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Xj20156485 Spec - Rev 4-Signed [Revisar Pag 3 of 10]

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 T T E E C C H H N N I I C C A A L L  S S P P E E C C I I F F I I C C A A T T I I O O N N  A A e e r r i i a a l l  I I n n s s t t a a l l l l a a t t i i o o n n  C C a a b b l l e e  ( ( R Re f f er r enc ce:E E R RQ Q.f f 6 6.0 0 2 2 2 2 6 6 ) )  Designer Approver Chief Technical Engineer S Seni ior r  T Te ec ch hni ica al l  M Ma anag ge er r  Spec No.: ZTT XJ20156485 (According to 41837-2)  Revision: 2 Date: June 15, 2015 J Ji ia angs su Z Zh ho ong gt ti i a an T T ech hno ol lo ogy y C Co.,  L Lt td d.  No o.  5 Z Zho ong gt tian Ro oa ad d,  NE  A  AT T  A  A, Nant tong g C Ci t ty y ,  Jiang gs su p pr r o ov vinc ce e,  C China a T T el: +8 86 6- -513- -8919 113 38 8 Fax x:  +8 86 6- -5 513- - 8359 96 670 

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Chief Technical Engineer

SSeenniioor r  TTeecchhnniiccaall MMaannaaggeer r  

Spec No.: ZTT XJ20156485 (According to 41837-2) 

Revision: 2 

Date: June 15, 2015

JJiiaannggssuu ZZhhoonnggttiiaann TTeecchhnnoollooggyy CCoo..,, LLttdd.. 

NNoo.. 55 ZZhhoonnggttiiaann RRooaadd,, NNEE A ATT A A,, NNaannttoonngg CCiittyy,, JJiiaannggssuu ppr r oovviinnccee,, CChhiinnaa  TTeell:: ++8866--551133--88991199 11113388  FFaaxx:: ++8866--551133-- 88335599 99667700 

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1. General

1.1 Scope

This listed specification covers the design requirements and performance standard for the supply of

optical fiber cable in the industry. It also includes ZTT premium designed cable with optical,

mechanical and geometrical characteristics.

Cable type Application

OFC-48/96G.652D-ADSS-4500N-LLDPE Aerial installation cable

1.2 Cable Description

ZTT cable possesses high tensile strength and flexibility in compact cable sizes. At the same time, itprovides excellent optical transmission and physical performance.

1.3 Quality

Excellent quality control is achieved through intense in-house quality check and stringent audit

acceptance by ISO 9001.

1.4 Reliability

Initial and periodic product qualification tests for performance and durability are performed rigorously

to ensure product reliability.

1.5 Reference

The cable which ZTT offered are designed, manufactured and tested according to international

standards as follows:

IEC 60793-1 Optical fiber Part 1: Generic specifications

IEC 60793-2 Optical fiber Part 2: Product specifications

IEC 60794-4 Optical fiber cables-Part 4: Sectional specification-Aerial optical cables alongelectrical power lines

ITU-T G.650 Definition and test methods for the relevant parameters of single-mode fibers

ITU-T G.652 Characteristics of a single-mode optical fiber and cable

EIA/TIA 598 Color code of fiber optic cables

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2. Optical Fiber

The optical fiber is made of high pure silica and germanium doped silica. UV curable acrylate material

is applied over fiber cladding as optical fiber primary protective coating. The detail data of optical fiber

performance are shown in the following table.G.652D Fiber

Category DescriptionSpecifications

Before cabling After cabling



 Attenuation @1310 nm ≤0.34 dB/km≤0.36dB/km(Average)


@1550 nm ≤0.20 dB/km ≤0.22 dB/km(Average) 

≤0.24 dB/km(Max.)

Zero Dispersion Wavelength 1300~1324 nm

Point discontinuity @1550 nm ≤0.1 dB 

Zero Dispersion Slope ≤0.093 ps/nm2∙km

Chromatic dispersion @1310 nm






 Attenuation inhomogeneity  0.05 dB

PMD link value

(M=20cables Q=0.01%) maximum PMDQ 0.2 ps/√km 

Cutoff Wavelength1100-1320 nm(fiber)


Macro bending Loss

(100 turns; Ф50 mm) @1550 nm 

(100 turns; Ф50 mm) @1625 nm 

≤ 0.05 dB 

≤ 0.10 dB 

Mode Field Diameter @1310 nm

@1550 nm





Cladding Diameter 125 ±1μm 

Coating diameter 250 ±15μm 

Core/clad concentricity error ≤1μm(average:0.5μm) 

Cladding Non-Circularity ≤2.0%

Coating Non-Circularity ≤6.0%

Cladding/coating concentricity error ≤12.5μm 



Proof stress ≥0.69Gpa

Coating peak stripping force 1N-5N

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3. Cable Structure

3.1 Cable Type: OFC-48G.652D-ADSS-4500N-LLDPE

Picture is only for reference 

Technical Characteristics

  The unique extruding technology provides

the fibers in the tube with good flexibility andbending endurance

  The unique fiber excess length control

method provides the cable with excellent

mechanical and environmental properties

  Multiple water blocking material filling

provides dual water blocking function

  Aramid yarns can provide good tension












1. Outer sheath (LLDPE)2. Strength member (Aramid yarns)

3. Loose tube

4. Fiber and jelly

5. Central strength member (FRP)

6. Water blocking yarns

7. Water blocking tape

8. Inner sheath (LLDPE)

9. Rip cords(4)

Dimension and Properties 


Fiber count 48 G.652D

No of loose tube / filler 4/2

Fiber No. per tube 12

Loose tube diameter ID:1.7±0.1mm; OD:2.5±0.1mm

Central strength member diameter 2.6±0.1mm

Inner sheath thickness Nom 1.2mm

Strength member Aramid yarns

Outer sheath thickness Nom 1.5mm

Cable OD 14.30.5mm

Cable weight 15520kg/km

Operation temperature range -20 deg C to + 60 deg C

Installation temperature range -20 deg C to + 60 deg C

Transport and storage temperature range -25 deg C to + 70 deg C


Max. span 200m

Max. tensile load 4500N

Crush resistance 3000 N/10cm

Minimal installation bending radius 20 x OD

Minimal operation bending radius 10 x OD

Color code scheme:

Fiber color blue orange green brown gray white red 






Tube color blue orange green brown / 

Remark: the sheath thickness is not including the ripcord.

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3.2 Cable Type: OFC-96G.652D-ADSS-4500N-LLDPE

Picture is only for reference 

Technical Characteristics

  The unique extruding technology provides

the fibers in the tube with good flexibility and

bending endurance

  The unique fiber excess length control

method provides the cable with excellent

mechanical and environmental properties

  Multiple water blocking material filling

provides dual water blocking function

  Aramid yarns can provide good tension











1. Outer sheath (LLDPE)

2. Strength member (Aramid yarns)

3. Loose tube

4. Fiber and jelly

5. Central strength member (Coated FRP)

6. Water blocking yarns

7. Water blocking tape

8. Inner sheath (LLDPE)

9. Rip cords(4)

Dimension and Properties 


Fiber count 96 G.652D

No of loose tube / filler 8/0

Fiber No. per tube 12

Loose tube diameter ID:1.7±0.1mm; OD:2.5±0.1mm

Central strength member diameter 4.2±0.2mm (FRP 2.6±0.1)mm

Inner sheath thickness Nom 0.8mm

Strength member Aramid yarns

Outer sheath thickness Nom 1.5mm

Cable OD 15.00.5mm

Cable weight 17020kg/km

Operation temperature range -20 deg C to + 60 deg C

Installation temperature range -20 deg C to + 60 deg C

Transport and storage temperature range -25 deg C to + 70 deg C


Max. span 200m

Max. tensile load 4500N

Crush resistance 3000 N/10cm

Minimal installation bending radius 20 x OD

Minimal operation bending radius 10 x OD

Color code scheme:

Fiber color blue orange green brown gray white red 






Tube color blue orange green brown gray white red 


Remark: the sheath thickness is not including the ripcord. 

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4. Test Requirements

 Approved by various professional optical and communication product institution, ZTT also conduct

various in-house testing in its own Laboratory and Test Center. She also conduct test with specialarrangement with the Chinese Government Ministry of Quality Supervision & Inspection Center of Optical

Communication Products (QSICO). ZTT possess the technology to keep its fiber attenuation loss within

Industry Standards. 

The cable is in accordance with applicable standard of cable and requirement of customer. The following

test items are carried out according to corresponding reference.

Routine tests of optical fiber

Mode field diameter IEC 60793-1-45

Mode field Core/clad concentricity IEC 60793-1-20

Cladding diameter IEC 60793-1-20

Cladding non-circularity IEC 60793-1-20

 Attenuation coefficient IEC 60793-1-40

Chromatic dispersion IEC 60793-1-42

Cable cut-off wavelength IEC 60793-1-44

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Test List

4.1Tension Loading Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E1 or EN 187000-501

Sample length No less than 50 meters

Load Max. tension load

Duration time 10 minute

Test results

Fiber strain:≤0.05%; cable strain: ≤0.6%

 Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

4.2 Crush/Compression Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E3 or EN 187000-504

Load Crush load

Duration time 15minute

Test number 3

Test results Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

4.3 Impact Resistance Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E4 or EN 187000-505

Impact energy 5J

Radius 10mm

Impact points 3

Impact number 1

Test result Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

4.4Repeated Bending Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E6 or EN 187000-507

Load 100N

Length ≥1.0m

Bending radius 15 X diameter of cable (R≥250mm)

Cycles 100 cycles

Test result  Additional attenuation: ≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

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4.5 Torsion/Twist Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E7 or EN 187000-508

Sample length 1m

Load 100N

 Angles ±1

cycles 5

Test result Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

4.6 Bend Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E11 or EN 187000-513

Bending radius 15 X diameter of cable(r ≥250mm)

Turn number 5

Number of cycles 3

Test result Additional attenuation: ≤0.05dB

No damage to outer jacket and inner elements

4.7 Temperature cycling Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 F1 or EN 187000-601

Temperature step +20℃  →-20℃  →-25℃  →+60℃  →+70℃ 

Length ≥1000m

Time per each step 20hrs

Cycles 4

Test result Attenuation variation: ≤ 0.05 dB/km @-20℃~+60℃ 

≤ 0.10 dB/km @-25℃~+70℃,reversible≤ 0.05 dB/km;

4.8 Water penetration Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 F5 or EN 187000-605B

Height of water column 1mSample length 3m

Test time 14 days

Test result Max. penetration length ≤1m. 

4.9Tube Kinking Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 G7 or EN 187000-512

Moving length L 70mm (After moved, the bending diameter is 78mm)

Cycles 5

Test result No kinking shall occur.

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4.10Abrasion Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1-2 E2B1 or EN 187000-503A

Needle diameter 1 mm

Load 4 N

Cycles 100

Test resultNo marking should be discontinued cover by abrasion.

The marking must be legible after the test.

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5. Packing and Drum

55..11 ZTT cables are packed in carton, coiled on Bakelite & wooden drum. During transportation, right tools

should be used to avoid damaging the package and to handle with ease. Cables should be protected

from moisture; kept away from high temperature and fire sparks; protected from over bending andcrushing; protected from mechanical stress and damage.

5.2 The color of cable marking is white. (The printing shall be carried out at interval of 1 meter on the

outer sheath of cable) The inner end of cable is then sealed with heat shrinkable end cap to prevent

ingress of water and is made available for testing. The outer end of cable is equipped with heat

shrinkable end cap. Outer sheath mar king legend can be changed according to user’s requests. 

5.3 Outdoor cable packing

Bakelite & wooden drum

Strong wooden batten protection

Wooden strip seal

Wooden flange

Inner tub

Cable fixing point

 Axle hole

Cable trough

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6. Name of ZTT Optical Fiber Cable
