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xrg Gaffney Afternoon Game Spartanburg ANDERSONJ WÓÑ A BF...

Date post: 14-Jan-2020
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Yesterday's Results At Anderson 2; Gaffney 1. At Spurlunburg-Grciivlllc, rain. ANDERSON BEAUT1 PITCHER'S BATTLE YESTER- DAY BETWEEN ROBIN¬ SON AND INGLE SCORE WAS 2 TO 1 Robinson Yielded Only Three Hits To Gaffney Team and Home Hopes Rcg:stercd Victory The heat hame yet played In tho I'iedtnont league on the Anderson grounds when Robim on und Ingle Hobin- on and Ingle fought a pitcher's battle, with the odds in favor of the loeal mun and Anderson won hy a ¡aore of li to 1. Il wu:; u hair rais¬ ing exhibition and from the first ball until the last mau was out in the ninth inning and Anderson taus nev¬ er.raw a helter game than thic in the cid C'urolira association. liobin-.:on hud Illings breaking his way yesterday and with splendid speed and good control lie had tho Gaffney team where bc wanted them. Ingle also pitched a good game for. Gaffney and hud his team mutes been able to hit, there might have beeu a différent story to tell. Mite were few and far between. Gaffney hoing able to garner only three off Robinson while Anderson scored only live from Ingle. Anderson's lirst run was scored in^ the fifth inning. Ripley grounded' out, pit» lied to first and was followed by McColl, who got a- clean single. Robinson hit to short nnd that worthy threw tho hall away when he pegged to lin t, base, lotting McColl score. Antfcn-on scored again in thc sev¬ enth inning when Wilson went out, Hrst to first ; Hoopoe struck out on1 three good ones, Chimers drew a puss and walked to first and then 'Bull hit for two bags, bringing in thc second runner: This ended «the run getting of the homo team. Gaffney got .her- une run in thc sev¬ enth inning.'-; Dean wai thc first man tombât and he hit for two .bags. He took third on an error of Millwood in throwing high to that sack and then on Curry's long, fly to right field; Dean tugged and beat the throw to the home plate. Robinson straight¬ way tightened up and struck out thc nek*, mau and caused thc la-1 Latter to fly out to left field. . While there was no sensational playing done, thc game was full of i n ap and ginger and was played in fast time. It was a beautiful exht-1 hit lon and (hut tells thc tale. It was a shume and disgrace on Anderron yesterday that the crowd was so small tor ouch a magnificent game. A cross roads village would have turned out more people to see thc game, bul it is already an assured fact that three times as many pcfo- plc will be out today to witness thc exhibition and owing to tho fact that ladies aro now admitted free to all gum cu, there will doubtless be more feminine fane to see exhibition this, afternoon. Tho box Ecoru gives a good idea of how A nd «'ir ¡jon won thc. game yester¬ day Anderson Name ab r h po a e Wilson, ri . 3 0 -2 2 4 2. Hooper lb >.V/.'l-.-. 4 0 043 1 1 Childers, 2b . 3 1 0 1 3 0 Bull, ri. 4 0 1' 4 0 0 Biplev, 3h_.....3 0 0 I 2-0 McColl. cr . 3 1 2 1: 0 0 Watson, ir .Sí; 0-o i o o Robinr.ou, p.'«."O-"© 0 2 Oj Millwood, c . 3 0 0 4 1 1 Tótul . 20 2 5 27 13. 4 . ; Gaffney , % ab r h po a o Moore, cf..^l 00 1 0 0 DeShields, tf . 3 0 0 3 0 Oj Hpaid, 2b-. 4 0 110 0 Ballard, 3b......:. 3 0 0 2 ö 0d Edwards, ss ....... .4 0 0 0 l i] Cuthbert, rf ........4 0 1 1 00 Dean, c -. I t i ? l l* Cdrry, lb 3 0 0 9 1 0 ingle -... 3 ,0 0 .0 2 1 total .. '31.1 3 24 10 31 Score.by innings; A ml er a on .000 Ol 1 6ÖX | Gaffney . 000 OOO 100J Two base hits-Hoard, Culbrcth,} Dean and Bull. { Sacrifice hitr.-Edwardo, »Ingle and ¡ Watson. .-.Base on balls off Robinson 3; offff inglo 2. Struck out by Robinson 8; hy In¬ gle 7. . Wild pitches,.Ingle. I Stolen bases.* Childers. Left on bases. Anderson 4; Gaffney 1: - \ . Hits brr Robinson 3; off Ingle 6. Time. 1:40. , ihnpiro. Mr. King. Attendance, 100. : j Representative Named. ?? Washington... Joly 6,-Representa-' Uve Edward \V. Pou of North Carolina #as recommended to President Wil¬ son today by Senator, Simmons for appointment as associate justice of tho District j of ; Columbia, supremo court. Mr. Pou has' been a member or, WlwWe.coKOn tmm tyisèvef-k congress.- He ts til years old. : , Spartanbï J WÓÑ A FUL GAME] ÉUNTS Biç baseball, what? lt Anderson fans don't come oui to- (day to see such baseball as now I being furnished, our Idea or them will be unprintable. Thc beat team in this league is to be found in Anderson, and that's no Joke. "rot" Robinson Jur.t a shade bet¬ tor than anything soon around these diggings. Some stingy with his hits, ls thal boy. Ono of the hardest workers on tho toa ni ls Ripley. He ÍB fielding all die time and he hits like a Mend. The Ians leul some confident when they ace him in thu game. I Ingle is a good pitcher, but lt? in not quite good enough to beat Ander¬ son. Mr. Kid: on will probably Ira rn IhiB afternoon that a uitchcr can't win all his games. j Anderson will have quite an aggre¬ gation to pick from for the hurling honors this afternoon. Bland is a new pitcher with a long string of vic? tories behind him and can show the real goods. How about the game put up at Bhort by Anderson's mun yesterday? He errorreU but. ho did that because ho "took a chance on everything In (.sight. A man is clmost ashamed to admit that he lives in Anderson, after taking a look at that crowd of 100 people yesterday. *ttf ifl If Anderson people can't turn out., moro fana to sec a game than she did yeaterdny.-tliiu burg must be In bad áhápo. 'i y iii Yesterday's battle was as good as, [any ever socn !u thc Carolina Associ¬ ation and lt ls up to the tans to 8U*i- port auch baseball. », - Do or die. Either come out and seo the games or admit that you don't want basoball herc. "Schmidt" Wood and his crew of 'Gaffney player*. will put up a game fight for tho engagement this after¬ noon, but- There wa? weeping und wailing and gnashing of teeth in Gaffney at ex¬ actly 6:21 yesterday afternoon. Have to admit though that the Gaff¬ ney fans aro game and so is tho team. The game today bcginB at 4:30 o'clock; ladles arc admitted free; a big crowd of fans MUST come. Thrco hits for Gaffney and (Ive for Anderdon (hows .that tho exhibition yo: tcrday was no run-away. Today and tomorrow will mark a crista in -the baseball situation. U ls up to*Anderson- people. .... ... Maybe Anderson folks don't mind "quitting." A "quitter"1 Is-' defined as a thing to bc dlrpisod. How. does that'word round, anyway? If we can get 3Ó0-Anderson people out today it win be enough to at least make a presentable oho wing. ij; The Gaffney/- team. last night had a'big time, making fun of Anderson's attendance. They had a right to do iso/y because In Gaffney their- team diawa between 700 and 800 people. Tho situation la timply thus: You can:t. pay park rent, Btroot car,fares, Ramo-guafanteo6. etc., Wit!* btv money and baseball playera can't eat hot air. - In r the Wbrdr'-ot" theHtltiBi trioua "Plutarch" *toAÜ. "eoniethtag muat bo did." >" Í:^ : feL- It'e a mighty poor maa it he can't claim a wife, mother or Fwcetheart, or- maybe* a sister. ? Get hold of her thia afternoon and let nor aie a good baseball game. you does "cióse. To tue Clerks-Ask your boss man to let yon off thrr«.nf&rnoon fbi tho game. If lio refuiros, Ult him.he IR &, tight-v/ad and rofor. Ulm to tho sporting editor of Thé intelligencer. AU aboard at'iisO. >l Moot yon there, sure. North Anderson Voters. The Dally IntUUgencer la asked to State that tho club enrollment book tor the North Anderson democratic club, wilt ue.fouod tó.the ttf^e tlÄ'S county treasurer -where the voters ¡j may enroll their names. xrg and Gaffney I STMÍH6 BF THE CLUBS Piedmont. W L pct ANDERSON .5 4 .55C Greenville . 5 4 55« Spartunburg . 5 5 .500 Gaffney _. 4 6 .400 South Atiaulie. W L pct Charleston . 9 5 .643 Albany. 10 6 025 Columbun . a 7 .56:'. Columbia . 9 7 .663 Augusta. 9 8 .529 Savannah. 7 9 .438 Macon . 5 9 357 Jacksonville.511 .313 American. \V L pct Philadelphia. 43 29 .697 Dpttoit. 42 32 .561i Washington. 39 33 .542 DJgÍbn . 39 35 .527 Chicago... 37 33 .529 St. Louis. 37 36 .514 Cleveland . 25 43 .368 Now Yárk.24 44 .353 National. NV L pct New York. 41 25 .621 Chicago. 38 32 .543 St. Louis. 37 .521 Cincinnati. 36 .477 Pittsburgh.31 ¿A 4/7 Philadelphia. 31 36 .470 Boston .28 40 .412 Federal. W L Pct Ballimore . 41 30 .577 Chicago . 30 30 .664 Indianapolis. 37 28 .569 I) nfl a lo.812 30 .516 Kansas City. 34 38 .-»72 Brooklyn. 30 32 .484 Pittsburgh. 29 35 .453 St. Louis. 29 41 .414 Southern. I W L pct Mobile. 45 35 .563 Birmingnam. 41 35 .539 Chattanooga. 44 36 .560 Now Orleans. 42 37 .532 Nashville.42 38 .525 Atlanta. 38 37 .507 Memphie. 33 45 .423 Montgomery .30 63 .361 North Carolina W . L pct Charlotte '..t.. ..39 25 .600 Durham. 37 26 .587 Winston.:. .. 33 28 .541 Raleigh . 30 34 .469 Greensboro. 25 37 .403 Asheville. 2G 39 .391: NATIONAL At New York 5; Philadelphia 4. (1st Game.) At Host'cm"'3-V; Brooklyn 1-0. At New York 2; Philadelphia (second game.) No others scheduled. Boston Retaliated. Broklyn^ July 6.-After losing 3 straight'gailles td Brooklyn. Boston canje back today, winning beth ends of a double header, 3 to 1 and 1 to 0. Score, First Game: Brooklyn _ 000 OOO 000-1 ; 7 ; 1 Boston . 003 000 OOx-3;10; 0| Pfeffer and F scher; Crutcher and Dowdy. . Second Game: Brooklyn . OOO 000 000-0; 6; 1 Boston . 010 000 OOx-1 ; 4 ; 0 '. Allen and McCarty ; Crutcher and Gowdy. Ono Each In Gotham Now York, July 6.-New York and Philadelphia divided their double header here today tho Champions tak¬ ing the first game 5 to 4 and Philadel¬ phia the second, 7 to 2. Larry Doyle won the fir ft gamo In thc ninth inning with a home run to right Held which fJravath played poorly. Score, First Gamo. Philadelphia .. 010 030 OOO-4 ; ll ; 1 New Yojk- 100 001 003-6;10; 21 Mat ti son and Ki ll if or ; -Fromme, Wiltse and Meyers, McLean. Philadelphia ... 480 000 000-7;-7; 0 New York .... 100 100 OOO- 2; 10> 1 '- jacobs. Mayer and: E. Barns; Tes- reatt. Dètnaree, Sbauer, Schupp and Meyers, .McLean. AMERICAN At Philadelphia 2; »New York 0. At Washington 1; Boston 0. Only: two- games scheduled. At Buffalo 8; Toronto 4. At Rochester 8; Montreal 7. At Baltimore 6; Providence 4. At Newark 6; Jersey City 5. At Cleveland 2; Louisville. 6. (12 InriingS.) n v, rt« v-.. \ i i At indianapolis 4; Columbus 1. (2 lames scheduled.) Stoic Home td ttin. wasMhgtdh. . july 6--McBride's ttedi home lb.tho fourth inning today wvo Washington the winning run.-in ¡his edd tüuiuu 'ai the Buries pith Bos- 'jon. A, JOhhso*. and Walter Johnson apposed each: other and both pitched trail, but Walter wak the. steadier of irôkë Even Score : New York ..... 000 000 000- 0; 4; 0 Philadelphia ... O20 OOO OOx-2; 7; 0 Caldwell and 8wccncy; Hender and Schang. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Nashvlllo 3; New Orleatm 0. At Chattanooga 2; Montgomery 9. At Atlanta 1; Mobile 1 1; (13 In¬ nings, darkness.) At Mcmpl>- 7; Birininghum 7. (10 inning?, darkness.) S ATLANTIC. At August 3; Macon 0. At Charleston 0; Albany 2. At Colmnbiu 6; Jackuonville 2. At SpvanuuU 2; Columbus H. VIRGINIA LEAGUE At Norrolk 5; Richmond 2. (First Came. ) At Norfolk 1; Richmond 5. (Second (ia in vi Af Ronnoke-Portemouth. rain. N C LEAGUE . At Winston-Salem 1 ; Durham 2. At Raleigh 0; Asheville 2. At charlotte 0; Greensboro 1. FEDERAL" At Chicago 1; Kans-as City 4. At Búllalo 5; Pittsburgh «. At Brooklyn IO; Baltimore 5. Only throe ganaos scheduled. ' Lange Got HIM Bumps. Chicago. July 6.-Kansas City hit hard today and defeated Chicago 4 to 1. Previously Laoge hud wou five straight gymea. Score: Knmmr, City_O10 00D 201-4:12; 2 Cl-.ícrgo OOO O01 000-1; 7: 3 ( Packard and Easterly; Lunge, Mc¬ Guire and Wilron. " iu . Four Pitchers Ina wi Hin ir Brooklyn July\6-Brooklyn fell upon Baltimore's four pitchers for IC hits too)ay and -won thu opening game of thc . eries 10 to 5. Score: Baltimord1"..5 200/ 002 000-5; 8; 2 Brooklyn. ... ; .TOM ¡OOO I2x-10;1G; 0* Buggs, YounW Htjßheu. Wilhelm and Japklitscu,- Bouvjftïh Morton and Ow¬ ens'. TrteU lltilM In' Smth. Buffalo, July U. ^-A ninth inning ral¬ ly by tho local batsmen for a time (oday threatened Pittsburgh's fl to 5 victory. Albert Schult, who jumped the New York Americans recently, pitched three innings of today's game for Buffal-\ Score: Buffalo . ._ 301 OOO 001-.">; 9; 0 Pittsburgh _ Q03.411 000-6;11; 2 Schulz, Krupp aud Blair; Knetzer and Berry. FlaoRaised Anderson People To Get First Ghmpse of Rag Won In Caro¬ lina Association The attendance at this afternoon's game will the far better than was that jf yo.-terday afternoon but today's crowd will be increased when tho game is called tomorrow. The addi¬ tional attendance will bo due to the fact that Anderson fans will have an opportunity tomorrow to see, for the first time, the pennant which was won by the Anderson team of the Carolina Association., in. .1912; This flag has never been hoisted In public and to- rrow will be tiie first, time that lt has ever beea shown the light of day. Forman Smith,- who. ls one of thc biggest hearted men aud one of tho best posted men on baseball lu all this country, said last night that he would cheerfully furnish the flag for thia one public appearance and said that he knew the fans would respond to this call., lt is worth 25 cents for the privilege of looking at this flag alone and In. addition to 'that the game will bo a good one. The attendance will be increased and the fads will help to keep baseball In Anderson. How about you? "ST omplexioîis Most poor complexions ate duo to sluggish, torpid liven, constipation and other liter ills. A dose ot tl "" 'j**- '' '"¿5-JL JU 1 a ; J * "v riv? akon Just before retiring will tone tip Uio liver, carry off the excess ot bile arid .cause en.easy and natural move¬ ment of the bowels, lt will not only make Its good work felt In better iealth-riiäke you LOOK well and ¡pÉ^yu.wpii. cehtV'ànd l.oo per botle at your druggist*. Manufactured and guaranteed by Three Stores. Where They Play Tomorrow, Where They Piny Today. Gaffney at Andersen; Greenville at| Spar tun burg. Pitchers Summey Will Probably Officiate For Locale and "Two-Hit " Miller For Gaffney Tteam There will bn little left to bc deBir- ed in tim way of pitching this after¬ noon. The management of the Ande sen team announced last night that Hummey woud probably hurl for An¬ der while it is expected that Miller will pitch for Gaffney. This will ex¬ actly reverse yestcrdoy'* game, since Anderson used u southpaw and Gaff¬ ney a righthander in yesterday's gare- but there ls no reason tobollove that these facts will reverse, the score. Such an Idea is preposterous. Howovor, lt must bo admitted that Miller le a gi od pitcher because t"< let Spur tun burg down wit ht wo hits and when he walks iuto the box it inspires the Gaffney team with conll- dence. Summey is a good pitcher and Gaff¬ ney knows that but they do not know quite as wei as thev will after the game is over this afternoon. in a recent exhibition with Green¬ ville Summey eau .-ed several batters to. fall upon their faces and grovul in the din, afraid of being struck by a ball, when HS u matter of fact the balls went square across the plate and strikes were called. He has thc widest breaking curve over .-cen around this town and he hau a few special favorites left In store to trot out for the edification of the Gaff* J ney crew this afternoon. In other, words you might say that ho is plan- ning to put the Gaff in Gaffney at Beuna Vista park this afternoon. Up To Them In Helping To Save * Anderson Club From Staring Into Bankruptcy's Face Anderson women have shown time and time again that they are more public spirited than some of the men of the city and the Anderson team ho» turned to the ladies of the city for help In its hour nf need. The ladles are all to be admitted, to the park free from this time on and therefore lt it moy bo a pretty hard th!?g for one to understand how the ladles arc to help, If they aro to pay no money. The team does not want one cont of any lady's money. All they ask is that every lady, in return for being cor¬ dially welcomed at tho park and ad¬ mitted free of charge, bring some mun along witli them. Maybe all the ladies can't i'm! big, handsome, strapping, robust fellows, but If you can't find one of that kind, do tho best you can. Get some sa wed-off. ea ved-In. spindly- shanked fellow. Get spine sort of a man, even if you are ashamed of him after you get there. Seriously, tile team must have some financial support and if tho ladies will help they can manage to get more men out to thc game this afternoon than anyone would believe. Common observation show.- that won move in mysterious ways, their wonders to perform, and thc baseball managemont ls relying upon each and every "feminine fan" performing sorao wonders today and tomorrow. Ä Necessity Anderson's Baseball Fans Must Understand That Präsent Sup¬ port Ea Very Inadequate A majority of the people In Anderson are good sound, level headed business folks -and they will understand that 100 people at 25 cents each, furnish only (25 in gate receipts. The guar¬ antee to thc visiting team is $35 per ganur and. then there comes the salr.r- le* of tho Anderson players, in addi¬ tion- to tho cost of balls and other par¬ aphernalia. Therefore, the fans wlil eoe that the game here yesterday cost tho local management about three timct what the gate receipts amounted to. Ono enan In .the grandstand. yes¬ terday 'remarked* - vTLocatv people, don't* know what sort.of baaebal labe-, lng played here, >Thie game is as good ac.any I over saw in the Carolina league." That ta the explanation of tho whole affair in a nutshell. Be¬ cause Anderson had a high priced team in tho field i when the Carolina league was running, they hove con¬ cluded that the team how>represent¬ ing the city a back lat affair. And that's Just «thara, thoy, aro wrong- . If you care anything about baseball, come out today and tomorrow and see tho team play against Gaffney. It you don't, .cara--anything about baseball, try to muster, up enough pride in your city to-help along by golag for1 »ne afternoon.. ... if you don't cate anything- shout bespül and don't., caro anything about Anderson,' either, then move out of town. How"about you? » Râmëd! No Game Wa«. Played Yesterday Afternoon In Spartanburg With Greenville Tteam ..With Greenville on top of thc per¬ centage column yesterday, shu failed to draw ahead of Anderson and re¬ mained this. uiorniiiK in the same po¬ sition that she. occupied yesterday. This is du'j to the fact thal the gunio between Greenville und Kptirianburg wa sruincd out In the fourth inning yesterday afternoon. At thc time it became necessury to call the game the score was '1 to 1 in favor of Spartan¬ burg and dispatches frota that city said last night that the Spartan crew| would have had an ea?v timi in win* ning hud the gamo been plavcd lo u fi nish. The Manager LeRoy McCall Made a Succès Of Handling Local Team Agamst Gaffney Aggregation I.cKoy McCall, the speedy first baseman, outfielder and pitcher of the Anderson team, managed the local fellows in line fashion yesterday and showed that he had some ability aong this ine. "Mac" ls one of thc heat ball players in this village. He secur¬ ed two pretty hits yesterday and play-] ed an all-round jam-up good game. Ho did som" splendid advertising yesterday in the way of letting the fans know that there ls such a thing as baseball in town and it was McCall said last night that lila paint I through no fault of his that Hie a tendance was not better, brush would he seen on every window | in town today and he will also have, an automoble tour made of the city, with- one of the local fan.- to an¬ nounce today's game through a megu-| phone. . There ls going to be a good crowd! at today'a game if the sheriff has to] be pressed Into servi re and the lan J made to go. How about you. * T. Frank Wntklnr. Satal L. Prince . WATKINS * PRINCE * Attorneys and Counsellbr-atLaw * * 1st Floor illerkley Bldg, * Andemon. S. C. SAYRE & BALDWIN ARCHITECTS * Bleckley Bldg. Anderson, 8. C. . * Citizens National Bank Bldg. * Raliegh, N. C. ******************** CASEY ft FANT ARCHITECTS * Anderson. S. C. * Broun Office Building * Second Floor. Phone Sf» * * BR. L. H. SNIDER * VETERINARY SURGEON . * Fretwell Co. Stahle . * Phone 54. Anderson. 8. C. * LEGAL NOTICES Delintiuent Road Tax Notice.. AU delinquent road tax collectors ire provided with, 'an official- receipt jook with numbers, and; stub numbers tttacbed. Pay no money; to collectors an less .you get the official receipt is above provided for. .. J. HACK KING, f County Supervisor. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. The. undersigned administrator- ot he estate of LU'lan Gaillard, deceased < rill sell the personal property of the aid Lillian Gaillard, ai har Ute re«* lenee In the city of ??Ander-«-- v »'clock ¡noon on July *"." ruu- ¡rty consista of \ fcta.nel ..o»scr, wash¬ land, etc. Terms cash. ,- W. P. Johnson, Ad's». > Fortunate 1*44ana. : tn\ a composition^ dealing . with the ia bi ts «nd customs of'Aworiaanhlnr Uans... it.hoy, deeply, ;impra*jed twU¿ bair free-and-easy Ufa wrote, tho^iol- owlng: "The Indians had few laws» -ut they were well vloUV?d.'\ INTELLIGENCER WANT APS- GET RESULTS WANTS WAXTKll-Position os; clerk lo a gro¬ cery store. Three years' experience. Can furnish good reference. Mar¬ ried anti eau conic at once. Reason¬ able salary to start. Apply io "Clerk." care Thc Intelligencer.. 7-G-& Wanted-Cow or field peas of all vari¬ eties, name lowest priccu and send samples of what you have to offer. J. P. Walters, Laürange. N. C. a WANTER-First class beef cattle, sheep and veal, weighing from 90 to 125 pounds-W. A. Power.' ; 212 South Main Street. ir ~ LÖST - ( LOST-In Anderson during the Elke'- ' convention, a dark'brown hand bag,"' " containing a gray Palm Ileach ault and other articles. Letter lu pock¬ et addressed to ' Ed H. Det'ampj (ia ff ney, S. C. Finder please notLfy / Thc Intelligencer/ tu A tf ..' FOR SALE For Sale-It you want nitrate of soda... , for spot or futuro, shipment it wlíF pay you to communicate with, tip, " before placing your,orders. Harby!.., & Co., Brokera, Importera, Dcalcrp, all fertilizers, Sumter;,H. C". .. -=-'- PTfgT- '.-Cl ' FOIt SALE-Two soflqnd hand sow».;.!.- lng machines in good.condition. Alsq. Y one light, spring wagon. It will pay :; you to see me for your repair work. ::, AU work guaranteed.-J. H. Allen*. :. Ilonea Path, S. C. ,,i »-yt--T--rt«-I- '"Hil For Hale-Tho lumber, of tho wrecked;,j' building or Furman Lodge, known as thc old Willliqrd. store, on Mon-... day. July nth, at ll o'clock: 8- Ai,.,, Burn. W. M. Jnrrt>, 7-7-gtp FORREST For Rent-The-¡entire aocond floor* ot (.tho Pepper building on WeSJ. , Whltner. street. Reasonable ratoi.'','. Apply to Anderson Lodge B. P. O. EL' Elka.. -, «-2t-tfd;ni -1-wm .a rp? ul', ii 'pjj-l, For Rent-New Ave room honer, on, an. Nordln. Ave., directly behind. Wesleyan Methodist^ ,eh,u.rjcD onv.&vi Main St. See S. B. Kaya, 181 BUfar eon St. .-. . - " .*..'»!. I »M'". iftltow ??> ? iui m 'Hr.: BUSINESS W?.àLB% WE SHIP VICTROLAS * RECORD^ ' anywhere. Write- for;,our 'catalog., and Join our club, John il- WU»',' Hams. Distributor, ,Grand> Opera-¡ House Building, Greenville. 8. C. -1--." .?' ! . ? IIaxtoe School Fer Boya-The school -A with an unparalleled1 record; s .elect i limited patronage; ''boys ll to IR years old; Individual lnstruotloa; ono man to every 12 hoya. For cat-1 alogue, address Hugh T.. Shockley.ö. Head Muster, Spartonburg,' 8. C¿«i T. Frank,Watkins Samuel L. Frlnco. .WATKINS ^PBDiÇ^. -(¿¡¡áf- Attorneys and CounHollor«»at.Law 1st Floor- BUcaley- Bldg, . ?. I. -(,.- -. Asidor»oni"8t <*. nv ? '"I H( .'. .-\. t.. Jrff*1- BOILERS, TANK&V- STACKS» ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY . AND SUPPLIES, REPAIRS-*- PIPE, GALVANIZED ROOFING LOMBARD IRON WORKS : Other Peoplë OwtV Their Horries Have they been moro fortunate thain you or have they been more thrirty? Well, tho d 1 f ferai' ne thia< you, ha va, been paying rent vrhlle fhey were WU*' lng for their bornai ¡"Voura -attll be¬ longs to the other mari, though yon might have paid for-il. Your triona;; got what be paid for and owns bUF LET US BUILD YÖÜ % HOME .fig WESTEND NOW. S*?' MDERSOR Ä ESPE# Notice to Mewber,9 .ot Hall Ctuh.^.; to bo at Cfcrswoli'a InôtUuto Saturday,. All mernbera ol Hall duh. are ur««d( July ll, at,3.30 o'clock to enroll und«- the new mles, U you do not register it will hr r.iposBlb'.c Tor you» to vote; on eiceilptt' day. Only'-< about ^'onp-, : ¿urth of the i-50 menibera . havo ea-,
Page 1: xrg Gaffney Afternoon Game Spartanburg ANDERSONJ WÓÑ A BF …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067669/1914-07-07/ed... · 2011-05-24 · différent story to tell. Mite were few

Yesterday's ResultsAt Anderson 2; Gaffney 1.At Spurlunburg-Grciivlllc, rain.





Robinson Yielded Only Three HitsTo Gaffney Team and HomeHopes Rcg:stercd Victory

The heat hame yet played In thoI'iedtnont league on the Andersongrounds when Robim on und IngleHobin- on and Ingle fought a pitcher'sbattle, with the odds in favor of theloeal mun and Anderson won hy a¡aore of li to 1. Il wu:; u hair rais¬ing exhibition and from the first balluntil the last mau was out in theninth inning and Anderson taus nev¬er.raw a helter game than thic in thecid C'urolira association.liobin-.:on hud Illings breaking his

way yesterday and with splendidspeed and good control lie had thoGaffney team where bc wanted them.Ingle also pitched a good game for.Gaffney and hud his team mutes beenable to hit, there might have beeu adifférent story to tell.Mite were few and far between.

Gaffney hoing able to garner onlythree off Robinson while Andersonscored only live from Ingle.Anderson's lirst run was scored in^the fifth inning. Ripley grounded'

out, pit» lied to first and was followedby McColl, who got a- clean single.Robinson hit to short nnd that worthythrew tho hall away when he peggedto lin t, base, lotting McColl score.

Antfcn-on scored again in thc sev¬enth inning when Wilson went out,Hrst to first ; Hoopoe struck out on1three good ones, Chimers drew a pussand walked to first and then 'Bull hitfor two bags, bringing in thc secondrunner: This ended «the run gettingof the homo team.Gaffney got .her- une run in thc sev¬

enth inning.'-; Dean wai thc first mantombât and he hit for two .bags. Hetook third on an error of Millwood inthrowing high to that sack and thenon Curry's long, fly to right field;Dean tugged and beat the throw tothe home plate. Robinson straight¬way tightened up and struck out thcnek*, mau and caused thc la-1 Latterto fly out to left field. .

While there was no sensationalplaying done, thc game was full ofi nap and ginger and was played infast time. It was a beautiful exht-1hit lon and (hut tells thc tale.

It was a shume and disgrace onAnderron yesterday that the crowdwas so small tor ouch a magnificentgame. A cross roads village wouldhave turned out more people to seethc game, bul it is already an assuredfact that three times as many pcfo-plc will be out today to witness thcexhibition and owing to tho fact thatladies aro now admitted free to allgumcu, there will doubtless be morefeminine fane to see exhibitionthis, afternoon.Tho box Ecoru gives a good idea of

how And «'ir ¡jon won thc. game yester¬day

AndersonName ab r h po a e

Wilson, ri . 3 0 -2 2 4 2.Hooper lb >.V/.'l-.-. 4 0 043 1 1Childers, 2b . 3 1 0 1 3 0Bull, ri. 4 0 1' 4 0 0Biplev, 3h_.....3 0 0 I 2-0McColl. cr . 3 1 2 1: 0 0Watson, ir .Sí; 0-o i o oRobinr.ou, p.'«."O-"© 0 2 OjMillwood, c. 3 0 0 4 1 1

Tótul . 20 2 5 27 13. 4

. ; Gaffney, % ab r h po a o

Moore, cf..^l 0 0 1 0 0DeShields, tf. 3 0 0 3 0 OjHpaid, 2b-. 4 0 110 0Ballard, 3b......:. 3 0 0 2 ö 0dEdwards, ss ....... .4 0 0 0 l i]Cuthbert, rf ........4 0 1 1 0 0Dean, c -. I t i ? l l*Cdrry, lb 3 0 0 9 1 0ingle -... 3 ,0 0 .0 2 1

total .. '31.1 3 24 10 31Score.by innings;

Aml eraon .000 Ol 1 6ÖX |Gaffney . 000 OOO 100JTwo base hits-Hoard, Culbrcth,}

Dean and Bull.{ Sacrifice hitr.-Edwardo, »Ingle and ¡Watson..-.Base on balls off Robinson 3; offffinglo 2.Struck out by Robinson 8; hy In¬

gle 7.. Wild pitches,.Ingle.I Stolen bases.* Childers.Left on bases. Anderson 4; Gaffney

1: - \ .

Hits brr Robinson 3; off Ingle 6.Time. 1:40. ,

ihnpiro. Mr. King.Attendance, 100. :

j Representative Named.?? Washington... Joly 6,-Representa-'Uve Edward \V. Pou of North Carolina#as recommended to President Wil¬son today by Senator, Simmons forappointment as associate justice oftho District j of ; Columbia, supremocourt. Mr. Pou has' been a memberor, WlwWe.coKOn tmmtyisèvef-k congress.- He ts til yearsold. :




ÉUNTSBiç baseball, what?

lt Anderson fans don't come oui to-

(day to see such baseball as iñ nowI being furnished, our Idea or them willbe unprintable.

Thc beat team in this league is to befound in Anderson, and that's noJoke.

"rot" Robinson 1» Jur.t a shade bet¬tor than anything soon around thesediggings. Some stingy with his hits,ls thal boy.

Ono of the hardest workers on thotoa ni ls Ripley. He ÍB fielding all dietime and he hits like a Mend. TheIans leul some confident when theyace him in thu game.

I Ingle is a good pitcher, but lt? innot quite good enough to beat Ander¬son.

Mr. Kid: on will probably Ira rn IhiBafternoon that a uitchcr can't win allhis games.

j Anderson will have quite an aggre¬gation to pick from for the hurlinghonors this afternoon. Bland is anew pitcher with a long string of vic?tories behind him and can show thereal goods.

How about the game put up at Bhortby Anderson's mun yesterday? HeerrorreU but. ho did that because ho"took a chance on everything In(.sight.A man is clmost ashamed to admit

that he lives in Anderson, after takinga look at that crowd of 100 peopleyesterday. *ttf ifl

If Anderson people can't turn out.,moro fana to sec a game than she didyeaterdny.-tliiu burg must be In badáhápo. 'i y iii

Yesterday's battle was as good as,[any ever socn !u thc Carolina Associ¬ation and lt ls up to the tans to 8U*i-port auch baseball.

», -

Do or die. Either come out and seothe games or admit that you don'twant basoball herc.

"Schmidt" Wood and his crew of'Gaffney player*. will put up a gamefight for tho engagement this after¬noon, but-

There wa? weeping und wailing andgnashing of teeth in Gaffney at ex¬actly 6:21 yesterday afternoon.Have to admit though that the Gaff¬

ney fans aro game and so is thoteam.

The game today bcginB at 4:30o'clock; ladles arc admitted free; abig crowd of fans MUST come.

Thrco hits for Gaffney and (Ive forAnderdon (hows .that tho exhibitionyo: tcrday was no run-away.

Today and tomorrow will mark acrista in -the baseball situation. Uls up to*Anderson- people. .... ...

Maybe Anderson folks don't mind"quitting." A "quitter"1 Is-' defined asa thing to bc dlrpisod. How. doesthat'word round, anyway?

If we can get 3Ó0-Anderson peopleout today it win be enough to at leastmake a presentable ohowing. ij;

The Gaffney/- team. last night hada'big time, making fun of Anderson'sattendance. They had a right to doiso/ybecause In Gaffney their- teamdiawa between 700 and 800 people.

Tho situation la timply thus: Youcan:t. pay park rent, Btroot car,fares,Ramo-guafanteo6. etc., Wit!* btv moneyand baseball playera can't eat hotair. - In r the Wbrdr'-ot" theHtltiBitrioua "Plutarch" *toAÜ. "eoniethtagmuat bo did." >" Í:^ : feL-

It'e a mighty poor maa it he can'tclaim a wife, mother or Fwcetheart,or-maybe* a sister. ? Get hold of herthia afternoon and let nor aie a goodbaseball game.


To tue Clerks-Ask your boss manto let yon off thrr«.nf&rnoon fbi thogame. If lio refuiros, Ult him.he IR&, tight-v/ad and rofor. Ulm to thosporting editor of Thé intelligencer.AU aboard at'iisO. >l

Moot yon there, sure.

North Anderson Voters.The Dally IntUUgencer la asked to

State that tho club enrollment booktor the North Anderson democraticclub,wilt ue.fouod tó.the ttf^e tlÄ'Scounty treasurer -where the voters ¡jmay enroll their names.

xrg and Gaffney I


W L pctANDERSON .5 4 .55CGreenville . 5 4 55«Spartunburg . 5 5 .500Gaffney _. 4 6 .400

South Atiaulie.W L pctCharleston . 9 5 .643

Albany. 10 6 025Columbun . a 7 .56:'.Columbia . 9 7 .663Augusta. 9 8 .529Savannah. 7 9 .438Macon . 5 9 357Jacksonville.511 .313

American.\V L pctPhiladelphia. 43 29 .697

Dpttoit. 42 32 .561iWashington. 39 33 .542DJgÍbn. 39 35 .527Chicago... 37 33 .529St. Louis. 37 36 .514Cleveland. 25 43 .368NowYárk.24 44 .353

National.NV L pct

New York. 41 25 .621Chicago. 38 32 .543St. Louis. 37 3Í .521Cincinnati. 3Î 36 .477Pittsburgh.31 ¿A 4/7Philadelphia. 31 36 .470Boston .28 40 .412

Federal.W L Pct

Ballimore . 41 30 .577Chicago . 30 30 .664Indianapolis. 37 28 .569I) nfl a lo.812 30 .516Kansas City. 34 38 .-»72Brooklyn. 30 32 .484Pittsburgh. 29 35 .453St. Louis. 29 41 .414

Southern. IW L pct

Mobile. 45 35 .563Birmingnam. 41 35 .539Chattanooga. 44 36 .560Now Orleans. 42 37 .532Nashville.42 38 .525Atlanta. 38 37 .507Memphie. 33 45 .423Montgomery .30 63 .361

North CarolinaW . L pct

Charlotte '..t.. ..39 25 .600Durham. 37 26 .587Winston.:. .. 33 28 .541Raleigh . 30 34 .469Greensboro. 25 37 .403Asheville. 2G 39 .391:

NATIONALAt New York 5; Philadelphia 4. (1st

Game.)At Host'cm"'3-V; Brooklyn 1-0.At New York 2; Philadelphia

(second game.)No others scheduled.

Boston Retaliated.Broklyn^ July 6.-After losing 3

straight'gailles td Brooklyn. Bostoncanje back today, winning beth endsof a double header, 3 to 1 and 1 to 0.Score, First Game:Brooklyn _ 000 OOO 000-1 ; 7 ; 1

Boston . 003 000 OOx-3;10; 0|Pfeffer and F scher; Crutcher andDowdy. .Second Game:Brooklyn. OOO 000 000-0; 6; 1Boston . 010 000 OOx-1 ; 4 ; 0

'. Allen and McCarty ; Crutcher andGowdy.

Ono Each In GothamNow York, July 6.-New York and

Philadelphia divided their doubleheader here today tho Champions tak¬ing the first game 5 to 4 and Philadel¬phia the second, 7 to 2. Larry Doylewon the firft gamo In thc ninth inningwith a home run to right Held whichfJravath played poorly.Score, First Gamo.Philadelphia .. 010 030 OOO-4 ; ll ; 1New Yojk- 100 001 003-6;10; 21Mat tison and Ki ll ifor ; -Fromme,

Wiltse and Meyers, McLean.Philadelphia ... 480 000 000-7;-7; 0New York .... 100 100 OOO-2; 10> 1'- jacobs. Mayer and: E. Barns; Tes-reatt. Dètnaree, Sbauer, Schupp andMeyers, .McLean.

AMERICANAt Philadelphia 2; »New York 0.At Washington 1; Boston 0.Only: two- games scheduled.At Buffalo 8; Toronto 4.At Rochester 8; Montreal 7.At Baltimore 6; Providence 4.At Newark 6; Jersey City 5.At Cleveland 2; Louisville. 6. (12

InriingS.) n v, rt« v-.. \ ii At indianapolis 4; Columbus 1. (2lames scheduled.)

Stoic Home td ttin.wasMhgtdh. . july 6--McBride's

ttedi home lb.tho fourth inning todaywvo Washington the winning run.-in¡his edd tüuiuu 'ai the Buries pith Bos-'jon. A, JOhhso*. and Walter Johnsonapposed each: other and both pitchedtrail, but Walter wak the. steadier of

irôkë Even

Score :New York ..... 000 000 000- 0; 4; 0Philadelphia ... O20 OOO OOx-2; 7; 0Caldwell and 8wccncy; Hender and


SOUTHERN LEAGUEAt Nashvlllo 3; New Orleatm 0.At Chattanooga 2; Montgomery 9.At Atlanta 1; Mobile 1 1; (13 In¬

nings, darkness.)At Mcmpl>- 7; Birininghum 7. (10

inning?, darkness.)S ATLANTIC.At August 3; Macon 0.At Charleston 0; Albany 2.At Colmnbiu 6; Jackuonville 2.At SpvanuuU 2; Columbus H.

VIRGINIA LEAGUEAt Norrolk 5; Richmond 2. (First

Came. )At Norfolk 1; Richmond 5. (Second

(ia in viAf Ronnoke-Portemouth. rain.N C LEAGUE .At Winston-Salem 1 ; Durham 2.At Raleigh 0; Asheville 2.At charlotte 0; Greensboro 1.

FEDERAL"At Chicago 1; Kans-as City 4.At Búllalo 5; Pittsburgh «.At Brooklyn IO; Baltimore 5.Only throe ganaos scheduled. '

Lange Got HIM Bumps.Chicago. July 6.-Kansas City hit

hard today and defeated Chicago 4 to1. Previously Laoge hud wou fivestraight gymea.Score:Knmmr, City_O10 00D 201-4:12; 2Cl-.ícrgo OOO O01 000-1; 7: 3 (Packard and Easterly; Lunge, Mc¬Guire and Wilron.

" iu .

Four Pitchers Ina wi Hin irBrooklyn July\6-Brooklyn fell upon

Baltimore's four pitchers for IC hitstoo)ay and -won thu opening game ofthc . eries 10 to 5.Score:Baltimord1"..5 200/ 002 000-5; 8; 2Brooklyn. ... ; .TOM ¡OOO I2x-10;1G; 0*

Buggs, YounW Htjßheu. Wilhelm andJapklitscu,- Bouvjftïh Morton and Ow¬ens'.

TrteU lltilM In' Smth.Buffalo, July U. ^-A ninth inning ral¬

ly by tho local batsmen for a time(oday threatened Pittsburgh's fl to 5victory. Albert Schult, who jumpedthe New York Americans recently,pitched three innings of today's gamefor Buffal-\Score:Buffalo .._ 301 OOO 001-.">; 9; 0Pittsburgh _ Q03.411 000-6;11; 2

Schulz, Krupp aud Blair; Knetzerand Berry.

FlaoRaisedAnderson People To Get FirstGhmpse of Rag Won In Caro¬

lina Association

The attendance at this afternoon'sgame will the far better than was thatjf yo.-terday afternoon but today'scrowd will be increased when thogame is called tomorrow. The addi¬tional attendance will bo due to thefact that Anderson fans will have anopportunity tomorrow to see, for thefirst time, the pennant which was wonby the Anderson team of the CarolinaAssociation., in. .1912; This flag hasnever been hoisted In public and to-rrow will be tiie first, time that lt hasever beea shown the light of day.Forman Smith,- who. ls one of thc

biggest hearted men aud one of thobest posted men on baseball lu all thiscountry, said last night that he wouldcheerfully furnish the flag for thiaone public appearance and said thathe knew the fans would respond tothis call., lt is worth 25 cents for theprivilege of looking at this flag aloneand In. addition to 'that the game willbo a good one. The attendance willbe increased and the fads will helpto keep baseball In Anderson.How about you?


Most poor complexions ate duo tosluggish, torpid liven, constipationand other liter ills. A dose ot

tl ""'j**- '' '"¿5-JL

Ké JU 1 a; J * "vriv?akon Just before retiring will tone

tip Uio liver, carry off the excess ot bilearid .cause en.easy and natural move¬ment of the bowels, lt will not onlymake Its good work felt In betteriealth-riiäke you LOOK well and¡pÉ^yu.wpii.

cehtV'ànd l.oo per botle atyour druggist*.Manufactured and guaranteed by

Three Stores.

Where They Play Tomorrow,Where They Piny Today.

Gaffney at Andersen; Greenville at|Spartun burg.

PitchersSummey Will Probably Officiate

For Locale and "Two-Hit "

Miller For Gaffney Tteam

There will bn little left to bc deBir-ed in tim way of pitching this after¬noon. The management of the Andesen team announced last night thatHummey woud probably hurl for An¬der while it is expected that Millerwill pitch for Gaffney. This will ex¬actly reverse yestcrdoy'* game, sinceAnderson used u southpaw and Gaff¬ney a righthander in yesterday's gare-but there ls no reason tobollove thatthese facts will reverse, the score.Such an Idea is preposterous.Howovor, lt must bo admitted that

Miller le a gi od pitcher because t"<let Spur tun burg down wit ht wo hitsand when he walks iuto the box itinspires the Gaffney team with conll-dence.Summey is a good pitcher and Gaff¬

ney knows that but they do not knowi£ quite as wei as thev will after thegame is over this afternoon.

in a recent exhibition with Green¬ville Summey eau .-ed several battersto. fall upon their faces and grovul inthe din, afraid of being struck by aball, when HS u matter of fact theballs went square across the plate andstrikes were called.He has thc widest breaking curve

over .-cen around this town and he haua few special favorites left In store totrot out for the edification of the Gaff* Jney crew this afternoon. In other,words you might say that ho is plan-ning to put the Gaff in Gaffney atBeuna Vista park this afternoon.

Up To Them In Helping To Save* Anderson Club From Staring

Into Bankruptcy's Face

Anderson women have shown timeand time again that they are morepublic spirited than some of the menof the city and the Anderson team ho»turned to the ladies of the city forhelp In its hour nf need. The ladlesare all to be admitted, to the park freefrom this time on and therefore lt itmoy bo a pretty hard th!?g for one tounderstand how the ladles arc to help,If they aro to pay no money.The team does not want one cont of

any lady's money. All they ask is thatevery lady, in return for being cor¬dially welcomed at tho park and ad¬mitted free of charge, bring some munalong witli them. Maybe all the ladiescan't i'm! big, handsome, strapping,robust fellows, but If you can't findone of that kind, do tho best you can.Get some sa wed-off. ea ved-In. spindly-shanked fellow. Get spine sort of aman, even if you are ashamed of himafter you get there.

Seriously, tile team must have somefinancial support and if tho ladies willhelp they can manage to get more menout to thc game this afternoon thananyone would believe.

Common observation show.- thatwon move in mysterious ways, theirwonders to perform, and thc baseballmanagemont ls relying upon each andevery "feminine fan" performing soraowonders today and tomorrow.

Ä NecessityAnderson's Baseball Fans MustUnderstand That Präsent Sup¬

port Ea Very Inadequate

A majority of the people In Andersonare good sound, level headed businessfolks -and they will understand that100 people at 25 cents each, furnishonly (25 in gate receipts. The guar¬antee to thc visiting team is $35 perganur and. then there comes the salr.r-le* of tho Anderson players, in addi¬tion- to tho cost of balls and other par¬aphernalia. Therefore, the fans wlileoe that the game here yesterday costtho local management about threetimct what the gate receipts amountedto.

Ono enan In .the grandstand. yes¬terday 'remarked* - vTLocatv people,don't* know what sort.of baaebal labe-,lng played here, >Thie game is as goodac.any I over saw in the Carolinaleague." That ta the explanation oftho whole affair in a nutshell. Be¬cause Anderson had a high pricedteam in tho field i when the Carolinaleague was running, they hove con¬cluded that the team how>represent¬ing the city I« a back lat affair. Andthat's Just «thara, thoy, aro wrong- .

If you care anything about baseball,come out today and tomorrow and seetho team play against Gaffney.It you don't, .cara--anything aboutbaseball, try to muster, up enoughpride in your city to-help along bygolag for1 »ne afternoon..... if you don't cate anything- shoutbespül and don't., caro anythingabout Anderson,' either, then move outof town.How"about you? »

Râmëd!No Game Wa«. Played Yesterday

Afternoon In SpartanburgWith Greenville Tteam

..With Greenville on top of thc per¬centage column yesterday, shu failedto draw ahead of Anderson and re¬mained this. uiorniiiK in the same po¬sition that she. occupied yesterday.This is du'j to the fact thal the guniobetween Greenville und Kptirianburgwa sruincd out In the fourth inningyesterday afternoon. At thc time itbecame necessury to call the game thescore was '1 to 1 in favor of Spartan¬burg and dispatches frota that citysaid last night that the Spartan crew|would have had an ea?v timi in win*ning hud the gamo been plavcd lo ufi nish.

TheManagerLeRoy McCall Made a Succès OfHandling Local Team Agamst

Gaffney Aggregation

I.cKoy McCall, the speedy firstbaseman, outfielder and pitcher of theAnderson team, managed the localfellows in line fashion yesterday andshowed that he had some ability aongthis ine. "Mac" ls one of thc heatball players in this village. He secur¬ed two pretty hits yesterday and play-]ed an all-round jam-up good game.Ho did som" splendid advertising

yesterday in the way of letting thefans know that there ls such a thingas baseball in town and it was

McCall said last night that lila paint Ithrough no fault of his that Hie atendance was not better,brush would he seen on every window |in town today and he will also have,an automoble tour made of the city,with- one of the local fan.- to an¬nounce today's game through a megu-|phone. .

There ls going to be a good crowd!at today'a game if the sheriff has to]be pressed Into servi re and the lan J

made to go.How about you.

* T. Frank Wntklnr. Satal L. Prince .

WATKINS * PRINCE* Attorneys and Counsellbr-atLaw ** 1st Floor illerkley Bldg,* Andemon. S. C.


ARCHITECTS* Bleckley Bldg. Anderson, 8. C. .* Citizens National Bank Bldg.* Raliegh, N. C.



ARCHITECTS* Anderson. S. C.* Broun Office Building* Second Floor. Phone Sf» *


* Fretwell Co. Stahle .

* Phone 54. Anderson. 8. C. *


Delintiuent Road Tax Notice..AU delinquent road tax collectors

ire provided with, 'an official- receiptjook with numbers, and;stub numberstttacbed. Pay no money; to collectorsan less .you get the official receiptis above provided for. ..

J. HACK KING,f County Supervisor.

ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.The. undersigned administrator- ot

he estate of LU'lan Gaillard, deceased <rill sell the personal property of theaid Lillian Gaillard, ai har Ute re«*lenee In the city of ??Ander-«-- v

»'clock ¡noon on July *"." ruu-¡rty consista of \ fcta.nel ..o»scr, wash¬land, etc. Terms cash. ,-

W. P. Johnson, Ad's».

> Fortunate 1*44ana.: tn\ a composition^ dealing . with theiabits «nd customs of'AworiaanhlnrUans... it.hoy, deeply, ;impra*jed twU¿bair free-and-easy Ufa wrote, tho^iol-owlng: "The Indians had few laws»-ut they were well vloUV?d.'\


WANTSWAXTKll-Position os; clerk lo a gro¬cery store. Three years' experience.Can furnish good reference. Mar¬ried anti eau conic at once. Reason¬able salary to start. Apply io"Clerk." care Thc Intelligencer..

7-G-&Wanted-Cow or field peas of all vari¬

eties, name lowest priccu and sendsamples of what you have to offer.J. P. Walters, Laürange. N. C.

aWANTER-First class beef cattle,sheep and veal, weighing from90 to 125 pounds-W. A. Power.' ;212 South Main Street. ir~


(LOST-In Anderson during the Elke'-


convention, a dark'brown hand bag,"' "

containing a gray Palm Ileach aultand other articles. Letter lu pock¬et addressed to ' Ed H. Det'ampj(ia ffney, S. C. Finder please notLfy /Thc Intelligencer/ tu A tf ..'

FOR SALEFor Sale-It you want nitrate of soda... ,for spot or futuro, shipment it wlíFpay you to communicate with, tip, "

before placing your,orders. Harby!..,& Co., Brokera, Importera, Dcalcrp,all fertilizers, Sumter;,H. C". ..

-=-'- PTfgT- '.-Cl '

FOIt SALE-Two soflqnd hand sow».;.!.-lng machines in good.condition. Alsq. Yone light, spring wagon. It will pay :;you to see me for your repair work. ::,AU work guaranteed.-J. H. Allen*. :.Ilonea Path, S. C. ,,i»-yt--T--rt«-I- '"HilFor Hale-Tho lumber, of tho wrecked;,j'building or Furman Lodge, knownas thc old Willliqrd. store, on Mon-...day. July nth, at ll o'clock: 8- Ai,.,,Burn. W. M. Jnrrt>, 7-7-gtp

FORRESTFor Rent-The-¡entire aocond floor*

ot (.tho Pepper building on WeSJ. ,Whltner. street. Reasonable ratoi.'','.Apply to Anderson Lodge B. P. O. EL'Elka.. -, «-2t-tfd;ni-1-wm .a rp? ul', ii 'pjj-l,For Rent-New Ave room honer, on,an. Nordln. Ave., directly behind.Wesleyan Methodist^ ,eh,u.rjcD onv.&viMain St. See S. B. Kaya, 181 BUfareon St. .-. . -

" .*..'»!.I»M'". iftltow ??> ? iui m 'Hr.:


anywhere. Write- for;,our 'catalog.,and Join our club, John il- WU»','Hams. Distributor, ,Grand> Opera-¡House Building, Greenville. 8. C.

-1--." .?' ! .?

IIaxtoe School Fer Boya-The school -Awith an unparalleled1 record; s .elect ilimited patronage; ''boys ll to IRyears old; Individual lnstruotloa;ono man to every 12 hoya. For cat-1alogue, address Hugh T.. Shockley.ö.Head Muster, Spartonburg,' 8. C¿«i

T. Frank,Watkins Samuel L. Frlnco..WATKINS ^PBDiÇ^. -(¿¡¡áf-Attorneys and CounHollor«»at.Law

1st Floor- BUcaley- Bldg, . ?. I.-(,.- -. Asidor»oni"8t <*. nv



Other Peoplë OwtVTheir Horries

Have they been moro fortunate thainyou or have they been more thrirty?Well, tho d 1 fferai'ne thia< you, hava,been paying rent vrhlle fhey were WU*'lng for their bornai ¡"Voura -attll be¬longs to the other mari, though yonmight have paid for-il. Your triona;;got what be paid for and owns bUF


Notice to Mewber,9 .ot Hall Ctuh.^.;to bo at Cfcrswoli'a InôtUuto Saturday,.All mernbera ol Hallduh. are ur««d(July ll, at,3.30 o'clock to enroll und«-the new mles, U you do not registerit will hr r.iposBlb'.c Tor you» to vote;on eiceilptt' day. Only'-< about ^'onp-,: ¿urth of the i-50 menibera . havo ea-,
