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Y ear 11 lesson

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To what extent did the war bring about Real change for Women? (10 marks) • You now need to use the evidence you have discovered to answer this 10 mark question. • Lets plan the answer together as a class….. The ‘command’ term The key part of the question – what do you think it means in this question?
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To what extent did the war bring about Real change for Women? (10 marks)

• You now need to use the evidence you have discovered to answer this 10 mark question.

• Lets plan the answer together as a class…..

The ‘command’ term

The key part of the question – what do you think it means in this question?

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Does this source reflect women’s attitudes during the War?

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Are you surprised by this source?

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Last Lesson we looked at….

The Beveridge Report 1942 The Creation of the NHS

Who was William Beveridge?What was the Beveridge Report?What did it identify?

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• Create a visual representation of the proposals made by the Beveridge Report

• There is an example in the text book on page 447 – try to create one of your own so that it makes sense to YOU

The Beveridge Report 1942

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The Creation of the NHS

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCrHlAemaFw

• Who created it?• When was it set up?• How many people did it help?• What was the cost of it?• Why were some doctors opposed to it?

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• As your exam in January is 100% source based we need to make sure we are able to analyse any type of source (draw out as much information as possible)

• Questions to consider:1. What info does the source provide?2. What questions does the source raise3. From your previous knowledge what do you• believe are the answers to your questions?

Source work activity!

V&A Publications have assembled quite the photographic collection of "real" British women wearing Horrockses Fashions. In this photograph all the ladies are actually Horrockses employees out on a picnic, each one wearing a different Horrockses item.

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• Sub-question: What was life like for women in the 1950s?

Key Question How far did Life Change for women 1939-75?

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What was Women’s mentality going into the 1950s?

• Can you think of any positive and negative aspects of a women’s lives entering the 50s?

• What have they got to look forward to?• What is there to be miserable about?

• Task: • Sort the comments into positive and negative aspects of a

women’s life in the 1950s• Write these in your books

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1. You must have a delicious dinner ready as soon as your man gets home 2. Take 15 minutes to rest just before he gets home so you are fresh for

him, touch up your make-up and put a ribbon in your hair. 3. Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to

please him4. Your goal is trying to make your home a place of peace, order and

tranquillity where your husband can renew himself in body and spirit5. Don’t complain if he is late for dinner or stays out all night. Count this

as minor compared to what he might have gone through that day.6. Catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal


All women must follow the following rules ….

You have 10 minutes to learn the rules the best you can and then you will be interviewed by a male member of the class to see which one of you is most suitable to be his wife!

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• What can we learn form the sources on page 470-1?

• Which of the sources do you think is more reliable? Why?

• (tip: think about why the source was produced)

Source evaluation…..

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Create this timeline across pages of your book

1950 1975

Positive aspects/changes

Positive aspects/lack of changes

I have been very kind and have written out the key information for the 1950s and you simply need to place them along your timeline

Put the negative aspects on the bottom and the more positive aspects/changes to women’s lives

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Now add the information from the fact file on page 472 to your timeline in the same way.

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What was life like at home for women?

• Page 474-5 look at the information and the sources to understand what their lives in the home was like

• Make notes

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Superwoman Magazine

• Source 12 page 474

• This is a popular women’s magazine of the 1970s

• What is it suggesting women should do?• Do you think that the writer would have sauid

this 20 years before? If not how do you think it would have chnaged?

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Home Life for women• Marriage became more common in the 1950s and 1960s –women

were also marrying younger • This led to a baby boom in the 50s and 60s - 1965 was the peak

year to be born

• In the 60s new technology made a massive difference to women’s lives – most people now had gas, electricity and piped water

• As a result back breaking tasks like bringing in coal became a lesser feature of women’s lives

• Electricity allowed for fridges – stopped the daily shopping trip• Allowed for vacuums and washing machines – eased the hard task

of the weekly clean and washing

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• These machines gave women more time - the average minutes women spent on house work per day fell from 500 in 1950 to 440 in 1960 to 345 on 1975.

• Some women used the extra time for leisure activities, socialising and shopping

• Most other women used the time to take on part-time work

• A downside was that their were higher expectations of women to be good mothers, wives, workers, friends etc

• Magazines and television shows put pressure on women to behave in certain ways – however over time magazines put less emphasis on housework and more on celebrity women.

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• Based on the information I have told you about ….

• Could you create a timeline of what you think an average day in the life of a married women with children would be in the 1950s?

• The winner will be the one that is most realistic based on the evidence we have but I also want it to be quite creative and detailed – what will you put in yours that others wont have thought of?

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Hannah Gavron’s Study

• 35% of working class wives and 21% of middle class wives felt they had …….

• Working class women said they married to escape……• ……. Of women did not know what their husbands earned • Most felt that……was totally geared towards men• Few women saw their ……as wife and mother• Most women regretted……• Women did not protest against what they saw as injustices because…….

Dull and low paid jobsMarried too young

Role in lifeeducation

62%They thought it would not make

any difference Not pursuing careers

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How life for Women Changed 1939-75:The Women’s Movement

Learning Objectives:1. To know what changes occurred in the late 1960d

and 70s2. To understand the exam questions and the mark


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The Fawcett Society and the Six Point Group

You need to create mini fact files on these two groups:1.You need to note what they campaigned for2.When they were around3.Their impact

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The Women’s National Conference 1970

The women’s groups came together in 1970 and held a national conference to plan an overall programme for action for the women’s liberation movement.

They agreed 4 demands:1. Equal Pay

2. Equal education and opportunity3. Twenty-four hour nurseries

4. Free contraception and abortion on demand

They conference launched the women’s movement on the national scene. Opponenets often shortened this to ‘Women Lib’. Over the next two decades its leaders campaigned against discrimination in work and civil rights. They had a major impact on public opinion through magazines, marches and public demonstrations One of the most famous of protest gestures was the burning of bras. High heels and other female clothing which these women argued were worn for the benefit of men.

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Germaine GreerGermaine Greer was one of the leading feminist writers of the time and she wrote the following

two extracts

Source 17 and 18 page 476

The following extract was written by a delegate for the Labour Women’s Conference 1969

What do you think Germaine Greer would have thought about what the delegate said?

If she were to write a letter in response to this women what do you think it would say?

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This led to……New Abortion and Divorce Laws

The women’s movement also led the campaign to legalise abortion. Before the pill there was an enormous amount of unwanted pregnancies among

both unmarried and married women.There was an estimated 200,000 illegal abortions per year in the early

1960s. These were in ‘backstreet clinics’ often in very unhygienic places where infection and even death was a possibility

In 1967 after a large campaign the Abortion Act which came to law in 1968. Abortions were only available if two doctors agreed it was necessary.

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Previously couples could only get divorced if their had been a ‘matrimonial offence’ such as adultery

The Divorce Act of 1969 – changed this and couples could now get divorced on the grounds that there had been a breakdown on the relationship – no one had

to take the blame.

The Matrimonial Property Act of 1970 recognised that women were very important in the house and as a result if they divorced the women would get a

share of the house and the family assetsthe divorce rate rose by 3.5 times in the early 1970s with over 100,000 divorces

a year.

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Comparing two sources

• How far does source B make source C look surprising? Use the source and your own knowledge to support your answer. (9)

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What were the key factors that led to change?

• Firstly go back to your timeline and add in any additional information that we have learnt that could fit onto the timeline

• Also look at page 447 for new acts that were introduced before the 1950s - how would these have helped women?

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• 478-9Look at cartoons on page

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What were the Key factors for changes?

• WWI• Work• Pay• Welfare state• Contraception• Feminist writers• Government laws• Domestic technology

Can you explain how each of these factors helped women?

What did it specifically help them with? Give examples
