! Sept 1, 1939: Germany invaded Poland Sept. 27, 1939: Poland surrendered. April, 1940: Germany invades Denmark and Norway. May, 1940: Nazis invade Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. June, 1940: France surrenders. Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands Belgium, Luxembourg, all surrender by Summer, 1940. May, 1940: Winston Churchill elected British Prime Minister. Nazi invasion across English Channel would be dangerous. German Luftwaffe vs. RAF (Royal Air Force.) June, 1940-Oct. 1940: began with Luftwaffe attacking British Navy, RAF, and strategic military or industrial targets. Aug 24, 1940: Luftwaffe accidentally bombed center of London, killing 9 innocent people. RAF responds by bombing Berlin. Hitler wanted to terrorize the British so they would lose their will to fight. British had radar, giving them an advantage. British RAF successful vs. the Luftwaffe. Oct.12, 1940: Hitler stops invasion of Britain. The Blitz: September 1940-May 1941: more than 100 tons of explosives were dropped on 16 British cities. London was bombed by the Luftwaffe for 57 consecutive nights. Notes: America Enters the War 2.Continue The World Wars 3.Return Map Quiz Vocabulary Chapter 24 Section 4 American neutrality was declared 2 days after Britain & France declare war on Germany (Sept. 5, 1939) Neutrality Act of 1939: Allied nations could buy contraband from U.S. (cash and carry) Most Americans favored helping the Allies: Interventionists. Isolationists formed America First Committee opposing intervention. Dec Britain running out of $$$. March, 1941: Congress passed Lend-Lease Act: U.S. could lend or lease any weapons to Allies. Japanese expansion in the Pacific and Asia threatened U.S. colonies. Japan part of Axis Powers with Germany and Italy since Sept., American responses to all of this: 1.Military aid to China. 2.Trade embargo on Japan (no more American oil, iron, steel.) Japan wanted to control the entire Pacific and wanted the Philippines. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Home of largest U.S. Pacific Naval Base and Fleet. December 7, US Navy ships damaged or sunk, 188 planes destroyed 2,403 Americans killed; 1,178 injured Congress declares war on Japan; Germany and Italy declare war on U.S. 1.Video: The Homefront ( ) w/questions and 25.3 Vocabulary 3.NO CURRENT EVENT THIS WEEK 1.Welcome Back and Happy New Year! 2.Remember, 25.1 and 25.3 are done! Notes- part Vocabulary 5.WWII Battles Packet- Due Day of Test 6.Continue Watching The World Wars and Battle of Coral Sea Video Clip 7.Current Event Due Friday 8.WWII Ch. 25 Test + Holocaust is WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13 Two days after Pearl Harbor, Japan invades Philippines. Douglas MacArthur: commander of U.S. Army in Pacific. U.S. troops pushed to Bataan Peninsula, trapped & short on supplies MacArthur ordered to evacuate by FDR to Australia; U.S. soldiers left behind. American & Filipino troops fought until early 1942 then 75,000 surrendered. Japanese forced sick and malnourished troops to march 65 miles up Bataan Peninsula. Over 7,000 American and Filipino troops died. Bataan Death March. FDR wanted revenge on Japan to raise American spirits. Lt. Colonel James Doolittle led plan to bomb Tokyo from aircraft carrier USS Hornet. April 18, 1942: 16 B-25 Bombers (80 men) fly over Tokyo and other strategic targets. Killed 50 Japanese and damaged over 100 buildings. 3 Americans were killed. US Navy Admiral: Chester Nimitz May, 1942 Japan moves towards New Guinea. All air strikes as planes took off from aircraft carriers. Battle was a draw. Stopped Japan from eventually invading Australia. 1.Finish 25.2 Notes 2.Continue The World Wars 3.Current Event Due Friday 4.WWII Battles Packet Due Next Wednesday 5.Ch. 25 Exam Next Wednesday Tiny US Naval Base at Midway Important turning point in the Pacific. Victory allowed US to move into an offensive position. 362 Americans killed; 3,057 Japanese killed. June, 1941: Germany invades Soviet Union- Operation Barbarossa Operation Torch: US invades into Morocco and Algeria- Nov. 1942 German forces: Africa Corps, led by Erwin Rommel, Desert Fox. Allied invasion led by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. American forces led by Gen. George Patton. May, 1943: Americans and British force the Germans to surrender in North Africa. Jan.1943: FDR & Churchill decide to invade Italy. July 10, 1943: Allies invade Sicily. 38 Days of fighting Allies launch invasion into Italy King told Mussolini that the people & soldiers do not want to fight anymore. Sept. 16, 1943: Italy surrenders. Notes: D-Day 2.Watch Saving Private Ryan and 25.5 Vocabulary 4.Current Event Due Tomorrow 5.WWII Battles Packet and Ch. 25 Test: Next Wednesday! F.D.R., Churchill & Stalin met in Iran at Tehran Conference. Operation Overlord. Omaha was the heaviest defended by Nazis. 1.Collect Current Event 2.Continue 25.4 and 25.5 Notes 3.Continue Watching The World Wars 4.WWII Battles Packet and Ch. 25 Test: Next Wednesday! D-Day was beginning of the end for Nazis. Allies advanced from West and the Soviets from the East. Paris liberated in Aug., 1944. Dec. 1944: Ardennes Forest- Battle of the Bulge.(Belgium, France, Luxembourg) Major German Offensive Allies suffer heavy casualties. 3 week battle won by Allies. Americans: 89,000 casualties; 19,000 KIA. Head into Germany now! April 30, 1945 Hitler commits suicide. May 2, 1945 Berlin falls (USSR there first after Battle of Berlin) May 7, 1945 Germany surrenders : V-E Day (Victory in Europe) Harry Truman is President (FDR died on April 12, 1945) 1.YOU NEED NOTES AND BATTLES PACKET OUT!!! 2.Finish WWII Notes: V-J Day 3.Watch WWII in Color: Victory in the Pacific 4.WWII Battles Packet and Ch. 25 Test: Wednesday 5.NO Current Event this week! Island Hopping- American Strategy in the Pacific after Midway. Invasion of Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands) in Aug.1942-early Tarawa, Marshall Islands and Mariana Islands (Guam) Rather than surrender, Japanese troops often killed themselves. Battle of Leyte Gulf in Philippines: Over 3,000 Kamikaze pilots crashed planes into American ships. Americans retook the Philippines, killing over 80,000 Japanese. Iwo Jima-Feb. 1945: 750 miles from Tokyo Okinawa-April, 1945: 370 miles from Tokyo Truman faced with 3 choices: 1.Drop Atomic Bomb (Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. 2.Invade Japan 3.Strategic Bombing (with help from USSR) Aug.6, 1945: on Hiroshima. 78,000 killed instantly. By end of 1945, additional 70,000 died from radiation. Aug. 9, 1945: 2 nd bomb dropped: Nagasaki 246,000 total killed in Nagasaki. Aug.15, 1945: V-J Day
