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l.ocal News Max Shreffler, 46, Xdaho State Library 325 %lt State St„ Boise XD 43702 Comp. Former Resident Passes Of Kendrick I, v a w e J a Mv. s.nd Mis. Ersrie Brammer call- aid on Mr. and Mrs, Tom King Satur- day evening. Mrs. Sue Craig visited last Monday with her bvothers, Mark and Jim Rob- eson at the Orchards Nursing home in Lewiston, Nvs. Ruby Craig was a Saturday evening'aller of Sue's. Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Craig and Faron of Lewiston were Sue's guests, Ni. and Mvs. Brg an Morvison and their son James of Hillsbovo, Oregon aie in this area visiting with family and friends. Saturday the Moirisons and Mr. and Nrs, Dick Cuddy ac- companied by C. A. Cuddy of South- wick drolw to Ovofino to spend the evening visiting with hir. ancl Nvs, Charles Cuddy und family. Sunday, ;lie Morvisons, Dick Cuddy's and C, Cuddy joined J. R. Cuddy of Giangeville, Mr. and Mvs. Charles Cucldy and family, Orofino; ancl Mr, and Mrs, Davicl Cuddy and Nrs. Bar- 'r.(<ia F) ey anil Cori, ull of Lewiston at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Cole in Lewiston fov a family get- -iogether. Saturday visitor's of Mr. ancl Mrs. John l)V]]son weve Hazel and Gil Hunt of Clarksl.on. Cindy Lohman, a stu- dent at the U. of I. was a Saturday overnight guest of her grandparents. hliche]]c and Ian Rogers <vere week end visitors of their grandparents, hIv. an(l Nvs. Marvin Vincent. Sunday afternoon caller.'s of Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Wallace weve Mvs; Donna Theisscn and her granddaugh- ucr Jeri of Clarkston. Mr. an(l Mrs. Tom Cuddy of Plains phoned his grandparents, the Dick Cuddys on Sunday. Saturday caller of Myrtle Mac] divas rlcighbor Janice We]]s; Sunclay th('. Ron Craigs rind Faron were visitors. Martha Wilken accompanied Nr's. Kennel.h Wilken and Eva Kii kland to the Pavadise Villa, hfoscow, Thurs- day where they he]perl Ida IVendt celebrate hev l>irthday anniversavy. Freda Hrammev and John Sullivan, Prof. c f Language at the U of I, joined the group for refreshments. hlax N. Bhrefflei, a Lew s-Clark Empire resident until he entered the A.rmy in 1953, died wednesday at Eatontown, N. J., of smcke inhala-, tion from a fire in his apartment, He had retired fi'om the Army as a master sergeant in 1973 and was working's a civilian plumber at Fort Monmouth, N. J. He was boi'n July 2'2, 1932, ut Wa]- la Walla, the son of Lloyd C. and F- ther A. Shiifflev of Pomeioy. They lived at Pomeroy until 1936 when they moved l.o Kendrick. Shreff le) attended school at Kendiick, where he lived uni.il 19.18. He moved to Deary, then joined the Army, NO. 48 VOL 88 Engagement Announced Adul< Bu) For Kamiah Game One Dead ln Wake Of Monday Snow Storm Gus A. Gamble, 87, Passes November 25 The school <vill,]hive an adult spec- tutor bus going to the Kanr]uh game tlus Baturdrry, Dec. 9. Thc 1)us lv]1] leave at 4:15 p. m. from the high school. A'6 Y INTEIIKSTED specta- tors should contact IIi]] I rhIurryon at the high school prior to I'rl<lay, 5:00 p. Ill Cliiirg('<vilI he $ 1.00 p( r per- son to defray <'ost of driver au<I other CXPelia<CS<. 1'1: is .hop<i<1 th:it this pro]oct <v]]] be vu su<'c<'ss f<)r th<)s< who <night oth<'rwise noi hc 'iblc io;iii<'n<l tlic 0<it-ol-fowl< gunlcs. A 34-year-old Deary man was dead Monday night in the wake of a snow storm lvhich swept through the area dumping ever four inches ot snow in the higher elevations, snarl- ing traffic and closing schools in Moscow, Genesee, Co]ton and Pot- ]a].ch, Kcnclvick and the rest of the valley took heavy iain instead of srl on<. Dead is 1%obcrt Charles Grow, 34, Deary, whcr was 1-i]lee] when ].he 1976 Fov(l pick(rp he was dviving collided with a 1969 hfac]c ]ogginp truck ap- proximately at 1:30 p. m. Monday aftevnoon 3 miles south of Deary on 'ighlvay 3. The dvivev of ihc logging trtrck, Joseph Millev, 60, Lewist,on was sou- thbouncl towarcl Kendvick. ancl was hauling a lead of logs when the col- lision took place. The Idaho State Police reported that the pickup was underneath the load of logs in the front of the front duals of the trail- er. The roads were icy and slippery when the accident occurred. It is understood that Grow wa.s engaged in a small logging operation in this area. He had only recently moved io Idaho from Ca]iforsria. The storm first began about 7;00 a. m. Monday morning arul snow fell heavily in the Mosccw, Genesee and Troy areas for several hours, whip- ped a,long by heavy wincls. Genesee schools dismissed because of the storm shortly after 1:00 p. m. Gen- csce lost electrical senrice about 11:30 a. m. and il. was bventy min- uLes before service was restored. It is unclerstoocl that powev outages werc longev in the ccuni:ry, The sl.ovm apparently blew itself oui. late in thc:ifternoon and the skies began l,o clear in the evening. The skies weve mosL]y clear on Tues- day, Gus A. Gamb]e, 87, a native and life-long resident of Latah County, passed away Satuvday November 25 at Paradise Villa Nuisin Home in hloscow. Gus, son ci'he Rev. Daniel and Isabella Gamble, divas born January 9, 1891 at Moscow. His father was the founder of the hf osco<v Pi esby- terian chuieh. Gus was baptized a Pi esbytevian. He attended the Mount Tomcr Ru- ral scliool and prepavatory school at the Univei sity of Idaho lvheve he excelled in mathematics. As a boy, Gus <yolked c,n the fatn- ily farm arid when 21 years old home- steadcd at Elk Rive> and later woi'k- md <vith his brothers balin, hay in the Genesee ancl Un]onto(vn areas, He graduated fvom ran er school in the,Arniy and served in the Kor- eall arid Victllaill <vars. He also was stai,ioned in Ger<many and in Thai- 1 .nd. Hc hacl vece]<'ec] i.he Puvple Heai 1 ancl a conlmendai.ion medal, Shreifler had livecl at Lratontown since his vctiiement in 1973. He was a membei of the Masonic Lodge at De<sr'y. Ben C. Westendahl, 69, Retired Warehouseman, Passed December 1 H e w(ls lnal'1'ied to Janet Abev- crombie Oct. 25, 1957, at Dahloncga, Ga. They lai:ev weie divorcee]. Survivor s include a son, Allen , Shvefflev of Dahlonega; 3 daugh- ters, Teviy Murray, of. Cornelia, Ga., and Ginger and Elaine Shrefflev of Dah]or<ega; two step-daughters, Sue <Hicks and Karen Sanford, and two step sons, Tim and Ronnie Abercvom- bie, all of Dahlonega; his pavents at Kendrick, and three sisters, Helen Fey of Kendrick and Doi is Hansen an<1 Jeanette.Lohman, both of Deary. Also five grandchildren. The funeral was he]el Nonclay at 1 p. m. at Ma]corn's Brewer-IVann Me- moiial Chapel with the Rev. Steve Caskey of the Kendiicl< Nei:hodist. chiirch officiating. Burial in Lel<ds- Clark Mcniovial Garclens. Organist was Joyce Clemenhiigen, and vocalist.;, Margaret. Cox und Eu- gene Taylor'. Pal]bear'e!'s weve Lconru cl Gus- tafson, hfax Clemenhagen, Fved Ar- nett, Ray Whybark and Dick Olson, Deary, and Bud McGvalv, Moscow. V. F. W. held gravesiclc services. ~ Tigers Top Timberline ln Season Hoop Opener Shooting better than 60 percent from the foul line made the cliffer- ence in the scoring as Kenclrick took a 52-48 win from Timberline 1 riclay l night to open the boys'asketball team on the Spartan court. Timber- line outscored the Kendrick team 40-38 x<6th fielcl g'oals; but the Tigers hit 14 of 20 from the foul line while the Spartans were connecting on just 8 of 12. Timberline led the Tigers 14-12 at the end of the first quarter and were 'still aheacl 28-27 at the ]ra]f. It was a big third quavtcv lvhen Kcndriclc scored 14 points while Timberline got just 6 that provided the margin oi'ictory. Timberline came back Lo outscore Kendrick 14-11 in the final quarter but Kendrick with the help c f reserve guard Rex Snyder lvho came in aftev his brother, Tony I'oul- ccl out, outlristed i,he Spartans I'or the win. Doug Pavks scored 17 points to lead all scorers. Tony Snydev had 1 points, Ecl Pea 11, Scott. Manfii]1 1, Bret Gertje 6, Rex Snydev 4, Mike Bvocke 2 ancl Joe Mathews 2. Kenclrick won the JV game 60-24, ! Genesee Defeats Culdesac 53-43 For First Cage Win Genesee led all the way as the Bull- dogs toclc a 53-43 win from Culdesac Friday night in the opening game of the season played clown at Culde- sac. Genesee had an 11-9 lcacl in the first: quavtei and 23-20 at the half. Culdesac out-bounded the Bulldogs 31-25 bui, the Bulldogs were better in the field goal department getting '18 of 48 from the field and 17 of 33 from the free thro<v ]inc. Dave Bennei.t's 12 points and Bierce Haynes'0 were high for Genesee. Pete Becker had 5, Tim Stout 6, Mark Kanikkeberg 4, Mike Burt 6, Bcb Chance 4 and Howard Sims 6. Ben C. Westcnduhl, 69, a life-long Kendrick resident, died 1"riihiy, Dec. 1, of heart failure ut the Tri-State Nemovial Hospital at Clavlcston. He had been ill fov about two mon].hs. I, ";,:-,.; ",-,j hfr. and hlvs. Leslie Allen, oi Gen- esee have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mai i-L<!uina, t.o Douglas Silf]o<v, son of hlv. and Mis. Rc y Sil flow of Kenclrick. The bvidc is a 1978 gracluaie of Genesee High School anil is present- ly elllployc(l lvltli S('.iii's <lt L lie llc<v hIoscow hlu!1 in hIoscolv. i tv. Sil- flow is a 19<7 gvsicluate oi'cnclrick High School and farms in ].he Cam- , cron area. A Navch 31st wee]ding is plunnecl. l]I ~au r«<~<~)<iir< 'II II In 1918 he started farming, and in the early 30's in addition to farm- ing his own land he ventecl consider- able acreage from members of the Nez Percc Indian tribe. Gus was made an honovary member of the Tribe. In 1931, at Lapwai, he helped the Rev. Dr, Drury in col]eel.ing nlateria] for his bcok, "Henry Harmon Spa]d- ing." He continued his farming opeva- tions until 1952. The later part of his life was spent in the Lewiston and Lapwai areas, where he met many of his friends while operating fruit stands for the Kress Brothers. Bura]vora include two sisters, Mvs. Lola Clyde, Moscow and Mrs. Eliza- beth Wahl, Pullman and several nie- ces ancl nephews. Funeral sersices were held Nov. 28 at 2;00 p, m. at Short's Chapel with the Rev. Ervin D. Rymes officiating. Ruby Ames, cirganist, accompanie('. Eugene Lubicne who sang, "Evening Prayer," and "Bringing in the Shea- ves." Active pal]bearers: Jacl< Hayden, Michael Dwyer, Joe Doyle Lawrence Kress, Jim Odbevg, Robert Peterson, Honorary; Oscar Wagar, Pete Mc- Cormick, Rudolph Car]son, Leo Ed- wards, Leonard Clark, Sam Triantis, Wende]] Kress, Glen Brazier. A large number of members of the Nez Perce Tvibe attended to honor the memory of Gris. Resting Place: Moscow cemetery. !Ber]ie B. Baker, 88, Dead at Juliaetta Home Gld Time Toy Competition This Sunday at Grange, OES, <Masonic Christmas Party Big electric trains, little steam en- gines that really work, childhood sleds and favovite dolls hopefully, all will he featured along with other toys in the antique toy competition at this Sun(]ay's annual Christmas party hosted by the Masons, as assisted by the Order of the Eastern Star and the Grange. Prizes will be given fov the oldest toy, the most interesting, i,he child- ren's favorite, and for the most beau- itiful doll, Members, theiv families, and f vi- ends will "lso be involved in singing carols, p]aying old-fashioned games, and shaiing memories.'he pa,rty b'- gins at 2:00 this coming Sunday af- ternoon, Guest choirs will assist in v< elcoming 1: he Christmas season. Those at. tending are reminded to bring a gift, (no more than a $ 1), fov each members of their family present, iclentifying each present as a man', a i omen's, a boy', or a girl'. Lady membevs of the three organ]- zations are asked, please, to bring cookies. Bertie B. Baker, a Novth Carolina , native who had livcil in Latah County ! fov 80 of her 88 years. ilied at hev home Saturclay, apparently of a heart attack, She had opera],ed a truck g;rv<len at her home place oui,side Juliaeti.a most of her life, She was born Dec. 21, 1889, the daughter cf Mv. and Mrs. J. E. Sams who came west from North Carolina to Juliaetta in 1898. She was married to Leonavd Baker June 12, 1920, at Port]anil and they ] lived at, Genesee for a time before nloving in 1930 to Juliaetta whevc she had lived since. They were div- ! orced in 1939. ~ ~he is survived by a daughter, Jeran Martin of Sacramento, Calif.; two sons, Darrcll Bakei c<f Kamiali and Virgil Baker of Elk City; three sis- ters, Peavl Mayer of Boise, Bett.y Moore of Emmett and Teresa John- son of Tacoma, 11 grandchildren anrl eight great-grandchildren. A son, Wayne, five broi.hers and a sister precccled her in death. The funeral was conducted Tues- ~ day at 11 a. m. at Ma]corn's Brower- ! Wann Memoi'ial Chapel with t,hc Rev. Robert L. Compton of i.he Orchavds Communit.y Church officiating. Bur- ial was at the Juliaetl.a. City Cemet- ery. New Arrivals... A. long t.ime employee of the Lew- ist.on Grain Growers cooperative at Kendrick, h was born May 27, 1909 at Moscow ].o Charles B. and Petra Westcndah]. He attended Kenc]rick schools, and married Ada. E. Candler August 3, 1935 at Lewis]on. He began working fov the Lewiston Grain Gvowers in 1936, becoming manager of the Kendrick outlet in 1940, He held that pcsition until his retire- ment in 1974. Hc enjoyed outdoor activities, and was an avid fisher man, hunter and g<i rdne r. The family suggests thaL memor- ials be macle to the Westcndah] Mem- orial Scholarship Fund through the Fivst Security Hank at I<en(]rick. The scholarship wus established in 1958 at the c]cath of Westenclahl's son, Charles D. Suvvivovs include his wi<low at the Kenclrick home; four daiightevs, She- ila Gust, in of Coeur d'Alene, Chcryl Bain of Hc.isc, Jane Gvosvenor of Bridgeport., Wash„ancl Janet F<cl- wu.r rls of Post I< a]is; two sisters, Mur- icl Oylcav of Havvarcl, Idaho, ancl Viola Ross of Moscow; a bvol,hev, A]- bevi. Wcstendah] of Kendrick, and seven gran(lchildi en, Terry Gustin, Dave Gust. in, Chai lie Gustin, Aly- son ]<Odwav ls, Tom Bain, Jim Hain and Bob Hain. A gravcsirlc scivice was held Mon- day al. 10:00 at the Kendrick City Cemetery with Rev. Scot.t Thornton of the Unity Church oi'cwiston of- 1'iciating. Gilbert, Candler derlicaied the grave. Caskctbeai evs wei e Albert Law- rence, John Cuddy, F<lmer Cuddy, Jack Pavsley, Chai'lcs Nob!c un.". i:I'.v Nicols. Honovai y bearers were George Finke, Frank Benscotev, Walter Zum- hofe, Eldon Hcimgavtriei', h'le]vin Sneve, Clay Gustin, Wilbur Heim- gavtncv, Roy Clemcnhagen, Archie Candler, James Candler, Fvank Cand- ler, GilbcvL Candlev and Charles Can- dler. Ma]corn's Brower-Warm Memorial Chapel was in chuvge of arrange- ments, Firemen Will Be Offering Turkey Tickets Wednesday The Kendrick Volunteer Fii'emen will be going door-to-door, this Wed- nesday evening, December 6, offer- ing the annual turkey tickets to loc- al people. This is about the only fund-raising activity our local fire department has and the money is used to pur- chase and maintain equipment and supplies to keep the department at top operating condition.. The public's support of i.his activity would be greatly appreciated, The turkeys will be awarded the day Santa CIaus comes ].o Kendrick. Hei<. r- Mr. aml )Nvs. Maury Heier are re- joicing over the birth of their first daughter, Alyssa. Ann, borm to them December 1st at the Gritman Hospi- tal. Alyssa weighed in at eight poun- cls. twelve ounces. She joins four llappy bvot]lel's, Salinas- A six pound, 6 ounce son was born ].o Mr. ancl Mrs. Jerry Salinas Nov. 25 at Royal City, Washington. The young man has been named lan Aub- vey, Grandparents ave Mr. and Nrs. IIerb Pederson and Mrs. Gertrude Pcclcrson of Juliactta is a great- grandmoLhcr. A.burin Linda and Pat Ahcrin of Lewiston are parents of a son, Co]by Wayne born Satuiclay, December 1st at 1;39 p. m. at SL. Joseph's hospital, Lewis- Lon. The new arrival i.ipped the scales at 9 lbs., 4)/x oz. Gvandpavcnts are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Floclin, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Aherin. Great gr andparents aie Mv, and Mrs. Elmer Flodin, Troy. Mis. Dorothy Kentoph, Pullman, and Leo Edwards, Lcwiston. Parker McCreary Accepts 'Position with U. of Neyeda Parker McCreary, former Kendriclc resident clvopped a note to the Gaz- ette last week to say that he has accepted a recently-created position with the University of Ncvacla and he and his wife are now living in Reno, Parlcer had formerly been as- sociated with the University of Wash- ington in Seattle. He added that both he and Beverly "are enjoying the many, many days of sunshine". CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks to the many rela- tives and friencls who were so thou- ghtful following i.he recent loss cf our loved one. Thank you for the food, flowers, memorials, prayers, and other kindnesses shown to us, A special i.hank you to the VFW and the Grange and all who provided fcod for the bounteous lunch. Your con- cern and thoughtfulness will not be forgotten. The Family of Ben FWestendahl School Christmas Program Thursday Eve., Dec. 14 The Juliaei.ta school band and chor- us will present a prcgvam of Christ,- mas music Thursday evening, Decem- ber 14th at 7 p. m. at the Kcn(]rick HS gymnasium. The program wl]] include the 42-piece elementarly band the 1st and 2n(l chorus, 3rd and 4th grade chorus, 5th grade chorus and wi]] conclude wii.h the present, ation by the 6th grade of the musical play "Star Crossed Santa." The program is free to the public and everyone is invited. Birds Benefit from Littles'riendship Almost 100 quail lots of snow birds and even onc singing bird have been providing Doc and F<lova Lil.ilc with enjoyment at i.heir home up on Am- evican Ridge gvade. And, the birds have bcnefitccl ].oo, as the couple have been feedmg ].hc birds each morning ancl evening now for three or four years. They place the feed out and then go back insiclc, watching the birds from their dining room window. This is good reminder that as snow begins to cover the ground, the birds could use a little help in the form of scat].ered grain, bi.earl cvumbs, crack- ers, suet, etc. <PROhIOTION FOII BRUCE OLSON Bruce Olson, former Kendrick re- sident now serving with the U. S. Army in Gernlany was recently pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. Bruce is the son of Katie Olson of Lewiston and Bill Olson of Clarkston. CARD OF< THANKS My thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind and ccn- sidevate help, cards, calls, visits and other acts of concern while I was in the hospital and since returning home. I truly did appreciate all of this. Genesee School Lunch Menu Flintstones Meet Dec. 7 The Flintstone Rock Club will hold its next meeting on Dec. 7, this Thur- sday in Kendrick Fire Hall. There will be a bricf business meeting to elect officers, fallcwecl by a Christ.- mas party. Bring your favorite cookies, etc., to eat, games to play, and ideas for Christmas presents using something connected with our hobby. All are welcome! ZZXXXXZZZZZZZXZXZXZZXXZXXZ School Lunch Menu Kendrick - Juliaetta Mrs. Dorothy King 48c Genesee Girl Cagers Edge Kendrick 40-36 Tuesday The Genesee girls basketball team ran its unbeaten streak to 6 for the season Tuesday night as they defeat- ed Kendrick 40-36 on the Kendrick hardwood. The loss evened Ken- drick's record at 3-3 of the season. The game was close all the way with the Bulldogs battling back from a three-point deficit at the end of the first half to lead by as much as 6 points in the final period. With 20 seconds left in the game, Kendrick had closed within 2 points of the Bulldogs, 38-36. Genesce was fouled and went to the line with a 1 and 1 situation. They missed the first shot and Kendrick controlled the rebound, brought the ball down the court, but Cindy Esser intercepted the ball and with seconds remaining drove the length of the court for a lay-in and the final 40-36 score. "It was a good close game all the way," said Kendrick Coach Daren Munden. "I think Genesee is the strongest team we'e played this season," he added. Genesee got balanced scoring from Laura Brtrsven with 10 points, Vicky Myers with 9, Cindy Esser 8, Liz Sims, 7, and Leann Moser, 6. Lisa Boe led all scorers with 14 points, Shelley Bowers had 9, Ferris Cuddy and Lori Glenn 4 each, Bonnie Lawrence 3 and Lori Benjamin with 2. Kendrick was 6-12 at the foul line; Genesee was 8-15. Genesee won the JV game 29-21. Thursday, Dec. 7— Pea Soup with Ham Chicken Sandwich Relish Stix Fruit Salad Crackers Pint Milk Kanyon Club Christmas Party Will be Dec. 13 Kendrick Kanyon Klub will have its annual Christmas Party Wednes- day, December 13, at 1:30 in the home home of Mrs. Wm, Turner. Each member is asked to bring a short item pretaining to Christmas and some Christmas goodies for no- host refreshments. Gifts will be ex- changed and Sunshine Sisters reveal- ed. Anyone wishing to join the group is welcome. Erna Nelson, Reporter, Friday, Dec. 8— Hamburgers with trimmins'rench Fries with catsup cups Peaches Rice crispie treat i/x Pint Milk Kendrick School Board Wlu Meet Tuesday Eve. The Board of Trustees of Joint School District No. 283, Kendrick, will meet in regular monthly session next Tuesday evening, Dec. 12 at 7:30 p. m. at the Kendrick High School. These meetings ar'e open to the public who is invited to attend. Friday, Dec. 8— Macaroni & Cheese with Smoked Sausage Fish Stix Green Beans Peach Cobbler Tartar Sauce Rolls & Butter r,4 Pint Milk Monday, Dec. 11— Sauerkraut and We]ners Baked potato with meat gravy Chocolate pudding Bread with butter or Peanut Butter r,z Pint Milk hIonday, Dec. 11— Turkey Roll Mashed Potatoes & gravy Peas Cranberries Rolls and butter i/ Pint Milk 'VVF&WWW&WVWW'VWWV&&&WV&'VVWWWV%W&W&V Tuesday, Dec. 12— Bean Soup with crackers Turkey sandwich with lettuce Carrot Sticks r.( Orange California Pudding Cake ",. Pint Milk Senior Citizens to Hold Christmas Party Dec. ll The Golden Sunset Senior Citizens will hold their annual Christmas party at the Fraternal Temple Mon- day, December 11 bcgirming with a potluck dinner at 12 noon. The meat, course will be furnished. A. gift exchange not to exceed the amount of $ 1.00 wi]] be held, Please mark gifts as either fcir a man or women. All area senior citizens are most welcome Lo attend. There will also bc f(.at.ured enter- tainment, so all at. tend anrl enjoy the af ternoon, Gatendar of coming events... P. M., Genesee Dec, 16: Girls B at Prairie, 6:30 p. m. Dec. 17: High School Christmas Con- cert at 2:00 P. M. Dec. 17: Cameron Lutheran Choir Concert at 7:00 P. M. Dec. 18: at Troy, "c" squad BB, 6:30 p. m. Dec. 19: Girls BB at Kendrick, 6:30 P. M., Lapwai Dec. 21: Girls BB at Timberline, 6:30 P. Dec. 22. Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30 P. M., Lapwai Dec. 22: Christmas vacation begins at 1:30 P. N. Dec. 28-29: Pot]atch Christmas Boys'. B. Tournament, 6;30 p. rrL Dec. 8: Girls BB at Kendrick, 6:30 P. M. C. V. Dec. 9: Boys BB at Kamiah, 6:30 P. M. Dec. 10: Masons, Grange, O. E. S. Christmas Party, 2:00 p. m. Dec, 11: High Schcol choir to per- form for Senior Citizens at the Kendrick Grange Hall, 1:00 p. m Dec. 11: at Prairie, "c" squad BB 6:30 p. m. Dec. 12: Girls BB at Troy, 6:30 P. m. Dec. 14: Elementary Band and Choir Christmas Concert. 7:00 p. m. Dec. 15: Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30 P. M., Potlatch Dec. 16: Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30 W<idnesday, Dec 13— Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes & gva~w Si.ewcd Tomatoes or Ca]rforsrr:1. Vegetable hT)x Cornmeal Yeast Roll wit,h Jelly and butter'int hfilk Tuesday, Dec. 12— Spaghetti vith Meat Cheese Stix Stuffed Celery Buttered Carrots Fruit Salad Rolls and butter Pint Milk Wednesday, Dec. 13— Chinese Hash Peanut Butter Cup Frozen Mixed Vegetables Rolls and butter Apricots Pint Milk Thurs<hiy, D(c. 11— Baked I ssagne Butter erl Corn Green Salad n ith Roqiiefort or th<uusarld isle dressing Pint hfilk AI G]IAN DRAWING The afghan in Blcv, (Lt ts window will be dr:<wn for on hIonday, Dec. 11 at the Golden Sunset Senior Cit- izen party. EAA W % W 4 X ZX X X XXXX X X X X X X X X XX Z X X Z X I Z. KENDRICK AND GENESEE, LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1978

l.ocal News Max Shreffler, 46,

Xdaho State Library325 %lt State St„Boise XD 43702


Former Resident PassesOf KendrickI, va w e J a

Mv. s.nd Mis. Ersrie Brammer call-aid on Mr. and Mrs, Tom King Satur-day evening.

Mrs. Sue Craig visited last Mondaywith her bvothers, Mark and Jim Rob-eson at the Orchards Nursing home inLewiston, Nvs. Ruby Craig was aSaturday evening'aller of Sue's.Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Craig andFaron of Lewiston were Sue's guests,

Ni. and Mvs. Brg an Morvison andtheir son James of Hillsbovo, Oregonaie in this area visiting with familyand friends. Saturday the Moirisonsand Mr. and Nrs, Dick Cuddy ac-companied by C. A. Cuddy of South-wick drolw to Ovofino to spend theevening visiting with hir. ancl Nvs,Charles Cuddy und family. Sunday,;lie Morvisons, Dick Cuddy's and C,

Cuddy joined J. R. Cuddy ofGiangeville, Mr. and Mvs. CharlesCucldy and family, Orofino; ancl Mr,and Mrs, Davicl Cuddy and Nrs. Bar-'r.(<ia F) ey anil Cori, ull of Lewistonat the home of Mr, and Mrs, LeonardCole in Lewiston fov a family get--iogether.

Saturday visitor's of Mr. ancl Mrs.John l)V]]son weve Hazel and Gil Huntof Clarksl.on. Cindy Lohman, a stu-dent at the U. of I. was a Saturdayovernight guest of her grandparents.

hliche]]c and Ian Rogers <vere weekend visitors of their grandparents,hIv. an(l Nvs. Marvin Vincent.

Sunday afternoon caller.'s of Mr.and Mrs, L. A. Wallace weve Mvs;Donna Theisscn and her granddaugh-ucr Jeri of Clarkston.

Mr. an(l Mrs. Tom Cuddy of Plainsphoned his grandparents, the DickCuddys on Sunday.

Saturday caller of Myrtle Mac] divasrlcighbor Janice We]]s; Sunclay th('.Ron Craigs rind Faron were visitors.

Martha Wilken accompanied Nr's.Kennel.h Wilken and Eva Kii klandto the Pavadise Villa, hfoscow, Thurs-day where they he]perl Ida IVendtcelebrate hev l>irthday anniversavy.Freda Hrammev and John Sullivan,Prof. c f Language at the U of I,joined the group for refreshments.

hlax N. Bhrefflei, a Lew s-ClarkEmpire resident until he entered theA.rmy in 1953, died wednesday atEatontown, N. J., of smcke inhala-,tion from a fire in his apartment,

He had retired fi'om the Army asa master sergeant in 1973 and wasworking's a civilian plumber atFort Monmouth, N. J.

He was boi'n July 2'2, 1932, ut Wa]-la Walla, the son of Lloyd C. and F-ther A. Shiifflev of Pomeioy. Theylived at Pomeroy until 1936 whenthey moved l.o Kendrick. Shreff le)attended school at Kendiick, wherehe lived uni.il 19.18. He moved toDeary, then joined the Army,

NO. 48VOL 88

Engagement Announced Adul< Bu) For Kamiah Game One Dead ln Wake

Of Monday Snow Storm

Gus A. Gamble, 87,

Passes November 25

The school <vill,]hive an adult spec-tutor bus going to the Kanr]uh gametlus Baturdrry, Dec. 9. Thc 1)us lv]1]leave at 4:15 p. m. from the highschool. A'6 Y INTEIIKSTED specta-tors should contact IIi]] I rhIurryon atthe high school prior to I'rl<lay, 5:00p. Ill Cliiirg('<vilI he $ 1.00 p( r per-son to defray <'ost of driver au<I otherCXPelia<CS<.

1'1: is .hop<i<1 th:it this pro]oct <v]]]be vu su<'c<'ss f<)r th<)s< who <nightoth<'rwise noi hc 'iblc io;iii<'n<l tlic0<it-ol-fowl< gunlcs.

A 34-year-old Deary man wasdead Monday night in the wake of asnow storm lvhich swept through thearea dumping ever four inches otsnow in the higher elevations, snarl-ing traffic and closing schools inMoscow, Genesee, Co]ton and Pot-]a].ch, Kcnclvick and the rest ofthe valley took heavy iain instead ofsrl on<.

Dead is 1%obcrt Charles Grow, 34,Deary, whcr was 1-i]lee] when ].he 1976Fov(l pick(rp he was dviving collidedwith a 1969 hfac]c ]ogginp truck ap-proximately at 1:30 p. m. Mondayaftevnoon 3 miles south of Deary on

'ighlvay3.The dvivev of ihc logging trtrck,

Joseph Millev, 60, Lewist,on was sou-thbouncl towarcl Kendvick. ancl washauling a lead of logs when the col-lision took place. The Idaho StatePolice reported that the pickup wasunderneath the load of logs in thefront of the front duals of the trail-er. The roads were icy and slipperywhen the accident occurred.

It is understood that Grow wa.sengaged in a small logging operationin this area. He had only recentlymoved io Idaho from Ca]iforsria.

The storm first began about 7;00a. m. Monday morning arul snow fellheavily in the Mosccw, Genesee andTroy areas for several hours, whip-ped a,long by heavy wincls. Geneseeschools dismissed because of thestorm shortly after 1:00 p. m. Gen-csce lost electrical senrice about11:30 a. m. and il. was bventy min-uLes before service was restored. Itis unclerstoocl that powev outageswerc longev in the ccuni:ry,

The sl.ovm apparently blew itselfoui. late in thc:ifternoon and theskies began l,o clear in the evening.The skies weve mosL]y clear on Tues-day,

Gus A. Gamb]e, 87, a native andlife-long resident of Latah County,passed away Satuvday November 25at Paradise Villa Nuisin Home inhloscow.

Gus, son ci'he Rev. Daniel andIsabella Gamble, divas born January9, 1891 at Moscow. His father wasthe founder of the hf osco<v Pi esby-terian chuieh. Gus was baptized aPi esbytevian.

He attended the Mount Tomcr Ru-ral scliool and prepavatory school atthe Univei sity of Idaho lvheve heexcelled in mathematics.

As a boy, Gus <yolked c,n the fatn-ily farm arid when 21 years old home-steadcd at Elk Rive> and later woi'k-md <vith his brothers balin, hay inthe Genesee ancl Un]onto(vn areas,

He graduated fvom ran er schoolin the,Arniy and served in the Kor-eall arid Victllaill <vars. He also wasstai,ioned in Ger<many and in Thai-1 .nd. Hc hacl vece]<'ec] i.he PuvpleHeai 1 ancl a conlmendai.ion medal,Shreifler had livecl at Lratontownsince his vctiiement in 1973. He wasa membei of the Masonic Lodge atDe<sr'y.

Ben C. Westendahl, 69,

Retired Warehouseman,

Passed December 1H e w(ls lnal'1'ied to Janet Abev-

crombie Oct. 25, 1957, at Dahloncga,Ga. They lai:ev weie divorcee].

Survivor s include a son, Allen, Shvefflev of Dahlonega; 3 daugh-ters, Teviy Murray, of. Cornelia, Ga.,and Ginger and Elaine Shrefflev ofDah]or<ega; two step-daughters, Sue

<Hicks and Karen Sanford, and twostep sons, Tim and Ronnie Abercvom-bie, all of Dahlonega; his pavents atKendrick, and three sisters, HelenFey of Kendrick and Doi is Hansenan<1 Jeanette.Lohman, both of Deary.Also five grandchildren.

The funeral was he]el Nonclay at 1p. m. at Ma]corn's Brewer-IVann Me-moiial Chapel with the Rev. SteveCaskey of the Kendiicl< Nei:hodist.chiirch officiating. Burial in Lel<ds-Clark Mcniovial Garclens.

Organist was Joyce Clemenhiigen,and vocalist.;, Margaret. Cox und Eu-gene Taylor'.

Pal]bear'e!'s weve Lconru cl Gus-tafson, hfax Clemenhagen, Fved Ar-nett, Ray Whybark and Dick Olson,Deary, and Bud McGvalv, Moscow.

V. F. W. held gravesiclc services.


Tigers Top Timberlineln Season Hoop Opener

Shooting better than 60 percentfrom the foul line made the cliffer-ence in the scoring as Kenclrick tooka 52-48 win from Timberline 1 riclay

lnight to open the boys'asketballteam on the Spartan court. Timber-line outscored the Kendrick team40-38 x<6th fielcl g'oals; but the Tigershit 14 of 20 from the foul line whilethe Spartans were connecting on just8 of 12.

Timberline led the Tigers 14-12 atthe end of the first quarter and were'still aheacl 28-27 at the ]ra]f. It wasa big third quavtcv lvhen Kcndriclcscored 14 points while Timberline gotjust 6 that provided the margin

oi'ictory.Timberline came back Looutscore Kendrick 14-11 in the finalquarter but Kendrick with the helpc f reserve guard Rex Snyder lvhocame in aftev his brother, Tony I'oul-ccl out, outlristed i,he Spartans I'orthe win.

Doug Pavks scored 17 points tolead all scorers. Tony Snydev had1 points, Ecl Pea 11, Scott. Manfii]1 1,Bret Gertje 6, Rex Snydev 4, MikeBvocke 2 ancl Joe Mathews 2.

Kenclrick won the JV game 60-24,

!Genesee Defeats Culdesac53-43 For First Cage Win

Genesee led all the way as the Bull-dogs toclc a 53-43 win from CuldesacFriday night in the opening gameof the season played clown at Culde-sac.

Genesee had an 11-9 lcacl in thefirst: quavtei and 23-20 at the half.Culdesac out-bounded the Bulldogs31-25 bui, the Bulldogs were betterin the field goal department getting

'18 of 48 from the field and 17 of 33from the free thro<v ]inc.

Dave Bennei.t's 12 points and BierceHaynes'0 were high for Genesee.Pete Becker had 5, Tim Stout 6,Mark Kanikkeberg 4, Mike Burt 6,Bcb Chance 4 and Howard Sims 6.

Ben C. Westcnduhl, 69, a life-longKendrick resident, died 1"riihiy, Dec.1, of heart failure ut the Tri-StateNemovial Hospital at Clavlcston. Hehad been ill fov about two mon].hs.


";,:-,.; ",-,j

hfr. and hlvs. Leslie Allen, oi Gen-esee have announced the engagementof their daughter, Mai i-L<!uina, t.oDouglas Silf]o<v, son of hlv. and Mis.Rc y Sil flow of Kenclrick.

The bvidc is a 1978 gracluaie ofGenesee High School anil is present-ly elllployc(l lvltli S('.iii's <lt L lie llc<vhIoscow hlu!1 in hIoscolv. i tv. Sil-flow is a 19<7 gvsicluate oi'cnclrickHigh School and farms in ].he Cam-

,cron area.

A Navch 31st wee]ding is plunnecl.l]I ~au r«<~<~)<iir<


In 1918 he started farming, andin the early 30's in addition to farm-ing his own land he ventecl consider-able acreage from members of theNez Percc Indian tribe. Gus wasmade an honovary member of theTribe.

In 1931, at Lapwai, he helped theRev. Dr, Drury in col]eel.ing nlateria]for his bcok, "Henry Harmon Spa]d-ing."

He continued his farming opeva-tions until 1952.

The later part of his life was spentin the Lewiston and Lapwai areas,where he met many of his friendswhile operating fruit stands for theKress Brothers.

Bura]vora include two sisters, Mvs.Lola Clyde, Moscow and Mrs. Eliza-beth Wahl, Pullman and several nie-ces ancl nephews.

Funeral sersices were held Nov. 28at 2;00 p, m. at Short's Chapel withthe Rev. Ervin D. Rymes officiating.Ruby Ames, cirganist, accompanie('.Eugene Lubicne who sang, "EveningPrayer," and "Bringing in the Shea-ves."

Active pal]bearers: Jacl< Hayden,Michael Dwyer, Joe Doyle LawrenceKress, Jim Odbevg, Robert Peterson,Honorary; Oscar Wagar, Pete Mc-Cormick, Rudolph Car]son, Leo Ed-wards, Leonard Clark, Sam Triantis,Wende]] Kress, Glen Brazier.

A large number of members of theNez Perce Tvibe attended to honorthe memory of Gris.

Resting Place: Moscow cemetery.

!Ber]ie B. Baker, 88,

Dead at Juliaetta HomeGld Time Toy CompetitionThis Sunday at Grange, OES,<Masonic Christmas Party

Big electric trains, little steam en-gines that really work, childhood sledsand favovite dolls —hopefully, all willhe featured along with other toys inthe antique toy competition at thisSun(]ay's annual Christmas partyhosted by the Masons, as assisted bythe Order of the Eastern Star andthe Grange.

Prizes will be given fov the oldesttoy, the most interesting, i,he child-ren's favorite, and for the most beau-itiful doll,

Members, theiv families, and fvi-ends will "lso be involved in singingcarols, p]aying old-fashioned games,and shaiing memories.'he pa,rty b'-gins at 2:00 this coming Sunday af-ternoon, Guest choirs will assist inv< elcoming 1:he Christmas season.

Those at. tending are reminded tobring a gift, (no more than a $1), foveach members of their family present,iclentifying each present as a man', ai omen's, a boy', or a girl'.

Lady membevs of the three organ]-zations are asked, please, to bringcookies.

Bertie B. Baker, a Novth Carolina, native who had livcil in Latah County!fov 80 of her 88 years. ilied at hev

home Saturclay, apparently of a heartattack,

She had opera],ed a truck g;rv<lenat her home place oui,side Juliaeti.amost of her life,

She was born Dec. 21, 1889, thedaughter cf Mv. and Mrs. J. E. Samswho came west from North Carolinato Juliaetta in 1898.

She was married to Leonavd BakerJune 12, 1920, at Port]anil and they

] lived at, Genesee for a time beforenloving in 1930 to Juliaetta whevcshe had lived since. They were div-

!orced in 1939.~ ~he is survived by a daughter, JeranMartin of Sacramento, Calif.; twosons, Darrcll Bakei c<f Kamiali andVirgil Baker of Elk City; three sis-ters, Peavl Mayer of Boise, Bett.yMoore of Emmett and Teresa John-son of Tacoma, 11 grandchildren anrleight great-grandchildren. A son,Wayne, five broi.hers and a sisterprecccled her in death.

The funeral was conducted Tues-~day at 11 a. m. at Ma]corn's Brower-

! Wann Memoi'ial Chapel with t,hc Rev.Robert L. Compton of i.he OrchavdsCommunit.y Church officiating. Bur-ial was at the Juliaetl.a. City Cemet-ery.

New Arrivals...A. long t.ime employee of the Lew-

ist.on Grain Growers cooperative atKendrick, h was born May 27, 1909at Moscow ].o Charles B. and PetraWestcndah]. He attended Kenc]rickschools, and married Ada. E. CandlerAugust 3, 1935 at Lewis]on. He beganworking fov the Lewiston GrainGvowers in 1936, becoming managerof the Kendrick outlet in 1940, Heheld that pcsition until his retire-ment in 1974.

Hc enjoyed outdoor activities, andwas an avid fisher man, hunter andg<i rdne r.

The family suggests thaL memor-ials be macle to the Westcndah] Mem-orial Scholarship Fund through theFivst Security Hank at I<en(]rick. Thescholarship wus established in 1958at the c]cath of Westenclahl's son,Charles D.

Suvvivovs include his wi<low at theKenclrick home; four daiightevs, She-ila Gust, in of Coeur d'Alene, ChcrylBain of Hc.isc, Jane Gvosvenor ofBridgeport., Wash„ancl Janet F<cl-wu.r rls of Post I< a]is; two sisters, Mur-icl Oylcav of Havvarcl, Idaho, anclViola Ross of Moscow; a bvol,hev, A]-bevi. Wcstendah] of Kendrick, andseven gran(lchildi en, Terry Gustin,Dave Gust. in, Chai lie Gustin, Aly-son ]<Odwav ls, Tom Bain, Jim Hainand Bob Hain.

A gravcsirlc scivice was held Mon-day al. 10:00 at the Kendrick CityCemetery with Rev. Scot.t Thorntonof the Unity Church oi'cwiston of-1'iciating. Gilbert, Candler derlicaiedthe grave.

Caskctbeai evs wei e Albert Law-rence, John Cuddy, F<lmer Cuddy,Jack Pavsley, Chai'lcs Nob!c un.". i:I'.vNicols.

Honovai y bearers were GeorgeFinke, Frank Benscotev, Walter Zum-hofe, Eldon Hcimgavtriei', h'le]vinSneve, Clay Gustin, Wilbur Heim-gavtncv, Roy Clemcnhagen, ArchieCandler, James Candler, Fvank Cand-ler, GilbcvL Candlev and Charles Can-dler.

Ma]corn's Brower-Warm MemorialChapel was in chuvge of arrange-ments,

Firemen Will Be OfferingTurkey Tickets Wednesday

The Kendrick Volunteer Fii'emenwill be going door-to-door, this Wed-nesday evening, December 6, offer-ing the annual turkey tickets to loc-al people.

This is about the only fund-raisingactivity our local fire departmenthas and the money is used to pur-chase and maintain equipment andsupplies to keep the department attop operating condition.. The public'ssupport of i.his activity would begreatly appreciated,

The turkeys will be awarded theday Santa CIaus comes ].o Kendrick.

Hei<. r-Mr. aml )Nvs. Maury Heier are re-

joicing over the birth of their firstdaughter, Alyssa. Ann, borm to themDecember 1st at the Gritman Hospi-tal. Alyssa weighed in at eight poun-cls. twelve ounces. She joins fourllappy bvot]lel's,

Salinas-A six pound, 6 ounce son was born

].o Mr. ancl Mrs. Jerry Salinas Nov.25 at Royal City, Washington. Theyoung man has been named lan Aub-vey, Grandparents ave Mr. and Nrs.IIerb Pederson and Mrs. GertrudePcclcrson of Juliactta is a great-grandmoLhcr.

A.burinLinda and Pat Ahcrin of Lewiston

are parents of a son, Co]by Wayneborn Satuiclay, December 1st at 1;39p. m. at SL. Joseph's hospital, Lewis-Lon. The new arrival i.ipped thescales at 9 lbs., 4)/x oz.

Gvandpavcnts are Mr. and Mrs.Richard Floclin, and Mr. and Mrs.Don Aherin. Great gr andparentsaie Mv, and Mrs. Elmer Flodin, Troy.Mis. Dorothy Kentoph, Pullman, andLeo Edwards, Lcwiston.

Parker McCreary Accepts'Position with U. of Neyeda

Parker McCreary, former Kendriclcresident clvopped a note to the Gaz-ette last week to say that he hasaccepted a recently-created positionwith the University of Ncvacla andhe and his wife are now living inReno, Parlcer had formerly been as-sociated with the University of Wash-ington in Seattle. He added that bothhe and Beverly "are enjoying themany, many days of sunshine".


Sincere thanks to the many rela-tives and friencls who were so thou-ghtful following i.he recent loss cfour loved one. Thank you for thefood, flowers, memorials, prayers,and other kindnesses shown to us, Aspecial i.hank you to the VFW andthe Grange and all who provided fcodfor the bounteous lunch. Your con-cern and thoughtfulness will not beforgotten.

The Family of Ben FWestendahl

School Christmas ProgramThursday Eve., Dec. 14

The Juliaei.ta school band and chor-us will present a prcgvam of Christ,-mas music Thursday evening, Decem-ber 14th at 7 p. m. at the Kcn(]rickHS gymnasium. The program wl]]include the 42-piece elementarly bandthe 1st and 2n(l chorus, 3rd and 4thgrade chorus, 5th grade chorus andwi]] conclude wii.h the present, ationby the 6th grade of the musical play"Star Crossed Santa."

The program is free to the publicand everyone is invited.

Birds Benefit fromLittles'riendship

Almost 100 quail lots of snow birdsand even onc singing bird have beenproviding Doc and F<lova Lil.ilc withenjoyment at i.heir home up on Am-evican Ridge gvade. And, the birdshave bcnefitccl ].oo, as the couple havebeen feedmg ].hc birds each morningancl evening now for three or fouryears. They place the feed out andthen go back insiclc, watching thebirds from their dining room window.

This is good reminder that as snowbegins to cover the ground, the birdscould use a little help in the form ofscat].ered grain, bi.earl cvumbs, crack-ers, suet, etc.

<PROhIOTION FOII BRUCE OLSONBruce Olson, former Kendrick re-

sident now serving with the U. S.Army in Gernlany was recently pro-moted to the rank of Sergeant.

Bruce is the son of Katie Olson ofLewiston and Bill Olson of Clarkston.


My thanks to friends, neighborsand relatives for their kind and ccn-sidevate help, cards, calls, visits andother acts of concern while I was inthe hospital and since returninghome. I truly did appreciate all ofthis.


School Lunch Menu

Flintstones Meet Dec. 7The Flintstone Rock Club will hold

its next meeting on Dec. 7, this Thur-sday in Kendrick Fire Hall. Therewill be a bricf business meeting toelect officers, fallcwecl by a Christ.-mas party. Bring your favoritecookies, etc., to eat, games to play,and ideas for Christmas presentsusing something connected with ourhobby. All are welcome!


School Lunch Menu

Kendrick - Juliaetta

Mrs. Dorothy King48cGenesee Girl Cagers Edge

Kendrick 40-36 TuesdayThe Genesee girls basketball team

ran its unbeaten streak to 6 for theseason Tuesday night as they defeat-ed Kendrick 40-36 on the Kendrickhardwood. The loss evened Ken-drick's record at 3-3 of the season.

The game was close all the waywith the Bulldogs battling back froma three-point deficit at the end of thefirst half to lead by as much as 6points in the final period. With 20seconds left in the game, Kendrickhad closed within 2 points of theBulldogs, 38-36. Genesce was fouledand went to the line with a 1 and 1situation. They missed the first shotand Kendrick controlled the rebound,brought the ball down the court, butCindy Esser intercepted the ball andwith seconds remaining drove thelength of the court for a lay-in andthe final 40-36 score.

"It was a good close game all theway," said Kendrick Coach DarenMunden. "I think Genesee is thestrongest team we'e played thisseason," he added.

Genesee got balanced scoring fromLaura Brtrsven with 10 points, VickyMyers with 9, Cindy Esser 8, LizSims, 7, and Leann Moser, 6.

Lisa Boe led all scorers with 14points, Shelley Bowers had 9, FerrisCuddy and Lori Glenn 4 each, BonnieLawrence 3 and Lori Benjamin with2.

Kendrick was 6-12 at the foul line;Genesee was 8-15.

Genesee won the JV game 29-21.

Thursday, Dec. 7—Pea Soup with HamChicken SandwichRelish StixFruit SaladCrackers

Pint Milk

Kanyon Club ChristmasParty Will be Dec. 13

Kendrick Kanyon Klub will haveits annual Christmas Party Wednes-day, December 13, at 1:30 in the homehome of Mrs. Wm, Turner.

Each member is asked to bring ashort item pretaining to Christmasand some Christmas goodies for no-host refreshments. Gifts will be ex-changed and Sunshine Sisters reveal-ed. Anyone wishing to join the groupis welcome.

Erna Nelson, Reporter,

Friday, Dec. 8—Hamburgers with


Fries with catsup cupsPeachesRice crispie treati/x Pint Milk

Kendrick School BoardWlu Meet Tuesday Eve.

The Board of Trustees of JointSchool District No. 283, Kendrick,will meet in regular monthly sessionnext Tuesday evening, Dec. 12 at7:30 p. m. at the Kendrick HighSchool.

These meetings ar'e open to thepublic who is invited to attend.

Friday, Dec. 8—Macaroni & Cheese with

Smoked SausageFish StixGreen BeansPeach CobblerTartar SauceRolls & Butterr,4 Pint Milk

Monday, Dec. 11—Sauerkraut and We]nersBaked potato with meat gravyChocolate puddingBread with butter or Peanut Butterr,z Pint Milk

hIonday, Dec. 11—Turkey RollMashed Potatoes & gravyPeasCranberriesRolls and butteri/ Pint Milk

'VVF&WWW&WVWW'VWWV&&&WV&'VVWWWV%W&W&V Tuesday, Dec. 12—Bean Soup with crackersTurkey sandwich with lettuceCarrot Sticksr.( OrangeCalifornia Pudding Cake",. Pint Milk

Senior Citizens to HoldChristmas Party Dec. ll

The Golden Sunset Senior Citizenswill hold their annual Christmasparty at the Fraternal Temple Mon-day, December 11 bcgirming with apotluck dinner at 12 noon. The meat,course will be furnished.

A. gift exchange not to exceed theamount of $1.00 wi]] be held, Pleasemark gifts as either fcir a man orwomen. All area senior citizens aremost welcome Lo attend.

There will also bc f(.at.ured enter-tainment, so all at. tend anrl enjoy theaf ternoon,

Gatendar of coming events...P. M., Genesee

Dec, 16: Girls B at Prairie, 6:30 p. m.Dec. 17: High School Christmas Con-

cert at 2:00 P. M.Dec. 17: Cameron Lutheran Choir

Concert at 7:00 P. M.Dec. 18: at Troy, "c" squad BB, 6:30

p. m.Dec. 19: Girls BB at Kendrick, 6:30

P. M., LapwaiDec. 21: Girls BB at Timberline, 6:30

P.Dec. 22. Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30

P. M., LapwaiDec. 22: Christmas vacation begins

at 1:30 P. N.Dec. 28-29: Pot]atch Christmas


B. Tournament, 6;30 p. rrL

Dec. 8: Girls BB at Kendrick, 6:30P. M. C. V.

Dec. 9: Boys BB at Kamiah, 6:30P. M.

Dec. 10: Masons, Grange, O. E. S.Christmas Party, 2:00 p. m.

Dec, 11: High Schcol choir to per-form for Senior Citizens at theKendrick Grange Hall, 1:00 p. m

Dec. 11: at Prairie, "c" squad BB6:30 p. m.

Dec. 12: Girls BB at Troy, 6:30 P. m.Dec. 14: Elementary Band and Choir

Christmas Concert. 7:00 p. m.Dec. 15: Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30

P. M., PotlatchDec. 16: Boys BB at Kendrick, 6:30

W<idnesday, Dec 13—Chicken Fried SteakMashed Potatoes & gva~wSi.ewcd Tomatoes orCa]rforsrr:1. Vegetable hT)xCornmeal Yeast Roll wit,h Jelly



Tuesday, Dec. 12—Spaghetti vith MeatCheese StixStuffed CeleryButtered CarrotsFruit SaladRolls and butter

Pint Milk

Wednesday, Dec. 13—Chinese HashPeanut Butter CupFrozen Mixed VegetablesRolls and butterApricots

Pint Milk

Thurs<hiy, D(c. 11—Baked I ssagneButter erl CornGreen Salad n ith Roqiiefort or

th<uusarld isle dressingPint hfilk

AI G]IAN DRAWINGThe afghan in Blcv, (Lt ts window

will be dr:<wn for on hIonday, Dec.11 at the Golden Sunset Senior Cit-izen party.EAA W % W 4 X Z X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Z X X Z XIZ.



ThC CaZ41 fie-NemoA Conso]idation of The Kendrick Gazette and The Gencsee News

Published every Wednesday (dated Thursday) and entered as secondclass matter at the Post Office in Kendriclc, Idaho 83537 and Genesce,Idaho 83832, Latah County, under Act of Congress of March, 1879.

The Official Newspaper of Genesee, Kendrick and Juliaetta, Idaho

Jane L. Roth and Wil]iam A. Roth, PublishersWi1]iam A. Roth, Editor -:- Mrs. James Cuddy, News EditorGenesee —Telephone 285-1513 Kendrick —Telephone 289-5731

Subscript.ion Rates: $4.00 pcr year In State —$4.50 Out of Stare

Advertising Rates Given UponApplication'oys

g>'<n)V trit]1 J«I'I'y }?CL'L)i»)I:„'L'I'I,etters to i b»l. >cmaik;ibly ]ilce»iy b;<=cbA]1 pi;iy-'i'i>shan(i. EIc Lh!'c<< >.hL });i]1 Lh(.

sA>lie, 'spi'ca(i }):s ]c"s I<..Zre eral>Ol -. I':<; a nn "ntl na a t<ta lam 4 I


L> icd to spit in just A certain <vay.

Bjj] arr(1 Jane IIt. melted us do<vn. Then Dan c]cve]oP-

Yorir newspaper repo>}L(] A bit, ago ecl A pitc]ring fo>i>1 An>azing to seeO]>ve and E

Thc Genesee News from p. C. Mc fast and tang]ed use ot'ittle armsCreary, 50 years ago. This brought a anc} legs ever ccnccivec]. Hc, too, sPitflood of menlorics. The Mccrea!Vs on the ball and ">orig]red the surface"were such a g>eat fami]y: parker and after his rvhjp-Ii]ce un)vind, ]etwho lvas a ta]] spate man and ski]]ed f]y. A]] of ten feei.. Great stuff. Thein Iris role as editoI; his Ndfe, who»1 in'd>i]gent batter was i>aId Pi>t Lo hitwe never spo]ce of however fond]y as }.he ball while still in the air, no mat-

Mrsfirst names weren't the norm, and The News faithfully reported ourWilliam, a slight Iad of about 8 or 9 fami]v }ife: schoo] achieve»>ents, tra-He was a "brain" and "used big ve] and lveddings were carefu]]y re-words", had a fabulous Persian cat corded. I married just 40 years ai'terand missed lots of school because of the fj>xt Grace gain Dads sister, Fort

this event the E]]iot Hall was rentedStaying out of school vras what as the largest gathering place in

I did a lot of those difficult towing to)im. White kid gloves and silk tiesyears and when Mother and Mrs. Mc lvhich I still have, big brother Walter,Creary would get together, they'd ar- my father, wore, anc] the invitationrange that their two children had shows such a charming card. Thecompany of their own age by visiting bridegroom was Dr. W. C. Cox, pio-each other. It was most welcome. Bill neet physician, The Pedersons re-was a great story-teller and regaled searched this information fronr oldmy eager ears with tales of guns and issues of the paper', bless them. Theyexpert marksmanship. We played also covered in depth the amazingcheckers and had cocoa. It helped life of grandfathe>, L. Jain (his namethrough more than one thin time. 1VC was Louis but he wanted to be Am-grew and w]icn I was 9 my very first erican so thcught it should be spelleddate was to Wi]liam's Sunday School Lewis, the name on his tombstone,party. Genesee —it was such a nice but when it came to using that name,place to grow. he just couldn'. Al] legal documents

Mrs. McCreary died very early, carried t,he simple, L. Jain.) He wasabout 40, in fact. Her ma]ady was born with a silver spoon in Switzer-diabetes which came just before the land in 1843 and came to Lhe Unite(1breakthrough science made in dis- States as a, child of four. It took acovering insulin. It was a cruel blow month for the little ship to cross thefrom which the family had difficulty ocean,and his grandmother worriedin surviving.,After selling the News, because the four little boys mightParker bought The Kendrick Gazette, misbehave, what with a mother whoIt must have been a relief to him to thought they could do no wrong andleave the scene of former happy fam- a father with his nose always in aily life for his wife was a creative bock. The civi] War came along inand staunch partner in both home due time and three of the brothersand business. served the North. Then marriage fo]-

The Pedersons were such a charm- lowed for L. Jain to Ade]ia Far>ve]1ing young family: fun-]oving F<,d; in 1Visconsjn, February 14, 1866. Inlovely OI]ie with her natural curls due time they traveled to Coloradoand gentle. ways; Jerry who was a to homesteati. Grasshoppers devasta-merry-eyed little fellow of about 4 ted the country twr years in a rowand Dan, just out of babyhood. They and they were forced to leave thatsettled in and while E. D. did the place which later was to be the camp-printing, Ol]ie gleaned the news, The us of the University of Colorado.town took them to their heart which They pronounced it, Coloray-do. Themeant that every snapshot of a fam- fall of 1878 they arrived in Genesee.ily gathering my folks, the Jains, Hardship was to fol]cw and anotherhad thenceforth included the four son was to be born, Clarence, on thePedersons. I was then in college so second homestead —the first was nev-not home too much —young Dan was er proved.,up —just East of Genesee.one of the first babies I held, to my Granddad iived to prosper and ]crtdeep delight. We celebrated July 4thwith a picnic at Cold Springs and thefirecrackers terrified Dan. He threwhimself into my arms and buried hislittle face in my neck and clung.There was never a happier recipientfrom a fringe benefit than I. The

Kendrick Grange Plans

Plans for Christmas ParfyKenilri«] Gi'AI>,'ni's»>«t Ti>csi]ay Ai,

the G>A» c IIA11. I«'h;>t m«L ii]1 «yes!is t}>cy c'Ilt<'i'«' rv«>'c thc ]1 hts AndthL>i''<)!'»I('cs sit>)»teel <)» tli<a ]>A}fv«A]1 Ab<)vc the Gi'Arcs'c;<(js. The('< in>»«s !i> La <)f ivooc}, bcnaiiti> i>1]v rar-vL'<I o» i]i«. Ii<)jt<liiis;I!)<1 '!ll (1<riic

5'<'<1';>i>»jngOn. Lol.t.T}IC''V«iii> 4 b('"l»1 V«ith >I f<n)V

il<vil)'ils,at jv<t!1 1)'v Riit1> Wll>L<.', Oh(i>I'->i'>8» of <Voi>1<'>is Ac>iv>L!cs a!)ci >'c"


reive<1 by j.he Grain„( «t the O'LAtL

S(ssio». Ibith H<n»»g;>rtn(tr

tI i»oi'< !(bi!i><}i'ii>1 cs>i>t<> L})!>I> tii>yan<'nc>A>.jon until l.hc present. Hc )vasair> Cil>ig>'a)1>. Who tCtta]]y L»!b>'AC(ndhis ne(v home. I can ]oo]c o»t of mywindo)v in this apar ]ment anc] secthe win<]n)vs of the room where hedied in Caritheis Hospital, now anapa>'tment house ac>oss the street.

Pedersons held the paper until youRoths bought it. and then merged itwith t.he Gazct.te later, I shall alwaysbe ycur siibscriber and if I fail tosend the proper funds, do give me anudge. I love the '"Way Back When'.Thank you for it and so many otherthings. Each issue I clip for our mus-eum memo>y book.

Sincere]y,Grace IV]cks

Moscow, Idaho

i'i.ivc(1 ]icr ]at« Ariiving Awai(1 forI>('i';>fghAn An<] the Gia»ge r«««ivctla <).< !ii A)vl»'(j fo!')>cia Ling th(ni>'<n)vi»gc]i>or.<I. Th<'i",ing<» a%]s<) I'c«.'. I'v<.'(1 ii< «I tji 1<.;I<« fm thci> pai tiripaj i(m in'Lh<'a)A>ig< Ci(>'c I I'0"'I"iil'ii, v«l>!<'1> «'»4!si «'1 < I i <]<)»'>1 lorl

1.( < t»rc> I ) A»k .Iac( bso»'s prog- si>»p]c;>»<i »u)vi»g. The ()iii](1>'cnI"(ii> 'L >LC « I L jir }>oji<]ay T})i)i} . jv <vc> <. "<]>in> «(}" fi oi» Siin }>y'4 Tribunei»t ';I>'i(1 L}ian]csgivin<'ts«] f A I?()L«<?» th<» thA»lcfiil»css. I i ank cnde<ib<)ul <(';is s('nf A>'Oii>r<j so tj>(»>«)>i 1>>s pi'<)"!'!I!>i>vjth Ihi. ]:i;L cjiiotc frOmb< >'I «')i!1<1 pi>j <1)wil oii«o)'iv<) >jiji> ns 'iis:ii> I?oi"!> . A<'lc o>':i})(v!» I:]Cn>cn-

<«L I <'1>;i»lcfi!I roi'. ]t';i>i>j}v L]<q<} 1(»'? 8<'1>t)t<1'! "}I>i Lliii)lkfia] fo>'ll?, hL >it}i, j»<»(im, Lt» ji,c})i>i «c ]i<)( <h()ol, »>< ]i »i< .in<1 Lhit L.LI)one >.-.

I < 1!I 'li <'ll'I < V<4>'V()I'I( I ]tS> Hnt > < (> 1 i> <'L I!I I '>!<>i]C 'I'Vi!>g ( VC> I 0»(

9> t)<'1>i>i,i>jc))) )< I'jtj< » j)i 1<);,<) 1)< 11;i'V<a .'I }i'i<) )i T!!,I»jc "'I<'ii>". '

< a<)vL'I i><ti'yjlbii>' . C. I'oss ot ( <)I>ii, 1 1>t'<'i vi»'' «'!!I)i!I) ''', !'I'<!!!!«''tj'I'l><)s«'<'I'<' I'iily 1<'i)i y(»>!'s Ai><j t]i<'t.]j( joii.= .-;<»<}<)i< h«., Pnj Aj<? < I }P.-,i» i


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>.'ii!!I!:>11 ()f «< o»><a»n'<'Livitj«.',Ri!L',> Whi>L'",iv<'i bi'i«f I'<'})o)'t. »I1>h«:>(«o>Ti«>'.- i».-i;ill«i} At th«s>;i>rs«4si<)I>. S}i<);<»<I (.< i;r(.'« I»81<.'>!><I»>«'':nii! })!'!S<'',«,ir}> )'«''CIV«'} A C<')I-

'It}1<',i!1!>ii.'<1 O!>> Ist»),'<4 }),ii'tV 1!()41-c<1 by >]i«.','>I<)».', (])';»>8<')'I ii»(1 E(is-}<'!Ii 8>;<)'. >(< 1)«hL'l(1 8»»(],'<?L ]?<.'('.1<< !I>. '- I) 'ti V}]»)«»il?<')'4 t)I 1 h<n() I'm,'<» j Z,'> <. j a t»s, t !ivi )''C}!it>V«S ii»(1r'!!r» ]4;i!'<'«vit«<j. On I?i'r. 9;ij. 9

i'», I!!(<4('v]i(i <'Ii!I, 'i>'<'o i»«<ntAL'hC

G)'A»tmnL'I<i]! Lct LI'ili> Ll>C t.>'CL, popi oi», s(ir]( .;On<]i«s;in<1 <]«Coin>to. It'Ii ]ot of t»»,,'>1»>oat As goo(} As L]icpaity its«lf.

EI» L}> IVh 1 > c Lh;ink«i] the Novemberse>tviI>g corn»>irj«c fo>'heir effortson the night E)vartsvi]]c visited. Shealso rcpoi tcd on the c}ispositico> of thestuffc<1 toys which are to go to areahospitals. T)ie hospitals shc has re-cciveci letj.crs f>om are cager fo> }.hctoys and think it is a )vondcifu} idea.B>it what A job for Riith! A]] thosetoys to distribute, after shc dviidcsthem up ( got ta be fair! ) .

Master Bill W}rite then reported onthe Legislative Committee he was amember of at the State session. It's a

Iwonder he could walk and talk aftera]] the hours he put in.

RANDY NOBLE, Special AgentHome —Avto —Fire

Life —Health —FinanceCrop —Hail 8 Fire






".Lewist>}}r, 14aho (208} 743-4578 — 743-9453 .„"


.msurance:I FIRE



APP ointment


Mon. —Fri.

Phone 276-7081J ULlAETTA, IDAHO


) 'ree:stigggateson Bodywork aifd Paintmti



E. Mrtgnuson Agency'

} Telepiiene289-3251Phone 289-4271 Kendrick, Idaho


v w ~ mrna v w w a maw a waa ww~-t


S aucl sterinci * Crushed Rock* Backhoe Service

We Will Accept Farm Butchered Beef and PorkFor Processing.

BENDELS MEATSTroy, Idaho Phone 835-2341


g Ljb I


Stainless SteelSubmersib


ri:I!L V'"y4(+48%]lh

IlmlW.'', lar Ill&

l.':"'''; mlsCapacities to /3225 gallons per Ihour. Depthsto 640 feet.

Choice c>f Epoxycoated cast iron(custom) or, allbronze (deluxe).

Impe)fers,dlffusers andstage housings ~ "all made oflong wearing,tron-corrosiveMyers "Mykra."

, nn t

Stainless SteelPump and Motor gShells.

I H.P. motors.2- and 3-wiremodels. Oil fil)ad.

4~1 'i:; ~After you'e chosen the best gift, FirstSecurity lets you choose the best way topay. Charge. Check. Or cash from acash advance. First Security Yisa withCheck Protection Plus on the back isthe only Christmas card you need.

don't already havebest card ln three

states apply at anyrat Secvrity oflice.




CaN usiafay for freeesttrnata on "SG"the best subrnerstbfe

paep you ceo bujtt


'itsi; 5=-c ri;>,}AC

Telephone 289-3441


Ice-Capade Trip ChangedSoatlsw< k,

~'pllr-'a<»a't< r": s<e IArws

Student Tecchcrs Announced!

< .).vr v;!L;. f i,i!i! ) ( n" c n< !.(!0-ri!i.na nfii('.!.6 !'<ipin i L]!;!i .oll)cc0< I <".i ',:) 'i ' i!(!r!'!L s '!'c ca '1"erl in,I:.nr i r<'i(i ni !'i. «'I.'. Le)) 'lii!!'" il!!r- )

1118 '5<'-.'c<".<<i! n;li! ).)i Lh» I'1!!si'!!!i'6- i

Ih '.<'ir!!!!1"''xl'!!»': '1 1'"!(11!i!i !i)<'nc: oi . i))l): Ilctl('!i i)L L).'nebr!'!i'<.'!'L!!,!i:;i!!nn.

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ii. <)!o a<1<I uihe. Nn!'!!",,<-o', <'i)i!!!ili!!1-!t!r=

('h.i.l»',!c i))))'c()!n) !(:!circ! <)huh)!-'i'I'i!I!rs. Cs:,!!!C!1y) <'',ln. <I('Tlc-c<h

Lc,'t<n!-ni '!Pi',;!!..Ir) «calo! 11<8('!!r )l, Foc!!Lrlli anil 6"lia! lri!c J()hn-snll I <!!;!1!n'.!<.'.;o (l<'))"6)"c', Leuc.'!!n;-',!i; ()y!)cycc J <'.-St . H!all i'bool.

!.)ihb!c Ch.istcnscn. d«ii-h!c! nfhivs. Fnti iris;lait, !Ceniiri< k, tc;ii h-!ing at BryanL Si'bool. Spok!!!1<h

!'ane!6 Hali! pto.'1, rhino'!Itc!'f hT!.'ndhii s. H:<T o! l Gni. cv, Lcwi !.on


tr!iching;it GcIi<'-ec ]li"h Sr!)noh

SIes!I Poi!si ~

riNcws Lh!s week nlnlnst 'nsIl i.In the "(Loldn<m lull" between thchcrti<! Thnnlcsgiving nn(l Christmas?Anyhow, herc is «ih;)t wc gatherediip on ca!ling each nnd cvcvyone ofthe usual ones,

Don B<ni<ii, son Allen nnd Don'ssister, Nc! !r Cooper, came to Pinc-crcek as usual cn Sundny from Le<v-iston.

Inc 'nci Bill Ingli ram spent ail<lay Sntut day on Hubbnvc! Gulch svithmothei Mikired Heath nnd son Ec!-gar Heath and wife Ruth came thatevening from Nczpercc. Ni!dred !e-ported her little dog has hnd a vecentsojourn in the aninin! hospita!, bein„trcntec! fov nn eye ailment, but is nowhome, impvoved.

Nata!ia Heath, nn the last !cg ofjourney to nnc! fi'om hcvho)melnnc! ofCosta Rica, was n<iiving home Mon-day, Dec. 4. Hopefully, we will beable to give a more detnilcc! acco!intin next week's issur, Also, hopef»!!y,something on the Davrel! an(1 JanetICevby travels.

EiTmn Stevens, with Ge! Lvur!e Heim-gnvtnev, visited mothe! hfystie Heim-gartnev at the Convalescent Centerin Lcwiston Thursr!ay, fine!ing hevfeeling about as bei'oie. Her appe!.itcis pcor!y. Sp! ingis fresh garden 'sassmny be the solution! Mystic anc! A!always raised a fine garden, when onthe ranch! Bless them!

The F!iger family of Mosco<v againb! ightened Erma. 8!even's home onSunday.

Ruth Heimgartner, b»si!y knitting"sox for Santa" kept hei liome fi!esburning the past week, as have manyof her neighbors. Christmas shoppingin town keep wheels turning, whenroads and weather permits.

De!cres nnd Les!ie Hcimgarincrweve not entirely alone ns Linda andA!'!1!e Zuni!lofc were al! suppeIguests on Wednesday, and on Satur-day Von Zumhofe nnd wife Barbn! adropped in fov work in the shop byVon.

Loren Hoising ton was a Sundaycaller of his parents, C!etis and Bea.

Celeste Bringman of Lenore was aThursday supper and evening guestof Beka!yn Steigers at Cherry!ane<vhile <Russe!! Johnston of Fir Bluffcame as a guest of young Brant. Ap!ensant intev!ude for a!! concerned.The guests were returned to theirrespective homes !atev t.hal. night,by the Steigers adults.

Keith Stcigevs, accompanied byoldest son Terry, drove over the passfvo!n Missouln on Fviday, bringingtheir horses to spenc! the winter onbrother Ken'- Pinecreck past,uve land.Aftev thriv:<rrival that evening, Kei-tli and T vvy accompanied ICen andLinda Steigcvs tc) Kamiah fov a din-ner party and evening nf pinochlehe!<1 at the ranch home of Sharon andHunt. Hatch. Other guests the!e forthe occasion inc!uc!ed Milo and hTarySpivy, Paul Hare!in and mother and 2of Pnu!'s chi!dven.

Thc S(nlni Citizc:i T(i!-('ipnilc !vip'isbren «i!angi'<! f'. nm Dcccmhci'1

Lr) Di ci'!ubc! 3flt.h diic Lo niis-info!'-'i'y).'!".illin!!.'ly':)l !!<c Irc'-


i!<'il�«'c,Th(''hi!! Sc !6 h16.L(<h

.!1('i<i<!i'6 L!.i.".s!).I !i<Lion, lii!1('h. n!ldL:<.!(i". '.ii iri -Ci!l),'<(!<'.'. i h!6 n!i!at,1> '!!<1hero: c Di'<'(!n<1)c)' ~ ). li i'!'I!i '!C." 'i! n! 11 ~ 'il!oil 9!<'.E<se i','1!l 6't<!i" .

i!'!la iiiid 5)'!!!(i!')!!zend,i .i i»2),)ih1,

))y hi<". Eoiy!r HS«ri!c

T!: Siii;!hv i !< 1'xi< nsinn !Ionia- i

i!::ilcii 6 lii l.i !l;<i:;inn!i,ii ( !i:!ii!11!sj(linlic!'r<'c)'.<!)r!'i. 1'.:i('h I c i! !11)

<lub n!c)!)1)c".,h<i)!n< Lhi ii hiish!!nils.!< i!il)i!i n;i!!!h i':<l l-EI !nc<)ih< ) .; <Cith,a l!11!ic!i "if'I <'+:.chit up <'(1!i! i! 9!'og-

j1 'il

Gi! sts i!!'i i!C(l R 'v.;!n'i!s, '1'i!iTllrk(*v n!:ri <I:1<1!,'!1!c<'a,h!!'. ail<i hi!'h.!,!i)!m Finl,icn, I!v,:<!«1 1) s. Spec! i

i'(h-:!ci:!n; l src n )1 I!i.;m(l siva.Russc!1 (;!:iv T;v;i!;inn

8:!'L!!!(!ay ('<'c!1!Ilg, I!!i il!1(l h!I's.R<1<l A<1(li.!sn!1 n!!<! 511'. !!11,'I iT!'s. 1 0!11AT:! «!< !invcl< d ln hiosr ow whr.!Tcl.hiy attcnili ii lhr ann!i;il No: Lh Idn-lin Q!1!1!Lc'!'IO!'i'ssoc. Awn!'(i.<B;incpirl.. Beniitifu! !vophic, pl!!q»es,an<! siivri br!t buckles wrrc nwn<dcdtn Lh< highest point cavncvs of the197S sho<v sense)n.

App! Cximntc!y 40 mrmbevs attend-ed the banq!iet, elec!ir.:i of officersnnd n<vn<d. presentations. Tom Mar-ek wns c!c<"tcd to Lhe boned of direc-tol's fo!' 1 11!'cc"year tc i m anc! BurlA,<lamson <von the door prize.

ihiis. Anion IVcl!s attended the NczPcvce County Homemakevs Cc.uncilChristmas Pnvty nt the BrammerBui!c!ing in Lci<riston F!iday. A SaladBnr was featured,

Nr. and Mvs. Ne! Arrnsmith svereSunday ca!!evs of Nr. and AIrs. TomMarek nnd snn.

hIi. an<i ihfis. Allen Stamper nndfamily weve IVC<lnesday evening din-ncv guests of hfr. and hfrs, HaroldNatson of Le<viston. Sai.urday theNatsons returned a visit to the Stam-per fnmi!y,

Mrs, Doveen Stamper anc! familycal!er! on Nrs. Vickie Schneidev onSn turda y.

Mr. ancl Nrs. Damon Schneidervisited Mr. and Mrs, A!!en Stamperanc! family this week.

Richard Marshall, Ahsahka, visited51r. nncl Nrs. Allen Stampev nndfnmi!y F!ic!ay nnd Satu!dny.

Mr. and Nrs. Speed T< ssier andMichael of Coeur c!'A!ene visited Mr.and hTrs. Dc n Coopcv and family sev-e!nl dnys this week.

Don Cooper travelec! to LewistonTuesday whei e he attcnci the livestock



I< >i! ~ - 1, y'"') t<)„'ri'Ai<I o,ies?I„:.-<<))I<a)iud t

!<I))i ———~ I

')Vr)ocl I) nv S;il: 2.!5-!240."t 7-1-1 p

1N STOCK 12" !nund col'''i r l.;!blc.,Glinn's Shop. 289-55.!1,

Zt !Sp

DitII D ICLOWI".I''IC'I'I'III'.Snnri Bnuqiiets for sale, Friclay, Dec.S frnm 11:00 !.o 4:00 at L.!)c homeof hTis, Ion i Silf!ow in ICendvrck.


HUNTERS -- I will buy coyot.es inthe ca!c;iss up Lo $10. dependinon condition of hides and size ofbullet holes, Rick Avnett, 289-3251.


TO GIVE AWAY, beautiful nhitcma.'.e kitten.. 289-3607, I.uthevParks. f

For Your Tri-Chem Needs —contactA!icr Henson in Ju!iaetta ov call27G-3381. tf35c

FOUND —Stvayeci cnt, !ight tanbndy i<rith clark brown head andlegs. 2S9-5337.


FOR SALE- -Mac! arne articles nnciP!ante!s. Made to order. 1Vith ovwithout plants. Ph. 289-5161,


DRINICING PROBLEMS ? ? ?AA Now Meets at Ke!r<lrick Thursday

Y)Veek!y at 8:30 P, hT.Where; Rocm Behind Red Cross


Carpentry, Remodeling. Rea-sonable rates. Free Estima-tes, Vernon Waters. Phone276-4082.

Cedar Ridge NewsNrs. Sam Weaver

Mr, an<1 Mrs. John Cuddy visitec!wit!i Mv. and Nis, Jack Biown andLo!i Satuvday.

Mvs, James Holt was a Sautrc!aycaller of Gvnnc!ma Cuddy.

Nrs. Clem Lyons visited with herfolks, Mr. anc! Mvs. Edd Kent Friday,while Clem svent on to Moscow tovisit his mother Mrs. Ida Lyons.

Mv, and Mvs. Phil Bahr were inSeattle for Than!csgiving Day din-ner with Mv. and Mrs. Leroy Nailand daughtev. They spent Saturdaywith their granddaughter and family,Mr. and Mrs. Steve Massey and fam-i!y celebrating Phil and Dan Massey'sbi ri,hc!a,ys. Last Thu vsciay Mr. andNrs, Fred A met t were callers ofBahrs. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. KennyKocn and sons weve afternoon callers.Thursday Bahrs had lunch with Mvs.Marie Vestal in Lewiston.

Mr. and M<s. Marion Souders visit-ed with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doren-dorf and son from Friday until Satur-day at Post Falls.

fir. and hirs. Paddy Griffith wereSunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Alan Patterson nnd family.

Mr, and 1!Irs, Elmer Weaver, Mich-p!!e and Ne! indn were Satur<!aygi!ests of Mr. nnr! hfvs. Sam Weaver,Mr. and Mvs. Jerry McFar!and andJuste)n were Sunday overnight. guestsand Mr. anci Mrs, Gary Hnrris nndLo!i and Davla Grinolds were lateSunday afternoon callers,

Cong) atuiations to Mr, and Mrs,Naury Heie! and family on the birthof their new daug'hter!


The 1880 Shop iniritcs you to stop inand look over their handcraftedgift items. Featurec! are stuffedtcys of a!! kinds, ski sox, neckscarfs, kitchen items, quilts, etc,Open daily: 1-5 p. m. at MitchellTrai!ev Court. 3t7-14-21 c

CEID YOU KNOVy YOU CAN RENT—Rug shnmpooevs, floor polishersstaplers, lawn tha.'chere, t.'ertiiizerspreaders, hend tmcks, sewer tape,pipe threade<v, ladders and manyother items at ABRAllTS HARD-WARE CO., Kendrick. tf42c

P I NCORStandby For Generators

All Sizes —P. T. O. Driveand Engine Driven

Qualey RepairGefiesee Ph. 285-1425


Ray Qvaley Repair


Phone 285-$ 425TsVO puppies ncec! homes. They loc)lc

to be either n golden vetrievevo!'ermanshephcr anc! Collie cross ov

both. They ave about 4 months oldnnd vevy good with little children.German shepherd <!s-. Ccllie cross orthem as we already have 4 dogsof our own. They are beautiful iit-t!e guys, Beth males. We can de-

liver if not too far asvny. Pleasehelp us. Mrs. John Redmnnd, StarRt. Harvard, Ida. Ph. 875-1357.



I.oval News

Gf jaliaotta5Iorc Sfeigrrs-

Saturday Jinnev at the home of Ern-est and Nellie Steigers was enjoyed


by the Montana 2 and Ken Steigers.The same group, after Keith andTerry vetutiied from ovevnite Satu!'-day nrith the Art E!!ers of LewistonOrchards, weve luncheon guests onSunday before s!.arting on the per-haps arduous truck drive homev;ardto Montana. Jim Steigers, down fromWeippe over the weekend, assistedICen nnd Frnest with removing irri-gation pump and pipes from the riverarea to safety. Dc)n Ahles of Geneseecame Satuvday aftevnoon and towedKen's old station wagon to his homewhere he wi!! do mechanical repairson same, in gratitude for previousfavors from Ken!

Flu ty~ illness plagues some ofour folks! Rain falls and snow melts!Pother mild weathe!', bui. messy!

Cynthia Nye, 276-3121

Rcv. nnd Mrs. John Watkjns ofGvnngerillc spent Friday night atthe home of Rev. and Mrs. RickSkeen. On Sunday night the Skcenswere after churrh supper guests ofthe Wings.

On last Tuesday Ed nnd DixieGrosec!ose were visited by Cecil Wil-son of I.ewiston.

On Saturday night Keith and JaneFord sveni. to the Pancake Feed forthe Kendrick Trai] Riders Club. Sun-day dinner guests of the Fords wereVicki and Dick Witt nncl Jason andBryan and Chris and Dan Fey anclJerome and Joshua.

Johnson Manor hac! a birthdayparty Nov. 28th for E!nora Rnwson.Then on Dec. 2 there was anotherbirthday party at the hIanor, this onein honor of Lola Parsley.

Ed Ruckerson visited Viola. Johnsthe end of the week. Sunday thereivns a pot!uck supper at the Com-munity church which Viola attended.

Minnie Hicks has returned homefrnm visiting her sister, Nrs. Hug-gins in Portland. They had a goodLime at Thanksgiving in spite of 3or 4 inches of snow. Then she vis-ited her daughters, Nrs. Frank Bar-ton and hirs. Sherm Schrock in Lew-iston before arriving home again.

Raiis, Rollers, Sprockets, etc.ALL AT BIG DISCOUNTS ! !


High tensII for more strength. Cus-tom cut, lengths, 3 ft. to 34 ft, 2G, 28,29, Ga. 3 Patterns. 2syc<" corrugated,4V corrugated, Hi-Rib.I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD

Price Quote on RequestNE%V MACHINERY

Kent Spring Tooth —Du All LoadersNew Harrow, Both Stiff E: Flex.

ALL AT DISCOUNT4—500 JD Center Drive Weeders,

Hyd. Hitch, 1-inch rods, HeavyDuty.

L H. Cub Wheel Tractor, Miss. eg.New Tractor Cabs.4—'6'heel Drive, Rubber Tired Load-

er. 2—iVheel Tractor with Hea-vy Duty Loaders.

Ford Wheel Tractor w/3 point rearblade.

34-ft. used Barber Dry Spreader.28-ft used Barber Dry Spreader-

Big Tires.2—used Barber Bulk Dry Boxes.50-ft. used land packers sea!ed

bearings.955 CAT Loader, 2sa yd, bucket

with rear ripper.7UD4 CAT i~rith new angle Dozer.2-12 ft. J. D. grain drGls in rubber

w/hitch.2-10 ft. J. D, C. C. w/hitch, hyd.20-ft. 4-wheel grain trailer w/a.'r

brakes.200 K. W. Diesel power plant, on

trailer.John Deere wheel tractor, $795.00Used Gob!e Discs.D-4 PTO —D-4 Belt Pulley.

Phone 276-3771 AnytimeDE'AA&i LEE SUPPLY

Dave Dennler Jul!nett a, Idaho


REALTY ),:;--,,:,"::'':...:,IRTroy, Idaho 835-2711

OPEN< HOUSESaturday, Dec. 9 —9 'iii iNonnStop by for free coffee dto dough-nuts. Meet our staff and take arelaxinug preview of Ron andLuana Fredrirk's lovely home on5th St. in Dents. You iv!11 besurprised at the e!egance of this$33,000 double-wide home andavailnh! e financinr.

Big Boar Ridqe

Juliaetta —1.36 n,c!'Cs. 4-Bedroomand 2<z hath home with excell-ent iriew. City water. La<xi<,garden and mature trees.



Happy Homemascevs ClubChristmas Dinnrr

The annual Big Bear Ridge Chi.i=t-mas rlinne< v:i!!be this Sun~(lay, Der.10th at 1:00 p. m. at the CommunityHall. A!I residents of thc Ridg'r arewe!con!c to atty vd.


on Fad y, Dp. 8a|. i ) n,on,~!~)«e )vi!l hc c!eaning nnd decoratingthe hall, setting up tables an<i chairs


and clccovnting the t) ce so cvrvyone i

Iis we!come to come and help.

Qui".e n number of Rirlgers attenrl-

'1'! iE G:)<ZL.'.TTI - Xl"!VS, 1 I-!1 I-:Sl)AY, 1'1.(.'.I,!:.'.ii<'!Ci! r) '" "» i::'1<,'),)i!

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Is <'Iiie piocn to go.


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Phyllis and Ho!e)) Foy

-~)y M!

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4 T<!l)"./';:


Nf!Iural F"." ""~<1l "ner!ts—IS!i)<1< g<-i!<L:<n'..;i ("lr:ining

I'< nil<i< is—N;<L« i< I<)ai)ir< ii I'()riO<n<l< 1ir< I'rii<liiris.

IV< ('.!!vry a Con!pl< i( I.ilu ofAll Products I

Call 276-7801


—For a Free Estimate Call—

ony s >Vju tiple Services289-3561 IDAHO !KENDRICK

Eaiorgoaey Ropa«oa all your building needs 7 days a week

I414~1 „ I, f a


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Dwight 8 DelorisKENDRICK

Open Monday T<)ra Sat. 8 to 6

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NyePhone 289-4921—Closed Sundays

Extra largo

White Heals,

Caalif lower

largo Stalks I Tangerine Green, RipeCElERY ORANGES CALERIA'GRAPES

~9cea. ',9c l,la. „Ij 39cIbMAYOkkAISE, Besl Foe!Is...,, . Qaarl jar SI.39FRUIT NtKMII, Western Family, 17 oz. tins..., . 2 for 89cMMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP IO es, iles 5I „SIOO

HEINZ TOI!tIATQ KETt,'HUP,........ 32 oz. Yi'c

M. D. TOII.ETTISSUE,.....,...4rollpkg,white 89t;

OIAMOHO ALUMIHUM FOIL,...... 75 ss!. lect sell SI.O9

MAEAROkl OR SPAGHETTI, Wesleya Family, ...4lb. Pkg. SI.39 im

(gS MEOW CAT FOOD, 'l5 oz, Tins, .....5fins for >$ .00WESTERk FAMILY SUGN, . ~ ~ . ~ . IOlb, bag SI<.09

W'estern Family Boneless—

Cannea! !IIa—s, 5 's. can 'ill.98

Fresh RoastoslOy < t a444 PEANUTS

69c lb.Stea <

a ~

S iceslb.

-'2.'lascco Slsrs<r)<A


5E!Ir e,.




A Touch of Spring-time This Winter with aaT % V

Arms)real I.'eo ra ea in( SIIs em

central heating with a power humidifier helps eliminatei dryness and cuts heating costs plus blankets your home

with warm, moist air.

Lfii,'I'I tII'IIIIII IIIILIII',"', IS",I I'izza I':irty—I

The 7th anti 8th grade girls basket-ball team, manager and scorekeeper<vere honored this evening at a. pizzaan<i pop pai ty at the home of Mr. andaIrs. Bill LaM<inyan. The girls cul-minated a successful season with par-ticipation in the district tournamentat Lapwai last month, The get-toget-her was "to talk about the goodtime" this past. season. Seventeengirls were present. Glenda Lohman;iud Mary Jo Vallem helped with theor "anizatinn and servin< of the party.All the gills left full and lonking fol'-<var<f tri next year's season,

8tH<1«ni» Hen<>r«d-Cathy Christensen, d ill„hter of

,III. an<IMis.,James Holi.; Lori Bcn-I;lniin, <lr<u<'htei of Mr. and Mr's. Ver'-lin II«njamin an<1 Polly Tayloi, dau-


ght<ll of lkIIL anil Mi». Chas. Tayloru cr e anlong the nlitsi,anding highscli<inl slllrlent»;i«ross the n;it.irn whov,eie chosen fnr inchisi<.n in "lvho's

, hvhn An<<in<'merican Hi h SchoolSt 1idcnf » . J ll thl ee v:«1 e cite<I fnl

) I heir;<cri<lemic anil activities achie-: r< rnLnf.. Jill Hnnglnnd, <i;lughl.er of'l

. anil All'. Ianlcs H<)ng)'I<ill<1, Jr'.lv;is cit«d for hel activ.'tie.';lcliieve-

'I'III. <IAy)F,'I'TF: - .'SFISVN, TIIIIIISI) k'), [.)1~".I'.I:.,Iill I'. i, 1.<I.

@'<"-'-'- E-'~ '~'K~'=-'='--'-'-A."-'"=-'e'~"-'-~"-'-4 8K~<.=-'--''"'- '~"-".'=-~~'c"csE'!Kendrick School News— Mrs. George Boe as chairman, hvillmarch in Juliaetta to collect dona-tions for the SL. Judes 'Research Hos-pii.al on Thursday evening, Dec. 7.

!St. Judes Children's Research Hos-

pital is the laigest childhood cancerresearch institution in the world.Help them fight the Children's lives.Give what you can when your neigh-bors call this Thuisday evening.

Shelter Care Home MeetingThe,. Latah Counl.y Commissioners

in conjunction with the Latah Con-valescent Ceni.er w ill hold a publicmeeting Tuesday, Dec. 12 beginning

at 7130 in Room 1 of the CountyCourt House,

The meeting is heing held to getthe response of the public on addingan addition oi a Shelter Care home tothe Convalescent Center.

Vandaleer Christmas ConcertThe Vandaleer Christmas Ccncert

will be held Sunday, Dec. 10 at 8:00p. m. in the hdministration buildingauditorium at Moscow. There is nocharge. Recent Kendrick gradu-ates participating are Amy Law-rence, Joann Parks, Doug Lohman,and Mike Boe

y: hI SII.SA" I IA<r l,




Here's how «cti can help your child have fun —andmaybe win a prize too'. Just clip out this ad. Thengive it to year child to color in Santa and his rein-deer. (Any «hil.". 8> yrs. and under) Fill in the blanksbelo;v and briIILI the ad into our store to enter.



Tonlta Custom Van Set


Quick Curl Barbie

<In unJ iune

Age . Phone


!ii'::i0"i'':)) )"mt- 4"4» it)000)008)84>0000

A big part in any man's religionconsists nf getting alol'lg )vfth OLiieifll'op le.

+' 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' '0»» ' ~ ~ » ~ ' 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ t 0 ' '0 ~ "~ ~ ' ~')0)tot<»'» 4)tati»0.0 0 ~ ~ < 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ <0 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 0 ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ .~ .~ ~ ~ » ' '0 ~ »u ~ ~ tutCOO4. Ootot)0J4)te



Fo rthe hard-to-plecIse Lady-< IIU 'd I I

IQ III Remember Gift Certificates for

all beauty salon services.!IB I,

I'or Appointment Call 289-I027III. ' >0<.. KBKO)<)CK VICKI <Vl'ry, O)<uer

THE /serrate gookOl'EX MONI)AY TIIROUCiH I"IIIDAY —9:00 TO 0:00

etlr v ~ t.~ 0 ~ 0».~ 0.054>)0 +vt<»ot)4 ~ »- ~ ~ .tot<» 05»ztggg»'++It<»5»~~d05»C05)tc»i»gt»53


For Appointment 743-8272k",8.00 PKII HAIR CUT

Henry Knzdn, G09 - 7th AveI&lVISTON, IDAIIO

WAYNE HARRI'SLicensed Auctioneer

Auf tion Service —Commercialrm —B»nkrrrptcies —Real Estate

CIIARI TIES FREEIle in <.". P.hone Office

I''19-0>891 —Kerrdrick —289-4WI





HOURS: 11 to G—Mon. to Sat.NIGHT CERA:hIICS —Mon. Eve.

7 to 9P.M.

1Think Christmas Early. CheckOut Many Gift Ideas. Finished

Items for Sale.II

DONNA FSARYPhono 289-5181

-Liquor Store Hours-11 a. m.—G




Standard Heatag Oils aad Diesel Fuels-We Deliver-



Tires —Tubes —Car Accessories —BATTERIES

Telephone 289-5711Deobald's

Etlez s 'lI.Befl Ifff 1


I ~Bun A<8, nxx—


I saturday Bv Apputu<muu< only1l

Kendrick, Idaho~~(

SALE DAYS DEC. 7, 8, 9 1978

<lieut. Congiatulations to all the girls

!ll ll<1 I.heir pal'eni.s.

Nn rv t litle<'I» Glrnre — I::::;., 'EW SHIPMENTS'I hc 8 lc»hm.tn C»<IH,<d „arne with ..;., gJHASH 8 H.A.S.H.,;:.

„,"),'„),'jI"."P s)~J11N~ 'BEARBOTTOMS )h-I »nlu ll illlc in Januaiy. I':.',",'":I' W'ide Leg JeanS—'omen to March Dec, 7 Size 22-38

A "loup <if gills anti vvomen uith)';":i—- I:"'::~ Young Men's Sweater 8< Light Weight Velour Shirts,,':,",'::) I rt ~

Ly0nS CIBCj'I OniCS 'i"'I 0 Black Velvet, Satin VestsI

) Now Offering) I II R f

' I' Satin and Sheer Blouses and Dress for the Miss ..IFull Refrigeration Service

Phone 289-5983K E N n IC I C II I;::! CLEARANCE,''. 0

Flare Leg Mavericks, 8-18 $5.00 .'"„','

'.': Childrer.'s Snow Boots, $1.98 to $3.50,"''I')0 FORMALS IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS 0

III lr I li 111 l~l II I II II I



RPI: [5

I1 Onions, Med. Yellow, 2 lb. 29c I


Cut-Up Fryers —lb. 65cHot Dogs, WF, lb. $1.19 d)l~ Grapefruit, Florida Pink, 6 for $1

ICheerios II Large Eggs 11$ Ice Cream

20 oz. 11nx \VIP Grnile AA lvl —Acc r<Avo<m

51.18 IIII 73c daz. IIII 2 gal. $1.08

Velveeta Ill Hi-Dri Towels IIII Cottage Cheese II I

IKraft Cheese s-ply, )08 u))uu<< 8" rullIl I

ivy, )8 u<. cu<luuIl

Ill 2lbs. $2.49 Iiil 2/88c Iilil 2/88c


IFranco Am. w mtballs, a) for QQC Cereal, 2B oz. box QQCSTRAWBERRIES g OO CORN MUFFINS, g OoWF, froz. 10 oz, tins ts for SQC Jeffy Mix, B)<<s oz. box Q for QQCDeviled Spam, Hormel, 3 oz. tin 39c Donuts, WF Asst. Cake dozen $1.29Foil, Diamond, 12<8 25 ft. 46c Corn, WF, Cut Froz. 20 oz. 59c

I l Vanilla Wafers, Sunshine 11 oz. 69c Broccoli, WF, Cut froz. 20 oz. 79cHawaiian Punch, Red, 46 oz. 69c Mixed Vegs. WF, Fro. 20 oz. 69cGrape Juice, Welch's 40 oz. $1.51 Peas, WF, Green Froz. 20 oz. 69cBread, McKenzie Farm, 24 oz. loaf 65c Purina Cat Chow, 10 lb. $4.29


I Coronet Toilet Tissue, .....4 roll pak 78c II

Nalley's Beef Stew,....... 29-'z. tia $1 .57 I

IIIl Pineapple Juice,W.F.,6oz. tia,.....6pak98c Ii

Il Foam Caps, Western Shores, 6az.size ..51 for 49c ii)I

~l::Il::I:I I

'hil,Donna and Scott Helnen Kendrick,idaho Open Sundays Noon to 3
