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Y ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^itts froii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents died Intli flight plaae in the mounU westofMaladMooday. :; The plane apparently fie of small canyon. There were no survi :victims were pilot James -54, and his wife. Arils, i ^ Wendell, and John Davld-I Jerom e, according to st ; fleers. Federal Aviation Adn: officials said they also wen for another plane en route Valley to Salt Lake City mlj •same area. lliey said the flight plai crafts in the portion over so 'Idaho were virtually identic •_ Opeida County Sheriff . :.-ineht offlcials-said-seat located the wreckageof the :-r-a Piper Comanche alrcr ■ • ^mUes west of Malad In SCI - Idaho at atwut 4 p.m. Mondi :-:0fflcial6-witb-thc Burl rSehrice — an arm of th< 'Burley,-Idabo — said Jhat rjerome, Sunday evening f 3Jtah. It lofT Logairat-abo rMonday for the return flight - Officials said Reed, a s Utah State University at L H ea vy, By United Press Intematloi ' Cloud bursts flood^ areas near Inicom Monday burg residents spotted a fu . ^ heavy r^nfall fell throui em Idaho. ........ - “You can't -even see t 'tains,said - Inkom— Mi " H d m a n f f o l l w ; ‘‘I t ‘s j u s l ^ l l V Heimaodoilar-Mild-flash- of the Sorrel and Rapid Cree « n t water, rushing throiigi .culverts and two bridges tt •-— water runoff In-hircommi culvert, and a bridge_t|in) -were in Jeopardy of t)eibg ( hesaid. . National WeatherServJcc Angry BURGAS, Bulgaria (UPI . rityTorces ajded aod overpowered four leftist Monday.to eodtbe twi^day ofaT urkish Airlines Jet. - Several passengers were __ — hone seriously—^rt3en the - two-of.-the-terrorist«,-b« severely, tbe official Bulgai agency BTA said. Two otber tcrrorlsls, lUTi the~DC»9-ta-make . stai' reporters, were quickly caj security forces. -— The ^ m a tic end to the Special envoy k Habib has played itc plane missii nec] tl v a Three Magic being' Howt 1 the crash of a death Sund. intalnous area n l^ C. Sor . ’ ' southwest© I new Into side ;Deialls plane,. a s irvlvora. The were sket ies Archibald, , g ^iev Flic s, SI, bbUi'ot/ -^eraltw o llReed,iI8, o l\-'fe iO T ls sheriirs o(-V ^er Uio M l^ke City idmioistralion p.. /eresearching lule rtx>m sun mlssingtathe plans for bclh rsouUicastem niical. ifl'a Depart- «arch crews JIaiad_ at i tbeflrstplan®. • cprsaW - “ Ircraft — 13'/4 * southeastern Ji^wehear tnday. ft.s^kest lurley-Fllght Lafe FJig the FAA in - B e ^ c r a f t • iiat-plane-left- Cltjtfrom St lg for Logan, uled to arri' about I p.m. P-m^ ; ght.. H© said 0 a student at identities oi t Logan, was that craft. rainstr> ;fa rm m tloiiaT . ' .ers in Bois special weal ed low-lying southeasten day'-ahd Rex- dents to m< i funnel cloud minor flood •oughout east* streams or n Meteorolo) e the moun- offlciais exp Mayor Ron overflow in i 55lraraliir»v.-'\:idrkCount3 ish-flooda-out —County;in;tt ireek canyons Wyoming boi (ilgh the four He said twi s that handle Inkom area imunity7~0nc Mondoyj"and tirough^wn ___ino^ocp^ »g d^'royed, RexSiirg i ting a funnel dee forecast- the commun rhostac JPIJ — Secu- ■came after tt ^ hostages , an., ultra-lcfl st terrorists group, threa lay hijacking. th_eJi_?0.hosti American ei ere wounded York-based Ci they Jumped The gunmi beating-one- wrlte-farewe Igarian news ones afler th flaUy reject© lu re d ’ o u f o f - JSOO.OOO r a n s t ;UtemeaLlo_Jeirprists_3aiJ captured by death in Turke . Officials sa he hijacking were unharme ' keeps nations t •n to p m it dose to the vest, telling . V ^ 76th year, N ing rash •ee iltesjL -.Ir, iwn to Wc.ic.': i Ihe nday of his > .>on- Sonnichsen, 5. wr.'. M.inod ' it of Jerome. ) concerning the second I single-engine Beechcraft, tetchy Monday evening, night Service officials said was.flyJngj)vetJurley when IIS his fli^t plan for a route Malad area and on tq Salt , fflcials said they urged the le sccond craft not'to fly into jccauseof'heavy rainfall and [orms. The said they briefed it that time about turbulence :a, but hc pursued the flight ‘ard from him eoroute over It about 5 p.m.'. one dispat- :. “He w u really roiw eh^ ‘ weather,,and that was the fardfromiilm.” ■ -------------- esman for Uie FAA’s Salt iight Service -said thd ft was bound for Sait Lake I Sun Valley and was sched- rrive in'Utah, at about 3:40 1 officials did not h^ve the of the five pe<^e«board ^cfnds~~ oise,! meanwhile, issued a ■eather statement for all of cm 'Idaho, warning resi- move to higher ground if Mding occurrcd on small r roadways. jlogist Larry .Jensen..sald _ 2 xp<xtcd small streams to In many, remote areas from inty'ln the north and Oneida -tbe:south:aml:ca5t4<^th«~ border. two Inches of rain fell in the 'ca In a nine-hour period . indTainfall-alsoTffasiieavy— ; i^idents jreported spot- lel cloud five mllcs soulh of lunity at about 3 p.m.. L ges ove r the gunmen, members of leftist -Turkish terrorist it 'eatened to begin killing v )stageSuJtar1ing.withJi¥e_____ executives of the New . ,, 1Citibank. iman made the hostages ^ swell” ielters to their loved . the Turkish government :ted their demands for a t\ nsomandfreedom’ for'47— p jailed and condemned to a rkcy. * -p: said the flve Americans o' med. ; talking v en t w ar si -p' th .“ 1 DC ng reporters little 5 No.l4d ... " -A V * V ,-. Memorial D ay^ Men Across t •By U q ^ P r ^ Intern The crack of the guns . Then, under, somt^ crowd of Magic Valley . . tion as tho. lonely n through thecemeta«7 . They saluted their a the e rv ic e of their cour — - The scene at Sunset IS . thousandai)eloghcldai - • Memorial- DayMond L^spe€chcsi-parades;-bi ' ^flci^ly op^ng^e'ifi .'-some parts of the coui was mostly a day for w --------.-T'.remcmbering.--------- April 1980 attempt to hostages in Iran re< 2 rpowe: Tho Citibank executives' to the opening of a branch I when the plane washijacke A“"combinatlon ' of luc thinking and events both pi spontaneous, climaxed In a endtothehijacking. BTA said sectuity foro two of the terrorists into I< plane with a promise they allowed to make a statem ■■■pressronco d rthrgroundr overpowered. “As soon, as thfe two ris asu o SANTA BARBARA. Calif Special U.S. envoy Philip 1 succeeded thus far in pre war in the Middle East. Reagan's qjokesman said M “We have achieved our g in preventing further escaia Middle East,” Acting Wh: press secretary lA rry Speai Habibwassentonashutti three weeks ago when ten: “after-Israel-tfiot down tv hellcc^ters over Lebanon i moved Soviet-made surf m ^U es Into Lebanese Spcaccnadd-the-Hablfc “continues to tKopea-ended. ■ TTe -Bald-tbB-iBdmtaistra -watchlng-itevelopments clt that tbe president was b( .“fuUy abreastif of acUvitl. -regloo:' . “He will make a declslo next step coocemlng th mission," Speakes said, bu he was not. Indies otw inF aU ^^ ^ H^USISPi^. J' ^»em o n les w ere held i mma fhe nation, 1 matlonal 'ii.-. ..'7. . ns rangout three times, ber-grcy. skies, the small ey Veterans stood at attcn- notes of “Taps" cchci^:.: f. comrades whs had'dicd in lunty. t Memorial Park was onaof across the United States on nday; It was'.a"day for -barques?-beer—and-of-— yffmmer taiming-scason'nii” luntry. But Memorial Day ' what it was Intended lo be ht sgrvlcemon klllgd In.the to rescue lhe American • received medals at lhe tr terro] 3 were going nicknamed J h in Istanbul own group ked. decided that « n " d ..... I a dramatic One .of th< Cakmak, a 1 r«w. Of* ^ S[eMS‘’th1 cirtlJeywet'e— —-------- "Suddenly 0 terrorists grabbed the ;cess “ i Ilf. (UPI) - Habib would p Habib has United State: reventlng a Speakes sc t. President spoken pcrs< Monday. . ’ working thn • goal so far ment. “If the liatlonlnthe with some st /bite House let him know, akes said.' Rea^ has ittle mission Hablb’sactiv jnslons rose Speakes s two-Syrian .- was “again 1 and Syria for restraint, irface-to-air achieve- our ritory. extremely da rfb-TObsion--------AskedlfThi Jd.” . at the iengU ration-was— Bpend'shuttH closelyand' •'-^countrits— S .behig kept ministraUoni Itles In the hadnoin^ca • would be a c a tion on the Speak^ dc the Habib reports that but he em- working wii eating that Ubanon. fda/io T\ —__— ^ ----------- ^— --- - 'v y - - - w *' d at Sunset Memorial iLDai, t h o s e ’t^foQ I Ariinglon National Cer -form er hostage?. Fifteen former hosta II Lalngcn. the ranking U 1 - the ccremony. It was s ^:.-r.-5Love,: .an-orgonlzatldn families of Vietnam p'rU n Vice President Bush I of the Unknown Soldier who. died "so that we i n freedom." J.- . , -Bush-cited t h t C 'sii f.------ Americans have a reapt n------ froedonvlor-whlch- 60 - e “Today we honor thos _____tbal.wamighUlYcJapea "Those of us goth ; priviiedged-lo-iive theti ’ ■■ Americans. I pray'thai iheir sacrifice. As Tho »risfs to d Jackal and Hawk by their Ip got off the plane, wc lat the time for action had jCapt._Bai;las.Akidll. ,the_ ot,said._ the- terrorists told Ihsan a Turkish.soldier who was le by chancc, to halt his trip ry and to sit down. Cakmak and-sat near where one of - - sts was guarding the back liy he lunged forward and hc terrorist's hand by the uid be recalled soon to* the itcs. : said the president had not irsonaily to Habib,, who-is— hrough the State Dcpart- Ihe president did not concur ! steps, hc would derinltely ow,“ said Speakes. To date, as not objected to any of tivitles.hesald. said the administration In appealing to all parties Int.' We’re hopeful we can •ur_goal_o!_defusing_an_: dangcroussltuatlon.” therpresldenrwarunJrappy-' gth of time Habib had to ttHng-amongThe"Mideast~ -Speakes—sald“ the~ad-~ in had set no timetable and icatlon when Habib mission ccomplished. declined to comment on lat Soviet advisers were with Syrian forces .in Tuesday, May 26 \ K T n lfM lilf I 1 I Sff I to honor soldiers I— ^ ) died for fr© Cemetery from some of the jstages. among them Bruce g U.S. diplomat, took part in is sponsored by No Greater lion that was active-wi^ .- prlsoncrsofwar. sh laid a wf&ath at the Tomb ler and paid tribute to those ve might live in peace and .- aponslbiiity tcrprcscrveIHe— 60 ~many-t:ave-fought-and^^ hose who gave their lives so peaceandJrcedom. athcred here today are __ le dreams of earlier: brave' that we rcmdln^orthy of ' rhomas Paine said, 'those 3 end hi r wrist, the gun still in the c terrorist,"Capt.AkldIlsaii d Three other passengers e— tcrrorisLand spun him to-tl the gunman quickly re« , pulled the triggger. , “No one was hit, lucki ) .s a id .‘'While this-was-goin J another passenger ... atl f - .othcr.guntnan.who was gl ^ cockpit entrance." Ws soon as the two.tem — seizedr-co-piiot^Buient- 1 started the engines to } aircraft forward toward th To the vie ° it was spo s___ ^ Mario AndrettU! > as the winner wh r Indy 500 result ^ posted; Unser anr f he will appeal- Business ............ . ; CiBsslfied ....... ] Comics ................ 1___Dcar-Abby ■.. Focus ♦. ♦..V.^. Idaho ................... [------ -^MaglcA/allcy-.., _ - -“OWtuarI6«TT7rr 1 Opinion .............. .People ........ , Sports ................. ; Valley L ife ......... I , W eather ..... -.; 6,1981_ . tpi ........ j- ___J', -J i'- -s that died In the diffsn 2 e d o m a re ,it' who would reap'tbe ble undergo the ratigiie of cupj .American Legion mer Quincy. Ma8iU.8aU)ered. plac^uDd^ ' """^ra^^erican Gbld S w reath4t tbe foot of a flag at Rosllndale’s Mt. Hope honor the deceased vetei especially the forgotten he ' -Wembers or-thfffOt^ fund conducted a-inemorii - :^Boston:s-QuIacy:-Market 57,669 Americans wbo die those wbo died In previc BodeFerrera. • ------------- ~ On-New Yprit’5 StaTen I ~~Tgun5'flred asalute aod 30.; '' at attention cm the lawn of American Legion Post as i lijack dl le h a ^ of tbe building, in o iid. terrorists fn rs Jumped tbe aircraft. ►thefloorrlMit------- But-the-twi icovered and then bad bee My.-v^kidU. fic°k%‘1 S 2 S S g K badly." * * U"'-leaped from I rroristswere head and sust tt—Karaoglu-^— ^Afterward,- ) move the plane found the teirohial removed It. - >d nipliy ctor, oiled , is listed - ___ vhen the \ iltsare inounc»s . im 1 — Bl . •••02 H H K _^C : .... Dl ........... C3 ^ H y Cl TTvrrcl ..... A6 - ... Bi-6 B fV B ...C 6^ * ,;.v .'A 2 25* ■^sTivSr^ScnSSwi. , Fsrent U .S . w an.- honored - - -- ble^ihgs of freed<>m ... •uppdrUngIt’." . -1 . membeni In Boston' and red at three cemeteries to mall American .flags-on^ d Star mother placed a flag-draped war memorial • ope Cemetery Sunday “to /eterans of all wars, but n heroesof Vietnam." 6kSiI.;^ii:;L^:::£moriai' lorial-serylcratdowntowii^ - rket-:iUo-rerocicieHtbe- - died in Vietnam, plus ali * evious wars,” said Rev.' en Island, tap^ blew, fouc„ _ 130. people 'stood solemnly .11J1 QofthePatria'D’Mlessio-- - as a flag was raised. H Irama in order to prevent the other ( from getting back on the . ‘-two gunmen-on ground by *— been detahied by Bulgarian s. Embassy qjokesman said B terrorists was '‘beaten up ' iy.” He struggled free and m tbe-plane; landing on hU ............. sustaining severe Injuries. ird,-offlcialr'fieai^lng the ind a^ bomb oo board and -j-V:' ‘ i ' ■ K59^H b ~
Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

■ Y ^ y

2nd areap

P 4 a i^ i t t s

f r o i iMALAD (U PI) - Th

'V alley residents died Intli flight p laae in the mounU w estofM aladM ooday.: ; The p lane apparen tly fie o f sm all canyon.

T h ere w ere no survi :v ic tim s w ere pilot Jam es -54, and h is wife. Arils, i

^ Wendell, and John Davld-I J e ro m e , according to st ; fleers.

F ed e ra l Aviation Adn: officials said they also w en for ano ther p lane en route V alley to Salt Lake City mlj

•sam e a rea .■ l l i e y said the flight plai c ra f ts in the portion over so

'Id ah o w ere virtually identic •_ Opeida County S heriff

. :.-in eh t o ff lc ia ls - s a id -se a t — lo c a te d the w reckageof the

:- r -a P ip e r Comanche a lrc r■ • ^mUes west o f M alad In SCI

- Idaho a t atwut 4 p .m . Mondi :- :0 ff lc ia l6 -w itb - th c Burl rSehrice — an a rm of th<

— 'B urley ,-Idabo — said J h a t rje ro m e , Sunday evening f 3 Jtah . I t lofT L ogairat-abo rMonday for the re tu rn flight- Officials said Reed, a s Utah S ta te University a t L

H e a v y ,

By United P re ss Intem atloi

' Cloud bu rsts flo o d ^ a re a s n e a r Inicom Monday b u rg residents spotted a fu

. ^ heavy r^ n fa l l fell throui e m Idaho .........

- “ You can 't -even see t ' t a i n s , s a i d - Inkom — Mi

"H d m a n ffo llw ;‘‘I t‘s j u s l ^ l l V Heimaodoilar-M ild-flash-

— of th e Sorrel and Rapid Cree « n t w ater, rushing throiigi .culverts and two b ridges tt

•-— w a te r runoff In -h irco m m i culver t , and a bridge_t|in)

• -were in Jeopardy of t)eibg ( h e sa id . .

N ational W eatherServJcc

AngryBURGAS, B ulgaria (U PI

. rityT orces ajded aod overpow ered four le ftist M onday.to e o d tb e tw i^day o faT u rk ish Airlines Jet.- Several passengers w ere

__ — hone seriously— ^rt3en the- tw o -o f .- th e - te r ro r is t« ,-b «

severely , tbe official Bulgai agency BTA said.

Two o tber tc rro rls ls , lUTi — the~ D C »9-ta-m ake . stai'

rep o rte rs , w ere quickly caj secu rity forces.

-— T he ^ m a t i c end to the

Special envoy k

H a b ib h a s p l a y e d i tc

plane missii


t l v aThree M agic being ' Howt

1 the c ra sh of a d ea th Sund. intalnous a rea n l ^ C. Sor

. ’ ' southwest© I new In to side ;D eialls

p la n e , . a s irvlvora. The w e re ske t ies Archibald, , g ^ i e v Flic s, SI, b b U i 'o t / - ^ e r a l t w o llR e e d ,iI8 , o l \ - ' f e i O T l s

s h e r iir s o ( - V ^ e r Uio M l^ k e City

idm ioistralion p . . /eresearch ing lule rtx>m sun m lss in g ta th e

plans fo r bclh rsouU icastem niical.i f l 'a D epart-« arch crew s J Ia iad_ a t i tbeflrstp lan® . • c p r s a W - “Ircraft — 13'/4 *southeastern J i ^ w e h e a r

tnday. f t . s ^ k e s tlu rley -F llg h t L a f e FJig

the FAA in - B e ^ c r a f t • iiat-plane-left- C ltjtfrom Stlg for Logan, uled to a rri'about I p.m . P-m^ ;gh t.. H© said 0a student a t identities oit Logan, was tha t craft.

rainstr>; f a r m mtloiiaT . ' . e r s in Bois

special weal ed low-lying sou theasten day'-ahd Rex- dents to m< i funnel cloud m inor flood •oughout east* s tre a m s or n

Meteorolo) e the moun- offlciais exp M ayor Ron overflow in i

5 5 lra ra liir» v .- '\:id rk C o u n t3 ish-flooda-out —C oun ty ;in ;tt ireek canyons W yoming boi (ilgh th e four He sa id twi s that handle Inkom area imunity7~0nc Mondoyj"andt i ro u g h ^ w n ___i n o ^ o c p ^»g d ^ 'ro y e d , RexSiirg i

ting a funnel dee forecast- the com m un

rhostacJPIJ — Secu- ■ cam e a fte r tt ^ hostages , an ., u ltra-lcfl s t te rro ris ts group, th rea lay hijacking. th_eJi_?0.hosti

A m erican ei ere wounded York-based Ci they Jum ped The gunmi b e a t in g -o n e - w rlte -fa rew e Igarian news ones a f le r th

flaUy reject© lured’o u f o f - JSOO.OOO ranst ;U tem eaL lo _ Je irp ris ts_ 3 a iJ cap tured by death in Turke

. Officials sa he hijacking w ere unharm e

' keeps nations t

•n t o p m

i t d o s e t o t h e v e s t, te llin g

. V ^

76th year, N


r a s h

• e e

i l t e s j L-.Ir,

iwn to Wc.ic.': i Ihenday of his > .>on-Sonnichsen, 5 . wr.'. M.inod ' it of Jerome.) concerning the second I single-engine Beechcraft, te tc h y M onday evening , nigh t Service officials said w as.flyJngj)vetJurley when I I S his f l i ^ t p lan for a route Malad area and on tq Salt

,fflcials said they urged the le sccond craft not'to fly into jccauseof'heavy rainfall and [orms. The said they briefed i t that tim e about turbulence :a, but hc pursued the flight

‘a rd from him eoroute over It about 5 p.m.'. one dispat- :. “ He w u really r o i w e h ^‘ w eather,,and tha t was thefardfrom iilm .” ■ --------------esm an for Uie FAA’s Salt iig h t S e rv ic e -s a id thd ft w as bound for Sait Lake I Sun Valley and was sched- rrive in'Utah, a t about 3:40

1 officials did not h^ve the of the five p e < ^ e « b o a rd

^ c f n d s ~ ~o ise ,! m eanwhile, issued a ■eather statem ent for all of c m 'Idaho, warning resi- move to h igher ground if Mding occurrcd on sm all r roadways.jlogist Larry .Jensen..sald _ 2xp<xtcd sm all stream s to In many, rem ote areas from inty'ln the north and Oneida -tbe :so u th :am l:ca5 t4 < ^th « ~ border. — two Inches of rain fell in the 'ca In a nine-hour period . indTainfall-alsoTffasiieavy—

; i^ id e n ts jreported spot- lel cloud five m llcs soulh o f lunity a t about 3 p.m .. L

ges over the gunmen, mem bers of leftist -Turkish terro rist it 'eatened to begin killing v)stageSuJtar1ing.w ithJi¥e_____executives of the New . ,,

1 Citibank. “iman made the hostages ^ swell” ielters to their loved .

the Turkish government :ted their dem ands for a t\ n so m an d freed o m ’ for'47— p ja iled a nd condemned to a rkcy. * - p :said the flve Americans o'


; talking

v e n t w a r


-p '

th.“ 1


n g r e p o r te r s l i t t le 5

N o.l4d

. . . " -A

V *


M e m o r ia l D a y ^

MenAcross t

■ • By U q ^ P r ^ Intern

The crack of the guns . Then, under, som t^

crowd of Magic Valley . . tion a s tho. lonely n

through thecemeta«7 .They saluted the ir a

th e e r v ic e of the ir cour — - The scene a t Sunset IS

. thousandai)eloghcldai - • M em orial- D a y M o n d

— L ^ sp e € c h c s i-p a ra d e s ;-b i ' ^ f l c i ^ l y o p ^ n g ^ e ' i f i

. '- s o m e p a r ts of th e coui w as m ostly a day for w


A pril 1980 attem pt to hostages in Iran re<

2rpowe:Tho C itibank executives '

to th e opening of a b ranch I when the p lane w ash ijacke

— A“ "combinatlon ' of luc thinking and events both pi spontaneous, clim axed In a en d to th eh ijack in g .

BTA said sectu ity foro two of th e te rro ris ts into I<

■ p lane w ith a prom ise they allowed to m ake a sta tem

■■■pressronco d r th r g r o u n d r overpowered.

“ As soon, a s thfe two

r i s a s u oSANTA BARBARA. Calif

Special U.S. envoy Philip 1 succeeded thus fa r in pre w a r in the Middle E ast. R eagan 's q jokesm an said M

“ We h av e achieved ou r g in preventing further escaia M iddle E a s t,” Acting Wh: p re ss sec re ta ry lA rry Speai

■ H a b ib w a sse n to n a sh u tti th ree weeks ago when ten:

■“ a fte r - I s ra e l- tf io t down tv hellcc^ ters over Lebanon i m oved Soviet-m ade su rf m ^ U e s Into Lebanese

— S p ca c c n a d d -th e -H a b lfc “ continues to tKopea-ended.

■ TTe -Bald-tbB-iBdmtaistra -w atch lng-itevelopm ents clt

th a t tb e president w as b( .“ fuUy abreastif of acUvitl.

- r e g lo o : '. “ H e will m ake a declslo nex t s tep coocem lng th m ission ," Speakes said, bu

he was not. Indies

o t w i n F a U ^ ^



^ » e m o n l e s w e r e h e l d i

m m afhe nation, 1matlonal 'ii .- . ..'7 . . ns rangout th ree tim es, ber-grcy. skies, the sm all ey Veterans stood a t attcn- notes of “ T aps" cchci^:.:

f.com rades w hs h ad 'd icd in

lunty.t M emorial P a rk w as onaof across the United S tates on

nday; It w a s '.a " d a y for - b a r q u e s ? - b e e r —and-of-— yffmmer taiming-scason'nii” luntry. But M emorial Day ' w hat it w as Intended lo be

ht sgrvlcem on klllgd In.the to rescue lh e Am erican •

received m edals a t lhe

tr terro]3 w ere going nicknam ed J h in Istanbul own group ked. decided that

« n " d .....I a d ram atic One .of th<

C akm ak, a 1r«w. Of* ^

S [e M S ‘’th1cirtlJeywet'e— — --------

"Suddenly0 te rro rists g rabbed the

;cess “ iIlf. (U PI) - H abib would p Habib h a s United State: reventlng a Speakes sc t. P resident spoken pcrs< Monday. . ’ w orking thn

• goal so f a r m ent. “ If the lia tlon ln the w ith som e st /b ite House le t h im know, ak es s a id . ' R e a ^ has ittle m ission H ablb’sa c tiv jnslons rose Speakes s tw o-Syrian .- w as “ again1 and Syria fo r restrain t, irface-to-air achieve- our ritory. ex trem ely darfb-TObsion--------A skedlfThiJd.” . a t th e iengUra tio n -w a s— Bpend'shuttH c lo s e ly a n d ' •'-^countrits— S .behig kept m in istraU oni Itles In th e h a d n o in ^ c a

• would be a c ation on th e S p e a k ^ dcthe H abib re p o rts tha tbut he em - w o rk in g wiieating th a t U b an o n .

fda/io T\— _ _ — ----------- —

—--- - 'v y •

- - - w *'

d a t S u n s e t M e m o ria l

iL D a i ,t h o s e ’t^foQ I

A riinglon N ational Cer - fo rm e r hostage?.

F ifteen form er hosta II Lalngcn. the ranking U 1- the ccrem ony. I t w as s ^:.-r.-5Love,: .an-orgonlzatldn

fam ilies of V ietnam p'rU n Vice President Bush I

of the Unknown Soldier who. died "so tha t we i

n freedom ."J.- . , -Bush-cited t h t C ' s i if.------ A m ericans have a reaptn------ froedonv lo r-w h lch -60 -

e “Today we honor thos_____tbal.w am ighU lY cJapea

"Those of us goth ; priviiedged-lo-iive the ti ’ ■■ A m ericans. I p ray 'th a i

ihe ir sacrifice. As Tho

»risfs tod Jackal and Hawk by their Ip got off the plane, wc la t the tim e for action had jC apt._B ai;las.A kidll. , th e _ ot,said._

the- terrorists told Ihsan a Turkish.soldier who was le by chancc, to halt his t r ip • ry and to sit down. Cakmak and-sat near where one of - - s ts was guarding the back

liy he lunged forward and hc te rro ris t's hand by the

uid be recalled soon to* the itcs.: sa id the p resident had not irsonaily to Habib,, w ho-is— hrough the S tate Dcpart- Ihe president did not concur ! steps, hc would derinltely ow,“ said Speakes. To date, a s not objected to any of tiv itles.hesald .

said the adm inistration In appealing to all parties Int.' We’re hopeful we can •u r_ g o a l_ o !_ d e fu sin g _ an _ : dangcroussltuatlon.” th erp reslden rw arunJrappy-' gth of tim e Habib had to ttH ng-am ongT he"M ideast~ -S p e a k e s—sald“ th e ~ a d - ~ in had se t no tim etable and icatlon when Habib mission ccomplished.declined to comment on

lat Soviet advisers w ere w ith S y rian forces .in

Tuesday, May 26

\ K

Tn llfM lilf I 1

I Sff

I to h o n o r s o ld ie rs

I — ^

) died for fr©Cem etery from some of the

jstages. among them Bruce g U.S. diplomat, took p a rt in is sponsored by No G reater lion that was a c t iv e -w i^ .- prlsoncrsofw ar. sh laid a wf&ath at the Tomb ler and paid tribute to those ve might live in peace and .-

aponslbiiity tcrprcscrveIHe— 60 ~m any-t:ave-fought-and^^

hose who gave their lives so peaceandJrcedom . — athcred here today a re __ le d ream s of e a rlie r: brave' that we r c m d ln ^ o r th y of ' rhom as Paine said, 'those

3 end hir w rist, the gun still in the c terrorist,"C apt.A kldIlsaii d T h ree o ther passengers e— tcrrorisL and spun him to-tl

th e gunm an quickly re « , pulled the triggger., “ No one was hit, lucki ) . s a i d . ‘'W hile this-was-goin J an o th er passenger ... atl f - .othcr.guntnan.w ho was gl cockpit en trance."

Ws soon as the tw o.tem — se ized r-co -p iio t^ B u ien t- 1 s ta r te d the engines to } a irc ra f t forw ard toward th

To the vie ° it w as spos___ Mario AndrettU!> as the winner whr Indy 500 result posted; Unser anr

f he will appeal-B u s in e s s .............

; C iB ss lfie d . . . . . . .] C o m ic s ................1___— D c ar-A b b y ■ ..

F o c u s ♦. ♦ . .V .^ .Id a h o ...................

[------ -^ M a g lc A /a l lc y - . . ,_ - -“ O W tu a r I 6 « T T 7 r r1 O p i n i o n ..............‘ .P e o p le . . . . . . . ., S p o r t s .................; V a lle y L i f e .........I , W e a t h e r . . . . . - . ;

6 ,1 9 8 1 _

. t p i ........

j - ___J ' , -J

i ' -

-s t h a t d i e d I n t h e d i f f s n

2 e d o m a r e , i t '

who would r e a p 'tb e ble undergo the ratigiie o f cupj

.A m erican Legion mer Quincy. M a8iU .8aU)ered. p l a c ^ u D d ^

' " " " ^ r a ^ ^ e r i c a n Gbld S w re a th 4 t tb e foot of a flag a t R osllndale’s Mt. Hope honor th e deceased vetei especially the forgotten he

' -W em bers o r - th f f f O t^ — fund conducted a-inemorii - :^B oston:s-Q uIacy:-M arket

57,669 A m ericans wbo d ie those wbo died In previcB o d eF erre ra . • -------------

~ On-New Y prit’5 StaTen I ~~Tgun5'flred a s a lu te aod 30.;

'' a t a tten tion cm the lawn of A m erican Legion P ost a s i

lijack dlle h a ^ of tbe building, in o i id . te rro r is ts fnrs Jumped tb e a irc ra f t.►thefloorrlMit------- But-the-twiicovered and then b ad bee

M y .-v ^ k id U .

fic°k%‘1S2S S g K badly."* * U " '- l e a p e d from I rro r is tsw ere head and sust tt—Karaoglu-^— ^Afterward,- ) move th e p lane found the teirohial rem oved It. -

>d nipliyctor,oiled, is l i s t e d - ___v h e n t h e \i l t s a r ei n o u n c » s . im 1 — B l .

• • • 0 2 H H K

_ ^ C 6 ± —: . . . . D l...........C 3 ■ ^ H y

C lT T v r r c l

. . . . . A 6 -. . . B i - 6 B f V B . . . C 6 ^ *, ; . v . 'A 2

2 5 *

■ ^ s T i v S r ^ S c n S S w i .,F s re n t U .S . w a n . -

honored - - --b le^ ihgs of freed<>m ...

•uppdrUngIt’." . -1. m embeni In Boston' and red a t th ree cem eteries to m all Am erican .flags-on^

d S ta r m other p laced a flag-draped w ar m em orial • ope Cem etery Sunday “ to /eterans of all w ars, but n heroesof V ietnam ." 6 k S iI . ;^ i i : ;L ^ : : :£ m o r ia i ' lo ria l-sery lcratdow ntow ii^ - rk e t- : iU o -re ro c ic ie H tb e - - died in Vietnam, plus ali *

evious w ars,” said R ev .'

en Island, tap^ blew, fouc„ _ •130. people 'stood solemnly .11J1 Q o f th e P a tr ia 'D ’M lessio-- - a s a flag w as raised. H

Iramain o rder to prevent the o ther ( from getting back on th e .

‘-two gunmen-on ground b y *—been detahied by Bulgarian s .

E m bassy qjokesm an said B terrorists was '‘beaten up ' iy .” He struggled free andm tbe-plane; landing on h U .............sustaining severe Injuries.

ird ,-o fflc ia lr 'f iea i^ ln g the ind a^ bomb oo board and


‘ i ' ■

K 5 9 ^ H b ~

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

2n d area p

P l a i

k i l l s

f r o B_ MALAD (U PI)•VaJIey residen ts died In th l ig h t p lane in the mountj w est o /M aJad Monday.

T he p lane apparen tly ni o f sm all canyon.

T h ere w ere no survl — TVictims w ere pilot Jam es

-54, and his wife, Ariis, ! Wendell, and John David 1 Je ro m e , according to si

: fleers.■ F ed e ra l Aviation Adn officials said they ajso wen

'f o r ano ther p lane eh rouK V alley to S alt Lake City m i

•sam e area .• They said th e flight plai c ra f ts In the portion over so

rJdaho w ere v irtually Identic I • O neT drrcounty Sherirr

•m ra t officials said seat lo c a te d the w nK kage of the

. . a P ip e r Comanche-alrcr :m llc s west o f M alad in soi • Idaho a t about 4 p .m . Mond< .-lO ffic ia ls w ith the Burl :Serv lce - a n a rm of th

— 'B urley , Idaho — said that r je ro m e , Sunday evening 1 3 JIah . I t left Logan a t abc ‘Monday for th e re tu rn flight '■'Officials said Reed, a t U tah S ta te U alvereity a t L

H e a v y :

By U nU ed^^^^Jn tem atio i

: Cloud -bu rsts flooded a r e a s n e a r Inkom Monda> b u rg residents spotted a fu

.Us h eavy r ^ n ^ l fell throuj e m Idaho.

--------- '^ Y o u ^ can 'l-^ ev w -w e-lta in s ," said Inkom M] HcJm andollar. “ It’sjiistso l:

— rrH elm andollar-saW -flaflh- -o'f th e Sorrel and Rapid Crc< ^ n t w a te r rush lag throiigl

. -"^rulverts.and-lw oJiddgefl.U w a te r runoff In his commi

___ c u lv e r t-a n d -a . b ridge .thro:w ere in j e < ^ rd y o f being <J iesa ld ............. ............ . . ._ N atjonal W eather ServIcc

AngryBURGAS, B ulgaria (UPI

rity forces aided and angry overpow ered four leftist M onday.to cod tbe twcHlay of a Turkish A irlines Jet.■ S everal, passttigez^ were < -none se riously—w hen the tw o of the terroristic, bet severely , the official Bulgai

— agency BTAsald. — ........Tw o o ther te rro ris ts , lun

th e DC-9 to m ake ^ stall r ^ r t e r s , ‘w ere quickly ca; security forces.

T h e d ram atic e o d 'to the :

Special envoy k


- H a b ib h a s p l a y ^ i( c

plane missir

r i e C l

s d f e

®i v aJT hree M a g i t_ b ^ g J lo w n a the crash of a d eath Sund< untalnous area nich C. Son

. ’ southwest ol flew into side .■Details «

p la o e , ' a s • 'I J f - w ere skoti

nes Archibald, B iirley File s 51. both of ( l ie c ra f tw l Id Reed, 18, ol U e pilot ttlei . sh e r ltf s ol: o v e f th e M .

Vdmlnlstration *ct* searchingm le from Sun ^ra id in g ,o th e

plans lo r both fsou lheaJlera L” ™Utica! a irw a y .

f We h ean » a rc h crews I 'W a d " a t s the first plane c ^ s a l d . “ i I r c r a f t - .W l i .. a ^ u t t h e . w I southeastern w o h ean mday. ' i^ sp o k e sn Jurley Flight L a r a FligI

the FAA In B e ^ c r a f t \ hat p lane left —C it^ /ro m Su lg fo r Logan, u leq to an iv about 1 p.m. P-mi ight. He said ola student a t Identities of it Logan, was th a t craft.

' rains triJL ^

, f u n n e l citional e rs In BolS4

special weat cd low-lying southeastern day and Rex- den ts Ib me s funnel cloud .m inor flood] roughout east- s tre a m s or rc

Meteorolog e-the-m oun=— officials exp M ayor Ron overflow in n solid rain ." ' C lark County iflh-floods-out— C ounty-in-th Jreek canyons Wyoming bor >iigh the four- He said two s .thaL hand le_Inkom _arD a- imunlty. One Monday, and hrough .. town. . . in otherportlc lg destroyed, R exburg n . . . - . :_ tin g a.funnel I rice forecast- the communi

rhostacJPI) — Secu- ' c am e a fte r th igry hostages a n u ltra-left s t te rro ris ts_ group, threat lay hijacking, the ir 90 hosta

A m erican ex ere wounded York-based Cii they Jumped The gunma beating one w rite “ farewel Igarian news ones a f te r thi--- -------- - fla tly-rejectedlured out of $500,000 ranso italement ’to te rro ris ts Jailt captunxKby death In Turke;

D/ficials sal he hijacking*' w ereunharme*

' keeps nations t(

•n t o p r e v


it d o s e to th e v e s t, te llin g i

P > s

ing -

r a s h

l e e ^

i l l f w --.ili -

wn to Wt.ir.': _ i .^ ihe tiday of h-s :v.. r ,>on* ;onnIchsen, S.; ,.>.ined t o f Jerom e.: concerning th e second

single-engine Beechcraft.:e tchy M pnday . .even ing__lig h t Service officials said was flying over Burley when lied his flight plan for a route M alad a rea and on to Salt

ficials said they urged the e second craft not to fly Into lecause of heavy rainfall and orm s. T he said they briefed it that tim e about turbulence la. but he pursued the flight

ard from 'h im 'en rou te 'over— t about 9 p.m .. one dlspat- . “ He w as really conceiped .u«ather,.and tha t w as the a rd from him ." jsm an for th e FAA's Salt light S e rv ice s a id th6 [t w as bound for Salt Lake Sun V alley and waa sched— Tlve in 'U tah, a t about 3:40

I officials did nol have the of the five peq> le«board


W o u c f s)lsc ,' meanwhile, is su e d ‘a eather sta tem ent-for all-i>f- - *m -'Idaho, warning resl- move to higher ^ u n d if odlng occurred on small ‘ roadways.loglst Larry Jensen sa id ___x i ^ t c d ' small stream s to n m any rem ote a rea s from nty in the north and Oneida -the-south-and-east-to-lhe------» rd e r .iwo inches of rain fell in thei»n -In- n n lno -hnnr po rliv t - -nd rainfall also was heavyrtlons o tth e sta le . __ -

residents reported spot- cl cloud five miles south of unlty .at about 3 p . m . . _ _____

ges oveithe gunm en, m em bers of

eftlst- Turkish - te rro ris t to eatened to begin W iling, w stages, starting w ith five . executives of the New' .. Citibank. “

m an-m ade the h o stages— well" letters to thc(r loved the Turkish government te d .th e ir dem ands 'fo r a-— tw isom and freedom for'47‘' "pli ailed and condemned to all •key. p rsaid the-five .Am ericans ov ned.


vent w a r:spsuWfR(



wath i“ flre t

.nej ■ tnL

>g rep o rte rs little . phj

76th year, Ni


'M e m o ria l D a y ce i

MenAcross tl

■ 'B y U i U ^ P i ^ I n t ^ a

The c rack of the g i ^ iThen, under somber

" ■ ' crowd o f M agic Valley tion a s th e lonely no through thecem etary .

They sa lu ted their coi th e se rv ice of their counI

• -T -rT h esc^ ea lS u n scT lW thousands being held aci M em orial 5 a y Monda

_ speeches, parades, ba ficlally opening the sun som e p a r ts o f the coun

. _ ..w as.m ostly a d ay fo rw l '•= T e m e m b o rin g .“ ;

Fam ilies of the eigh ts April 1980 a ttem p t to h o s ta g e s .J n „ I r a n ro C '

>ipoweiThe C itibank executives w

to th e opening of a branch ir when the p lane w as hijacked

A com bination of luc)( th inking and events both pla sppntanraus,j:lim axe^ in_a < end to the hijacking.

BTA said security force -tw o of th e terrorists. lnto lej 'p lan e w ith a prom lse 'they ' a llo \y e d jo jn a k e a statem e press. Once on th e ground, t overpowered. . _

"As soon a s the two I

J s a suc(SANTA BARBARA, Calif.

Spccial U.S. envoy Philip 11 succeeded thus f a r io prev w ar In th e M iddle E ast, I R eagan 's spokesm an said Mo

' "W e h ave a d d e v M o ur go hi preventing fu rther escalatl Middle E a s t.” Acting Whil press sec re ta ry L arry Speake

H abib w as sent 0 0 a shuttle t h r ^ weeks ago wheo tensi ftflpr IsTPfl gh*> h e l la ^ te r s over L rtab b n ai m ove^ Soviet-m ade surfa m is s i le Into Lebanese territo

— Speakes- sald~ the=Hftbl&= “ continues to be open-ended.’

He said th e adminlstrat: watching developments clos th a t th e p residen t was bel “ fully abreast*^ of acUvitlei r e ^ n . -

“ H e 'w ill m ake a dedsloc next s tep concerning tbe mission,” Speakes said, but p h asb ed b e w as not Indlcat


.________ ____________

:e re m o n ie s w e r e h e ld a

noHaifhe nation, tlnational

israngout th ree tim es, le rg rcy skies, the small ‘y ve te rans stood ot attcn- noles of ‘‘T aps’* echocd

rom radcs who had died Inin l y . __________________lUemorial P ark w as one of- icross the United S la tes o a day. It was a d ay for bartxHiues. beer a nd of- um m er tanning season ^n- untry. But M emorial Day what It was Intended to .te -

it servlcem cn k llled.in t h c _ . lo rescue the A merican ocelved medals a t 1 F c ~ '

T terroiI were going nicknam ed Ja I in Istanbul own group t ed. decided thot I

■ a rr iv e d .” (3ai P lfn e 'sp llo t.s

a d ram atic__ p n e_ ,o f theC akm ak, a Ti

KS irlckcd p lane bli iV v — to a lava to ry a

' “ M ’f ' -.co m p lled and th e te rro ris ts nm t lo the j

, they were"Suddenly 1

te rrorists__ grabbed the I

cess — sIf. (U PI) - H abib wouldHabib has U nited States,

eventing a Speakes salPresidenI spoken persoi

Monday. - w ork ing throigoal 50 fa r m en t. “ If the iation lo the ' w llh som e stebile House le t h im know,’ikessald. R caga ii has iUe mission H abib’sac tiv iliskins rose -S p eak es sa wo Sy rian_ . w afi=?4agaln-aand Syria fo r res tra in t,

■face-to-alr ach ieve ourIloiy. ex trem e ly danIh-missten--------^A skediflhfrJ ." . a t th e lengthatioa w as ^ n d shuttllnlosely and coun tries. Sp>elng kept m lnistraU on hiles In - I te h ad DO Indlcati

- would be accorIon on the ^ a k e s decbe H abib re p o rts tha tut he em - w o rk in g wlUaUng tha l l/!bnnon:

-------------H r - — —

i T w i n F a l l s , I d t


I a t S u n s e t M e m o rla i Jp<

r ^ D a |t h o s e '^ t ^ c

Arilngton J^atWiial Cem fo rm er hostages. •. F ifteen form er hosta{

Lalngen, the ranking U.J •the cerem ony. It was sp Love, an organization

. fam lliesofV lelnam ^ris( Vice Presiden t Bush la

of the Unknown Soldier i ' . wno aied "so that, we n

-freedom ."Bush cited the origins

; A m ericans h ave a respoi :— freed o m 'fo r“whlch“ so~r

died."Today we honor those

— ^th a t-w e njlghl llve in peac "Those of us gaIhe

- -p r iv ile d g e d to livejho-dr — A m ericans. I p ray lhat

-th e ir sacrifice. As Thon

rists toJack a l and Hawk-by their

I got off the plane' vifi \ i t th e lime' for action had Gapt. B arlas Akldll, the t t .s a id , t;he_terrorlsts lold lhsan_ * Turidsti soldier who was '

! by chance, lo halt his tr ip y and to s il down. C ak m ak -.^ nd sa t near, where one of . ® ts w as guarding the back ^

sy he lunged forward and s e terrorist's , hond by the a

so farId be recalled soon to the es. •said the president had not sonally lo Habib, who Is irough the S lale Depart- le president did not concur steps, he would definitely w,” said Speakes. To date, s not objected to any of ivitles.hesald . said the adm inistration^

It. W e're hopeful we can ir goal of defusing an lahgeroiis situation." H frpresldentw as unhappy— th .of tim e Habib had to tllng-am ong the M ideast - Speakes said- the ad-

1 h ad se t no tim etable and iation when Habib mission rompllshed.declhied to comment on it Soviet advisers were /1th iSyrian fo rces in

daho Tl

^ 'a r k lo h o n o r s o ld ie r s 1

died for fretlemelery f;om som e of Ihe

stages, am ong them B ruce U.S. diplomat, look p a r t in

5 sponsored by No Greater* “ 00 that was aclive wilh risonersofw ar. h laid a w reath a t th&Tomb g jund .pald irlbu lo to those— e might live in peace and

Ins of the holiday and said »ponslbillly_io preserve the « m arijn iav e fough 't'liia

ose who gaj^e their lives soe a c e ah d freed o m r------" 'ilhered here today a re . rdn!am £n)fin irller, "BraVe ^ la t w e-rem aln"w orlhy of liomas P a ine said, 'those -

>encLhiw rist, the gun still in the Ii te rro r is t," Capt. Akldll said

T hree o lher p assengers J te rro ris t and spun him to Ihi the gunm an quickly reco' pulled thetrigggcr.

r - “ No one v a s hit. luckll said. “ While this w as going ano ther passenger ... jatti

'o th erg u h m ah 'w h o 'w as gui ‘ cockpit en trance ."

As soon a s the two.terroi seized, co-pllot Bulent s ta rted the engines to i a i rc ra f t forward toward the

r = Q ® ® 'To the v ia it was spoi' Mario Andretti Is . as the winner wh«

Indy 500 results posted; Unser anm

he will appeal- , B u s in e s s ..............

C o m i c s ...................D e a r A b b y ............

,--------- :Fo«ais• Icilaho .............. ......

M a g ic V a U e y . . . .O b t t u a i i e s ............

' O p i n i o n .................P e o p le . . . . . . 1 . .S p o r t s ...................V a lle y L ife ...........W e a th e r .................

T u e s d a y , M a y 2 6 ,


S, 1981 _

i t h a t d ie d In t h e d if fc re

l e d o r a a r ^w ho would r u p ' th e 'b le undergo th e fa tlg in of

A m erican Legion mem Quincy. M a ^ .gathered s

“ -p la c e huDdried# of small so ld ie rs 'g rav es.

One Am erican Gold St w rea th At tb e foot of a fiagH

__ nf Rrt«»n><ala’« Mt Ihonor tb e deceased veter e s ^ l a l l y th e fo r^ t te n bet

M em ber# of the Vletnan fund conducted a memorial

— B isiJsirn jiiH M yT ffaw ret- 57.669 A m ericans who died those who d i ^ l h previoi

. • O n New Y ork’s S taten Is . guns fired a salu te and 30 p

' 'a t^ t te n t io n o n tb e la w n o f t- A m erican Legion Post a s a

ijacltdii h and of tlie building, in oilid. ..............te rro ris ts fro:J Jum ped th e a irc ra ft, tbeflo o r.b u t But the two » v e re d and then had been

tU y.-A lcldll ° T n

ro risU w ere head and sustaK araoglu A fterw ard. i

m ove the p lane found «h e term inal . rem oved It.

»d nipliy'tor,> i f e d

is listedhen the MIts arenounces . W— Bl '■ • L j b J I c ^

. . . . D 2

. . . . C6

7 7 7 7 X 3 -------

. . . . A6

. .C 6-8. . . . A2 i J I T i i


e r e n t U .S . w a r s . '

hionoredb l t t t i i r a o f freedom ... .. - ? -ly j^ i^ tn g Jt',**'nem bera h i B o s ^ and ed a t th ree w m etC E lesJ). nail A ra ^ c a h -n it^ rO ii? -

1 S ta r m other p laced a - lag-draped w ar m eitiorial •peX em ete ry Sunday-iJto-------------eterans of all w ars, but I heroes of V ietnam .” n a m V eterans M em orial , j )ria l serv ice a l downtown!. .IK t-"W ^ -------died in Vietnam, plus all )vious_ w ars ,” said . Rev.

;n Island, taps blew. fou f V ; - 'M peoplH toodsolem nlylO fthePatrickD 'A llesslo ; - ;as a flag w as raised .

Irama—^in o rd e r to prevent the o ther from gelUrig back on t t e . ,

two gunm en on ground by - ) e ^ detained by Bulgarian

E m h ^ f k e s m a n said te rro ris ts was “ beaten-up

y.” He struggled, free ih d - .....m th e p lane, landing oo his ustainlng severe hijuries. . rd. officials searching the id a twmb on board and

gngl— ^


; • i i : ..........—

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents


sudden ly com es to 11 .dSleylsloo screen , yo

— '--m*' orsom etlilng. f ’ 'J f th a l’s so, expe '. 'S ^ te m b c r . -

— — HwfDserForum:and*Oi '.rrV'-'gold ru sh this I.* t e l e v i s i o n - “ the PE- '•v'.^tTelevfslori.dventuj

. ;M id la s t week bs be > '•cdocept In w hat be c a

c re a te a truly ad ^doesn’t ex ist on cab; t« « d e d ” .......................'• •;C ucclone says th e tl

'• f '^ V S C C regulations groups for *'

■■/‘^ d a H O m a n

•' I ^;•.;■-CHESTERFlEL] c e n t apparen tly cli

* — j b a n Monday, Carlt . ,‘1:.'.'. A uthorities said i , y o lr , located abou

- - li-i-eastern Idaho, not' ^ w h e n he spotted the . :V.v.: OUlclais said del

■; b u t they s a id tbe ac u>CQ)e m an w as flshinj

_____ I:> 're su m e d th e c a u sc' • • T hey sa id the .J

hom etow n w as beln fam ily m e m b ^ r ^

S e a r c h f i n d

■C: L E CENTER, M 7 who becam e tbe o

:peopIe and an alrpl ' ' ‘M onday sleepiog f . - nu rsin g h o m ew h en

A uthorities roun< ra n s is tin g o f cltizei

* jl-tie fense woHcers an— , ■TT.search fo r 'E u g en e

; • jp riv a te p llo lto jo ln l " 5 * Sullivan w as rep ■' “ N ursing H om e aboi -V-2:30 p .m . M onday ^ ' ch a n c e looked in a k -^r-as Sullivan’s room.

------ ; — T h ere , am ong theh e found Sullivan "a nu rsin g hom e spokei

_____l i - W o n m n s h o

— - r— ROM E ( U P I ) ^ - . th e a tte m p to n P o p e .■ R om e M onday to "■ G erm any!

R ose H all, 21, boar : th e afternoon with he____ On h e r d ep artu re I~ f i r s . H all told tepoi

. := : i iB v e m e lth e p o p e .- 1$ S ^ A f l e r h e r releas< b C-fcosp ita l Sunday. Ro; S S fS ^ le n tto tb e O c c ^ w ^ l> S S ^ p r iv a t e r o o m f o r l fi S M r s . H a l l ,o r i g l n a l l

W est G e m a n y , si S n a y 13 shooting.

; Y uki fS |3 J p iX Y W 0 0 b lU P I

. i ^ S la ih A m c r ic a n actoi S e t t e r o f the *‘Fareu

— S Z B fc o d ra ra q rh a s ti le d t r r i y ::g h n d dis t-serylix s :'w

v ? i h o d ied T h u ^ a 'y a t i - - { ^ S B I f f i o a o p p e a r t d l

' T - q f a ) d ] ;

. I More raiT w in F a lls , Buriey-H Goodio«>Jer6me t r e u :

S ca tte red show ers a: tj sho_wera, w llh winds 7 J S tro n g e r gusts n ea r tj 9 show ers . Lows In the 40

. n 65 lo7S . . ..^ HaJIey» C am as P n l r i e

R lv e rV a ltey ;C onsiderab le cloudli

w ith sc a tte re d shower* th u n d e r s h o w e r s . D

? O vern ight lows In the,n . ‘ h ig h sb o th d ay s5 5 to 7 0 .

N o r th e rn U lah a n d— “ N e v a d a : ................. ....

N evada a nd U tah sho fo recas ts of sca tte red & a_ few afternoon thun<

't o d a ^ . c le a r in g to i becom ing fa ir Wednesd. S ynopsis:

R ccen t ra in s in the ea- - . o f. th e s ta te broughl i

n e a r flood s tag e w ith s ■^flooding.

funnel cloud w as r« ■ »m »es south of R exburg. T - T b e b igbesl tem peral T n e g r e e s a l Caldwell, a

= S H B si32a tC ix i& -------------: S ^ a r t l a l c learing bccu

■ S S g s te ro -p o rU o n s x>f.

j i ^ ^ m e s - N o w s . Twin

___ _

ithoui;P I) - When the m agazine <0 life in all her undraped glo you'll know the m edium ha;

(pect the Bar Mlfzvah som

htbose publishing em pire inclu I*0 m nlm agfl2lnea,-ia-jolnlng' s fal! w ith Penthouse E nter PEn* network.” itually has to com e of a g e ," i b c iakl out the blueprint for

! ca lls adult p rog ram ingr‘*We adult entertainm ent networii

cable today. As I see it, It

le th ree com m ercial networks )ns and stalked by fundar ir "decency,’’ can do little ,m

m d r o w n s f i s M n sELD. Idaho (U P I) .-A .b o a tii ’ claim ed tbe life o f an ea s te r arlbou County sh e rifrs deputle Id a fisherm an a t Chesterfield bout 12 miles north of Bam notified officials a t 4 p .m . I tbe overturned boat, details w ere sketchy Mondaj ! accident apparently o ccurre hing In a 14-foot boat. T hey sa u se of death was drowning, le .JdeDtily of the victim a e ln g withheld, pending notldci

i d s sleeping manMinn. (UPI) — An 80-year-o

e object o f a m assive searcl Irplane in this city of 2,000 wa g peacefully In a storeroom le re be lives.lunded up a volunteer s e a rd izens, police, sh e rifrs deputle : a nd nursing home s taff ln.«.( ene ' Sullivan.' They ' even eni >ln tb e search in the air. repo rted missing from the ( ■bout ‘3 p .m . Sunday. I t wasn a y tha t a m aintenance wor a locked storeroom on th e san n .[hexecords tn th e io-by-12 s to r1 “ sitting on tbe floor sleeping ikesm an Phil Buckman.

l o t - w l t h p o p e ia C^ n e of the two'women'woun pe John P aul I I 's life 12 days a t o ‘re tu rn to h e r hom e in

oarded a plane to F rank fu rt ei 1 h e r m other and b e r husband, r e from R om e's Fium iclno al ^porters she w as "v e ry hap;r.—iase from Rom e's Santo S Rose, h e r husband and h e r n ‘: ^ ^ l l a l . - ^ d m et w ith the'p o r 10 m inutes.oally from Shiriey, M ass. but , si^fered a shattered elbQW

I S M m o d a d i e s .U Pl) ~ Yuki Shlm oda .a re s ^ : to r who relived p arT of h is pa rewell to M anzanar" ielev edof cancerrH gw ag59. s -w ere iw ld 'S o n aay io r slflS a l UCLA Medical Center.»d in ihe'Broadway-productlo

aln likely to dy -R «p«tt,:;aad natioi »u :s and thunde^ < r iV a 7 to 14 mph. . r the Ihunder* /J 40s , and highs

I r i^ 'a n d Wood A T

udlness today san*frani« r s and a few V

D e c re a s in g - - - s_W ednesdayiQ.roldSOs, and hiohe70. TEMPILod no rth ern

show identical d show ers and lundershowers lo n lg b t. and ' 4 jsday . 'J'*'

> easte rn pa rts . -II s tream s to M onday 1 h som e m inor ' e x p e c te d

e x t e n di reported five th rough F irg. conditionsira tu re w as 75 Conditio I, and the col- fa ir lo po— —-----------T -T -rd u tto ira iiecurred io the Wednesda; o f - tb e - -s ta te - -g o o d -T h u r

KuwMQIy ao M. Pep •uiv.OM ....... as.... LMAAQMM _ C

ts nI UtfMukM n m

S *.... NmYM ' o o

I .... ou»ho«.c«if n R.... Omaha n «...... pfto*nii __ / n _ n ..... / # 1 H

win Falla, Idaho ' T u e s d a y , M.

isepllle centcrfold . Jiggle a n d glgf glory on tbe approaching bii

-■ • ta -c o m m a " . oblique referenom etlm e in -bdjavio,

dudesproducing gem

lertilnm enl who w an t It,

Gucclonc ■ ■ “I d on 't seefor Ills new ■ com pete wlUi uWe think we going to have. 1ork 'such a s com m ercial te

It's sorely say ing n aughty......................... b it o f a n d w ent Irks, saddled s tu ff on.damentalist "W e 'iv goingi.more lhan — a s ta g e ld o n '

0)1T f rSiffltlTlC

i g « “ T eahoO sS^f “ T heK ingand

c sn T e 'to H o llj l l ta M ld . ap p e a le d In al

"M idw ay" an,ancrolt In_____I. Monday „ < ^ u y said^ _____ A 'F arew elL to ,

lead ing ro/e of rred W hile m enta lly and d 's a id Ihey cam p.

i 'a n d his •ficationof . M a n h i t I

. MOUNT S H / , n (lied of a n appi

roared down ITKjld m an i rc h b y 7 5

r a f t3m fli w e club w hen th e a irch M rtv a t a n a re a know

D octo rsln tbe a to rev ive WIntei

L ? S ! G ulfstaUrorker by ABU DHABI, lame wing P e rs ian Gulf ch

th e oil Importectoreroom.-------political-econon:Ing," said rep re sen ts am a,

"T hus Ihem yl fo rev e r," boaste th e alleged wea)

K J t^ w ilhdrew lnthe< — — — B ul-sigh lfica i

m ention of the ej ! n * ^ S . • « '* ‘"v ld ed o v e r

le a r iy In Polish ba) airport, WARSAW, Pt appy" to em m e n t m inlste

com m itted sulci > Splrito edged Soviet Irt r m other ta rg e tso f Insults e ' l ^ l n ‘ T housands of :

W arsaw a nd a t 1 )ut living re lea se of politic; iw In lhe dem onstrations t

trouble and pos canceled In some . .The official PA T rad e .'an d Ms

tsoected------"O ls ie w sk l, 60, ana s ------- BaTBrczrs3;both

J ^ i o n adm itted

timoda,'^ — polilT carpfoB Ier lim oaa ,------- jnvestlgatlon for

tlo n so f—


_ 3 0 - .0 0

lANCISCO j y iP e NVERgf^.^. ,J



r n i ^ t , but clouds a re e d ' a g a in to d a y . T h e fd forecast for Thursday ,1 F riday Is for mostly dry >ns.tlons fo r p lanting will be poor through 'W ednesday

ratn.-but^wlll improve la te -— d ay a j ^ become g e n t l y lureday through Saturday____

— s 'n 71j7 .twiPrMciMQ ee

” ;;;; »

5 idaho. n . ™ . .......... ....... ............Uu llH — BotM n

- J

.M a y 26.1981 '

aris{Iggle In' the ir a ttem pt to p n ib isco o cep to fw h a t is "adult,

nercla l-te lev ision , w bal yoi n in ces tb adult interests, adu vior, and there 's a lw ays i Mith it. We have lo stop pli

lenuine adult en tertainm ent I

see tbe com m ercial networki l l us because of the em otiona e. They won’t put anything rc

te lev ision .^ rm -not-saying h ty in the sense tha t N o rm an : int through all-kinds of tr ia ls i:

log to take the whole thing on |on|^t thinkj^rnm crcl.^. televls

— —

"of the August Moori,’’ "Soi and I,’’ and "Pacific O vehure ed the ro le of Ito In "A untie ollyvood to do the movie. H n about 25 films. Including "1 and "T be Last F light of Noal ■oles in num erous.television aid he w as proudest " o f h ■loJtfanzanar.!U n-w hlch_he I o f a Japanese patriarch wbo td physically in a Worid W ar r

t by avalanche di5HASTA (UPI) - A Pdrtland ipparenl h ea rt a ttack w hen ai n the sl<q>es of Mount Shasi o ritiessa id .the 11,000 foot level o f th e mi Ite rs , S6 .a s one of 13 hikers from a Poi te avalanche occurred a t I i.a.t M w nasLakeH elen.. the hiking d u b attem pted un: Qters, the sh e riffs office said, r ie s ------ ------------------ V —

ftea agree on alUtBI. United Arab E m ira tes <l I chiefs 'o f'sta te , who contcol rted by the West, launched j w m lc alliance Monday tha t m ajo r force in the world econc myth of a Gulf vacuum w ill bc isted one conference official, r weakness of the v ital region sit h eea rly I970s. ^ icahtly,--the-announcern'ent e explosive security issue. Thi k er how to defend th e ir region.

r o s s e s c o m m i t s uPolapd (iJP li - Two foi

Isters Under investigation for ulcide Monday and officials troops stationed in Poland :

il ls by som e Poles. . . _ o f students staged ' p ro test n a t least five o ther cities demi Itlcal prisoners, b ut they tone< ns a fte r government appeals possible provocations. - M arc im eothercities.PA P news agency said forme

In rfiic try ', ^ d form er Building Mlnistc slh killed th cm sc lv esr^ led responsibllity-for 0 list w u n try ^ ^econemicrcrislfl-and-: ^em s, PA P said. Both wc for various charges of abusi ds........ ..............., '

s i T - — -

t r s p i r i t s t o d o

•bRCCAST-H,.7_P.*.i.EST A - 1

— l ow 1 0 5 ^ , . -c:

7 obl'eanS

E l j ”*”.‘ jSH Q w tas^ rt

P la n t growth and emer] bc g o ^ w ith m ild tem t h r o u g th e period. ...

P a n evaporation will b inch today and .24 W Spray ing ctmdiUons gen< to poor today,

r r — Soil j ; t e m p e ra tu re s - change in tbe 'm ln im inn

— m axim um down 2 degree

; j 2 Essu ' -iI i :::: !

a - ;Sdn»o I» ........ MoCtf Sg ...... I W n » i 1

Tivln Falls« U m -P ep - u*lV**r-- ,---------I te Honn^ - 1

aduli:’>resent something b e c a u It.'! m em b’OU see a re very dult language and h

a litUe tw itter ?laylng gam es — “ I v lo J h e buslneK of Ihere ’t t for those adulls nu m K

T hat itrks being ■ aU linr nal blocks they’re Guci really naughty on ‘movinj i g .o f f e n s iv e . . , r m ta lk in g n L ear did a little cen ten ? by fire to get his —b e a 24-

Hisone stage lu r th e r ' movies ’felon will geU nlo___ h e m a l


touth P acific,” p arcn tl re s .’J , , holidayie M am e’ a n d ---------D a y ^ «He eventually cam nei "M acA rthur." Waho)ah 's A rk.” He Twin Fi on shows. He _ E rid ay

his work ‘fn Drive he_ p lay ^ ._ th e_ _ in g w lth 10 deteriorated ' pcw • n internm ent reportec

lies W o ind, Ore., m an d v t ,„ i,, an avalanche

^ la , Siskiyou _

mountain was

■oniand hiker 'a.m. Saturday { r ip T

insuccessfully V im

Uance f Z Z.( U P I ) - S i x i lo n o h d lfo fI an A rabian F o u ^it potentially , view s or nomy. exploraLbc destroyed national . referring lo zlnes. since B ritain On tel<

...........................NewsCllIt- m a d e -n o -------------•Avere'he six s ta te s .■ p e r week m. •Favor

toons. •Favor'Uicide D e w ,"" ( •L e a s t

former gov. "C harm l ircom ip llon bowI." Us acknowl- E ightya have been ■ - .

m arches In / A \manding the qJ / ^ led down the _ . Is warned ol By United ireh es-w ere—

TOF Foreign d a y 011981Ister—Je rz y —---------.le rE d w d n l ,

;t of factors id^oeial:and=z=#ere binderiBe of s ta te , Am erlct

b o m May (1903), Pe W ayne (19

O nlh lsd In 1868,

----------------- w a s acqich arg es b

_________________accused olm eanors."

a v In 1954,. b e rs of U

, , • n lh g lon”*• , - ,;^ e x p lo s lo n j r i . - I s la n d ,

h w ■ - ' In 1972,

^ • j n ist P a r tj< >25 7 ? signed aic'.v vork weapons

In 1977, re leased 1( h o ld in g !^

A Ihougl------------------------- sa tlr ls t- J oi

a rc like « sm all files

' b reak throu

‘ r ■ Th,

— ^ ' M«mb«C

U nitedsrgence willim peratures w«it, Twi

Moflle V.I be ,1901 an ‘Wednesday,itterally fair $ u s p * r

doy only

-----®n, w ith l h e ----- -OoHytndees,at73 .-------------------------- —r m o o ih 'J

5J ?‘ •e, #1 J l ' - month*. $1n sa J l 13 monthiS» o .9 s tu d .n t ,

M....... « .0 0 p .r i

*» ■1“ Pep doy It h«t

- 4*— _dfly_oLlhin ^ npllMiv .111

’ ^ a b la is e of hangups and fea rs of r n b e rs .”boso wbo expect a il th a t to nn n the pbriio' hovels of T im es J where.[ wouldn’t have th a t u H t « •e ’s no quality there. We’re iW o T sh d u rth a rw lil-b e e q ie t includes g am e shows, talk s vs devoted to th e m e d ^ itse lf.' u c c i o n e l ^ 'p r e s t t t his ring through tbe poses 11 tai ing o u t a m onologue o f the ir e :eriold will b e only a sm all pa 24-hour cab le service within t'

3 P E T Networic will spcc\ ie s” — bolh ibe kind m ade in lak es him self,-of which the ct

l a h o c a)ISE (U PI) — Cloudy skies nlly failed to pu t a dam per lay activ ities over the Memo -weekend,-w lth"crowds’ pack pgrounds arid lodges— - - Iho S tale Police in Boise i I F a lls r ^ r i e d traffic was hei sy, b u t h a s since tapered off. ivers have generaUy been ke ’l l h i n l h e s p ^ l l t n l t w traffic accidents have 'b« le d and Idaho has had no tral

3/iday higha

i nation’s traffic death cot id the 300' m ark Monday in I full day of the M emorial Holid end 'a s millions of motorli led highways for homewa

JP I count'M dhday night shov !M t. 347 p e o p l e - l ^ - o n r i

ids s e e 2:irih, fifth and slxth gradei on TV, spe<^ lim its and spa

ration have been recorded lal polls by Scholastic mag

television, a poll by ScholastCitizen, got these resu lls :____erage hours spent- watching 1 jck .22.vorite shows. Comedy and ca

vorlte commercials:'--"Mounta ’ "CocaJCola."ast fav o rite com m erc iah •min to ile t tissu e ,” "Tid

ity -th rec percen t o f 30,0(

ted P re ss Intem ationai f

May36Tlh«746U 1981 w ith 219 to follow. noo&teln4»frlast-i}uarter.— no m ln g sta risM ars . evening s ta rs a rc M ercury Ju p ite ran d S atu rn . i tw m on thi.s d ate a re undpi rof'Getnlnl.^’lean en te rta iner Al Jolson wa: lay 26, 1686. Also Bob Hop( Peggy Lee (1920) and Johr (1907).I s d a te ln h ls to ry :................>8 , P resident Andrew J o h n ^ r cq u ilted of im peachm ent i by one vote. He had been I of "high crim es and misde- s ? ’

m ore than IOO crew mem- ^Ihe a irc ra ft c a rr ie r "Ben- ” w ere k illed w hen an OLTOcked the vessel off Rhode

72, a t the Moscow sum m it, nt Nixon and 'Sdvlet Ctommu- irty chief L w nld • Brezhnev a p ac t lim iting nu c lea r

n, South M oluccan gunmen 1 105 children they bad been tMstage in Assem, Holland.

ught for the day; B r i ^

cobwebs which m ay catch es but le t w asps and hornets rough." - ---------

r h » T lm » s * N « w s Twin F a lli. Id a h o .

ib « r o f A u d it B ur«ou o f C lrculoH en a n d

• d P m i in t* rn a tio n a l w d doily a t ia 2 Third StTMt Twin Folll, Idoho 8330), by

Vo1l*y N «w ipop«ri. Ine. Ipllon (toi««: O ty Horn* y SS.OO; S I.3S par wmk: Molor Rout* D«tlv«ry $5.40; p*r w «*k. Doily 11.50; Sun- ily SO*. Moll M bKrlpllon*I odvonc* ,(told only wh*f* -d « liy .fy ta -m o ln to tn o d ) ;- ' nd-Sundw . t m onth S4.9S. h t S U .8S, 6 montht $39.70, inih. $59.40: Dolly '5nfy . 'ih-*3r«.“ 3-m«ri»Hr $To;5Ji------

only.- I m onth $2.25. 3 . $ 6 .7 5 .-6 'm o n th t-* JS .5 0 ; - Mh( $27.00. SM ond-O oi*I pold a t Twin Foil*. Idoho i«w« (UPS&Sl-OaO). SpK lol I ond S*rv lc«m on ro lo • r m onth. O H klol a ty and

N«wfpop«r pursuant to 6C-I0S Idaho Cod*. Thur*. h « r ^ d*«ignot«j a* th* th t..w M k .o n w hid i toogl »mb*publiihML

le T Vof rq » ls a l by Baptist board

' m ean seedy triple-X Qlcks - ; es S quareV ill have to look .

t w as wide because !’r e talk ing about a great qieda llyx rea ted -fo rcab le:— [k shows, adventure series,ilf.” ,........

ensuous centiciifold models, r take fo r tbe m agazine and !ir sexual fantasies, but the - I p a rt d f w bal b e expects lo in two yea rs of launch.W is llz e in “ blockbuster ;! in Hollywood and the kind e controversial“ Callgula"—

a m p g F Cles ap- fataliUesthlslboiida' per on The rio fth Shore m orial L ake th ree tim acklrig guest8 ;?5 ‘ a id last

weeken4,<km erDon « and "T b ls p lace is pa heavy ‘i t m iist have been i f- cam pgrounds a re p n k ^ D ispatchers a t Uk

in V alley -and Blaii b < ^ ' cam pgrounds in tbo

traffic , repo rted a t o r n ea r f

Luay death Uhighw ays during thi d ay weekend tha l I

count local tim e F riday in the tonight a lm ldnigbt. olidayxtrists California report* 2w ard num ber of fatalities J

T exas w ith 35 and : . N ew - -Y ork_report«

ho w rt d ea ths , Illinois 13 aniin - lh e - - i 2 r-::-. -

22 hoursjders^ fourth g raders In sci space country said they fav< ed in S5-mph s j ^ limit, naga- 70-mph.

A bn*akdown by lastlc "Scholaistlc News E>----------- th a l sub jec t shows: —tg TV-------^W est^ 3,919 for 55;

M id w es t-9 ,l3 0 fo r le a r - S o u th -3 ,294fo r55 ;

E n s r = ^ , 395fo r55 : ntain Som e reasons given

choice:ia ls : *"11 will save gai T idy hum ans and animals,

, B alnbridge,N .Y .0,000 ' “ I h a le the word d( , . too. m uch of it golni

g accidents in ca rs ," A chburg, Va.

• " I f we go 70 mph w aste gas. And when w on't have any gas le

— ------ choice;— — ------ -—,’ . . • “ If.you have an e

ufv^ would bc able' lo gel D a rre l McCray, Shrcv(

wlpr «’; r w a n t - 70 n----------stratghtw ays-and-5^was ■ th e m ountains and In [«i>e tow ns," Ja y n e Wils

Valley. Ariz.• ” B ecau se ify o u g o 7

w here you w ere g W illiam ’Thomas, Richr

lehteen - ,^ e -________

i | f = @ iode .

nil,. E x p lo re t h e F la^ n u - ' W U h a T o r i r i l a P liev , F ro m E n g lis h H i

Nolhing comporos l( iQsto of frosh. hom

ien follow tho easy diroc x n . you're iri for a dollcl

onchllodas, and lost novor dirfororKol C< soo our soloctlon ol

ish utonslls Including tor WS ’ SBIS, auOlo&klvo pans tch .120 Main Avenue No ets

^syst<is one aod th e sexually ex □OW in progress, wiil be aoo

- F ro m h is Forum magaz - b a s e d on le tte rs In w hich 11

^ U ls oul Its sexual fears, fa “T b e TV v erdon of Fom

in teresting pe<vle. H ie san — sam cB dvlcew lil beg lvenrl

So will th e ta lk show." I t w iil be, in all respecl

C a ^ n in th a t tbe bost him h is g uests w ill be m ajo r cel

-- to ta lk in tb e sam e w ay I television,” Guccione said, u sing Ibe kind of language tl

He declined to reveal his c ; sa id th e m agazine's "P e t

—c and ida te fo r « h b o s t ~ ' '~

W n d s Ilay weekend. -althoug ne Lodge a t W arm discourm es .the .num ber-of------ Campist M emorial D ay a t Magi onna M ills said. w c re sa packed.” she said. ' . P d li« a a long w inter. Tbe S ta te HI }retty full too;”— - - a s Id ah J»e sh e r if fs offices IdahoSt alne counties sa id : “ B e p Wse counties were, ingdrivi rfuU Sunday, night, s it back

"oil p a sses 3the three-day holl- The N t began a l 6 p .m .' u ia t 450 / and w as to~end and an< I- ' ” su ffer c

w eekeurted the highest killed a s a t 44, followed by in juries 1 Florida with 26. ria l Day r te d _ 2 l —highw ay — Police u)d N orth C arolina k e p t , dc

- - - - ........... d runkdr

lo fT V ai

5Chool8,across,the . F if th t ivor m aintaining a ing in ; It, a s opposed lo favo r

ration.ly regions of a Oul of Explorer" poli-on sw ered? '-----------------------------4 to 3 . -5 ;913for70 ....................Some Ior55: l,892for,7Q. spending a;738for70. ^ • “ If w iS; 1,388 forTO. could grc en for the 55 mph e a rth iso

^ c e , ” P^ aod lives of . .•"B eca Is,” David Mentz, source c

Owensboideath and there’s .Am ong Ing* around from posed: Amy Judd, Lyn- • “ Becai

f irs t, del>h often it would L au ra Kei n we grow up we • " ! thin left," Amy Klck^ problem s

_-the Russl Tor {Ke '70-mph M a ry Jo a

---------------------- •"Becjnemergency you tan t,’’ Rei

Bt there fas te r,” Minn. tve^ r t . U . ^ ^ _ ^ . . .

■mph or*loweiHn~In the cities and ■ M M llson, P a rad ise

3 70 you could gel going fa s te r ,"

hm ond,Ind. “

fjW ip} |M fH *

a v o r s o f M o x lc o _ . P re s * Vo

H o u s e . . \ jto Iho authontic good ^

m ornodo torlltlas. Ju s t • n Dctlons for tortillas, o n d ' ' V ilclous iroa l — tacos. wloitaa with a frosh Como In todoy and ^ (• o l gourm et cooking lortlTia p ressM .

lorth. Twin Fatla

W o o lm A i* !. DEPARTMENT STO

m ny explicit ' ‘CaDferine the G reat,” aoo th e r.,

igazioe, he’ll draw a panel show :h the r e a d l^ public every m on th , s, fantasies aod hang-ups.

'•orum will be b o ^ by some very sam e ground will be covered. The

enrlt-wllfbe-very serious;”

pects, like-Merv-Criffin o r Johnny himself will tiS a top celebrity and r celebrities, but they 're not going ay IbAl they talk on commercial aid . ,'’They’ll be talking as adults, ge tha t adulls use.” hls choice of host for ihc show, but 'P e t o f the M onth" is a likely

f i l l e dlOugh they said the ra in m ay haveMurfiged a few cam pers. _______ _Bmpgrounds a t'R edflsh Lake aod ' laglc and Horsethief reservoirs all esa id lD b efu ll.Dlice-will-havc ex tra patrols oo e H ighway 21 and o lher highways dahoans re lu m home-today, said loS ta te Police CpI. Robert Lee. ie p a tien t,” Lee advised return- Irivers. " I t 's gonna be slow. Ju st ack and enjoy the scenery.”

3 0 0 mark1C N ational Safety Council w arned 450 to 550 people could be killed ano ther 22,000 lo 26,000 could

s r disabling Injuries during , the kend. L ast year, 447 people were d and 21,000 suffered disabling ' lies during the three-day Memo- Day w e e k ^ . I illce-m ounted-extra patro ls and ,dos&_watch -fo r-speeders-and "

ikdrivers. - - - .......................

I w eekth and-slxlh g raders partlcipat-', in Scholastic N ewstim e's poll/• spending money on space expio-' n.t of 8,000 responses, 4,500 an- 5dV yes;” 3,500"no”; - a r a t i o o f ^

rie r i e ^ n s from those favoring' ling on space forays: , : n f we have food problems, we grow food in spacel'A nd if the r a is o v e r-p o p u la t^ we could go to

i,” R ayJohnson ,Salisburry ,M o. v Eecause we might find a new n e o f, energy ,” Jiilie Tlord, sbord,; Ky.ong . r e r m s -flfom those op-

ecau se poor people should come death overrules curiousily ,"

I K err, Hookstowh,1*a. think w e should solve our own ;ms firs t. I t’s alm ost a race wllh u s s lfln n tu T C ff 'w tio -ca irw in ;^ '-^ Jones, N . LltUe Rock, Ark. * 6esuse'T566pie a r e m ore impor- ““ R enee DlUlngcr, Maple Grove,

; - . . .X

l i M i l M i lB l m H I

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

F -- ■


VietnamA grcupo t'V eteraoflHth e lOKlay 1

Efforts unde

C ^u:BOSTON ( U P I ) - E

peacetim e d raft, the i Boston’ M onday begai and-20-year old Roma file le tte rs saying the>

- tious objectors.T he Rev. F ranc is Co

p rie s t acUve.in.dra/t-c■------ Jng the V ietnam War, j............. m ight beip those oppos

serv ice avoid being dra: “ In any so rt of con

Jectors hearing durln (docum erita(lO n) cat erab le weight with or beliefs,' ’ F a th e r Conroy

M ore than 4,000,000 y su m m er w ere required

• a possible draft.• T he Justice and P eac of th e Boston Archdio pro g ram is a "confldcnl

' le tte rs o r o ther statem e

Cohgr€■ WASHINGTON (UPI . te s t o f congressional set

' . .f u tu re o tth e C le a n A lr / th is week when the Hoi b ill to give the steel 1: tim e to comply wiL deadlines.

T he steel “ stretchout" good chance to pass be

■and Senate, but its 1 . . . .necessarily Indicate whi

t h ^ a s l c C l^ A l r A d ^ n

Congressloool commi houses agreed to take u;

t in a dvance of the m ajor

- ofiJoUarB. • - - U nder exisltng rules,

d u s try m usl m eet ce rt con tro l standards by the T h e^ 's tre tch o u t” blH w(

I ,i(idustry until the.end o f !. those standards.

B ut in exchange for tl______ tim e- — to be, g a n l

. Environm ental Protectio a case-by 'case basis >

p r o d u ^ v i ty a n d e S f^ l t p lan ts , using the moiie) Jiave o t h e r v ^ ^ n e f con tro l _ _

^ U e d lCARSON C riY , Nev.'

n in aw ay bus >carcene m ountain road and sm i s ta tio n wagon . a t an

rin g a tlea s t2 S o th e rs . T he N evada Highway

______ the.b rakw .falIed .on .the I


5 fl’ . _ T I “ ! 3 « t A i p . u r i

^ = = ^ C K S !P e rM o r* !n fo n

C le sM t. I


________f ~ ^ ------------------------- 1

rn ve t p ro te s tof V ietnam v e tm n s sU fle s i t s H ^ t a l lo Los Angeles in i ly hunger strike of J o t m l ^ v

ier way to planj

i r c h u r c-E xpec ting a new by men le Archdiocese of cla im r sgan allowing 19- ob jecton m an Cathodes to re tu rn to hey a re consclM -' Humbt

oversees; Conroy, a parish populatic ft-counselingdur-— d l w t ^ u*, said the letters requests iposed to m ilita iy com m iss drafted. The ccconscientious ob- th e reglsi trln'g Vietnam it a n Indivi ca rr ied consid-, d ra ft,

one’s long-term F a th e r iroysaid. volved ii))0 young m en last sa id the red to reg ister for ernm ent

dem andseace Commission g ives lej idiocese said the Jectors a ( ientlal registry of , Jo h n ] unents s u b m i t t e r m e m b ^ "

ess planiJP I) — The first The plj : sentim ent on the bcleaguei i r Act Is expected m ore con House takes up a - p roducen 2l industry more Jap an . WIU. cican . a i r

i m l t t e i 't a b o lh C o " ^ B up thesteeib iU - “ >eCjcan. ijor d e a n a ir bill Congres

................ ......... a n assessics, the steel In* and recom « rta ln pollution T h a t repor the end of 1982. sa id the p

I would give the suggested I o f 1985 to. m eet th eac t,in <

d ead lin e s . ir th e additional control req:a iU e d _ b x ^ h e ___ction Agency oo s - the steel e to Improve the biclency o r their • « ? « « « * •«

e for pollution Most r ^J_______________

Ib y r u n a wsv.' ( U P I ) fi. w hich waa ened down a group fron smashed Into a downSpooo in Intersection m ph b ^ o re pcq>IaJad ln jii^ -a n d « )U ld w

T beth rM'ay P a tro l said wagon. Thi he charter, bus. ..and .young


RENTAUMRBEGINNi5 th '4 6 tfa G r a d * S h id « i JTW A RN ERTREN TA t/PU ft

S S B T ^ S O U Irt. P h o n * D«l S la u g h te r ert 7

RMERIMI19 S h o sh o n * S t. N orth 7 W

1 • \ ■'

t -sit-in outskSe v e te n o s a r e i [Q of Jqsaveoey. Tbe vetsby tbeV A

I draft

g e s C O jen and women who Intend to

recognition as conscientious o r s In anticipation of a possible I to peacetim e conscription." sbero Cardinal Medeiros, who ies one of the largest Catholic » tio n a_ in _ lb e-U n lted -S ta tesr ed th e program "in r e ^ n s e lo !ts from the faithful," the issIon'amiDuocement stated." commission added, however.

Slstry is not an endorsement of liWdual’s exemption from the

ier Conroy, who was not in- in establishing the program,

tie church belleves‘ “ th e ‘gov- nt docs have a right to make d s oh us,’’ but that the registry leg itim ate conscientious ob- 1 a chance to avoid service.

Moynlhan, a commission ir, sa id the registiy is designed

IS for cleap lan i s 'a n effort to help the uered steel industry become M mpetltive with foreign steel e rs , p articu la rly those in

legislation Is based on an len t worked out by the steel y , the steelworkers’ union, and unentalists. A critical part of eem ent is tha t the industry will B i-n o -fu r th e rT o ll-b a c k "Btr * iQ-deadlines orstandanis'w hen~ ss takes upT eau^orizatlon of inA irA ct.

ress, anticipating this year’s

ssm e n t of the Clean Air Act om m ehd any needed changes, port, d e l iv e i^ In early March, e p rogram was working, but ed som e sweeping changes in including removal of the,1982 .

2S and relaxation of emission requirem ents forautcmoblles.

Ig to m ake recom m e^atlons Ige. but that package Is not tl to reach Congress until la te early Ju ly . -------------------------

r ^ r t s agree the Clean Air i brought about substantial__

v a y b u stras carry ing a vacationing x>m Los Angeles, a s It sped Doner Sum m it, hitting up to 90 )re it went through a red light d e d w ltW b e o th e i^ e h id e A — reeJU lied w ere in tbe station rh ey w ere a father, m other ng son.

IMENT - AISm m = - : zl e n t* •J t a ? « 5 C J t tA N = = ~ • -

JN E T ^ '« 7 3 » 4 « 3 . ,

l u i i c a

l e protesting w hat tbey coQSld : In asslstaaee program s to ^ VA.

> s t o f i l e1 to" to help~protect the Ii ous young Catholics.!ble “ At the tim e of the

flict, m ost d ra ft boai vho cepted the fac t tha t CatJ )ilc CO’S, which led to i les;— o b je c to r s g o I n ^ ( > to M oynlhan said, the T h ^ g l s t ^ is expe<

forerunner of other'slm er. to h c l;U 4 M len tlo u s ob :o f a d r a f t l s i ^ m e d . the The Rev. W arren W.P

tive director of the N In- religious Service Board m, tious Objectors in Was )v- churches a re preparing k e r e tu m to th e d ra f t ., ry “ W hat’s happening )b- Catholic Church and oth<

p rep a re fo r w hat looks li on , inevitable inlroducUoo. cd rea lly unprecedented," 1

an air fighe Im provem w ts in a ir <ne 1970.----------------------------ie\ —T h e p ast decade saw in reduction in particulai

... and a 20 pcrcent Imp av erag e particulate a ir q

J ) W aller B arber, a top . J recen tly to ldaH ousesub

, “ The basic frameworli 111. w hat got us those improv

—q uality . The - basic i-J,__ » 0E kable,llB arber sa id -g f ' B ut he readily noted

changcs, including m ore atta inm ent goals arid givi

’s m ore discretion In the v .a:, -tho program nt tho sta te IJc____ .<;nmf» Indm try groupsct for m ore fundamental cl: s. law . contending in p a rt U Ii, A ir Act has contributed tc i t industrial and economic d In T he effort to s trike a m S . betw een.som e m inor, ad; •n th e Clean A ir Act and 5 overhaul Is certa in to be 5 — envlronm eniaj ugnt oi tJ s gress.>l -------e

1"L _

V P m v w V

I , ____

1 [r

K l

, PRIDi_ : ^ ULT5 J 3 e a . ^




B s diNEW

Bronx, 8■ 1 ^ m oney t(

« T h e .fe a n agehi bloody w

- O neg t d o llars < group, a

^ --------b e-trace. fa tten IB- B ut i

fugiUves U rian p

~~prisdiKn _ ^ J T h e s p

• natlonwli ing the g]

Manha on a cor

-----------------------------boon-penhad not | requires organlzai

t h e COI a Belfast

d d e rto b e .m ittee,’’I VIetoam locate th(._»iru«uii entlyw as

- ..H a ig h t,----------------------- ' o rdered H

which iso He also

much o f t its books {

^ Brileg&l r i^ t is of .

le Vietnam con- O L I ] lards never ac- athollcs could be

mo$t_CalboUc__l o C a n a d a ," T heT edei

began a n : >ectedJo be the crash-lanc m ila rp rb p a m s p r u n e s p objectors before tourist an(

The sii. Hoover, ex ecu- landed ani National Inter* 3,000 feel ( rd for Ck)nscien- ashlngton, said _ lg for a possible ' J ' g X

? how In the , ' ther churches to i n T | f 5 like the almost * * *n-o£_a.drafL is__"hesaid .- i n C l

ELYRIA ^ re alw ay

[ J l l L C arilsleO i ^ Tendersa>

, ' ' B u tth ea• quality since youth.— ~ -T —=-------- - ^ o m rR tiw a 50 p c r ^ l apparcnuy la te emissions - friend’s ca nprovement in a lc r 's rtgaJllyleveJs. trapped am > EPA official vehicle c a i ubcommiUee. collision irk of the ac t is sco res of D veraentslnair w atched ii

stru c tu re js su m ed-th^1--------------------- passeby-td the need for an extlngui f? fiex lb llity in .A n a llem p t ivlng the sta tes a crow bar f way they run heat.0 level,-------------------“HowTlo-ja jcL p u sh ln g — © us-to-bo- changes In lhe s a id . ' : lh a tth eC lean " ^ c s e k i1 to the nation's th e tim e. V c decline. sham e that middle ground oVer a lousy Jdjuslments.ln ; . .poUce -J nd a massive vcstieallne be the biggest rfnnt mhioti the 97th Con- d r i v ^ a y ,

w hether anj

I , - - DistrW ) F o u r t

K . . : ' s i i ie a sALI

i FOOa

. TWII ------ BRUI


ADMISSIONS: —==SniDDn5J2«i»aro

Sponsored By ■



I H R I N I C U I B ITImM4<*w»^blkS«

-V __

i v e r t i n gW YORK (UPI) - In a sto c, a group of volunteers^sooll* y to send to N orthern Ireland. Lfederal government has accui :ehcy of the Irish Republican / w ar against Britain.! governm ent source said huh< s of the approxim ate C ml , called tbe Irish Northern Aid iced and suggested some of th : IRA w ar chests.

a spokesm an fo r the wledging some committee link /cs, sa id the money is only be I purposes — to feed the far iers. - -

spokcsm ajvw hoi^d .lhc.coni iwlde, accused the federal gov 3 group to m aintain good relatic ihattan Federal Court Judge 0 complaint from -the Justice E >ending-for^arsrruled-M ny-i Dt properly compiled with a f es that all groups, acling on be Izatlons, register with Ihegovei com m ittee had originally regij ast-based agency called the ‘ , ’’ bul the Justice Departmi the group. The govemmenl s

vas " a nice nam e that someone !hl, citing committee letters d it to reg ister a s an agent of th< Is outlawed In Britain and Irelai Iso said the group’s financial i )f the group 's donations were i tsd ldo lt G lance.

ntish toui iring GraN D C /U m N .,A riz ._ U JE lL = dera l Aviation Admlnistralloo iii investigation Monday of the anding of a Grand Canyon 5 plane tha t killed one British and injured another, single-engine p lane, crash- and overturned Sunday about el down in the Grand Canyon.

e n h i ( a i n g ~

t r u n k d i e s

: a r W r e c k

I'lA, Ohio (UPI) - Teen-agers ays Irylng lo sneak into the Drive-In Theater, owner John

says.,ic a ttem pt proved fatal for one

Rtmdle, 17, of Elyria-, who illy hid in -the trunk of a c a r to avoid paying the the-

(3.50 admission price, was and burned lo death when the caught fire during a rear-end

! of theater patrons slood and in- ho rro r ^ *flameS'’‘ci)n- •

lhe ca r, - police said. A y t r i e d to douscthcilre-w lth^ Suisher blit was unsuccessful, ip t to pry the trunk opcnwith' a r w as driven back by the

do-ym rtelinhenrltV dH Tigcr">o-in side-a-tnm k?ii4 ‘onder-

i kids try to sneak In here all . Why do they do 11? I l 's a la t a young m an lost his life usy $3.56."-M onday w e r e - s t i l l - I n -

ng the Saturday night accl- ich-occurred-in-(he-4healer- y, a n d , w ere ^uncertain any chargesvould be filed.

I r i c t - F o u r — ^

rth Annual

I R I N EVST-WESTi.L:Sta r ::: : _ : : . ^



M .

W 8 , - ^ 2 5 I W t | a t e r = ;

W I T E S A S S I I .


m . -eS*r«lc* ArfvMtliMnMitT

y I r i s h l

g f u n d sStorefront offlcc- in the

X)lleot<ng4«coF(Uum&«f-------ba. f:cused the group of being :an Army now waging a p

aluhdreds of thousands of S million 'donated to the ^

\id (Committee, could not f the funds have gone to -

le vo lun teers , w hile links lo Irish Republican ‘’ being used for humanl- " ^ families of Republican »

o m m itteehas8 0 i.‘unlts'-i------government of harrass- d lations with the British. ° :e (V aries Haight, acting - n e D epartm ent tha t hod „ny-ithat-lhe*«immmcid------ ^a federal law. The law _

I behalf o f foreign-based- — jvernment. ^ eglstered as an agent of Ai ie “ N orthern Aid Com- -Pi -tment said It couldn't CiII source said it appar- Dnecam eupw lth." PI irs Ihat w ere pro-IRA, co fth e underground arm y ac e la n d -ial records showed that wc re unsccounled for and lis


xristdies and Can}L = ___12 - m i l e s - c a s t - o f —GUon V illage., the The m a le victim , unic yon ing notlffcaUon of r e la t llsh of tou r t ra v ^ in g In the

s a id G rand Canyon ^ ish- Scrvice spokesm an Rogi out T h e in ju re d wom on. Baldwin, 59, Romford,

, adm itted for observalio Com m unity Hospital. F


700 Main Avoni . Twin Fait# 7:'h o ....................... ..

a — -------------


n d ->n-

m.Ith' fhe


ill h h ^I[IIb ba



---------------------- S j

4 2O n 2 % -Y o a rM o r]


1 2, Money Mt.rV«t Cart

vary and are ba wiU>dcswalKonlermi

• - T

i ^ i e f g r

» t o t h e ]The government source in'

-sakMhe-^FOuphas-collected-^ founded len years ago.

“ I don’l know where the mo p re tty good educated guess, am ong five p<Mple prosecuted g u n -^ la led charges Involving severa l were affiliated with th<

Spokesman M artin Galvin Irish-American,-rejected chai agent of the IRA and said Ui appealed.

“ I t was a political ruling,’ P rin ce Charles was In the Unit send abroad only goes lo help. l;SOO Republican priraners in

_and In Ireland.Galvin said the reason no ad(

Belfast "Northern Aid C omi group was forced to flee b ^ i British arrest for “ Republlcar

jnooeyUhat-wouIdhavo gone t( w as only intended lo help prif more.

He said since the commltte< sends its funds to other organli An Cummann Cabhrack, G< Prisoners Dependents Fund, ai Cross, anolherorganizationtol

Aboul the prosecution of con: Phlladelpla, he said. “ We havi com m ittee and some will do activ ities tha t a re not a part of c

A Justice Department spoke: would only m ean the commillei listing and improve its record-k should not interfere io Its fund-r

J in plane yon sight-G rand-G anyon— theplancVif

th e Grand Cildentlfled pend- atives, was p art Glddings le United States, a 45-mlnute National PArk a fte rn o o n .'

DgerGiddlngs. re lum ing m an , D oreen Airport wh« rd, Essex, was hc was hav tion a t Flagstaff would maki Five othera on Glddings sal

ON GRADUATEA Y o u ’re In v ite d T o C B . : P ic k U p A F re e GHI , F o r You!

r.9 2 fcUveMay26 thru Ji


1 .0 0J ie j ; M aikol Cei1ltlcalo>. I ecll»B M ay261h llm i Ju n a

A nnual Ylgid

>.7497ir tlf lc a to t «r« sim ilar toTraaV ury bBsod on av a rag a ylald on TTaaa n a cc o u n ta a ra au t^act to aubaU

T u e s d a y rM a y a . ia B I , Timet

[ r o u p ;

I R Ac involved In th e Investigdlfbn «d4ip'to $2 million since i t i w

i money went, b ut I can m akda less," hC/sald. He noted that uted In Philadelphia In 1973 on . /Ingarm s for N orthern Ireland. ~ hthecom m ittce. --.TJvin,-3l.- a second-genefailon— charges that the-group w as'Sn Id the judge’s ruling wo]dd;|)e

ing." he said. “ It cam e wh^n (Jnil6d^tatcs. All the money:we lelp.the families of som e of the s in lhe six counties of U lsiir

J address could be found for uie ' Ommlttee’* was bccause the b ^ a u sc they w ere subject to llcan activities.’' He added thenetothfrgroup-from-lhe-Bromc-------prisoner’s families - nothing

Ittco had lo disband his group {anliatlons — the Dublin-based . Gaelic for. the Republican d, and the Belfast-based G recb itohelpp risoner'sfam llles. ; commiltce-afflllated people In have m any people helping the 1 do things tha t a re outsid# . to fourpolicy."tokesman said H aight's ruling lillee would h ave to change Its ird-keeplng - r and the declsloQ nd-ralslngacllvilies. - :

ecrashr I itseeing;icfrcro trea ted andTBleaMd'ai^— : Jld Canyon (Clinic.

ngs said the piaoe.was m aking nute s ight seeing lour Sunday in. The c ra ft apparently, was lg to tbe G rand Canyoh when th e pilot told the tower having engine problema- aod nake an em ergency lan'ding', s s a l d . ............................. ,

FESTUDENTSr '0 C o m e In S o o n A n d -Q H t E s p e c ia lly - :-—: - : : ^ : — —

W e J J i n ^

5 %1 Ju n e 1


IS. M in im u m $ 6 0 0 2 ,; line S th

7%rury Bma.lntar»atralea*-- ' " ' raaturyBllla: Early , •'i baUntiaj inleraat penalty^'.*

Im ea -N a w a .T w ln F a lla .ld a h o A ^ ..

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

W MI •. • •• .

T f i ®Bur.fo ri

; It is Ironl:. ' more_ pri«

- justice OfU i : I prisoaprog

; Burger,■■ '____ Washlngtpii

. rem arks pi ; Michigan \ ■ program s f( : ■ JHewas, it

he began wl tha t unless

i,,w crim e will ( : will occur. -

How to d f f ea ter urg(

. have plague ! . from New Y

- to Nevada.' another but' V tom ostd isti

... Overcrow) efforts at re officers are

^ ■' 'i'\— prlson-prob world’s lar(

: inm ates that ' ■ - : Couple ovi

lockdown or ' Uglilingth? ! ; n o tin g are S(

. . : a^ rlso n p o p That was ylv;

Burger COI ■ prisons or to

aw ay th ek e j tional progra

: . shortersente- i f ' Critics will

-J. ______crooks to b e t— r “““ ofsuch massl

• New progr prison systei

' . Inmates and fosteretTto d

; tlonsonboth! ; Burger's SI)

r e p h ^ t ^ a i J ■ riots suggest : - conditions th . : getting worse

•; “Fellas, p iepreppie looi each in Its o

c z ’ ____________ ^

; ; Geon

JmpE- ©.The Wasbiagtoa Post O

I BURGENSTOCK, Swii- • b a v i n s coroplaloed abooi

. i^ d m io is tra tion swoq>ing ^ a h l tB € r -H ke a swalJow_

j lm e c l, A m a ic a T E u ro p a l ^ i t e l y . 'p re tend ing Ute: ^R eagan adm icistra tion 's

^ _ _ iJC 6 n v e rsa U fln o d U L lc a i rj.' _ < lo ifo E uropean nations

iSm*" Uie™MSa” siiE x tra v a g a n t hopes for d »^ V ie tU n J o o .----------- -

. .. 4 -it i s h lj9 > l;r^ ttf ta In io Swords "Al H a ig ." ^ c b <

------3 UUei1e a n i~ to '8btidder w■ ^ v cU essb ess , _ b av e a tr

•effect 00 m any E urope 4 m M - r e g a r d i i ig tbe. S c

recen tly been dm

i n t ergerissu< prison r<

onic-tbat-ln-Uie-immedi: •lson_disturbances,JVa f the U.S. Supreme Cour ograms.- - •, who must have- pr t f i a J M v a s U j L L a w - S c l i prior to last week’s

I and Nevada, called s for both Inmates and gi :, in fact, expanding on a with an earlier speech. E ss America addresses III continue unabated an

deal with the conditio i-gency. Riots, disturban pied prisons in all part ’ York to New Mexico, t( la. One successful rIo ut conditions in general sturbances. iwding, reductions in rehabilitation, poorly t:

ire most of Ihe famllia 'oblems: Southern Mic argest walled facility, lan the institution was de overcrowding with a q or some other guard-pro 1$ fuse on a powderkeg. s so ripe that any minor lopulation Into a fierce, rlvidly demonstrated in 1 contends the answer Is to take the “send them I ley” attitude. He wants prams, even to be used i itences.III say Burger’s approac e bettercrooks. They als sslve programs ifre'proli igrams have to be devi item around. New atti nd correctional offlcei I defuse the tension am lh sides.suggestions mayjiot.be

a rational approach. T ests that most states that already exist, co


p teasel C an’t w e Just ag o o k a nd cow boy attire an s o w n way?"


zuropec■t Company H aig ’s an

speeches dc Switzerland . —. a s a .natioi )oot Um C arter - potentially ing hiUicr and decline.w _5}»sing ,an__T he_bofie3ip ^ a a l l le s a rc is no lo n ^ iIbey like Uie tha t it is non's promise of en, and tbal

. , accom m oda

< * a n ^ InU ie - in a lo td l_ _ _ _ e rsh ipsuc< »

b in g Uiat tHo aod th e c r ts:b cause some Uokm is unp • w lU jje a r -o r“ a g e o r tb r i4

tramiuiiizing a record h i^JPCMS. Their four'm em beiSoviet Union This fact baioourisbed by thinking:

f f i S l H ® ;

les call •emedydlat^Wermath-dfiwo— Vatren -Bur^r,-chief— urt, calls for improved

prepared his George lchooL£ommencement_ s prison uprisings In ed for new training guards.a prison/crlme theme . Burger’s words warn _5 the prison question, and; more prison riots

tions of prisons is of ances and destruction irts of the country —, to Idaho to Michigan •lot seems to breed al can be directly tied

1 guard, forces. Jess ' trained correctional- . liar reasons cited as lichlgan-Prison, the - y, housed SOO more designed to hold, quick, unannounced

irovoked action Is like lg. The conditions for OT Incident could turn :e, destructive forcc. nIdaho.IS'not to build more n to priwn and throw its mandatory educa- d as Inducements for

lach simply is to trainalso will say the costs-----ohlbltlve!."...............jveloped to turn.the ttitudes - for both :ers — have to be and built-up frostra-

be popular, :but'they The rash of prison

s cannot cope with ' conditions that are

■World j

- =


agree that th e are bo th good,

an allieiand ' P re s id en t R eag an 's describing Uie SoviefUnion

tion in d e c lin e — albeit a ' ly unstable and dangerous

BBS a re jh a t U>e Soviet Union g e r e v a n ^ ic a l ly effective, no longer IdeoIogicaUy driv- b a t it is ready to r e fo m to •date Uie unbllnkable fact . ommaDd'ecoDomy’'"can bot c o m p I a t .^ t e r ~ : -------------------i

ant. T h e ' secood aod Uilrd t certa in ly false, d lta r la o s ta te , e y ^ lead-_ i xefflio n ts a p t 1 ^ ^ <rtslsco iifroo ilhg tbe Soviet- ~i mprecedented. H ie a v e ra g e '- < 14 PoUUwro m em bers is a t ]

Jgb (arouod 70) aod Uie top | bers a r e betweeo 74 aod 78. i bas fsUiered m uch wishful


"O piI' o *

------ «■' VntversaJ Press Syi

WASHINGTON - m in istra tion’s batUe I sem blflncc.of fiscal.s sicirm lshes arc ended budget resoiullon bas fo r 1982. Now the har b a t begins, as various defend Uicir own pre< not a happy tlm eon Ca

T he bcllyaching Is b______ lhe.Iprotests..and_oul

only vital program s, ii th e m aintenance of m a n d th e physical su rv i It would be one thing, c a se ; Mr. Reagan has ta ils o f some f^t cats howling. He has Uireai

. of bureaucrats, th e j fasl-buck housinfc-boys itab le rackets of the-! a r tis ts who 4ucn-foo( cash.

A news Item the ot w ith the impact of pro in th e school lunch pi own Washington suburl

responsibiliE d ito r, Times-News:

D uring the past y ear,; Uie Wendell High Scho(

_____ many_pccaslona_to_chaand . In general, obs t>ehavior.

S evera l tim es I have w ritin g an open le tte r t<

- th e norm al work of suschool caused m e to put I

' High-School had Ils grai 14) and Uie inevitable S

-------was-heldr-W e-experienao f a b se n te e ism ' F r ii because the students did for school, o r Utey had to

1 questlofl that parent! w h a t Uielr students a r w h e re they a re gola

-4 chaperon dances, m an)

?s view5 P e rh a p s Soviet "expans 1 be subdued by a coalltio 1 tional D a tio n a li^ " (Uios : only wiUi R ussia 's anci<

concerns and qiheres o f ii L__llraodcnUKTs!LCU>ose.eag

econom y out from under U ’ Uie m lllta iy bulldiv).I would be easie r to ente

. lm ew ,lhal “ m odem bers" Uonal naUooalists" exist

— c^irtainlydo,— ----------

I t Is tru e tb a t tbe Sovlei c ris is o f structure, while

__ c r is is j8 .w 7 o f political wl- m ore rem ediable. But tb ' - wUl is d ^ . The Allies a r e I

R eag ao adm in ls tra tiw to- U atioos, sooo. wiUi Uie Sc about- m ic lear weapons I

-This u suM osed: to..blun opposi tion to new deplo

m nii


Thebetymliale - b e o t m

a r e w(- In th e ad- Artingtc s to restore som e Montgoi I.sanity. UieLeasy counties ed. A $fi9S billion b e m a n j as been approved from n and-to-hand com- fam ilies lUS constituencies su b sld lt reclous turf. I t is 'p e r iunc :apltolH lii. Is to ei i beyond belief. If fam ilies )u lc rles . involved ...is sp e rc i , indispensable to — - - ' national defense ,

v ival o f the p o o t_ ® U 2 »° g. This is n o U ^ e U i ^ of f as stepped on the ' Pits, and they a re -^ ob e lw r jatened Uie nests actually! jip -o ffs o f- th e - -^romJiory s , and the p rof- T he nj street-w ise con from a gK)d s tam ps into p reserva

J . . to w riteoUier day dealt h im lo oreposed changcs to r ihc |p rogram In o u r "E x p re surbs. T here m oy v e ry w'el

!:■ * : " e v e r corl l t i e S also leav.

th em aroi danceanc

r, a s principal o f D uring looi.-l have h ad . on ly Uire< haperon. dances— by—the—i bscrvc student- children.

h av e ;thai /e contim plated p a re n ts li ■ to paren ts, but supcrv isir supervising Ihe - children.It it OH. Wendell specificall raduatlon ( May th a t they s : Senior K eg ic r U ielr studt iced^-hlgh-ratc— w lll -b e -a r ld a y , e i th e r approved t Ild not show up f e w a re to leaveearly . w lU com e Its really know Uiey have i a re doing and a lc o h ^ oi ling. When I u e s . Most ny o t Ure s tu ; involvennei

Reagamsionlsts' ■ can m odernize tion of *'tradi> Is m ore a | ose concerned ploym eots cient securily accelerate: fin te rest)an d T — agfitto g e L U i e _ „ . ^ . i ^ A . ■ U » b « d en o I S S

1st InxpansIonisU'-i-

e x c u s ^ f o r ’i e t c r l s l s l s , le UK West’swlU.-whlchls------ T h e - R e ,Uie c r i s l i o t believes les; » p u ^ g u i e - i n - u f e useh t a a r d nego- •“n J n i Wori Soviet Unloa m a rk e t nie4^ I In E u io iii. o p m e n t.S o l m U en -w to g c u ts In dew Joymenta to p e a n s ,to o ,h

o nnfic»?ttue • - t - •

ellyachfew co u n tle sin U ie t tu n try U w ealth ier than iJ^ V ax s gton counties in Virginia a gom ery and P rin ce-G eo rg Jes in M aryland, but Uiere ca any. Under present law . chlldt

middle income and wealt ies have the ir school luncl: dlzed to the tune of 35 to 93 cei inch.- The adm lnlstration’s id

end subsidies altogether i les wIUi incomes of m ore Ui ircent above th e poverty, level..

3vaslating,” cried one direct d services. "T he virtual dism i

p u r p rogram ^ ' cried ahbUi< s painted a p icture of4ndescri w rro r: Some of Uie pupils mIg iiy have to bring t)iftir iunt tiome! D lsastcrim pends.

m ail brings a plaintive nq a gentlem aninvolved in histor rv a tlo n ia Virginia. He wants n I te . m y, c ong ressm an^beg^i 1 continue $30 mUIIon in gran e Historic Preservation Fun

your concern,” he say well, says I. m y concern Is fi

3 ) . : ~

w m e 'in to Ih ^ n M * .’Student av e the dance eariy, yet I se iround town a fte r I close up th ind go home.ng an en tire ycdr, I have hai irec sets of paren ts Uiat cami

n. 1 laud Uiose paren ts tha ha t concern and 1 openly invit< } to 'b eco m e more a c tiv e 'i t ising Uie activities of Uieii n. 1 am not asking tha t Uiej ;aily chaperon Uie dances; bul ly actively check to ensure Uial jden ts a ro w here they say they -a n d -d o in g -w h a l-h a s -b e e n 2d by Uie paren ts beforc-hand. u n Uie parents, whose children ne borne and openly s ta te Uiat ii^heen smoking pot. drinking o r involved in sexual activi-

ost students will deny any nen t whatsoever If Uiey a re

m a s p rze NATO’s nuclear forces. It

ap t to paralyze NATO- do-- Is while Soviet deploymentste:............... ■ - .................... —

s, 0 0 ooe -seems able to out- cely l lra ltauon 'agreem enl'bo ' orces tb a t would not favor Uie because p f geography and

deployments. The European r Im m ediate talks is anoUier •of-Uie teodeocy to use the_ J P C .a r n ^ l j» o t r o ^Dr delaying, and eventually

d i f n ^ t p rocurem eat d ^

i e a g a n - a d m i o i s t r a t i o o ' less Uian its predecessor did tefuloess of culUvatlog tbe 'orld ," a nd believes m ore ia lechanlsm s id guiding devel- <0 Europeans' fe a r l a ^ U.S. evelopm ent a i d .But Eun>>. I, h ave lost coofideace In Uie

ters ony Uiat endlngU iem erelyde!

and public funds. Histoi a and can be undertaken by o rge's One day last week f c an 't on a budgel for Uit lldren Bank. Mr. Reagan 1 JalUiy cu t Uie bank 's d irect I nches $752 million and to c cents te e s by $l billion. Mr

> idea - licking. The House wi r for lam en ta tio n s fo r

Uian stricken outfits a s I!d.--------Eloctric.-W estlnghou

E lw tr ic that It vbti m ore in direct loans i

S - ”£7d'“i S i «stam ps? In recent, \ hoard some cyeKjpetU the. Hill, , notably fri

-F lo rid a , on how the 1 nqte g ra m avrjally^worjb

jtorlc have become a se< tsm e F lo rida investigaton gging Clay. N assau .and I ran ts found food stamps, ^und. “ m arijuana, quaaludi says, guns, stereos, fum itur s for radios; bicycles, ai

they . confron ted -by -their-j lents* g re a t deal of it is gc : see W endell.Studcntsw an »the privileges, but few a t

cep t the responsibliit h a d ' w isdom and experien am e w ise decision. ______

tha t sibiiity tha t is yours,v ite ch ildren, know who th<}' in w heiij Uiey go, and w htieir only w ay you will knovi>ey — ............. - ............... -but

lhat = = = = ^ = heyeen--------—---------------------------od. ■ ■ ■ T h e U n tes-N ew s-iren th o s e i t c o n s id e r sh a t b e s ig n e d a n d s h oIng L e tte r s o f m o r e t h ivi- myare n - ■.= ^ =

redictaiIt stqiposed connecUon I

io- - oom lc development aod ats m o q acy .o revenstabU ii------ fo r high levels ofZ s p S h ^ l e s s from hoi

— ^rh e n t- .tb a n -fro m -fe a i ^ f e a r Uiat curtailm ent of] ^ Uiat m any uoderdeveli “ w ill be unable e v ra to “ liugedeb ls..

t e - - I f 'C o Q g re s s„ b lo ^ a o _ ^ W A £ S - a i t a r a a i to •& ly - th e re wlU . be reoewM

E urope aboul.Uie abUlty d d i l — any P resident -

- J f i i r d g o pbllcy.-If Uie-Ca 5 .T r e a ty dies, Uiat will de<

” - Uiat U ie-nsu lU -of oegoi ^ tb e United S tates a re to J fo rx o m fo rt But Europe t g ' ow n house I n o r ^ .

!>■ - T lie i^ w F reo d i goven « le ft is an unknown


--------------:— '

CapitojesirableouU aysof carpets, toric p r ^ r v a t lo n House a l>y p rivate funds. "flexibl« !k the House voted p rp ^ a r r h e .E xport-Im port —ical kin 1 bad proposed to monopol :t loan authority by Before : I cu t loan guaran- broughtJ r . Reagan took a ' ba ttles n w as SO touched by Rough

such poverty- c e lv e " hBoeing, General o fc h lld r

ouse-and-Westem—tary-peroted $376 million in o n ly Xs and $500 million of Uils suitees. bu t' thele fight over food lendents . weeks ^ e have So it in ing testimony on Securityfrom officials in a rts , sul; food stam p pro- subsidiesrjcs. The stam p? nanced blecond currency, subsidies'jre . working in you nam

Duval counU es..„pr8ssurins, used to buy body elseIdes, angel dust, shamefulure , a saddle, CB to Uie acauto tires and prom ises

r-parents—But-a—check-yuigoing on here a t Uieir wort ant ali of the adult say they ; a re ready to ac- them on ; llty o r have Uie Uielr ago en c e .to m ake, a —^'everyone

__________o r whatevrcepi uie respon- about 35 j 5. Check on your wouldn't I Ihelr frineds a re , aw areofw /ha t Uiey do. The CHUCK ow for s lu re Is to WphcIh i

s -w e lc o m e s Ie ;^e rs t o l h e e rs l ib e lo u s o r lh b a d ta s t e . I lO tild in c lu d e th e w r i te r 's ii th a n 4 0 0 w o rd s m a y b e e d

ible, stoUity. The desire D ^iv^jprntjaig Jieoed_'to -re lOpe of devel- against Uie Muvof-default: new-land )f aid will mean , missiles, n el<^ oaUons Prime Mini0 service Uieir trailing in. ...........- . .- .P arty U bt

ty o fU o P re s I -1 - U L c a i t r t i

= h « d ly h a .l ta

know when emreeotofUie Europe.^fc I wmniodily. America.

4 T Im es-N aw s, Twin Falls, klaho


wolHittte ts." Committees In boUi Uie se and Senate a re trying to put a Klble cap" on UUs $11 billion xam . A flexible cap Is a hypothet- kind of thing, lUte a shared “

opoly o r a continuous deadline, re Uils fraud-riddled ouUay is ght under conlrol, som e m ajor es m ust be fought, ughly 3,900 school districts re- i “ Im pact a id" for Uie education lldren from the families of miii- personnel-and-federal:w orkeis.— ly 330 d istric ts could conllnuaUon ' s subsidy be raUonally JusUfied,. h e howls from school superin- in tsareborrendous. . it goes. Student loans, Social

•Ity benefits.-subsidies for the subsidies for_Uie humaniUes,

dies for luxury apartm ents fl- xl by Uie Section 8 boondoggles, d lcs 'io r public broadcasting — . lam e It, and som e recipient is - urlng Uie Congress. "Cut some* else, but don 't cu t m e." It 's a eful spectacle, and once we get ,• actual appropriations bills, it ises to get m ore shameful still.

“yourselfrT T O fjusi a c c e p tin g A’ord Uiat Uiey a re w here Uiey ley are . L eam to say “ no" lo on activities tha t a re beyondIgo level ahd don 't accept Uie------/one m y age-lsdaUng, drinking, -aleycr.:* for everyoneJs.on ly ---------35 percent and-m ost of them l't be If Uielr paren ts were ofw hattheyw eredolng . :CK MEYERM \ :

l e c d l lo r b u t iW U r e je c t . vt& & c h le M e rm u s t.......;.' s m o l in g a d c t r ^ .! ed ited fo r length.

ablely’s piancellor Schmidt, in an t to restrain Uie left wing of bis )enu>craUc Party, has U ireat-: '1 - re s lg n - lf -h is -p a r ty - tu m s — - Uie NATO decision to deploy _

a n d ib a s e d . . m ed lu m -ran g e • i. The British governm ent of a in ister Thatcher la currenU y '

in poUs, while Uie L a b o r- _ B bebig taken over by anU- ~antl*American neutrallfftfl. ig £ :io Iw m T Jo rii ie ~ m 5 5 n 5 = -r - i—• are , if anything, w orse. So • ‘X‘le grounds for Uie c h a m U i a t ' remains less than tbe sum o f ;

ared to alm ost any of '• e agan 's A m erica is a rock o f : . -W b e o -A le x a o d ra -sa w 'tb e :I h e r husband, lOng E d w an l : e x c Ia l)» « l;- ! !N o w a lle a jlI -

bOT be ta ." T hat Is hbw '• -fe^lB -aboub-R eagan*g:— —

[aho T u 6 Jd iy rM a y a .i9 C T - \

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

■ y ' ''*■ // V *

j Bt'«f Sh*vi" y

j - Groat y

-------------------^ J ^ ^ A w m w T -■■^Sginai'-^nW N

Ciifo'v • - ■. . .

t-«IMn« MJB__________

Killed irrSund

EquadcQUITO, Equador (UPD

dropped co/flns <jarryrng I o rP rc s lS e h t Ja im e Role wife M artha killed in a | w ere re tu rned to Quito N taken t h r o u j s treets troops to th e Natlonai Pala

Vice P resident Osvaldo I a ^ u m e d the president shortly a f te r Roldos.,40, h seven o ther people, includi M inister M arco Subia,_w^ th e c r o ^ of the pfcsldei while cn route to a ceren' disputed P eruv ian border.

- -........T here w as no official correport from neighboring

- tha t an anonymous call

Spain’s*flakfro irhostages

MADRID, Spain (UF . position partie s Monday P rim e M inister Leopo Sotelo app ea r before Pai

_ c l e a r up questions j>boul o f ' l i ^ t ^ i n g - rrivbivTmi te rro ris t seizure of u hostages in a Barcelona I - The two^Jay bank se Sunday - w hen Spanls storm ed the.faullding.-h

' gunm an, capturing nine I f re e in g a b o u t 70 n hostages.

Calvo Sotelo, whose go blam ed .the. a ttack on i ex trem ists, considered

-•-m ands but w as not ex; : rr tp ly before Tuesday moi

Questions about the se izu re cen tered on fc possible link between

__ _jn lilta ry _ _ co u p _ attem pi- • th ree m onths earlier.

~ A'- m h ln ls~«!up In -th e b iover w as the' possible ro parliam en ta ry Civil Guat m em bers took 350 mer

--------- E flrilam enLbostage In thicoup a ttem p t lhat shoo^

— ' T^nfantTJem ocracy. - -— , The Socialist and Co

p a rtie s w arned thal some - r e p o r te d ly in v o lv ed

< > B arcelona seige could f - 1 -n e w -r ig h tis t rebellion

_ - tn n n d ftri Sn»i»lnquestions in P arliam en t Ti

' ' . Policc in B arcelona roar half-dozen rightists and rc w erc seeking the ma: behind the bank takeovei

, a n d “ pU ijlic .^serv ices


L E B A N O lt '

o' GjuV

I ^

' ' - J

„7 -‘ ___ ________—

,'i. ' 'I

■"“ SS.

idaxfplane crash

lor mounP U .-n J iP J J a g __ Bogota newng the Psm ains— the-^Aprll ioldos Iind h is Roldos' p} a plan** crash , known a s

0 Momiiay and venge agal ts llncsi with over a nui •alace. Colombian i d oH u rU d o ,4 l, theysought ency iSunday.. P re ss rep D, his Mifc anii said pcasa: luding Oefcnse p lane fallin where Willed in f i c i a l s a, Identisill p lane Beechcraft rem on.y-at-the crashing. W er. In the a rea a com nv£!ntc>c - R em ains i ing CiJ'Iombla w ere flown t caller J o ld a capital, Mon

govem m e m oppositi( !S taken at(UPI) — Op- Catalonia rc] lay dem anded topro iesrurc opoldo-^ Calvo - -After biai P arlia rncnt to anarch ists, c wut th'g depth even petty th e m e n f^ n th e— finally^said ' [ up to 300 right-wing ( no banft:. anarch is ts at

seige ended $55,555 each I mish Uroops But the gov j^ k ill ln ^ .o n e _ e a r l le r :s ta te (leo th isrsand one clvil 'gii. - rem ;s ic ing reduced the

f ro m 2 4 to lli ( goveitim ent The Social m rigti't-wing opposition p< •ed U»e de- ernm en t’s sl expet.'led lo and worryinj

momlijig. .. lh fiy w ere '‘sc Ihc ; ) 7 - l i o i i r . . .T h i s s i iu j

..E r iw ls ts 'd a j

iuard, iwhose H ostages s« TiemtK.-rs of gunm en w ere1 Die I’ Ch. 23 takover. The i ^ k ~ ; t f f n ^ ~ ^ ^ f i n a l s

Com m unist threegroups,- im e o f those . Police rcp<!d i.n th e killed and 9 a td fom ent a said som e o f tin a n d -d e - them when tft«;ln .nn .sw er____ ! iX h c y 4 ( ^itTueawlay. us the irs in reiound C!d up a “ TWo of them ij repo rtedly N ew spapersm asterm ind ro ris ts rcfusec>ver. Banks general jo in jl!s ini: th e ' Ih ey sa ld h eco

'MOa' • ' _ ■s w i m '

• 1 ■


. . . ( ■

ih ------------'------- : -------

rnsloss Olewspaper leftist g uerrillas of - ii 19-Movement sabotaged plane. The gueijiJJa group is M-I9 had threatened re- gainst Roldos for handing num ber of its m em bers to m authorities in M arch when {ht sanctuary in Ecuador, reports from Guanchanam a isants reported seeing the lling in nam es but the of- _ sa id _ _ th e _t.H’tru ,en g in e ift turboprop burned a f te r I Weather was reported c lea r i

a a t the tim e of the accidcnt. i is of the nine c rash victim s— I ■n lo Quito, the 9,400-feotJiifil3— > londay. -

entfaces ion aftier tbank iregion struck for an hour w UTe takover. .iiaming the seizure on r, 5. common crim inals and .' thieves', the governmentiid=H^as=ihc-^w ork-of-------- g' extrem ists who paid _ } and common crim im als ,■ ;h to s tag e th ea ttack . ^government retracted an • ^ MeiDcntzRutting a t least £ guard in the bank and ie num ber of assailants ° lla n d th e n to lO . °:iallsts, Spain's largest ‘f

party ,-called the gov- sla tem ents "co n fu sin g " '

'ing." Communists sold ^ “scandalous." nation touches the very smocracy," Communist ' « rique Curiel said. “ El- « -c larified-and" a l l - t h e ' - - ™ la a lh c d .o r l i t :W il le m - ' t is iH o a coup.'" . *' . - p j i said between 20 and 24 oti ;re involved in the bank In tie leader of the terror- ' IfRniTfldlo-dnrlng-thcj” ” 2^s-were-24rdivided-into------ -U«s .- . . . —eportcd one terrorist / - i a rrested . But hostages i >f the gunmen fled withthe troops stonned in.------------- i>k.our-€lothe&^nd-gave— — pa re lum ,” one m an said. m; m ra n o u tw lth m e ." . Be ers said the hooded te r - ' bu sed to le t a Civil Guard co' i j h e hostages because mi couia recognize them. “ rul

• I- Gc

S y r i a“ BElRU T;i;eban6n'(U

plloU cK Israeli spy [ '■ M onday while gunmen

bassy In Beirut wllh rlfli In Je rusa lem , Israeli

^ B^gln s tuck by h is assci Moscow — lhat Soviet Syrian troops in Letjanoi

U.3. spcciai envoy rem ained stalled in Is word on the outcome of

^ and Saudi A rabia on the Police said one perso

fired r ifle g renades a t U darkness. An em bassy s any.iixjuries. . _ -

At tb e sam e time, rifli - th e Sudanese E m bassy “ =EJ«lJ5S5yR»flFHRjlpt0ni ( th e F ren ch — • - In Tel Aviv, a terse

com m and confirmed th te riM shot 'down anothc

J p v e r Lebanon — the thirc

of presidf — -Hurtado ordered eight i tio n a lm o u m in g in o n eo fi > asp reslden f.

H urtado, a Christian I considered slightly lo the ) m odera te Roldos, was 1 I m a te in th e 1979 election tli

E cu ad o r to D em ocratic j I a f te r nine y ears of civilia i ta ry dictatorship.

The new president will a : - . m o re than three years re • Roldos' five-year term . ' ' cham ber legislature is e _ m eet next week a fte r t

"national m o u rn ln tJa lch o — vieeprcsldC nT r^lacing Hi

T h o u i wfo rO ’HL O N D O N D E R R Y , I

Ire land (UPD — Irish hunger s trik e r Patrick 0 burled in a m llltary-sty Monday a s terrorists m fifneral with a ttacks on | local v o lunteersecurtly fon

— MflSt.bus|nes.«?c§ cl(?sed a thousands of m ourners turn m assive show of support ft th e fourth 'hunger s triker tc M aze prison protest for pol on e r status.

— Guniiien fired automfltif a t a police patrol on the roi O 'H ara funeral - sSld I la rg est in r^orthem Ireli "Bloody Sunday" in 1972. N

-officers w as injured in Ihe a occurred 10 minulps before funeral processlon^Hjgan.

T he gunm en fired from a ca r . forcing the ,p a tro l to cover a t the ir position abou n ^ c i r o m the church, police

The a ttack - cam e hours partrllm c"sold]er was killed o th e rs In j i t f ^ in a pre-dawi in a v illage 30 m iles north of 1

O 'H ara’s older brother { -2 9 r-B -fo rm e n R A convfcT -Ih o u san d s-o f-m o u m ers^* !

Coup tiy f<- - L A -P A Z ,—B ollvia~( UPI -paratroop-unit-led-by-a-fugii

m an d er tried to seize « Bolivia’s third largest city but th e a rm y high_commanc coup a ttem pt failed becau m ilita ry un its rem ained loy

l iO ih g ju n ta of P r^ id c n t G G arc ia Meza. . '

i s h o o t j(X JPD T^Syiiashardow m rthi

plane" over cen tral Leban m attacked the Amerlcian E ifle grenades.ell P rim e M inister Menach< jertion — v d jem ently denied st m ilitary advisers w ere wl K>n.PbUip. H abib’s shuttle m lssl Israel while officials await of weekend ta lk s between Syr >e Lebanese m issile crisis, son was injured when gunmi , lh ey .S .'E jn b assy In pre-dav / spokesm an denied there, wc

ifle ^ n a d c s w ere also fired iy and a t the form er Egyptij m ra tlF iraw ests-sec tto im n rt

se statem ent by the mllitai that Syrian an tl-aireraft ba

h e r pilotless Israeli spy plai Ird I n n days. _________

lent l yI t days-OT'na— f l I M h )fhls firet a cts

in D em ocrath e left o f the i: his running that returned

: government W r iian and mill-

. >I serve out the > Jrem aining in V . The single- • \ - J r ' .

expected lothe end o f__________ .

hoow a new J A IHurtado. V . yo u i

m d s tu n l a r a fun

N o r th e r n 'h u n g e r s tr ikI republican h ardest waysO’H ara w as F o u r othertyle se rv ice . .a t the Mazemarked the four hungersI police and B rendan Njrces. fering from

rned out in a his fast beer fo rO ’i la r a . d e a lo fp a in .' to die in the But the,coi

>olltlcal pris- h a s in fo rm ^ will not end h

1 lo be Ihc . '. r e tu s a 'a n y r clana sincc Involves hIr None of Iho

in lm c k lh a l The five re O 'H ara 's ■ re slrlc lcd a s

w earing clotli to refuse p r ia

I a si^eeding ig tie rs and a to dive- for duction in pr out a half a behavior cesaid.

rs aft e r . a ___P * * — ^!d and three wn am bush If Belfast.‘ Sheamus.:t, told the“ D cath-by----------------- — -

ails ___P I ,--------A------------p p ^glllvoHKim-------------- t o wcontrol of

:y Monday, nd said the ause other oyal lo the Gen. l i u l s ..........

I fK - - f e D E

H Ug E O J i r A g

___—/ ----s d o w t ith ird ---------- It-said the|)lanfr

)anon m ission" over the 1 Em - w as hit by a mis:

b order, chem . S y ria ’s official I ed by , S y rian cabinet met with ! - Abdel H alini Khadi

p re ssu re o ver the i ssion 28 when Israeli jeti aited ov er easte rn Leban Syria T h e next day, Sj

SAM-6 m issiles In im en m issiles be wlthdi jaw n - - tliem If they w ere n< were .. . u t e r . Begin dis

a tta c k th e hellcoptc e d a l m ad e in 1978 to defe ptian mUitlas against Syr inUy .o n Sunday, he

'a d v ise rs w ere In ce itary prom pting a quick-- bat- . T ass.

llano “ It goes-without _______ .advisers.In Lebanp

MlA iM E R O L D O Ss u n g e s t e v e r e l e c t e d

■ n o u t l e r ^ 1rike is cert^^nly one of the Q ysaperson can d le .’’ tier IRA or INLA prisoners ize have since replaced Ihe }r strikers who died.1 McLaughlin, 29. was suf- m a bleeding ulcer and an a m a n J ia ls a id-heJouldcjid—I ecause he w as "in a great ,n ." __ _________ Icommittee said : “ Brendan | ic in h ftn n sn ca rsta rrth a th e i d h is hunger s trike until the ' five dem ands a ro conceded i i tish gov«rament. He has | ly m cdicfll'trealment which i him ending his hunger j

e dem ands a rc for un- Iassociation with inm ates, ■othes of their choice, righ t \rison work, e x tra visits and I1 autom atic 50 percenl re- iprison sentences- for good ^



j ^

t j j i i f . * '* I

j E R A j r —

i=bderal Savings> B o c l a t l o n o ( T i y l n F a l l s

1 anath(»nfrwas on-a “ routine patroilln he Bekao Valley east of Beirut Tilssile fired from, inside the

al Damascus radio also report met Monday lo h ea r Foreign N laddam say thal Syria will not he missile crisis, which cruple< je ts shot down two Syrian heiic tjanon. '. Syria began Installing Soviet In the Bekaa. Israel demand

thdrawn. warning It . w ould 'c 'c not dismantled. v. disclosed he ordered, the pla jpters'because ot a secret pron lefend Lebanon’s right-wing ChSyrjafto lraH ocks,___________h e ;a ls o charged Soviet m t central Lebanon with S yrian I ek-denial by the Soviet news s

lUt s a y in g th a t th e re w e re no a n p u ^ n o r -a ro - th e re a n y now.-'

" Italian g< I byM asoiI . ROME (U PI) -= jrhcI em m en t appeared to beH . o f collapse Monday ~b■ scandal concerning a se I lodge that Is being inv f f possible crim inal activit) C' Two of the leaders r- p a rties tha t currently

M inste r A rnaldo Foi V em m en t said they were '■, em m en t crisis Is a t hand, / "W e a re heading to\ r em m en t crisis blit II ' K n igh t," Republican P a r n Giovanni Spadollnl said i

ing-w ith-ForlanI, a Chrl cra t.

"W e have reached a crisis,” said P ietro Long of the Soclal-Democrat meeting with F o rla n i..

T he pessim istic comn fu ture of Fo rlan l's sevc

- governm ent cam e two Adoifo~Sartl, a Christlar

— resigned a s Justice minis c nam e appeared oo a list

of the "P -2" lodge, s The list of alleged lod( e

'T - O O i ^

' I

: I ......

I M B U dW C H B iD A R


I COKE O R TA B^ :l0i00-5i30M on.>Set.



- 1 ^ ^ ■ O F T I ' H orns O

h i p■ . , • 3 9 1 S a d c |S 7 0 1 7 lh S IS 12SNortl

_________ Tuo

ier spy <'!"Su i 's ^ i ile Syrian - !

orted the Minister

ot bow to , . lod April Vilicopiers - \ \

let-made' • ^ \nded the ' '


ilanes lo. : r - v - " -om isehe^ '1 " '" " ........................

m ilitary uTrlii,.n troops,J agency___

10 Soviet •v.- ’------------------------- ----------

[overnment >nic L odge:he Italian goV i_induded—ih t e on the verge p a rliam en t; because of a banking leai

secret Masonic a rm y offic nvestigated for N early all : -ity. m em bers.■s of the four Among oth y form P rim e picled by II 'o rlan l's gov- " s ta te wlthii ire sure a gov- v e s l ig a te d id. exportationtoward a gov^ m ent in th t won’t be to- Sicilian bar arty Secretary curren tly sei d after a m eet- for bank frau iristian Demo-' • Two o th e r '

nam es appe< a government M inister F ra ngo. secretary T rad e Minist ats, after his denied they v

— publicly refus im enls on th e ' On Friday, iven-monlh-oid a r re s t w arrai ro days a f te r m aste r, Llci< lan Democrat, during an In lister a fle r his' petroleum ta: st of m em bers lonlo Vlezzer,

I ta lian secret )dge m em bers m em berofioc

^OSSA fcE=

: h e e s e c u r d s

0 ? ' » . ^ y o 4 0 * Ib.

UDW EISER............ 6 P a i

B ............. ......................6 P a <767 2r»d Ay*. VV«t,,Twlofj


r s /M

^ ^ 1 .Q ,000 DEI

tmCATE« s e - Z Z _ _ _ _ .

y •«

S iE ED E B A iJE OLOANJ^SSQi TW INFALLSO H I c K Z 3 3 2 n d S tM .,T w l > k .a B lv d . N , T w in F « lla

I SL. R upertrth G arfield , P oca te llo

uo»day ,M ay26.196V T im es-

d r o n en i s s n e s " l n " S y r l a ^ ^ i -------

' ■ ^ - -

\ ......

vi®-"’ '> SAM-.2

itroeked — 2 scandal_lh re fr-€ e fa iiiet inliustgl ^ — e n ta r la n s , b usiness and leaders, top-level police and ifficials, and Journalists, nil have denied'^they were 5.' O ther things, the lodge, de- y Italian newspapers a s - a - ithin a s ta te ,’' is being In­ed fo r a lle g e d Illeg a l on of money and InvoIVe-

Ihe false kidnapping ;of banker Michcie Slndona, serving a 25-year sentence -

'raud in Ihe United States. I tier Cabinet m em bers w h d s e ~ ppeared on the list. Labor Franco Foschi and Foreign Inister Enrico Manca, have ey were m em bers and haveefused to resign.--------------;------- -day. a Rome Judge Issued' rran ts for the lodge's grand LIcio Gelll, who fled Italy 1 investigation of a recent I lax scandal, and Col. An- ze r, a form er official of the cret service and an a l le g ^ if lodge. ;

neu^-1,r , —

»s ;|S u b lx tto avallDblllty I -

. . through May 30th ^

■ : ! .P o c k » 2 . 2 9 '

p a c k ’ a . 0 9 : [lofjll* :-------73*6#3»---- L |-------

REST _ ” AT— __


f f _____

EPOSIT f t ^

> . f

r .. . ■ t* t . .


i ■T w ln F a lls* -*I s - .- ■ - • , _iu r i .y

ifis-N ew 9. Twin Falls, Idaho A-S

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

M a c l'B y United P re ss Int

Sh irley on Broadw» '< I s Shirley MacLal

w h ere she w as Q hit " w as seen deep In co

_ l___ „ lc tag -ao d JB ro ad w a] ______ M an h a ttan ._____

R«unloQ in sight-------------- —T o p m in isters of I

na tio n s say a 120rye; hea led . The Rev. J P re sb y te rian Churd betw een o u r two del to scripture.* ' Cbur c le rk of the United *>Un(U th is breech b< p rio rity for the PresJ ch u rch es could reunl

— p ro b ie tr tn o T v s F R rep resen ta tion of wo

^ th n lc partic ipation!

J : ^ o f t b e b e i t ^ ______I ; ln . th e TV soap op<

•IflwnerDougW llllanu ->01soQ. W hat oot all vl

: ^ :! th o se two roles, Bill X . i 'rtnarried in rea i life i

^w ayforaboneyraoo i

Rearing spi

I Star- t --------SCHICAGO (UPI) -

etun tm an , w earing a ^ e M d carry ing a >

I : flag, Uiched b is w ay u .! .tte 'llO -s to ry S ears Tc

b ^ m e the firs t to cilt i l i e s t building...........C A holiday crowd

• < ^ r e d a s th e man, t . t la e d a s D an Good\t

y ^ g a s , completed hi- -------ifllmb.—

^ B u t patro lm en JacI ^ e n Slakis, wbo m et

handcuffed him a

po o l gra;5 > h 6 e n i x . {1V e a ro ld grandm other, B h o t .38 caliber re' VoultW>e bu rg la r a t t sh e s a t calm ly in a s jpp lng bourbon and wi

! t 6 ^ o w u p i ' .I .^ P h o e n ix p o l l c e - > K asteosm ith w as awa

tn^Q g to craw rthrougt ln :h e r bom e. She fired f ld v e h im a w a y ,- :b u tl

. f le ( in th rc :^ v r£ ^ 3 i[ |^::M rs . K astensm ith w 1 ^ .

j3 3 Z ™ il3 E |1

r "

1 - Blue Lake £: Shopping Cei

. ;a p l a c e w hei



_ _______ LauAll

_ i i ' All

All; > J I g h t l r t lV

---A-fl Tlmos-Newa, Tw

L c i m e r rInternational '■ ^ '

Iway?L aloe thinlclng of re tu rn ing to h it in “ P a jam a G am e" 27 yeaiI conversation w ith BUI Lueai way-angel, a t- th e Sign of t

of the two largest P resbyterii -year-old split in th e church m ^ J a m e t Andrews, s ta ted cl irch in the United S tates, says, denominations is Im m oral an burch E lder WOliam' Tbomps ted P resbyterian Church. U.S h between us is healed, th is wl resbyterian C hurch." If a ll goe iunlte in June l{)83. But tiiere a »«ome, sucti ^ p roperty d women, confessions of faith, i

on and church adm inistration.

opera "D ays of O ur L ives," im s has rem arried.tow n tempiII viewers m ay know is th a t thf ill H iy e i and S u iao Seaforth, I ife since 1974, though they coi Qoon until two yea rs later.

piderman costui

ntman s<) — A profesalonal - to um I a Splderm an cos< w earia t ! a sm all A m erican Spldem ly up tbe outside of R in ikI Tower M ooday to told tiu> clim b tbe world’s “ becaw

- ............... ina." 71vd of about 150 w as " in, tentatively iden* “ You aKlwin, 25, of Las to ta l cot

ills q uaite^m lle G ood 'n iisconc

lack Rimkus and c rim iMle t Goodwin a t the la t te r cl n and hauled him

an d m ag e tf (UPI) ~ " a W. Jo h n l lier, a c o o lh a n d o n th e pol revolver, k ^ t a m onitor

it bay Monday as w om an. ; a rocking chair “ S h e l Iw jiltingforpollce told h ir

' “ ■ h im ," L ' r~ B a ld G la d y s sa id (t< iwaken by a m an hooey’ a lugb a doggie door Lynch red tbree shots to one shot a tb e .n?anaged to m oving

W hen pI was waiting for D avid S

whUeM r





Ml mat work.___Ml t h a t g i i t t o r , T T VII that pain. K Ul ttiat love. I Ul that crazy ' tivthm. , i

a ^

, Twin Falls, Idaho T uesday ,

P e cnay retw

B irtb d ty R e T o m T . I

te lling couni ; to Broadway, M oo ifiy .A s -ears ago? She p a ss witboul n s , com puter "on th is b ir f the Dove In cussing andl

. . . . , Dr.LanOm,»rian'denomii---------- A aa -L ao dS y S b e .

d e rk of UKy 8 .'‘Tbe spilt College in N ami contrary L an d e rs Sun

c re a U v e e d t L ao c te ra lsa ,

t will be a t (^ . goes well, thee a re several ' G ood_Hous

h, rac ia land)Q. a (Hie-week b

Boston’s M et--------------------- aU to r,-w b o I

I," nightclub "L ove B oat”nptressJuU e------ ceJeb raU ag-tthe actors in ta lk ing o f silv h, have been tou ring th is s couldn't get P ic tu re s ," Ju£

"T b o T e n d e rl


•cales tallte-C entral D istrict lockup, sU Ing tb e red , yellow and blu irm an costume.n k u s and S laU s said Goodwi them b e clim bed tbe buUdln ause it ’s tbe w orld's tallest builc n i ^ s a id t b ^ aisked him if fa "n u ts" aod Goodwin repileti

I c a n 't be nu ts to do this. I t take concentratioo.” odwiQ . w a s c h a rg e d wit] (induct, crim inal tr t tp a s s -a n i iital d a m a g e 'to p n ^ > ^ . Th ‘ d ia rg e can be a m i^ m e a n o :

ts Her manm Lynch, clvlilan s iq^rv lso r fo police rad io room, said hi tored tb e telephone call from tbi in .le b ad him down on all fours ant him if he moved sbe’d shoo ’ Lynch said. "H e moved aod sh< (to police), ‘Ju st a minute

’’ and then k ab lam l" tch sa id tbe woman fired a t leasi Krt .at Jifm'froni> g - ^ e ^ (6 police,

police arrived, tltey found Snead, 28, s till on all foun

M rs. K astensm ith guarded him.



F M ljS '

iay,Ma;20,1saiA / i iC ' .

i m t o s U^RfwofaHnnr. H all,-dubbed tbe "Storyte Mutry m usic aongs, celebrate As usual. Hail-was not about

xxit a com ical comment. Say b irthday, I 'm going to quit c n d lying."

e n , I presum e■ ak n rw b o se -sy n d lca ted -T j /Ice to everyone from teens rd ed an iionorary degree from Q Nashville. Tbe degree was Sunday for b e r "conscientlou educational guidance lo thoi s a m em b tf o f M ebarry’s Boai

n c e r ‘ 'is a seventh cousin of Hi )0 Dca0 In tbe touring version o Jc box office world record g r Vfetropolitan Center... Aone 1 M b av e been-m arried 2S yet •at” segm ent in w hld i thej g-tbelr-sU ver-w eddiog-anoJ s ilver anniversaries, TV actoi Is sum m er in Nefl S im oo'a " Just 2S y ea rs after h is la s t t<

e rT ra p ."

Uest buii'Still o f “ a ~ f ^ o h y r a l “ lfi blue prosecutors.

' Goodwin, identlfli dwin fessional s tu n t man, Idlng clim bing equipment uUd-. . b u ilding 's, wlndow-w if be channels. He can '11^, a ^ o tber g?ar, police akes Goodwin sa id Iw ha

th e c lim b fo r four e v ltb been tun ing securih and w e i ^ police said. ^ AuthoriUes agreed

c lim b to tbe top a fte r a f irem an riding scafl side of the building in

I him .

------------- Tbel-.454-foot Seanr for out in M ay 1973, Is l(H

b e New York’s World Ti i th e

and n ( Ihoot ' R i s J K ■ s b e .lute, .

east IH I f lH Hrom ' i l H n i l H[Ice.<und


y L ind


I I . SHOII I W H■ IN F U T IO N ■ - fIC M T I* .

1 A l l VOU

I Tui- B W ith

I O N l \

'■ - I - ^-____ I ... . Vj


g In g e — m

'te lle r" fo r bis tale- ted b is 45th b irthday B C u tto Ie tth e s ltu aU o n m m ly s tbe country star, t d r ln k i^ sm p k in g ,.

'D e w s p a p e r - c o lu m n r - j ^ IS to g e n t r ie s , bas imM eharry.M edicai ss presented, lo Ms. ous commitment to lose In need.’* M s.” O H o rdo fT rustccs . " f l i

— , ' F i l e’3i49*ycar-old-Lady------- :—H um pbreyB ogart" V io f " P e te rP a n ” se t _ ■ gross of $604,874 In C #» M eara and Je rry -ears, a re taping a ley play a couple

" I Ought to be in lour - In Simon's «

lapsed facilit} faU a tl

O nei corned

I d i n g j ithe discretion of ‘*1 vi

. Jesse l,'Ifled a s a pro-- n ex td oin, used m ountain InH arliit to book onto the *‘Wh< ■washlng..macblne. . J e s s e l tirrled suction cups A n icesa ld . stralgh ibad been planning J e s s e l’i

m onths-and-bad :• e u lo g l jity -personnal-fb r c d e b r l t

his owito let Goodwin

M o T t h lto an effort to stop

Jesse lir s Tower,-topped— began w [04 feet ta lle r than s in g e r i T rade Center. continue

W Casino <in... . ^-op,

i a r t f n g

n i g h t —


aygirlsIW T IM E S :^D. N IT I I :"BUFFET ^

lesil NiteSt6 oz. Filet I

t h b a k e d p o t a t o , ' s t i f g c

Y . . . . . . . . .

lie p h o to s h o w s G e o rg e

os ANGELES (UPI) - Gc se l, wbo spent alm ost 75 yea w -busbiessris-dead-of-a-isa^ r t a tta c k a t 83.sssel died Sunday a t UCLA N C en ter about a n hour aftei

sed into a com a. He entered Uty la s t week fo r tests followl a t h is home.ae of th e firs t to b e a r tbe news ledlan M ilton Eerie, an o ld fri

w as often found together i «1 on the dais o f tbe B everly I IT’S Club, which Jesse l he!d. ^ __________ ___

w as b r o u ^ t up u ith G « e l,” B erle said. "W e w ere b door to each o tber on 118th Stj u-lem. H e was one of a kind: /h en tbe ' Lord m ade Geo Bl h e th rew aw ay the m a d , V 1 unabashed sen thgeot and ght-faced sense oMRDhor w el’s - 't r a d e 'm a rk s aod ai g is in g r rb u n d re d s '6 t fe ll irllies o ver the yea rs be spoke 3wn death recently in ao ew.doo’t Jox>w w hat happens af e gone, but I know somethl ens.b e n I com e back I ’ll phone you s e l ’s show business care rw h en be w as9 'as'anick^(k}e r in New York City and lued a s public speaker nearly

• Dining • !p c i v 2 4 H m n n i B

* Thur*- e jWrrasTMUa. 6:30.7, yus-



Iteak Special tMignona d b d r d n d d e s s e i i

g e J e s s e l d u rin g re c e n t i

dies of IGeorge theU iiieofb lsdeaU

years in . He w as best-kno\ maasJve— a n d -sf te r-d ln o e r«

ranging from sma: A M edl- gatberlogs of thous ifter he dents dubbed him red the a l" and Jesse l relish cnvlnga A l his peak, Je s

traveled som e 8,500 w sw a s weeks a year, add I friend affairs, y w ith In hia la te r y ea r ly Hills w as a Ureless fund r helped Jessel was abnc----------- know n fo r h is man;

(Seorge m arriages and romj e bom when he w as 63, b ev I S treet blgUy publicized p a c t r ^ J o a n l ^ I e r .

Beqrge . A t first, Jesse l de • ty , saying the charg and a life is a compllmen r w ere settled out o f court.. a f te r Jessel also caused fellow -1942 when a t ag e - •oke of showgirl Lois Andrtr an to- 16. I t w as h is thin

lasted two y e a rs be I a f te r divorce, ethlng Bora April 3, 189(

City, Jessel w as lht you." Jesse l, an auctione:a re^ r__playwright. 't f d ^ ' ■ Y oungJesse lfirs ti Ml b e s tag e a t the age of ir ly to baUads a t a N ew Yoi


x A 5 .S ta 0 .1 0 :1 5 ;i‘M I , 4 5 -4 S - y t l5 .9 ^ U 5 ,- 1 1 .H :4 5

P U M T N tra• P f O A L

SqFOMSPEMG food M««*d with « M>rt«V «<,


T A W F p o J ^ o c k p o t JISfrieiidfiislCfBT Iin^jifTteBiit^


t b i r th d a y w ith R ic h a trd

heart jxith; - - - jjis itnclown as toastm aster I(: v ^sp ea te r-a t-ev fe iits^C ac rto j la li stag p arties to ^ i : l a lusands. F ive presi- Join ed 'T o astm ast Gener- duelled

Isbedtherole. six^re^essel estim ated he ..J(>ss< iOO miles a week, 40 w ri l!ln ddresslng som e 200 Bro:;ad>

offe.reda rs the enterta iner Sin;'>er. I ra ise r for Israel. - for lUir nost equally well- estab lli iny May-December - Bi;it, mances and In 1961, A IJ 0I& } w as the object of a a s t l ie f

p a te rn ity -su it by J(iss€ “ P r:lva

[lenled respooslblii-.. sevciral rge “ a t m y tim e in film .s t e n t." But he la te r whe re I

«d a public s tir In B ric fi iie -44, he m arried , and Lo\rews who w as only H 12 Iird m arriage and JeriJynibefore it ended in Aog>eiei

Mid'wesB98, in New York F rineithe son of Joseph raniged. neer wbo turned

;t perform ed on the if 9 wben be sang 'oric theater w here.

* ......... 1 ' ” r3 K

l u a ' ' ' a r*.'*

T I«Np ii^

|||||^ i p

m J z MI ..... I M

— / '

y j c■ ' 1----- LF’MfiSi

P ' M. ' ' IH

trd N ix o n a n d R e d S k e lto n ;

'gilure Jitnolber, then a widow, sold tickets.

(1 w as the re tha t be m et ^ d l e :i tor, wbo w as a p p e a ^ g lii a cU ld ~ >i:lalty a c t in vaudeville. JesSel le d the troupe — which also-in- died W alter WlncheU - and stayed i,rears until be outgrew child parts, r’s s e l ' continued in vaudeville, Iling a n d producing sev e ra l >:;adway m usicals, until be was i.red a lead in tbe play, "The J m :'{er." H e took It, the productloQXjm lUiree y e ^ and tiis performance i b llsbed h im on Broadway. i;it, ironically, it w as his old Hval,I olson, w bo m ade the movie, hilled 1 le firs t ta lking p ic tu re .' issel s ta rred in a 1927 sllenl'm o^e, :lvate Izzy M urphy,” and m ade iiral m ore silent an d early sound is before re lum ing to Broadway re he produced several mild suc-

(cs and co-starred with Fannie : « in-the Billy Rose revue, "Sweet Low.”ij is survived by daughters, lyno In K ansas and C^brissie lallios ‘e les; tw o grandchildren Ingthe w est and a g rea t grandson. in e ra l serv ices w ere beUig-ar* jed . .... .

)n£ ^ ige&

x c A E if i tg c


lyCHARO D R E Y F U S 5 '\----- ^ A M Y IRVING-------’ -

TH E '- -

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

I Hou lates

WASHINGTON (U _ d ly o n ^ , .s m a lle r fa

cbooslng to live a lo n U.S.bousebo!d.U]eO

lo 1970 tbe average , th e Ume the 1380 cen > ^T2.7S, the buTMu repo

'-’bolds in the iiatioa rc J 60.4 million.: 'C .. In 1880. said th e c ; ^ m l lH on Americans in - o f th e ptvulaliod of• vr .such a s institutions, r

..'T lriesand m ilita iybarrAmong the causes v

• "^3;ST>en:000-petqjJe- i . ^ t h o u g h the num ber Z down from 1970. ; “ percentage of m en wl• pe^pent in 1970 to -Z r j l^ r c e n ta g e of single

; pe rcen t to almost 17 p<• In the year "before

■ figures show, the pe

Fires lea^ pall of sn over Flor

EVERGLADES Q T Y , >-A uthorlU es using heli<

" p lw e s and ground veh: ' nclose w atch Monday on ;1 h e B ig Cypress P r ^ r v e •' p rev en t more wildfires■ '^ ' r c h e d over one-third .sw am pland refuge. ■■■;,“ T he slightest sparit ci

-b u t o f control Id a hurr:C ypress spokeswoman-

•.■"We've found tha t if we i;team to a new (fire) sta .-’ Tnlhutes. it gets away fron •"'■‘‘W e have a lot of su r \ 'Ih c re because It is a holldi

. 'm a l o t of people in the 't i rg o in g through it."

• Although- w ealherm e 'S cilltcred thunderstorms

• ;5 |u ^ a y , they said th e sc ‘ heeded to end the w orst d

yea rs in Florida w ere not i■ ”• M rs. ToUe reported tha

(ire th a t bas burned m ore acres of the soo.ooo-acre ]

.b ad not shown much-iM ooday .-It-w as-being-ci

:)}ro sides, “ but it’s not tihd . ^ e added. “There s till i •.pockets of fire inside tbe ai r :-A separate 1,000-acre ^erupted Sunday south o f U ' t t a i l across tbe E verg lad Twas contained eariy Mondi r r J h e efficiency of a spe :p iem ber federal fire m •team b r o u ^ t in from Bc IJSatiirday w a s .d c m o n s t CSUBday. W beoaflrebroke ; ^ £ v e r g l a d e s highway, J ‘we got a crew right on it ^7S0 gal. water) drops TieUcoptcr helped put it ot Ifiad burned more than f iv e . »•' H ie r e w as little anyone j ^ m th e smouldering peal 2c^^behi^d-by Ihe Evergl ^ e sm oldng swamp mucli10 ca st a haze over south Fli L ^ ^ u s e of the drough jn illlon Florida residents

-4 tnder~m andatory- -w ater ^ c U o n s . District w ater

officials bave'schedi )ngffla ter this week to deter cu tbacks should be lncreas(

* ■ brmenlmNthcrWlroalltelltKr a pl«ntto4bw)don.errii*llr«My « ipplieil«nloil>tn4on.

Tnti •* m< pgtpoM siina noi » puCilithMMIOw. "

11 • ' ' * ' ^ 1^ .4 . -T W lN ^PA LLSj J

." . Tn*Bbov«mipapuBiitnMD •• PiciticMMcan](n<iwitnint*nt. .. C»mm«rcaC«M>HiMnr*gu«l«

^ P ^ n e tn w ip t jw ^ in ^



I . rM nut.Thndinm iaeiM a _ **"C«t»90(Y2''i!Anin4an •./ •' n)rUil>(udljrvM(a<wtilcl^ap«li

T- -"CM*gory3'Ur<M*ndir*>l

*' «:WW

~MtKMIoit»ndonlhlilin*.lt«<rn* rnMntih*iirwl«4«itb«>ng«luei»

* W wSm^lS?rt»*’'S i^ ’8iSaM '•qu«(ti«Mct>Kliocmen*ro<0* m UiD.UnWnPieineRAll'OMtC^P

jseholdstCens(U PI) — An increasing numl

' fam ilies and inore young tlone h as cut the size of the av(e Census Bureau said Monday, ag e ho u s^o ld size w as 3.11, b census w as taken it hod dropc eported. And the num ber of h X ro se over the period 27 p e rd

le census report, there were r in hotisebplds, w ith the rem a of 226.5 (nlliion in group qua s, r o o m in ^ u s e s , college do r arracks.ES w as th e divorce ra te , rising jJe1 iri970-to-5 :riD "l973 .-B i Der sta rted rishig in 1977, ren no. And a s the decade closedI who w ere single rose from al to m ore than 23 percent aiu

igle women rose from neari7 p e rc e n t, . -------- --)re the census was taken, bu percentage of one-person h(

i v e

m o k e 1_ •ridaIT , F la . (UPI) elicopters, light .vehicles kept a n vacationers in rve in a move tol™ s _ th a tlh a y e l ' . _______Ird of ihe.hiige

< c ^ s e t things i r ry ,” said Big in ~ P a t Tolle. w e don’t get a s ta r t •.•.’Uhln 15 rom us.

tllday and there h e Big C a r e s s .

m en .fo recast TOS likely on-

soaking rains 3tdrc>ughtlnio lot in sight.th a t the m ajor Aj r e than 150,000 Mre Big C^ypress ch movement ;-contalned-on— — ih d e rc o n tn l,”II a re . a -lo t of e a re a .”e re fire that if theT am iam i la d t t (U.S. 41) inday.speda! seven-

nstra ted la te '>ke out north of'ay, she said, ^n it and aerial ' ^ips from the 't out before it - ' 'iveacres.v _n e c o u ld d o to \ .>eal-lik5 ia r th - ’ ' ~i rg la d e s f ir fa : ' uck cpntinucd iFlorida.Ight, about 7 nts" rem ained ’i te r - -u s e .- re r— ________ite r m anage- leduT^ meet- ite rm ine ifthe ased . - -

jnmtol. . _>MytlM<S• nolle*

;k “"' ,C(

s r - ’" ■ 9 '

■ — y 5om— y F o iVltirf ^ ReI H Gu

B e,ant• tim


Unmn>»{>«nOon• Ima*linM*n4ipoltnllilly•ludyand------------------------- . ------^6*cauM■ftmg ___ _________

ar«llro«d- ...........






dsizesisusrepim b c r i f . , iKjlds roso Irom 1 g «!i4l3 lOT. L arp ily -b e average lam llles beaded b ay. ■ o v e r lb e p a s i a y i 1, but by C aU Ion ila ,lbel sppediD mmiOD. also led ifhouse- m illion, th e b u i u

to 6 .3 m illion bous« "m ililoo.

re m s In U tah, w ber na iad e r p ereen i in tbe;.i luarters housdxtld w as tl lormito- H aw aii, w here U»

since 1970, w ith a ngfrom household.■Births;-----------T U eD lstric t of <■emalns household size, 2 . sed, th e w ith 2.S5 persons p 1 almost 'T he bureau said and the expected a s detail a rly 14 p r e p a r e b ^ i M

Inform ation“ from bureau nesses, w hich use i house-- se rv ices and fo rm

I e l


E r f j e f = & e ^ , lestonic’sfi zonstructed Sleep Systerrpy_can now enjoy the )ne-limelow.prlce.-or a limited time you nta<3uard® sleep sys leslonlc’s "top of the 3uard® has an 18 yearSecause Restonic has s md most popular matti ime offer!

___________ ' J li;_______ 3 ;

--------- —

hfinldni o r t s a ym 17.1 percent in I97D to 22.2 p 't)ecau se of d iv o rce r th e ' ni id by women bqs doubled, to 8;0 years.be la rgest s ta te with a populati led in tb e Dumber o t hous<^ re a u reported. New York was i usebolds and Texas followed

he re tbe p^Hilation rose ai te;.decade, th e size of the1 th e largest, 3.2 persons.-N > tbe population bas risen 2S.2 Jl an average size of 3.15 per

of Columbia had the sm allest !, 2.39 persons, and next Was DS p e r b o u s e d . , laid It released the figures ea r stalled census reports were-st

o f unexpectedlyJieavy.cal] tim govem m ent-p lanners ai ise the da ta fo r planning gover r m arfcetingpurposes._______

legantlN o w



W m ^ lQ Q f(^ finest with t d Restonic®;he same lool< of Res

ou can buy the spec jystem-covered in th he line" Ecstasy Ort ar warranty, .too.s selected a new patti Mtress ever,' we can i

“V - - ' _______ '■ •

MA-- 926 2nd 'A v*nM S

i E H ' T e• ...............A U S T IN

| 0 flood victlr W . from a st

seven hich

aUonof23.7 m otorists S2?(£ 6 floocUSua

S salmost 38

"nSTSS boK*Jfeetdeep t

m any a s 5,

a rile rtb an•sUii hpinff D e p a rtnS w t h fand busi- w eelr, a

a“S tb 'New can

_________ I w ere stack

Looko' A v a i t a b h

F a n t a s t i c

the special ® Vita-Guatstonlc’s finest at a f

Bclally constructe(d F ther sameJlejegant fe 'rthotonjc. Tills spec;tern for their niost ex 1 make this spectacu

v i l

k T T R E S)S.,TwiiiFatU Bonfccard tA <

W m. ra n

1101 M ain54

■ .. )

exasflcIN , (U Pl) - Tbe toU 01 ictlm s rose to nine Mc»da)

sto rm th a t dum ped neari) tches of ra in on tbe city.) said m ore bodies could be s w aters-receded .and.dduris ired (rom rain-swollen creeks, s sa id m ost o f the victim s were ts caught in sudden flash unday night. Two bodies were ea r Lake Austin Monday and w as found on a .h ik lng trall

boal Creek. A uthorities were :g for 12 m issing persons, w atere-at tim es reached the

of traffic lights a t one wn " in te rse c tio n and c a r nearby said tbe w ate r w as six p in the the ir showrooms la te

Lreet and bridge crew s said as } 5,000 v e h ic le w ere strim dcd water la te Sunday, rtm en t of P u b lic S afety ers w ere used (o p atrol Shoal a -w aterw ay th a t m eanders

residentia l d is tric ts and e business district;:ars a l downtown dealerships' icked like toys, m ajo r traffic

'le A t A O l i c L o w - P r

l - S # ' ' - ' ' "

REsn'ard® TWIN!

“ . S u g g M t*

NowI fantastic

-----------NowRestonic QUEE fabric as '

acial Vita- NowU " --------^KING!expensive sugg««t*

cular one- Now


SSFACAccaplvd. FInlindng A i^ lo b


Buhl, llS43.4464


oodingU of arte rie s w « « closed d ay fam ilies began^ d e a n iriy w ater from their homes

Police sa id a t le be dealerships w ere extl

t) r is ._ a g e d a s wcU-as a fu r iks. health food store, an au 'ere and a m usic store, ash “ About 30 to SO p ere Inventory supposed to I and gone,” saldD aleD illon ra il , C h ry s lo r -P ly m o u th e re located along Shoal Cr

In the creek somewben the a n d Town Lake."Z • •• •• ••<six 0a te 0

Im S A r t i f i c i a l f lo w «” X u n t i l M a y 3 1 . 1

ety o r a t i o n s b y S u n

----- IWINImd 0

- • — -— •[lie

m m^ r i e - T i m e ,

' r i c e ! --------

]\J7-^ I


IONIC VITA-GUARM SIZE•t« d R*rail $139.95 Ea. Pc.

wOiily .*.SIZE•tad R*tall $164.95 Ea. P c

w O nly i iEN SIZE$ 3 9 9 .9 S 5 M

v O n l y . . . . . . .S SIZE• tad Rafail $599,9^5 Sat

vOnly. .

iMl i e e p C e n t e r

OTORYW . I . - 'W . W o r t v i u O n O u r

, Idaho

ruesday.M ay26.l88t Timea

rtakesSd and d o z ^ of Dillon sanlng m ud and d ra ined fries. behind a fleast five . c a r m ess .”xtienslvely dam - t . c(e, u r^ tu re store, a - - c o u n ty Shaulo pa rts dea le r „ e r e i a r c

o'STi 'lol ■ I'Son, p a r t owner o t r v 'g ^ j n g " ;h d e a l e r s h ip Creek. ' ‘T liey ro . " It-ju sL

between here an d m ade said .

t a a a ' a a a a a a

N O T I C I^ e r s w i l l b e p e r m i t t e e

P l e a s e r e m o v e a l l yc j n d o y , M o y 3 1 .


' a a a a a a a a a i

rFinestI' s


y j jg E ^ l iC M■ NIc e to g e th c

DD® tlMITEDl$ 9 1

i ~ ^ r v

b i ifu rB a d -- ................

mea-News, Twin Falls.Tdaho A-7 '

9 l i v e s)n said five feel of w ater had d from his showroom, leaving I a foot o f mud. “ I t’s an awfull

Steve Aaron of the •• T ravis:' SberU rs offlce said deputies earching outside the city for tbe g persons, and said the storm dumped 6.75 Inches of rain on >f the county caused extensiveR. _ / ■ ' - -----usLhlt any old d ra h x a ^ d itd i ide i t look-like a r iver,” Aaron

• a a a a a a a a a ,

!E • !t e d o n t h e g r a v e s - ? y o u r w a n t e d d e c - 2

RO T. •


>Wlc1- --- i---home la- | -


E a .P c .

I ::

9 V t i -

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

’P '

:V . - • ' A m b u la n c e s ,

^ u .&lBy U n i te ^ P r ^ J n le m

' 'A vo la tile c a lm ' deadlock reigned Mon

_■---------- U .S .:p riso n s where ^m easu res were enaclec U ich lgan and Nevada

•' 's ta tjb fng 'dea ths .a ( Sai A ttica . .- R outine was restored

5,600 convicts a t Soutli P riso n in Jackson, the v w alled prison. But ai to rched a vocational w gasoline la te Sunday.

: , T he torching, whicl — - estim ated $10,000 dama

d ays a fle r violence er- ■ p rison. The Jackson rl(i---------- slm ilar-d isturbance at-.............Rcform ato iy In Ionia, wl; . w as in force Monday.r - ^ M ore than 30 people w r th e two Michigan facUitli

Inm ates also .w e re deadlock a t A ttica in Ne< w here a prisoner was sta

• - - r a n d ^ a t 'th e Nevada-Stai Security Prison, scene (

. uprising ln .w hlch,three held hostage.

.Two o ther security loc California, a t San Quent Im ate w asstabbed todea D euel Vocational Iiistlt C en tra l Valley w here a en tly sparked by racial i outln thelunchrtM m .


CARSON CITY, Nev. ( te n ^ te d murder. charg(

.. s o u ^ t against the rin ^ 10-hour rebelitof.'i:;:42» N

- P rison , It was disclosed MlD avid W ayne— while ai

.25-caliber pidtol and ho gu a rd s hostage — appai 9 . p e . ^ o t ' '

“ b a r r ic H d s T B tfS iy i i f^ ir . quell F r id ay ’s disturbance

_ - SWAT team m em bers & they rushed through the do

. • Jum ped out of a cell, flreiJ____ ^ c k e d back in with the

— Tlm>e "SyfflTTm em bers - • “ B urets'from thefFautom ath

O th e r c o n v ic ts , a m -------cnidely-rashloned-knivcs:a- su rrendered when confronti

sh e riff 's officers.R obert Manley, chief crii

utj In ^ o n ^ n Attoraev

- W o m a n ’s l i n k e d t o “

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (U body found In the Santa Cr U ln s w as Identified Mone ydiing w oman who' dlsappea

' w a i t i i^ to m eet the m an su! being the 'I tra ils ld e killer."

* . Hom icide detectives In S C allf.,_said the>‘-w e re Info S aiita Cruz County Chief

— Dei)uty G eorge F oster that w as tha t of H eather Scagg£ J O x . They said she had bee death.

. M s. Scaggs. whose body m Sunday by h ikers n ea r Big B; la s t seen on May 2 while s h e ' a convenience store in San D avid J . C arpenter, SI, wht w ith h e r a t a Hayward, Call ing tra d e school.

S he and C arpenter, the'si • 'tra lls ld e .k iller," had pla d riv e to S anta Cruz w here sh

= o c a n i l n e - a = c a i ‘n f o r 'h e r - ' pu rchase.

M s. Scaggs’ boyfriend tol

C o u n t e r f e iLr r r L E R o p c, A r ic .il/p n

e ra i ag en ts cral3(B(rQ"«iQhI<- schem e S u n ^ y th a t w as opet

th e b f a n ira l A farm house." T b e r in g b a d circulated a t Ic

- _ m illlon ,in .bdgus_llOQ_and.l throughout the sou theastern the Secret S ^ l c e said Monday

-No one. w as a rre s te d ‘

A-H r im e s ^ e w s , Twirrwin Fail's, Idaho V u e ^ a y i

e s , l i k e t h i s o n e a t lo n ia

^ r i s o n icm ational ^ Meanv

flc la ls, Vm enforced by a n d Cal Monday over five convictei e harsh -socu rity— H ard y ,-2 cted a fte r riots in overpowi )da facilities an d - d o th es , Sah Qtiehdn and G u a r^

m a te mL'e d fo rm o sto fth e - o n 's dai luthem Michigan M artinez le w orld's largest l a te r whe

angry Inm ates s to p p ed 1 workroom with M artinez

Prisonehich caused an Instltutioi image, cam e two deadlock

erupted a t the violence.I riots sparked a Six Inm at-the-M lchigan -a n d bruls 1, where deadlock F o u r p r is

tu rb a n c e ' e w ere Injured in flnem ent, Uitles. ' f lc e rB ru cire held under . T b e flgh New York sta te , ‘ b lack Inm; stabbed to death a t som e u State m axim um - -second --fl » of a weekend C hlcano In ree guards jv e re tim e, in a i

- - a n h ou r fo lockups w ere in quell thedl lentln, w here an In M id death, and At the MUIikenoi stitutlon in the to Investig e a riot, appar- violence 1 al unrest, broke s ta te ’s pris

Ionia F rldf

a mulls c t riot insi/. (U PI) - At- c h a rg es wiirges m ay be e a rly , he alng lead ir_of a tion w as noie N evada S tate But m enI Monday. Sheriff’s oi!e arm ed with a th e D istricholding three ch a rg e of a

ip a isn tly . fired, -en fo rcem eu

an' atleitfpt l 5 in a rela nee. w as provid-s said that, a s e m o r’s mai J doors, W ayne Gov. Robei rired once and ‘ h o stag e to fi U i^hostagM . W ayne, ur

ers r e tu h ie d '- a p p a rw U y '; atic rifles.' gun d u ring t arm ed w ith D istric t Cou » :and spears,'— a re a :“ H e~ a onted with the envelope w it

it back inlo crim inal dep- Officials wc ley G eneral’s how it was decided Whal d e tec to r devi

s b o d y i d e r ‘T r a i l s i d e ](UPI) - A th a t she h ad t

1 Cruz Moun- h e r m eeting londay._as. a_ -a sk ed h im to c peared w hile in r e lum ing h' suspected of m iles w est of

did not dlsclo! n San Jose, su sp ic iouso f( Informed by. C arpen ter • lef Sheriff’s M arch 29 slay hat the body 7 a U niversity ( iggs, 20, San dent, and att been shot to S teve H aertle

Cowell Redwc ly was found S an ta Cruz Mo g Basin, w as M a r ln Co Jie walled a l vestlga to rs sa >an Jose fo r su spected of I who worked th e Po in t Reyt "allf., prijit- A rea. Howev

. to m ey ’a office e susfkfcted aga inst h im .'' ' planned lo H is o r r c a ci ! she was to tioned by S in n-jTOsUjiB— n o o n r M s r ^

t im e w as told I: ^ 1 ^ police disappearance.

s i t in g r i n g cP I ) ~ F e d * _ fa rm house.-wfa inlerfeiling agents"’ a rriv e t iperatingjn m en ts a r e exp< i A rkansas S pec la lA g en tJ

i t le a s t)] ,5 . A gents confld . t 20 ' b ills- p la te s andsm states, the bogus billsiday. ca sh ‘du rin g thd a t the noon. Cook said.

n ia . w e r e c o m m o n s i g h t s

^ reporinwhlle, U tah S ta te Prison of }. w llh the help of U tah. Nevadj 'aJIfom la police, searched foi :led m urderer Edw ard Dale f, 29, who escaped Saturday bj owering a guard and stealing hli8, ................................................ ..rd s also reported a second lo- m issing Sunday from the pris- dairy farm . But Belarmlno lez, 26, w as captured l l hours /hen a Salt Lake Clly policeman id a c a r and d iscovered lez lying in the back seal, in e rs a l the £>eucl Vocational lion in California w ere under ck a fte r an outbreak of rac ia l' :e.im ates and one guard w ere cut ulsed In th e incident Sunday, risoners im plicated In the dls- :;e w ere p laced In solitary con- nt, according to s ta ff duty of* l ic e Dyer.Ight broke out a s several dozen im atM threw their lunch trays i w hite Inm ates, D yer said. A --fight involv ing - w hile and ) Inm ates, erup ted a t the sam e a second dining room . I t took - fo r guards using-tear gas to Bdlsturbance.Ilchlgan, Gov. William G.1 ordered a special task force itigate the w orst outbreak of ! In th ree decades a t the idson facilities in Jac^kson and ■Iday.............................. . .

chargesstigatorwould be filed. It was too

3 M id, because the Investlga- n o tco m jile te .. lim bers of the Carson Clly

office said they would ask ric t A ttorney 's o ffice 'fo r a <f a ttem pted m urder of a law lenL-offlcer-lf^the-A ltorney— s_oi/icR.doesj»t.seek.a.com -

siated move, extxa^ security vided for the Nevada gov* nansion because of reports . b e rt L is t m ight be taken0 free a prisoner. - - .........., undw 24-fiour surveillance,__ly' g ^ n e d possession of the ' g the week w hile he w as a t a ; ~ ^ u r t tr ia l I i^ the do w lo w n _

apparen tly h ld ’lt In ah with legal papers to sm u g g le '" ilo the prison F rid ay night, w e re 'try in g to delerm ine yas sm uggled p ast rad a r 5 v ic a i i tw i$ n s B ir ------------- r -

i n t i f i e d , ^ k i l l e r ’

id been apprehensive about Ing wllh C arpenter and lo call polio© if she w as la te— g hom e from Santa Cruz, 20 of San Jose . Investigators

close why Ms. Scaggs was of C arpenter. - -r w as charged w ith the laying of E llen Hansen, 20,- - ly of Callfom la-Davis slu- a ttack on her. b oy friend ,. tie , also 20, a t th« Henry Iwoods S ta te P a rk In the Mountains.C o u n ty S h e r i f f ’s In- sald C arpenter w as also

)f killing seven hikers lo eyes N ational Wilderness fever, tb e D istrict Al­ice h a s y e t to file charges

: cam e a f te r he w as ciues- . an Jo se police oo May 8 a ia g g s rC a rp e n le r a f lh e —Id h e w as a su^)ect io ber ice.

c r a c k e dwhlcb w M ■ d a r te d when v e a r b u l severa l Indict* iqKCted according to FB I itJoboT.CocMc.

infiscated a oum ber of ^ U v e s used to produce -ills aod $21,400 In phony tb e i ^ d Sunday afler-

Ud. . •


I t s d u r i n g p r i s o n r i o t s t t

rtiedcalI of- P relim inary reports'ada 1,800 prisoners a t Sou

for P rison In Jackson reDale guards w ere going lo I’ by th e en tire Memorial[his becauseo fasta ffw orli

l i h .... Yris-ilnours

nalje rrial.........

IT ()n-of* '


■ ^of ^

i-. '



Doz. . .

■ 2 5

3 9 o z . C a n E q u iv a le n t f o a 3 Ib . C a


V s

I A T I ' slain

blacks -.P oU i h is la t

. ih e C h of a :

' m a n n - A n a - the p a s t Z tion. , fIngeiT release w ould! to le a n

T he I from t body fc describ 17th to tion anc s t^g eo l

Coun!y■ , ■ , would r

t h i s w e e k elU ,er i^ . . sa id h e

-----------L _m an .—I ITI — ..........them . IIth e rc s l

rts indicated some S tiver outhem Michigan on th e be rebelled fo r fear "W e ;0 lock them, up for x -ray or al D ay weekend d in g 'lh s TkRloppage. w a te r “ s




Brown o r Po

-S og tir $

M aster Blen

C offeFrom M axw ell Ho

$1 In y ie ld ^ ( : a n ...................................■

EiVENl A c l c nI21WAIWME.S.- I ■'

W M k d o y t 8 .9 PJM.

V t l a n t aTLANTA (U PI) - Tbe nunib n and m issing young Atl :k s g rew to 30 Monday. _ ollce added tbe nam es of a nu la te 20s whose body w as four Chattahoocbee-River and the a 22*year-old-mentally rela: 1 m issing forlO days:' n autopsy showed the la te s t vii he 28th young black'*slaln In : 22 m onths — died of asphj . H e b as been Identified e rp rin ts b u t'au tin ritle s refuse ase h is nam e for 24 hours so pc Id o o t bo im peded in Ihelr eff a r a m ore about him. le ni^de body w as pulled Sun I th e Cbaltahoochce, the s ' found in thal r iver. The v id ribed a s 5-10, ISO pounds, was to d ie of some form of asphy: EU)d theelg lith to be found In sc J o f undress.. R obert S livers, chief Ful ily m edical exam iner, sa id pol d re lease theJdentlty o f the n r la te M onday o r Tuesday, he w as believed to be a o A lla

fits the p a ttem cf the rest . I t ’s an asphyxiation death 1 a t o f them ."/e rs said there were no wour ibody.e found no traum a either ox autopsy,’’ Stlvers_ sald,_<

th a t the body had been In I “ seve ra ld ay s."


........... ......................................... -

» A Y &

EILSPBC=— Large-A-A—

EGGSow dered



i | g 9 9



iSEN’al A R K E l

- l ^ ' w E S T S P o i^

^ j j T w E S T S v i p o i i0PEN7T011

t d e a t hjrib e ro f


p i ^ n '" • '■ '“ "“ ‘-M em .led by A t a r a lly seekinf[used to to both th e pllgh0 police v ictim s and to ch efforts nation, Jackson and

often defenseless < Sunday . b run t o f sickness aj 3 sixth ety.

' ‘.'As wc discuss

S c ■"” - le t us b .

Fulton • — S tivers culd riot ru police Ily th a t 'th e m an w

le m an copycat k iller but ss ly, but if anyone would bo a ktlanta closely.”----------------M eanwhile, th e 'c■est of R onald C raw ford th like assigned to the Iasl

Crawford, who dlsai ounds and lO-year-oId Dai

w as la s t seen Sepi e r by officially lisled as ml; d,_adi. Craw ford w as des In the 5-foot-iO, 140 pound

; _____v ic tim s .a lso w ere c

1 s t ,ITHETI


“ F a l l s ’ ^

C ’r o i_ S a u s (

W eFrozei

Lemon:~ 12oz. con___



Giantf s ^1111 . Count boi

l i s t r i s €

protests AthI (UPI)_— The slain mothe ita “ cry out from tbe taken s violent worid, the everyi ckson told several dangei ja tbered on the steps Mrs. m ortal M o n d a y ; - ' Je f/re j

ng to draw attention ^ t of the A tlanta children across the nd others said all too 1 children bea r the and cruelly in socK "

■ bandgus the plight of ou r guns a

dead and yet un- ^ i ld re i be mindful of the IbehQ/L

rule out the posslbll- la lly re w as a victim of a a "slow said. " I dort’t know The 1(able lo copy ll tha t riv e r b

few hii' disappearance ' o f w here d w as .o ffic ia lly .. Payne, ask force Monday. Stiveia p p ea red May 15, a task•arron Glass, who idenlifl<jpt. 14, I980i a re so w e cnlsslng. guy. I t’£lescribed as. aboul c a n 't cnds. Two earile r eveiyboi considered m en- ' firs t ."


■ ■


................... ; : N / •

l E S D A l

W M M n ^ S - — ---------





es te rn Family an Concenfratei

ladeily i-lonie Laund

. N estle 's Real

| K o l a ^ h j |,18 0 1 .

opsicles. , 2 1

e s t o 3 C V

tlanta deaths3thers whose children have been Ken from them ... and the cfaUdrea eryw here whose lives a re In

» rs . Wlllle M ae M athis, w h ^ son ffrey was a n A tlanta victim, aind I. C am ille Bell, whose son Yusef s killed, w ere among those present. ‘We tbank Camille *BelI and the e r m others fo r Ihelr children,-who b e lr g raves c ry out With an linusti- iower,” said Jackson, adding that: Ittle child ren say 55 million idguns a re too m any, 5 mUiloo i£w ts a y e a r a r e too many. J^CUe :dren s ay stop the killing and s tg il hQAllng.’’ ■

y re ta rded and one was conslc]{j£d 5iow’’ learner.hc la te s t tx>dy was found Jr>-th'e.«r by tw o young flshennen, J u s ta

hund re d 'y a rd s from the^spp tj ■re ano ther'v ic tim , Jim m y Ray ’ne,21,w asfoundA prll27. - - • :ivers said hc was going along with ask force request lo keep rtb e iliflcatlon quiet " fo r 24 hours j u s t ve can find qul things about this . I t’s getting to the poinl where you t collect information because ybody (the news m edia) Is there

O R Y ^ I

___________ ^ / '

Beef—B r-

1 4 * 1idry - :

s ” !1— ■ i


Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

■ I / ■'


A d e j e c t e d B o b b ;


th ing Mario Andretd m osl from his first vh aoapolis in.J9G9 was.lh fo r the winning (Irlvier a th e ra c e .

Not being able to tak sa m e "hoopla” this tl

. m a k « Andcettl’s v ictor difitasteful.

■ - - A ndretti w a sn a in ^ d l th e ra c e a fler a proles uxwfficlal winner b b y severa l ca rs coming ou during a yellow period.

~ r r :* a ,* J u s i don't-know-w —^Andretti-remarKed-M oni

, a f te r digertliig hews of / ‘T here a re plusses and n:

" I t ’s- u n fo r lu n a te n > Y e ^ e rd a y was probabl}

- ^ th n ^ b a p p le s t da j« of hi!

j on s' L b s ANGELES (U A o ^ e s Coliseum alt< w u B lecher said he’ ComrnlssioDer Pele B O rithew itnessstandloc - Rozeile has been de league against a $213 tlti i is t su it brought by i

• -R a id e r s and Coliseum. A lter ihe 3^ay h o lid i

B lecber said he'll c question Rozelle about l e a d ’s attitudes and

- — volving Oakland mana _ ^ . D a x l a ^ l ^ _ a l L «

A llo t^ k e p t Rozelle ur fo r about six hours a t testim ony in federal c( d a y and Friday.

Aliolo, a form er San _ m a y o r, re len tle ssly

R o s i e ’s powers of. mi . d a y and drew from him

r e ^ n ^ thal boiled < don’t rem em ber.”

I f the federal c o u r t : guidance of Judge U

_ ._ g etso Q jlcd d eJn fav o ro U fb ; (he Raiders aod (h hope (o divide $213 m

------ dam agejudgm ent.— -Rozelle denied durin{

of questioning th a t he action In concert with Rj

— George-R osenbioom -Fi p reven t Davis from n franch ise to Los Angeles

W hen Alloto sugg( le a g u e , m em bers gai perm ission to transfer bl

___ m o re lucrative field in Lw ithout (aklng a vole re a re d back in tb e wiU

__a n d g a y e anem phaticrei“ Absolutely not,” the

s ioner cried.A l io to s a id th e

- perm ission was given (o

r Z / A

p r -


bby U n se r w a lk s a w a y fi

ntemin,U Pl) — The one th e re a r e e tll rem em bers lane th a t] victory a l Indi- m yself.”

!, lhe ceremonies . A ndrett ‘r and crew a flc r the p a r t o

day . H e s take part in the repo rte rs s tim e is what to a l lq u e r tory Ihls y ea r so “ The b

apologize(d lhe-T clnnerof -A n d re ltr i olest found th a t each other tby Unser passed A ndretti [ oul the pits brought a l !• .w as'w ilhinrw h a t- to -sa y;*-‘- t> f - th e pit*lon d ay -m o m ln g - posi_tion~w

of his vlctc.-y. U nser eon dm lnuses." severa l ca 3“ fffr B obby, line, ably one of (he “ I t was rh is c a f e e r r B u t - '( p a 5S—c a

s t a n d t c(U Pl) - Los I D B attorney Max- n j j -he'll put NFL - e Rozelle back ■ today.I defending lhe213 million an*by the Oaklandim.-:_ .liday weekend, aI continue lo ' out his and the \ T - Uld actioiis In-anaging owner ^ I « ' (Loinfiyjl0» p t L _ B | | Z J l p . ! under a ttack ■a t the s ta rt o f MII co u d Thurs- A ^

San Francisco sly a tta c k e d , memory F ri- - him numerousxl down lo "1 P E T

irt Jury under ‘ ' '1 H arry Pre* re tu m fo r h IT oU h e .p h ^ '.— vote -fn im -i ] (he Coliseum — m em bera n

million In a N F L cons! • - — transfers. T ring two days unanim ous he to o k 'an y could have

iR am so w n er p ers is tln g in-FrooU ere-to-------Rule-44-v> moving h is requ ire only ties. league m eng g e s (e d - th e transfer. U k gave Davis a m eeting In T h U e lu b to a .riQ tt Hotel 0< n Los Angeles T here w as i /ole, Rozelle an titru st suit witness ch a ir Angeles Colli iresponse.-— declded-lo.m the commls* '^ a h e l m anc

withou( a w e le a l l e g e d leam — Its n D (0 Davls in nue.

UPI/ f r o m p r o t e s t m e e t in g

I, Andreire beautiful things In victory at I will never gel to experience

otli .was certainly nol playing t of th e chcerful winner ,Mon- 3 sa t before ah assemblege of r s and responded thoughtfully lerles.

bu rd en . is now on m e (o se why I won th e - ra c e ,"T M id. ^'Nobody is palling le ro n th e b a c k ."2lti detailed (he events which abou( the p rotest. He said he

hin SO feel of Unser coming out

-^here*he-w as-supposed;to ;= rontinued on and drove pasi cars before gelling back In

• I)s very convenient lo do that c a r s ) T b e c a u s e - ( G o r d o n ) ■


E T E r o z e l l e '!n le » a c t i o n w i t h L A

r his having changed his 3 -Vno'.' .to “p ass '-i-when— — r e v i ^ Rule « Of the - “ 1

n slilu tlo n re la tin g (o \ The ru le had required . >

is consent and Davis ( re held 1 9 approval by; in a " n o ” vote.------ ^ 1t-w as-th en aroeoded-to____- sily a three-fourths vote of 1 tem bers to approve: a - rh e change w as m ade a( 1 : hi Chicago a t th e Mar^ r Oct. 4-5,1978. •* 8as som e discussion Of (he iJii( fUed flrst by the Los.......... Follseuni when tbe Ram s-move 30 m iles south to ------- dand leave the Coliseum a weU pay ing p ro footbaU r B m ajo r source of reve- $:

- - h

S jH~ U n

; f U S A Cm l INDIANAPOUS (I B H A ndrelti was upheld a

Indianapolis 500 Mos Auto Club_stew ard3 ow ner R oger Penske'i th e deposal of f ^

^ ■ 1 Bobby Unser.■ R Penske lmmedlatel>

appeal tbe decision . d ays In which he ca^o •‘® * ^ r A w a r d Tnone;

\ P second place will bc hi t Q appeal is heard, i . t i P enskc 's first proles y C j s e r w as unfairly | \ 9 allegedly passing unc ' g flag. The other was

„ f l p p g « ^ threejMLfour c ou to fth ep ltso n lap l4 9

B inford said a five-i S I b b a n J^ lb e ra le d fd rZ I■ second recess and de

both protests.“ The stew ards rovi

■ evidence ' available,” “ R oger Penske now hi

^ d a y nlghl to file ao app< he would. (USAC dlrecI


repaired a six*lnch tear d iaphragm of race c

' I Ongals, who w as injun I f ■ duringSunday’sIhdiane I : M ethodist Hospital• . F re d P rice said surgei r g - hou rs and Ongals was ( n Ihlensive care where

serious, bu t s(able condi! Ongals was expected

■ week in intensive care al d riv e r’s own d x lo rs am sta ff would determine

ettitontry Johncock was a challeng ce a lo t of room betwo

Johncock." ng “ E ven if Its a sick car Kl- .you should oot pas^ uolei of o f th e officials and lhe Ily s lgnals,” .said Andrelll, 1

in line In front of A.J. Fo (0 signaled him ahead.

A ndreltlsaidhecalled 'l Ig Im m edlalely a fle r the I

asked them lo lell the pro* W hat irked bolh the drive le ow ner, P a t Patrick, was ut.. ,penalty_aM tost4 InSEr.wij~ ' im m ediateiy ry V itg -o in

st A ndretti was quoted in In edition of the Indianap(

say ing h is cliances wei It getting justice from (he ra 1) “ ImusfapologlMTol^dc


B D S T O N ( U P I ) Y astrzem sk i becam e 1 p lay e r in history lo ph

. m ajor-league games-M o ag a in st the Cleveland Indii

The others who have i m ilestone a re Hall of Fa Aaron. Ty Cobb and Stan JV

------- -Y astizcm skl-rtra lls 01-'{3298). cobb(3033}, and M

and , barrin g injury or a Io slrllce, will Jump lo se( behind Aaron this season.

In 21 seasons, Y aslnem s on th e disabled list only 00

—u p -h isT ig h n a ic n ird in g ' p la te in Anaheim In 1972.

It w as th e only serimtf suffered unlll his meeting v field wall a t F ^ w a y Pari tem ber, which sidelined c racked ribs.

Shoem~ L G S - A N Q E tE S “iUPI>T>

S h o e m ^ e r chew ed w orld th ree months prerr w eighed 2 >/Tpounds and wa tall.

N early SO yeare laler, t Just 9 7 ^ pounds and 49 ind>

-■ aHIl flghi (he r t Of borse racing.

But -Shoem aker, tbe > Jockey In th e h istory of thoi ra c in g m issed ouf on a b 8.000th c a ree r victory Moo

.. Ing up pne.race sbort a lthe’l P a rk in Inglewood, Calif.

Sboem aker had she m ou - d a y ’s program ,-w on bis ?.{

aboard N a^ve Proq>ector I race , but couldn't read i stone. H e is scheduled (0

- horses Wednesday,____'^If I ge l the two races.* r il

b n t

s e r s'■ off idols aiL(UPI) - M ario w ill se le1 as winner of the the appeonday with U.S. B lnford3_denying . c a r . reached:e's protests over supporle•st-place finisher Bobby \

ca rs . Itely said he would tap e of U1 and has Ihree "O urvofflclally file for M ario Ainey-for firs t 'an d r e e n t e rheld up until the blended

fashion.'test .was lhalU n* . T h e c h

penalized for p r ^ n t ©inder the yellow veal w haIS that Andrelti isso w in i cars-on-his-way... B eltenha

149- The dee-man s tew ard 's q uaiifica^ ifb o u r s a f te r a rac in g efidecided lo deny "All yc

g ra tu la le3vlewed all the r a c e ' anc'* said Binford. winninghas unlll Thurs* B inford.")peal and he said Binfordjclor) Dick King session v

rs operaiJP I) — D o c to r could beurM ondaylnUio C alllornia

driver Danny O n g a lsured In a c rash fractu resinapollssoo. ankle andal spokesm an worked mi;ery lasted two to correct 'a s -re lu m ed -lo — tfon tOTCprc he was in w a s ' (entcdltlon. a l t h o u g "ed (0 rem ain a d a lly ,” a a!a((er which the I o l o r sind the hospital m ove hisle whe(her he sen sad o n i

m i s s ' h inger and hc pu( th e offlcia vcen him and underestin

officials."jr going slowly. T he ra oiless Its in front Indianapol10 o th er 'd riv er s ta rtin g inI, who gol back s ta r ted onFoyl a fle r Foyl butfinishec

J ' A ndrelti.rf lk lo h isc re w 32nd posllliJ iH N te l and d riv e r of tJiroper officials, fled, brokever and the c a r s ta r t fromas lhal the lap d river. - -^yasjoL tnade— .N ax t-yeala e r a c h a n c e — Ume-wlmfc

in the Monday m ore m eanipolls S ta r a s “ I ’ve beevere “ n il" o f enough to raceofflcials. _ T im e will hdoubtlngwhat negatives^.’

is to nz e m s U i r e i) — C a r l This past

lhe fourth rem iniscedplay in 3,000 m em b ers beH on d ay -n i^ t- - dians Fenwa: s reached theSi"“* ><--->-long baseball ‘l“r l” Ssprini second place Comisfc I- In th a t Sinskl bas been Y astrzem ski once. He to re m an ag e r E< ig m io h o m e “ an All-Star

T h a t aftem c us injury he the R ed Sox ! with (he left opening 5-2 ark la s t Sep; win.!d h im ' with T ig e rS t

T v roou ts ,!

laker misiT ^W llliam — ta ke m y w l f ed Into tbe m a k e r aald | ynalure. He _I^lLpcobably vas lOTnches even if I dor

polentialtob* , he’s added W hen it. d< chesbu tbe’s b a b iltrS h o e i •atestjockey— tb e long Ust ol g- estab llshedfo

wlonlngest “ I do o 't thi Doroughbred th&n th e othe

bid for h is p e n e d to m e li onday, com- been som e p r AHDUywood- U JustaD othei

Sboem aker Mints on tbe T e x a s , Aug. 1 7.999th ra c e — c o m p r ttlv a n r in tbe fifth G o lc to G ate b (he mile- cisco. H is fin io ride four th a t y e a r a b a

Gate.I 'llp ro b ab Iy _ . -Since th a t L

i s Jls t r i pjuard Andre]elect a (hree-m an board lo he ipeal."(ord said (he decision w ed “on.tbe.facts-of-th©-ma(l« rted by our own records th r U nser passed eight o r nii I t w as also supported by vid f lh e ra c e . 'ir records also indicated th ^ d r e l t i did nol violate lhe ru

terihg (he field from the p it ai id into the pack in. order n ."chief stew ard sa id th ree drive: ited (esUmony b'u( did nol r 'h a l they said. The drivers wei inner Johnny R utherford, Tor khausen^andSheldon Klnser. decision m arked the first dl

cation .of„a_w inneiLsince_(t : classic began in 19II, you can do right now is coi

ale Unser for running a goo m d .congra tu la te . Andrelti 0 g a magnlflcient race ,” sal

}]^ said m ost of the proles I was spent on lhe Andrell

ite on Qrbe moved lo a facility ii nia.a l s s u f f e r e d - c o m p o u m es in his righ t leg nea r (h< md his left forearm . Surgeonj m ore than three hours Sundaj

i c t lhe breaks, and an opera ■cpaim erve dam B gcinlhe'ie^ n latlvely term ed successful, h " they sllll have lo m onitor 11 according (0 Pricc. r s said Ongals was able (0 lis (oes and had feeling and in Inh lsrigh(fool.

loopla^:la ls would do ," he said. "I tim alcd the courage of the

■ace w as Android 's I6th“ at ^ l l s . Hc won io 1969 a n e r in sccond position. He alM

on the pole In 1966 and 1967, hed neither race.Hi. w ho-started Sunday in illion t>ecause he w as'not the f the c a r when it w as quail-' Dke lhe record for farthest )m the front for a winning

'e q t^ n d r e ld will b e-rtw o ^ : tn e r^ r th e~ rac e r a n d he~said~ • tlm c 'th in 'lc fo ft^ 'w lll ' have aning.jeen around this gam e long (o experience every(hing.

Il.hcal, perhaps, some of (he 5.1'

W S3cor(ds 3.Cis l week he sa t down and !d about (he gam es he re­best. ------------------------ -

v a y P a rk t 'A p r i l l l . ig n la jor league gam e: “ 1( was rain and cold. I had one hl(, I a m an a( hom e but we lost .'I ous, sure, with all lhe stuff succcedingTed Williams all ring lrain ing .”

U rey P a rti: Ju n es, 1«67 Sunday m orning's paper,

sk i read tha t White Sox .^ le _ S ip n K jL j;a U e U ilm _ ta r from the neck down." moon, Yaz w ent 6-for-9 a s k)x bounced back from an -2 loss for Gary Bell’s 7r3

Stadbim :Sq> tl8 .1967s, n inth inning: “ We w ere In

sses 8,00(d p rio r to t t e races. "But )ly (ake her^out-to xllnner— don’t. I( certainly had (he ) be a special kind of day.” ' .d o es happen, In all pro*

will JUS( add 11 tO ' t o f m ilestones bo 's igrcady^— Iforhhnself.think of I t a s being bigger . (her t h ln ^ th a t have hap* e h i m y career. There have p re tty b ig m oments. This

b e r one of them ." e r w as bom in Fabens, (.19,1931. He rode his f lh t B m ount M arch l9,-1949; a t ' te E ields n ea r San Fran* first “win cam e April 20 of board Shafle r V a t Golden :

1 Uiitlgl trium ph, the 4-11, ;

._f ;Tuesday, f

j p e detti Ind\) croiI h ea r p ro lesi and m aking s

scoring records were ( was Asked why ■ Unser v

atler,— ale ly -pena llted -tther I that w as reported, Binfo

nine stew ards wero not .ce video an infraction when It

- h ad to exam ine all the that ■ Binford said the o

s rule..._stand - is presented -wl t and w inner and the only derly p icte 200 laps.

P enske h aa said tha Ivers ow ner, P a t P a tr ic k ," it re- aga in st us. The declslc were Ih e -s le w a rd s rI l’s unl Tony the violation, when It

the ir a((en(lon, they : dls- brought U nser in and s_(he_lap.oiLw hatever.JL th{

be the penalty instead < con- a f te r lh e ra c e ." good P a trick had prolesti 1 on versa l.o f the-wlnner's said official list was postec

door a t 8 a .m . M D T,: jlest "d id not go along wil relti resu lt. Thoy-should hi

>ngais ag;’ in Ongals reportedly slc

night, and w as consciou nd ing M onday morning,(he Rick M ears._whO-r

!ons from a pit. fire duringd ay re leased from (he hoera- su ffe re d -’first- and!'leg facial bum S"when theiful. around the c a r In the 1)r it re la ted sto ry on P age I

. also in jured three of hi! lo ing (eam m em bers aand anapolis Motor Speedws

D errick Walker, 36,


“ Ithe

'a t(er;\so‘ n H M M H i67, , , '

in ' i i ih c . f l i

f l i. 4 P B

ngIg. . •

M a r io A n d r e t t i p o M

QQQjmajDid • one of those slltiations e:__couldn!t_lose_gam c3-wll

tender. Wc w ere losing b h ad nobody on in the top 1

. F r e d -U s h e r was pltchln , 3-and-O, and I thought 1

going to walk me for s fJ try ing lo ihlnK’about hit » -way, te lling m yse lf.‘Don’l

a l th e b a ll.'H e threw me a a s trik e and I hit it out. 1 Jo n es h ll one out in. the l

r. won, 6-5."

n R iverfron t Stadium :J u!!------- A ll^ ta r-M V P -tY a s trag 4-for-4): ."This was quil - play ing th ree different p< 3 being th e m ost valuable ]

losing team . I t was a stand

H g e r Stadium : May] Q T h e h a l l r ic k : Y azhlttli

)0 win; wil^■^(W -pound Shoemaker has 1 horse rac in g like no othe

hl8to ry :'A n d "fo r the flrai s Shoem aker w as blessed w

■ b le “ luck .”" I guess racing luck prol

I'- l o f lo do with w hw and ' t im f t a lo ck ey getshu rt;” -

Luck o r survival Instinc ‘ . be wen t nearly two decail

getting a s c ra tcE Since them there have

in juries. One occurred in A lo (h e 'sad d lin g a rea al P a rk . His mount threw hln stone w all then sa t on him.

' e r su sta ined a fractured p ti T ha t w as his most seric

B ut a n ea rlie r Injury - a leg suffered In January H vlded h im with oneof his m< m em ories.

iy .M ay20,l981 Tlm aj-N ew s.

twn; sai) Bob[ sure USAC track penalty 1 e correct. cured , noi• was not Immedi* U nser len-the-infraction— stew ards’ [lord replied Ihc his th ird ! c e r ta lr i^ c re was “ I havi

It happened and g u t," sold leevidcnce. recesses

official postings - think I dl wlth-Andrettl lhe— m ake any y driver lo com- pita, i ihl

people are hat Andretti's c a r Chief St , "did not protest only evid slon was m ade by breaking uifortunate when U nser pas it was brought to w hat he le (y couldn't have ' ‘In m yj Id held him for a — of doubt- IhaLwas-going-lo— num bcr.of d of walling until w ith the t

- • viewed viested USAC's re- the ABC < •’s role-when th e— elusive ev: ted on the office p assed eig , slating thal h e . th ere is nc' tvilh the revised •have m ade the •«

?ain. still islept well Sunday -team 's vli clous and speak* m anager,

lion w llh li -rccclved-bum s— expected I ig the race, w as . sev e ra l mo hospital. M ears

McondHlegree he Ure erupted e pit area . (Sec ! B1.I The b laie his Penske rac* W illiam 1 and two Indi- m an, was

way safely men. a f te r being 36, the Penske nighl-inthe

J ; ' '

n | E | H [ ^

se s fo r t r a d i t io n a l p lc tu i

r-league-Gns where we fo r th e oniy iVlth_any_£on*— night4n-D otr ! by ^ rsm and S tad ium and >p of the n inlh. m aJoM eaguc ling. I t got (0 (woconsecuti I he was Jusl "W hat I re

sure. I kept w as th a t I wt bitting’ irany* s l a r t V . T ^ t n’t swing h a r d ' about 45 mini ca fa slb a llfo r th e n h i t th e t i . Then Dalton • (he hom ers Wi e lOth and we th ird off a lel

New York WCI

S K ? n t -------

S t f o n s T d - t m l ' t o ^

pC S 'J v"sdcks out aboi

y l9 ,lS 7 8 ._ . th a t it w as Uk three hom ers th a t I rea lly fe

ill try Wecias dominated R elum ing tier Jockey in m onths la te r rat 19 years, w as g reeted wllh incredi* prolonged ovj

(h ree of his i robably.has a _ _ d a y . p rovldlnj d how m any m ade of. ,

, ------ And’4houghnets o r bolh, som etlm ea hf ;adea-wlthout—*-m ake-sure‘ h

fan iastic , glor e been three doesn 't p lan t(I April of 1969 yet. 'II Hollywood “ I Just kind Ilm against a and week to v. m. Shoemak-_ think abou t r« Jtivls. physical probli rious Injury, tim e lo stop; bia fractured sig n s."1968 — pro* “ I t i o n 'l rea

most stirring- happen, b u t I w on't be 9,000 \

's . Twin Falls, Idsho

i t i e^ b b y ^ K e a t e dty when the th e . situation oc- I. nol afte rw ard .” * ier w as visibly upset over the irds’ d « is lo h lb deprive h im 'o l Ird Indy viilo ry . ' have an em p ty feelhig in my said Unser, a fte r the first of two ses from' testim ony. “ I don 't I did anything wrong. I didn 't any-m istakes coming out o f the— 1 think I'm righ t and the other ; a re wrong.'-!f Steward Tom Binford said the evidence he s&w of a driver Ing the yellow light ruie was passing a n u m b ^ of ca rs on

le term ed w as lap 150. my4)plnIon, there w as no shred ubt- a b o i ) n in s e r ;passing a ’— ir-of-careinsteadof-b lendingin— le tra ffic ." said Binford^ who I video tapes of the race from3C compound. "W e had con*....I evidence th a t No. 3 (U n se r ) ,. eight o r nine cars and unless

3 new evidence brought'forth a l

•S eeIN D Y P agoB 2

LhopefuLvice-president and genera]

er. w as In satisfactory condl- Ih low er body_bu m s..H e w a s— :d lb rem ain In th e hospital' m oredays. - -

s a fe ty c rew m an G eo rg e ' 757,- was listed in fa ir condition im s on the right side of h is.

>m Murphy, 28, a Penske fu tf ' vas r e l e a & early Monday >lng treated and spending th e ' the hospital fo r facial bum s.-- ? - ~

J p /

O b '

• . ......................... '■ up{ .: t u r e w i t h t r o p h y , m i lk

-gaifne— ^nly tim e in his ca ree r tha t Dolrolt,-(hen-wenl-to-Yankee-f— and h it two more, tying ;tbe ;- .. igue record of five hom ers in ' icutive gam es. - -I reiyiember best about th is ' I^w asoff to_a really . le rrib le ._ vent.out (hat day-arid took-.-. ■ m inutes o fb a ltin g p ractice ,he th ree hom e runs. Two of— rs w ere off righthanders, (he 3 ief(hander, and th e two In .: w ere off lefthanders." ^ v ay P a rk : Sept. 12,1979 The4004iome-run thlng-had-^--------II because the 3,000-hlt th ing ., •: lo happen. Those w ere thei tha t I w anted to get (noA L d ever done it before). What about lhe'3,000-hil thing w as' i the fh s l lim e in m y c a ree r , ly fell Individual pressure.” >

dnesdayhg ^frb m th a t Injury 13“ iler a t Hollyvw)od P ark , h e " ^ / ‘ ted by a thunderous and - - ovation. And he rode all ' >

lis m ounts (0 victory thal ding th e stuHialrjLtales a r e ,.

ugh“S m «m aker'adm lis he :i b a s to pinch hims e lU o ----------e “ he’s not dream ing th is . glorious c areeri'he says he . in to hang up the s ilks Just . .

Jnd o f go along, day lo.day lo week,” he said. “ I don't;It retW ng. I’m looking foe.' . . xiblems thal will tell m e it’s '.'i p; bul l haven’t found m any ^

really know when il 'w ill .It I know one thing. There JOOwlns.", '


Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

, ' B-2Th7.i;'M»»»,Tv

'■@©( ! l- ^ ^ . .B a s e b a

■■ ALatandlngtj ; : .

^NL atandlnga^

' i f ” ’“ ILty & o c^ • j> a

' g * w .*j-rwOT*^»»*>

oiJIIKSf® ^ **

■ *” * ”lgVpyy^^S>aw M) li

A L boxacorea

S5** in t l 1 - - ^ i a «

hmvm » h mn

- & •* ’l i i i - ' S R i a » • • ' ’

----- -------CUVUAKO. .^ .^lOnDM

i l n_ S « , * ^ i i !

roman f i^ a w M n *?<

^ n d y ^•C ooU m iedtrom f

th e hearing , the officials th is m orning will-Hron

............checlced ou r scoring tfa c ts brought together abou t m y decision to pen U n se r a lap.

_______“ I r ea ll2e.thls.w as.ablf a r a s d o lla rs a re concern

Asl('(^ if th e decision r a c i n g , - B l n f ^ ^ d hej^i

l i i e appeal situation fro m 6:30 a .m . MDT as

— ^ ^ v o iv e o -w e n i ihorugh 1 w llh a couple of recesses.

........ .......C iting th& factthath ie n:_____ h o o p la .o L race-d ay ,. And

s ta te d (hat U nser must e m b a rra s se d personality

. b ^ a u s e ho b ad experlei adulaU on in Victory Lan d a y ’s race .

“i h av e m ixed feeling re v e rsa l of USAC’s dec

• A ndre tti. “ I t ’s supposed UghtfuJ experience and I m ay b e it ’U sinlc It tha l I'

's e c o t v l Indy 500., " I c a n sym pathize wit

_ iiad a vic tory laiten away

• g s

s i! b _ p _ 5 ^ ? 5 _ ^

5 s i , "

i m m' _.PU«M cm ' " ' S

M) •> T*ui o r - u im

“ " i

* . , ......OCTKCT M,

"------ ass.“«?'J S l g

f t - ! -i i i i t

I _ _ _ _ j s s y u «6 3 g r ' ^ ’-» j a

« CMsiga ® fI^ A -a,o ;i *

'II « MMti ™ w n o .btlibla s s i f i

„ .m J

f iw ta . ............... . .. .. .

I S ^ l f c b o x a c d r t i g li l i„ pi® i e

l i[111 I S S< 1 * 1 IT. IOW* UOKT)

i i s

* — ■ 11 'I B S t . S g n j - B s s j

i » “ « ! S ’!


■tiM f r i l a

m P a g e B l Ita lian Gals resu it posted w in it so t re m a in .-1 also Ronnie Pi g tapes. T hese th e race, e r and brought - " W h a tc l>enaitzed Bobby ill<e this, 1

h e 's nol a :i.b lgdecision .as__ ihaLhejw t« m ed . he w asn’tiion would hurt . violated I ehopctj It would pits.^ ^ , Johnny

on dragged on ; w inner wh ' a s the parties Sundav w pi two sessloiS doesn 't a) » s . - - dum ping Iliem lsscdall th e — - l i i th ink Vndrettl-glumiy- * R u th e rfo n tsl be tbe most testify a t llty a t the tracic nit-plcidng rlenced aii th e ' Iiice this. :<ane a fte r Sun- b lending ic

p its h a s e lings about the T h e re ’s no ilecisioQ," said is a b le n d .1 « d to be a d e ' ‘'Coming id in due tim e a lw ays trii it I 'v e won m y com ing out

e v e r been witb Bobby. 1 would bav< v a y in th c l9 7 8 th a tty p e o f

i,TwIn Falls , W aho T uesday

b o l l i I

^ , > ! a y 2 6 , 1 M 1 —

fiSSS?- ? g j j o —

. » M f lillM B O -

jTITi i*?i * f I n

I M M I. . T U i . ' ’ ’ * < ^ r A i i u

MM.AUOI «AH t*00

M lpf.

^ f e

r s H N U ntO j g n ? ) :

■iiiitrfeji T m r r “ " ? ( s s ';

1 E r i l ’ir s - S S ’ 5 Um K ntRMK I

iin ij-IW TOW T»0<IW»

f f

““ a g W PCL stand1 — ^*^2SSSfS

SSuMni.ISSaT3KTMAL XB g i ^ if?gSS?i

E i h ^ f »•»

PG A leade

M l i l

^ ■ I WTA ^ 1 -

!L" ! f . .

G rand P rix and 1 w anted to 10 badly becausc m y team m ate Pe te rson was iciiled ea rlie r in

e.It can you say about a situation s. You feel sorry for Bobby, yet t a rookie and you would ex p ec t. jwouid kD ow .thejuies. Maybe li’t thiniclng about it when he i th e ru le coming out of the

ly Rutberford, l a s t . y ea r’s who dropped out in the 25th lap

w ith a broken fuel pump, I g r W - w l th - U S A G - d e d s l^ g U nser a s (he winner. olc3obby won tb e - ra o n A u ld - o rd .-w h o 'w a s ta lle d ‘upon to a t tb e b e a r in g ..“ I think it’s Ing when tbey m ake a decision s. I /d o n 't th ink th e -ru le of I in lo traffic com ing out of the ( ever, been c learly defined, nothing in writing a s to wliat d. K’s a grey a rea , log out o f the pits, p e t^ Ie have tried to gel io front of cars }ut o f (he p its and nothing has m done about it. I probably ave done tbe sam e thing in tofsitualioQ.”

" ' • ^ ■ * 1 I | ! = ' B

»>-H HOIMaO-------

• m ~ ? : ^ r ; T r - ^ ' -1

1 1 ' ji ^

S'M i i l ! s s S

m S 'C S J ! . . ! 2 S « 1 S I B K s s a


— iPHf.ti.HK> ^ n d y S



" S ' S , I

il ”"i I ^ '11

r i d i n g s f e w S ,OAfTUAOUt n’oTr' Sl,*"—

. F r e n c h

_ _ _i / r — :

— M ^ 5j y i

T r o n s a c

I ,SS - H im

to ’*

’ in





Rex w ould » custom ers tc “J q ua lity servic d. ,



!' S s

~ Expf c — ---- ------- ------------- tod(^ S o c c e r

'-•Ihe~ „ kind

S L a t a n d l n g aV" wLoroAvpB. seen

■ i i i i i i l “ou"O 'llli-a.4!!!!!'S

2« S S a . too IT i i n , . l j S U iep

thal’ i


i a s a { ^ --------------- Jnnln«him 1 scorir L ec c and n

------A u t o o n a f> 1 m c / „ s

slxUi5 0 0 ...... »a w S j ^ M dou ii,


'B y i in

I, ; II ■ , - m ade I

Breweg*. ......... ... Mony * - ,1, 0 , SI

8 e S

Er“ !;=■ n.n,„„ '- h a s WOI

• Wocli loaded

' . th e fou ......... ■ ^ a solo

--------- August!' ■ decisloi

= = = = ^ = " I 'm

T e n n is m ore y ---- ------------ -------------rrdchce

J V - i t - s, ^ w ere gon f j p e n th e ir ej~nmB 3[7~ club” bu

j9» ■—. M orrl th e Bro trovcrsl and Ber

‘ g e Tw a s j i la

th erigh i^ * i . , « « t 5 S S 2 : h e to o k i



.caons “S

said . BlSi. aSSS!*’ changlnf

Happy To i

J l !

like to invite hi to s to p in fo r Mr ice.

S fA cel7 ^ C f f F I■ ■LUtLAKKtNOI

\ C . ' - '

E x p o s 1)y U nited P re ss IntemaUona]

M ontreal sh o rts tt^ 'C hris now s w bat i t ’s like lo be home Speler drove In th ree runs

o m e r-a n d a single and Bl itched out of a baseslSaded le ninth inning M onday night Ixpcks rebounded from a 4-8 ro ) d e fea t th e S tr Louis Cardlnali "W e’re all happy lo g et hom

le ro ad trip ,” said Speler, ••' Ind of change when you com e h fO ? a s 'a ~ b ig ^ m e for us b< le C ard inals a re in first place ] !cm to play inspired baseball a lem. ^ e n you play a good bai JU p lay big.” «S peler sJngled_ii\_Mootreal.'2 n in t h e second inning a fte r h itc h it a two-out double, i urth , Speler h it bis second hon

th e season following a sin^ hlte to lag Lary Sorensen wi Ird loss in seven decisions. Speler,-who adm its he doesr ) m a n y hom e runs, was wailii s p itch w hen he hit it over the th e fourth inning."1 w as silting on a fast bai i t ’s -w h a t I gol, right ove Ite ."3iii Gullickson, 2-4, wenl 8 I Igs to get the victory but ocked out o f the gam e in the iln g -w ften -the 'ea rd fnaJs-lo i n for four hits, Including a iring single by George Hcnc i cam e on with the bases lo i re tired pinch h itte r Tito Lam a forceout then got Tom H err to righ t lo end the game, l ie Expos m ade the score 4-i 1 th on a double by rookie iiach and a triple by Larry- I. In .the seventh. G ary Ci Ibled hom e Rodney Scott n trea l's fif lb ru n rr.I. Louis scorcd In the sixth

> e t r o i t <U niti^ P r e ^ Intem ationai

ack M orris says Detroit hll 3e h is Job e asy In a 12-3 Memi ' victory over the Mllwai wers.o rr is pitched a six-hitter for I s tra igh t win. John Wocken

R ichie Hebnec each drov( « runs lo sp ark a l6-hlt a ttack. :'m throwing the bai! good and ing a lot o f runs,"-M orri9-sal a traakeS p ltch lngeasy .^ - • ie right-hander s lh ick out six ' <ed three going the dlslanc< rove his record to 6-3. The Ti{ i scored 39 runs in gam es Mo won. > x k e n fu ss dcllverecTTr ba; ed double lo score three ru n ’ou rth Inning MoQday.'Hcbnei d lo ' hom er In the fifth lighted a~Ibur-run“riinlh‘ inr a two-run double, nee Pa'rrlsh-chipped in with th for the T igers, who tagged Je isline wilh h is flrsl loss In 1 5lqfK._____in sta rtin g ‘l6 'ro ll|" 'M orriysj i got. my_confIdencer and ! you win, the more your crceTCeefisbuiiaing^-----------------:'s like the way the'O akland going earlier. You could see i eyes. They 're not tha t gooc

bu tilld b k cd eM y .'’ irrls m ade it look easy agai Jrowers. .Cecil Cooper hit a c trslal two-run hom er in the six Jen Oglivie hit a sholo shot Ini h to account for the M^lwaul

e r M anager Sparky Anderf U ectedior-arguing-w lth-um p K aiser over Cooper’s hom er gh t o f Ihe foul pole. Cooper si )k o if and d idn 't look to see if t 'a s foul o r fair.hou g h lll would be a double,” ” "1 Just kept running. I ’ll ta Ing they give me. I 'm not « i ng. When a guy gives it to tr Bke it. I didn’t see the blly g o o u l." .................... .. .f i s said h e saw the ball drop srrltory. —lere’s no doubt in m y m ind ," I But. he said, there was 1 ing K aiser's ruling.

Innounce...R e x

a r i s e n

- I s —

B a c k

his fr ien d s and Ar. Goodvt/rench


returri Ilal '■

ris Speler Nation;me. • - _____________tns with a .

Bill Lee w a |k -to Gene ' led Jam in doubie byJTqny S

i road trip Cblcaflo 10. P ittsl a l s r w . - A tC hlcago 'Q iome from 8-0 deficit and S, “ Things th e g am e a l 9 -91m ehom e. of th e gam e. Ss b ^ a i is c ~gaveChicago.lh<ce a n d w e bascs-ioaded sin{ill against L eonD urtiam Ibail club, s ing le to lefl off ’

sto le second. Hen

te r a t th ird . C n n wji. In the to .load th e b a home run singled over len single by h ead to score Dur with his D ick T idrew , J

fo r th e victory — « s n ’t h it ln '3 7 g am es.' ■ ailing for T h e P ira te s bu the fence ag a in s t s ta r te r fl

(he h itting of Phi ball and Thompson, each < jv e r the p a i r o f r u n s . '

8 1-3 in- N ew Y ork 13, PbU but was A t New York, I :he ninth g ra n d slam In thf -touched— tfte 'M etaw en fo n ' ; a run- ru n s in a gam e endrick. Wilson. Joel Youni $ loaded and Hubie Brooks •andriim ru n s fo r the Met! e r r on a h lls in handing

second loss in ei£ 1-1 in the H arrisrl-0 , aiiowei cle Tim oul six in 5 2-3 li Ty- Par*— m ajor-league victo

C arlertt with C ln d n n a tlfirS an F

------ - A t Cjnclnnnati. Jth on a sing le snapped a

hitting Americaismorial . ’ waukee ■ , "

I n .a la le night ( fo r his C oast, K ansas City ken fu ^ the second gam e ■ove In h ead er, ck.m d l 'm O akland 6. Chlca0 >said.- - - A t Oakland. C a

" drove* in t h i ^ h in s six and S teve M cCally pile: ince to w as th e A 's fifth st: T ig m snapped a four-gam M orris strVflk. ' ' • - / M cCally, 5-4, wbases- stru ck out six.

runs inn e r hit O akland-nm s in 4 J(1 and 4 .3 .inning

B oston 8 , G evelaod tl th ree A t 'B oston. Carn< I J e r ry - field s ing le wilh Uie In two none oul in the n

Y astrzem ski. playli ? said.—- gam e. - Mark-:Clear, Ki the— victory In relief. r con~

. A t Arlington, Texj2? A s - ting an AL record f

tlve p inch hits, sing 1999.A.. from -th ird baso-wll

, , n in th to c ap a lwo<h g a in sL -h a s seven-8 tralght-i c i^h* *"8 th e league six th , B altim ore’s Bob Jo b in th eaukee SeatU e 7. K ansas C lt

--.--A t-S ea tU e ,G ary t lerson tw o-run homers- at m plre— f lr e a 'a 'f i lk -h iile r ln le r to A llard , 2-1, lost hiJ r said ninth. L a rry G ura, if tbe G ray h as (hree Iwo^

season .____ _5.” 'h c

take BaltliziorelO.NewY« com - At Baltim ore, Dou|

0 tne. In five ru n s w ithh is s ball

2 0

Stations o u t^ y others by lettloa playblsSWMpsi G am to win FRI Sporting Goods.

picUngupafTM entry tW oteacJ vWttoStlnksr

_ Stattons.

Ifljl^ 1 * SOUTH I

l io m r f. * . Bill

iail League- fS.. _ . Giai I -Tenace and ain RBI Gi S c o tt . Glai

------------------ - _ - . i_ p lc ktib a rg b S K(S ilcag o 'ra iicd 'Irtm 'an — withI Steve Henderson (led , stoU9 for his second hom cr Mini Scot Thompson than latej

ih e w ln .in lh e i l th o n a GeojIngle. thlrcn led off the n th wilh a - sco r■f Victor Cruz, l- l ,th e n .withenderson followed with Fost

walked Je rry Moralesla se s and Thumpsoni ' At;n fielder Lee Lacy’s lhre<urham . slngl, 2-4, pitched the l l th unbe— only the Cubs’ ninth victo- J'-------------------------- — Q g

auiit an early 8 4 lead Dods Randy Martz behind h is fi

'hli G am er and Jason innin h of whom drove in a P e d r


liladelpblaS M m t, Dave Kingman hit a Chi Jie-second inning and w lthi in 'to score thefr most "BWM le this year. Mookie ja m uigblood, Lee M asIIli E xpo ks each drove in two B lllG ets. wh'b.collected IS to g e t ! Dick Ruthven his :ight decislons.-Greg Houst /ed six hits and struck A l : Innings for his first (wo-n

:lory. ----------- tw o-nPadre

IV andscoS —— -------- to g a l, Johnny Bench’s RBI - H oust a 3.3 lie and U r r y streak

411waul' gam e:

in League................... defeat

■ w ere 't gam e on the West Sunda' ty w as a t SealUe fo r DeCI10 ' of their double- urday,

s ta rte rinning

iD2 th r e e s:alif., Tony A rm as -22 RBI as .with a double a n d . w ith a Iched a sbc*hitter. II Doug B s tra igh t victory and Pain: ime Chicago winning Jackso:

------------------------ Ihesec-walked three and ra ise h

R ichard Dotson, Yankee five arhong

4 2-3lnnlngs; fell to L ighcrackecOrioles

•ney.Lansford’s in- b ebases loaded and ninth scored Carl n -n fr tn

ylng in his 3,000tha r ^ M ^ c a m e d - l h e - s t S i g ^

■ re tailora s ____________ ______e ight irw as.'B lir^tein , se t- ' th e lr s b 1 for most consecu- T he 2 igled in Buddy Beil o u t four *'llh one-oul-in Ihe— bis-reco -run outbuf?L’S ia n B a rry : l-plnch hits, ecllps— J3am as(

reco rd se t by W lttc jhnsoninl964. a f te r wi

ninth. Aa ty l fa c e d ,/' t i r a y h ib a p a i r d f - L lo y d sfltl^ RHnn Altarrt__Andy-Hiin the first gam e. save, his shutout in - th e T h e \ . 4 ^ , look the loss, drubbin >4iomer gam es th is w hich >------------------------------- t h r e e j l

th e w eeY o r k l . Todd, 2-mgDeCinces drove Brian5 second two^iomer runs.


— NO PUROiAse M ouneo

BfflES:Ci• stinker NOjayantha wtmoayou rtdeepstakes M S ! mlt£E B s w*.Pl8y | B 9 ^ w tbiby"M ^ t s S ) f a i .icft s y y


fb rw d ii^Bilttner added a two-run double In tbe eighth inning to ^ a r k the . Reds trulm ph. he CincInnaU R eds to a-e^ victory over the** San Franicsco G iants. . .

Geoff Combe,. 1-0, blanked the Giants over tbe final tw o innings to Pickup hlsXirstmaJofleagUBJdctory,-

Ken Griffey led off tbe R eds’ eighth with-a-slngleoff-Al-HoUandr»-2,-and- } t o l e _ s ^ n ^ One out la ter, Greg Minton replaccid'HSlIfiiKr&od.'ooeout a ter, yielded an IMleld single to Seorgc Foster,'advancing-GiJffey t6 h ird . Bench then singled Kr. left to score Griffey and B ilttner toDowed vith a double lo left center th a t scored ='oster and Bench. • •

iM iffigeleaT rA tlaotai--------- : -------A t A tlanta. Steve G arvey drove In

hree runs wllh a two-run hom er and a Ingle to power the Dodgers^ giving tnbeaten Burt Hoolon bis teveaUi ic lo ryoflheseason. -G a rv e y -s ln g le d -in -o o e of-three lodger h in s in the first innhig and hit Js fifth hom er of th e y e a r in the fifth ining. He also doubled a nd scored od 'edro G uererro’s sacrifice fly fo r tbe todgere’ final n m in the ninth Innhig.

IoD trealS ,S tL oui89 .C hris Speler.drove . in. th ree runs ith a s in ^ e and a hom er and reliever Wl'Leepltcherf oufo /'S bases-Joadet im in (he ninth inning to lift Um xpos over the Cardinals a t Montreal lii Gullickson, 2-4, went 81-3 innlngi igetthev ic to i7 .

oustdo6,SaDl)le0 }S Al Houston, Craig Reynolds bit i 'o-run triple and T erry PuhJ scorec 'o-runs-to help the-Astros beal th< id rcs. Joe Niekro went 6 2-3 Inningi ga in hls.sbclh victoor. A rt Howeo luston had his 23-game blltiii{ reak snapped.

ikeenie in three days tirback t t e fi ve-bi ch in g o fJim P alm er.It w as the second straight one-side real suffered by the Yankees,- wh re humiliated I2-S by O evelan aday.JeClnces, wbo b it two bom ers Sa lay, socked a two-run shot 0 r t e r Roo Guidry. 4-3, in tbe secon dog a fte r the firs l of Benny Ayala' ec singles. DeCinces, wbo now ba RBI,- capped a four-run fifth Innlo h a .th re e -n m .b la s t off relieve jg B lrd . - " —'aim er, 3-2, surrendered Regg :kson's sixth hom er of tbe season sccond inning then settled down i ;e h is ilfetltne record against U ikees to 2&15,—tbe best ongacUvepitdiertf.’ - • .” ig h l-h i l t in g M a rk B e lan g e eked a solo bome run for tb lie s in the second Inning. I t was bi I hom er since4977 and Just the 20t is carcer.

Ifom ia 2, ToR w tolf Anaheim ,. Rookie Mike Wilt iggiiTig-to-remaln*ln*tbe-startin Itlon, pitched a tw o ^ l te r ove

rsbctb stra igh t defeat, tie 20-year-old righl4iander struct four and walked three to improve record to 3-4. He allowed sio^es'U ry Bonneli in ' the th ird 'a n d 'to naso G aroia in the fpurtb.-- -' lit departed in favor of Doh Aab( r w alking two m en to lead Off tbe h. A fler retiring the first b a t t ^ he !d, A ase allowed an RBI s in g le d 'd"M oseby and was relieved oy y-Hasslerrwho r e « K lM bls'thl^d

le victory reversed a se riw 'of )bings for California pitching.± yielded 34 runs on 43 hits in e jira lg b tlo sses .to .C b icag o 'o V ^ weekend. The loser w as J&cksbn 1,2-4, who gave Ifl) sevenbltBr v .-ian Downing m r e d both* A n g w ’

weo - • ■

CANDKNopurcfaMr«quir«a.fWr------- ^wtnners every wMkPrlzas ' ;

edeem«l at SUNSET SPORT CENTERS In kiaho.

Stinker Statkms

W •i l s ouretaOer./ V Nooebettof


f e j .OAD * JEROME

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

' R ic k M e a r s le i

M e a rf r o m


first- and second-degi his nose ahd facc, M cars was released fi

- isl Hospital Monda overnight stay.

M ears was burned day’s Indianapoiis 5( uniform caught fire d fill-in. The conflagrati pitalized two of his cr ofthenvseriously.

" I was sitting in the refueling pit stop whc

. w orked loose.and stari ........ - fu e l-a ro u n d ," M car- - “ They reached the cc

- d idn 't dare breathe i Inhale the flames.

“ I kept my eyes shut .out of the car, all the ti: get m y l.elmet off. 1 ci

W ants double

Peak----- ^ ^ H IC A G O (U P I f - 'T h e

■ .re c c n ty c a n r ln ’nn'attem p ^ n n e r m ay be pleasing f

^'.and interesting for the mec ..'have left shortstop Ivan Dc

_ ; , j a sourfeellng.— r : D cJcsus has becn 'the a . ' C ub-infleld which has be ' ..•scve/'al tim es sincc the i

..Puerto Rico native was o ^.Chicago from Los Angeles i . > D eJesus’ m ajor gripe is • been atTficult to develop

[i^aouDie p jay conlbinauon t h a s had to work wilh a

-..second-basem an In each-< seasons with the Cubs,

r; "T he transition hasn’t I -<-you!ve got to know what the

~ J B gojng to d o ;” DeJe.sus.sa these Irad cs a rc supposed I

•„teAm but i ’ll be glad when; ' on one second basem an, ori

a ll."-The infield roulette r

p artia lly explain DcJcsus : a t th e p late this season. He th a t alibi bu t h is problems i h av e reflected on his play in . T he problem is not confi;

keystone partner. DcJcsu- The Cubs have m ade almosl

— TjersonnclTHOvesTit'thtnJba;hav ea tseco n d . .

"B u t th a t isn 't as crilic; second basem an. The third I he gets w hat lie can and I g

J o r ^ s . I d a a t A i r F o r<

-------^AIR FORCE-'ACATJEM'(UP I) — R egg ie Jones, thi bounder in A ir Force Acaabi ry . w as honored Monday nig school’s Most Valuable Athlei

Senior B re t Hyde, Osbum, who se t a school rccord by w

_ .v a rs l ty . le t te r s — also recei a w a r ^ . He was named M ost' C ross Country Runner and v en ted the A thletic Leadership

Jones, a senior from Los le tte red four yea rs as a.ccnle academ y records for rebounc and blocked shots, 164. : honored a t the Institution’s 26 a l A thletic A w ards Banquet.

Jones, a lso nam ed the Me . ab le P la y e r In m en's baskett

'Cithe acad em y 's I9th all-time sco re rw lth 712 points.

Senior Michelle Johnson, I

le a p s fro m h is fla m in g <

r s re le a I h o s p itazesen

(UPI) - With w ilh my legrro bum s on tried, he c, d river Rick th e helm ■d from Method* burning! iday after an

M cars.led daring Sun- said he II i 500 when his -cxtinguis •c during a fuel strum ent ration also hos- “ i triot 5 crcwmcn. one face and

couldn't.ihc c a r during a grabbed vhcn the nozzle in g m e : ta rted spraying, finally heears recalled...... off.” ' —* cockpit and I — M cars j le for fear I ’d held off tl

burned wlh u tandjum ped cover_ hi! e tim e trying to - flanie-ret, 1 couldn’t do it ' clbthlhg fi

ileplay partner

s have(The trades the c a n ;" DeJe; .T jf te c re d In - f i c u l t adjust inp t to build 5 T he latest lg fo r lh e fans th e l^ficfd ' ned ia but they s o m e tim I D cJcsus with' Amalfllano

______ ; _ w h o set a Nie ancfioFoi^ a — fewest error

been Jiggled. -S t.-Louls ,-j( le 28*year old s id e of the in s obtained by But even

thaM t has jop a potent vcry iongses in becausc ne At Ihc all 1 a different slot most of ;h-of his-five a c q u ired -frt

season. •’I been easy. S train won the olher guy Including D e

; s a ld r“ All o f— Mlkp Tyson, ed to help Ihe " I dop 't k en they settle Di^Iesusconc . o riccan d fo r - som e tim e to '

to b c a l i t t l c n ! m ay also But S train < us slow sta rt reputation of He won’t use “ h o " s a id ~ h e ' ns a t bat also team ing with / in the field. " P a r t of th infixed lo his. p lay ," Strain csus added, out of Ihc iir lost a s m any F ranslsco , il ibasc-asthey— upT'-------------

S train wa5 itic a l.a s the rep laced by T rd baseman, the lineup las I get whal I the Cubs, is o

l a h o r u n n e l r c e s p o r t s ISMY. Colo. Iowa, alM w; the top re- Johnson, a

la tm y histo- basketball and night a s the a 3.95 cum ulath id e . honored a s Ihcim. Idaho - in women’s bj/w inn ing 11 theScholarA tl

S v l i w ; ------Senlor-Tim^K lV a ta b lc

M nA L S I?" Atlilcllc Excel Ui^ all-lim e Ie baskelball a t

S J J ™ A ll-W estern I 2 sccond-teara s S 2 6 " u ? a r rcerw .th l,550 , :t. Ju n io r JohiMost Valu- mount, Calif.. cctball, was ab le Football B m e leading football Playe

tackles a s s it n. Spencer. Falcons last sw

" L H I

'm t


g c a r d u r in g a p it s to p wti

a s e dt a l ;few —ny gloves. When a firem an he had lo back off becausc ilmet was so hot and it was ig h ishands."

irs. 29, who won Indy In 1979,B then saw a firem an wilh an uisher and grabbed the in* cnt.•iod to stick the nozzle in my md pul] the trigger, but I ,'t. My dad ran out and • id the extinguisher, spray* c to get the fire oul and helping m e gel-m y helmet .

rs said his fireproof uniform f th e flames and he wa^only 1 w here the "Nom cx" did nol h is .face.-liN om cx" I s - a — -

retardcnt m aterial used as. g fo r a racing driver.

----- — —

C u b s " LJ e s u r ^ d r ‘‘Il~isnTas'(ilf*’ “ u s tin g to th a t." - • - g S -tja r ln e rs j^ lL D j?J .e su s jn _ d figure to slay there for Im c if M a n a g e r J o e y 10 has his way. Ken Reitz. J^ational League record for , ro rs a t third last y ea r with < -Joins D eJesus on-thc-Iefl— (infield. |in Reitz was replaced by j 12 a t one point during the i thJiL w hat-appcars-to-be-a— «season forChicago______ _ Iall-im portant sccond base of the lim e was Joe Strain. < from San F ransisco -last I

I■on the Job over fodr others. D ejesus' partner last y e a r .. cij ; . ------------------------------------------

: know Strain that 'w ell." inceded. " I t 's going to take tow orkw lthhim . It'sgoing c rough a t first." in cam e to the Cubs with a o^bcjng a sjick f ic l^ r and _ le Is looking 'forw ard to ilh DeJesus,th e key is lhat you gel lo

lin said. " If you arc in and iineup like I was in San it. is m oro difficult lo team

as h u r t- la s t.m o n th and f Tyson. Strain returned to last week but like mosl of—5 off to a slow s ta r t a t the

; j - S_cJii t g d _b a n q u e t

w as a md'tTple winner.1 four-letter . winner Ih___m d y R b ^ w ^ o l a r with la tlve grade average, was Ihe Most Valuable P layer

basketball and feceived Athlete Award.

m -H arrts“6 f W h c e le F A l l^I, Hawaii, received the cellence Award. H arris, leading scorer. In m en's

Qt Ihe academ y and an I A lhiclit; C onference '■I selection, indod .h is 'ca - 50 po in ts .,.

ohnny Jackson , P a ra - w as nam ed Mosl Valu-

1 Back and Mosl Valuable ttyer. Jackson had 99 sta rtin g safely for the season.

mr.r __&

w h ile o ff to th e r ig h t, a <

I r •

' i

J o h n n v K u ih erf

To prevent such 0 M cars said Ihc Indiana; S o c c d w a y sh o u ld 1

------aulhoflzed people from 'i: ' ‘Also, you gol to ha be tte r cMabllshed for I stead of the older guys r e s p o n d a s ^ i c k l ] emergency.:.' M ears said

"Teach Ihem. give the on what, to do In thi

D e J e s v■ “ p l a t ^ ‘ 3 ” "

; ; tficJ tesus ' haslbebn . aboi _ C iib Jn Jh e _ p a s t:lw c L y e a r

rum ors of possible trade team s! G eneral Manager nedy has consistently label a s Ihc lone "unlouchabl

’Chicago ro s te r . '■ ■ ------------ " I t 's flattering when yoi

pic you work for say that said . “ I like It here. I kno' d istrac ting when you rea

— m ajugo-liere-and m ay go__been traded onc'e_bcfore.i'o

D cJcsus cam e io ,lhe C deal along with first bas Buckner tha t M nt Rick Moi Los Angeles Dodgers.

D cJcsus has been Chicj consisten t pe rfo rm er si

> .

- - r i i ----------------------

kl ^ - m


j H j

T v

^ / | |

a c re w m e m b e r h o ld s b;

rfo rd p o in ts a t R ich M e

occurences. situation, apolls Motor c lothes like - “ eep. _ u n ^ _ _ o r d i n a r y _u h o p lls --------— because thahave pm pic . M c a r s '3 • the job in- W alker, v /s who don’t McGee on cly to a n crew m an I‘id..........* hosp ita llz rthem lessons m ay have his type of degree bum

l i s f e e l i j____ ____ . .a v e ra g in g 's

)ouLthe_only------- The-5-fdoia rs_ to -escape_ tradcs-,tho -- idcs to other .-o ffseasonw i ;cr Bob Ken- “-i think w MjledDeJesus- in th e p a s t .g Ible’’ on the n oted. "1 Ihl

who can run /ou hear peo: w e need to d t a t ." DcJcsus , D cJcsus h low it can be light by Ama Bad lhal you . “ T ha t’s a i ■0 thcrc ..llve .. sa id DeJesusyou know..::____ year._______Cubs-in the D cJcsus hi

laseman Bill a ttention as londay to Ihe -shortstops in

Tem pleton oi icago's most cepclonofC ii since 197T T hat hasn 't




g d i d g s ^

9^lcJ^£UQ^^lO^_ .


id m iV I I M t W U l i M t h r d h

— ‘ '■ *" • w i '

UPIb a c k h is w ife . P a t

UPI> 1 e a rs 'b u rn t n o se

. Give Iherii fireproof ike we w ear Instead of the> '_ c lo th e s _ th e y _ w e a r__lhat sluff b um s;"------ ----------^ i e f m echanic. D errick ■ who succecdcd J im

on Team Pcnske, and I Bill Murphy are still t r t . M ears said-W alker ;- vc also suffered third*I ms.

I n g l o wJ33 bases,.

'dot-tJ'shorfs'top hopes Ihe ’ lO -C ubs-have-m ade-ln -the- will allow for more stealing, c w e've gone the wrong way I. going fo r power,’' DeJesus th ink w e've got some guys

■un now. 1 D i ln k lh a lT ^ a l” )do;” -; has been given a green tnalfilanolo steal a t liberty. > a rea l confidence builder,"

sus. who stole 44 bases la s t '_

I has not received a s much a s some, of th<» other lop

in the league like G arry 1 o f S l. Louis o r Dave Con- Cincinnati.in't bothered h im - _ .

;PO R T S c e n t e r "

I S tr ik e i n a t te

NEW YORK (UPI ^ - - p l f c h e r 'h a s ’ <!ver“ Ic< S league In strikeouts, I m ------ s trike com es lo pas■ Ron Davis of Ihe New ■ U _ c o u ld vcryjvell b e jhe j■ Through M ay 24. li r J second in the Americ;

46, only one behlnd-thi land s ta r te r Bert Blylc

" I 'm going out ther som e ou ts ." says Di

- thinking about strikeoi f f But he has opposirif:_____ -ing,------------------------

Mdy 3. In Oakland. E five consecutive b a tu g am e of a doublo-hcai

^ A’s. The following nig Calif., he 'fanned eig Angels.

On M ay 19, Davis me ov e r the AL lead, sit K ansas C ity Royals In relief.

He got his-46th siri M ay 24 In only 28 inni alm ost tw o per Inning, for second In.lhe AL Wl

■ . o f C leveland. Blyleve 7 point w ith 47.'d.. __.. "V_ye been throw ing : sa id Davis, a native 1 "P robab ly the b esl I'v(

I 'm throw ing for good 1 p itches a re hard, some m any a r e out o f the : think I 'm m essing up thi

. D av is qam e lo the Yai Cubs in June . 1978. in

. K en.H oltzm an.-W hen , Y anks, h e w asp rim arll

L i r r

I! p

- " - A 1

w i t ^ J f i l m

a m

' ) \ ' a !

,t-. _ l e ”


I B t i ii z z j-.::::;!

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I . — ____ 't; m ay hel ;m p t a t hP I ) - - N o re lic f p itcher a led -either m ajor th e dout :, bul if a baseball re lief ac ass. right-hander Davis w< ew York Yankees most vlctle first.______________• But Dt

h e was tibd for e a r ly j a s ican League with sinking a thc-lcadcr, CIcvc- on his pit< 'leven. . . ' i camicre trying to get good sinl Davis, ‘i ’m not explained fouis." g roa l foring baiters blink- sta rted oi------ !---------------------- tb ree-ttw, Davis struck oul any m ore Iters in the first So Dav •ader against the coach Stai ight in Anahoim. "S lan l< Ight consecutive .s ta r t thre

d rive mor nomcntariiy look -A ll-S tar b striking, out .four '• ing real | In Iwo innings of Septcmbc.

poweringIrikeout through seaon. it w inings, a ratio of Davis pi lg. That Iled him th e last 1 Wlth'Len Barker w as 4-0 w; ven led al thal and did no

first 20 2-3g jh e ban weU." Davis h. vc of Houston, p lcm cn lto 've ever thrown. i location. Some 1C a rc down and s strike zone. I thebattors.’''ankees from Ihc ■ ■ ■ In exchange for fl he Joined .the . rlly a sinkerball •.

n i t e d O f l

F I K EW O T t^LBUih a l l r e g i I d e v e l o i : I d p r l n t i i

i S 4 . 3 8 v a N-a ibum -pagerrtd tT ficruaea_ ,

;nny-Wlse SijiKMprint-your>JI of colorluring thisl a w e ' i r a v e;autiful photoIE! Album is richly padi3e-ottop-grade-vlnyl-w!tal spine so you can ain. Choose from 5 diffeiny-Wise to give you pi veioping and printing c irIng in. We guarantee


to Album Is a limited o f f e f . ; ular film aeveloplng and'pri ; in May 26 tti th ru May 30tl

■ ^ . z z ” z z z : ^

' T u esd ay . May 26. I M I------^TimerimerNQWsrrWn Falls; Idaho B-3

ilp D av is h is to rycr and was called upon to throw ioubleplay ball. In 1379; with

acc Rich Gossagc injured, i went 14*2. an AL record, for victories by a rookie in relief. _D avis ran into some trouble J a s t 's c a s o n . His ball wasnlt - lg and ba tte rs w ere just w alling 'pilches. - ----------------------------

;am e into the league wilh a real sinker from -lhc side.’’ Davis . ined.' "And il rea lly worked • for m e in '79. In 1980. the season d out OK. Then about the first -weeks,-I-just-couldnit-throw -lt— lorc and I w as hit p retty hard ." Davis went lo Yankee pitching S tanW illlam sforhelp .Ul lold m e thal m aybe I should throwing from up higher and m orc with m y back leg. By Ihe i r break the fastball was work- . lal good. Then by August and nber. though It w asn 't an over- ing one a s I 've had so fa r Ihis it w as a rea l good fastball."

Is proved to tw a vital asset in st Yankee pennant drive. He 0 w ith one save In September; d not allow an earned run in his 12-3 innings In thal monlh. s h a s becom e a perfect com- il to Gossage.

f f e r !


M "

j u l a r> p i n gi n g

^aluel ~ — , ______^ a_ ^ _ ____ :

1^________ __ "

- _________

addedfront/l-with-1 2 -ring— ---------1 add pages as ifferent colors.J professional ig on every roll ■:ee it.______ j j _______

t a U M . . ■x k z k p a p e r ^ a g o o d lo o k .

e f. available i p rin tin gSOtti.— ^

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

\ T E R R Y 0 R A I' . . . . g l a d s e r l (

i French Open si

_ | ^ P a n a 1

^ su rp ii ^ - S o lo n

PARIS (U PI) - UiW P a n a tta of I ta ly scored

[of (hc $611,000 F rench < crush ing eighth seed Hi

^ the United S tates on w ig d a y . .

_____ g .-T he. 30-ycar-oid Itailw a tc d Solomon for this p&ever allowed his oppo Mown and won 6-3,7-5.6-:

-------- 5* Solomon, f a m ^ for« a m c , was dlsturt>ed b> {^terrup tlons because ol 3>y the aggressive play oi

------^-Solom on.-a-28-year-ol^ u d c r d a i e , F la., stroni

fie first set. In the seco Jt P an a tta then won th row, ■In the third set, Solor

Sm arted and outhlt by Show ing som e of h is bes g e took the Italian and : O v e yea rs ago.

■ -• - p B jom -B orgi swinginga f t e r a six-week layoff m ju ry , scored a convlnc

_____ feta.vlctory.over.Spanlar---------W aeso-in-a successfui-sta___« fe n s e .

*:*B<>rg* was never uiid ^ i n g the 1 hour 20 mlm ^ cen te r court. A fter’I

~ f ie ld -h is opening serve, Com plete control, n ^ n g

J l r ^ s e t . wllh a delica <{ouble-fistcd backhand.^ Borg broke the Spanian

■ » llc a d in th c a c x ts e lb e f ( b is service for the only jjia tch . The Swede cam e I ^ a te ly v however, wrapp

__ R c o n d _ .s e t . ju s t _befor«Bownpour forced the playe

— ^W h e n -p ta y -re su m e d , J a te r uhder leaden skies, B

_____ ^Y ln^ic fn fintch thi>lu r th e r In tem jptions. Aft b u r ijf tm es 'w en t with p a m p io n raced through U p his appointed d

------- fbco'nd round.---------------- -JfThe-Swede.-who.wm be 5

^ t-w eek .-ad in illcd -Ja tc r-{b top condition but sal (dcased with h is re turn td t

- — Blayfollow ing-his-flrst-roi-------M onto C arlo six weeks ago.------- l ^ " So m etfme6'-l -was-ml66

& o u ld ‘not have missed,_ i ^ r y pleased with the wa;

. g )d a y ," he said. “ I felt ver mood shape. I have beenigpry hflrri fnr Iho p u d tu?iC tockholm aiMd in P aris ." • S Borg. _whose "heavy ti R e a l ly suited to the slow sui

. M n fessed he found it dli M in g ab le to pick' up a rac S is four-week«nforced rest.

. « “ I t is a long tim e and \ - fcoming.up yflu.need.tftplay.

^ n n i n g ev e iy day and ]usl w a y in good condition, physica lly , but I h ave to lift Ib 100 percent. My^shouli

___ H ave m e anv problem s todiS e e n lucky, it w as not a real to ju ry .”P B org acknowledged his R ig h tly below the level of

’ A h e n he retained his F r V im b led o n titles. "B ut I ^ p r o v e every day ." he w fcm ju s t a s hungry for titles

& T h ird -s e e d e d A m erlcx A lcE nroe had m ore troubli ih o to g ra p h e r than f ro m 'a

__w in c e v a n fa t le n o n N o .! coi5 In te rm itten t ra in caused

— 3 0 td u p b ^ b thv 22-yudr-Qld'tC * o n 6 -2 , M .M .

. ^ B ut the New Y orker’s tem{ :<)fler In th e sew n d set whei

— SlpM t- by tKe c o i^ a n t cilcii • iam e ra . H e fired two bail

— ^ip ec tio n of-the stan d where ^tographer w as standing.

_3 i-i? It,w as-ju sL to .leL lhc .pen >-hat^ th e situation w as," 1 ^ I d . “ It w as not a t the photo 1 would never do that. I t w;

> M cEnroe escaped any cens ^ e um pire.!$ Van P a tte n seem ed discouj j lh e ra in .

“ It bothered him m ore thi T flcE nroe said . "H e Just thrc ^ e s e c o n d s e t . "

. B-4 Tlme9-Wew8. Jwiflshaw \

A D S H A W . . I" :* ! r l e s f a i l e d

starts i f

i ttarises P

Jnseeded Adriano ^ red tbe first upset ■ ch Open Monday. ^I Harold Solomon on a rainy open-

Italian, who de- ' 2 ^ - this title in J 9 7 6 . , . ... ■ pponent to settle ■.6-2. Ifo r-h is baseline 'I by the constant e o f showers and y o fP an a tta . r-old from -Fort .. ■ . rongiy contested I « c o n d h e le d M ■1 th ree g am es in ^

jlonion was out- by the Italian. ‘ b ^ t form since ■ nd French titles 9

jog in the ra in • |^off because of vlncing straigh t t la rd Jo seL o p ez ., . ^ a r t t a h i r t l t l e — ------

jiidef p r e ^ ^ ^ ~ ilnutes.he spent (r lx ^ -IM a se o k b Hm -ve» -Borg took 4n g o frth cn e .\t ■ ’ .On to clinch the ■ llcately played

lard twice for a t l g p - iwforcdropping ily tim e la the nc back imme- ■ apping up the ' fore . a . iieavy -ayers inside; W S B d, 65 m in u te s - s, Borg seem ed I itchbefo re^ny— — After the first B th serve, the ';h the next four S B W a i date in tHe

be25 y ea rro ld — —,tcr-he w asno l— B --------said he was. td tournament ;-round-e.<lt-in—'go- ...........- —ii66ing-toil9-l— ----------id, but I wasway 1 played / ^ ] \very fit and In*n p rac tld n g .aw o-w eeks4n— -------------

lo p ^ s p ln : 'l s " ^ ^ L ^ 'su rfacehere .

difficult not V O R racket during ,

Id wilh P a r is ' B lay. But I w as ^ 5 ^just trying lo j a t m S .........n. 1 am fit f l B V lift m y gam e

ouider never B ^today, I ,have___B _ ____ Areally serious ^

ils form was f f f pof last yea r \= = ss^ I f IFrench and ■ ,1 1

t I hope to B l v | v: warned. " I B I mlies as I ever q . V J

•lean Jo h n ^ uble from as’compatriot Bcourt. ■ ______^

sed constant______________Btllc frh an d er L f ly S V

smpcr boiled ■ Iifhen he was B ________&licking of a B Ibails In the B -icro-lho pho-- ---------

?e rso n .k n Q w .j« ^ ^ ." McEnroe ^ lotographer. B : was a t the B -

ensure from | / 5 ^ -

jou ragedby j p

than m e ," B hrcw aw ay

rwin Falls , Idaho T u esd ay , h^ May 26,1981


3 rad sh aw rsay tn g he feJt ltke- jlo n d sy ia ila y Jn io o lb a lH o ra s f ie a c c u ra c y tha t i ^ t ^ jL S tc t itampionshlpST ’

“ T h e re 's going to be no more h a t 's a p rom ise,” 3 ra d sh a w & 'v e m ade to myself.” __ B radshaw last w eek encled mo

/he ther he would end his footl lievlsion 'actor. He telephoned S nd 'said he would report to 'ittsburgb sta rtin g th is yeek . “ I 'm happy that h e 's back a

ladc his decision,'-’ sa id Noll Me r quarte rback school a t Three a sh isd ec is io n .”Bradshaw , 32, has in prevloi o«ld_rclire._bul_specuIaUonJx hen NBC launched "T he Stock radshaw and country w estem si Bradshaw had said if (hc nctw > would end h is football career. However, hc said Monday that


LIFIO n A l i B i

a n d B i g <

6 IG-(

" HEAVY Dl. L ifa tim * S

V/orranty ^

op lay l‘ittsburgh q uarterback Terry ke-a~"prod lg a r ^ n ,” vowed" :^ lo n f f a s h c could jjass with U ceiers to four Super Bowl

xire talk abou( retirem ent — said. " I t ’s a prom ise that

m onths of speculation about ootball ca reer lo become a . xl Steelers Coach C^iuck Noll

to quarterback school in

k and I'm happy that he’s M onday on the opening day ,

•ee R ivers Sladium. "But il

vlous y ears announced he. ; iJjecam e Intense this y e a r „ ockers.” a pilot co-starring | n singer Mei Tilljs. ctworlitpurchosed the pilot.- ' Jr. • thal he decided last yoar lo

i S^ l l l

I p 1 ®


E l l


I g - O B r a n d N e w 1


R ^ i d lC L A S S BELT W H IT E W A ll

4 0 “S ix 0 P 1 8 5 /7 5 R * 1 3 P l u f l .B O F .e .T o x


« f a r * 9 8S ix * 1 5 -7

S -O B R A N D ............

DUTYSHOCKSI n s t a l l ^ l o i

• a c h A v a l l a b l*

1981 sey s to ^ p lay ln g r^ jttrd lesso f

h evenlfthepU ofgoLcancel] I " I was m entally exbau

back-to-back (1979 and IM ^ didn’t h av e a chance to « t fam ily. I ju s t think I was rc

But th e pilot, aired in Al t . lld led o fa m a ss lv e h e a r ta l 1 thinking m ore and m ore ab I ■"The decision was strio I k ln d o fb a p p ra e d .I ju s ta l l

abou tp lay ing .”B ut B radshaw said be ]

outside football to “ quality “ I’m Jusl going to play f0(

- to le t th e outside in terest ' appealing get to m e anymoi — B radshaw _sald-he,.had

team m ates ' reaction to him “ I felt kind of like a stram

"B u t the team " reacted I th ey ’d reac t. LikeDOtfajjig's

."Thank God 11 ( |hepHot) l


kK>drichR a d i <


Siie 1 7 5 / 70

B B 'F lu }2.0d F.E.

^ A l l R a d i a l T / - a t B u p B P -S iiM i



t r e a d s

T i r M

---------- — A I I - R o d 3 ^ 8 (

- 4PlyPolyost€WhitewallS h» A 7 8 /1 3

2 7 9 0

RIu* 1.58 F . t Tax


I 1

Ion ,*

^asonof (besuccesso((heDli0t.____was I wasn’t going to com e ba< »U ed ."besa ld . austed . and tbe (wo Super & I960) added to I t," h e said; “ I0 enjoy-m yself — ray Ja n n . srea lly tlred ."1 April, was-panned by critics t a(tack .” hesa id . " I found my aboutfootball.”

ricUy ray own," he said. " I t all of a sudden gol kind of exc

le p lans to res tric t h is activl Ity productions.’ football," h esa id . " I ’m not go esls tha t a re so exciting and n ore.”Bd been nervous regarding ilm iqw nh isretum . a n g e r—a prodigal son,” hc s£ d the way I should have kno g'sbappened.it) failed. I’m glad toDe h ere .’'


S l l f e



i a l ^

to B 13 9

9 5 - | l

■ / A * stfingn!_______


II - ( J


Whc A I

W e stSta b b


■ Bowis S ta le police Monda " I J u s t - stabbing o f West V

TD, .my- -- - basketljaU p layer I . ~Ing a scuffle outsi

ics and complex w here b ev m yself CoUlns, a 6-foot-9

cen ter, w as treate ■It just G eneral H o ^ ita l f jxclted neartberigh tk idne ;

P olice said b e wa livlties night during an alti

m en outside ibe On 1 going n ea r downtown, w snd so driving range, a mir

and o th e r amusemei [)g his A spokesm an for

C!olllns, 22. who is-i csa ld . Heights, Iii., and- known college second-tea

w as working when e . '‘ . curnyJ

f c




BIg-O-------B E fc M I

l 2 « oP l u i 50* F.E . T a x

S lx*« 6 0 0 - 1 3 . 6 5 0 - n , 695-1

— ^ im a n e iiI

3-6-12 M: O N A P

A s k S a l



" ' - -

l o r e S e r v ic o d L FACT, M ot J u

: Virginia xeitwiiileW ' W.Va. (UPI) - Theday investigalcd-lbe askedVirginia University ^epfxx

: P hil Collins follow- scuffloIside a recreational atlackc) works. ------------------ knife.-1-9. 22(H>ouQd junior Pollcited a l Monongalia m en;w

for a knife wound Polioley end released. assailaivas stabbed Sdnday bu( thelitereallon with (wo fight.3ne-Gn-0ne, located f .- . .,- which contains a

linialure golf course - ®

I- a form er junior Collin sam All-America, ball at m the incident oc- Chicago





Sempii. Rdm<I F O R S M A L L I

- TeatlloBelti 3 size 155 SR

f 3 2 'Plus *1.37 F.E. •

O t h a r » « m p « r l t I



3 0 *Plu»i68«F.E .Tox

S -U Six* 155SR13


r t O N T H S T O P A 'P PR O V E D CREDIT :a t* im a n fo rD * ta l ls


T W I N F A U211 A d d iso n V/

7 3 3 -6 3 7 3 m v H L j n

■ T ruck.Lan* - — -229t■ 5 4 3 -4 3 2 8 32.B U B L I Y

2 1 9 E ast M ain 2 5 VV 678-24,11___43J

H A n L f d N B U I1 5 8 M ain 72^8 2 9 -5 9 7 4 . 4 3 6

& S o l« c tio n A lis t A P ro m is *


a p lay e r e jv o rk in g ,'h e 4>okesman said a fte r Collins :ed two patrons to leave, they all pped nii(-<iitfe the d u b rA s Collins Jfled with one. the o ther m an jcked -h lm from, behind -with a

^ollce w ere looking for two the two... a; wbo fled after the stabbing, oilce said they w ere told one ofthe ' ’ ailants apparently had a handgun ... the weapon w asn 't used *ln the

It. • •Dllins, a buslocss m ajor, cam c to U a fte r leading Dodge Clly (Kan.) ior College to a 31-2 record. Jn-ling 29 straight victories and.a No.__lional ranking in 1979. lillns played high school basket-

a t Carl Sandburg High in a g o 's Southwest Suburban Con- nee.


| r | :

)erit T idls ‘t - C A R S A

^ 1 2 J '

jjtR adlqls f i S t w P r U M

a d siSON -


r ~ [ f

' wkBLE ■IME ; ■

l u sn W m t ■^3 - . I .inoMi29 E ast M ain 324-4389P A U L I

5 W est Ellis I4 3 8 -5 4 1 8 ■

i w n j / S v7 2 4 Scott . A U P < 3 6 ^ ? 3 2 r______

A r e

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

i ■ i

r * '

_____ • j;

-------- !

'H a l M c R a e fee

M urifi< i th e a c t

\^ (DUBLIN. Ohio (UF

F e f ^ cap tured h is (i victory.SuQday by wlnni rial T oum am cnt,' but o vlcUir h ad to sh a re ho M uiriieid Village goir CO . Mulrfield, known by i Tour to be demanding, i

.'position a s one of the toi golf.

F ergus en tered the I three-under-par, one shi N brm rily,_iljajtes_a ro

Ton th e la s t day to ji w inner’s circle.

But F ergus won the by ‘ shoo ting . a final

■unde^pa^ 71, good enou .shot ^ g e over Jacic '■four-under-par winning i biecausc' none of the c could shake loose enou, m ake up any ground.- - -

“^..Wone of top 91 golfers ;:was ab le to-breakTO on U; :tho first tim e tha t’s hap .sbc yea rs of the (oumam(• • TTie high scores w ere '~^lie n ea r perfect weat . '^ e s and tcm p era tip is ii

■ However , - l h e ' - s u K ^• a l j ta d y ' fast g reens a bocame rock hard they c& aslngly difficult to put ' . . l ^ p l t e theh lg h score: w ph alm ost unanimoi

-ppalse for the-par-72, ■course, wMlch w as dc . o iinedbyJackN lck laus., "You’ve got to p lay th( .slipt h e re ," said Fergus, ;T exafi-an tl-a-lW 6-g rad

fahcyKyou'il shooUoJjuncl F e rg u s didn’t g et fanc)

- round. He had only'two• .unlike his pursuers, he h :;tx)gey.r,TT"J -was Just trying to-• Y ^ h ave to b e p atien t ar

fairw ay," he said. U “ drive the ball well a n c ^ ;g i ^ n . I did it a s well a s 1 c ; R enner said the course I brutal 1 have ev e r played,

'.jnp re difficult today becai blpwhard a t tim es.’’

Despite his , cautious pi found him self in serious tt w&en^his tee shot went int bimk^r about 175 yards g r ^ n on thp 4?7*ynrdj p a 71)6 ball w as below his fc< the iip of the trap, but h s i ^ r b shot, hooking the b green and he two putti winning par.

R enner sta rted the day a and w as four-under a fte r l bogeyed the par-three 12 par-four Mth and finished v

Tom Watson, the 1979 champ, m ade a b rief chai lead, but bogeys a t Nos. IS him out of contention a n d : with a 74 and. a four-dr one-under 287, which tle<

. third - w ith -G ero g e . Arc! Stadler and Tom Purtzer.'' The touring pros move on

difficult course th is week travel to W ashington for tl Open a t Congressional Com , 'F e rg u s-sa id he-p lans ti K emper and the followir ment.

-------upplan to-take two weeisaid. " I ’ve p layed the l a s t . and 1 have found tha t fo weeks Is about enough a t on

But, be said, he will de back next y e a r to defend hi altiUe.

"The course is tough but looking forw ard to re tu r sald.

i f £ t ^

fe e ls h e ’s t h e ro o s t c o n s

ie ld ’s S :tual « i r t o r “ 3

(UP!) - Keith s first PGA tourlnnlng.the.Memo=_ ..............It once again the honors with the

fcourse.- ■by golfers on the lg, reaffirmed its '! toughest tests in I 1

le final round at ! shot off the lead. t round in jh ^6 0 s_ - _ _ n r ) jum p into the ' Q £

*563,000 top prize ■ j mlal round one- l\\\nough for. a one- Imck Renner. His I Mng total stood up U \l e other leaders ' " Mfiough Mrdles to H v

'ers In the world- H n the final day — ■happened in the jment.;re recorded de- D i l l'eathei*'— clea r " ' / l l U lesJnthelow BO s.-, -RICH^ t w - : o u l l t l u £ : i ' ' ■i ahd a s 't h e yhey becam e In-pult. ■ REVIares, the golfersmous In th e ir - -PACK•-72,-7,116-yard— ; - 2 1 - 2 / ;

designed aiid ___ _us. ----------the percentage

JUS, a native of. 'r a d u a te - o f - th o -

inch..”.--:--------------—^ ---------mey in tho finalWJ b lrd leS 'B iit ^ .TT;le had only one \

to -m ake-pars. t and keep ll in"U u s t tried to f - 'c ^ c t It on the H51 could.’; t i r■se is "the m ost jfed. It w as even ^cause the w in d ' 1

i Play. F g rn is ---------- ^IS trouble on IB jinto a fairway f l

irds from the '•par-four holo.

i feet and near li ire played a le ball onto thetutted f o r . his Mod«i VS.

21‘ SvU-pily a t Iwo-under e r 10 holes but

12ih and the J P M » lw lth a 7 ] . ■ ■979 M emorial . " A arge for the •. IS and 16 put nd he finished .<J2y score of tied him ' for

ircher, Craig .............r.'5 on to another .«k when they - i r lh e K e m p e r- lountryCIub. ' .3 to -skip t i e -r - )wing to u m a - ''

/eeks off,—he — ----------------is t five weeks . four to five tone lim e." ., definitely be

dh isM em ori-

3ut I’m really ilumlng,’’ he . " •

" -


n s ls te n t D H in b a s e b a l l '




UFFSAWNCEDAR: h n a t u r a l c e d . ^ - . -


CKAGE CONTAINS ..............2/3Sq.l=»_____ ___________

“cardI i. .. _ s /8 "

6 ’


F IR R II2 " x 2 " x

L U M B I■ s

. ------- Fl:

SIZE 8 ' J 1( 2 x 4 ~ W ~ 1^

1x4 !■1x 6 a - y 1x 8 V S

1x 12 V P

TheV Kansa


establishm ent has gr.............IheJCansas CllyJloyai

..... ........ .._The, spo rt's hlghccharged racism In li

'T - — A m eriran-Lcague bai h is team m ate Georg< insldo-thfrpark home of the season.

And all of baseball t

. w ith a fiylng body bloc try ing to break up a A m erican-League the Royals and Yanke<

Too outspoken, the firessive, they echoed m ent eyen adopted 11: "M cR ac-JiuJe." follo\ dorph that forbade run

K, . all over the, diamond V ' v doubleplays.

___ T ake that. Hai McRa•i ^ M cilae look i t . . . .■ V baseball cared to hanc

th e sam e Hal McRae___^CincinnaiLRedS-ln_l£

course, of that omnipre M cRae, you see, has

Jp{ gam e. He took a basebt it to his liking, and dar m eet his standards. M


lOMEWITH PANEL I Old English II - E x t o r i o r l o b l t f o r i n s h

* 1 4 .9 5Stockade Wal

I R u s t i c - l j o a u f / . S 'c T io V o o f r o o lW o l n u f .

* 8 .6 93 . $ 1

MEft- NEtlHM A R T C O N T E M P O R A R


o S S E gHamtftyo

1 ^ 9 9 altook

' W

Modal 2077521- SwU-propcIM Mttldi«-E

3 6 9 ^IN G S T R' x 8 - 8 0 ‘ e o .

E R S P E CS / B & N 0 . 2 P I N E -

F i rA L o r c h K llr i'D r lo d P r c o P o r P Ioco

10' I 12' I 14 ' 16 ' 1 ” 1 * * 1 “ I "

1 “ !■ * a ”y .

3 » » « " « “

as City’s He st position cMo. (U PI) - The bascbi

grown to resent, Hal McRae jrals. —_ncr;ups„winccd_.when ,McR;

1976 when he lost out on tl )attlng championship by ;001 •ge Brett a f te r a controversl JC run by-Brett on the final di

11 shivered when McRae almo

ock on national television whi a double p lay during the 19: Charhpionshlp Series -betwet (ees.hey said ..of McRae. T o a ai ed a year la ter. T^ie-establisl Its pound of cure, dubbed tli

lowing the incident wllh Rai unners from chasing Infielder J ^ l e a ttem pting to break u

Rac._______________________. . and all else with whIc indcuff him. And he rem aine le who first broke In wllh th J970^W llb_lhe_exccplion_o resen tsm ileofh is.. os a secre t: he h as beaten thi iball tool of Ihd owners, shape< lared the A m erican League t< McRae revolutionized a seg


Oak lj\ Mls id o - o s o r - : - . ~ I f ^ - ' -

9a l n u t v > " - - = i lractorT31fcV L’-

ING— SkRY L O O K . ^

t m d o n e w i t h o n t I


r iV

------------------------ ^

Mod«il 6 8 6 0 ® ^ -D*ltuc« 21- Hond-prop«U«



y 1 8 ' I 2 0 ' I W /I

R /L

I --------------------------R /L::________________ R /L

__________ ; R /L- I I R /L

[al McRae cl and he did i

ebali m ent o f ih e national p ae of realizing it.

M cRae h as rcdefln( cRae. ..h itter.' the "T heD H w asdeslg i 01 to a n am e who could sta> Tstal hom e ru n s ," said Mcf I day old m an with power;--------and then go to first.most ■■H’ctnm oH m it (q b lolph it’s iu m e d out to.be mo vhile won’t clog the bases; 5 1977 double ploy, go from.fi

veen a n ex tra base on hits ai " I think I’ve given

- ag- When it first cam e In. lish- old guys a s designated 1 the se e how m any old guys ^an- M cRae cam e to the P qers designated h itte r’s Incc K up babe of an Americar

, crew lhat featured thi--------- Robinson.-O rlanda^erhich Howard and Tony Olivo ined since then, m en 11 •he Killebrew. R Ic o -C a r

_oI_W lJJlam s.-JJoog P«u-cJJ- played out the string

the designated hitters. The pod K ansas City’s full-time e to w as in 1975 when Killeb >CB* h is final season.

h s

; L U X ^ F I V E F O O T

A E L A M l N E T U B ,

z z z j y r z z z ^

- M

f e


I T ,. ; ' \--------- — D R E S S ^ P Y

------------------------B A T H ^ i

MIRROIPLAIN 7 9 ^ S q .F l

PLACE & PIF L O O R T IL E -B o a u

P a t t e r n s t o C h o o s e

1‘ I

U^SI(UBa00«r fiffl

i 9 ? s

L____ —


' _______S . . _________

:hanged theI it despite scII pastim e wlUiout baseball ev<

fined the role of the designate

signed for a clunker: a guy wit ;tay around a while and hil a fc HcRae. "It wns designed fo ra e r: someone who’d hit the bn

0 bc.aJiltle.diH eronU han that jn o re . The DH ts now a guy wh s ; someone who'll b reak up th m .first to third on a single, tak s and even steal a base o r two. ’en the role a new dlmensior in. they were using all kinds o ted hitters. But look around am a y stherearenow ." ■JC Royals In I97J, the y e a r of thi inception. Al 26. McRae w as Ihi lean I.*ague deslgnated-hiitei

the venerable likes of FranI C epeda^om m y-D aviB .-Franl liva.1 like Hank Aaron. Harm oi Carty, Willie Horton. BlHj eJU nd Alex Johnson-havc alsc ring of brilliant c a ree rs as The one year M cRae was not ime designated h itte r. In fact, ilebrcw came to the R oyals for

4 x ~ 2 x

- 1 X I


. D0 4 T— ; f e YOURSEI.F



I ^* Y O U Rw r T H --------------------------------


’RESS f t»aut(fu ls e F r o m l i / f i y j

^ o c s w i p T c


f 4

... [sA ll

m mAaPRlCES.F.(


J role of bast ;ome rdugh;-(!ver As those veterans gr;

rep laced 'b y younger ni Ited p lay ers oul of the McRai

In recent days, player vlth ro le of designated hitter few Not one is likely to ever I •an hom o run hitter.Ball N or Is.McRao. But he

every other phase of I lat;— caree r-av c rag e-d u rin g vho A m erican Leaguer, the M cRae has posted th ake been inside of .297 on >• finished runner-up to on. League batting 'crow n '> of be tte r season the fdllowl ind h is C areer highs of 104 n

trip les, 21 hom e runs a the posted the best record in

M cRae has won the Ici o f the Y ear" aw ard twlc (1976 and 1980). He claln When he batted .297 with

ijjj, 124 gam es a s his Royi jjy A m erican League champ

iso------ ‘A nd-w ^iaH nore'can"as y ea r? We won the penna lot Series. I drove in 83 runs ct. h it .297,1 was voted the or Y ear.’ I guess lha t meai

• p a r tic u la r jo b .l 'v o b ee n g


r --------------------- — $ ■x 6 " x 6 ' _______ __ ,

" l u d e s :

< 4 x 8 C e d a r P o s t s < 4 X 8 F IR U T IL IT Y R / c 6 X 6 D O G E A R E D I



1 0 % o . . |; MNFS- LIST - —

;u b a c o u nTH E N O . \ CH

$ 6 ® ow RUNNII



~ ~ ~ G



i d m o n demational

F .0 .B :S T 0 R E 2 1 2 T h l r d i Tv*ln Foi

T u e s d a y , May 26,1981 Tin

seball’srobstacles5 gradually re tired, they w ere •T more aggressive players —:R ae mold.lyers still In their 20’s filled theliter for.their respectivc-clubs______ver m ake the Hall of F am e a s a

I he has excelled in lust'about of hitting to establish a .295 ring-hls-fclghLseasons_as ~ an ___

d three .300 seasons and has on two o ther'occaslons. He to Brett for the A m erican

w n'in 1976 and h ad an even lowing y ear when h e collected M ruiis. 191 hits, 54 doubles. 11 IS and 92 RBI a s the R o y a ls , d in baseball (102-6 0 ). c league’s "D esignated H itter twice In its e igh t-year h istory . -d s im s ^ J h e .h o n o c J a s i^ a s o n _____with 14 hom ers and 83 RBI In Royals won their first ever impionship.

ranX -do-lhalT dldn’r d o 'I a s r ---------innant; we w to t to th e Worid runs In only 120 ball gam es, I the 'D esignated H itte r of the neans I was the best a t my en good to the gam e.’’

I A t “FENCING ~ $ 4 4 0

U nrFI.------------- - "


■ R A IL S

D F |R b o a r d s ' -




lb) ® Jl/ 1 |— --------

W jl l f

30 G al.g a r b a g e.CANS


r 3 0 ih ■ g r t

ird A v * . S o u th ’ - F a lls . I d a h o .

Timos-Nowa, Twin Falls, Idaho B-5

. . / . ' / I

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents


as‘si A B C -

r t w ' W' NEW YORK (UPI), W inter Olympics invo Ju s t allowing a triple

; I t involves tecimlcBi ^ e n piillosophical p it

i lire to provide some■ n ights-tor-A B G -T elei

personne] between noi; . th e 1984 G am es convei

Y ugoslavia. \■ " I t ’s a trem endous c

Jo h n M artin , a progi p re sid en t for ABC Spor

■ s S o f a r , th&netw orki ing S120 million for r duction costs for the m a ssem bling enougii res

Utan-fiO^houn ; betw een Feb . 7>19.! :-W hyaU thetrouble?

::W ell, besides the p w h i r l s coAslderable, i O lym pics. It prevloual 1 ^ 6 and 1964 Gam es in th e 1968 Gam es In Gre Ubn to th ree Summer Gi

!_____::ilW ebelieve.ln the.01I J im Spence, senior vie

ABC sports. "Nobody P lac id could be success ah d esthetlcaliy .": T ha t very attitude

M ten tla l problem. Not ( . . . . tb e .O ly m p lc s th e v ^ y /

^ t i c s charge, among th a t th e Gam es fail to ^O lym pic Ideal" and tl

I ^ p lo ita tlo n o fth em ed ii [ ' ; a BC won the 1980 E m

O ptslandlng Live Sporl i I ts coverage o f the 1980 I a lso received criticism

com pla in t w as over sok: W onderland" coverag c om m en ta to r J im Met ih ie d off the issue of pc j ^ a U o n i n j a v o r of (Jam es. •

____ C ^fi-C urren t_A B C . p rf ------ 1984-8hows- the Olymi........iqueaky-ciean Ideal. 0

d ifficu lt assignm ents ia 6 ven t in perspective a t

! 9{B tsthat'8 exactiyw hat I - " W e /e e l 1980 was an UI

iS o y , 1 2 , p o w d e r _ F

-Y O R K HAVEN, P a . 12-year-old boy w as kill<

A ^ . .ca r_w hlch veered out ol plow ed into tbe p it of the 2

u:___B acew ay_aa_l.«»_^peoi

'A t leaist 12 o thers wei th e frealc accident dui

J _ _ n ig h t’s all-women powdei th e N ew berry T o v ^ l p < ^ ’s d riv e r apparentl

_____ w h en ih e .w aaa tn ic ii.fro jan o th e r c a r , and h it the ih stead of the brake, si

1 la d d lc k , co-owner of the r i— r"S fie -Ju s t- d rt)ve-il-rij ; - g u a rd ia n and into the pe

r. G

■ -.-Mo]... :.......... ‘ C

1 £Effect

: T h e i n l e r e s l T: ’ r a t e a n d su L : . p a i d o n c e r m a t u r i t y . I

r e q u i r e a s m i n i m u m p r o h i b i t c o r

~ f ; “ i h c p e r i p d o i ^ c h d c p o s i

■ V (u ir iv r il t« n c x ___Ik in k & -’I'rii.sf.s

ni!(!d.H o r !(.< Icx' _ . - «p«n to public

nn ie Allij )ro\^ngf4 s a tis fa c t

: - T V g e

i ^ i n t e r C? n . - Televising a safd. "I nvolves more t h ^ . from an iple axel from 14 worthy,

--------------------------th e seenleal, practical, and Airoth problems tha t fig* a weakc n e long days and h av e 6eleleuision.netw ork__ w hen thnow aijd the U m e_ p a rtlc ip ; ivene in Sarajevo, NBC hai

ex tensivischallenge," sald c a s t lhal rogramming vice- "P eop ports. o v e r whp tp ro jec ta jp en d :__ Spence^r rights ahd pro- broadcai e m ammoth Job of Spenc( resources lo pres*’ assu red x irs o f th e G am es— thfn g -ftj

netw orke? G am es tli possible profit. In 198Q le, ABC enjoys the H elden )usly c o v e r t the d re a ry j iin ln n sb n ick an d and drei Srenobie, In addi- m ate ly l r Games. positiv e !s.Oiymplcs,l!-sald— ^'Baset vice president of l ^ k e Pla

dy believed Lake ABC’s P ressful financially Sales,

aud ienceude presents a D ecidii lot everyone lo v e ' a n d whe l y i ^ C does. The problem s mg other things;— d a y s avei to live up to the p e r day.

d that they Invite prog ram i edia. " B e c a iEmmy Award for m ost of t ports Special for de layed tj .980 G am es but it req u ire u Ism. The biggest w e fill tho KH^ailed "W inter Again, rage in which M oretli «cK ay allegedly -h a sa lre a i f poor bus trans- o f $160,00 of extolling the a v e rag e i

■ s devoted ti promo f lim 'fo r ..f ig u re s to

/m pics a t the ir -com m ercl . One of ABC's m a in s a t B is to keep the thenetw o: ! and Spence in- $14 m lilloi liat will happen. "W e exj n u n fa lr ra p ," h e Spence.

, killed by ‘ puff race c■a. (UPI) - A d lck -sa id r Idlled by a race m e ta l. '’ t of co n tr^ and — T h e boy he Susquehanna ^lecjeopIe_watched— H ospital-a

wan= in jum l i„ during Sunday

inlly panicked -N e w b e r I ro m .W iln d J iy P A 'iS L " ! " lhe accclerato> didn’t exjx , said Virginia te raceway. d riv e r. C ar -righ t-In to-the v - - "She's-p: ! people." Led- said .

G reat R at

Dney M a r Certificate

5.925ctive May 23 th ru .e s t r a l e . s l a t e d h e r e is • u b j c c t l o c h a n g e o n n c e r t i f i c a t e s o n l y w h ( . M o n e y M a 'r k e t C i I s ix m o n t h t e r m a i 1 d e p o s i t l ; e d o r a l i c o m p o u n d i n g o f i n t e r 1 o f t h e M o n e y M a r k e t D s i lo r i n s u r e d u p t o S

uilly liM-ciiHx iiiilMlnm.

P IDAHO BANKt w im nifin tH n rc JiU'iJcd refi H'.s p o rfo rn ian T O Jn .sjitLsfyl Icxvii (H)mniiinhiR.s. All h iu lie in ^ p e c U u n ..

win Falls, Idaho . T u esd ay , M

ison is4 i s t e d - ^

to ry ’

BaringG a r r i e s" I t 's not our intent to look awa anything negative. If It's newt

ly , we'H cover it. W e'll go behinjenes to cover Itr^— ^ ^ ----------7thez;problcm is the possibility 0 jkened Olympics. ABC hopes ti be tte r luck than NBC did in 198G the boycott canceled Americai

;lpatlon in-the S um m er Games had invested heavily and madi sive preparations for a broad hat never mnterlallzed.K>ple say we m ust be gloalln{ w hat happened to NBC," sale«» **Nft It’B tinrrihio fmm tcastlngstandpoln t."nee says ABC is virtuall)ed against having the same

rk cannot control is whether the s them selves wll) be Interesting. 980. the hockey team and Eric n redeem ed ao otherw ise / perform ance by Americans irew an -audience of approxl- f 170 million. ABC expects the ^em em oriestohelp ln 1984. sed -o n -th e m edla-success-of Placid,” said John T. Lazarus,

P residen t o f Marketing and "w e antic ipate even greater

lce!evelsln l984 ." ding w hat th e audience will see 'hen It will be seen Involves m s also. Sixty hours over 13 verages to m ore than'4*^ hours ly , and little, if any, o f the immlng will be live.;ause of the tim e difference, if the program m ing will be on d tap e ." said M artin, “ This will 3 us to be very creative in how Ihoseeohours.'* n. why all the trouble? i than half the advertising timo eady been sold a t the nifty cost 1,000 p e r 30 seconds. With an e of seven m inutes per hour i to com m erelats, the network to sell $134.4 million worth of

ircial -tim e. H- the-outlay -te­a t the projected $120 million, work can reap a profit of about lion.expect to m ake a profit,” said

‘panicky’ car driverI d r ’SheT iad 'the pedal to lhe~

toyrR obert-Shortiidge - J r . o f - led a t Meniorial Osteopathic 1-about-one-hour-lalet^-York— Coroner Kathryn Fourhm an ! cause of death was severe juries, a fractured skull andntuslons:-------------*— -----------t e r r y -T o w n sh ip P o l ic e ^ William^ y ^ said h e _ (pect any charges io l> ^ iIed lit of the accident against the JarolS tottlem yerofY ork. rp re t ty w eirshaken up,” he' '


rk e tte

J June-.1i s a n a n n u a l

1 r e n e w a l a n d h e n h e l d t o C e r t i f i c a t e s a n d SIO.OOO

r e g u l a t i o n s : c r c s t d u r i n g Bt C e r t i f i c a t e .I S 1 0 0 .0 0 0 .


K & T in ^•cfiardlng Idaho fy in ^ th o crcd it iiirh idlturH a rc

,May2fl,19fl1 . ■

. - CHARLOTTE, N.C. T he condition of stock Donnie Allison w as tqjgi

- guarded to "unsalisft s ta b le " Monday. -

----------- "H e’fflraprovedBomenow listed io unsatiifi

; s tab le condition." said M em orial Hospital s John Lottlch. -

I- ■


tyof is to 1980, ican Ties, lade oad-a .allyim e

theing.Srlc/iseans u

the ; _

-o f- ;■us,andIter

seeves . I-

13 urs the

ce.on .

v lll. ^ ow

moost ' • ..............anlurirkofre------ : .

)n, . ')Ut

■ Me

i d smre

;elea ---------------------------------le

,e -7^1/1



:. (UPI) ^ - ^ e i u J( c a r d river T h e y ( )gradcd from guardedlsfactory b u t ..........' “ Allison

cu^slon.new hatrH els— ;— b te d e r ta ifaetory. but rib s andlid .Charlotte..........co llis io n ;

spokesm an “ 600 r a c e ' Bobby.


agic V

a d iJ u

m n F ^ hH io le sT T n ^


P a id e r ------------— — a G G < a m (

entry.lu n c h e c

Entries cl'T ^ - o t f tim

L o w g r p s j


bad a good night last night, ( d o c to r s ) h a v e b e e n

edly optim istic.”(on, ; 41. suffered a con- n. broken righ t shoulder - b r o k e n ^ e f r K n e e T b l ^ '^ nd a bru ised left lung in a in Sunday during the World X won by h is o lder )a» ther.

I P ■C*'*

i mV a l l ^

t e

r n eI s M u n k

clal~playrFii(Maximum h

e n t r y - f e e :

e n tr y , c a r t r e s e r v a ■ n p a n y -a l l-e n tr ie s —yr. includes: cce o n a n d a w a r d s .

;lose at 4 n e s , . b o th d.

5S, lo w ~ n e t f

MP t

bt. Donnie Allison spun en tu m during the lS2n

400-lap race and his in- o ff the wall before c e r a nother c a r . H e was en w henrescuew orkersl a from h is car.

id . Lottlch said Allison ‘T, th e hospital’s intensh

- w as "groggy and letli

k w

?’ o

1 8 ^f c i p a l G c

-ie ld lif tiite rd

’ handicap is 36

;« 2 Mi l a t io n s a n d h a n d ic i

C o f f e e , ro lls , G re e

l-:00p,.md a y s : 8 : 3 0

'p a y o f f s in (

\4 a i l y o u L e r ,


un in the^burth ■ the-:conc2nd lap o f the encourajis car.bounced . talking

colliding w ith wife, P al as unconscious■s rem oved him Bobby

b ad trouon, wbo was in ' ra c e Sunsive care unit, bad beeijtharg ic '’ from visited M


/ \

- 1 9oif-Qaair t c n - 2 c r p i ^

. - y - ......... '

Ec a p s m u s t '

s e n F e e s ,

I . , June 1D a n d 1 0 : 1 5

e a c l r f l i g h t

n t r y J o L DON HAMB P.O. BOX 14 TWIN FALL83301 - - •


but officials w ere iiraged because be had been ng with h is nurses and h is;; “

jby Allison, adm itted be trouble coDcentrathig on tbe Sunday imowing his brother been seriously injured, also d Monday m orolng .,

i f ' 1 -

i r s e 1

a y e r s

16 '5 ■ ' "

it- ■ ■ I ■


■ . -fr. •• r

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

s1 _____________________

! M iS S t ^mttsbyMT L

J S ^ M H M Sl

■"Ij - m


I [both

_'i i ijSNOW ONLY . .



BLACKER'S— ; ---------------WARR>

..... - ^ -

FURNEARIY M Q IIG M ISBrown herculon.

— ; — - W o r $ 6 3 » :W 7 T r

MATCliniGLDKSCJ ------- W o . * 5 9 9 .9 5 . . .

SOFASUEPERBrown rust.W ot $ 4 7 9 .9 5 . . . .

P U n iS lE E P tR .- -Q u e«n s iz e brown

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F\WI ^


fASHER-DRYEIir A 5 6 0 0 d' 6 3 5 0 ^ 1

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4 .0 0 0 B W Q uiet •C om poct




I■ '4


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Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

■ Wiif

1 h Im Si. I I H &

f | ^ H |~ i h WP

l i 'H oyU — ------AU-ethiv ta n d c l

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: B .f© ^ ^- - • D*IM» «w«r m. _________________ had vcilkhi Ihal• miMii fm<> hM<



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LEWS .*e7{5 M a in A v*. E

W l



Sf«*IWa»hea.k«t le Dry In Dfv«rr»lm*rlftWo*h*r................. .......y«r •xhouit for EMrgy Saving » h « r i d ^ o r o r * m I« p r i c «

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M ott cors H igh!♦ *Fora« long 0* you own yo

W a o k l y t i M i

Curt's Car (7 3 4 -3 3 8 3

W l A d d l j o n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


*5iS j K S j T a .3~ ^3

tu re m ale Hoodie. All :"TS*i2)pIo, great tor o p c i I - d o e s not sh ed . C om e b r e ^ is very popular.i d P o u n d -1 3 9 S ix th A v — 4:30.7 P;M r7 3 » 0860“~ jundm em foe* w d lv ed te c t e T im es^ew s iws sponson _ this dog.

^ 37olEVEiFflLERS— ■

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TAoHofricturor'iSiI SalefjilStinmy V your C o m p lf Sw tno C

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Cu s h io n sCovorod In florol vinyl In OflOfl^ co lo^ __ __ _

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■;ri“ ' tiko iho' blOFF -( l* W * * lc O n ly frM ter b

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crsiSSBngContAr In tha Lynwood

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JSttflUKE----------------b.:..*89» ■ ; ■ ■

1920 KImberiy R(LTwin rails ^ H B

ITREiUK I MGYOUR ■ D T O ^ ■• bM t-naw tlr*t,— -----id on Bl Orbitraod ■-!• bull! with olac-

praclilon. Spllda.>r batlor bakinca Ifofmlty. Th* only I mod* Ilka now. _

nu^H - B v sre M ^ B | eewTgBB J j

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

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H o l d i n g ^ e h o u

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C lo c k w ise fro m ;;:• F a th e r s A d r la

.a n d J o e l e n jo y a f te r a s im p le

- F a th e r S lm e o io n e o f fo u r d a llv

p r a y e r s . F a th e r I— • ' t e n d s t h e t

v e g e ta b le g

................... . ■


lOuse c a t N a o m i. F a th e i , ' A n o th e r li

p - v

>m a b o v e : R f e a f c V f l r i a n . l e f t . ay a s to ry>le lu n c h . g ^ i l j | | | | | | eo n le a d s lily g ro u p:r E u g e n e | ^ ^ B | | | K le m o n k s ’ P H H ^ S e g a r d e n .

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F a th e r S im e o n h o ld s

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ie r E u g e n e te a s in g ly des< r m o n ^ o k l n ^ a d ^ e d . ..

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1 ^n d le .


y in g , ‘’I t ’s U k e a t r e e w th o se .w h o s i t o n t h e lo u


M o

: w h e re a lo t o f s t r a n g e t o iv e r b r a n c h e s . '.’_______

■ ■ I r r - ; , " - ' - " '■__

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TueM »y,M ivM.1881 ~ Tlmi

. : ^ f r n r t l (

_ . . . . r v i S S H ^ ^ HV- "y.> .

le b i rd s co m e to r o o s t . "

■ - _ 8 O M t u b r I c a

m tfa^aw a, Twin F*ll», Idtho C-1

hocla rd 1e L,i'fe

I "Wben I Wl


________ bQ.A.8«Mn^ ’U e o d i

..............becanM • ]PlCMIO.” -

JEROM E Of purpose! a re tn irro rc

H um ble A scen sio n ' nonetheless lives. They

------------ v an tso f-G tw here they p rio ry on Je ro m e Cou

“ We a re m ust com n

__ ;. . . ,p ray er_ an dF a th e r Slmi

• th e monasti Catholic p ri lives of Brot Jo e l, Eugen t>oth commu

They sha ation and se bu t a r e ai

Through cot m onks have e rsb lp of an; In the m ona kitchen utei them .

---------------Ascensionopened 10 t building cac b e expande< 12. The moni

_______ SlmeoQ saidth e ir fam ily m en. The ir fam ily, he i Joys and pitfi

“ “ A close 'l com m on Irrl

. . th e r Simeon-----------G od m ad e

im lqueness c I t 'sa lso b e a u

"U nique” J----------- • ind lv ldual'b i. . . - . .w o rk .ln the

= — ■—- j.::-du8tfy-and-d education. E the educatioi s a ry for well-

------- o r business, F— --- --------------- a r e monks by

lacked mains AsBenedici

.'V. ........ tofolIowSt..B' . v irtue of woi

•■ ^ r * vows,- e a ch-hj.^r;— - lifelong mon

I • m ent in a moi I a tra in ing p nI ar& deve](^lcI w ish to jo in thI . Under the

spend six. moi • observers. Tl}

tim e would c . .com m ittm ent

option of ma vows a fte r m onastery. I would engage d ay sty le of

S p rayer, w orkl . T he daily

p ra y e r a t 6;3i........... b ra te .th e Eu(

together agali a n d , i n

. . .. “ Nothing w p ra y e r tim es “N othing. No d u ring the ren can include conducting rei aod g reeting 0

------ •S m M I

b y S U S A I

■ b s r ferf

lea------- 1 " ^ “

■c-i : . .

od:.butt ;

I WM « child, my-mother aaU If you become a soldier, youllneral. If you bneamn a nv>n^,Od 19 M tbe Pope.'Instead, 1 r • painter aod wound iq> as .’'-P ab loF lcasso .

)ME - The humility and sense >se Implied in P icasso 's words * rored a t Ascension Priory. .' lie in their self-assessment, io n 's B ened ic tin e m onksless reap contentment In thelr_____'hey strive to be better ser*r-God-whlle-quletly-blooming--------they were planted - a t the on a knoll In south-central County.a re men of the church who >mmlt ourselves to a life of and_a_life of. w o rk .^ s a id ,

Simeon Van de Voord, p rio r of lastery that Is hodle for four : p riests and one brother. Tbe! Brother Sylvester and F a th e rs ; tgene, Simeon and Adrian a re ' nmunal and private, sh a re prayer, work, recre*l~ - d service to la ity o f all fa ith s,:.. . e assured tim e fo r personal Ion and individual pursuits.I commitment to poverty, the. lave denied themselves own- ta n y m ateria] goods. Nothing lonastery, whether clothes br^ utensils, belongs to any of

slo n 'P rio ry rbu llt by monksp-------10 months ago. The modehi- c a n house 12 m en and could.— nded jo acram odatc another nonks presently there. F a thersaid ..lookJorw anL to .tbe.dayl____nlly will encom pass about 25 e monks indeed constitute a he added, complute wilh Its pitfalls. 'f ie 'f^ tly -b r in g s with Ib th e — Irritants of daily-life." Fa-

eon said. “ We a re all unique;a d e _ u s —th a t—w ay.- T he---------s s can drive you crazy. But - leautlful."« ” applies to the five monks’ il'backgrounds,-w hich-span the California a lro ja trl-T tr:.- - -

id -docloral-fltud les-ln-h lgher-^-^ I. E ach of the m en possess-i }tIon and experience neces-.: vell-paylng Jobs In academ ia ss. F a ther Simeon said. T h e y ' >s by flholce,-not because th e y - --------sinstream opportunities.Klictlnes, e a d i h as p rom ised .: >t.-Benedlct’s espousal of th e ; > work, and through so le rh n ''

h'hfis'com m itted him self to* ■ nonastlclsm . L e u binding'.

monk’s life, and are p a rt of- ; program A s c ^ I o n monks.(^Ing for others whb might in their community, the program , m en would • months a t the priory a s lay . Tl}ose rem aining a fte r th a t : Id enter severa! phases of : iM t; and would have th e ’ making solemn, o r final. ’

e r seven yea rs a t the:V. In those years, a m an ';age In the monks' day-to- ! of life centered around.}rk and community se rv lc c .: ' iliy pattern b e ^ n s with 6;30 a.m. The monks cele- Eucharist a t 7 a.m .. p ra y : . gain a t noon, late afternoon Q t h e e v e n l n g . . g will Intervene" In shared ' mes, F ather Simeon sa id . 'No exceptions.” Activities:

: rem ainder of a typical day de counseling laypersons,’; religion classes for adults ngotherprioryvlsitors.

#M 0NKSPagBC2--------- .


p h o t o g r a p h s ' ...........................

r I : Y N N I S R A E L(rflha TTMES-NEWS

......... •’......... . /

Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

f . M l im ea-Newa.Twln F ■* *»*» •

. v 'i . r ; i .^ R B E ^ = .B K / r ? l B

■ 'S

f t ;

_• •>; •;• f f l P ^ ^

F lo w ers f. . . He

r - ■

— f ^ u r M a g i c r V '

Ipefea‘i^ y ^ O N N IE YAHVAH ■^^ipes-News writer

.MAGIC VALLEY - 'VJ^#lley incumbent sc ■'Chainnen say dlfferenl j ‘ wauscd Uielr defeats in

----- r.lipns last week. ■•;- Twln Palls, Hansen. W '•Caasia school board chs . d i a l e d by margins ran]

____/itfrT V otes..-•'.’-T w in F a lls Incum b c h a irm a n Byron Snydei s e H e d on lhe board six de fea ted 135 to n s voles

' can d id a te Dr. C ilv E U m : . S n y d er sa id h e wa< b ecau se of his stand i re lease -tln le Issue. In 197!

S a f e w a y tc.•i^i;SALT LAKE CITY •

^ < j}toces_wl!J^gin paying pound or-T rant each fot cansbcglnnlngJunel.

According to Gene U president and division r Safeway's SaltLflke'Clty

' Vern L:-JonesS ^ ^ T W IN E ^ L S - U V cm —w oncs J r i , 62. of Twin ■ ^ B a tu rday In 7V-fn Falla ^ * ^ usw-—T ~ He waa born Ju ly J9. 191 ^ S S h o n e b e graduated from h

~ ■■^rttMrHc a ttc n d r i Maho Sti y T O for OPC ycarj i s a mualc

on a B-17 bomber ^ ^ pifie during World War T f k id E lnora Burgess D«c. 2

. j p & y moved (oTwIn Falla, w jg jn p J o y c d by Scocrofl's In «H »anagem ent for IS years. y rW r F.W . Wofllu-orlha In Call

lo 1969. and served as l5 3 B d Sunday School teacher - ^ urch wtillc In Callfoml.

..... 3 n V o rc c < l In 1971, and m anic. « ;? eom F cb .7 .l972 . ;

' w as a m em ber of y y a s t l a n orchcslra which fon M u id w as employed a t the ' t ^ l i d a y Inn from 1969 unlil 5 3 5 a death .S S S u rv lv In g a rc his wife of 1

chndren. Lonnie LaVS S w .M rsL V .cm on.tJcam .U D ' " P rid ian . R ichard L. Com S S J c h a i^ iVickiJ F c rre ra , f lW a m oa . flandy Ben Jones an I ? S h sn e r. bolh of Twin Falls, i * jf lh e s o f A urora. Colo., ar i ^ M u m o t Republic. Mo.: I S a a V e m L. Jones of Mai H » w thc rs . E rnest w. Jones i { X B lr Jones, both of floy. ■ ^ u nt Jones of O sden. Utah

M rs. T.O. <Waoda>


— ........................- • Admlfg p c tr tu ll in so fT w ln F a lls .

S S & i^ -M o rin '.;R u ih N ^ n ai a p S tp n d a H unsakef.ofRupert.

tONIDOKAI........ Admi

S B B b ara Pau ls and Vcfna Fa ra Dtsm

S S E H anna. Wilma Berry. C) RpBftk) flam lrez. all of Rupert.


■ 'fjfitxia Brandley, Mrs. Joe Uy

■forMemoriallene E a rl (lefl) and Bon brought flowers M onday to S


ated sclH voted 3 to :

to be relea fo r o lher then and s

— P our Magic c lasses sch school bo a rd M em ben

nt school Issues d a y Saint in tru stee elec- b e c a ^ Wi

m o re oppoi I, Minidoka and c la ss tim e f chairm en w ere “ I alway •anging from 55 l im a Thai

fea ted this m ben t bo a rd p lanned cai 'der. who had H e added six years, w as they did 1 !!es_by_wrile7ln...organized.!' am bom . Snyder eiwas defea ted s tep down t d against the .e ls e filed he 1979. the board Lam bom ,

to start payi( — Safeway s to re s in UIng 24 cen ls a N evada wlfor alum inum du rin g regu

“ \% ln te fiLawson, vice c lean up lh(

n m anager of th is will hiIly Division, 63 since recycl

Itmmffge s J r . M alad. and ^

, . „ of ORdcn. UI,c m U -J o n c s y " gjx m a l .K ri. in Falls, d W ^ .S T n d . a . la lll o l na lura l . .

™ . a , « . l . d , K h S o"m high school In q m d m FrldI StatcTUnlversiT—a le m ajor. Ihen . ik> Pr<m.

irs . He worked JE R O M E -California from 52, o f Jerom eI as w ard c lerk the Mollle SM rfo r th e L D S foU ow lngasujm la . He w as H e w as bon irrled Wilma J. - g raduated fro

1M7. and a ttof Ihe Arlon Idaho. He f a r

formed In 1946, since l9So. Hehc Twin F a lls Lodge 6l A Pmil the tim e of sen ta llvc o f t:

Grow «rs. andof Twin Falls : C am p Board. 1LaVem Jones of the JeronxUcwln.,both.o£__ ^ F a cm Home A!om and Mrs. County. _era, both of Surviving as and R. Renee M rs. E lsie SIls.StcrilngW . M rs. T aylor <, and Glenlta Sonnichsen. fI.: his father. T h lb a u lt.a n d .Malad: th ree and L auren Iics and David . s is te r , M rs. ,ly. U tah, and Je ro m e; andJtah; t w sls> w asp receded lta) J o n ^ - ^ , Servlcem flU

p 9 l l ® f l ;AUEHORIAL

m and Cdrlnne G reen.'all of Burl< i.


'arabee.boU iol Rupert, t o n t t i d «. -. CynU)ia Lope* ond daughter, a 1.


Lively. M rs. Parley Fullm er, ^ l

in Falls, Idaho ' T u esd ay . Ma:

a t Daylonnie and Sieve Henson0 Sunset M emorial P ark to


:hoolboto 2 against allowing students - leased from any class period 3r activities. - Students w ere-, d s till.can be released from udieduled first o r sixth period, e r s of the Church of Lalter- Ints supported the issue, Uiey w anted students to have ^ r tu h i ly to be released from ' le for religious iiuthicllon./ays guessed 11 was release ia l is the reason 1 was dc- lis year. I think they had a ■ cam paign," Snyder said, led. " I don 'l really know how1 It, but they had it well d.!’_._...___ ..............' e a rlie r said he intended to n this y ear, but since no one he ran again.m . who announced his can-

/ingfor alum:Ulah, Idaho, Wyoming and will operate the program

igularstorehours...........................tend for th is program to help th e local environment. Also, help reduce en c rg y ..co sts ..

ycllng aluminum from sc rap -

id Mrs. Howard iLois) Walton Utah; 23 graDdchltdren:.and grandrtilldren. Ke w as pre- eath by his molher.> will be a t 2 p.m. Thursday in irtuary Chapel wilh Bishop senconductlng. Burial will b e — ‘ YIday InS t. John Cemelery a l •— ic family suggests mem orials jm ary Chllrirwi's Hospital a t -___Cily. Ulah. FHends m ay call .lg from ,5 to 9 p.m. and all day------1-,yu n til9 p .m . ____ __-

bC . Sonnichsen JE — Sonnlch C. Sonnichsen. m e. died Sunday momlng ati Scott Clloic at Ketchum <I sudden Illness, <» m Feb. 4.1929, a t Wendell. [from Je rom e High S c h ^ in.....a ttended Uie University o [ _ *=farm ed southw «siof Jerom e ^H ew asam em t> ero f Jerom e ' *A F aod AM. was a repro- «If tbe Northslde Sugar Beet ^ ind chairm an of Uw Labor -d. He w as a form er member)m e Scfoool Board, and Uie. PeA dm lnlstraiipnJorJerom e. . y

f a re his wife, his mother. ^ r Sonnichsen, his children,>r (P a tty ) Brown, Mathias . M rt. G reg (Alic^ Ann)nd Jotin Reed.,ali of Jerom e, fon Reed of Twin Fails ; a fot. Jack (Joan) Nelsen of wlnd two grandchildren. He MedlndeaU ifiyhlsfaU ier. wl<nill-be^ULajn_WedfWsday_____W.

’ Rocky J . McCiymonds. I ■ Nelson, a ll of Twin Fall

------------- D iane M arie Dickson of ft

Mra, BUln All™ and B aker S r. and Mrs. C< E dw ard Berry of PocaK C oorsd. John Cart Putzi< F a lls ; David William Bn G raffee and daughter. H

• .rwf M rs. A rturo N evarei a n ■ Buhl; M rs. Ronald L. Car

F i le r ; M rs. Melvin Meyej o f Sboebone: aod Duane D

M n. -A d a u g h te rto M r.a n d W

May26;iB81 ■ ^

S ' S i

rem em b er the ir lo v ^ th e ra iny w eather, hu

i e a f s “

oard chts - d idacy four days before d sa id he decided- to r •e— lea rn ed Snyder indicaU n tended to step down, i. ' Lam bom , an LDS n r- re lea se tim e w as not at !, cam paign and hc avolde(e _____ " O n e o f th e p o in ts ,o f h(n in running w as because i

a n issue and I knew e would In terpret m y runn !- to pul that through,." h c s a • Although L am bom sail

received a strong LDS vo V asked by church leaders i 1 h e approach them ab(

didacy . .......................) D uring his campaign, i ta lked to m any LOS m

non-LDS m em bers and o tioned release tim e. Hc a

ninum cansi u ses a lot less energy th I a lunjinum from bauxite

sa id in a press release.—)

"W e don't believe thei L . been a m ore convenlcn >- operation In this a re a ," hc

In J e ro m e United Mcthodlsl th e R ev . Ray Wright. Burlar the J e ro m e Ccmclcry. Friend; o t th e Hove Funeral Chapci U I0 a .m .to 9 p .m .

Lavtna*Jackte-Rid.'“ .^TW IN .P A L L S ^ .-L a v ln a r

RIdgway, 64, form erly of Tv — - d i« r f t i t ia y n n i$ m f h c a t oii

. She w as bom April 26, 1917. Colo., and moved with h e r ;

__ T w in F a lls . She m arried ClydeAug. 31. 1971. a t Las Vegas. ^ lived In California and Oregi m oving toO la In 1976.

She is. survived by. h e r hu Ola; two sons, Don Janouset and W ayne Janousek of Dalla: th ree stepdaughters, Laura \

_ Los .V cgfls._cimthla. Prescott beriy , and P a tric ia Gorrell of J stepson, Glenn RIdgway of s is ter . A nna Lou Calien of Kim g r a n d c h i ld r e n ; a n d tw o grandchildren. She was prw death by a brother.

S e rv ices and burial wili be p la , ■ ■

g d n w i j c e cTWIN FALLS - G raveside

for O.D. “ O i” Mullins. 62, o form erly of Tw in F a lls and Ki who died F riday , will be at M em orial P a rk a t 3 p.m . today, will b e a t 10 a .m . loday in U>

-W a g g o n er F uneralC hapelln Bol

ds. Mrs. Monroe D Ierker and Mr Falls;-M rsrCecU C aste r of Klmlof Rupert.------------ ' '

-DtBirtw w l uid daughter of King Hill; Haro . Gene Schm idt, boUi o f Jerom caleilo;_M r». W esley.Borcn, Jan “utzier a n d M arsha J e w Snow, a I BratU of Gooding: Vance BuUer, r. Howard Kaister. Shannon R eu : and daughter, and GaU W. Sam C arter aod s o o ^ Burtey: LuclUe cyero fH axd ton ; Betty L o rra ine : neD. Will of Hansen.

B l i t t f«1 Mrs. Jo e U vety of Twin Falls.

ed ones on M emorial Day. Dei hundreds o ' people showed u

lairmeiire the.electlon, b rochure

run when he but it IncIi )ted he had In- t im e .h e s s

" I didn’lm em ber, said controvers an issue in his th e work I led Ihe issue. • said, hesitancy! had In Mini e that had been m em ber 1 some people se rved thi

nning as trying Schodde b j !said . • Stevenso aid heprobabiy— p art-b e COI vote he was not paign inga j s t o run nor did Last yeo ibout his can- not ratified................................th e problenm, he said he aneg o lia to m em bers and The boar

I only two men- for lioldlng ; also printed a —bul-S teven

Methan smelting •Cootlo lie ," Lawson---------- "W e- we

Sim eon sali lere has ever rem em ber ent recycling cannot and rtesald, ~ ------d u tie s :" ' ~

- - ........ .P J iy 's i^ '___ . . . . . ____ an _ a rray .o------------------ :i_ D om e6 tic :c ;

I room s for r e ra ! days a

si Churh by tw o m ea lsd arw iiibcin R osa Sofia, ndsmoycall ^I loday from O^^er

. Iho priory ' , . completion i d g w a y --------- c a r p e n i t ^a - 'Jack le” :^ -T ^m w n-M ld . Twin F/iils. p rio ry land_ )la. tho eventua17. ut fklta. o f the monkj r family lo A bbey in 0dcRldw:ay--------d o n o re r- ~. Nev. Theyfgon before Ascension

m uch of it fi husband of trip ling the »k of Buhlilas.,Tcxas: su m m er anfl » Vowell of livestock.3tt of-Kim. . . -sh o u ld -y ie ld f lh e priory’s p

receded In a ^ is t and fri< designed for

A Sheaf ot-----------------Ihe deslgn in

o f th e d e se r t , hope th e pri no rth and soi ta in s , a rislni

le services p lc te th e desi of Boise, tian symbol c

Kimberly. th e peaks a at s ^ t Benedictine ai y. FuneralU k AJdcn T he logo, sBoise:--------------A seension -P r

I rise s , w heat > G od." F ather public, h e sa id r e tre a t and c

----------------- rem in d er of t.......... .. — m o tiva lingasi

Mrs. Farrcidm bcrljiind M a g ^ i l l i

amos Edwin - IM v e is lly 's I . all ol Twin lU s y e a r 's Iss er, Mrs. Jim contains the us taae Morris. Packaged ic »muel. all of confocUon-box UeGrubbsof in d u d M ^ 'a n »Parkliural s to rie s , pholof

and a fa t-cal pc T h e magazln

$ 4 a tth e u n iv e r


EJespite cem etarles thn d up al flowers on grave

in point*e announcing his candldac> icluded nothing about release isaid .In’rW a h rio gerihvolved 'in a ersla l Issue, because it clouds k tha t needs to be done.’’ he

linldoka, - Incumbcnt - board r Hal Stevenson, who had three years, losl to Lynn

; by 55 votes.ison said his defeat couid in contributed to teachers cam - ’ against him.r'car teacher contracts were ied until la'te July-and to avoid lem IhlSTear, the board hired lio r, Stevenson said.}ard has' also been criticized ng.too m any closed sessions, ^nson said during the past

o n k s ^itloued from P age 1

welcome visitors," F a th e r said. "However, people must e r we a re m onastic .. We nd will not take on parochial

w ock.aU haptiory invoives- ^ - Of tasks, Jndoors-and out, - c^hore& rangefrom cleanlng- r r e lrea lan is who spend sev- s a t Ascension*, to 'p reparing Is dally. A Twin F alls woman, ia, cooksevenlng m eals. -

tobi include preparation of ry 's quarterly, newsletter, jn of work on the ulldlng»_ y and fanning. F a th e r SI- tld - cultivation of-food -on- a ip la y ia .s lg n lf lc a n t.ro le ia - lual financial independence nks, now aided by Mt. Angel

Oregon and by Individual

on P rio ry sits on €00 acres, t farm able. The monks a re their • garden space this

m a eventually plan to tend Someday, the acreage

Id enough produce for both— s pantry and for local sales, f and with the land is one of a logo a Seattle graphic friend of one of the monk's 3r Ascension P rio ry_________

of wheat predom inating In _ indicates life growing out

r t, which i rw h a rth e m o n k s '" priory, flanked by peaks soulh. win become. Moun­ting sun and a cross com- eslgn. The sun is a.Chris- )1 of the resurrection, and

a recurring feature of j a r t .

. and m ore significantly. P rio ry—areT".‘I d a h o - s u a ^ It out of the desert, and ber Shneon sa id „ T o .:tb e — : aid, Ascension is a p lace of i counsel, and p e r ta p s a if the doscness lo Christ a sm a ilg ro u p o fm o n k s .......-

ine on s ^ eU PI) I t looks.like a • but ed itors of Boise S tate i lite ra ry magazine say issue of "cold d rill '’ ^! usual fare.I loosely in sections in a lox w raper, the magazine n assortm ent of short •tographs, essays, poetry t poster.z ln e c a n b e p u rd u s e d fo ^ .

Hb O S


throughout the Magic Valley avesltes.

t to Issiy e a r , the board held onl

“ e d o se d sessions a s prevl________H ansen Incum bent b(I’ ® R obert Pellygrove. wi

on the board 12 years h e W alker by 22 votes.

P ettygrove said perh, b™ he had served long em lad h is in te rest in the posl m n becauM he no longer h

- school. H edenled the lat In W alker sa id he felt j

in’; Issiie lh th e cam p a lp i n unsettled financial tim e

BH! lessness of.the voters. Old C assia incum bcnt boi •ed B ill E stes, of D^ioV wt

th ree y ears, lo s f lo X S l :«1 of M alla by th ree votes, ns. E s te s could nol be Qst com m ent. Norm an said

public seem ed happy_____ E s te s has done on lhe_b

e l^ re d 'b e c a u s e people a re a w anted n>orc repr th e ir a rea .

i e r , p —— — — -------- S ilist

iaS I . : Z W

•v- ’ng - - '

“ ■ _ O u r s ta f f . r e g a rd in g

■r, in s u r a n c t -------- th e - G o v e

mr- --^ rrrr : u s . - - in -----------------_■ — r

_____ :___ }«Is-- - ■ ---------

d 1- e -----------------------------------------

ec .. i.5 1------------ ;----------------- ---------

1 _

1 May /sDo y 11ies(

___of fit1 . D o y o u som etim i

r 2 ~ D o 7 o u d t e f f a s k 3 . O o y o ii find te lep

;. d ifficult?- - 4 . !s th e r e d ea fn e s s

5 . D o e s y o u r fam ily u p to o io u d ? _ ,_ _

- " 6 . D o y o u m is s 1h8! —• o r t t ie te le p h o n e

/ / your answ ers to a call or c o m e In for a \


" m s m i ^ a k e H ouse

L A Y N E E N T E R239 M ain Ave. 1

(rtw ito tit* old Rollar SiT w in F alls 733-

H o u rs: 9;3Q-SdO. ft

______ ' ) ------------

^ = — ^ S e r

W W i n J

■ ■ — WeJACKP

Laxalt. friend to

- nooii. o Laxalt.'

there at — Ing-and-r

■ B | | | A | ^ wdcomin Hayden, Casino ani

. ■ H elsd i Airport a

_____ instrum^j H v ^ n ^ a n t froi

. mlnlstrati expansion

Hayden will be 2 northeast

m U B S i here in a 1( forme

nominate<l the 1976 Rl lionhis 1880 vl(

A recer------ .J^ v a d a n ---------Ronald-R

fdencLand middie-agi herder has intematior

EENE/Tlmr.NiW. "

S un \Icy 10 place

-------------------- SUN VAIAssociatlor ventioiratS

A major. • ^ ^ ■ - ” >®ker, yet H O C — • national en

als demand lion’s May I

inJyliaHiisniany o lh e r s k ivlously. . X s i c S fb o a rt chairm an

growth willrs,_Iosl.tp.

thap^volersfclt mough and that. c m H'BcII

B usiness ^had children In Washington latter WM true, application I an.underlylng agement nr i may have been ductivity. nes and the rest-

A worksl)oard chairman speaklngan' who had ^rved bcoffer^ . Sidney Norman 5. A progrante reached for ^ Person^ lid although the '''onien, will

with . lhe Job opment,-gc !_board,he was assessment, le in the Malta a prescniatlon.ln


tfhM a faiTii nust-be sur

■ff c a n a n s w e r all i

ig s e r v i c e s e le c t io n : e , fa m ily b e n e f i t s ■ ’e r n m e n t r a n d - m o r e

WHITEC /ja p e / b y i h e Pai

136 4th AVE. EAST-TWIN FA _______ PHDf1E.733r6600.___


te Better Hearing Ip u recogniz « waming s leaijngloss?m es hear but fall to uhdersti sk people to repeat somethl aphone conversations beco

ISS In your family? - Ily com plain that you turn th

e sounds of blrdsoT fallto hie ring?--------- —at least four o f the six que

a free fiearlng te s t now. A O M M O B U M S CAM ■

:e Calls"

SkaUnoRInk) . _3^)916 BELFi,M on.-Frl. • All

J a c k p o tl e d n ^ d a y , ^

:K P0T, Nev. — U.S. Sen. Paul It, R-Nev., a close adviser and I to President Ronald.R eagan, risil Jackpot Wednesday after*

lait.wlll spend two lo th ree hours a t a press conference and tour- id-m eeting pe<vle a t a p rivale— ming party , according to Carl »n, spokesman for Cactus Pete 's0 and Convention Center. - ’ is due to a rriv e a t the Jackpotrt about 2:30 p.m . Laxalt was . m ental in gaining a $552,000 from 'lhe'Federal'A viatlon 'A d-— [ration_for_rew nstructlon and _ slonoftheairport,H aydffnM ld .‘ ' den said the senato r's stopover >e a -"fam ilia riza tion visit to •asl N evada. He has not been1 a long Ume."rm cr Nevada governor, L a x a lt ' ated Reagan for president at re Republican National Conven- id played an im portant role in0 victory.fcent a rtic le in the monthly a m n a g a z f n c T a I d r " l t is as i-R eagan '9-& >nfidanl,—close— .and-politlcaLadviser tha t, th e . s-aged son of a Basque sheep- ’ has claim ed national and even Itional fam e."

1 V alley sc en e n in ing c o n fa bVALLEY - The Idaho Mining lllon will s tage a four-day con- ra tSunV alleyJuly29-A ug.I. , .Jjor Washington, D.C., policy yet to be nam ed, wili discussI energy and stra teg ic miner— land, according to the assoola-laynew sletter. ___ . .. . . . .

' speakers include Al B artlett, cist a t th e University of CoN Bt Denver. B artle tt believes will be m ore rap id than pre- projected and will deplete the lenergysources.

Bell, professorof the School of ss a t th e U n iversity of Ston a l Seattle, will discuss the lion of organizational man- ,t principles to im prove pro-y-

irkshop on effective public gand m edia relaUonswUl a lso . jd.

p-am tilled, "Women Today: onal Look," designed for will focus on personal devel- - g o a l - s e l t ln g • and skills ent.

•day golf and tennis touma- id o ther activities a re also

II q u e s t i o n s ' M io n s , c o s t s , :t s d u e f r o m ' | H j r e . C a ll o n ■ ' ,j | |

E ..^--i' ' if

P a r k " ■ l l

( FALLS ■ - ^

OANS • -5

g Month


s?— — -jfs ta n d .w o rd s?eth in g th e y ’v e s a id ? • •eco m in g m o re

n th e ra d io a n d TV

[o h e a T th e doo rb e ll

questions are " Y e s "

m b i u l m d


L T O N E H E A R IN G ' ^ A I D S E R V I C E ^ ^ .

m T L ^ a lt

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

schcH. By LARRY sW ISHEf

Times-News writer

TWIN FALLS - schools and colleges m ost cfien by souU leg isla tors for K t r a fi

- Additlonai funds c .• d u ring tlie U g is ls

------- - r sessionJu Iy " .'ifa s pn- lias a surp lus a t the (

y e a r June 30.Gov. John Evans la

, w ould send a p n ' - legisJators for addin

consideration by tl• during the session, '• called to reapportion

congressional districts" The-proposal would

*• and com m ent i s hopi consensus am ong (J

---E v an s said. In a spec -----------Leglslature-can*<onsl

item s listed by the gov< The public schools s

cation could also recel• if th e s ta te Board o f . cides n ext m ostb (b llfi ing holdback.

-A 3,85 perccnt cut ' million in the s ta te b

dercd by-the board lai shortfall was forecas revenues have increas< million surp lus Is predli

H igher education si million reduction. .

T he f7 .l million witJ public schools w as mad local property taxpi

' m oney r c le a s ^ applied a s a reduction property tax bills.

But E vans said Attc - -O av ld Leroy was r e

legal question of wheU tric ts would have the o the funds in the ir 1981*82

........... ......E yans. s a id Jo c a l old w ld e how to use the fui

I f th e board does L egisla ture could mal tlons from the surplu special'sesslon.

• E leven of the 18 leg south cen tral Idaho w< cently about w hat issue

---------- to c o n s id e r - ..................--House Speaker Ral{

R 'T w in F alls, advocatec s ta te spending holdbac schools and higher educi ■ “ I w as d i^ p p ln te d ab le to do m ore iii the u

---------- for-higher educatlonr” 1ring (o the l981 Legislatu

If th e re is a surp holdback Is not liftec

, would support includldf e x tra money for colie

_ • -UVersitles and th e Offlct (he special scssisn. he sa

S e n .-U Ird Noh. R-Ki

a n t im p n------ — TWIN FALLS - A W

injured a t M a^ c Resei se rio u s condition but M onday In Magic Valle H ospital a t Twin Falls.

Cody Wickel, 2, of V Injured Saturday when hi betw een the feim Q Cfof and the ta ilgate of the pic

___ H_^hlch J ie Nw^sitjing.____..........— Idaho S tate Polfco repo

w as sea ted on a p a rk c d l ' :another pickup driven

M allory of Dc-c^ struck th , ! No citations w ere issuec

iNouj you kmB y VnUedPTessMera&tii

D uring three days in 1 n early 30 TnchM of'snoW

. a r e a ex tend ing from M ary land in , a blizzard m ore than 400 people.


O w ner ____ _


................. In

: ------ S p o c Id H

— .............WALK-INS. . APPOINl


AN N’l' t

N oxt___________ SEI


Eldei:rly, col mqIs favix t r ^ i i ilE R h is topr tioD ar

pa rtm e — Rep.— Senior citizens, cha irm ges a re mentioned Taxatic )uth central Idaho schools tl funding this year, sen io r i s could bc added -sh o rta t is la tu re 's special Seri, fp re d lc t^ I H e s t a t ^ s a id f u i le end of the fiscal Uie pub!

■ " I t iss last week said he schools proposal to a ll « c p . La

Iding subjects for howeve: the Legislature A me

n. which Is being Appropi lon legislative and safd ext id s . w as a I)uld bc for review against lopes of finding a should £ : the legislators, cation a: pecial se&lon, the Bul ^ )nsider-only-tho3€— an o th e rjovemor.___________ fc rred iIs and higher edu- ironmen uceive ex tra funds " I 'm i of E xam iners de- a r e in si I lift a s ta te spend-

session)lut equaling $15.5 The V> e budget was or- and the 4 last y ea r when a be the 1

cast. Since then. ^imds. J sased and a S10-S15 cha irm a edicted. cation ar1 suffered a 52.4 T he L

m illion f(A'ithheid from the fund nade up by law by federal e xpayers. If the w aste wc sed it could be "T he ion on this year’s Agency ii

c ities areAttomey General s ta te haf researching the B ark er s

le ther school dis- p artic ipa le option of using m illion in 1-82 budgets. “ H e'saic

officials should s e rv ic e s sfyhds. approprije s not act. the m igh t ke( make approprla- nu rsing h •plus during the S en . 1

Gooding.legislators from he would

I were asked re- restoratic sues they w anted w hich v-------------- .L e g is la tulalph Olmslead, Eited releasing tho e n fo rc e n Iback for public m eatpack lucatlon. spec ted .oited wc weren’t. R®P.- T. le way of funding flails, sali ” hesa ld .-^efe^ am

lature. • W ater Polurplus and the But he i fted, legislators not fc a l ■ JIdg spcclal stolleges a n d * ^ - ‘cofhpelllni fice on Aging In Ajsaid._____ ••• Hqrrw, su[-Kimberly,- sald -“ tax ,re lie ri

No rec Issues a tXOV6S . ___ from -Rep.

II chairman-* k Wendell infant Conservatl sservolr w as In would wai bul Im proving surplus alley Memorial

I Wendell, was n he was pinned•of-onc“vehlcle— ------~ Apickup truck on

e portodlHe'bo^. - wiii-t>a- id vehicle when SKSSTTr cn by D ranis | “Bt

up ogatr Lodg*^lr

n o u ) . . .


in MarCir iBsa, f o RioW7eirovcr-an— — im M aine to ' C O F ird lhat killed

m w e d n I s



Inc ludes cu t, so t, sty lo Long H.alr E xtra

d l - P r I c e d -T h fu - J u n » -V 5 -

^ S WELCOME OR FC NTMENT-CAtL 734-1:te s« d S u n d ay A M onday] .

I’SHIS&H[5 3 7 M a i n A v o . E.

T W IN FALLS7 3 4 - 8 2 1 2 - - -

oxt to A n d o rso n B ioko Ins.EHMBA ESPANOL

J O T B d - -

indingop priorities were higher educj and the W ater Resources D«

ment.!p> S teve Antone, R -R uper rm an of the House Revenue an Ition Committee, said both publl ols and higher education - an )r citizen program s - w ere c t t and needed more funding, i . John Peavey,- D-Carey, als fundlng-shouJd be 'increased 'fo ubllc schools.is not realistic to Ihlnk'the publi

}Is a rc going to get anything.' Law rence Knlgge, R-Filer, said :ver.m em ber of the Jo in t. Flnanci opriations Committee, Kniggi !x lra m oney for higher educatioi a possibility but the odds wen ist it. He said the special sessloi d add ress some funding for edu (land th e Office on Aging.: Rep. Mack Neibaur, R-Paul !<>r .IFAP mpmhffr gpiri hf» p iy cL to deal only with reappor icrit.■n not su re any of those outflti 1 such bad Shape they c an’t last

Jan u a ry (the next regular m ).”

W ater Pollution Conlrol Fund le Office on Aging should should e first lo receive any surplus , Sen. John Barker, R-Buhl, n a n of the Senate Health, Edu-I and Welfare Committee, said.

Legislature appropriated $5.5n fo r em ergency expenses from m d, which is used to matchII g ran ts to construct municipal w a te r treatm ent facilllies.e Environm ental Protection y is saying. ‘Do something.’ The are saying. 'W e're ready bul the tias taken the monej' aw ay,' ’■ r said. "With 15 percent sta te Ipatlon, we could have $30T ln iew erp ro jec ts." ________iald the aging office’s in-home :e s co u ld be h e lp ed by )riating $150,000. The money keep som e senior citizens out o( g homes and hospitals, he said.

K en n e th B rad sh aw . R- ig. also a JFAC member, said lid take a careful look a t urging ition of s ta te meat inspections,

w ere elim inated by theIture and Evans______________

D epartm ent of Agriculture em en t m ight force som e jckers. which were s ta te In- 1. out of business, hesaid.T.W. “ Tom" Silvers. R-Twin

m la he supported property tax and -som e repaym ent-of- the Pollution Control Fund. ^ le said the Legislature should li wilh the issues during the

session unless there was. a . ling need.

A rthur Isaac, R-Mountalh supported granting property srUiroggh public schoorfilifds— recom m endation for ex tra a t the special .session cam c ep„V ard Chatbum, R-Alblon. an -o f-^Jfouseflesou rcesund— 'ation Commlltee. He said he ' ifait for i irm e r figures on the_

C a l i f o r n i a“A e r o b l c 'D a n c eFREEOEMOHSTRATION

i>«--*»»ld-qt-TwTtrFolirHi^'irI In back ol ine toolbair«lV~ “ thi* Wodn»idoy. Moy 27 a l ‘M, .dI prle*t lor oiolhar end

cie tiM ’a r* iteitlng' latn e l th* Twin Folli Etk* -flf»tCleM.FrM._

I e f Room Mov 37 «i30 PM .SPIClAlM iCESfOR


3R MOR^ IN«3RMATI0N ------------ CAU-----------------------—9 N N I E W ILLIA M S

7 3 3 ^ 0 4 3 ^

S D A Y -

-----^ — : —M o n o fl,r_ . I ,

fN'S -

15---------— -------.— ; _

FOR AN---------- - -1-8212....... -


s. , , "I ' -


lu c a -De-

! and l' Subllc ; H

also ’> 8 jn o r — ^

B li . . . ' u t

ancelege _ : l j fItionvere





^ i - '

S5.5 WBM 'em ^HngB tch ^ H f H - -

1 9 inate . . ] H H > BSBb $30 ,.............................. G le n Allme

loy Do worms


he w in h e re F riday , by_ __ ^or the, worm.

ire S taged to m ark Inc A nglers on Ketchur in- m ore thnn 30 worm

sk ills aga in st a few <Jn • in Idaho ........... ....ax M any of ihe worm;h e ..........to 10 days of ra iny i

burrow s for a shot Id how ever, w ere plck< !,e d u g deep for talen t |] a . ‘ un tum ed_as they cj

kind of coriipetitoTs in ' lop level competition ty Tho contest harsh5:7 ; ^ — team s.-Contestanls'^•a I________ ................. • '•e -


■ BOOKC' H 2 8 " w l(

■ 7 2 '‘ hi(■ NOV


- B - s p e Q ^ ^

U len m e a su r e s -S h e i la S

s measure up?

e*s the loIfou had to go to g rca th ien^ jy any slre tch of the Imaglna^

r t h c “bpCTrng of Rocky Aioi u rn 's Main Street, a conlcst Tn-stretchcrs a chancc to pii # of the m ost experienced vei

ms w ere voiunteers, who resp y w cathcr.by.craw ling out ol It at the blg-worm le a g u e s .; rked-in the annual d ra ft, as i t In local gardens, and left no canvassed the boondoc|(& U

'•s which could stand th e tens on.shly-winnowed the-poorly tr s 'w ere'alldw ed only '60 secot

i 9 ” | §

^ RECLINJ ------------- " A w a y - f r a

'■ \ ■■

K . -

a S u m m e rs ’ w in n in g w o

I ...........................

ong, andcngths to reach full strc nation —. m e m b e r . dani-------------------- com pos UlovlngMounlain The w orm s 11 est gave ■ ’ even m ore th; pit Iheir which broke uj veterans . the instant-dis-------------------- N ca rly h a lfth eisp o n d e d The winning I of (heir Sum m ers, out s. Some. s tre tch of 18.25 IS scouts two fishing rig: no Slone of Rocky Mount i for l!nT::;.. !;j'AUoh said the jnsion o l will become, a

"W e 're going Itra in e d ------ breeding-stock

conds lo AllensaW . __


INERS m Wf o l f r t K el i i" - M H

rice j y ^ 9irts at - - f l H

^ KifdiHi CarpetB l | p ------ R * g r $ 9 . 9 5 - ^

O n e Roll O n ly

^ 1 Nylon SctilptunHlllil $12-95piNOW M O "

iv o rm in K e tc h u m co n te i

d s h o r t Ojslretch — achieved a s ihe hi langled. lugged, and mas /Ing leam m ale tom ax im um ef: is themselves seem ed lo feel t

than the ir hum an Icam m at e under the stress of M m petl disqualification of both teamthe leam s failed lo finish:-------ng team , composed of a worn] outdistanced the competill< .25 Inches. S um m ers will gel h rigs, according Glen Allen, cc luntaln Anglers, the winning worm, a long with

?. a pro with RocRy Mounlal lg to sell these- one w orm at xk ,-T hese , a re-M iss-A m eric

5 ^ E <


. HOOVER ■I V A c y n - - ■

| — ClttHER— ■a M odal U 4127 . M

n "Boots ^ Bg o s it sw o o p s B ,as'lt cIeo*hs'' ^ B

pi>T“ l

B t . , 0 !

Tierrhsrd . I = =

f t W i’ F U R N IT U R E^ 453 MAIN AVEf

f a ih as ■ reg a rd Republ Thom a

—. •• .. ____ Boyd- ' ••''•'•■jl Lewlslf

. { | 3 | | '. a tw o u o th e r s

------- Idaho il^ ^ B "Sev<

. rcpresc' S h ' ' weJLan

tim e.” been 01

M S 0 m duc ts tl Idaho h

• ' i ™ sTatesh ■ ' ' Boyd

■ ■ w < Gov. Jl tra d e a i

C f f j f l i l^celslapursuac

\ The 1s ta le ’s for 1982,

k th is wlllbehind c

A W K U T h e ir th e Talu


In the M ay ne\ been app

out th a t { . The a

;e s t - publicanM erril

le^sla tlv a membi proprlali

> f i t ' =h u m a n lc a m g r ^ m a , assaged theeffort_____________ TT7- r r = r1 the p ressure lates. Wormsitition caused ., fim mem bers.

-ri) and Sheila / s S llion wllh a • h e r choice 0 /

co-proprieisr . { [ H ^

th liie others. lain Anglers, nl a tim e as ica -w orm s."

................ . - . : _ a---------- , .p

■ C E B E D R O O M S

; j ' . T w o 2 -1

- - * ] I'.):)------------- S t a n d s. C j .M i r r o rM l i j . • S ix -D ra

----------- ♦ H e o d S o

J S g i l f Rog.SS

2 Bfi' NOW^ E ^ ' ~ ----------- SlmlMorio

STUDENTW aln u t Finish w ltK "N o

eg. $129.95low ................. .

r£5n b e o f f r c


T u e s d a y , May 26.1981.*-. Tli

d :zh o ^ C h m a r a d e l in k | a l t in g o f f ? ;igsC O W , Idaho (U Pll - J d i h O _ i -fallen behind olher stales: in ;ards to trade relations wilh the [>ubllc of China, said s ta te I ^ . im as Boyd, R-Genessee. :ioyd_pnd_Scn. Mike MilchcIl.;D-___vlstoa,rrctum ed this weekend f iim J vo week visit to Taiwan. Boyd spid ' e r s ta tes have' golten the Jump'On ho in ag iicu llu ra l trade relallons. Several sta tes sent not only LWo- resen tatives but trade jeam s^ as— Land have been dolng sb for some e .” Boyd said. "These people have n oul promoling tSeIr s la tes ' pro- Is to the Taiwanese government, ho has been doing some of that but on the scale some of ihe other e sh a v e .'’ • ; .oyd said It will be easy to convlrice '. John E vans to ' develop m ore — le agreem ents w ilhTaiwan but the [Islature m ay bc h a rd e r Ilo suade. • ;iie Legislature did not. fund tlie e ’s International Trade Division 1982. Boy c i^ ld . : •

will m ake Idaho fall even further nd other sla tes ../ le trade mission was sponsored by ra lw angovem m enl. " ;

errill m a y ru n ; r 2 n d C o n g ress.ACKFOOT - S lale Sen. Israe l ' rill, D-Blackfool. is thinking It becoming a candidate for o 's 2nd District congreSsiortal

the Idaho Democrallc P a rty 's new sletter. M errill said helhad approached by m anypcopI(T9ho

uraged h im lo en te r the 1982 rq fe .'II have to adm it I 'm giving It • deep thought and haven 't ruled la l possibility,” hesaid . _ s sea t h a s been held by Re­can G eorge Hansen since 1975. r r i l l , w ho h a s rep resen ted lative DistrIrt-27 for six tenfiS lls im ber of the Jo in t F in a n c e -* ^ ‘lalions Committee. He is a retail ow nerwording lo the p a r ty 's newsl^t^j-, i D em ocrat L arry LaRoccb plans allenge Idaho 's 1st D istrict 1 ^ - m an. Republican Larry C r^ ig i,’

----------------- -


I SET l l ^ ;

2 - O r o w e r N ig h ^ 'd s

> r o w e r D r e s s e r I 3 b o o r d -----------------— .

$549.95 H j

>rio tttu.ijfoiion---------- :— i ■ ■:

IT DESK I'N '6 vor>M ar"T bp. '

r a h ^ d r ^

5 ^ It e l e v i s i o n H . .


•. TIm oa-N ows, Twin Falls . Iijaho C-3

Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents


■ ■ • • / i S . •' - y / /

;:35:jto h p f | ' i f o i- - r - G ENEVAr

. . ■ o W e r^ Mondthe current 1

, •-' ' m e m b c T B a g i T ~ ^ r 7 ----- unltylo IHea

• .i- ' •• But OPEC ■■■'1' declared the)

tbelr top pril semi-anoual i

' atthebeavUy Moderates

r-‘ : .. fo r th e lrp a rt ■ , ' th ey e ara tW

ben ^m ark p y . ' ' roleumExpor;— :— The dlHereif ranksovyho)

consumption i ' market.

- Saudi Oil Ml• bad prevjousl;

- ^ u t by raising*>': .? -d a y to pressu

.MP .-r... uniform price. '.'.-■ .‘ Mi While Yarai ;j;. United States''J ':' wanted aprict

tbatremarfcMi i.-*.: - Asked If Sauc

o fltso U U o tb i- Y am an lsa ld /'

. l l ie current; lowectlnOPEC

Yantanl did i willing to raoV«

J Oli trade anai]offer $34 per baj

■A''"* * Most of tbe I tbesceoesattfa

- arm ed wllh mj *.4:' u. said there was

• forroalplenary: - J . .. -Indonesian 01

-------- -- — Idenfof tbeOP]<4 > ealng s e s s io n

■ f r o n t s — d e c lin l t b e l r a n - I r a q c a

■' . H e a p p e a le d: " p a r t i e s ” w a n t

t / ’1 " I n d is u n i ty a a d

; Pearm — prices

i WASHINGTON (UI . .. ; , ; P w n u t.C n io c b .o f - i!

: wltb more peanut but ; grocery shelves and

; _ in g after an- expei \ , ■ Imports-from-places

China bave made i r : shortage of U.S. pea . , • IftSfBUram ^S'drwii

r ■ Americans to keep . .-:-butter,«llbougbathlg

Whether peanut bu oedioe more wllToM

rtf. ! this summer and fall

P.v: 19 available on the size I ' peanut crop, r —-^U5uall/U3.~farmer

; than eoougb to «q>ply I'’- : aad peanut butter /

! consume, but last yea : decllaed by 42 perce ' H h n r tfa t l fa r th o n r^ t l l: t|oo-

'I ■ So far, experts said, I : better crop this year. ]

— 1. ~ -o l Georgia. peanut.fan ;j . irrigation, up IS perc

• year.A March report on ]

' ; : tions indicated peanut i :j : plant 4 percent more j • ever, moisture siq>pUe < ■ therelsa'd)ortageofse<

: .-The first repoH.on-t :j ; crop wlU belssued by.U

)' -j • D q» rtin « } t In August, .'T ■: foUowing In s u b s e ^ i

; i-most accurate flgiu«K • • -I ■ N ovem ber.

! • >‘If there’s an excelh K- ; i : would guess that you’< . pri ces) b;

. i IConoc: O ilgiar

— ^yR O B E R T -L E N Z N E R • ‘.:'g)FieJdNewsSenflee-

V flEW YORK - The turned wben tbe ninth la

- ; Tcdm puyw antstogivietli ; :to:an upstart Canadian oL

: Yet. Conoco Inc.. a $>9- .‘-iis;pull{iig'6 u la l ls l6j»tfl

■ n H it le u m 'U d . b a ^ ^ ;; Alberta, from buying iq)

: of Oonoco'8 stock.At th e -b e art-o f-tb e .:

. ; ! nationalistic energy po Trudeau government fa\

: : dian ownership of tbe < ; and gas exploratloa and^

: com ptnies. -Conoco owns S3 perceo

Bay Oil & Gas Co. which 1 'would like to get. Dotw

' ^cMipUsb this by swapp

u d is o ffe h ike p rio ►tilers cui'A rSw itieriand (U P I)l^ S au d onday to ra ise (he price of Its Qt low of $32 a barrel If othe a g r ^ to cut theirs In a bid tc ediviaeai3-im tioncarte l. ... EC hawks Algeria aod U b bey_ would refuse to come dei p rices of $41 p e r barrel a s a l p r ic e ^ t t ln g summit got un< m y guarded Intercontinetai He e s such a s Indonesia and Ve a r t proposed a freeze until tbi : $36 p e r barrel, (he supposedly lc p rice of the O r g a ^ t io n porting Countries, irences pointed tq) the ^ l l t In how to deal with declining W « )n a i ^ tbe current glut on th<

I M inister Sheik Ahmed Zakl 1 4oly said b is naUon eogioee] ingproductlon to 10.3 million b !ssure carte l m em bers to ac ce.unan i bad said Saudi A rab tes’ la rgest, supplier of Hrei r ic e freeze until 1982, he b ad c Monday.laudl A rabia would increase (b o(ber OPEC m em bers cam e i i, Yes, if they reduce their.pri int Saudi price of $32 a barrel 'EC.lid not say if Saudi A rabia wc loVe up to the $36 benchm ark ia iy s(s said they tb o u ^ t he b arre l.le tough haggling took p lace I t tb e hotel sealed off by Swiss m achine guns and OPEC of

vas no discussion of prices irym eetlhgs. '»0U M iniste r Subroto, currenl OPECCoQncu oi-MUiisterSr-to lon th e group faces a crisis on lining prices, declining demtid ■ conflict.ed for OPEC unity, saying a ant to see the organization n u d d isa rray ."

Ut cmncl preterit, i( U P I ) - T l j e G reat s a i d f - 1 ^ 1 is .ea s in g Washin b u t te r ja r s b a c k o n N u tP n od prices m oderat- . " " " I f 't c p e ^ v e w inter. rea lly 1 ces like India and Ernie e up p a r t of the Safew a peanuts c a ^ by_ D.C. a r r 6 u ^ l , - p ^ t t l n g - - P a n - a n e p f t t ln g T » a n u t—h igher prices--------r ^ j i . i s a n_^tt_er prices wili The p M t>e k n o w n ^ tl l b rands all wiien firm d a ta peanu t I O zeofthe 1981 U.S. N ow t______________ .,M oore.s

oers produce m ore hand ofi

ld . ig iB p o ln l to a ir. M ore than half a rm e rs are .using ,: S S f c

S h S :jn planUng lulen- lUt ta rraera would rti acrM ge. How. lU a a r e low and in De rseed. m lnlstralin .tbe.slze .o f .th e , , p e rm it in ly.tbe Agriculture pounds ol ust, with reports Im ports o jent months. Tbe • By tb< r e wUl come in acted , ot

m uch of»U ent harvest, I T be imp< ou 'd see a n im - -arriveuni I) byN ovem ber,” Laist i

CO c o u n i

int wants toER----------------- — sh a re s-fo

V. H udsonE._______ . • But Cot

boldere oi lie tables have ing, to pa » l a r g ^ U .S .oil m ore (har e tb e bum 's rush . .ship of i t s ! I) oil developer Conoco »I9 billion gl.n1,

yssf'ss'as- ~^ . . o ^ p S i

s o S S tfavoring Cana- control Co

« country 's oil J S w i s p > d^ve lopm en(

a nd g as d<cen t o f Hudson± D om e says It ' ButCk>no)m e would ac- is* taxableapping Conoco hundred i

B u s t

z e - - <j=^ i tuidl'Arabia ~ itso ilf ro mther OPEC ' 'i to re s to re . _

Jb y a bothdown from &... . ' V —IS OPEC’s 'under way ^Hotel. f s s M , ^Venezuela :—tbe end of ■ —tUy official ____)n of Pel- * =


eered the R a a l d u a l in barrel a ♦ ♦accept a

aW a, the’reign oii. :== =acked off ^ ^

I tbe price Other proiSewould be S l i ^ l o n s *ixk level. “he would vsoufCT A itw w p

« behindIss police M anaSaeedO lal o lllc la lj m in ister, sa id "11

is in the ag reem en t on a uni.V e n e z u e la ’ 0

en l pres- C alderon-Bgrtfproi :m \ thP cu tback by ail C on three balance between oil

land and World oU product c u rren tly ou tstrips i

5 certa in and 3 million b a r r I rem ain West and Ja p a n is d

B ut the conservai

:hcominc crop out

d J a m e s M a c k o f th hington-based Peanut B utter ar Processors Association, f tbe crop Is poor, Oien we’i iy in trouble.’’ hesaid .-nie Moore, a spokesman for t w ay stores In tbe Wash'ingtoi a rea , sa ld .i2:0 uncp ja rs .o fJe U

_ a _ ^ -S ld p p y -p eam i-^ t(e f^ ^ ^ J1.49. A y ea r ago Peanut P an cos andSkiw>yc<Ml$i.05.- - U 8ayL S £M jy i« triU .jK lieaJ» t ds cost $1.75 aad some sizes o ut bu tter Ja rs w ere unavailal>le. w tb e sltualltMi is "fa irly good,' e sa ld .iiW e bave a full supply oi o fa llp ro d u c ts ." —

x k , t h e p e a n u t b u t t e i sm an . w as critical of Jim m j r ’s adm inistration for draggln{ et. la s t .fa ll.oo .app ro vlog.extrsiLImporifilwhMt » nhvi.a t supplies would be low.:k said panic over p b n u i les and h l ^ prices could bave avoided. He said h e 'lo ld the listration of a need for ex tra t s a s early a s Septem ber and ted in October to say, “ My land, ireyouw altlng fo r?"

E)ecember, the C arte r ad- ra tlo n look em ergency action to t im ports o f a n ex tra 200 million s of peanuts, com pared to usualtsn f 1the tim e tb e adm inistration o ther nations bad bought-up

o f available peanut supplies, nports "really didn’t sta rt to until F eb ruary ," Mack said,

month P r ^ id r a t . R eagai^

i t e r s

0 block foreic-for-tbe.A m erican-com pany’S ' »Bay interest.:onoco plans lo ask Its share- ; on Ju ly THn a ^ i a l 'm e e t ” p a ss a resolution prohibiting .

luu) 20 percent- f o re ig owner- Its stock.M shareholders also will be 9 c rea te m ore slock lo issue, if !,-to diminish D om e's interest, w h id i b ad only $1.1 billion in !S In 1980, m ay spend lo $1.2 [or iq> lo 22 m illlon.shares of common stock a t $65 ashare. M 's d e fen s lv e^ p o s lu re is' lal odd. Dome does oot w ^ l to ' Conoco and, if tbe Trudeau t pursued. It will not pay for o r any o ther non-Candian oil- developer to do business in

>noco believM tbe Dome offer bie and will cost several ' m lllion do lla rs, reason

I f ie ^

DductsfrcS — A b a r r e l h

a p p ro x im j

8 e a s o h ^ tt

— —S Oasotjne

to (heating) 9.41 gallons

«} f u e f oil 5.04 galhns

>roduct8nicat feed still gas 'n s • 1 .SI gallons •

Lubricants Special na s • .SO gallons • ' .25 galtoh:


Italba, tbe United Arab E m ira "It w ill'be-d ifficu lt" to re£ unlfiedprice., O il M in is te r H u m b e r DroposeiUJO.percenl productl 1 OPEC m em bers lo reslc ) oil supply and demand, uction a t 48 million barre ls da Ips dem and by between 2 milli a rre ls and consumption by t Is dropping.rvative Saudis, who account f


t h e ra ise d th e ex tra imj r a n d million pounds. The________Im ported bv Ju lv 31■ve’re a ffec t the new Ameri!

So fa r Irhports c r the pounds have been gton, m o re than Ihe llO m t *elen ... oU lcials .thought.wa: Tww— av a ilab le la te lasl ye. <m t A rgen tina 'and Sudan— jo r suppliers.------------

------- B u t-d e s p l le - th e - lf p r ic e s m ean Americ

e a tln g lesspeanu tbu t: T be Industry “ hai

y on— tu e re ‘s 0 0 q u estlo n a t I— "B lit how long and I

t e r tim ew U lte ll.'’ uny Bob Ray of the / iing p a r tm e n t said a good ( tra d o w n -p ean u t-b u tte r- bvi- (toub ted Ifp eah u t bu tt

r e tu ra tb le v e is d la y e i inut believe tb a t theave a lone w ill k e ^ p ^

above th e level w e sa ttra h e sa id .^ T h e peanut sborla

M ack a a d tbe R eagan am m unition to fight a f

ad- p u ts a Ud on tbe-am o1 to th a t can be grown by ion . . m en ts . a n d i poundage ual fa rm e rs Inherit, ren t or

M ack , and the admlj Ion p o r t e lim inating alloti up duclog quotas so tha t i es. be f re e to grow unlimit to p ean u ts . So fa r (^ongre

and it a{^>ears tb e systi arj“ changed . "

ign stock btI'-s— enough to re ject tbeoffei

In addition, S am Schw :e- group sen io r vice pres el- "m inistration, sa id U ut ag - not look forw ard to ha\ !r- its la rg es t siiareholder it . So D om e and Conoco a

a se r ie s o f higb corpora .!' andstra teg icposturinK s In J )om e^bas,C onoco m2 because It'b ln ts its ca s t

Qf . m a y not even be calledw»>i5 H udson Bay to a

Is' T I ^ a r e a no ther half-d >0 * a h com panies ' Intereste u -B ay , b u t tbey have not ,r c a sh o ffer, a co jrd lag to SU....... 1 0 addltiOT. tn D om e coiofldentlal inf<

H udson B ay operations r .p ro m ises n ^ to buy a n y a a t a ll. D om e will not j tl te rm s.


om a banh a s a b o u t 4 2 g a l lo n s

n a t e a v e r a g e s fo r a y e r o d u c e d in s u m m e r f(>r t h e - r e v e r s e Is t r u e fo r

B 16.23 gallons


' Q Q QJet fuel i2 .7 7 gallons A

Asphalt - Coke • 1.22 gallons • 1,05 gall

nap tna Road oil Wax ins • .04 gallons • .04 1

ra te s 40 p ercen l of total 0 'each to th e West than n;

h a v e refused to lowce r to d o w n . __ , '

T his hM infurial haw ks who wilh fa r s

Jaily “ possible fllion The 13 OPEC m e ' the E cuador, Gabon, Ind

Libya, N igeria, Qal t for A rab E m ira te s and V

md; IF •tierup o rt quota to 300 IC peanuts m ust be " I31 so they will n o t ' _ _ ricancrop . f

of 217.2 mJIHon 1 reported, m uch ■ nillion pounds tha l 1 ^ = /as-th a 'm ax lm u m — f c " ! " year. ChinarIndla,-:> - an h a v been m a- ... ..

-im ports,—higher---------------ricans bave been u tter. Mack said.las been Injured,_______about II," h e said.1 how much only

A griculture De* od crop will push f-p ^ c e s ,- -b u t-h e — :::— ^ lite r p rices would

be in teresi ra te sanut bu tter costs _saw a y e w a ^ , ’’ ................

la g e has given m adm inistration a federal law tha t nount of-peanuts- >y-acreage allot-g e .q u o ta s . , . th a t_ ............o rb iv - . I nlnlstratton sq>- Dtments and re- t fa rm ers would aited am ounts of — ■ iress is resisting s te m w iU m t be

uyliwarz, Conoco’s esident for- ad- at Conoco d o c s ,laving D om e-as--------‘in any case, la re e n g a g e d in ra le squabbling its.« teo tcrbooks''^ -r- - ish tender offer Id o f f i f Conoco . a th ird party ,

f-dozen C anadi- W e V te d in-H udson - ^— •V IS j >t m ade a firm •M a< iS c h w a n .. ■) Will not give • P ari aforroatioo on • Layi 3 unless Dome ly Conoco stock t accep t these

I T lfnes^ew a. Twin Falla. Idahc

Tuesday. M*y26, 1981

rrel of oilIS o f bn. F ig u re s a re y e a r . M ore h ea tin g for w in tof h ea tin g o jig a so lln e .------------------

U queded g ases lallons • .97 gallons

/ax M iscellaneousM gallons • .42 gallons

. . P»caoo TnOumOfapMCy^

1 OPEC output and are.closse; I m any OPEC nations, so fai iwer production to keep p rice

•ialed tbe high-price OPEC ir sm aller reserves want to gel le for theiro ll while It lasts, n em b er nations a re Algeria, Indonesia, Iran . Iraq, Kuwait, ) a la r , Saudi A rabia, United d Venezuela.

E xecutive" ■ . i

■ ■ • E xe' • F u l lS e c r

* • R e c e p t io n is t I A new Cl



................. T f

) W e lco m e'ISA-----------------------------— -f a s te r C h a rg e m e r lc a n E x p re s s y a r i s C h a rg e a y a w a y s

" new ^ C h u

----------— WASHfNQTC

I C hurch, presidU nited M to i Wo expec ts a new 0

............... to rs a lined a t ss trik e , b u t w a il

, th eo ffe rw o u ld t . C h u ^ ^ d t ]

.......... m e t fo r r n o i ^^ d a y w ith repi

B itum inous Coa tion a t a Washing

" I t ’s going sic going to ge t so from them tombi a p ackage tomo I ’m n o t over bpti a good package, o verly optlmlstli sa id a f te r the m e

C^onsolIdatioriC _ R . Brown, wbo l

tions for the m i com m ent’’ on the

E a r lie r th is yei

ow ners, but the: .................thep ac fd o w n M a

T h e two-monlt down U.S. soft co£

T h e m iners Is lasted 112 days. T 160,000 w orkers w m ost o f those w M ississippi.

T he la te s t roun resum ed May 7.

Firsts*p lan s i

_ ©DMly Telegraph

LONDON - Th< a ire ra f t is se t to flight from P arij month, w ealherpe

U is a derivatlvi >EC C ready’s G ossame- , b e c a m e th e fir

m achine to fly ac • from Folkestone lc

ria , Ju n e 12 two yea rs a i?l!i M acCready Is 01

night. E arly tria ls! for take-off and

- ■ ' a irc ra ft. ..'w hich,'

/ E O F F I C E S P

. In! Burley .

•xec iitlve E nv iro n m en t : 3 c re ta r la l S e rv ic e A vailable s l P ro v id ed • C o n fe re n c e F / co n cep t in o ffice sp a ce

(U M B E R O ff i—

R I 0 H C f l l i a - - c ^ ? 6

GARRY>SOSHT h e . p e r f e c t lu 'g g a g f

ion exp u coal o irch cair O N - ( 'u P l ) - S am ------ TJldent of the strik ing noU ^oilters, sa id M onday be con ' o ffer from m hie <^>era- by .-settling the tw o -rao n th ' cov i» not “ over optim istic" whi i b e a good one. ando ther top^UMW.offidaU— m an three hours Mon- thei

q)resentatlves of the -scei oal O perators Associa- has ingtonhotel.Blow, very slow. We’ ff sub< some so rt of proposal nn>i ibrrow. I think we'll get ^n< norrow. I 'm not sure. ' ptimlsUc about it being >e. I’m not going lo be rtic about it." Church

P resident Bobby ‘0 h as .ied the negotia-nine owners, had “ no ^ heday:B ,m eetrng.__ , i'car Church reached a

l e - r a n k - a n d ^ v o t o d ~ ' ^la rch 317----------------------llh walkout has shut holid walproducUoo. . Obla st strike, in 1978, belie Tbe UMW represents Ihelr wbo m ine soft-coai — proc< working east o f the posal

Bulund of contract talks negot


s o l a r - p o w e i

g a r i s - L o n cphitoadca pound

..................................... solaril i e first suniM wered Itb jto m ake an historic into itrls to London next h iloelp e r i h l l ^ . ..slngie

ive o f Dr. Paul Mac-n e r Albatross, which J u , ? ’ Hrst m an-pow ered across the Channel,lo C a p G ris N e z ,o n S

optim istic about the outputIs used battery power Fiveid climb, but the consid. weighs ..only .176 Croydc

P A C E ~ || p -

" I ....................... efch1 Room Spec

re .ln fo rm o tto n ^678-4841

6*0 f

W m M

^VENTllODUrge '.g iftlfo r t h e g r a d u ;

. „ “

r v f f / f c

TopKjMh&StaIr -

meetingoffer;lutious^ ^ ^ M ^ i i c ! ' ^ i s i n g on the . s u b - . contracUng of certain kinds of work by tbe mtng-owners lo firm s nol covered by tbe UMW contract and w hich do nol pay UMW-scale wages and benefits.-T be-un ion , fearing an-erosion o f '

th e ir influence and Jurisdiction, is • seeking som e form of protection imd h as proposed a clause tha t would - rrxiuiro f irm s wilh UMW contracts lo subcontract only to those companies providing UMW scale wages , and benefits. — , .

BCOA negotia tors-have~balked-at^ - the proposal and for the lasl three ja y s both sides have been looking for M ntracl language lhat could resolve b e issue.

I t w as a n industry counter-prcq>osal m th e subcontracting issue tM l led ^ u r c h to a sk for a r e c ^ in the talks as t Monday. He then summoned the in lo n b a r g a i n in g c o d n c il t o Vashington a n d 'h a s 'K ^ t tb e in jn ession through.'lbe-M em orial Day —loliday.while talks re sum ed .- ----------------O b serv e rs a t th e negotiations

elieve the two sides bave eased off le ir absolute positions and a re In the rocess of seriously discussing pro- - osals and counler-propcnals.B ut Church has-« ^d be doubts the

egotiatlons can be settled over the Dlidayweekend.-- -----------■

ered plane idon flightlunds, now is able to fly solely onla re n e i® '.—---------------------------It b a s 16,000 photo-voltaic cells built lo i t s wings. These convert sunlight lo elec tric ily to power the aircraft's ig lepropelier.As wilh the (lossam er Albatross, e p ro jec t is backed by Du Pont, lich said tha t tbe flight from meillesen-Vixin airfield n ea r Paris, luid take about seven hours. Tbe -craft will be flying a t iq> lo 10,000 it to obtain optimum so lar cell _ tput.riv e sites south of London are being isidered as a landing sile, with oydon as firs t choice. - •

—d an d o W o o d —quality to b e proud of

NOW AT<T)(iw«| 'sComplitio Qoohcbte \Vol<irbed wilhEtched M irror. ar»d Oonny D i Speelolly Formuloied lacqupr linlsh \ CLOSE OUTSPECIAL

* 2 9 9 . 0 f f com pW iT^ ~________«LM7_0.0.iyolu*_._______ ____ _ _ j _

<T)awiu4)'si to Hlv/uy 30, Fltt> 336<S937

^ U R A»OUi u a t e . ____

1 2 4 M ain * - A v en u e N nrth______ _

Twin F a lls 7 3 3 -1506 . O p e n O a l[y iO :O O A .M .\ to 5 :3 0 P .M .,

. F r id a y s 'ti! 7 : 0 0 "

Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

fS y l

3S^FieliiEnterprlsesrlac: . W hat happens with a

. qucncy' when bright, sut vkluals a r e promoted?

■ W hy!__^Because “ tl'_B S S um e tha l bright peop

:■' -^<3bno well on '^nc job Iov<• - h e lp 0 0 a new, more

■ ■ level,” says a leadin,psychologist. “ When int

: . -b lc m s a r is e in th c n e w jo : w ay to gel advice:" Th'

•L m ultiply, a promising -1- . torpedoed.

. . *A highiy-cffective. E • m an ag e r w arned his b

w asn 't suited for a bctlc E a s t Coast. The cmpio)

-------- the-indivlduaLjust prciei

Elgin W 'b e t t e r ti. — ^e-imchicagoStuhTJmes

" ' MIAMI - The Elgin------- W atch • Co.^declded It v,

' ■ ttaove from Chicago, a n d : dusty Industrial park^djo

■ o f low4ncome tra ile r coui found happiness.

The company, the wi ; l - a r g c s t w a lc h m a k < m anufactures jew elry a t B ut, a s even union leaders ag rro , moving th e-m alr h e re last June was cleai necessity.

“ We didn’t move here sw aying palm trees or tt p residen t's backyard ^ d I i t ,” said H al P juulg , thi p resident. "W e did it to re

-■ ■^petltive. We’re not ^ a p in , ' " O u r reasons w ere purel;

■‘•o n es .’’ -' • “ We couldn't ra ise the enough to curb Inflation,’'

‘F einsm ith , v ice president a . d iunsel. "W e fit a - c e r

category and had become fo r a few years. We were percentage of the m arket.:’

D anzig minimizes the ef] nois workm en's compens unem ploym ent compensa

* th a t businessm en often cit( ' ing the s ta te ’s business

“ T h e y w e re n ’t th e ii ; factors.”

Here, a s in Chicago, 20 who assem ble 300 models <i a iti mostly H i ^ n l c and W age ra le s . bob lo w e r s .im portanlly, p r o ^ y taxe nlflcantly lower, there’s nc

; w m e lax, and the company

H jm J I

: r r T w o ' S c / ? o / a i


S p o n s o r : Al W a s h in g to n N e w s |


_ _ f_ .--------- -T h e T im es-N ewu ca lio n S em in a r h<

T h e s e rn ln a r» o f b e s t c o lle g e c r e d l in le re s le d In imprt c la s s ro o m s .

A f e e of 3 1 5 0 pe N e w s will s p o n so r

D ead lin e for a p__________b.©-nollILe.dJiCLlaj9x

______ To ap p ly fpM hew ou ld (ike tb (ncpo

............... w o u ld b eneflc ia

“ ■ | “ M A il'tH IS 'C O U PO N TC:

I KAY JONES, Time - ^ R O . B o x 6 4 8 rT w ln f «

I N a m e __________________

A d d r e s s ________________


S c h o o l;_________________

D is tr ic t N a m e „ _______

, . oradolUe ll a la rm in g (re- the Loii'a ^succcsstlll Indi. tr ta l-c o u

'" th c lr iM sscs h a n d l^ ” *oplc w hO 'have : '.Anewl level won’ll need u S dlvls ore rcspmisiW c . pharm act ding InJIuslrlal to D r i S

d lsllk lrfh' j ? i> .5 “ ' ' l s n o d idno tun p c dlrtK ulIlK managing ling c a re e r Is A ller cou

^ . rallied thi , Denvei:-based do w as to s boss Lhat he m anage c ttc r Job .jon-lhe_ ._quc„iiy .n ploycr asiium cd dean of i cferrcd Ube Col* well.

A/atchGt tim es in j

: anexfsting_________ a b a rg a in E

jn & Wsiiitham T hecdm t t w asTllrne lo a ir lie lgh tnd h e r e - - I n a wllh good Bdjo talng lilod is tough |nt<Murts - il has E lgin’s m ar

In the duly-iworld’rj fifth c o m p o n e i

a k e r , s t i l l Switzerlanda t In atnlcago. log here , tlers bacllt. hom e sim p lerr **tain opriration “Chicagolea r eocuwmic town," F ein

who w as a &;re because of up a lot ofr to be in the become a <nd Ihen-Justify nioritythe ccinipany “ Chicago

ore m a ta c o m - paying p latpinganiytolng. couldn’t coiirely business Chicago Indi

, ’ we neededh e p r i c ^ f a s t w ilh in thein 'in," salM P aul "We hadntand-gicncrai can tly o rd o i c e r ta ln -p r ic e — -The rem a>me m arg inal still is unioniere losing our don’t conlen

which Is not! effect: of Iiil* a dastard ly ien5alll^n and oforganizednsatioiT laws M oreover,cite aii harm - take painsless dilm ale. expand, no

Im p o r ta n t C h icag o o|, employees.

200 w orkers Danzig anls< jlw alches and tit and 1nd unBkilled. th e good lifervbuL, *more moon ov e r Naxes a ro sig- sta tus,i no s 'la te 'In- “ W e're pmy took over Danzig said.

! ^ l

' a r Q h l p 3 r t o ~ r " ~ r .

iptir in Educ; im^r SeminaA lilfird O d iiy N e w s p a p ATspt:jiper P u b li s h e r s A:

E; EVERGRE1— “ TnjBOisr

3 GRADC r e d i t is o f f e r e d th

6W5t’-wHI-for-the-first-tlme- r ho ld annually a t Evergrec , ofliared for 1 3 years, h a s 3dlt program In which the; iprctving their teaching tei

) psij/s room , board, tuitior ;or tw o local teachers to at applying for the scholarste r J h a n J u n e lS ,________he {scholarship, mail th e o :po ipo rate the new spaper c la j to you. to the Times-Nt


H6»s*News fa llls , ID 83301

? ___________ ________ ,

ylvia Porter .j

a u s e s nllfeslylerfiuhan assessment by ig Island-hM dquartered Indus- lounseling nrm of Felbc M.~ & Associates nrovtxl ihe m an. vas right. He could not 'h ave d the increased responsibility, jwly-promoted president of the vision of a la rg e intematloha] aceutical company complained Lopez a l a conference that he d his.G erm an supcriors.“ who.. understand the complexities of Ing an American enterprise." Munseling, the executive ad- tha t what he really wanted lo lo leach corporate finance, nol e any business. He subse- ' resigned, look a position as r a business ^ o o l , is doing

tefiinds : Miami

ng'67;ilO O ^uare-foo^lantal 1 basem ent rent. —mpany also Is'tiM heavily to ht and m ust be in a big city d flight connections. U ke Ils n tem a lio n a l com petitors, lanufacturing is m ostly done ty-free Virgin Islands, where l e n t s . a r e s e a t f ro m md, F rance and Japan. Be- , m uch closer, makes life

go is a high-wage, high-cost einsmlth said. “ We had a guy a shop stew ard and had built of seniority. He quit us lo a CTA d river wilh no se- .

go is one of the highest- laces in the country. Wecompete w ith_lhe_lypical___ndustiy lo a ttrac t the labor ed ^nd couldn't compete [Industry.9d to ra ise prices* sipiifi- dosom ethlngelse." nain ing Chicago operation ■ onized. Union officials there i tend tha t the Malml plant, ’ lot unionized, is a symbol of ly firm , fleeing the clutches ed labor.er, Danzig and Felnsmlth ' ns to re iterate plans to c no t' cut, the. remaining ^ o p e ra tio n and ils 80 i

s. 0 and Felnsm lth arc tanned c d look like walking ads for ^ life.. And they’re clear as a r Miami a s lo their current^' .

................................................dphenom ^najiy happy,” °

K Slalion \ I ar \ Na p e r s — X lA s s o c ia tio n ' I -

EEN STATE CS T 1 7 - 2 0 , 1 9 8 1

i D U A T E c r e d i t s

t h r o u g h S e o t t le P a c if ic I

ie-be-offering*scholarshipsi reen S ta le College near Oiyn a s been described by teachi le y 'v e ever participated. It I techniques through the use

ion and m aterials co sts for.t attend , paying half the cost,

irships is June 1 . Winners i__________________ I_________> coupon below and a staten s r into your present currlcuk •Nevra.

_____________________ ____I___ p

____Sfqjo. • _____________

nid-carby *A -woman who h ad bi Js-_ to ' v ice presldcnl of i M- design of a m ajo r textile la:— thft.posit ion -fla sily Hivanl ve whole otow. H er persoi

revealed she had a r ^ - . .re c o g n iz e d abilily , to_[

moved on to become a n c r f president of a sm aller he pany , isanou tsland ingsi1)0------A. f^isclnating.findingof s tudy is tha t ti>e m ost pi • ' m ostproductiveofyoung d- "tw ice a s likely to leave (0 tio n a s th e i r le ss o l associates."«------T he less prom ising \

given h igher ra tines by ^8 ors than the rea l winner:

nation: O rdinary wo>ker5

J P ro d u ce r - -(W holesale)

Price Index

I 1 5 ^

1.3 —

.0 —• I -

r DA S O N O J I

$ 2 m il l io n tO]CLEVELAND (U PI) -

p ay of. top-ranking- exe A m erican business is appn $2 million per y e a r m ark, a< a r tic le in Industry Week m<

The publication estim ate rem uneration of two .exe close lo tha l figure now - Rosenthal, chief executive E nglehard M inerals, a t j and Donald P . Kelley, p re chief executive officer o f I SJ.970.338.

The artic ic placed R< derson, chairm an and chief officer of Rockwell " In lt thlrdat$l,803,462.


ic U n iv e r s ity ,-

>sio-the-N 0 vrepaperlrrE d ilympla, WA.ch ers over and over a s the It is designed for teachen

js e of new spapers In theii

3r,the sem inar. The TTmes)st, o r $75 each .rs of the scholarsh ips wii

lem ent explaining how you :ulum, and How this course

_______ . . 2 \ p S ____ _______

. S. — G ra d e ^ U v e l-------------^

reercn'jbeen promoted stereo typeplanning aod prom ising

lie firm handled d o l ^ , s h o mted-to-nm-the— money-m&sonalily profile Handling jo ire_ b u t_ m k _ _ p a rt-o f.lh €- ma n a g e -S b c course.-AnJ executive vice can figuresr textile com- nels to ad[success. w aiting In tig -o f a Lopez A Fioridipromising and pie, found tng workers a rc than Its ab/e the corpora- com petenti p ro d u c tiv e system for

and its 1: workers a re wouldn’t wy their superi- e a riy in th:rs. The explar fu ture theyirs behave llkc^ . A fler d t


_ B-•mOQffi------- — ^J9eiB0Sh

-----^ 1 - ------ J : -P . Mo- - - ■' p rem ier bar

' t h e doJJar,

f sm elling llkf The Housi

th a n a th lrd In .the forei{ chief intern m e r deVries d o lla r fo ra y of the bthei M organ mai In Uiree r exchange o|

- • portion of th I P M A fo ro o e o ftb i

tional banks. O ther Ne>

m m Citicorp anti---------- --- . . . m adoapU ec

•n>e big los • ^ r i c tions w ilh E- 'P ® m ade less r_ Th» tnlnl renClCS thCH

Ites the total (------------------xecutlves a t- Milton F. ve officer of

$1,9977,758, resident and f Esm ark a t

Robert An- lef executive ■ iternational,


............. ” “ -

— ----------------------------

he -3rseir




— 1 -

I .I


- I I

Im m 4 _____ _________

Isisfonp e m anagers whUo the most □g break tbe ru le^ and by so l>ow the potential for being big

ing a promotion is only one the mid-career crisis talc, of Ano>tbcr-is-bow-an Individual ire out the mosl likely chan- advancement — instead of

In tu rn to be promoled. . rida public utility; for exam- id tha l 11 w asexpandingfaslcr ability to fill new jobs with

n t people. Its IradiUonal, for promotion was loo slow,- best em ployees sim ply .w all:.they w a n le d J a ^ o w the ir careers what kind of

ey could a p e c t . dissecting and examining -

e pile o f dough o

( a n k s h i tisioa Globe------- ^

M organ,-ooe-of -Am erica’s 3anks, has m ade a b ig bet on IT, aad has come through likearose. .lUse of-Morgan m ade liw re rd of Us profits so fa r In 1981 eign e x c h a n ^ m arkets. Ils imational economist, Rim- -les, has been bullish oi\ the a year and oegallve on some h e r leading currencies. So nade more than $27 million

monlhs -0 0 Its foreign operations, an incredible

! the $76 mtUlon net incom e' tbe world's leading Intema- Jcs.'Jew York banks such a s ' m d Chase M anhattan also le of dough on the dollar.. losers were m ajor corpora- : 1 European operations' that 5 money because tbe .cu r-^ .: e re were lower In term s of ' , When they bad to .translate • 3 In tl>e'GoRnw-maikJ>acli..: :rs, il came out a lesser i because the m ark w as | In term s of the dollar. ITT, ^

- » w |

“W h y d iU n ite d

“W e COI- ■ "We d isc o v e re d aili

• not a l ik e ." _____

. B e fo re y o u 'o p e n ( N O W f e a tu r e s — y

* • F ree c h e c l< in g \

• A iow $3/m ontl-

_____ _ l.A ..$ .5 _ b o n u s .w Il!

• Your first 50 chi• 5Vi% in te re s t cc

a c c o u n t ba lanci• D irect d e p o s it c• C a n c e l ^ c h e c k

• A/o se rv ice c h a r

• C h e c k G uaran te N ight Teller® a Service™ C a rd

: C h ec lr ln to .1 L ~ -^ y o i a c c o u n t Is a t U nlte<


, Oo<M • Burl0y •-CaUw*§ •

----- ^

Tuesday, Mar ■ I M l 111

someeost m ore than 200 m anagen so . Industrial counselors ai 3ig ag reed on the skills reqi------- pcsitloir=TradTnostlmp<me in the organization a pa of tion would logically lead,

lal now translating ils " m- m a trix ’’ into, a volumt* of lower a n d ' mlddle-;,cvc

w anting 'to know the mo mv w ays toadvancem ehl. c r > ^ a t corporations ha ith done in the ir , planning la l , expansion Is conccntr w. -company's, needs • - and ly needs of the individual (; iw you jnove.a-m anagor-up of tha t dissatisfies h im ,"

em phasizes, “ 11 decrea? ig - duclivily.'-!............. ..........

on dollar

t cash ja(“ for'cjwm ple, which I s la n

and G erm any, announce 's per-share Ioss.for the cur n ing period on foreign exc h l ie J { ^ produce a sm t

p ic tu re for ITT in the t e period.« Som e stock m arket t “ doubtedly w ill tell their"ci g sell the slocks of comp _ foreign currency losses. 1 Q Is Im portant to note thal . m ay be a passing one ar . buying opportunity in the g m any e x e r t s . .

B' A fter the clecllon of Ul* regim e In France, the frai

record am ount. The FreiS' ra ise In terest ra te s an inc ) percent, from 13.50 p en

• p erccn t for a 30-day inve* stem th e outflow. T Ik F t t m arke t declined In value *— than $8 billion In one wi f vestors rushed to ^ 1 seci ? very illiquid m arket. Ho> ■ -F rcn ch saw .tiie ir m arket s

’ than 100 percent In th e last > because of the dynam ic pc I o f the FYench economy

S ‘B HII t t t W

lid Jive ch< i F ir s t

> m p a re d /’aili in te re s t-ea rn in g c h e c

n o n e a n y w h e r e c o h ^ i- y o u g e t . . .

g w ith $100 m in im um bt n th serv ice fee fo r below

v i th .b p e n in g .d e p o s i t^ U c h e c k s free w ith a d ep o : c o m p o u n d e d c o n tin u o i

n e e

it o f U.S. G o v e rn m en t or jc k s re tu rn e d w ith m onti

iargesjf_you!re,60_or_ovf n tee , O verd ra ft P ro tec tio

ail ava ilab le th ro u g h id

y o u l l f l n d l h a n d a K o ’S ix i t e d F I f s t


i • • MeCmtt • khrkU tn ■

- . /

i^ay26.1981 Tlm os^ews.Tw

employ^ement jobs, "'the A promt and the ulility tra u m a tic i f q u i r ^ In' each r o sp o n s lb l ipSrtanirw here c h a llen g es . particular posl- tlons with id. The utility is c an 't cope, " c a r e e r path * O ne comi 1C available to unusually I vel m anagers , promoled-n- nost.prom islng__w ork.for. Cfl

s a w i ia s in j lave generally bul the fact ng for fulure isolated wltl tr a te on the easiest solut nd neglect the . As an em (you). "When w ili find gul

up into a-spol— th e -m id ^ a rDr. Lopez question o f '

•ases his pro- a lso n malic —■ antfw he^esl

ckpot ovu ^ e in F rance change .In ll ced a 13-cent- investm ent, urren t report- . s in ce Uie* xchange. This ■ franc h as fal n a ile r profit « o n lo th e d < ! ttut«-m onth h as d n ^ p e d

nese yen ha experts un- value and th«

"customers to ^^.3 penpanies wllh- . However, Ita t tills phase ^ * 3 I'bs and create a m ajo r he opinion of Since t

d o lla r h a s de tion to these

the Socialist h a s been a mi r a n c to f c l l a o lln lla tlo n ln “ench had to So th e fe ncredlble4.5 s p e f ta c u la r r jrcent lo 18 A m erican eco vestm ent, to • I tred u ce t French stock th e U nited St ue by m ore the ra le of in week , as in- will no l Increi ‘curitles in a d o lla r keeps r [owever,-the— infiue iice-on I go up m ore .paym entsfsR c ist two yea rs • However, perform ance E urope and ly and th e th e re will In


lo o se -

3ckjng a c c o u n ts a re

SIS it w ith th e s e U n ited

b a la n c e>w $100 b a la n c e

L $500-oc-m ore-- _ o sit o f $100

Dusiy o n y o u r c h e c k in g

or Payro ll C h e c k s ith iy s ta te m e n tver______________________

ion, a n d a c c e s s to D ay- I U n ited F iret's IVIoney

b o s ^ a I l 'ro u n d N O W

i h f ^ s af Firstl E m t s n v m B s

n • N a m ^ '» Po<ma6~» Twkt F,


.. TwinFalls, idahoC-5

^ e e s ?omotlon can bc ju sl as ;ic as being fired.. The exlra s lb ll l t ic s .—th e —in c ro a se d — [CS can c rea te delicate silua- 1th which m any individuals pe. ■■■ ■■■■ —om pany d iscovered-that an ly high num ber o f ' new iyf ■d-managers w ere quilling-lt)— r. com pelllora. .The company 5 ingralilude and disloyally — ' fact was the jobchangcrs fell with "no one to talk to ." Their olutlon: Change jobs, employee o r employer, you

I guidance in this analysis o f ' ^ a r e e r ’c r is ls m V n o t j u s r T " of where you a re going. Il's

laller of w here is there lo go. re’shbuld there be to go.

verseas^in its tax laws fo promote ■ntu 'i ie eiid of lW ,‘ Ihe f re n c h _ s fallen 23.2 percent ^ rela- e dollar. The Germ an m ark ped 17.7 percent. The Japa-

has lost 20 percent! of its ] the British pound hds gone 3 percent, l l i e Swiss franc rcent of its value in lerm s of -

s nol happened lo the dollar • a jor trading currcncieis since :e tha t period, in fact, t^e s declined, over-al!, In rela- ese .q ther currencies,'w hich 3 m ajo r influence on the ra te ' n in the United States.:

fallout of the ce lla r's a r rise is substan tia l'ln the I economy: <uces the cost on Impotfts Into d S tates and helps stabilize if inOation. The pricc; of oil crease, either, a s long;es the p s rising. T here is a positive .o n - tb e -U .S .-b a la r ic e -o f—f8fiort:termj___1____________ _ver, the cost o f oil im ports to nd im ports of U.S. .goods I Increase. ; >

H | ' ■ w - ~ -■ ~

P P ~ ‘

lO u ir r t e r e s t - ■■

e d 2 '

y -3y

r ^ - r - X .

■fnfjflf ............


■ CO • - :____ ^ -

Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

“ B y ABIGAIL VAN <S> Universal Prcsi

li D EA R ABBY: I(in nartie onJy) foi lonely dlvorcec raj

------------a-w ell-U «o~w Idow e re m arried.

.The f irs t n ig h t ' found out h e wa&it no l h is fau lt.-buU m e. (He la te r said

- lose m e.)W e h ad everythl

i ried couple could - hom e, friends, tri

« -------- w asn ’t Jiving a gom issed th e physlca

' som e.Now I have mcl

__ H e Is m y a g e (52) ae ls 'a n d Rom an Cali

. . -we w ere alone (ogel and w anl lo get m t

. h u r tJo h o .Would 11 be wrong

! - g ra b w hat little he life? • .

DEAR IN: U ya leaving Joha, tbe fM tell you about his ll

‘ d e o l (Ib a t’spnbal r—7 , annulment.) TntoH

a secret will be uka I dawn past a rooster, John before iM tells)

D EA R ABBY: E - - out b y say ing they

a nd th a t 's the way I but d on’t throw this I I get b e tte r a s I go ale

J[ a m a m arried m a

w rile r bu t I can 't sei- t h e f le ld .T b e l l s e h r

, to, differen t magazlrh ea rd back from nc

I Not n i—poiso- — ...........N EW -YORK (UPIJ

tim e of y e a r people m b ad ca se s of poison

I w onder about the po: < venting theou tb reaks. r I s th e r e an y lh i______ a p p ro a c h in g —the—g

dressed like a mumm a 'h u m a n aga inst the i

■, — Ivy, su m ac , oak?- ^Therfi.are.iseparalii

T ^ ^ ic a lL e l te rs iz e -u p o f t______ ^or in jec ted descnsit

' ness.I “ M any preparations

... b u t th e ir v alue is hli :----------s a rd th e M e d fc a r i i t te


: B0 COUSO o f th e : l in e s f o r ro cafv l

1 D g t* to r u n :

F irldoy, 5 /2 2 . S a tu r d a y , 5 /2

J_____, . ^ S j j n d a y . . 5 / 2 4 -r ; - M o n d a y , 5 /2 5 I T u e s d a y , 5 /2 6■ i V V e d n esd a y , 5 I T h u rs d a y , 5 / 2

P e n n y S a v e r j F r id a y , 5 /2 9

j------------ [ c l a s s i f i e e :

D o t* to ru n : F r id a y , 5 /2 2

. S a tu r d a y , 5 /2 : ■— S u n d a y , 5 /2 4

M o n d a y , 5 /2 5 : T u e s d o y , 5 /2 6

W e d n e s d a y , 5. T h u r s d a y , 5 /21 F r id a y , 5 /2 9 P e n n y S a v e r , 5

C -6T lm os-N 8w «,

j DearAbby

H ard k<'AN BUREN • wourcssSyndfcale with

__________________ ' Y(the

i': I have been m arried you for five years. I was a exp<

I f age 47) and Jo h n w as unle Idower (60) when we a m i

Ifyoht we w ere m arried I whal i^im potcnl. 1 know It 's m e i 111 he ^ o u ld have lold num aid he w as a fraid h e’d callii

phoni^ In g a happily mar* y’oug uld w ant — a lovely trips. I can’t say I ' DE good life, a lth o u ^ I m e ;

sIcal side of m arriage advJs mate

net a vvonderfu l_m an._hdpj 2) and it w as s k ] ^ k — ^ d l r a the first tim e D E jgether. W e're In love a n d i m arried , bul h a te to churc

' Ihflong to leave Jo |in and peopli happiness is left -in ards,

they- I N LOVE saylni

you want t9 Justify hym n1 fact tbat be failed to hypoc s impritonc^i jg a tfn . them . ibabiygrou^A iran 1 an log to keep an affair doesn' ka trying to smuggle sense ter. Y ^ d better t d l bunch llsyoq.

D E /Everybody starts man a

ey have, a problem, to bee ly I am startin^ out, cfaurd: lis away yet because tbe wc lalong. (Haha!) dwells man wi th three k id s ,- oecees

seem lo break into A deh n o o short s tories saints,azlnes, but I never “Judge

nobody. A person man.

much he omvysh'P D — This Is the ' doctor !e whd catch rea lly pared son ivy and such profit possibility of pre- Rochel

_____ . . "Willth in g s h o r t o f c la n s n - g r e a t - o u td o o r s — Ity-of-i nm y to desensitize poison le poison g reenery sta rted ,

■ationsrBul a-Med.“ - I f e n d of the various o ral “ Hyp< isltlzatlon _agenls. a v a ila b Ic about offoctiwe. ox traclt

h a s nol Ions a re m arketed these p ! highly doubtful,” c f fe c ls i ‘t t e r Y e ^ r t 'f o n i r ~ s o m e l ln :

imokidE A D L I Ih e M e m o r ia l O o y hoi Iv in g a d v e r t i s in g w ill I

D ib d llR*c*iv

2 -Tu«s., / 2 3 W « d „ M W m d:;2 5 I T h u r .: '2 6 T h ur* . . 5 / 2 7 F r i . ,S , / 2 8 F ri., S , f F ri., S , ' T u . i . ,


Thurs<'2 3 F rid a )4 .. ------S a tu rc

S o tu rc2 -------------------------6 S o tu rc'5 / 2 7 T u e s d'2 8 - W e d n .

W e d mV 5 /2 2 W e d m

w8. Twin Falls , Idaho T uesdi


V oi

/ould like to be told w hat is \ /ith the ir stuff, wouldn’t you tbit You m ust-know a lot o f b ig sh

le p o lis h in g business, Abby. o u p u t in a good w ord for m e? I x p ^ you to say I am any [Ura8_you.8ee.8ome.ofjny.stuff rn sending you 26 s to ries I ’ve « you a rc too b u ^ lo w rite and te h o t you think of them , you ca i le up. I ’m sending you m y p unber, and If the line Is busy, tiling because m y kids a re oi lone a lot. In tb e m e a n tim e .: IU got any suggestions?

-L O V E S T O W P DEAR LOVES: Please d e a l : » anything, becaoM my bn Vises against rMding omabUi iteriaL Aad In tbe meantime, ( ip your Uds with tbeir English.

5 E /f f i3 Q B y r I“am "a 13-yeiF- d rhy paren ts force m e to gi irc h every Sundaj'. - - h a le going lo church because I

ip le th ere who I know a re d n Is, gossips, lia rs and cheais,.. y a re righ t there every Suhi 'Ing th e ir p rayers and singing nns. I don 't have any r e j e c t tocriles and ou r chUrch is full m . m y own p aren ts Included, a m only 13, so m aybe m y opln sn ’t co u n t,: but I dtrn’t see ] se in m y going lo church will ich of hypocrites.

-O N L Y A B i EAR ONLY: Cbrlst became B a t 13, and you are not too you •ecome a man eiUjer. One goes rcb to leam about tbe Bible a word of tbe Lord, although 0 ills in Coe’s b e a ii a n d ^ s i

S S e ^ U m . * * * ^ ** d iu rd i_ is .ii0t_ji-jnuaeum -i

its. It's a bospital (or yinnera, I f f not. lest ye be Judged,” you

ope for ufferers-o r 'T M d eri. t h e reI>ort w as pi id by consultants for the nc » i jw w le tle r published in Ne

Wlh the com ing o t-spriag,^ f c f s m ay be asked aix iu t tbe poss I b »f-prevenU flg-derm atitis-due- ^ i v y this sum m er,” tbe repo

yposensitlzatlon w ith c u r f tfS lab le com m erc la lly«p repare

ivy, oaJt-or ^ m a o l bM n shown to be effective an

products can cause advers S ih a t a r e often unpleasant an tlmesdangerous;*^------------------

RTISTNON E Slo l id a y , e a r l y d e a d - II b e o s 'fo l lo w s :

dllifiVfor»ivlng o tT Im M «N «w g:

5., 5 / 1 9 3 : 0 0 p •m . 1 , 5 / 2 0 3 :0 0 p .m . I ^ f l / 2 0 - 3 i 0 0 'p n s rs.-; 5 /2 1 3 : 0 0 p .m . r«., 5 /2 1 3 : 0 0 p .m .5 / 2 2 3 :0 0 p .m .5 / 2 2 3 : 0 0 p .m .5 / 2 2 3 : 0 0 p .m .1., 5 / 2 6 3 :0 0 p .m .

4 G D E A D t l N E -

dlln«:rs d o y , 5 p .m . a y , 5 p .m . i r d o y n o o n i rd o y n o o n i r d a / n o o n " ~ - ■ day ,.5 p .m . I n e a d a y , .5 .p j n . ' I n e s d a y , 5 p .m .I n e s d a y , 5 p .m .

sd a y . May 26. ig s t

■ . J

‘sk^od<■ DEAR ABBY:

im S t i l n knew an ed itor wl l y .C m " “ “y reporter w

• w ord “ dam ned" I

y phone

s ■ FLOlW RITEi l s e o d

l--Sf. e l a e edrunk-

Sunday K ' . ' I V ;

tF.-i n o Yim e.ayoungjoeito

b o S *'• n o t— * S p o "

— VALln_for— -------------------rs, so young


p „ Ojnc^ I N

up tcuetof— ------ --------------

Several - — - R o i i i : A i

a re d H j

rerse " O W . . .and ■


H ~ N O W ..* .

»J cr.Bdi • B e i g *

H - • G o ld l

I Viny■ Now.


I ■- O lH vrantsK o n d p o tta rn

.^W hll*Th«y

■ 6 p e i■ Til

I 127 2nc ^ ^ 7 3 3 - 1 ^

i . .

i M

kef a fFaf: R e th a t person wbo D» who said be would f ire— RI2 who' used the word (■ should substitu te Ihe to i ■instead: Geiused my church title

rv e ty rtfttfpw l^lonere— cea h him . Sign m e Ablt ^ R Y R E V . J 'A T H E R J e v


Rubber BiL a r g e s e l e c t i c

u r a l w o o d , b r i c k ; t i l e n i s h g e o m e t r i c p a t t e


g o l e u m r —

JYL FLOORo . ■..□I M iscellaneous $


• L ig h t G r e « n G e o m e t r i c• B ro w n B ricke L ig h t G r e e n T ile

.• R u > t 4 3 o id G e o m e t r i c ___e G o l d M o r b l e .V.-• Y e l lo w G e o m e t r i c

2 Rolls Of Ult. 2 5 - ----

d e s c e n t - h ig h g lo s s . - N o w a j e I n la id T ile D e s ig n d I n la id T ito D e s ig n

lyi- , 3 8 —



*M S; c o i o n : — -----------------

lyloVl .. . - . ----- v r . . . No

N F i i i b i mIL8i*.M.

i d A v en u e W est' ^ ^ ^ J w l n F a l k

^ -

air quietD A N IEL J ) . RESSETAR,R ISB U R G .PA ......... - — ^

(You’re never loo young oi 'o leara how lo make people li 3et Abby;saew booklet o f p idvlce. Send SI and a sUun y a t s ) r ~ s e l f ^ d d r e ^ ' eaye ibby. Popularity. 132' BeverlyHUIs. Calil. 90212.) .


■ S I *

s s n s

Backed Level It io n , o f c o l o r s ^ n d p o t ile , a n d c e r a m ic t e r n s

» 3 9 9. q . y d . *


faliiiSoop—.............. * 4 . 9 9 . , „ .ic

~ Vinyl------N o W a x I



O C cN o w O n ly o a c h

i l

© a. Etbi IS 7B I


1 c u p d ^ f2 tabIeq)oozi

^ cty s u g a r..................... ■ Vi teaspoonb

— 1 teaq>ooosj1 packageac

________ Y* cu p lukewa

___ _.-3-Cup8sifted2 tablespooni

\R» _ HA R-.......... u la rm arg aVi cup b rou

ro r loo old packed leUkeyou. i te a sp o o n ^ ./p racU cfl) conlecUonefeS>efiL«5---------- H cil-sour.cl y e l ^ lo until lukew arm <asky Dr.. sugar, soda a ^

......................... Sprinkle yef

i ® -: % r ‘ ^

/ i

I Ldop ^o t t e r n s . f l r t f - J

S s q 7 y a . ~ n | j ' " / b


H H- T * -

^ I2’x17’9" i r x iW ^

. “ I2'X18’B”I 9 'y 1 1 ’1 1 ” Wl_ _ _ 1^ ft IU 1.1------ Klfd

I ” " I2’x12’1"I I2’x10’2" sJ I ^ M ’6 ” 4 ' :

r to ifl I t CARPEI Westp

3 R o l l ^ • T r e a s u r e Chi

R « g . S 1 6 .4 9 MOW

^ . g ^ I I . 9 5

* Pickup up

n2flsj/iSB u r t n o . B n ^ _Z — — a

►DHCRKAM1AU0NR0LL8 r— g y so u rc ream rOQS shortening :,IT---- ^ TI baking soda

acU vedryyeast S warm wa te r _____ ,_________

Hifiour • ''J)ns soft b u tte r o r reg-Sariae................,3wn s u g a r firm ly

^ o u n d cinnam baners su g ar Id n g itcr-cream-ln sau ce p a n ------------m . S tir in shortening, :si adsall. ra' c ^ on lukew arm lir

' ' o " o r e c e n t

j [ v ^

‘ 185” * I ;

I2 H P ^ ' 3

M a p ' ^ ' 1 1

. >189- * 9 ^

rMnShod* sqeOB jlg w d S h ag *288” ___ i , U l

ffi.V.’t, W '11I ROLLS[ p o i n t P e p p e r e l l S |I o f S u n lln e r • IH uth Scul| jtu !h e st B eige • C oconu t Cr>uni

.........................*n1 ^ ^ ^ S R o l l io f N I g I^ -------- ?scur|)<tu

• Mf>oi


p a t our w arehou s e

IfflSjp® Iw ater, s tir to dissolve. Add y e a ^ anrf fHTg to sour, cream m b rtfllC

■ ‘Gradually mix in e n o u g b - f lo u i^ ■make a soft dough. Turn out co> IDoured surface and knead llg t i ^ .ilor a m inute. F o rm into a ball.tfltST ilet rest S m ln u te s .A ilL Jn tQ ja » g :ioch rectangle. Spread with b u t to ^ . ;5prinki& witb brown su g ar s i S - iriniiBmMi- Roll up like JeUy jSZC llrom long side. Cut into 12 s l l ( f f i

—P la c e in g re ^ - l3 x 9 x 2 - in c h t e t e — ,ilng pan. Lel rise until doubf t ^ . n b o u l m hours. BUte in 375* ovfiaS:

. :iZ m inutes or-until g o ld en -b ran s^ :iRemove from pan to rack.. WhUy^. 4ttill w arm drizzle w ith confection<.-. «*r'8 icing. M akes 12 rolls. V '

ild n g :— Com blne-l-rup-sifted-pow dered—

.•sugar. 2 tablespoons light cream or railk and 1 tea^)0 0 n‘.v an illa rB ca t_ z ; tmtU smooth.

sp e c ia l p u r c h a s e s a t th o g lg oiTtlc S a lt Lako. Q ty .. .

? F io o r C o v er in gS h o v /, T h e m an*. .o g e m e n t a t ------- t.’.,.-.,

i^ l lrT i B a n n er F u rn itu re ' w a s a b le t o p ick u p s o m e f a n t a s t i c W

I ^ E S b a r g a in s . W e a r e .:.

sW M ' s a v in g saW M o n t o y o u i

a i m m e a r l y for^> ~;T H E B E S T B U Y S I

^1"-' i r

Specials IIJturM Shag ■ u n c h * N a t iv e T o n

l » 9 5 i q . y d - . ' B - . ”

M g h t t c e n e _____ii^ tu iw d sh ^ — -------------------------------o o n l l t O r a n g e '

• C r y s ta l G r e e n G o ld e n Ho i v M t ' __ _

l i ^ e 9 9 ' S q . y d . *

Page 24: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents


B e t h e l 4 .

w i l l i n s t a

o n S u n d iTWIN FALLS - Bethel 1

International Order of Job': te r s 'w i i l hold open inslali officers a t 7:30 p.m . Sunda

•TwtQ Mnwnin Tompin New O fficers include

.WilJiams, honored queen; I chell, senior princess; L aun jun ior prlnccss; Joanne SmitI D arcy Hall, m a r s h a l ; ' S Fasse tt, chaplain; Jenny E lib ra rian ; M egan Welrich, r H o l ly R eynolds, m usicia Shelley M iles, treasuror.

Lisa Lalliss, first mcsseng< Easley , sccond m essenger; Snodgrass, th ird messenger: M ^ e w ^ fourth messengci C ia k , fifth m essenger: Fin in s^ r g uard : Vonae Reed g uard ; T racy Stacy, senior cu ao& K aren Reidesel, Jimior cu - XajSir m em bers a re Carrie Angle W hitehead, Shtfwna Claudine Baisch and Christy S

# a m p s i t €

f e a y l a c k

^ m e i t e r3 E N D , O re. (UPI) - ...Wl

P S S h ead fo r their favorite c tWs sum m er, they’ll have ( c f i^ k to s ee they have eve:

^ iilB U dlng_ toU ot.paper_and .

. . J ^ ^ th o u g h th e se -item s-h a pSB lded a t m ost campgroun pasC they 'll be conspicuousl th is-year bccause of Fo'^sf f i ^ n g c u t s .

_ J 3 3 fe lB e n d _ R a n g e tJ J is lr ic s ^ e s National F orest is a g in jo ln t. '

JJu rin g th e spring and j nSEreation s ta ff m em bers

— sa a ip ib le -fo i^ S l-c a m p g jo i . w infer, they m usl plan

n S K a g e b u rgeon ing c ro■ ceaSKWu n try a n ddow nhilldi

sgm rm obllers who visit the foi¥ 'aced w ith budget cuts, the

ioSS two posslbUlties - eiU siJBUi p rog ram s althugether s ^ c e s In som e areas. ‘

cam pgrounds will b __bnE t.:C am pgrounds, with on

tioixiwlll rem ain open, burthl b ^ T in the w ay they have bet p M t according to Arlio Holn BSSa'distrlct's recreation staf

XDrty-three of th e lite s wiU■ w j^ r ^ u te d o rn o s e rv lc e s r — T b - reduced-serv lce-sites, i

wSoU be collected dally, toilt ti4s!ivoirt be cleaned as often i pqjrfe and m aintenance will duced, Holm explained. '

3 £ e F o i ^ t Service also i b^j3j; on "sta ff-p ro v id in g ' I forggracnt and Information t pore. Serv ices will b ecu t even

_ s i(E ' in _ ^ u se r maintained". gnJBPds.

At’ these cam pgrounds, whi eriD y will be in m ore remoK c a lS ^ r s wUi need to bring th g a r ta g e bags, take (heir tr/is w ltfr-th em and m ake sun cam psites a re clean. They'll

“T)T lB flheir5w irto lle tT »8pera k e ^ t^ tro o m s clean as well.

C am pgrounds in th e rc se£S2ce o r user-m aintained cat mj^rxjpen la te r and close earllc y c f f i Holm said.

'Un m ost cases we’ll be M dSorial D ay to Labor Da saiJl; l n th e p ast, m any campg hav e been left open during dec

- in g « e a so a with reduced servlc< ' ‘□ fe cu tbacks won't affect gnjm jds w here users pay fees e x ^ n e d . F ees can only be c In « c a m p g ro u n d s w here g aA ag e , r» tro o m s and la fo rn m e n t serv ices a re a ll prov

'<We'd like lo m ake more fee w exould Im prove the a rea s (t sta tm ard s),” Holm said. B cuUjacks p reclude m any of ihi p r w m e n ts .

•iSfe'redepcndlD ^ff lot on lh< to k& p cam pgrounds In good n H o ^ said . I f vandalism ai san lla ry condilions resu jl_fn c re a s e d - (u lD te o a » M ,- lb e ■ & rv lM will h av e do a i « r ^ w

H(dm t ^ ^ ^ c k s a re i due lo reduced ctollars, a s refle a e .perccnt c u t o f the d istrict's alioQ budget fo r the year, nou

-« 9 2 ,O O Q :-. -

B He

BOSTON ( P r isc illa Kid

y c a r^ f v, sum m er nupl C hariestoL a

M rs. KIddc § ^ ■ ■ ■ 1 ' gowns for P r

■-■AMS“ purely bla<«

In an inte------------- impressed-

R eagan - « « . dom estic dcsl

a l l- . would never

i a v, . p rin ce ss -s ty le

el No. 43 of e y e le t woddir O b's Dabgh- s le e v e s ."ila lla tlon-of-------H c r-f lre t- |nday ot the shortly after I*'— — ----- when she oj le M iche le - Quincy,TVISss i; Sue Mlt* T h e n c e be lura Bowen; m ajo r Boston m ith .^ id e ; With the hel

Stephunie K idder, she o f B aum ert. sto res, the Bi I. recorder; f ^ io n a b le N ician, an d Eventually

, ' m ad e depa: !n g m Lora

dcparlm cnl l! ;er: Christy m anufacturin

- < U e g a n t -gown F ina Reed, leading brldi

Canada and Jl r custodisn. Tjje weddin•custodian,____S5,Ooo_______Tie Linder. - i do a lot : " c " p w p le . ’ sh e sty Smith. discuss the f

worked for — House weddin

U > » > , ............hercarcerr;- .-L o O She said she

•groups'-7-19-j to 38-year-olds

\ While most ‘ tional white, i\

M rs. Kidde: iV Y -l C developed afl

tu rned darker -.Wben.cam-.. U ntjlJSyca) te c a m p s i te s ............................

B u s ind_garbage_________ _______

By LINDA WO] -h av e been UnJledPressIc ounds in the )usly -absent'e & S s rv lc e . CHICAGO (Ii . . ■ , ... a h o te lb a r fo r i tr icL JnJ> e-_w as-refused -sc a good case uncscorted.

That was 12 y d sum m er, a vice pi ^ - ^ ^ * ? ^ E x p r e s s X o ^^ u n d s . - l n —thing-about-Ilrn for and ^ a s responiib crow ds o f business wilh Ifl l ^ e i ^ d ------ But-Sandra-J5 forest. Centering herthey exam - industry,ellher stop p a ign ing .everh e r o r cu l outdated allitui, ^ nesswomen —I b ea r theloneexcep- -■• they won’t' been in thelolm, of the B a r b a r a B staff. " ■ ( la u a te r ” of“ Wvill be open - BecksTeTd of T^•• . B e rt C o n i ^ i *•„ Saroago— E verell-C onrai o ile tfac lli- nm n n g th P tln tv en a s in the a ic s this month, vill be re- M rs. Conrad

. m em bership int iO will cul national schola m ajoring in bus]

tn lo cam - conrad m ajo m ore In ^ill be er

?d'.’. cam p- : P u rina Co, a t Po

which gen- Susan aodio tea rea sr~ d au g h lc re~ o flMiU ic lrow n B cckstcad of Tl rjish lionie jc leclcd (or mi Sim -their Key nallonal 1

TUcy lunlor M n d -n e ip — v ers ity rto g an —

reduced- J am es g«A:>ncalcgories and M rs. E ldon 1rllerlnU ie received his bai

g rec in physics I56 talking U niversity, G mDay.’ he m em ber of Epsil

npgrounds society, deer hunt*

let ciiinp- Divorce r- - NEW YORK -<

e T a u r - h i g h - s a l a r i e d yo l ^ - e n -~ longer believe re

S d S h A

c l's recre- . .also jnakes caree S niSselfll of unsatisfying

. .. psychologist.Lyn

B s i g n e i

oyaXwecm rknupi (UPI) - Bridal designer tiUdder thinks 1981 will be .a w f weddings. .Inspired by the upUals of E n ^ a n d 's P rinceLady D iana Spcncer.---------------ider, wbo designed wedding I*Princess G race of Monaco, locs Johnson, and Ju lie and hicon, prides herself on h e r *

nterview. she said she Is -w ith -f irs t l a d y - N a n c y - 0 ,

■ who has been prom oting__Iesigners.go out into far-out things," ^ ro r exam ple, she said, she ~ e r d ttigD 'pan l suits for a

dder. 63, m ade h e r own -j, y le w hite swiss cotton ding d ress with "g rea t big

fb u s in e ss~ v e n tu re ‘ cam e— ^ e r high school graduation, q |

opened*a yam -ah (y - l n ------

! becam e bridal buyer fo r a —on departm ent store. . help of h e r husband. Jam esB opened her firsl of th ree “Bride’s Shop on Boston'’s ^

‘ N ew buryS t.,in 1945. , wly she added a custom- ^ p a r tm e n t. H er s is te r .JS her firs l designer. Thai ^ I is now a large wholesalering company producing *>ew ns-and headdrcsses-for P|; •Idal shops in America,1Japan . °o iing gowns sell for » 7 5 to

lot of different kinds of ec c said . She docs not like lo he1 famous people she h as “ f- buLsaldJ^dplng a W h ile_ ©c ding" w '^ one h i^ lig h t of sh'

>he ca te rs lo two basic a ge lai 9- and 20-year-oIds arid 28* . daIds. to(isl brides still w ear tradi- se<i, ivory IS also popular. iIder said the ivory color cleafte r {tn old white gown fa::e rin a c e d a rc h e s t. rci

sa.W_she used ha

; i n e s s w o n/OLOHAN SC) ilatemaUoaal-:.......... — haI

---- ------------------------------ fa(( U P I ) - S h e walked iato b u

}r a business meeting and ow -service— * the-iady-was— bu:

2 yea rs ego, and the lady, s la president of American duj

^dclcrm ined to do some- on-llT-'nte-larac-group ^ e t r aslble for did no more YoiI th e hotel. . r -

e r crucade around the ry . she has been earn­e r since to change the itudes and policies biisl-— the fastest growing

B e c k s te a d C o n r a d , '“M rT ah d Mra. Gordon Twin F alls, and WUUani :

I, of Mr. arid Mrs. irad -of-G oodlng ,--w ere-: o iv e rs ily o f.Id ab ag rad u -„ th.rad was selected for into Phi Beta Lambda, a Plastic honorary while usiness education. - - Qjored in agri-business.employed by R a ls to n -...........Pocatello.

i ^ _ y ^ . B eck stu d . .." ^ r . arid M rs.' Gordon"Twin F alls, have been , m em bership into Blue1 h o norary -fra tern ity .— • —- iors a t Utah Stale Uni-


OO H arper, son of Mr. m H arper of Twin Falls, bachelor Of science de- :s Sunday a t Bob Jones reenvllle, S.C. He is a ' jsilon Zela Chi L iterary

: rate high ~t (U P I)-— Successful, -•young women who n o .........• reining In their t a le n ls - ( is on acceptable price e pay the price another

extraordinarily high

ir'o f success apparently ‘2 o f its grip , says an lUla-Span la the. June, lurm agazlnd.cisco psychologist wbo io a rs for professional i- o n e reason Is that ■applying m anageria l - - le ir personal lives. F i­lly aod confklence in- funcUon independently peer women less lolerat lg liaisons, says the .ynn Sandra Kahn.

ir predddm gmotialtrer

th e E m ily P ost etiquette bo w e d d i n g s w h ic h ceJ5.000-JH),00Qormore.____

Tim es have changed, sh e : _ _ l ‘A_truly_beautiIul_weddl

th a t’s done w ith lots of love lot o f form ality ," s h e s a ld ." h av e a perfect wedding. The d o — It's a bore.’’

"D o e v e r t i n g early ,"~ o rdering a wedding gown a - r o o n t h ^ f o r e tho weddingr-

A wedding doesn’l ha\ expensive, she said. She couplcs lo reduce the gucs h a v e the kind of wedding the

“ T here a re so m any wa> spend ing ," she said. Includ ing th e num ber of people yoi th e wedding, serving a buffe lunch instead of a la rge dim be m arried a t hom e instead a la rge , expensiveeslablishr

~ B u t , " ^ e added.’ “ If the> spend , and they have it lo sp spend it ."

A t 63 M rs. K idder Is tal and a ttrac tiv e and still abli th e gown she -m ade for wedding 40 y ears ago. She lh a n ever, with no thought of

" I like being with peoples w hat is im poriant,’’ e said.

B etsy, h e r 28-year-old dau, h e ir apparen t to the bridal-' p ire , said h e r m other wouid "know n to everyone fo rn does.”

M iss K idder a ttribu tes I -larity -of-P riscilla-gow nsdii e c o n o m ic c ru n c h - to . , | heightened aw areness of "P eo p le can.' afford them

,economy_doesn!t_effect us t sh e sa id .

“ They y/ant a white gown v la s t — som cthing.they can { dau g h te rs ,' ' she sa id of one g took up to 230 hours just sew ing thousands of tiny bea<

M rs. K idder described i c learly classic gown whicl fashion story, quality fabi rea lly put us on lop. We’ve h a rd lo k ee p q u ^ ity ."

m e n t r a v tsegm ent of the traveling popihave always.faced.-.^-------- ,' H er aw areness of the i

fac ing traveling women, whe business tr ip o r not,' stem s I own journeys and work in (

" I and a num ber of dther islarted working through 1 d u stry associations, g iv in g : on th e needs of women < traveling.-” -r-the—40^year-o1 ■Yorker-said.—iiT hcre .Jias_


T h ere 'sn eV ertjee r m ade with LITA* . your skin. S ince ny pantles 'w lth a colt ca rrie s m oisture a\i

, K eeps 7 0 U cooler, beautifully, too. Th

■ LITA Is the lightest alm ost feels like y<

- s izes 5 t0 ' 8 . 3 .7 5 : - — -C afeau L ait, Chami


iicts b

book to c a n

iT ^ d .(dlngJs.on&— v e a n d n o ta . “ Youhe ones tha l Q H H ! ^

ride3^^----------- | | H | | ^ g

I a t least sixg--------------------lave to be h e advises lest list hey want. ays to curb uding limit- t'ou invite to

inne'r and-or___renting


spend, say

slender ble lo w ear r her own

is 'ofretiring.e and th a t's ‘ > ! M i id. 'lughter and ' T | |il-w earem - 4Id like to be-w hal-she-------- JS

• —

the popu- during-lhls— ■

/ ' 7 a l . Vtm — the -i L dirw tly

I which will 1 give their s gown thalt for hand ■•A ^

it a s ' ’a ilch has a ibric, lhatve.tried so B r i d a l d

d i n g a l o n)pulation— steady changesc — ....... -S urprisin^y ,-problcms few chauvinlsti

h e th e ro n a when she and 1 S' from h e r , . suggested hotel 1 the hotel a s shampoo, b“ !---------- — hangcrsTln-roflfer women secretaria l serv

hotel in* Of course, pa j speeches 3xccutives we

who. a re because. 1? to -old New - a u s in e s s guests s_ b e e n _ a ____ T rav £ lin ^o c :

T tr o d ^

e n .a p a n ty like Y O U * bei . a rev o lu tio n a ry n e w fa t

nylon t ra p s m o is tu re a n d c )tton lining a c tu a lly doubl( aV/ay from th e b o d y a n d o ) r . d r ie r ., m o re .com forta l fhey^never ride u p o r c u t ( s t p a n ty fab ric e v e r . . . \ yp u ’r e w e a rin g n o th in g ai 5 : T a llo rM bikini In s iz e s m p a g n e rA q u a a n d R tJ s e r

In Lynwood Shoppli ir B ankcards Welcome! • P

)ig yee

W .

3 »1 d e s i g n e r P r i s c i l l a K id i

n e s t i l l h g'esincethen.'’ . . rciy ,-shesa id^shcgo tv^^ wi Istic reactlonsjrom menid her female colleagues ccitcl&prQvJde-such things bj, bubble .bath and skirt of rooms-and-BiranBC-for— id2rvlccs for hotel patrons.'' mpart of Ihc'reason hotel st:were so receptive is wl to 35 percent of their sts are women,-sho said.-,—ofroc-women Is still not so ■ so

■ing. .•.p

-----------------------------------E53H. m

____ _______________


. 1

r 3"

before. YOU panties are fabric that b reathes like d cotton retains it, nylon ibie-trap m oisture. LITA d out through the fabric, la b le . YOU panties fit i t or-bind. And b ecause . w earing YOU panties a t all. Tailored brief In

3S 4 to 7 , 3 .25^W hlte.__ i.

i p l n g C e h te n ^ n Falls • P lenty o f n e e Parking

............ ..... Tnwsd


T «■

-*• s-

H H b


f ■

v rr^ g g S S W i B ^ B ^ H B


I d d h i i n k s B r i t i s h r o y a l

a v e h o t e l 1rosy, however, and the sel woman still has her g r ip e s .-

“ A m ajo r problem is re com panies," she says. " If i by hQC8el(-?n^;into mpstcCi offlccs and Just h a p ^ t is to sl

■lo 'aT naO riheT ouhlerT thT * m ost often ignore tier a s tra ig h t a l the man, assumii with h im ."

Another pel peeve is ho -offer-the cxlra.friIl.oLa.unis< _spa. ;

I '

' M M

5 l6 f e - 4 i*



8d a'v. May M . 1PCT TImaa-NB'


r- 'N h I

jl n u p t i a l s w i l l s p a r k b ig

p r o b l e m sBlf-assured " I f they have

--------------- for m e n 'a n d wre n ta l .c a r . . . hours fo r:w on f a woman noon. They stil ^ a r r c n ta K .iusl spouses - : I s tand nexl husbands."e crerk -w ill-------------------------------

and look “ I find less c ning she is a tten tion to fetr

United States, fiotels who " the n a tu re of lh(isex health__ :Europc._Hotel£

in tem alional In

" I


J i3

i-Newa.TwIn Falfs. Idaho C-7



E t rr I


I ; ------

UP!b ig w e d d i n g y e a r «

lave lo se t different h o u r^d w o m e n ;:ih e y w liro f fe r------•vomen during-the after- still assum e women are!.'

2s - t ra v e l in g w ith - th e ic '’

!ss chauvinism and more femal&gucsts outside the. es, probably bccause f the hospitality system in.)te ls_th€re_arc_uscd_tQ .______ll travelers.


I S •

Page 25: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents


— — M elons would be<— -b a c k y fiiy iro ie y a ra

A com m on mlsJal too ea r ly Indoors.’B) se t out Uie p lan ts a n a h a rd tlm e a d ju s tln

2 : been se t out, a husk: - i —-— grow nicely, then s

i: . dteV This problem I------w llt’ a n d - i t ’s - th e r

I . b lem .facing arrialeij g ro w e rs . '

“ Sudden will” is a caused by the Jnle'rac

^_L ^__m osalc_H irus_ lfoIl£ pythiUm, a fungus roo ts : N either o f 'I

r - i . r — JdUers-can-Wll-Uie-p— w hen they Infect Ui

neousiy do you gel “ SIE a rly varie ties a n

• b le Ujan la te one, bee s tre s s on the p lanls

.f ru i t se t. No melons sudden wilt. Any ch

• N one th a t 's effective. V ’ Suggestions: Use

control aphids (spi v iru s), a s soon a s mei T o control pythlum

---- ^ c a p ta n 'w e lla b le p o ^tw o tablespoons per (

' D rench th e soil aroum T- f irs t dose right after

■ By LAWRENCE LAME > New'spaper Enterprise,

f ' --------------------------- —d e a r DR. L A M B -

, fo r two people, with t) ( blood lo have a child wl

blo(kl?- W hai blood type will I

:• • both p aren ts a re type A' i fo r Identical twins tb J J • blood types? My molhe

b irth that m y tw in and ; tlcaibu lw elook^jn llre lv i DEAR R E A D E R - V

----------tw o goneS'lhat caninriu);• type. One com es from

— T h ere .a re tw oslronggc T he 0 Rone Is weak and

--------- your-b ioodtype un le ssjo r B genes,

............... i r b o th 'p a re n is 'a reh av e no A o r-B genes

i__ ch ild ren will be type 0 .------ h av e two 0 genes in lhai

n o th a ve If both p a ren ts a re tyi

U - m ean lhal e llh e r o r bolh T “ gene and on e .0 gene. Th(

• ty p e oul a s type A. These have, bolh typo A and

If one p aren t has type . p a ired genes) and the o

^A siamHONG K O N G '(U PI) •

•= ^ l lb € ra l lo n h a s -g p e a l iy lm| n e ss fo r m any Asian brokersjw ho find Increasi

....V -of.A m erica'a-m en-iookin8 E a s t fo r com palible and.

Classified • advertlsem e found in new spapers in

I r S ta le s and A sia offering ir -.1. by m a ll between A mericai

■ d lan m en and Aslan womei

But Il’s not only the me lo benefit by an arrange tha t m ay lead to wedded bl

.---------B esides the hope for usi- incom es and security, n

wom en a re looking for co i , an d genlleness - r tra ils U

lacking in m en. from i - countries. • •

:: The ads prom ise the “ loving, devoted and faith f ro m , p ia c M . tlk e -H o n g -

“ Phlllppplnes and Malay w aiting lo correspond wll

; T h y r o i c d (BOSTON (U PIl - A dru;

p reg n an t women for an c ^ th ryo ld causes m lnor but a

rev e rsib le Uiyroid condllior new born infants, doctors

*_JWednesday.. in -.tbe- Now- ’■ Jo u rh a lb f Medicine;

. T he d rug "propyllhloiu- P J U , Is given to women fiyperthyroldlsm , which di w om an’s h eart and oUjcr o r

' b reak n eck pace. A severe ci d isease , called U iyroid’storr

-- fa ta l. •

D r.' M ichael M. K aplan s ^ re d u c e s the . output, o f , li

’—thryo id h o rm o n e which reg ; - funcUon of the h ea rt and oUie

T he d /u g ’s effect on Uie "• thyro id Is m im icked in tl; , , how ever, and, fo r a b rief tli

b irth Infants experience a sh< , th e ir own Uiyroid hormones.

'C -6T { fnea-N ew a . Tw

jrowingrespondeat a n 'j i

Use"!be easy tfrgrow In the— plant ’dian’t g e T ^ e a s w ! IfonT slake Is to s ta rt them wilt, i .’By lhe tim e they are 1 a re stringy and have sling. A fter Uiey have isky.mfelon p lan t will n suddenly.w lll and ~ H y m Is called “sudden lot (o le- most-serious*pro-— ^Add •< iteur o r com m erical peatn

chips.is a com pl»( d isease ho ldv i'ractlon of cucum ber a l yoi'o Iiar_dl6case)_.and__ soli_ mus tha t aUacks Uie a lsoh ' If- the se -tw o “ plan t" 'a n y r ieT3lanraIoneronly^~w «>d-

Uie p lan t slm uita- molsli “ sudden will." a hot a r e m ore susceptl- mulch

because of the extra Its caused by early “ )ns a re resistant lo ^ y,

chem ical control? don 't I

Jse m aiathion lo {he*'fifl[spreaders of the inchesmelons s ta r t to run. «heim In the soli use t h m p i)wder a H h e ra le o f o /roo lser gallon of w aler. Dianis <lund the plants, the b jgfler transplanting. n ,J e . '

Blood.MB. M.D.'" (w IlhB (IscAssocJatJon p a irs for_______________ A, ty p e !

I a m »5 — Is II possible No. W ,1 type. 0 positive Transfus I with AB positive you can I

O thers’lll a chlld have I f - -’ 5 cen ts B A? Is II possible addresse lb have different Ither was lold a t 1551, Rad and I were Iden- ■elydlfforent. . Now. Ic

re 'y p« o .- rl,cyICS and aJJ Ihelr S ™ ' ’?, 0 . Bolh paren ts

l h a u a s o a n d do ■elol|.an5inlr. -type A it could p a re n ts ’ b

» th have one A. lab o ra to nThey would still is w hy docl e ^ paren ts can som ethinond type 0. off- o f laborai

___ p a t ie n ts__1 ^ 'A" (wllh AO D EA R Ee o th e r ly p o B th ing a s “ t

m a r r i a C iI) - Women's friendship, Improved busi*— rla g e ." ian m arriag e A sian w( casing num bers like th e "A :ing-lo the-Far— ls h -a n d -< ind_hassle-frec~rwlUx.i.‘char

m enls can he in the United ‘*‘1 '

g introductions jcan and Cana- „ 3«

. a s - tln a n c hmen who hope T he resp(

:hged rom ance P ac ific app d bliss. b rokers wausually h igher Hsls o f men . m any Aslan o rfo ra n o m • consideration— catalogues ( s they say a re forS20lo$lC 1 Iheir home F em a le i

n am e to v, hc m en that en trie s like althfui lad ies" K an sas whi i g - K o n f c - lh e - ^ ^ I e s m a n r ilaysla, “ a re aanc lng . dli with you for eling... I wa

I ( d r u g f o r 1drug given to T he shortage n overacllve w eeks.It apparenUy K aplan, of tlons in Uieir W o m e n ’ s )rs reported hyperthyro ld BW—E ngland— e v e ry - 1,000

. d ^ I l e U i e u i „ ■ , U jed isease jn

““rac ■ or "Tbe duer en suffering hyperthyrold

drives Uie not trea ted a ■organs a t a is severe . Uiei e c a ^ o f Uie_ m iscarriage . ;orm. can be Uje moUjer a t

tie said.Jl said p r n

regulate the U-^-oreans.

t o n“ 'J'. .K a p la n and .

r tim e a flc r found sm all d®'»>rt‘>8eof (ecllve oo the

ICS, he said, m U lB ram supt

, Twin Falls , Idaho . T uesday .

/ —

3 melonsid a t two week in tervals aflerw MTone pint of Uie solution for ( ant-or h l l l r ln o th e r words rp r e JnTTUie only way fo confrol suti It. Don't w all until it wilts.


[f you have a san d y ^IL y o u cao i lo keep w aler from draining ■

3tmoss, compost, saw dust, w ps, etc. T hese ac t like a b lo tte r , d w aler. The m ore organic m al you can add, th e m ore w aler L wlll_hold._These_material8-!0 help.a heavy clay soil. A m uld ' m ate ria l (new spapers, plas x l - c h lp s r b a r k r c tc . r h " d p T f i Isture, so s ta r t gathering these ot aum m er. We’ll have more Iches later.


your tom ato p lan ts a re leg{ 't fre t. When you se t Uiem o ce a deep hole o r trench, and lns< stem , leaving ju s t th ree o r fo es of Uie lop sUckIng out. Cov stem with soil, a fte r waterin seJeggy-planls will develc^ a fi o ls up and down the stem , and U Is will be Just a s productive as lusky plant set oul a t the san

ypes areBO paired genes,) iheposslblh for offsprings would be for typ« leB type AB or type 0 . n sending you The H ealth Letlei •4, Blood Type. Rh F actor anc iuslons,.whlch contains a chart m use.Brs who w ant this Issue can send Its wilh a-long. stam ped.-self- ssed envelope fo r ll to me. In 3f Ihis newspaper, P . 0 . Box ladio Cily Station. New York, N. 19.. Identical twins have the sam e The single ovum with its (ull

?ment_PUenesiKini.thfi.moUiec Ith e r divides, producing twoll genetic twins.----------------------ley wiil have lhe sam e blood M aternal twins m av have, and ' do have, different geiics Jusl ier- b ro thers- a n d -s ls le rs - do. is you a re one of fra ternal It Is not loo uncommon for' ro thers and s isters to look and ireiydifferent. -Jon’l-be so.sure-youj(now.your_ }’ blood lype. T here a rc lols df o ry erro rs In th is world. That lectors often repeal tests when ing doesn't fit for any num ber iralory tests done for their

...........---------- ...........................■I DR. LAMB. - Is Uicrojuich a1 “ too much v llam lhs?^ ra m a

ge brokelip, companionship a nd m ar-

women, the ads say, a re not "A m erican w om an" — "self- I -com petitive,—unfeminlne;’’~ tianglng-attltudcs’-c a u s e d by- m tsT u r ' woiften‘2' liberalion 3l rights.c women of Asia, the mall m arra ige houses prom ise ge-mlnded m en’’ who arc I and good-hearted.” a s well icially stab le and educated.” sponse from boUi sides of the appears strong. Overworked w arn of long w alls for ihcir en - given lo the women free ominal fee — and for their fat is of Asian women, available - $100.! applicants can choose a

write lo from lists with ke the one from a m an In who describes him self as, in raO .-5 -7^ l35 -lb s-I-en ioy — 1 dining oul. movies, trav- j

want to m eet a giri Uial is •

m o m a f f eage disappeared wlUiln two

fof Boston's B righam and tl

’ s - H o s p i t a l , s a i d h lidism occurs in only one of b X) pregnant women. But i unkoown risk to Uie baby, u Lmust bc t r e a te d . ' , nilemma In Uie pregnant u lid woman Is Uiat If she 's ir I and Uie hyperthyroidism - ei h e re ’s a n increased r isk of al e . A nd-oo-treatm ent-puts— eia t risk of th iyro id storm ,"

obliged to tre a t any preg- fn en wbo is m o re Uian Ui hyperthyrold;’*'hie sald in ■ -

of 11. p regnan t women rom .bveracU ve Uiyrolds, a - f o u r . . eo-investlgalora— -i I doses of PTU w ere ef-. I the m others — from so I ip to 200 m iiilg ram s dally. \

/• ■*

a y .M ay2S ,1sai .. . . . '

s compliirward. GreenTTnnnb Qo re a c h have seeds? . prev6n-z:_A flirafM sudden mosses and mushr

• ■ fieeris,


_____ _ . One of.lhe_m ostfond 'Jeosl undersi

no mil hom e landscape Is i I e a v ^ " ‘'o-a-w eIW rained 1

' a r e found native nele r andnflidri. com m onest native b le r th(* R iver, P aper, and C is_wlll—ulchof w i lh a 35 foolseread. ilasllc. When young it 1 8 hold habit of growth, s i

w r brigh t green, and f Jre on standing yellow. E

brow n (cherry-Ilke), a w intergreen arom a.

can t Insect problen; leggy, Ionizer, wilh borer a.1 out, Im portance. Ideal insert a re a s of parks orr four uses. B esl show Is In I CoverBring. R iver Birch Is fou a se t - - well-dralned-BOlls an

id the yea rs . J tiik e s SO pere ! a s a p re fe rs m oist soils, bi sam e range from moist to

- and gravelly. Growi

2 discus;Ibile good e a te r and I lake i lypC: vitam in pill tha t conta

C and B complex. Is thi H e r can m y body bccome and Oievliam lns?laH ...............

DEAR READER -am ounts - two or U

jclf.....Recom m ended DallyIn you should h ave no pro

. w ate r soluble vitamins HJ the B vitam ins and v

' ' excess is elim inated m e kidneys./„II .But your body can ,

levels of v itam ins: taki o( v iia m in C lsa g o o d e

_____ d o .an d U ic n s to p tlic a ’iw j suddenly, your body wi

p o rary vitam in C defic -Ingascurvy^like 'rcacllc

do.......... Fo rlh a l-reaso n peoplnai of vitam in C should fo r ' dosage gradually rath ,nd ping suddenly.

. „.I..argc doses of niacin iitr vitam ins, can cause fli of som eocbol6 'can«auscll

lat The fat soluble vitan cn and E . a re not rapldi e r Large doses of A an !ir harm ful. Some aulhori------- scribed fatigue and vagLa lo iar^p intakes of vltamI a this is less well f o u n ^ .

ers busi,If:__ trim , a ttrac tiv e , w an

faithful and loving. Pl( ot photo."

Catalogues for men, oi Ihg -snapdiots of ihe w

>y- -su ch descriDUons^as^^R •n Hong K o n i Part-tim e

and photography model.II to correspond WlUl thoi e humorous, good figure, e good m annered, knowing 11 c a re o fa lady and flnancla

A 28-year-oId Pennsyl< e w orker w role to a Hong K d com plaining that some r women "w ant to be treat u an o th e r:g u y r:b u l;.l-U ilf I women w anl to be lrcate< - ' and they a rc In general i

com fortable to bc around I toundersland .”>, O thers do not em pl I w om en's slroggle and U

adm it to some "g ripes” ) — fem ale—com pairiotsTThc

believe the O riental wome sarily preferable.

■ e c ts i n f a nExam inations of the ne

fanls showed abnorm ally io th y ro x ln r th e form tli< h o rm o n e t a k e s - I n th< bloodstream .

" T h e “ab n o rm a llty w e d< the Ume of bhrth was i

• m inim al,” be s a id “At Ui Uiings w ere 90 percent back In ail (the bifants) and si entire ly norm al. And in affected baby, a t two week

- e n U r e ly D o n ^ a s well.-"— - PTU m ay oot cause any

problem in th e Infan t^ *' im pos^b le to be c o m p ^ ;

._Uiat.“ K aplan.sald.

lieated IQuit: b o all p lan ls Leav________ color

F o r-exam ple ,-fe rns ,- ' a go- hroom s do not h av e slngli


IT R E E S Pap

s t extensively used “ e da rstood) tree In Uie 70 dej s Uie bireh; BIrdhes . shouled 6oIl-a lU »ugh-U iey -^^ fu£near lakes, s lream s m ils (

?E?c=hlaM K

-h a s -a -p y ra m id a l— sum m er foliage Is I fall color a n > ^

Bark is- reddish- s). scaly and h as a a. The m ost signifi- ;m is birch skele-. F a n ■ and m iner of llltle c u r ly - il in naturalized parsn l r for com m ercial a ltrac i nfall. s lo w ,«

^ FR ESl ound in m olst.-but— You ca and often-lives-100— oul doc ■rcenf o r m ore sun, o r so (c but will to lerate a garden to extrem ely d ry In the j

iws 60 feet high, w arm <

D c- DEN^

F ranke: . 1 tear-gas

f s J _ re scu e t^ robbery

. . M rs. Fe a dally multiple sh e wastains v itam ins R. W6dnescthis loo m any and som eone nc dependent on

- In, reasonable three tim es the

ly Allowance roblems wllh the ns. This Includes vitam in C. The ■ ■ ■

d through your

1 adjust to high’ ■ .ikIng large d o ^ s W ._____I exam ple. If you Haxlra-v llam in C — H --------will have a tem- H Iciency^ Pieduc- ■ _

)pie popping lots— ■ " ' d decrease the ■ thcr lhan stop- H

;ln, one of the B H flushing* and tn ' H 'I liv crtam ag e:------H -------^amlns. A, D. K H ~ diy elim inated. ■ and D can bc ■ .irillcs have de-__ Hague sym ptom s H imin E also, but ■1 ______

rarm. sincere . H =*leasc encTose ■

often contain-___H _______women, o ffer ■ . J

e adverllsing H\. I would like ■ A ,lose who a r e ■rc. rom antic, ■ig how lo take H ^:lally secure.” ■ylvania office ■: Kong w oman . ■fic A m erican Hlated Just like ■lin k -O rien ta l— ■ --------mted a s ladies. ■1 much m orc Hid and ea s ie r H

p hasize lhe H Uiough Uiey H ^

’ about th e ir Hh ey -» o ~ H o l— ■ ------------nen Is neces- ■

1 ^newborn in- ■ ■ iow levels o f ■ i i e ' U iryold ■ he__ h u m a n . S

detected a t— HI ex trem ely HUiree days, ■

ck to o o rm a l Hsome, w ere ■

3 tbe m ost . H ..............-eks, he w as H

y lo n g 4 c rm . H — “ but it Is ■

ely su re .o f


by suso:aves drop eariy and have lor. F re e of Insect problems, r good-specim en ireerm 'u ltip igle stem , fo r golf courses rks.

’ap e r Birch Is a jw ld-lovlng 1 will not to lerate an a rea v i dally tem pera tu re ln Ju ly Is c degrees F . Grows 70 feet tall 'u ld te p ru n e d .ln j\U g u sL a sJ i f u ^ l e e d e r . I t likes well-dn is (n ea r sw am ps o r riv e r bank wn in d ry soils it loses vigor cum bs to birch borer, a real IV. i t 's very short-lived and wll l i m y to 20 years. Musi be spn ry sp ring fo r leaf miner a2e:hlrch:borer;:it-Ig::a-beau ! If you c an keep ll healUiy. (A Irches next week.)


a rsley com es in ' ty ly -leav ed . p la in -leav ed , snip rooted. Curly-leaved Is i a c tive of all. P arsley seed /, e rra tic germ inator. S tart' SSH seed, n e v e r jn y carried 0 can 's ta rt s e ^ n pots liow anc

ioors a s soon asT lan ts^rff^ tfi ) (all, o r buy s t a r t s plants. M leners sow seed outdoors dire le garden. FIrstlsoak Uie seel 71 w a te r fo r 24 hours, Uien s

b g c h a s e iINVER (U PI) - GenevU kenberger forgot all about 1 gas gun on h e r nightstand bul I in te rrie r, Tuffy, cam e lo. I le to thw art an a ttem pted arm !ry.‘

). Frankenberger, 72, told poll ra s sleeping about 10:45 p.i esday night when she hea }ne lu m the knob of h e r bedroo

n EA


• , 0

--------- - — ■ A

Ftl^Ppj I t jflN F A L l^ j b Ij

Deptibilitave poor Sprinkle row wll IS. m akes wlUi a board. As illiple o r re m o v e ‘board. 1 “ses and rem oving sm all c

u p . an d . give to____. ..v a r ie t ie s lo l ^

Ing tree .. ughtly curled. C

IS above

' “ I f " ? -s tro n g fla v o r ,H a r

inks). II _ (JUESTI so r and Q uestion o l Um I l a l pro- F a m : ..OurdaugH will d l l . ' r a g o o a ^ w e 'd l lh

spn^Jed B oW D olS ng about

e 'L l l iS _____T here a re Iw o jigourm et herb not I

• tru e F rench .ta rdracunculus) cann seed. Those listed R u s la n tarragon (1

* which good cooks < types: Uie kitchen. T rue Fl

1. a n d ' ha rdy purennlai. Is most high, while Russl; ed. Is a leaves a re deep gr Irt wIUj lhe R ussian Is ps ^ over. F lavor of. Uie Fren and se t highly a r . . . maUc 1m n i a h - ^ r e l S c B u s s l a T i I i. M any negligible, lirectly F rench tarragon seek In light sandy soil, we: :n sow. grow lh. S ta rt new p

3 S b u r g l a nBvleve door. S heaw oke lo l ul the Ing o ver h e r WlUl a 1 •u lher m an behind him.

ir a e d ^F rankenberger: “ D D on't you do anythi

policep.m. “ I w as never so sc.

heard sh esa ld .Iroom M rs. F rankenberj

iR L Y S

w mIO Rolls Ba


p— ---------------------------------w




Save NOW Wil ---- ------ PriceSALE ENDSSA


ty to dis(A-IUi w ater anci cover In ea^ soon ns gwwf yp .shnnf

Thin out parsley by Frem1 clusters. Pot surplus wlnle3 your friends. Good -rolstJ ry: Banquet, leaves

(3ood for wintering . C-B lan Is a ” celery-lcaf". glossy leaves andam burg Is a good one 9 ^ Toots. -- -• • •.•.•-zrrzChli

nO N B O X ' S ' f , iw o e k :D j: ,o (T w to

-itlt-C a o y o u M p ? .. .

_ iypcs_of.tarragon..a_oxang' it grown enough. The bright arragon (Artem isia bouqu' nnol be grow n.from Chines d in catalogs wlU be ' ean bi 1 (A dracunculoldes), •s consider useless in your French tarragon Is a r u I, grown 24 inches «*««« Sian Is taller. The green, glossy, while paler and willowy. The ench lype ls-w arm „ Spray Icandsllghllyblllng. Benlat ii type Is practically s t a r t i

and ccin needs full sun, a any bu veil-drained for fast cu t the f p lanls from shoots s ta r t si

' s o u t b a c iD find a m an stand- pan ic sia knife and another gun.

But am an to ld M rs .■Don’t you holler. y®ar-olcthing. I wanl your slM pinj

^ oul fron

scared In my life ," took^offl chased

irger said in h e r c le a r to

» A S O I

W Mack Prices iLLOCK I

Mim-MAC 110-Suggested List $89.


PRO-MAC 310-1With C arrying C ase '


PRO-MAC 320-1^ u to '-S ii 'a i^ n c tu d irM c irn t*

iu g g ested List $219,


>RO-MAC610-2Vtth E xtra C hain

Iuggested List $299.

SAtE«2- SAVE*6fl

'ith These Early- es AtVOLCO ATURDAY.MA^


sease f1 e a r ly spring. P ieces of rood'Taod hnnf 1 m a y hi» rppinn^pH n trmt npn'r* ’ te n c h tairagOn wUI die out over In te r If U ie^oiys not wellldfclned:.lt ilsU ieroots. - * ' ^ '

CJL of Murpby: "jpleue tell tne ' ow.to get tbe CbloeaeLaiiten Plant ' arted. We like It for winter bou- : jets.”C b ln ese -L an tem —(P b y sU srrfra iF ^ letlU is a hardy perennial tha t can :! s ta rted from seed sowed dltM lJy ; itdoors. Loosen soil and M atte r seed 'I top (do not cover a s il needs l l ^ t I r -g e n n ln a tlo n 7 rP la n rg ro w 8 “ lw irT £l la ll and produces brilliant red : ange_see(L j)ods_U ia l_ look_llke_: Ighlly-lit lanterns, used for w in ter • uquets with their lasting-color.—I inese lan tern spreads rapidly. You ‘ n buy seeds (a packet of 200 costs ; DutSi) o r you can dig up roots from ' j r friends.

[7.H. of Sun Valley: “L ast y e a r o u r ■ ony b lossom s bligh ted . W bat usedU jls?”

rhe trouble Is due to '‘fireblight> ray wlUi eiUier Benomyl (sam e a s m ate) orZIneb a t weekly Intervals.I r t when flower buds a re pea s ^ i con tinue.until p lan ts b loom .,If / buds lum brown and do not op<^

them off and bum . Next spring, r t sorav lng earlier.

c k d o o ric she forgot all about Uie tear-gas

ut a f le r she told Uie m en she had money, Tuffy took over. The’ 8* r-old, 21-pound dog, who bad been ping a t Uie fool of tbe p<vped from under the covers, ie took righ t a fle r Uiem, and U iey" off,-both of Uiem,”. sbe said. “H e

^ Uiem out Uie back door and r t o U iealley.”

n tM lTo 1979 "

0 - 1 0 " :

J9.99 : :

*17.00 ■;_____________ _

)-14"se----------------^ ^ "—r

^159?* rr*30.00 ; I

> - 1 6 " :■ !rn t»nonc*K It •


*43.00 __

1 - 2 0 " ■ I

99.95 i


ly-Season■n.. ‘

IVY 30th! I


Page 26: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

Five d e a

^ o i- T f i i. B yA N N FERRA R

Newspaper Eaterpilst

. NEW YORK - Ira knew the ir “ p lace," vailed, and a real-life every m odern Cinderel

This Is w hat the 20-<x m arket today a re selll of 10 million American

The confession genn _ faddist B em arr MacF;

le tte rs from readers 1: zlne. T he Idea caught o he began inviting read( fo r his new publication,

A flurry of imitations titles in the early 1950s.

Confessions in the flowery and rom antic peopled with golden-hi tall-dark-and-handsomi

The stories w ere high! sinned m ust su ffer anc heroes — w ere laden p rem arita l o r ex tram ar

M any subjects — Inc . ra c ia l relationships ani ever, m entioned.

Modern confessions h< and g Irl-next^6dr‘tjT>es B ut the sln*suffer-repenl

M orals a re looser, bu subtly applied.'A woma sex usually suffers an lea rn s from the expe p a r tn e r suffers o r learns

Stories do not alway ran g e from hearth and ch

- Who buys th is stuf— . publishers indicate tha

blue<oH ar wives and educations o r less, livir

--------- M id w e s t; 'About 90 percent of the

s ep a ra te m arket exists----------re a d e re h lp ls a b o m ii^ i

The m ajority of thfe rc B ap tists.the la rg est deni devout in their religious b

These women read com buying a s m any of the

Forens ^ a n e x p i ofmurt

WICHITA, Kan. (UPI)— e v e r w ant to study the m . . _■ behind Ja c k the R ipper, J< ” “ O fU ie3® toh~ S trang lw ,’

W illiam E ckert.O r call him If you need

't io n - a t io u t .all th e 'd o c ca se s of cannibalism this o r th e DC-10 crash In Chi a ll~ the near>ass8ffilns w failed on attem pts to I

------prw idents.T he m em bers of tha t la

--------a r e p a r t of the “rogue’s ga- th e Milton Helpem luier

Center for the Forensic S d irw te d by E ckert.

T h e Wichita m an has coi f a s c i n a t i n g c o l l e c t i m u r d e r ? ,- m is f i t s and j Inten ia lio n a i d isaste rs-

--------UbEaryt-wblcb-contains-iitloo on any b r ^ c h of sci m edicine being applied to m lnistratlonofjustlce.

T he library of forensic sc a n y science tha t could be the. courtroom — has infoi on violent deaths and Injuri topics in the lib rary rang a lre ra ft accidents and ai

........na rco tics and w ar c rim es.". T h ere a re videotapes London Hospital doctor wh led th e J a d t th e R ipper mi a long w ith new spaper cll| re fe ren ce books a n d - pi dealing wllh the la test crtml techniques. —

B ut. one of the m ost exi sec tions o f . the - cen te r c W ichita S ta te -U n iv e rsl^ c

. is on m urderers and assasslr E c k e rt 'displays files on j

- ra n g e of t r i m ^ ' a n d 'c r in Including tbo Ma B arker L l ^ e Borden. J ^ 'G a c y . C M ansoh’and R ich a itiS p e^ ,

E c k e rt h as had personal e _ e n c e s w ith b k a r re crim bia

d e p u ty c o ro n e r of Sed] C o u n ty , b e p e r fo rm e d au topsies on the seven victi th e ‘‘bind, torture, k ill" mm

cades o f sin

nfess e fornrise Assn.

Im a ^ n e a world where wo ," traditional sex roles still •life P rince Charm ing exlstec erella.<H)dd confession m agazines ot id ling to an estim ated reader :an women.jnre w as bom fn 1919 whAi he icF aU ^^ began printing prob :s In his Physical Culture m< I t on so well that la te r In that v laders to subm it the ir experier ion, T rue Story, ons sprang up, peaking a t abou iOS.le ’20s and '30s w ere often tic a s Gothic novels. They w n-haired society girls and tl im e prospects.Ighly moralistic. Any woman v and_repem. Heroln«*s - but leh with giillt Yoi- cngagliig narita lsex .Including homosexuality, Int and abortion — w ere rarely,

s Iwve e d piM t of those tabo p es Eave r ^ l a ^ the soclallt >ent formula survives, but the double standard Is s:

m an who engages In prem ari an unwanted pregnancy - t xperience. Whether her mi m s doesn't seem to be relevam vays concern sex. Topics m. d chlldit>aring to religious cult stuff? Surveys by confessii that most readers a re youn nd m olhere-’wlth high scho lying m ainly In the Soum ai

the readers a re white, though sts forUIflck confessions. Maj>ereent;---------------- ^ -----------! readers a re P rotestants, wii ienominatlon.-They a re usuall us beliefs.confessions with a passion, ofte the titles as their newsstanc

sicscier oert iri fu rder, mis’I ) — If you In so u th e ; im o tiva tion , ' m u rd e re rw i •• J ^ n G a c y . — T he-fd ren w , call D r. files on canr

‘ T em ple In G ied.lnfonna-.-_- p residential i documented E ck e rt ma his century, ‘v i s io n b n Chicago, o r assassination 1 who have den t Reagan0 kill U.S. - p e rs to r ie so f

E ck e rt th e t la s t group John W. Hine1 gallery” ln v:._:those who.ha uem ational to k ill pre ic-Sciences; L y n e tte “ S

(F ord ), S ara M mpiied a - O scar Collaz c t l o n - o f r ^ l a ( H a r r j id assorted Z angara (Fi rs- in . the J o h n - S c h i B -in fo rm a-r-^R ooseve lD ra i science o r (A ndrew Jack

I to the ad- Since HlncR eagan 's life,

: science— . h a s received i be jised In people wanti Dformatlon o th e r a ssasi juries. The . M any of th e e ange from enforcem ent s

arson to said a variety*s. ................. background b2s of the haps, who stud- William said

• m urders, Office of Crin clippings, often consults - p ic tu res when I t wants

Imlnology rorism . And E sion show beln(

extensive w orst crimim r on the lib ra ry for b a d y cam pus T he library, s s ln s . . - , supported by B )n-a wide In the' field of :r im in a ls , ' . receives calls e r Gang,, globe.

Charles ' "T here’s a f Uc. ' e s t ," E c k c r t 's al expert- cops and-lab t< ilnals. Aa . o f m ystery « S e d ^ lc k wanUng backgi le d th e M rved a s techc ic tlm so f the 'Q uincy 'abo nu rd e re r - "Moet. police

T and sufferir

@ n I B

nula-$c a r ry . Surveys'] th ing else —thou

___ __ reacllng them a t i' Once they spe

women p rice), th ey 'd o i ill prc- m agazines a re p; ited for being dlscanled ;

othertypeofm ag5 on the ______The.seven_M a(iership M odem Rom anc

C onfe^lons, Tn» health am ong the la rgesi

roblcm S tan d ard s d lf maga- publishers, such )t y ea r pub lishers’ prod -lences w om en standing

w ords a s ‘‘rap e ’’* Dout 40 Among the cove

of R o la t's Intlmai :en as "R aped by the Mi ' were In a n E leva to r wll I their Policem an — I J

B lue.”in who Such s to ries miut not tions of sex andng I n ..........m isleading. "Sex

H usband T ortures Inter- E m te e ’s Real Lc ;ly. If passiona te w ife wl

m u c h ............

elites. N oah S arla t, publi - c o v e r titles a re

s still advertising , the ac arltal u p to th e h y p e ;— - but "S o m eo fo u rsto i m ale c lean ," say s Ilene ant. “ We clon't use four- may W hat accounts fo ults. “ B lue-collar wonsslon wom en, even from )ung, ' M oriarty , editorial chool "T hey m ay hav%h(

a n d ___ besides th e kids, aiconfession harra tb r

tg h a about o thers who hal ^ l e ____ Adds Ms. D u b e ; '

• — hav eT h e ' brat with about the ir bodies, I jally They live in a vacuu

o f lite ra tu re , and th< jften . D esplle the use of ands in th e ir titles, m anj

ntist ^ield Isfits jh eas t_ W lc h i_ ta . _ T h e Iwas n c v ^ apprehended.........■•ensic - lib ra ry -n isn hnc-----BuuQbalIsm,-the P eop le 's ...... II Guyana and. o f course. - ■al assassinations...................- ■m ade videotapes o f t e l^ ■ b r o a d c a s t s o f t h e I I Ion a ttem pt on P resi- r*' ;an and clipped newspa- lo fthe ln c ld en tr" ' h e n added the nam e of •— Inckley J r . to the file of h av e failed in a tte m p ts '” preslclents. Including “ S q u eak y ’— F ro m m e ' - ira Jan e Moore (F ord), f ' ' lazo and Grisello Tor- r ry T rum an), Gulseppe (F ranklin Roosevelt), -J? s h r a n k ( T h e o d o r erand'Richard'Lawrence-------r tickson)Inckley's attem pt on .W a Ife, the forensic llb ra iy i k !d a flood of calls from ■ ■ nting background on ' * ■ assln a tlo n .a t te m p ts . . ■ e calls com e from law ' H It agencies, but E ckert ■ty of professionals n e e d __ ■1 bn c rim ra and mis-

aid the United Nations H rim e and Criminology H Its the fo renslc 'llb raiy ■ils.lnfonnation.on ter-...... .........I Eckert said a televl- . .. iing fllm ^ on history’s D r. linais h as ' used theackgpound.----------y. which is flnanelaUy exa ('.Eckert’8 p u b l ic a U o n 4 _ s e n of forensic m edicine.' tbe i lls from all over tbe ‘ edu<

J fa lrl^d lffiS ft“i 5 t ^ " ’t - s a id . 'i t ’s not Jusf verj) technicians. W riten l l novels have pwiiivt ■ go ^

itSoima .and we. have llbnAnlcal consultants to fieldibow." E«ce labs and medical R ef


nagazy r B a ic a tT th a t they rarelyh oughl»VPn ivinfimclnw

spend their dollar (the av e r do n 't, le t It go to w aste. (

e passed on to about nine pooj led; th is figure is higher tha nagazlne.M acFadden-confessldfts— -T\ ance. T rue Experience, Seer r ru e Rom ance, and T rue Sto gest selling and the least racy, d iffe r for some o ther e jch a s Rolat. The covers roducts m ay feature scani ng nex t lo story blurbs thal s" and “ sex.”over tltlerfon recent o r upcomi m ate Rom ances and T m e Se< t M an I P aid for a M assage," w llh a Sex W eirdo," and “ Ra I Thought I Could T rust the

m ay contain fairly graphic ind rape, bul cover lilies a Sex N ightm are Every"Nlghi r e s Me In a Very Unusual Wa'

Love Stories, Is actually ' i whose husband doesn’t like

ib llsher of the Rolat magazine re a lure. As In o ther fc i actual J)roduct m ay not alw

sto ries contain sex scenes, but m e Dube, editorial director a)ur-letter w o r d s / ' '— -------s fo r the popularity of the m ap #om en arc often Isolated froi rom th e ir husbands," says F ia l director of the M acFadder ^ 0 one else to talk to during I, and they identify strongly v itb r. II ^ v M them confidence ) have overcom e their problem « ; “ Slncejm any of our readei ^ lic a flo n and dcn'( = knw ai is, they read the confessions t( cuum ; they don 'l read any oth I they don 't know w hat’s.goingi 8 of such words as “re a l’’ and any of the m agazlnes.are sa l

D r. E c k e r t a n d m a s k u s

jx a m ln e rs a re ' Ued dowr je rv lce ,’l-E c k e r t- gald^'-'Noc i>em have tb e Ume to get KlucaUon o r research ... So tt h e on ly one likp it in the worid m In ternational d a ta base ai ^ e ry s ig d iflcan to n e ." ' ’

T h e cen te r, c rea ted In 1975.

Ib ra iy E ck e rt h a d 'c o m ^ ^ l i

E c k e rt , bead of tbe In lem atl t e f e r e o c e O r g a n iz a t io n

* ■.

zines: wes -y read any- - :ts^maydeny^------------------------

erage cover Confession

eople before ' -lian for any

-lYue Love, c re ts , Tm e Ilory — are y-confession

s o f these . inllly clad it use such

ming Issues Secrets a re ." "Locked Raped by a he Man in

lc descrip- a re often

5ht - My /ay ," from' a ^ t _ a _________________:e sex lhat

Incs. "TIic ..T here Iform s of regu la rly si

l» » y s 'lv c Edmondson . R om anceG

lul they’re M rs. Mor ■at Rolat. onlygenulni...... , . th e s to r ie saigazlnes? a sense of rom other polished." Florence Real o r nc

len g ro u p - .......... a lw ays reacig th e d a y - -m a t te r how' ..w lththe--------- Is^ lm osl alv:e to r e a d In T m e E !ms. S ingle P are i|cre don t . . , w hen she is anything • , ihen feels ne

i to learn, The d ay ia•‘*’e r ype m court a s j

.. la te r m arrii needed husbi

aid to be . The mosl


R y '1-

i s e d I n r e c e n t m u r d e r t

wn lo Fo rensic Medi« 'one of -a lso p u tB o u ta m e t-ln to -T betoplcooerec tb ls ls J a c k th e R ip p e r

u iy -o f th e Rippi and a _ c o v e ^ , but E cJ

m igh t h av e bewag

I’iQ tbe A nd b e tbli s t a l l i n g tha t

atlonal help b ring fu ture In to ju stice .


~ a c » i X E n J


d-targelyo ffab rtuatwl la m a b1 Is a core of confession/ sell to th e various publishei son. -an editorial sta ffe r ;2 Group since 1974. lo r ia r ty says that MacFaddc line confessions. “ You never h !s a re re a l," she adm its, "bu t of w hat's fake, like when i

‘ not, s to ries In confession ma{ sach too-tldy, happlly-ever-afi )w trau m atic the problem ; At a lw aysam an .- - • - - J Experience’s “ I ’m Not M ren t," a m other of two Is fore is deserted by h e r husband, neglected.and robs a store tog / is saved by the policc office) IS a cha rac te r reference for t rr ie s the mother, thereby i isband-falher Image. -- s t strik ing ch arac le ris t^

' ■ .5

5^'- ' f i n

*• ll■ f : .H T v '

n■ K y i k ? ; - ^ ■ S C k ’ ' '


r t r i a l t e s U m o n y ^

sdicine (INFORM ). SS»m onthly new sletter.-- ^ . ; . 'recent m onth was the ^erkUllDgs. Tbe iden- >nJpp er w as n e v e r d i s - - - loiSckert.feelB the c a s e ____ chbeen soIv«] if in- ke;

b in k s a l ib r a r y rei a t Information can ‘ ire J a c k tb e R ippers , <y<

bul_ L _ ............................ oei

-------- ::------ -----------------1 ere

stJjrfreclancB iT ------- — genon w riters who -dep ihers," says Nelly mei r a l the Lopez " sex-

negidden trie s to use Tier know for su re If Hav )ut you do develop Abs in a s to ry Is too hou;

buslmagazines a lm ost andvafter-endlngsno-----------Teai; And th e solution

--------- hold1 Making It a s a says oreed to get a Job not t id . H er older son lagg toga lna tlen tlon . "Vicer w ho appears read j r the boy - and awai y supplying the som<• . new

^ '^ B c o n fe ss lo n .^ a n d i

CatsA n a s t ]

f o r f e l i r~ B y VICTOR WILSON

Newhouse News Service

_ A ^ r d i n ^ t o - ^ H » a m -— t h e y - w e r c - - f l r s t ' nax

. dom esticated by the Egy; - Bomettrhere along the Ilne, f

probably a dog-lover — ci w ith a new nam e: " c a t.”

- T h a i 's a p ity , acco Fairch ild , because ils orlgl probably chosen by the ani •was "mlii'^ — a , beau m ellifluous word.

Mlu, he says, "sounds m ore fragra.(it.LL,Thc gam e c m ouse becom es.-lcss-sln i “ certa in ly the word 'mlu

. b e tle r" than its curren t vers

F a irch ild , a fte r long ant labiJtTTias p ro d u c e r TCai L u n a r Astrological Guide foi T h e ir Owners” (P o tter Boo w ith Illustrations by Lalla W

* F a irch ild lives In London n o v e l i s t , p l a y w r l g l sc reenw rite r. W ard is s B roadcasting Company act k n o w n to A m erican s

- ‘‘M asterp iece Theater” rolesIn a knowledgeable-and-p

forew ord, F rederick Davies ..B riton .who w ears no m an’s

h is re g a rd fo r mius, calls a n . book fo r them and Ihclr coi “ a m ag ica l Idea." .

" I t 's quite possible,” Dav " th a t a c a t dictated this WilUairo F airch ild during p h a se s of th e moon, silting b typew riter, grinnlng'and nodi

J - H e adds:--"A -know l^ge .as tro lo ^ ca l Moon Makeiqi m lu w ill unlock the door lo h lag ly -u n p red ic lab le behav

.charig ing moods.. This .bool k ey ."

a f le r read in g bis book, Ihej re a d it to tbe lr mlus.

"N a tu ra lly ," the author u (yo u r m lu) will know It a l l . b u t h e 'l l be deeply Impcessed oewfouDd knowledge, and < c re d it w ith a m lu Is always a b

K-- ■

T uesday . May-2fl. 1981

T Imos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idt' • Clasalfl

■ - C o m i c s

en re Is this depiction of v, ependenl - financially and « len In Ihelr lives. This relnfor ;x roles Is oflcii coupled w ith w sgallve altitudes toward the w'c Take, for exam ple. Real Stor av e M ore Exciting Lives? bsence from My M arriage to )usewlfe-mother en ters the < tslness, m akes a few mistakej id Is crushed by the criticlsja rn u iy .-sh e ^ rf iw iaa c k lo ro i l!O cca^onally-lhere a re stor ilff jobs successfully or get ou y s Ms. Edmondson. "B ul gene t a t the forefront of social chai gglng behind a s fa r a s women’s "W om en's lib doesn't seem ad e rs ," asserts M rs. M oriarty rare it exists becausc It h as alli me decisions a t home, such s w refrigerator. They’re prln d t h a t s ta tu s .' ^


iroTogical < nes and o

H ere a re , w orkups form

------------------------- L U N A R -A- fast-jnoving: I

n -fW re W ld r^ ro n -D o n 't- la i a m o d - a n d - aPPl“ “JW » !u yptians. But th e only mlu ! ,s o m e d n e - " ’ bedHnie- cam e along ^UNAR GI

w hen h e 's yoi c o rd in g lo h e 's old. Don’l Iglnalnam c, c a rs when clde inlmal IlseK, L U N A R C aulllul and overw eight. II

one kitten. C Is somehow basket, don’t tr e of m lu and LUNAR LE( nister, and- L e t h im 'b e t iluhouse' Is th rone. Don’l l rslon. for h e a r t strain md a rduous - LUNAR pt.si 'a tslgns; A ab le to apprw for Cats and affection. Don' ooks. M.95) d ances on your Ward. , LUNAR SA on and Is a -whal- he wants g h t . a n d g e ls il. Staunc

a B ritish freedom — esp ictress well of one-m iu r e

fo ^ -h e r ._ .g a m b lc iL = J irs i les. LUNAR LIB•perceptive • •Glve hlm a sai es, another ey e you wilh de I’s co lla r in -h is - f lr s t- s lp . -fl >n astrology equal gallan try nm panlons a sen tim ental ol

LUNAR CAP av le ssay s , th e feline frater lls one to a s th e sparks f lg certa in th is and h as ai [ beside h is sorrow behind xJdlng." ...W atch^ fo r skli g e -o f - lh e " depression.:- V of y ou r . A uthor F airoI his seem - n e v e r forget Q v lor-and— ‘c re a tu re o f th e i H )k-ls-the "T h a t’s why (

th e d a y ." he w ladetsObat— h arb o r-the lr^eo ley should an d p r iv a te live

an d w e’re asle says, "h e an g tily aw ake, *

II already, n o rw arin sU en c ed a t y ou r A n d ln c a se y o u ’i

a bit of m lu ’s moon sigi ibelp. v ides tab les by

. .. . .. . . - . . . ■ "

s " D -


■ H

tf wometr--as^weak and— ---------nd em otionally — on the nforcemenl of traditional th w ary, ignorant o r even e women’s movement.Story’s "Do C areer Girls s ? I Took a Leave of e to Find O ut." A bored . - J lie cold, cm el world of a k esd u e to Inexperience •tlclsm of he r superiors. ______rhousanndhubby._____ ____ .storlesJn-w hlch-w om en— — .— • I out o f bad m arriages," generally confessions are change and a re certainly en’s llb lsw n c e riic d ." sm to affect confession a rty . "They a re vaguely > allowed them to resolve ch as who picks oul the prim arily hom em akers,

-• I ............. -• '

1 g u i d e

o w n e r si re sam ple astro log ical j rm lu s ; <■ ■-A R IE S :_ T h I s _ m iu - i s — -___Jg: he won't walk If h e can ‘ ■ :-lau g trah h In )ra tfa ll8 rD o "s successes; M ake sure h e ' s " --------m lu in your_bedroom a t ■: v

GEMINI: P am p er him -• young, adm ire him when '

on’t allow him near moving ■ ‘ elderiy.

; C A N C E R : M ay b e ' t. If female, let h e r keep I. Once you give one a »’t try lo change It.

LEO: Usually a b ig mlu.)C the power behind the - n 't break promises. Watch .. rain.

EISCESiDoublful.you!Ube________p re d a te the depth of his '. . [>on'l ml.sunderstand if he ''our Shadow.

SAGITTARIUS: Knows an ts and will see tha l he lunch believer In personal • especially his own. A sort •

I revolutionary party . A i irs t. ia s t and always.LIBJIA: A r e a l ^ a r m e r . ' •I Saucer of rnllk and he’ll •' h deep appreciation before j .-R etu m bls toasts with ‘ ’Dtry. Don't think h e’s just a lo ldpuss.:APRIC0RN: The Job of a tern ity . born Into trouble ] \ks fly upward. He k n o w ^ __B accepted 11. hiding w L / :Ind a m ask of aloofness. s l^ ^ tro u b le s Hnked_to _

alrchild tells readers to et tha t the mlu Is -a -th en lgb l.”--------- 'hy they sleep so much In e writes. “They need to • .p-eoergles-for th e in ic h — ;----------lives a fte r the sup h as set . asleep - o r som etim es . ; > ke, since cats neither love lence.' ’/ou’r e in doubt about y o u r .....'— isign b irth date, he pro- i

by w h lch y o u can trace lt. - :

__ _________i

Page 27: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

Ueos^sho ~ . thex; hav(

toward tlG E N E R A L T E N D

-------- r - d o U a fw U l iM k t yoA tww word* o t tn e

'g r M tl y a p p r K la U d a

---------E--------A R IE 8 < M irr2 l toth a t wil] ba]p y o u n a

-------- dtVDtloo to loved oo<

-4 . .- T J A U R U 8 tA pri.20 , t o f 1 MW p ro jec t you

h u u lto rlo r raotlvM .-------- .>■;— 0 E M I N U M .> l2 L

u a o c U tM u>d f e t tbi . avo id b ig tx p r a d l tu n

----------- M O O N C H IL D R E I* t tu d y iw w -w aya t o l n ■ m onay a x p e r ts fo r Um

L E O (Ju ly 22 to A t g rsaaad to w a rd y o u r

i A void o a a w ho ia to e V IR G O (A ug. 22 to

•x p a n d iflg y o u rii ita ra lo tb a fu tu ra . T h ink al

L IB R A (8a p t 28 t> y o u rra la tio n a h lp w itii p rova I t A tta o d a o d a

SC O R PIO (O ct. 23 w all a n d do w b a tav a r n ie e a a ifu lIn e area r m

S A G IT T A R lU a (Ne changaa now t b a t cot

' f titu ra . T ak a a tap a to 1 C A P R IC O R N (Dae.

, y o u r b o okkaap lng ma w hara y o u a u n d in fin

A Q U A R IU S (Jan . 21 . . t tU o n o f a a a o d a ta a an

' a ld ar tb a v ie w p o in t of-------------------PIS C E S - (FabrS O -to

co m fo rt a n d c b arm to • w ith co-w orkera c an bi

“ Y O U R C H IL D 1£- h a v e a flna pa ra o n ality

t o o t b a r » t o b « y « t h a 8 f o r a n y eo d aa v o r th a t D o n 't ne g lec t e th ica l ti

q a s o U n e 'a lle y

M rs.6um p’s A . ----------------l a t e h u s b a n d------------ w a s a —

p r i n t e r T j E J B ?

- ........

----------- -r-T M l?^K — — / -w e 'R E l o s t ; j

■ S I R

. - p i i i M


M m

^ tW ^ l lC C J .- l0 e iC A ^ H I « 4 - . How am iB R u ff BE L ass ie 's

B S O w e R ' ? ' .

■ w. • - L

S)@(S®Ip)©lould see How ve progressec their objectmIN D EN CIES: Y o u 'h a v a m a n y I r your'aUTTWindlnga m o ra pU a* encouragm ent w hara d aaarvad td a t th ia tim a.

I t o A pr.-19) E n g a g e In jw o p a ra raaU w y o u r tru e po tanO ala . S b one.

.go to M ay-20) B tu d y im pottain 'OU have In m ind . B a ca re fu l o f ’aa. T aka I t «aay ton ig h t.^ l . l a Ju n a a i iP l K u a a j»aw-pl< 1 them to co o p er« u w ith y o u . Bi tu raa of monay.

ElEN (June 22 to J u ly 21) T aka1 Im prova y o u r financia l a U tu a . ’ th a adv ica you naM . I> A ug. 21) S tu d y how fa r y o u bj o u r goa ls . tn d -m aka naadad c to e opinionatad.2 to Sep t. 22) B a m ore an th u aa m a U ao tb a t y o u h a v a g iM ta r k a long ha p p y Unaa.

8 to O ct. 22) I d e d daiy to th i r i th o tha ra a n d to d o w h a tav e r x l a l a ffa ir w ith congania la.23 to N ov. 21) A nalyze y o u r

v a r wU) im prove I t ao y o u c a n 1T m a tta ra . ..................

(Nov. 22 to D a b 2 l t Y ou ahoul could laad to g ra a ta r auccaaa to Im prove y o u r h e a l th . .« c . 22 to J a n . 20) T a k e timia U m athoda ao th a t y o u know <

1 financia l m a tta ra .). 21 to Fab . 19) T r y to m e e t tb iI a n d y o u g e t a h ea d m u c h fa iU ; of one w ho oppoaae you . )'U rMMFT20r T « k e i l n i a 'td 'a d i to y o u r lu r ro u n d ln g a . A d i« s b r in g fine r e fu lta now.

) i s B O R N T C !)AY . . . b e o r I Uty b u t m u s t la a m to ba m or* I le g re a ta a t auccaaa In life. Id ea h a t requiraa v is ion a n d I m a ^II tn ln in g aarly In life.

m h Q I

k '



T - T -: .. _____________/ S i 4 -

r | / n • / )vujar j

yesty to BLONDIE

--T?:..[ j ^w a i t iv U to o - ^ ------------

t a n t d a u U a ^ .... o f on e w ho

p lana-w ith--------- —.B a a u r a t o . .

ik a tim e to

i b a v a p r ^ TCH .'T hC M U i changea. WHOVE MOVI

ACROSSTHSI i a a d a b o u t ' A NOY-THBV caraucoaw A D lN W fT H T

SECOODPUKI th in k over A 9 A IN -> T A w w U l lm - S B I W O O 'C

>ur ta len U in b e mor*. .

ould m ake DOONESBURY »ea in tbe

I to a tu d y SOAneftTw w u c t ly ‘ yOJGmQ j


a d d mbr* lia cu H lo n

)r aha will 1 L r * helpful I ■' _ .-iT -u J I la a lc h a r t 6 ^ = 5 ^


What did T B ^re or [he printgj a fte r he

. A •FftBfiDOA\,APTBq f

pRO*\ TanqrroftiAU i— ------ T I

t s S 'i - ! ! i I !


0 . PEXMORaAN ■) T r o w y T r a a a c / • - 0 y r i v w Y ^' ID THB EMBSSBKi


_____ :;aV '-• _________________


r s .

1 F t w oJ ______ L ^ . . „ , ^ _ V Q U -

THOUGHT'IOU \} { ~ 7>AIC> VOU W S R S i > ..........- 7 G E T T IN G A / O vN U w A T C W C O G i I

THEV’VElOvfO « I ____z ' BE TOLCh e So to , (^BV RE < ^ ^ 'He£ ? O p V ^-HTHAT J n | | |M | |U Y U /t m u s t S,yC U 3 C K !)r“^



M ? .. ___U >W

^ O h ! T h a t X H ^ w r e f > kind o f — tcjood

)jjw |



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<VOU..rM 6LA P I n_________

/ h c w c a n s w e I W i - • I W 4TC H W t7W - 'C S

X ^ > A U L T W A T - / Sa S H - W A lR - O /W - - ------- iJ j b ^ H E R E Y E S ? '

r E G O T T O ^ ^ ^ H 1 0 . 1 'u u

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» 1E M / ^ 0,P E T ,I 1 L 0 ^

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►5 ' ■ f w . p ^ : r ' c e p/pNTfvr ^ A a i m fTQuiTB , S / ; TTve L a ^ tm . 1/ tiNSijP- V * ffTr\® -liSl£, ^ test W IV"

S 2 h-ter

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<INMJM9 ab outK B C E N , AND..................•AO TS'NVHEne

Q O I N S . J ^ - - •

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_____ A - - 1-/-1________a l l eL U J . (79.............. My,

m > Look}/J6sowxiaep/iMi s r TUINU CP m A T W EU. ■ }£ ABLB TD DO WTTH

I f7^M..111....... ^ ~ u l



\ & m - K< A - y j i P ^ . ■ - C ^

V N O O N ^ r ,M t N u r e ® .

tHOPsyounsHAm.f^ rGAp-ZHCPemfs ' H HAPfVfJiOWSm \r

?/ ftA ya> A K £/R O £ r : w /m m a K x s D ^ ^ - ^ G4i =’- , )S 4 g g g ? ig m .(C p


/ r « % » u c ? \ f H4VP P e g N \

U&T&H&O T2? j my/M Y


B T s t ^ y K g y e W T ^ f i ? "

lley.o o p •'sw iLctktnG err m e- H I

W AWFUL n v src l n e i th e r ; J )F LAST NIGHTS >^EAsrotrrA _ ^ S J 5 S 5 9 I |

A il I Il

"TIT—M Y D O o ft A o p e n , h o u ^ W j

$0 BE c A f tE F u l t > O M T w i l e

H E R B B Y M l 5 T


" T ~ A N PT M E N 1A --------------y U B I ^ H A l f t - ' t -

- / ^ e u p i N

___ _____________ . » ,

w iFB6BNT a? ^ “ - ^ BX ID COMPLAIN>UT THE N O J S O S ®• . . ■

tm c e A R . I v w / r o v ^ N u n o tm r

f\»/itnri « S MAJ9fSRKSrCM W .HAm.

I 1 '

/C .H lS T<5M?,1 T& A ^ l

I i _

■ I IT S F b « . I WHO IS IJ { ’lOu.oeARJ -V ir ? J


A I - W A Y ^ J

/ t f A Y . - - I

u U Y o u t e I M r

5 T A K E . S

iv^M n • • lb

'Noteveryo baldness tc

■ fyfffttnj mien bare beeby th e repeated contenticTiriUty. But no t all lite r com plim entaiy. Sunuel baldiMM in m en i t d iyne from th e rfcuD-.” O rkl wi g ra a . a pU nt w ithout lc»i

■------- ^ th T C S a T T iif c - k e p r i l l_ m « i ffo w i gray, b u t a r aac

Q. Why U a le tte r from A. R e lite i to the round

_■_ . ; t6 d o te n ic h .a le ttC T ..,„ _

Bett-eellioj bathroom i a t you m l ^ t expect, i l jr e

.‘ _ L 'W I I^ W Q. Which u f the WOd W A. Can only guesa at

H cm y Plummer. While a M ontana, he led a gang o f o r m u td e n o f 102 Monb actual death c ount, n o r he patched. VigUastes hanged

Q. Who t tk l , BuDd a bet bear a pa th to yourdooil

A. Ralph Waklo E m eno l& e tha t in one o f hi* t o n Sarah S . B. Yule w ho pan tru e . Incidentally. A numb been pa ten ted , bu t they h

- w d i a i Uie old i p r i n g ^ ^ ^

M ott Uoguagcs o f the to pronounce about 50 9 C klca o f how d o w d ili i i wii can dellven 220 lyflable* Fienehm an u t te n 3S0 lyOi th ink you can judge tbe Ui they ta lk , and no th iog In th<

A w oman ten d i to l o o k : - ing w it f a - y o u - th a m m ii r

found th a t out.

Q. D o w halei deep?■ 'A r rh e y 'd o r A b o n t f h c h

R«M “Ooyd't OooKof Odd I • M.9S elui ai.09 p0(tip«,saCM

mill (S*llv«ry, t*n<3 piymtnt wl Synalc4l«, Int.. No. a Crown Re

Afldrvu cn*ri (o L.M. Ooi copvrlsni, 19S1 c

VM K B a a s o ) _

^ /tP V < 5 eT 2 ? -/ “

I !I? j IIR G O O '^ —>^W K «nw i.T / JH B , V J [ BISBUU.V A T O U C H . 'V W W T S f ^

' 1i M

W ■


/ ^ E

- " W h « n I c rro w to l l e r t h a n m a r r y h

ifO ) w l l p f t - rone cons^ered to be beautifulbeen up lif ted i» i ^ t o m % yean

:o tion tha l a i k * acalp la th e *ign of literary o b « m tio n a r a baldneaa are ue! Johm on w rote, *TTie cauae of ryoefl o f the biafai a n d h a riuinkiDt 1 w rote. ••UgUneaa h a field withoo] leavet, o r a bead w ithoo i hair.” And

rallve'in-ancfcnt-pK M refb:— A-food.rtKrigrowbald."

the P o p e ^ e d n ‘% u n ^ -----------jund lead aeal called a bulla once UKd

om tiMue In the R e p u t ^ o f Ird tnd ,I green.p WEST OUTLAW - ................. ...Id We»t outlaw ! killed the m oat m ei?

a t th a t one , air. M ight h a re bees Ie Krving aa a d ie riff in w atheffl g o f 24 m en blamed fo r tb e robberkt lonU nans. Records don’t d iow the ir how many Plum m er petaonaOy dit- ig e d h im b n h ito w n g a llo w tfa i 1864.

1 b e tter m ou a etn p and th e w ^ d will >r7lerson inchided a lengthier line quite aennont, according to a lady named p a itp h n u ed tb e quota tion . I t im't

um ber o f superior m oose tiip s hare ey h a re n 't sold a n y w h m neatly as lap tn p .X)WTAtXERSth e Soud i Seas pe rm it tb e speaker I ^O abtes pe r mfaiute. Y ou'get some s w hen y o u know th e typ ical Amett* b les p e r m inute whBe th e j r a s | t syOablea p e r m inute. Som e i a o t m le Ufe p a c e 'o f a people b y how fsst n th e foregoing suggests otbenvitt.

ook longer in to y o u taet w bea tilk* n B r d o e f r ^ r U d d e O Q I I I f i C i a r

IvE’faoius a u i ^ t .

oaa F«eu." surtlne PuUI«lM Co„ Int, jacking. fiineiiiiff-toIM.aJO. fw nhin* .' nt wtm order to ••Boyo'i Book." Crown t» Ro»d.W««trnrfora.TX rSOSS.I. Ooyd In car* ef tnit nawnitMr.ISI Crown Syndlcttt, Inc.

ER ^ 2 S BONESI HT O THE VVr /^4EWTMtC0UBC^0R^V ..........✓ A l ___ r X


g - — -,;V -

han Mommy I'm-golng t f t ^ — 7 he r ." ;■?

-'.1 .

Page 28: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

' '

K IT ‘N ’ C A R L

- f t t r l y o o v

--------------— -----------

= y ■ " " '

'■■ L EG A L N O rrC E

IN "mE^ DiqjlCT COURT. . - S U 5 ^ 0 ^ ? „ " E S « S t

--------flfllemilnlno-lh«t-*h*^m«-u ld pailtloner waa and Is

A copy otMio Million Is on llle with (ho Clerk of tho Court and may tw reviewed uponrequeai.

. . The Pstliion has been ae( for hearing In Ihls Court of the 27 day of May. 1861, at the hour of 1:30 a.ni. at the

. .court room of Ihe above ’ 'en tllled Court In Twin Falls,' County « l Twin Falls, SUte

ahow cause, II any, why ihe petlllon ahould noi t>e

B A T E ^T hls 2nh day of

:■ G o i d W a r ^.>^l:^.2154lhAve.N.' TwInFalla.l^SJJOU

■ 'I l 'fT '- a------TuMd^.-May:*.-1B0{r------------,

■A n n o u n c e m e n t s !

■ T O - - •- — Horbt

-T ea s : deliveries. All oc- ” caslona. $45 Sparks. 734-




----------"Ilce h ae expired?” —-------------- FOUNDOOGS---------------- JJPWATTHETWINFALLS r ANIMAL SHELTER I - LOCATEO:1398THAVE.W.-.

I PET.OF THE WEEK! Female>-Que«nsland-Blue-He«ler,-B------t'w kao ld puppy white

l ‘ . IMPOUN6EOMay30 <1. Female Golden Retriever

'f ^ ^ O e ^ n short hair mixed, f . puppy, female; 4 months

f','S . Male Black,. Drown.and - tw h lte - terrrlor mix.

Mala eiacK Lab, bouQht ‘ Trtim pfound eartlorthls year,L fooksllkfi purebred.

5. Female black & while

e!'!Sal'e tMlge Un and while . fo ro l type, to new homo.

7. Female black & brown sh e p h erd 'ty p e , to. a now~ home.a. Male buck poodle.

IMPOUNDED May 211. Real cu te female Bassel Hound.2. Mala buck Ub. 0 months old, looks like purebred.3. Young male u n boxer.

_ 4. Fem alabeaglopup p y .___

HOURS4:30-7PMCNLY thru F r k U y ; 7 » ^

fV vcM uS i' Dona t n C re^n t < In a ^ J w u r . and SOiS) or ' D £ S T m Y £ O H tw 4 S h o u n .: pltasactllorrrianO w pound > (Mf/yfo chadrw hsfA sr Mur 1 p a ln ta b M n p lc k td u p .ih ia . la no t tin up^o-<ttl9 iltU- •M lxod <3oga tn - h tn i to da-

coma to the pound lo l l your pef la then .

Ooma and p l ^ oul a puppy or full grown dog- they w ouU lo ra ta lia n a n o m e. _ ; l l

Som eone’s "discard '" may M th e ^ m ^ j^ w a n t l Read

U sed equipmonl wim "like new " performance Is

.available ^ our CUasllled columns. Watch our ads. 73M831.Can Claaslllad. 73MU1.Wa fereadvw henvouafa l _

I te m s you need are available today, a i attractive prices.See our CUsslfied columns.TXlMSi.__________________REWARD: for return Of red Schwinn dirt bike. Removed Irom garage Sal. eve. 734- m a . '—


R L Y L E ™

^ I T E b !

■ ^r ----------

J f i S n

— — _ —

— Lost/FoundIRT ________________________•IALo | ................ .... • •

JEROME DOG LOG' , LoveablaandLoyal

s ^ s s r s ; ™ .Hours: aam^pm mon-frl

^ i. t female Labflrlah Seller IR. croas, rede months.LE, .2 .1 fomal9^u#lnl[aft,Sn8fc-

.h e rd X, gray. bUck & brown,

3,^**mala terrier, while & >9 buck , 3 monlhs.

m o n th s .____

Tho'Anlm tl She lltr will tya',n cloaed on Monday May 25 In,e obaorvtnce a l Memorltlta Day.

Bl 19M Dog licenses have9f explredlIt Dogs may be seen al Iho10 Anfmal Sheller at Ihe end ol■0 4lh Avenue Weal In Jerome.

For Information, call 324-1 8436:B . . . , ------- ------------------------d -III I I2 CM__________SpecmNoticea

ART"CLASSES for young>f people, ages 6 to IB. in-

siructor A r t Brackett. Call734.2121.________________HYPNOSIS. Weight lo ss .' tobacco, SelMrnprovemonl. Sell hypnosis. 27 yrs expor. Inquiries welcome day or. nlghl.CallJohn,324-72a(. WANTED11,000 Magic Valley

I residents who warn to savo - ' money everyday. 733-4M0 ~ ■9amn5fioon/afjor4pm;---------

P.S. Our freo IrUI olfer Is coatlnq-yoiT“«0041000 a n -- nually by not answering Ihe

004 ----------SpaeuiNotlcss”

- T


• P riva te Party. A ds O r• R eal E s ta te Excludei • A d MUST b e p a id for

5 d a y s a f te r it is .p lac • .P le a s e cf]8ck y our ai

first d a y it ru n s a s thi T im es-N evi's will no t

“ responsib ility lo r err( a f te r th e first insertio


5 LINE' {figr----

Tim es-N ew s, ClS ta rt Date___ _

N am e . ____ ^ A d d re s s

Print Ad here: .



b y L a r ry W rig h t

/ v t o M . i ( x e i ^ r \

1 L 6 F T K R

O C T H tS . /O ^ I N S .

~ ________

d 0 M _ MemoffalNolfces




AMWAY, etc. Are over-" exposed and out performsd by tha best mullMevel op-

; Beverly Hackney u k e s '

‘ i u ' s i v s s r " ' *

danco. Call 7334139. 734-7048 . ; ---------- --

« —___________ 'n•I DANCEANDTUMBLING

Fun aummer acttvlly, Ages , 3-12. Pra-ballel, croailvo. , fi Inlornallonal folk danco. Ex-

perlenced Inslructor Wendy0 Ring 734-2178. Call now i '■ Umlled enrollment. Classes[• bOQlnJuneS, ■________ |^ OMSO Miracle Solvonl. 6 '

ounces *12 posi-paid. Cash, j------check - o r —monoy~ordor.“ 'I

GomccHncorporatod-drawor' |, 229 TN. Twin Falls, Idaho |

03301. I? _______________________ J1 I NEED MATURE woman. 6 ‘

o r more hours a day, 5 days I• a w oel(..to .he la 'ln -m v r»- '


f, Don'l spend hundredsi Do II / [

Crsalfl For Iree Inlorma- isend SASE to: Smoking f

To. Stop, P.O. .Box 589^ tKennewick, Wn 99336. i

-------------- LAW SHOP------------rUnconleslod divorces, STS. <1

1 Bankruptcy and corporation,' E S80. - WTllar-'tSO., elc. Mall a

, order available. 33W)732. ^_ ________ .

- ~W4 SpoclilNotleog ~o

T O P L A C E YOUR — T I M E S - N E W S -

WANTADz n «•“»“ I I ---------- Ripert --F IH

■ till.-. ■all™ . - -Mlfra_____ Mil: ^ 5 J L sT I-S z J L r a - S

R A N T E E D R E S3r Your Money Refund

O nly • l ly o u r i ie md e d m a y g e t a rfor w ithin th e a d 7 d a!aced • R e fu n d s orr a d th e b e c o l le c te 'th e • Y o u wlll noio t a s s u m e re fu n d if theirrors w h e th e r or■tion T im es-N ew

IES 7 DAYS ES 7 DAYS • ES 7 DAYS 'f i g u r e 4 w o r d s p e r l in e )

C la s s i f ie d D ep L , B o x ^ 8 ,

_____________________ P h o n e-------- . T n w j i

M o n e y O rd e i

c m

ooe_____________ Peraonala

M O R M O N iS MWhat do you know aboul me Mormon Church? Call 734- 2613 for a recorded now mossaoewBekly._________



Anyone .who saw or had. personal conUct wllh JameS' Brown, ol Haielton, Idaho

_____durlnQ.tho-Bvonlng-hQura.of-. -May l3, tesi.pleaaeoonU Q l-

Carole Calvin or EUlne Connell al345-211lcolloct.

------- PALMISTRY-READINQI-AII-readlngs are private A-coo- fldenllal.1S«6eiue U kosN . 733-40er^ .__________


— Acupressure, reflexology.

hydrolherapy/ and nolherapy. Tension and weight loss our specialty. Sarvfng Twin Falls. Surfoy. Rupert 4 Paul. Houso calls avalUble. 24 Hrs. except Sunday. Phone cenlral ol> fL e e ^ r f^ 7 . ............. -

M Personal Quota Sorvlce = • Aulo • Homeownera .r-- ll] •Health Insurance

RoraO vencre Agency

. Deoendable Ins. Service

d S e l e c t e d O f f e r s

ji. _007________ JotodlnleresL

»' - A D M I N I S T R A T I V E /0 BOOKKEEPER- Combining d your abilities lor Ihls area ^ will^Und you a ^ ^ w l t h

" I l l ' l l 734-!s50. Sneliing &

AUTO BODY Mon (2) and- painter or combination men

t needed In now modern1 shop. Excotlenl opportunity . , for experienced people.. Send replies to P.O. Box, 1566, Twin Falls, ID 83301. All •

replies confldonlUi.______\

DRUM DRYER OPERA- I TOR/SUPRV. *35,000- fee . paid. Jody, 734-2550. Snell-- - m n 8 8 nelilno,-----------------—

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNtTY for tho right Individual lo leam Iho professional retail auto aales business.

' Excollont working facilities, prolessional Iralning. In- como.unfrmll9d..famiry hoaj_ ^ pllallzallon. vacations, do- monslralor; Apply In person to Dick Day. Dick Doy ;

/Oldsmobile & Buick, 7 li Main Avo. S.. Twin Fails. II unable to appear for' in­terview during business • .hours, arrangemonls will be ,

- -madOrAII-lntervlews-alrtclly- ■;conlldenllal. {

' EXPERIENCED Olesol semi drivers. Minimum ago-25. \

preferred... j-733-2733___ ______ J


004 Special Nollees ‘ v• I

_____________ _____________ 1tt

: s

. -

I I I ®Filer ............. S r • ' -

Toll Fretrii Fre*------------------------------------ afS-53751. P

- - . -.-TT!------------ *1

■ S U L T S I Inded “................ ............. .........•....... 4n

e m d o e s n ’t s e l l y o u |a r e f u n d o r r e r u n m d a y s f r e e

I o r o d r e - r u n s m u s t !1‘c t e d w ith in 3 0 d a y s cin o t b e e l ig ib le fo r a « th e ite m s e l l so r h o t b y th e 45e w s Ul



{ s - 1 3 7 5 : ^ ^

_ _

4 8 , T w in F a l l s

W J L - ^ — — _ , 1

s s Q

l» ow________Jobaoflntereat'EXPERIENCED COOK needed, day or nighl ahilt, Call 334-7W1 for appoint-'"JISL--------------- --------


ColumbU Basin Job Corps- Center- Moses U ka. WA

- has jusl gone (Jo^d. Openings exist lor females ages, iS-21 to train In- carpentry." food service,

' btking, palming, plastering, ,0 brick layinp. llle soltlng.,1 oj _woiding. All expensea.pald Ql. ..plus room & board & spend- ,g Ing allowances, To make

applications conUct your local JACS Rep. Kimberly

j | . _ S 5 4 5 8 ,--------------------------

J* FRIENDLY COUPLE lor llvnn manager of 35'unlt apartment building, Bonda- blo. Write Box-lJO . c/o

; Times Newa. PO Box 546, TwinFalls.lD63301.

, FULL-TIME registered Med- C l-. ica Technoioglsi needed to jr- participate In all depart- H m enu of clinical laboratory., Immediate opening, share , weekend and cal/ dofy. a CompeUllve saUry and ,, excellent benefits. Coniact;

'* M‘ nfdoli^em orl4U ^7p°iX^ e r t , ID. 43»<M81 or 43S-

FULL-TIME lanltor wanied. Experience helpful. Hours.

' S M y a i^ siso p m . ™ ***'INSURANCE AGENT- Personal linos. Underwriting or rating exp. License pro- forred. Jerry, 734-050, Sneliing and Snelllno.

Il's lime 10 make ihe awllch NOW. FURNrrURE SALES. Grow wllh this company.

- - n e t ' l l , S n e l i i n g and


AGES 18-21 - -C A L L ................^ .42W 4S6 .

URGECOMPANY.............1 Needs a personable go- < getter to work Magic Valfey I area. Knowledge of live-' • stock helps.*18,000............... I

....... . . j






.M A BEY ...:i_^iRSO N N ECMANAGER 733^)931. 3 .


asrten Instructor for a hall- W.me position (mornings C(

only). Musi have Idaho E l^ I e rmentary Teaching Certlfi-. liecate "Endorsed for Kin- Al

■june*'*5,“ ^ M ? !* n S ? U M t ^ appiicallon form Irom:

-Dr. T.R.- "Dick"- Roros. £ Supt.- „

-BIISTSchoolOistTlctf2M----------aBliss. Idaho 63314 m

Phone 352-4445 _ jS •frr

NUTSI.Ar«:you-tlr«d.ol-worklng-for- — peanuts? Do you know aulo {:> and iruck pana insjde out? {JJ,

ence? II so- then Ihe oppor-tunity you've been wanting ZZis here. ACT NOWI Jerry. PJ734-2550..Sneliing & Snell- ^


PERMANENT PART-TIME Manulaclurers rep wllh na- ta

needs^me'rchandl ino and surveying p e o p leV Je call on lood sloreaand other ao, reuil oullela. PJeaao send resume andfor qualllkl^tions 10: Burden AssoeUtea,--------4583 Westvlew Drhre. SLC,UUh 84117 or call 801-278- 2017. Retired .-people welcome.

004 SpecUl Notices OO

P la c e y o u r " F O R : l o r ^ b w e e k " ( P a y f o r y o u r o d I ll y o u r U o m h o s^ n

. . .w i lD L b iu i l i r i w u i o d d l f lo n a l w e e k .

O ffo r g o o d f o r p t on i t o m s f o r so le

..m o s f b o c o H o c lo c o x p i r o s . '

S I 1 3 2 T h t i

H e d

at 007 .lobaoflntifast3K RADIO SALES MANAGER ill. W ealam Idaho Market MOR nt- Adult AM. Saury, Com- _ mlaaksri and good fringes

sand reaum e P.O. Box 1178. Caktweii.ktohoaseos. __ REGISTERED COS-

P ,. METOLOQisr. naeded for M cosm eiica departmenl In ;d.~ ladles' apparel alora. Fhra ea. day weak, good saUry, In- ' benefits. Only aales- :e, oriented, self-motlvalod ig, persons need apply. Send X reaum e lo Box N -» c /o [Id .Times Newa Box 548_Twln d -: - Falls. ldahQ8330l.- •»0 SAWTOOTH-' NATIONAL ur RECREATK)N area, Ke(- 1y chum, Idaho. Clerk-Typlsl,

or -Applicants musi have alit currant notice ol rating on•- tha Federal Civil Senricero C lerkTypiatexam ... .6. Applications will b e ac-

i . ^ S S 'L S S J S S : ’■

t! SECRETARIAL/CUSTOMERf . CONSULTANT lo work Ina Inauranca line.' No Ik^anaef. raqulrad.- E*caHer>{ caraerd poaltlon wllh advaiKamanlt; potpntlaLZ^Jarry, 734-29S0.r. Snallinfl&Snellfnq.

^ TAKEITTOCOURr and work on excillng cases

I. a s dadkutad. A D M IN I S - T R A T IV E /. ASSISTANT In legal flokl.

^ % t e ? l S ' i n «• iQH;_______ ___________! THE CASTLEFORD JOINT . SCHOOL OISTfllCT N0#4I7

will ba accepting applica- tiona from May 4,1981 until

, June 19. 1961 for (1) Seo- ' ondary Engllah teacher,

m lnorln aocUl studlea, math

applkutlons ' conUcl;Caatleford Joinl School Dis- 1trlct, " No#417-“ Edward 1Schenk. Superlntendenl. 1537-8511. Affimatlva Ac- ■

. tIorWEqual Opportunlhf j^m ftlover.__________ |


sJu n e 19, ifiit for (I) vCertified S w ia l Education cTeacher. For further In- t(ormatlon and appllcatlona fcontact: Caatleford Joint 7School' District Nof417> 'Edward Schenk. Superin- 1tendent. 537-8511. Al- jfirmatlve ActionfEqual Op- £

- Qorlunllyemployer.^------------V<3[UNTeEi% needed tb !!work a l the HOUND POUND. ^Please call 734-2851 after Ea m --------------------------- a


Parts peraon with aome Nbackground In tractora & yifarm machinery wilh ap- al tilude to leam and marugeparts department. Apply In s

Kart H. Dahmer- GfT*afl8-Managor. KahrH-uclch ?-Ford-TraotofrTwin Falls:— ------ ^ '

WANTED, exoerlenced

- l l j t ln g s z m O P I - P - - ^ - “ J

M ldTal*tM 4-&4 ^WANTED plumbers, uphol- Ik aterere, general coniractora bi

6ag2.oim2744. ^ 73WANTED: Experienced - COSMETOLOGIST^th cll-entele. Nice working condl- Mlions. •Apply at The Hair "Alfalr. 7 3 3 ^ . ___________ WWE HAVE-DISCOVERED-a

Wheel it to tne bank. Best ~ sa les opportunlly In iho

T m m ty rM K T T irT srd T rii: “ jd^ealjor^lieoe^aludenta or

•fr o i^ - 00to*ib:00P.M. ~_...W R n;E R S ^W R IT E flS __

AppHcittona are being taken] through J u n i la t for part- .

and Gooding ares. Some night work coverlno maal- Iflga-larraquired.-Peraofle - Inleresled in lolling Magic Valley r^ o rs^ a b o u ^ tfM ir

bad^rounS^w d Inlareala^ln repoAino nowa and feature events. Plaaae no calls.Lettere should be addressed to;


P.O. Box 648 Twin Falla, Ida'


004 SpecUl Notkioa go,

ll/ilifilill^liH'l'iH)R S A i r ^ o d In ^ r C l o s s i f l e I 'C T ^ ln a o rH b r is ^ In c lu d lh g ’ d b o f o r e t h e S th d a y o l pui s^n't s o ld b y t h o e n d o f t h e \ j y i l m o h e y O R p u b l i s h yo i »k.

p r l v o t e p a r t y o d s o n ly : O l o le o t h e r t h a n r e a l o s t a t o . lo d w l th in SO d o y S 'f rc rn th<

M W S ^ N E W Sh t r d S t . W « i t , 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 ’


ast • m ' — ' SaHsPeooH

^ ...UKEIOMEETPEOPLE?ges .-W*nt to work your ownf>5. f*oura and eam as much aa

p u want? Part-time or ful>-=5. lime. Sales opportunityfor .progressiveIn IlnancUi Institutksn

S '

SS S»Lt3MAN WANTED. m«fl tfin dependable, ssii-

• 'm o is te d . A ll'o lhers 'no^.

*{; • ay'ea. Sll'iliikn. 4 ^ “ '° ”,5^ SALESPERSON WANTED In« r o u f,a«« ranee_ and-Leasen t ' Debl.full or part-time. We

g will train the right person,c -ConUct Del Van Orden in

ic- North. Downtoiim Twin Falla.1. WANTEDI Experienced new

- ^ f o ‘rw ^^n“ o " , W ;

SI OM EmploymefliAgMiciM

” 015_____________BibytinenA srrrE R w/4 yr. experience

•a haa opanlnga. Organlred <a aummer aclivllles. Small I flroup. Dropjnsok.734<618.

BABYSfTTlNG. - any .1 age.'y Fenced yard, Hoi meaU &

m S o raI BABYSfTTlNG. my home..J anytime except Fri iilghts, '

li :i" BABYSrmNG any age. My 'h Calif 733-8838.________________ IJ. -BABYSrmNG-ln-m rhome.-; Polly trained. Close to Har-- rl son School. n t A w1 WILL 0 0 BABYSrrtlNG IN 1■ MY.HOME D >,i onli, Agi

L n i r l t f 'Phone 73*^18 ,7?»8119, "

• YOUNG RESPONSIBLE J' Grandmother, desires to t■ care for your child. Will ae- s I cep t onlv 3 children, so thal r I your ehltd wlii be properly r I cared lor. Largo spacious ,■■ home 7^0-8:30, Mon-Frl. !:


o il SltolloniWWM liOONCBETC FIATWOM: s

.Orlvawaya,-patios, oaraoe p

EXPERIENCED a'SEAMSTRESS will do alter- Irationa, unending, Uiiorlng, 5( and dreaa making In my home from Oam-jpm. 648 M onUna.Ooodlnorfe44656.- - -NEED YOUR Uwn mowed or »y » f d ^ d o n e ? Call Darrell v«

E X P E R I E N C E D H 0 U 8 E C L E A N I N G O penings Mom Tues. Thurs. ' dt

_ F fl..M o ^ n ^ |jn ly ._ f l6 l« f i_ J 2


-SJLOOKING FOR day, wk, (ei

■? a A S ! '.° .7 '. g c i i - aposition, in all types 01 ol- S3: fleas. Comprehensive adm

2!7 3 » ^ a s k f o rd u d y _________Cl-_______________________ aci

UNDERGROUND sprlnklsr Co system s Insulted. Phono- J s

WE MOW and deep rake Na -U w n a ,-tr lm . Ireea-ahruba,- -tio

vervraaaoriable. 733-5846. Bl|


004 siwcltl Nolices ^

II f ie d S e c t io n | f 3 f | “ i g ‘'Sij'n‘’d o y ) . ' |8 M | 'i p u b l ic a t io n . i@pl I t e w e e k , w o { @ | | l y o u r o d o n q p H H ..II

' Sll■ )» M- y<O f f e r g o o d

i to . R o l u n d t t h o d o t o a d @

...................S ' ' V '

FS— *1 —>31____ J S

T uesday , Ma

e ~ :017 Buaineaa Opportunliles .

I ! D E A L E R S’ V Only 3% o l the hom«« Ir . I prole«todbyo«»<urlly ty i I » W ilh98% olthom <,fk*|p |.


Jf p o n lM io o c ia to u rd a o Ie i • Inlllol inveitm«nl o< S75(

Invanioty - I — •P r«viou tM le*axp«rienc

•------ n « * » ,o ry ....... ..................I • Complelo training provid

T •M o«H dohooroo»ovalIoh 1 I We ore offering you on «

t oppoHurilly io thoro In tl locurity Induitry,

t Fof lull Inlormallon on ihl . oblo •I*clronle locurily pro

f c e u i C T ( M a :I S O N A B t C A N O IV P oa t O lfica EI S u n Vallay. Idi

017 BusiMuOpportunHies —------------------------------ 0

RRST MORTGAGE, money 'neadodfoxpanalon. SUIe f

“£S3 warehouse, ^*300,000. 20% relum. 3-5 <year payback. Gross annual cIncome *1,000.000 +. (206) '878-5160.___________ • tlFOR SALE Young Dairy in­dependent dijirlbulorahip. ' reu il d a^^rou te^ equip- (

coverlno Mlnl-CassU arM.

GOOD esUbllshed business ' In a small town al a rea so n - - n

_ab lo price- 2 bedroom home- -included. All equlpmeni and !! Inventory. Terms avalUble.Call Everett 32S-5053.' Town

. and Country Reallora, 733- 0718. Norn loctied In Iho r . M em ounU ln Bumiino~lo J f

-INVEST-IN good solid busM --".f ness opportunity. Local «r busInMS. Need teO.OOO to . i *100,000 short term. Inlerest

penv&bli‘i id i^ 3 * 7 ^ 7 ^ ^ ° '


lied Incomo PotentUI. Call . - Mr.Wallor8l-800.438«2e. gj SMALL priming and paper «

-products'businass for sale” " ^ by owner, Qood location. =

Inaulre;B & L lnc..P .O .B ox S3i SM.TwlnFalls. ID 63301. on

..... WARNINGI--- . - . ZThe Tlmes-Nowa ro- S j

commenda that . you in- t*

especially ihoso Irom out ol i e

moteiorhotel. 5?'— W 6-8D 0flBsr7iitreoh8U ir " i S your own attorney, tho Bel­ter Bualness'Buroau, Idaho *11 Consumer Alfairs or ask (or k ,

G enerai'a-CdrisuSor ■ ProT^ t i s L” !L. BfcPhono 334-2400 or 1-800- 632^837.

Oia • Income Proparty CHOICE DUPLEX.-Uade-for- acreage or aeli. *77,500. , ConlinenUI ( l e a ^ Company I

7 UNrr APT. Large lot. i'*" Newly painted. Exc. loca- ilon.O w nercarry.low dow n.' — — BlgWoodReaily-7344551. 025

l u r G u a r a i i t i p r


I f v o u 1 l u s e C l a s s l f l e b u y o r s e l l I t e m s r e g y o u W I L L c u t d o w n e x p e n s e s ! . Y o u ' l l t r i i s p e n d i n g w h e n y o u

C l a s s i f l e d s I - —


^ay 26,S9isi. Tfmos-Nows. Twi, Twin Fall?. • .'aho 0-3 '- - ____________I""

s . 017 BuilneasOpponunlllea

S W A N T E D ^ !»» In Iho United Stolot o re "y ty iio m , i^elploco untouched. SONAR IC It fooking re tpondb le |to le rs In Idaho. f .

S7500.00socurodby^ | -

•iencahoipfutboifto l, " ,------- 1 ----------

ovided In your oroo 1Jiloblo, -------- I

.“ L-?-**®Nenf.grQund;(loQi:_ IIn tho mulil.billion do llar |

n Ihit aicclllng ond prod t. | . r product cell Frank Road fl o a ) r a « - s 4 o e II OP n ^ iu io , INC. Ilea Box 1970 I^ Idaho 83363 j

018_______ Income PropertyFOR SALE, older 12-unll apartment c o r^ lex In H uelton . 1 & 2 Bedrooms,*90,000 or make olfer. All oflera considered. Assume ow .in to roalloano rw ew llf finance. 801-292-6744.

r a __________ litoMyToLoiflSE C O N PM O ^A O E

No polnta, no p re^ y m en t penalty. Aetna Fin. 75-1088.

^ e ^ M - S P O R T S CENTER '-w il|- ioan ‘‘m6ney'’on‘ almo8t-----------

anythingofvalue. RAMSPORTSCENTER

PAWNSHOP ■124 Easi Main. Jeromo.

C all.........................324-3722




021 MonayWanlad

w i____________ InwtrM nt

BUHLINVESTMENTS *30.000 CommercUl location on Main with 3 yoar lease and good terma.

»«.500 R enta l'duplix wllh *3060 groas Income. Aasumabie la l Federal loan.Will trade for land.

*83,500 Family resUurant on .B roadw ayw ithw ealem atyle .. - .

remodeled Interior.^ HBIIfTnhlw 0«Lloans.

*110.000 Large commercUl building In oowntown Buhl

•^9?.*.»oniF jtm er,'B B ank. ... . . .

*185,000 iooiiisfl' lot on,

JohnM.Barker— —


Jim Barker . . . . . . 'GlorU Sm llh........... 543-4445

' “ “ ‘ 'iMlniclkiM'’

r R ^ i f s

rH EOST ^m o rl f l e d : a d s : t o _______‘e g u l a r l y . i r n y o u rt r i m u p y o u r ' •;>u u s e


■— r . . . T - T 9

Page 29: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

t" I -

b e

C l !

n e

- . “ K

.. ! a t

c u <

i n 1

g C K


Orlvoways, patios, wil............a topa; oxposed an;; re u i

removal. t o ^ l T S . a ; ^ A-1 PAINTING

H ouss & B uslneuas. Ri __________ aoniiblo.fal<i»^RfltftfBnc


--------- r r" W f l - n e v B -n $ s n e r -w i7. “ Bolno Iti Call Walt tS mJ*

o r atop In a l B33 Blue Lak . Bl_vdjj._______________ _

- 'B A C K H O E

Hlno Backhoa Excavallc dirl routing, aeptle systetr

•• • 8 ? .” & concrata remov ' ..Irriga tion- aystama,- -sm

aadlm ant - ponds claant--------- : Tjm_Hlna-73M365.734.1M0


Com plate lob, rough . linlah. Call 734^7« or 32

. . . C A B E ^ L E A N I N ^

Rssldantlal & commarclj CaU324-8S70.


C aro ra Eloctrolyala. Hi romoved parmananlly. Frt conauIUtion.73M734 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE

NEW-------- HORIZON'--------------PERSONNEurW a’ eanhe i

YOU Ilnd tha rlah tlob . Ra< Isllc faas. 400 Stioshor

. S tree t Souir., 7 3 4 ^ .- EMPLOYMENTSERVICES

SNELLINO*** SN^35I?C • 1033 Snoshone Street Nortl ' Twin Falls. Idaho. 734.2SM.




Ek Furnace Company* nat ow ner Mary Plew. Call 423 5767. ___

~ L i s t y o ^


v ;.. _ D -4Tlme3-New3.-Ti

Loo]tom oiI ’ l l b e w a i t i n

l e s i u p r i s e d i

l a s s i f i e d w o i

l e w h o m e l i d h

I f y o u d o n ’ t f

t - t h e - o t h e r - p i

b u ’ d b e s u r p ]

i i d d l y p u p s l i

1 t h e c l a s s i f i e

o o d r e s u l t s , t

^ g w h e n w e

W e G U c

I ■ D f m c i o r y o i

bv SER

walks, We will deliver. ia p a lr i — aew er - -rock.

- • CraneandfllOQini . . HAUUNG a TREE

I. ,Ra»-............ “ I p r i n i ' Special.' \ran c ea _ .

duW>plfMCk. 1-764.:------- HONEY DO COMP,_________ NeedAHandyM ai

H7 “oI------------- Dtryounavs'woncse t dona? Lawn

» i 2 l S S S ;

JtemS; JACK’s'pAJN-nNG

j o a SHOP

A Pe/sonar f ,h . Service- 280 Sl> 7 , i s l Norm. 733-7152. ____ K. P . YARD WORK

•--------------------Lawn-worki-odd-k, , aonable rales. Anylarclal. flam or until 9om. A

Hair _________ ■.F re e LAWN MOWER & ____ CHAIN SAW REPAIF

Free p ia u p and de ION’S - - - to w n .J iJE n lam rl!

help------------ A ddJsonA ve.e.-& -R eat LAWN MOWER REP,

____ Have your lawn:ES tuned up for aumm


r ' ■ _ __________LAWN MOWING



Furnilure upholstery n«w . Highway 36 acro u 423-, Jerry’a Gun Shop. 7;

___________, John Matnav. _

ir business in ilPhone 7334)931 fortl

s.-TwIn Falla, Idaho T u esd a )

S W I-

I P #

fo r►rrow’in g t o h e a r f r o

i f I ’ m g o n e b j

) r k s f a s t . I ’ m 1

S k e t y - s p l i t .

g e t t o m e i n t

j u p s - i n - t h e p e

p r i s e d h o w m s

l i k e n ^ s e l f a d

t e d c o l u m n s . ^

t o o . W e c a n i i j

r e s u l t . ”

l a r a n t e e F

I3"0<— — r --------------ff— — — -

of . '7"'



ir. Drain field ■ f e A

l i r n S a i . 'lEE SERVICE. MIKE^SLAV

I . 'w i i r w T i N^w~tiTkinc-------------- youf.apring

care. Pow« MPANY esilm alos. 7Man? ' Mifji RTnRA

orkTOTTcart’l N eed aloTaown care, re- our monlhl


n o t i c e s? o m ™ ” "cSr Mobiia anperlenee.:ia>nB.” F?J,'r g g g f p s g j.Relarancea. . _»cCRETARU— ---------- 24 nouts. W

deliver. Do

S I x t^ T e '

~ ____

i Jobarflee-_________knwime aller Interlor/extoc. ^ 7 8 3 . faaslona lqu i

at)ie rale, f - 734.1728.-

RENFROJ-------------- CUSTOM PAIt

■A'f’ • Honeat.

S i s ™ - " ' S 2 «IHPAIR ROOFOIUNG

i c i '5 p ? S -Fr_eeeallmale.ROTO-TILUNG

Free estimait8060-________

ble ' ' f h k b o t o -tiuuno

R E O j r a r ^ -------- ho t o -til u n oa ° ” , m o w in o . r , ; ;


ery, 2 W. ' ‘ Gardena, levSI pastures, mo

t h e D i r e c t p r y a

r the assislance'of a cl

day. May 26; lOfll

J m

'm e i ’s pai• o m y o u . B u t

3 y t h e t i m e y

1 b o u n d t o h £

I t i m e , t a k e a

> e t d a s s i f i c a t

a a n y a d b r a b l

i d v e r t i s e f o r :

. W e a l w a y s f

i n e s k n o w a j

R e s u l t s !

9 3 1

PECIALIas near as^ U j

r m Tn t e r s ^ p

palming. Prompt. Fair prices. Call L'33-9864 . or 733-9762 al__________ ■ , 7;U W N SERVICE e

klrTg 'o rdera^io "do "S\ting clean-up i.taw n---------------- pi•ower raking, Iree Wj^W 4-2663.______ SI

sraqa space? Chock Sfmlhly & seasonal w<: e ^ ^ 7 Aulomollve Ca

^ ■ s iexterior, residentialirclal. Over 20 years Ctee. 326-5224. ^ . - tai SIGNAL ~^RIALSERVICES . ^

TC. Wo pick up and

Done to your DeIlona, MacNoll En- <S, 734-9S35 or 734. Clt

............................ .................Si n i N o ^ __________

xtotlor. pro- s t iquality al reason- ^

». Free estimate.


dependable Residential, com-

InduatrUI, and ,757 ^ t tne 'foB 'done----------------

, « n l

lor leas, have your. shaiI Cruahed on. Use

X mV vJ S S ■ia !e ,7 3 3 -W - JNG/QARDENS |^ u |

T>aiea. Call 734- X

JNQ . ___INO & LAWNnoasonatile. Free sprIn4234889. woodINQ WhiM|

. ,YARC evellng, aemlingmowfng weed Mowli

I Oambrel, 73J- 734-80)m ,----------------- - - — c » n *

o f S e r v i c e S p i

classified Ad-Vlsor

-------------------------- -------------T T "


inp ert d o n ’ t

y ^ o u c a U .

l a v e a

a l o o k

c t i o n . -------------------------

) l e ,

■ h o m e s

g e t

g o o d

ISTSi r t r ' l r > r \h j ^ r n o ' -



U w ns and gardens, a n y . alze. Free estim ates. Call734-0433. .________..eUlLD REPAIR REMODEL

Sm alflobs a lp e c ia i l^ F o r T ” ' " - ^ ^ ^ o u - o a n - l l v e - w l i h . ------


Spraying of Irult tree s and

S f f e S S .™ '” '* " ’ ""'*-


Compieie* maintenance. * landscaping & designs, ^ f n ^ ^ e estimate.

TOPSOIL ------

Delivered-S yards minimum.SS per yard within Twin Falls city limits. Slight addlttonal charge If outside city limits. CalLWIIIa.ln_c.734^4li. , , FREESERVICEJIM-JAC'e_____________________

Stump removal. 423-47B2.rREESERVKSE<o n k ;ek

rflmming, removing, limba ;ut & lowered ti^raulically. '33-2511 or 734-lS e .


& S Upholstery. Iree stlmates, p.u. & d e l, lu to . im llu r^ lealtwr. Pti. ftaroh734-343a.

ineHip, rapalra. & d m - luls on yard & garden eopt. im eiooM used unlta lor Je. 2^ Je lftraon. 733-4416.

30D STOVES.^:.-------

ring Sale on Schrwler od & coal bum ng stovea iVwaittllHall?.'wi!»r5t • RDPEOPLE

SS8’ » ' S K S f r - « ----------t •boulyouryatxl."- ...............

p e c i a l i s t s ^r

I ' - .

HWITHReal Estate - For

----------------- .028— - Open

■’W __________Homesf2YEAP0L03BDRM,1 doul)le garage, on

............ - large com erlo t In KimThe beat quaUly in all a n M aic ab ln e ts . Fum

- "desired . Shown by polnlment. 734-4220 4pm.________ - ~

_______offer we can 't reluse or clean, modem. 3 Bdi ta lh home. FENCED A full bsmt. 6 minutes downtown. Asking S53,S what will you pay? 734-<: AUTTLEPAINTAFWIN

J t e r i ^ . i s / A s K l v l l S ^ Realtor owned. Jim ’

Realty, 733^»

ABSOLUTELY THE M accommodating finan available for qualllled bu Aaaume existing FHA 9t

3 s , ^ r , i r & ; ? a „ swith mwranteed 95% I m uchbelow market inte rales. The dwelling Is a ' aq. It. 3 Bedroom. 2 balh home on .6 Acres In t N.E. locallon. Many cor nience and custom (ealu such aa: A/C, central > hardwood floors, trem doua cabinet apace;-|a garden ready to planirv low utilities and tu e s , 01 atove. built-in appllanc beautiful lawn, many me

--------- -TW a-la-therrloanost-no

A^UMABLE LOANI Ne* 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, flrepiai

.considered S45,000 price range. Eve't w e a k e n d a .7 3 4 ^ .

BEST BUY3BDRM, garai good locallon. Owner » carry. Won't last long e4,Soo. Jim Volk Big Wo Really. 733-5605 o r7 3 t& : BY OWNERI Lux 3,000 «q. Brick rambler. - L jk em Or.. .4 Bdr. 1^4 bath, fi room + rec, room, lirepiacea, dbl garage, mr laund.manyextraa.No aoents. $84,500. 734<»

■— o r1{» 1 )2 6 « 4 i9 .

BY OWNER, prir ' \ Northeaat location. Custc

built.3yearoid,2200sq.H Bedroom. 2 .bath,-,

•fireplaces', large - fam room, 24x24' garage & mor Cash down, assum e 9% loi a t >399 month. 733-3815.BY OWNER,' J13,000 dov a ssum es t'A% loan on

------1 Bedroom, i h baih IrMov

family room wllh. wooN ------- alovei-Paymenl»-1399rPIT

r a tg w o _______________ .

CALL TODAY foi- Iro . .m arke t ,a n a l^ 4 '“o h "y o i


_____ SPRINGCRggK- ; --------------- REArrORS

C O U N IB Y ^ re ^ UPPEF Solid 2 BDRK^ basement or 1 acre near Twin Falls anc Jerom e. Low down. 10%

' d o n t r e n t( 20,000-2 bdnn, nice klicher & drapes. Make an offerl C3.

■ *29.000--2 hom es-rto live in-------- and -1-to rent out. close-lo

downtown Buhl. B37 127,500- Cule, clean, 2 bdrm,

___ large lot. Small down, ownor

-«7,900- 2 bdrma, convenient location. ASSUMABLE LOAN, Owner will carry. T15. 130,000- Nice 2 bdrm with

— levely-yaid.-excdlIenUoc»- lion, alf conditioned, 1 year warranty. B44.0 2 ,000. Attracllve 2 bdrm, IM balh re-done home with- unlque^ bedmm-aiitlng

“ oim ^V couidf'SkrlbfM ^^

" ERA '....... RolwrtJoiiosReallv—

733-0404 or 54M2^

K lT v 'N -C A R L '

r JI L



ILASSIFUME. A . Homea Fo■or Sale -----------

BEAUTIFUL cusiom 2 2 2 ^ duplex in NE k>call

- Bedrooms, 2 balhs, WsForSale room and single gj

M i S f f i - “

ilT S t SPRING CREEK =u™Si, REALTORS - 7 3 « 6 I ) 0 - ^ -

ao afler ' - ________ DUPLEX FOR SAI.LAY THE apartments, alnflle alRrn Ul an -W lth—lulL-baaemant.-:eon this separata renU l coBdrm, Z “ Oood location 1 block

;o ACRE, center ol lown. Maketes from 32*6417.«3,(j00- EXCELLENT FOR HOf

beautllul 1600 aq. f tIXIN home on 9 Acres. FullI. Good shares. 3 Bedroom, ^S13,900. bath, doubia atu m Volk- garage. Shop &flnlshe< 34605 or room w/planty of co_____ . South of tw in. *149,500---------- large aasumable

. I7.00d « C ! .ln l« .r .3 6ar.i:ro»irinance w /chaln link (ence. Ouli.% loan applicants call 3264613. interest s a 1735

M • • • <oaluros ll vac,iramon. . FIXER-UPPER

Jargo_________________■II. vory 3 Bedroom home in c >. earth location. Large living n lances, and dining room. Oai ' jo r e .___ andi.ba9emenl._low_di

nome payment and aellar wllr offer, nance with low Intereat._____. price 129,500. Look todayNewer

r a R ealty733-(079

[ r r T ; Joyce C o te '............7334. DaveH am lett.......... 733-*

1, fam

t . • • •I4<S78. ____ _________ _______

' ' FOR SALE by owner K H!3 ■‘00 ^^ome 3 bdrm,ustom ba th ,, wood atove, s

q.H.4 porch, *96,500. 11V4 i - l l jrnora GREAT FOR FAMILY WT

SMALL CHILDREN , fenced yard, 3-bedroo home In Twin Falls. Pi

down basem ent, double garac on 3 w /e lec doo r-opener, ir

Movel maculate coadhlon, on *45.000.00, ownormay car»5 Munroe-Roblrta.54?faoe,

^U ST -L IST E D I-2-Bedroo , '• homo wllh full finlahe

------ basem ent. Prkied at »3.0(, with *21.500 assumable loa

- a l - 8 W % intareat.._»50C your flown. - Owner' will ' « n

balance. -All . th ia ..hom n eed s Is aome cleaning an

-----------tnadeU ovtno^e4<H nake-qulck profit. Call Everei Andrewa.3264053orTownJ Counlry Reallors. 73M716.

LAST CHANCE FOR LOV INTEFIEST RATE on this im m aculate 4 year old : bedroom, 2 balh home, plui full basem eni (plumbttffo:

■ 3rd bath.and 2nd.tlrepiace) Super traffic patlem

:hen electric furnace plus centra C3. air condlllonlng. Double -0 In- -paragera ll-on-n lce-fenced e-to- - w h —After—June“ ls t.~ th fl

lender on Ihls loan ol Irm. approx. *36,300 will Increase

^ s m u s s e n al home f e lent 2607 or Gem State Really BLE- -73*0400 lo seel- ri5. ---------------------------- -—

SI « LETS DEAL M>ear AlforflatUe.":— luxury 3

bedj90ins. 2 baths, (amlly rm, room. Move right in and vlth- - e n jo y -a ll the ammenilles

inS J m txS “*• ^ * ""0

a Almost new 3 bedroom, 2 bath wllh double garage.


U .Y L E ”

r'.Krrl I J ust w s ta'a)R BOOlieNt> ANt>

I T s m e t s b !

■ ^ ^ 7 U *

•* 7. '

FIED Al EPROSForSale l»0 Homes For S

built | |O ^ L Y a ^ ^ r( » m H o j

walking dislance of Ji H'oh- This home is or years old and In tip condlilon. Ownera transferring and will

c J ■ ■ ^wllhfinancing.Theprice pK , iM l been reduced I_______ *89,900. *61-206._______

SPRING CREEK i r g j - 5 REALTORS !t^^ctu^l - 7 3 4 ^it_ A iso .iNew-ye»f-i-.-.-new-v8Ucottage, Shoo D assllied. 733-0931

NEWLY LISTED 3.96 ac<0 oner, w jto r shares. Te______ __avallable.S15,000.f7741.ORSES,IL brick IMMEDIATE POSSESSJil water on adorable 3 bedroom,m, 2'A bath, lust remodeituched * 3 7 , ^ . f ^ l . led uckcorrala. 2 HOMES FOR THE PRICMO. Has 1. *40,000.14141.

loan>. 734- COUNTRY ATMOSPHE________ on 3 bedroom home. oar«HOUSE *ruit trees. *46.cul de * ^ 1 • 8 1

S M w RIM R O C K R E A L !± ------ 6S4S.UNCOLN.JEROM

3244111 ...................324-4:


- - fireplace In this 4 bedroorr bath (lome will vinually hi

I the whole house. Larpantry oN the kitchen.a

r s ” ” m :I roomGEM STATE REALTY

*iiiTu — szsBJuexikesB w rN .-; IiI'fJiI 733^338ayl ______________________

RENT wllh option to BUYI Bedroom home, close t o '

----------- echools.— I H — bath.—fireplaces, lovely yar excellent neighborhoo Rent *400 -f depos

TV Assumable 9V>% loan. I • I Reallors. 326-4926. •

REPO Really attractive bdrm *37.000. *19.000 dowi

J47B7 Aceflealtv 7 M ^ 7 . j-4030 'n v o FOR THE PRK^E 0

ONE. 4 bedroom. 2 bat home on corner lol wit

• amall renUI. Also ha iMaulllut fireplace, larg aasumable loan. Munroc

------- Robins. 8434806:-------------

~K ^. *109,500-. ENTERTAININt rm. 2 MORE? W aircom e-and se<

sun thia brand new custom bull m % beautyl Totally designed toi:__ . ‘ha entertaining executiveu m this home la an absoluli "" knock-outi You will love thi

open concept In Ihe combi ."“‘Ion kllchen-ramlly roon With floor to ceiling brici

^ 0 ^ fireplace, ‘bulit-lronlv bookshelves, and vauilec

beamed ceilings. The klich P ' en (eatures bullWr

_bart>»cue,_flitas_coofc.iop, warning oven.- microwave,

hM aelf-cleaning oven, dish- .000 washer, compactor. Island g * " : ,bar_plus custom wood cabl-

-neta.-Form ai dining o r living room, 3 bedrooms. 2h

The m asler suite

a S f M i r S j


;fn, . 2 BDR home, 1 acre, on 'n i North Streel In Filer, *26,500-

^ r ~ 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, ful7 basement, family room.

- '3 BEDROOM HOME NW of Twin. Beautiful fireplace,' targe garden aj>ot, attached

Id 3 BEDROOM in Jerom e, N of city. Family room . or

ig parage, storage shed, large- A ««»«> *1*39,000.— tmmedlate— bci-

52T S & bare land next c. to well, eatabiishad aub-

divlaion. *22,000. U mile Irom Twin.


:__________^ 5 ? ? ' _______

b y L a n y W rig h t


BIHIRSPtfflForSale 030 Homea ForSala

LUXURY HOME 165IJ'.I Home in Fireplaces. * 5 ^ . Uke 1 wllhin rent Ace Realty 733-5217.Jf Junior — : ■'s..®'” )' 3 *35,000- FORGET YARD

tip b p WORKI Excellent 2 bedroom 111' ►.ill condominium located on

« f y street--Nicely price hM d e b a te d throughput:CM ‘0 , Bullt4n appliances.. • Ind _______ ..axcallen t-asaum abla-loan .—



« acrea. 4 BEDROOM. 2 story home Terms on 1.3 acres In Ihe country.

741. Perfect view of valley artd• mounUlns. Only *66;000.

nodeled. -----------------------------—5 BEDROOM. 2 bat<> fajnily -

io ic p q i home on president sireef- finished basement, large kiichen. covered patio, and

i l l______ excellent, NE location, airM)RRY conditioning, gas haat; 3 S . the bedrooma, lia th . baaemeni room, 2 fenced yard, and fruit trees,Ily heat plus Irrigation water. All this

Larga and more. 56-A. an and .••S;"'.- “ flEM STATE REALTY------™'- . ADDISON OFFICE.

ITY "“ 'SSSSSi*''” rrN.-;--------' -----------734^0400 - — --------

*73,500- HARO TO mTvT. fiNp..JMPOSSIBLE TO

WRQBTJ <a the reeling ^ when you se e thia S

2- -M dfoom — home— teffled -------close to city in NE area.

'f- No room, kitchen, wood bunv------- ----Ing stove and la all electric -live 3 perlect for that ioved onedown, who needa to b e close lo____ __ you! All this- located on i:E o f ’'? 7 secluded acre wllh lots

bath oMAjit, shade & evergreen ; with • trees, email pasture, garden

has B'oa and several outbulU-large lngs,66-A.



g —

uUw! (01 OutdrownHomes

3 K K K s ;room I r i " , ''om e. 4tt4763

,fii,j!! NEW CEDAR, 5 bednxm ,J (lome.on ^V^ acrea

NE Jerom e. Nol

be bumped). Call evenings

cabt- N E W L ^ G a lS O JW aln u L - 1 ivinb' oniy*3e.ooo.-

8 u lS BUHL- 3 BEDR00MS + 1 1N I

3 BEDROOMS, P L W 3 ^ r e

7 Barnes Realty1043B lii.laJj.N ciS(.

— m w n \-___ NOMONEYDOWNwlIlbuy. j

on new 3 bedroom home in ',500- Jerom e for FMHA qualKled vnof appDcanta. 13% annualig ------percen t— rate:------Monthly - .....— -

'paym ent8aa 'low aa*460por om month. 3244040. ^

O ^ R 4 B a r o O M tj ^ . ______

* vwll'^'fnautatedr Sea"Wtf^ -— make offer. Everett at ,326-t, 5053 or Town and CquntiV' '

Reallora. 7334716. - « w k K iloa in tho ln ttm oun tM m -

MO Bulldlno lo be ttaraona vou.K SPAOOUS newer 4 ,, N bedroom. 4 bath home on 1.2 - . or »cres. Playroom oH large rge family room, drapes, - 1 al aheera, wall paper and l>ci claaak: IlghLflxturea d f c o - '

rata all rooma. Monro*- ' — - axt Rgbirts. 5434806. ■ ■ • u ^ 3 BORM home In Glenns ■

o a FUef/BtiM Homes _


a'albl ^w o'K d^'* '* *™*fk atore. o o l a ^ d '

. ping. Qood renUI or In- • veatment. • *, • '

*26.500 Clean & Com fy-' Immaculate 3 bedroom wiU): garden apace. Minimum.

tion?£P<ial forretfiSdO Tu?!?'"

*39,500 Trees, ahruba. flow- •__ 8 r t. Excellently kept, . 3 ,

,ihr}ng room l l r e p t a c e ........^ _

. .*42.000 Room -fo r - -la rn e .r garden, the kkla and the ' • swing aeL Newer three b ^ rw m . well Insulated, all i electric home In quiet loca- 'Ilon. . .

— - :»5a.O OO -Sm i^'room . f w r T — — — -roonv -tan taaO o-pa tlo aod-

yaij}. Muat se e S la thrM bedroom. 2 bath hem e, with ceftar swing and. c ircu lar^ drive.W8.000 "View. View. View" .T Tiled kitchen, aunkan living ..

- w rn -w ltn - la ro a lava rock firMUce, central vaccum 7 a n d quality conatructton. «


REALTORS 54W371 !:Jim B a rk e r............. M34604 "

■ o to r t .8 m im . . . : : : :9 p s « .

Page 30: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

. - ' . m ■■ OufofrownHoi

' I'' 'A uum abie 6H % ;-3 Mi • - m , bitft. lull unflnlsh

. .taM m ont, shrubs, nm: — . - p a ln tM ,-U ro * .lo i r K" •so h o o U ed u c ^ S39ft

•M »<ie7.W 8ndgll. •

s ;------------- ^ e a j u l e prln l^ra aystei

• B tm wltt> watar and elecirl 1^. cfilckan houss. « 0 ,a

>' i m percont. Call ader Sr- ■ fefwaal(anda.3»<385


- .BM room a, formal llvlr -room, lull basamanl. Pric« fn‘ tH6 J40*«rQo6a'Te7mi Owner will carry, l e i ^ o .

T w m

ReilEttitaWinta ' : + ) l d e r 2-3 bedroom llx-u,

h^m a on 9-10 Acres Irt thi ; country wlin owrter to carr : - ’p»oara.Call42»<a5l.

. ' w ' FiffltttRancfta


,,7 .' a c r e s wllh tarrlllc vle« _____ _ oH Ciaar. U kaa Road______

' I i O-ACRES In Melon Vallet ‘ wim gently sloping pasture.

40 ACRES Waat ol Buhl on

' - 1 0 0 -ACRE Cattle ranch. .'B o w in g etream. sprino# &

rock home.


REALTORS 543-4371

•-^im B artier. . . . . . . . 54M604QlorlaSm»t> ? 5 S «

•BY OWNER- 60 acres In Wendell. New 4 bdrni. 2 ba. .home. Excellent farm OTMnd or dairy site,

'tzoo.ooo. Terms: up to : »130.0QQatB%.S3a.224lr

DAIRYNice homo, 4 Bedrooms. 2

'b a th s . Well kepi farm & .dairy . Low down, assume

loan and call Merle.

n ■ - i t e r M S S ---------- T-FAMTASTlCtERMS;:;

on Ihla 80 Acres wllh 2 •hom es. Now ahop, llro -atraam and trout pond. Owner will carry, reasonable

ertJonasR ealh /._________


now milking over 400 haad.- ■Hlqh production. Double 10 wl(h automatic equipment.

, ^ w s , & equ^m anf . availa.

M ACRES AT BUHL. Good homo. Double 10 herrlno-


------- Jlm Pauloon-. :-5*i4iao- --------- -r^rWANTB^CmONI-T— '

Owner saya bring oflarsl

"^IN D A IR rS A L E S

f h s l £stato UnllmHed u i l s i w n - d ilry proparty ttian

- ;V y o flo a l8 4 ln a ^ ^ l9 y .

R e x k n o d le ......... .-5434900

J e r r y ^ c k s o n ........3244822“ ............. 324-8912

K a^O lfeen ............. 734-W72 (

-REALESTATE • ^------- DNtlHITED----

733*07 Ip l r a S : ICall RIU Hancock. 73«#40, r Of Mam West Realty 734- c



down. S37-0083. C 306'ACRE larm a t Grandview ^

___X^ihUrQO aasumablo toan. "..... « A C p E FARM wllh 2 wheel. £

- Iln« , ; 2 loanno eheds, w - ^rela. and leed bulks for 100 ' S

Jsa*5?»„52is Sl


« ACRES OF GOOD FARM ^L A N ^ -3 bedroom home, I" corrals and outbulldlnas.Haa « slope. Largo loancin .B e-eaaum e a t B.fl% to **


Nevada. By owner, nearproposed Sierra- Psclflc BiP g w r P ^ t . Can be aub- 8{dHrid^. Excellent price and ^lerm sT Call Max ftoi) 2 ^ Tei9®orJlm(flOJ)22Wai5. - W

■■ t •

r a Am m tj

newly Terms avail.

s 'sS s"" ® ’'acres A u t t h e a dv antag es ;homo i “ 'f® for your r

rstom.- -hom o-w lihou t-the-m a lr aeiric. • M nee. A 100 loot df«m« 50,000. '“ •?»<>«> «o you and

H > Willows. Pril Call Fran al Aun



of^’: 133,500- 3 bdrm home on acre wllh assumable »

f e S ' c a ^ r ' ” *

W .900- One acre, non wllh all new cametlno. Ct

----- b e a LEAgE/OPftOIfinted ^ ^ '’coa, call bam, corrals.jxjup « i 000- ^Vl acres SW ,1 the gum with large SHOP andcarry barm mobile homa. Corra___ ___ffid TFCC waler. n w— ■ larmaavallablo.Khes— IM.600-TorrilicBuyl4bdm

2 story homo with extra lcnear » " °» niall rental or shop.__

$39,000- Flowing stream .

»'«» g r 'r ? ‘c7.‘aiy'ii

John M.X ___ Barker

REALTORS 543^71“

’• '* a ? t e : : : : : - - g a S• COUNTRY UVINOI 6.52

A cres soulhwest ol Twin, 1979 Broadmore mobllo home with micro-wava &

— many extras, frull Ireos.- -g arden sM t, oulbuildlngsAI corrals. 10 shares TFC walor

w /cem entdllch. Call Allison m Se«< Esute 32&43S3 or ^ _a26*43a5foraoDolntmant.-. ..

t i"^ ,themtodayi733<931.

"to EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, flowing stream, small lake. 3

— . .^ c o o m .home, oulbulk).ings with 4 CFS water (llfng

, lor trout raising. Call today. • f Can be purchased a s 7

jJ; . INC .^ m Barkor 54J4371-or

- ,.FO^SAL£-BV-OW NERr10-acres, soulh ol Jerom e. 2

, home, corrals and oul bulld- ‘ lnos.i244666.___________

a. MOBILE HOME LOTS lor ,le sa le lrom'm,SOO. A t'P o le ' or Line & Washlnglon St.b , •'N onh;or'cairAurora'C apltal'

Corp.. 7344370.

” OFFICES? Almost an acre ol land Just mlnules'Irom Iho

" ' hospi^UI. 299'on Shoup Avo; Lots ol polenllal. I75BL

I,® GEM STATE R E ^]• . S2SBluoUkssBtvd.N..^ 733r5338


STATE and must sail Ihelr lovely all electric 10 yoar old

. -h o m o on-VI .acro -in the- -counlry--southvroat-ol-Twin-

Falls. Fe ltures. Includo 3 ^ bodrooms, m b iths.J Dtnit^rr appliances. 1n-------oulatod— doublo -ca rege,-

hoated shop; patio. Vullt-ln dog pen. All In Immaculate ftondltlon and ver} at­tractively landscaped. 9% w sum able loan. Asking price »4,900. Shown by — on, only. Call to-

CANYONSIDE REALTY ^1082or324-3354.


' Price r ^ ^ u c ^ ^ ^ T lo *4500 on 10 largo lots In now eubKllvlslon In Kimberly on Qem Dr. Priced from * ^ l o

-J8900rC aIi”423-4441~er'423-~ “ • 8213anvtlme.

~ /> jr id /se ^ 5 r tb S * ^ j< f lo ! ir 'Blacktop dead-end road, good restrictive covenants.)g-2482. _________1 ACRE w/canal walor. 1 mile S. Twin, on oil. Owner carry. NO down. »44296. : 3 BEOROOM. 2 . balh. dbl

I.:avstemaAd.3paUoa.Eyero(l. J

a i 3204033 or Town and \ Counlry Realtors, 733^0716. i Now focared In lli» M«r- i mountain B uim g to bolter ^aervejcsa,___________ _ ^

-5 -A C R E ,H om e-Slte with e water shares SW.oLJerome. i324-2424.________________ *

' s ACRE view Parcels, Buhl > area. S7S0 down. Cafi 734- F3M 5 .__________________fl.11 ACRES on Snake River

~ l;anyon with boautllul view. A -tJO.WO.PhoTYe 3244134;------- -H

038 Business Property §!FOR SALE or LEASE, com- fc mercial property In Paul with1388 sg. II. service station Clbuilding. Ideal-locatlon on Pi

■ Main Interaoctlon wllh 150' b: ofHW fronUoe. 438-3830.

-n i90 in Rier. t80.000'for<o(n-' b«mercial lot and bulidlna. Call NcBarker Realtors. 5 0 ^ . miSnako River Reat E sute , c im f i j i ----h .

IMO Cemei^Lots m(

M4 CondomhlumaForSa




Doug Vollmer, Broker------- Alda S tro n g ............ 733490;, MaryAkkerman ..-.734-388;s*-------on w7/mo W • MoWteHomMPorSali

ARE YOU RELOCATING TO BOISE? Will trade our unit

homo lor l^ in Falls mobile home.^ n 345-8783 eve's.___________

f o r SALE by owner- mobile 4 lot. 1972 Montrose. 2 bdrm.


jrrals SALE- 3 three bdrm1V4% o'for.

f t .:----------------------- 734-1233-.......... ;


•20E D H C X J™•28ATH


JW 3 miles north ol Porrino ^ Brld^^on^Hjghv^ay 93 and

Min, Phone734-3167or324-4203.- blleI & MOUNTAIN HOME ies. 550 Alfbase Road. 587-<l3S

WANTTOaUYMobileHome Ion ^ E S . Carior Homo, 733-

1971 NASHUA mobile home,- —. . 2 bdrm,'12x<4, w/stovo,"frig,'

'?s s iijs 'w .M 'aRoservolr. 7334102.

j r ,1972 GOVERNOR 12x5r. 2 '»,* Bedroom w/A/C, vorycloan,

exc cond. Pioneer Park or can be m o v ^ . Allison R.E.

Il’O 32M383or32M3aS. .*7 1975 BROADMORE MxTO'. 3

M. Bedroom, 2 batt>.»» electric, CY swamp cooler. $13.000.■er 4 2 3 ^ e y o ‘s . - ___________ 1978 TRIPLE-__ JWIDE-10- -S ig n a to re r-M artj I; 2-

2 Bedrooms, 2 balhs. fully set Id. up, awnings, carport, patio &

landscaped. In adult park.IT, Central air, many extra ll '- - lo a tu re s .- CalJ-w eekdays- ;,® alterepm.aoise378-7080. tai" ■19ai'CONCOREr24"JI«o', all

electric, storm windows, 1^~ to th . much mnrw 7 nr Ol Bedrooms. Order loday, 3 ,n week local lactoiy delivery

.'and se t up. S 1 9 .^ or II no M- trade-in- $16,993. Open 6

days a week, closed Salur- i day. Magic Valley Mobile & Marina. ^ 1 < l .2 NICE used mobile homos,12 wide & 14 wido. i

. .bedroom . -A—3 - bodroom.Excellent torms, delivery

F and se t up Included. Cartor Ir Homea. 7£-7Sea._________0 »,000 DOWN, will buy this 3" , bdrm.— 2 —bath— 1975-— n - ~Brookhaven— doublewlde.—1 lireplace and walor

>* condillon.' -Located near ’■ Castleford or can be mbvodr ~

t BARKER REALTORS » 543-437J. Eves., 5434604.

' Rentals_______ *OSO .. Fum.Houu3

JEROME nice 2 bedroom 'mobile home. Carpeted, air. t

, adults. 4234104. TSMALL; lurn lshed-house,- -Ideal lor 1 oerson. Carpeted ,» r e m ^ o ^ . SlOO monlh. .:733-aS87or733-0847. /1 BEDROOM COHAGE. R

- -M oelly— lurr^ished.— 1160- - j !^ t ^ - f *25 dep. No pets. ^

- IT n il 'i-i _ | ------n,

05!. ,lJnfum.HoiaM For Rent JJ TWIN FALLS. Northeast. 2 UBDRM, largo vard. inquire; Di353 Alluras Dr., beiWeen Fi4-7om.____________ 042 . BEOROOM. Buhl. 9 ' Fireplace, lenced yard. Appi furnished. chlldron/pots- ^ OK. $220. Call 5434424. Ni

_2 BEOROOM.J.bam, lencW - • S? yard, largo Ihring room'Brea,

Juno2nd. ' • «4 60RM HOUSE Al chlldren/pets welcome,

' U rg e fam ily- •room-wtirrepUee;32fl4l9a. ■ mATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm apt. CuFenced yard ja rp o r t. $175. «o

SUNRISE (pro per ties • IVt________ 733^30 • • 4Z

AVAIL June Ist-beautlful FIF-lerge ,-double-w ide mobllo. All.hom o . . . M any_. amenlUes.- -629

a "g i

CHARimiG 4 bdr. home on PresldentUl S t. 2 bathj. OR

betw een Jerom e and Twin wlira g n m f c f f ia a a - - 3" ;

hil»c;,ll™ l{»,co’rw“ a u*:

.-.OSl, UnlunuHoiuaaFofRa

EXTRA NICE well insuUU

Also 40x8 1 bdn;. mob!

- - -IN TWIN, 2 bodrdbm hous fencod . yard. Ilroplac garden space , dog run

jse) garage. $275 monlh -f $tldeposll. 543-BM2.________

,r JEROME:-New beaulilui 4903 bedroom home, high qualli .3882 neighborhood. Stove, refric .9198.-d ish w a sh e r .-I ra sh con

pactor. Eleclrlo heal & coz = fireplace. $275 month, $10 rSaJs 324-518:

' I S JETOME: KICE 1 bMioon

aar,„rr"i.„‘p'— light. Excellent central loca 'We lion. $150 month-f$7! Irm, d 0 p 0 s . lot.. It, 324-5183, 324-n8a, 324 __ 77fti______________

— NEW 3 Bedroom homi w/2-car oarage. No pels lnaulra..i03 .jrd .A vo L s t

. Twin. . . : ------- -------— • NICE APT. 3 bd'm , 2 balh

Furnlshod-unlurnished. Act . Realty 734-4863 or 733-5217.

______NiCE2_BDBM.MrpQted..noslngios. coupTo prelorred.

. N o o e ta .R e i;? ^ i3 f l.NICE 3 Bdrm house, no pots, $ 2 5 0 ^ m o n th + -W depos-

-------- flEN TrtEA SB 'or8U Yn296sq. tl. avail June 1st. Sharp new 3 BDRM. 2B homo. FIropl. dlb car oar. no pots,

no, ,1278 Sparks. <39^ + *jioo na deposit. Gary. 734-04D0-Gem J _ ’SUIO Really or 7344943

n^NT wilh option to BUYI 4 B Bedroom homo, close lo TF— achools. 1^ balh, 2 no llreplaces, lovely yard. M* excellent neighborhood.

Ront $400 -I- deposit, e ,- Assumable 9'.4%-loan. Nog .- R ealto rs .328^928 .-----------f SMALL 1 BEOROOM lie aparlmonl. No pots. $103

month. Call 733-2733.2 -SMALt. 2 bodroom homo,

"• slove and relrlg.. w gardenspot. Ji75 c. m ornh-f$l00 cloaning do- . • P0Sll;lnFller326-4B94. - -3 TIRED OF RENTING? Then

c. buy a now 3 bdrm home’In 0-, Jerom e w/no monoy down.

Financing through Farm S E_ _Homa-AdmlnlstraTlO(r~For' 2- -Inlormallon call 324-5940.» 2 BEOROOM house, newly A remodeled, closo-ln. Ideal <• lor couple or slnolo. rofor- a ences required. $275 monlh.

damage deposit.

il - - i BEDROOM--HOME— in- * Haiellon. $140 month + do- ^ .ooslta2».5i75.-------------------


085 Fertllitert Top Soil . TOP SOIL. BUmlres & Sons, . lnc..Jerome.324-2aa5. - - J

0?2_____________ Finn Seed ^ALFALFA SEED lor spring planting, lop quality, stato

_W 3tod,^Jam oa.J..M arshall_ _733414T. We'll deliver. rFOR SPRING PLANTINQ we V

Magic, valley. Ranoer! C Lahonton. & olhers. Also D etulbs new 167bfand. Twin J

TCharles Kllmos 4234655-

-Blackfoot^ohn-Shobo W ' w &

087 H«y.QnlnAFeed % •A l/A IJA - 28 ton 2nd. jo b '4J

ATTENTKDN FEEDERSI 8£ Custom tub g/lndlng, sta- v tlonary or lransporling.ol all S


a r & a x I

g s 44964.or32»47a3 ^ „HAVINQ TROUBLE gatll^ Q . 2

5 ? lh a % m o rewith hay saver. Contact Four PAB J^em s.734-«ai.73448n. KHAY 7 ^ L Y S IS . Northwest o rLabs, 901 Nonh Uncoln, w


^ -o il Unfuffl.Hous«<Forn»

raw ! 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, fi 4»44. >»3?iTient with Shop. ur< — , yard and kennel. $2i

m_onth. 73^2253.3 BEOROOM. 2 balh u.

islde -furn ished - home.— Fonctyard, no Daraoa. alay p ,r

- relrlg. brand n ^ .k iic fim UM, carpeted thru-oul. $3!

monlh. 486 Buckingham Or ; , i 7344370 between l ^ m .

4 BEDROOM 2 balh. famllj n

Irig^ '■ 1— —om- Qg--------Fum.AoHDuptee

ALL ELEC. 2 ball

APTS & HOUSES.Q s w im m in g / p(cnk: area

_From$6542?P. 734^00 J75 ATTRACTIVE. COZY, n ia

. neighborhood, $ i is / i60 124- ^ n j lo non-smokers. 734

SJ. ATTRACTIVE, small, com-f33- plololy lumlsKod apartment,_ Ullillos in c lu d ^ Noime children, very reasonable


Ilh. Bodroom. $150 deposit. Ice S ^ ^ u tl l l l lo s paid. 7344531.

Ba“ -CLEANTBDRMwIih-washer 'and dryer. $125+$6Q Dep.

^ No kIds/pets. n4-7790 eves. js l FURNISHED APT, attractive

3 rooms & bath. Slnolo, nojgg - po ts. 220 Blue Lakea f lir t___irn FURNISHED APARTMENT. ,0 REAL NICE. Close to lown!

'iiim - FURNISHED APT. 3 rooms 43 p lu i balh;-Romodeled wllh

paneling, carpet, drapes.1 4 privato entrance. Adulls. no r r P0I9- 312 Yakima, Filer.2 phone 326-4784.__________

d. CLEAN 2 Bedroom. Mobile d. home. Most ullllllos.air 11. cond, 7334234.

- -KiTCHENETTE-$50;-Rooms- ^ $35. Children OK. UUl pd.

- LARGE 1 bedroom fumlshod apt. $100, Klmborly 4234193.



" 733-2940._____________, NICE. CLEAN 1 bod«;Ji'- i apt. All uillllles pa ld^412.

Main Norlh across from S ears or Phono 7334587.

y NICE lurnlshed bacholor.^ cotU ge In Jeromo, $140" . montli. 324-2483.__________1. _NICE 1-bedroom. apL..and

studio apt..ln Twin Falls.' m u. p a l d .4 2 3 ^ .

V - N i c f i • t3^ ri< ih :/^ ’; ; ; ; ; s ^- Apt. All utlimes included. I

m m

i 5 5 mI H K K b

097 Hay. Grain 8, Feed HAY FOR SALE- 50 ton. $45

- t o i v ^ ^ e e o l straw, 50( -

HAYGROWERS J ----- PLEASE.._ _ _ _ _ SDon't read this ad unless

-l^oO j«nt.lM tter.qua)lty.hay- J up to 20% more Tim for less Ihan90(petton.‘ - bCalllorm oredeU lls; c

JE R O M E........... 324-2147 f

TWINFALLS...-7M-0450 «

QUALITY HAY, $2J0 bale; F Straw $1 bale. 2 south &6/)li « o g ^ Motorvlew comer, g

WANTED TO BUY: BARLEY F* & WHEAT. 886-2087. Allor 7 Pom 886-2566. «<4 5 ^ ^ rd crop hay. Phone g

2ND CUTTINQ HAY. app7»> «Imately 50 ton. $55 person . »MM9ZL________________ tir30 ACRES 1st culling hay. uisom e grass, south of Buhl. <$35/tononthestum p.Putup «.


300 - TON.....1st cuttlna. r !;8tsckedrwlthoutraln.Phona ^834-<378or3B2.«28t. *"400 B A tJS STRAW, make i5b esl olfer. Phone 7334062 or ^ 734-3534.Y ou'llboSATlSFlEO...wlth mCussllled i 7334931. " - g

088 FaniaFofRent 2

088 PutOTFbfflenlPASTURE FOR IOO to 125, Bn

«7-3213' H*or 487-3211.______________ mWANTED PASTURE for 100 RE

- . g i

I C i

rfltnt 052 Fum. Apt. 8. Duplex

;o=;SS..^-K.*K: 8S$200 733-6923; Evenlrios 734-563

------ SEMl-FURNISHEOBedroom ...D uplex. $•

■*'c«d m onth plus doposll. i - a e t s . Call733-2733.

'$330 f! BEDROOM. - carpoK Ilreplaco. washing lacll

Uf- uni's furnished except eli ~ $50 deposll. Aduiu. No pe

no smoklno. 733-4525 eve'a 2 DUPLEX' apartments; kitchen apartments; Conv

“ ■ . niont location. Singles

ss': B t u»i»iii.<i.ui>iiin«___ 1 BDRM partly fumlshe

apt,, waler JTaanlUllon pallEA mature adults, no pels. «5i0 . 7334028.________________nice a l l ELEC., 2 bdrm. Rang< 160, Mg.. W/D hook-up. Water/- 734. aanil. paid. $ 1 6 0 .7 ^ 7 0 . __ 'APARTMENTS For Reniss;No APARTMENT for rent. slov<

Ible & refrIg, im m edU te' oc Blor cupancv. $110.5434339.^ • ^*rrraACTtVE2bdrm$250,- n 1 dep. wl ulllltles & garage islt. Nokldaorpota.733-547S. 55'- ATTRACTIVE large 1

. Bedroom apartmenl. appi

®P- deposit. Caif733-2973.AVAIL June ist-beaulllul,

'''P largo, double wide mobile home. Many amonliles,

— -prBsilglourlocatlon.-$385-+- 4T. deposit. Adulls no pets. »n, Laiy J . .R a n c h . .733.2281. igs. 734-4939................ ...................

AVAILABLE JUNE 1. now 2 u s bdrm. all electric condo. Ilh Largo pallo deck., storage )s. area. Secluded. Retired or no working couple prelorred. sr. ^ 0 ^ | r month. Roleronces.

lie CLEAN HousekeepingIir Cabins, weekly or monihly.

Partially lurnlshed. 733463f. r . - -CLEAN SUNNY-1-bedroom.-(] New paint/curUlns.1y hardwood lloors. applk' ances. no pels, all ulllilloa

^ $190 plua deposit 733-

'• CLEAN 1 BDRM wllh washer and dryer. $129 + $60 No

■_ kids/0013.734.7790 evos.). DELUXE 2 Bedroom apart­

m ent, excellent location, I,:. ,modorn-kltchen with all op-

• FALLS APARTMENTS 'I- 1 4 2 bdr. apartments. Warm '' ft. Irlendly atmosphoro ■ Beginning $195 month, d .-D ish w ash e r,-g arb a g e dls>I. posal available. Close to— ..«oj|ofl0. . 8c|iools & shop. ^^--V-.«-.-x.»niuian Welcomd: 86T I. Quincy.

I -----

- 1D2 - -C a ttle

ATTENTK3N DAIRYMENI | Cut grain costs, roll your own, fo r much less lhan you w o u ld .- e x p e c t .- C a il- F ^ .


Rupert. ____________ rFOR SALE. 70 Head of ‘

s ? a , s » .FOR SALE: 75 HEAD of " artlllcial fancy open holslein hellers, 550.1ba to eoo lbs.Call 886-2087 or B86-7752.FOR SALE: Angus bulls. Production tested, ready for $ service. Theploneerlterd. b

SPRING COVERANCH tlB llaa..........—352-4202 FHOLSTEIN Springer hellers I & COWS' for sale. ' U rge F selection on hand at all Xtim es. 324-2250.__________HOLSTEIN Springer heifers J & COWS' fbr sale. Largo selection on hand a l alltim es. 324-2250. ________ .

HOWARO'SAngueRaneh--------Registered and commercial. . an gus bulls.

Call 543-4915 POLLED Herelord bulls,-2 ‘ vearttflld.Call733-1267.POLLED Hereford Bulls for ’ |

isa le . -Ken-M acLeod, 825- - ‘ 5135. Eden. ’POUED Hereford Bulls for *

Ken MacLeod. 825-

REOtSTEREO~>^~gua bulls.


plaxes 102 Catl


, i y -------- i THE VERY BEST IN OAIR

'- 300 10 4001b. hellers. Chuc Pollorson 324-3331, 2 N. 2!

P ® S ' E-OLJerome._____________I eloc' t r a d e lor stock cows t 1 Mia yoarllngs- Have 1466 IHC 1 vS?,* oood condition. 536-2352. Its- ! TRADE pipe trailer lor tw ;onvo- ^ dehorned holslel „ 0 sleorcalvos. 7334114.3045i -2YEARold.Angus-bullsr«0'

call pair's & 18 head bre = = hellers. 432-5235. pfeiSS 00 HEAD herd holslein cow.s k m

«M • ho™a l l . b ree d r eoisterec

5^ - Colosseum-Ooden. UUh. - MO ' ALL TYPES OF HORSES

bought, sold, traded. Plonitn » .


•0®- Ranchers Aucllon Co.. Twin^ Falls. Idaho. CaUloging

1 deadline June 1st. Will ac-*ppli cept conaignmenis—unllllea^ -aaro-tlmezAirJioraoa-soW-ln$100 order consigned. Qrade___ horses sell immediately lol-lllui. lowing registered horses.Ibile $35 toUl lee. Already con-llas, signed; 1,2, and 3 year olds,3 -+ broke - horses.- - -3 -- ln — |-e ts . packages. For Inlo. 8. to281; consion call 208-487-2628.

! S S p.W IS12»,£ :Sido. alter 4:30pm._____________ago HORSES for sale or trade.I or Good kids horses. Also ■os' Denver Fine.'

irTg HORSESHOEINGIly. Jo e C arpenter....... 733-7726

HORSESHOEING>m.............--iiTRIMMINO ' -ns. John Llcklov 7344059 aller 5. P'S: PAINT SUlllon. Sol’s Llllle !<><> Big Man R.O.k;i. culling, at 33- slud. 934.5188. Qoodlno.- PUREBREDARABIAN ie ; Stallion Service.

SpeclacOUr show quallly _ horses lor sale. 3244043.

REGISTERED Morgans, 2 >n, yaar old. Illly & yo»ling 'r- gelding. Exc disposition & ^ conllrmallon. 733-1267.- STUD SERVICE-TOP

QUARTER HORSE RACE^ STALLION. $350 4 400 yards, m Successlully shown, halier

4 pleasure. h4-^73.? : WANT. TO.flUY_HORS£SI.

? r.'p«g3gaj"-“5 r 11- 44-Arablan,-

reglslorod, well trained & __ 1- - . .^ . , . . . -

18 yr. old Mare. Well trained _ & genlle. Good wllh■ chlldron. Saddle 4 olher I tack.432-5317

ids' ' - ' ' HofsaEoiiliwik' KAHN-LUdCH Ford Tractor 4^^|E^qul|)monl Coir^ony

Tra‘ilersr73Mt21.“ 'FOR SALE youth saddle, hand carved Big Hom, exc. cond.32fl4629aftor5Qm.

- =733-7182.____________ « e ^ -

_ WANTPn In hiiy _w ^ o r . 54343M, Not over

. WE PAY CASH lor used■ saddles 4 uck . Vicker's m Saddlery. 733-70W,

I IM_____________ SwtneFOR SALE bred oliu. close UP. Dare Jonsen. 934-5842.

I LARGE round solM eeders : for Hogs. Call 544-2101 from

S y s a S f e ™ ! ! ; : ' - '

• S tw n I

- aoei:C aii54y42Si:------- ' - ~TWO Nubian billy goal kida, r1 monlh old. 1 mile north. 2 c miles west, M mile oouth ol- - I Jerom e atop llgfif. 3244456. I2 GOOD MILKING goals. 4 < young lal males. Good eat- I' (ng or weed eaters. 7334539. c

11Q. - PoultrYt'fUWto c

BROILER CHICKSI ?$10 oil per hundred. Availa- '<ble 5/26 only. Orders Uken "till noon 5/2S. SUgecoach *Feed & Ranch Supply. Call H734-1fl06or7344240. c

G . . „ . c « ~ l

118 ■ — Iffloillai - SCALL b.

Amott) Metal Products - 'GalodPiiM': ......jj•- - PVCandAlumlnum -£

U n d e ^ u ^ d P V C |

.GATEDPIPE - B:• Aluminum 4 Plastic

. >Plaatki Buried Pipe . .»! ’Pipetlnes.plpelrallers U

‘ " " bobW ev^"’ " »— —PfPE AtiS-------- ®

2ViWoalolKosplUI7334013 l l

jlGHEST BIDDER 40 shares. mI

: i " n S S g . " r a z '& .vsvj:r^ ' “• iis

lattl'o’ 1,12 intgatlons


^ Pipe, now 4 uaed; Suckei MRY foda, siructural steel all iiion. . a lzes. cable,. gatea._callla •s. 4 guards, lencing panels; Also

’ 2 W or Vi loads*I WE CAN MAKE A BETTER

1 or PRICE!7344110anvtlme.C In SYPHON TUBES (or aale.„ 1". IU " . I W . Plastic 4two aluminum. 352-4202.I9ln WANT TO BUY 320' Ol 3'-__ hand line sprinkler pipe» w - -eom plele-w lifr-rfsors and ired heads. 734-6294.__________


PIPE DEALER- For top quality gated and .{gj. main line -aluminum pipe.

&,*•. Rt.2.Klmberty4234847

:(2) 40 ACRE center plvols. 1

f ?5Si.^7e‘,"° ''''^

113 FifmtflandiSiniotHa AGRICULTURAL.

le: „ . . . _ . . r n a n c i n gjn, • Dairy cattle and equipment

'Irrigation equipment

________In- -AgrlF lnanclalSenlces-

de Nords Irishp.-

l3' ATTENTK3N DAIRYMENI - J - -S ta lls 4-plpellne are In-atock- 10 a t all times. Magle Valley

, OalrvSuBDly.324-i^. ’ CALF'PENS made to house ono call oach. 4'x8' wllh' cover over w ol area. $50

- - each. 73442S4.,0 FOR SALE new 4 used milk 8. cw le rs . used -2.000 gal.

w /washer, used 1600 gal. W/7V4 hp compressor, used 1200 gal. w/waaher. New

M Unks rn Slock lor ImmedUlo ? delivery, 1,000 to 4,000 gal.

- s T p ^ t ' . ^ 3 2 te .^ " ' ' ' ' ' '° ' '^ ^^ PIPE UNE MILKER; Cattle e ollera 4 oil. .Will trade lor

livestock. 324.7901 aller Som. QUALITY all steel commer­cial farm 4 dairy buildings at substantial .savings. a !S.C.

y approved. 324-3^,5434188.., STEEL BUILDINGS.2 Grainery systems. Agri- p syslerra- producu. Free



{------- FOR NEW EQUIPMENT .. _

; • (1) & M e f powered ‘re.- -IflewallORunll------, «(T) 1973 Case 580B Backhoe

' uiyer^® ”• {1)1978 Case 850Dozer• j l ) 1971 Pettibone 15 Ton RT Crane• {1)1979TR70NHComblno.- |

-------------- . - . i7344645 |

-1 1 4 ------------ Fwnlmplemints-1 HESSTON 34 beet de- '

-teH alor,*used ono y e a r B e s r -<offer. Farm-hand beei t

Jaaaaiq iL m odaL aM Jrrow — s^ s t oiler. (208) 747-3385 r

allor Oom. - ■ - ',2 NEW HOLUND 1282 f aoll-propellod balers. 1 gas. f 1 diesel. 788-2134. " ( CASE 430 Diesel. 37 HP. v approx. 1200 hra. Caae i f c bottom plow, w/hydraullc J ram $450. 4-row corrugator 6 M ^ ^ l l between 54:fi0pm C

_FERQUMNPT08|O^RAKE_IHC wide front axle c

J.D .'m anurespreader CUltercartlor41rack r

FalrbanW ^U ^rm acale c

. F a n SALE B.01 p U n l.r-» -. C electronic thinner. For more (*

■ HAY BALER. Freeman 200T model. 2 yeara old. Exc 4; cond. $9.(Xl0/best • o llen c

-H e ss to n 6600 swather w /cab > & A/C, exc cond. 1445-2965 *Bruneau.________________jHAY RETRIEVER mounted ^ on Intemallonai truck, $13,000 or Irade lor dairy - cows. Call 324-7878. ' HESSTON Hay loaler, modol i 30-A. Complele w/movor 4 feeder attachmonu. Like new^1-^-3348 or 8 6 2 ^ | j

HESSTON 500 SWATHER 6 . Scylinder engine. Hay condl- di

-ttoner, runs oood. 53M784. dl: IHC350 DIESEL, alngio Iront,recent overhaul 7 ^ 1 2 2 . an

-JD 4320.4WD;-JD-420Q .4-- )2bottom plow; JD 8300 grain ^ drill; Naw Holland 283 ^ lo r.733-3924. - ____ ___ ■ ___JOHN DEERE H o d . lK b . ,n ?£ planter, 8 row w/moplior. BL' e x c ^ n d .,^ ) h o n e 382-4281.

™43&4910 or lel-car 7 i f ^ i Qa

LATE W d E L tractora '4 other larm machinery lor — sale. Machinery Connection W/

MASSEY FERGUSON 36 Swather. INT. 450 tractor ^ with loader. 5424740. ^NEW HOUAND“ l2S3 sell propelled baler. 1975 modol, S™ excellent condition. Ford

— T u 8 3 d ay rM a y 2 e .i9 a i—

114 ^ FarmlmplOTenU ,

s, ’ RECONDITIONED 2 HAYSWATHERS"JO M.F.‘ 38 Swalher wllh 14'

pUllorm wllh condllloner.UcQ J.D. 2270 with cab & air and

i4*augerplallorm.OWATANA Cuslom 700 wllh

aale. i4 'pUtlorm . io 4 - -OWATANA 35 wllh 14' pUt-___ lorm 4 conditioner.i| 3" IHC 275 wllh cab and 14' pipe plallorm. . .and CA8E 955wlth14'-pUtform.---------

M.F. 44 wllh 14 'plallorm.— IHC230wllh14'pUtform.

J.D. 2280 with 14’ pUtlorm, cabandalr.N.H.905wllh18'pUtlomi.-

& _ *7

a * g * E * M *)UU EQUIPMENT

■ TWINFALLS .ont K l m b ^ R ^ E u l

649CondenaaiyRd. 112 5 4 3 ^

^ new. $1050.5434319._ WANT.to buy 3 -^ ln t scraper

,1S. & 7 3 ^ " ' ’ ’ISO WANTEm Disabled iraclora. ,

iflt K iap*’lron?ta4^fiw*or 423- ■al. 4252:____________________iBl. WD 45 tractor w/loader, 2-sd bottom plow, bar w/shanka.IW Ideal lor small acreage..10 4364182._______________^•I- 1967 JD 105 combine, cab,

le conventional-350-eummlns.or Jake brake, good cleann. truck, $11.50fi or w/new 20' ir- C«1‘ -gt 1-634-2376._______________ .S. 1972 model 200T Freomaha. baler, new modem rebulU5 pickup and rebuilt plunge^ '

$4000; Used JD drlll,12’ 4 rle spacing w /pross wheeC\p $t50. t2M) 22^2765.________;

1976 MANURE truck forsale;Tl Roaa CeTw /slU ge aides; 2

12) .200 gallon Oemeollberglass spray Unks -----w H i^ r a a l mount. Call

g 4-ROW John. Deere com. 4 - _ .--bean planter; 2 N &

h Jerom e. 324-3331.

r ~ n i r i i iiiWuili l^aiiied----------“ TREFUN AND EpUm and

o m e ^ c ld o a p p l l c a lk in .

’ PLOWING, discing, rolo- tilling, swalhing, baling, all types o l custom farming.S p ^ a l rates. Denver Fine.

only. 3244457.____________CUSTOM HAYING,

- --CUSTOM-HAT-HAUUNGr^-------two 3 wide suckers. Gall -

.CUSTQM^^f^LOWlNQ. --“ i ---------potato pUntlng. SpecUl rate s lor bolh or will trade for calves or hav. 536-2406.CUSTOM PLOWING w/or . .. w lout NH-3. Discing, cheml-

■ -5828. _______ ■CUSTOM PLOWING ANODISCING. Phone: Kirk Kol- ......

_ - traba 5434398._________ ___CUSTOM PLOWING 4 DIS.CING. 4 bottom reset plow.14’ heavy disc. 3244024.CUSTOM PLOWING 4 DISCING.

-Call anytim e........ „.733-3924-----------Custom swathing ol 'hay &

" K s , WILL TRAVEL~4234287.326-4114.________CUSTOM SWATHING, a i l

HAVE TRUCK- will haul live-

. o r 7 : ^ 8 1 U^uld ^ ^ c h o m l -


tion. Spraying, swathing, and combining. Lel us help - . you with your Isrming • needs.


■ro c k PICKING, ripping, plowino, dUcIng, cul& harrowino 4 manure haul- ln a .5 4 3 a 8 a /5 4 ^ i .

TWO WIDE hay sUcklng. A Call733-2194lorMhedullnn" \-TTT------WANTED .-- - f c p

CUSTOM BAUNO 733-2914 or 7334838

WANTED awathlng, baling,

Mark Skeem 7344871. Leo FiercMnoor 734-4251.WILL 0 0 REUEF MILKING, preler Wendell area. R eler-; . oncea. 536-2328.


■tlm os-N ew s. tw in Falla. I d a h o M

Page 31: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

----r- r - ------ OBwali

gPlavinq t!____^ ® ^ w n W J w «!uL( p..<uraAiao Sontag

i ; ' H e r e Is a n o th e ri - r-ll®™* 'Tnstn

^ 'th c Defense."1 : s : opens a wei

.. r ln io a d j.a n d South , ;/ou r spades. The jt : . nionds is opened, . plays low and West

the suit. East wins , : .and leads^hlfl single

* - West takes his - i South's king and

' .w ith the _ queen. ..yruffs, plays the ace ; o f trumps, n iffs a

.claims.■ T ' E asi claim ed tJ

^rshould have cashed , • - ih e a r ts before leadin,

— -,':-ond_dlam ond— Th -iw ouldn 't h ave had a

: idiamond to cstablU ; q u « n of spades as tl

• ' ■ We have to assc ► blame to West for f ; lead that ace of fa

L..— -Jaccordanegiwitb^be’ :jh a t any time you g

: .^ rtn er a chance to jjnlstake be m ay maJi K«U the real onus Is on C : East should have I& -i^amond in case that t ^ppasiblilty existed. 1 - y a y a heart shift ; -ihree would be correci

------ UnhmrApl-A-Ouptan>DELUXE DUPLEX,? bdrm

A lC, bM«me:....... :;;« u lt8 . No pa ts; *325 Mon'

____ __________ ___________

?dupl«x.lnJi»fon>*. Includt -istora, frlo, utility traa -.Mch unit, o trage , no p«t

p«f monlh + *1« % |

1 :W L 0 P E N IN Q 8 0 0 N A •:n»ctlv«. spteloua 1 and

H r „ r : . a a c « “i

JQ OMV 2 M io o m duplu

'r— -» 4-aoBQ. --------: SPACIOUS 2 bedroom 2 batl

^ u B b ts tm sn t. Oood loca -tion. m « ( a . 734^31. - STUDIO APT. lor T«nt. V«r


K j ^ u n { f ' ’»*"iiJn(jromw^^a»-403S, Casa Grand* Apta.R j a r ; ^ _______

------V8DRM apt.-Btove, frig., «____W lHUumlshBd. Qood loca-^ (Win Falla. 324 ^

r *T H rS pm :~ -' —

a ? ff i: 'S 5 S2 . bedroom low Income' apartment available .lor ImmedUte occupancy. Call

:___ C68 ' BocinnFQfRanLfWWM • I6f working man. kllchen Abathprtvileges. Ali

____monlh *

OP Rental Mobile Honm'AVAIL JUNE 1ST. 2 Bedroom, lunilshod. c m e te d , cooler & ato/age ahed, no peta. 73*<ia7, ^

• Vary Nice carpeted 2 bdrm.Oulet locallon In Filar. N o^pets. »145 month. 326-

W'~OfBe<IBu$i(»>iflenai EXCELLENT LOCATION.Shop. oHIce & atorage •p a ce s lor rent. CSO to r i m p e r month. Electric overhead doora. 7M-K41.HAVE PROPERTY FOR

-------LSise^lodvW ual-ollioesr -sioragea, m id ing shop. For

7 ^ S 0 0 .? “AJtor " 8:»pm ; 73»«4a . Avan June 1at MAIN STREET. 3.000 ft.. Uke over 2 year lease. Inquire 4S1 Malfrtkve. E ..T w ln rtln .OFRCE SPACE FOR RENT

D & ntow n location with s tr e e t parking available. Idoel for •ceountants. a t-. tor(teys, doctora, dentists, insurance or real e su te .T hfee Of more oltlcea plus

RENT NEGOTIABLE de- ipafld lnoon lerm o llease . I& 0 L M art a l 73)-7iao dur. iIn o .tn ed ay o rn M O N aH ere |

OFFICE SPACE lor lease ; . f Balik of Idaiw building.' !i Singl* office or »^eom- ^

• s U M .C o n t » c t ---------- Jim-- T h en w o ft a l Bank of Idaho V

P rdtasslonal olflce spaM ^ d o M to f to sp lU I-M e d lc T w

S S : % ^ S S o R 7 3 « S ..3 OFFICES available & 1 „

3100 80.FT . fc 4lOO S Q .R . -73^ u a ruU baaem enu with el- Jevatora in downtown Rler. Z

-»235HoM»mooU). ______ . £f la a t /L u s e option or Sale. ^

E su te Unlimited 733-ei^or32*«t2 . 2

0 - 6 T lm e s ^ e w 8 ,

BRIDGEmid Jacoby and Alan 5

. b e t t e r „ d e f e n s

ic r In s tru c tiv e _____ _s tru c tlo n s fo r I

4w eak tw o d ia - ' i t h j u n w s to - - • - <B ja c k o r d l n - - -------- <le d . D u m m y w e s t e s t co n tin u es ♦ Q S

r ln s th o tr ic k V A Q J 6 S ig le to n h e a r t. s a c e o v e r ♦ 8 7 4 2 nd co n tin u es sn . D e c la re r 4a c e a n d k ing V• a c lu b ' a n d ♦

J h c n — E a s t ---------W «n. Nor1 a h e a r t a n d>-iead a th lh J — - P « m - Paa b ltsh W est’sa th e s c tU n g o p e n in g ;

issc ss so m e )r fa ilu re tof h e a r ts In r ~b o p r in c ip leu g iv e v o u r S o u th h e ld

to m a k e a h e a r ts a n d a n a k e It, b u t ' sp a d es . O th e no n E a s t . tr ic k s w ould hs le d a th ird a g re e w ith 60a t m >percut b la m e to E a s t. T h e on ly to W est a s c hft a t t r ic k a n d G reenw oo<re c t w e re If (NEWSPAi^En en

pItxM - -OW Offteea Buaineaa Rer

S;;Sf2 80- PT. of chc m en l. S <>» sp«ce, located 1 Wnlh.. » “• BW NO

Comer location with o( --------- T cce»s-and~ f/ee -"p irrfi

s a , ” ■■

ila*” W ____________WiftlTofl

9 . c W L , ; r u ' . 'h Rind 2 w m ._________

WANTED com loiuiir,. bedroom renUI for r SM nalble bualneasman ar

oom. OM MobfleHomeSo» .ADULT— PARK— Maxlmui

T - r . ltflntft14'Kft4’.734^l7a2. 1 T ^ L E R SPACES; TF arej

All electric or oaa, cable T ^ 4 phone available. Will har

d ^ t4i.70’ ijlr> * amallei - * ^ 1 M 8 b e tw e e n i0 im Jo m

ilM ’ SPACE Available li

S;f ’'HtfchahdlseTH J , W ' . M«cHiidl»

In- 2 SPA KINQ 5x9' SPAS

p u . begLPller. 73^^7447._ DINING TABLE wllh twc . ,« extra ^ leaves a sli

- FOR SALE CULLIQAN water IT, conditioner MK H S3W Call ity 734-4858.- FOUR 13" Steel belted tlrea

f f_____«Ute._ttOO._QE ste reo -a ll.„ wood cabinet, COO.Uvaloryor wood MWnet A alnk. brand»" .5®®- Y'?®* foe"*'

Mercury, books, & mlsc aupplles. Idaho Coin Oaller-

i _ - I — ,-»?-M ofth -Maln. Twlit^: 73»«»3 . ■

IRON RITE Ironer Wllh Chair.? m New 14-plece combin*:

• lAWN^ MOWERS, tn d g MO for rebulll or reconditioned.

2 Alao repairs done. 324.J457.[• L0V8SEAT. wood Irlm rh ^ .. *• early American, brown S

gold twewl. 1125; 0x12' goldarea rug. UO; Pickup racklor

ll short wide bed, £ » ; White « ill to n s W

=, MATCHING UVING room_ _£ha lraL -A M _F M _com »«-

: MifTERAL CRUSHER— i T heavy duty 8” auger on

IHopper on wheels. New

«" •“^ H K OIL base cosmetics.

, Forlntamialk>ncall73M137.

S w x . ' s r j s -a last Homeowners loan gom T r a n ^ e r h a FInancUl Services. Your money can ^ used lo consolidate Ulla.

. modeling, put into lnveatnvents-~Mu • decid*

In Twin FalU 7334044 ' I - In Jerom e 3242349 <

In Rupert 43M787 >

TIUliiNU SALE: v , l „ i and tove se a t MOO. 2 b r ^v e h jt, ^wlvel rockan fn S E each. Dinette u t wih a g

- 734-M20atter3t>m'MUFFLEBS InaW M f(

s30S Shoshone St. Soulh. &

H8. Twin Falls, Idaho Tuesd*

------------------- ■ J w ii4 Rull 0 Wh

--------------------------------- 12 Lasi^ s o n t a g : : t 3 c i , j

t4 Aub

i s e ^ i ______10 S h o

— — — J

20 W at 22 Inde

NORTH ■ t 2 w i orde♦ 8 8 2 24 Spar▼ 19»74J: «ftlc

. ♦ Q 4 2 25 Puet♦ 3 ........... 28E oyp

................ 3 0 l i la nFlorii

. . 34U phc3B E*cla

♦ AK10I7J♦ J 1 0 9 5 3 6 _

SOUTH 3 7 B y b l♦ AKJ107} - 38 'A cqu▼ K 38 Folks♦ s s Guthr♦ A K Q S 4 2 C o m '

b ie : N orth -S ou th point E a s t 43 Canot

1 .rU . E . . U - S » U . -2* <♦ i i i T

»aas Pass _

> 12 l g le a d ;^ J __


------------------------------1 ie

d k ln g -q u ce n of I a b so lu te ly so lid _ _ _ _ e rw ise , a n y h e a r t 26 2S1 h a v e k e p t. So w e ________80 p e rc e n t o f th e 34 ut a n d 20 .D crcen t c h a rg e d by F l in t 37 — ood,.ENTEHPRISEASSN.) -----

_____ j4 8 [49

choice -------------a 1081 61 North. ................ .

& ; —fetbffieni

087 V lecellaneous ForSal,[ ^ > NEW Kirby tradition vacuuneeds with a tuchm ents, reguliT>e In W29nowC7».aG.7A4-aafr,»neea POSTER SION press, prinl■ after poster cards up to Z2x2i____ som e supplies avallabli», ■ 3 • Call alter Som 7t)2«73Mfl78.

' iSnsfl. "RinvTo-flIm Fun Run" T

___ Department tor only *3.00irea. Hurry In a s the supply iteTV llm itedr Severar adult'chan* small & chlldren'e large■Her. (14-18) el2e s. To buy youiipm. Timea-Jj lfl°^Ila" Third Street W est.'* *

SIL V E R W A H ^S^"*-— Thinking of buying? Check

with us lirst. Idaho-Coin


SIZE SMO wedding gown, 'J ? new. never been worn. Wili lion “ ^ ^ ^ o H e r . .C a lL ra 4^

"o id rsB tr^ n n a trw O T iB . ~ [jJr ^ Unusual BuUdlngStone

S 4 0 Stone Co.. 140

— t o 'ocm15,® W/0(ER FOR PASTEUP,m W a x le c jr in . length. Exc.UJ Cond. S300 or best oiler. Box i r y ' o rnd Q S s ^ ________________,er WHITES METAL rs, DETECTORS, alt models In . . -B lo c K .M « ja .« ^ u p _ Idaho

Coin ^ l l e r i e ^ ^ Notlh

K 3m “ 0 H y ‘ COPIER. Can tr- purchase or, assum e lease,

Ir, 7 HP John Deere riding Uwn a- mower OOO. IB" electric 0. Truo-Teat Uwnmower |100.

’ ‘OhM truck I2S0. Small electric wood planer *100. Call 538-

“• 62878am to tem .I 75 Gallon AQuarlum-wIlh - S aU n^C om plete se t up t t 2ft,

o' 070 ' " Wmted To Buv >: BUYINGl Scrap gold~& e a liw r. Silver dollara. colS >1 collections, sum ps,

dU monds. e tc. Idaho Coin GalleriM. 302 N.. Main,

n ___________I------ -MONEY?— -

We buy gold A allver. rings.

~ dUmo d s 'S S n ’ 'ra lw & r* dU m onds.at«nps^^

r QoM&SltverExch. r <24 Blue Lakes BNd. N,I NK3HTCRAWLER3. lm- <

iWANTED o rlenu i carpets, J

WILL .TRADE 1055 Uncoln -c Caprf for (ravel trailer of t

o n A nttauarANTOUES FOR SALE, ( m alny furniture. Susan Berlin. 43W 25.R joe«t.” *" .

M f S W W U E S . ^805 E. Street. Riipitft h . ka— _|,i

E > y . » i a ! S S i i ^ ^ ^ H

07< MuslallrtttniBwnta !£ BEAUTIFUL ardique cabinet t l

_ ^ n d PIANO, twry keys! _

MODEL J55 G lbeon»4 trlr» folk guitar. Special teature 1 piece curved back, mintcond...... w/hard case: -Rosewood nylon string FC g p lU |jn exc cond w /case. g j

. .

— *-- ---------

w K o W « I i ‘i!Jl5 lionRuling cliquo S tS h a d s o t W l 'i l n i l g r n nU , n . t t . r 55 flylng i i u o r C ily ln { .b tr.|N ebraska 56 More up-u>- > A utow orkers ' dele union (abbr.) 60 On seme tideExist-------------- SI.Rcpublicsn—Shoe part party. faml(-

Jtlnks 62 Yells W ater fioles, 63 E jrtrsientory ndeflnlte in ___percepiioi!____

inicle point■ueblo Indian 65 Familiargypt (abbr.) emblemlia n d sn e a r— 66'E xpreif------loridaIphold D O W tixclamatlon <I surprise 1' Former' 2____ Tech Russian ruler 2y birth . 2 To thia place 2c q u lre d '- 3 ldee(Fr.) — 2olksinger 4 Tilting match 9uthrle ' 6 Baseballhuman . official (abbr.)

om pa is- 6 Short aleep ”)lnt • 7 Article ^tnon 6 Brother ofaddition M otea - 3

2 13 f t” is |6

^ 13 ■


22^ | 2^ ^ |

2 6 [2 7 29

■ ■ 3 5

49 160

— “ — 66^ 67 • 6 6 -

~ 62

•8*l» 074 MDaiciJir'atnirner cuum UPRIGHT PIANO good c< ^ u U r dlllon MOO. Call 324-4122

324-2905 evenlnos.Drims USED ORGAN SPECIAI

M2 Hammond $850; Ll ^ l e . Hammond ttOO. Conn Moc

M a g w w / l n a ' t f S " s e eIhe M u?c Cenler, 221 Mi Ave.E..TwlnFalls. ' WARNER'S BAND InaIr

.. T. m enl renUI plan lor begi

a a s s i . " " " "ull's 1906^ BECKWITH Conce . J J , ° a ? i . " ° . « « ° " ~ i c .


__ 077 RldlO.TV&Slsrt« a r M 5 w T v r F r 5 i

. color TV bvrentingl'flo cret

SSSANSUI speakers, Plonee

_ lum U ble & - amp, Sanyi i8ti WOO- Ca

SEARS sideband CB radio Vlli » c e l le n l condlllon. $59. Cai J34 7 3 4 ^ . ■ ...........

7 i r 078 Fumitufe&Cimet! -KiMQ -S i7 F -» m rt>ed-com'

40. C learance Cenler. 733-7111. 1^ NEW solid maple uphol­

ste red cushion rocker. Reg- P. uUrlv *149.95. now t l f . :c. C am 's Clearance Cenler. « _ 733-7111.or VVE BUY. Sell, trade, lease

to own- furniture, tv's, appll- a ncea or stereos. Caln'a

In C learance Center. 733-7111.

5 PIECE dinette, round Uble w /e x tra leal A 4 chairs. H38.

*|_ C learance .Q eiiler.

i 078 ■' ■ AppUiftCM

e FREE pickup senrlce on I- lunker frigs, washers,

dnrera. ranges. 734^ 73.V - GOOD USED GE Wastwr \ SIOO. Call 734-9988 arterjjpm.> Anytlmeweekends. - - -

REFRKi- Whirlpool 14' frost I Iree. g reen, w/lcemaker,. t150.75S.l3ft4elter5.I USED WHIRLPOOL cloihes , d g w ^ r k s great. J75. Call

WE~have various used re- Irigerators for sale. 90 dsy

“ -g iO T n tw . MC on-upr-73^-

WESTINGHOUSE w u h er • r ^ ^ r y e r . Qood cond.

oeo HamnolAkCond. DUO THERM oil healer, model ftB-1 w/power air

_ blower. w ill-healT rooms, oood cond. See. 224 Weat^ S tr e e l .C M tle fo r t :A « iofan. forced automatic inatant electric healer. Safety tip over-ewllch. 1320 w atu. (3b H.lO>mediumBtie:537-B75g _LIKE NEW 2 nn 10,000 BTUH

o c SuMlBgltiiatM

AsphaltShlngles {

. M l n e t a i r a i ^ m ^ ” ^ ' . 2

H uid*pllt*sK ies^‘* * * ^ ’ i............................. t40.90aaa '

Medium sawn shakes 12 ^

Delia H b & tiw n lie S ^ * * ^ '- ,;26'.'w W « ................ e3allft.lL'. J

(Can alao.,order co(ored-al .Me a lineal fL)t15F eH .4»Q .ro ll........t s .»5 1'


73^S009 SFOR SALE, Heck Uva rock, a< C T g e f ton. You haul. Cali 01

A c r o s s 46 Genetic

~ f l ” Golf goals 39 Sea in C lO C onontall Alia11 Ram's m atsf 41 Roitad Ir 19 G row together chair

..2 ] .A s tro n a u ts ' 46 Time bef "ell r ig h r 47 Norwegli (comp, wd.) ' 48 Conuine

23 Clung 49 Flying sa24 Urine duct (abbr.)25 Author Grey 60 SUngy di2 6 Over (Ger.) 62 Glazes27 Never (contr:)' S3 P a iip o rt' 29 V ast period of endom m

time . 64 Glimpse31 Light brown 5 7 S u g e o f3 2 Southern hlitory

"you" • 56 Toupee3 3 Wild plum • 69M oray^

™ ^ 110 j l

T T " "

“ i r

^ B | n o ~ “

' 31 32 3 ;

I P^ ^ ■ i l 62- 153 164

- 59 - ~ “ 5 5 ^ — —


g g - _ _ =

■L I I ■■ I__ i__Lslenta OU " BulldlngMatertieon- HOUSE LOGS, tull round

22 or to 15 diameter, 20' lo <___ long. Price negotlabiALS Henry Oavis. 3240572/8380L143 ROUGfi LUMBER,

lodel dimensiona; corral poleI UO. treated p o su , rallroa<nies e a l Will deliver. 324-81 Bt:

alru- O g O e v e n ln g s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

S--S2_____ gsss088_____________ R ra w

^ CUT PINE A SUba. UOfcoi o r random length S40/toi W e'll deliver. 32^4088.

IHTe FIREWOODI » 5 Dickup ioac ^ ” you haul or S50 delWere

— . Burley. TFarea. 432-8815. ;sreo SAVE BIG BUCKSI Takin— orders now lor summer dc ^ livery. Hesping- irucklo*i

05_________ PUnHtTreeCtit FOR SALE: Perennial roses

pnjne trees. - com sre;

i l a ' ? a x i i i . ' ° °

w ■ O M ra te iC T CBERR^SI 4 klnds^o^Oregor

K s ONIONS S12.M for 50 Ib baa 1. o r 29c Ib; Fresh crisp —, Apples- red & golden do-

llcious. red rome. S7.05 ^ bushel o r 2»( lb; Locker beef

»t.19 Ib. aa long aa It UsU; PorkS1.19lb.cutAwrapped,

- - -V4 onwholerBrinoTOurown J - O n q h o rn

t S J 2 S F ' L i» " .• a

^ ' COO -Pefa«s;aM a- - - -AKG-REGISTERED -B U FF '•« .C ocker Spaniel pupa for «• sa le . W h e l ^ 4/29. Select If. -n o w ,. wlll.Jiold-with amall , deposit. 543«04 eve'a .

? top blood llnea. sho tiT u ifs Id Call for appL 328>

), your BrItUny pup now lo be ready lor fall. AKC. both liver

D a v ° ^ ^ f t ^ ° ' ^

' COLUE CROSS PUPS parvo , Immunized. Pet o r stock.I background $5.

. ENGUSH POINTER pup- , p ies. Father A mother out-

-atandbm —tiunfera:— Fathoi- Idaho A UUh Reid TrUI winner. Extended pMI- o ree 'a . 438-8373 FOR SALE Lhasa. Peke-e- poo, Bloodhound. Engl, bulldog, Wesile. o?E. Bheepdop. min. schnauiera. Siamese kitten. 731-0834.FREE KfTTENS, call

. anytime. 734- ^ . 'FREE PUPPIES. Assorted b reeds, medium sized dogs.c a i ig 4 4 ie a _________ _ 2 _FREE to good homesi F Elk

_H ound w7fflUed breed pup- j M B ^ e d l u m sized dog.

S S S g T v « . , K . „ . g ,

- M lllm ^rwSe 4^104*^*''

^ ^ S ^ n u i e f ^ f e m a t o $1 6 "each . For Info, days. 532- 4 1 1 7 ,Ju lle ,E v e 'e iS S i^ .

Aviation1» ________________AHaon

tun tn w d - Win MiljfrtBi fresh annual. $7996 or will conaMer trade for oood flshlno b o a t jOT-6737r

Answer to r-reviourP ira

~r p p i ~ ^E I I I F : ^ 1987-JrURBO CESS

- |g w g j good palnl li InnT C I is u s u u u a if f if i« «k " | c | t t i BoatttMa

i l l l i g i BIRCHCRAFT 15' J f “ M l boat A trailer w/tOH

■ Good cond, 734-4209 CHRYSLER BOAT

g f *-1------ m otorsr-C alk ins—i a *• .£1 Jerom e Implemen M g wl 324-3311,Jerom e.

r» Central ' ' C t O S E ^ CON180O’S

d in The 81'a are arrivincday and the sei

h«inn GREAT...at Tom'a M • Sponing- O ooda.'H

^ la n Bridge Exit, Burley, ff inors ^I saucari Johnson outboards.I A Seaawlrl boais. EZ

MOVING, must sell- wmant . flberfomi trl-huH.IS Evinrude. 50 actualq i exc cond. E-Z toad

. m anyext/M .m oD .ra MUST SELL, 1974 1 5 'i

■..................... in-hull. 70 rfp Johnso .............. .. 9.9 Johnson-m olorj


13'. 15'. 22', 25', 23- ____ prams, sail o r row. Par

Rardware. SAIL HAUS, Locust. Twin. 733-8227.

■ 1 4 'FIBERGLASS boat,

a . a r . M , ' - ' " ’3 3 ^ 15; SILVER UNE boat,

Evlnnide motor w/E-2— trailer. Good cond. 733^


-— a .a fe ? ,.-;;!;;


I— ' »

s T l — __________SportlnflG_ . — .-GUNSWANTEDI_________ Cash.643<050

COMPOUND aulker I h —— Ing bow. exc cond wl

mounted quiver A acc____ t150.734-041t.Stava------------- GOCTCLUBSrwemins

4 . w/cart. Mans se t w/t Bolh fine cond.'733-t173:

------- GUNS-------------B uy^ .Sell- A -T rade .-^

md. 8 RUGER-BUck Hawk C p .fO - venible 357 Magnum w /ei

9mm cylinder. &00.733-7i — ^ StoOW eatherbyrlflesco

g c g y »'

— i a ___________Tfiwl TrailI 42E BUYASELLusedrecrea-li

vehicles. A TUS SAU— Floral A Easlland. 734-8219 BSaJe_ TAURUS light weight tra'

You can pull Ihls 1o' "c 'S S ? trailer with a compact & ■cord S e e at Aurora Capital Coi /ton. a t 2538Kimberly Road o re

7344347. $44^. Financei3J 5 - ayillable:.................... -e r ^ 1972 PROWLER 25 It. sek__ conuined, ready to go. Ciklng■de- 1979 AIR STREAM 31' re load balh, h«ln. mag wheel 1250. Michelln tlrw , r fu ^ w T a^ _______________ _

Slh wheel travel trailer. 191 reea 2S' Tumbleweed, self coi

Ulned.J6500.837-ll>in:------re?! ----------------------------------- 1

_ 175 ' Auto Dealer

es . I m e i s h e i

I 19751™_ S T A T IO N W A G O N . IS. c o n d i t io n in g , p o v ^ b r a k e s , w rh lto w a l

b o o n s e f - u p f o r t r a Qi ' f a m i ly v e h ic le ;

i m• 1974 GMCJ* T u - to n o b l u e - o n e 5; t r a n s m i s s i o n , r e i

d e l u x e f h r u - « u t . j >* m i l e s . H o o d to t h o h

> 1978MISUII'• B r ig h t y e l lo w , 4 • j, r e c l in in g s o o t s , o

r a d io , t e r r i f i c g a s rr J d l ^ n c e t r ip f o r v e ry

j 1976 F0B l u e m o ta l l l c , r e g u l i

,m o t i c t r a n s m is s io n p o w e r b r a k e s , d e lu x c o m m e r c ia l t i r e s . Tl

— £ . t h f t l f l r f l e s r c b r f t p o r o

S n m e l l S a M l s o i i ' s

— THIT l M B a i

701 M ain A vo. E

xrttlr---------— ^Avution— T-« r» > CiBiper CCC^. ALUMINUM CAMPJ

a ■

fcM lw iW M sro tjnd.734«53or7;f o r SALE N<

— HELP!!!-menl Co., We need more e________ menU...cara, trucks

----------- T“ ers,. campers, b a

ODT— - “ t e s a s i s i}'S JIM BUSBY ENTERPving every- JLm-294Waah.734^seleclions WANTED self-coi

s Marina A _oamper ln_good COf . Heybutn' • Phone 324-6722.ty._678-7473 iq - TRAVEL QUEEN-------------- cond., see lo appr■ds. Orrlon a leeps 4. etc. Eves 32EZ Loader 3244757.

1869 8- SECURITY CAI’ W. on Sleeps 4. has Ice be

■ ■■ -stove.— Good—cohdrsell- 15»* 888-2589 eve, orweeke

a s i r r s s * *15' Relnellnson A'7B ~ . ......... -ilors.-E-Z — . . -

tn t cond. 135 CyclesASu;

^H T S ; in --------- ---------------------. 27(1. 8' —ParU and * * * * * * * *.US.463S » H

MI.SOHP » . . ■ )

p : P I(I A liah- » -Johnson. Z». All for * •,inka and »'5pm~ 4. • •3AT. 150 * ' k f cr. $4500. ^—M=e= * T T PngCioods

I hunt- * • w/bow *

access. »■ f m f

i s T H i - -

-------- *iS h o p . » -

i JKL 250 i [KD125 1 LlKDJOD9 loot »

orca^l » m W A .......... - l % i

, sell- ?>. Call *

1 - T l-iSb • 3 6 1 4 t h A v tcon- _ ! * » * * ' * * * * * 1

« lers 175 ' AuloDealer

I c iere. These fon \

OrymontegO ix>N. L u g g a g e r a c k , o lr K jw e r sf€M )rIng, p o w e r /v e il r a d io l t i r e s , h a s t r a i l e r to w in g . A T e r r if ic

9 5 0iciiMMrwa n d w h i te , o u f o rh o t lc r e g u l a r g a s * 'e n g i n e ,. J u a t t r a d e d In . L ow0 h i l l s w ifh th is o n o .

9*50^INB2102DOOR4 s p e e d t r a n s m is s io n ,

e x c e l l e n t f i r e s , A M1 m i l e a g e , h a v e a lo n g e r y l i t t l a m o n e y .

950FORDF250 ^j u l q r g o s e n g in e , o u f o - lo n , p 6 w e r s t e e r in g , l u x e I n te r io r , e x c e l l e n t . T h is o n e w i l l - h a n d l a >r o r t r a l f e r .

■50iH s n r iB s l M P I a c a l i i T b. E .

?er»*St»il». - I g tfcunt IPER with BLAZER___MINI4J

‘ a i . % r " a i s

r 734-3831. VALUE

------- FOR RENT. 1978 U lIf— 7^------ 30V s le ep s -9 ,- oen«

eonalfin- A/fc. w /d a n or .w :ks. trail- altaf4pm.54S<315. tx»U or FOR RENTI Sell-cont

»nu in ed now. 324-4428733^285. wndittotu. WANTED to buy from pi— ------- ---party- motor homo.EN, exc. giving all deUlls A prilipreclals, P.O. Box 59l.Twln Falls324-2034. 197, jO' ODYSSEY-

-------------- motor home. 738 2nd:ampER. East. Jerome. Call 334-8box and _____________________dr''S80a. ' "1.

l a IMIlyTilufnace FOR SALE- sa l o l dc

c k s T w hoppers. 733.1441.4'x8'S185.423-4950.

luppllaa 13S C)c>eiASupi

i i S f i nR IC E W

. 'S.

f 0 r ^

D______________ ____

5 . ■ .


A W A SimtinI f al e . V I . .k * 1 r * * * * * * * * * t r .

le rs 175-------AutoDealera

U uvehicles a re rei

X 1979 H0NDACM e d iu m b lu e m e to e n g i n e , '4 s p e e d t r o m f ro n t w h e e l d r iv e , f i r e s , r e c l in in g s e a t s .

' f o r a l o n g d i s t a n c e v a c

^ 3 51979 D0DGEy26 c y l in d e r e n g in e , n

' t r a n s m is s io n , A M r o d lc m e la l l lc , b ig h i tc h , e x u s sT iow y o u th is o n o .

1978 FORD RaIR e g u la r g a s V -S , p o w e m o t l c t r a n s m i s s i o n , d u a l g a s t a n k s , r e a c c a m p e r .

^ 4 8 i1979 F0IIDF

6 c y l in d e r e n g in e , 4 s p e p o w e r s t e e r i n g , lo c k -o f ir e s , b ig h i tc h , b ig mi

^ _ g a s m ll e o g e .— — ,

M O T O Ib o W o r i d T o B v y J

to k itH cott. - m M > .P itik fa » a a a ltA _NI440T0R FOR SALE, Ford llghi duty ? -£ P truck, 3rd member. 410 ratkjj

iideftrSe “ ’"’" S k . CUliea®^"*^------------- NEW WINDSHIELD IO(-19e7-UE I W MusUno. >100. Call 54»8381.

i i n U l n S.1 -SUPPLY, 305 Shoshone

' U P a ln u Street South. Twin. '-1B64-Dodo# « o ,- fn o in e r « —r.w/er>d8 { r a n s . . ^ P W t i g P utility

never beon ron n ^ % iib u .“

|n a .3 2 t< lM o r3 3 M ia . . ^ • - - - 1980 FORO 302 engine and i m p r tn e - -,ulo-:TrahsTaIso 4 < p e ^ 6 4 - ««. Write o r older Uans. M M W

belore 8pm._____________1972 DUSTER for parta or

=Y-mini- whole. Make oiler. 7 t o ^ . C4-8sa4''^ Sensible deals on new and

used cars are yours in ------Cl83Sllledr73M«1;-----------------

UtyTraiien 135 CydeitSt»pli8sll double ______________________________ FOR SALE. 1978 HONDA CB

g S i . g g a J f a ' " ” 't ............ HARLEY DAVIDSON------

Motorcycle; See, Jerome____1, , Tmplemenl C0TTT243311.

i i k i ’ " ' 1


$1099 i . *799 :.M 9 9 J ^


MIKI ;I l l s I

o w ready for you ;

rCIVIC 3 DOOR Ce ta ll ic , r e g u la r g a s *•o n sm lssio n , fo n ta s tic 3 .re, e x c e lle n t r o d lo l ; ■' Zits . E xce llen t m ile a g e .: _ £va 'co tlon . • - «.

B50 1, m a n u a l o v e r d r iv e " ' r •5 i d i o , b e o u t l f u l b r o w n *•- >•

e x c e l l e n t f i r e s . L e t i

I s o ^ lumnso ;w e r s fe e r ln g , oufo- 3 n , p o w e r b r o k e s , t e a d y fo r th a t b ig 5

150 hIF1904X4 Is p e e d tronsm lsslon , 3 ;k -ou t h u b s , ro d ia l ' 2

m irro rs , e x c e lle n t

J “

IRS” T ir A C a r f a

^ ^ 733^70oJ J

Page 32: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

. ' HONDA Z-eO mini M k e .n 'r >oood coodttky). 733-1t26

■'HONDA 1»SL, rww eofll"

^ J iK E NEW 1978 X8 YWTWI u i W . M O •c tu a r mll« . o ^ e c t ohapa. «1200. K

__ ______ -4444 avea . ____________

T H E S U P E R SALE---------- r : ^ G O E S O N —


. AulomoWveil^achlne . 73M070 .

~ ^ « 7 i " H d N P A ' CL"a30“ SMi . 1970 HONDA CB 360Jahrlnc

tuooaoa rack. t7B5. nZTQK

'^ i r a . . AutoDMleh

I BA4 1972PON1

I ' stock No.'IC-IO tC

[ 1 9 7 1 F O R D

{. Stock No. P-770A .

j 1 9 7 3 P L Y M

I S t o c k N o . 1 T -161B .

__i 1971 OLDS— t 'SfoclTNo. 1 i»i32BT

I :|972PONl~ i "stock No."lC-173C

I _ 1 9 7 3 C H | > / I

; Stock No. O l 89C .

: 1973 MERCI} S t o c k N o . 1T-178A .




_ y 981 F-1 i

. ,!M«dlur^ Btua In.Color. Knit ‘C loonsr, M lrrort. Clgoratla V u ly Bottary, AuxMlory PutI

|l 98 I F - 10

I sto( £ r k Chom oli Mala! In Cobi ^ r l n g . 300 Cl.D . Six Cyllnd.


®P“« _ A » _ C y c K iia u m l

miles, exc. ce

■ 1879 YAMAHA Y7jw“ :------------rni»wrt400.C«ll784«6<';

i »77“hon daqliooocc ::

M r z M S S yi o n HONDA Hawk 400, fl

H B "

sr W W A-M

■555--l5>U—t T—YAMAHAr-E

i l e ^ ITS AutoOMla

ARGAIN BNTIAC STATIONt c ........................... ^ .................

{DLTDSTATlOh\ ................................. ...............

MOUTH STATICB ........................ : .............................

>SMOBILE TORCB . . ........................... .TTTTT



CURY COMET^ ................................ ................

ONd H [ _



150ST-YLESI133"W .D.

»&S<mrlT.19iKnlttad Vlnyl SM tL G ouoat. 5kl( • tia Ughlar, Dual H om t. Extro < ^utl Tanh, (3) P-315/7SR IS T lrn .

00 STYLESII 117” W.D.

toek No. lT-234b b r . Knitted Vinyl Saol. Optlon< llnd«f Ertglna. Powar Brekvt. (5) f

POYmm0 ( / r f i ^ j f , i r / o n If! •

--------w eekd ty i, *an^liiiLook*- w e iM rv l* :" ---------- ^

Cau 1900 HONDA XliOO; drlva-------- moatfy on paved roeda tC BOO, work. Naw rear luooag

cond. r ^ , top cood cycla rw l_____ * a o aner 4pm. nS90/M i

— = = m; a ic ■=-------------tm r f t i f j ip m

^ - - J O H N D E E R E -0,#400 USED


. ISSO. j6*41Q BaeU iM ''‘ ' ’ C 3 ^ #m.ll D flO T T B ackhoe:,:::«>C l



17B AutoDealan



* 4 0 0ON WAGON

^ 4 5 0:ONADO~ ^ 5 0 0NA4DOOR

BU4DOOR ■* ! T 5 0

* 7 5 01243 BLUE LAKES

BLVD. N.73S-5110




>IDE4X4 I- -

90 - ^>kld.R lotai..HMvy Duty A ir ■o Cooling Pockoga, H«ovy


14 <lonal Rot lo Axl*. Power 5)P-215/75«15Tlr«fc . *


-T» ------ CyelaH Supptn•Ijanj igao HONDA rT-175: oc irflJO condllk>n.Call3}44Sa8 yllm* ______________ ■■

' 10S1 HONDA XL urn 100 m llas. still on m tm n

^ ^ M X B S M o r N e a d to s i ;o a « . exc . cond.-navar racad. C

E25* tT 2S0 MAICO MAQNU never racad. Pricad

;_______culck sala, 3?4-3Qa._____

-178 AutoDaalot

7 ,m ‘ . ' .

W E i

_ _ _ I . E A i

^ . '


- B E C A U

" ~ W £ 'i i t M t m r * '

]969>/4TOtW /s h o l l . 4 s o e o d

1975 MERCN o . 1 0 4 6 A ____

- —1974PINTG.N 0 . 8 1 I A ............

1974 FORDN 0 . 6 7 2 B ...............

1977MUSTAN o . 5 7 5 7 6 ...............

1978 CHEVYN O .8 9 0 B ..................

1979 CHEVYN o . 5 8 7 7 A ...............

1978 PHOEN- — 3^oor,-4cyllnder, out<- - N o . ...... .


- -1977-DODCI■ ‘ N o .‘6 2 1 2 A . . . ; .

1979.CHEVR<N o . 4 9 3 0 B ...............

W I H A 'A V A I L A t o L

S O U !

............ 1486 BLL_ _______



R e t a i l P r i c e $ 1

D i s c o u n t ” !

R e t a i l

D i s c o u n t * !


P | ^ 'H gryeoutangood 1974 JOHN DEERE <

- ^ e r backhoo, cab,

JTKier E«c. co tK ij^ '.& o.

i 9 » JOHN ' d e m eloader backhoe. cab, diei

sail ?rOM.?100 hra..Exo. coi n5.ooo.a7fr45S4.,-_ . .

^WHEEL DRIVE kMde «UM, bacM oes & ottiar Induiti

lor equbm anl lor aalo. Mach -----------arydonnactlon #784SJ4_

ilora 178 AutoDaala

A L S O R E i

S I L A M Y L C i T R U C K

um>mf£SSi0«nRAKSP0«J S E O F O U R L O

"TWE-UIITOU>N FORD PICKUPod . N o . 9 6 9 E .......................... .CURY MONTEGO


) ’/ , TON

A N G 2plus2



NIXJtomotic. air conditioning, ta p ed '

MOBILE CUTLASS)ED. N o . 6 0 9 8 A , . . . ____






H ava Wttwkly A Dal



n o ^ s s T ^ H$ 2 1 4 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ l

f «

-Vi^o~rla Vinyl CMount Mirror* Tonk. Rear


m m

lomwt ise Haavy Equlpm : <’2 MICHIGAN 125 P a y ^

3 Good mach. lor ^ l o teed.t7 .M 0.5«W ayi.

^ . WANTED- DS or smanai w ^ j d | . . U b l o bUde.

cood.---------HO ;-------------- Tnj^

Iders, -198# Ford F-100 V*-- u itrltl pkA up,4 8peed,360.AM- schin- o traclc. Many extras. Aak 4,------- - ^ .ia 5 .C 4 !i4 fc u a e i--------

« le n i n AutoDeal<


i A R O R



- ^ 9 9 5 =*4995

'ON ?5595^ :^« = * 6 4 9 5IM iaU C K S- ' l A l B D I L I V B B Y

D A H O&iRD NORTH__ ___ 678-3169__ally R M taU



81 F-100 ST133" W.C

Stock No.•Tone Point. M edium.Blue Tu-LII I, Gouge*. 4 Speed O verdrive, 4 or». AM Rodlo. O gore tte ligh ter Step Bumper. (5) P-215/75R15WS



lipmanT ^Moador.


m ar cal . H V

: i r I 198-Tnjcks" ■ : 4 J 3 J 3 0 . FH- l o n - ^ ^ H T in t e d O l o a t A * k ^ R e m o t

_____ M o to l i lc C o lB u c k e ) S e a t s . :

lealara .

1 1981 cn----- ■-2DOOR

T in te d G l a s s H B ody S id e Me

H a n d M ir ro r , B r a k e s ' . 4 S | T ilt S t o o r ln g '

- — Li ght B luo ’• '7 ^ ■ " C i o t R 'I n t e r l o r .

r p .

5 I 1981? I 21^ T in te d G la s s ,” . In g , M o ts F ro n

m a t te T r a n s m l I H A M R a d io , LigI

o l l lc E x te r io r ,I- . S t o c k N o . 8 1 9 4

i. J mcAii■ SPOR

I T in te d G la s s ,i _ _ ^ H _ a b t e R o o f _ P a rI------- ■ - i f i i t J O i g h t . : ^ !

T r a n s m i s s io n ,I M I ......... ll I I I

l o A V EI m u n r c■ 2 2 0 N . B r o a d

- • ^ A l l e r H o u r s : .

I M A YM O T O R C O . I N S E L L


• A F E W T R U C K S - T H I B F I I F V A B I V l o w


TYLESIDE.D.6. 1T-9(Sj-Llte. 2SS.V-e. 5150 Poekoge, I *. Optional Ratio Power Sleerin Iter. Heovy Duty Bottery.-AuKlliai 5WSW. ................ ..

P B R S A v m e s m

JICHEVETTCiRHATCHBACK:ISS; T l l t - W h o o ) , _ .L o ft o t e M i r r o r , 4 S p o o d Q ,_ R o .d la L T Ir .0 9 ,.M a ro o n _ S o l o r , - M a r o 'o n C lo th i . S t o c k N o f s n i U . ^

ITATION1XX08RHATCHBACK-SB. D e l u x e E x te r io r , M o u ld in g . R e m o te L eftir, P o w e r S to o r ln g & ____S p e e d T r o n s m U s lo n ,] W h e e l . R a d ia l T ir e s , .E )d o rlo r ; B lu o C o s to m .......r. S lo c k 'N o . 8 4 7 . A

ilMALIBU!DOORI, D e lu x e S id e M o u ld - s n t & R e a r , V>6 , A u to * m is s io n , R a d io l T ir e s , ig h t G r e e n J o d e AAet* r, J a d e V in y l i n te r io r .

B 5 7 * ' ^

MMO 2.00011.^RT COUPEi, A M R a d io , R em ov*o n e l s . Spo r t M ir r o r s ______S ftO tL S polie r . 4 S p e e d ______, R a d ia l T i r e s , R ^ ly < N o ,8 1 1 1 7 . _

| 8 8 n : * 9

OE CHEVRCi d w a y 5 4 3 -644^s:_ DAVE:-543.5335~Jb

M r3 0

L I N G T R U C K S . W E /

D . g ^ N I N O R I ^ R F (

H A T - H X v 'E - l N C I J l S t R J f l t E ^ A R E - N O W L E A !

3 Y R A Y M O N D F O R I

................................. ■ y f

S a l e ^

------- ~ Wi......................:Pli

ia ryF uel ^

« i c i


S A V I $ H L I K I ■

B B r O R B ■ _

S A V B f I L I K B

I ' t — M B V B R ---------■ “B B F O R B ■

, « A V BL I K I ■

N B V B R ■B B r O R B ' ■

= “ e * V B * ^ - H :

- L I K B ■ M B V B R ■

B B P e R B ~ ~ M ~

8» , ^ E»1 j a s a B H

(OLET IB u m , I d a h o H

JOHN;—734-2458--- ■ ----

E A R E ■!F O R

R R tb - ^ - ^ '------------iA S S . ----------- ----------------- i—

J R D — - ;

Retail f91&9 ? te^Priee*7^qpVirid bdmdge [jDiscount *754 f

1 4 6 r

' f t - lJ ■ ■ >

rim os'-N ew s. Twin Falls, IcJaho O^? '•

Page 33: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF378/PDF/1981_05_26.pdfY ^ y 2nd areap P4ai ^ itts fro ii MALAD (UPI) - Th 'Valley residents

i- i■ 1B73 Heavy duty W

; a i l n t t ' o a ,1 >Qg&con(lur3;4-4;4B. ’

I ' 1974 CHEVY LUV w/c»t»T '-------G ood'cond.■i----------Hw a g g -w o itte ffa m ^

1975 2 TON IntemaKonal,---- -------alock f«cK, excelfent co

»0n.4a7-3213of«B7-a«1.— ---------i97n700 iniafn«iiofMil. h

- MV 404 enolne, S sp . 2 . rMr*flnd. B.MO IB front t:

______ 18 2 fo«r. E*c cond., rllres IB' cdmbln»tlon sli

. . . - p riln bed w /holit: 19771 ini'l, exc cond, new liras.

------------- combination e tocroraln I■ . w/holet.3?4-86B6.

t i t * I t* * I t t *


------------- Snoftrwlde'DOKrsiivariiautomallc, power aleer and brakes, air. W e're o( lo offers on tills onal

- - : : : - - C O N P A U L O S ~ • V CHEVROLET

-..^-:;i-140W.iitalr>.J«fOme -

1979 CMC Ion pickup, cvlln. 10,000 miles. 913 Mi N,. KImMrly or call 423-92 ^ v e n lg g a w w M k e n d ^ ^

141__________________ U! OODOE famlly-wsoolf ‘ sell-cortl., new battery, rur

oreal. <2260. 423^ / *; tw o CHEVY VAN 307 V8, A

ileondllloned. 32M067 day 32W 4flQayas/waek.nda. .1977 DODOE Van. Pow« -•tM rir^o/brakas, air, aur

. ■ ' .S S a t t e / t a § % cISSll?'

: ■ a i s A / 'S ;. Ollef.733.iaiO days. 734-199 _ je n ln g 8 £ a k j« B ru c e j_ ^

ImpOfttTSpofttCtr . . . 'JrOR SALE 1980 zm . -

• -and ask for Mike._________TO PCA SH

-----------:=_Fof-V0LK8WA0ENB—_ _ _ Jn A n ^ ]g jn d ltlo n _____

' i m TOYOTA CROWN 8ta- ---------- l to w a o o ru _ 4 5 0 0 _ C a l l ^

------I B ^ VOLKSWAOEN 412:

197B 28M DATSUN.

J w7 f mOf 70-2691 ta k for Kerry.

-I-1880 DATSUN 610 atlll under - ■ AW f m casaalta.

S0OO cash and exiaiing loan . . -Ihrouah QMAC. Call Judy

•■•ttfof»i:30Dm733-aa20. ’—■----- F1«0-MAZOA"RX 7 ,-AM-FM

j ta r M , aluffllnum-wtiMla.- •unrool, low mllaa. musi

i . ; 8l«ve Funer at

iB#1-TOYOTA" Ceiica OTA* ^ ^ U m l l e d Edition. Call

1« ____________4 Wheel Drtve• 1W ~JE E P CJ 3A. Rebuilt

WTl’ D O D O E 'c S '^ 'S i '

1S72 BLAZER, 4 sp«ad, 4Mk-0ul hubs. new. tirea,

f steerlng.-tl750.-Cali--

V , .JOT BLAZER, new 350. AIT,:--------P/S.- P /B rA /c , cruise conJ*'

* * * * * * * * *


4-Wheel . drive, 4-sp«ed tnnam H slon. r a d l o . ^ l you 're looklnq for a cima


■ " 140 W; Main: Jerome

idifB CJ8 JEEP. MAQ T IR ^

1978-OMC 4x4, hubs, 1978

t W f O H B SflONW XLT.■full lime 4-wheel drive.

Interior. P/S.

•M#___________ AnUqueAtfhtt1981 FORD. 84.000 orlolnal ,

' - tn lle d , 1 .owner. 8 cylinder molor w/overdrlvB. runs

M77 0REMUN x r m a n y ' "

t a ■ Autoe'.OifffroW 19QS Camaro stock car. 990 V 4. automfitic trar^smlsslon.' many, many extras. Sol up for hobby atock. » 9 5 . Can423^961. _____________i m CHEVELU SS . 998. , •pproz, 10.000 mllaa on new i Anglne, denied door.

...oU ierw ls* clean...S1000.or........w o fk lra d # on .rnoiorcycle._ . 788-8M7»ye3__________

':i7S:' . ..; AutoOMJera'

1973 PLYi» OPLDDUI*•': P e r f e c t — W i th S t e e l

f3 1 8 ‘ E n g in e , 'E x t r a »

P M fct O I» ¥ M M 0 A T ..


i t -

_:D-a ■nmea-Nows,-T»_Tm ki_ * i i a - a i

LEASEmal, 18' "

P '? ‘ P

!7/i :ras. 18' _____ ____________■in bed must sell Going_ — mission. '71 Camaro. tr

K a '• '< CHEVY Novi: MS•" S S ■'________1978 CHEVEHE- -»■

i 8SKii*a;.'r.'4Jevenings.__________ _J*------ 1975-CHEW MONZA ;*____ 'ow mllei■----------1390-cash Uke over (____ menta, call 733-1344.(up. 8 * * * * * * « * « - I Main

1978 NOVA O B 'RALLEYSPORTjto iss.«c’ss:., .ss;agon.--and brakes, bucket »e , runs ‘f’l’

P "'VhMs :iln'sbSsl 73 CHEVY .El CAMIN


^ -:^ T p " p id .^ o w " -m .i >*.» A Car. 2

isun-. -160 ^ ----------- ^Aiiioi-Dotii73 CHARGER. AfT, P/B, f

— g « i l 3 2 4 a f f l

'___ 1C ' ~'"AulOt-faf{

_ y ^ S K L e r y . Ev.'.

m . 1068 FORO SUtlon wagor jjjj condition. *290.

» » ir72'."PlNTO .siatlonwaaon____ good cond. Call 849441:ml. days. 32644» eva'a i1578 wJandfL______________^ 1974 RANCHERO all powerf,s:» n 1!75 FORD MAVERICK. I

>'»r 1®77 PINTO 30: aulo trans, U8 new radlals. sunroof, exc •t condi_2J,J00mliesJ2^^

TA- - 186 Aotoi-lifleo)n/M«fcunSHARP 1974 Capri: sunroof.

-> 4 speed. V4, new tireI"j»j . » » * * * • « * »

S '

~ • ~ ~

188 Atflot-Oldinwblis 1008 OLDS Cutlaa 400

d engine, Vapd. 2-dr. Rocket S rlmsj1100.?3l9a90evea. n . * * * * * * * * *U___________ :__________ ■

19730LDSM0BILEDELTA . 4-door. automatie, power ateering and brakea. This Is an exceptionally clean older car. - •

— Cu n p aulo s — ^ CHEVROLET

I 1980 CUTLASS "diesel" 4 dr., 23+mpg.loaded.' Con- i alder - Irade for properly. I 733-S336 day or 794-19n eve.-Tom. ■

172 • ■ Auto»~ Pontiac I

173 AutOi-Plymouth. I 1975 OUSTER 8 cylinder. I One owner. Exc. Condlllon. I OQOdmllwie.432.a317 I178 ...... AutoDwlers I

CA$h1F O R Y O U R I


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