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Xp3 Presentation - Expanded Technical Info

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www.Xp3Canada.co m Xp3 Expanded Technical Information Functions & Benefits
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w w w. X p 3 C a n a d a . c o m

Xp3 Expanded Technical Information

Functions & Benefits

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A blend of organic compounds and synthetic resins.

Classified as a non-hazardous, biodegradable fuel upgrader with a safe MSD Sheet containing no controlled substances. (Note: Xp3’s Diesel High Performance formula and the Winter Extreme formulations are not biodegradable.)

Does NOT contain any harmful, abrasive or dangerous compounds like alcohol, kerosene, aromatics, naphtha, sulfur or any organometallics like calcium, iron, cerium or platinum.

Safe with ALL manufacturer’s warranties and will NOT void any warranties.

EPA Registered, and Manufacturer Warranty Safety Guaranteed.

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3 rd Party Tested & ValidatedASTM D-7687 tested to show effect iveness in t reat ing fue l that

was contaminated wi th micro -organism / microbia l growth .

ASTM D-6890 tested to show the effect iveness o f the Xp3 Diese l H igh Per formance Cetane boosted fo rmula ’s ab i l i ty to increase Cetane.

ASTM D-6079 HFRR and BOCLE ASTM D5001 tested to show increased lubr ic i ty added to fue ls .

SnapOn 5 Gas Analyzer tested to show reduced po l lu t ionand emiss ions.

SGS Lab tested for showing reduct ion in heavy meta ls and extended lubr icant ’s l i fe through o i l ana lys is .

MD Mustang Dynamometer and PowerDyne Softwareused to test the increases in torque and horsepower.


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Benefits & Results100% fu l l re turn on investment f rom first use.

Prov ides more va lue than i t ’ s input cost .

Instant Positive R.O.I.

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Benefits & ResultsUpgrades regular fue l to U l t ra -Premium Fue l .

Improves s tart ing, id l ing & throt t le response.

Restores o r ig ina l in jector spray pat terns for bet ter combust ion .

Improves ign i t ion qua l i ty and fue l atomizat ion character is t ics .

Helps extend the l i fe and funct ion o f fue l fi l ters & DPF systems.

Max imizes BTU output va lue o f fue ls and prov ides a complete, efficient and c leaner burn ing o f the fue l .

Reduces premature o i l degradat ion due to seepage of heavy meta ls through p is ton r ings .

Combustion Improver

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DEALER DYNO TESTEDMore Power & Less PollutionOne of our Canadian retail & bulk distributors commissioned Walls Rod Custom to conduct dyno testing on Xp3 to validate Xp3’s claim of producing more power out of fuels.

DYNO test results showed increased power when adding Xp3 to diesel.More engine power allows for more distance travelled using less fuel, and less unburnt hydrocarbons coming out of the exhaust as pollution.

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Cold Weather Protection

Benefits & ResultsImproves pour po int by an add i t iona l 10 degrees Celc ius . Prevents wax fo rmat ion , bu i ld up , ge l l ing & fi l ter c logg ing. D isperses moisture and water caused by condensat ion . Reduces water corros ion prob lems l i ke rust in meta l fue l tanks.

Improves co ld s tar t ing and id l ing .

(Note: Winter Ext reme Diese l Formula prov ides an add i t iona l 27 degrees Celc ius in improved protect ion . )

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Benefits & ResultsIncreases lubr ic i ty o f fue ls to prov ide wear protect ion .

Restores los t lubr ic i ty in low and u l t ra low su l fur d iese ls .

Reduced f r i c t ion extends the funct ion and l i fe o f in terna l mov ing par ts .

Lubr icates & protects upper cy l inder wal l s , in take va lves, r ings, common ra i ls , fue l pumps & in jectors . Prevents in jector fou l ing and in jector fa i lu res .

Keeps in jectors c lean and operat ing a t max imum efficiency.

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Deposit Control & Corrosion Inhibitor

Benefits & ResultsPrevents Oxidat ion , Corros ion & Rust ing

Prevents format ion o f Su l fur ic Ac id

Unplugs c logs f rom ex ist ing depos i ts .

Protects aga inst fue l pump and in jector fa i lu res .

Improves fi l ter l i fe and funct ion by reduc ing soot accumulat ions.


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Detergent & Cleaner

Benefits & ResultsCleans out carbon, varn ish , soot , s ludge and gum format ions in the ent i re fue l system inc lud ing va lves, fue l in jectors , va lve sea ls , p is ton r ings and cy l inder wal l s . Prevents bu i ld up o f new depos i ts on in terna l par ts wh ich wou ld lead to premature wear.

C leans fue l pumps and keeps in jectors mov ing f ree ly , avo id ing s t ic t ion .

Reduces downt ime and repa i r costs to fue l systems.

Prevents format ion o f su l fur ic ac id .

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Extends Engine Life & Maintenance

Benefits & ResultsDelays o i l v i scos i ty breakdown and extends eng ine’s o i l l i fe . Extends longevi ty and funct ion o f fue l fi l ters and o i l fi l ters . Protects equ ipment aga inst premature wear. Reduces maintenance and operat ing costs . C leans and extends the l i fe o f d iese l par t icu late fi l ters .

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Effective for use inBio-Diesel and Ethanol-Based Fuels

Benefits & ResultsCounters the negat ives effects o f b io -d iese l , ethano l and winter b lended fue ls .

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Fuel Stabilizer

Benefits & ResultsStab i l i zes fue ls for s torage, s tandby and miss ion cr i t i ca l equ ipment .

Upgrades fue l in tegr i ty for dur ing s torage and t ransport .

Pro tects aga inst fue l degradat ion and phase separat ion .

Reduces mechan ica l prob lems caused by fou led fue l .

Keeps fue l c lean and f resh dur ing s torage.

RECOMMENDATION is to t r ip le dose when us ing Xp3 to stabi l i ze fuel for extended per iods.

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Water & Moisture Control

Benefits & ResultsBreaks down water molecu les & mois ture in to sub-microscopic drop lets , bonding and encapsu lat ing them for safe passage.

Corrects water and moisture problems cause by condensat ion or prob lems caused dur ing t ransportat ion , s torage and d ispens ing .

E l iminates cond i t ions where a lgae and microb ia l organisms can grow and contaminate fue ls .

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Biodegradable & Environment Friendly Benefits & ResultsReduces unburnt hydrocarbons , vanad ium pentox ide, exhaust smoke and po l lu t ing emiss ions C lean, safe and 100% b iodegradable C lass ified as a safe and NON-Hazardous product Can be a i r f re ighted as a NON-Dangerous goods Does not conta in a lcoho l , kerosene, aromat ics , naphtha , su l fur or other harmfu l compounds. Safe wi th a l l manufacturer ' s warrant ies .

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Fa c e b o o k : fb.X p 3 . c aP r e s e nt a ti o n : i n fo.X p 3 . c a V i d e o s : v i d e o s.X p 3 . c aR a d i o : ra d i o.X p 3 . c aVa l i d a ti o n Te s t : va l i d a te.X p 3 . c aTe c h n i c a l I n fo : te c h . X p 3 . c a

w w w. X p 3 C a n a d a . c o m1 - 8 0 0 - 5 0 7 - 4 1 0 7

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