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XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

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Talk presented at the 2012 IEEE LISAT Conference
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XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks Christopher M. Frenz
Page 1: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

XSSmon: A Perl

Based IDS for the

Detection of

Potential XSS Attacks Christopher M. Frenz

Page 2: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Cross Site Scripting

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) entails the

injection of a malicious script into a Web

site so that when a future user accesses

the Web site, the script is executed by the

browser of the client machine

In OWASP’s 2010 survey of the 10 greatest

application security risks, injection attacks

were ranked #1 and XSS attacks were

ranked as #2

Page 3: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Common XSS Defenses Escaping

Converting < to &lt to render content contained

in <script></script> tags non-executable






Page 4: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Project Goal

This study does not seek to build on the

existing methods of XSS prevention and

mitigation, but rather seeks to take

advantage of the ability of regular

expressions to detect XSS elements as a

means of developing a XSS intrusion

detection system, in order to allow the

detection of any breached XSS defenses.

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One way


function in which

each input should

yield a unique


Page 6: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Hash Examples #!usr/bin/perl

use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1

sha1_hex sha1_base64);

$digest =


print "$digest\n\n";

$digest =


print "$digest\n\n";

$digest =


print "$digest\n\n";

Page 7: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Tripwire Tripwire works by having the application user

select critical system files and computing a hash of those system files to establish a baseline

At some future point in time, the hashes of those selected files can be recomputed

If the file was not modified in any way the hash value that pertains to the file will remain unchanged

If a recomputed hash value is found to differ from the baseline value, it is indicative that the file has in some way been modified, which could be indicative of a potential attack on the system

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XSSmon IDS This XSS IDS is a variation of the theme laid forth in

tripwire in that it seeks to use regular expressions to identify all of the possible client side executable content in a Web page Script Regex


Img Regex ((<|\%3C)(i|\%69|\%49)(m|\%6D|\%4D)(g|\%67|\


Page 9: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

XSSmon Methods It is the intention of this application to only recognize

potentially executable content, so that “harmless” content, such as plain non-executable text enclosed in <p> tags and the like, do not trigger the system every time they are added to a page

The IDS can be presented with a list of Web page links to monitor, and will use the regular expressions to globally match all of the content encapsulated in a <script> or <img> tags

All of this content is then concatenated together into a string that contains all the content recognized as potentially executable and the string passed through a SHA1 hash.

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HTML Page with Executable

Content Potentially


content is

extracted and

used as input

to SHA-1 hash

At a later

point in time

the content

will be re-

extracted and

put through

the hash

function again

Page 11: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Test #1 To test the efficacy of the IDS system, three

identical Web pages (XSSTest, XSSTest2, XSSTest3) are initially created that contain a mixture of standard HTML tags and a simple JavaScript that displays the current date in the browser window

These html pages are then uploaded to Apache Web server and the corresponding links input into the XSS IDS program

The XSS IDS baseline module is then used to compute the SHA1 hash values of the executable content in the Web page present at each link

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Test1: Initial Hash Values

The three


Web pages



hash values

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Test 1 Continued The 3 HTML files will be modified as follows:

the XSSTest.html file will have additional executable content added to it

the XSSTest2.html file will have additional html content added to it, but no additional client side executable content added

XSSTest3.html will remain unmodified as a control

After the files are modified (as above) the module of the XSS IDS application that recomputes the hashes and performs comparisons to the values stored in the database will be executed

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Test 1 Results

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Test 1 Conclusions The Web page with additional executable

content was detected

Those without additional executable content did not trigger the IDS

This would make the IDS useful for any type of Web forum or Web site that allows the posting of comments or other user content, since the IDS would not trigger false alarms for every addition to a Web page; only additions that match the potentially executable content patterns laid forth in the applications regular expressions

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Test 2

The IDS was then further tested by determining how well it picks up a large variety of XSS attack vectors

Each of these attack vectors was inserted into an html Web page whose baseline value had been previously computed

After the insertion, the hashes were recomputed and compared to the baseline values

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XSS Attack Vector Detecte


<SCRIPT SRC=http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js></SCRIPT> Yes

<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<img SRC=javascript:alert('jXSS')> Yes

<IMG SRC=JaVaScRiPt:alert('XSS')> Yes

<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(&quot;XSS&quot;)> Yes

<IMG SRC=`javascript:alert("RSnake says, 'XSS'")`> Yes

<IMG """><SCRIPT>alert("XSS")</SCRIPT>"> Yes

<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))> Yes

<IMG SRC=&#106;&#97;&#118;&#97;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#58;&#97;&#108;&#101;&#114;&#116;&#40;&#39;&#88;

&#83;&#83;&#39;&#41;> Yes

<IMG SRC=&#0000106&#0000097&#0000118&#0000097&#0000115&#0000099&#0000114&#0000105&#0000112&#0000116&#0000058&#0000097&#0000108&#0000101&#0000114&#0000116&#0000040&#0000039&#0000088&#0000083&#0000083&#0000039&#00



<IMG SRC=&#x6A&#x61&#x76&#x61&#x73&#x63&#x72&#x69&#x70&#x74&#x3A&#x61&#x6C&#x65&#x72&#x74&#x28&#x27&#x58&#x5

3&#x53&#x27&#x29> Yes

<IMG SRC="jav ascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<IMG SRC="jav&#x09;ascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<IMG SRC="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<IMG SRC="jav&#x0D;ascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');"> - Each character on a new line Yes

perl -e 'print "<IMG SRC=java\0script:alert(\"XSS\")>";' > out Yes

perl -e 'print "<SCR\0IPT>alert(\"XSS\")</SCR\0IPT>";' > out No

<IMG SRC=" &#14; javascript:alert('XSS');"> Yes

<SCRIPT/XSS SRC="http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js"></SCRIPT> Yes

<SCRIPT/SRC="http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js"></SCRIPT> Yes

<<SCRIPT>alert("XSS");//<</SCRIPT> Yes

<SCRIPT SRC=http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js?<B>

<SCRIPT SRC=//ha.ckers.org/.j> Yes

<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS')" Yes

<SCRIPT>a=/XSS/ alert(a.source)</SCRIPT>


</TITLE><SCRIPT>alert("XSS");</SCRIPT> Yes

Page 18: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Test 2 Conclusions

In all but one case the hash values for the

html pages changed, demonstrating the

efficacy of the IDS against detecting XSS


The one XSS attack vector that went

undetected contained a null character

(\0) in the script tag which made the tag

unrecognizable to the IDS

Page 19: XSSmon: A Perl Based IDS for the Detection of Potential XSS Attacks

Overall Conclusion While the XSS IDS presented in this manuscript is still at a

stage where much more rigorous testing needs to be

applied to it to see how well it detects XSS attacks

against the breadth of all possible XSS attacks on a

diversity of different Web pages, the proof of concept

presented here is strongly suggestive that the creation

of a XSS IDS is entirely feasible. Moreover, a robust XSS

IDS would an excellent tool for Web application security,

because no matter how securely written a piece of

software bugs will still exist in it. An IDS such as this can

help to mitigate the potential damage that could be

unleashed by a bit of malicious XSS code slipping the a

Web application’s input validation and escaping

defenses by providing an early warning that such a

condition exists.
